Perspectives on Anarchist Theoryis Creating Democracy 55 a Publication of the Institute for Lara Messersmith-Glavin Anarchist Studies (IAS)
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Table of Contents Introduction 2 The Panthers, the Black Liberation Army, and the Struggle to Free All Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War 6 Ashanti Omowali Alston Where’s My Movement? perspectives Contemporary Anarchist Mothers and Community Support 18 on anarchist Victoria Law theory Movement, Cadre, and Dual Power 32 Joel Olson v.13 n.1 Why Must We Be Small? Reflections fall 2011 on Political Development and Cultural Work in Brazil’s Landless Movement 40 Tamara Lynne Editorial Collective: Lara Messersmith-Glavin, Paul Messersmith- Interview with Afro-Colombian Glavin, and Maia Ramnath. Anarchist David López Rodríguez 51 Layout & Cover Design: Josh Lisa Manzanilla & Brandon King MacPhee. Interview with Chris Borte: Perspectives on Anarchist Theoryis Creating Democracy 55 a publication of the Institute for Lara Messersmith-Glavin Anarchist Studies (IAS). The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect Practical Anarchy, NYC: the IAS. A Progress Report 64 Contact us at perspectivesmagazine@ Review: Uses of a Whirlwind and New articles, Black Bloc, White Riot 68 many not contained in our print edi- Geoff Bylinkin tion, are continually posted on line at our website. You can see them at Review: Anarchism and Its Aspirations, just look under and Oppose and Propose! 77 Perspectives. A. Cates Special Thanks: Adam Carpinelli, the artists, Charles Overbeck at Eberhardt Anarchist Interventions Book Series 84 Press, Ashanti Alston, Jude Ortiz, Recent Grants: Winter 2011 86 Kevin Van Meter, Lauren Fitzgerald. Donate to the IAS 88 Call for Submissions 89 Printed in Portland, Oregon by About the Artists 89 Eberhardt Press. About the IAS 90 Introduction the perspectives editorial collective on anarchist theory 3 These are some of the questions we are grappling with, and they are re- ally the unifying theme for this issue. In trying to answer these questions, we ap- proached people that we knew who were also struggling with these problems. There is a good deal of local work going on, with people engaging with a variety of issues and reflecting upon that work. Stating a commitment to creating he organizing theme for a social movement indicates certain this issue of Perspectives is assumptions about how we translate “building a movement.” theory into practice, choosing means TIt is for this idea that we called for that create ends through the process of articles, sought out writers, and set to doing them, linking resistance to pre- work to put a new issue in your hands. figuration to revolution. A movement is As we compiled the material printed collective, not individualized, requiring here, we began a discussion of the ideas accountability and flexible adaptation represented. Can one really “build a to circumstance. It has goals of funda- movement?” And is “building” an ap- mental change—ideas about what kind propriate metaphor anyway, with its of change, and ideas about how best implications of the use of tools, and to bring it about. It implies a positive tractors, and slow, steady (predictable) intention, an orientation toward weav- progress? Perhaps “creating a movement” ing new, functioning social relationships would be better? “Creating” suggests a into sustainable structures. broader range of activities beyond the Perhaps controversially to some mechanical act of building, implying the anarchists, it also often means being use of imagination, and perhaps a variety engaged in political organizing in rela- of approaches, including the artistic, tion to various issues and institutions. the written, and the confrontational. But that may be what’s required in order “Creative” could describe the actions to confront the realities of race, gender, of the black bloc in Seattle in 1999, as sexuality, class, age and ability-based well as that of the costumed turtles and oppressions—not as abstract theories, people locking down in intersections. but as real people’s experiences, in But “creating” also has a fantastic conno- whatever combination and degree each tation, as though it’s making something one of us knows their effects. It means out of thin air, like magic. “On the insurrection and revolution, but also the count of three, I will pull this movement more mundane day-to-day work leading out of my hat!” Can you really create up to these kinds of exhilarating times a movement? To what degree are we and experiences. It means committing agents of change, and to what extent to doing the unglamorous work without are we just part of the flow of history? the certainty of results. This leads to How do we make a movement? Initiate further questions about spontaneity a movement? How do movements grow? and organization, and the relation be- Just what is a movement, and how does tween the two; about insurrection and it happen? institutionalization, and the relation 4 Perspectives between these; about how much con- anarchist ideas and practices were scious revolutionaries contribute to the widespread throughout Spain, building circumstances of revolution, and how up after 70 years of organizing unions much we simply react to larger historical and collectives. forces totally beyond our control. (For These two anniversaries illustrate Emma Goldman, anarchism was about times in which anarchists were on the making sure things don’t get worse.) move, putting our admittedly lofty goals Finally, movement building into practice. These were times when implies—and necessitates—an interest hundreds of thousands were moved by in creating horizontal alliances and, the anarchist vision, and worked hard through action, repatterning webs of day after day to make it a reality. These connection with communities beyond a times should inspire us to again take up scene or subculture—larger communi- the struggle, to move out of our comfort ties with whom we would be sharing zones, and to again move forward. the better world, and those others who There is one more anniversary have reason to object strongly to the of note. 2011 is the 15th anniversary current one. We offer this issue in this of the founding of the Institute for spirit, and only hope it can lead to some Anarchist Studies. In 1996, Chuck answers, and probably more questions. Morse gathered a small group of anti- We’d also like to call attention authoritarian revolutionaries in his to the fact that this issue of Perspectives living room in upstate New York to comes on several important anniversaries. initiate a new project called the Institute May 4, 2011 was the 125th anniversary for Anarchist Studies, or IAS. The of the Haymarket Affair in Chicago, a purpose of this new group was to raise controversial bombing which took place money to give to writers striving to just as a rally for an eight-hour work critique contemporary forms of social day was drawing to a close. Although to and political domination and propose this day no one knows who threw the visions of a truly free society. He felt the bomb—which killed eight policemen anarchist movement needed to better and an unknown number of civilians, develop theory and ideas, and required mostly from police bullets following the material means to do that, partly the blast—eight prominent anarchists in the form of economic support for were arrested and charged with murder. the writing process. At the time, the Four were convicted and executed, and Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist one committed suicide while in prison, Federation, with its continental paper although the prosecution admitted that and Spanish language Mexican edition, none of the defendants threw the bomb. was thriving, and the successful shut- This event, commemorated around the down of the World Trade Organization world in May Day marches, is signifi- meeting in Seattle was still three years in cant because it points to a time when the future. Much has happened in the anarchists were a potent social force. In last fifteen years. Chicago, over 30,000 workers belonged During its existence, the IAS to anarchist organizations, publishing has given out over $60,000 to over 40 newspapers in five different languages. writers from over a dozen countries. This is also the 75th anniversary Initially solely a grant-giving organiza- of the Spanish Revolution, in which tion, over the last decade and a half, on anarchist theory 5 the IAS has grown into additional pur- working in broader groups and coali- suits. This journal became a substantive tions. But if available mobilizations publication when the IAS newsletter about something we care about — such merged with Morse’s other project, as housing and gentrification, immigra- the New Formulation, a publication tion and borders, neoliberalization of dedicated to comparative book reviews. education, prison abolition, or Palestine The Renewing the Anarchist Tradition solidarity, for example—don’t reflect (RAT) conference has been put on our principles and don’t satisfy our by the IAS for 10 years, initially in criteria of vision, strategy, tactic, and Vermont, and last year in Baltimore. method…then what are the obstacles The IAS has sponsored radical theory that prevent us from initiating mobiiza- tracks at conferences such as the tions that DO? National Conference for Organized At least we can start planting Resistance (NCOR) and Left Forum, seeds. We in the IAS intend to continue as well as establishing a visible anti- to do this. We will continue to give authoritarian presence in conjunction grants to struggling writers to assist with aligned groups at the US Social them in the writing process. We will Forum held last year in Detroit. Most continue to offer speakers to speak in recently, we have collaborated with your town, workplace, college or collec- AK Press on a new book series called tive through our Mutual Aid Speakers Anarchist Interventions, publish- Bureau. We will continue to publish ing board member Cindy Milstein’s books in the Anarchist Interventions Anarchism and Its Aspirations and book series with AK Press.