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Slovak Nuclear Society European Nuclear Society Czech Nuclear Society INIS-CZ--0028 Slovak Nuclear Society ^SVTS CZ0129400 PROCEEDINGS of International Topical Meeting on WER TECHNICAL INNOVATIONS FOR NEXT CENTURY April 17-20, 2000 PYRAMIDA HOTEL Prague, Czech Republic 32/ 1 1 PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ALL OF THE MISSING PAGES IN THIS DOCUMENT WERE ORIGINALLY BLANK LIST OF CONTENTS pg- 1. R. Kirmse (Gesellschaft fiir Anlagen- und Reactorsicherheit GRS mbH): Assessment of the Function of Major Passive Safety Systems of the New Russian WER-640 with Medium Power 15. 0. Matal, P. Sousek, T. Simo (ENERGOVYZKUM, Ltd.): Innovated Feed Water Distributing System of WER Steam Generators 23. O. Matal, P. Sousek, T. Simo (ENERGOVYZKUM, Ltd.): Blow-Down of WER 440 Steam Generators 29. V. Slugen, J. Lipka, I. Toth, A. Zeman, J. Hascik (Department of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Slovac Technical University Bratislava), M. Lehota (NPP Jaslovske Bohunice, SE-EBO, Slovakia): Corosion Products from WER-440 Nuclear Power Plant Bohunice Studied by Mossbauer Spectroscopy 37. R. Litchkov (NPP Kozloduy): Complementary System for Monitoring and Control of Neutron Flux During a Fuel Outage and During Reactor Start up Stage 45. G. Lunin, V. Voznesenskiy (Russian Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow): Conception of WER Advanced Projects 53. A. Keskinen (Fortum Engineering Ltd, Finland): Modernisation and Power Upgrading of the LOVIISA NPP 59. J. Vita (CEZ,a.s. - NPP Temelin): Safety Improvements of TEMELIN NPP 75. M. Protze (SIEMENS / KWU): Modernization Program of NPP Kozloduy, Units 5 & 6 79. D. M. Popp (Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Nuclear Projects Business Unit): The Use of U.S. NRC Licencing Practices for WERs 87. B. M. Cook (Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC Nuclear Projects Business Unit): Trends in Digital I&C for Nuclear Power Plants 95. M. Martin (Siemens): Experience in Modernization of Safety I&C in WER 440 Nuclear Power Plants Bohunice V1 and Paks 105. A.V. Arhipenko (Ministry of Energy of Ukraine), S.V. Barbashev, L.L. Litvinsky, A.N. Masko (The State Scientific Engenering Center of Control System and Emergency Response): Chemical Technologies and Life Management of Ukrainian NPPs 113. K. Porkholm, H. Kantee (Fortum Engineering Ltd), O. Tiihonen (Technical Research Centre of Finland): APROS Multifunctional Simulator Applications for WER-440 119. J. Tomek (Slovenske elektrarne, a.s.): Safety Improvement Programme of WWER 440/230 Units in Jaslovske Bohunice 127. V.V. Stovbun (National Nuclear Energy Generating Company 'ENERGOATOM'): Current Activities on Safety Improvement at Ukrainian NPPs 145. I. Kouklik (NPP Dukovany): Development of Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant 155. J. Baj'sz (NPP Paks): Strategy of Innovations at Paks NPP 163. J. Machek, V. Fiser (Nuclear Research Institute Rez, pic): Technical Innovations in the Field of Nuclear Safety for Next Century 171. V.A. Sidorenko, A.Yu. Gagarinski (Russian Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute"): Role of WER-Type Reactors in Large-Scale Nuclear Power of the XXI Century 181. A.V. Kapitanov (Rosenergoatom): The Legislative Basis and Safety Assessment for NPP Licencing During Commissioning in the Russian Federation 189. A. Billington, P. Blondiaux, J. Boucau, B. Cantineau (Westinghouse Elecrtic Europe), A. Mared (Ringhals Nuclear power Plant), C. Doumont (Westinghouse Elecrtic Europe): DART - For Design Basis Justification & Safety Related Information Management 201. A. Billington, P. Monette, C. Doumond (Westinghouse Elecrtic Europe): Increase Plant Safety and Reduce Cost by Implementing Risk-Informed In-Service Inspection Programs 211. P.V. Ancion, R. Bastien (Westinghouse Elecrtic Europe), K. Ringdahl (Vattenfail riir.y! .ais Nuclear Power Plant): EnergiTools - A Power Plant Performance Monitoring and Diagnosis Tool 221. V.I. Solonin, V.V. Perevezentsev, N.F. Rekshnya, V.G. Krapivtsev (Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Department of Nuclear Science and Technology): Experimental Study of Hydrodynamically Induced Vibrational Processes in VVER-440 Fuel Assemblies 231. K. Matocha, J. Wozniak (Institute of Material Engineering, Research and Development Division, Vftkovice, J.S.C., Ostrava, Czech Republic): Analysis of WWER 1000 SG Cold Collector Cracking 239. Z. Sk£la, J. Vft, P. Kepka, J. Forman, S. Zahorik (SKODA JS a.s. Pizen): Upgrades of USK 213 and SK 187 245. P. Balaz, J. Murani (VUEZ, a.s., Levice, Slovakia): Innovations of the WER 440 Accident Localisation System 253. M. Sabata (Dukovany NPP): WWER 440/213 NPP Containment from the point of view of IAEA Requirements and Current Euripean Practice 267. K. Pochman (CEZ - EDU NPP Dukovany), M. Ruscak, M. Brumovsky (Nuclear Research Institute Rez pic): Programs of Plant Life Management at NPP Dukovany 279. Z. Lastovicka, I. Kreisl, P. Taras (IPRON a.s.): Operational Fluid Radwaste Treatment Technology - Recent State and Outlooks for Optimization 297. M. Lukavec, J. Stepan, J. Maly, V. Lert (ENERGOPROJEKT Praha, Czech Republic): Nonlinear Analyses of the WER-1000 Reactor Building, Subjected to Extreme Loads 311. A. Hornaes, T. Bodal, S. Sunde (Institut for energiteknikk, OECD Halden Research Project), J. Belac, M. Lehmann, M. Pecka, K. Zalesky (Nuclear Research Institute Rez, pic), J. Svarny, V. Krysl, Z. Juzova (SKODA JS, a.s.), A. Sedlak, M. Semmler (Chemcomex Praha, a.s.): SCORPIO - WER Core Surveillance System 321. A. Miasnikov (State Office for Nuclear Safety, Czech Republic): Czech Regulatory Body Approach to the Design Changes Licencing 325. A. Afrov, V. Berkovich, V. Generalov, Yu. Dragunov, V. Krushelnitsky (Atomenergodesign): Design of NPP of New Generation Being Constructed at Novovoronezh NPP Site 349. P. Rebreyend, J.P. Burel (SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, Safety Electronics and Systems Department): The Technology for Safety I&C Systems in Nuclear Power Plants: the Spinline 3 Solution 359. K. Khzek (Technical Support Centre, Nuclear Power Plant Temelfn): Nuclear Power Plant Temelfn Technical Support Centre 365. P. Kubecka (VSB-TU Ostrava), M. Tvrdy (VITKOVICE, a.s.), F. Wenger, P. Ponthiaoux (Ecole Centrale Paris): Tribocorrosion Behaviour of 08CH18N10T Steel 373. I. Cillik, L Vrtik (VUJE - Trnava Inc.): Mochovce NPP Safety Measures Evaluation from Point of View of Operational Safety Enhancement 383. H. Jeauneau, J.M. Favennec, E. Toumu, J.L Germain (Electricité De France - R&D Division / Generation Department): Innovative Instrumentation for WERs Based on non - Invasive Techniques 393. A. Shikov, V. Arjakova, S. Fedotov, L Ermakova (RF SSC VNIINM, Moscow), A. Lositski, V. Dubrovski, O. Bessonov, M. Shtutsa (JSC "ChMZ", Glasov, Russia): Investigation of Double Vacuum ARS Melted Zirconium Alloy E110 and E125 Structurel Condition Using Radioactive Trancers 397. M. Šabata (NPP Dukovany), I. Váša (Nuclear Research Institute Řež pic): Technological Innovations at NPP Dukovany - for Safe and Efficient Operation 405. A. Halbritter, N.J. Krutzik, W. Schütz (Siemens AG, Power Generation KWU, Offenbach), T. Katona, S. Ratkai (PAKS Nuclear Power Plant LTD): Dynamic Analysis and Upgrading of Reactor Cooling System of WER 440/213 (PAKS) due to Seismic and Normal Operational Loading 413. P. Rousset (Framatome): Design, Implementation and Licensing of Improvement measures 419. I. Martináková*, J. Galland**, M. Tvrdý*, V. Vodárek*, L Hyspf>cká*** ('Vítkovice R&D Division, Ostrava, "'Corrosion Laboratory, Ecole Centrale Paris, ***VŠB - Technical University Ostrava): Effect of Heat Treatments on Microstructure and Hydrogen Enhanced Fracture Behaviour of Alloys 600 and 690 CZO129401 "VVER Technical Innovations for the Next Century" Conference Prague, April 17 to 19,2000 Assessment of the Function of Major Passive Safety Systems of the New Russian WER-640 with Medium Power R. Kirmse Gesellschaft fur Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit GRS (mbH) Schwertnergasse 1, D-50667 Koln, Germany Phone:+49221 2068 416 Fax:+49 221 2068 599 E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT As part of the activities initiated by the Bavarian-Russian Commission co-operating on peaceful use of nuclear and solar energy, GRS performed two phases of an assessment of the new Russian reactor concept VVER-640 of type V-407. The main topics of the first phase were: safety systems analyses, accident analysis, I & C and electrical systems. The second phase included the assessment of (a) function and reliability of the passive safety systems, (b) consideration of severe accident conditions in the design, and (c) digital instrumentation and control. Besides a general overview on the main results of the two phases, the paper concen- trates on the function of passive safety systems and summarises the results of the assessment of the reliability of passive safety systems, and of the mitigation of severe accidents. 1 INTRODUCTION As part of activities initiated by the Bavarian-Russian Commission co-operating on peaceful use of nuclear and solar energy, GRS received orders from the Bavarian State Ministry of State Development and Environment (BStMLU) for two phases of an assessment of selected safety issues of the new Russian reactor concept VVER-640 of type V-407. This concept of a new-generation pressurised water reactor of medium capacity (640 MWei) and advanced safety is being developed in Russia under the leadership of the Russian project organisation Atomenergoprojekt St. Petersburg and the design organisation OKB Gidropress at Podolsk. This development is not completed yet but has already reached an advanced state. The license for the beginning of construction at two sites in Russia has been granted by the Russian
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