The KRISP 90 Seismic Experiment-A Technical Revidw
TECTONOPHYSICS ELSEVIER Tectonophysi~ 236 (1994) 33-60 The KRISP 90 seismic experiment-a technical revidw C. Prodehl a, J. Mechie a~1,U. Achauer a*2,G.R. Keller b, M.A. Khan ‘, W.D. Mooney *, S.J. Gaciri e, J.D. Obel f a Institute of Geophysics, University of Kdwuhe, Hertzstrasse 16,Karisruhe, D-76I87Karlsruhe, German> b Descent of Geolog~al Sciences, Universe of Texas at El Paso, Texas, USA ’ Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK d U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Cal& USA ’ Department o$ Geology, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya Survey of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya Received 15 July 1992; accepted 5 August 1993 Abstract On the basis of a preliminary experiment in 1985 (KRISP 851, a seismic refraction/wide-angle refliection survey and a teleseismic tomography experiment were jointly undertaken to study the lithospheric structure of the Kenya rift down to depths of greater than 200 km. This report serves as an introduction to a series of subseiquent papers and will focus on the technical description of the seismic surveys of the main KRISP 90 effort. The seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection survey was carried out in a &week period in January and Febwary 1990. It consisted of three profiles: one extending along the rift valley from Lake Turkana to Lake Magadi, on& crossing the rift at Lake Baringo, and one located on the eastern flank of the rift proper. A total of 206 mobile vektical-compo- nent seismographs, with an average station interval of about 2 km, recorded the energy of underwater and borehole explosions to distances of up to about 550 km.
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