Аlexander А. KAZANKOV Center of History and Cultural Anthropology Institute for African Studies Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow e-mail:
[email protected] PROTO-WORLD LANGUAGE I. INTRODUCTION Originally the present paper was devoted to the comparison of the NASCA (Nostratic, Semito-Hamitic, Sino-Caucasian), Bushmen (Khoisan) and South Bahnaric (belongs to Austroasiatic philae) proto- languages. Then the additional material was added from some other language families with the aim of tentative reconstruction of the Proto- World language’ s basic word list. In this paper Proto-World language will be called Ur Lasnguage (UL). It existed around 45-40 thousand years ago. All known human languages (or language families) ultimately stem from this original language. NASCA is an abbreviation [suggested by A.V. Korotayev (Kazankov, Korotayev, 2000)] for the unit of Nostratic, Afrasian, and Sino-CA ucasian. Alternative names are Eurasian ( Starostin 1989) and Paleolithic (Orel 1995a). Evidence for the genetic relatedness of the SH, Nostr., and SC was presented by S.A.Starostin (Starostin 1989), V.Orel Orel, 1995a), and A. Kazankov (Kazankov, Korotayev, 2000). South Bahnaric is a branch of Austroasiatic and belongs, more specifically, to the Mon-Khmer linguistic family. South Bahnaric reconstructions were 1 made by Yefimov (E) on the basis of Bahnar, Stieng, Mnong, Ma and Chrau (Yefimov 1990). Austroasiatic is genetically related to Austronesian, (Reid 1980; Blust 1996) the two comprising Austric. The data will be taken from both reconstructed proto-languages of various levels and from living languages. Abbreviations and reconstruction symbols Alt. – Altaic proto-language Amerind. – Proto-Amerindian AS – Anglo-Saxon AT – Proto Austro-Thai Av.-And.