JUNIPER ISLAND STORE Most Centrol Point on Stonev Lake

Campers' Supplies Fishil1.0 TacRle

A fuillme of fir~t~c1ass Groceries, Pro- Fishing Rods, Bait, Lines, Hooks, visions, Hams, Bacon, Fresh' Canoed Landing Nets, Sun Shades, Capli. Goods, Choice Creamery Butter, Fresh E"" V,g,t.hf", "0. Cool~ing Utensils Fresh Bread, BUllS, Cakes, Pastry, Tinware, Granitewar.e, ere. Lanterns Contectionerv. FTuits and Ice Cream. an~ General Sup,plies. HIGH-CLASS GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES

WE HIIVE CVERYTHfNG YOU NELD. /'15K US. T. W. ROBINSON, Manager. §rrmmcy talkc (~Halger§9 = A§§~dalrrnmm =

President Rich. B. Rogers Vice-President Jas. Acton Secretary J. S. Knapman Treasurer W. G. Morrow

C~mmillees CONCERTS-John Crane, Chairman; A. L. Davis; W. J. Jolliffe; J. A. Delafosse. ENTERTAINMENTS, DANCES AND BONFIRES-Hon. Lawrence H. Grahame, Chairman; Fred. Co!llus; Llewelyn Hall; Frank Bradburn; Miss Collins; Miss Bradburn; H. Ford. SUNDAY SERVICES-Sheriff Hall; T. W. Robinson; Rich. B. Rogers. REGULATIONS-Jas. Acton, Chairman; H. Sutherland; J. S. Knapman. Geo. Cochrane;



Coboconk Chemong Park Balsam Lake Buckhorn Rosedale Lovesick Fenelon Falls Burleigh Falls Sturgeon Point Stony Lake Lindsay Young's Point Bobcaygeon Lakefield

First.Class Service by Commodious Fleet of Steamers [allil llJnng, [o lt~ges, fis hing, Gomo!:, "ESTURION" "OGEMAH" "EMPRESS" "MANITA" llie ;n ~t li , Rest, Joy,

Folders, Rates and all Information furnished by ilnu~ ilIF~I!1lU WilllTITI~y WilllWllQjilllUll(J])I!1l ~(J])oo lLll!llI1lllU~cdl BOBCAYGEON , ONTARtO, (India.n for Bright W.iters a.nd Happy Lands)

OWAJ-{j) til(' middl" pi SepkmiH>L 'I'lli' ('hain "f lak(·" \\'hieh ,'()mprisp thie. 1"'L!i"n (! ~U!llIl,·1 elf' Champlain. hayilH! Ii,'" !lorth of Pdpriloj'''lIL!h and Lindsay, and j" the Ottawa, aero"": tp Lake ("(lInll!,,,,,,l ()f 1.a\-,'-" Kat"h"wnn,",ka, ('I,'ur, ~t'>lII·Y. Georgian Ha~' and inland to Orilliu, Btll:klll'j'Il. Chpmlltl~, l'i::"{'lI, Hald. ~tllr!!ed OIl it" way no hlllll!l11 tf'llllllt", and thr()lll.!hollt th,' ..Jlain the touri"t i:; at lifi' was ,,('('11. no sign of il'iend or foe: ~·(·t at tinw" no jJ"illt r!'lll"t" fl'lllll tllwn or yillag-I'. or to th8 ffltH:~' of Champlain, the border::; of the hllmbil' (·!>tta!!" h"llll'. y"t j" in ('()JUparati\ ,. stn)am sepmf'd df'ek,·d with !.,!'l'In P": and shrubl)pr~ by thc hand..: of man. and the' bntt('!'llllt tn·p,.,. la('pd rllo' L!l'I'at ('harms and ach'anta~e" of tlw 1(>I'alit,' with grapeyines, HPpmpd df'('"rations for a pif'aSllrp­ art' J'('lIdf'l'inl.! the "Kawul'tha Lak,·,," lmSlll'pa-.,spd gTound." a:; "umIllPj' n·-.",rh in Canada, E'('r~ nInety of Kawarlha Lakes' Headquarters FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS Visitors to the will find [he \"u.;ation Time demands light, cool SlIm­ mery neces"itie~. S'othillg" makes a well­ earned holiday among the cool "had) I"lands of the l"pper Lakes so enjoyable a~ our ~t)'li;,h, yet sen-iceable, summer suits. .:J. .:/0 ,:I. .:I- .:.' WASI-L\BLE J.1:\EN SlIITS LINDSAY, ONT. FINE I\Il'SLI:-.1 DRESSES 5-.l;:-'DIER SILK DRESSES, ETC. The most convenient, commodious and comfortable Special as;,ortment of separate "Romp­ hotel in the district. ing" Skirts. Ju-;t the thing for boating and fishing. An une4ualleJ display of Lindsay is reached by both GRAND Ladie;,' Collars, Belts, Gloves and Hosiery TRUNK RAILWAY and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, and is the starl­ =DEPARTrlENTS= ing point of the Trent Valley Navigation

DRE<;S Goons, STAPLES, CARPETS \,\;o HOM!=.­ Co. System. Steamers leave daily for FL'RN1SHI~G-;, REAllY-TO-WEAR ~IILL1:"ERY, /,;0- Fenelon Falls, Coboconk, Bobcaygeon no~s, GLO\"ES, HOSIERY, DRESSMAKIS(;, ETC. and other Kawartha Lakes points.

RICHARD HALL & SONS STEAMER WHARF ADJACENT TO HOTEL 35J·355 {iEOROE ST. PEn,RBOROUGH Peterborough's Largest and Best Store KING & GABRIEL, PROPRIETORS LINDSAY. ONT. - it fj ' U"W." l)hY i'i'ica l "i!!:" J" , 1'< '_''l ias' ti,' lo\'(,t' Hi tlu.' qU\

.. '('111'1',", the (;alm pas t(Jrai of ~tlll'!!""II: the 1'0- nllllti" I'Pl,k" i~16nds of ~t"!l"Y, with their de1'(J hores : tht:" tillE:' hathing- "f Ral~"m and LUIIlt'l'on, IIld the pidm''':-':\jlh' beaut.y Itf the Jakl'''' huthel' IlIrth, coupled with t l ll ~ \1ll " \ll'pa ~"l' r1 fishing anll hooting a long the (>n til'e ('Iw ill, J('Jl( 1 to t lll'-«' (' ut .. .-s an attnl'-Lion und il dmnn, Owing to the hig h nltitude of th,·s,· Ink. ·:;t tl;IHJ 0 :-'11(1 f.,,,,, uho\'e t il<' II!\" ' ] of Luk., OllblL'io) tl... nil' ~ pun', lind laden w itlt II('illth' !!idu~ and 1-O<>ol hill!! la l ~ll mi c o(lol's h'om tIl!' pill<' alld RPI'U('",dw\ hilb

~I \ 1he Gem of the Kawarlha Lak,.s) I~

T ~·"e~ ,,:ithoU.t "a.\ in~· t.hHt 'HI all I·'>\!ll.b- ~t'>ll".\ \ mO(lllii!.tht sail tI'I"ll~h tIll' mazp of ;--:t"l1\ Lak{' Lak!:' IS far Hnd away th(' til!)"'! PH"tIlH''';I[lW is onp "f tlw ttl""l fa:..:,·illatill~ :..:i[!iJts imagillahll', 1 and n t\" of this of ('urthly para· and h'u,,':,,: un IIl1d;,"ing nH'lllO>r.\- of \\'cird alld dpli­ tli:..:,'". It ha,.. bpO'1l w('l1 the "-;\fil1iatlln' ,·ut" hf'allt.,-. Thl' mat..],]'· ...... , Thol1:'ltlnd Islands," it..; I'i~·ht hunrlrr'd rll,~k:, Y('rrlun' "Ulls,'t, thc last dad j,.dllnd" that abrllptl~· thru..,t th('m:..:pjypfl "llt. of a l"udd.\' till!.!!' i"I,·( and thp dpf'p bn)\\11 \vatl:'r~ ha\·jtll! an "\ell ~Tr'at!'r ma:..:sjy!:, h,)uldl'L· \Iith a wand ,,[ !..',>ld; tIll' tn'.. nharm than tlwi1' larger protl)tYJl(>s ill tlJ(' ~t lilwd Shl)J"(',.., dark all,l lllystpri"II"" ri:..:inl! fn>lll till' T,awl"('lIce. The lake it:..:"lf is ahout tPll mil,'''; loni2: shadow;,- I\at,·r; tIll' intE't"Inittpnt ~)f'alll ui a b.\· ~)(>rhap:..: t\1 () milE':": widp at it.., \\'id,,:..:t part, beill~: ,·amp-lirl' :":1"'11 at inh'l"\"al.., throug·h tIl(' dark t1"l'£'o;, indplltNI \\ it h bays and f('d hy a llumb:'r of with tlw silholll'tti.':": of tllP '·lIllll,,·r'" ..,lalldini!' ()ut.. streams hring·ing 'in tlw O'·pt't!I;W .,1 tlllll1,']"OIlS "harpl~- d,,11111,d, a~i1itl!"'t till' ~l,,\\ ; 11w hpi.l1'!""· call smaller lakf's farther baek. \ 1\ I·itl'r, in dl''';l"l"ihilli!· "f s"m,' pt"{'yin~ ni~'ht-binl as it darts, an,)\v-Iike, Htolley Lakf', :..:a~-:..: :-·'Stnnp~- La1..,· ('ombinps all thp aero!"'''' tIll' dark<'lwd sky; tlw hush. tlw m~·"t,'ri()ll" grandE'ur, all tll(' intrieatp J:;!'al1t~", aJl th!:' luxuriant ,..tilln!'..,:..: of a t\\"ili!. ... ht on ~I"ll'·\· Lak" lift...; onE' far vegetation ()f tIl(' islando; of tIl(' ~t. L~l\1 n·III·(' ; and ab,jYf' all th,)u~·ht of tlw earps amI \l1'lri,·" of thi:..: traYE'llprs who sppak from ('x]1"l"i"I1<"" ha\-c 1I1111('si- lif,>, and till' ..,,,,t! for Ollp hrj('f hour l"lftlttllmws with tatingly dedarpd thl' of Ihi.., lak<' t() equal. tlIP n'I·~- ",plril of \atlll"l' ill all its elll"halltitl~· 10\"1-'­ if not ..,urpao.;:..:, ill its "WI 1 ,·Illlt"lll"tl'r. til<' line:..:s." far-fampd healltj(,,.. of tlll' S\\j:..:.., all,1 Ttaliatl La!..!'s. TIll' prilll"ipnl points of intl'l"(,";t. on the lakp an' There's a Solid Argument Every girl likes good behind every FOf Article chocolates. Get her a ttlrJ1ed out by us which ~'~l appeals to every one . .. From Trapper to box of Webb's Wearer" means Good Furs-well selected­ carefully handled-cor­ rectly cut anrl made­ properly fashioned-and ~t lowest possihle prices, ali middlemen's profits bt"illg-saved. "Quality" an d Visitors to Stoney Lake! "Style" first, last and always is our main COD­ t "idemtioll. Our Showroornb-u"w open-have a line showing 01 n .. w designs In C. La BICKELL garments lor Season 1906-0i ill line imported and domestic Furs LAKEFIELD FURS REMODELLED. REPAIRED, DYED, CLEANEO. MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND HATS-for outing andabouting. Drop II line or Telephone 340 and we'll send you all your "Toggery' nudswhaten,. they may be, FURNITURE THOS. BARRIE & GO. MANUFACTURING FURRIERS and MEN'S FURNISHERS C. L. BICKELL PETERBOROUGH the store and pavilion on Juniper l~laJl(l, 1\:Ic­ Crw·ken's Landing, Breezes, ,Julian'~ Landing, B,,­ chink, Burleigh Falls, at all of which the ..,ktlllll'l""c call. The gTt'tlt depth of the lake in somp parts is a matter of ~()m{' astonishment, it bring· said that two hundred feet of line have failed to t"uch bot­ tom in some plaCI'"'. It ,lh"Ullll" with tlw ht'st game fish, the prineipal beiul!" the lurdly maskin­ onge or muskalinge and the g·amey hlack lIa"". There E\l"e also plenty of salmon trout, but these so far do not seem to be capahle of allurement by methods adopted elsewhere. In tlw fall they may be seen in great numbers at '·Roshink'· upon what are known as the beds or shoal", spawning. The usual "small fry" may be found in great abundance anywhere in Lake, and \\"hit<'li"h an' caught vn:w FROM MOUNT Jl'l.IAN, STONEY LAKE in grpat numbers "running·· in till' Tnll of the it~ "11,,)".·,, and ,;hady dell" fairl~' rill!! with October moon. ,\t. almp,,( an~' rpck.,· point or ir, Then. when autumn has t"lwllPd illt" I:rin18011 any secluded spot. 1)('(wl'I')1 til(' i:';/11l1d". good 1IH1" and !2·"ld ,;jJpnt woodland, and tlul frosty ail" kinong·e or bass Ii,;:;hillg Illay he found. and azure "kil''' throw into l'E,jipf thp J'parklin).!: Few l"I·ally know t )w great beaut~· and watl'!"", as th('~ ' IHI' parted b~' tllP !2lidill!2 and eharm l.ake who have llH:'l'P\Y th!'il "all till' air a SOlPll1ll J'tillllO""" 11"ld,,"· the i" summerfl there. To indescribably ~i1tllrl' in all hpl' lllood" one mu~t see it in the r"I"·,, nf the myriad hosts of birds of varied plumag·e make \·alltn~.· Oil tlli,; llPr II nti \!.' heath. Tne Oldest and Most Popular Steamboat Line Between LakefIeld a nd Stoney Lake Points .:A

THE STONEY LAKE New and commodious steel frawe screw !i t~ a m ef, s~ cilllly designed for these wlltf'rs. Fast, comfo.table and safe. Dining·room lind ladirs' cabin. All modern con\·eniencu. Manned by thorougbly expui>ertt::ed officers and crew.

THE M AJESTIC This welL ·known steamer is one 01 the best and most popuillf boats on the roule. She has heen tboroughly overllllUleri and is in sha~ to give hetter $uvice tbllil e\'et before. Special aLten ti(ln given to the convenieuce' of pas­ sengers and handling of freight. Close connection with all t rains at J,ak,d'leld . TRF. MAJ ESTIC Ito! \'OI "K'G'S POINT LJFT LOCK FOR SPECIAL EXCFRSIO:-l RATKS AND OTHER IN FOR:\IATION WRITE "0 R. P . YO UN G, PROP., YOUNG ' S POINT, ONT. JITNU'lUt ISI,ANI,. __ TONIC\, [. ""F.-STOkE. I'OST OH'ICh IND """ll.ION

OJ{ p!t'a:-ady appetitps aftf'r tllP (':\('ITj,,('. dn/ .... bas,> may lw Pll.ioyed, and l"f'tlll"lImad .. On the south shore j" Cikhrist's Bay, at the to :-:t(,jli'Y Lake samp el"enill!,! .•\h()\·(· Bllrlpi!,!h further ('xtn'mit,'" of which is anotilf'r cl'('ci, leading I Fall" an: 1.1)\ !'sick Luk(· and iiE'et' Hm', the iJPst into White Lakp, wlwre excellent hlack bass fi::;hin!.! fishing' !.!l'ound fot' mnskill(lll!.!'-' in till' distrid. .\ win be found. A short, easy portm.:,· is matlp from day sppnt hpr(' is wpll worth while. (~Ilicles ma~' iw 8t()1l~ Lake to tlw crf'f'k, helmv the fallo:. Onp day ohtaillPd at Burlpi!.!h hlil..;, .\ canoe trip not oftell

taken, but full of mln'ullin', is from Long' Lakp down thrOlH!.'h D('I'I' Bay ('n·,,1;: intn Deer Bay and back to ~t(:ny Lakl'. 'The ,'alln('~ lln~ tnul,,'puri( 'd easily from .Julian's Landing by Wtll.!·"11 t" LOIlg: Lake, about 20 mil(l~. ~tartil'!.!· with I,"ll,,' Lakp the passag'e it-; made thn>!I!!)' L()llf'k" Lake, Sl()p· log Lake and Def'J' Bay ('n·.. k. The trip is not a yery arduous nil,' althoug'h thpre an' one or tW() long portag'cs. \nll'n tlIP \\"[It,:r is!..',''''HI it i" all right. but in extrpmp\y dry \\'I'ntllf>r tlIP trip i" llot

ill\'itill'" paddlin!.!' t" L"\I".:i.·k (:2 mil,·" from Falls) or t() Bllckhortl 1·-'; milp;,;), ami the enthllsia,.:t will lind Clwm"u!..; or g"b,·u.\-!.!-""tl nOIlf' to" lllueh for his lllu" .. le if he is inelilll·d to do a littl .. t:

\r E IGH1~ G THE BJ r. FISH ~ T SOI'TII H~>\UI \psl"y. Hill and a nllmb!'r of inland lak('s. ItQUSF. 1l0ATIS'C ON STONIC\ lA~1 The huilding and tlw m aintenBn ~ of wharves at Stonty [akt fottllgm' Jlssoclillion hearlql1 11d(')"". Hild tl1<' IH'()\·idi n!..(" Di l'J'·)"!.!.U1H'1I f(lr ,:ul1d ndill1! ",')"\'i, ',,~ Oil tlw L"r,J'~ Doy. an'! ulso OBJECTS AND AIMS lIlTltn!!l,<1 1.. 1' IH' t he .\ ,., ,,,,citlt ioll. ~\II \'isi ton;: whether ,)ro p. 'rty"uwlle rs 0'" not. 8 1'C HE obj<'<:ts sought by th~ fnl'nlati"n "i tlH' I'I"pu '"l,-( 1 to n ~'.!i " t(:r t.heir nunw,;, together with tlw Associntion are prnteetioll pf pr()jJ\ ·J't~· and JHlllll' ''' (If t heir purt,\' , till' Hume of thei!' ,'"Ump: and C the comfort and pleaslLrp " j its IIwmllP rs the Jlame of tiwir yncht. i1 tll.,.\' p"",,scs>:' one. wltile j)n the l ak ~. T lw ubo\'t' un~ "'''Ill<" ,A t he " hj, ....: t ,,: utto.ine( 1 hy The first of t hese obil~ d"" Ii> attained b~' thp the ,\ """,;intio]) , a nd t.II,· offil:t;'rs "f til<' .\,""'''''iflti') 11 prosecutioll of offend c~'s who illt.-dere with property. The other!' a~ attained by a n 'ang ing for ('hul'ch and othel' s/:" J',-iC(''';, regattas, bonfires, \ ' " llO"prt,." dances. e k. The pwtl"t:ti'lll and propagation of fi ~h a nd game have ba d the ('Ittentio n o f t h.· .\ ",,,, ,, ·illt.ion. Parent fish h aY>!, on ,.,('vera] nooa ",iolls, 1)(\0:-1\ pla(X'd in the lake In' the I'r<>, ' jlwial ( :U\"l:" I'1lll1('llt . (Ill till:' soii(' ibtinn oi the AS":''''iution, ,-l nll it -; '" pr"posed t o fo now up what has a ln:!udy hC'('H done in thi", direction fl.ti!] more vig"r, '\1:-:1,", ThA A""o('iution has 0 1"" u "pd it" infiuClH e in hadn ~ the t ran:::pnrtuti .. n ftwiliti.·" conform t o thn con venien(,(,R or the nwmh""n;. H II ns also u ~d it ~ illftU ~ t lt'e with the mutli(' ipal authorities in o ruer to have a pro(Jf"r tax nth' for non-re~ idellts IUII)" "" ,1 THIS delightful summer resort has ag:t in undergone 11 many improvements, fourteen new rooms have been :t dded and private cottages erected on the Park for those desiring separate quarters. The sanilary comforts of the House have been stilI further improved and sep:trale toilet rooms just installed. The \' erandahs have been extended and new cement walks built to the steamer's dock. Good railway connections from Niagara frontier and all points on G. T. R. and C. P. R. for City of Peterborough, where tourists take G.T.R. to Lakefield, thence by steamer to Park Hotel.

PARK HOTT·;!•• SOuTH BEACH Steamer connections from Rochester, N.Y. :-Leav e Roch ester 9 a.m. : arrive Port Hope 2.30 p.m.; leave Port Hope G.T.R. 4.25 p.m.; arrive Peterborough 5.35 p.m. ; 1,,,, P""h,,,",h 5.40 p.m. foe p", H':I.. I For further information :t ddress;

W. E. BROOKS, Park Hotel, South Beach, Young's Point P.O., ~ fee l tlHl t tht,y shlllll\\ han' tilt' Iwart,\' l" HPP" rt. .. i HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS I'n'ry "j"itu r o r p, \r,,;o ll,; o wnin,l! pn'pPI ' t ~ ' in tilt' FLAGS \'il'init,\'. a nd that th ..,\' should ~h nw tlwir tlPI,n'­ Thi,.; j :-: ,I B" ilish ''!.llllltl','' a n,1 t ilt' Hl'i t i: elf,.rt... mad" In' till' .\:-::-:I lI'ia t i,," h,' :-: ho "ld 1)0 ' flo WII li t the' '''1) of th,' flll c::-: tu ff Oil ", ho. ~ ' paying t,hl:' ~m a ll fee fur Illt'mlw,':-: hip, TIl<' Hl l'm l)!,.:­ nnd whpn' a f' II OC' i !,!1l I'mhlpUl i,,: , Ii ",pl il,,,,·d it i!'l a ship ft,,. j" <> IH' dollar P" I' anlillm, Intl tlf;'t· of Iwtionu! CU III'h '''',I' and \,[0, .11 hl",t,· thut it ", ho ilitl l )t~ I)I· I,,\\' tlu' HUI! Hf d w ('''llIl h '\', "'1 1" 11 GENERAL REG U LATIONS fi nwlI f .. " m n "1',,,,,,· 1 till' Briti", h fltlg' s h"'ld ~ l a lways CoUtlgel's awl II t hP.I'S are n ':-: [ )I·d f ll ll~' requ",.; tt'( l bl: tl t' WIi fnllll till' S["nl, ,.I n. I whl'/I a f"n >jl.t ll fl at.:' j,: to !live diligl:' nt. atwntion to til(' followitl~ '; 'I ~' !.! "''' ­ 11."'1 ·.1 it is ' Illly "n.p"" t., fl~' it f)'tlll1 th.· \)"\\ , thll ': ti ons anti regulations, Only b,\' euul'tt·()u ,.; !\ nrl indi"llt in:.! th(' Ilatiollalih' ()f tlH' OWller, prompt 1'(>C')g'nition of the nhli.l!ation~ and a ,;" i" l­ tln ce in promoting the mutual wpifal'I' (; Utl th" I.' omf.. d and profit of all cow'Pl'Iwd hi· ,";"I'lIn>< ! and 1.' I.n ';('l'\'Ni , Divine ~ e t'\ - i (: (', - :--:I'rYi':I' will he heIr! at til< ' I'tlvili .. n, Junipc-l' ["land, "\'('1',\' Nunda," morning ti t 11 o'clock . The ;':('I'\'j" I' will \)f' mad,· by th ... ~)f' I f>C t.ion of .. f­ ficiating d "I'l!,\' mcll from the "arion ,... enmgeli clt l flelh )minutin n:'l, Loitl'I'jlll! 0)' talkin!.! o llt ~ ltl" till' j><'i\'ilio J), 0 " in uther wuys in terfedng with tht' I II"(,,,,'lIm of tllP ho ur a nd plu(.'e will not be tlll{'l · at~1. ,\ su ng ~I'\' i ~.. , will bt· h, ·I .I pneh Slinday 1""'lIill!! at t he l'a\'ilio!l at ; ,;'0 o ','lllck, PI (, H ~ " do .H<>t tuke f\WtI,\' th,· hymn books. BURLEIGH FALLS, ONT.

STONEY LAKE New throughout. "omplet~ anil up-to d .. ~e. with l'xtensh'e v~r"nd8h " and SP8?!OUS roomB ",,,II v .. nt!1 a t~d and fLlrm~h'

Proprietor: W. THOMPSON

Terms: $1.50 Per Day Telephone Connection

f:\ FIRST-CL.\SS Hotel and Boarding-house 111 under the shelter of l\[ount Julian, from which one of the finest views of the lake may be obtained. There is an excellent supply llf pure ~l't-illg water. Good board and pleasant ~~ ." ,", .....t ~ ."

Connected with the Hotel there is a General BURLEIGH FALLS Store and Post Olliee, \vhere visitors will find a large as.';ortment of Suul-o.'nirs, Fishing Tackle, etc. Boats and Guides furnished, also ~~;~rk~J:i(47~ €~~E},;~~~~i(f~~]~~:~~~;~?~i~t;;~f~~ Livery...... " ." .:f. .." .'& H. & H. W. DARCY BURLEIGH FALLS, ONT. .\ Ha!.! Hown up:-;id(' down al\, ll.'" illdi,·at(':-; oIi" UNSEEMLY CONDUCT t1"l-'0''; and a call for a,.."j ...,ttlll,·P. \ttention i.., ,'nil"d to til\' fad that til(' A flag flown an~· di"ta1H~ hum tIll' top is at di~·\Char!.!irl!.! of fin'arm" i.., ,trwtl., "llntl'ar," to "half-mast," and indi(·at,·" death. tllP municipal I"P:';:lliatioll" and to fine, The proper flag to 1)(' Howll on all nnlitlntT n,·- :-:" al*"lo jo.; tll1' blll\\ ill!..'. of h"I"IlS <>f making- of caRions is the Canadian l"Pd pn:-;i!.!,·tl. . disturbillQ ll()j~\,.'" at n-i!.!ht. and til(' autllOri- ti,,~ art' il,,,tr·II<'(,,d t,) Ill"'''I'!';ul<' t<> til<' ut- .-\ white flag at the topma:-;t i" a o.;i!.!rml for tllP 111<>"t ~'TPamill!.-'. ')1" di"o)'d,·,.iY ('ondw,t of anv boat to call and should ollly b,· used for this pur­ kind will nllt h,· tolP1Tltl'd, and 'thu",' intpl"P"ted i;l pose, till' 1,2.,,,.d lwnw and wI>II-llo'i!H!· of till' c()mlllullit~ CONCERTS AND HOPS arf' a"k,>(1 tl) (·"'I'I)/,l"at,> in IHlttirl!.' down e'·Pl'."thinj.t All arp invitod to mak(, tllO''''' n" enjo.nlhk that is Ulh'·I'llli.\ - as possible hy parti,·ipatin!.! and 11y kppplll~ SANITATION them as free as p' ,,,..,ihlp fl"om ohjf:'diollable :-;tl>l1f'Y Lak" i" on(' of tllp Ill""t !tpalthy feature..,. The pavilion will Iw ,·In ... "d at II p.m .. and pl,:n",ullt pltwP.o.; ill fhi" fair I)'))Il'niOl~, except hy special pf'rmis"ion. With mallY Pl'opjp the only W,lj,ol' ~uppl~' Illu:-;t 1\1".""­ "Ht'ily 1)0' till' lakp it"!'if, Ll't, it bl' \-"pt fn'" from an~' LAUNCHES AND BOATS e'lntaminati,'n ()f pY"r~' kind. (;'ll"il'l!.-'.l' and refll:-;e Launches, \"Udlt" Or" hoat~ mllst not tip should bo· hllrlwd, ('I,)",·t" ,.YO'rhane:ing tlw water lip to the' lallliing: wharf, hut must bf' and ""'\H!.'l' ciraiul'd illt" till' lakl' ar(~ COrlil"HtT t" moored or anchored elsewhere. The canol' th,· 1'11hli~ Hptdth \d, 1'1.·u,," a:-;.~i"t in pt'()lll~till!.-'.· wharf is for canoes and h,)at", and a PH"""H-'.P "f at till' abolition of llllN


Can be installed in any building without increasing your insurance. Needs only half an hour's attention once a week. Cheaper than coal gas or electricity. Is more satisfactory for cooking than city gas.

Write for fuUlnformation and descriptive catalogue to DAVIS AGETYLENE GOMPANY, LIMITED SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE TORO~TO FAIR S COLBORNE STREET, 2, The Committee may handicap any boat or Oll first j..!,'UIl to stand lLp and paddle; ::!('cond gun, contE'stant, or place the same in a position for t" jllmp- out and swim, ("Will!.!' caBOC; third starting' in real' of the :-:tartill~: line, at whatey{'r gUll, n"('lIkI' cano!") and finish racc paddling 011 gun- distance he sees fit,

3, All ('ntries must be handed to tIll' N('('l'l'iaI'Y ,-). III case H t the time a race is called there of the Committee within such time hefol'f' the raee shall not 1)(' more than OJl!' ('Iltl','" the (·"mmitt(·(· as the Committe'e directf'l, ma." cancel e-:uch 1'<1< .... , or P('l"tIH)IIP thl' ,"'II11l<' to .00011I.'h 4, All canoe races, unless otherwisp spl:'cifierl, til1W ne-: it ma~' HnIlOUl)CP. shall be paddled with single blad('s only. No out­ G. .\ first prize shall hI' :.:i\'('1) in I'a('h 1'<:1<"'. and riggers or sliding seats shall hp allowed in hoats. a :-:",'oIHI prize in each l'!'gular ('\'('nt when mol'(' For the open single canoe race, canoes shall not than tW() start; but lIO cOlltf'::;iant :::hull Iw eli~­ be mOl'e than 16 fp('t long, nor lc~s than "1":'" indll'o.; ihi(' t,) ""!llIJPt" in all~' furtlwr ("Pllt afkr winnin).!' beam, and 10 inches deep. ~() limit on weight. tW(l ]"t)('('I". unlp:::..; ot\wl'wise (h',·i(lp(1 11.' the l{"!,! sppdal ap­ shall fitwl. 1£ tlu' ..,turt,·r ('()Il;;idprs the start pliances shall be used, and thf' 1'(\('1' "hall hE'run ac:; ullfair, he nHt~· r(>('all the bout:-:. and an~' hoat re­ follows: On a signal being giw'n during till! !'H('(', the canoe must he turned complptl:'l:v OYPl', and the' fusillf£ i" :-:tal't ag'uin can daim no p,.:-:iti"n, contestant must cross the finishing' line paddling' in .\ h"at·..; own watf'l' is the straight ,'OUl'se his canoe, .Any yariation from tlw all", (' 11.\' a U"",i!.!·llf,d it at ",tartilll.'. .\IIY boat l('a\'ing' itl" own contestant shall disqualif~r him. water rl,,,'~ so at it::: ppril. hut ii tIl!' :-:jPI'n of Oil!' Combination race shall fJ(' run as follow::;: {'"II­ hout is a boat's len~th ahead uf tIl!' hOE WORKS CANOES AND BOATS TO RE:.II CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL KINDS OF The Lakefield Canoe Building & Manufacturing Co., limited General Hardware LAKEFIELD CANADA Stoves, Ranges SUC('E:::'SORS 10 STRICKLAND & co., AND THOS. GORDON. Paints, Oils ETC. 1flhl~ ~ml§([])rr TlNSMITHING AND PLUMBING Family and Tourist Summer Resort BUCKHORN A large assortment of Fishing Tackle Finest Fishing Grounds ill Kawartha Lakes' kept in stock Dis.triet. Hotel close to water. Accommo­ datIon ~or 40 guests. Bathroom and modern ~~~~~~k~ces. Rates $1.00 per day, $7.00 w. W. f.~onifrd, f.ifkdidd, Onto N. PEARSON, Prop. Hall's Bridge, P.O. then becomes its own water, and it shall only lean~ FISHING REGULATIONS it at its periL FISHING SEASON OPENS JUNE 16 9. All ra('es of more than a quarter mile shall be held with a tnrn, and stnk(· bouts or will Fj"hillL'.--Ont. ~tat. fi:), \'il·. eh. ;)0, prohibit:-; be left on the port hand, i. e., the right catching Ba ... " II'Ns than 10 in('hes. 1\TaskiuoJlL'" ;~o hand, and the paddler'::; left hand. inches, Picker",l \'i inclws, Brook Trout (j inches. 10. );() direction from all:,-- hunt. or from the Unfler::;izcd fish mllst be r,·tl!J"tll'd to tIll' water. shore, will be allm·... ed, and anyone acceptinf{ such TOllrists or Sllmmf'r yj"it"r::; lnay ouh- take when assistance may be disqualified. leaving the Proyinl"e, aft.-r obtain'jug ,;t-'l"Init fn,m 11. A boat touching- a IIw,." or otlWl' boat, un­ Tll"Pf'd"L the lawful "ateh of two days. less wrongfully comp;llpd to do so by Ilnuthcr Ppnaitiel'; for \'i()latioll of til<' law, !lid I""..; than boat, may be disqnalified. :':Ifl. or mor!" than X:)O Tmpri::;onmpnt in (\Pfullit "f 12. If a boat, in ('oll:-'('

WE solicit the orders for your Camp n ecessities. We consider the he st of everything none too r" good to supply, W, H. HAMILTON We Guarantee Safe lnd. Prompt De : ~ - - ery

])fPQRTRRR ANI! HEALERS IN PL:RI': A:"o:"D WHOLESOME Sanllarv Plumbing • R!mation Paulllon TEAS, COFFEES, FRESH FRUITS lias right [ong Dlstanc! td!phon! and PROVISIONS All Coffees Roasted and Ground on the Premises. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET Phone Bell 148 BS SimcGc Sireel Phone Machine 148 mrs, w, m, IIraham, mount Julian P,O" On .. PETERBOROUGH ~ M~[[J;AllL ;Al§§~~ll~ lill ~W m:[6~:Al1fli 1i Monday. August 13th, at 1.30 p.m. Starting P.,illt QPposil~ Juniper Island Headqua.rters

1. l\'jPll"" Sitlg'le Cunop. Ill. '1'111) I{un~. 2. Sailhlg Hucp, (for ::;kiffs anJ yuuhtc:, lS ft [\. Tiltilll! and under). 12. Bo:,>-'" Talld('lll ~kilr.

:3. Sailing f{:u',' (all yacht,; 0\"1' 1:-. ft). 4 Canoe Sailill!..!;. l-!. )len'" Tandt'lll SkilL ;,), Boy,., TUlld(>m Canoe ( 1.-) years aud Iltllkr). I.), SWillll1lilll!. 6. Ladip::;' Singk Skiff" (with Cox::;\\uin). Iii. ']'alH1('m CUll'\(' (Iall,'" ami :':Plltj. Punt Ru("P. 1'7. l"p-,,·t I{w"('

-..:. Ladi('~' TatHkm (\\IlUP 1:-- Indian Sinl.Jl' Canoe 1:101' nwre t" c:tart). !I. Laclie,;' Sing'Ie CUllo,'. I~) ['!,'a:-:llH' LU\llwh 1::1<0', (aJl~ furm uf p

Convenient to Store, Post Office and Tele­ phone. Daily Mails. A home-like, restful W~n(Q)IFn(ffi place. Rates on application. WILLIAM COX LAKEFIELD, aNT. 1Ml ([])llll§~ Summer Address; Juniper Island Post Office, Stoney Lake. (l\lcCraken's tanding) Proprietors: Messrs. Freeman & Carveth i~UCCe,"or" to F. J. Morganl This House is situated in a beautiful bay, with an PETERBORO !;xtensivc view over the lake It is sheltered at the ~ides and in the rear by trees. The sanitatiou is perfect, CLOSETS au each floor, aDd there is a plentiful snpply of pure spring water. Kodaks, TUrns and Suppli~s It is the nearest House to the Post Office (Juniper AMATEUR FINISHING A SPECIALTY Island). the Pavilion and the Regatta. The Trent Yall!;y Steamboats call three times daily, and there is a good service of Roats an(l Gnines. Spl!;ndid Fistling-. Souvenir Postal Cards and Views of Stoney Lake LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE and Vicinity I\allroaa ana Sttamboat £onntctlons ,------

July 2nd to September 1st. 1::. Act@lffi lP1lllMu§lbtlilffig [~o TO STONEY LAKE. ILimil~iI IIIGIHlASS fI.OOa.m. Str. North Kiug ~~. ~~~:::!er ... 7.55 ~.~. l.bOp.m. G.T.R. 4.30 " :: ~~~!r~~loe ~:;g a:~. 1l.55·p:m. 5.30 ,. iIDlTIlcdl Ar. Lakefield 9.00" 12.30" (iOO .' JP!lfnlTIla~lf§ Lv. Lakefield 9.15" 1.15" 6.15 1 Ar. Young's Pt. 9,45" 1.45" GAo" JP!llIl[b)lln§llu~lf§ ., McCra'ns 10.30" 2045 7045 " Lake, 'Juniper 11.00" B.OO 8.15 " l~~~~ey " Mt. Julian H.30" B.80" 8.45 ' "Burleigh 12.00" 4.00" \J 00 " I~~~:~f~~ "Breeres 2:00p.m. 5.00 " 9.00" J ~# June 4th to 16th and September 17th to 22nd single steamer service leaving Lakefield morning only. OUIr SpeCJ.:!lJltll($ ••• 0 0 June 18th to 30th and September 3rd to 15th double service lB:~olklel§, Calal~glle§ morning and evening S~nellirs, 1F~I~ers FROM STONEY LAKE. COllllllllllllercial lI'riIDlIiIDlg Lv. Breeres fLOOs.m. 2.00 p.m. S.OOp.m·1 "llurleigh 6.30" 1.00" 2:00"130" lStrs. " Mt.Julian 6.16 " 130 " "Juniper 7.00" 2.30 ,. 4 00 •• Stoney Lake, "McCra'ns 7.15 2.4i'i .' " Young's Pt. 8.]5 " 3.30 • f~ ., I~~~:~f~: Ar. Lakefield 9.00" 4.t5 " 6.00 ) Lv. Lakefield 9.30" 4.40 " 6.20 G. T. R. " Peterboro'11.45 " 5.38 9.05 Ar. Port Hope 12.50 p.m. 10.15 "Toronto 3.20" 9.10", "Rochester 7.45 The Equity Life isI the only Life As­ Visitors to (hI; KA WARTHA LAKES are surance Company reminded (hat they will find at either of ouf establishments as compkte an assort­ in Canada that ment of gives special rates and terms to total abstainers under as can be obtained anywhere in Canada. all kinds of policies We call particular attemion {O our

Outing Slkl~§ 1R1Ibb~r Simes Equity Life Assurance Co. Shoe Dressings and other accessories also. OF CANADA

PElEIRBIlIRIIo 1-['" Hollywood Mixed paint-s----I Imperial Creosote Shingle Stains Imperial Boat Varnishes Elastilite Varnish Kolonial Interior Enamels


There's a difference between the ordinary oil­ skin and the special oiled garments we make for Yachting, Motoring, Huming-, Fishing, and other sports. They are finely finished, light­ weight, and thoroughly practical. OUf long coals for ladies we especially recommend. The When you buy look for the Sign of the Fish. Imperial Varnish & Color Co. Limited Tower Canadian Oiled Clothing TORONTO, ONT. Company, Limited TORONTO Ask Yo,," Deafer fo~ Them The N. L. Piper Railway Supply Co. Do not fail to call and see our Limited. 314 Front Street West large stock of SOUVENIRS. Take home a memento of the trip. TORONTO

.-==---=--=--~----==-==--~- We have some eighteen views of ~ ·--·,,- --==--~­ _~....,...... -r-;:_ -~-- - Peterborough and the KAWARTHA LAKES, as well as the latest ideas I ~~- -"---=--= in fancy postals. R'-"~ ~ All the current Magazines and Lawn Seats LATEST BOOKS. Call or drop us a HARDWOOD BARS MALLEABLE 1RON LEGS postal card if in need of books. Price for 4-foot seat $4.00 Stationery posta Is. Price for 6_foot seat 5.00


Our Lawn Seats are made of thoroughly seasoned Hard_ wood and perfectly annealed malleable Iron Legs. Finished in llJJ !HlUI!lllterr S!1t'eH natural wood or painted red o( green, and fastened together with IP'IBTERBOIROUGII bolts. Makes splendid De-ck Seat. Everlasting; comfortable-; durabll!; gooo value. The Food Most Suited

nrainY Canadian P~TERBOROUGH. ONT.. CAN.

The Larl!:est Manufacturers in Canaca 01

TO' produce the clear head, the steady nerve' in a Tents, Awnings, Flags, Sails and sturdy body, nothing .equals our Canadian Wheat. properly prepared for the stomach, Oamping Goods ~~¥:S,~;::d ~~'i~:et~:~~a1~~;:~fcOte;D~u:a~~~~~::: combines nutriment. touic aud tlalatabiIitv iu the We also keep on hand Canoes, Row BOats. Paddles, highest degree. Lea Boards, etc Camping Outfits to Rent. - Flags

'£wice the nourishment from a paek~ge of "Canada and Mottoestp Rent for Decorating. Flakes" than an equal weight of meat. ~. Canada Flakes" does uot' need a stomach of miU-stoues to digest it. --Note tbe Address-- Best for the Athelete Best for tbe Invalid Corner George. King, and Water Sts., Peterboroul!:h The Ideal Food for the Children Long Distance Telephone-Day or' Night Eycellenl Fishing