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#29911 Vol. 136, o.8 0030-8579 MAY 2-15,2003 N ISSN: National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)

34th Annual Manzanar Pilgrimage CC/PSW/NCWNP TRI-DISTRICT CONFERENCE Recognizes Jerome, Poston Camps By MARTHA NAKAGAWA Farmer Hopeful Youth lNill Assistant Editor Return to the Family Business

At the 34th annual Manzanar By CA ROLINE AOYA GI Pilgrimage, the Jerome and Executive Editor Poston War Relocation Authority camps were recognized, and a rep­ VISALIA, Cali f.-Tad Kozuki resentative from Nikkei for Civil is part of a rare group these days in Rights and Redress' (NCRR) 9/11 the Central Va lley. committee shared some of the A third-generation Japanese activities they've been involved in American farmer, Kozuki, 63, and to ensure that what happened to his two brothers have been run­ Japanese during World ning the fa mily farm in Parlier, a War II does not happen again to city just south of Fresno, for more Muslim and . than fo ur decades now but so far Representing Jerome was Joe their kids, eight in total, have no Yamakido, the only known draft interest in continuing the family resister from the Jerome camp in business. . Ya makido refused to It's a trend Kozuki sees through- PHOTO: CAROLINE AOYAGI serve in the U.S. military until his . out the valley here. As one of the Irene and Tad Kozuki at the recent tri-district conference in Visalia. family was released from Jerome. youngest JA farmers in the area, For his stand, he was sentenced to he sees his many JA neighbors younger people at -63. It makes it three years at the Te xarkana feder­ PHOTO: MARTHA NAKAGAWA getting older and older but no Jerome internee Joe Yamakido Finances difficult because [the community] al penitentiary where he nearly . young people to take over the JACL (left) and his son, Tyler, hold up keeps on getting older and older," lost his life in a prison fight, which far ms. Focus of National the camp banner at the 34th said Kozuki. "The joke is that if started after a convict called "A lot of the Japanese families annual Manzanar Pilgrimage. Board Forum we keep on going to the funerals, Yamakido a "dirty Jap." here, their children don't want to as long as we keep going, we're Ya makido slapped the convict, clothes had been tom off except come back. I'm one of the By CA ROLINEAO YA GI alright." and the convict's friends jumped for his boxer shorts. Yamakido Executive Editor Farming isn't a profession that into the fray. While other convicts was the only one to be tossed into JA parents often encourage their shouted "Kill that Jap. Kill that solitary confinement following the MORIMEMO VISALIA, Calif.-As kids to pursue. Instead, young Jap," Yamakido, who held a black fight. Save the Date: expected, the status of JACL's people are encouraged to go onto belt in judo, never went down, "This pilgrimage is very impor­ current financial situation was college and pursue professions although by the time the fight tant," said Ya makido. "This is a Nat'l Dinner the main topic of discussion JACL's such as medicine, engineering, broke up, all of Ya makido's reminder of what could happen Set for Sept. during the national board forum law or accounting. when our civil rights are taken 13 at the CCIPSWINCWNP tri­ And that's exactly what many o( away. Civil rights is something we By FLOYD MORI district conference April 25-27. JACL Nat'l President the younger JAs here are doing. have to fight for constantly. Many of the conference . Many leave the countryside to ''Tod ay, after Sept. 11, I know attendees wanted to know how t study at a college or university in that national security is an impor­ On Sept. 13, he national JACL JACL's finances are currently t larger cities such as , tant issue and I'm not saying tha� and he Pacific Southwest district doing and what the national or , and we should jeopardize our nation's are hosting a dinner at the Wilshire board intends to do to improve the majority of them decide to security, but I think it's equally Grand Hotel the situation. stay. important that we keep the gov­ in Los "Financially we're paying Angeles. "An ernment accountable so that the See FINANCES/page See KOZUKVpage • civil rights of innocentAmericans American 11 11 aren't taken away like ours were Testimonial: during World War II." A Salute to Calif. Assembly Debates AJR 30 Ted Kobata, a JACL member, the Japanese represented Poston. In camp, American Condemning Cong�essman Coble Kobata worked as one of the National Leaders," will honor the four recreation department leaders Th e CaliforniaAssembly debat­ of these Arab Americans are prob­ who are our before going out to harvest sugar ed on May 1 Assembly Joint ably intent on doing harm to us." best known and most highly rec­ beetsin Idaho. When the draftwas Resolution 30, which condemns The resolution was introduced ognized leaders: the Hon. Norman reinstated for camp internees in statements made by North by Assemblymembers Carol Liu, 1944, Kobata appeared for his Carolina Congressman Howard Wilma Chan, Judy Chu, George See MORI MEMO/page 9 physical but was not accepted into Coble. Nakano and Leland Yee. Principal coauthor in the state . active combat duty. While most 2003 As of press time, the result of JACL NATIONAL the debate was not available. Senate is John Va sconcellos. See PILGRIMAGE/page 12 YOUTH CONFERENCE The resolution, introduced on Coauthors in assembly: Patty April 10, calls for the following: Berg, Rudy Bermudez, Joseph condemns the statements made by Canciamilla, Ed Chavez, Rebecca Coble; urges him to apologize; Cohn, Ellen Corbett, Lou Correa, Inside the � and encourages him to resign as Manny Diaz, John Dutra, Mervyn Pacific Citizen chair of the Subcommittee on Dymally, Marco Antonio Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Firebaugh, Dario Frommer, Jackie Letters to the Editor ... 2 Security of the Judiciary Goldberg, Loni Hancock, Jerome Committee of the U.S. House of Horton, Hannah-Beth Jackson, National News . . . . . Representatives. Christine Kehoe, Paul Koretz, 3·4 Coble touched off a firestorm John Laird, Mark Leno, Lloyd Tri-District ...... Feb. 4 when he said during a Levine, Sally Lieber, John 5·6 WKZL-FM radio show that he Longville, Sports and supported the Nikkei internment Alan Lowenthal, Barbara camps during World War II. Matthews, Cindy Montanez, Gene "We were at war," Coble had Mullin, Joe Nation, Gloria Negrete Entertainment ...... 7 June 20.22, 2003 said on the air. "They (Japanese McLeod, Fabian Nunez, Jenny University Americans) were an endangered Oropeza, Nicole Parra, Fran Columns ...... 8 St. Louis, MO species. For many of these Pavley, Sarah Reyes, Mark Ridley­ Japanese Americans, it wasn't safe Thomas, Simon Salinas,. Joseph Calendar ...... 10 for them to be on the street." Simitian, Darrell Steinberg, Juan Coble added, "Some (Japanese Vargas and Lois Wolk. Obituaries 7 ...... 11 Americans) probably were intent Coauthors in the senate: Dede WEEKS on doing harm to us, just as some Alpert and Debra Bowen .•

, , . PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAY 2-15, 2003 2 . Howard Coble to the ttl- Republican National Com­ ""nacillO .t!et.teu � . SPRING CAMPAIGN Y . mittee when they asked for me clUzen Edit.or, ·An Invaluable Resource . to renew my membership and 7 Gupania Circle, for contributions. I wrote them Monterey Park, CA 91755 that I would not support them JACL Must Face Reality By DENI UEJIMA payroll and make up the short­ Tel: 3231725-0083, 800/966- until Coble stepped down. I cut PSW P.C. Editorial Board 6157, Fax: 3231725-0064 Over 50 years ago, I heard Mike fall not covered by the national Representative the census report from my local E-mail: [email protected] Masaoka give an eloquent speech JACL budget. paper about the lack of �n P.e. and I knew that JACL's fightJor As you are aware, the anchor Executive Editor: The Citizen Spring justice would not be in vain. Being Pacific had to go to a semi-monthly on our local NBC TV station Caroline Y. Aoyagi incarcerated in concentration Campaign is very important ... publication schedule. At one Assistant Editor: since Tritia Toyota left, inform­ camps was the most horrific critical at time there was a possibility that Martha Nakagawa ing them I would watch any of occurrence in our young lives and this time. I the P.e. would become a Office Manager: Brian Tanaka the other six stations with an am not a Production Assistant: most of us were determined monthly, but a decision was APA anchor. I also e�mailed my writer famil­ Margot Brunswick to fight back. JACL aggressively made to maintain a semi­ friends - APAs and non-APAs developed an offensive. iar with pub­ Writer/Reporter: Tfacy Uba monthly schedule as long as - to contact the station. The Circulation: Eva Lau-Ting You ng men who were sti l in lishing or ! possible and eventually return article in the P.e. about the camp in 1943-44 were recruited o writing � to being a weekly. In order to growing number of Publisher: Japanese American work in defense plants m columns as meet our expenses now and Citizens League (founded helps me keep informed about 1929) Cleveland, Chicago and . Gil Asakawa, through the summer months 1765 Sutter Street, San Francis­ trends. When I married my One plant here was called the Ann Fujii Lindwall or Paul when membership renewals co, CA 94115, tel: 41 5/921 -5225 wife of German ancestry 40- Cadillac Tank Plant. Harassment Uyehara who preceded me, fax: 415/931-4671, wWw.jacl.org dip, we need your support to plus years ago, it was sort of a was widespread; service was requesting your most generous P.e. JACL President: Floyd Mori keep the afloat. Even if unique experience. denied in restaurants. The War support during this campai n. National Director: John Tateishi � some people want to contribute In order to keep up with cur­ Relocation Authority set up hous­ Pacific Citizen Board of Direc- With the national JACL facmg things like an air conditioner an rent events in the Japanese . tors: Gil Asakawa, chairperson; ing and employment depart­ . a financial crisis with the that would be great, for the cost American community specifi­ Paul Uyehara, EDC; Ron Kat­ ment with a list of companies will­ decreased income from its of utilities such as light and cally and the broader APA com­ suyama, MDC; Grace Kimoto, ing to hire the Japanese American investments and passing of its power have soared. We do need P.C. CCDC; Valerie Yasukochi, internees. Most of the offers came munity in general the is an members, the P.e. needs to go the support of readers like you NCWNPDC; Ann Fujii-UndwaU, from nonprofit organizations and invaluable resource. It is to the members and the friends and anybody else you can PNWDC; JeffWatanabe, IDC; Va­ important that local or regional ci viI service. of the P.e. to help meet its cant, MPDC; Deni Uejima, recruit to join or contribute. newspapers help keep people A 1998 JACL report shows 70 costs. PSWDC; Maya Yamazaki, Youth. Be sure to be vigilant and chapters in California out of a total informed of local events and As Gil pointed out in his col­ active during these times when of 112 chapters nationwide. I'm activities. The P.e. provides the r------, umn, the staff has cut back to Muslims, Middle Easterners, NEWS/AD DEADLINE: sure with somany more JAs living big picture of what is of con­ the bone in its expenditures and and others are going through FRIDAY BEFORE DATE in California, and cern and interest to th.e wider much-needed things such as air experiences similar to the ones OF ISSUE. Washington, theneed for JACL is JA community. conditioning and updated com­ we went through during and Editorials, news and the quite different from the Midwest. As a footnote, my aunt and puters. One of the P.C's com­ opinions expressed by col­ The few Yonsei and Gosei living after World War II, including some of my friends read the umnists other than the na­ puters is older and has less here have "passed" because they incarceration without due obituaries regularly to see if the tional JACL president or capacity than my personal can. Now they are part of the process. national director do not . names of one of their friends computer I had to recycle at the I am not a great one for wnt­ necessarily majority. are there .• reflect JACL salvage yard because it was so policy. Events and prod­ Aoyd Mori mentions (P.e. Mar. ing, but I will use columns and out of date. The P.e. published ucts advertised in the Pacif­ 3-20) that a 35,OOO-member clippings from publications a list of equipment they needed ic Citizen do not carry the JACL organization is now around such as the P.e. with short implicit late last year and many of our endorsement of the 21,000. What percentage of the notes attached. I sent a few '"i\aclltccitizen JACL or this publication, r loss of membership are Nisei? readers came through with sup­ columns from the P.C. and 7 Cupania Circle We reserve the right to edit port, but things are critical at Monterey Park, CA 91755-7406 articles, Even in this area where there are other sources related to Rep. I I this time. P.e. needs to make fax:· 323/725-0064 L � few Nisei, the majority are over 80 ______r------�------� e-mail: [email protected] PACIFIC CITIZEN (ISSN: 0030- years old. There are many Nisei I * Except for the National Director's 8579) is published semi-monthly who have never beenJACL mem­ SPR.ING CAMPAIGN: I Report, news and the views ex­ except once in January and De­ bers. I pressed by columnists do not nec­ Your donation cernberby the Japanese American will go towards the continuous operation I essarily reflect JACL policy. The Instead of facing disaster, per­ r Citizens League, 7 Cupania Circle, Pacific Citizen. columns are the personal opinionof haps JACL needs to face reality. ,.,·i?: I Monterey Park, CA 91755. OF­ I the writers. Are the California Sansei, Yonsei :[:Im FICE HOURS - Mon.-Fri., 8:30 * ''Voices" reflect the active, public a.m.-5 p.m. Pacific Time. ©2003. and Gosei really interested in discussion within JACL of a wide Annual subscription JACL? range of ideas and issues, though rates: they may not reflect the viewpoint of NON-MEMBERS: 1 year-$35, the editorial board of the Pacific Cit­ payable in advance. Additional izen. postage per year - Foreign period­ rit«e 7a4eta. � Panna Heights, Ohio * "Short expressions" on public is­ ical rate $25; First Class for U.S., sues, usually' one or T.WO para­ Canada, Mexico: $30; Airmail to graphs, should include signature, JapanlEurope: $60. (Subject to address and daytime phone num­ change without notice.) Periodicals ber. Because of space limitations, postage paid at Monterey Park, letters are subject to abridgemen� .. Calif., and at additional mailing of­ WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! Although we are unable to print all fices. Sendthe P.C. For donations of $100 or more, you will the letters we receive, we appreci­ ate the interest and views of those Permission: No part of this publi­ receive a copy of Bill Hosokawa's to a friend JACL who take the time to send us their cation may be reproduced without In Quest of Justice. cOmments. express permission of the publish­ Call 8001966-6157 er. Copying for other than personal or internal reference use without the express permission of P. C. is prohibited. MICROFILM (35mm) of annual issues is available from Bay Microfilm, inc., 1115 E. Arques Your Connection to Today's Japan Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086.

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Change of Address Wrestling (LIVE) and much more 24 If you have moved, © Latest News from Jepan hours a day, 7 days a week. please send information Wide Variety of Programs to: National JACL 1765 Sutter St. San Franci$co, CA 94115 Allow 6 weeks for address Noriko Nakagoshi, starredin Morning Drama Series 'Kokom' changes.

To avoidinterru ptionsin receiving your P.e.. please notifyyour pest­ Subscribe to TV Japan between 4/1/03 and 6/30/03, You can receive a Call us (toll-free) master to indude pertodiool<; in rebate worth one month of TV Japan subscriPtion, for more your chcmge of address (USPS 1f5iji '1. , .. information Offerr good for new. first-time residential customer only...... Forrn3575) Other restriction may apply. Call for details. i,Ai.'� ,,,",0 "" .t.t" '£." i S; PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAy 2-15, 2003 3 JACL Wants to Stop Use of 'Jap' in Aorida From the Director John Tateishi, National Director By descent in camps. The government has since apologized for the intern­ FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.­ ment. Tateishi said anti-immigrant Many Americans used 'jap' as a attitudes are rising again because of Still Invisible? shortened, derogatory version of the terrorist attacks and the war with word Japanese when the United Iraq. States was fighting Japan during "The experience of the Japanese hen Trent Lott spoke JAs a�d what the leadership of about this. World War II. Americans during World War II was the political party now in power For the JA community to be so Some are still doing it in adver­ the worst case of racial profiling in with nostalgia about tisements, and JACL wants to stop the history of this country, and today Wthe pre-civil 'rights think of us? To be so thoroughly ignored in my view says a lot the practice and is starting a cam­ we're verging toward the same days and lamented that Strom ignored and snubbed, despite our about how we're viewed by the paign to rid newspapers and tele­ thing in the policies of the adminis­ Thurmond's segregationist plat­ repeated demands for a leadership. It was this type of phone directories of ads that use the tration," Tateishi said. form didn't cany him to the response, tells me that we're attitude about us that led the word. Many of the ads are for car Members of Miami's Asian presidency, Lott was forced by viewed as insignificant and political leadership in 1942 to repair shops, such as The Jap Shop American Advisory Board recently the Republican leadership to inconsequential by the Repub­ feel they could get away with in Boca Raton that specialize in fix­ complained that a traveling show on resign his role as the majority lican leadership. By not saying what they did. We were seen as ing Japanese vehicles. in WWII, prepared by the leader of the Senate Republi­ anything, they're saying that we inconsequential. They could get JACL found more than 2,000 Museum of Florida History, con­ ' don't matter; we can be ignored. such listings in Florida several years tained no reference to the intern­ cans. away with it. No one would care. ago when ·it did a survey. That was ment. Although there were no When Congressman James I don't kno.w how you feel Ever since Coble made his the most in any of the half-dozen internmentcamps in Florida, a cura­ Moran, a Democrat from about that, but I'm outraged and statement in February, we and a states that were studied. tor from the museum is working Virginia, made an outrageous ,insulted by that attitude. host of Asian American organi­ John Tateishi, JACL national with the board members to create a statement that After all we've gone through zations have been demanding his executive director, said use of the small panel on the internment and were responsible for leading the as a community, after all we've removal from the chairmanship word is a painful reminder ofWWn what people of Japanese descent into the war with contributed to this nation by our of the Judiciary subcommittee attitudes, which resulted in the experienced in Florida during the Iraq, there was an outcry from sacrifices and sweat, after put­ and repudiation of his racist internment of people of Japanese war.• the Republican leadership and ting our honor on the line to cor­ views from the president and the other congressional leaders. rect the worst constitutional vio­ Republican leadership in the Muslim Teen Files Suit Over Alleged But when Howard Coble, a lation ever committed by our House and Senate. Now I'd like Beating by Orange County Mob Republican, government, and after having to you to join in this demand. made a statement a couple of prove ourselves over and over I'm calling on every JACL By ASSOCIATED PRESS Castel an Sayre, said his client was months ago that h� felt that again, this is what. it all comes member to write a letter to not aware that a showdown had been FDR's decision to intern down to? To be ignored without President Bush and to House ANAHEIM, Calif.-Rashid planned. He acknowledged. that Japanese Americans was the so much as a simple apology by Speaker Hastert to demand their Alam, who was allegedly assaulted some of Alam's friends may have right one, therewas a resounding the leadership? public repudiation of Coble's by a group of Orange County teens known that a fight was going to with bats 'and golf clubs while shout­ break out. and deafening silence from the You bet I'm angry about this. views that the internment was ing racial slurs, filed a civil rights Sayre, who represented Rodney White House and from the the right thing to do, and demand lawsuit April 23 in Orange County King in his civil lawsuit against the Republican leadership of both oward Coble never his removal from his subcom­ Superior Court, which seeks unspec­ Los Angeles Police Department, said the House and Senate. should have made that mittee chairmanship. ified compensatory and punitive Alam's damages were "more severe" Despite a barrage of criticism Hstatement, but having Don't be silent on this issue. damages well' legal fees from than Rodney King's. as as from Asian American organiza­ done so, he should have apolo­ Coble said our imprisonment four named defendants who are The Brea Police Department, gized and recanted his views. duringwwn was the right thing minors. which polices the suburb of Yorba tidns following the JACL's lead in But he didn't. And the leadership to do. "I am a human being.Just because Linda, recently completed its probe demanding a repudiation by I am Arabian or Muslim does not and submitted the findings to the the Republican leadership of of the Republican Party should Write to the president, or call mean that I am bad or evil," said Orange County district attorney's Coble's views and his removal have taken action, as they did the White House. Write to or call Alam, 18, wlio suffered head office, which has yet to file any from the chairmanship of the with Trent Lott and as they did Speaker Hastert and demand his charges in the case. injuries, a broken jaw and stab House Judiciary Subcommittee with James Moran. But they did­ public response to this issue. wounds as a result of the Feb. 22 "Ourcontention all along is that this on Crime, Terrorism and n't. Not a word from President If JAs remain apathetic and attack. was a felony assault that involved a Bush. Not a squeak from Dennis silent, then we have nothing to The four youths named in the law­ hate, crime," said police Sgt. Jack Homeland Security, we've been suit and their parents could not be Conklin. snubbed and have met with a Hastert, Republican majority complain about when we're next reached for comment. Some of the defendants named in total silence. leader and speaker of the House taken for granted by this admin- Alam said he and friends were the suit .lllegedlywere involved in an Time and again, we have of Representatives. , istration and the Republican meeting at a Yo rba Linda park before altercation last August, involving demanded that the president and Not one word. leadership. Our silence creates Alam's younger brother, Mohamed, going out for late-night bowling the House leadership step for­ So yes, you bet I'm angry our own invisibility .• when several carloads of youths Sayre said. The youths allegedly ward on this issue but have got­ arrived and beganyelling racial slurs. stole Mohamed's watch and then The attack was descri� in initial showed it offin a videotape in which ten absolutely no response. Not reports as a rumble between rival they spouted racial epithets against one word. JACL Denounces Sen. Santorum's Attack groups, but Alam's lawyer, Federico Arabs and Muslims, Sayre said .• So wha.t does this say about on Equalityfor Gays and Lesbians

The JACL recently de­ Mori. "Given that he seems to nounced comments made by support equality for only some, Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., in we seriously question the sena­ an interView with the Associated tor's fitness to serve in a leader­ implify your life with the Japanese American .Press in which he discussed the ship role in the Senate and Citizen's ,League-sponsored group upcoming Supreme Court deci­ believe that he should, at the insurance plans. So simple ... you can sion concerning a sodomy law very least, apologize for his cal­ receiveS information with one phone call. So easy in . lous and reckless remarks." .apply through the mail without the pressure · . Santorum is reported in the "Senator Santorum's remarks of a salesperson.So' affordable ... with group • . April 21 article as saying, "If the are beyond the pale," said JACL rates offered only through your membership in Supreme Court says that you National Executive Director JACL. Simplify andenjoy life. Information on the have the right to consensual John Tateishi. "Neither the law following plans is just one phone call away. (gay) sex within your home, nor politicians have any busi­

Long-Term Care Plan then you have the right to ness promoting some religious • Customized Major Medical Insurance bigamy, you have the right to beliefs over others or sanction­ • (now available to non-California members) polygamy, you have the right to ing any form of racial inequality Catastrophe Major Medical Insurance Plan incest, you have the right to or suggesting that some should • Short-Term Medical Plan adultery. You have the right to be treated disparately because of • Term Life Insurance** anything." their gender preferences. The • to Personal Accident Insurance The JACL is appalled that the senator needs . apologize • 3 Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans* No. person in the Senate. now." • Republican leadership would The JACL noted the irony of Cancer Care Plan* • openly equate the fight for the White House's refusal to equality under law - a right comment on Santorum's If you have any questions or would like more information (including costs, exclusions, guaranteed by the Constitution remarks and its continued and limitations and terms of coverage) please - to bigamy, polygamy, incest' deliberate silence on Rep. contact Marsh Affinity Group Services at: and adultery, and calls on the Howard Coble's endorsement of Senate Republican leadership the internment of Japanese 1-800-503-9230 and the White House to repudi­ Americans during World War II ate his remarks. despite the administration's "Senator Santorum's com­ immediate and strident rebuke of Rep. Jim Moran for similarly All plans may vary and may not be available in all states. ments demonstrate a dangerous These plans are underwritten byMonumental Ufo Insurance J • inappropriate comments about Company. Bohimore. MD. lack of objectivity, sensitivity or plan underwritten by Hartford Ufe Insurance Company. •• This is tolerance for an entire segment the Jewish community. © Seabury & Smith. Inc 2003 655·02 .. of American society and only The JACL urged the White serve to fuel prejudice," said House to repudiate Santorum's JACL National President Floyd and Coble's positions .• 4 PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAY 2-15, 2003 National Newsbytes By Pacific Citizen Staff it wasn't true. TUSCALOOSA, Ala.-A 19- andAss ociated Press year-old Tuscaloosa man plead­ Sherrie M. Hayashi was Hawaii Chief Justice Ronald o More Minorities Earn ed guilty April 15 to murdering . appointed by Utah Labor Moon on April 21 appointed o Lieberman Calls for College Degrees in two men during a convenience Commissioner R. Lee Ellertson Lono Lee as a District Court Probe into FBI Agent Maryland store robbery in 200 1. as director of the Utah judge for the Oahu circuit. Lee Contributions ANNAPOLI S, Md -While Fredericck Peoples· was sen­ . Antidiscrimination and Labor will fill the vacancy created by WASHINGTON -Demo­ the number of white students tenced to two consecutive life Division (UALD) for the Utah the retirement of George cratic presidential candidate Joe graduating from Maryland uni­ sentences for the shooting deaths Labor Commission. Hayashi Kimura. Lee has been a per Lieberman is asking for a federal· of Hassan Serag, a 31-year-old versities and colleges decreased graduated from the University diem District Court judge since investigation into whether an grocery store owner, and his slightly over the last decade, the of Utah College of Law and is 2000. He has been in private allegt(d double agent illegally . number of degrees awarded to friend, Mosaad Abdelkerem, 33. an attorney licensed to practice practice since 1999 and pro­ funneled Chinese money into minorities increased, according Wi lbert Ford IV, 21, and in Utah and California. She is vides legal services to the City U.S. political campaigns. to a study released recently. Ladarius Cole, 19, also face cap­ currently associate general and County of Honolulu's Katrina· . Leung was a The report, based on statistics ital murder charges. counsel for the Labor Ethics Commis- sion. He also Republican activist and donor to providea by the higher education The deaths, which occurred Commission. Prior to this, she served as deputy corporation candidates and the Republican institutions, also showed women shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001, served as the Fair Housing coor­ counsel for Honolulu for 10 Patty. She was arrested on April outpacing men in the number of attacks, ignited the Muslim com­ dinator for the State of Utah and years. Lee's appointment is sub­ 9 as a suspected spy for China. degrees awarded at every level munity in Tuscaloosa. Many as the Te xas court improvement ject to confirmation by the state Lieberman, ranking Democrat except for doctoral professional thought the crimes were ethni­ coordinator for the Texas court Senate. on the Senate Government degrees, where·men hold a slight cally motivated, but police said system. She volunteers as exec­ Affairs Committee, wrote a letter edge. The report included statis­ ethnic hatred wasn't a factor. utive director of the Multi­ Jimmie R. Ye e, 69, of tics on graduation rates for the April 26 to Attorney General Cultural Legal Center, which Sacramento, was appointed by 1993 through 2002 school years. o U.S. Attorney Vows to John Ashcroft and FBI Director she co�founded, and serves as a Gov. Davis'a member of the The number of black students Pursue Hate Crimes Robert Mueller demanding an board of trustee for the California Seismic Safety receiving certificates or degrees PHOENIX-The U.S. Attor­ investigation into whether· any Disability Law Center. She also Commission, which develops money she gave was from the increased from 5,140 in 1993 to ney for Arizona and other law served on the boards of JACL's cost�effecti ve measures that Chinese government. Under U.S. 8,876 in 2002. During that same enforcement agencies vowed to chapter, Minority lower earthquake risk to life and election laws, such donations are period, the number of certificates vigorously prosecute hate crimes Bar Association, Japanese property. The commission is illegal. Lieberman's Republicari­ or degrees awarded to white stu­ throughout the state. American Yo uth Young responsible for reviewing the controlled committee conducted dents went down from 30,764 to U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton Professionals and has been a adequacy of all earthquake safe­ an investigation in 1997 into 29,339. The number of Asian said cases in which victims are tar­ member of the Minority Law ty policies and programs carried whether Chinese government American students getting cer­ geted because of their religion or Caucus and Wo men's Law out by state and local agencies. officials tried to influence the tificates or. degrees increased race will be aggressively pursued. Caucus at the University of Yee serves as a Sacramento city 1996 election with donations to from 1,780 to 2,787. The number Days after the Sept. 11 terror­ Utah. She has been honored councilmember and is a former Democrats. of Hispanic graduates increased ist attack, a Sikh gas station with the 2000 Raymond S .. Uno mayor and vice mayor of from 710 to 1,248. owner was killed in Mesa by a Aw ard by the Utah State Bar; Sacramen\o in 2000 and 1999 o American Airlines gunman who told police "all the Utah Women's Achievement respectively. A licensed civil Charged With Racial o New Group Meeting Arabs had to be shot." Balbir Award by the Governor's and structural engineer, he has Discrimination Laotian Needs Singh Sodhi was neither Muslim Commission for Women and been active in such community WASHINGTON-As HOLLAND, Mich.�To help nor from the Middle· East, but the Families in 200 1; and the organizations as the Sacramento Laotian Americans live within authorities say he was singled nation's largest airline struggles University of Utah's Women's Asian Community Nursing to avoid bankruptcy, the the American culture while out by the gunman because Week Committee in the exhibit Home and the Sacramento Transportation Department on maintaining their cultural identi­ Sodhi wore a turban as part of "Breaking Boundaries: (Re) Asian Sports Association April 25 issued its firstbias com­ ty, Danny Sphabmixay formed his faith. In Arizona in 2001, Constructing Activism in 4001." Foundation .• plaint against American Airlines, the Laotian American Organ­ more than 380 hate crimes were saying that 10 people were ization (LAO), which became a reported by 97 law enforcement removed from American flights nonprofit organization in agencies, the FBI said. That was or denied boarding because they January and received recognition up from 240 in 2000. were perceived to be Middle with a resolution from the city of Eastern, Southeast Asian or Holland. o Muslim Prayer Mats. Muslim. Most of the incidents Vo lunteers provide services Defiled at UCLA cited in the administrative com­ through LAO, designed to assist LOS ANGELES-Police at plaint happened to U.S. citizens Laotians living in the western the University of California, Los and occurred within three part of the state. For example, Angeles, opened a hate crime months of the Sept. 11, 2001, ter­ Sphabmixay recently helped a investigation after Muslim ror attacks, the department said. Laotian man who was laid off prayer mats at its medical center American said it would fight understand why he hadn't chapel were smeared with a liq­ the charges and denied that pas­ received an unemployment uid marked as pork blood. sengers were discriminated check in eight weeks. University police received a against by its crew or the crew of In addition to providing trans­ report on April 19 that the prayer American Eagle, its commuter lation services, Sphabmixay mats were defiled, said Nancy arm. It said that vigilance pre­ plans to offer programs on deal­ Greenstein, a spokeswoman for vented Richard Reid from ignit­ ing with social service organiza­ the University of California ing a shoe bomb on an American tions and on being Laotian in Police Department. flight in December200 1. America. According to him, The mats were in a drawer, and Among those not allowed to many of the 2,500 to 3,000 a supermarket container labled fly were Rep. Darrell Issa, R­ Laotians living in the Holland as pork blood was next to the Calif., and a Secret Service agent area came there in the 1970s. rugs that had been spotted with on President Bush's security Since then, the Laotian commu­ the liquid, she said. Pork is a detail, said Hussein Ibish, nity has continued to grow. banned meat among Muslims, spokesman for the .American­ and having contact with pork Arab Anti-Discrimination o Complaints by blood is considerd a violation of Committee. Muslims, Middle the Islamic faith. The liquid has Easterners on Rise not yet been analyzed but o SARS Scare Hits New BIRMINGHAM, Ala.- appeared to be pork blood' that York's Chinatown Complaints of workplace dis­ can be bought at grocery stores, NEW YORK-Still hobbled crimination against Muslims and Greenstein said. Police have· not by the World Trade Center people of Middle Eastern identified any suspects. attack, Chinatown's economy descent have increased since the has been dealt another blow by Sept. 11, 200 1, terrorist attacks, a o HawaII to Launch rumors of severe acute respirato­ federal official said. Tourism Marketing ry syndrome. Cynthia Pierre, head of Campaign in Japan Even though there have been Birmingham's Equal Employ­ HONOLULU-The state is no reported. cases of SARS in ment Opportunity Commission launching a new $2 million Chinatown, groups have can­ office, said claims nationwide tourism marketing campaign in. celed tours and merchants have alleging religious discrimination Japan to attract visitors to seen a drop-off in business, said have jumped 21 percent and Hawaii after the war in Iraq. Shao-Chee Sim, director of charges based on national origin The Hawaii To urism Authority research for the Asian American have climbed 13 percent since and Hawaii Visitors and Federation of New Yo rk. the attacks. Pierre said figures Convention Bureau stopped The United States has reported for discrimination claims since advertising the state when the 193 suspected cases - all the beginning of"the war in Iraq war started in March.. The new among people who have traveled wouldn't be available until May. campaign, which starts May 6, to Asia - but no deaths. With At least seven "backlash dis­ will include four waves of ads eight suspected cases in New crimination" charges were filed placed in major Japanese news� Yo rk City, rumors spread fast. In with the Birmingham District. papers, travel agent seminars to Chinatown, a false e-mail rumor Office during the year after Sept. be held in eight cities, and coop­ reported that the owner of a 11 alleging religious or national erative television ads. The funds Vietnamese restaurant had died origin discrimination. for the TV ads come from $3.4 of SARS. The rumor spread so million the state saved when the fast that city health officials o Teen Pleads Guilty to bureau canceled advertising and made a public proclamation that Killing Muslim Men shifted programs .• PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAy 2-15, 2003 5

CC/PSW/NCWNP Tri-district Conference ca�O�i�����agi Elder Issues and Membership Lee Institute Brings Japanese Art to the Central Valley

Among Workshop To pics By CAROLINE AOYA GI 1995 to exhibit, study and conserve ponds. Executive Editor the arts of Japan, all of the pieces 'There are so many good artists were moved into the c1imate-con- in Japan who have not been discov- HANFORD, Calif.-With just a trolled museum. ered yet," said Clark, who showed a few thousand dollars in his pocket Clark was the keynote speaker at painting by a talented Japanese artist Willard Clark purchased his first the CCIPSWINCWNP tri-district that is the only work of the artist's piece of Japanese art in discovered thus far. 1976 and was on his way Several people who have to fulfilling his dream of seen the museum's collec- building a Japanese art tion have commented to museum. Clark that they had always Now more than 27 years thought Japanese art was later, Clark has massed a stiffand rigid but after their formidable collection of visit realized the opposite Japanese art that is. respect- was true. ed worldwide. "Japanese art is very Located in the midst of diverse. There's a lot of Presenter Gary Mayeda (backrow, secondfrom left) with some his facilitators. 100 acres of walnut trees, humor and fun in Japanese The Ruth & Sherman art. I think the Japanese VISALIA, Calif.-Retirement, ilarities between the experience of Institute for Japahese Art at have the best sense of financial planning, and membership Japanese Americans during World the Clark Center, named humor in art," said Clark, recruitment were some of the topics War IT and the current experiences after the scholar and ;;;;.;;.;;;;;....;.;;;;�:;;;...;;.:;..,;;;;;;...;.�:;;;.;.;J, using a scroll with a covered by the workshops during of the Muslim and Arab American Clark's close friend Dr. A Japanese garden at the Lee Institute. humorous Keigon mask the CCIPSWINCWNP tri-district community. Sherman Lee, is hidden painted on it as an example. conference April 25-27. Ken I.nouye, JACL national vice from the dirt road as visitors Clarks' museum pieces The aging and retirement issues president of public ' affairs, took a drive by. are regularly featured in workshop was presented by John look at JACL's role in community Once inside the museum, exhibits throughout Japan. Ya mada, NCWNP chairman of building. This workshop considered collections from the 12th His collection even fea- aging and retirement, and Tracy various strategies that can be used to century to modern times of tures pieces that would Scott, senior adult issues, San Diego build local JACL chapters and how Japanese paintings, ceram- now be declared National JACL. to build relationships within each ics, screens, woodblock Treasures by the Japanese

Ya mada and Scott spoke about community. prints and baskets are on government "if they had long-term care insurance, hospice Presenter Steve Okamoto, direc­ view. There's also a grow- remained in Japan. care, what to do when your parents tor of planned giving for the ing Japanese library avail- Throughout the year get sick and can no longer care for American Cancer Society, led the able for those doing Japanese scholars are regu- themselves, and what to do when financial planning workshop. research in the Japanese lars of the museum, where one cannot afford nursing home or Okamoto showed why it's impor­ arts Ceramic a rtwork by Fukami Sueharu at the Institute. a number of lectures and . home care. tant to have a will or living trust and "We've had a lot of posi- featured speakers are high- JACL Education Committee how to go about preparing a will. tive response," said Clark, who esti­ conference April 26 where he pre­ lighted. members Greg Marutani and Carol Th� membership workshop was mates that more than 5,000 visitors sented a slide show of some of the ''I'm really committed to keeping Kawamoto, and Dr. Franklin �g, led by Gary Mayeda, co-chair of the passed through the institute last year many pieces his museum has the collection in the Central Va lley," Asian ' Studies professor at CSU PSW district membership commit­ alone. acquired. Earlier in the day, confer­ said Clark, who received a $500 Fresno, led the education workshop tee, and Ed Endow, NCWNP dis­ Clark and his wife Elizabeth live ence attendees made a visit to the donation to the museum from the - lookingback at internmentand at trict membership chair. Mayeda and beside the museum. Theirlarge col­ museum where they saw the latest CCOC. For more information about the current issues surrounding the Endow focused on the "New Three lection of Japanese art originally collection of ceramics and got a per­ The Institute of Japanese Art call recent Iraqi war. R's in JACL" - "Recruit! Renew ! was stored in their home but when sonal tour of Clark's home SUT­ 559/582-49 15, or visit www.sher­ The presenters looked at the sim- and Revitalize!" • the nonprofit institute was, set up in rounded by Japanese gardens and manleeinstitute.org .• .

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Photos by CC/PSW/NCWNP Tri-District Conference Caroline Aoyagi

Bob Tan iguchi, Silvana Watanabe and Floyd Mori Keynoter Willard Clark (first row, second from right) speaks at the conference

Twins Kaylee and Alyssa Mataga Gerald Kato, Amy Kato and Kerry Kaneichi Floyd Mori, Art Koga and David Kawamoto

Carol Saito, John Saito and Patty Wada

Renee Koga, Art Koga and Alan Te ruya Steven Okamoto and Greg Marutani Reiko and Milo Yoshino and Carol and David Kawamoto

CCDC Governor Bob Ta niguchi (top left) with conference attendees V.P. of Public Affairs Ken Inouye (top center) with attendees at the welcome reception PAC IFIC CITIZEN, MAY 2-15, 2003 7

_ In Sports & Entertainment fIGURE SKATING BASEBAl.L Yamaguchi, Hedican Expecting a Child Daytona Cubs Players Injured Protected Osprey With Ball

SAN FRANCISCO-Olympic where he was playing for Team DAYTONA BEACH, Fla.-A office manager at the Animal Clinic own investigation to determine how gold medalist Kristi Ya maguchi is USA. minor league pitcher is in trouble of Edgewater. the pitcher will be punished. expecting a child in October. Yamaguchi will continue work­ becausewitnesses said he threw sev­ Ospreys are recognized by the "I can assure you it would be The 1992 figure skating champi­ ing with the organization she found­ eral baseballs at a bird, finally hitting state as a species of special concern, more than the average citizen will on retired fromthe Stars on Ice tour ed, the Always Dream Foundation, and injuring it. meaning their habitats are vulnera­ received," farm director Oneri Fleita last year to begin a family with hus­ which provides funding and encour­ Jae-kuk Ryu, a 19-year-old ble. Anyone who wounds or kills an said. "The average citizen certainly band Bret Hedican, a defenseman agement for programs to inspire South Korean pitcher for the Class­ osprey can be charged with a sec­ wouldn't be demoted or docked pay for the Carolina Hurricanes. children and adolescents. She also A Daytona Cubs, knockedan osprey ond-degree misdemeanor, punish­ or fined or whatever it might be. It "Both Bret and I come from very will host a skating event in from its perch during pre-game prac­ able by a fine of up to $500and 60 was certainly something we don't close families, so starting our own is November, about one month after tice April 21, witnesses said. He days in jail. condone, and we will make sure that an incredible thrill," Yamaguchi she is due to give birth. could face animal cruelty charges "You can't intentionally harm an the matter is rectified to the best of said. "We are both ready for this "Since we both spend 'so much for the incident at Jackie Robinson animal," said Melody Baum, a our ability." new stage in our lives." time on the ice," Hedican said, Ballpark. Daytona Beach Animal Control offi­ Ryu was traveling with the team The couple met at the 1992 "everyone is wondering if the child The male bird, which had been cer. "Ifsomebody deliberately threw and was not available for comment. Olympics in Albertville, France, will be bornwith skates on." • nesting with itsmate and a brood of the ball, it's animal cruelty." He has an 0- 1 reCord and 3.05 ERA fuzzy chicks on a 40-foot light pole The Florida Fish and Wildlife in four starts, with 22 strikeouts in over leftfield, suffered a serious eye Conservation Commission is inves­ 20-2/3 innings. injury. tigating and plans to submit its find­ Daytona general manager Buck Kwan U.S. OlympIcs' 'Athlete of the Month' "The bird's eye was gushing ing to the State Attorney's officein a Rogers said the team, as .an act of blood," said Chad Efron, a trainer week, said spokeswoman Joy Hill. contrition, held a fund-raiser for the COLORADOSPRINGS, Colo.­ She also has won two of the last with the Port St. Lucie Mets, the "We've received a number of Animal Clinic of Edgewater on MicheUe Kwan, who won her fifth three USOC monthly honors, also Cub's Monday opponent. "I started calls from an outraged public. I just April 25. The Chicago Cubs provid­ World Figure Skating Champi­ taking the award in January after her yelling at (Ryu), I got all fired up." talked to one woman; she wants him ed autographed balls for auction, onship in March, was selected as the national championship performance Although the osprey was feeling deported," Hill Said. "People have and the Daytona Cubs donated $1 U.S. Olympic Committee's athlete in Dallas. "feisty" as of April 23, it isn't known zero tolerance for this kind of thing." for every fan in attendance. of the month. The men's award for March went whether its vision will be perma­ The Chicago Cubs, which signed "We're trying to make something Kwan, who also has seven U.S. to fencer Keith Smart, who became nently impaired, said Pam Williams, Ryu two years ago, is conducting its positive out of it," Rogers said .• titles, tied Dick Button and Carol the first American to top the World Heiss for most world crowns by an Cup standings. He won a sabre sil­ American with her victory in ver medal at thy World Cup in Washington. Athens on March 8 . • BASKETBIU.J .. NBA Star Vao Ming Plans to Play for ,

MARATHON China in Asian Championship, Official Says Yamada Runs Boston BEIJING-NBA star Yao that he would still play for his in the northeastern Chinese city of Ming has assured China he will national team. Harbin. Officials said the tourna­ Marathon 50 Years After VictolY play for its national team in the The 2.26-meter (7-foot-5) star ment's dates have not been set Asian championships in said he will honor the agreement yet. BOSTON-Keizo Yamada between 1998 and 2001, placing was told by race doctors he wasn't sixth last year. September, a Chinese official said and compete in the Asian champi­ China's team will have to finish in shape to run a marathon. Recovering after the raced on April 18. onships, said a Chinese Basket­ in first or secoIid place to qualify The Japanese runner went on to the floor of the press room, There were few doubts that the ball Association official, who for the 2004 Olympic Games in win in 2:18:5 1. That was the 1953 Yamada, whose bib number was Rockets center would would only give his surname, Xu. Athens. Boston Marathon. 1953, said he was "really happy return to compete for China. But The newspaper Liberation China has been a basketball This year, the 75-year-old he can run 50 years." the issue has been sensitive since Daily in Shanghai quoted Yao's powerhouse in Asia, but a scrappy Yamada marked the 50th anniver­ The runner, speaking through Yao 's countryman Wang Zhizhi of agent, Zhang Mingji, as saying, South Korean team upset the sary with a time of 4: 10: 11. an interpreter, said the marathon the Los Angeles Clippers infuriat­ "Yao will absolutely return to Chinese in overtime during the He has been a regular entrant in hadn't changed much in five ed Chinese officials last year by China once he is called up by the Asian ' Games last October, dash­ the senior division and won four decades .:md he plans on coming refusing to play in the Asian national team." ing their hopes for a fifth consec­ titles in the over-70 age group back for another eight years .• Games in Busan, South Korea. The championship will be held utive gold medal in the sport. • When Yao signed with the Rockets as the NBA's No. 1 draft pick last year, part of the deal was National business fll.M : . . : . .. . - , . , ·: " ael-, IO' and Professional MTV Films 'Better Luck Tomorrow' 7J.,...... citizen Directory Los Angeles Has Amazing Opening Weekend Japanese Casualty MTV FilmslParamount Clas­ faces and filmmakers." Yo ur business card in each issue for 22 Issues is $15 per line, three-line Insurance Assn. sics "Better Luck Tomorrow" MTV Films acquired "Better minimum. larger type (12 pt.)cou nts as tWo lines. logo same as line rate COMPLETE INSURANCE blew away expectations at the box Luck Tomorrow" at the 2002 as required. P.c. has made no determinationthat the businesses listed in PROTECTION office during its opening weekend Sundance Film Festival where the this directory are licensed by proper govemment authority. FIA Insurance Services, Inc. when the Justin Lin directed teen fi lm garnered significant critical 99 S. lake Ave., Pasadena 91101 . picture held the largest per theater acclaim_ On April 25 the film Suite 300 (626) 795·7059 opening while marking the best­ expanded to more than 100 mar­ lic# 0175794 BUSINESSASAHI & LEISURE TRA TRAVELVEL FOR GROUPS, Dr. Darlyne Fujimoto, ever per screen opening for MTV kets. FAMILIES & INDIVIDUALS. PACKAGE & Ota Insurance Agency, Inc. Films. "Better Luck Tomorrow" tells TOURS, CRUISES, RAILPASS, OptomeA Professionaltrist CorporationAssociates 35 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena 91101 YOBIYOSE & LIMOUSINE SERVICE 11420E. South. St, CelTitos, CA 90701 Suite 250 . (626) 795-6205 "For a little movie from the story of four overachieving 1543 W. Olympic Blvd, #317, (310) 860-1339 lic# 0542395 Sundance to get to this point is Asian American high school L.A. 90015 Kagawa Insurance Agency, Inc. really something," said Van friends who find themselves at 420 E. Third St., los Angeles 90013 Toffler, MTV president. "It is odds with their good reputations Howard Igasaki, D.D.S., Inc. Suite 901 (213) 628·1800 great to see the audience respond and identities when they get Alan Igasaki, D.D.S. lic# 0542624 this way to such an adventurous, caught up in a spiraling web of . General Dentistry / Periodontics J. Morey Company, Inc. risky story featuring fresh new criminal activity .• 22850 Crenshaw Blvd., Ste. 102 . JO�A��,!����D Co, One Centerpointe Drive, La Palma 90623 Torrance, CA 90505 P.O. Box 13220 Suite 260 (714) 562-5910 (310) 534-8282 Oakland, CA 94661-3220 Lic# 0655907 ph: 510/595·1188 fx: 510/595-1860 TV Ogino-Aizumi Insurance Agency Cambridge Dental Care [email protected] kitazawaseed.com 1818 W. Beverly BI., Montebello 90640 Scott Nishizaka D.D.S: Suite 210 (323) 728-7488 - NMTA Announces National Family Dentistry & Orthodontics Lic# 0606452 900 E. Katella, Suite A Orange, CA 92867 (714) 538-2811 Ts uneishi Insurance Agency, Inc. Programming lor APA Heritage Month • UWAJ IMAYA 367 Van Ness Way, Torrance 90501 www.cambridgedentalcare.com ...Always in good taste. Suite 611 (310) 533·8877 The National Asian American stepping into the 21st century; DAVID W. EGAWA , Attorney lic# 0599528 Telecommunications Association "Desi: South Asians in New Administrative. Criminal & Civil Law Sato Insurance Agency, Inc. (NAATA) announced a lineup of Yo rk" by Allen Glazen and 30 N. Raymond Ave, Suite #409 420 Boyd St, los Angeles 90013 national public television pro­ Shebana Coelho, a tribute to the Pasadena, CA 91103 Suite 4F (213) 680-4190 gramming scheduled to run diversity and dynamism of the Ph: (626) 792-8417 lic# 0441090 through May, which is Asian 200,000 South Asians living in · Quality Insurance Service, Inc Pacific American Heritage New Y9rk City; and "The dba: T. Roy Iwami & Associates Month. Floating World: Masami Teraoka 241 E. Pomona Blvd., Monterey Park91 754 Programs scheduled to run and His Art" by Louise Lo, which MIZUNO INSURANCE AGENCY For the Best of (323) 727-7755 INSURANCE AGENTS & BROKERS Everything Asian Lic# 0638513 include: "Forging a Feature: The profiles one of the country's most L)CENSE #0533265 Journey of BLT" by Evan Leong, renowned AA artists whose work Fresh Produce, Meat, Charles M. Kamiya & Sons, Inc. which documents the making of deals with cultural conflict, envi­ Southern California office: Seafood and Groceries DBA Kenneth M. Kamiya Ins. Justin Lin's controversial film ronmental pollution, sexuality 9556 Hamilton Ave. A vast selection of 373 Van Ness Ave., Torrance 90501 Huntington Beach, CA Suite 200 (310) 781 -2066 "Better Luck Tomorrow," its jour­ and AIDS. 92646 Gift Ware lic# 0207119 ney to Sundance and its after­ For more information on dates Central California office: Frank M. Iwasaki · OBA Insurance 205 W. Bullard Ave., #18 Seattle, WA · (206) 624-6248 math; "China 21" by Ruby Yang and times of these NAATA pro· 121 N. Woodburn Drive, Los Angeles 90049 and Lambert Yam, which follows grams on public TV, visit Clovis, CA 93612 Bellevue, WA · (425) 747-9012 (323) 879·2184 four ordinary Chinese families www.naatanet.org .• 888-964-7272 Lic# 0041676 Beaverton,OR • (503) 643-4512 PAC IFIC CITIZEN, MAY 2·15, 2003

East Wind Very Truly Yo urs Bill Marutan i Harry Honda K.

Beholden to Presidents Nickname Game: and Generals For a Reunion Rumpus

I Nagata, (39) Isao Nakagawa, (40) ILLIAM O. DOU­ studied y ' reaffi rmed the concept AST MONTH, the Poston m Smackie, (29) Marty, (30) Cookie, GLAS, who served on "that the original evacuation·was camp reunion, hosted by the (3 1) Kako, (32) Hash, (33) lki, (34) Kiyoko Nakagawa, (4 1) Torao the U.S. Supreme justified .... " Id. at 302. Central Californians at the NambO, (35) Mush, (36) Babe, (37) Nakagawa, (42) Michiko Niino Court as associate justice from If Douglas was seeking the Golden Nugget in Las Ve gas, had a Bruce, (38) Tu-Tone, (39) Edison, Nakamichi, (43) Masumi W L Nakamichi, (44) Pauline Date 1939 to 1975, a term of 36 years road to Epiphany, he was headed truly Nisei-kind of a game. I think (40) To astie, (4 1) Mutt, (42) Yu mily, Nakamura, (45) Miyoko Mikasa (the record for that court), was in the wrong direction. . that others have been held else­ (43) Popa, (44)Jeep, (45) Tach, (46) Nakamura, (46) Nobuyuki appointed by President Franklin where, only they haven't come to Wo ng, (47) Boss, (48) Monku, (49) Nakamura, (47) Milton Nishida, Delano Roosevelt, Douglas was NOW, ALONG COMES a our attention. The reason for saying House, (50) Marblehead, (5 1) Hook, (52) Gopher, (53) (48) Isamu -Okamoto, (49) Satoshi then .age 41, the second youngest 716-page biography on Douglas this is that the Rev. Dr. Paul Nagano Scooter, (54) Yangu, (55) Hambone, Okamoto, (50) Yuri Izushita member ever to serve. (The written by Bruce Allen Murphy, (one of the bachelors then at Poston III) has seen a comparable list while (56) Hankus, (57) Polly, (58) Cleo, Okamura youngest, at age 32, was a professor at Lafayette College, he ministered in Seattle. (59) Kash, (60)Parker, (61) Kimber, (5 1) Masa�hi Osato� (52) Phyllis Associate Justice Joseph Storey; titled and sub-titled "Wild Bill, When the Hakujin kindergarten (62) Wrap, (63) Fatty, (64)Chin gus, Osato, (53) Hanaye Watari Rerlge, but that's going back to 1812.) The Legend and Life of William teacher couldn't pronounce your (65) Koba, (66) P. O., (67) Willie, (54) Naomi Nishida Rickett, (55) Three years following Douglas' O. Douglas," (Random House, given Japanese name, an American (68) Noby, (69) Mouse, (70) Lou Sumako Hirashima Sano, (56) appointment, Roosevelt was to 2003.) Upon receiving the book monicker was substituted. Or when Buck, (7 1) Kokomo, (72) Mexican, Hideko Tsuida Shimamoto, (57) issue his infamous Executive (from my daughter) I turned to your classmates at recess gave you a (73) Nibo, (74) Lefty, (75) Bubbles. Sanzo Shinmoto, (58) Jimmy Order 9066; Douglas would then references to the internment suitable tag. Or, in self-defense, you Here are the true names in alpha­ Shinohara, (59) Machiko Mori be called upon to pass upon the cases. The author quotes a picked one of your own. There may betical order: Suyama, (60) Akira Tajiri, (61) Akira legality of his mentor's action. Douglas law clerk who succinct­ be other theories. (1) Hidetoshi Akiyama, (2) Kiyo Takeshita, (62) Hiroshi Tanizaki, ly summarized the situation: "It One might have occurred at Aoki, (3) Todd Aoki, (4) Masato (63) Willie Tateishi, (64) Masaharu THE QUESTION emanating outraged me a lot. I knew that kindergarten or first grade. One Asakawa, (5) Ts utomu Date, (6) Tsuida, (65) George Uchida, (66) from E.O. 9066 and now con­ the [military explanation for the Hakujin teacher wondered why the Walt Fujimoto, (7) Iyoko Sasaki Kiyoko Tsuida Uda, (67) Harumi fronting Douglas and his exclusion] was a bunch of bull­ Japanese girls had "ko" in their first Hamada, (8) Edythe Hirase Harada, Hirai Yabu, (68) Ayako Morikawa brethren was a simple Olle: May shit. The main purpose was to name. One mother . explained: "Ko (9) Mary Hashimoto, (10) JUile Yamada, (69) Eugene Ya mada, (70) Americalls of Japanese ancestry get the Japanese out so that they stands for 'child' in Japanese." The Hayashi, (11) Tetsuo Himaka, (12) George Yamada, (7 1) Joe Ya mada, (AJAs) be subjected to disparate could seize their property." teacher said: "Well, they are not a Futoshi Hirai, (13) Toru Hirose, (14) (72) Kazumi Yamada, (73) Yuriko treatment by military determina­ (206). Author Murphy cites 'child' any more. You should drop Masami Honda, (15) Nobu Honda, Yamada, (74) Noboru Yamakoshi, tion based on their race? In some factors that were weighing 'ko' ." Perhaps, some complied. (16) Tom Honda, (17) George (75) Jim Yanagihara, (76) Kimiteru Hirabayashi, 320 US 81 (June on Douglas: Midori (Koba) Koga of Parlier Iwasaki, (18) Ropy Iwashita, (19) Yo kota. 21, 1943), in an oplOlOn remembered 75 gl,lYS and gals at Carl Kaneyuki, (20) Richard Kara­ Notes: Masashi Osato 'and Akira authored by the chief justice The issue here was compli­ Poston III were called or given a sawa, (2 1) Kiyoshi Kawamoto, (22) Takeshita each had two nicknames (Stone), the Supreme Court cated for Douglas however, "nickname." One of them: Masato Kunio Kawamoto, (23) Yu kio .. .. Besides the conversations that criss-crossed our table, three fe llows answered the question in the since he had thus far been Asakawa, one of the San Diego . Kawamoto, (24) Lilyan Nagata were comparing their respective sci­ affirmative. In a concurring very devoted to the policies JACLers I've known, was "Bruce" Kiyomoto, (25) Allan Koba entific patents. (That's an idea for opinion, Douglas rationalized of the man who had appoint­ when we met years ago. That made (26) Yo shito Koba, (27) Jiro Kodama, (28) Midori Koga, (29) another column, I thought) ... Doug that "it seems to me necessary to ed him to the Court, Franklin Midori's Nickname Game List. Kiyoko Kunishige, (30) Minoru Urata made an unexpected appear­ concede that the army had the Delano Roosevelt. He was As a prelude to my nickname, ''Harry,'' it was given before going Maruyama, (3 1) Fred Masukawa, ance to wish parents Jim and Helen a power to deal temporarily with tempering his views not only to kindergarten. The sign on the (32) George Masumoto, (33) Toru happy 60th wedding anniversary. In these people [AJAs] on a group out of love for FDR, but also window of my dad's business read: Matsumoto, (34) Mitsuru Mitsuoka, the dim spotlight, Jim said to me: basis." 320 US at 107, emphasis on account of the fact that he "Henry S. Honda ShoeRepair." His (35) Noboru Mitsuoka, (36) Terry 'That guy looks awfully familiar added. What Douglas appears to personally knew and liked steady customer, an Englishman, Hamaguchi Mizufuka, (37) Tok (oblivious, at first, that it was his be espousing is the proposition General DeWitt. Later that askedmy father what my name was. Morikawa, (38) Haruye Nakamura son)." • that infringement of constitu­ summer, after having dinner It was "Kazue." It didn't sound tional protections on a group with the general and his wife English to him, and he proceeded to basis may be permissible when it on a trip west, Douglas wrote suggest the diminutive of Henry, JACL and NJAMF to Host Nat'l is temporary, such as imposition Hugo Black, "They are really "Harry." It's a part of my legal of a curfew. grand people. We enjoyed name, "Harry K.," the middle initial Nikkei Golf To urnament July 14 them immensely." (Id. 206) to distinguish from the other Harry . The JACL and the National out the United States. IT' S BEEN SAID that Hondas in this land. Japanese American Memorial On Nov. 9, 2000, the National Douglas expressed remorse in Author Murphy writes: Now, how is the Nickname Game Foundation (NJAMF) are co-hosts Memorial to Japanese American the stance that he took in the so­ "Douglas, a man who rarely sec­ played? There were two sheets: One for the Inaugural National Nikkei Patriotism during Wo rld War II called "evacuation" cases. If so, ond-guessed himself, came to listing the nicknames. The game Golf To urnament to be held at was dedicated in the U.S. capital. such was not forthcoming when regret his decision to go with the was to pair them with the real names Virginia's Westfields Golf Club The construction of the memorial some year and a half later he had majority in [the Hirabayashi] on the other sheet. July 14. was itself created by an act of full opportunity to recant in case. 'My vote to affirm was one What a great assortment. There Funds raised at the National Congress. Korematsu), 323 US 214 (Dec. of my mistakes, ' he later wrote, are other nicknames in the Nisei Nikkei Golf To urnament will go The fund-raising goal for the 18, 1944). On the contrary, in adding, 'the evacuation case ... world not cited here.This could start towards the overall operation� of Inaugural National Nikkei Golf writi ng the Elldo decision for the was ever on my conscience. ' " the parade of "nom de Nisei." theJACL and to support the educa­ To urnament is $50,000. Westftelds court, 323 US 283 (delivered the (ld. 234) • (1) Sunshine, (2) Silent, (3) tion, maintenance, and operations Golf Club is located in Clifton, Va ., same day as Korematsu), Douglas Yo ker, (4) Yonki, (5) Gorcey, (6) of NJAMF's Memorial to about 25 miles from Washington, Dumbo, (7) Head, (8) Killer, (9) Bum, (10) Panda Bear, (11) RFD, Patriotism in Washington, D.C. D.C. (12) Snooks, (13) Pinochle, (14) Since its founding in 1929, the Entrance fees are $200 per per­ Porky, (15) To to, (16) Chino, (17) JACL has addressedand fo ught for son, $1200 per fo ursome with hole Hot Rod, (18) Honey, (19) Jojo, (20) civil rights issues in the Asian signage. Checks should be mailed Peter, (2 1) Hideyama, (22) Chibodi, Pacific American community. to NJAMF, 1 000 Connecticut Ave. (23) Lover, (24) WackYl (25) Today the organization continues NW#304, Wa shington, DC 20036. Cherry, to preserve the rights and well- . For more information please con­ (26) Pakkai, (27) Jumbo, (28) being of APAs and others who fall tact Cheron Carlson at 2021530- victim to social injustices through- 0015or nj [email protected] .• . -

lHEeTERNAL QUES T PACIFIC .CITIZEN, MAY 2-15, 2003 9 govemment_ This may very well years, and I am damn proud. of it MORI MEMO be the last time we will ever be From the Midwest and because they know where I (Continued from page 1) able to honor all four together. Bill Yoshino, Midwest Regional Director come from I can even say things This is a fund raising dinner, that you apparently get over­ Mineta, Sen_ Daniel Inouye, Rep_ much like the one we held in wrought about." Bob Matsui, and Rep_ Mike 1980. But like the dinner back In 1995, Caray interviewed Cub Honda. • then, we are organizing this event Harry Caray manager Jim Riggleman and The national JACL has only -to be able to say thank you to these Struck Out asked, "I don't feel slanty-eyed once before hosted a dinner of this remarkable individuals who have today, do you?" This was a refer­ magnitude_ In 1980 we honored supported the JACL and �lle com­ e arrival of spring brings object to the usage, but that the ence to Hideo Nomo who was the JA members of Congress at a munity over the years. It's about with it the opening of the term has a derogatory history. scheduled to pitch that day. We major redress fund-raising dinner, them TI met with WGN management . baseball season, which is a Chiye then asked him to refrain two years after the public launch­ I This is an event which hope Qlessing for the optimism it from using the term on air again. . (Caray's bosses) protesting the ing of the historic redress cam­ . every JACL member will think evokes for a winning season. In In 1984, during a WGN telecast remark and demanded an apology, paign. about attending. Because this is the case of the Chicago Cubs, it of a Cubs game, Caray repeatedly which they gave. Not Harry It's been 23 years and the time such a special event, we'll be can be a curse, not only because of made reference to Japanese base­ Caray; he decided to dig in. has- come for us to recognize and offering a special rate- for JACL their half century of failure, but ball players as ')ap" ballplayers. I Despite h;tters from a variety of thank our JA national leaders and members because we'd like as because it's impossible to park wrote a l�tter prote�ting this usage organizations, petitions, and sev­ to honor them for all they have many of you as possible to have an around Wrigley Field on game to Caray and to WGN manage­ eral days of media furor, he stuck done throughout the years for the opportunity to attend. Yo ur chap­ days if you want to dine at one of ment reminding them both that the to his line that he didn't do any­ benefit of the JA community and ter presidents will be receiving the many restaurants in the area. term is a slur and that using it on thing wrong. Several of his broad­ for the nation_ information about this, so be sure On Opening Day, I unwittingly air would serve to condone its use. cast cqlleagues came to his This gala dinner will bring to check with your president and decided to have lunch at a Caray responded by letter saying defense saying that the remarks together the four honorees in pub­ board members. Or you can con­ Wrigleyville restaurant and quick­ that two of his JA friends were were being blown out of propor­ lic for the firsttime. It's truly a rare tact us at national headquarters or ly leamed that it was game day. In embarrassed by my over-sensitivi­ tion and that he didn't mean any­ opportunity for us to pay tribute to the PSW office. leaving the area, I drove down ty, and that he was as well. thing by it, indicating that he is not these individuals who play signif­ 13. Save the date: Sept. See you Addison Street and glanced at the In his letter, he went on to say a malicious person. icant roles at the highest levels of .• in Los Angeles statue of Harry Caray, which . that I was being presumptuous to These reactions aren't ancient brought back some unpleasant "pressure your own viewpoints" history. Many still don't under­ memories of past encounters with to WGN. At theend of my letter to stand that ')ap" isn't just a short­ �� �(Jj���rn!J 11�ljlhi�!h this celebrated sports announcer. Caray I said that the JACL is com­ ened form or that "slanty-eyed" Our JACL office files contain a mitted to the belief that everyone isn't the same as describing some­ Give a friend or a loved one the gift that letter written in 1973 by Chiye has a responsibility to promote one as a "blue-eyed." Slurs and Tomihiro, then chair of the understanding among people, insulting caricatures carry a histo­ comes twice a month. Send them a gift ty Chicago JACL anti-defamation regardless of ethnic background. that many fail to understand. subscription to the today. Harry Caray may well have been a Pacific Citizen committee, to Harry Caray taking To this Caray replied, "what him to task for refening on air to makes you think that your com­ kind and decent person despite the Call 800/966-6157 for details. Tommie O'Leary as "the jap." mitments and desires for ethnic several stupid remarks he made on O' Leary, a Japanese American, goodwill are superiorto mine - I air. However, when it came time was a well-known 'operator of a have been making friends ethni­ to make things right and own up to • Rush Street bar. In her letter, cally over the radio and TV for 40 his remarks, he muffed it. Chiye told Caray that because of Kosakura EscortedTours & Cruises his friendship, O' Leary may not "reCipes fo r worry free travel" Planning a trip? Call one of our travel Ye ar 2003 Adventures agency adver�isers for details.

May 5-14 BennudaCruise - Radisson 7·Seas'Na vigator (562) 598-9523 Established 1965 May 15-27 Japan - Along the Japan Sea F(JIJA CURTIS R. NA MBA NA MBA LAw Jun 26-Jul 8 Summer Japan - Highlights of Japan OFFICES 83 Scripps Dr., Suite 370 Imperial Jewelry Mfg. Co. Jul l0-22 Alpine Countries Austria, Germany & Switzerland Fine Jewelry . Custom Designing · Repair - Sacramento, CA 95825 Jul 26-Aug 7 Cruise/l'our - on the new IslandPrincess . [email protected] 11072 Los Alamitos Blvd. - AlOHALie. PLUMBING Aug 5-16 St Petersburg to Moscow on the mttenvays of the Czars 916-922-6300 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 - S I NCE#440840 1' 922- Aug 22-31 Atlantic Canada - A TauckThur - W. Mission Road Sep 18-30 Northern Japan- Hokkaido & Thhoku 777 CA San Gabriel, 91778 Sep 25-0ct 7 Europe - Rome to Paris 2003 ESCORTED TA NAKA TOURS (323) 283-0018 NCL HAWAIIAN ISLANDS CRUISE (via new Norwegian Star, 8 days) ...... MAY 11 Sep 30-0ct 19 AuStralia & New Zealand- a Grand discoverytour . . TAUCK YELLOWSTONEIMT. TETON NTL PARK (10 days) ...... MAY 28 Oct Autumn Japan - Highlights of Japan . 9-21 UR ...... JULY SUMMER BASEBALL TO (6 Par1

AiJ'�"J'� / rotlS�4. 1' - qJ'aotll Ohio Av enue, Los Angeles, CA (lmertcan HOlid(l�1fQV�{ , ...... JUNE 21-30 12m2 90025 GRANDPARENTS-GRANDCHILDREN2003 TO JAPANUR SC TOURHEDUL . E . Phone: Fax: ...... (310) 820-5250, (310) 826-9220 Tokyo. Lake Hamanaka. Hiroshima. Kyoto. JULY 22-27 CANADIAN ROCKIES GETAWAY TOUR ...... Banff, Loke Louise. Voho National Park. Athobasaca Glacier. . JULY 24-27 12THPAN AMERICAN NIKKEI ASSOC. (PANA) CONVENTION . 2003 GROUP TOURS ...... Santa Cruz (Bolivia). Tours to be arranged. . . JULY 27-AUG 3 May 12 Discovery of Seattle, Bainbridge & San Juan Islands: 6-days $1 ,195 ALASKA HOLIDAY CRUISE ...... " ...... " • . May 17 New Orleans & Biloxi To ur: (unpack twice) 7-days $1 ,499 Anchorage/Seward, Glacier Bay, Sitka. Juneau. Ketchikan Inside Possage. VancOlNer. HOIlAND AMERICA UNE. AUG 25-SEPT 8 SCANDINAVIA-RUSSIA HOLIDAY CRUISE ...... May 23 Heritage of America: 11-days $2,064 ...... Arhus/Denmark. Warnemunde/Germany. Visby/Sweden. $2,995 London. Oslo/Norway. May 24 Japan Uranihon tour: 11-days Tallinin/Estonia. St. Petersburg/Russia.Helsinki/Finland. Stockholm/Sweden. May 24 European DiscoveryTo ur: 14-days $2,495 Copenhagen/Denmark HOLLAND AMERICA UNE SEPT 28-OCT 10 OKINAWA-KYUSHU HOLIDAY TOUR ...... $2,915 ...... June 23 Japan Summer Basic To ur: 10-days Naha/Okinawa. Ibusuki. Kagoshima. Miyazoki, Beppu. Kumamoto. July 19 Montana Rail Explorer: 8-days $1 ,999 Nagasaki. Fukuoka SEPT 29-0CT NEW ENGLAND FALL FOLIAGE HOLI DAY TOUR ...... 6 Canadian Rockies To ur: (unpack once) 6-days $1 ,599 ...... July 22 Boston. Sturbridge/Mass.. Killington/Vermont. North Conway. New Hampshire. OCT 12-23 from $1 ,549 HOKKAIDO HOLIDAY TOUR ..... Sept 7 Alaska's Inside Passage Cruise: 8-days : ...... •.. Lakes Akan/Moshu/Kussharo. Shiretoko. Abashiri. Onneyu Sept 15 Branson Musical Getaway: 5-days, $1 ,049 Chitose, Tokochigawa Onsen. Onsen. Sounkyo. Sapporo. Otaru. Noboribetsu Onsen. Hakodate. '. .. OCT 24-28 $3,095 SAN FRANCISCO GETAWAY HOLIDAY TOUR ...... Sept 18 Hokkaido & To hoku To ur: 10-days ...... San FranciscO. Monterey/Carmel. Napo Valley, Napa Va lley Wine Train. Sept 28 Mexican Riviera Cruise: (depart from & retum to Port L.A.) 8-days from $879 . NOV 6-23 SOUTH AMERICA PATAGONIA HOLIDAY TOUR ...... Oct 7 New England Back Roads Fall Foliage: (Opt. 2-nite Boston ext.) 8-days $1 ,599 Argentina & Chile Patagonia. Meet local Japanese in Buenos Aires & Santiago. Oct 13 Japan Fall Foliage To ur: 10-days, $3,095 We can also assist you with: Domestic/International f g ts, Hotels, nA�ui res to Nov 3 Country Roads of Italy: (Optional 2-nite Rome ext.) 9-days $1 ,799 Cars Individual To ur Packages, Cruises, Low Cost a apan, Japan R ailpass and Customized Group To urs Nov 10 Okinawa & Kyushu To ur: 10-days $3, 195 j For information and reservations, please write or call to: Dec 7 Eastern Caribbean Cruise: 8-days from $1 ,649 AMERICAN HOLIDAY TRAVEL 312 E. 1ST ST., #341 , Los Angeles, CA 90012 . Please call for booking of any unescorted individual tours or for a detaileq itinerary. Tel: (213) 625-2232; Fax: (213) 625-4347 Travel meetings are held on third Sunday of each month beginning at 1 :00 p.m. at Felicia Mahood Center Ernest & Carol I-lida 11338 Santa Monica Blvd . in West Los Angeles. CST #2000326-10 PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAY 2-15, 2003 · 10 Reservation deadline is May 16; for reselVations and special arrangements, Northern California BAY AREA call Elaine Ishida, 310/329-9105. Info: Sun., May 4-Nik-kei Widowed Cal;;.d;�NITV Sam Shimoguchi, 3101822-6688; Paul Group Meeting; new members, men Dno, 3101532-2495; Victor Muraoka and women, are welcome. Call for National 818/83 1-2178. Month of May-TV Documentary, meeting time and place: M. Kusaba, ''The Floating World: Masami Teraoka 415/333-5 190, or Kay Yamamoto, and His Art" ; produced by the National MidwST. LOUISest 5101444-3911. A�ian American Telecommunications Fri.-Sun., June 20-22-JACL Yo uth! HAYWA RD Association (NAATA); check local Student ' Council's National Yo uth Sun., June I-5 1st Annual JACL PBS listings fordays/ti mes. Conference; Was hington University; Junior Olympics; Chabot College; Mon., July 14-Inaugural National divisions from 8 years and under . workshops, forum on . multicultural ; kkei Golf To Urnament, "Nikkei 1"; issues, mentorship luncheon, Vision through 'open' and 'masters .' Entry � ,0 a.m. registration; 10 a.m. shotgun Award banquet, much more. Info: deadline, May 6. Info: Tom Oshidari, S( .'1; We stfields (a Fred Couples signa- . Maya Yamazaki, [email protected]; 408/257-5609 evenings, 650/623- . tU 'e course), 13940 Balmoral Greens or Joshua Mizutani Spry, youthrep 1314 days; toshidari @ditechcom.com . Ave., Clifton, Va .; practice time avail� @jacl.org. SACRAMENTO able in the morning; lunch on the Thurs., May S-Forum, "Smoothing l'ourse; awards buffet to fo llow; hosted Interll'lCU'ltain Racial Edges: A Multiracial Per­ by the National Japanese American SALT LAKE CITY spective"; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Holiday Memorial Foundation and JACL. . Sat., June 7-Salt Lake JACL annual Villa Restaurant, 7007 S. Land Park $200/person, $1200/foursome with fund raiser: "Tanoshimi No Yo ru" Dr.; Wayne Maeda, CSUS lecturer, hole signage. Make checks payable to: Casino & Bingo Night; 6- 10 p.m.; Salt author of "Japanese Americans in the NJAMF and send to NJAMF, 1000 Lake Buddhist Te mple, 211 We st 190 Sacramento Region"; childcare avail­ Connecticut Av e. NW #304, Was hing­ South. Info: [email protected]. able; Florin JACL's 4th multiracial ton, DC 20036. Info, directions: Fri.-Sun., Aug. 1-3-Minidoka Re­ fo rum. RSVP by May 2. Info: Karen, NJAMF, 2021530-0015; njamf@ union; see details at Seattle. 916/979-0569 days; Sue, 916/429- erols.com. TWIN FA LLS, Idaho 2579 evenings, weekends; seh@ Sat., Sept. 13-National JACL Fri.-Sun., June 27-29-JACL Bi­ jps.net. Dinner "An American Te stimonial: District Conference (IDC-PNW); wel­ Sun., May IS-II th Annual Pacific A broadcasting situation as imagined happening in Den r r�dio station �� : Salute � Japanese American National come mixer, "Hint of Hawaii" (pre­ Rim Street Festival; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; KFEL in 1943-1945, recreated for the documentary Calling To kyo Leaders"; Wilshire Grand Hotel, Los function for 2004 convention); recog­ Old Sacramento.Info: 916/443-6223 . Japanese Broadcasters During World War II," to be screened at the . 3. Angeles; honoring Hon. Norman nition/speakers: artist Roger Shimo­ Mon., May 26-Dedication of a Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles on May Mineta (invited), Hon. Daniel Inouye, mura, political aide Dcpl Shimomura plaque honoring those from the Info: 650/524-69 19; jazlvr2000@ ets early at the fe stival tent at Hon. Robert Matsui and Hon. Mike and Terrell Nagata, JACL Credit Sacramento area who gave their lives attbi.com. Lankershim and Magnolia; free shut- Honda. RSVP, info: 213/626-447 1; Union; workshops; bone marrow reg­ selVing with the U.S. armed forces STOCKTON tle provided to the theater. The fe stival [email protected]; wwwJaclpsw.org. istry drive; golf in the canyon, bus to during WWII and the Korean War; 1 . Sun.,May 4-NCWNP District Coun- starts on Sunday, May 17. Info: Jackpot, . Nev. (golf there also), p.m.; Nisei War Memorial Com­ cil Meeting; hosts, Stockton JACL. 818/590-83 12. East Coast Minidoka pilgrimage, fishing for rain­ munity Center, 15615 4th St.; family RIVERSIDE DELRAY BEACH, Fla. bow trout. Registration discount until members of the honorees will partici­ Sun., May IS-Riverside JACL Through May 25-Exhibit: "Dia­ June 10. Group rate at Red Lion Southern California . pate.Inf o: Tom Okubo,866/42 1-4744. LOS ANGELES Scholarship/Graduation Potluck Din- monds in the Rough: Japanese Hotel until June 16: 800/727-5003; SAN FRANCISCO Sat., May 3-Docurnentary Screen- ner; 5 pm.; First Christian Church, Americans in Baseball"; Morikami robin.b [email protected]. amm Sun., May IS-Kodomo No Hi: ing and Panel Discussion, "Calling . 4055 JurupaAv e. at Brockton. Museum, Morikami Park Rd.; Children's Day Festival; 11 a.mA To kyo: Japanese American Broad- TEMECULA explores basebal4000l's special place in the PacifIC Northwest p.m.; Japantown Peace Plaza; enter­ casters During World War 11";1- 3 Sat., May 31-Children's Matsuri; 2- history ofthe JapaneseAmerican com­ PORTLAND tainment, jump house, hands-on activ­ p.m.; Japanese American National 5 p.m.; Te mecula Community Center, munity. Info: 561/495-0233; www. Suo., May 4-Portland JA communi­ ities, games, food; combines Dolls Museum, 369 E. First St., Little 288 16 Pujol; food, crafts, games, morikamLorg. ty organizations including JACL will Day (HinamaJsuri) and Boys Day. To kyo; sUlViving broadcasters will be taiko, koto, karate & kobudo, dancing, NEW YORK CITY honor graduating seniors at the Annual Info: 415/567-5505. on hand to answer questions. RSVP: kimono, bonsai, kai ken, more; pre- Sat., June 7-Korean American Graduation Banquet; 5 p.m.; keynote Sun., May IS-NAATA Asian 213/625-0414. sented by the Te mecula/Nakayama Coalition Personal Development speaker, poet/professor Lawson Fusao American Documentary Showcase; Through May S-Visual Communi- Sister City Association. Info : www. Wo rkshop #3: "Managing the Asian Inada. Tickets, location, info: Terry from2 p.m.; AMC Kabuki 8 T/leatres, cations Film Festival 2003; venues TemeculaSisterCityAssociation.org. Pacific American Career"; 9 a.m.- Nishikawa, 503/666-3836. 1881 Post St. Info: www.naatanet.org. include Directors Guild, David Henry WESTCOVINA 12:30 p.m. (8:30 a.m. registration); SEATTLE Tickets: at the door or fax 415/863- Hwang Theatre, Arclight Hollywood Sat., May 17-City of We st Covina's KUSCO, 1952 Gallows Rd., Vienna; Fri.-Sun., Aug. 1-3-Minidoka Re­ 7428; [email protected]. and the Japan America Theatre. First Annual Cherry Blossom Festival; featuring professional trainers from union; DoubleTree Hotel, Seattle SAN JOSE Tickets and info: .213/680-4462 ext 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; We st Covina Civic LEAP. Free and open to the public. Airport; all former Minidokans, their Sun., May 4-Nikkei Matsuri in San 59; www.vconline.orglfilrnfest Center Mall; co-hosted by East San RSVP, info: 202/296-6401; david­ families and interested persons are Jose Japantown; 9: 15 a.m. opening Thurs., May S-Filrn, "Mai's Amer- Gabriel Va lley Japanese Community [email protected]. invited; mixer, exhibits, panel discus­ ceremony, 4 p.m. closing; entertain­ ica"; 6 p.m.; Cal State L.A, Maxwell Center. WA SHINGTON, D.C. . sions, banquetdinner with a short pro­ ment beginningat 10 a.m.; Jackson St. Theatre, University-Student Union; Sat., May 10-7th Animal Asian gram; Sunday picnic. ReselVe directly between 4th & 6th; food, gifts, cloth­ film follows a Vietnamese teenager . ona Pacific American Spring Benefit with the Hotel and mention the Ariz _ Nevada ing, cultural and historical exhibits; studying in the United States. Info: PHOENIX Celebration, "Reflections: Reinforcing Minidoka 2003 Reunion for special children's prbgram, book signing, Cross Culfural Centers, 323/343-5001. Sat., May 17-"Evening With Lane Unity"; 8 p.m.- l a.m.; Wyndham City rate: 8001222-8733. Info: Minidoka more; San Jose JACL and JACL Next Wed., May 14-"Asian American Nishikawa"; 7 p.m.; Phoenix College Center, 1143 New Hampshire Av e. Reunion 2003 Committee, do Ronald Generation will have food booths. Dreams: An Evening With Helen Zia"; Auditorium; live performance by NW. Info: William Lee, 202/986-4598; and Gloria Shigeno, 4442- 14Oth Ave. Sat.-Sun., May I7-18-Children's 7 p.m.; Cal State L.A., Los Angeles Nishikawa, plus his two films: "While [email protected]; or Marisa Wu, SE, Bellevue, WA 98006. Book Signings; 1 p.m.; Nikkei Tra­ Room, University-Student Union. Info: We Were Warriors" and "Forgotten 703/521-7046; apaspringbenefit@ WOODINVILLE, Wash. . ditions, 219 Jackson St., Japantown; Cross Cultural Centers, 323/343-5001. Valor"; sponsored by Ariwna JACL; yahoo.com. Mon., June 3O-Nikkei Concems 3rd "Floating Lanterns and Golden Wed., May 14-Sun:, June S-East tickets discountedfor JACL members. Thurs., Sept.25-Sat., Oct. 4-Korean Annual Founders' Benefit Golf Shrines: Celebrating Japanese Festi­ We st Players world premiere of "The Tickets, info: Alan Tang, 602/86 1- War Ve terans Washington D.C. Tour, Tournament; 10 a.m. registration, 1 vals" on Saturday, and "Why Cats Nisei Widows Club"; David Henry 2638; Randy Nakagawa, 602/369- "Heritage of America"; to commemo­ p.m. shotgun start; BearCreek Country Chase Mice" on Sunday. Pre-orders Huang Theater, 120 Judge John Aiso 0532; Ted Namba, 623/572-9913. rate the 50th anniversary of the end of Club; cocktail reception, dinner, are strongly advised: 4081297-7554. St., Little Tokyo; Low-costpreviews RENO the Korean Wa r; welcoming dinner, awards ceremony, live auction will fol­ SAN MATEO on May 8-10, American Sign Sun., May IS-Mother's & Chil­ memorial service; includes JA low. Info: ' David Hayashi, 425/646- Sat., May 100The Human Race lAnguage interpretation on June 6, dren's Day with Reno JACL; Knights Memorial to Patriotism;, Williams­ 8212, david.k.hayashi @aexp.com; or Fund-raising Walkathon; Coyote Tickets, schedules: 213/625-7000. of Pythias Hall, 575 Nevada St. Info: burg, Gettysburg, Amish country, Kevin Nagai, 425/646-3039, kevinn@ Point; to support the San Mateo JACL Sat., May 17-Bazaar-Carnival; St. 775/853-8850.• Philadelphia; open to the public. basecapital.com. Community Center. Mary's Episcopal Church, 961 S. Sat., May 100Jazz Concert, "A MariposaAve. Info: 213/387-0023. DEADliNEfor Calendar is the heartfelt new comedy explores Musical Tribute to Asian American NORTH HOLLYWOOD Friday before date of issue, on a A History Month"; 7 p.m.; College of Sun., May 1S-''Room to Improv," a space-available basis. Please provide the time and th e traditions, loves, losses and lives San Mateo Theater; featuring Anthony new young group of Asian Arriericans, Brown's Asian American Orchestra place of the event, and name and will perform at the NoHo Theatre & phone number, (includin area and the Bob Kenmotsu Quintet; a g APi Nisei women. Arts Festival; 5 p.m.; Whitmore­ code)of a contact person. KCSM Listener Concert. Tickets, Lindley Theater Center; get free tick-

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of Las Ve gas; sisters-in-law Ruth Francisco, April 5; Kauai, Kekaha, Yoshimoto, Chiyeno, 100, Kumagai of , Cibyl Hawaii-born; survived by son Gardena, April 13; Okayama-ken­ ObituaRies Kumagai of Washington. Tadao (Miwako) of Penryn; daugh­ born'; survived by son Kenishiro All the towns are in California except as noted. Nakanishi, Kunio, 59, Los ters Hisako (Nobuyuki) Sugioka; 7 (Takae); daughters Midori Ishi­ Angeles, April 10; Saga-ken-bom; gc., 11 ggc.; brother Shigeo (Shi­ bashi, Harumi Sugiyama, Naomi Asa, John, 65, Toronto, March resident, former Aorin JACL pres­ . veteran; survived by zuko) Nakamura; predeceased by (Teruo) Yoshimoto; 4 gc., 7 ggc.; 5; founder and owner of Japan ident and Asian Bar Association, daughter Mariko Nakanishi; broth­ daughter Emiko (George) Fujii. brother Hatsutaro Fuj ioka of Japan. Camera, the first company in Sacramento,president; survived by er IWao (Midori). Yo shimi, loo, 103, Los Angeles, • Canada to provide on-site one-hour sons George, Greg; daughter Cheri ; Yagi, Dexter Seikoo, 54, April 19; Kagoshima-ken-born; photo developing. predeceased by husband Aki. Torrance,April 10; Michigan:bom; survived by sons-in-law Tetsujiro Hiyoshi, Phillip, 39, Monterey This compilation appears on a space­ Vietnam War veteran; survived by Nakamura, Richard Peterson; available basis at no cost. Printedobitu­ Park, April 2; survived by father brother Byron S. daughters-in-law Sachiko and June . aries from your newspaper are we/­ Charles; brother David; sisters come. "Death Notices, " which appear in Yamashiro, Asayo, 100, San Yo shimi; 11 gc., 7 ggc. a timely mannerat request of the family Irene (Frank) Gomez, Ann Hi­ or funeral director; are published at the yoshi. rate of $15 per column inch. Te xt is Igasaki, Haruko, ff7, reworded needed. Gardena, Creators of the Original, Bronze KAMON 707 East Te mple Street as GernJdFukui April 3; Santa Maria-born; sur­ Los Angeles, CA 90012 President Cawley, James, 41, Layton, vived by son Dr. Howard (Nobuko B83�*Sl��& ��Sl:� Ph. Utah; U.S. Marine Reserve staff "Nobbi"); 2 gc., 4 ggc.; brother 2131626-0441 seargent; killed in action in Iraq on Roy (Eileen) Mayeda; sister Hide Fax 2131617-278 1 March 29; survived by wife (Hiroshi) Muranaka of Ha�aii; sis­ J.A.%®t & Miyuki; son Cecil. ter-in-Iaw Grace Mayeda; prede­ 'Symbol of your Japanese surname its history' Coddington, Max Eugene, 84, * Complete, private libraryof ceased by husband To shi "Eggs," KlIMON BUNKO: Kamon & Los Angeles, April 9; Abington, brother Yas (Grace) Mayeda;- sis- ' research a for you which related references. We can Kamon Ill.-bom; WWIIU.S. Air Forcevet­ ters Michi (Shig) Tokumoto and accurately symbolizes your surname its profound history. eran; . survived by wife Betty Kikuye Mayeda. & * Learn about the historybehind your Fumiko; sons David (Tracy) and Kumagai, George Tadashi, 81, KRMON JYUKU: Kamon Japanese surname. Sessions of individualized instruction Dan Coddington and Kenneth Santa Monica, April 10; Calexico­ & available by appt. F.D.L. #929 (May) Inouye; daughters Patricia born; WWII veteran; survived by 911 VENICE BLVD. Coddington, Marie (Bob) Petrie; wife Sumie; brother Fred Ei LOS ANGELES, CA 90015 many gc.; brothers Wayne, Herbert Maria; sisters YOSHIDA KAMONART (Sachi) of Santa (213) 749·1449 (Marian). Chizuko Rose Makita of Carlsbad, ' , P. 0, Box 2958, Gardena, CA 90247- 1158 FAX (213) 749·0265 Hisatomi,Carol, Durham, N.C., Yu riko Lilly (Noboru) Takashima - R, Hayamizu, President (2 13) 629-2848 (8am lOpmIPST) H. Suzuki, v.P'/Gen. Mgr. April 2, of leukemia; Sacramento of Oregon, May (Bob) Thompson KEI YOSHIDA, ResearcherlInstructor NINA YOSHIDA, Translator PACIFIC CITIZEN, MAY 2-15, 2003 12 moved, it had to be braced and split "And whenever you're dealing Yo uth Conservation Corps crew internship with a stipend, housing MANZANAR into four sections because it was withhistoric structures, you need to helped clear out debris from the and educational award available (Continued from page 1) too huge to bringback in one piece take that extra care to preserve the historic orchard, foundation and through the Student Conservation (50' long, 25' wide). The move historic nature and build it to what rock gardens. Association. Those interested can scheduled to be completed by this took two days, with the CHP clos­ it was like exactly so that takes A local Boy Scout, with the help contact Hays or John Slaughter at fall in preparation for a Nov. 8 ing down Highway 395 and escort­ more than a normal construction of Manzanar staff, earned his 760/878-2867 or visit SCA web­ grand opening ceremony. Once ing the movers to Manzanar. process. Wemight be able to do the Eagle Scout badge by spearhead­ site at www.sca-inc.org and fill out construction is complete, the audi­ "It was neat to be a part of this," guard tower for less but that was ing the construction of 15 histori­ an application for the Conservation torium will house a visitors' center said Slaughter, who grew up in the the general estimate that we were cal bench replicas used at Associate position at Manzanar. with exhibits and a bookstore and area. "This is an experience I'll given"; Manzan&r, which will be placed in 3) Minidoka the NPS Manzanar staffoffices. never forget." . Create a research facility at the the park soon: • - NPS Arch­ The auditorium was originally The mess hall, however, is not Eastern California Museum in aeologist Jeff Burton, who has currently open to the public. Positions t done extensive work at Manzanar, constructed by internees in 1944 Independence. Hays said their goal • - Hays said hey and used for camp high school Externally, the structure will need is to house all the collections that currently have two job positions. will start excavation at the dances, talent shows, graduation extensive strengthening, and inter­ came from Manzanar in one place. One is for an administrative assis­ Minidoka camp site this fall, most ceremonies, movie showings, nally, an interpretive exhibit with "Right now, they're spread all over tant (#PGSO-03-62-DEU) and the likely in September. Burton is recreational games, funerals and recreated items will need to be con­ the place in Death Valley, Tucscon second is for a fulltime mainte­ seeking volunteers to help at other community gatherings. structed. and at the Eastern California nance worker (#PGSO-03-063- Minidoka. Archaeological experi­ "The auditorium restoration is Museum," said Hays. "So we want DEU). Those interested should ence is helpful but not necessary. • Public support going very well," said Sue - Super­ one fac ility where all the artifacts visit the www.usajobs.opm.gov. Anyone interested should contact Kunitomi Embrey, former intendent Frank Hays is currently are kept"; Manzanar also has a six-month Burton at 602/670-6501 .• Manzanar internee and chair of the working to form a nonprofit .4) Construct wayside exhibits watch dogs during the special reg­ Manzanar Committee. "We had a "Friends of Manzanar" organiza­ along the tour route. A virtual tour PILGRIMAGE istration program recently institut­ tour of the auditorium and they put tion to support the current eight over ·the Internet is availabie at (Continued from page 1) ed by the Immigration and in the two theaters in the south staffmembers. www.nps.gov/manz/virtualtour men might be relieved not to be Naturalization Service. wing. They're putting in the park Hays said they are in need of in­ /tour. drafted, Kobata said he had hoped "The Japanese were alone in headquarters and working on the kind donations such as audio or "Any funding we receive, we to join several of his friends who 1942 except for the Quakers," said exhibits. They also put in the win­ video equipment to be used in the would put it towards these projects had volunteered for military serv­ Masaoka. "We understand the fe ar dows on the south side and the exhibits; and fundraising- to under­ and work on them in phases to ice from camp. that the Muslim, Arab and South stage that's pretty close to what it write special projects not included where we can invite visitors in," When an opportunity came to Asian communities went through was originally in 1944. It's going in their operating budget. said Hays, who noted that even spearhead the construction of a after September 11. That's why to be great and we're looking for­ Thanks to efforts by Rose Ochi, small donations of $5 are appreciat­ monument at Poston dUJing the NCRR formed the September 11 ward to the November 8 opening." Manzanar Advisory Commission ed. 1990s, Kobata made sure there chair, the park received a fundrais­ Anyone who would like to committee." was an honor roll listing all the Masaoka also touched upon the Mess hall An original ing staIt with a check for $25,000 donate or volunteer as a "friend of • - Poston internees who died in com­ remarks made by Congressman Manzanar mess hall, which ended from the Los Angeles Department Manzanar" should contact Hays at bat. Howard Coble, who said during a up at the Bishop County Airport of Water and Power. 760/878-2194; email manz_super­ "I felt these people made the radio interview that the World War (42 miles north of Manzanar) after Special project priorities include: [email protected]; clo Manzanar supreme sacrifice and we owe it II camps were created to protect the war, was evaluated and found 1) Restoring the mess hall. Historic Site, P. O. Box 426, to them to honor them," said JAs. to retain sufficienthistoric integrity Estimated cost $300,000. "We'll Independence, CA 93526. Kobata. "It is up to people like your­ to be returned to Man�nar. The need to restore the building to Other critical ways to support Kathy Masaoka, a representative selves and Japanese Americans move took place in December where we can take visitors through Manzanar would be to write to from NCRR's 9/1 1 committee, who experienced the loss of their 2002 with the help of the NPS, it and show them what a mess hall your respective congressmen and shared about some of the activities rights to educate our government Inyo County, Caltrans and the was like," said Hays; National Park Service Director they've organized with the Muslim again about these lessons," said California Highway Patrol. Inyo 2) Reconstructing a guard tower. Fran Mainella, clo NPS, 1849 C and Arab American communities Masaoka. "It is up to us to write County donated the labor and Estimated cost $120,000- Street NW, Washington D.C. following the terrorist attacks of letters to Congress to call for the funds to remove asbestos from the $140,000. "Part of the reason the 20240 to ask for funding. Sept. 11, 2001. Events included removal of Congressman Coble walls. cost may seem high is because the "Break the Fast" programs during from his position as chair of a very According to NPS Manzanar wood that was used in those days • Other Activities: Volun­ - the holy month of Ramadan, visit­ Facility Manager John Slaughter, was higher quality wood that is not teers from theLittle Tokyo Service important Subcommittee on ing Islamic mosques and Buddhist before the structure could be easily accessible now," said Hays. Center and a Manzanar-sponsored Crime, Terrorism and Homeland temples, picnics, and serving as Security." •