HRD-90-36Fs Asian Americans Section 1 Introduction
i ;^*_ United States General Accounting Office * Fact Sheet for the Chairman, Select ; -GA!0 Committee on Hunger, House of ‘;, : Representatives .:.i ‘-.‘..,’<.x.::: :+ ,I,’ C.‘. :,:1,’ $$@.~~;~,.~:~~;‘:’1 ,_ I; , ..‘:,.j y&”“._“c&4-+$!&q. ,-::;*i-I:. ?. : :.:. , .:;:r3,-:-ia. .,.._ j.:;. i: (... =;~~~*~, j’::es, ‘. ASIAN AMERICANS A Status Report RESTRICTED-- Not to be released outside the General Accounting Office unless specifically approved by the Offke of Congressional Relations. United States General Accounting Office GAO Washington, D.C. 20548 Human Resources Division B-237669 March 8, 1990 The Honorable Tony Hall Chairman, Select Committee on Hunger House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: As requested April 7, 1989, by the late Chairman of the Select Commit- tee on Hunger, Representative Mickey Leland, and as subsequently agreed with your office, this fact sheet provides information about the status of Asians in the United States-hereafter referred to as Asian Americans. Specifically, we were asked to provide information on Asian American . income, employment, education, health, and nutrition status and . enrollment in nine federal welfare programs: Aid to Families With Dependent Children; Supplemental Security Income; Medicaid; Low- Income Housing; Food Stamp; the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children; School Lunch; School Breakfast; and Summer Food. In addition, we were asked to identify (1) possible barriers to Asian American participation in the above programs and (2) existing pro- grams, in selected communities, to assist new Asian immigrants and ref- ugees in achieving economic self-sufficiency. We reviewed available studies; spoke with federal, state, and local offi- Review Scope and cials, as well as nonprofit Asian American organizations and other com- Methodology munity organizations; and analyzed available data from the U.S.
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