Township of Douro-Dummer Agenda for a Committee of Adjustment Meeting Friday, February 26, 2021, 9:00 a.m. Douro-Dummer YouTube Channel Electronic Meetings On August 4, 2020 Council amended the Township Procedure By-Law to permit meetings to be held electronically and to allow members participating electronically to be counted towards quorum. Until further notice, Township meetings are being held electronically. Meetings will be recorded and live-streamed on the Township YouTube channel. Please contact the Clerk if you require an alternative method to virtually attend the meeting.
[email protected] or 705-652-8392 x205 Pages 1. Call to Order by Chair: 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: 3. Approval of Minutes: January 29, 2021 1 4. Minor Variance Applications: 4.1. A-01-21 4 Applicant: Fraser Sutherland Agent: Kawartha Lakes Construction Con. 7, Lot 34, Block B 1020 Stony Lake- Island 35, Dummer Ward Property Roll Number: 1522-020-005-74100 4.2. A-02-21 26 Applicants: David Dembroski and Jody Scotchmer Agent: Kawartha Lakes Construction Plan 3, Lot 8 532 Stony Lake- Island 21, Dummer Ward Property Roll Number: 1522-020-004-35000 5. Correspondence/Information Items: 5.1. Association of Municipalities Ontario - Land Use Training: Beyond the 46 Basics 6. Next Meeting Date: March 26, 2021 7. Adjournment 1 Minutes of the Township of Douro-Dummer Committee of Adjustment Meeting January 29, 2021, 9:00 AM Douro-Dummer YouTube Channel Present: Chair, Deputy Mayor - Karl Moher Member - Wendy Dunford Member - Ken Jackman Member - Jim Patterson Member - Ed Reid Staff Present Secretary-Treasurer – Martina Chait-Hartwig Administrative Assistant - Nicole Zenner Absent: Administration Assistant - Vanessa Sweeting 1.