New Anarchist Review Advertising in the Newanarchist Review June 1985, While on Their C/O 84B Whitechapel High Street Costs from £10 a Quarter Page
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i 3 Balmoral Place Stirling, Scotland For trade distribution contact FK8 2RD 84b Whitechapel High Street London E1 7QX M A I L OR D E R Tel/fax 081 558 7732 DISTRIBUTION R iii-'\%1[_ X6%LE; 1/ ‘3 _|_i'| NI Iii O ‘Puxlci-IUi~lF G %*%ad,J\..1= BLACK|.miu¢ _ RED I BLQCK ... Rnmcho-lymhcufld *€' BREEN a BLMIK.....iiiuachv-Queen ,1-\ Plianchmle 5;7P%""¢5 L0 ..,....0u ab»! ’____ : <*REE"--I-=~‘~siw mi. Punchline *8: Let us Pray "'""~" 9"" Punchline *9: Time to remove GREEN 5 PURPLE.....Uc.ncn4 Jufflu N TFllAI\IGl_ESRq, ____, ,,,,,,,,,, Punchline ,10: Censorship oi bi"EEl'L ,,,l -znwiuli 8 $g?L":]":' """*'”"‘ L?;LB5"£5"";" Each copy £1 (post pai'd) in UK. M, ,,'f,‘;,'1;¢.5 are 11 30 Mm European orders £1.20 (post paid) mmoguijifgmflgrmfj, Mme European wholesale welcome Make cheques payable to ‘J Elliott’ only. Big Bang, Plain Wrapper comix, Punchline, Fixed Grin, Anti Shirts Catalogue from: BM ACTIVE LONDON WC1 N 3XX, LONDO 1M1Nflilllillilfilll __-rwuew ANARCH‘: ' ' '1... l'|1W ANARCHIST REVIEW NEW TITLES These titles are available from A Distribution (trade) counts what happened to No. 21 S September 1992 and AK Press (mail order) unless otherwise stated. several hundred travellers, See back page for addresses. who were attacked in a mili- Published by: Advertise taiy-style police operation in New Anarchist Review Advertising in the NewAnarchist Review June 1985, while on their c/o 84b Whitechapel High Street costs from £10 a quarter page. Series ANARCHY BY AN druggists’, or hard by a win- way to the Stonehenge festi- London E1 7QX discounts available. We can even pre- ANARCHIST dow filled with choice fruits, val. The film places events pare your ad if you prefer. Elisée Reclus or with beautiful books, en- into the wider context of state Printed by: CGH Services gravings or statuettes, and harassment of travellers and Aldgate Press Subscfibe 14 pages works of art. We want an en- festival-goers. Available only The New Anarchist Fleview can be sent 60p vironment pleasant to the from: Neil Goodwin, 45Lime- Artwork: to you direct for a minimum donation of An essay, originally publish- eye and in harmony with rick House, Sumner Estate, CS just £2 for four issues (overseas £3.50). ed in the British Contempor- beauty." Passionate state- Peckham, London SE15 Any further donations would help us to ary Review in May 1884, ment by the French anarchist 5QU. Cover: become more frequent. Please make which details Reclus’ views theorist. Anarchist Bookfair Poster for 1992. cheques payable to: New Anarchist Re- on anarchism. REMARKS ON MARX Artwork by Clifford Harper. view. OPERATION SOLSTICE Conversations with THE GREAT KINSHIP 1 hour video Duccio Trombadori (La Grande Famille) Price on application Michel Focault Elisée Reclus The original version of a film Semiotext(e) CGH Services broadcast last year as part of 186 pages 8 pages Channel 4's Critical Eye £4.00 ANARCHIST BOOKFAIR 45p series (this is twice as long) In an extensive series of in- "The sight of nature and the about the Battle of the Bean- terviews with Italian Marxist lt's that time of year again us now, enclosing a cheque, stating your preferred time works of man, and practical field. Using video footage, journalist Duccio Trombado- folks... postal order or cash for £7.50 and room, enclosing £7.50 life, these form the college in the police radio log, photo- ri, Foucault discusses his for each half table required. perhoun which the true education of graphs and personal state- early history in the French The Anarchist Bookfair for Stalls will be offered first It is also helpful if you let us contemporary society is ob- ments, the documentary re- Communist Party, his rela- 1992 will take place at" the come first serve. Please note know what your meeting’s tained." A visionary text, tionship with Althusser and usual venue, Conway Hall, that on the day you will be about, so that we can include looking forward to the day Sartre, his encounters with Red Lion Square, London asked to pay 10% of your it in our programmes. when all creatures of the Anarchist Society the work of Marcuse, Hork- WC1, on Saturday the_17th takings towards the costs of earth can live in harmony Ir. It: Practical Realization heimer, Adorno, and the 1 "" I October from 10am-8pm. the Bookfair, but that your Publicity with each other. Frankfort School, his place in There’ll be the usual mix of (non-returnable) deposit will The Bookfair has next to no @itr*-i ‘ the events of May ’68 and books, pamphlets, badges be taken in account. budget for publicity, so we ON VEGETARIANISM more recently. Part of Semi- and posters for sale, as well really do depend on you. If Elisée Reclus otext(e)’s impressive series as videos to watch, meetings Meetings you can flypost, or deliver CGH Services -"C7 —: -/Ci . on post modernists. to go to, and vegetarian and If your group would like to posters and handbills to 9 pages 45p ANARCHIST SOCIETY vegan food to eat along with take the opportunity to meet people likely to be interested, an l "We want some day to live in ‘-1!: ‘I \- I ,}_ & lts Practical Realization a cup oftea or a beer. There’s up with other comrades from we'd be glad of your help. S-5*-if "’ ‘ -0.-1 a city where we shall no - __.--- _- Graham Purchase also a creche all day. around the country, you're Please write and we’ll in- lnjfiij See Sharpe Press welcome to hold a meeting in clude you in our mailings. longer see the butchers’ 51 shops full of dead bodies ‘ Graham Purchase 16 pages Stalls the small hall, or one of the Anarchist Bookfair ScclhnrpPrcu tlunhncincu t llfl lf you want to have a stall at other rooms at Conway Hall 84b Whitechapel High St side by side with drapers' £1.00 the Bookfair, please write to on the day. Write to us now, London E1 and jewellers’, and facing a ‘ i i "Anarchism... unlike other 2 3 i I i K i 1 _+_____| more or less progressive pol- iticised workers involved. It itical, social and economic shows howthe German state philosophies, regards the has benefitted from increas- PROCESSED state in all its forms as an ing marginalisation of wor- inherently corrupt, hierarchi- kers and the casualisation of cal, authoritarian and un- work. How a system of ‘slave workably bureaucratic mode traders’ — subcontractors of social control that is in- who hire workers out to other compatible, indeed inimical, companies — has allowed to the practical realization of an increasing number of a sane, just and ecologically Germans, as well as ‘guest integrated society." An intro- workers’, to be employed ductory discussion about an- without proper contracts and archism from the US. in appalling conditions. Atthe time of the Phillipsburg con- struction, many of these wor- j1_ in Ii. kers were already beginning ALCHEMISTS OF CLASS STRUGGLE to refuse to take this lying REVOLUTION GERMAN TOWN down. An especially timely Terrorism in the Modern Iallii-lulha nI:l—plIn|'phIteirIdlIhPhUpfiII‘| pamphlet. World Richard E Rubenstein A I1"?! I PROCESSED WORLD IB Tauris & Co Issue 29 265 pages hardback i SummerlFall 1992 Remaindered £4.50 A ‘straight’, academic ac- Usual mix of articles and fic- count of “the terrorist men- tion from the US under- tality, its origins, and conse- ground. quences", which has the virtue of being intelligent and surprisingly well-informed about its subjects. An inter- THE ENCROACHMENT esting read. by Leo Baxendale CLASS STRUGGLE IN A USE OF GERMAN TOWN LAND RAVEN 17 The study of a process of accumulating power, and controlling ideology. Radicals intervene in a Use of Land nuclear power plant Freedom Press "...A delight to read and review... wonderfully accessible and highly imaginative... detailed construction in 112 pages historical data, plain good story telling, personal family history and mature philosophical re- Phillipsburg £2.50 flections... The writing ofexpressly anti-statist history that is both intelligent and accessible Unpopular Books "...private ownership under is an important one and Baxendale has performed his task admirably. Producing a book that 17 pages capitalism encourages every £1.00 abuse you can think of." could be equally well placed on the home bookshelf, in the local library, school classroom An account-pre-unification Range of articles comparing or university bookshop." — of the building of a nuclear the use of the land under Australian Rebel Worker power plant in Phillipsburg, THE RAVEN ® I7 capitalism, with the possi- THE ENCROACHMENT by Leo Baxendale, published by Reaper Books, £5, is distributed by A Distribution, and Germany, by some of the pol- bilities offered by anarchism. is available from Freedom Press. 5 Advertisement HEART ACTION FREEDOM in EDUCATION for your 64 page DIY guide to the \ O Radical, liberation of learning ,, as 2 1- Q\ Occultural J? 4 _ A I __1|H \, & Esoteric Books "."“‘ Q\ . A I For a catalogue :- ‘,.-,9’. "iii-i"'_"" \ v There will be special discussion workshops at the Anarchist Bookfair of over 400 titles, send ‘I"l'.f:""L’/h/L-'__... an SAE to: I__ >-. and the London Greenpeace Fayre on the subject of local community .-,_," l\ : solidarity groups. These are intended for all libertarianslclass struggle Ium’,'1’\\\i"i§l-vfis‘aw "" %‘fi’.3'/'-/.-ZI Heart Action Q‘“\\‘ll ‘\- activists who believe in practical, community-based activity. GI .- ‘r 0 PO Box 2055 ¢u------Inan -q-Q-¢-¢II-- The anti-poll tax struggle has shown '''''''''''lllQ¢lnIQlIlllnnlQIQnIO --1 0 truce 1 - ¢ n - IQIIIIQQIIIOIOOIOOOOQOOOIQOOOOOOQI --a-¢n-QblQ01Q10¢IOUiInuccntvooocuncunnannlllnblIQQQOUOUIIOOIUUQQOOQIQQIOQQI o o ¢ Q nosoon;unsop-|u4on-u-.u----------- PLUS FREE MAG! o-n-n.Q.accessesnoose-ann'---nu---..¢---u-s-as-----------...---a...-..----.- Moseley that there’s great potential within our Birmingham send £4.80 (incl.