Directories Lists Necrology
DIRECTORIES LISTS NECROLOGY . .!• ,i. •!• •!. ,|.» » ».|, ,i, ,ii .!• .1. .!• •!•»•!• •!• •!• •!• .p •!• •!• •!• .|.»•!•» » * »•!• .|. List of Abbreviations acad academy Ger German act. active, acting gov governor, governing ADL Anti-Defamation League govt government admin. administrative, administration adv advisory Heb Hebrew ami. affiliated HIAS Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant agr. agriculture Aid Society agric agriculturist, agricultural hist historical, history Am. America, American hon honorary afflb ambassador hosp hospital apptd appointed HUC Hebrew Union College asoc associate, association, associated Hung Hungarian asst. assistant atty attorney incl including au author ind independent inst institute b born instn institution bd board instr instructor Bib Bible intemat. international bibliog bibliography, bibliographer Ital Italian Bklyn Brooklyn Bur. Bureau JDA Joint Defense Appeal JDC American Jewish Joint Distribution Can Canada Committee CCAR. Central Conference of American JNF Jewish National Fund Rabbis JTS Jewish Theological Seminary ol chmn chairman America CJFWF Council of Jewish Federations and junsp. jurisprudence Welfare Funds JWB. .National Jewish Welfare Board coll collector, collective, college JWV Jewisvi*h War Veterans of America Colo Colorado Tang language com. committee leg legal, legislation comdr commander lit literature, literary comm commission commr commissioner mag magazine comp composer, composed med medical cond. conductor mem member conf conference metrop metropolitan cong congress, congregation mfr manufacture, manufacturer constr construction, constructed mng managing contrib contributor mngr manager corr. correspondent mi manuscript d. died nat national dem democrat NCCJ National Conference of Christians dept. department and Jews dir director NCRAC National Community Relations Ad- dist. district visory Council div division NRA National Recovery Administration N.Y.C New York City econ economic, economist ed editor edit. edited off. office, officer edid.
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