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Yeshiva University Yeshiva University Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Center for the Jewish Future 500 West 185 Street New York, NY 10033 A PUBLICATION OF THE RABBINIC ALUMNI OF THE RABBI ISAAC ELCHANAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY • AN AFFILIATE OF YESHIVA UNIVERSITY CHAV RUSA Volume 45 • Number 1 אין התורה נקנית אלא בחבורה (ברכות סג:) September 2010 • Tishrei 5771 In This Issue Divrei Torah from: Rabbi Zevulun Charlop Rabbi Josh Flug Rabbi Menachem Penner Rabbi Zvi Romm זמן שמחתינו Conference for Torah Perspectives on Assistant Rabbis Monetary Aspects of the Page 5 Deep Water Oil Spill Page 19 in This issue Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Page 3 News from RIETS rieTs introduces new leadership initiative, Richard M. Joel and conference for assistant rabbis PresidenT, Yeshiva university Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ChanCellor, Yeshiva university rosh haYeshiva, rieTs Rabbi Julius Berman Chairman of T he Board of TrusT e e s , r i e T s Page 12 Musmakhim in the Limelight a look at rabbis who teach Torah to women Rabbi Yona Reiss m a x a n d m arion Grill d e a n , r i e T s Rabbi Kenneth Brander david miTzner dean, CenTer for The Jewish fuTure Rabbi Zevulun Charlop dean emeriTus, rieTs sPeCial advisor To The PresidenT on Yeshiva affairs Page 19 Practical Halachah Torah Perspectives on the Monetary Aspects Rabbi Robert Hirt of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill viCe PresidenT emeriTus, rieTs By rabbi Joshua flug Rabbi Dr. Solomon F. Rybak PresidenT, raBBiniC alumni Rabbi Chaim Bronstein adminisTraTor, rieTs Page 5 Chomer L’Drush Page 10 Back to the Ideas for Sukkot Beit Midrash By rabbi menachem Penner “I and He”: Perspectives on the CHAVRUSA Mitzvah of Lulav a PuBliCaTion of rieTs raBBiniC alumni By rabbi zvi romm Rabbi Ronald L. Schwarzberg direCTor, The morris and GerTrude Bienenfeld Page 8 Divrei Chizuk Page 22 Lifecycles d ePa rTm e nT of Jewish Career d e v e loPm e n T The Four Species and PlaCemenT By rabbi zevulun Charlop Rabbi Elly Krimsky ediTor, CHAVRUSA Rabbi Levi Mostofsky assoCiaTe ediTor, CHAVRUSA Ms. Keren Simon assisTanT ediTor, CHAVRUSA Rabbi Robert Shur GraPhiCs and laYouT, CHAVRUSA editorial Policies CHAVRUSA is published three times a year by the Rabbinic Alumni of • CHAVRUSA will consider articles and letters for publication. the rabbi isaac elchanan Theological seminary, through the office • Books authored by musmakhim that are reviewed by musmakhim will be of the morris and Gertrude Bienenfeld department of Jewish Career development and Placement. considered for publication as well. • obituaries about and authored by musmakhim will be considered for publication. Yeshiva university’s Center for the Jewish future serves as the community • CHAVRUSA aims to maintain the hebrew pronunciation style of the author of the service arm of the rabbi isaac elchanan Theological seminary (rieTs). it continues the work of the max stern division of Communal services article. Transliterations follow the author’s preference i.e. academic, ashkenazic, which, for over 60 years, has served as one of the premier service modern hebrew or the like. while we will remain consistent within articles, each organizations for the Jewish community. author will be afforded to transliterate within his comfort level. • CHAVRUSA reserves the right to edit articles received for publication, and will 500 west 185th st. suite 413 make every effort to show a draft form to the author prior to publication. new York, nY 10033 212-960-5400 x6360 • Contributions may be sent to [email protected] [email protected] • in addition to CHAVRUSA magazine, articles and divrei Torah may also be [email protected] submitted for publication in the weekly rabbinic alumni e-newsletter. Please e-mail them to [email protected] editorial contributions and submissions to CHAVRUSA are welcome. This publication accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. all submissions are subject to editing and are used at the editor’s discretion. opinions expressed in this publication do not 2 necesarily reflect official seminary and/or university policy. Chavrusa • Tishrei 5771 In the News RIETS Introduces Huberfeld Family Semikha Leadership Initiative The Yeshiva has introduced the Huberfeld Family Semikha Leadership Initiative, a thre-year fellowship at RIETS designed to mold future leaders of the American rabbinate. “It is our privilege to be afforded this special opportunity to provide enhanced leadership training to students in consonance with time-treasured Torah prin- ciples of areivus, our communal responsibility towards Klal Yisroel,” said Rabbi Yona Reiss ’91R, the Max and Marion Grill Dean of RIETS. As part of the fellowship, students will receive crucial leadership and entrepreneurial training that will enable them not only to play a vital role in (l-r) Rabbi Yaacov Feit, Rabbi Yechiel Shaffer, Dovid Bashevkin their future respective commu- nities, but to create and guide the institutions that stand at the helm in the rabbinic, organizational and busi- tem,” said Rabbi Feit, who will participate of those communities. ness worlds and benefit from personalized in a joint program between RIETS and the The talented young men that com- professional coaching. “This offers me the Beth Din of America. “One of my goals prise the first cadre of Huberfeld Fellows unique opportunity to learn from successful through the fellowship is to create several are Rabbi Yaacov Feit ’05R, Rabbi Yechiel Jewish leaders in the field and the chance initiatives that will educate the community Shaffer ’10R and RIETS student Dovid to continue my studies within the walls of at large. This will include seminars, articles Bashevkin. Yeshiva University,” said Rabbi Shaffer, who and publications that clarify the roles and “The goal of this program is not to obtained his semikha from RIETS as well procedures of beth din.” produce leaders who will fill positions as his master’s degree in education from Bashevkin, who is currently complet- in existing institutions,” explained Rabbi YU’s Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish ing both his rabbinic ordination at RIETS Marc Penner ’91R, director of profes- Education and Administration in June. He and a master’s degree from YU’s Bernard sional education for RIETS. “It is to train also served as a leader on the CJF-AJWS Revel Graduate School, believes the fel- leaders who will envision and create the student trip to El Salvador. “I can continue lowship will help him develop as a leader institutions of tomorrow.” The fellowship my development both academically and in and an educator. “I’d like to eventually get program will combine an individualized the field under the best guidance.” Rabbi involved in communal leadership, educa- curriculum of directed post-semikha Torah Feit, a member of the Yadin Yadin Kollel tion and growth,” said Bashevkin, who has learning at RIETS with a full complement at RIETS, looks forward to furthering his been involved with several Jewish organiza- of professional training, tailored to each of training in Jewish jurisprudence through tions and schools in the past. “My hope is to the fellow’s career aspirations. Each fellow the fellowship. “Our community doesn’t become as valuable an asset as I can for the will also be assigned multiple mentors fully understand or trust the beth din sys- Jewish community.” n 3 ChaVruSa • TiShrei 5771 In the News Assistant Rabbis Gather for Professional Development Seminars Presented by CJF Twenty-two assistant rabbis from across North America recently gathered for two one- day seminars presented by Yeshiva University’s Center for the Jewish Future (CJF). The semi- nars featured presentations on topics ranging from “Relationship to the Senior Rabbi” and “Assistant Rabbi vs. Senior Rabbi” to “Pro- gramming and Best Practices” and “It’s Not Too Early: Building your Financial Future.” The seminars were hosted by Congrega- tion Edmund J. Safra in New York’s Upper East Side. The synagogue’s spiritual leader, Rabbi Elie Abadie, also serves as director of the Jacob E. Safra Institute of Sephardic Studies at Yeshiva University. “Assistant rabbis are a growing sector of the Orthodox clergy whose respective roles Participants at the Assistant Rabbi Conference are often undefined,” explained Rabbi Levi Mostofsky, director of rabbinic programming not get attention and recognition at broader community of peers to discuss their particular at the CJF and one of the events’ coordina- rabbinic gatherings. These seminars provide challenges and opportunities.” n tors. “They are budding professionals who do them the opportunity to come together as a Table set aside for RIETS Rabbinic Alumni in the Jacob and Dreizel Glueck Center for Jewish Study Dedicated in memory of Harav Dovid Lifschitz zt”l Feel free to come by anytime to learn in the vibrant and exciting atmosphere of the newest makom Torah on the YU uptown Wilf Campus. The table for rabbinic alumni is located on the second floor of the new beit midrash, and is accesible by both stairs and an elevator. 4 ChaVruSa • TiShrei 5771 Chomer l’Drush and the vagaries of “nature.” Rav Soloveitchik spoke of the dread that modern man faces Chomer L’Drush despite his advances in science and technol- ogy. The fear is not new. Shlomo Hamelech, and Ideas for despite all of the guards that surrounded him Sukkot and despite the relative peace in his time, was haunted by a “pachad ba’leilot” — a fear of the unknown and uncontrollable that looms Rabbi Menachem Penner around the corner. Modern Man, in particular, Director, Professional Rabbinic Education, RIETS is haunted by this feeling of insecurity despite 5 Rabbi, Young Israel of Holliswood all that he has accomplished. (The Rav once suggested that this “pachad ba’leilot” was the fear of degenerative disease and senility — a malady that no-one, despite their power, riches and brilliance can avoid.
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