JUNIPER ISLAND STORE Most Centrol Point on Stonev Lake Campers' Supplies Fishil1.0 TacRle A fuillme of fir~t~c1ass Groceries, Pro- Fishing Rods, Bait, Lines, Hooks, visions, Hams, Bacon, Fresh' Canoed Landing Nets, Sun Shades, Capli. Goods, Choice Creamery Butter, Fresh E"" V,g,t.hf", "0. Cool~ing Utensils Fresh Bread, BUllS, Cakes, Pastry, Tinware, Granitewar.e, ere. Lanterns Contectionerv. FTuits and Ice Cream. an~ General Sup,plies. HIGH-CLASS GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES WE HIIVE CVERYTHfNG YOU NELD. /'15K US. T. W. ROBINSON, Manager. §rrmmcy talkc (~Halger§9 = A§§~dalrrnmm = President Rich. B. Rogers Vice-President Jas. Acton Secretary J. S. Knapman Treasurer W. G. Morrow C~mmillees CONCERTS-John Crane, Chairman; A. L. Davis; W. J. Jolliffe; J. A. Delafosse. ENTERTAINMENTS, DANCES AND BONFIRES-Hon. Lawrence H. Grahame, Chairman; Fred. Co!llus; Llewelyn Hall; Frank Bradburn; Miss Collins; Miss Bradburn; H. Ford. SUNDAY SERVICES-Sheriff Hall; T. W. Robinson; Rich. B. Rogers. REGULATIONS-Jas. Acton, Chairman; H. Sutherland; J. S. Knapman. Geo. Cochrane; Dnt THE PLACE TO SPEND A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEVENTY MILES OF SUMMER RESORTS Coboconk Chemong Park Balsam Lake Buckhorn Rosedale Lovesick Fenelon Falls Burleigh Falls Sturgeon Point Stony Lake Lindsay Young's Point Bobcaygeon Lakefield First.Class Service by Commodious Fleet of Steamers [allil llJnng, [o lt~ges, fis hing, Gomo!:, "ESTURION" "OGEMAH" "EMPRESS" "MANITA" llie ;n ~t li , Rest, Joy, Folders, Rates and all Information furnished by ilnu~ ilIF~I!1lU WilllTITI~y WilllWllQjilllUll(J])I!1l ~(J])oo lLll!llI1lllU~cdl BOBCAYGEON , ONTARtO, CANADA (India.n for Bright W.iters a.nd Happy Lands) OWAJ-{j) til(' middl" pi SepkmiH>L 'I'lli' ('hain "f lak(·" \\'hieh ,'()mprisp thie. 1"'L!i"n (! ~U!llIl,·1 elf' Champlain. hayilH! Ii,'" !lorth of Pdpriloj'''lIL!h and Lindsay, and j" the Ottawa, aero"": tp Lake ("(lInll!,,,,,,l ()f 1.a\-,'-" Kat"h"wnn,",ka, ('I,'ur, ~t'>lII·Y. Georgian Ha~' and inland to Orilliu, Btll:klll'j'Il. Chpmlltl~, l'i::"{'lI, Hald. ~tllr!!e<ln, ('am the Huron Indian:; on a wa1'likc ('!"I'll ami Bal~al1l. with a mag'niJi('pnt "t"Hm"1 rUllh' the 1ro4uoi~ of \,.\\, York ~tate of 70 mil,·" from I,ak,·fipid to Cohocollk '1'1)('.,· are part~·. numbering about tw" hundred Gan'),·":, ... ·t "itllHkd in th,· ,'ountip" of Yidoria and !'I'tN" out. TIH'Y tran'n'!ed Lake ~imcoe, ano, 'llh.'tin..!' b"l"<,nL!h, and ('(,mhirH' till' wild.. -.,t Iwilll'" al granit,· fro,m Parkman, "TI1f' Huron tI"l't purslwd It:; (""ll'-" Illiluntain and j"l'i· ... t ,..,'('nl'J'~· with io,('l~· g-rll""," along Tjake Sim("()(', aenl"" till' ·p(li'ta\..:·,·· t,) B:t\,,:ulll .,hl'llb·und·yilll'·clad "ho1'es, i\Lln~' of til!' iak,·" an' and ~tllr\..:·""ll Lak(', and down the chain of :ak,·" and l·()lUf"rt· which form the sonrt.:c:; of till' Tn'nt Ri\',·r. As till' aill,' h, 'Ill!''' haYl' h"l'll for tlwir "llmnWI' long line of canoe" Il1IlH>d OIl it" way no hlllll!l11 tf'llllllt", and thr()lll.!hollt th,' ..Jlain the touri"t i:; at lifi' was ,,('('11. no sign of il'iend or foe: ~·(·t at tinw" no jJ"illt r!'lll"t" fl'lllll tllwn or yillag-I'. or to th8 ffltH:~' of Champlain, the border::; of the hllmbil' (·!>tta!!" h"llll'. y"t j" in ('()JUparati\ ,. stn)am sepmf'd df'ek,·d with !.,!'l'In P": and shrubl)pr~ by thc hand..: of man. and the' bntt('!'llllt tn·p,.,. la('pd rllo' L!l'I'at ('harms and ach'anta~e" of tlw 1(>I'alit,' with grapeyines, HPpmpd df'('"rations for a pif'aSllrp­ art' J'('lIdf'l'inl.! the "Kawul'tha Lak,·,," lmSlll'pa-.,spd gTound." a:; "umIllPj' n·-.",rh in Canada, E'('r~ nInety of Kawarlha Lakes' Headquarters FOR YOUR HOLIDAYS Visitors to the Kawartha Lakes will find [he \"u.;ation Time demands light, cool SlIm­ mery neces"itie~. S'othillg" makes a well­ earned holiday among the cool "had) I"lands of the l"pper Lakes so enjoyable a~ our ~t)'li;,h, yet sen-iceable, summer suits. .:J. .:/0 ,:I. .:I- .:.' WASI-L\BLE J.1:\EN SlIITS LINDSAY, ONT. FINE I\Il'SLI:-.1 DRESSES 5-.l;:-'DIER SILK DRESSES, ETC. The most convenient, commodious and comfortable Special as;,ortment of separate "Romp­ hotel in the district. ing" Skirts. Ju-;t the thing for boating and fishing. An une4ualleJ display of Lindsay is reached by both GRAND Ladie;,' Collars, Belts, Gloves and Hosiery TRUNK RAILWAY and CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, and is the starl­ =DEPARTrlENTS= ing point of the Trent Valley Navigation DRE<;S Goons, STAPLES, CARPETS \,\;o HOM!=.­ Co. System. Steamers leave daily for FL'RN1SHI~G-;, REAllY-TO-WEAR ~IILL1:"ERY, /,;0- Fenelon Falls, Coboconk, Bobcaygeon no~s, GLO\"ES, HOSIERY, DRESSMAKIS(;, ETC. and other Kawartha Lakes points. RICHARD HALL & SONS STEAMER WHARF ADJACENT TO HOTEL 35J·355 {iEOROE ST. PEn,RBOROUGH Peterborough's Largest and Best Store KING & GABRIEL, PROPRIETORS LINDSAY. ONT. - it fj ' U"W." l)hY i'i'ica l "i!!:" J" , 1'< '_'<t on'1-O the nervous sys­ ,t"III, ill' il!"I';l tPf.! thn nWll tal hl<:u lticf.! Hnd ~ h ' 4's a tll'\\ ] ea~' of lir", Tn th",;e who s uff('t, fr ~ LIl hay f"'· .. t' , t Il" "Kawurtha l .ukcs" ill"~ a ha\'en o f H"n \·,~n - !! h "· 11 ... -lipf and "'·" l ll'i t.,·. .\s fot· tl ... <"l UI<Ii" is t. thi :-: midlund di :-:t rid of Ou tari" is o lle broad, .'ontiIHHlu :-: 1I.,two.. k of lakl's cxte ndin ~ l,.. .)tlmcs· Bu~ ', 11111 1 tilt' ' ·",\'II!.:·"S t" \w tak('ll b~c the ,mthl1>'l ias' ti,' lo\'(,t' Hi tlu.' qU\<H' have hut "I I" limit-tIll' I timf' ut Ill" di.-: pOl"al of the \"" ~'H~-\'r En,," of 8C- 1.'1'S:-:, th l"('e h""I'" fn'lll Torunio. I'I'"f1l _"'" in it ~ I.!,ifts, I ancl di\"1'I'!"l' ill it~ atiradiol1s, hU\'illl.!.' its fllShioll' able )"0''"'''1'1 " nnd it" rJoolil.!.'htfnl f,wiliti,·s for '·r"Il •.dI ­ ill!.:' it." thi" :--:\\'itz"I'llllloi of Canada PO """""",,, 1.1 11 til .. "d\'/llIwl.!·','" of loeniities llHll'e distant and 1lI11t:h .. '('111'1',", the (;alm pas t(Jrai of ~tlll'!!""II: the 1'0- nllllti" I'Pl,k" i~16nds of ~t"!l"Y, with their de1'(J hores : tht:" tillE:' hathing- "f Ral~"m and LUIIlt'l'on, IIld the pidm''':-':\jlh' beaut.y Itf the Jakl'''' huthel' IlIrth, coupled with t l ll ~ \1ll " \ll'pa ~"l' r1 fishing anll hooting a long the (>n til'e ('Iw ill, J('Jl( 1 to t lll'-«' (' ut .. .-s an attnl'-Lion und il dmnn, Owing to the hig h nltitude of th,·s,· Ink. ·:;t tl;IHJ 0 :-'11(1 f.,,,,, uho\'e t il<' II!\" ' ] of Luk., OllblL'io) tl... nil' ~ pun', lind laden w itlt II('illth' !!idu~ and 1-O<>ol hill!! la l ~ll mi c o(lol's h'om tIl!' pill<' alld RPI'U('",dw\ hilb ~I \ 1he Gem of the Kawarlha Lak,.s) I~ T ~·"e~ ,,:ithoU.t "a.\ in~· t.hHt 'HI all I·'>\!ll.b- ~t'>ll".\ \ mO(lllii!.tht sail tI'I"ll~h tIll' mazp of ;--:t"l1\ Lak{' Lak!:' IS far Hnd away th(' til!)"'! PH"tIlH''';I[lW is onp "f tlw ttl""l fa:..:,·illatill~ :..:i[!iJts imagillahll', 1 and n t tnl..tl\" of this of ('urthly para· and h'u,,':,,: un IIl1d;,"ing nH'lllO>r.\- of \\'cird alld dpli­ tli:..:,'". It ha,.. bpO'1l w('l1 the "-;\fil1iatlln' ,·ut" hf'allt.,-. Thl' mat..],]'· .... .., Thol1:'ltlnd Islands," it..; I'i~·ht hunrlrr'd rll,~k:, Y('rrlun' "Ulls,'t, thc last dad j,.dllnd" that abrllptl~· thru..,t th('m:..:pjypfl "llt. of a l"udd.\' till!.!!' i"I,·( and thp dpf'p bn)\\11 \vatl:'r~ ha\·jtll! an "\ell ~Tr'at!'r ma:..:sjy!:, h,)uldl'L· \Iith a wand ,,[ !..',>ld; tIll' tn'.. nharm than tlwi1' larger protl)tYJl(>s ill tlJ(' ~t lilwd Shl)J"(',.., dark all,l lllystpri"II"" ri:..:inl! fn>lll till' T,awl"('lIce. The lake it:..:"lf is ahout tPll mil,'''; loni2: shadow;,- I\at,·r; tIll' intE't"Inittpnt ~)f'alll ui a b.\· ~)(>rhap:..: t\1 () milE':": widp at it.., \\'id,,:..:t part, beill~: ,·amp-lirl' :":1"'11 at inh'l"\"al.., throug·h tIl(' dark t1"l'£'o;, indplltNI \\ it h bays and f('d hy a llumb:'r of with tlw silholll'tti.':": of tllP '·lIllll,,·r'" ..,lalldini!' ()ut.. streams hring·ing 'in tlw O'·pt't!I;W .,1 tlllll1,']"OIlS "harpl~- d,,11111,d, a~i1itl!"'t till' ~l,,\\ ; 11w hpi.l1'!""· call smaller lakf's farther baek. \ 1\ I·itl'r, in dl''';l"l"ihilli!· "f s"m,' pt"{'yin~ ni~'ht-binl as it darts, an,)\v-Iike, Htolley Lakf', :..:a~-:..: :-·'Stnnp~- La1..,· ('ombinps all thp aero!"'''' tIll' dark<'lwd sky; tlw hush. tlw m~·"t,'ri()ll" grandE'ur, all tll(' intrieatp J:;!'al1t~", aJl th!:' luxuriant ,..tilln!'..,:..: of a t\\"ili!. ... ht on ~I"ll'·\· Lak" lift...; onE' far vegetation ()f tIl(' islando; of tIl(' ~t. L~l\1 n·III·(' ; and ab,jYf' all th,)u~·ht of tlw earps amI \l1'lri,·" of thi:..: traYE'llprs who sppak from ('x]1"l"i"I1<"" ha\-c 1I1111('si- lif,>, and till' ..,,,,t! for Ollp hrj('f hour l"lftlttllmws with tatingly dedarpd thl' of Ihi.., lak<' t() equal.
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