Directories Lists Necrology

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Directories Lists Necrology DIRECTORIES LISTS NECROLOGY . .!• ,i. •!• •!. ,|.» » ».|, ,i, ,ii .!• .1. .!• •!•»•!• •!• •!• •!• .p •!• •!• •!• .|.»•!•» » * »•!• .|. List of Abbreviations acad academy Ger German act. active, acting gov governor, governing ADL Anti-Defamation League govt government admin. administrative, administration adv advisory Heb Hebrew ami. affiliated HIAS Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant agr. agriculture Aid Society agric agriculturist, agricultural hist historical, history Am. America, American hon honorary afflb ambassador hosp hospital apptd appointed HUC Hebrew Union College asoc associate, association, associated Hung Hungarian asst. assistant atty attorney incl including au author ind independent inst institute b born instn institution bd board instr instructor Bib Bible intemat. international bibliog bibliography, bibliographer Ital Italian Bklyn Brooklyn Bur. Bureau JDA Joint Defense Appeal JDC American Jewish Joint Distribution Can Canada Committee CCAR. Central Conference of American JNF Jewish National Fund Rabbis JTS Jewish Theological Seminary ol chmn chairman America CJFWF Council of Jewish Federations and junsp. jurisprudence Welfare Funds JWB. .National Jewish Welfare Board coll collector, collective, college JWV Jewisvi*h War Veterans of America Colo Colorado Tang language com. committee leg legal, legislation comdr commander lit literature, literary comm commission commr commissioner mag magazine comp composer, composed med medical cond. conductor mem member conf conference metrop metropolitan cong congress, congregation mfr manufacture, manufacturer constr construction, constructed mng managing contrib contributor mngr manager corr. correspondent mi manuscript d. died nat national dem democrat NCCJ National Conference of Christians dept. department and Jews dir director NCRAC National Community Relations Ad- dist. district visory Council div division NRA National Recovery Administration N.Y.C New York City econ economic, economist ed editor edit. edited off. office, officer edid. editorial org organized, organizers edn edition orgn organization educ education ORT. Organization for Rehabilitation educl. educational Through Training Eng English, England OWI Office of War Information estab established executive Pal Palestine phar pharmacist, pharmaceutical fd fund phys physician fdn. foundation prei president fdr. founder prin principal fed. federation prod producer, production, producing for. foreign prof. professor pseud pseudonym gen.. .general pub publish, publication, publisher 421 422 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK rabb rabbinate, rabbinical UAHC Union of American Hebrew Con- reed received gregationRations rel religion, religious UIA United Israel Appeal reorg reorganize UJA United Jewish Appeal rep representative UN United Nations ret retired univ university Rum Rumania UNRRA United Nations Relief and Rehabili- Russ Russian tation Administration UPA United Palestine Appeal sch school USO United Service Organizations, Inc. sci scientific sec secretary sect section vol volume sem seminary v.p vice president soc society Sp Spanish west western spec special, specialist WPA Works Progress Administration •ubj subject «upt superintendent -s years tchr teacher ?id Yiddish theol theological YMHA Young Men's Hebrew Association tr translator, translated YWHA Young Women's Hebrew Association trav travel, traveler Zion Zionist treas treasurer ZOA Zionist Organization of America National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES COMMUNITY RELATIONS, of the democratic way of life. Congress Record; Congress Weekly; Polk und POLITICAL Veil; Judaism; Program Notes and Leads. -, WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1933). AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM, INC. Stephen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 (1943). 201 E. 57 St., N. Y. C, 22. St., N. Y. C, 28. Pres. Mrs. Thelma Rich- Pres. Clarence L. Coleman Jr.; Exec. V. man; Dir. Mrs. Naomi Levine. Com- Pres. Elmer Berger. Seeks to advance the mitted to the preservation and extension universal principles of a Judaism free of of the democratic way of life, and the nationalism, and the national, civic, cul- unity and creative survival of the Jewish tural, and social integration into Ameri- people throughout the world. Program can institutions of Americans of Jewish Notes and Leads; World Tourists' Hand- faith. Council News; Education in Juda- book. ism; Growing Up; Highlights of the Yid- ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUB OF B'NAI dish, Hebrew, and Anglo-Jewish Press; B'RITH (1913). 515 Madison Ave., Press Digest. N. Y. C, 22. Nat. Chmn. Henry E. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). Schultz; Nat. Dir. Benjamin R. Epstein. 386 Fourth Ave., N. Y. C, 16. Pres. Seeks to eliminate defamation of Jews, Irving M. Engel; Exec. V. P. John Slaw- counteract un-American and anti-demo- son. Seeks to prevent infraction of the cratic propaganda, and promote better civil and religious rights of Jews in any group relations. ADL Bulletin; ADL pan of the world and to secure equality Christian Friends' Bulletin; ADL Re- of economic, social, and educational op- search Reports; Pacts; "Freedom Pam- portunity through education and civic ac- phlets." tion. Seeks to broaden understanding of ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- the basic nature of prejudice and to im- LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 9 East 38 prove techniques for combating it. Pro- St., N. Y. C, 16. Pres. Walter A. Lurie; motes a philosophy of Jewish integration Sec. Isaac Franck. Aims to encourage co- by projecting a balanced view with re- operation between Jewish community re- spect to full participation in American lations workers and communal workers; life and retention of Jewish identity. to encourage among Jewish community AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK (with relations workers the fullest possible un- Jewish Publication Society of America); derstanding of Jewish life and values. Commentary; Committee Reporter; Re- CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH OR- port of Annual Meeting; "This Is Our GANIZATIONS—CCJO (1946). 61 Broad- Home." way, N. Y. C, 6. Co-Chmn. Jules Braun- AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1917; re- schyig (Alliance Israelite Universelle), org. 1922, 1938). Stephen Wise Congress Irving M. Engel (American Jewish Com- House, 15 E. 84 St., N. Y. C, 28. Pres. mittee), Robert N. Carvalho (Anglo-Jew- Israel Goldstein; Act. Exec. Dir. Isaac ish Association); Sec-Gen. Moses Mosko- Toubin. Seeks to protect the rights of Jews witz. Cooperates and consults with, in all lands; to strengthen the bonds be- advises and renders assistance to, United tween American Jewry and Israel; to pro- Nations Educational, Scientific and Cul- mote the democratic organization of Jew- tural Organization on all problems relat- ish communal life in the United States, ing to human rights and economic, social, to foster the affirmation of Jewish religious, cultural, educational, and related matters cultural, and historic identity, and to con- pertaining to Jews. Occasional mono- tribute to the preservation and extension graphs. 1 Includes national Jewish organizations in existence for at least one year prior to June 30, 19S6, based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. Inclusion in this list does not reprinted from the AMERICAN JEWISH YEAS BOOK, 1956 (Volume 57) 423 424 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGAN- organizations. Briefs of J.D.A. National IZATIONS (1947). 1003 K St., N.W., Council; New York Campaign Briefs. Washington 1, D. C. Co-Chmn. Philip M. NATIONAL COMMUNITY RELATIONS AD- Klutznick (B'nai B'rith), Barnett Janner ISORY COUNCIL (1944). 9 E. 38 St., (Board of Deputies of British Jews), N. Y. C, 16. Chmn. Bernard H. Trager; Bernard Arthur Ettlinger (South African Exec. Dir. Isaiah M. Minkoff. Aims: To Jewish Board of Deputies); Sees. Gen. study, analyze, and evaluate the policies Maurice Bisgyer (U.S.), A. G. Brotman and activities of the national and local (U.K.), J. M. Rich (S.A.). As an organ- agencies; to ascertain the problem areas ization in consultative status with the Eco- from time to time; to ascertain the areas nomic and Social Council of the United of activities of these organizations and to Nations, represents the three constituents conduct a continuous inventory of their projects; to serve as a coordinating and (B'nai B'rith, the Board of Deputies of clearance agency for projects and policies, British Jews, and the South African Jew- to eliminate duplication and conflict of ish Board of Deputies) in the appropriate activities, and to recommend further proj- United Nations bodies with respect to ad- ects to member agencies; to seek agree- vancing and protecting the status, rights, ment on and formulate policies. In the and interests of Jews as well as related Common Cause. matters bearing upon the human rights of all peoples. WORLD COORDINATING COMMITTEE OF INTERNATIONAL JBWISH LABOR BUND. THE BUND (1897). 25 E. 78 St., N. Y. C, See WORLD COORDINATING COMMITTEE 21. Sec. Emanuel Nowogrudsky, Emanuel OF THE BUND. Scherer. Coordinates activities of the Bund JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEB (1933). Atran organizations throughout the world and Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 78 St., represents them in the Socialist Interna- N. Y. C, 21. Nat. Chmn. Adolph Held: tional. Jewish Labor Bund Bulletin; Exec. Sec, Jacob Pat. Aids Jewish and Unser Tsait (U.S.); Bulletin of the Jew- non-Jewish labor institutions overseas; ish Youth Movement. aids victims of oppression and persecu- WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS (1936); org. tion; seeks to combat anti-Semitism and in U.S. 1939). Stephen Wise Congress racial and religious intolerance abroad House, 15 E. 84 St., N. Y. C, 28. Pres. and in the U.S.
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