international year for / l'année internationale des droits de l'homme

December 15, 1967.

List of Events and Plans Undertaken by Various Organizations for International Year for Human Rights


A newly-formed Newfoundland and Labrador History Teachers Association convened a large conference of students in St. John’s on December 10, to discuss the Universal Declaration and human rights. A local T.V. show also featured a human rights theme on the same day.

Nova Scotia

The Nova Scotia Human Rights Committee convened a one-day conference at Dalhousie University on December 10, to discuss education, employment, health services, housing, recreation, religion and social welfare in relation to human rights. The conference was open to all interested organizations in Nova Scotia. The guest speaker was Charles King, Jr., of the Gary, Indiana, Human Relations Commission and his topic was "Human Rights Commissions in North America - Their Role Today". Other speakers included the Chief Justice of Nova Scotia and the Minister of Public Welfare.

New Brunswick

A regional United Nations Association seminar, held in September for high-school students, scheduled a guest speaker to talk about International Year. A radio interview was arranged and additional publicity was obtained with news stories in the Moncton, St. John and Halifax daily papers.

Commencing this fall, Bathurst College in Bathurst now includes human rights studies as part of its curriculum.

The provincial Home and School Federation held a human rights seminar this fall. Resolutions adopted at its plenary session were as follows: to the provincial government, to make human rights part of the school curriculum; to the CBC, to present human rights programs during International Year; and to the federal government, to establish a national Ombudsman and a national Human Rights Commission«

The Federation of Women trill undertake a project for 1968 on the rights of women and will give as widespread publicity as possible to the Universal Declaration and the international human rights covenants.

Mount Allison University is scheduling a human rights seminar for high-school students for the summer of 1968. - 2 -

The University of Moncton Association of Professors is sponsoring a human rights conference, January 13 and lU, 1968. The theme will be "Human Eights and Education".

The recently-established New Brunswick Human Rights Commission has announced its intention to observe International Tear with special activities during 1968.

The Human Eights Commission currently is collaborating with the Curriculum Branch of the New Brunswick Department of Education to evolve a program of citizenship studies which will adequately cover human rights in the province and in .


A provincial committee for International Year has been established with representation from 30 organizations, including such groups as the United Council for Human Rights and the Civil Liberties Union. The theme of the committee’s International Year program will be "Quebec and the Universal Declaration". Four sub-committees have been formed to work on special studies in the areas of civil and poli­ tical rights; social and economic rights; cultural and linguistic rights; and collective and national rights. The committee is planning to hold approximately 12 human rights seminars in different regions in the province. A province-wide conference then will be convened in mid-1968 to bring together the regional groups to develop recom­ mendations for presentation to the national conference next fall.

The Quebec Eegion of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews held a one-day human rights seminar in on November 26, for high-school students of both languages. The participants undertook to develop working groups to approach individual schools with program suggestions for panel discussions, speakers, displays and stories for school papers during 1968 on human rights topics.

Jeunesse Rurale Catholique is planning to study human lights in employment as part of its 1968 program.


The Elliott Lake Centre for Continuing Education sponsored a three-day human rights conference for Indians in October.

In November, the Human Rights Commission announced that it was sponsoring a two-year research study of discriminatory references in social studies text books. The Conmission also expects to open an office in during 1968 to extend its work in Eastern Ontario,

A provincial committee for International Year has been established and has circulated a questionnaire to over 600 provincial voluntary and government organizations to survey their human rights interests. This information will provide data for an ensuing provincial organization and program for International Year, - 3 -

The Toronto Council of Women is planning a human rights project relating to Indians and Eskimos for its 1968 program.

The Toronto branch of the United Nations Association also is planning a 1968 human rights program in relation to Indians and Eskimos.

The Ontario Home and School Federation, as well as its Toronto Citizenship Committee, are planning a human rights conference as part of their 1968 convention.

This fall, York University sponsored a series of lectures on human rights. These were open to the public and to students.

Brock University is holding a series of lectures on United Nations work in developing international understanding and involving human rights.

To commemorate International Year, Scarborough College of the University of Toronto, in collaboration with the United Nations Association of Canada, also is planning a series of lectures on human rights.

Starting with December 11, the North Bay branch of the United Nations Association has scheduled three monthly public meetings devoted to study and discussion of prejudice and discrimination. A press release has been circulated urging Northern Ontario newspapers to use human rights editorials and feature articles, as well as sug­ gesting that clergy include in their services references to the Universal Declaration.


A permanent Manitoba human rights committee was formed in November. Professor W. Tamopolsky of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, and author of "The Canadian Bill of Rights", was guest speaker at a seminar held in Winnipeg on December 10. This seminar was sponsored by the provincial committee and Professor Tamopolsky's talk was on the Canadian Bill of Rights.

A special voluntary committee has been formed to study the incidence of discriminatory references to Indians and Metis in school texts.

Another special committee, under Professor J. Rudnycky of the University of Manitoba, is studying linguistic problems in Canada in relation to human rights.

The University of Manitoba Union of Students has formed a human rights committee which will study student housing discrimination. - U -


A province-wide human rights conference was held in Regina, December 8-10, The provincial government participated with the Attorney General as guest speaker and the Deputy Premier chairing a session. Discussion included the possible need for a provincial Human Rights Commission. Dr. D. A. Schmeiser, of the University of Saskatchewan Faculty of Law, and author of "Civil Liberties in Canada", also addressed the conference.


A provisional human rights committee was formed a few months ago and is meeting to establish a provincial body to work with voluntary groups on human rights programs for 1968.

The Alberta government added a full-time human rights officer in August of this year. This officer has been engaged in bringing provincial human rights legislation to the attention of the public. The news media in Alberta have been very cooperative and substantial radio and T.V. coverage has been obtained on shows such as "Open Line" and public affairs programs.

British Columbia

A provisional committee has been meeting to discuss the establishment of a provincial International Year committee. Sub­ committees have been set up to study human rights in relation to housing, welfare and the law. Plans are being developed to hold a series of small workshops in the spring of 1968, to be followed by a larger and more formal conference later in the year.

National Organizations and General

The Canadian Citizenship Council has formed a special citizen rights committee to study and promote discussion on current human rights issues. The first topic under discussion is Bill S-5 on Hate Propaganda and study material has been circulated to many interested national organizations. The Council’s Annual meeting in September also featured two human rights workshops.

The Canadian Council of Christians and Jews is planning an intergroup relations conference in 1968 to feature discussion of human rights topics.

The United Nations Association in Canada is planning to hold its 1968 inter-provincial seminar at the United Nations in New York with a human rights theme as the central focus of its program. The Canadian Teachers Federation will include human rights information in its I960 news release to its membership. The Federation also has submitted a Brief to the federal government on the educational rights of Indians and will be urging the government to develop better solutions to the problems of Indian and Eskimo education, as well as to those of unequal education opportunities in general, wherever these exist.

The Canadian National Commission for UNESCO is promoting human rights studies during I960 among its associated schools. Oakwood Collegiate in Toronto, for example, is planning a 1968 human rights study program. A workshop was convened by the school in October to discuss human rights in such areas as adoption, housing, the aged, minority groups and Indian and Eskimo problems.

The Canadian Association of French language Educators (ACELF) is planning to focus on human rights for its 1968 convention. The theme of the conference will be "The Educator and Human Rights".

The Canadian Committee of the International Council on Social Welfare has undertaken a study of social welfare in relation to human rights. This report will be presented to the International Conference on Social Welfare scheduled for Helsinki, Finland, for August, 1968, and the material will be available for distribution in Canada.

The Canadian Welfare Council1s theme at its 1968 biennial conference will be "Social Welfare - Safeguard of Human Rights".

The University of Ottawa Faculty of Law sponsored an International Symposium on Comparative Law in September. Papers presented to the Symposium focussed on constitutional guarantees for human rights and the University will be publishing a symposium report in early 1968.

The Canadian Institute of international Affairs Trill be publishing a book in the fall of 1968 which will deal comprehensively with Canada» s involvement since the end of World War H in human rights issues in the United Nations, the International Labour Organization and other international bodies.

The has published a bilingual policy statement on human rights and International Year. The Congress has given this wide distribution to provincial and local labour bodies and has urged them to become engaged in human rights activities in their respective localities.

The Royal Bank of Canada January newsletter will be devoted to International Year for Human Rights with a focus on Canada. - 6 -

The Canadian Union of Students is continuing a "Universal Accessibility" to education program to promote equality of educational opportunity by overcoming social, psychological and financial barriers to higher education. It also is promoting awareness in white commu­ nities of the Canadian Indian's difficulties in exercising his rights.

The information contained in this bulletin has been brought to the attention of the Canadian Commission for International Year by a variety of sources. If ary individual or organization is aware of human rights activities or plans which were not mentioned above, the Commission would appreciate receiving this information for future distribution to organizations across Canada. Correspondence should be addressed to:

Canadian Commission for International Year 270 MacLaren Street Ottawa, Ontario

S international year for human rights / l'année internationale des droits de l'homme

1968 270, rue MacLaren St., Ottawa 4. 233-5619

Canadian Commission EXECUTIVE AND COUNCIL - EXECUTIF ET CONSEIL Commission Canadienne Members of the Executive - Membres de l'exécutif Patron His Excellency the Right Honorable Son Excellence le Très Honorable Roland Michener, Q.C. Governor General/Gouverneur Général Mr. David Bartlett, Mlle Monique Bégin

Honorary President/Président d'honneur Séctetary Gehetal Secrétaire Générale The Right Honorable/Le Très honorable Canadian National Commission Commission Royale d'Enquête Lester B. Pearson, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister/Premier ministre for UNESCO sur la situation de la Executive Committee/Exécutif 140 Wellington Street femme, C.P. 2520 President/Président John Humphrey Ottawa, Ontar io. Ottawa, Ontario.

Chairman/Prés. Kalmen Kaplansky Mr. Myer Belkin Mr. Lavy M. Becker David Bartlett Monique Bégin National Liaison Officer Canadian Inter-Faith Myer Belkin Lavy Becker Human Rights Programme Conférence Haig Beylerian Citizenship Branch, Dept. 9785 Jeanne Mance Street Thérèse Casgrain Maxwell Cohen of Secretary of State Montréal 12, Québec. René Dussault Saul Hayes 130 Slater Street René Hurtubise Ottawa, Ontario. Muriel Jacobson Alexander Laidlaw Raymond Laliberté Emery LeBlanc Mr. Haig Beylerian Mme Thérèse Casgrain Monique Lussier R. St. John Macdonald Canadian Armenian Congress 250, avenue Clarke Fred W. Price 5255 De Sorel Street Montréal 6, Québec. Louis Sabourin Alexandre Savoie Montréal 9, Québec. Douglas Schmeiser Frank Scott Walter Tarnopolsky Prof. Maxwell Cohen Dr. René Dussault Peter Trueman Dean of the Faculty of Law Professeur Sec. Treas./Sec.-trés. Arthur Stinson McGill University Faculté de Droit

Director/Directeur 3644 Peel Street Université Laval Alban Daigle Montréal 2, Québec. Québec, Québec.

Mr. Saul Hayes, Q.C., Prof. John P. Humphrey Executive Vice-President Faculty of Law & Political Canadian Jewish Congress Science 493 Sherbrooke Street West McGill University Montréal 2, Québec. 3644 Peel Street Montréal 2, Québec. Me René Hurtubise Miss Muriel Jacobson Professeur Office of United Nations High Faculté de Droit Commissioner for Refugees Université de Montréal 86 Bloor Street West, Fm 440 Montréal, Québec. Toronto 5, Ontario.

Mr. Kalmen Kaplansky Dr. Alexander Laidlaw Director, Cooperative Union of Canada International Labour Office 111 178 Ottawa 4, Ontario. Ottawa 4, Ontario. M. J. Raymond Laliberté M. Emery Leblanc Président Directeur des Relation Corporation des Instituteurs Publiques Catholiques du Québec CNR Région du St-Laurent 2136, Chemin Ste-Foy C.P. 8707 Québec 10, Québec. Montréal 3, Québec.

Mme Charles Lussier Dean R. St.John Macdonald 211, Chemin de la Rivière Faculty of Law Eastview, Ontario. University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario. Mr. Fred W. Price II. Alexandre J. Savoie Information Division Directeur de Programme du Plan Department of National Health du Nord-est du N.-B. and Welfare La Société d'Aménagement Régionale Brooke Claxton Building Case postale 20 Tunney's Pasture Bathurst, N.-B. Ottawa 3, Ontario.

Dr. Louis Sabourin Doyen N0.4-K, 542 West - 112th Street Faculté des Sciences Sociales New York, N.Y. 10025 Université d'Ottawa U.S.A. Ottawa 2, Ontario.

Dr. D.A. Schmeiser Professor Frank R. Scott .Associate Professor French Canada Studies Programme Faculty of Law McGill University University of Saskatchewan Montréal 2, Québec. Saskatoon, Sask. Mr. Arthur Stinson Mr. Walter Tarnopolsky Director Associate Professor Canadian Citizenship Council Osgoode Hall Law School, No. 308 270 MacLaren Street Toronto, Ontario. Ottawa 4, Ontario. Mr. peter Trueman United Nations Association in Canada 63 Sparks Street Ottawa 4> Ontario.

Members of the Council - Membres du Conseil

Agricultural Institute of Canada Association of Universities and Suite 907, Burnside Building, Colleges of Canada, 151 Slater Street, Burnside Building, Ottawa 4, Ontario. 151 Slater Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Armenian Tashnag Club, Baptist Federation of Canada, (A.R.F. Canadian Region Committee,) 91 Queen street, Box 901, P.0. Box 22, Brantford, Ontario. St. Catharines, Ontario.

Association Canadienne Des Biblio* B 'Nai B'Rith (District No. 22), thecaires De Langue Française, 164 Eglinton Avenue East, 8515 boul. St. Laurent, Toronto 12, Ontario. Montréal 11, P.Q.

Association Canadienne Des Educateurs Boys' Brigade in Canada, De Langue Française (ACELF), P.O. Box 2245, 3 Place JeanrTalon, Station "D", bureau 338, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Québec, P.Q.

Association of the Junior Leagues Boys Scouts of Canada, of America Inc. 1345 , The Waldorf-Astoria, P.O. Box 5151, New York, 10022, N.Y. Station "F", Ottawa 5, Ontario. Canada Junior Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Civil Liberties P.0. Box 550, Association, Kanata, Ontario. 62 Richmond Street West, Suite 903, Canadian Amateur Sports Feder­ Toronto 1, Ontario. ation, 1833 , Apt 517, Canadian Council of Christian Ottawa 8, Ontario. and Jews, Room 506-8, Canadian Armenian Congress, 229 Yonge Street, 5255 De Sorel Street, Toronto 1, Ontario. Montreal 9, P.Q.

Canadian Association for Adult Canadian Federation on Alcohol Education, Problems, 21-23 Sultan Street "Corbett" 11 Prince Arthur Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario. Toronto 5, Ontario.

Canadian Association of Broad­ Canadian Federation of Business casters , and Professional Women's Club, 85 Sparks Street, 168 Charlotte Street, P.0. Box 627, Station "B". Room 203, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Ottawa 2, Ontario.

Canadian Association of Hospital Canadian Federation of Mayors Auxiliaries, and Municipalities, 250 Manor Road, 30 , Ottawa 2, Ontario. Ottawa 4, Ontario.

Canadian Association of Social Canadian Federation of Univer­ Workers, sity Women, 185 West, Room 1217, Ste. 304, Laurentian University of Sudbury, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Sudbury, Ontar io.

Canadian Association of Univer­ Canadian Film Institute, sity Teachers, 1762 , 77 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa 13, Ontario. Ottawa 4, Ontario.

The Canadian Authors Association, Canadian Friends of the Alli­ c/o Mrs. Lorrie McLaughlin, ance Israelit Universelle, Information Officer, 5020 MacDonald Avenue, Canadian Red Cross Youth, Montreal, Quebec. 95 Wellesley Street East, Toronto, Ontario. Canadian Friends Service Com­ mittee (Quakers), Canadian Bar Association, The, 60 Lowther Avenue, 90 Sparks Street, Toronto 5, Ontario. Room 320, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Canadian Girls in Training Committee, Canadian Book Publishers' Council, 40 St. Clair Avenue East, 117 Eglington Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. Toronto 12, Ontario. Canadian Home Economics Assoc­ Canadian Citizenship Council,The, iation, 270 MacLaren Street, 3604 Allen Avenue, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Regina, Saskatchewan. Canadian Home and School, Canadian Save the Children Fund, Parent-Teacher Federation, 70 Hayter Street, 370 Oundas Street west, Toronto 2, Ontario. Toronto 2B, Ontario.

Canadian Hunger Foundation, Canadian Scene, 278 O'Connor Street, 2 College Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Toronto 2A, Ontario.

Canadian Indian Youth Council, Canadian Service for Overseas P.O. Box 330, Students and Trainees, Ottawa 2, Ontario. 338 Somerset Street West, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Canadian Institute of Inter­ Canadian Society for the Abol- national Affairs, ution of the Death Penalty, 230 Bloor Street West, 320 Bay Street, Suite 607, Toronto 5, Ontario. Toronto 1, Ontario.

Canadian Institute on Pollution Canadian Teachers' Federative, Control, The 444 MacLaren Street, P.O. Box 66, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Don Mills, Ontario.

Canadian Jewish Congress, Canadian Theatre Centre, 493 Sherbrooke St. West, Suite 301, Montreal, P.Q. 280 Bloor Street West, Toronto 5, Ontario. Canadian Labour Congress, 100 Argyle Avenue, Canadian Union of Students, Ottawa 4, Ontario. 45 , Suite 406, Ottawa 2, Ontario.

Canadian Mental Health Assoc­ Catholic Women's League of iation, The Canada, The 52 St. Clair Avenue East, 77 MacLaren Street, Toronto 7, Ontario. Ottawa 4, Ontario. Canadian National Commission for Chambre De Commerce Du District UNESCO, de Montreal, La 140 Wellington Street, 1080 côte du Beaver Hall, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Montreal 1, P.Q.

Canadian Peace Congress, Chinese Canadian Citizens Box 218, dissociation, The Station MQ" , 1322 Walnut Street, Toronto 7, Ontario. Vancouver 9, B.C.

Canadian Peace Research Institute, Christian Labour Association Box 70, of Canada, Clarkson, Ontario. 1058 , Rexdale, Ontario. Canadian Psychological Association, 225 Lisgar Street, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Suite 210, Day Saints, Ottawa, 4, Ontario. 1209 Erindale Drive, Ottawa 5, Ontario. Canadian Red Cross Society, Civitan International, 95 Welleslet Street East, Birmingham 3, Alabama, Toronto 5, Ontario. U.S.A. C.J.L. Foundation, Jewish Immigrant Aid Services of P.0. Box 151, Canada (J.I.A.S.), Rexdale, Ontario. 5780 Decelles Avenue, Montreal 26, P.Q. Confederation of National Trade Jewish Labour Committee of Unions, Canada, 1001 rue St. Denis, 5165 Isabella Street, Montréal 18, Québec. Montreal 29, P.Q.

Co-Operative Union of Canada, The Jewish National Fund of Canada, 111 Sparks Street, 1247 Guy Street, Room 120, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Montreal 25, P.Q.

Federated Women's Institutes of Kanada Esperanto Asocio, Canada, 85 Sparks Street, 46 , Suite 215, Room 25, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Ottawa 4, Ontario.

Federated Zionist Organization of Kiwanis International (O.Q.M. District), Canada, 1247 Guy Street, 1 Austin Terrace, Montreal, P.Q. Toronto 4, Ontario.

Fédération Des Travailleurs Du Ladies orange Benevolent As­ Quebec, sociation of British America, 3333 est boul. Metropitain, 53 Delong Drive, ch. 500, R.R. 1, Box 559, Montréal 38, P.Q. Ottawa, Ontario.

Grand Orange Lodge of British Latvian National Federation in America, The Canada, 55 Queen St. East, P.O. Box 285, Terminal "A", Toronto 1, Ontario. Toronto 1, Ontario.

Greek Orthodox Church in Canada, Lutheran Council in Canada, 222 Burbank Drive, 500 - 365 Hargrave Street, Willowdale, Ontario. Winnipeg 2, Manitoba.

Humanities Research Council of Mennonite Central Committee Canada, (Canada) , 151 Slater Street, Room 607, 259 Portage Avenue, Ottawa 4,.Ontario. Winnipeg 2, Manitoba.

Indian-Eskimo Association of National Council of Jewish Canada, Women of Canada, 277 Victoria Street, 4700 Bathurst Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. Wi 1lowdale, Ontario.

The Institute of Iroquoian Studies, National Council of Native Sons 298 Wellington Street, of Canada, Brantford, Ontario. 110 Don Street, Dundas, Ontario. International Brotherhood of Book- National Council of Women of Binders , Canada, P.O.. Box 736, 190 Lisgar Street, Kanata, Ontario. Ottawa 4, Ontario. International Institute of Metro­ National UNICEF Committee, politan Toronto, 737 Church Street, Room 100, 321 Davenport Road, Toronto 5, Ontario. Toronto 5, Ontario. Ontario Teachers Federation, Ukrainian Canadian Committee, Room 550, 1260 Bay Street, 456 Main Street, Toronto 5, Ontario. Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Open Door Society Inc. Ukrainian Free Academy of 5 Weredale Park, Sciences (UVAN) in Canada, Montreal, P.Q. P.O. Box 3597, Station "B", Winnipeg 4, Manitoba. Overseas Institute of Canada, 75 Sparks Street, Room 12, Ukrainian Womens' Association Ottawa 4, Ontario, of Canada, 106 Spadina Road, Oxfam of Canada, Toronto 4, Ontario. 97 Eglington Avenue East, L'Union des Municipalités de la Toronto 12, Ontario. Province de Québec, 822 est, rue Sherbrooke, Pioneer Womens’ Organization Inc. ch. 300, 5780 Decelles Avenue, Montreal 24, P.Q. Suite 304, Montreal 26, P.Q. Union of Russian Ethnie Or­ ganizations, Presbyterian Church in Canada, 4391 Melrose Avenue, 50 Wynford Drive, Montreal 28, P.Q. Don Mills, Ontario.

Royal Canadian Military Institute, Unitarian Service Committee 426 University Avenue, of Canada, Toronto 2B, Ontario. 56 Sparks Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario. St. John Ambulance Association, United Church of Canada, The P.O. Box 83, Terminal "A", 77 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa 2, Ontario. Ottawa 4, Ontario. Salvation Army, The United Nations Association 20 Albert Street, in Canada, Toronto 1, Ontario. 63 Sparks Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Seventh Day Adventist Church in Canada, Western Canada Unitarian Dis­ 1148 King Street East, trict of the Unitarian Uni- Oshawa, Ont ar io. versalist Association, Apt. 1M 300 Roslyn Road, Social Science Research Council Winnipeg 13, Manitoba. of Canada, 151 Slater Street, Women’s International Cooper­ Ottawa 4, Ontario. ation Committee of Canada, 740 Spadina Avenue, Soroptimist Federation, Toronto 4, Ontario. 816 Chenier Avenue, Ottawa 13, Ontario. Workers' Educational Associat­ ion of Canada, Student Christian Movement of 577 Jarvis Street, Canada, Toronto 5, Ontario. 1139 Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ontario. Y.W.C.A. of Canada, 571 Jarvis Street, Trans-Canada Alliance of German- Toronto 5, Ontario. , 8 Bobolink Road, Hamilton, Ontario.