EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 8463 Brenkworth Again Was Employed by the an Amendment by Mr
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April 24, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8463 Brenkworth again was employed by the an amendment by Mr. KENNEDY, on serve of the Army and in the Army of the United States, under the provisions of title Commission until his appointment to which there is time limitation of 2 hours, 10, United States Code, sections 3019, 3442 the Disbursing Office on June 1, 1948. He after which Mr. TowER will call up his and 3447: advanced to chief bookkeeper in August amendment, on which there is a 1-hour To be major general, USAR and AUS of 1951 and subsequently became the as time limitation; subsequent to which Mr. sistant financial clerk on January 1, HATCH will be recognized to call up his Brig. Gen. William Roger Berkman, 559- 1953, a position he held until his ap five amendments, one at a time, of course, 32-4169. pointment as financial clerk on August with a time limitation on each of 1 hour. 23, 1954. Mr. President, as I say, the time limi CONFIRMATIONS He is survived by his wife, Elsie, and tations that I have set forth in this state Executive nominations confirmed by two children, Barbara and Lisa. ment may be reduced, either by consent the Senate April24, 1979: I am sure the Members of the Senate or by virtue of the parties in control DEPARTMENT OF STATE join me in expressing our condolences to thereof yielding some of the time back. John Prior Lewis, of New Jersey, for the his wife and to his children, and join me There may be other amendments around, rank of Minister during the tenure of his in saying that Mr. Brenkworth was a fine and it promises to be a long day tomor service as Chairman of the Development public servant and we regret to hear the row. The leadership will endeavor, as Assistance Committee of the Organization best it can, to complete action on the for Economic Cooperation and Development news of his passing. resolution tomorrow. at Paris, France. Tomorrow is Wednesday. That will be Wllliam Lacy Swing, of North Carolina, a 3 days this week on the first concurrent Foreign Service omcer of class 2 , to be Am PROGRAM bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary budget resolution. It is then hoped that of the United States of Americe. to the Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, the Senate can take up the Department People's Republic of the Congo. the Senate will convene at the hour of of Education bill on Thursday, hoping INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FuND 9 a.m. tomorrow. After the two leaders to complete it, and the aircraft noise Donald Eugene Syvrud, of Virginia, to be have been recognized for not to exceed abatement bill, also, on the same day. U.S. Alternate Executive Director of the 3 minutes each, Mr. BENTSEN will be There is a time limitation on that bill International Monetary Fund for a term of recognized for not to exceed 10 minutes, likewise. So, tomorrow promises to be a 2 years. after which the Senate will resume con busy day, with a good many rollcall votes. ACTION AGENCY sideration of the first concurrent budget Does the distinguished Senator from Richard Frank Celeste, of Ohio, to be DI resolution. At that time, Mr. LUGAR will Oklahoma have anything to add? rector of the Peace Corps. Richard Frank Celeste, of Ohio, to be an be recognized to call up his amendment, Mr. BELLMON. I believe the special Associate Director of the ACTION Agency. on which there is a time limitation of 2 orders outlined by the distinguished ma The above nominations were approved hours. There will undoubtedly be a roll jority leader is in accord with our under subject to the nominee's commitments to call vote in relation to that amendment. standing. I have nothing to add. respond to requests to appear and testi!y It should be kept in mind that all of the Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. I thank the before any duly constituted committee of statutory time of 2 hours may not neces distinguished Senator. the Senate. sarily be utilized; some of it may be THE JUDICIARY yielded back. So a rollcall vote could Robert M. Parker, of Texas, to be U.S. dis come earlier than, let us say, 11: 15 a.m. RECESS UNTIL 9 A.M. TOMORROW trict judge for the eastern district of Texas. Harold Barefoot Sanders, Jr., of Texas, to Following the disposition of the Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, be U.S. district judge for the northern dis amendment by Mr. LUGAR, Mr. ROTH Will if there be no further business to come trict of Texas. call up his amendment. At the present before the Senate, I move, in accordance Martin F. Loughlin, of New Hampshire, to time, there is a time limitation on that with the order previously entered, that be U.S. district judge for the district of New amendment of 2 hours; on the disposi the Senate stand in recess until the hour Hampshire. tion of that, Mr. DoMENICI will call up his of 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. David 0. Belew, Jr., o! Texas, to be U.S. amendment, on which there is a time The motion was agreed to; and, at 6:18 district judge for the northern district of limitation of 1% hours. p.m., the Senate recessed until tomorrow, Texas. Upon the disposition of the Domenici April25, 1979, at 9 a.m. Mary Lou Robinson, of Texas, to be U.S. amendment, Mr. SCHWEIKER will call up district judge for the northern district o! his amendment, upon which there is a Texas. limitation of 1 hour. That will be followed FOREIGN SERVICE by the amendment by Mr. RIEGLE, on NOMINATION Foreign Service nominations beginning PhiUp W. Arnold, to be a Foreign Service which there is a limitation of 2 hours; to Executive nomin~ . tion received by the information omcer of class 1, and ending be followed by an amendment by Mr. Senate April 24, 1979: Marianne Craven, to be a Foreign Service STENNis, on which there is a limitation of IN THE ARMY information officer of class 7, which nomi 2 hours; to be followed by an amendment The following-named Army Reserve omcer nations were received by the Senate on by Mr. METZENBAUM, on which there is for appointment as Chief, Army Reserve e.nd March 23, 1979, and appeared in the CoN a limitation of 1 hour; to be followed by appointment to major general in the Re- GRESSIONAL RECORD Of March 26, 1979. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS AID TO THE MIDDLE EAST 1979. Prime Minister Begin and President ritory occupied since the 1967 war, Sadat ended 30 years of a state of war, Egypt's recognition of Israel's sov frequently resulting in bloodshed be ereignty, territorial integrity, and right HON. JAMES C. CORMAN tween Israel and Egypt, and President to live in peace within secure borders, OF CALIFORNIA Carter fulfilled the dream of every Amer and opens negotiations for Palestinian IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ican President since Harry Truman rec self-rule. The governments of Israel and Tuesday, April 24, 1979 ognized the state of Israel in 1948. The Egypt 'have ratified the treaty, and with historic treaty signing symbolized the in the next month the first phase of Is • Mr. CORMAN. Mr. Speaker, President determination of Israel, Egypt and the raeli withdrawal from the Sinai and dis Carter's unprecedented quest for peace United States to secure a just and lasting cussions on Palestinian autonomy will united two courageous nations in the peace and stability throughout the Mid begin. This bold initiative by Israel and search for stability in the Middle East. dle East. Egypt may one day make it possible for Sixteen long, and at t.imes bitter, months The treat.y implements the mandate of Israel to live securely and in harmony of negotiations resulted in the signing of United Nations Security Council Resolu with all her Arab neighbors. a Middle East peace accord on March 26, tion 242-Israel's withdrawal from ter- To insure the U.S. commitment to se- • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. CXXV--533-Part 7 8464 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 24, 1979 curity and stability of Egypt and Israel, the supplemental aid package for the Joseph L. McCourt, who has devoted his and to protect our own security interests Middle East will be less than the cost of life to teaching in the Cumberland in the Middle East, the administration 2 months of war at the height of our in school system, and on the occasion of his proposes a $4.8 billion supplemental aid volvement in Vietnam. retirement I would like to pay tribute to package. Its passage would mean that Is These costs are only the monetary fig him by calling attention to his many rael would receive: ures attached to years of bloodshed. achievements in the field of education. An $800 million grant to construct two There is, however, another element of From his first appointment as a new airbases in the Negev desert, replac war which remains priceless-the loss teacher in 1941 to the present time, Joe ing those presently in the Sinai penin of human life. Since 1948, over 115,000 McCourt has initiated so many fine edu sula. The Army Corps of Engineers would Arabs and 40,000 Israeli military per cational programs in his community, provide managerial and technical as sonnel have lost their lives in search of represented Rhode Island so actively in sistance in relocating the bases.