Disain Sampul : Andri Sutisna

Tim Pendukung: Aryana, Karnadi, Nanang, Radiwan, Roqi, Siska, Hali, Widi

Editor: Lukman Shalahuddin

ISSN :2088-1916

Copyright © 2014 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 2014 Biro Hukum dan Humas, Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Gedung 2 BPPT 2, Lt. 20, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8, Jakarta 10340 Phone : 62 21 316 9695; 316 9697; 316 9673; 316 9777; 316 9797 Fax : 62 21 39836180 Email : [email protected] and [email protected] Homepage : http// and http// On line registration : and DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI 2014


Kerjasama internasional mutlak diperlukan dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, tidak hanya bagi negara berkembang namun juga sangat diperlukan bagi negara maju. PP No. 41 Tahun 2006 sebagai amanat UU No. 18 Tahun 2002 dan penyempurnaan Kepres No. 100 Tahun 1993 yang mulai diimplemetasi oleh Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi sejak 17 Desember 2007. Undang-undang tersebut memegang peran strategis dalam pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan memberikan arah pengaturan guna mewujudkan tujuan memperkuat daya dukung ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk mempercepat pencapaian tujuan negara, serta meningkan daya saing dan kemandirian dalam memperjuangkan kepentingan negara dalam hubungan internasional. Disamping itu, Undang-Undang tersebut merupakan dasar hukum bagi pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.

Peraturan Pemerintah No. 41 Tahun 2006 tetang Perizinan Melakukan Kegiatan Penelitian dan Pengembangan bagi Perguruan Tinggi Asing, Lembaga Litbang Asing, Badan Usaha Asing dan Orang Asing tersebut berdasarkan pemikiran bahwa iptek dalam kerangka sistem nasional penelitian, pengembangan dan penerapan iptek tidak dapat terlepas dari kerjasama internasional. Hal ini kita sadari mengingat sebagian besar kemajuan iptek berkembang pesat di negara-negara maju yang menguasai sumber daya iptek, memiliki kemampuan finansial dan lembaga litbang yang sudah sangat mapan serta tradisi akademik yang sangat kuat. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, maka kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek dilaksanakan untuk mempercepat alih teknologi dari negara-negara maju dan meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat ilmiah internasional.

Salah satu bentuk kerjasama internasional di bidang iptek tersebut adalah kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan yang dilakukan oleh Perguruan Tinggi asing, Lembaga Litbang asing, Badan Usaha asing dan orang asing yang dilakukan di Indonesia.

Dalam tahun 2014 terdapat 512 peneliti asing yang telah diberikan Surat Izin Penelitian (SIP) melakukan kegiatan penelitian di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Jumlah tersebut terdiri dari 448 izin penelitian baru dan 64 izin perpanjangan. Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka. Dalam tahun

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing i Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

2012 tersebut secara berturut-turut Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Perancis, Jerman, dan Inggris, menempati peringkat lima besar kemudian diikuti dan Belanda,Australia,RRC, Kanada dan Republik China menempati peringkat 10 besar.

Buku “Direktori Peneliti Asing di Indonesia 2014” ini memuat Abstract riset, biodata para peneliti dari berbagai perguruan tinggi, lembaga litbang, badan usaha asing dan mahasiswa asing serta kelompok profesi intelektual publik lainnya, seperti dosen, budayawan dan jurnalis asing. Buku ini telah terbit sejak tahun 2011, dan akan terbit secara berkala setiap tahunnya. Kami berharap buku ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber informasi ilmiah dan rujukan bagi para peneliti dan akademisi serta semua pemangku kepentingan (stake holders) untuk memperluas jaringan kerjasama riset internasional dalam rangka penguatan kelembagaan (capacity building) dan mempercepat transfer iptek di berbagai bidang keilmuan.

Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna, seperti kata pepatah “tiada gading yang tak retak” maka kami sangat mengharapkan saran dan masukan dari semua pihak untuk penyemprnaan buku tersebut pada penerbitan yang akan datang.

Kami juga tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak, khususnya rekan-rekan Sekretariat Tim Koordinasi Pemberian izin Penelitian Asing (TKPIPA), Biro Hukum dan Humas, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi yang telah meluangkan waktu untuk membantu penyusunan buku direktori ini

Jakarta, April 2015 Tim Penyusun/Sekretariat TKPIPA - RISTEK DIKTI

ii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014


Kata Pengantar...... i DAFTAR ISI...... iii

BAB I PETA PENELITIAN ASING 2014...... 1 1.1 Permohonan Penelitian...... 1 1.2. Penerbitan Surat Izin Penelitian...... 4 1.3 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing...... 8 1.4 Bidang, Lokasi dan Lembaga Mitra Kerja Penelitian...... 10

BAB 2 ILMU PENGETAHUAN HAYATI ...... 15 A. BIOLOGI...... 15 A.1 Genome Wide Diversity Analyses of Banana and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense from Indonesia...... 15 A.1.1. Ms. Sarah Maria Schmidt...... 16 A.2. Mechanisms, Ultrastructure and Behavioral Function of Flashing in Ctenoides ales: “Disco Clams”...... 16 A.2.1 Ms. Ayesha Jennifer Verrall...... 17 A.3. Diversity of vascular epiphytes in lowland rain forests and jungle rubber agroforestry systems in Sumatera (Indonesia)...... 18 A.3.1. Mr. Arne Wenzel...... 19 A.4 Biology of Indonesian Pythons...... 19 A.4.1 Mr. Daniel James Deans Natusch...... 19 A.5 Research on mosquito-borne and blood-brone viral infectious diseases in Indonesia...... 20 A.5.1 Mr. Tomohiro Kotaki...... 21 A.6 Diversity of the phytoplanktonic species responsible for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Indonesia with a special focus on the Alexandrium tamarense complex...... 21 A.6.1 Ms. Aurelie Marie Virginie Yvonne Moysan...... 22 A.7 DNA barcoding, phylogeography, and molecular taxonomy of groupers across the Coral Triangle and adjacent regions (BARCORE)... 23 A.8 Biological Survey on the Indonesian Coelacanth, 2014-2015...... 24 A.9 Marine Biology, Ecology & Conservation of The Wakatobi Marine National Park: Research Proposal 2012 – 2014...... 25 A.10 Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Scleractinian Coral Growth Rate in Spermonde Archipelago...... 28 A.11 Crab diversity and community structure in relation to environmental change in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, , Indonesia...... 29

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing iii Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

A.12 Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes, Indonesia...... 30 A.13 Biological surveys of threatened species on the islands of Sangihe and Talaud...... 32 A.14 Genetic analysis using Next Generation Sequencing technology of the plankton community structure in the Makassar Straitandthe Sea...... 34 A.15 Investigation into the biology and function of loud call in red langur (Presbytis rubicunda)...... 35 A.16 Understanding top-down and bottom-up processes that control reef functioning and resilience of coral reefs in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia...... 36 A.17 An individual-based model for the management of coral reefs. Application to the case of the Spermonde archipelago, Indonesia...... 38 A.18 The stress factor: Examining anthropogenic sources of stress in wild Macaca. Nigra...... 39 A.19 Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes...... 41 A.20 The Catlin Seaview Survey...... 42

B. BOTANI...... 44 B.1 Diversity of vascular epiphytes in lowland rainforests and jungle rubber agroforestry systems in (Indonesia)...... 44 B.2 A generic revision of the myrmecophilic understorey tree, Ryparosa Blume (Acariaceae)...... 45 B.3 Plant diversity of Papua Barat, Indonesia...... 46 B.4. Systematics of the Adiantum/vittarioid fern assemblage: toward an... improved understanding of the Indonesian pteridophyte flora...... 47 B.5. Promoting Organic Dry Land Farming and Restoration of Deciduous Forest in West Bali, Indonesia...... 48

C. ZOOLOGI...... 52 C.1. Inventory of Freshwater Fishes of the Family Gobiidae in Indonesia.... 52 C.2. Inventory of Indonesian Freshwater Fish Biodiversity with DNA- Barcoding...... 53 C.3. Assessment and ecology of the freshwater fish community in the Mesangat- Kenohan Suwi wetlands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia...... 55 C.4. Biogeography of aquatic invertebrates across the Indomalayan Archipelago 2014-2017...... 56 C.5. Can we move toward more sustainable bird keeping in Indonesia?..... 57 C.6. The comparative biogeography of Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, and – reptiles, amphibians, and birds...... 58

iv Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

C. 7. Distribution, Habitat Use, and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Southeast Asian Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle (Chitra chitra javanensis) on Sumatra, Indonesia...... 60 C.8. Phylogeography of flying animals in Southeast Asia: population genetics of widespread species of flying foxes and butterflies in Indonesia...... 61 C.9. Why are slow lorises venomous: ecology & conservation of Javan slow lorises...... 62 C.10. Population characteristics and community perceptions of the endangered Javan warty pig (Sus verrucosus blouchi) on Bawean island and Java islands, Indonesia, and ex-situ behavioral research at the breeding facilities in Cikanaga...... 63 C.11. Genetic mechanisms of body color variation in the family Adrianichthyidae endemic to Sulawesi...... 65 D.12 Bird species distribution in relation to the zonation of the limestone forest in the , Central Seram, The Moluccas, Indonesia...... 67 D.13 Biodiversity inventory of social insects in Indonesian Archipelago, mainly Indonesian social wasps and Javanese ants and termites...... 69

D. PRIMATOLOGI...... 70 D.1. Testing the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis in wild Orangutans...... 70 D.2 Orangutan Reproductive Ecology in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan...... 73 D.3 Determining habitat use and post-release adaptation of re-introduced Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo abelii) with the use of telemetry...... 74 D.4 The ecology of endangered endemic primate Macaca maura (H.R. Schinz, 1825) in karst forests of peninsular Sulawesi Selatan (Indonesia) at the intra-and inter-group level...... 76 D.5 Using Nutritional Ecology (Native Ingredients and Chemical Composition) of the Javan Slow Loris to Improve Captive Feeding Husbandry...... 78 D.6 Comparing mother-offspring conflict between Sumatran and Bornean orangutans...... 79 D.7 Important Diseases of Rehabilitant Orangutans - Part 2: Respiratory Infections, Gastro-intestinal Parasites and Malari...... 80 D.8 Capacity building for improved orangutan welfare in South-East Asia...... 82 D.9 Indirect parental care in monogamous Javan Gibbon Hylobates moloch...... 84 D.10 The stress factor: Examining anthropogenic sources of stress in wild M. Nigra...... 85

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D.11 Ranging behavior of siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) groups affected by devastating wildfires: a longitudinal study...... 86 D.12. Conservation of the critically endangered Sulawesi black crested macaques, Macaca nigra (M. nigra)...... 88

E. EKOLOGI...... 90 E.1.1. Dr. Edgar Clive Turner...... 90 E.2 Effects of spatial and temporal variation in plant productivity on the population ecology of Bornean rainforest primates at the Cabang Panti Research Station in Gunung Palung National Park...... 90 E.3 Responses to environmental change in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Central Java...... 91 E.4 Biomass Dynamics of Tropical Forests in East Kalimantan Indonesia... 92 E.5 Investigating Tropical Peat-Swamp Forest Structure, Composition and Phenology in Sabangau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia...... 94 E.6 Identifying fine scale habitat use and landscape connectivity of tigers in a central Sumatran landscape...... 95 E.7 Distribution and ecology of the invasive Neotropical tree, Bellucia pentamera (Melastomataceae), at Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia...... 96 E.8 Conservation Campaigns and Phenology in Indonesia...... 97 E.9 Effects of environmental change on invertebrate biodiversity and population dynamics with emphasis on important mangrove resources...... 98 E.10 Health of rehabilitated and released orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii)...... 100 E.11 Distribution and ecology of the invasive Neotropical tree, Bellucia pentamera (Melastomataceae), at Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia...... 102 E.12 Conservation Campaigns and Phenology in Indonesia...... 103 E.13 Effects of environmental change on invertebrate biodiversity and population dynamics with emphasis on important mangrove resources...... 104 E.14 Field research on the carbon balance of tropical peat ecosystems in Indonesia...... 106 E.15 Impact of deforestation and land-use change on mangrove tree diversity, community composition and habitat complexity...... 107 E.16 Impact of deforestation and land-use change on mangrove tree diversity, community composition and habitat complexity...... 108 E.17 Benthic Records of Marine Environment, Climate, and Ecosystem in the Eastern Indian Ocean since the Last Deglaciation (BENTHIC)...... 109

vi Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

G.18 Understanding the REDD+ Process in Indonesia : Local Challenges and Opportunities...... 113 E.19 Emission factors from Peat Fires in Indonesia...... 115 E. 20 Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan...... 116 E.21 Spatial patterns of fishing grounds distribution in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia...... 118 E.22 Orangutan costs of motherhood: Estimating weaning using stable isotopic analysis...... 120 E.23 Migrant trajectories in a changing climate – evidence from Ghana and Indonesia...... 121 E.24 The role of arthropods in facilitating nutrient cycling of orangutan waste in ...... 123 E.26 Perceived land use and tree species values in the Mentebah district, Kapuas Hulu Regency of Western Kalimantan, Indonesia...... 126 E.27. Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential of tropical seagrass meadows, and an in situ carbon dioxide enrichment experiment...... 127 E.28 Health determinate ranging and the consequences on seed dispersal in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbi)...... 129 E.29 Greenhouse gas evasion from streams draining intact and deforested tropical peat swamps...... 130 E.30 Effective Utilization of Remote Sensing to Monitor Forest Resource Dynamics for REDD+ as well as to Evaluate Bio-diversity (Safeguard) for a Project in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia...... 132 E.32 Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan.... 133 E.33 Field experiment for fine scale mapping and monitoring of mangrove habitats in Bali...... 136 G.34 Spatial distribution of marine resources use in Spermonde Archipelago...... 138 G.35 Aboveground patterns of biodiversity and associated ecosystem processes across tropical rainforest transformations...... 139 G.36 What are the factors determining the dynamics and ecological functions of homegardens in Southern Jambi Province, Sumatra?...... 140 E.37 Terrestrial LiDAR and 3D tree modelling for quantification of biomass and characterization of forest structural changes due to selective logging in tropical forest of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia...... 144 E.38 Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential of tropical seagrass meadows, and an in situ carbon dioxide enrichment experiment...... 147

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BAB 4 MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA ALAM...... 192 A. MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA ALAM ...... 192 A.1. Leveraging natural resources for development in Indonesia...... 192 A.2. Disasters as Windows of Opportunity for Change towards Sustainable Development...... 193 A.3. Enhancing Supply Chain Performance in the Australian and Indonesia Dairy Industry...... 194 A.4. Implementing Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Nagoya ...... 195

BAB 5 ILMU KEBUMIAN...... 198 A. GEOLOGI...... 198 B. GEOFISIKA...... 210 C. VULKANOLOGI...... 211 D. OSEANOGRAFI...... 217 E. PALEONTOLOGI...... 224

BAB 6 ILMU KEDOKTERAN DAN KESEHATAN...... 226 A. Evaluation study of a Mobile Phone Application to Improve Nutrition Service delivery in rural and urban Posyandus...... 226 B. Abstract...... 226 C. Background:...... 226 D. AB.1.1 Ms. Inka Barnett...... 227 A.1 Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus: Unravellign the casual link and improving care...... 228 A.2 Innate Factors in Early Clearance of Tubercolosis (InFECT)...... 229 A.3 Risk And Protective Factors For Condom Use And Injecting Equipment Sharing Among Women Who Inject Drugs In Indonesia.... 230 A.4 Evaluation of LAMP for the diagnosis of placental malaria in a low transmission rural site in South-West Sumba, Indonesia...... 232 A.5. Snacking Behaviour and its consequences on health and nutrition..... 234 A.6 Studi Epidemiologi DMFT anak-anak antara 6-12 tahun di Bali Utara, Timur, dan Bali Selatan...... 235

viii Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

BAB 7 ILMU-ILMU SOSIAL...... 237 A. ARKEOLOGI...... 237 B. SEJARAH...... 240 C. ANTROPOLOGI SOSIAL-BUDAYA...... 250 D. SOSIOLOGI...... 272 E. LINGUISTIK...... 289 F. SENI...... 294

LAMPIRAN:...... 303

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing ix Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi



1.1 Permohonan Penelitian Pada tahun ini hingga akhir Desember 2014 tercatat sebanyak 546 permohonan baru dan 130 permohonan perpanjangan, yang tergabung dalam 322 proposal baru dan 87 proposal perpanjangan (Tabel 1 dan Gb. 1)

Tabel 1 Rekapitulasi jumlah permohonan baru dan perpanjangan setiap bulan di 2014 Bulan jumlah jumlah proyek total Jumlah Jumlah total proyek perpanjangan proyek permohonan permohonan permohonan baru Baru Perpanjangan Januari 26 13 39 39 17 56 Februari 8 5 13 28 9 37 Maret 37 13 50 69 15 84 April 38 9 47 74 15 89 Mei 22 1 23 24 1 25 Juni 38 6 44 54 8 62 Juli 45 7 52 63 15 78 Agustus 35 15 50 58 18 76 September 18 6 24 34 16 50 Oktober 27 5 32 57 5 62 November 23 3 26 28 7 35 Desember 5 4 9 18 4 22 322 87 409 546 130 676

Sebagian di antara proposal permohonan izin penelitian merupakan tim yang terdiri lebih dari satu orang; oleh karena itu jumlah peneliti tercatat lebih banyak daripada jumlah judul project. Secara rata-rata, jumlah peneliti per project baru maupun perpanjangan ditunjukkan pada Tabel berikut.

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 1 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

Ratio Rata-rata Jumlah Peneliti per Project Baru 1,70 Ratio Rata-rata Jumlah Peneliti per Project Perpanjangan 1,49

Permohonan tersebut dibahas dalam Sidang TKPIPA dengan rincian sebagaimana tertera dalam Tabel 1. Permohonan yang disetujui selanjutnya diproses visanya agar dapat memulai risetnya di Indonesia. Sedangkan keputusan pending diberikan jika memerlukan klarifikasi, baik tertulis ataupun diundang presentasi pada sidang berikutnya. Permohonan yang ditolak umumnya karena topik penelitian merupakan isu sensitif terkait regulasi, ataupun kebijakan, atau karena lokasinya yang merupakan daerah rawan konflik.

Dibandingkan dengan data tahun 2013, secara keseluruhan jumlah permohonan izin dan proyek penelitian 2014 menurun bahkan masih lebih rendah dibandingkan tahun 2012 (lihat table 1 dan 2).

Gambar 1: Grafik jumlah permohonan baru dan perpanjangan per bulan

2 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

Tabel 2: Rincian jumlah proyek dan personel peneliti asing 2013 permohonan baru perpanjangan

Tanggal jumlah Jumlah jumlah jumlah jumlah jumlah project peneliti permohonan project peneliti permohonan asing agregat asing agregat

16/01/2013 12 13 13 5 6 6

31/01/2013 14 26 39 8 11 17

15/02/2013 8 28 67 5 9 26

06/03/2013 11 13 80 7 11 37

20/03/2013 17 47 127 3 3 40

03/04/2013 16 37 164 0 0 40

17/04/2013 17 33 197 5 6 46

01/05/2013 20 33 230 6 17 63

15/05/2013 24 38 268 2 3 66

05/06/2013 25 35 303 7 10 76

19/06/2013 18 36 339 1 1 77

10/07/2013 33 49 388 9 9 86

24/07/2013 0 0 388 0 0 86

01/08/2013 7 7 395 2 2 88

21/08/2013 17 42 437 6 6 94

05/09/2013 14 20 457 2 2 96

19/09/2013 13 53 510 3 3 99

02/10/2013 14 20 530 3 4 103

23/10/2013 6 26 556 2 15 118

13/11/2013 12 20 576 6 10 128

27/11/2013 24 28 604 4 8 136

11/12/2013 9 51 655 4 4 140

Total 331 655 90 140

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 3 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

Gambar 2: Fluktuasi jumlah permohonan tahun 2013

1.2. Penerbitan Surat Izin Penelitian Dari permohonan izin penelitian tersebut di atas, sebagian besar disetujui, dan sebagian kecil permohonan mendapatkan keputusan ditunda persetujuannya setelah diminta presentasi terlebih dahulu, dan bahkan ada yang ditolak. Hasil keputusan rapat Tim Koordinasi segera diinformasikan kepada peneliti asing yang bersangkutan, atau kepada mitranya. Bagi pemohon yang disetujui, Sekretariat mengajukan permohonan Visa index 315, yaitu Visa untuk tujuan penelitian, kepada Ditjen Imigrasi. Visa yang telah diberikan selanjutnya diambil oleh peneliti di perwakilan KBRI atau KJRI di negara asal peneliti tersebut. Dengan Visa tersebut, peneliti asing datang ke Indonesia, dan segera melapor ke Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing. Rekapitulasi jumlah SIP yang diterbitkan oleh Ristek selama tahun 2014 sebanyak 448 SIP baru dan 64 perpanjangan, dengan total 512 SIP sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh Tabel 2, dan grafiknya ditunjukkan oleh Gb. 2 dan 3. Jika dibandingkan dengan jumlah SIP yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2013 yang berjumlah 544 SIP, jumlah SIP yang diterbitkan tahun 2014 (512 SIP) mengalami sedikit penurunan. Fluktuasi trend jumlah SIP yang diterbitkan selama 2000 – 2014 dapat dilihat pada gambar 5.

4 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

Tabel 3: Jumlah Surat Izin Penelitian Asing tahun 2014 Bulan SIP baru SIP perpanjangan Total SIP januari 32 3 35 februari 28 3 31 maret 19 13 32 april 31 2 33 mei 40 6 46 juni 36 3 39 juli 25 3 28 agustus 44 7 51 september 53 15 68 oktober 68 3 71 november 49 5 54 desember 23 1 24 Total 448 64 512

Gambar 3: Grafik jumlah SIP baru dan perpanjangan per bulan

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 5 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi


Gambar 4: Fluktuasi jumlah SIP tahun 2013

6 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

Gambar 5: Fluktuasi jumlah SIP tahun 2010 - 2014





200 Number of of PermitsNumber


0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Jumlah SIP 116 224 224 271 193 208 309 310 361 461 547 460 544 546 512

Gambar 6: Fluktuasi jumlah SIP tahun 2000 - 2014

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 7 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

1.3 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing Mayoritas peneliti tersebut berkewarganegaraan atau berasal dari Negara-negara maju yang menguasai iptek dan mengalokasikan dana riset yang besar dalam APBN mereka.

Dalam tahun 2010 secara berturut-turut AS, Jepang, Perancis, Inggris, dan Jerman menempati peringkat lima besar kemudian diikuti Belanda, Australia, RRC, Italia dan Kanada menempati peringkat 10 besar. Jepang yang selama sepuluh tahun terakhir selalu menempati posisi teratas, pada tahun 2010 tergeser oleh Amerika Serikat sedangkan Belanda, Australia, Jerman dan Inggris selalu menempati posisi peringkat lima besar selama sepuluh tahun terakhir. RRC merupakan Negara pendatang baru Asia yang mampu menembus posisi sepuluh besar.

Namun dalam tahun 2011, posisi teratas kembali diduduki Jepang (27%), baru kemudian AS (25%). Posisi Perincis merosot menjadi peringkat ke 7, digantikan oleh Inggris yang naik menjadi peringkat ke tiga. Selanjutnya berturut-turut Jerman, Belanda, Australia dan RRC meningkat sedikit. Italia terlempar dari 10 besar, digantikan oleh Denmark. Sedangkan peringkat 10 tetap Kanada.

Dalam tahun 2012, AS kembali menempati posisi teratas, dan Jerman menyodok di posisi kedua menggeser Jepang yang merosot ke posisi ketiga. Hal ini kemungkinan karena adanya dua project besar antara Indonesia-Jerman yaitu CRC, dan SPICE 3. Di papan tengah, Perancis menggeser Inggris, sementara Belanda, Australia, RRC dan Kanada tetap masuk di 10 besar. Pendatang baru yang masuk sepuluh besar adalah Swiss.

Gambar 6 di bawah ini menggambarkan komposisi 10 besar negara asal peneliti asing tersebut.

8 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

Gambar 6: Komposisi negara asal peneliti asing tahun 2010 (kiri), 2011 (kanan), dan 2012 (bawah); hanya ditujukkan 10 besar

Dalam tahun 2014 terdapat 512 peneliti asing dengan berbagai latar belakang profesi seperti dosen, ilmuwan, mahasiswa dan profesi lainnya yang berasal dari 44 kewarganegaraan. Dalam tahun tersebut posisi Amerika Serikat masih bertahan sebagai Negara yang peneliti dan mahasiswanya paling banyak melakukan penelitian di Indonesia. Posisi AS berturut-turut diikuti olehJepang yang merupakan runner. Posisi kedua Negara tersebut tidak tergeser oleh Negara manapun selama selama 16 tahun terakhir sementara itu, Perancis dan Jerman saling bertukar urutan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Peringkat Inggeris telah digeser oleh kedua Negara tersebut. Bahkan Inggeris yang selama 10 tahun selalu masuk peringkat 5 besar , tahun 2014 telah tergeser oleh Australia, sedangkan RRc sebagai pendatang baru telah mampu bertengger pada posisi 6 besar menggeser posisi Inggeris, Belanda dan Kanada. Peringkat 10 nesar peneliti asing berdasarkan kewarganegaraan (nationality) dapat dilihat pada gambar dibawah ini.

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 9 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

Top 10 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing 2014 Kanada China Belanda 3% 5% 4% Inggris 5% Amerika RRC Serikat 6% 23%

Australia 8% Jepang Jerman 19% 13% Perancis 14%

Gambar 7: 10 besar Jumlah Peneliti Asing Berdasarkan Kewarganegaraan

1.4 Bidang, Lokasi dan Lembaga Mitra Kerja Penelitian Bidang penelitian terdapat 23 disiplin ilmu; 10 besar diantaranya ditunjukkan dalam Gb. 6 untuk tahun 2010 (atas kiri), 2011 (atas kanan) dan 2012 (bawah). Dari gambar tersebut nampak bahwa pada tahun 2011 bidang ekologi menyodok di urutan pertama, diikuti oleh biologi. Botani dan Geografi juga meningkat, yang tahun sebelumnya masih belum masuk ke 10 besar. Sedangkan Geologi, Oseanografi, Primatologi, Antropologi, Sosiologi, dan Zoologi, masih berada dalam 10 besar.

10 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

Gambar 8: Komposisi bidang ilmu penelitian asing tahun 2010 (kiri) dan 2011 (kanan);dan 2012 (bawah); hanya ditunjukkan 10 besar

Dalam tahun 2014 terdapat 56 cabang disiplin ilmu yang diteliti oleh 512 peneliti asing dari 44 negara. Bila kita susun dikotomi bidang keilmuan menjadi IImuSsocial –Hhumaniora dan Ilmu Alam, maka jumlah disiplin ilmu kelompok Ilmu Alam juh lebih besar yaitu sebanyak 389 cabang ilmu atau sebesar 74,22% sedangkan kelompok Ilmu Sosial Humaniora sebanyak 123 cabang ilmu atau sebesar 24, 88%. Data selengkapnya dapat dilihat di halaman lampiran.

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Bila kita cermati lebih lanjut lagi, dari 56 cabang disiplin ilmu tersebut, terlihat bahwa Ilmu-ilmu Biologi dan cabang-cabangnya, seperti, Primatologi, Zoologi, Botani, Oseanografi dan Ekologi serta Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam, Kehutanan dan Pertanian lebih mendonimasi daya tarik peneliti asing. Hal ini tercermin dari gambar di bawah ini.

Top 10 Displin Ilmu yang Diminati Peneliti Asing 2014


9,77% 8,79% 8,01% 5,86% 5,08% 4,30% 3,71% 2,93% 2,93%

Gambar 9 : Disiplin Ilmu Yang Paling Diminati Peneliti Asing

Pada tahun 2014 kegiatan penelitian dilakukan di 35 provinsi. Provinsi Papua merupakan satu-satunya provinsi yang tidak dikunjungi oleh peneliti asing karena tidak ada permohonan izin penelitian yang disetujui oleh TKPIPA karena pertimbangan keamanan.

Berdasarkan sampling 10 provinsi yang paling banyak diminati untuk kegiatan penelitian, maka dapat diasumsikan bahwa terdapat dua factor pendorong utama yang menjadi daya tarik, yaitu 1) Tingginya Sumber Daya Genetik di provinsi tersebut; 2) Banyaknya Lembaga Litbang dan Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka sebagai center of exelence sebagai mitra kerja utama peneliti asing di Indonesia. Data 10 besar provinsi yang paling diminati oleh peneliti asing dapat dilihat pada gambar di bawah ini.

12 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

Top 10 Provinsi Lokasi Penelitian 2014

Jawa Timur 29 Bali 30 Papua Barat 35 Jawa Tengah 36 DI Yogyakarta 43 Sulawesi Utara 49 DKI Jakarta 59 Kalimantan Tengah 66 Sulawesi Selatan 68 Jawa Barat 80

Gambar 10: 10 Besar Provinsi Yang Paling Diminati Peneliti Asing

Terdapat tiga kategori Lembaga Litbang yang menjadi mitra kerja (counterpart) penelitian bagi peneliti asing di Indonesia, yaitu: 1) Lembaga Litbang Kementerian dan Lembaga, 2) Perguruan Tinggi, dan 3) Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM). Dalam tahun 2014 terdapat 33 Lembaga Litbang, 51 Perguruan Tinggi dan 17 LSM yang menjadi kerjasama penelitian dengan peneliti asing. Pada umumnya Lembaga Litbang, Perguruan Tinggi dan LSM yang menjadi mitra kerja (counterpart) peneliti asing tersebut merupakan lembaga litbang jejaring internasional yang sangat luas dan sebagian besar penelitinya merupakan alumni universitas di luar negeri. Hal ini tercermin dari 10 besar PT dan Lembaga Litbang di bawah ini.

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Top 10 Mitra Kerja Indonesia yang Bermitra Kerja dengan Peneliti Asing 2014

71 46 43 31 29 27 21 20 18 16

Gambar 11: 10 Besar Lembaga Litbang Mitra Kerja Penelitian

14 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014


A. BIOLOGI A.1. Genome Wide Diversity Analyses of Banana and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense from Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Menetapkan koleksi tumbuhan Fusarium oxysporum (Research Objective) f.sp. cubense isolates

Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 7 Juli 2014 (month, starting from) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Kabupaten Sukabumi, Kab. Cianjur, Kab. Bogor), (Research Location) Jatim (Kabupaten Lumajang, Kabupaten Banyuwangi) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Yuyu Surysari Poerba) (Counterpart)

Abstract Panama disease is one of the major constraints in banana production. The disease is caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc), that devastates banana plantations in many banana growing countries. A new and highly virulent strain of Foc, Tropical Race 4 (TR4), is pathogenic on many edible bananas, including Cavendish clones that represent 90 of the export trade. The pathogen cannot be controlled with fungicides or other agronomical treatments due to its soilborne nature and persistent chlamydospores that contaminate soils for decades.

Therefore, new control methods are required and ideally resistant cultivars should be developed to cope with the current threat that is largely due to the monocropping of one highly susceptible cultivar. For this purpose it is important to understand the genetic bases of host resistance and the fungal pathogenicity. Resistance to TR4 was determined in the wild Indonesian Musa acuminata ssp. malaccensis. As Indonesia is the center of diversity of both wild and cultivated banana, we plan in this project explorative studies to identify and characterize sources of resistance to Panama disease. Moreover, based on co-evolutionary genetics, we expect also

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a wide genetic diversity in Foc that will be explored. This project aims at collecting, exploring and exploiting genetic diversity of Foc and banana in Indonesia. We plan using genome wide association procedures and deep sampling methods to describe and test diversity using high throughput genotyping technologies that will provide an unparalleled resolution of genetic diversity. Finally, phenotypic data on pathogenicity and susceptibility of selected Foc and banana accessions, respectively, will enable the identification of genomic regions containing candidate genes for further genetic/functional analyses and deployment in breeding or genetic engineering programs.

The aim of this research stay is to establish a collection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense isolates – the causal agent of Panama disease in banana. Together with Ms. Nani Mariyani, I will visit sites on Java, Kalimantan and Sumatra (see below for a detailed list) to collect the fungal isolates from diseased banana plants. I will document the diseased plants and the collection sites in writing and photographs. A.1.1. Ms. Sarah Maria Schmidt

Warga Negara : Jerman (Nationality) Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Amsterdam Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : P.O.BOX 94215 1090 GE Amsterdam, The Netherlands

A.2. Mechanisms, Ultrastructure and Behavioral Function of Flashing in Ctenoides ales: “Disco Clams”

Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti manfaat perilaku menyala berkedip pada (Research Objective) kerang Ctenoides ales Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11Agustus 2014 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Denpasar) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : FK UNPAD (Bachri Alisjahbana, MD., PhD.) (Counterpart)

16 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

Abstract Structural coloration is of particular interest in biomimetics, where photonic nanostructure influences countless technologies derived from natural design. The use of structural coloration by various taxa in the ocean’s euphotic zone is especially interesting as long wavelengths are absorbed rapidly with depth, light attenuates with suspended solids, and available light varies between habitats. The bivalve mollusk Ctenoides ales lives at depths up to 50m and often inside small crevices, where ambient light is dim and wavelength- restricted. Despite this, the species evolved a reflective mantle edge that emits vivid light, resulting in the common name “disco” or “electric” clam. C. ales is the only bivalve known to have a behaviorally controlled light display, and preliminary research in high speed video, transmission electron microscopy, spectrometry, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and particle modeling have advanced ultrastructure and mechanistic understanding of how the photic display is produced. Densely packed spheres composed of silica are optimally sized and spaced to reflect the dominant wavelengths in the organism’s habitat, suggesting the photic display may serve an optical function. The vivid broadband display results from a 16-fold difference in absorption in two-sided tissue. Through research in Indonesia, I will address what the behavioral purpose of the photic display of C. ales is and what ecological factors influence it. A.2.1. Ms. Ayesha Jennifer Verrall

Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat (Nationality) Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : University of California Berkeley Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Caldwell Lab, University of California, Berkeley Department of Integrative Biology, 3040 Valley Life Science Building #3140 Berkeley, CA 94720-3140, United State of America

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A.3. Diversity of vascular epiphytes in lowland rain forests and jungle rubber agroforestry systems in Sumatera (Indonesia)

Tujuan Penelitian : Membandingkan diversitas epiphtyes di hutan hujan (Research Objective) alamiah dengan yang di hutan karet Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 6 Agutus 2014 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN. Bukit Dua belas) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo) (Counterpart)

Abstract Natural lowland rainforests in Sumatra have been cleared and turned into the transformation systems jungle rubber, rubber and oil palm plantations. Aim of this study will be to investigate the effects of the transformation of rainforest to jungle rubber systems for vascular epiphyte diversity. In this context, jungle rubber can be seen as an agroforestry system that resembles secondary forest.

Epiphytes play an important role in ecosystem processes of tropical rainforest and provide resources for tree-dependent fauna. They are very sensitive to changes in their environment. Therefore, epiphytes diversity can be used as ecological indicator to determine the effects of deforestation and forest transformation.

It is planned to compare the epiphytes diversity in native rainforest with the epiphytes diversity in jungle rubber. Epiphyte diversity will be determined by plot based species inventories on plots inside the Bukit Duabelas National Park in the southwestern Jambi province and plots inside jungle rubber systems in the surroundings of the park.

The hypotheses of this study are: (I) Epiphyte diversity and species richness will be higher in in the natural forest than in the jungle rubber systems, (II) Changes in the epiphyte diversity may be linked to the microclimatic conditions, (III) Jungle rubber systems will favor generalist species, (IV) The structure of the agroforestry systems may influence epiphyte diversity.

18 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

A.3.1. Mr. Arne Wenzel Warga Negara : Jerman (Nationality) Jabatan (Position) : Master student Institusi (Institution) : University of Goettingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Groner Tor-Str. 5, 37073 Goettingen, Germany A.4 Biology of Indonesian Pythons

Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi biologis dan penggunaaan berkelanjutan (Research Objective) dari ular pyton Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 September 2014 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumut, Sumsel, Kalteng (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Awal Riyanto dan Ibu Mumpuni) dan (Counterpart) Direktorat Konservasi Keanekaragaaman Hayati - Ditjen PHKA Kemhut (Ibu Badiah)

Abstract A visa is requested to work with Indonesian scientists to evaluate the biology and sustainable use of Indonesian pythons. Indonesia has a large sustainable harvest of pythons. This will serve as as a model system to develop strategies for evaluation of sustainability in systems where it is not feasible to obtain reliable quantitative data on population densities of harvested species in the wild. A.4.1. Mr. Daniel James Deans Natusch Warga Negara (Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan (Position) : Member group Pyhtoh specialist Institusi (Institution) : IUCN/SSC Boa and Python Specialist Group Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : PO Box 78Bamaga Queensland 4876, Australia

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A.5. Research on mosquito-borne and blood-brone viral infectious diseases in Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penelitian epidemiologi sero- dan molekuler (Research Objective) sebagai studi dasar yang diperlukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik virus yang dibawa oleh nyamuk dan darah Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Molekuler (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Surabaya) (Research Location) Mitra : Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Universitas Airlangga (Prof. Kerja(Counterpart) Dr. Nasronudin, dr., SpPD, K-PI, FINASIM)

Abstract 1. Title of the Project: Research on mosquito-borne and blood-borne viral infectious diseases in Indonesia. 2. Objectives Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a serious mosquito-borne infectious disease prevalent throughout tropical and subtropical areas of the world including Indonesia, and is caused by the infection with dengue virus. The recent distribution of the viruses in Indonesia has not been elucidated completely, and there would be a possibility of an appearance of highly pathogenic strains in the future. Thus, it is important to continue surveillance the viruses in Indonesia. In addition, HTV7AIDS is a blood-borne viral disease prevalent all over the world, and is mainly caused by HIV-1 infection. Rapidly growing epidemic of HTV-1 is a serious public health problem in Indonesia. In order to control the HTV-1 epidemic, it is important to reveal the current prevalence rate and genotype of HTV-1 in Indonesia. 3. Methodology I. Isolate virus using culture cells from infected patients or wild mosquitoes (Dengue and HIV)

20 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

II. Determine the nucleotide sequences, and perform genotypic analyses (Dengue and HTV) IQ. Prepare monoclonal antibodies against viral proteins (HIV and Dengue) TV. Study mutations associated with drug resistance (HIV) HV. Study viral phenotype and pathogenicity using isolated viruses (HIV and Dengue) MV. Search natural compounds show antiviral effect (HIV and Dengue)

A.5.1. Mr. Tomohiro Kotaki

Warga Negara : Jepang (Nationality) Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 7-5-1, Kusunoki-cho, Chou-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0017 Japan

A.6. Diversity of the phytoplanktonic species responsible for Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Indonesia with a special focus on the Alexandrium tamarense complex

Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari komposisi spesies genus Alexandrium (Research Objective) yang merupakan fitoplankton yang menyebabkan berkembangnya ganggang berbahaya dan dinoflagelata berpotensi racun di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Pulau Pari, Pulau Panyaliran dan Selat Sunda) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Hikmah Thoha) (Counterpart)

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Abstract Aquaculture in Southeast Asia represents 27% of global production (> 16 millions de tonnes in 2011) has became an economic activity of first importance for rural and urban populations in the region. Indonesia with 2.3 million tonnes of aquaculture production and over 3.5 million fishfarmers is the 4th world producer. This sector has shown the most rapid expansion among all overtypes of agronomic productions and the increase offish production in a sustainable way is a great challenge for Indonesia.

The sustainable development of aquaculture requires in-depth knowledge of the genetic structure, life-history traits and adaptive capacities offish species in relation to their environment. On this basis, the definition of zootechnical and health management solutions should be thought out for local species, and adapted to societal and environmental contexts.

In Indonesia, the emphasis will be laid on traditional culture systems, for which the forthcoming intensification should be done wisely to avoid most shortcomings or penalties frequently incurred in such processes when insufficiently thought- out. This includes in-depth biological knowledge of target species, prevention or management of disease outbreak through alternatives to antibiotics, including local pharmacopeia, as well as ecosystem services.

Since 2010, these assignments have been followed by a long term assignment of the expert in Indonesia for contributing and strengthening the actions of the IRD- CARD in a collaborative research on health management and ichthyopathology.

Research activities were related to the health management offish production at the farm scale in Java island as well as in experimental conditions of CARD in Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar (BPPBAT) in Bogor. Currents and further investigations will contribute to improve health management and health practices at the farm level A.6.1. Ms. Aurelie Marie Virginie Yvonne Moysan Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Universite Montpellier 2 & IRD Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

22 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

A.7. DNA barcoding, phylogeography, and molecular taxonomy of groupers across the Coral Triangle and adjacent regions (BARCORE) Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi inventori ikan kerapu di Indonesia (Research Objective) dan kawasan Segitiga Terumbu Karang menggunakan pendekatan DNA barcoding Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Irma Shita Arlyza), Lab (Research Location) Biomedik dan Biologi Molekuler Hewan Universitas Udayana (Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Mahardika) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Dr. Hikmah Thoha) (Counterpart)

Abstract The Coral Triangle lies at the core of the Indo-West Pacific marine ensemble. This region, which under its ecological definition includes most of the Indonesian archipelago, has both the largest surfaces of coral-reef, mangrove, and associated habitats, the highest marine species richness, and reportedly the highest rate of marine endemism in the world. Meanwhile, much of the marine biodiversity of the Coral Triangle, including reef fishes, remains largely unknown and under-described.

The habitats and species of the Coral Triangle are under serious threat, because of industrial development, urbanization, deforestation, land erosion, fishing pressure, pollution, and global change. Particularly vulnerable among reef fishes, are top-predators, including groupers (Fig. 1) [1,2]. It is important to obtain genetic knowledge on these species in order to better manage them and protect them.

A.7.1. Ms. Aurelie Marie Virginie Yvonne Moysan Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : IRD Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Immeuble Ie Sextant 44 bd de Dunkerque, CS 90009, 13572 Marseille cedex 02, France

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A.8. Biological Survey on the Indonesian Coelacanth, 2014-2015

Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari coelacanth dan habitatnya di Indonesia (Research Objective) Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Desember 2014 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Teluk Manado, P. Talise and P. Bangka, (Research Location) Amurang Bay, Lolak, dan kepulauan sekitar); Papua Barat (P. Misool, P. Salawati, P. Batanta, P. Waigeodan kepulauan sekitar); Maluku Utara (Ternate, Galela, P. Morotai, P. Gebe); Maluku (Ambon, Latuhalat, Lima, P. Haruku, P. ) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Augy Syahailatua) (Counterpart)

Abstract Indonesian coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, was found in Manado, Province Sulawesi Utara in 1997. Aquamarine Fukushima has established good co-operation with LIPI and Sam Ratulangi University and conduct Indonesian coelacanth survey together. We need to make it stronger and should study ecosystem in Sulawesi water including the coelacanth habitat as a next step.

The aim of the study is to clear the coelacanth biology and habitat in Indonesia. Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) is used for the observations of coelacanth habitat between 150-300m deep.

Research area : Fish Ecology and Biology

Location : Write all locations including the regency and province !

1) Sulawesi Island * Province Sulawesi Utara (Manado Bay, P. Talise and

24 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

A.8.1. Ms. Aurelie Marie Virginie Yvonne Moysan Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Group Leader of Research Institute for Coelacanth Institusi (Institution) : Aquamarine Fukushima, Marine Science Museum Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 50, Tatsumi-cho, Onahama, Iwaki City, Fukushima Pref. JAPAN

A.9. Marine Biology, Ecology & Conservation of The Wakatobi Marine National Park: Research Proposal 2012 – 2014

Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti habitat terumbu karang dan species terkait (Research Objective) dalam kondisi lingkungan yang ekstrem sebagai dampak climate change Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan mulai15 Juli 2014 (month, startingfrom) (Research Duration) Daerah Penelitian : Sultra (TN Wakatobe) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Laut Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil – Unhas (Counterpart) (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa)

Abstract During the period 2012 and 2013 the Coral Reef research Unit, in collaboration with the Research and Development Centre for Marine, Coast and Small Islands, University of Hasanuddin undertook a multi-themed research project entitled “Marine Biology, Ecology & Conservation of the Wakatobi Marine National Park, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia”. The research project was very successful in addressing its key aims, and resulted in numerous scientific publications, the publication of a book and several capacity building. Herein we describe our continued research programme that would capitalise on the findings of the last but focus more on the key issues impacting marine systems on the Wakatobi both at the present time and in to the future.

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The research programme for 2014 is a continuation of the research carried out in 2013 and proposes to address five key research themes and to use these research topics to address the key issues of Climate Change, Environmental Governance and the need to Capacity Build within the Wakatobi and wider region. These cross-cutting issues will be addressed from the context of 1) Coral Reef Form and Function 2) Coral Reef Resilience 3) Life in the Extremes 4) Coral Reef Resources and 5) Coral Reef Management which represent the research themes. The thematic approach will provide a strong research framework in which do address the key issues, whilst also providing an adaptive potential through evolving and objective led research tasks.

Within the theme coral reef form and function, the key topics of system biodiversity, functionality, redundancy, dynamics and connectivity, will be addressed using a number of study based approaches. This research will require an ecosystem approach and although the proposed identifies coral reefs as the key subject area, the majority of the research activities will include associated habitats such as sea grass and mangrove forests. Coral reef resilience is a key topic of our time, particularly due to the increasing threat of non-sustainable exploitation combined with accelerated climate change. Resilience will be examined through investigations in to the tolerance of reef organism to stress events (natural and anthropogenic induced), recruitment potential of the key taxa and the recovery potential, at a systems level, post disturbance. Within the proposed research we also intend to investigate habitats that are characterised by extreme environmental conditions, certainly at the very edge of the environmental envelop within which coral and associated species can survive. Our previous research demonstrated that many species exist at these extremes through specific adaptations to their physiology and life history traits, and we intend to fully investigate these characteristics within the context of climate change to determine whether or not these systems house species that may be better equipped to deal with mass environmental change of either an acute (such as El Niño and La Nina events) or chronic (climate change) nature. It is generally through that such species and may represent the future of tropical systems. The fundamental aim of this and the previous research is to understand how reef systems react to environmental stress and how best to manage these systems against increasing stress. Much of this stress is anthropogenically induced and thus our proposed includes research questions that span the disciplines including the social and economic sciences. Consequently we have proposed a research theme that examines reef based resources and how such resources are

26 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 likely to change as the system becomes more stressed. Most importantly we aim to identify how best to manage these resources going in to the uncertain future. Research and exchange in knowledge between researchers and conservationists are also starting to recognise that there are many alternatives to traditional methods of resource extraction and that it is possible to utilise a diverse range of reef based resources in a sustainable manner (eg carbon credit systems). This activity will therefore examine current resource extraction practises but also look to diversify sustainable and non-damaging exploitative as well as non-exploitative activities .The activities do not intend to establish new activities within the park rather than research there likely benefits both in terms of the ecology of the system but also in terms of livelihood support. This research theme goes hand in hand with the final theme of coral reef management and we intend to address this topic from both a natural and social science standpoint. This final theme will integrate across all other research activities. Most importantly however the research aims to examine the possible management options for the future as resources becoming increasingly degraded through exploitation and habitat degradation.

The proposed represents a series of activities that will help to maintain and sustain the Wakatobi Marine Park as a centre of international quality research, research that is aimed at advancing global knowledge of coral reefs but also, and most importantly, research that informs present and future management. It is most important that such research activities as outlined herein, incorporate elements of capacity building to ensure that lessons learnt from the research are passed on to future researchers and decision makers. Therefore this document outlines our proposed approach to increase capacity building activities through the provision of taught, experience and learning based opportunities

A.9.1. Prof. Wayne Arden Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor of Vertebrate Physiology Institusi (Institution) : The University of West Florida Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : The University of West Florida 11000University Parkway Pensacola, USA

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A.10. Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Scleractinian Coral Growth Rate in Spermonde Archipelago

Tujuan Penelitian : Membandingkan tingkat pertumbuhan terumbu karang (Research Objective) saat ini dengan rekaman tingkat pertumbuhan terumbu karang sebelumnya yang menjadi spesimen museum Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 7(tujuh) bulan, mulai 9 Januari 2014 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Laut Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil Universitas (Counterpart) Hasanuddin (Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa, PhD.)

Abstract The proposed research compares current skeletal growth rates of scleractinian corals along an environmental gradient with historical growth rates determined from the examination of museum specimens. This research is unique, since it focuses on both temporal and spatial aspect of change in growth rate. Thus, coral growth rates serve as environmental proxies to detect potential environmental changes across a temporal and a spatial gradient. The determination of coral growth rate in situ uses skeletal markers to quantify skeletal growth rate over a period of 4 months.

Current growth rates are compared with specimens of up to 80 years of age collected by and stored in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, in Leiden, Nl. The temporal comparison will allow for the detection of potential environmental changes, e.g. in seawater temperature, due to ongoing climate change, as well as regional changes in land-use and resulting terrestrial run-off.. By measuring the coral growth rates across a spatial gradient (onshore-offshore), additional information is generated to complement the ongoing SPICE III project on the current status of the Spermonde Archipelago reefs and potential effects of eutrophication in this area.

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A.10.1. Mr. Riki Nakajima Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Am Osterdeich 69 28203 Bremen, Germany

A.11. Crab diversity and community structure in relation to environmental change in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Java, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati kepiting di daerah (Research Objective) timur dan tengah laguna dan komposisi sedimen untuk menemukan pengaruhnya pada struktur komunitas Bidang Penelitian : Marine Biology - invertebrata struktur komunitas biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 (month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Sagara Anakan Lagoon) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Moh. Husein (Counterpart) Sastranegara)

Abstract The Segara Anakan Lagoon has been a location of research for the past decade as it is the largest remaining area on the island of Java that contains mangrove forests that differ distinctly in structure. Brachyuran crabs have been known to play an important ecological role in mangrove communities in various ways, such as shredding leaf litter or aerating the soil with their burrowing habits. The biodiversity of the crabs within the charted eastern and central areas of the lagoon will be studied as well as the composition of the sediment in order to find its affect on community structure. Abiotic parameters such as sediment water content and salinity will also be collected from each sample site. It is expected that there will be distinct differences between the sites since they are in various states of deforestation. From September 2014 to March 2015, sampling and statistical analysis will be conducted and all results will be

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A.11.1. Ms. Shannon Elizabeth Rose Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Bremen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Kornstrasse 22, 28201 Bremen, Bremen, Germany

A.12. Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes, Indonesia

Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari aspek-aspek mikrobiologis, geokimia, dan (Research Objective) limnologi dari Danau-danau Malili Bidang Penelitian : Mikrobiologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulsel (Danau-danau Malili) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Limnologi LIPI (Dr. Cynthia Henny dan tim) (Counterpart)

Abstract: The proposed research will study several aspects of the biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes, on Sulawesi Island. Our previous studies have identified that the lakes possess unique chemical and physical properties and our goal is to understand how these properties influence biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology and ultimately whole ecosystem functioning. Although the chemistry and physics of the Malili Lakes are unique on the planet today, they are analogous to what is known for the earth’s earliest oceans. Our understanding of ecological functioning in the Malili lakes may therefore yield insight into the Earths earliest marine ecosystems.

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A.12.1. Dr. Aurèle Vuillemin Warga Negara (Nationality) : Swiss Jabatan (Position) : PostDoc Institusi (Institution) : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Deutsches Geo Forschungs Zentrum Potsdam Telegrafenberg14473 Potsdam, Germany A.12.2. Mr. Jan Axel Kitte Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Engineer Institusi (Institution) : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Deutsches Geo Forschungs Zentrum Potsdam Telegrafenberg 14473 Potsdam, Germany A.12.3. Ms. Céline Chantal Philippe Michiels Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belgia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : University of British Columbia Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Renè-Henry street 371070 Brussels - Belgium A.12.4. Dr. Jens Kallmeyer Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : GFZ Postdam Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences Telegrafenberg 14473 Postdam Germany

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A.12.5. Dr. Sean Andrew Crowe Warga Negara(Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan(Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi(Institution) : University of British Columbia Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Campusvej 55Odense 5230, DK

A.13. Biological surveys of threatened species on the islands of Sangihe and Talaud

Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survei biologi terhadap species yang (Research Objective) terancam punah Bidang Penelitian : Biologi (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014(month, (Research Duration) starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulut (Kab. Kep. Sangihe P. Karakelong ,P. Salibabu , (Research Location) Kabaruan, Karatung, Nanusa dan Miangas, Kab. P. Talaud, Siau, Kep. Sitaro Mitra Kerja : Burung Indonesia (Agus Budi Utomo) dan Fakultas (Counterpart) Pertanian Unsrat (Dr. Ir. Johny S. Tasirin, MScF)

The Indonesian islands of Sangihe and Talaud hold one of the most endangered avifaunal communities in the world. Following a global taxonomic reassessment (Collar & del Hoyo, in press) no fewer than five species found only on Sangihe will be listed as Critically Endangered, the highest IUCN Red List threat category (IUCN 2012). All five are known from the last remaining primary forest on Gunung Sahendaruman; no other single site holds more than one Critically Endangered species. Talaud supports four Endangered or Vulnerable species. These birds provide an incentive for international tourists to visit the islands as well as being a unique part of the evolutionary history and cultural identity of the island. Ensuring that these unique species persist requires an intense effort to recognise and counter the threats affecting each species. Surveys will be carried out using a point count distance sampling method (Marsden 1999; Buckland et al. 2008). Focal bird techniques will be employed for the Critically Endangered species to

32 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 provide habitat association information and increase knowledge of the ecological requirements of these species. GIS and remote sensing techniques will also be employed to examine habitat change during the last 20 years. An evaluation of human use of and impacts upon protected areas and other key sites will also be undertaken, along with an assessment of current and past trapping pressure and trade mechanisms and volume in parrot species. The objectives of this project are:

- to provide up to date population estimates and densities for the threatened bird species on both islands; - to provide detailed habitat association information for the Critically Endangered bird species; - to evaluate human use and impacts on key sites and habitats and to assess the scale and impact of trapping on all key species This information, alongside the data from previous projects, will be used to make recommendations for habitat management, site regulation and policy improvement to help the Indonesian authorities better conserve the birds.

A.13.1. Mr. Robert William Martin Warga Negara(Nationality) : Inggeris Jabatan(Position) : Post-graduate student Institusi(Institution) : Manchester Metropolitan University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 82 Gladstone Street, Norwich Norfolk NR2 3BJ United Kingdom, England

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A.14. Genetic analysis using Next Generation Sequencing technology of the plankton community structure in the Makassar Straitandthe Sulawesi Sea

Tujuan Penelitian : Mengumpulkan berbagai jenis organisme plankton laut (Research Objective) tropis di arus Indonesia dari Selat Makassar dan Laut Sulawesi Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan (Field of Research) Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan mulai 30 November 2014 (month, starting (Research Duration) from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Selat Makasar, Laut Sulawesi) (Research Location) Mitra Kerja : P2O LIPI (Nurul Fitriya) (Counterpart)

Abstract As a part of our constant commitment to provide scientific information on Indonesian sea, and as part of The Spirit of the ASEAN Community 2015, we planned to conduct the Expedition of Widya Nusantara (EWIN) 2014. As continuation of EWIN 2013 in Makassar Strait, EWIN 2014 will be conducted in Sulawesi Sea which act as one of ‘major entry gate’ of ITF in Indonesia.

The main aims of this expedition is to study the effect of Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) to the biotic and abiotic parameters in the water columns of Sulawesi Sea. Meanwhile the specific aims of EWIN 2014 are:

v To understand the characteristics of western boundary currents, internal tides, and turbulence mixing of Sulawesi Sea v Studying the nutrient stratification and flux in water columns of Sulawesi Sea v Gather data on marine biodiversity of Sulawesi Sea, including fish larvae, deep sea benthos, radiolarians, and planktons

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v To study the diversity of marine microbes and discovering its economic potentials v Understanding distribution pattern of palinomorf, characterizing the sediment of Sulawesi Sea Basin, and measuring the level of heavy metal pollutants in water.

A.14.1. Ms. Mee Hye Kang Warga Negara(Nationality) : Korea Selatan Jabatan(Position) : Junior Research Assistant Institusi(Institution) : Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology(KIOST) 787 Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 426-744, the Republic of Korea A.15. Investigation into the biology and function of loud call in red langur (Presbytis rubicunda) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari struktur akustik jeritan langur merah jantan dan melihat hubungannya dengan kepadatan populasi dan jarak tempat tinggal Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 10 November 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Laboratorium Alam Hutan Gambut, Pusat Penelitian Kalampangan) Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP, Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr Suwido H. Limin) Abstract Many colobine monkeys emit loud, conspicuous vocalizations termed loud calls or long-distance calls. A loud call is considered one form of communication in primates and can possess a variety of functions. Loud calls are known to encode information on the identity of the caller (Wich et al. 2003a; Fischer et al. 2004), compete for mates (Wich & Nunn 2002; Neumann et al. 2010), mediate intergroup

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spacing (Chiarello 1995; Delgado 2006), promote intragroup cohesion (Riley 2005), and signal for threats (Zuberbhler 2001).

Most of what is known about Asian colobine loud calls come from the study of Thomas langurs (Presbytis thomasi) and the more-recently studied Simakobu (Simias concolor). Acoustic analyses of Thomas langurs have shown that calls vary significantly between individuals, age, and contexts (Wich et al. 2002; Wich et al. 2003a; Wich et al. 2003b). In Simakobu, male loud calls are also individually distinct and age-dependent, but are not well discriminated by context (Erb et al. 2013). The loud calls of other Asian colobines have not been well studied. It is unknown whether the patterns found in Thomas langurs or Simakobu can be generalized to other Asian colobine species.

A.15.1. Mr. Christopher James Owen Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : OuTrop, University of Oxford, UK Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Mount Avalon, Bove Town, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 8JG, UK.United Kingdom

Z.16. Understanding top-down and bottom-up processes that control reef functioning and resilience of coral reefs in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari dan mengidentifikasi peran dari berbagai macam top-down dan bottom-up proses yang mempengaruhi fungsi terumbu karang di Kep. Spermonde Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 10 November 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kep.Spermonde) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Unhas (Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc, Ph.d)

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Abstract Coral reefs are some of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on the planet, but their future is threatened. Direct and indirect anthropogenic processes such as climate change, overexploitation, disease and changes in water quality are altering their natural biogeochemical environment (Hughes et al. 2003). Many human populations rely on the goods and services provided by coral reefs meaning that changes to these systems will have important impacts on coastal communities (McClanahan et al. 2009), therefore, lending importance to understanding how environmental processes affect reefs.

Coral reef community composition is affected by the generation and accumulation of organic and inorganic products where the accumulation of carbonate from photosynthesising, hermatypic, corals create essential habitat for other reef dwelling organisms. They compete with other primary producers for resources such as nutrients, light and space meaning the reef is highly affected by bottom- up processes where increased nutrients can stimulate plant growth and microbial activity leading to decreased oxygen availability or eutrophication (Kuntz et al. 2005, Kline et al. 2006). Furthermore, coral reef benthic communities are also controlled by top-down process such as vertebrate and invertebrate grazing and carbonate turnover (Hoey and Bellwood 2007, 2010). These two opposing processes, accumulation and removal, become unbalanced through anthropogenic and/or natural perturbations. Subsequently, this can result in a change in habitat complexity and community composition and overall ecosystem function, potentially leading to less desirable, alternate ecological stable states (Bellwood et al. 2004, Norstr�m et al. 2009). When ecosystem function is able to stay relatively consistent, it allows for a level of resilience within the community when perturbations do occur (Roff and Mumby 2012). Furthermore, reef function is intrinsically linked to the goods and services they provide to coastal communities and, therefore, understanding the underlying ecological processes can facilitate better resource management.

The relative importance of bottom-up and top-down processes have yet to be explored in Indonesia, a tropical archipelago state that relies on the resources provided by its coral reefs. Makassar is a coastal city of approximately 1.3 million people, on the relatively large island of Sulawesi. Off the western coast of the city lies the Spermonde archipelago which contains islands and reefs varying in distance of up to 70 kilometres from Makassar. These islands and reefs are exposed to varying levels of fishing pressures and nutrient exposure. The main source of

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the effluents comes from Makassar and previous studies have shown a gradient of increasing water quality as one moves away from the city (Edinger and Kolasa 2000, Sawall et al. 2011). Fishing pressure varies spatially where reefs closest to the city experience greatest pressure, but local populations on islands of the archipelago means that the same gradient as water quality does not exist, and individual islands can see increased fishing pressure despite relative distance to Makassar. Given the combination of a consistent change in water quality, but a semi haphazard fishing regime, this offers a unique opportunity to test the varying effects of these two variables, water quality and fishing pressure, in their influence on reef community composition, structure, and function.

A.16.1. Mr. Jeremiah Grahm Plass-Johnson Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Fahrenheitstraße 6, 28359 Bremen, Germany

A.17. An individual-based model for the management of coral reefs. Application to the case of the Spermonde archipelago, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengumpulkan informasi mengenai hubungan antara zonasi terumbu karang dan komposisi komunitas dari berbagai grup Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 10 November 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan - Unhas (Prof. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc., Ph.D) Abstract In my doctoral study, I am developing a model to represent coral reef dynamics under multiple stressors and human use scenarios. My area of study is the Spermonde Archipelago in Indonesia, where my institution has a long-term

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interdisciplinary research history through the SPICE projects (Science for the Protection of Indonesian Coastal Ecosystems, SPICE_III.html). The model combines published and empirical data through an individual-based formulation to explore what the ecological outcomes of different management strategies might be. A set of ecological processes are modeled in a spatially explicit representation of a coral reef. The selected physical conditions (i.e. depth, temperature and nutrients) are linked to the biological compartments determining reef zonation. Benthic dynamics and competition between coral and algae are simulated with simple behavioral rules determined by their density and that of neighboring organisms, while a second grid is superimposed to represent population dynamics of herbivorous and carnivorous reef fishes. Finally, the effect of different fishing strategies will be simulated by subtracting fish biomass in specific areas of the reef.

The fisheries system of Spermonde showcases the important role that small- scale fisheries play in coral reef ecosystems, particularly when they are subject to global market demands. In an attempt to design a tool to explore consequences of management policies at different levels, I plan to integrate both the human and ecological compartments in order to tackle the effect of changes in human fishing behavior on indicators of ecosystem resilience.

A.17.1. Ms. Sara Minarro Villanueva Warga Negara(Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan(Position) : PhD Student Institusi(Institution) : Leibniz Center For Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : ZMT Bremen Fahrenheitstr 6 D- 28359 Bremen, Germany A.18. The stress factor: Examining anthropogenic sources of stress in wild Macaca. Nigra Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari faktor-faktor penyebab stress pada M. nigra liar Bidang Penelitian : Biologi dan fisiologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 November 2014 (month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Cagar Alam Tangkoko-Dua Saudara) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB (Dr. drh. Muhammad Agil, MSc.Agr) Abstract The concept of “eco-tourism” stems from the belief that wildlife tourism can be both a financial boon to local populations and help conserve the environment. However, these goals are not always achieved and target species are sometimes exposed to new anthropogenic stressors. Unavoidable, chronic exposure of nonhuman primates to humans can be stressful, as indicated by physiological and behavioral responses. My aim is to assess the impacts of two anthropogenic influences on stress-related behavior and physiology of critically endangered wild black crested macaques (Macaca nigra) in order to make recommendations for their management. Tangkoko Nature Reserve, Sulawesi, Indonesia is home to three social groups of M. nigra that are exposed to varying intensities of anthropogenic stress, including tourism and defense from crop-raiding (via range restriction). This assessment will better enable conservation biologists and site managers to pinpoint specific characteristics of anthropogenic influence that are in need of modification, and thus bring management into better alignment with its intended conservation goals. Most importantly, the data collected here will shed light on whether primate groups exposed to tourism over multiple decades fully habituate or whether their apparent tolerance masks unhealthy abnormal stress responses.

A.18.1. Ms. Mary Colleen Zuromskis Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Asisten peneliti (practical training) Institusi (Institution) : Private Volunteer Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2790 Kelvin Ave Irvine CA 92614United States

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A.18.2. Ms. Kayla Nicole Wood Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Asisten peneliti (practical training) Institusi : Private Volunteer Email : [email protected] Alamat : 35706 87th Ave E, Eatonville, Wa, 98328 United States

A.19. Biogeochemistry and Geomicrobiology of the Malili Lakes Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari aspek-aspek mikrobiologis, geokimia, dan limnologi dari Danau-danau Malili Bidang Penelitian : Mikrobiologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Danau Towuti) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Limnologi LIPI (Dr. Cynthia Henny M.Sc. dan tim) Abstract The joint project involves partners from Indonesia (LIPI Limnologi, Bogor), Canada (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) and Germany (GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, Potsdam). The project will take water and sediment samples from Lakes Matano and Towuti as part of a collaborative study on iron-rich lacustrine environments. The project will combine classical geochemical and microbiological techniques with novel molecular biological tools. One of the key factors will be the combined study of the water column and the sediment in order to obtain a better understanding of the interactions between these two environments.

A.19.1. Mr. Jan Axel Kitte Warga Negara : Jerman Jabatan : Engineer Institusi : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Email : [email protected]

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Alamat : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Telegrafenberg14473 Potsdam, Germany A.19.2. Dr. Aurèle Vuillemin Warga Negara (Nationality) : Swiss Jabatan (Position) : PostDoc Institusi (Institution) : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Telegrafenberg14473 Potsdam, Germany

A.20. The Catlin Seaview Survey Tujuan Penelitian : Mendokumentasikan komposisi dan kesehatan terumbukarang Bidang Penelitian : Biologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jateng (Kepulauan Karimunjawa), Sulut (Seluruh periaran Laut Sulut; TN Laut Bunaken; Manado; Minhasa; Bitung; Kep. Siau; Tagulandang; Biaro dan Sangihe) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Perikanan - Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Prof. Grevo S. Gerung) dan Puslit Oseanografi LIPI (Prof. Dr. Suharsono) Abstract The Catlin Seaview Survey is the first comprehensive study of the world’s coral reefs. The aim is to document the composition and health of the world�s coral reefs across an unparalleled depth range of 0-100m. With the help of Google Street View, the survey reached a global audience of more than a billion people in 2012. The project includes a shallow and deep reef survey and began on the Great Barrier Reef in 2012. The shallow reef survey involves photographing the reef in full 360 degree panoramic vision on an unprecedented scale using specially developed cameras. These images are analysed automatically using image recognition software,

42 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 specially designed by UQ researchers, creating a baseline for scientific analysis from remote locations. The visual baseline will be made freely available through The Global Reef Record, an online open source research tool, for scientists all around the world to study and for global citizens to have free access to. See more at: http://

A.20.1. Mr. Peter Ralph Dalton Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Field Technical Officer, Catlin Seaview Survey Institusi (Institution) : The University of Queensland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : The Global Change Institute The Univeristy of Queensland Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia A.20.2. Mr. Dominic Edmund Paul Bryant Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Phd Student Institusi (Institution) : The University of Queensland Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Biological Sciences The University of Queensland Level 7, Gehrmann Laboratories (733) St. Lucia, QLD 4072 Australia

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B.1. Diversity of vascular epiphytes in lowland rainforests and jungle rubber agroforestry systems in Sumatra (Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari keanekaragaman tumbuhan vasculare epiphytes di hutan tropis dataran rendah Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua belas) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi IPB (Dra. Sri Sudarmiyati Tjitrosoedirdjo) Abstract This scientific project will compare the diversity of vasculare epiphytes between a nearly intact lowland rainforest and anthropogenic influenced landuse systems. The compared influenced landuse systems are rubber agroforests (jungle rubber) and rubber plantations.

This project will be linked very closely to the master thesis of Arne Wenzel. Plot- based species inventories will be accomplished in Bukit Duabelas National Park in the southwestern Jambi province (Sumatra, Indonesia). The hypotheses of this scientific project are:

1) The diversity of vascular epiphytes decreases along a gradient of nearly intact rainforest in the national park to anthropogenic degradation. 2) The diversity of vascular epiphytes in the agroforests compared to the plantations is higher. 3) There are less specialized epiphytic species and higher rates of common generalists in areas with a high degree of human influences.

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B.1.1 Mr. Lukas Beeretz Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Zimmermannstrasse 16d (unten) 37075 Goettingen Germany B.2. A generic revision of the myrmecophilic understorey tree, Ryparosa Blume (Acariaceae) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari tumbuhan tropis genus Ryparosa (Achariaceae) Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 2September 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulteng (TN Lore Lindu); Sulsel (Cagar Alam Faruhumpenai dan TN the Bantimurung Bantimurung Bulusaraung); Kalbar (Bukit Baka Bukit Ria; Kaltim (Wehea forest Kutai Timur, Kab. Berau); Kalsel (TN Kayan Mentarang, TN Tanjung Putting); Kalteng (Taman Nasional Bentun Kerihun) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan/Kebun Raya Bogor – LIPI (Dr Julisasi Hadiah) Abstract I am undertaking a revision of the tropical tree genus Ryparosa (Achariaceae), to resolve poor species delineations within this widespread but little studied taxon. The 26 currently circumscribed tropical trees in the genus Ryparosa (Achariaceae) Blume. are distributed throughout both the South East Asian and Australian component of the Malesian bioregion. The current poor state of species recognition in the genus is largely due to the difficulty and timing of capturing male and female floral morphologies in specimen collections and the oversight of key morphological features of ecophysiological significance. Most notably

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amongst these are the production of ant reward food bodies and stem domatia to aid myrmecophylic mutualisms to varying extents between species. It is thus necessary for me to acquire fresh herbarium specimen material for me to properly describe the species relations within the genus. This revision combines phenetic techniques of agglomerative classification of morphological and ecophysiological characters in concert with a phylogeny to resolve specific boundaries. I plan to collect field samples in Sulawesi and Kalimantan with the help of staff from Bogor Kebun Raya and perform the analysis in Australia and the United Kingdom on material collected in Indonesia and other South East Asian countries.

B.2.1. Mr. Edward Wen Jiet Tsen Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. research student Institusi (Institution) : The University of Melbourne Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : The School of Botany, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, 3010 Australia, Australia

B.3. Plant diversity of Papua Barat, Indonesia TujuanPenelitian : Mengeksplorasi dan mendokumentasikan Flora Peg. Arfak khususnya Saurauia dan orchids BidangPenelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2014 (month, startingfrom) Daerah Penelitian : Papua Barat (Manokwari, Peg. Arfak, Manokwari Selatan) MitraKerja : Unipa (Prof. Charlie D. Heatubun)

Abstract A collaborative expedition to Papua Barat in June-July 2014 is proposed involving partners from the RBG Kew and UNIPA. The aim of the expedition is to build upon the success of recent collaborative field work to explore and document the flora of the Arfak Mountains (especially Saurauia and orchids) using conventional

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botanical and herbarium methods. Results of the expedition will include new plant discoveries, strengthened collaborative links between institutions and joint research outputs, such as papers describing new species.

B.3.1. Mr. Andre Schuiteman WargaNegara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Head of Orchid Research Institusi (Institution) : Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Herbarium, Library, Art & Archives Directorate Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AB, UK United Kingdom B.3.2. Ms. Marie Briggs Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Botanist Institusi (Institution) : Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Herbarium, Library, Art & Archives Directorate Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Richmond, TW9 3AB, UK United Kingdom

B.4. Systematics of the Adiantum/vittarioid fern assemblage: toward an improved understanding of the Indonesian pteridophyte flora Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari taksonomi tumbuhan Adiantum Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (TN G. Halimun Salak, TN G. Gede Pangrango); Kalbar (TN Betung Kerihun) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. Dr. Dedy Darnaedi)

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Abstract The “maidenhair ferns” (Adiantum) are quintessential ferns—beautifully dissected, terrestrial, and shade-loving. The “shoe-string ferns” (vittanoids) are highly simplified, canopy-dwelling epiphytes exhibiting accelerated rates of molecular evolution. Analyses of DNA sequence data have revealed a surprisingly robust relationship between Adiantum and the vittarioids. Nonetheless, there are many areas of uncertainty within this lineage, with important consequences for its taxonomy. To this end, we have begun a global systematic study of this group aiming to clarify generic and subgeneric classifications, while also shedding light on the origin and evolutionary history of the vittarioids. Adiantum and the vittarioids are most diverse in tropical regions, and the Indonesian flora is especially rich. We have therefore proposed fieldwork in Indonesia to make collections of these plants, and other associated fern and lycophyte species. Our collections will not only serve to elucidate relationships within the Adiantum/vittarioid assemblage and allow for a reassessment of generic and subgeneric circumscriptions, but will also improve our understanding of the Indonesian.

B.4.1. Mr. Eric Jon Schuettpelz Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Research Botanist & Assistant Curator Institusi (Institution) : Smithsonian Institution Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Smithsonian Institution PO Box 37012 Washington DC 20013-7012 USA

B.5. Promoting Organic Dry Land Farming and Restoration of Deciduous Forest in West Bali, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti kesesuaian tanaman yang akan ditanam serta sistem pertanian yang digunakan petani lokal dengan daerah penanaman, untuk kepentingan penelitian agrikultur, pengayaan hutan dan kontrol terhadap erosi

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Bidang Penelitian : Botani Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan,mulai 9 Juni 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (TN Bali Barat) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Ir. Albertus Husein Wawo, M.Si)

Abstract The challenge of protecting the biodiversity of the planet, while at the same time meeting the needs of local rural populations is one that faces conservation projects globally. This project is a collaboration between Biosphere Foundation, Yayasan Dwi Asih Scjahicra (“YDAS”) an Indonesian non-profit foundation, and Menjangan Jungle & Beach Resort, which owned and operate by PTTrimbawan Swastania Sejati (TSS). It is being initialed to research agricullure and forestry mclhods that will improve the economic condition of local subsistence fanners in the region surrounding the West Bali National Park. By improving and diversifying agricultural and forest production, the project aims to improve the economic condition of the local community thus reducing encroachment on the marine and forest resources of the National Park. The Project As local farmers depend almost entirely on their crops for survival, any new crops or fanning systems have lo be fully tested and proven to work well in the local area before they will be readily adopted. To this end Starting in 2011 2 research plots will be established, one for agricultural research and one for forestry enrichment and erosion control:

(1) The agriculture research plot will be established using one of the plots already being farmed under 4hc STS method. The 0.4 ha plot will be rented for one year from the farmer and used lo test drought resistant food crops and fodder crops. Possible candidate crops will include drought resistant bean varieties, chickpea, cassava. Cow pea, Millet and vegetable crops. The crops will be raised using KM Bokashi fertilizer and compost. Where possible organic methods will be used for pesl control, however as the initial aim is lo lest for drought tolerance and adaptation lo the local soils, it may be necessary to use some non¬organic pesl controls in the initial trial. The aim will be to extend the growing season to at leasl six months of the year. To augment water supply research will be

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carried out with rain water harvesting techniques and the use of a solar pump lo deliver well water to the crops. (2) The forestry enrichment ami erosion control plot will be established in an area of Ihc monsoon forest that was destroyed by lire in 2007. This 55 I la. area is already eroded iluc to lack ol* forest cover. The plot will initially be cleared of invasive species including iantana camara, Acacia nilotica and Chromolacna odorata. It will then be planted with tree species that are valued for fodder, wood carving, erosion control, and wild bird food.

These will include: . Cassia Fistula ( Golden shower) •Xanthaxyluin rhesfsa (Crocodile wood) Azadurachta indica { Necni tree) Manilkara Kauki (Wild Sapodilla) Sclifeicerct oleosa ( Lak Tree) Toona sinensis (Indonesian Mahogany) Albczia lehekkiodes ( Bast Indian Walnut Tree) Acacia leucophloea ( While Bark Acacia) Santalum album (Sandalwood) The plot will be monitored for (I) growth and survival rales of the above species and (2) response of the invasive plants to removal activity. The time frame for Ihis this initial research phase will be one year and another one year for evaluation. Success indicators in the short term will be an increase in crop production, and the establishment of healthy trees in the forestry plot ~ a 40% survival rale for the trees will be considered successful. In the long term, indicators will be the successful adoption of the farmjng and forestry methods by other local larmcrs with a resulting reduction^)!”pressure on the national park resources. To complete the research opportunity is presented by the establishment of Mount Malimun Salak National Park (MMSNP) as the biggest Biodiversity Conservation Centre in Asia by the Minister of Forestry, “flu’s is a collaboration between the National Ministry of Forestry and scholars from University of Indonesia, IPB, and Gajali Mada University, along with the wide community to build the unit for Centre of Research for Trees and Primary Plants (CRTP2) within the national park borders. Additionally as a research facility, CRTP2 is also intended to educate the wider community around the area on how to tend to tree seedlings so they can be safely handed over to the community in an attempt for natural plant restoration from degradation within the area.

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The Biodiversity Conservation Centre within MHSNPeonsists of four programs i.e.:

1. Umd degradation restoration 2. Biodiversity conservation 3. Community development 4. Biodiversity and area development Derivation from these programs expands to sustainable sub-programs i.e. maslerplanning, cultivation, plantation, economic/social/cultural community development, flora & fauna conservation, water conservation, environment, research, and education - these span across short, medium, and long-term timelines within two years from 2010 to 2012.

The immediate activities in the horizon are putting together the Maslerpkm. Held activities related to community socialisation and development, cultivation, and plantation which will be shortly followed with advice to optimal MHSNP utilisation as both a science &research facility and as an ccolourism venue as well.

Willi its relation to community development activities, an agriculture research, forestry enrichment, and erosion control will be conducted as part of the comparison study for ihis program i.e. for lowland forest area within West Bali and highlands enclosure on Mount lluliimm Salak.

B.5.1. Ms. Sally Eva Silverstone Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Biosphere Foundation Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : P.O. Box 808 Big Pine, CA 93513

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C.1. Inventory of Freshwater Fishes of the Family Gobiidae in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan inventori yang meliputi studi taksonomi, sistem molekuler, dan ekologi ikan air tawar Indonesia khususnya famili Gobiidae Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28November 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Nusa Tenggara Barat (Lombok Barat, Lombok Tengah, Lombok Utara, Lombok Timur, Bima, Dompu, , Sumbawa Barat) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dra. Renny K. Hadiaty) Abstract In the Indo-Pacific area, rivers of oceanic islands resulting from tectonic and volcanic activities are mainly colonised by freshwater Gobiids that exhibit a life cycle adapted for the colonisation of these systems. Since oceanic islands are physically disconnected and isolated from potential sources of immigrants species from the mainlands, only species including a marine stage during their life cycle are able to colonize such remote river systems. These Gobiids contribute most to the diversity of fish communities in the Indo-Pacific islands and exhibit the highest levels of endemism.

In Indonesia, Gobiids are extremely diverses and represent some of the earliest species described in the Indo-Pacific. According to Fishbase, nearly 1150 species of freshwater fishes are cited from Indonesia among which, 116 belong to the family Gobiidae. In some sub-family such as the amphidromous Sicydiinae, nearly 11 types localities are found in Indonesia among the 4 genus and 26 species reported in the country. This means that 43% of the Sicydiinae species cited in Indonesia have been described from material collected in the country. The systematic of the freshwater Gobiids, however, is still largely unknown and calls for a finer assessment of the family diversity in Indonesia

The project seeks to strengthen the knowledge on the Indonesian freshwater Gobiids diversity through the implementation of a pluridisciplinary approach

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involving taxonomy, molecular systematic and ecology. The increasing use of DNA sequencing has shown that molecular-based systematic studies often challenged the taxonomy established using morphological characters.

C.1.1. Mr. Frédéric Olivier Busson Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 5, rue de I’abbe Guilleminault94130 Nogen sur Marne, France

C.2. Inventory of Indonesian Freshwater Fish Biodiversity with DNA- Barcoding Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan DNA Barcoding pada spesies ikan di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1September 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jatim, Sumatera (Jambi, Lampung), NTB (Lombok) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dra. Renny Kurnia Hadiaty, Dr. Daisy Wowor) Abstract With nearly 1200 species, inland waters of the Indonesian archipelago illustrate the challenges of the conservation offish resources. Indonesia has experienced considerable economic development during the last 15 years that has been accompanied by major environmental changes. At the global level, Indonesia has become the largest exporter of palm oil at the cost of a massive deforestation that reached the record of 2.4 million hectares per year. Thus, most of the lowland forests of Sumatra and Borneo have been converted into oil palm plantation.

Deforestation has led to the degradation and loss of many freshwater ecosystems and led to the extinction of many species tightly linked to these habitats, some with high patrimonial and/or commercial value. It is now generally acknowledged

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that species diversity in ecosystems is the support of ecosystem services such as productivity, resilience and stability, services whose viability is directly related to the number of species in communities. In a global context of erosion of biological resources, the inventory of the biodiversity inhabiting the Indonesian inland freshwaters has become a priority for the management of natural resource and fisheries over the last decade.

The characterization of species diversity is a prerequisite for the study of the dynamic of community assembly and the functional support of ecosystem services. The development of standardized molecular tools for identifying species in the “DNA- barcoding” project laid the foundation for streamlining the inventory of biodiversity and finally giving access to ecosystem-based approach for identifications. The DNA- barcoding approach based on the use of a standard fragment of mitochondrial DNA, the gene for cytochrome oxidase I (COI, 650 bp), allows a rapid assessment of the taxonomic diversity of a region. Because of their economic importance, a global campaign to barcode all fishes was launched in 2005. In this context, the objectives for an Indonesian barcoding initiative are: (1) Building a reference library of mitochondrial COI gene for all described freshwater fish species. (2) Speeding up the inventory of the Indonesian freshwater fish species through large-scale sequencing for the discovery of new species. (3) Fostering the application of the library of reference for the management of ichthyological resources. This barcoding initiative will be directed towards an ecosystem-based approach and focused on the most endangered ecosystems of the archipelago such as the ‘black water* ecosystems associated with the remnant patches of primary forest or the ‘clear water* ecosystems from the karstic shields.

C.2.1. Dr. Nicolas Michael Hubert Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Dévéloppement) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 361 Rue Jean-Francois BretonBP 5095 34196 Montpellier cedex 5

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C.3. Assessment and ecology of the freshwater fish community in the Mesangat- Kenohan Suwi wetlands, East Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari aspek-aspek ekologi ikan di lahan basah Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 2(dua) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kaltim (Mesangat-Kenohan wetlands) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Gema Wahyoudewantoro) Abstract The Mesangat-Kenohan wetlands, East Kalimantan, are a coherent swamp area with numerous, different habitats and a annually variable water level. The economic used fish fauna is rarely researched and harbours numerous fish species which are partly undiscovered. The exploration of the fish diversity is necessary for a long time conservation of this area, which is also inhabited by threaten species like orang- utangs, proboscis monkeys, siamese crocodiles and malay gharials. In collaboration with local fishermen threaten fish species should be protected. Furthermore, the exploration of living conditions according to different fish communities and their composition in the Mesangat-Kenohan wetlands is a pilot-project considering tropical fish ecol-ogy in south-east asia. Ecological studies, especially on fishes, are very scarce in south-east asia and constitutes a basis for further ecological investigation on tropic fishes. In Addition DNA samples will be taken to evaluate determination results and to explore distributions of popula-tions. Sequences will be stored in a database and will be available for science.

C.3.1. Mr. Sebastian Hüllen Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Research Museum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK), Bonn Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Rothenbacherstrasse 13, 53721 Siegburg Germany

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C.4. Biogeography of aquatic invertebrates across the Indomalayan Archipelago 2014-2017 Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survei biogeografi hewan invertebrata air di kepulauan Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 11(sebelas) bulan, mulai 19 Agustus 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Jember, Malang, Banyuwangi, Bondowoso); Jawa Tengah (Wonosobo, Purworejo); Gorontalo (Gorontalo, Gorontalo Utara); Sulawesi Tengah (Morowali, Tojo Una-Una); Bali (Tabanan, Gianyar); NTB (Lombok - Lombok Barat, Lombok Utara, Sumbawa – Bima, Dompu, Sumbawa) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI ( Dr. Daisy Wowor) Abstract The region between mainland Southeast Asia and Oceania is biologically and geologically very diverse. Indonesia is a faunistic transition zone between the Oriental and Australian regions. Central macroevolutionary questions are: How was such diverse biota shaped in space and time, where does biota come from, which relative roles do tectonic events and climatic change play? Here, we use phylogenetic trees (= reconstructed relatioships between species) of diving beetles and other aquatic invertebrates to address these questions based on a species rich and ecologically diverse group of aquatic fauna.

Now, we focus on the Indonesian archipelago and build on a large existing dataset of Australian and Melanesian diving beetles and an existing global data set for the family. Based on this comprehensive sampling, we will be able to reveal which evolutionary and environmental processes have contributed to faunal diversity, essentially testing predictions of island biodiversity.

An explicit goal is to involve Indonesian students, and provide opportunity for Indonesian students / researchers to stay and work in our laboratory in Germany and obtain higher academic degree when possible.

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C.4.1. Dr. Michael Klaus Otto Balke Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Conservator / Curator of Coleoptera Institusi (Institution) : Zoologische Staatssammlung München Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : MünchhausenstraBe 21 81247 Munich Bavaria Germany

C.5. Can we move toward more sustainable bird keeping in Indonesia? Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis faktor-faktor dan struktur yang mendorong masyarakat memperdagangkan burung liar atau burung hasil budidaya Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan mulai 24 Juli 2014 (month, startingfrom) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Utara (Medan) MitraKerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Dewi M. Prawiradilaga) Abstract The wildlife pet trade is one of the main drivers of biodiversity loss worldwide. It is believed that the popular culture of bird keeping, in Indonesia is rapidly depleting the wild bird populations and captive rearing may take pressure off wild populations. However, we only have a basic understanding of the social dimensions of bird keeping in Indonesia, which may affect the effectiveness and success of any intervention program. We plan to carry out a survey targeted at the Medan (Sumatra, Indonesia) bird owners to understand the social and economic factors driving the wild bird ownership and the prospect of transitioning from a wild bird to a captive-bred bird market and culture. We want to determine the factors and identify the conditions in which bird owners preferentially buy captive-reared birds over wild birds. In particular, what do owners value in pet bird? How may attitudes, values, and beliefs influence the owners’ perceptions, preferences, and behaviors on bird keeping? And what economic, social, religious (e.g., a recent FATWA/ religious ruling banning illegal wildlife trade), and/or psychological factors (or

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barriers) can promote (or prevent) adoption of captive-bred birds over wild birds as pets? We will use structural equation models to analyze the factors and structure behind the decision to buy wild or captive-reared birds. In addition, we plan to use the discrete choice modeling to analyze the owners’ preferences for wild or captive-reared birds. We hope that our findings will contribute to the design of an effective education and communication program to encourage and promote captive-reared birds as a more sustainable alternative to wild birds for bird owners in Sumatra and Indonesia.

C.5.1. Mr. Tien Ming Lee Warga Negara (Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Reseacrh Associate Institusi (Institution) : PrincetonUniversity Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 405A Robertson Hall Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA

C.6. The comparative biogeography of Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, and Maluku – reptiles, amphibians, and birds Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survei biogeografi amfibi, reptil dan burung di bagian timur Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 11 Juli 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Barat (Majene, Mamasa, Mamuju Utara, Polewali Mandar), Sulawesi Tengah (Donggala), Sulawesi Selatan (Bantaeng, Barru, Bone, Bulukumba, Enrekang, Gowa, Jennaepontu, Luwu, Luwu Timur, Luwu Utara, Makassar, Maros, Palopo, Pangkajene, Parepare, Pinrang, Sidenreng Rapang, Sinjai, Soppeng, Takalar, Tana Toraja, Toraja Utara, Wajo), Maluku (Kepulauan Aru, Maluku Barat Daya, Maluku Tenggara Barat) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Evy Arida)

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Abstract Our team, in collaboration with researchers from the Research Center for Biology, the Bandung Institute of Technology, and University of Indonesia, has been conducting large-scale vertebrate biotic survey work in Indonesia for more than a decade with a focus on the island of Sulawesi and the Lesser Sundas. Our current work involves sampling amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. The current document is submitted as part of our request for permits to continue this biodiversity inventory work in this region. The present permit request is for 2-month expedition between May 24 and July 31, 2014, as well as a second expedition in October and/or November. We plan to work in three provinces of Sulawesi: Sulawesi Barat, Sulawesi Selatan, and Sulawesi Tengah. We further aim to conduct fieldwork in Maluku on the islands of Tanimbar, Aru, Babar, and other islands in the vicinity such as Damar, Leti, Sermata, and Romang. Because logistics associated with fieldwork can be unpredictable, we need to be flexible in terms of the sequence with which we visit individual localities. Therefore, we request permission to work in 30 kabupatenwithin the three Sulawesi provinces.

Kabupaten of Sulawesi Barat (Majene, Mamasa, Mamuju, Mamuju Utara, Polewali Mandar). Kabupaten of Sulawesi Tengah (Donggala).

Kabupaten of Sulawesi Selatan (Bantaeng, Barru, Bone, Bulukumba, Enrekang, Gowa, Jennaepontu, Luwu, Luwu Timur, Luwu Utara, Makassar, Maros, Palopo, Pangkajene, PareparePinrang, Sidenreng Rapang, Sinjai, Soppeng, Takalar, Tana Toraja, Toraja Utara, Wajo).

Because it is not possible to conduct all molecular work in Indonesia, it is imperative that we be permitted to collect and export genetic samples to our institutions (each sample will be split with an Indonesian Institution as required by law and outlined in our MOU with LIPI). Our field team will include numerous participants from the United States and Indonesia.

C.6.1. Mr.Luke Merlin Bloch Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : University of California, Berkeley Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 3101 Valley Life Sciences Building, University of

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California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-3160 USA, United State of America C.6.2. Mr. Jimmy Adair McGuire Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : University of California, Berkeley Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 3101 Valley Life Sciences Building

C. 7. Distribution, Habitat Use, and Conservation of the Critically Endangered Southeast Asian Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle (Chitra chitra javanensis) on Sumatra, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti populasi bulus (Chitra chitra javanensis) di alam liar untuk mengetahui habitat dan upaya konservasinya Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 3(tiga) bulanmulai 4 Juni 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Bagian timur Sumatra (TN Way Kambas, TN Berbak, TN Sembilang, dan beberapa lokasi di luar TN) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB (Dr. Ir. Mirza D. Kusrini, M.Si.) Abstract The status of the Southeast Asian narrow-headed softshell turtle Chitra chitra is a serious crisis in Indonesia, which may result in extinction of this species without immediate action. Although it is listed by the Turtle Conservation Fund as one of the 25 most endangered turtles in the world, surprisingly little field work on C. chitra has taken place, especially regarding its natural history and movements. Six watersheds in Eastern Sumatra will be trapped for C. chitra and sympatric species of turtles. We aim to capture, tag, and track turtles during 8 months in eastern Sumatra. Habitat characteristics at sites used by C. chitra will be compared to characteristics of random sites. The movements and range of tagged C. chitra

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turtles will be assessed in regard to their proximity to protected areas of Indonesia. We will survey local markets for specimens and interview fishermen to quantify the take of C. chitra. We will attempt to identify the primary areas utilized by females for nesting, and evaluate the potential need for increased protection of nest sites. Turtle conservation outreach and education in rural fishing villages of Sumatra will take place through visiting local schools, and using video footage and photographs of C. chitra and other turtles taken during fieldwork. Conservation recommendations will be shared with Indonesian non-profit Lembaga SatuCitu, and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Sumatran fieldwork on C. chitra will provide a foundation for us, and other conservation and management organizations, to build upon.

C.7.1. Mr. Timothy Charles Lescher Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Individual Researcher Institusi (Institution) : - Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 3370 Cosmil Circle

C.8. Phylogeography of flying animals in Southeast Asia: population genetics of widespread species of flying foxes and butterflies in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi filogeografi molekuler pada dua taksa terbang: kupu-kupu dan kalong. Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 3 Maret 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumsel-Bengkulu-Sumbar (TN Bukit Barisan Selatan), Sumbar (Siberut dan Simeulue di Kep. Mentawai), Kep. Maluku (Ambon, Buru, Obi, Halmahera), Kaltim (S. Mahakam), Kalbar (Ketapang, TN Gunung Palung), Sulsel (Maros, Pangkep, Soppeng) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Sigit Wiantoro, M.Sc.)

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C.8.1. Ms. Susan Man Shu Tsang Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi (Institution) : City University of New York Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 75 West End Avenue, Apt P11

C.9. Why are slow lorises venomous: ecology & conservation of Javan slow lorises Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari konteks ekologis dan kegunaan racun pada kukang liar Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Februari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Cipaganti Garut, Kawasan Hutan Gunung Papandayan termasuk wilayah cagar alam, Ciapus Bogor, Cikananga Sukabumi) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Ir. Wirdateti, M.Si.) Abstract Of humans’ closest relatives, only one primate – the nocturnal slow loris (Nycticebus) – is purportedly venomous. Despite reports of this extraordinary phenomenon 40 years ago, virtually nothing is known about how slow lorises use venom. The same time, all slow lorises are globally threatened. The Endangered Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is furthermore included in the Top 25 Most Endangered Primates of the World. While habitat loss is important in these assessments, a major threat to slow lorises is the trade for pets and traditional medicine. My aims in this study are to follow up on data gathered by EJ Rode to understand the ecological context and use of venom in wild slow lorises. Up to twenty slow lorises will be observed in in Cipaganti, near Garut, in agroforests as well as kawasan hutan Gunung Papandayan, including cagar alam Papandayan and taman wisata alam Papandayan in Java, via radio-tracking in order to investigate general ecology and behaviour. I will in particular scrutinise feeding behaviour, predator-related behaviour, parent-offspring behaviour, chemical behaviour and anointing. Observation of

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ranging and space requirements will help to understand hypotheses regarding intraspecific competition. Furthermore, the effect of forest quality and accessibility for hunters on the abundance of slow lorises around Cipaganti will be investigated by placing transects into forest areas that differ in their degree of disturbance and their distance from human settlement, roads and forest paths. Monthly surveys on markets and other retail areas will be done to assess which wild mammals species (especially nocturnal mammals and primates) are traded, numbers of animals and prices. I will continue training of the Indonesian field team in Cipaganti. Results will be disseminated to local rescue and education centres, Indonesian authorities and the international primatology and conservation community. My supervisor Prof K-Anne Isola Nekaris and proposed counterpart Ibu Wirdateti have together more than 30 years’ experience in studying nocturnal primates which will ensure the quality of the project.

C.9.1. Ms. Nanda Bess Grow Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Research Student Institusi (Institution) : Oxford Brookes University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Oxford Brookes University School of Social Sciences and Law, Headington Campus Gipsy Lane Oxford, OX30BP – UK

C.10. Population characteristics and community perceptions of the endangered Javan warty pig (Sus verrucosus blouchi) on Bawean island and Java islands, Indonesia, and ex-situ behavioral research at the breeding facilities in Cikanaga Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan proyek konservasi dan penelitian lapangan pertama pada babi berkutil Bawean Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Pulau Bawean), Jawa Barat (Sukabumi dan Banjar) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Gono Semiadi)

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Abstract Population characteristics and community perceptions of the endangered Javan warty pig (Sus verrucosus blouchi) on Bawean island and Java islands, Indonesia, and ex-situ behavioral research at the breeding facilities in Cikanaga.

The Bawean warty pig Sus blouchi is a species endemic to the island Bawean off the coast of East Java, Indonesia. Sus blouchi is still listed as a subspecies of the Endangered Javan warty pig on the IUCN Redlist. However, taxonomic researchers recently raised it to full species level within the Sus genus. A subsequent attempt to assess the status of S.v. blouchi by the IUCN/SSC Wild Pig Specialist Group (WPSG), resulted in a “Data Deficient” status, indicating the lack of knowledge available (Meijaard et al., 2014).

The main threats Bawean warty pigs is facing are habitat loss and hunting. Following the encroachment of agricultural land into forests, pigs forage on crops, and are subsequently hunted for pest control. The aim of this project is to conduct the first conservation and research field project on Bawean warty pigs, to lay the basis for an effective conservation planning and long term monitoring programme.

The required baseline data will be acquired through collecting essential data on the population size, distribution, biology, ecology and taxonomy of the species by conducting line transect surveys and camera traps. Next to this, multiple surveys will be conducted in the Banjar area on mainland Java where Javan warty pigs are known to occur, to collect DNA material from mainland populations for genetic analysis and comparison to the Bawean warty pig. In mid-year a behavioural ecology study of the ex-situ population of Javan warty pigs will take place at the official Javan warty pig breeding programme at Cikananga rescue centre, Sukabumi, to compare ex- and in-situ behaviour and provide recommendations for improvement of captive husbandry.

As local communities will play a significant role in the conservation of this species, we will also conduct interviews with local community members to investigate their perception of wild pigs based on social and economic aspects. These interviews will investigate the extend of crop-raiding and search for farmer-and pig friendly solutions. Furthermore, we will conduct continuous socialisation, awareness activities and education, for instance a local sports tournament, to gain rapport and support by the local communities. To support capacity building, we will provide employment, a stipend, and intensive training to local guides and a local student,

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in order to support capacity building and the future generation of Indonesian conservationists.

C.10.1 Mr. Mark Andreas Rademaker Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Annie Westlandstraat 21-3, 8923BC, Leeuwarden, Friesland, The Netherlands

C.11. Genetic mechanisms of body color variation in the family Adrianichthyidae endemic to Sulawesi Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari gen penyebab pewarnaan tubuh pada setiap spesies di family Adrianichthyid di Sulawesi Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Tenggara (Kendari dan Pulau Muna), Sulawesi Selatan (Area Danau Malili, Danau Towuti, Danau Matano, Danau Mahalona, Danau Lantoa, dan Danau Masapi) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI (Renny Kurnia Hadiaty) Abstract Genetic mechanisms of body color variation in the family Adrianichthyidae endemic to Sulawesi Shingo Fujimoto dan tim (anggota tim Kazunori Yamahira) Fishes in the family Adrianichthyidae endemic to Sulawesi are known to be very diverse in body colorations, suggesting that the evolution of body colorations may have contributed to their species diversifications. However, it is presently unclear which genes are responsible for the body coloration of each species, and what genetic

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changes have caused such a large variation in body colorations of this group.

The aim of this study is to identify the genes responsible for the body coloration in each species of the family Adrianichthyid in Sulawesi, using QTL mappings, a method of genetics that can map genes responsible for a trait. We also measure light environments in the habitat of each species, using a spectrophotometer, to discuss the ecological background for the evolution of body coloration. Field collections and surveys will be conducted in (1) Kendari and surrounding areas, Sulawesi Tengarrah (November-December 2014), (2) Malili Lakes area, Sulawesi Sulatan (April-May 2015), and (3) Lake Poso, Sulawesi Tengah (September-October 2015).

C.11.1. Mr. Shingo Fujimoto Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Doctoral Student Institusi (Institution) : University of the Ryukyus Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center,Nishihara Station University of the Ryukyus Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan C.11.2. Mr. Koji Mochida Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Post-Doctoral Student Institusi (Institution) : University of the Ryukyus Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center, Nishihara Station University of the Ryukyus Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213,Japan C.11.3. Mr. Jun Kitano Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Project Associate Professor

Institusi (Institution) : Ecological Genetics Laboratory Center for Frontier

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Research Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Ecological Genetics Laboratory, Center for Frontier Research, National Institute of Genetics,Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka, 411-8540, Japan C.11.4. Ms. Asano Ishikawa Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Post-Doctoral Student Institusi (Institution) : Ecological Genetics Laboratory, Center for Frontier Research Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Ecological Genetics Laboratory, Center for Frontier Research, National Institute of Genetics,Yata 1111, Mishima, Shizuoka, 411-8540, Japan C.11.5. Mr. Kazunori Yamahira Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Head of Nishihara Station, Professor Institusi (Institution) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tropical Biosphere Research Center, Nishihara Station University of the Ryukyus Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213,Japan

C.12. Bird species distribution in relation to the zonation of the limestone forest in the Manusela National Park, Central Seram, The Moluccas, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melihat korelasi penyebaran spesies burung dengan zonasi spesies pohon dengan ketinggian serupa Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi dan Ekologi

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Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 11 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (Taman Nasional Manusela, Seram), Jawa Barat (Bogor) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Pattimura (Dr. M. Riadh Uluputty)

Abstract This research project will take place under CIRAD-CIFORs extensive four year project Collaborative land use planning and sustainable institutional arrangements for strengthening land tenure, forest and community rights in Indonesia (CoLUPSIA- project). The overall objective of this project is to avoid deforestation and environmental degradation. One of the topics in this project is to make a first step towards pro-poor financing mechanisms. Possible markets for ecosystem services, such as carbon, water, biodiversity and scenic beauty, will be identified. For this, baseline data about biodiversity and ecosystem services are necessary. In this research component of the project, we will focus on bird diversity in limestone forest and try to assess any altitudinal gradient in bird species composition from sea level to 1500 m asl.

The main research question is: What are the quantitative differences in bird species distribution between different elevation of primary forests on tropical limestone in Seram, Indonesia? It is hypothesized that some bird species specialize on restricted habitat and maybe are confined to specific elevation range. It will interesting to compare it with the zonation of the tree species in the same area (data on tree species and permanent plots already available). We expect that elevation influences the distribution of some species in the forests, especially bird species that are more confined to under canopy layer or linked to particular tree species distribution.

C.12.1. Ms. Magdalena Paulina Siemaszko Warga Negara (Nationality) : Polandia Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Warsaw Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : ul. Ptasia 2/60, 00-138 Warszawa, Poland

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C.13. Biodiversity inventory of social insects in Indonesian Archipelago, mainly Indonesian social wasps and Javanese ants and termites Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan klarifikasi atas status keanekaragaman serangga di kepulauan Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Zoologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 11Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulut (Bitung, Tondano), Sulsel (Maros, Pangkep, Gowa), Sultra (Rawa Aopa, Konawe Selatan, Kolaka) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. Rosichon Ubaidillah, Dr. Cahyo Rahmadi, Hari Nugroho, S.Si., Wara Asfiya, M.Sc., Oscar Efendy, M.Si.) Abstract The present proposed research aims to clarify the current status of the biodiversity of social insects in the Indonesian Archipelago, of which most parts are considered biodiversity hot spots and/or equivalents, by carrying out the below-mentioned research items. Expected results of the present proposed research will merit both Indonesia and Japan in (1) providing human societies with information necessary to understand importance of biodiversity for human life, (2) development of human resources working on researches of biodiversity and conservation biology, and (3) providing scientific communities with a model case of rather small-scaled research on biodiversity in the tropics.

1) To make field work in order to fill the gaps and to establish reference collections of social insects, mainly of vespid waspsand ants in the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense of the RCB - LIPI. 2) To publish taxonomic revisions for the social wasps in Indonesian Archipelago. 3) To publish faunal revision of ants in Java. 4) To publish a data-base of the species-level biodiversity inventory of social insects in Indonesia.

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C.13.1. Dr. Fuki Morooka Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi (Institution) : Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University Email (email) : [email protected]; [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Ohtsuka 1866-26-102, Mito, Ibaraki- Japan


D.1. Testing the Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis in wild Orangutans Tujuan Penelitian : Menguji hipotesis tentang prediksi adanya kecerdasan budaya pada spesies primata non- manusia Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Februari 2015 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Suaq Balimbing di TN Gunung Leuser), Kalteng (Tuanan) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Biologi Universitas Nasional (Fitri Basalamah, M.Si) Abstract The concept of general intelligence was developed for humans, but recent work demonstrating its existence in nonhuman primates suggests evolutionary continuity. The adaptive significance of general intelligence must lie in the set of learned skills it generates for its bearer, rather than in an abstract ability per se. The cultural intelligence hypothesis claims that the conditions for social learning during development affect how intelligent an individual can become, by affecting how many learned skills an individual can acquire. It also claims that on evolutionary timescales, these conditions affect selection of the underlying learning ability. Here, we plan to test the developmental version, especially the predictions (i) that animals in populations with more opportunities for social learning, and thus a greater repertoire of learned skills, should show greater intelligence (problem- solving ability) when tested, and (ii) that the increased learning ability is likely to

70 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 make the animals more exploratory and less novelty-averse. We intend to test these predictions by comparing wild orangutans on Borneo (Tuanan research station, Kalimantan Tengah) and Sumatra (Suaq Balimbing research station, Aceh Selatan), which are known to differ widely in sociability and therefore opportunities for social learning and repertoires of cultural variants. As a control, in the course of other simultaneous projects orangutans of both species will be tested in rescue centers, where the social conditions are much more similar and constant proximity with conspecifics and humans should produce better opportunities for social learning. My project will focus on the wild orangutans whereas in a parallel project (carried out by two other Students from the University of Zurich) orangutans in rescue centers will be tested. We expect to find (i) a pronounced difference in general intelligence in the wild and no or a much smaller one under captive social conditions, thus linking early conditions to the cognitive skill set of adults; and (ii) a pronounced difference between the captive and the wild populations, with captive ones having better current learning abilities. Importantly, we will simultaneously identify the responsible processes as much as possible. If the results emerge as predicted, this will bolster the idea that intelligence, innovation and culture (as socially transmitted information) are causally linked, and thus support the cultural intelligence hypothesis, the evolutionary version of which states that systematic differences in the efficiency of learning across populations or species should lead to variable thresholds of selection on the innate learning ability due to the feedback on fitness through the set of learned skills. Preliminary comparative tests so far provide first support for this hypothesis.

D.1.1 Mr. Eric Andrew Balke Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Anthropological Institute of the University of Zurich Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 575 Milsom WyndDelta, BC V4M 2T6Canada Abstract The aim of this project (‘Testing the cultural intelligence hypothesis in wild orangutans)” is to test the cultural intelligence hypothesis in orangutans. The

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cultural intelligence hypothesis claims that more opportunities for social learning during development lead to adults with a larger set of learned skills, a greater exploratory tendency and greater intelligence. To test these predictions Sumatran and Bornean orangutans which differ widely in their sociability are being compared. This project is part of a bigger project (“Orangutan Cultural intelligence project”)/ involving in total 3 graduate students and several Master students. In this current project? the focus lies on field work, whereby a population of wild Sumatran orangutans is being compared to a population of wild Bornean orangutans. The other part of the orangutan cultural intelligence project is covered by two other graduate students (Laura Damerius and Zaida Kosonen) which focus on a captive study during which the same taxa are being compared in rehabilitation centers (sanctuaries). In the wild the focus is put on collecting behavioral data. In addition to this, field experiments are planned. In the rehabilitation centers an intelligence test battery, containing a variety of different tests that aim to test the cognitive capacities of the animals is carried out. Data collection by the responsible PhD student of this project started in June 2012. Here the progress until February 2014 will be summarized and a short outlook about future data collection is given. Since 2012 a lot of data has been collected but the aimed goal has not yet been reached. In order to have sample sizes which allow for statistical analyses, further data collection is needed. I therefore kindly ask for an extension of my research permit.

Data is collected on two taxa of orangutans at two established orangutan field sites: Pongo abeiii at Suaq Balimbing (Aceh Selatan, Indonesia) and Pongo pygmeaus wurmbii at Tuanan (Kalimantan tengah, Indonesia, figure 1). Both Tuanan and Suaq Balimbing are functioning field sites run by the Anthropological Institute, University of Zurich, with an extensive trail system and many habituated (and geneticiaily identified) orangutans that are individually known.

The Suaq Balimbing research area consists of 500 ha coastal peat swamp forest, with adjacent areas of mixed dipterocafp, riverine, and seasonally flooded freshwater swamp. The orangutans at Suaq Balimbing have been object to behavioral observations between 1992 and 1999 and from 2007 on. At Suaq Balimbing an orangutan density of seven individuals per square kilometer has been recorded, which is currently the highest known number of wild orangutans (Singleton and van Schaik, 2001; Husson et al. 2009).

The habitat at Tuanan consists of partly logged peat swamp forest. Orangutans at Tuanan have been object to behavioral observations since 2003. Tuanan has

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an orangutan density of 3.84 animals per square kilometer (Husson et al. 2009). At both sites the phenology of a large set (ca 1500) of forest trees is followed on a monthly basis to estimate forest productivity. Data on floristic composition is nearly complete for both Tuanan (e.g. Bastian et al. 2010), and Suaq (A. Gibson- Permana, pers. com.).

D.1.2. Ms. Caroline Schuppli Warga Negara (Nationality) : Swiss Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi (Institution) : Anthropological Institute of the University of Zurich Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Anthropological Institute & Museum, University of Zürich Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 Zürich,Switzerland

D.2. Orangutan Reproductive Ecology in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari aspek-aspek perilaku reproduksi dan ekologi Orangutan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalbar (Cabang Panti Research Station di TN Gunung Palung ) dan Kalteng (Laboratorium Alam Hutan Gambut (LAHG) di Sabangau) Mitra Kerja : Yayasan Palung (Tito P. Indrawan), Fakultas MIPA- Untan (Irwan Lovadi, S.Si. M.App.Se) Abstract Existing evidence suggests significant reproductive variation between orangutans inhabiting the islands of Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) and Sumatra (P. abelii). Counter to expectation, orangutans on Borneo have shorter inter-birth intervals (IBI) than those on Sumatra (7.8 years vs 9.2 years), despite living in less productive forests. To

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address this, researchers from four field sites on Borneo and Sumatra will collaborate on an intensive study of ecology, energetics, life history, and hormonal physiology in orangutans. In this study, we will test between these competing possibilities by collecting urine samples for hormonal analysis across study sites. Our objectives include: (1) Detailed investigation of the role of energy fluctuations on orangutans through collection of data on activity levels, dietary diversity and ranging patterns (2) Determination of orangutan energetic and social stress levels (3) Determination of orangutan reproductive functioning through hormonal analysis (4) Cross- population comparisons, focusing on ecological and life history variation across the two orangutan species (5) Detailed investigation of the behavioral ecology of P.p wurmbii (6) Determination of orangutan health status through parasite monitoring of feces and urinary dipstick analysis (7) Genetic analysis of fecal samples.

D.2.1. Ms. Katherine Sarah Stephanie Scott Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Boston University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Boston University, 232 Bay State Road Boston, USA MA 0225

D.3. Determining habitat use and post-release adaptation of re- introduced Sumatran Orangutans (Pongo abelii) with the use of telemetry Tujuan Penelitian : Menetapkan penggunaan habitat dan adaptasi pelepasliaran Orangutan dengan telemetri Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Tigapuluh) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Sena Adi Subrata)

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Abstract Radio telemetry has become a widely applied tool in species conservation. In species re-introduction radio telemetry is used to evaluate the success of the reintroduction procedure by determining post-release survival, habitat use and adaptation. Technological progress has allowed the transmitters to be reduced in size and weight. Implanted radio transmitters now enable primatologists to use this kind of device in research and conservation. This study is the first study to use implanted radio transmitters on orangutans that were formerly held captive and are now reintroduced into their natural habitat. In 2010, the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) implanted the first transmitters into the fatty skin in the neck of ex- captive orangutans and released them into the Bukit Tigapuluh area. This study will be based on telemetry data that have been collected for the last three years. In addition, I will add further data that will be gathered through the course of the upcoming year. This study brings new findings on the whereabouts of the orangutans after release, and it will allow us to compare the methodology and precision with which the data has been gathered and will be gathered in future.

The main objective of this study is modeling habitat use of the released orangutans. Questions I want to investigate are: What habitat do the released orangutans use? Is the habitat suitable for orangutans? Do the released orangutans prefer certain habitat types? Is there a development in spatial movement after the release (i.e. home range, migration, seasonal movement). I will use a resource selection function model to simulate habitat availability and habitat use. By then, this will allow me to compare presence and absence data in correlation with available habitat. The basis for this study are preliminary studies on vegetation diversity and abundance of tree species used by the released orangutans as food trees (Kelle et al. 2014) and potential impact of anthropogenic disturbances on orangutan spatial use (Kelle 2012).

Objectives 1. Increase knowledge about post-release adaptation and survival success of ex- captive orangutans 2. Establish the first habitat model based on telemetry data for reintroduced Sumatran orangutans to: 3. Determine habitat use to enhance reintroduction procedures 4. Identify suitable habitat for conservation

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D.3.1. Dr. rer. nat Doris Maria Madga Kelle Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Post Doc/ Independent Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Frankfurt Zoological Society Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Hausmattenweg 3 79254 Oberried

D.4. The ecology of endangered endemic primate Macaca maura (H.R. Schinz, 1825) in karst forests of peninsular Sulawesi Selatan (Indonesia) at the intra-and inter-group level Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari ekosistem primata Macaca Nayra yang terancam punah di habitatnya. Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 4 Agustus 2014 (month, startingfrom) Daerah Penelitian : Sulsel (Kab. Maros dan TN Bantimurung Bulusaraung) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan-Unhas (Dr. Ngakan Putu Oka) Abstract Macaca maura is one of the seven endemic macaque species of the island of Sulawesi and is included in the IUCN Red List as Endangered (A2cd) because of its fast level of decline (Supriatna, 2008). Major threats Moore macaque needs to face, as well as the other Sulawesi macaques, appear to be habitat fragmentation and disturbance (Evans et al. 2001). Nowadays, the tropics are the only domain to exhibit a statistically significant trend in annual forest loss, with an estimated increase in loss of 2101 km2/year. Among all countries, globally, Indonesia exhibits the largest increase in forest loss (1021 km2/year) (Hansen et al., 2013). Primate species inhabiting increasingly isolated forests face several ecological constraints, such as restricted home ranges, lower food availability and higher predation risk, that can impact on diet, reproduction and mortality rates, and thus, ultimately, on their survival (Menon & Poirier, 1996). Dietary diversity and composition can be affected by habitat quality and forest-dwelling primates are likely to have more foraging options in a forest with higher tree-species-richness than in a more impoverished one (Poulsen et al., 2001). Fruit production may also be lower in

76 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 disturbed habitats because of fewer canopy and mid-canopy sized trees (Lee, 1997). In order to maintain a minimum viable population of M. maura and challenge the progressive risk of extinction in the wild, it is necessary to increase knowledge about the species ecological needs and behavioral flexibility, which in turn, may improve management decisions in protected and unprotected areas, the latter viewed as potential portions of habitat to be later on included in a conservation plan. Even though the species has been the focus of long-term observational and descriptive studies in the 1990s (e.g. Watanabe and Brotoisworo, 1982; Supriatna, 1991; Matsumura, 1998), to date, no systematic data are available on its behavioral ecology and habitat use. The present project aims at investigating the species behavioral flexibility as related to composite ecological conditions. Study subjects are individuals belonging to two social groups which inhabit a complex ecosystem in the peninsular portion of Sulawesi Selatan Province characterized by a typical karst topography. Here, the dissimilar dissolution of limestone layers led to the formation of karst towers which, in the selected research area (former Karaenta Cagar Alam, see below), shaped a mismatched landscape, characterized by distinct elevation levels covered by forest. The present project aims at investigating maura ecology and likely behavioral flexibility in the exploitation of such a complex karst forest habitat at the intra- and inter-group level. This research will try to investigate whether correlates of such environmental complexity may be reflected in the forest structure and composition, and whether forests patches covering an area with a variable topography and physical/chemical conditions, might have become over time reservoir for different plant assemblages, now representing distinct microhabitats for the species. Over a three-year study, and by using a multidisciplinary approach, the project aims at combining ecological, dietary and behavioral data in order to study how individuals integrate habitat use and nutritional needs, and also how different behavioral and/or nutritional strategies may affect stress levels and resistance to diseases as monitored by hormonal and parasitological data collection. Based on IUCN 2008 Red List of threatened species (see Riley, 2010) only about 20f maura distribution range is included in protected areas (Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, BABUL NP). Currently, the residual populations of maura have a scattered distribution in highly fragmented habitat and have been increasingly relegated to the karst areas in the peninsular Sulawesi Selatan Province (Supriatna et al., 2008). The largest karst area in the peninsular Sulawesi Selatan Province is represented by the 40.000 ha in the Maros-Pangkep Regency, only 50f which is inserted in protected areas (Achmad, 2011) such as the BABUL NP.

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D.4.1. Ms. Monica Carosi Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : Adjunct Professor Institusi (Institution) : Roma Tre University, Science Department Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Science Department, Roma Tre University, Viale Guglielmo Marconi, 446-00146, Roma, Italia

D.5. Using Nutritional Ecology (Native Ingredients and Chemical Composition) of the Javan Slow Loris to Improve Captive Feeding Husbandry Tujuan Penelitian : Memberikan rekomendasi komposisi nutrisi bagi Slow Loris yang hidup di penangkaranl Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 9 Juni 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Cipaganti (Cisurupan, Garut dan Kampung Cikananga, Desa Cisitu, Kecamatan Nyalindung, Kabupaten Sukabumi) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi LIPI ( Wirdateti) Abstract Asia’s slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) are heavily impacted by the illegal wildlife trade in Southeast Asia. Confiscated lorises by Customs officials comprise a large percentage of animals in rescue centers and zoological institutions. Around half of the lorises in rescue centers have had their lower teeth ripped out by the poachers and must remain in the rescue centre indefinitely. Despite evidence from four species in the wild that lorises largely consume exudates and nectar, captive lorises are often fed a fruit diet, with approximately 63 of facilities reporting diet- related health issues including dental, renal, facial problems, obesity and impaired breeding. In this study I will follow radio collared free-ranging Javan slow lorises (N. javanicus) (n=21) for 14 months at a field site in Cipaganti (Java, Indonesia), itemising and quantifying their native diet. Samples of all food items will be analysed for protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, macro-minerals and trace elements. Food

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preference indices will make it possible to create nutritional recommendations for captive slow lorises, and develop nutritionally balanced and appropriate diets for captive animals (including toothless lorises). Validation of diet improvements will be conducted at Cikananga Wildlife Rescue Centre in West Java, where lorises will be fed a naturalistic, suggested diet based on field results. Furthermore, intrinsic ability of lorises to utilize chitin will be evaluated. Activity budgets, nutrient intakes and digestibility of the current centre diets and the new naturalistic diet will be assessed and statistically compared against the wild data collected to determine if successful.

D.5.1. Mr. Francis Cabana Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi (Institution) : Oxford Brookes University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 77 Moravian Road, Bristol BS15 8ND, United Kingdom

D.6. Comparing mother-offspring conflict between Sumatran and Bornean orangutans Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan studi komparatif interaksi antara induk dan anak orangutan pada orangutan Sumatra dan Kalimantan Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 8 (delpan) bulan, mulai 15 Januari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Suaq Balimbing), Kalteng (Tuanan) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Biologi UNAS (Fajar Saputra, S.Si.) Abstract Parent-offspring conflict arises when parents and their offspring disagree on the amount of parental investment. To maximize fitness, it is in the parent’s interest to distribute its investment evenly among its entire offspring. However, a specific offspring will try to get more parental investment than its parent is willing to give

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to maximize its own fitness. This study will examine mother-offspring conflict in Sumatran and Bornean orangutans with special focus on changes in the extent of conflict in relation to offspring age and food availability. The aim of this project is to learn more about the timing, context and details of parent-offspring conflict and how external factors such food availability affect these conflicts. The comparison of the two study sites will show if gregariousness influences the extent and forms of mother-offspring conflict.

D.6.1. Ms. Sonja Susanna Falkner Warga Negara (Nationality) : Swiss Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Zűrich Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Winterthurerstrasse 190 CH-8057 Zűrich, Switzerland

D.7. Important Diseases of Rehabilitant Orangutans - Part 2: Respiratory Infections, Gastro-intestinal Parasites and Malari Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari penyakit-penyakit dan pengobatan yang tepat pada orangutan yang telah direhabilitasi Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 13 Januari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalteng (Nyaru Menteng) Mitra Kerja : Yayasan BOS (Dr. Ir. Jamartin Sihite)

Abstract Within the scope of orangutan medicine, there are many gaps in our knowledge regarding specific diseases of concern, including the risk factors, best diagnostic methods and treatment outcomes. Published literature on many of these diseases is sparse, and mostly in the form of individual case reports from zoos; diagnostic and treatment protocols often vary widely between reports, and it is difficult to

80 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 assess risk factors, validate diagnostics or evaluate treatment methods from such case studies. The subject of research into orangutan medical conditions has been ranked as very high priority by the Indonesian Government Department of Forestry (PHKA, 2009), in recognition that the information produced by such research would be of great help in the improvement of orangutan management practices.

The Central Kalimantan Orangutan Reintroduction Project of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation at Nyaru Menteng (henceforth BOS-NM) holds the largest population of captive orangutans in the world, and associated health and veterinary records over a number of years. Analysis of the data contained within the clinic records, along with some investigative procedures, could fill in a number of these knowledge-gaps, and contribute to the health and welfare of captive orangutans not only within BOS-NM, but across the world.

Following from my research project in 2013 (Important Diseases of Rehabilitant Orangutans, Part 1), I now propose to address the following important questions about rehabilitant orangutans:

Respiratory Infections: What are the risk factors and protective factors for respiratory infections in a rehabilitant orang-utan population? What are the most common presenting signs? Is there evidence that some treatment approaches are more successful at treating respiratory infections in orang-utans than others?

Gastro-intestinal Parasites: What are the risk factors and protective factors for gastrointestinal parasites in a rehabilitant orang-utan population? Is there evidence of anthelmintic resistance in the parasite population? Is there evidence to support the use of a routine de-worming strategy within an orang-utan rehabilitation centre? Can repeated testing increase our diagnostic capacity?

Malaria: What are the risk factors and protective factors for malaria in a rehabilitant orang-utan population? What are the most common presenting signs? Is there evidence of resistance to anti-malarial drugs within the parasite population? Is there evidence that some treatment approaches are more successful at treating malaria in orang-utans than others?

This project is supported by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation, and veterinarians from the BOS-NM team are collaborating with me on this project as co-investigators and counterparts.

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D.7.1. Ms. Kathryn Rosalie Joy Dench Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Individual Researcher/Veterinarian Institusi (Institution) : - Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Wyke House, Malt House Close Broom, B50 4JB D.7.2. Mr. Benjamin James William Buckley Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Wildlife Research Group, School of Anatomy, University of Cambridge Institusi (Institution) : Ph.D. Student Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Wyke House, Malt House Close, Broom B50 4JB, UK

D.8. Capacity building for improved orangutan welfare in South-East Asia Tujuan Penelitian : Membangun kapasitas behavioral husbandry yang diimplementasikan oleh Suaka Marga Satwa Orangutan BOS Foundation Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 28 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan tengah (Nyaru Menteng Care Centre, Palangka Raya) Mitra Kerja : Departemen Biologi FMIPA UI (Dr. Noviar Andayani, M.Sc)

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Abstract Capacity building for improved orangutan welfare in South-East Asia

Empirical evidence demonstrates that Behavioural Husbandry (BH) has significant welfare and conservational benefits; by accommodating the behavioural, psychological and physiological needs of captive animals. Furthermore, BH can be offered to rehabilitant animals as opportunities for developing survival skills, accelerating their recovery and enhancing ecological competence. While the importance of BH is recognised within many sanctuaries housing displaced orangutans (Pongo spp.), little research has been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of implemented BH. This study aims to build capacity in BH implemented at a Bornean Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) sanctuary in Central Kalimantan, Borneo; by identifying what animal needs are considered as important, empirically evaluating the efficacy of currently implemented BH, and collaboratively building a specific BH framework for sanctuary-housed orangutans.

The method will involve interviews with BOSF staff, to gather information about i) what needs they believe their captive orangutans have; and ii) what materials and resources are currently available for BH provision. Then, using rapid measures of success through behavioural observations, the nature of the animals’ interactions with the provided BH will be quantified and qualified. Findings from these activities will yield invaluable information on what are the important needs for captive orangutans, whether the intended goals of the provided BH match the indentified needs, and whether these goals are in fact achieved through the provided BH.

The outcomes of this study will compliment current conservational efforts identified as important within the Orangutan Species Action Plan (SAP); by increasing the number of likely candidates for reintroduction, greatly enhancing their success upon reintroduction, and ensuring non-releasable animals are provided with optimal husbandry conditions appropriate for long-term captivity.

D.8.1. Ms. Erica Frances Shaw Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Independent Researcher/Environmental Enrichment Officer Institusi (Institution) : Taronga Conservation Society Australia Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : Taronga ZooBSU Department Bradleys Head RoadMosman, NSW 2088 Australia

D.9. Indirect parental care in monogamous Javan Gibbon Hylobates moloch Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti pola pengasuhan oleh induk Javan Gibbon terhadap anaknya Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Citalahab , TN Gunung Halimun-Salak) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB (Sambas Basuni) Abstract Indirect parental care in monogamous Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch)

Most of researchers have modified the definition of parental care, constraining the term to a specific period of life, and to direct interactions, such as carrying or feeding offspring before weaning. As these constraints are based on the temporal features of parental care rather than adaptive value, some have argued that they limit the comprehensive usefulness of the term (Smiseth, Kolliker and Royle, 2012). Primates are typified by an extended juvenile period. The advantage of delaying maturation and staying in the juvenile stage has been explained as a time to acquire social skill required in highly social complex groups prior to adulthood (Joffe, 1997). The larger range of social skills and the longer learning period, necessary as the animal’s environment becomes more socially complex, will in turn lead to increased brain size (Joffe, 1997), According to Joffe (1997), Hylobates lar has the second most longest period juvenile among primates, accouting for 22.2f lifespan, while the first is Homo sapiens, at 24.2based upon his study of more than 30 species of primates,. Therefore, this research insists that parental care occurs not only during the period of infancy, when direct parental care is essential, but also during juvenile period, when ‘indirect parental care’, continued interaction with and learning from the parent remains important. Sometimes overlooked, it is important to consider indirect parental care, not only from the mother but also father. Grooming, Playing and foraging behavior will be collected as indirect parental care. A study of indirect parental care in gibbons will elucidate dynamics within family relationships and between developmental stage of infants and female’s reproductive stage.

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D.9.1. Ms. Yoonjung Yi Warga Negara (Nationality) : Republik Korea Jabatan (Position) : Combined degree student Institusi (Institution) : Ewha Womans Universiy Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Laboratory of Behaviour&Ecology,General Science Bd, Ewha Womans University, Seodaemun-gu Daehyun-dong 11-1, Seoul 120-750, Republic of Korea

D.10. The stress factor: Examining anthropogenic sources of stress in wild M. Nigra Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari faktor-faktor penyebab stress pada M. nigra liar Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Bogor); Sulut (Cagar Alam Gunung Tangkoko) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB (Muhammad Agil)

Abstract The concept of “eco-tourism” stems from the belief that wildlife tourism can be both a financial boon to local populations and help conserve the environment. However, these goals are not always achieved and target species are sometimes exposed to new anthropogenic stressors. Unavoidable, chronic exposure of nonhuman primates to humans can be stressful, as indicated by physiological and behavioral responses. My aim is to assess the impacts of two anthropogenic influences on stress-related behavior and physiology of critically endangered wild black crested macaques (Macaca nigra) in order to make recommendations for their management. Tangkoko Nature Reserve, Sulawesi, Indonesia is home to three social groups of M. nigra that are exposed to varying intensities of anthropogenic stress, including tourism and defense from crop-raiding (via range restriction).

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This assessment will better enable conservation biologists and site managers to pinpoint specific characteristics of anthropogenic influence that are in need of modification, and thus bring management into better alignment with its intended conservation goals. Most importantly, the data collected here will shed light on whether primate groups exposed to tourism over multiple decades fully habituate or whether their apparent tolerance masks unhealthy abnormal stress responses.

D.10.1. Ms. Dominique Alina Bertrand Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student - PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : University at Buffalo – SUNY Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 411 Springville Ave Amherst NY 14226 USA

D.11. Ranging behavior of siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) groups affected by devastating wildfires: a longitudinal study Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami perilaku dan reproduksi Siamang paska pemulihan kebakaran lahan di habitatnya Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Juni 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Lampung (Way Canguk Research Station, T.N. Bukit Barisan Selatan, Tanggamus, Lampung Barat) Mitra Kerja : Fak. MIPA – Universitas Lampung (Elly L.Rustiati) dan Wildlife Conservation Society--Indonesia Program (Dr. Noviar Andayani)

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Abstract Ranging behavior of siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) groups affected by devastating wildfires: a longitudinal study

Since 1982, catastrophic wildfires of human origin have erupted on the Sunda Shelf islands of Sumatra and Borneo at irregular intervals during droughts associated with El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. These fires damage forests inhabited by many endangered primate species, such as orangutans and siamangs, and countless other plants and animals. Can long-lived, cognitively and behaviorally complex species persist in fire-damaged habitats in the long term? Since 1999, my colleagues and I have been collecting behavioral and demographic data on a population of Sumatran siamangs living in forest that was badly damaged by fire in 1997, but the ranging patterns of the seven focal study groups were last mapped in 2009.1 plan to collect data between May 2014 and May 2015 to add vital information about ranging behavior and demography of siamangs living adjacent to the burned area 17 years post-fire. By increasing the time depth of the study, I will improve our understanding of post-fire recovery in long-lived primates. Additional longitudinal data should also be helpful in untangling the synergistic relationships among habitat quality, ranging behavior, and reproduction in small apes, and should assist with conservation planning for this globally endangered species.

D.11.1. Ms. Susan Michelle Lappan, Ph.D. Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor of Anthropology / Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Departement of Anthropoly, Appalachian State University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Departement of Anthropoly, Appalachian State University Boone, NC 28606

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D.12. Conservation of the critically endangered Sulawesi black crested macaques, Macaca nigra (M. nigra) Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan sensus Macaca nigra di Minahasa dan P. Bacan, meneliti ancaman yang dihadapi spesies tersebut termasuk dampak dari kegiatan pariwisata, dan mencari materi pendidikan yang paling tepat untuk program konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Primatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 Februari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Minahasa) dan Maluku Utara (P. Bacan) Mitra Kerja : Pacific Institute for Sustainable Development - Dr. John Tasirin Abstract The tropical forests of the Indonesian archipelago rank second among the top 25 biodiversity hotspots of the world, after Brazil (Myers et al. 2000). With a growing population of over 200 million, the demands for food, timber, energy and other resources are in competition with the extant flora and fauna, threatening many species with extinction and destroying the forests at a faster rate than observed in any other country worldwide (Ross & Wall 1999). According to Wilson et al. (2006), the island of Sulawesi should be prioritised for conservation efforts due to its high species endemism, cost-effectiveness, and likely success of conservation initiatives. The threats endangering Sulawesi’s biodiversity are ubiquitous with other fragile habitats and include hunting, forest degradation and wildlife trade activities {Whitten et al. 2001, Lee et al. 2005). Poor management of protected areas, lack of local community conservation awareness and law enforcement currently hinder efforts to mitigate these threats (Lee et al. 2005).

In North Sulawesi, bushmeat hunting for consumption and commercial trade is a primary concern; where unlike the majority of Indonesia, the predominantly Christian population is not constrained by religious prohibition of wildlife consumption (O’Brien & Kinnaird 2000, Milner-Gulland & Clayton 2002, Lee et al. 2005,). In Tangkoko nature reserve in Minahasa, bushmeat hunting and consumption, for example, has extirpated endemic species such as the anoa

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[Bubalus depressicoumis), babirusa (fiabyrousa babyrussa) and the flying foxes (Lee 2000; Clayton & Milner-Gulland 2000). Remaining species such as bear cuscus [Ailurops ursinus) are vulnerable, and it has also led to a huge reduction in the Macaca nigra (Sulawesi crested black macaque) population, which is one of seven macaque species endemic to Sulawesi. The home range of Macaca nigra is exclusive to Minahasa province, the far northern tip of north Sulawesi, and since the 1980’s its population has declined by 85%. Previous census information estimated there were 300 animals/km2 in 1980, which declined to less than 26 animals/km2 by 1998 (MacKinnon & MacKinnon, 1980; Sugardjito et al., 1989). Today, it is thought that there are less than 3 animals/ km2, although no large scale census has been performed in the last lOyrs (Melfi et al. 2007 in press).

In 2008 the IUCN red data list changed the status of the M. nigra from ‘Endangered’ to ‘Critically Endangered’ due to previous research that indicated that there had been an 85% population decline in the last 30 years (MacKinnon and MacKinnon 1980; Sugardjito et al. 1989; Rosenbaum et al. 1998; Melfi et al. 2007,2010). It is likely that M. nigra populations have continued to decline since the last published surveys, even within protected forest areas, and that the anthropogenic pressures within M. nigra habitat continues, and is threatening this species with imminent extinction.

Conservation of M. nigra can only be effective and move forward with an accurate evaluation of the current threats facing the population today. Previous research has identified that the main threats to the survival of M. nigra are hunting, trade and thedegradation of prime forest habitat across Minahasa, the M. nigra home range (Lee & Kussoy 1999, Clayton & Milner-Gulland 2000, Lee 2000, Lee et al. 2005, Rocky et al. 2007). Surveys of communities close to M. nigra habitat therefore provide a useful insight into human activity and the threats to the species and its remaining habitat. Additionally, the monitoring of bushmeat being traded in local markets can be a useful measure of levels of hunting activity, local demand and consumption of wild animals, and can give an indication of the remaining populations of species through accessibility of supply (Lee et al. 2000, REFS). Understanding the levels of bushmeat consumption, wildlife trade and forest resource exploitation/disturbance activities still performed today, is therefore vital, so that conservation initiatives can start to identify effective conservation actions and target the right communities that are causing the greatest threat to the remaining population of M. nigra.

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D.12.1. Mr. Henry Benjamin Hilser Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Individual Researcher Institusi (Institution) : - Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6 Awgar Stone Road, Headington Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX3 7FD


E.1.1. Dr. Edgar Clive Turner Warga Negara : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Affiliated Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Cambridge, Department of Zoology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Insect Ecology Group, Department of Zoology, University Museum of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EJ. United Kingdom E.2. Effects of spatial and temporal variation in plant productivity on the population ecology of Bornean rainforest primates at the Cabang Panti Research Station in Gunung Palung National Park Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari dampak spatial dan produktifitas berbagai jenis tanaman hutan terhadap populasi primata hutan hujan tropis Kalimantan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Juli 2014 (month, startingfrom) Daerah Penelitian : Kalbar (Cabang Panti Research Station di TN Gunung Palung, Ketapang dan Kayong Utara)

Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpura (Dr. Ir. Burhanuddin, MP)

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Abstract The proposed research seeks to continue long-term research at Gunung Palung National Park regarding how spatial and temporal variation in plant productivity affects populations of Bornean rainforest primates. Long-term research on gibbons and leaf monkeys has indicated that several key measures of demographic success (e.g., density, group size, reproductive success) are strongly determined by spatial and temporal variation in food availability across the tropical forest landscape found at this study site. The results, however, suggest that the manner in which the two primate species are affected by this variation is strikingly different. The objective of the proposed research is continue collection of data that will be used to test eight hypotheses designed to improve our understanding of how landscape- level variation in habitat quality and seasonality of fruit production impact the population ecology of white-bearded gibbons and red leaf monkeys. The goal is to obtain a deeper understanding of the underlying ecological principles limiting primate population dynamics, and understand inter-specific variation in response to landscape-scale and seasonal variation in plant productivity.

E.2.1. Ms. Sarah Marie Jaffe Warga Negara (Nationality) : AmerikaSerikat Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of California, Davis Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1905 Northwest 29 th Avenue Apartement 216 Portland, OR 97210, USA

E.3. Responses to environmental change in the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Central Java Tujuan Penelitian : Memperoleh pemahaman lebih mendalam tentang usaha restorasi gambut di Segara Anakan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 11 (sebelas) bulan, mulai 15 Desember 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah (Cilacap, Semarang) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Gajah Mada (Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Muh Aris Marfai, M.Sc.)

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Abstract The Segara Anakan Lagoon on the south coast of Java is an example of a mangrove ecosystem under pressure. The situation in the lagoon is complicated by rapid environmental change resulting from the accumulation of sediment in the lagoon over recent decades. In this context, the research aims at a social-scientific analysis of mangrove rehabilitation efforts and other local responses to environmental change in the Segara Anakan Lagoon. It will do this within the context of exploring the challenges and opportunities of PES mechanisms to link diverse stakeholders in efforts to sustainably manage mangrove areas and contribute to watershed conservation.

E.3.1. Ms. Johanna Jill Heyde Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Junior Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Bremen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Moltkestr. 18 24937 FlensburgGermany

E.4. Biomass Dynamics of Tropical Forests in East Kalimantan Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari perubahan biomassa tanah di Kalimantan Timur Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 1 Desember 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Timur (Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, Balikpapan) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Mulawarman (Dr. Bernaulus Saragih)

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Abstract Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, and understanding how tropical forests and carbon stored in their biomass have been responding to changing environmental drivers is an area increasing steadily in importance. Substantial global analyses now revealed that forests in in Amazonia and the tropical Africa underwent accelerated tree growth and changes in dynamics in the 1980s and 1990s, acting as a net sink. The substantial yet rapidly shrinking area of primary forests remaining in Southeast Asia lack systematic analysis to test their carbon balance. This represents an urgent research need. During our previous research project entitled “Biomass Dynamics of Tropical Forests in Indonesia” as part of a Southeast Asian research campaign, we collected important datasets from Central Kalimantan and Central Sulawesi. These data combined with our concurrent projects in Sarawak and Sabah Malaysia as well as Brunei, have provided us a growing dataset on Borneo, which indicates an overall increasing carbon stock in primary/old-growth lowland rainforests, consistent with evidences from South America and Africa. Yet some important areas of Bornean forests still need to be represented in long-term monitoring, particularly in East Kalimantan. Further at regional scale, the Wallacea is one of the least studied ecoregions of Southeast Asia, motivating great research interest.

We will conduct a systematic re-census of existing permanent plots at both proposed study sites: (1) Sungai Wain Protected Forest, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Our objectives are: (a) determine what changes in above ground biomass are occurring in both sites; (b) combined with other long-term plot data we have collected across Southeast Asia, identify potential driver(s) behind these changes.

Together with other long-term studies by our team at University of Leeds in South America and Africa, they will enable us to conduct cross continental comparisons, and answer overarching questions such as whether the world’s tropical forests are continuing to act as an important carbon sink, and what global and regional drivers are behind the changes occurring in these forests.

E.4.1. Ms. Lan Qie Warga Negara (Nationality) : RRT Jabatan (Position) : Postdoc Fellow Institusi (Institution) : University of Leeds, UK

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Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : School of Geography University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JTUK

E.5. Investigating Tropical Peat-Swamp Forest Structure, Composition and Phenology in Sabangau, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mendokumentasikan struktur dan komposisi hutan di hutan rawa Sebangau Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Desember 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Sebangau) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Palangka Raya (Idrus dan Feteria Darma, Shut) Abstract Understanding the structure, composition and phenology of tropical forests is important, both for interpreting the impact of human activities on forest ecosystems; plus for interpreting community composition, population abundance, behaviour and impacts of human disturbance on forest fauna. I aim to document forest structure, composition and phenology in the peat-swamp forests of Sabangau, Central Kalimantan, in order to advance our understanding in these areas.

E.5.1. Ms. Jennifer Elaine Hacking Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 3493 Sanderling Crescent Mississauga, Ontario L5L 3P4 Canada

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E.6. Identifying fine scale habitat use and landscape connectivity of tigers in a central Sumatran landscape Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi hubungan antara skala habitat yang dapat digunakan dengan baik oleh harimau Sumatera dengan konektifitas lanskap Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Indragiri Hilir, Indragiri Hulu, Kampar, Kuantan Singingi Pelalawan, Rokan Hulu, Siak, dan Pekanbaru) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan UGM (Muhammad Ali Imron) Abstract The Asia Development Bank estimates $750 trillion will be spent in Southeast Asia within the next decade. As roads, railroads, dams, mines and towns continue to fragment habitat, the overall decrease in natural areas and the increased distance between these habitat patches will lead to reduced carnivore presence. Preserving connectivity – physical and genetic - between habitat patches is one of the most important factors in conserving endangered carnivore species such as tiger. The Sumatran tiger resides within approximately 88,000 km2 of fragmented natural habitat. Although plantations and settlements are increasingly encroaching on natural areas, tiger use of non-natural areas remains largely unknown. Identifying which areas of plantations tigers use, and why, could help reduce the number of human-tiger encounters and human-tiger conflict related mortalities, and allow plantation managers to plan strategic and rotational ‘tiger friendly’ areas of plantations. The goal of this project is to conduct a preliminary assessment of the extent of connectivity and habitat use of central Sumatran tiger populations. To determine habitat use, we will use foot holds and/or box traps to trap tigers and African Wildlife Tracking GPS collars to collect fine-scale movement data. Scat will be collected and analyzed to quantify any genetic connectivity between tiger populations in central Sumatra. We will also model land cover change and quantify tiger habitat change using different development scenarios. The findings of this study will provide us with powerful knowledge critical to keeping the growing human population safe while developing a management plan to increase the central Sumatran tiger population.

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E.6.1. Ms. Erin Elizabeth Poor Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Virginia Tech Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 625 Colhoun St. NE Christiansburg, VA 24073United States

E.7. Distribution and ecology of the invasive Neotropical tree, Bellucia pentamera (Melastomataceae), at Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Memetakan distribusi terkini B. pentamera di berbagai habitat di Taman Nasional Gunung Palung Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Sukadana, Kayong Utara) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Tanjungpura (Irwan Lovadi, M.App.Sc) Abstract The proposed project will continue previous work on the invasion of the small Neotropical tree, Bellucia pentamera (Melastomataceae), introduced from Latin America into Southeast Asia roughly 50 years ago. Within its native range, this light demanding pioneer species is commonly found in disturbed forest patches, however, in Indonesia it has been able to form dense monodominant stands and successfully recruit in shaded, primary forest habitats as well. This is not surprising considering this plant has a very diverse native range and is therefore likely capable of invading many different ecosystems of Southeast Asia. Continuing on with a systematic survey of B. pentamera within Gunung Palung National Park is therefore highly important. The primary goals of this project therefore include: 1) to map the current distribution of B. pentamera across the wide range of habitats at Gunung

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Palung National Park, 2) to understand the natural history of B. pentamera relative to native plants, and 3) to develop approaches to combat the spread of this invasive plant. Previous work has begun to address some of these goals, but there is a need for additional work on this topic.

E.7.1. Mr. Christopher Ronald Dillis Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : University of California-Davis Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : UC-Davis, One Shields Avenue Davis, California 95616United States of America

E.8. Conservation Campaigns and Phenology in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari kampanye konservasi untuk merubah perilaku, dan melakukan observasi ilmiah tentang fenologi yang dapat meningkatkan konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kaltim (TN Kutai), Bali (Sumber Klampok, Bali Barat), Jateng (TN. Karimunjawa) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Mulawarman Fakultas Kehutanan (Dr. Abubakar Lahjie) Abstract This project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development to examine conservation campaigns to change behavior and to make scentific observations about phenology that can lead to knowledge that enhances conservation. This two part project first requires the installation of cameras to take pictures of trees and other plants, and second, to work with national park offices to locate spaces for these cameras and to develop conservation action plans, including workshops and local collaborations.

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E.8.1. Prof. Stacey Kathryn Sowards Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Chair, Department of Communication Institusi (Institution) : University of Texas at El Paso Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of CommunicationCotton Memorial, 202 500 W. University Ave. El Paso, TX 79968 USA

E.9. Effects of environmental change on invertebrate biodiversity and population dynamics with emphasis on important mangrove resources Tujuan Penelitian : Melacak perubahan dalam keanekaragaman dan pola komunitas invertebrata dan vegetasi mangrove dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi lingkungan di SAL Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Purwokerto, Kab. Banyumas; Cilacap, Kab. Cilacap) Kalimantan Timur (Pulau Derawan, Kab. Berau) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Dr. Moh. Husein Sastranegara) Abstract Biodiversity is highly at risk in tropical mangrove ecosystems where high population density, industrialization, habitat degradation and exploitation of natural resources co-occur. Previous studies on benthic communities in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL) recorded a high species number despite the various human impacts. However, effects of anthropogenic disturbances were visible in the community structure and the spreading of highly adaptable plant and invertebrate species. As large-scale deforestation is increasing, we hypothesize that this will be followed by an increase of uniform swamp sites and a decrease of microhabitats, resulting in a decline of biodiversity. This can be followed by a decrease of ecosystem functions, if the functional role of depleted species cannot be achieved by other ones.

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This study aims to track changes in diversity and community patterns of invertebrates and mangrove vegetation in relation to environmental conditions in the SAL by comparing data from 2012-2014 with those from 2004-2006. This allows to investigate the impact of habitat changes on biodiversity over a decade for the first time and to differentiate between natural and human-induced changes, which is impossible with short-term studies. The value of such a study will be greatly enhanced by including a potentially less impacted site in order to gain “baseline values” for Indonesian mangroves for the first time. This subproject aims to compare invertebrate and tree diversity in mangroves of SAL with that of a low-impacted reference site in Berau, East Kalimantan, having a potential similar biodiversity regarding its geographical location. Data gained at such a reference site allow to evaluate the situation in SA and other mangrove forests in SE-Asia subjected to habitat degradation.

The study will particular focus on economically important invertebrates (crabs, mollusks), both at SAL where fishing intensity and habitat degradation is high and at the reference site where human influences are significantly lower. In order to understand how the populations of economically important species have changed over time investigations will combine biological and socio-economic studies in cooperation with other SPICE scientists. The impact of human use patterns, techniques and intensity on the populations of fished species will be assessed. These investigations will provide the data base to evaluate the future development of these species and thus the resource potential of the ecosystem. This will be complemented by studies on the functional roles of invertebrates which is a precondition to assess the consequences of reduced populations for ecosystem functioning. The in-depth understanding of cause-effect relationships is a prerequisite for the preservation of biodiversity and related functions in mangrove forests and the development of management strategies for the sustainable use of their resources.

E.9.1. Ms. Inga Ulrike Hertha Nordhaus Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat(Address) : Fahrenheitstrasse 6 28359 Bremen, Germany

E.10. Health of rehabilitated and released orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti kesehatan orang utan yang sudah direhabilitasi dan dilepas kembali ke alam dengan mengambil sampel kotoran dan air seni Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi dan evolusi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Yogyakarta (kursus Bahasa Indonesia); Kalimantan Tengah (Nyaru Menteng Rehabilitation Center dan Hutan Lindung Bukit Batikap; Stasiun Penelitian Orang Utan Tuanan di Palangkaraya); dan DKI Jakarta (Universitas Nasional Jakarta) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Nasional (Marlia Fajri Hatoyo, Ssi dan Ferina Rahim) Abstract Rehabilitation and release programs are critical to the survival of endangered primates like orangutans. To date, no study has compared the health of released individuals to their wild counterparts. Using non-invasive methods (urine and feces), I will investigate immuno-responsiveness, gastrointestinal parasites, and protein balance in rehabilitated and released Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii at Nyaru Menteng and Batikap in Central Kalimantan. I will compare my data with data from a long-term study of a wild orangutan population conducted by my advisor, Erin Vogel, at the Tuanan Research Station in Central Kalimantan.

Protein, a limiting resource for orangutans, is required by all organisms to sustain body tissue. Obtaining sufficient dietary protein has become difficult for orangutans as deforestation, plantation development, and unsustainable logging force them to compete for resources. Nitrogen (N) concentration has been used as a measure of protein and a correlation between dietary N and output in orangutan urine has been shown. Comparing N balance in released individuals with a wild population in a similar habitat will enable me to assess how released individuals

100 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 cope with periods of food scarcity. Dietary and emotional stress can lead to immuno-suppression, which can be measured through cytokine production. Anti- and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-1RA, IL-8, IL-10, sTNFR I and II, MCP-1) will be tested in urine because of their roles in numerous aspects of the immune response. Investigating cytokine levels will provide insights into how orangutans handle dietary, social, and physical stress and how that stress affects their ability to fight infections. Immuno-supression can leave individuals open to an array of diseases including parasitic infection. To date limited information about orangutan coprological parasites exists. Identifying common parasites that infect orangutans at Nyaru Menteng and Batikap will inform us about the transmission between orangutans and their human caregivers and hopefully provide more precise and individualized treatments.

Three hypotheses will be tested: 1) due to poor nutrition, new arrivals at Nyaru Menteng will have the lowest concentration of urinary urea and �and highest δ15 N values when compared with those of rehabilitated, released, and wild individuals; 2) effects of emotional, physical, and dietary stress will be characterized by higher levels of urinary cytokines in new arrivals and released individuals; and 3) new arrivals at Nyaru Menteng and the wild population at Tuanan will be infected with more genera of parasites and have higher fecal egg counts than those that are captive or newly released.

This project will add to the small amount of data available about the health of rehabilitated and released orangutans. It is vital that we collect these data now as all captive orangutans in rehabilitation facilities are scheduled to be released by 2016 under an Indonesian government initiative. I will collect urine and fecal samples non-invasively at Nyaru Menteng and Batikap. In urine mass spectrophotometry will be used to find �and nitrogen stable isotopes and colorimetric assays will be run to determine urea and creatinine concentrations. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays will also be employed to quantify levels of cytokines (IL-1β, IL-1RA, IL-8, IL-10, sTNFR I and II, MCP-1) in urine. Direct fecal smears and the McMaster’s and Baermann’s Techniques will be used to identify parasites and quantify eggs per gram of stool.

E.10.1. Ms. Elizabeth Fern Ballare Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student

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Institusi (Institution) : Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Graduate Program in Ecology and Evolution Environmental and Natural Resources Building (ENR) Room 136B, 14 College Farm Road, 1st Floor New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 08901

E.11. Distribution and ecology of the invasive Neotropical tree, Bellucia pentamera (Melastomataceae), at Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Memetakan distribusi terkini B. pentamera di berbagai habitat di Taman Nasional Gunung Palung Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Sukadana, Kayong Utara) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas MIPA Universitas Tanjungpura (Irwan Lovadi, M.App.Sc) Abstract The proposed project will continue previous work on the invasion of the small Neotropical tree, Bellucia pentamera (Melastomataceae), introduced from Latin America into Southeast Asia roughly 50 years ago. Within its native range, this light demanding pioneer species is commonly found in disturbed forest patches, however, in Indonesia it has been able to form dense monodominant stands and successfully recruit in shaded, primary forest habitats as well. This is not surprising considering this plant has a very diverse native range and is therefore likely capable of invading many different ecosystems of Southeast Asia. Continuing on with a systematic survey of B. pentamera within Gunung Palung National Park is therefore highly important. The primary goals of this project therefore include: 1) to map the current distribution of B. pentamera across the wide range of habitats at Gunung Palung National Park, 2) to understand the natural history of B. pentamera relative to native plants, and 3) to develop approaches to combat the spread of this invasive plant. Previous work has begun to address some of these goals, but there is a need for additional work on this topic.

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E.11.1. Mr. Christopher Ronald Dillis Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Institusi (Institution) : University of California-Davis Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : UC-Davis One Shields Avenue Davis, California 95616United States of America

E.12. Conservation Campaigns and Phenology in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari kampanye konservasi untuk merubah perilaku, dan melakukan observasi ilmiah tentang fenologi yang dapat meningkatkan konservasi Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kaltim (TN Kutai), Bali (Sumber Klampok, Bali Barat), Jateng (TN. Karimunjawa) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Mulawarman Fakultas Kehutanan (Dr. Abubakar Lahjie) Abstract This project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development to examine conservation campaigns to change behavior and to make scentific observations about phenology that can lead to knowledge that enhances conservation. This two part project first requires the installation of cameras to take pictures of trees and other plants, and second, to work with national park offices to locate spaces for these cameras and to develop conservation action plans, including workshops and local collaborations.

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E.12.1. Prof. Stacey Kathryn Sowards Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Chair, Department of Communication Institusi(Institution) : University of Texas at El Paso Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Department of CommunicationCotton Memorial, 202-500 W. University Ave. El Paso, TX 79968 USA

E.13. Effects of environmental change on invertebrate biodiversity and population dynamics with emphasis on important mangrove resources Tujuan Penelitian : Melacak perubahan dalam keanekaragaman dan pola komunitas invertebrata dan vegetasi mangrove dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi lingkungan di SAL Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Purwokerto, Kab. Banyumas; Cilacap, Kab. Cilacap) Kalimantan Timur (Pulau Derawan, Kab. Berau) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Dr. Moh. Husein Sastranegara) Abstract Biodiversity is highly at risk in tropical mangrove ecosystems where high population density, industrialization, habitat degradation and exploitation of natural resources co-occur. Previous studies on benthic communities in the Segara Anakan Lagoon (SAL) recorded a high species number despite the various human impacts. However, effects of anthropogenic disturbances were visible in the community structure and the spreading of highly adaptable plant and invertebrate species. As large-scale deforestation is increasing, we hypothesize that this will be followed by an increase of uniform swamp sites and a decrease of microhabitats, resulting in a decline of biodiversity. This can be followed by a decrease of ecosystem functions, if the functional role of depleted species cannot be achieved by other ones.

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This study aims to track changes in diversity and community patterns of invertebrates and mangrove vegetation in relation to environmental conditions in the SAL by comparing data from 2012-2014 with those from 2004-2006. This allows to investigate the impact of habitat changes on biodiversity over a decade for the first time and to differentiate between natural and human-induced changes, which is impossible with short-term studies. The value of such a study will be greatly enhanced by including a potentially less impacted site in order to gain “baseline values” for Indonesian mangroves for the first time. This subproject aims to compare invertebrate and tree diversity in mangroves of SAL with that of a low-impacted reference site in Berau, East Kalimantan, having a potential similar biodiversity regarding its geographical location. Data gained at such a reference site allow to evaluate the situation in SA and other mangrove forests in SE-Asia subjected to habitat degradation.

The study will particular focus on economically important invertebrates (crabs, mollusks), both at SAL where fishing intensity and habitat degradation is high and at the reference site where human influences are significantly lower. In order to understand how the populations of economically important species have changed over time investigations will combine biological and socio-economic studies in cooperation with other SPICE scientists. The impact of human use patterns, techniques and intensity on the populations of fished species will be assessed. These investigations will provide the data base to evaluate the future development of these species and thus the resource potential of the ecosystem. This will be complemented by studies on the functional roles of invertebrates which is a precondition to assess the consequences of reduced populations for ecosystem functioning. The in-depth understanding of cause-effect relationships is a prerequisite for the preservation of biodiversity and related functions in mangrove forests and the development of management strategies for the sustainable use of their resources.

E.13.1. Ms. Inga Ulrike Hertha Nordhaus Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : Fahrenheitstrasse 6 28359 Bremen Bremen, Germany

E.14. Field research on the carbon balance of tropical peat ecosystems in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti dinamika peleoasan karbon di hutan gambut tropis dengan menggunakan data lapangan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalteng (Palangka Raya) Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP UNPAR (Dr. Suwido Limin, MS) Abstract Tropical peatlands, which coexist with swamp forests, have accumulated a vast amount of carbon as soil organic matter. However, large areas of the tropical peatlands are undergoing degradation mainly because of anthropogenic disturbances due to deforestation, fire and land-use change with drainage (into farmland, palm plantation etc.), which potentially accelerate peat decomposition into CO2. Our study addresses the environmental issue related to CO2 emissions by assessing the carbon dynamics of the tropical peatlands mainly in Central Kalimantan using field data of CO2 flux (CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and ecosystems). The principal aims of this study are to assess the carbon dynamics in the tropical peatlands using field data, quantify the effects of the anthropogenic disturbances and climate change on the carbon balance of the tropical peatland ecosystems and predict the carbon balance of the tropical peatlands of Southeast Asia in the future under serious human pressures using a terrestrial biosphere model parameterized with field data.

G.14.1. Mr. Takashi Hirano Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor

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Institusi (Institution) : Hokkaido University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Hokkaido University Kita 8, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, 060-0808, Hokkaido, Japan

E.15. Impact of deforestation and land-use change on mangrove tree diversity, community composition and habitat complexity Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajarai dampak dari deforestasi dan perubahan penggunaan lahan pada keragaman tanaman bakau, komposisi komunitas dan kompleksitas habitat di Segara Anakan Lagoon di Jawa (SAL), Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi bakau Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Segara Anakan Lagoon) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Suprayogi, PhD) Abstract The aim of the study is to determine the impact of deforestation and land use change on mangrove tree diversity, community composition and habitat complexity in the Segara Anakan Lagoon in Java (SAL), Indonesia. Therefore different sites will be studied (deforestrated areas, reforestrated areas and mixed mangrove stands). The mangrove vegetation of 12 sampling sites will be determined along a transect within the mangrove forest. Tree species, vegetation cover, tree and seedling height and tree diameter at breast height (DBH) will be quantified. The Stand Basal Area (SBA) and the Shannon index (including density, basal area and frequency of each species) will be used as measure for tree species diversity and the species importance value (IV) for the structural importance of a tree species within a stand. The vegetation data will be compared with those from 2005/2006 in order to track habitat changes. The geographic information system (GIS) will be used to combine satellite images and spatial data. Spatial patterns will be linked to those of diversity of macrobenthic invertebrates and to abiotic water and sediment conditions.

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E.15.1. Ms. Marijana Toben Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology GmbH Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Hemmstraße 343 b 28215 Bremen Germany

E.16. Impact of deforestation and land-use change on mangrove tree diversity, community composition and habitat complexity Tujuan Penelitian Mempelajarai dampak dari deforestasi dan perubahan penggunaan lahan pada keragaman tanaman bakau, komposisi komunitas dan kompleksitas habitat di Segara Anakan Lagoon di Jawa (SAL), Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi bakau Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Segara Anakan Lagoon) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (Suprayogi, PhD) Abstract The aim of the study is to determine the impact of deforestation and land use change on mangrove tree diversity, community composition and habitat complexity in the Segara Anakan Lagoon in Java (SAL), Indonesia. Therefore different sites will be studied (deforestrated areas, reforestrated areas and mixed mangrove stands). The mangrove vegetation of 12 sampling sites will be determined along a transect within the mangrove forest. Tree species, vegetation cover, tree and seedling height and tree diameter at breast height (DBH) will be quantified. The Stand Basal Area (SBA) and the Shannon index (including density, basal area and frequency of each species) will be used as measure for tree species diversity and the species importance value (IV) for the structural importance of a tree species within a stand. The vegetation data will be compared with those from 2005/2006 in order to track

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habitat changes. The geographic information system (GIS) will be used to combine satellite images and spatial data. Spatial patterns will be linked to those of diversity of macrobenthic invertebrates and to abiotic water and sediment conditions.

E.16.1. Ms. Marijana Toben Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology GmbH Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Hemmstraße 343 b 28215 Bremen Germany

E.17. Benthic Records of Marine Environment, Climate, and Ecosystem in the Eastern Indian Ocean since the Last Deglaciation (BENTHIC) Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk pengambilan data primer sampel sedimen laut dalam, material tersuspensi pada air laut dan organisme bentik yang dianggap mewakili (sebagai proxy) kondisi lingkungan masa lampau (paleoenvirontment) Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Laut Lama Penelitian : 25(dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Perairan Barat Sumatera Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Sumberdaya Laut dan Pesisir, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Rainer Arief Troa, M.Si) Abstract Kegiatan BENTHIC di Indonesia merupakan bentuk promosi kerjasama riset baru dalam rangkaian implementasi kerjasama riset antara Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kelautan dan Perikanan (Badan Litbang KP), Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) Republik Indonesia dengan First Institute of Oceanography(FIO), State Oceanic Administration (SOA) Republik Rakyat China

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berdasarkan dokumen Implementation of Arrangement(IA) dari Indonesia China Center for Ocean Climate(ICCOC). ICCOC sendiri adalah salah satu program yang terdaftar di Lampiran II PERPRES No. 61 Tahun 2011 di dalam Matriks Kegiatan Pendukung Rencana Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Ruma Kaca (RAN-GRK). Fenomena iklim kelautan dan perubahan lingkungan global menjadi perhatian tersendiri pada saat sekarang karena cukup mempengaruhi kehidupan manusia. Di lain pihak, Indonesia memiliki banyak keterbatasan untuk melakukan riset kelautan secara mandiri sehingga kerjasama riset dengan mitra peneliti dari negara lain dirasakan sangat membantu baik dari sisi penguatan substansi ataupun dalam hal penggunaan fasilitas dan sarana laboratorium untuk melakukan analisis data. Dalam kerjasama riset BENTHIC, selain peneliti dari Puslitbang Sumberdaya Laut dan Pesisir (P3SDLP-Badan Litbang KP) juga akan dilibatkan peneliti dari Puslitbang Geologi Kelautan (P3GL, Badan Litbang ESDM-Kementerian ESDM) dan Puslit Geoteknologi-LIPI. Hal ini dilakukan agar manfaat kerjasama riset dengan mitra asing dapat terjaring secara luas, sehingga dapat mencapaipenguatan kapasitas kelembagaan riset kelautan dalam negeri melalui kolaborasi riset secarakontinyu dan terpadu. Kegiatan pelayaran ilmiah BENTHIC 2014 berlokasi di Kawasan Samudera Hindia Perairan Barat Sumetera akan menggunakan K.R. Geomarin III milik P3GL, memfokuskan pada pengambilan data primer sampel sedimen laut dalam, material tersuspensi pada air laut dan organisme bentik yang dianggap mewakili (sebagai proxy) kondisi lingkungan masa lampau (paleoenvirontment). Disamping itu dilakukan pula pengukuran parameter massa air laut seperti konduktivitas, suhu dan densitas pada lapisan kedalaman tertentu hingga mencapai maksimal kedalaman 500 meter. Tujuan riset ini adalah untuk memahami proses sedimentasi lingkungan laut dalam, mengidentifkasi keberagaman organisme bentik dikaitkan dengan perubahan lingkungan, serta untuk melakukan studi lingkungan dan produktivitas lampau (paleoenvirontment danpaleoproductivity). Lingkungan laut dalam merupakan tempat berlangsungnya proses upwelling, monsoon, geodinamika dan tektonik aktif sejak rentang waktu geologi jutaan tahun lalu dan terus berlangsung hingga saat ini yang terekam pada lingkungan sedimen laut dalam dan organisme bentik yang tersimpan sebagai informasi sejarah kebumian yang dapat menjelaskan keseluruhan proses yang terjadi. Diharapkan dari hasil riset akan menambah pemahaman kita terhadap proses perubahan iklim dari rentang waktu jutaan tahun lalu hingga kondisi sekarang, untuk adaptasi yang lebih baik bagi kehidupan manusia dan kelestarian sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan.

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Kata kunci: BENTHIC, kerjasama riset, laut dalam, fenomena iklim kelautan, perubahan lingkungan, kelestarian sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan.

E.17.1. Mr. Shi Fengdeng Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

E.17.2. Mr. Tang Zheng Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

E.17.3. Mr. Tengfei Xu Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

E.17.4. Mr. Wang Zongxing Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

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E.17.5. Mr. Yang Gang Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

E.17.6. Mr. Hu Limin Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

E.17.7. Mr. Yu Yonggui Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

E.17.8. Mr. Xu Taoyu Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

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E.17.9. Mr. Fang Xisheng Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

E.17.10. Mr. Wang Kunshan Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6 Road Xian-Xia-Ling, Qingdao 266061, China

E.17.11. Mr. Liu Shengfa Warga Negara (Nationality) : China Jabatan (Position) : Senior Scientist Institusi (Institution) : First Institute of Oceanography (FIO) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : No. 6 Xianxialing Road, High Science and technology Industrial District

G.18. Understanding the REDD+ Process in Indonesia : Local Challenges and Opportunities Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami tantangan dan peluang dalam implementasi Program REDD+ di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 1 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Yogyakarta (Gunung Kidul), Kalimantan Barat (Kapuas Hulu), Kalimantan Tengah (Kabupaten

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Seruyan), Kalimantan Timur (Kabupaten Kutai Barat), Jambi (Sarolangun),Sumatra Selatan (KabupatenMusiBanyuasi), dan Sulawesi Barat (KabupatenMamuju) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik - Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Dr. Achmad Nurmadi, M.Sc) EXT 6 Understanding the REDD+ Process in Indonesia: Local Challenges and Opportunities Ashley Marie Enrici Objective The objective of my research is to enhance understanding of the opportunities and challenges to REDD+ implementation in Indonesia. In particular, my work will consider the well-being of forest communities in Indonesia, stakeholder dynamics, and provide information that will facilitate successful implementation of the REDD+ program for the country of Indonesia.

Background Tropical forests are essential in the global carbon and hydrological cycles, and for the welfare of communities that depend on forest ecosystems for livelihood and revenue. Indonesia currently has the world’s third largest tropical forest and the second highest rate of tropical deforestation (IRTF 2012). Over 70 percent of Indonesia still has forest cover, though by some estimates without intervention these forests will be gone by 2050(ICSCFPGC 2012). This rate of deforestation is a result of the recent boom in mining, agriculture, and timber - all of which frequently occur in areas of Indonesia historically occupied by tropical forests. In recent years the United Nations has introduced the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) program, a global endeavor that aims to reduce deforestation and thus emissions in countries such as Indonesia. The main premise is to offer incentives that will make conservation of these forests economically viable and desirable. REDD+ is a more recent evolution of the REDD program and includes considerations beyond emissions reduction, including environmental and socioeconomic benefits. Specifications of REDD+ are still being designed, and questions remain regarding the role of and impact on stakeholders particularly at the local level where stakeholders are vulnerable and REDD+ implementation will ultimately occur. The aim of my research is to inform

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this issue for the benefit of local forest communities and the larger REDD+ program in Indonesia using literature review, stakeholder interviews and case studies to compare and contrast the opportunities, challenges and goals of stakeholders in Indonesia that are involved in REDD+. I will be affiliated with and supported in my research by Dr. AchmadNurmandi and the JusufKalla School of Governmentat UniversitasMuhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

E.18.1. Ms. Ashley Marie Enrici Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Maryland Emai l(email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2181 LeFrak Hall- College Park, Maryland 20742

E.19. Emission factors from Peat Fires in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi emisi carbon dalam kebakaran hutan gambut tropis Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau dan Kalteng Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan UGM (Oka Karyanto) Emission factors from Peat Fires in Indonesia During the main burning season in August - September - October we will closely monitor fire activity using MODIS satellite data. We will visit sites where fires are burning actively and when the weather forecast is favorable for fire conditions. At the site, we will record carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide concentrations at different levels above the fires as well as downwind of the fires. The ratio between these two is not well known for peat fires but is required to better constrain absolute emissions. We aim to measure this ratio at a number of sites and understand their spatial variability.

To explain this variability we will measure windspeed, relative humidity, temperature, drainage depth, peat characteristics, and peat moisture content

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at different depths. Using multiple linear regression we hope to disentangle the drivers of the differences in ratio between carbon monoxide and dioxide.

VU Amsterdam is responsible for providing equipment and will pay expenses and daily allowances during fieldwork. UGM will help with data collection and interpretation. Forthcoming publications will be co-authored by people from both institutes and data will be made publicly available.

E.19.1. Dr. Guido Remigia Van Der Werf Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : VU University Amsterdam Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : FALW, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands

E. 20. Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Bertujuan menyediakan data untuk mendukung upaya konservasi di wilayah hutan bernilai konservasi tinggi (High Conservation Value) di Kalimantan, Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Januari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalteng (Lab. Alam Gambut Sebangau, Stasiun Penelitian Kalampangan, Baronang Dua, Bawan, TN Bukit Baka Bukit Raya, Gn. Lumut, Kalaweit Hampapak, Hutan Katingan-Mentaya, Mungku Baru, Murung Raya) Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP Universitas Palangkaraya (Salahudin, Abdul Azis)

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EXT 2 “Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan” Rebecca E. Armson

The health of individuals and the health of ecosystems are inextricably linked. Thus understanding the factors affecting the health and survival of individuals is an important component of determining the underlying health and resilience of the environment The health of both individuals and ecosystems are dependent on homeostasis: the balancing, through continuous interaction and feedback, of the myriad dynamic processes that comprise the integrated system. Various internal and external stressors can have profound adverse effects on system health and the ability to militate against these is dependent on our understanding not just of the nature of these stressors but also on how they interact with the systems as a whole.

One key component in the health of individuals, species and ecosystems are the parasites. On an individual level parasites can exert an enormous stress on health and viability, draining away valuable energy gained from hard-earned foodstuffs and adversely affecting many vital systems from immunity to other infections to reproductive success. This is of particular importance with orangutans which are already at the upper range of viability with respect to the size-energy continuum able to be supported by their tropical rainforest habitat. This makes orangutans an important indicator species as they are very quick to feel the effects of ecosystem disruption that would take longer to become apparent in less susceptible species.

The debilitating effects of parasites are exacerbated in populations under stress and those with small population size and low genetic diversity. Whilst orangutans do suffer from small, and rapidly declining, population sizes, their genetic diversity is only beginning to be studied. Recent work has uncovered some of the extent of genetic diversity in the two orangutan species but much more work needs to be done in order to understand the full range and unravel population structures and geographic variation in order to inform conservation efforts.

The importance of host-parasite interactions in shaping ecosystems and individual species is shown by the profound effect on the evolution of both hosts and parasites. The evolutionary “arms race” between parasites and their hosts is an important driver in the evolution of both and understanding their recent evolution will deepen our understanding of population structure and potential future responses as well as extinction risk.

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On the ecosystem level parasites are important and ubiquitous players. Studying parasite dynamics, species composition and richness gives a great deal of information not only about the state and health of an ecosystem but of its trajectory. Thus gathering long term data on parasites in numerous sites allows both longitudinal and horizontal comparisons, meaning we can determine the status of ecosystems both spatially and temporally and so detect improvements or threats in particular regions of the whole ecosystem as well as systemic threats to the whole. The long term data garnered will also be of great use in determining the effects of long-term ecosystem changes such as climate change to orangutans and their environment.

E.20.1. Ms. Rebecca E. Armson Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Research Intern Institusi (Institution) : OuTrop Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 574 Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 2NH. UK

E.21. Spatial patterns of fishing grounds distribution in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari penyebaran ikan di kepulauan Spermonde untuk pembuatan peta penggunaan kekayaan alam Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi laut Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 27 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Spermonde, Makassar) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Hasanudin (Prof. Budimawan, DEA)

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NEW1 Spatial patterns of fishing grounds distribution in Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia Gabriela Navarrete Forero

The Spermonde Archipelago is located off the coast of Makassar, the capital city of southern Sulawesi province, in Indonesia. It comprises around 80 small islands and submerged platform reefs and extends 40 - 60 km offshore (Ferse et al, 2012a). The area supports one of the largest reef fisheries of Indonesia, where an estimated 6,500 fishing households and 30,000 people inhabit the 24 main islands (Pet- Soede etal, 2001). The principal products of this industry are live and dry food fish, sea cucumbers and ornamental corals, with increasing demand by international markets. Some of the catching methods used, such as blast and cyanide fishing, have destructive effects on the ecosystem and represent a risk to humans’ health (Ferse et al, 2012c). Fishing practices are under regulation from governmental and informal institutions (Deswandi, 2012), but control is specially limited in remote areas (Pet-Soede & Erdmann, 1998). Therefore, the resource use pressure is not equally distributed throughout the area.

The anthropogenic pressure in Spermonde has caused a widespread degradation of the coral reefs (Ferse et al, 2012c). For instance, a comparative study found symptoms of growth overfishing because catches per unit effort (CPUE) are four times lower and fishes are significantly smaller in Spermonde than in a marine protected area in Komodo coast; however, fishermen in Spermonde may not perceive those facts because the fish sizes, biomass and density are similar throughout the Archipelago (Pet-Soede et al, 2001). Other stressing factors are the pollution generated in Makassar urban area, the islands population growth and the previously mentioned use of destructive fishing methods (Ferse et al, 2012c). It is also important to mention the role of natural variations in resource availability due to the monsoon fluctuations. In this context, the spatial distribution of resources and stressing factors plays an essential role in understanding the fisheries dynamics and its effects on the reef ecosystem, as well as in developing conservation strategies towards a sustainable management.

The aim of this study is to identify the main patterns of fishing grounds distribution in the archipelago, in order to elaborate a thematic map of resources use.

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E.21.1. Ms. Gabriela Navarrete Forero Warga Negara (Nationality) : Ekuador Jabatan (Position) : MSc-Student of International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology (ISATEC) Institusi (Institution) : Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology / Bremen University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Luisental 28. Ap 3260 28359 BremenGermany

E.22. Orangutan costs of motherhood: Estimating weaning using stable isotopic analysis Tujuan Penelitian : Menghitung biaya keibuan di Borneo orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) di hutan rawa gambut Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Stasium Penelitian Orang Utan Tuanan) Mitra Kerja : Universitas National Jakarta (Drs. Imran S. L. Tobing, Msi)

Orangutan costs of motherhood: Estimating weaning using stable isotopic analysis

Investigating energetics of an organism can elucidate information regarding their life history and provide valuable information on aspects regarding growth, activity, maintenance, and reproduction. While energetic studies in primates have been conducted for several decades, there are still few studies investigating the energetics of orangutans. Orangutans exhibit a combination of characteristics that separate them from other apes, including solitary foraging, building fat reserves during periods of fruit abundance, a wide-ranging diet, and an extremely long interbirth interval. These characteristics make the potential cost of motherhood great.

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Due to their low productivity, the peat-swamp forests of Central Kalimantan are challenging environments for large, arboreal frugivores like the orangutan. For adult female orangutans with dependent offspring, obtaining enough energy to support lactation is expected to be difficult, particularly during periods of low fruit availability. However, little is known about the energetic and nutritional costs incurred during motherhood. Weaning is a contentious time period for both mother and infant during which parent-offspring conflict peaks as both individuals aim to maximize energy balance.

This project aims to quantify the costs of motherhood in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) in a peat-swamp forest, specifically using nitrogen stable isotopes to determine a more precise age of weaning. Nitrogen stable isotopes show the trophic level shift from complete nursing to complete solid food intake, providing an excellent metric for weaning occurrence. For this project, I will look at foraging behavior, conduct macronutrient analyses on observed orangutan food items, and collect urine for measurements of nitrogen stable isotopes. By combining these types of methods, I will be able to quantify when weaning specifically occurs. Research is going to take place at Tuanan Research Station, MAWAS Reserve, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia and is part of a larger project run by Timothy Bransford.

E.22.1. Mr. Rumaan Malhotra Warga Negara (Nationality) : India Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Rutgers University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 410 Elden Drive. Atlanta GA, 30342. United States

E.23. Migrant trajectories in a changing climate – evidence from Ghana and Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari lintasan migrasi dan kaitannya dengan perubahan iklim Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 November 2014 (month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Semarang) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Geografi, Universitas Gajah Mada (Prof. Dr.rer.nat Muh Aris Marfai, M.Sc)

Migrant trajectories in a changing climate - evidence from Ghana and Indonesia Coastal regions are focal points of social and ecological change. They are traditionally destinations of regional migratory movements as well as gateways for and to international migration networks, and they often function as central nodes of transfer in larger migration regimes. At the same time, coasts around the globe are continuously undergoing morphological and ecological change on different spatial and temporal scales through, among others, geomorphological, oceanographic and climatic factors.

The interplay of changing environmental conditions and dynamic migration systems in coastal regions sets the stage for my research on the nexus of environmental change and migration. Migration is thereby conceptualized as a complex and dynamic process. Given the rising uncertainty about how environmental changes and migratory movements are connected, my research project focuses on underexplored links between those phenomena as well as on the broader consequences of migration for the formation of regions. The project is based on two case studies in coastal regions: the districts of Keta (Ghana) and Semarang (Indonesia).

The underlying hypothesis of my project is that regional adaptation strategies to rapid environmental change - including migratory movements - are embedded in and contribute to the transformation of what we call ‘regional formations’. The first field research in Indonesia in November and December 2014 will focus on migration research in Semarang. The leading research questions are: What are current migrant trajectories in Semarang and the region? How do/did migrant trajectories in Semarang change due to (climate induced) environmental change? Is there any relationship between the two? Who are the individual and institutional (formal and informal) actors in migration trajectories in Semarang? How are migrant trajectories from Semarang embedded in the regional migration regime? How is environmental/climate change perceived? What are the dominating discourses?

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E. 23. 1. Ms. Therese Rebecca Usha Ziegelmayer Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Free University Berlin Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : FU Berlin, Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften Anthropogeographie Malteserstr. 74 - 100 12249 Berlin Raum K 077, Germany

E.24. The role of arthropods in facilitating nutrient cycling of orangutan waste in Borneo Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari peran kotoran kumbang dalam asupan nutrisi orang utan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi dan primatologi Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 27 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Balai Penelitian Tuanan) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Nasional (Drs. Imran S. L. Tobing, Msi)

The role of arthropods in facilitating nutrient cycling of orangutan waste in Borneo.

This project is a supplement to Shauhin Alavi’s larger project titled “Nutrients in and nutrients out: diet cognition and nutrient cycling in an orangutan habitat/’ and aims to investigate the role of dung beetles in orangutan facilitated nutrient cycling. To do this, we will combine focal orangutan observations with focal monitoring of orangutan fecal deposits.

The specific objectives of this project are to answer the following questions:

1. What proportion of the dung beetles are from each of the three dung beetle guilds (tunneler, roller, and dweller)? 2. How long does it take the dung beetles to arrive at and transport orangutan fecal deposits 3. Is there variation in dung beetle activity in response to:

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a. wet and dry seasons? b. changes in orangutan diet? c. variation in fecal biomass? 4. How much feces does an average beetle from each guild transport? 5. How far are fecal samples transported and how deep into the topsoil do beetles transport feces? 6. Do any other arthropods contribute to processing orangutan feces? 7. Are any seeds being transported by dung beetles or other arthropods and which species? To accomplish this, this study will do the following: • Complete nest-to-nest focal follows of individuals of various ages and sexes • Track individuals with handheld GPS to determine ranging patterns • GPS all fecal deposits • Using cameras, record dung beetle activity from start to finish Measure the amount of feces location of dung beetle processed feces.

E.24.1. Ms. Isabelle Solange Betancourt Tempat dan tanggal lahir : Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, AS, 12 Juli 1990 Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : Research Assistant Institusi : Rutgers University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat : 111 Maple Ave. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 United States of America

E.25.1. The plant ecological study of tropical rain forest in Gn. Leuser National Park, North Sumatra Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari ekologi di hutan Taman Nasional Gunung Lauser

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Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 30 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Utara (Langkat dan Taman Nasional Gunung Lauser) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Biologi - LIPI (Dr. Ruliyana Susanti)

The plant ecological study of tropical rain forest in Gn. Leuser National Park, North Sumatra In May 2014, we have studied the vegetation at Tangkahan area, Gn. Leuser National Park. We made a 1-ha plot in a lowland dipterocarp forests as shown in previous report. Dipterocarp forests are one of the most diversified vegetation in the world. One plot of 1-ha is not enough. We plan to make another 1-ha plot in Tangkahan area (Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatra Utara).

Since 1982, we have many cooperative studies of plant ecology in Indonesia: Krakatau, Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan. We made nearly 100 plots and their total area was 40ha. But there are less data in northern Sumatra. Then we made a 1-ha plot at Tangkahan, Gn. Leuser National Park, Sumatra Utara. The area is dominated by dipterocarp trees. It is very important area for the conservation of lowland dipterocarp forest. Only one plot of 1-ha is of course not enough to get general feature of the area. Then we plan to make more plot in September, 2014. These data will make contribution for the conservation and management of the National Park.

To protect biodiversity of tropical forests, we need to know the history of the forests. We made many plots in Kalimantan and Java in these 30 years. The measurement of these plots will give us some useful information. The purpose of our research is to detect the forest and biodiversity change from measurements of old plots.

E.25.1. Mr. Eiji Suzuki Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi(Institution) : Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : Earth and Environmental Sciences, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University,Kagoshima 890-0065 Japan

E.26. Perceived land use and tree species values in the Mentebah district, Kapuas Hulu Regency of Western Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survey terhadap penduduk desar tentang pemahaman mereka terhadap lanskap dan penggunaannya Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 18 November 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kapuas Hulu) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tanjungpura (Dr. Farah Diba, S.Hut, M.Si)

Perceived land use and tree species values in the Mentebah district, Kapuas Hulu Regency of Western Kalimantan, Indonesia.

In Indonesia the environmental degradation has been severe during recent decades, the main direct causes are the conversion of forest to agricultural lands, commercial logging, fire and mining. Evidences collected during the past decade indicate that there is a strong relationship between indigenous knowledge, sustainable development, people’s health and proper management of natural resources. The aim of the present contribution is to conduct participatory survey with the villagers, aiming to point out their landscape perceptions, the uses they attribute to different species and land uses in the landscape. A better understanding of the contribution of indigenous knowledge and land uses to biodiversity management is compulsory for better planning of natural resource management.

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E.26.1. Mr. Diego Daniel Aranda Garcia Warga Negara (Nationality) : Meksiko Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Technical University Munich Emai l(email) : [email protected]

Alamat(Address) : School of Forest Science and Resource Management Hans-Carl-von- Carlowitz-Platz 285354 Freising, Germany

E.27. Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential of tropical seagrass meadows, and an in situ carbon dioxide enrichment experiment Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi potensi karbon yang terperangkap dalam padang lamun/ rumput laut Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi pesisir pantai Lama Penelitian : 7(tujuh) bulan, mulai 13 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Pulau Barrang Lompo Kepulauan Spermonde) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Hasanudin (Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sudirman, M.Pi) Abstract In the tropical oceans of the world, seagrass meadows are formed by representatives of the angiosperm families Cymodoceaceae (Thalassodendron, Halodule, Cymodocea, Syringodium) and Hydrocharitaceae (Halophila, Thalassia, Enhalus). While Thalassodendron grows on rocky substrates, the species within the other six genera typically form mixed stands in soft sediments into which they anchor themselves with an extensive system of roots and rhizomes (Green & Short 2003). Seagrass meadows are highly valuable ecosystems which support finfish and invertebrate fisheries, stabilize sediments, improve water quality and store carbon (Hemminga & Duarte 2000, Koch et al. 2006, Kennedy et al. 2010, Barbier et al. 2011, Unsworth et al. 2012).

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The accumulation of refractory organic matter with a high residence time in below- ground deposits was initially described for Thalassodendron ciliatum in the Red Sea (Lipkin 1979), Posidonia australis in South Australia (Shepherd & Sprigg 1976) and Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean (Boudouresque et al. 1980, Romero et al. 1994, Mateo et al. 1997).

Seagrass meadows in general tend to have significantly higher carbon contents than adjacent sediments, with the carbon being derived partly from seagrass production and partly from other sources (trapped particles) (Kennedy et al. 2010). As more and more material is trapped, the seafloor can be raised over time (Duarte et al. 2010, Fourqurean et al. 2012a). On a global average the amount of carbon stored in the top meter of seagrass meadow sediments is similar to that stored in the top meter of soil in terrestrial forests (Fourqurean et al. 2012b). Assuming that in the case of seagrass loss all carbon in the top meter is remineralized, the current decline of seagrass meadows has been estimated to account for

lOO-f all emissions attributed to changes in land use (Fourqurean et al. 2012b).

By being sinks for carbon seagrass meadows increase seawater pH, which increased scleractinian coral calcification in a model of a shallow water reef environment and may enhance coral reef resilience to ocean acidification (Unsworth et al. 2012). Besides suspended particles and carbon dioxide, seagrasses and their epiphytes also remove nutrients and pollutants from the water column and the sediment (Barbier et al. 2011). Insular Southeast Asia has the highest seagrass species diversity, and Indonesia

alone has between 5 and 10^f the global seagrass area (Kuriandewa et al. 2003, Fourqurean et al. 2012b). In spite of that, large knowledge gaps persist and most of what is known about tropical seagrasses stems from research conducted in the Caribbean or Australia (Duarte 1999, Ooi et al. 2011). All the while, Southeast Asian seagrass systems are under increasing pressure due to rapid population and economic growth in the region (Fortes 1988, Waycott et al. 2009).

G.27.1. Ms. Ruth Lewo Mwarabu Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kenya Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Bremen Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : Luisental 29f-9218 28359 BremenGermany

E.28. Health determinate ranging and the consequences on seed dispersal in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbi) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari peran orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) dalam penyebaran benih di Tuanan, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Pusat Penelitian Tuanan, Kapuas) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Nasional Jakarta (Drs. Tatang Mitra Setia, Msi)

Health determinate ranging and the consequences on seed dispersal in Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbi).

Primates are known to be important seed dispersers in forest ecosystems. The seed shadow is directly related to ranging behavior, which in orangutans has been shown to change in response to resource scarcity. Understanding the what drives an animal’s movement is crucial to understanding forest structure and seed dispersal, and understanding the energetic constraints on an animal’s ability to disperse is crucial to developing a predictive understanding of forest dynamics. This study aims to investigate the relationship between primate life history, energetics, seed dispersal, and the implications these may have on conservation.

I will study the role of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) as seed dispersal vectors at Tuanan, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Orangutans are among the least gregarious of the diurnal primates, have very diverse diets, and are among the largest herbivorous mammals at the site which makes them great candidates for investigating ecological questions without the behavioral variables found in the other gregarious great apes. Male and female orangutans are known to exhibit different

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 129 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA forging behaviors based on their differences in energetic constraints, suggesting that different age-sex classes might be constrained differently, therefore may range differently, and ultimately distribute seeds differently. We expect orangutans with fewer energetic constraints to have larger ranges, disperse seeds further, and therefore have a potentially greater impact on forest regeneration and spatial structure.

For this study we will combine behavioral observations, fecal seed collection, and the urinary analysis of ketones, C-peptides, urea, and nitrogen stable isotopes to gain a better understanding of the relationship between primate life history, energetics, and seed dispersal. This will be accomplished by conducting focal orangutan follows, opportunistically collecting feces, and obtaining non-invasive urine samples.

E.28.1. Ms. Andrea Beth Blackburn Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Field Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : Rutgers University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 6529 Stonebrook Dr. Edwards, IL 61528 USA

E.29. Greenhouse gas evasion from streams draining intact and deforested tropical peat swamps Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisa seberapa banyak DOC yang diproses dan dilepaskan dari Sebangau Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 27 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Taman Nasional Sebangau) Mitra Kerja Universitas Palangka Raya (Suwido Limin)

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Abstract In recent years it has become increasingly apparent the important role that tropical peatlands perform as substantial stores of carbon (C) in the global C cycle as both sinks for, and sources of, greenhouse gases (GHGs). Simultaneously, it has been increasingly recognised the importance that fluvial systems play as pathways for the conversion and transport of terrestrial C to both atmosphere and the ocean.

Indonesian peatlands contain 57.4 Pg C (1 Pg = 1 x 10el5 g, or one gigatonne), the global peatland resource. Rivers draining these C-dense peatlands deliver approximately 10 Of the global dissolved organic carbon (DOC) flux to the ocean (17 - 21 Tg y-1). Disturbance, in the form of deforestation, drainage and fire, has been shown to be destabilising peat swamp forest (PSF) ecosystems in Southeast Asia, with £50^ore C being lost to drainage channels compared to intact PSF.

Further, C loss from disturbed PSF is dominated by millenia-old peat layers rather than being of recent photosynthetic origin.

Large quantities of organic C may be being mineralised and outgassed as GHGs before reaching the ocean, but this loss term is yet to be quantified and constitutes a knowledge gap regarding the carbon balance of tropical peatlands in Southeast Asia. Also, increased DOC loading resulting from deforestation, drainage and fires at disturbed peatlands may also promote increased emission of greenhouse gases compared to intact analogues.

This project will follow up on a study in and around the Sebangau (Central Kalimantan), a river that drains both intact and destabilised PSF resulting from the failed Mega Rice Project. Rivers draining these different land use types will be investigated to ascertain whether destabilisation leads to increased GHG outgassing. Further, few studies have addressed the ultimate biogeochemical fate of riverine DOC. This study intends to determine how much DOC is processed in and outgassed by the Sebangau as a whole, and in what form(s) it is delivered to the ocean.

Data gathered for the project should provide valuable information about carbon cycling in tropical peatlands, and also the effect that disturbance has on it.

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E.29.1. Mr. Matthew Simon Morgan Kent Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : The Open University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Gass Building, Earth & Environmental Science, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA United Kingdom

E.30. Effective Utilization of Remote Sensing to Monitor Forest Resource Dynamics for REDD+ as well as to Evaluate Bio-diversity (Safeguard) for a Project in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menunjukkan penerapan penginderaan jauh sesuai persyaratan model REDD+ Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi dan kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Kec. Sukadana, Kab. Kayong Utara; Kec. Matan Hilir Utara dan Nanga Tayap, Kab. Ketapang; Taman Nasional Gunung Palung; dan Universitas Tanjungpura) Mitra Kerja : Magister Ilmu Lingkungan – Universitas Tanjungpura (Prof. Gusti Zakaria Anshari) Abstract Effective Utilization of Remote Sensing to Monitor Forest Resource Dynamics for REDD+ as well as to Evaluate Bio-diversity (Safeguard) for a Project in Gunung Palung National Park, West Kalimantan, Indonesia

A land cover map developed by remote sensing analysis is one of the important data sources to detect forest resource changes. On the other hand, remote sensing analysis is applied not only evaluating the amount of credits derived from REDD+ but also the evaluation of biodiversity to satisfy REDD+ safeguards. Eventually, there are many successful studies to apply remote sensing for the assessment

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of the biomass with a high resolution image data (Yasumasa Hirata, 2012) and Plant community composition as an indicator of biodiversity accompanied by additional ground research (Kanehiro Kitayama, 2012). A land cover map using remote sensing data is expected to play core role, if appropriate ground survey to provide additional and necessary information. In recent years, the result leads some research indicate that forest type categorization will be utilized as a proxy index of biodiversity.

The purpose of this study is to show an applicability of remote sensing to requirements of REDD+ modality, mainly desirable monitoring quality and fruitful information for attainment of safeguard. The major remote sensing output is a land cover map supported by appropriate ground survey in Gunung Palung National Park. The field survey and the remote sensing analysis to detect progress of forest recovery after controlling illegal cutting and the relationship between forest types and diversity of tree species from a safeguard perspective. As a consequence, based on the land cover map established above, developing a methodology of evaluating the biological diversity to judge the degree of safeguard qualitatively and quantitatively. E.31. Mr. Keita Hikichi Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 1-13-12,Okamoto, Kamakura, KANAGAWA, 247- 0072, JAPAN

E.32. Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical Forest of Kalimantan TujuanPenelitian : Menyediakan data untuk mendukung upaya konservasi di wilayah hutan bernilai konservasi tinggi (High Coservation Value) di Kalimantan, Indonesia BidangPenelitian : Ekologi

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Lama Penelitian : 5 (lima) bulan mulai 7 Juli 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalteng (Lab. Alam Gambut Sebangau, Stasiun Penelitian Kalampangan, Baronng Dua, Bawan, TN Bukit Baka Bukit Raya, Gn. Lumut, Kalaweit Hampapak, Hutan Katingan-Mentaya, Mungku Baru, Murung Raya) MitraKerja : CIMTROP Universitas Palangkaraya (Twentinolosa, Ari Purwanto, S.P.) Research to Support Conservation in the Tropical! Forest of Kalimantan Abstract The Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project (OuTrop) is a UK-based research group affiliated to the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), University of Oxford; Department of Geography, University of Leicester; and College of Life and Environmental Science, University of Exeter. Together with scientists from CIMTROP (Centre for International Cooperation in Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatlands), at the University of Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, we conduct research and provide opportunities for development of Indonesian scientists.

Our long-term multi-disciplinary research project aims to provide data to support and enhance locally-led conservation efforts in High Conservation Value Forests in Kalimantan, Indonesia. This will be achieved through studies designed to (i) improve our knowledge of the natural ecology of these forests and resident species’ behaviour; and (ii) elucidate the impacts of human activities on this, including both anthropogenic threats to the ecosystem and forest management activities. These studies will build upon data collected in Kalimantan by OuTrop and CIMTROP team members over the last ten years, enabling us to maintain and extend our existing data sets, and collect new data sets, to continue our analyses of ecosystem change in these important forests and provide information to support conservation policy decisions.

To achieve this, our three-year research programme will incorporate studies on floral and faunal biodiversity and ecological interactions, including trees, birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates; forest structure and dynamics; flagship conservation species, including orang¬utans, gibbons, red langurs and use of camera traps to survey cats; communities; ecosystem services;

134 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 threats to the forest and conservation measures to counter these threats; and trials of the effectiveness of forest regeneration and reforestation techniques.

This research will be conducted primarily in the relatively undisturbed Natural Laboratory for Peat-swamp Forest (NLPSF) and highly-disturbed peat swamps of the Kalampangan Research Station, both in Sabangau, with additional data collected to support these objectives in other High Conservation Value forests in Kalimantan. Using these data from both disturbed and relatively undisturbed forests, we will test hypotheses regarding the influence of anthropogenic threats on forest ecology and biodiversity, providing important insights for conservation managers. Our long-term data collection in the core NLPSF research site is essential for providing baselineinformation on natural processes and variation in the ecosystem, which is necessary for interpreting differences between this and more disturbed areas of forest.

This programme will also bring a number of additional important benefits to Indonesia, including improving the knowledge base and building capacity, through collaborations with Indonesian scientists; training of local post-graduates, students and local community members; providing alternative sustainable economic opportunities in Kalimantan, particularly through employing local research assistants; and promoting and sourcing funds to support the conservation activities led by CIMTROP.

We will produce a series of interim reports on our progress as required by RISTEK and other Indonesian authorities and to feed into the conservation management of the Sabangau Forest and our other study areas, plus a final report on the state of the Sabangau Forest and some specific management recommendations to be submitted to relevant parties in Indonesia within 3 months of the end of the research project.

G.32.1. Mr. Joey R.C. Markx Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : HAS University of Applied Sciences Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Karreweg-Noord 19 – 5995 MG Kessel, The Nedherlands

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E.32.2. Ms. Suzanne Emily Turnock Warga Negara (Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Oxford Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Sthemount, Wallasey, Wirral, CH44 1AY E.32.3. Mr. Bernat Ripoll Capilla WargaNegara(Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan(Position) : Individual Researcher Institusi(Institution) : OuTrop, WildCRU, University of Oxford Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Corsega 544 4t.4a, 08025, Spain

E.33. Field experiment for fine scale mapping and monitoring of mangrove habitats in Bali Tujuan Penelitian : Mengumpulkan data penting untuk karakteristik kondisi lingkungan yang ada dan juga untuk penafsiran citra penginderaan jauh di kawasan bakau Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 10 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Jembrana dan Klungkung) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Prof. Dr. Ir. Ngurah N. Wiadnyana) Urban Development and Social Integration in Indonesia: a Long Term Perspective Objectives Each Indonesian city has its own long-term history covering social and cultural diversity derived from mobility of people and goods, which could be assets for urban people living there. Various aspects of their historical urban assets must contribute to form and maintain social integration that brings about resilience of the society against drastic globalization and transformation in the future.

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In this context, the research sets two main objectives as follows’

1) To shed light on various aspects of urban development in the history such as economic activities, mobility of people, infrastructure and built environment. 2) To investigate wisdom of urban societies that is meaningful to promote social integration and to create urban historical assets.

Methodology: This historical research is having wide scope for investigation of several cities that had played important roles of trading centers. Meanwhile, considering continuity of our former research and the early stages of this new project, we chose Jakarta (Batavia in colonial times) as the first main research object, which is the biggest trading city in modern times in the Archipelago.

Ryuto Shimada, the leader of the research team will supervise the team and manage collaboration with the counterparts, the research team led by Dr. Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan, Professor at the University of Indonesia. In addition, Shimada will focus his historical research on cities as trading centers in the Indonesian Archipelago in pre-modern and modern eras.

Yasuo Uemura will investigate why and how Jakarta established its position of the primate city, focusing the economy of the city Batavia and its hinterlands in the late colonial period. He emphasizes industries, networks of the communication and commerce between the city and its hinterlands.

Hiroshi Izumikawa will study on business network among multi-ethnic merchants and traders and emergence of Indonesian national economy in 1930s. He deals with both formal and informal networks of them using the concept of commodity chain that covers the range from producers to consumers.

Finally, Hiroko Matsuda will do research on change of built environment in Batavia- Jakarta since the beginning of the 20th century until 1960s. She will be able to show how urban spaces had been formed in relation to the water management and how Indonesian engineers made plans to combine the water management and housing development.

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E.33.1. Dr. Ryuto Shimada Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : Associate Professor Institusi(Institution) : University of Tokyo Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Maeji 1-14-12-505, Urawa-ku, Saitama, 330-0053, Japan E.33.2. Ms. Maria Juliana Prosperi Warga Negara(Nationality) : Italia Jabatan(Position) : Senior Botanist & applied informatics Institusi(Institution) : CIRAD - Agricultural research for development - UMR AMAP Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Boulevard de la Lironde - TA A-51/PS2 34398 Montpellier cedex 5France E.33.3. Mr.Christophe René Jean-Louis Proisy Warga Negara(Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan(Position) : Scientist Institusi(Institution) : Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, UMR AMAP Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : UMR AMAP, c/o CIRAD, TA A51 PS2, Boulevard de la Lironde, 34398Montpellier, France

G.34. Spatial distribution of marine resources use in Spermonde Archipelago Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi pola-pola utama distribusi lokasi penangkapan ikan di kepulauan Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 10 November 2014 (month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar, Maros, Kep. Spermonde, Pangkajene) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan - Unhas (Prof. Ir. Jamaluddin Jompa, M.Sc., Ph.D) Abstract The Study will take place on three to five islands in the Spermonde archipelago located off the coast of Makassar in the province of South Sulawesi. Its goal is to identify principal patterns of fishing grounds distribution resp. selection in the archipelago. To achieve this, three different approaches will be conducted: 1. Local fishermen will be interviewed, to learn about their experience and decision- making when choosing daily fishing grounds and gear. 2. Boats of fishermen who agree to this will be equipped with GPS trackers for one day to follow their route. 3. The quantity of the catch, the types of species caught and gear used for fishing will be observed, recorder and categorized for as many incoming boats per day as possible; The data obtained is going to be used to parameterize a fishery simulation model of the Spermonde archipelago. No specimen or samples will be retrieved or taken abroad for this study.

G.34.1. Mr. Johannes Alexander Leins Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Research Assistant Institusi (Institution) : Leibniz Center For Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Waterloostrasse 56, 28201 Bremen, Bremen Germany

G.35. Aboveground patterns of biodiversity and associated ecosystem processes across tropical rainforest transformations Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari pola kekayaan spesies pada sistem penggunaan lahan yang berbeda Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 Februari 2014 (month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas, Hutan Hujan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Yeni A. Mulyani, Dr. Damayanti Buchori, Dr. Rika Raffiudin, Idham H. Harahap), UNJA (Dwi Ristyadi, Fuad Nurdiansyah, S.P.) Abstract The project aims at understanding differences among rainforest transformation systems in terms of taxonomical and functional aboveground animal diversity as well as associated ecological functions and services.We use sound recorders (Song Meter, Wildlife acoustics) to record animal sounds in the core plots.To estimate economic and cultural services, we carry out a bird survey in Jambi city’s bird shops using a collaborative method. To determine bird and ant ecological functions, we constructed exclosures in young oil palm plantations. We will do bird feeding experiments coupled with camera traps to determine bird diets. The research will be implemented in Jambi Province in Sumatra, with the fastest and most complete transformation of tropical lowland rainforest.

G.35.1. Mr. Kevin Felix Arno Darras Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August University of Göettingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Albrecht Taer Weg 22C-01, 37075 Göettingen Germany

G.36. What are the factors determining the dynamics and ecological functions of homegardens in Southern Jambi Province, Sumatra? Tujuan Penelitian : Menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi struktur, fungsi, dinamika, dan intensitas manajemen tanaman pekarangan (homegarden) serta dampak faktor-faktor tersebut pada fungsi ekologis penyerbuk invertebrata dan predator di Jambi Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi

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Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Januari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Kabupaten Sarolangun, Kabupaten Batanghari, TN Bukit Dua Belas, dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja (Counterpart) : IPB (Dr. Idham Sakti Harahap) Research Context Homegardens are agroforestry systems worldwide distributed along the tropics of multistory annual, perennial and semi-perennial crops, located in the surroundings of the dwellings (Kumar & Nair, 2006). Despite sustainability of homegardens is widely debated, most researchers acknowledge the importance of these traditional systems in the economy and food security of the poorest households (Kumar & Nair, 2004). Moreover, studies have demonstrated that homegardens may also act as providers of ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration, in situ conservation of agrodiversity, increment of soil fertility and reduction of soil erosion (Roshetko et. al., 2002; Huai & Hamilton, 2009; Galluzzi et. al., 2010). Recently, the concern about homegardens future, and its possible extinction, has increased (Kumar & Nair, 2006). Different factors are leading to the disappearance of homegardens and its reduction in agrodiversity. Some of these factors are emigration of household members, lack of interest and poor knowledge of management practices, socioeconomic pressures, intensification of landuse systems, among others (Huai & Hamilton, 2009). Researchers have studied the relation between urban-market pressures and the homegarden dynamics. Some findings are that homegarden structure and intensity of management has a strong bind with the remoteness to urban-market areas: plant diversity decreases while intensification increases the closer the homegarden is located to an urban center (Wezel and Ohl, 2005). Thus, the homegarden function tends to change from a home consumption to cash crop production oriented system. The aim of this study will be to determine the factors affecting homegarden structure, function, dynamics, and intensity of management, as well as the impact of such factors on the ecological function of invertebrate pollinators and predators in southern Jambi Province, Indonesia.

Research Objectives - To contrast different villages and household types, and their impact on homegarden structure, function, dynamics, and intensity of management

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- To measure variations in pollinator and predator diversity between villages and household types.


Study site The study will be conducted on the villages located in the surroundings of the two landscapes areas (Bukit Duabelas, and Harapan) of the CRC990 research project, in the Jambi Province, Indonesia.

Selection of Villages and household types An initial pre-survey will be conducted in order to evaluate the suitable villages and the households participating in the main survey. Coordinates of the villages and households will be recorded by the use of a GPS devise. Semi-structured interviews to the household�s head will be conducted and information regarding socioeconomic aspects and years of homegarden will be collected. The total household as well as homegarden size will be estimated. At the end the pre- survey, the data collected will be evaluated to set up household types (e.g. auto vs allochtonous households, distance to oil palm plantations and market areas, occupation of household head, age of homegarden).

Main Survey During the second survey 1) structural and 2) functional characteristics, 3) management practices, and 4) homegarden dynamics will be recorded.

Structural characteristics Parameters such as total plant density and identity will be measured. Grasses and cover crops will be counted only for presence. Ornamental plants will be discarded from the survey. Local names will be recorded with the help of the household head, and picture of plants will be taken. Later on, scientific names of plants will be recorded with the help of available literature from Jambi/Bogor University. Species richness and evenness will be further analyzed using the Shannon and Simpson diversity index.

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Functional characteristics The productions orientation of the main crops (most abundant) will be recorded, in order to determine the functional characteristics of the homegarden. The household will be asked whether the production of the main crops is home consumption or market oriented. The percentage of market and home consumption oriented crops in the homegarden will be calculated.

Management practices The intensity of management will be assessed by recording in detail the management practices of the most common and preferred species (e.g. cassava, chili, banana, coconut tree, etc.). To assess management practices, semi-structured interviews to the household head will be conducted. Management activities throughout the crop season, as well as external and internal inputs will be recorded.

Homegarden dynamics Changes within the last years in homegarden size, vegetation structure (e.g. introduction of new species, changes in arrangement and species composition), production orientation (cash crop to home consumption, and vice versa), and evolution of use of inputs will be recorded. Semi-structured interviews to the household head will be conducted to determine the homegarden dynamics.

Invertebrate survey An invertebrate survey in the homegarden will be conducted, to assess the ecological functions of predators and pollinators. For this matter, pan traps and dummy caterpillars will be placed in the homegardens for capturing pollinators, and pest predators respectively. In the laboratory, Invertebrates samples will be identified to morphospecies and where possible morphospecies will be given species names. Pollinator and predator richness, abundance and evenness will be analyzed by using the Shannon and Simpson diversity index. Variations in diversity and abundance will be contrasted within the villages and household types.

E.36.1. Mr. Manuel Toledo Hernandez Warga Negara (Nationality) : Meksiko Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Goettingen

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Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Rastenburger Weg 2, 37083, Göetingen – Germany

E.37. Terrestrial LiDAR and 3D tree modelling for quantification of biomass and characterization of forest structural changes due to selective logging in tropical forest of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Menghitung perubahan biomas dan karakterisasi struktur hutan akibat penebangan selektif di hutan tropis di Kalteng dengan menggunakan LIDAR darat dan 3D Tree Modelling Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 3(tiga) bulan, mulai 15 Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalteng (Kotawaringin Timur di Desa Terantang Hilir) Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP - Universitas Palangkaraya (Dr. Suwido H. Limin, M.S.) Abstract Biomass estimation is needed for Carbon accounting, however biomass can only be directly measured through destructive sampling which implies a strong impact on the ecosystem and is very costly. A novel alternative method developed by the researchers partners of this study consist in the use of the unpaired capability of Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning (TLS) to reconstruct the 3D structure of a forest for biomass estimation in a non-destructive approach. The novel approach consist in direct measurement of forest structure without relying on allometric equations by directly measuring wood volume from modeling tree architecture reconstructed from TLS data (Raumonen et al. 2013) and converted to biomass using the specific wood density (Calders et al. 2013).

The aim of this research is to develop novel methods to characterize forest changes in tropical forest by integrating new technological advances in active remote sensing (Terrestrial LIDAR) with satellite remote sensing data. The focus is on characterizing the changes in the biomass for estimation of Carbon emissions for REDD+ and changes in the forest structure (mostly changes in the light penetration through the forest canopy). These structural changes result in changes in the

144 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 reflectivity response of the canopy to electromagnetic radiation that is captured by the remote sensors. The study of the relation between the changes observed by the remote sensors and the changes in biophysical properties characterized by the near sensors seeks to develop a parameter retrieval system by model inversions from remote sensing data.

Three independent sources of data sets will be acquired for this purpose: forest inventory data, near sensing data (including Terrestrial LiDAR and Hemispherical pictures of the canopy) and near remote sensing data with an hyperspectral camera.

Forest inventory plots of 30 × 40 m will be installed around each tree to be harvested. All live trees, palms, lianas, and standing snags with diameter (at 1.3 m or above buttresses) ≥ 10 cm willbe measured before the tree felling, using the Winrock protocol (Winrock 2007) and species will be identified by experienced botanists. Stem height will be measured with laser hypsometer. Total height, height of the first branch, and crown width in two directions (N/S and E/W) will be measured on each crop tree. After the crop tree felled, another inventory will be conducted to assess the damage.

Terrestrial LiDAR Scans (TLS) will be performed in the plots before and after harvest to reconstruct in 3D the forest structure and perform structural metrics. TLS data will be acquired using a Riegl VZ 400 scanner (RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH, Austria).

Hemispherical photographs of the canopy will be acquired with a Nikon Coolpix 8700 camera, fitted with an FC-E9 Fisheye lens (180 degrees field of view).

The main results of this research will be i) the estimation of changes in the Carbon stock of the forest, distinguishing between biomass loss in the harvest and the loss due to collateral damage, ii) the estimation of changes in biophysical properties: changes in vertical strata, opening of gaps in the canopy horizontal continuity and increase of overall forest gap fraction, iii) the estimation of changes of reflective spectral response of the land cover representing the degradation, iv) the modeling of the relationship between the biophysical parameters measured from proximate sensors (TLS) and the degradation indexes derived by remote sensors.

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E.37.1. Mr. Jose Gonzalez De Tanago Warga Negara( Nationality) : Spanyol Jabatan (Position) : Doctoral Research Scientist Institusi (Institution) : Wageningen University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Droevendaallsesteeg 3 Gaia, Building number 101, 6708 PB Wageningen , The Netherlands E.37.2. Mr. Juha Markus Suomalainen Warga Negara (Nationality) : Finlandia Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Research Scientist Institusi (Institution) : Wageningen University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands E.37.3. Mr. Darius Samuel Culvenor Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Manager and Lead Scientist Institusi (Institution) : Wageningen University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 16 Mawby Road, Bentleigh East Victoria, 3165 Australia E.37.4. Mr. Alvaro Ivan Lau Sarmiento Warga Negara (Nationality) : Peru Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Wageningen University, the Netherlands Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Commandeursweg 500-409. 6721ZN Bennekom, The Netherlands

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E.38. Evaluation of the carbon sequestration potential of tropical seagrass meadows, and an in situ carbon dioxide enrichment experiment Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi potensi karbon yang terperangkap dalam padang lamun/ rumput laut Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi pesisir pantai Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 6 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (Pulau Barrang Lompo Kepulauan Spermonde) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Hasanudin (Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Sudirman, M.Pi) Abstract Being sinks for carbon seagrass meadows increase seawater pH, which increased scleractinian coral calcification in a model of a shallow water reef environment and may enhance coral reef resilience to ocean acidification (Unsworth et al. 2012). Besides suspended particles and carbon dioxide, seagrasses and their epiphytes also remove nutrients and pollutants from the water column and the sediment (Barbier et al. 2011). The purpose of this research is to fill the large knowledge gaps about South East Asia seagrass populations using already verified models of tropical seagrasses stems from research conducted in the Caribbean or Australia (Duarte 1999, Ooi et al. 2011). In a selected seagrass meadow near the Marine Biological Station on Barrang Lompo Island, submerged clear open-top mesocosms will be installed. Dissolved pCO2 concentrations will be elevated by pumping surrounding sea water which has been enriched with CO2 into the mesocosms. The experiment will be run for a period of 2 x 3 months to include both the Southeast monsoon (dry season) and the Northwest monsoon (wet season). We aim to continuously replicate forecasts for 2100 throughout the duration of the experiment.

G.38.1. Mr. Leonardo Calderón Obaldia Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kosta Rika Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Rheinische friedrich-wilhelms-universität bonn Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Wolfstrasse 29, 53111 Bonn, Germany.

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E.38.2Ms. Simona Laukaityte Warga Negara (Nationality) : Lithuania Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI) Wadden Sea Station,Hafenstrasse 43, 2592 List / SyltGermany

E.1. Sustainable knowledge co-creation and integrated environmental management in high-pollutant loading area of Southeast Asia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari dan mencari pengetahuan tentang cara hidup masyarakat di daerah tercemar merkuri di Gorontalo Utara Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara) Mitra Kerja(Counterpart) : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo (Dr. Rer.nat Mohamad Jahja, M.Si)

The pollution of air, soil and water has recently becomethe focus of great attentionas a result of economic development and increased population in Eastand Southeast Asiawith mercury pollution being one of the most important problems in this region. Recent investigations by the U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP) have highlighted the seriousness of mercury pollution in developing countries and its deleterious effect onhuman health and the environment. One of the main contributors to mercury pollution is artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM), where mercury is used to refine gold. More than 20 million people are involved in ASGM globally, including more than 5 million women and children. The mercury pollution produced during ASGM indirectly affects more than 100 million people worldwide. The amount of mercury used by ASGM in East Asia, including China, Vietnam, the Philippines, and lndonesia,increases every year, adding to the mercury pollution of ecosystems in these areas, as well as contributing to the global problem.

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The Minamata Convention on Mercury was adopted by 92 signatory nations in Minamata City on 10 October 2013; this convention is the result of work by UNEP on global mercury pollution since 2001, with an initial world mercury assessment in 2002, and initial negotiations by governmental committees (INQthe intergovernmental negotiating committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury) that started in 2009. This convention is a decisive step that covers the entire production, use, discharge, and abandonment life cycle of mercury, and provides comprehensive regulations that should reduce theimpact of mercury on human health and the environment. However, although global concern over mercury pollution is increasing, the amount of mercury used globally is also increasingyear-on-year, with a particularly rapid increase in the amount of mercury used by ASGM in developing countries. This is primarily the result of increasing poverty-related problems caused by the rapid economic growth of developing countries, leading to rapid inflation and an increase in the number of people living in poverty.

There is significant concern on the impact of mercury pollution on human health and ecosystems in the Republic of Indonesia. A number of cooperative studies were undertaken between 2010 and 2012 by Ehime University, Indonesian universities, local governments, and a mining company, revealing that mercury concentrations in the hair of people inhabiting mercury-polluted areas reach a maximum of ]3000 ppm, with some areas having average concentrations more than 10 times that of the Japanese population. In addition, metal miners in these areas have developed a mercury-related condition similar to Minamata disease. This indicates that mercury pollution is having a significant impact on ecosystems and human health in areas surrounding ASGM activity in Indonesia.

E.1.1. Sayaka Takakura Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Academic Vorunteer Institusi (Institution) : Ehime University, Japan Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 4-13-22 tsutsujiga-oka, Nagasaki-city, Nagasaki- pref, 851-0102, JAPAN

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E.2. Local Perspectives on Degraded Land Strategy Tujuan Penelitian : Menghitung emisi gas rumah kaca yang terkait dengan perluasan lahan pertanian Bidang Penelitian : Lingkungan hidup Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 6 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian(Research Location) : Kalimantan Tengah (Palangkaraya) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Pertanian - IPB (Dr. Ir Darmawan)

Local Perspectives on Indonesias Degraded Land Strategy

Globally our society faces the challenge of increasing agricultural production while minimizing negative consequences on natural resources, including forest ecosystems and the global climate. Indonesia, which has pledged to double production of several major agricultural commodities while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) caused by deforestation and peat land conversion, exemplifies this challenge. One proposed way to achieve both objectives is through a degraded land strategy, which emphasizes shifting agricultural expansion from forests to low carbon non-forest lands.

This strategy is seen as a potential win-win solution that will allow the country to benefit from agricultural revenues while preventing acute environmental consequences. However, the relationship between agricultural expansion and carbon stocks and fluxes is poorly understood on many land cover types, limiting our understanding of potential GHG mitigation at a landscape scale. In collaboration with Indonesian colleagues, my goal is to quantify the GHG emissions associated with agricultural expansion on a range of land cover types.

E.2. 1. Ms. Kemen George Austin Warga Negara : Amerika Serikat Jabatan : PhD student Institusi : Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment Email : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 813 Lancaster St. Apt. 2, Durham, NC 27701USA

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E3. Long-term Socioeconomic Dynamics of the Oil Palm Farmers in Riau Province Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji perubahan sosio ekonomi yang dialami para petani terkait dengan pertumbuhan sektor kelapa sawit Bidang Penelitian : Sosio Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulanmulai 12 Juni 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Pekanbaru, Rokan Hilir, Siak, Kampar, Kuantan Sengingi) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Riau (Gulat M.E. Manurung, S.P., M.P.) Abstract It has been about 30 years since the oil palm plantation sector was off and running in Riau province. This research tries to investigate dynamically the long-term socioeconomic changes of the farmers in Riau province related to the growth of oil palm plantation sector. The most distinctive feature of this research is that it collects systematically the data concerning the long-term changes of their livelihood and agricultural activities and analyses these data using the concepts and methodology of life course studies. It is expected that this kind of dynamic analysis of the long- term changes will provide new insights into the efforts to improve and stabilize socioeconomic conditions of the oil palm farmers in a long-term perspective.

E.3.1. Dr. Junji Nagata Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : The University of Tokyo Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902

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E.3.2. Agricultural Adaptations of Voluntary Javanese and Balinese Migrants in Central Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari bagaimana petani kecil yang berasal dari Jawa dan Bali di Kalimantan berhasil mengadaptasi cara bertani dari tempat asal mereka di ekosistem yang berbeda sehingga dapat meningkatkan sustainabilitas pangan lokal Bidang Penelitian : Sosio Ekologi Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulanmulai 9 Juni 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Bogor), Kalteng (Palangkaraya) Mitra Kerja : FISIP UI (Dr. Tony Rudyansjah, M.A.) Abstract Many have voluntarily left Central and West Java and Bali over the past several decades in search of new land for agricultural cultivation. Thousands have taken up residence in Central Kalimantan, in the capital city of Palangkaraya and in the surrounding area. In this project, I will research historical agricultural techniques practiced by smallholder farmers in Java and Bali, with a focus on rice and vegetable/fruit crops. I will then conduct qualitative interviews, oral histories, and participant observation in Central Kalimantan among farmers of Javanese and Balinese origin and also among Dayak farmers to understand how Javanese and Balinese agricultural practices are being implemented in and adapted to this new environment. I will also see how Javanese and Balinese farmers have learned from and influenced Dayak agricultural practices in the region, creating hybrid cultivation techniques for rice and vegetables/fruit that are best suited to this environment and thus contribute to local, long-lasting food sustainability.

E.3.2. Ms. Jennifer Elaine Goldstein Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi (Institution) : University of California, Los Angeles Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1255 Bunche Hall, Box 951524

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A.1. BetweenInternationalism and Localism: REDD+ and Multilevel Governance in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji implementasi program REDD+ di level multigovernmental Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalteng (Sukamara, Lamandau, Kotawaringin Barat, Seruyan, Kotawaringin Timur, Katingan, Palangkaraya, Pulau Pisau, Gunung Mas, Kapuas, Murung Raya, Barito Utara, Timur dan Selatan) dan Kaltim (Pontianak, Singkawang, Sambas, Bengkawang, Pontianak, Ketapang, Landak, Sanggau, Sekadau, Sintang, Melawi, Kapuas Hulu, Kayong Utara dan Kubu Raya) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Prof. Rizaldi Boer) Abstract The research will document the language and oral traditions of Palu’e Island, Flores, and historicise the island Palu’e, in the regional context of the Flores Sea. Palu’e Island will be used as a hub through which a web of historical contacts will be drawn by using the sea as a unifying principle. The method is documentary and comparative, and will make use of audio-recorded interviews gathered from peoples’ memories and oral traditions. Narratives of the past, especially concerning trade, war and travels, will be gathered from various sources on Palu’e and Flores. Oral history will be compared with primarily Dutch archival records. What forms the views on the past take will be examined. Do indigenous narratives relate to colonialist and nationalist narratives, and how from a post-colonial point of view?

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A.1.1. Ms. Anna Jeanne Power Sanders Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : PhD student researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of Melbourne Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 221 Bouverie Street Carlton Victoria 3053, Australia

A.2. Multi-level governance, REDD+ and synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari proses kebijakan yang terkait dengan mitigasi dan adaptasi hutan dapat diintegrasikan untuk memberikan pengurangan emisi efektif Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bogor), Jawa Tengah (Semarang dan Wonogiri), Kalimantan Barat (Pontianak dan Kapuas Hulu) Mitra Kerja : Institut Pertanian Bogor (Prof. Dodik Nurrochmat) Abstract This research project seeks to understand the extent to which policy processes related to forest mitigation and adaptation should be integrated at different scales in order to deliver effective emission reductions from forest and reduction of vulnerability. It identifies existing governance constraints to such integration and explores how they can be overcome. The study is undertaken in two countries that contain among the most extensive remaining tropical forests in the world, Brazil and Indonesia.

The proposed research addresses the following questions:

1. What is the evidence about the main synergies and trade-offs between forest mitigation and adaptation in Brazil and Indonesia?

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2. How can multi-level policy processes better exploit existing synergies between forest mitigation and adaptation (while recognising existing trade-offs)? 3. How can existing political constraints to such integration be overcome and existing opportunities for integration be realised? This research contributes to the knowledge on multi-level forest governance as well as on climate change mitigation and adaptation. In examining the governance constraints and opportunities for integration, it aims to inform ongoing global and national policy processes about how to improve effectiveness of policy formulation and implementation.

A.2.1. Ms. Monica Di Gregorio Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Lecturer Institusi (Institution) : University of Leeds Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : University of Leeds School of Earth & Environment, (North wing) Bld 84 LeedsLS2 9JT, United Kingdom

A.3. Linking Sattelite data and field measures to determine the effect of land use change and climate variability on carbon emissions in tropical peatlands Tujuan Penelitian : Mengukur emisi Carbon sebagai dampak perubahan penggunaan lahan dengan menggunakan data satelit dan pengukuran data di lapangan Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. Kotawaringin) Mitra Kerja : Badan Litbang Kehutanan (Dr. Haruni Krisnawati)

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Abstract Tropical peat swamp forest ecosystems combine high primary productivity with the capacity to conserve tremendous amounts of organic carbon in waterlogged soils. In recent years, Indonesia’s peatlands have come under increasing pressure from the expansion of oil palm and pulp wood plantations. Rapid conversion of peat swamp forests to other uses in Indonesia has transformed this important terrestrial carbon sink into a net source of greenhouse gas emissions. My research will focus on forest to oil palm transitions in Indonesian peatlands, with the aim of improving understanding of carbon dynamics and CO2 Emissions in tropical peatlands as a function of land use change and climate variability on monthly, seasonal and inter annual timescales. My research will be implemented by a two fold approach that links measurements of CO2 Fluxes and biophysical parameters on the ground with remote sensing (RS) data.

A.3.1. Ms. Erin Elizabeth Swails Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : University Virginia Department of Environmental Sciences Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 207 stribling Avenue Apt 3 Charlottesville vA 22903, USA

A.4. Layered Functions of Goods and Services Provided by Tropical Forests on Mitigation of Rural Poverty Tujuan Penelitian : Menjelaskan posisi kebijakan dan manajemen kehutanan terhadap masyarakat miskin pedesaan Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 13Agustus 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang dan Kayong Utara) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB (Prof. Lilik Budi Prasetyo)

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Abstract Indonesia has been the second largest forest loss country after Brazil, and deforestation is still big issue though the rate is decreasing. On the other hand, half of total population in Indonesia lived on less than 2 dollar a day, and poverty mitigation remains a matter of the highest domestic priority. Especially agricultural marginal areas surrounding forests in Java have formed deprived areas, and therefore goods and services provided by forests are expected to function in poverty mitigation. Another focal point of our research is livelihood of degraded forest areas. Whether such logged over and encroached forests still function in supporting local livelihood will be examined along with forests in Java under extremely high population pressure.

This study aims: 1) To clarify how forest policy and management positions the rural poor in their framework 2) To identify the characteristics of forest dependency in different forest and social types 3) To examine appropriate methods to utilize the forest for poverty mitigation

Secondary data collection on laws and regulations related to forest and forestry and on production and trade will be carried out at relevant government organizations. Interview survey based on the questionnaire will be conducted at a plantation forest in Java and a natural forest and protected area outside Java to find how forest policy and management involve local people, and contribution of forest to local people’s livelihood.

A.4.1. Mr. Shota Yanagisawa Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Master’s course student Institusi (Institution) : University of Tsukuba Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Tennopai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

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A.5. Improving governance, policy and institutional arrangements to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) Tujuan Penelitian : Mengembangkan instrumen pengelolaan kebijakan guna mengurangi emisi karbon dalam rangka REDD+ Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 6(enam) bulan, mulai 18 Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta dan Kalteng (Palangkaraya, Kapuas, Mantangai Hulu, Kalumpang, Katimpun, Katunjung, Tumbang Mangkutup, Tumbang Muroi, Lapetan and Petak Puti) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perubahan Iklim dan Kebijakan Balitbanghut (Dr. Kirsfianti L. Ginoga) Abstract Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) has become a core part of global, and Indonesia’s, efforts to reduce emissions, avoid climate change and protect the remaining forest reserves. Ensuring that smallholders engage in and benefit from the implementation of REDD+ projects has become a key component of research and policy discussion about REDD+ projects. Whilst there has been considerable research into the potential challenges of creating effective, efficient and equitable REDD+, there has been less research drawn from existing REDD+ projects and how they have sought to benefit smallholders. This research seeks to address this gap, by investigating the process of engaging with smallholders and the benefits (financial and non-financial) received by smallholders from the REDD+ pilot project, the Kalimantan Forest Carbon Project (KFCP). The aim of this research is to better understand REDD+ projects and how they can be designed to enhance the benefits to smallholders. This is important because the Indonesian government and other organisations have expressed interest to pursue activities in the area of the KFCP and the success of such projects will be dependent on the ability to benefit smallholders.

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A.5.1. Ms. Fiona Downs Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : WEH Stanner Building (#37) The Australian National University Canberra 0200 ACT ACT, Australia. A.6. Enhancing smallholder benefits from Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Tujuan Penelitian : Meningkatkan kemanfaatan program REDD bagi rumah tinggal kecil Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Agustus 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau dan Kalteng Mitra Kerja(Counterpart) : Puslitbang Perubahan Iklim dan Kebijakan (Puspijak), Kemhut (Dr Kirsfianti L Ginoga) Abstract The overall aim of the research project is to conduct research to support the development and monitoring of policy and institutional arrangements at the national, provincial and local levels to facilitate the effective implementation of REDD+, and the equitable distribution of its benefits to communities. The specific objectives of Dr Suich are to (i) Identify options to protect smallholder interests in benefit sharing mechanisms; and (ii) Enhance the design and performance of REDD+ policies and activities.

The specific research questions that will be addressed are:

1. How do payments for ecosystem service schemes affect smallholders’ livelihoods, risk management strategies, vulnerability and resilience? How might the lessons learned from these schemes be relevant for REDD+? 2. What incentives are likely to encourage smallholders’ participation in PES schemes for REDD+ located on state forest land allocated to them under community forestry regulations?

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3. What can be learned from environmental policy experience in Indonesia and internationally that could enhance the performance of REDD+ policies and activities?

A.6.1. Ms. Helen Catherine Suich Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Crawford School of Public Policy, Lennox Crossing Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200

A.7. Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations Tujuan Penelitian : Menginvestigasi bagaimana terrain mem­ pengaruhi mortalitas dan kesehatan kelapa sawit dan tanaman lainnya Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga)bulanmulai 7 Juli2014 (month,startingfrom) DaerahPenelitian : Jambi MitraKerja : IPB (Dr. Leti Sundawati) Abstract Commonly it is assumed that, when natural forests are cleared, all forest functions and services are lost. Against this background, natural forest conservation would be the only way to preserve these functions and services. However, given increasing human demand for food, feed, fiber and other natural resources, complete conservation is not realistic in many settings and might also not be required from an ecological perspective. Ecological and economic goals are interrelated in a complex way. Investigation of our proposed research in of Sub-Project B11 will contribute knowledge to these complex relations to find out optimal synergies benefiting both sites. The enrichment planting experiment intends to systematically vary the species richness (one to six species) and identity of trees within oil palm plantations.

The intended research activities contribute to the research component 1: FLORA, Botanical monitoring of experimental plots: Growth, survivorship and successional

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dynamics, investigated by doctoral researcher Anne Gérard, research permit issued by 25 March 2014 (740/FRP/SM/III/2014).

Research will focus on 1. Cartographic relief depiction of the study area’s topography 2. Investigation how the terrain (topographic position, the altitude and the cardinal orientation of the plots) is influencing the mortality and fitness of oil palms and the experimentally planted local tree species of the plots within the study area 3. Determination of the study area’s tree canopy density. Main instrument will be measurement of the canopy openness with hemispherical photographs.

A.7.1. Mr. Robin Victor Naumann Jabatan(Position) : Master Student Institusi(Institution) : GoettingenUniversity Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : AnnastraBe 5b, 37075 Goettingen, Germany

A.8. Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations and forests in Sumatra, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari hubungan kepentingan ekonomi dan ekologi dapatdiimbangi dengan pengayaan perkebunanvariasi jenis pohon asli diperkebunan kelapa sawit monokultur Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : PT. HUMUSINDO, Kampung Bungku, Desa Batanghari, Hutan Harapan, Provinsi Jambi Mitra Kerja : Institut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. Prijanto Pamoengkas)

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Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations Anthropogenic demands for land use and natural resources are increasing with potentially far reaching consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services. The subproject B11 of the Collaborative Research Centre 990 “Efforts” investigates how economic and ecological interests might be balanced by enrichment plantations of a variation of native tree species in a monoculture oil palm plantation. To this end, 52 experimental plots have been established in PT Humusindo.

During September until December, we will investigate species diversity and turnover identified from collected seeds as well as differences in dispersal-related seed traits in forests fragments and along a forest-distance gradient in PT Humusindo, at the oil palm plantation (PT Humusindo) and rainforest (Harapan forest).

Seeds will be collected in traps in forest, forest fragments and oil palm plantation (sample areas). Eight sampling sites of four seed traps will be randomly distributed across each sampling area. The minimum distance between sample sites will be 85m. All traps will be emptied every two weeks. Collected seeds will be assigned to morpho-species and if possible identified to species level. Furthermore all seeds and trap content will be measured and weighed. Results will be statistically evaluated using “R”.

A.8.1. Ms. Birte Cordts Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected], office.assistant.bogor@ Alamat (Address) : Schwartauer Str.119a, 23611 Sereetz +49451/391374 , Germany

A.9. Participatory Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) in Indonesia: Addressing the Scales Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami organisasi sosial pedesaan dan hubungannya dengan hutan dan mengidentifikasi cara-cara penduduk setempat memantau faktor-

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faktor pendorong pengrusakan dan degradasi hutan Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 13 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bogor) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Gadjah Mada, Fakultas kehutanan (Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko, S.Hut., M.Sc) Abstract Implementation of REDD+ at national scale requires coherence with sub-national level and accuracy of the local level to monitor carbon stock and forest degradation or deforestation; especially in Indonesia where the forest covered territories are very width and extremely diverse. The MRV system (Measurement, Reporting, and Verification) could be a powerful tool to support REDD+. However, to diminish cost of expensive and repetitive carbon measurement campaign, participatory MRV system by involving local people could be an asset. They have the best knowledge of their forest and territory and their reliability could be useful at measuring and reporting. In order, to develop this participatory MRV system, we need to have a close look at the local scale, and how local people are actually monitoring their forest.

This research aims to identify the possible participation of local people in the MRV system and evaluate their monitoring accuracy and usefulness for measurement of carbon stock and drivers of forest changes, and degradation. This research will first try to understand the local communities relations to and dependency on forest, through village surveys. This knowledge on how they monitor forest changes will support discussions on carbon measurement and on the kind of incentive necessary to ensure local participation to the implementation of participatory MRV system. This study at local level is the basis to build accurate, effective and equitable MRV system.

Extensive amount of data have been collected through social survey, interviews, group discussions as well as map building of forest cover through two field works in August and October 2013, in two communities of the Mamberamo-Raya regency in Papua. At this stage, data are still being entered in the project Database and other instruments for analysis within CIFOR. As a result, this report only present a

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limited overview of the methodology employed, the different tools used for data gathering, and some preliminary results.

A.9.1. Mr. Guillaume Pierre George Beaudoin Warga Negara ( Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher/Consultant Institusi (Institution) : CIFOR Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 139 Rue du Commandant Dumetz, 62000, ARRAS FRANCE

A.10. Participation in CIFOR Global Comparative Study on REDD+: Subnational REDD+ Initiatives – East Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Mendukung studi partisipatif REDD+ CIFOR Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian( : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Research Base Station, Bogor), Kaltim (Samarinda, Berau, dan Kutai Timur) Mitra Kerja : Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) (William Sunderlin dan Daju Pranja Resosudarmo); dan Puspijak-Kemenhut (Kristianti L. Ginoga) Abstract This research supports the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) ‘Global Comparative Study on REDD+ Module 2: Subnational REDD+ Initiatives’ in East Kalimantan province. CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study (GCS) aims to provide knowledge and expertise for the successful implementation of local, national, and global actions to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhance forest carbon stocks (REDD+) in order to combat climate change and deliver co-benefits for society and the environment. Module 2 of CIFOR’s GCS is focused on observing and documenting the implementation of REDD+ project activities and their impacts. My participation in GCS-REDD+ Module 2 will support research on the sub-national Berau Forest Carbon Program in Berau, East Kalimantan

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and in the neighboring control district of Kutai Timur. GCS research in Berau and East Kutai has been underway since 2009. I will be involved in process evaluation, seeking to understand the role played by different actors in the development of REDD+ initiatives, as well as in the analysis and synthesis of previously collected survey data.

A.10.1. Mr. Gregory Massey Thaler Warga Negar a(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institus i(Institution) : Cornell University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 200 Sisquisic Trail, Yarmouth, ME 04096 , USA

A.11. Development of an integrated forest carbon monitoring system with field sampling and remote sensing Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk meningkatkan pemantauan karbon hutan di bawah kondisi menantang hutan tropis yang lembab Bidang Penelitian : Inventarisasi hutan dan penginderaan jauh Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian (Research Location) : Kalimantan Tengah (Taman Nasional Sebangau) Mitra Kerja : CIMTROP Universitas Palangka Raya (Dr. Suwido Limin) Abstract Forests play a relevant role in mitigation of climate change. A major issue, however, is the scientifically well founded, transparent and verifyable monitoring of achievements in forest carbon sequestration through reduction of deforestation and forest degradation, and through fostering sustainable forest management. Monitoring is particularly difficult in diverse and inaccessible humid tropical forest areas.

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The proposed research will contribute to the improvement of forest carbon monitoring under the challenging conditions of humid tropical forests. Sample based field observations and model based biomass predictions will be linked to area-wide satellite remote sensing imagery (RapidEye) and to strip samples of LiDAR imagery. Techniques of linking these data sources will be further developed and analysed with respect to (1) precision of carbon estimation and (2) accuracy of carbon regionalization.

The proposed project implies research on methodological improvements of both sample based forest inventories (resampling techniques for biomass, imputation of non-response) and remote sensing application to forest monitoring (regionalization, sample based application of LiDAR data). At the core of this research is the analysis of the error variance components that each data source brings into the system. Such error analysis will allow identifying optimal resource allocation for the efficient improvement.

A.11.1. Mr. Lennard Dohrmann Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Bachelor student Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Burckhardt-Institute, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology Department Forest Inventory and Remote Sensing D-37077 Busgenweg 5 Göttingen, Lower Saxony Germany

A.12. REDD+: The forest grab of all times?” Tujuan Penelitian : Menyelidiki keadaan di mana implementasi REDD + akan berfungsi paling optimal dalam hal pengurangan emisi sambil memperhatikan potensi dampak terhadap kehidupan masyarakat lokal Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 September 2014 (month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (Taman Nasional Berbak, Kab. Muaro Jambi), Kalimantan Timur (Kab. Berau) dan Sumatera Barat (Kab. Sijunjung) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Dr. Dodik R. Nurrochmat) Abstract REDD+ is a recently emerged global initiative, with the key objective to reduce greenhouse gas emission from the forest sector. It aims to arrest deforestation and forest degradation and to promote sustainable management and forest conservation by offering financial incentives primarily to governments in developing countries. These financial incentives include compensations for those who lose access to forest products and lands, and rewards for those who increase forest carbon (Peskett et al. 2008). Since its inception, REDD+ has swiftly received enormous interest from developing countries as a potential source of international funding. To date, more than 40 developing countries have initiated REDD+ related activities (UN-REDD 2013).

However, there are growing concerns over the possible adverse effects of REDD+ for millions of rural poor who depend on forests for subsistence and cash income. Previous experiences have shown that identification of valuable forest resources often leads to the exclusion of local people from forest management and use. Often this leads states to assert exclusive legal rights and control over forests and lands without recognizing local customary rights thereby rendering traditional activities illegal and turning traditional occupants into encroachers (Sikor 2010). Discovery of valuable resources in forest areas also attracts commercial actors such as mining, palm oil and logging companies who may gain control of customary lands by obtaining grant concessions from states (Peluso 1994). Such land grabbing has often resulted in violent conflicts and injustice.

One of the main tools which REDD+ employs for benefit distribution and compensation is the monitoring of carbon stocks and identification of foregone benefits. However, reliance on outside experts to do so is not only expensive, but may also offer an excuse for recentralization of forest governance and for the exclusion of local people. Participatory monitoring has been shown to have positive effects on safeguarding local forest rights and forest access and to promote local involvement in decision-making (Danielsen et al. 2010). Community-based methods have been used to measure, monitor and report biodiversity (e.g. Topp- Jorgensen et al. 2005) as well as carbon stock changes (e.g. Danielsen et al. 2011,

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Skutsch et al. 2011). Another area which deserves more attention is the potential of community-based methods for generating social science data on impacts of REDD+ on local livelihoods (e.g. Cullen-Unsworth et al. 2011). However, there is a lack of systematic evaluations of the potential of participatory monitoring of livelihood impacts to contribute to safeguarding local rights and ensure adequate compensation. Drawing on cases from Indonesia and Vietnam this project aims to identify emerging and potential consequences of REDD+ on land rights, forest access and use regulations, mechanisms governing the distribution of benefits and the potential of community based monitoring to strengthen social safeguards. Indonesia and Vietnam have been chosen as project countries as they share some of the same problems, but use different approaches to address them. Both countries are rich in forests which are to a large degree inhabited by ethnic minorities, and both are participating in REDD+. The project’s objectives are: 1. To strengthen the capacity of institutions in Indonesia and Vietnam to conduct research on rights in relation to REDD+. 2. To generate insights into mechanisms to safeguard local people.s rights in relation to REDD+ by investigating: a. Governance: What are the emerging and potential consequences of REDD+ on local access and use, and what governs the distribution of benefits? b. Community monitoring: Can community based monitoring of carbon and livelihood impacts function as a tool for local involvement in decision-making and for safeguarding local forest rights and access?

A.12.1. Mr. Søren Brofeldt Warga Negara (Nationality) : Denmark Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : University of Copenhagen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 110885-(1321) Bregnerødgade 21 2200Kbh N

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A.13. Plant genetic diversity in tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji dampak transformasi alih fungsi lahan terhadap perubahan level keanekaragaman hayati Bidang Penelitian : Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 13 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua belas, Kab. Sarolangun, Hutan Harapan PT. REKI,Kab. Batanghari) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan IPB (Prof. Dr. Iskandar Z Siregar) Abstract The transformation of tropical lowland rainforests to other types of land use has considerable impacts on biodiversity levels and patterns at different spatial scales from local to global. Losses of plant species diversity along gradients of increasing land use intensity are well documented, but the consequences of rainforest transformation have rarely been studied at the level of intraspecific diversity. Population genetic theory predicts losses of genetic diversity as a consequence of fragmentation and small remnant populations. Intraspecific (genetic) diversity is a fundamental aspect of biodiversity and a main resource for adaptation to environmental change. The aim of this project is to study the consequences of rainforest transformation at the level of intraspecific diversity and to assess intraspecific diversity in different transformation systems by the investigation of dominant vascular plant species with different taxonomic and phylogenetic positions and life history traits (growth forms, mating systems longevity, etc.). Comparing the results to other aspects of biodiversity investigated by other groups will allow investigating trade offs between intraspecific diversity of vascular plants with other aspects of biodiversity, e.g. plant diversity. The intention is to test the following hypothesis; a decline of species diversity from reference forests to oil palm plantations is mirrored by a decline of intraspecific diversity of the plant species dominating the respective systems.

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A.13.1. Mr. Thore Engel Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Kasseler Landstraße 44A 37081 Göttingen, Germany

A.13.2. Ms. Natalie Breidenbach Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan(Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi(Institution) : Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Narzissenweg 20, 37081 Göttingen Germany


B.1. Length-mass regressions of invertebrates in temperate and tropic habitats Tujuan Penelitian : Menilai hubungan antara tropis makro- invertebrata panjang tubuh dan massa tubuh Bidang Penelitian : Agroforestri Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : Institut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. Achmad Farajallah)

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Length-mass regressions of invertebrates in temperate and tropic habitats

With the ongoing transformation of tropical rainforest into agricultural systems, natural communities are severely impacted with expected profound effects on their structure, diversity and functioning. Subproject B01 of the CRC 990 addresses changes in the body-mass, abundance, trophic-level structure (based on 15N/ 14N ratios) and species diversity of the macro-invertebrate communities of soil litter ecosystems along a rainforest transformation gradient. With this additional project, we aim to assess the relationship between tropical macro-invertebrate body length and body mass and compare it to the temperate dataset we are currently compiling. Sampling will take place within the network of the CRC 990 / EFForTS project, in Jambi Province on Sumatra, Indonesia.

B.1.1. Mr. Lucas Jurkschat Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Berliner Str. 28, Goettingen 37083, Germany Germany

B.2. Structure, stability and functioning of macro-invertebrate communities in rainforest transformation systems in Sumatra (Indonesia) Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari efek sistem transformasi hutan hujan terhadap komunitas makro-invertebrata Bidang Penelitian : Agroforestri Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (TN Bukit Dua belas dan Hutan Harapan) Mitra Kerja : Institut Pertanian Bogor (Dr. Achmad Farajallah)

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Structure, stability and functioning of macro-invertebrate communities in rainforest transformation systems in Sumatra (Indonesia)

With the ongoing transformation of tropical rainforest into agricultural systems, natural communities are severely impacted with expected profound effects on their structure, diversity and functioning. Subproject B01 of the CRC 990 addresses changes in the body-mass, abundance, trophic-level structure (based on 15N/ 14N ratios) and species diversity of the macro-invertebrate communities of soil litter ecosystems along a rainforest transformation gradient. Sampling is replicated in tropical lowland forest, jungle rubber, rubber, and oil palm plantations in Jambi Province on Sumatra, Indonesia. Macro invertebrate communities provide critically important ecosystem services such as litter decomposition. Land-use changes in these systems are therefore expected to have severe impacts on their macro invertebrate communities leading to altered efficiency of the provided services.

1) Research Objectives The proposed project (B01) has four major goals which will be investigated in four work packages (WPs). This proposal concerns WP 1 and 2: WP1: Investigate changes in the species diversity and abundance, body-mass and trophic level structure of macro-invertebrate communities of the litter and upper soil layers with lowland rainforest transformation WP2: Investigate the role of bottom-up (litter quality) and top-down forces (predators such as ants) in determining the biomass densities of the litter and soil macro-inver¬tebrate communities 2) Methodology and concept WPl: Macro-invertebrate community structure

Hypotheses: HI: Disturbance by forest conversion will reduce the number of species and in particular those with large-bodied individuals yielding a narrower distribution of body sizes in transformation systems, (contributes to Focus 1 - Hypothesis 1) H2: This will result in steeper abundance-mass relationships in transformation systems than in forests, (contributes to Focus 1 - Hypothesis 1)

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H3: Species of low body masses will profit from the loss of large species and increase in abundance yielding higher intercepts of the abundance mass-relationships in transformation systems, (contributes to Focus 1 - Hypothesis 1) H4: The loss of large species will either (H4a) cut off the relationship between body masses and trophic levels if the larger top predators are not replaced, or (H4b) yield a shallower relationships if smaller species can occupy the higher trophic positions, (contributes to Focus 1 - Hypothesis 1) The fauna sampling will be taken in close cooperation with the other subprojects working on soil organisms (B08 Scheu/Maraun, B02 Daniel, BOY Polle) and plant roots (B07 Hertel/Leuschner). This SP will focus on the macro-invertebrates of the litter (L/F) and upper 3 cm soil layer (H/Ah) of 3 random subplots on each of the 32 core plots (96 samples; for details of the sampling design see 606 Kreft). Samples will be taken in the first year and again in the fourth year. Fauna will be extracted (1) by heat from soil samples of 20 cm diameter (high gradient canister technique, established at the University of Jambi; for details of the heat extraction see B08 Scheu/Maraun), (2) sieving of 1 m2 litter for the largest macro-invertebrates, and (3) on-site mustard extraction of earthworms (Gunn 1992). The sampling design is consistent with prior projects within the framework of the Biodiversity Exploratories, which allows comparing the results with those from temperate forests. Species will be determined to morphospecies (hereafter: species). More detailed taxonomic resolution will be achieved whenever possible by collaborations with the Indonesian counterparts (e.g., determination of earthworm species by counterpart Tri Heru Widarto, IPB). Generally, species determination will be done in close collaboration with project Z2 to achieve a highly resolved list of species of the studied landscapes in the long term. Abundance, body mass, and biomass will be assessed for each species on each subplot independently. The effect of macro-invertebrate decomposers on stimulation of microbial enzyme activities in soil (A04 Kuzyakov) will be evaluated. The fauna sampling will be replicated in the fourth year to address temporal variability in ecological functions.

Stable isotope analyses (515N, 513C of representative species) will characterize the community trophic structure and the species’ trophic level. The bulk tissue of 25 macro-invertebrates (25 predators and 5 decomposers) and five “litter species” will be analysed by.) the Centre for Stable Isotope Research, University of Gdttingen (32 plots x 30 taxa x 2 replicates = 1920 samples + 20% standards = -2300 samples). These data allow analysing trophic levels (515N, WP1) and species trophic positions

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in the food webs ( 5’5N, 513C, WP4). Prior to analyses, stable isotope data will be pooled with those for micro- and mesofauna species (B08 Scheu/Maraun).

Statistical analyses are based on the parameters species richness, abundance [ind/ m2], body masses [g] and trophic levels [51SN] that will be assessed independently. Linear mixed effects models and generalised linear mixed models will address the dependencies of species richness and body masses (HI), the abundance-mass relationships (H2: slope, H3: intercept), and the body-mass trophic level relationships (H4) on the transformation system (fixed factor) and landscape (random factor). The close proximity of the subplots to each other (and also some core plots to each other) may violate assumptions of spatial independence. Accounting for this effect, the spatial correlation structure of the data will be estimated by variograms of the standardized residuals across distances between all pairs of subplots. This allows adding an estimated spatial correlation structure to the statistical models, the relevance of which will be judged based on AlCs.

WP2: Bottom-up and top-down control of macro-invertebrate communities Hypotheses: H5: Macro-invertebrate biomass densities in tropical forests are lower than those in temperate beech forests. H6: The basal litter quality (e.g., percentages of N, P, S, Ca) is lower and the stoichiometric mismatch between belowground animals and litter is higher in tropical than in temperate forests. The hiomass densities of (a) decomposers and (b) predatory macro-invertebrates will be summed up for each of the eight tropical lowland forest CPs (see WP1). These data will be compared to similar data from 36 temperate beech forest ecosystems obtained in Biodiversity Exploratory projects. For both trophic groups, generalised linear models (GLM) will test for significant differences in biomass densities between temperate and tropic forests (H5).

The stoichiometric analyses are based on elemental analyses (ICP-ES) for 10 species (5 predators, 5 decomposers) and (on average) 5 “litter species” (native forest species will be used and identified in the first months of the project by B04 Hertel/Leuschner) for each of the eight tropical lowland forest CPs yielding a total of 360 units (15 species * 8 CPs * 3 replicates). For each of these CPs, the average stoichiometric quality of the litter resources (e.g., average percentages of N, P, S,

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Ca) and the stoichiometric mismatch between decomposers or predators and the basal litter (e.g., difference in %N between decomposers and their litter resources) will be calculated. These calculations will be carried out for all elements analysed. Similar data will be available for 36 temperate beech forest ecosystems of the Biodiversity Exploratories (Germany). GLMs will test for significant differences in (a) average litter quality, and (b) stoichiometric mismatches of decomposers and predators between temperate and tropic forests (H6).

B.2.1 Mr. Malte Koch Jochum Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : J.F. Blumenbach Institut für Zoologie und Anthropologie Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Berliner Str. 28D-37073 Göttingen, Deutschland , Germany


C.1. The influence of radiation absorption and other environmental drivers on Carbon and water vapour exchange of a mountain rainforest in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : memahami peran hutan hujan tropis dan proses- proses yang bervariasi dari waktu ke waktu terkait ketersediaan air dan pelepasan karbon Bidang Penelitian : Bioklimatologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 22 Mei 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulteng (Bariri) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Pertanian UNTAD (Dr. Abdul Rauf)

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Abstract Tropical mountain rainforests play an important role for the regional and global climate system. They strongly influence water budget and carbon uptake. The study will help to understand, how these processes vary over time and under different conditions in a primary rainforest in Central Sulawesi. For achieving this, main objective of this study will be to investigate the reaction of carbon and water fluxes of a mountain rainforest to environmental drivers. Hereby the focus will lie on the influence of different ratios of diffuse radiation as well as temperature and water availability on these fluxes. Carbon and water fluxes will be meassured with he Eddy-Covariance technique, supported by a CO2 profile meassurement system. Radiation will be meassured in terms of net total radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), direct and diffuse radiation.

C.1.1. Mr. Florian Francis Heimsch Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August University of Goettingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Busgenweg 2D-37077 Gottingen, Germany

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D.1. Social-Ecological Modeling of Health-Environment Interactions in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji interaksi lingkungan yang sehat dengan menggunakan pendekatan Ekologi Sosial Bidang Penelitian : Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 2 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumsel (Palembang); Lampung (Way Kanan, Tanggamus, Lampung Barat); Sulut (Bolaang Mongondow) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kehutanan UGM (Dr. Satyawan Pudyatmoko) “Social-Ecological Modeling of Health-Environment Interactions in Indonesia”

Recent research indicates that human health may impact biological conservation. This research will apply a social-ecological systems approach to examining the impact of tuberculosis on resource extraction in rural areas

in Indonesia. A model will be developed using ecological and social science methods to investigate non-linear interactions between humans and their environment and identify factors that mediate that relationship. A comparative analysis of how health shocks are absorbed by different cultural groups and natural resource governance arrangements will be employed.

D.1. Ms. Melinda Mae Clarke Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD Student Institusi (Institution) : Colorado State University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 3025 W. Stuart St. #5, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526 USA

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E.1. The Chocolate Fix: Biotechnologies and a Sustainable Cacao Supply Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji Dampak Teknologi Penanaman Coklat Bidang Penelitian : Pertanian Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 20 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jatim (Jember); Sultra (Kendari, Kolaka, Kolaka Utara, Konawe, Konawe Utara, Konawe Selatan) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya (Dr. Karuniawan Puji Wicaksono) Abstract Planting technologies are central to a growing number of public-private partnerships in the global cacao sector. However, such technologies are novel and remain understudied. Based from East Java and Southeast Sulawesi, my research will examine the emergence and effects of important global efforts to distribute new planting materials to cacao farmers.

B.1.1. Ms. Lisa Cailin Kelley Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Graduate Student Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of California, Berkeley Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 2600 18th Street Suite 22 San Francisco, CA 94110USA

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F.1. Investigation of the role of habitat quality as the reason for population specific differences forward abiotic stress in the Asian green mussel (Perma viridis) Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti adaptasi genetik, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi habitat dan ketersediaan makanan sebagai mekanisme utama yang mempengaruhi toleransi stress pada “perma Viridis” Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Ekonomi & Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Teluk Jakarta); Banten (Selat Sunda); Ambon (Wakasahu, Laut Banda, Laten, Teluk Ambon, Laut Banda) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB (Dr. Neviaty P. Zamani) Abstract Abstritcfc’join Asian green mussel, Perm virtdisrte:wx wrtogfeally Wl cconfcnifcat^ Important bivalve species la Indonesia. Id attaches to tod eabsfcateg aad deasefcr

F.1.1. Ms. Mareike Huhn Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi (Institution) : Helmholtz Center for OceanResearch Kiel (GEOMAR) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Schulstrasse 3, 45739 Oer-Erkenschwick Germany

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F.2. Creating Commodities in Gunung Halimun, Indonesia: Changing Market Access and the Impact on Food Security and Gender Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji peran masyarakat petani dalam hal konsumsi, produksi dan pengembangan dalam rangka mengupayakan proses komodifikasi hasil- hasil pertanian. Bidang Penelitian : Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Lama Penelitian : 7(tujuh) bulanmulai 6 Juni 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Ciptagelar, Sukabumi) Mitra Kerja : Dean Faculty of Education - USBI (Ms. Stien Matakupan) Creating Commodities in Gunung Halimun, Indonesia: Changing Market Access and the Impact on Food Security and Gender Agriculture and commodities have a long history and the connections between the two seem impossible to untangle. This research proposes to do just that - disengage the connections between agricultural products and their commodity form. The 300-plus villages of Gunung Halimun area in Indonesia offer a case where the process of production and distribution is taking place, but not the creation of a commodity, as residents in these communities are forbidden by local traditional law to sell harvested rice. Using ethnographic methods, this research will explore the societal role of consumption, production, and development in the process of commodification.

F.2.1. Ms. Rebakah Leann Daro Minarchek Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi (Institution) : Cornell University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 15 Penny Lane Ithaca, NY 14850

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G.1. Epidemiology of major fish diseases and genetic variability of the ornamental rainbowfish Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survey deskriptif mengenai penyakit dalam tambak gurame Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Bogor, Parung, dan daerah sekitarnya), Jateng (Purwokerto, Banyumas) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Angela Lusiastuti, Taukhid) Abstract As in other Southeast Asian countries, fish pathogens pose a serious threat to aquaculture and its sustainability in Indonesia. The occurrence of mass mortalities in farms is indeed an obstacle to the production and trade of aquaculture species, and it sustainably affects economic and societal development of the country. My research activity will mainly focus on the effective diagnosis of diseases affecting farmed fish. The first step involves the detection and characterization of their etiologic agents. For this purpose, I intend to apply molecular tools that I have recently developed, which aim to be simpler, cheaper and faster than commercial existing ones. The already well-established collaborations with colleagues from BRPBAT Sempur have yielded a large body of epidemiological data, in particular for the Koi herpesvirus (KHV) and for Mycobacterium sp. These objectives will be pursued by focusing on how the virus spreads in fish populations. This involves exploring the potential links between genotype and phenotype (virulence, pathogenicity ...). The same type of study will be conducted on gurame mycobacteriosis, which is subject to a major concern the sustainable development of gurame culture. Here, a new diagnostic test will be used to investigate the prevalence and species diversity of this pathogen.

The Melanotaeniidae, also called “rainbowfish” are endemic to Papua and northern Australia. Because of their wide color variety, they are highly sought by aquarists. Thus, many species of this group are endangered. Species that make up this family are most of the time endemic to a tributary or a lake. They inhabit

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extremely diverse environments and are present in all freshwater environments between sea level and 1600 m, in lakes as well as in calm or tumultuous rivers. These fish are of ancient marine origin and have evolved from the Gondwana (150 million years) through vicariance. The taxonomy of this family is currently under review, particularly thanks to the use of new morphological criteria and of mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers. This research action will be the focus of the PhD conducted by Mrs Media Fitri Isma Nugraha (BRBIH Depok) in the frame of a dual degree between IPB and the University of Montpellier and under the co- supervision of Dr. Odang Carman (IPB) and Dr. Jean Christophe Avarre (IRD).The objectives of the PhD thesis are to (i) estimate the genetic diversity and structure of species and populations from the natural environment, in order to understand and interpret the patterns of diversification of rainbowfish during evolution, (ii) evaluate the genetic variability of breeding strains of domesticated species to assess the degree of inbreeding and the possible hybridizations, in view of promoting the sustainability of the farming activity, and (iii) estimate the genetic variability within time of domesticated and / or threatened species in the purpose of conservation.

G.1.1. Dr. Jean-Christophe Avarre Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Senior Scientist Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Recherche por le Développement (IRD) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Bat 22, CC 065 Place Eugène Bataillon34095 Montpellier cedex 05, France

G.2. Epidemiology of major fish diseases in Indonesian aquaculture, and improvement of ecofriendly pharmacopeia (herbal therapy) Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan survey epidemiologis patogen pada ikan gurame Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014(month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Bogor, Parung dan daerah sekitarnya, Waduk Cirata, Waduk Sagulin, Waduk Jatiluhur), Jateng (Purwokerto, Banyumas) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP (Angela Lusiastuti, Taukhid) Abstract Aquaculture in Southeast Asia represents 27% of global production (> 16 millions de tonnes in 2011) has became an economic activity of first importance for rural and urban populations in the region. Indonesia with 2.3 million tonnes of aquaculture production and over 3.5 million fishfarmers is the 4th world producer. This sector has shown the most rapid expansion among all overtypes of agronomic productions and the increase offish production in a sustainable way is a great challenge for Indonesia.

The sustainable development of aquaculture requires in-depth knowledge of the genetic structure, life-history traits and adaptive capacities offish species in relation to their environment. On this basis, the definition of zootechnical and health management solutions should be thought out for local species, and adapted to societal and environmental contexts.

In Indonesia, the emphasis will be laid on traditional culture systems, for which the forthcoming intensification should be done wisely to avoid most shortcomings or penalties frequently incurred in such processes when insufficiently thought- out. This includes in-depth biological knowledge of target species, prevention or management of disease outbreak through alternatives to antibiotics, including local pharmacopeia, as well as ecosystem services.

Since 2010, these assignments have been followed by a long term assignment of the expert in Indonesia for contributing and strengthening the actions of the IRD- CARD in a collaborative research on health management and ichthyopathology.

Research activities were related to the health management offish production at the farm scale in Java island as well as in experimental conditions of CARD in Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Air Tawar (BPPBAT) in Bogor. Currents and further investigations will contribute to improve health management and health practices at the farm level.

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G.2.1. Dr. Domenico Ugo Eugenio Caruso Warga Negara (Nationality) : Italia Jabatan (Position) : Senior Scientist Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Recherche por le Développement (IRD) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 71, Rue de L’Aiguillerie 34000 Montpellier

G.3. Developing Innovative management solutions in small scale fishing communities Tujuan Penelitian : Mengembangkan solusi-solusi manajemen inovatif di dalam masyarakat-masyarakat nelayan skala kecil Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jatim; Bali; NTB (P. Lombok), Sulawesi Utara (Manado), Maluku (Kota Ambon, Kab. Pulau Seram Bagian Timur), NTT (Kupang) Mitra Kerja : Lab Biomedik dan Molekuler Hewan - Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan - UNUD (Aji Wahyu Anggoro) Abstract My study field encompasses marine biology, fisheries, molecular biology and conservation. Indonesia is one of the top six fish-producing countries in the world and the third largest grouper producer (FAO 2008). Grouper populations are dwindling globally,with 25% of all grouper species nearing extinction (Sadovy et al 2013). The vast majority of Indonesia’s fishing industry is conducted on a small scale and is largely unregulated and under-researched. Furthermore, in the recent past these small-scale fishermen have become the suppliers for international export fish trade.

The connection between smallscale fisherman and international exporter has played a role in increasing fishing intensity at unsustainable levels, particularly at grouper spawning aggregates. In this project, we identified target species of these fisheries through genetic analyses and in doing so,contribute one of the first studies

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to complete DNA-barcoding of grouper fishes in the Indo-Pacific. By increasing understanding of grouper population status, fishing practices, and the opinions of stakeholders, conservation can focus on finding efficient means of protecting this economically and environmentally important fish species for generations to come.

G.3.1. Ms. Sarah Jeanne Tucker Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : L.D. Smith Laboratory Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1 Chapin Way #8360Northampton, MA 01063

G.4. Discussion of Area Adjusted Use and Management of Flying Fish Resource in South Sulawesi, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : untuk meneliti kondisi habitat ikan terbang dengan metode MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield) Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Desember 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulsel (Bantaeng, Galesong, Takalar), Sulbar (Sendana, Majene) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan Unhas (Syamsu Ala Ali). Abstract Now many Flying Fish roe have been exported from Indonesia to Japan. But the most Japanese people do not know this fact. And there are merely few studies about fishing of Flying Fish roe and their importance as the natural resource in Indonesia. And since 2001 many fishermen in Takalar prefecture went to west of Papua for new fishing spot. And now they look for now new fishing point again. Because of that many people are deeply concerned about Flying Fish resources depletion in Indonesia. So I will be conducted to research resource survey at Makassar Sea method for estimating Flying Fish resources use MSY (Maximum

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Sustainable Yield).I will be conducted go to fish Flying Fish with fisherman from Galesong and will use GPS for clearly fiehing point.

Last year I went to Takalar prefecture and I researched on Survey of the Fishing of Flying Fish eggs-case study at Takalar Prefecture South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. So this research is previous research to this time research.

This research will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Akihisa IWATA( Kyoto University) and Dr.Ir.Syamsu Alam Ali( Hasanuddin University).

G.4.1. Mr. Yasushi Osozawa Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Research Bldg.No.2, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku Japan

G.5. Improving fish health management and production protocols in marine finfish aquaculture in Indonesia and Australia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti penyebab dan dampak dari penurunan produksi finfish atau ikan bersirip karena penyakit di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta, Bali, NTB (Sumbawa), Sulsel (Makassar) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang KP, KKP (Dr. Achmad Poernomo)

Abstract We would like to do inter-disciplinary study on degraded peatland, and the measure to rehabilitate and conserve the degraded peatland, to prevent fire, and

186 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 to improve the welfare of local people including through the way of rewetting and reforestation.

The aims of our study are v To clarify the ecological characteristics and material cycles in tropical peat swamp areas. Our focuses are the material cycles in soil and water, biomass and re-forestation, and biodiversity and ecosystem functions. v To clarify the social and cultural characteristics and to suggest social frameworks for peat land conservation that consider the conflicts of interests between local people and companies, and between conservation and development. v To establish an international data and research hub by integrating the worldwide research networks of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), Kyoto University and various research institutions in Indonesia such as Riau University, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesian Institute of Science, BPPT and Gadjah Mada University. This will contribute to compensating for the insufficiency of data accumulated on tropical peat areas and will bring together scientific data such as data on actual carbon stocks, which is currently scattered all over Indonesia.

Our team consists of 13 members. My own topic of study is Stakeholder’s organizations and institution to prevent the peatland degradation, and to rehabilitate the forests, as well as to improve the local people’s welfare. My study is one of the core study of our team’s study on degraded peatland and its rehabilitation. I would like to study at Bandung regency also to learn the lessons of reforestation from Java island where now people are willing to plant trees at hilly area.

G.5.1. Mr. Michael Albert Rimmer Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Project Manager Institus i(Institution) : Sidney University Email (email) : [email protected] / suliyanti.hakim@ Alamat (Address) : Graha Pena Building ,8th Floor Kav 801-803 Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No.20 MakassarSouth Sulawesi Indonesia

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G.6. Analysis of the impact of plant from the Indonesian traditional pharmacopea on Fish immunity. Judul Penelitian : “Analysis of the impact of plant from the Indonesian traditional pharmacopea on Fish immunity” Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari keanekaragaman tanaman obat dalam peternakan ikan dan memvalidasi penggunaannya untuk pharmacopeia aquatic ramah lingkungan Bidang Penelitian : Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 12 Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Bogor) Mitra Kerja : Balitbang Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Desy Sugijani) Abstract These scientific activities are based on a joint cooperation between Indonesian and European scientists and are covered by a MoU signed between BALITBANGKP and IRD in 2012.

Research Program: The Ethnobotany for Sustainable Therapy in Aquacuiture and Food Safety (ESTAFS) program is funded by the BIOASIA from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs French initiative. Started in 2012, it aims to study the diversity and the use of medicinal plants in fish farms and validate their use for ecofriendly aquatic pharmacopeia. The partners involved in are Indonesians, Vietnamese and French

Research objectives and activities: Results from ethnobotanic studies shows that use of plants for therapeutic purposes in freshwater aquacuiture is very important and widespread in Java. As planned in ESTAFS project, in order to validate and rationalize their use as fish drugs candidate, plants should be tested in experimental conditions. For this study, the plants tested will be selected by combining knowledge obtained from previous results, from literature and from expert assessment.

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After a period of treatment, consisting in incorporation in different proportion of grounded dry plant in the food for several weeks, two important fish species for aquacuiture in Southeast Asia (Oreochromisniloticusand Pangasianodonhypophthalmus) will be sampled before, during and at the end of a period of stimulation, then the fish will be subjected to experimental infection by a specific pathogen. Remi Dugue will be in charge of the selection the analytical techniques for quantifying the non-specific or primary immunity of fish of both species and to carry out the analysis of samples taken from fish during these experiments. He will provide training of the partners for the techniques used.

The laboratory techniques used are being adapted and developed during the first quarter of 2014 in France in Montpellier in the laboratories of the ISE-M UM2, on specimens of both species (Oreochromisniloticusand Pangasianodonhypophthalmus), available in the experimental aquacuiture facilities of ISE-M “PLATAX”. The research activities are carried out in partnership with DesySatriani (BPPBAT Bogor Sempur /AMAFRAD) and Dr. Domenico Caruso from IRD, which works at BPPBAT Bogor Sempur.

Activities and output/ Milestones:

No. Activities Outputs/ Due date of Risks / assumptions Applications of milestones outputs/milestones outputs

1 Analysis of samples Increase 30'" June 2014 At least one Increasing of the ongoing knowledge on experiment should reliability of assay experiments pharmacopeia be ongoing on 1st will allow plants on fish May increasing immunity statistical power of the experiments.

2 Experimentation on Increase 30 thJune 2014 Facilities and fish fish knowledge on availability pharmacopeia plants on fish immunity

3 Capacity building: Enhance the New technics skills& knowledge should be Indonesian assimilated by the scientists. Training end of May 2014. of partner on the new technics for immunology evaluation.

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No. Activities Outputs/ Due date of Risks / assumptions Applications of milestones outputs/milestones outputs

Quality control will Laboratory and Indonesian partners continue in June. staff availability will gain experience and expertise on fish immunity evaluation.

4 Seminar Presentation of Last days of June Exchange on results methodologies Discussion of results.

Name Sex (M/F) Agency Position Funded by Indonesian Scientists DesySugijani F BPPBAT Scientist BAUTBANGKP Angela Lusiastuti F BPPBAT Senior Scientist BALITBANGKP French Scientists Remi Dugue M IRD Senior Scientist IRD Domenico Caruso M IRD Senior Scientist IRD

G.6.1. Dr. Remie Dugue Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan(Position) : Senior Scientist Institusi(Institution) : IRD Email(email) : - Alamat(Address) : -

G.7. The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Project Tujuan Penelitian : Memperkirakan dampak kompleksitas habitat untuk mempertahankan keragaman, fungsi ekosistem, dan jasa ekosistem dalam wilayah perkebunan sawit Bidang Penelitian : Ekologi

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Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Wilayah Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Corporation Research Institute di Libo Estate) Mitra Kerja : SMART Research Institute (Dr. Ir. Sudharto Prawirosukarto, SU) dan Direktorat Konservasi Keanekaragaman Hayati Ditjen PHKA Kemhut Abstract Palm oil is among the most important sources of vegetable oil worldwide. With increasing demand as a feedstock for biofuel production, its global demand is set to increase. It is clear that forest conversion to oil palm plantation has severe impacts on biodiversity. However, little research has focused on methods that can be employed to maximize biodiversity within plantation habitats, nor the role this biodiversity plays in ecosystem functioning and crop production.

The Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) Project aims to quantify the effect of habitat complexity within oil palm plantations on biodiversity and the role of this biodiversity in ecosystem functioning and productivity.

In particular the project will: v quantify the effect of habitat complexity in maintaining biodiversity, ecosystem function and ecosystem services within oil palm v develop novel experimental approaches for partitioning the effects of habitat structural complexity and aspects of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning v predict and model optimal cover of understory and epiphyte vegetation in oil palm plantations so as to maximize biodiversity and economic profitability through ecosystem services.

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A.1. Leveraging natural resources for development in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti bagaimana Indonesia memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang tersedia untuk kepentingan pengembangan sosial dan ekonomi. Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen SDA Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : FISIPOL UGM (Prof. Purwo Santoso) Abstract The goal of my research is to examine how Indonesia leverages its natural resources for social and economic development. Indonesia is now considered one of the world’s emerging economic giants, and balancing growth with sustainable resource use is an important policy issue for Southeast Asia’s largest economy. Having benefited from the global commodities boom over the past ten years, particularly in the coal and minerals sectors, Indonesia is a fascinating case for studying how natural resources can best be used for economic and social development. Commodity booms often create new kinds of policy debate in resource rich countries, and Indonesia’s highly decentralised and democratic regime makes the policy making process complex. My research will examine how policy makers, think tanks and development organisations shape resource policy for development, and how they negotiate the challenges of energy security, environmental pressures and a growing economy. To achieve these research objectives I plan to spend time in Jakarta interviewing key law makers in the DPR, particularly in Special Commission 7, members of Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, other relevant ministries that contribute to policy making, as well as the scholars, think tanks and development organisations that partner with the Indonesian government.

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A.1.1. Ms. Eve Alicia Warburton Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 61 Yeramba St Turramurra, NSW, Australia, 2074 Australia A.2. Disasters as Windows of Opportunity for Change towards Sustainable Development Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari bagaimana proses penanganan bencana dapat menciptakan kesempatan bagi pembangunan berkelanjutan Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen penanganan bencana Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Kabupaten Bandung dan Kota Bandung), DI Yogyakarta, Jawa Timur (Surabaya) Mitra Kerja : Resilience Development Institute Indonesia (Elisabeth Rianawati, M.Eng.) Abstract The purpose of my dissertation research is to learn about and document how disasters and post-disaster recovery processes can create opportunities for sustainable development, and how various groups can seize those opportunities in the post- disaster recovery process. In the recovery process, sustainable development can manifest through e.g., increased social justice, livelihood opportunities, resource efficiency, and civic governance, as well as reduced disaster risk and vulnerability. The questions I will be focusing on are: Who is/was involved in recovery activities in pursuit of sustainable development? How do/did individuals and organizations pursue sustainable development in these projects? Is progress towards sustainable development observable (for whom, and how)? My hope is that this research will document what was done and how (sharing best practices) thereby helping inform practitioners on how to foster sustainable development in post-disaster recovery.

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I have selected the following case studies for fieldwork (estimated times): Recovery from tsunami in Banda Aceh, Indonesia (3 months, ideally from October- December 2014); Recovery from typhoon in Hayian, Philippines (about 1 month, December-January 2014); Recovery from earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand (3 months, ideally from February-April 2015)

A.2.1. Ms. Katja Brundiers Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Research Professional Institusi (Institution) : School of Sustainability, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, Arizona State University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 936 S Maple Avenue Tempe, AZ 85281, USA USA

A.3. Enhancing Supply Chain Performance in the Australian and Indonesia Dairy Industry Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi kegiatan inovasi supply chain yang dilakukan oleh semua pihak yang terlibat dalam industri susu, khususnya antara Indonesia dan Australia Bidang Penelitian : Ekonomi Manajemen Lama Penelitian : 4(empat) bulan, mulai 15Desember 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jateng (Semarang) Mitra Kerja : FMIPA Universitas Diponegoro (Prof. Mustafid, Ph.D.) Abstract This research project will focus on Australian and Indonesian dairy industry supply chain innovation practices. This study aims to identify the supply chain innovation practices (including supplier partnership, customer relationship, information sharing, information quality, trust and commitment and a lean system ), which have

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most influence over dairy supply chain management performance. It is expected that the project will have economic, environmental and social benefits, in terms of increasing productivity and net value, growing market access and sustaining the natural resource base. By boosting industry margins and profits across the value chain, it is expected that there will be substantial additional gains on offer for both the national economy and regional communities across Australia and Indonesia. We would anticipate that the results of the survey would indicate what kind of supply chain management improvements could be made in different locations in the industry, and at different levels of the supply chain. As indicated by many researchers of supply chain analysis, and observed in our previous work, trust and commitment between supply chain participants, supply chain practices such as strategic supplier partnerships, customer relationships, information sharing, information quality, and lean thinking are probably important considerations. To complete the survey and disseminate the results effectively will require substantial interaction with managers along the supply chain. We will essentially need to gather within our data their understanding of the supply chain components and relationships. As we generate results they will need to be disseminated widely in the industry through individual discussions, forums and information leaflets.

A.3.1. Dr. Ferry Jie Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Senior Lecturer Institusi (Institution) : RMIT University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 19 Kirrama Street, Tarneit Victoria 3029 Australia Australia Judul Penelitian : “Implementing Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Nagoya Protocol (NP) and Access Benefit Sharing (ABS) - Impacts for International Research Management”

A.4. Implementing Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Nagoya Protocol (NP) and Access Benefit Sharing (ABS) - Impacts for International Research Management

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Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisa rangkaian implementasi riset yang sesuai dengan peraturan Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Nagoya Protocol (NP), dan Access Benefit Sharing (ABS) untuk mengembangkan metode serta instrumen terbaik Bidang Penelitian : Manajemen SDA Lama Penelitian : 12(dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 Februari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jambi (UNJA), Sulteng (UNTAD - Palu), Jabar (IPB Bogor) Mitra Kerja : IPB (Prof. Dr. Anas M. Fauzi, M.Eng., Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Z. Siregar, Prof. Dr. Damayanti Buchori), Univ.Jambi (Dr. Bambang Irawan), Univ. Tadulako (Dr. Aiyen Tjoa), LIPI (Prof.Dr.Endang Sukara) 1. Research objectives The research as part of the central management aims to analyse strains to implement research in line with CBD, NP and ABS regulations, to develop best practise methods and instruments providing guidance on example of CRC 990 / EFForTS research in Indonesia, a tropical country with one of the highest biological diversity on earth. 2. Description of study field Social Science, Law, Management, Sustainability The German Research Foundation (DFG) is a major funding institution, which sponsors an important number of German basic research projects who are working with biological material. In view of its commitment to the objectives of the CBD, the DFG has adopted respective guidelines for its researchers already in 2007. Recently these guidelines are under revision in order to adjust them to the NP. The Guidelines gives researchers general orientation for research collaboration planning object to CBD and NP. Till recent very little research is done in this field. 3. Research material or object to be investigated The CRC 990 research is in several points object to CBD and NP. Some of the subprojects are working with genetic recourses and collect plant material or animals and carry out analyses in Indonesia. Some analyses work, which cannot

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be done in Indonesia, may need to export a part of the collected samples under separate MTA for further identification and analyses in Germany. The NP protocol does not only cover working with biological material, but it also includes rights of traditional groups. Two of the CRC 990 project’s field locations are inhabited by groups of SukuAnakDalam / Orang Rimba. Even these groups are not direct object of investigation, contact is unavoidable and therefore the project also needs to pay attention to their rights. In this case a PIC is also necessary. 4. Research approach or methods The research will consist of four major components: 1) International Regime: Analysing CBD, NP and respective international documents for its applicability to the research of CRC 990 / EFForTS 2) National Regime: Analysing existing regulations and implementation efforts of the Indonesian law making institutions and its consequences to research management 3) Lessons learned: Analysing experiences of past big scale research collaboration, like within STORMA, as well as other relevant research collaboration 4) Guiding to best practise: Drawing assumptions out of 1 - 4 and develop methods and instruments for project management. For data collection we will prepare questionnaires. These questionnaires will be send to universities in Indonesia who have international collaborations and who are working with biological material. Further, we will study existing regulations and law.

A.4.1. Mr. Wolfram Lorenz Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Project Coordinator Institusi (Institution) : University of Göettingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Muehlengrund 5 37124 Rosdorf, Germany

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A.1. Transitions in the Banda Arc-Australia continental collision Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan analisis seismologi, topografi, dan geomorphologik guna memahami control litosferik dan mantel pada permukaan bumi Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 15September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Alor, Atambua, Belu, Bajawa Ngada, Ende) Mitra Kerja Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian ITB (Professor Sri Widiyantoro) Abstract PROJECT SUMMARY – Transitions in the Banda Arc-Australia continental collision as a bridge to understanding mantle and lithospheric controls on surface tectonics.

Intellectual merits: Eastern Indonesia is one of the least well understood geological domains of our planet, and yet the region provides a truly remarkable natural experiment for unraveling the complex dynamics of convergent tectonics. The recent, subduction-related collision of the Australian continental lithosphere with the active Banda arc effectively captures the initiation of convergent orogenesis and offers a rare glimpse into a process that has shaped Earth’s evolution over geologic time. Along strike the tectonic setting allows for imaging and assessing the spatio-temporal evolution of the collision, which allows for investigation of the transition from subduction to arc-continental collision. This will also lead to help fill in fundamental gaps in general understanding of collisional tectonics. There are many unanswered questions about the interrelationships between the history of convergence and the present-day crustal, lithospheric and mantle structure, and the way this relates to topography; for example:

1. What are the initial location, timing, effects, and extent of the arc-continent collision, both along and across the Banda arc?

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2. What is the slab morphology beneath the ocean-continent convergent margin transition? Is the slab torn and, if so, can we say how the tear has evolved? 3. How does the subaerial and submarine topographic expression of initial continental collision vary laterally across the Banda arc transition? How does this topography relate to the underlying lithospheric structure? 4. How do along-arc variations in lithospheric and crustal structure, including the extent of subducted continental lithosphere, modulate and influence the coupling and interactions between the deep mantle and surface deformation? To help answer these questions, a multidisciplinary research team has been assembled to constrain a sophisticated dynamical model of regional collision and subduction by passive seismology, topography analysis, geomorphological work, and a collaboratively led geodetic campaign. These efforts will be linked together with ongoing geologic work, with the aim of formulating a robust framework for understanding the forces driving the tectonics of the Banda arc. The targeted region lies between the islands of Sumba and Timor (118E-128E), spanning the transition from subduction of oceanic lithosphere to continental collision. This study of the Banda arc holds promise for clarifying the relationships between surface uplift, crustal deformation and recycling, lithospheric structure, subduction, and mantle convection, and offers fundamental new constraints on the nature of stress transfer through complex plate boundaries.

A.1.1. Mr. Cooper William Harris Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : PhD student Institusi (Institution) : University of Southern California Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Department of Earth Sciences, 3651 Trousdale Pkwy Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

A.2. Late Pleistocene Landscapes in South Sulawesi : A Strategic Location Understanding Climate and Environmental change in our Region Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari sejarah perubahan vegetasi Danau Malili dari aspek paleo ekologi

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Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 11 September 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulsel (Danau Malili) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan ITB (Prof. Satria Bijaksana) Abstract This project will investigate the palaeoenvironmental history of the Lake Towuti region, southwest Sulawesi, in particular the history of vegetation change. Occupying a key location within the western tropical Pacific, the Lake Towuti region receives moisture from both the northerly and southerly monsoons, with lake level fluctuations strongly sensitive to ENSO. By utilizing the techniques associated with palaeoecology, namely the analysis of fossil pollen and charcoal in lake sediments, we can explore how some of the big known global shifts in climate have manifested themselves in this landscape. The project outcomes include a significant regional data set for deciphering how climate, fire, greenhouse gases, and other vegetation forcings have driven distributional and biodiversity changes through time, and will play an important role in determining threats that projected climate change and human activities pose for these tropical forests.

A.2.1. Mr. Jack Neil Fenner Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Research Fellow Institusi(Institution) : Australian National University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Department of Archaeology and Natural History- School of Culture History and Language ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Coombs Building (#9) Fellows Road, Australian National University, ACT 0200, Australia A.2.2. Ms. Janelle Gai Stevenson Warga Negara(Nationality) : Australia Jabatan(Position) : Research Fellow

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Institusi (Institution) : Australian National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of Archaeology and Natural History- School of Culture History and Language ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, Coombs Building (#9) Fellows Road, Australian National University, ACT 0200, Australia A.3. Transitions in the Banda Arc-Australia continental collision as a bridge to understanding mantle and lithospheric controls on surface tectonics Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami struktur geologi dan konvergensi tektonik di Indonesia bagian timur Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Alor Alor Nusa. Atambua Belu Bajawa Ngada,Ende Ende Kupang Kupang Larantuka Flores Labuhanbajo Manggarai Barat (West Maggarai) Lewoleba Lembata, Maumere Sikka Rote Rote Ndao, Ruteng Manggarai Sawu/Sabu Sabu Raijua, Waingapu Sumba Timur, Waikabubak Sumba Barat); NTB (Bima, Sumbawa, Sumbawa Besar) Mitra Kerja : Fak. Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian– ITB (Prof.Sri Widiyantoro) Abstract Eastern Indonesia is one of the least well understood geological domains of our planet, and yet the region provides a truly remarkable natural experiment for unraveling the complex dynamics of convergent tectonics. The recent, subduction- related collision of the Australian continental lithosphere with the active Banda arc effectively captures the initiation of convergent orogenesis and offers a rare glimpse into a process that has shaped Earth’s evolution over geologic time. Along strike the tectonic setting allows for imaging and assessing the spatio-temporal evolution of the collision, which allows for investigation of the transition from subduction to arc-continental collision. This will also lead to help fill in fundamental

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gaps in general understanding of collisional tectonics. There are many unanswered questions about the interrelationships between the history of convergence and the present-day crustal, lithospheric and mantle structure, and the way this relates to topography; for example:

1. What are the initial location, timing, effects, and extent of the arc-continent collision, both along and across the Banda arc? 2. What is the slab morphology beneath the ocean-continent convergent margin transition? Is the slab torn and, if so, can we say how the tear has evolved? 3. How does the subaerial and submarine topographic expression of initial continental collision vary laterally across the Banda arc transition? How does this topography relate to the underlying lithospheric structure? 4. How do along-arc variations in lithospheric and crustal structure, including the extent of subducted continental lithosphere, modulate and influence the coupling and interactions between the deep mantle and surface deformation? To help answer these questions, a multidisciplinary research team at the University of Southern California in collaboration with our partners at ITB in Indonesia has been assembled to constrain a sophisticated dynamical model of regional collision and subduction by passive seismology, topography analysis, and geomorphological work. These efforts will be linked together with ongoing geologic work, with the aim of formulating a robust framework for understanding the forces driving the tectonics of the Banda arc. The targeted region lies between the islands of Sumba and Timor (118E-128E), spanning the transition from subduction of oceanic lithosphere to continental collision. This study of the Banda arc holds promise for clarifying the relationships between surface uplift, crustal deformation and recycling, lithospheric structure, subduction, and mantle convection, and offers fundamental new constraints on the nature of stress transfer through complex plate boundaries.

The observational efforts will include U-series dating of coral terraces, deploying 22 broadband seismic instruments in Indonesia and 8 in East Timor, collaborating on GPS campaigns with researchers in Indonesia, East Timor, and Australia, and extensive and novel seismological imaging and interpretation efforts for the Banda arc, along with geologic mapping to constrain longer (few Myr) controls on shortening and uplift conducted by our US and international collaborators. The density of co-located GPS and broadband seismic locations will provide, for

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first time, extensive geophysical data and allow for detailed structural imaging and model of the collisional mechanics of Australia with the active Banda arc. Our project will crucially complement existing and ongoing and planned seismic, geodetic, and geological work. We expect this approach to yield findings with broad implications for the interactions between oceanic plate tectonics and continental dynamics on a global scale.

PIs: Profs. Meghan S. Miller, Thorsten W. Becker, A. Joshua West.

Postdoc: Dr. Leland O’Driscoll and PhD students: Maxwell Dahlquist and Cooper Harris

A.3.1. Ms. Meghan Samantha Miller Warga Negara(Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan(Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi(Institution) : University of Southern California Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Department of Earth Sciences 3651 Trousdale Pkwy Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA USA

A.4. Field Research Investigation on the Eocene Vertebrate Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan rekonstruksi Paleogeografi hewan Vertebrata Sumatra dan Kalimantan di masa Eocene Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Lama Penelitian : 1(satu) bulan, mulai 12 Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumbar (Talawi Kabupaten Sawahlunto) dan Kalsel (Banjarmasin) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian ITB (Prof. Dr. Yahdi Zaim)

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Abstract The field work research is in the Barisan Mountain Range in the Ombilin Basin, West Sumatra Province Island – Indonesia, in Tanahsirah and surrounding areas,Talawi, Sawahlunto-District. The proposed research for 2014 is to completing the research have been done in 2009 and 2012 and to explore the Eocene Sangkarewang Formation and the Miocene Sawahlunto and Sawahtambang Formations in the Ombilin Basin in West-Sumatra for vertebrate and plant fossils. The results of the previous fieldwork have been published in several international seminars and international journals.

If the Tertiary fossil vertebrates from these rocks on Sumatra are found, they will provide evidence with which to examine the distribution of ancient Sunda Shelf vertebrate communities and to test hypotheses of the early presence of faunal provincialism. Sumatra offers a unique opportunity in that it was one of the few western Indonesia islands that was emergent during the early to middle Tertiary - Java, Bali, Lombok, and others did not emerge from the ocean until much later. It could be expected that, in both the Eocene and in the Miocene, the faunas of Sumatra will be dominated by Asian forms. If paleogeographic reconstructions of Oceanic Southern Asia are correct, there should be no evidence of any Gondwanan faunal elements (Australian) in the Eocene rocks of Sumatra. However, by the Miocene it is possible that some Australian faunal elements may have reached Sumatra.

The research is to explore Eocene and Miocene rocks on Sumatra for fossil plants and animals. The history of the Wallace Line is poorly understood partly because there are almost no fossils from Oceanic Southern Asia older than the Pleistocene. While Tertiary faunas of Australia have been documented there have been few opportunities to explore appropriately aged rocks in Indonesia. If we can find more Tertiary fossil vertebrates from rocks on Sumatra, these will provide additional evidence with which to examine the distribution of ancient Sunda Shelf vertebrate communities and to test hypotheses of the early presence of faunal provincialism. Sumatra offers a unique opportunity in that it was one of the few western Indonesia islands that was emergent during the early to middle Tertiary -- Java, Bali, Lombok, and others did not emerge until much later.

We expect that, in both the Eocene and in the Miocene, the faunas of Sumatra will be dominated by Asian forms -- if paleogeographic reconstructions of Oceanic Southern Asia are correct, there should be no evidence of any Gondwanan faunal

204 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 elements (Australian) in the Eocene rocks of Sumatra. However, by the Miocene it is possible that some Australian faunal elements may have reached Sumatra. If we can find such indicators in the form of fossil vertebrates, we will have a much stronger basis from which to develop hypotheses of immigration and diversification within these communities and a much better chance of elucidating the history of the development of the famous Wallace Line. We believe that Sumatra holds much promise (perhaps the only promise) for future exploration in rocks older than the Pleistocene in Oceanic Southern Asia.

A.4.1. Dr. Peter Daniel Wilf Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Professor Institusi(Institution) : Pennsylvania State University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Pennsylvania State University Department of Geosciences, 537 Deike Building University Park, PA 16802 USA A.4.2. Dr. Jonathan Ivan Bloch Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Professor and Curator, Florida Museum of Natural History Institusi(Institution) : University of Florida Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 222 Dickinson Hall Museum Road & Newell Drive Gainesville, FL 32611 USA USA A.4.3. Dr. John-Paul Zonneveld Warga Negara(Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan(Position) : Professor

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Institusi (Institution) : Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, 1-26 Earth Science Building University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E3 Canada A.4.4. Dr. Douglas Martin Boyer Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Evolutionary Anthropology Institusi (Institution) : Duke University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Duke University, Dept. of Evolutionary Anthropology, Box 90383 130 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708 United State A.4.5. Prof. Russell Lynn Ciochon Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor and Director of Museum Studies Institusi (Institution) : University of Iowa, Dept. of Anthropology – USA Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Professor and Director of Museum Studies University of Iowa, Department of Anthropology Macbride Hall 114 Iowa City, IA 52242-1322 USA A.4.6. Dr. Gregg Frederick Gunnell Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Director, Division of Fossil Primates Institusi(Institution) : Duke University, Lemur Center Email(email) : [email protected]

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Alamat (Address) : Director, Division of Fossil Primates, Duke Lemur Center 1013 Broad Street, Durham, North Carolina 27705 , USA A.5. Sea-level Oceanography, and climate Histories from living and fossil corals in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan pengambilan contoh koral yang berumur 400-500 tahun lalu guna menentukan dan membandingkan kontras reguler dan penguatan ITF pada beberapa abad yang lalu. Pengambilan contoh sedimen danau tepi pantai guna mengetahui lingkungan purba daerah pantai dan melakukan pencarian , pemilihan dan pengambilan contoh koral microatol untuk pengetesan umumnya Bidang Penelitian : Geologi Kelautan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17 Februari 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Bangka Belitung (Belitung), Kep. Riau (Mapur), Sulsel (Makassar), Bagian selatan Selat Makassar (sekitar P. Doangdoangan Besar dan P. Salayar)) Mitra Kerja : Puslit Geoteknologi LIPI (Dr. Ir. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja dan tim) Abstract A year ago, we proposed several studies to better understand sea level, oceanography, and climate histories in Indonesia. This proposal involves work that will complete the projects proposed last year. We propose to continue our efforts to explore the Holocene relative sea-level history on the Sunda Shelf, and to explore Indonesian throughflow, regional neotectonics, Holocene palaeoenvironments, and relative sea-level history near the Strait of Makassar. On the Sunda Shelf, we are compiling a mid-Holocene sea-level record with unprecedented vertical and temporal accuracy, using coral microatoll slabs from Belitung and Mapur islands. We propose to continue our work on this project. Two papers are in preparation and will be submitted for publication in early 2015. However, other aspects of the project cannot be completed until additional data are collected; with this document, we propose to collect the needed data to complete our research. This

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proposal also addresses inter-related research opportunities on Doangdoangan- Besar island, a small, low-lying island in the easternmost Java Sea immediately south of the Makassar Strait. We propose to address questions in the following areas: (i) records of past change in the strength of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) using corals; (ii) neotectonics of the area; (iii) records of past environmental change using lagoon or lake sediments; and (iv) records of Holocene sea-level change using coral microatolls, mangroves, and palaeoshoreline indicators. Using corals from the reefs surrounding Doangdoangan Besar and other nearby islands, we are compiling high-resolution records of temperature and salinity variability, which are two defining features of the Indonesian Throughflow. We are also examining palaeohazard events recorded in the sedimentology of the islands. We propose to continue extending and analysing these records, and to collect new material from nearby islands. In addition, we propose one week of fieldwork on Selayar Island (south of southwestern Sulawesi) to increase the area of study for items i and ii.

A.5.1. Mr. Aron Jeffrey Meltzner Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 50 Nanyang Avenue N2-01a-14 Singapore 639798 A.5.2. Dr. Adam Douglas Switzer Warga Negara (Nationality) : Australia Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 454 Coorporation Road 10-07, Singapore 649812 A.5.3. Mr. Jędrzej Marcian Majewski Warga Negara (Nationality) : Polandia Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student

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Institusi (Institution) : Earth Observatory of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 50 Nanyang Avenue, N2-01c-30 Singapore 639798 A.5.4. Dr. Nathalie Fairbank Goodkin Emami Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Associate Professor Institusi(Institution) : Earth Observatory of Singapore Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 50 Nanyang Avenue Nomor Paspor(Pasport no.) : 105343638 A.5.5. Ms. Sujata Annavarapu Murty Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Student/ Research Assistant Institusi(Institution) : Earth Observatory of Singapore Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 50 Nanyang Avenue A.5.6. Ms. Annette Bolton Warga Negara(Nationality) : Inggris Jabatan(Position) : Research Fellow Institusi(Institution) : Earth Observatory of Singapore Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 50 Nanyang Avenue

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B.1. Seismic Vulnerability Assesment and Evaluation of Industrial Plants and Urban Infrastructures at Banda Ache in Sumatra island and Capital city Jakarta in Indonesia TujuanPenelitian : Mengkaji kerentanan seismik dan evaluasi terhadap bangunan industri dan infrastruktur perkotaan di Banda Aceh dan Jakarta Bidang Penelitian : Geofisika/ Manajemen Kebencanaan Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2014 (month, startingfrom) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Banda Aceh), DKI Jakarta Mitra Kerja : Universitas Syiah Kuala (Marwan, M.T.) Abstract Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Evaluation of urban Infrastructures at Banda Ache in Sumatra Island should be conducted to reduce the damages suffer from earthquake vibrations and tsunami with staffs in Universitas Syiah Kuala as a joint research, since Large and small aftershocks have been occurred around Sumatra Island from the Huge earthquake in 2004. Furthermore, Seismic Vulnerability Assessment and Evaluation of Industrial Plants in Jakarta; Capital city area of Indonesia, should be also conducted, because many Japanese or other foreign companies operating in Indonesia are concerned with the reliability of urban Infrastructures.

B.1.1. Mr. Yoshinori Furumoto Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Nagano National College of Tecnology Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 716 Tokuma, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture 381-8550 Japan

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C.1. Improvement of seismic monitoring methodologies and application to volcanoes with extruding lava domes Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti peningkatan metodologi pengawasan seismik dengan menggunakan beberapa pendekatan yang berbeda Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jateng (Gn. Merapi) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, ESDM (Dr. Hendra Gunawan) Abstract My resarch activities in collaboration with the CVGHM which started in October 2012 concern the three following points:

1) Improvement of seismic monitoring methodologies by using different approaches: The temporal distribution of seismicity, the temporal variations of the amplitude and waveform, frequency content, LF and VLF source locations and mechanisms, changes associated with tectonic activity and structural studies. 2) Geophysical multi parameter studyat Merapi volcano. A multi-parameter monitoring station will be set up with the aimtoobserveseveral parameters as seismic signals (LF and VLF),electrical signals, deformation, gas flux and composition and temperature associated with dome growth and/or degassing in superficial conduits. 3) lnstrumental contribution tovolcano observation, monitoringan d intervention.

C.1.1. Dr. Jean Philippe G.A. Metaxian Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher

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Institusi (Institution) : IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Dévéloppement) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 73376 Le Bourget Du Lac, France

C.2. Ground deformations measurement and modelling at Merapi and North Maluku province volcanoes Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan pengukuran deformasi daratan di area G. Merapi Jawa Tengah dan gunung-gunung api di Maluku Utara Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi Lama Penelitian : 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 12 Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : D.I. Yogyakarta (Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanaan Geologi); Jabar (PVMBG Bandung) DKI Jakarta (IRD) Jateng (G. Merapi) dan Maluku Utara (Ibu, Gamkonora, Gamalama, Du-kono, Kie Besi) Mitra Kerja : Yogyakarta Observatory BPPTKG (DR Joko Subandriyo) Abstract In the framework of the research program cooperation between Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) and Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG), the aim of multi-disciplinary scientific project is to detect and characterize the deep magma source and the dynamics of magma transfer to the surface using precise defor- mation measurements, especially tiltmeters and continuous Global Positioning System (cGPS) with modern data processes and modelling.

After the 2010 eruption of Merapi, a new continuous GPS network has been installed by PVMBG and Kyoto University (Iguchi et al., 2011), consisting in 3 stations located on the volcano flanks plus a reference at Yogyakarta Observatory (BPPTK), and is mainly dedicated to monitoring purposes.

In 2013, we have completed this network with 5 additional permanent stations, which are located on the summit area and volcano flanks at 3 to 6 km distance.

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The final network (8 stations + reference), all with 1-Hz sampling and real-time data streaming to the Observatory, are now potentially able to better detect and measure the location and volume variations of possible magma sources, and follow magma transfer towards the surface. Precise daily solutions automatic algorithms have been set up and data are accessible to every partner of the research program.

Now we plan to install real-time inversion of 3-D elastic modelling of deformation sources, using different approaches : 3D-MBEM (Cayol & Cornet, 1997) and displace- ments tomography (Augier, 2011). We will also install new tiltmeter stations at Merapi and North Maluku province volcanoes.

During my short stay in Indonesia (July-September 2014), I will initiate the installation of this new network on the Merapi volcano, and set up the automatic processing at Yogyakarta observatory with data streams from the first operative stations. This will be achieved in collaboration with PVMBG teams, in particular Dr. Subandriyo and Ir. Made Agung Nandaka from BPPTK, and Pr. Masato Iguchi from the Kyoto University.

Also, I will contribute to the installation of monitoring stations at Maluku volcanoes (Ibu, Gamkonora, Gamalama, Dukono, Kie Besi).

C.2.1. Dr. François Beauducel Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Professor Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 1 rue Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France

C.3.1. Technical and Scientific Support on Geophysical Observation Platform of Indonesian Volcanoes Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan pemeliharaan peralatan serta pengambilan data geofisik dan geokimia Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Januari 2014 (month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta (GN. Merapi), Gunung api di Maluku Mitra Kerja : Badan Geologi ESDM (Dra. Sri Sumarti) Abstract “Technical and Scientific Support on Geophysical Observation Platform of IndonesianVolcanoes” Antoine P. Laurin

As part of the « Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement » activities in Indonesia, my research consists of bringing a scientific and technical support for geophysical observation platform on the Merapi volcano and in the .

Under the supervision of Dr. Jean-Philippe Metaxian, based in the CVGHM in Bandung, I am working in the BPPTKG office in Yogyakarta. My research project consists mainly of maintaining and installing the instrumentation system deployed on the Merapi volcano, in the frame of the Domerapi project. This 4-year project, financed and supported by French agencies ANR and IRD, associates several international partners (French, Indonesian and others) and is coordinated by Dr. Surono and Dr. Jean-Philippe Metaxian.

C.3.1. Mr. Antoine Pierre Laurin Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Institut de Rscherche pour le Développement (IRD) Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 49 rue Jean Baptiste Castaings 64340 Boucau France

C.4. Measurements of Volcanic Gas and Plume Emissions from Gunung Merapi using Spectroscopic Tools Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan pengukuran gas dan emisi debu Gn. Merapi dengan menggunakan spectroscopic tools Bidang Penelitian : Vulkanologi

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Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 25 Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : D.I. Yogyakarta (G. Merapi) Mitra Kerja : BPPTKG Kementerian ESDM (Dr. Subandriyo)

Abstract Our project makes part of the research program cooperation between Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD) and Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi (PVMBG/CVGHM) for multi-disciplinary investigations and improved monitoring of Gunung Merapi. Our scientific contribution is focused on tracking and quantifying magma degassing processes by using a combination of spectroscopic tools (OP-FTIR spectrometer, MultiGAS sensors, SO2-camera and DOAS sensors) to remotely measure the chemical composition and the mass flux of volcanic gases and plumes emitted by the volcano. Volcanic gas survey has long been carried out on Merapi thanks to regular access to the hot fumarolic fields of Woro and Gendol. However, since the November 2010 paroxysmal eruption (Surono et al., 2012) direct access to hot volcanic gases is no more possible and little information is available for the current post-paroxysmal magma degassing. During our fieldwork in August-September 2014 we thus propose to perform remote sensing measurements (i) of the chemical composition (H2O, CO2, SO2, HCl, HF, CO) and the mass flux of hot gases issuing from the summit crater (by operating spectroscopic tools from the crater rim and from Pasar Bubar) and (ii) of the SO2-HCl-HF content and flux in the bulk volcanic plume at distance from the volcano (using IR and UV absorption of the solar radiation). The results, obtained at high frequency (1 Hz), will be correlated with geophysical signals (earthquakes, deformations) and, combined with petrologic data, to determine the quantity of magma presently feeding the volcano. The scientific responsible of the project (PA) has a long past experience with measuring volcanic gases on Merapi.

This work (and resulting publications) will be realized in close collaboration with our Indonesian counterparts in BPPTKG (Drs Subandriyo, Sri Sumarti and Agus Budi Santoso) and with Dr. P. Bani (IRD, Bandung) for DOAS measurements. We shall also participate to the IAVCEI-COV8 Conference in Yogjakarta (Sept. 9-13) where two of us will be co-conveners (Session 1.I.3).

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C.4.1. Mr. Yves Moussallam Warga Negara(Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan(Position) : Postdoctoral Researcher Institusi(Institution) : ISTO-CNRS Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : ISTO-CNRS Orleans, 1A Rue de la Ferollerie, 45100 Orleans, France C.4.2. Ms. Rossella Di Napoli Warga Negara(Nationality) : Italia Jabatan(Position) : Post Doc Institusi(Institution) : University Of Palermo-DiSTeM Department Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Rossella Di Napoli, Via Villa Giocosa 42, 90146 Palermo Italy C.4.3. Mr. Alessandro Aiuppa Warga Negara(Nationality) : Italia Jabatan(Position) : Associate Professor Institusi(Institution) : Università di Palermo Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Dipartimento DiSTeM, Università di Palermo. Via archirafi 36, 90123, Palermo Italy C.4.4. Mr. Patrick Allard Warga Negara(Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan(Position) : Research Director Institusi(Institution) : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), 1 rue Jussieu, office 468, 75238 Paris cedex 05, France

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D.1. Circulation and ecosystem study in the Indonesian seas under the influence of the western Pacific variability Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengukur sirkulasi dan variabilitas ekosistem di laut timur Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 13 November 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Sulawesi Selatan (Laut Sulawesi), Maluku (Laut Maluku dan Laut Banda) Jawa Tengah (Laut Jawa) Mitra Kerja : P2O LIPI (Furqon Azis Ismail, S.Si, M.Si)

Circulation and ecosystem study in the Indonesian seas under the influence of the western Pacific

variability The way the circulation and ecosystem of the Indonesian seas are influenced by the western Pacific Ocean circulation and the dynamics of the forcing have never been studied, due to lack of synchronous observations of the western equatorial Pacific Ocean and the eastern Indonesian seas.The main objectives of the cooperative surveys are to measure the circulation and ecosystem variability in the eastern Indonesian seas, i.e. the Sulawesi Sea and the Maluku Sea. The study of the interannual variations of the Indonesian seas is evidently very important to the economy and social development of Indonesia.

The survey will conduct CTD and ADCP measurements in the eastern Sulawesi Sea and Maluku Strait using Baruna Jaya 8. The temperature, salinity and dissolved Oxygen profiles will be measured using CTD. Ship mounted ADCP measurements and water samples will be collected onboard of the ship during the survey. Three deep ocean moorings consisting of ADCP, CTD, and current meters will be deployed in the Maluku Strait. The cruise will also retrieve one mooring system in the Maluku Strait.

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D.1.1. Mr. Xiang Li Warga Negara(Nationality) : RRC Jabatan(Position) : Post-doc candidate Institusi(Institution) : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : D.1.2. Mr. Wang Zheng Warga Negara(Nationality) : RRC Jabatan(Position) : Associate Professor Institusi(Institution) : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao, China, 266071 D.1.3. Mr. Li Yao Warga Negara(Nationality) : RRC Jabatan(Position) : Research Assistant Institusi(Institution) : Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Waves, Institute of Oceanography, Chienese Academy of Sciences D.2. South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda and Lombok Straits Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan pengamatan dinamika laut aliran panas di antara lautan Indonesia dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi

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Lama Penelitian : 1 (satu) bulan, mulai 12 Desember 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Perairan selat Karimata Mitra Kerja : Pusat Pengkajian dan Perekayasaan Teknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan, Balitbang KP, KKP (Dr.rer. nat Agus Setyawan, Mukti Trenggono, M.Si. dan Tim) “South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda andLombok Straits”

The method used in this cruise is to deploy and recovery the Trawl-resistant bottom mounted acoustics current doppler profiler (TRBM ADCP Mooring) and Sub Surface Mooring Buoy (CTD and ADCP).

Recover the four TRBMs (Station B1, B2, B3, and B4) in Karimata Straits on April 2014. After load data and renew some equipment, the moorings will redeploy in the same station again. Then in November 2014 will recover all the TRBMs and finish the observation in the Karimata Strait.

In August 2014, the Lombok Strait cruise will recover and redeploy the Sub Surface Mooring Buoy to load the current data of the Lombok Strait.

Objectives The program SITE outlines an effort to measure the magnitude and variability of the water mass transport/exchange, temperature, salinity, and heat flux between the Indonesian Seas and South China Sea (SCS) in the Karimata Strait by deploying a series of trawl-resistant bottom mounted acoustics current Doppler profiler (TRBM ADCP) moorings.

The flow through the Karimata Strait is hypothesized to play a major role in controlling the dynamics of the SCS and Indonesian Seas, and in affecting the primary Indonesian throughfiow (ITF) and its impacts on seasonal fish migration. The field work of the Phase I & II of SITE program has been implemented from November 2007 to October 2011. Data obtained in Karimata and Sunda Straits revealed that a significant water mass transport, 3.6 Sverdrup (Sv), flowed from the South China Sea to the Java Sea in boreal winter and about 1.8 Sverdrup from the Java Sea to the South China Sea in boreal summer. This indicates that the Karimata Strait transport can contribute a seasonal variability of more than 5 Sv in

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the total Indonesian Throughfiow (ITF). This result indicates that the Karimata Strait throughfiow can greatly impacts the circulation of both the South China Sea and the Indonesian Seas.

In Lombok Strait Cruise, the cruise objectives is understanding dynamics (generation, propagation and dissipation mechanism of internal waves), determine impacts of Indonesian Throughfiow on internal waves and determine impacts of internal waves on biogeochemical fluxes.

D.2.1. Mr. Bin Fan Warga Negara(Nationality) : Republik Rakyat Cina Jabatan(Position) : Senior Engineer Institusi(Institution) : The First Institute of Oceanography Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road, High-Tech Industry Park, Qingdao, 266061, China D.2.2. Ms. Xiaoqing Xu Warga Negara(Nationality) : Republik Rakyat Cina Jabatan(Position) : Assistant Researcher Institusi(Institution) : The First Institute of Oceanography Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road, High-Tech Industry Park, Qingdao, 266061, China D.2.3. Mr. Lian Zhan Warga Negara(Nationality) : Republik Rakyat Cina Jabatan(Position) : Assistant Researcher Institusi(Institution) : The First Institute of Oceanography Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road, High-Tech Industry Park, Qingdao, 266061, China

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D.2.4. Mr. Li Shujiang Warga Negara(Nationality) : Republik Rakyat Cina Jabatan(Position) : Assistant Researcher Institusi(Institution) : The First Institute of Oceanography Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 6 Xian-Xia-Ling Road, High-Tech Industry Park, Qingdao, 266061, China D.3. Joint Research Program on Tuna Resources in Sulu-Sulawesi Seas Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan riset bersama di bidang survei oseanografi, survey hidro akustik dan penangkapan ikan tuna Bidang Penelitian : Oseanografi, Perikanan Lama Penelitian : 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 19 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Laut Sulawesi Mitra Kerja : Balai Penelitian Perikanan Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Prof. Dr. Ali Suman) Abstract Joint survey between SEAFDEC and Indonesia will be conducted at 22 November - 1 December 2014 in Sulawesi Sea, Indonesian Waters. The survey will be using MV SEAFDEC 2 research vessel. The data collected will be oceanographic, acoustic and fishing trial in 17 stations. The objectives of this research survey are to carry out oceanographical survey (ICTD, bongo net, neuston net, current indicator), hydro-acoustic survey by scientific echo-sounder and fishing trial using trolling, handline and longline at any appropriate position. Sampling stations was designed by stratified sampling method. Oceanographical data including current, depth, temperature, conductivity, fish larvae, phytoplankton dan zooplankton. Acoustic data will recorded during track, CTD operation and bongo-neuston operation. Bongo-neuston operation will be conducted in every station, using 500 and 330 m mesh size net for bongo net and 100 x 70 cm square shape with 1 mm mesh size for neuston net. Bongo net will be towed at 2-3 knot speed in 30 minutes in oblique direction while neuston net will be towed horizontally with the same speed and amount of time. The samples from bongo and neuston net will be taken and analyze in Indonesia.

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D.3.1. Mr. Sayan Promjinda Warga Negara(Nationality) : Thailand Jabatan(Position) : Researcher - Fishing Gear Technologist Institusi(Institution) : Capture Fishery Technology Division - Training Department (TD)- SEAFDEC Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : SEAFDEC PO. BOX 97, Phrasamutchedi, Samut Prakan, 10290, Thailand D.3.2. Mr. Komson Pofa Warga Negara(Nationality) : Thailand Jabatan(Position) : Researcher Institusi(Institution) : Capture Fishery Technology Division - Training Department (TD)- SEAFDEC Email(email) : - Alamat(Address) : SEAFDEC PO. BOX 97, Phrasamutchedi, Samut Prakan, 10290, Thailand D.3.3. Mr. Nakaret Yasook Warga Negara(Nationality) : Thailand Jabatan(Position) : Researcher Institusi(Institution) : Capture Fishery Technology Division - Training Department (TD)- SEAFDEC Email(email) : - Alamat(Address) : SEAFDEC PO. BOX 97, Phrasamutchedi, Samut Prakan, 10290, Thailand D.3.4. Ms. Pontipa Luadnakrob Warga Negara(Nationality) : Thailand Jabatan(Position) : Researcher Institusi(Institution) : Capture Fishery Technology Division - Training Department (TD)- SEAFDEC Email(email) : -

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Alamat (Address) : SEAFDEC PO. BOX 97, Phrasamutchedi, Samut Prakan, 10290, Thailand D.3.5. Mr. Sukchai Arnupapboon Warga Negara (Nationality) : Thailand Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Capture Fishery Technology Division - Training Department (TD)- SEAFDEC Email(email) : - Alamat(Address) : SEAFDEC PO. BOX 97, Phrasamutchedi, Samut Prakan, 10290, Thailand D.3.6. Mr. Remar Asuncion Warga Negara(Nationality) : Filipina Jabatan(Position) : Fishing Gear Technologist Institusi(Institution) : Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources-Capture Fisheries Division - SEAFDEC Email(email) : - Alamat(Address) : Blk4 Lot14, Francisco Home 3, San Jose Del Monte City, Bulacan 3023 D.3.7. Ms. Riczyneth Arinque Warga Negara(Nationality) : Filipina Jabatan(Position) : Fisheries Oceanography Institusi(Institution) : Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources-Capture Fisheries Division - SEAFDEC Email(email) : - Alamat(Address) : Blk30 L24-A Sampaguita St., Capitol Hills Exec. Subd,. Lapidario, Trece Martirez City, Cavite 4109

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E.1. In search of the first hominins: Sedimentology, palaeontology and dating of Pleistocene fossil vertebrate faunas and open occupation sites in Flores and Sulawesi Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penggalian, survey geologi dan rekonstruksi lingkungan deposit Pleistocene Bidang Penelitian : Paleontologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Kab. Ngada dan Keo, Flores), Sulawesi Selatan (Watansoppeng) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Survey Geologi/Badan Geologi Bandung (Dr. Ir. Adhi Wibowo) Abstract At present the prevailing model for early hominin evolution and dispersal assumes that the genus Homo originated in Africa at least 2.33 Ma ago and that Homo erectus was the first to disperse into Eurasia about 1.7-1.9 Ma ago; and that the migrants were large-brained and essentially modern in stature and body proportions. However, recent discoveries, especially at Dmanisi in Georgia and Liang Bua on the Indonesian island of Flores, indicate how little is known about when hominins first occupied Asia or the species involved. These differences also challenge all key assumptions in the ‘Out of Africa 1’ Model.

This Project will target the site Mata Menge in the Soa Basin of Flores, where there are well preserved faunal remains associated with evidence of Middle Pleistocene hominin occupation; where distribution of early hominin activities across the basin provides insights into their adaptive behavior. Although there is a long history of research in the basin, we engage in a level of inter-disciplinary investigation and scale of excavation not attempted previously on Flores, and seldom in Southeast Asia.

Furthermore, given evidence on Flores for a Late Pleistocene, endemic species, Homo floresiensis, the discovery of hominin remains from the Soa Basin will have major implications for the evolutionary history of hominins on the island. And, because of the unique circumstances of Flores as a refuge for faunal lineages long extinct elsewhere, the outcome of our research may have paradigm-changing

224 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 implications for the biogeography of early hominins in Asia, and for ancient dispersal events of hominins out of Africa.

The project will also explore other Indonesian islands that may have played a crucial role in the dispersal of hominins from Asia into island SE Asia and beyond, into Australia. We have focused in particular on the large island of Sulawesi, which has been disconnected from the Asian mainland since at least the Eocene, and where initial results suggest an early hominin occupation.

In addition, our research aims at unraveling the faunal evolution of Flores and other islands, with particular focus on the elephants and their relatives. Excavations at Mata Menge have yielded an unprecedented collection of fossils of Stegodon and other insular animals that can shed light on the evolutionary processes at work on an island. The rich fossil record on Flores covers a period from more than 1 million years to recent. This allows to investigate in detail a phenomenon called “the Island Rule”, which predicts that large mammals (such as elephants) will evolve smaller body sizes and small mammals (such as rodents) becoming larger. This topic is hotly debated in the recent literature, not in the least because it has been argued that Homo floresiensis itself represents an insular dwarf species. The well-dated faunal sequence on Flores offers an unique opportunities to test such models.

E.1.1. Mr. Brent Victor Alloway Warga Negara(Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan(Position) : Associate Professor Institusi(Institution) : Victoria University of Wellington Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : School of Geography, Environment & Earth Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand E.1.2. Mr. Gerrit Dirk Van Den Bergh Warga Negara(Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan(Position) : ARC Research Fellow Institusi(Institution) : University of Wollongong Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 98 Cowper St; Port Kembla NWS 2505, Australia

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BAB 6 ILMU KEDOKTERAN DAN KESEHATAN A. 1. Evaluation study of a Mobile Phone Application to Improve Nutrition Service delivery in rural and urban Posyandus Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji dampak aplikasi hand phone dalam akurasi data dan timeline terhadap kesiapsiagaan para pemangku kepentingan (stake holders) dalam hal pemantauan pertumbuhan dan konsultasi kualitas gizi masyarakat Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kesehatan dan Gizi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Utara (Cilincing), Jaktim (Kebon Pala), NTT (Sika) Mitra Kerja : World Vision Indonesia (Dr Sigit Sulistyo) dan Balitbangkes Kementerian Kesehatan (Kencana Sari, SKM,MPH) B. Abstract C. Background: Child undernutrition remains high in Indonesia, despite gradual improvements during the last decade. Undernutrition in early childhood can impair growth and cognitive development with lifelong consequences for health, economic and physical well-being. The use of mobile phone technology offers unique opportunities in the effort to tackle persistently high levels of child undernutrition and improve nutrition service delivery at community-level. World Vision Indonesia/Canada and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) propose to pilot and rigorously evaluate the use of a mobile phone application for child growth monitoring and nutrition counselling in community-based Posyandus in rural and urban Indonesia.

Objectives: The primary objectives of this pilot and evaluation study are to assess the impact of the mobile phone application on data accuracy and timeliness of growth monitoring; quality of nutrition counselling and stakeholders’ responsiveness to the mobile-phone based data.

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Methods: A total of 14 study sites have been purposefully selected in three macro areas of Indonesia, two urban and one rural, comprising, respectively, 2, 2 and 10 Posyandus. We plan to introduce the mobile phone application in parallel to the existing paper-based growth monitoring and counselling activities in each of the 14 Posyandus. A mixed-methods approach is proposed for this evaluation study, based on a Theory of Change (ToC) and employing both qualitative and quantitative methods. Different evaluation methodologies will be used including a counterfactual-based Mill’s Method of Difference design, mechanism-based Realist Evaluation and Process Tracing and stakeholder interviews. Data sources for this study comprise routine data resulting from the growth monitoring, focus group discussions, small-scale surveys, in-depth interviews, stakeholder interviews and participant observations. This study will not collect any human biological samples or test any medical products or devices.

All data sets from the growth monitoring and the nutrition counselling activities will be fully anonymous and can thus not be linked back to the individual child. All data will be stored on a secure server and access to the data will be password protected and will only be given to authorized researchers for the purposes of description and analysis. Dr Inka Barnett plans to visit Indonesia several times for maximal 10- 14 days (each visit) during this period. Together with Dr Sigit Sulistyo from World Vision Indonesia she will facilitate the training of the Indonesian research assistants, conduct brief visits to the study Posyandus, support the stakeholder interviews and assist with the data analysis. D. AB.1.1. Ms. Inka Barnett Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan(Position) : Research fellow Institusi(Institution) : Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Institute of Development Studies Library Road BrightonBN1 9RE UK

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A.1. Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus: Unravellign the casual link and improving care Tujuan Penelitian : untuk mengevaluasi strategi paling akurat dan layak dalam melakukan diagnosa pasien TB (tuberculosis) yang mengidap DM (Diabetes Mellitus) dan sebaliknya Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kedokteran Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 Januari 2015(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Bandung) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kedokteran UNPAD (Dr. Bachti Alisjahbana) Abstract Concurrent Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus: Unravelling the causal link and improving care.

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) triples the risk of developing tuberculosis (TB). Consequently, the alarming growth of Type 2 DM in TB endemic countries, and among people originating from TB-endemic countries, poses a serious threat to global TB control. This project addresses the scarce evidence for many of the recently advocated guidelines for care and control of TB and DM.

Cross-sectional studies will be undertaken to estimate the prevalence of DM in TB patients; and DM in TB patients. A randomised controlled trial of patients found to have both TB and DM will be undertaken to evaluate the most effective and cost- effective care required for patients with both TB and DM. After completion of TB treatment, patients will continue follow-up for a total of 18 months from the time of diagnosis to determine longer-term outcomes.

The study seeks to measure the prevalence of DM in TB patients, and TB in DM patients and to identify:

a) optimal and cost-effective screening to improve case detection, early treatment and secondary prevention of DM; b) how to improve care for patients with concomitant DM and TB;

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c) the treatment needs of TB patients with newly diagnosed DM once TB treatment is completed. In summary, this project is expected to have significant impact in improving the overall knowledge of prevention, screening, care and treatment of concommitant TB and DM.

A.1.1. Dr. Susan Margaret McAllister Warga Negara(Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan(Position) : Research Fellow Institusi(Institution) : University of Otago Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : PO BOX 56, Dunedin 9054

A.2. Innate Factors in Early Clearance of Tubercolosis (InFECT) Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti faktor-faktor bawaan dalam tubercolosis (TB) dan mengevaluasi asosisasi kekurangan vitamin D dengan infeksi laten TB Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kedokteran Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Barat (Bandung) Mitra Kerja : FK UNPAD (Bachri Alisjahbana, MD., PhD.)

“Innate Factors in Early Clearance of Tubercolosis (InFECT)”

Ayesha Verral Events immediately following exposure to tuberculosis are poorly understood. Epidemiological studies suggest both genetic and environmental factors influence the likelihood of early clearance following Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) exposure. In vitro experiments suggest Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) and hyperglycaemia may be risk factors for development of latent TB infection (LTBI); findings yet to be validated in humans. We propose a cohort study of Mtb case

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contacts followed for the development of latent TB infection (LTBI) to describe the early clearance phenotype and evaluate the association of VDD and diabetes (DM) with LTBI.

A.2.1. Ms. Ayesha Jennifer Verrall Warga Negara(Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan(Position) : PhD Student Institusi(Institution) : University of Otago Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 10H 9 Chews Lane, Wellington, New Zealand

A.3. Risk And Protective Factors For Condom Use And Injecting Equipment Sharing Among Women Who Inject Drugs In Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi prediktorpenggunaan kondom danjarum suntikbersama untukpenyuntikanobat di kalangan perempuan di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan /Kedokteran Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1September 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat (Bandung), Banten (Tangerang, Serang) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian HIV dan AIDS, Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya (Dr Clara R. P. Ajisuksmo) Abstract Background: Indonesia is experiencing one of the fastest growing HIV epidemics in South East Asia, concentrated largely among key populations. Compared with other at-risk groups, people who inject drugs remain disproportionately affected by HIV and other blood-borne viruses. Although they represent a smaller proportion of incident and prevalent HIV infections, women who inject drugs experience higher rates of HIV and other negative health outcomes compared with their male counterparts. However, despite evidence that women have substantially different needs and face higher health risks than do men who inject drugs, information on the risk and protective factors of condom use and needle-syringe sharing among

230 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 this population are scarce. In Indonesia, existing evidence is based on a small number of qualitative studies, with no quantitative studies having been conducted with this population to date.

Objective: The primary objective of the proposed study is to identify predictors of condom use and syringe sharing for drug injecting among women who inject drugs in Indonesia. Ultimately, this study seeks to inform improvements to existing services for reducing negative health outcomes among this group of women, to identify mediating factors that may assist in targeted program development, and to contribute to the formulation of evidence-based policies.

Methodology: The proposed research study will be conducted in West Java, Greater DKI Jakarta and Banten provinces, three of the provinces with the highest prevalence of injecting drug use and HIV in the country. The proposed study design is a cross-sectional survey of approximately 370 women aged 18 and older recruited using respondent driven sampling (RDS) to ensure a representative sample. The data will be recorded and analysed using SPSS v.20 and RDSAT v. 17. Both bivariate and multi-variate analyses will be performed to test hypothesised correlates of the two main outcome measures: condom use and needle-syringe sharing.

Expected results: The proposed study has the potential to contribute to the evidence base on correlates of HIV risk behaviours related to both unprotected sex and drug injecting among a group that has been grossly understudied in the Indonesian context. The proposed study benefits from broad support from key stakeholders in Indonesia, including the National AIDS Commission, the Ministry of Health, the HIV and AIDS Research Centre at Atma Jaya University, national civil society organisations including the Indonesian Positive Women’s Network and the Indonesian Network of People Who Use Drugs, and communities of affected women.

A.3.1. Ms. Claudia Stoicescu Warga Negara(Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan(Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi(Institution) : University of Oxford Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Department of Social Policy and Intervention 32 Wellington Square Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 2ER United Kingdom

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A.4. Evaluation of LAMP for the diagnosis of placental malaria in a low transmission rural site in South-West Sumba, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengevaluasi penggunaan metode LAMP (Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification) dalam mendeteksi malaria pada wanita hamil. Bidang Penelitian : Ilmu Kedokteran Lama Penelitian : 7(tujuh) bulan, mulai 24 Februari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (LBM Eijkman), NTT (Sumba) Mitra Kerja : LBM Eijkman (dr. Din Syafruddin, Ph.D.)

Evaluation of LAMP for the diagnosis of placental malaria in a tow transmission rural site in South-West Sumba, Inc8oBiesaa

Aims and Objectives The aim of our study is to evaluate the performance of LAMP in detecting placental malaria using nested PCR as the goid standard and to determine if LAMP is practical to use in rural laboratory.

Our objectives are:

1. To test the LAMP on placental and maternal samples at the Eijkman Institute laboratory equipped for molecular studies and compare the accuracy of LAMP against nested PCR. 2. Set-up the LAMP testing at the field site laboratory in SW Sumba and apply it on placental and maternal samples. 3. Compare the results of the RDT, standard microscopy and conventional PCR on placental and maternal samples with that of LAMP to asses for accuracy of LAMP against these conventional test methods.

Hypoihssis The hypothesis is that LAMP is more sensitive and specific than microscopy and RDTs, and has similar diagnostic accuracy to conventional PCR compared against nested PCR in a laboratory setting as the gold standard while LAMP is simple to use in field conditions.

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Methods Study site

Sumba is an island located in the East Nusa Tenggara Province in Indonesia™’”. The climate is tropical, with a dry season from May to November and a wet season from December to April. West Sumba, where the STOPMiP clinical trial is located, has approximately 400,000 residents who are mostly farmers. The overall prevalence of malaria infection in West Sumba Is around 5,0% in the dry season and around 6,8% in the wet season™”.

LAMP procedure A public/private collaboration between the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (Switzerland) and Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd. (Japan) lead to the commercially released Loopamp Malaria Pan/Pf Detection Kit (list number LMC562) in July 2012. The LAMP assay’s primers target Plasmodium genus or P. falciparum- specific sequences. The LAMP kit consists of plastic reaction tubes containing reagents that are vacuumdried and stable at ambient temperature.

DNA extraction will take place using the boil and spin method. The first step is adding 60 uL of biood to 60 uL of extraction solution (400 mM NaCI, 40 mM Tris pH 6.5, and 0.4% sodium dodecyl sulfate) in an Eppendorf tube, then the solution will be heated for 5 minutes at 95°C with a water bath, and finaiiy centrifuged at 10 000 « g for 1 minute; 25 pL of the supernatant will be pipetted Into a dilution tube containing 287.5 UL of molecular-grade water (Qiagen, Germany) i.e. a 1:10 dilution of supernatant.

Afterwards, 25 uL of the processed sample will be added to reaction tubes, and reagents were reconstituted by shaking the tubes. The tubes are piaced into the LF-160 LAMP incubator (Eiken), which accommodates 16 tubes per run; each run consisted of incubation for 40 minutes at 65° C, followed by incubation for 5 minutes at 80°C to inactivate the enzyme and halt amplification.

A successful reaction results in large quantities of DNA and insoluble magnesium orthophosphate, s byproduct of amplification that can be detected by fluorescence assay. After amplification, the reaction tubes will be read in the fluorescence visualization unit-under blue lightemitting diode light. Positive and negative controls are included in each run. LAMP reaction is considered positive for P. falciparum DNA if an obvious increase in fluorescence is observed compared with

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the negative control and is considered valid if fluorescence is present m the positive control and absent in the negative control.

A.4.1. Mr. Shailindra Winaykumar Balgobind Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Master Student Institusi (Institution) : University of Amsterdam Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Roodwilligen 79, 6903TB Zevenaar

A.5. Snacking Behaviour and its consequences on health and nutrition Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami tingkah laku makan dan nutrisi di daerah urban Bidang Penelitian : Kesehatan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Timur) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat UI (Dr. Dra. Evi Martha Mkes, Tiara Amelia SKM, MSc, Andham Dewi SKM) Abstract This document presents the terms of reference for a sociological research on food practices and representations among urban populations in Jakarta, Indonesia. In 2011 a research team including Cirad, Danone Research and Universitas Indonesia conducted a study in Jakarta and Bentul among mothers of low income backgrounds showing an increasing consumption of snacks foods, an important function of the street vendors as providers and multiple food contacts during the day outside the house. Thanks to these results and the success of the collaboration between these institutions, this new project was born. The literature review on this trends and the methodological approach is presented in this document that aims to provide information and research questions required. This document presents also the instruments for qualitative data capture (the first phase of the field work on March 2014) that will evolve thanks to the collaborative work starting on January.

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This research is part of a collaborative project between Grad, Danone Research and the University of Indonesia. The detailed budget is presented in Annex A. Laura Arcinlegas is a French PhD student working at the Cirad under the supervision of Nicolas Bricas (Cirad) and Jean-Pierre Poulain (Certop - University de Toulouse II). Since this research will be conducted in Indonesia Gilles saint-Martin (Regional Director of Cirad) b also monitoring it. Local Danone CBU’s (Country Business Units) are also involved in this project.

In this research, the role of Universitas Indonesia is to contribute to the definition of the scientific activities (issues, scientific questions, methodology) and to the implementation of the work program (interviews, collect and joint analysis of data). Universitas of Indonesia will be associated to the papers that will be published from the work done in collaboration with Cirad and Danone. This collaboration intends also to reinforce the scientific experience of Universitas Indonesia1 junior scientists and to share this experience with the students under one or two lectures given to a wider audience.

A.5.1. Ms. Laura Arciniegas Warga Negara(Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan(Position) : PhD Student Institusi(Institution) : La Recherche Agronomique Pour le Developpement (CIRAD) Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : UMR Moisa, TA C-99/15, 73 rue J.F. Breton, 34398 Montpellier CEDEX 5, France

A.6. Studi Epidemiologi DMFT anak-anak antara 6-12 tahun di Bali Utara, Timur, dan Bali Selatan Tujuan Penelitian : Mencatat status kesehatan mulut dengan indikasi klinis yang jelas pada anak-anak berumur 6-12 tahun yang terdaftar di sekolah di Bali Bidang Penelitian : Kedokteran Gigi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 13 Maret 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Bali Timur, Bali Utara, Bali Selatan)

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Mitra Kerja : FKG Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar (Putu Ayu Mahendri, drg., M.Kes.) Abstract Our project would be to go in several shools of Lombok & Bali during two months(end of 2013 year) to evaluate DMF T indices of children and to give a questionnaire to complete food habits and oral hygiene. We would like to compare the results from these two islands. We want to focus on 6-12 year-old children aiming to compare this informations data from representative studies from Indonesia and others countries.

A.6.1. Ms. Aurelie Marie Virginie Yvonne Moysan Warga Negara (Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : Rennes University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 14 rèsidence ville Asselin,22650 Ploubalay

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A.1. Sejarah Kuno Nusantara; Arkeologi dan Epigrafi (abad ke-5 – abad ke- 15 M) Tujuan Penelitian : Memperkaya data mengenai sejarah kuno Sumatra bagian utara sejak abad ke-5 sampai abad ke-15 M. Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 November 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sumut (Medan Marelan) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Arkeologi Nasional (Drs. I Made Geria, M.Si)

Abstract Program ini bertujuan untuk mencoba menjawab beberapa pertanyaan dasar mengenai sejarah situs Kota Cina. Pertanyaan pertama berkenaan dengan kronologi terperinci dan pcrkembangan areal pemukiman kuno. Untuk menjawab ini, situs Kota Cina memiliki dua kelebihan, yaitu jumlah keramik yang diimport dan kekayaan ekofak yang bisa ditanggalkan (CI4 atau AMS). Aspek kedua ialah mengenai asalnya dan cara hidup penduduk Kota Cina. Dari hasil penelitian sejak tahun 1970-an, terdapat indikasi bahwa situsnya pernah dihuni orang Tamil, orang Tionghoa dan mungkin orang dari Sri Lanka. Di samping pertanyaan mengenai kelompok dominan, mengenai cara hidup berkelompok atau bercampur, bentuk rumah, terdapat juga pertanyaan mengenai kebiasaan makanan. Untuk aspek terakhir ini juga situs Kota Cina menunjukkan satu kelebihan yang tidak pernah ditemukan sebelumnya di Sumatra Utara. Selain itu, penelitian di Kota Cina membuka kemungkinan untuk melakukan perbandingan dengan cara hidup di situs-situs lain sezaman di Sumatra Utara, khususnya dari segi tembikar dan keramik. Satu aspek lain ialah kegiatan-kegiatan yang dijalankan di Kota Cina. Jelas bahwa agama Hindu dan Buddha berperan penting.

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E.1.1 Dr. Daniel Georges Perret Warga Negara(Nationality) : Perancis Jabatan(Position) : Associate Professor Institusi(Institution) : Ecole française d’Extreme-Orient Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 22 avenue du Prèsident WILSON, 75116 PARIS

E.2. Prehistoric Human Migrations, Maritime Networks and Resource Use in the Northern Sulawesi and Maluku Islands Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan penggalian dan analisis arkeologi untuk merekonstruksi eksploitasi marine dan terrestrial di lokasi-lokasi yang cenderung belum diketahui di Indonesia timur Bidang Penelitian : Arkeologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulut (Manado, Kep. Talaud), Maluku (P. Morotai, Halmahera, Tobelo) Mitra Kerja : Puslitbang Arkeologi Nasional Kemendikbud (Dr. Bambang Sulistyanto) Abstract The research aims three goals as (1) to conduct new archaeological excavations and analysis for reconstruct Austronesian marine and terrestrial exploitation in the archaeologically unknown region in Eastern Indonesia, particularly around the Northern Sulawesi and Maluku region; (2) to develop a more comprehensive scheme for archaeo-zoological and archaeo- botanical analysis on fauna and floral remains; and (3) to conduct an intensive and extensive ethno-archaeological investigation of modern fishing technology and strategies across a range of island ecosystems in Wallacea region.

In terms of ethno-archaeological fieldworks, I will conduct interviews and observational surveys on their fishing and farming practices in some villages around the coast or archaeological sites as for extensive research. During intensive researches, I will attempt to collect ethnological quantitative data of fish catch and

238 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 farming procuction at a few villages in the field. The fieldworks will be carried out for twelve (12) months, from September 2011 to August 2012, in the Provinces of Sulawesi Utara and Maluku Utara.

E.2.1. Dr. Rintaro Ono Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : Associate Professor Institusi(Institution) : Tokai University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Shimohozumi 324-706, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka 422- 8037, Japan Nomor Paspor(Pasport no.) : TR1241686 E.2.2. Dr. Kazuhiko Tanaka Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : Lecturer Institusi(Institution) : Sophia University, Tokyo Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 4-11-A303, Kamariyaminami, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan 236-0045

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B.1. The Federation of Islamic Organizations in the Early Twentieth Century: Majlis Islam A’laa Indonesia (MIAI) and Majlis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia (Masyumi) Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami bagaimana perintis Muslim Indonesia membangun kerjasama dengan kelompok Muslim Indonesia lainnya pada awal abad 20, dengan fokus pada federasi organisasi-organisasi Islam seperti Majlis Islam A’laa Indonesia (MIAI) dan Majlis Syuro Muslimin Indonesia (Masyumi) Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Yogyakarta (Universitas Gadja Mada, Kantor Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah), Jakarta (Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (PNRI), Arsip Nasional, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)), Malang (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Gadjah Mada (Dr. Sri Margana) Abstract The puqxtte of this research is to understand and reevaluate how the crescent of Indonesian Muslims developed through the cooperative activities among Indonesian Muslims in the early twentieth centmy» by focasing ra j^ re<^aratk) o of Islamic orpanfratiom. tuch as Mailis Islam A’laa Indonesia IMIAD and MalBs Svuro Moslimin Indonesia fMasvumiV1. The one organiralion active on both the domestic and : uuernarional stages Was MIAI (Masyumi), as the representative7 body for Indonesian Muslims, from the end of the Dutch to the Japanese period.

To achieve this goal, the’ following lliree periods ofthiie win be cooperation activities, of Indonesian. Muslims, I win focus on AMsbm Congresses for Indonesia from 1922 to 1932. This type of congress was heMnrro times, rM there were disagreements and conflicts among the participants legardfag how to law or who should represent Islam. This period saw a series of failures, but the after develorArier4 was

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Masyumi is mostly based on personal meritfiries or the oigariizatkm’s period were, if anything, “lacking in more objective viewpoints. I wouM like tod picture of MIAI and Masyumi from a variety of sources.

The main methodology of this research is literature research and analysis. In Japan, it is difficult to find previous research on Indonesian history of Islam or Islamic organization by Indonesian scholars. First of all, I would like to make a bibliographic survey in the field. In addition, I expect to find locditewspaper3,inagazkes, newsletters, and other original source’ materials fa the days. Also, if possible, I would like to fateryiews people who wiUoontact to some people mvorvcdm MIAI and Masyumi For thepresent, the following documents are to be collected and examined.

B.1.1. Mr. Keita Tosabayashi Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi(Institution) : Waseda University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 1-15-22-617, Minami-ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, 171-0022, Japan B.2. Colonial Constructions of ‘Aceh Pungo’: Uncovering Divergent Histories in Sabang Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari sejarah Sabang guna memperoleh pemahaman terhadap kehidupan di P. Weh dewasa ini Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Aceh (Sabang Pulau Weh dan Pulau Rubiah) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Syiah Kuala (Dr. Muslim Amiren) Abstract The broad purpose of this research project is to explore the various histories of the Sabang region and to understand how people think about these histories in the present time. In particular, the research aims to find out about the period of

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colonial occupation and the resistance to this occupation by the Acehnese. The research will be specifically focused on the forced movement of people resisting colonial occupation to a ‘psychiatric hospital’ in Sabang under the guise of ‘Aceh Pungo’.

B.2.1. Ms. Joni Lariat Warga Negara(Nationality) : Australia Jabatan(Position) : Postgraduate research student Institusi(Institution) : Curtin University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2/11 Tanunda Drive, Rivervale, PerthWestern Australia6103

B.3. The Multiple Graves of Shaykh Yusuf of Makassar Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari sejarah perjuangan Shaykh Yusuf Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 11 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Daerah Khusus Ibu Kota Jakarta (Jakarta Selatan), Jawa Timur (Talango, Kabupaten Sumenep, Madura), Sulawesi Selatan (Makassar and Sungguminasa, KabupatenGowa) Mitra Kerja : Unhas (Idrus A. Paturusi).

Abstract In May 1699 Sufi scholar, anti-colonial fighter and political exile Shaykh Yusuf of Makassar passed away, and was buried in his place of exile at the Cape of Good Hope. His death was a loss for the burgeoning Muslim community in Cape Town, as it was for the people in his native land of Goa, Makassar. During his lifetime, Shaykh Yusuf made a lasting impression on the communities he lived in – from Makassar and Banten, to Ceylon and Cape Town. He was revered as a learned scholar, nobleman, warrior and community leader. In death his significance and memory has lived on. To this day, his grave is a sight of pilgrimage for pious Muslims

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who seek a connection with God, assistance in answering their prayers, or simply to pay their respects to a pious predecessor. While ziyara to the tombs of saint- like individuals is not uncommon, the case of Shaykh Yusuf is an anomaly, for this single historical figure has multiple graves, scattered across the Indian Ocean. This study is a multi-sited micro-history of Shaykh Yusuf’s three graves, in Cape Town, Makassar and Madura respectively. It aims to historicise each shrine, establishing the conditions of its creation and changes that have been made in its appearance, function and meaning over time. Secondly, it uses each tomb, as a site of ritual, contestation and social gathering, as a lens through which to understand local Islamic traditions, both contemporary and historical. Finally it places the gravesites into conversation with one another, to attempt a broader, connected historical narrative about place, practice and memory in the Indian Ocean world.

B.3.1. Ms. Saarah Jappie Warga Negara(Nationality) : Australia Jabatan(Position) : Graduate Student Institusi(Institution) : Princeton University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : History Department 129 Dickinson Hall Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544

B.4. Carving Out A New Future: Wayang Craftmanship in Central Java Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari bagaimana pertunjukkan, produksi dan penjualan suvenir wayang kepada turis mempengaruhi proses produksi wayang kulit di Jawa Tengah Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi & Sejarah Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta, Jateng (Wonogiri) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Studi Asia Pasifik UGM (Prof. PM. Laksono, M.A., PhD.)

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Abstract The aim of this research is to analyze the work of the female dalang of wayang kulit in Java, Indonesia. The end result being the completion of my dissertation and doctorate in Asian Theatre at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. I plan for the research for this dissertation to begin in April 2014 and last at least ten months. I intend to determine if there has been an increase in active female dalang in Central and Eastern Java since the beginning of the 1970s. If an increase is present research will be done to discover if this increase reflects a growing trend within the wayang kulit community of Eastern and Central Java. To enhance this survey this work will also include a brief history of wayang kulit; a study of Javanese-societal views and gender roles tied to the role of dalang; as well as a general study of the role of the female dalang in Central and Eastern Java. With this dissertation I hope to not only bring attention to what the female dalang are contributing to Javanese wayang kulit but also document this crucial time in the history of the art form as a whole. This dissertation will put-forth not only my research of women in the role of dalang within Javanese history, it will also include a case study of three specific female dalang. These female dalang are located in and around Yogyakarta, Indonesia. My library research would be focused at the Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta. I will, however, often travel to the areas surrounding Yogyakarta while interviewing female dalang and attending their wayang kulit performances. For example, the female dalang, Wulan Sri Panjangmas, is located in Wonogiri, Java. Trips as far as Jakarta could possibly take place if a wayang kulit festival is being held there and if a female dalang I am working with has been asked to attend and/or perform. The purpose of this research is to show how the work of these female dalang has been accepted, or not, by a society and what the future of the female dalang is in Java, Indonesia.

In order to gather information for this project in an effective and organized manner I am going to use a mixture of qualitative and quantitative research methods. This will be accomplished through library research in Hawai’i and Indonesia; in-depth interviews with female dalang; interviews with and questionnaires filled out by audience members of both male and female wayang kulit performance; study of Indonesian newspaper articles past and present; and enrollment statistics of females and males in dalang academies or art schools. This will be accomplished through travel to each of the female dalang’s cities; travel to individual performances by female dalang and male dalang; travel to wayang kulit festivals; requesting audience members fill out and return questionnaires either at an event or through

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a postage-paid envelope addressed to a PO box; and through my own analysis of the female dalang performances. The life-history methodology will be used for the purpose of interviewing and documenting the lives of the female dalang. I resolve to examine these dalang and their environment by always being aware that there is not one singular aspect of Javanese culture or society that comes into play with dalang performances and their studies but many. With this in mind I must look at cultural, social, and religious aspects of Javanese society to fully understand the social status of the female dalang in Java.

B.4.1. Ms. Kristina Lynne Tannenbaum Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Ph. D. Candidate Institusi(Institution) : US Fulbright Student Program Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 1511 Nu’uanu Ave #737 ,Honolulu, HI 96817

B.5. Co-Producing Space: Territorialization Processes in the Highlands of Aceh (Sumatra), Indonesia during the Mid-Late Colonial Period Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti proses pendudukan teritorial oleh rezim kolonial Belanda pada masa kolonial di Indonesia. Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 6 Juni 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Arsip Nasional), Aceh (Banda Aceh, Takengon), Sumut (Medan) Mitra Kerja : Suluh Nusantara (Muhammad Chozin, S.Pi., MAIA) Abstract In March of 1904, the Dutch sent a mission led by Lieutenant General G.C.E. van Daalen into the Gayo highlands with the goal of pacifying the indigenous population in order to gain control over Aceh and the wealth of natural resources in the region. The Dutch “conquered” the Gayo highlands in August of 1904 following five months of warfare between the local indigenous groups and the colonial government. Soon afterwards, the Dutch began a territorialization process that included the creation and implementation of new laws and declarations

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regulating the ownership and use of land. Powerful actions, such as the use of violent force and the implementation of new legal institutions, by the colonial government shaped social and geographic space in the highlands but did not hegemonize or totalize those spaces. Indeed, local peoples had just as dramatic an impact on spatial production in the highlands as did colonial actors, transnational organizations, and national and regional governments. Colonial regimes had to rely on collaborations with local leaders in the remote areas, which in the highlands was more often than not an unsuccessful venture. It is the actions, interactions, negotiations, and confrontations between groups that I will attempt to examine in this research project.

B.5.1. Mr. Matthew Joseph Minarchek Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi (Institution) : Cornell University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Department of History, Ithaca, NY 14850

B.6. Historical Transformations of the Malay Kingdom in West Kalimantan Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari pelestarian budaya melayu di Kalimantan Barat Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang, Pontianak) Mitra Kerja : PSDR LIPI (Prof. Dr. Yekti Maunati, MA.)

Application 4 Historical Transformations of the Malay Kingdom in West Kalimantan Nishijima Kaoru

I plan to research historical transformations of Malay Kingdoms and Malay culture in West Kalimantan. There were many small Malay kingdoms in West Kalimantan. However, their historical relations and transformations have not been investigated enough. I plan to clarify history of Malay kingdoms and culture of Malay people in West Kalimantan by focusing the following points.

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Firstly; I am going to investigate historical relationship between these Malay kingdoms. To clarify historical transformations of these kingdoms, I am going to conduct bibliographic survey. Secondly, I would like to investigate the historical relationship of these Malay kingdoms! plan to conduct both bibliographic survey and participant observation to clarify the relationships. Thirdly, I would like to research Malay culture, such as ritual practices andmarriage alliance and compare Malay culture in West Kalimantan with that of other Malay Kingdoms in other areas, such as South Kalimantan, North Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. I am going to conduct participant observation to record and analyze the Malay culture in West Kalimantan.

Above is the abstract of my research proposal. I am sure that my research is going to contribute to preservation of Malay culture in West Kalimantan and promote Malay studies in Indonesia.

B.6.1. Mr. Kaoru Nishijima Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : PhD Student Institusi(Institution) : Graduate School of Asian and African Studies, Kyoto University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 102, Royal House Aoi, 15-1, Nishi-takagi-cho, Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City, Japan

B.7. Historical Legacies and Contemporary Movements in Alternative Village-Based Education and Agrarian Transformation Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari munculnya komunitas pendidikan alternatif dan inisiatif desa Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah dan budaya Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 29 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Komunitas Belajar Qaryah Thayyibah — Kalibening Salatiga; Universitas Satya Wacana, Perpustakaan - Salatiga), DKI Jakarta (Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (PNRI),

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Jakarta Pusat; Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI) — Jakarta Selatan) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Indonesia (Dr. Grace J. Tiwon Wiradisastra) Historical Legacies and Contemporary Movements in Alternative Village- Based Education and Agrarian Transformation This project explores “Historical Legacies and Contemporary Movements in Alternative Village-Based Education” in Central Java, whereby I will study the contemporary emergence of alternative educational communities and village initiatives that work to bring development practice more centrally into the village context in Indonesia. The primary site for research is Kalibening, Central Java, with the Komunitas Belajar Qaryah Thayyibah (KBQT). My research methods involve close ethnographic study of the Kalibening village where I will live with and participate in educational projects in the free school for farmers’ children. Alongside student projects I will collect interviews, facilitate dialogue among community members, and incorporate points of contact with neighboring communities connected through student initiatives. Ethnographic study will be paired with archival research at the National Library and National Archive in Jakarta. I will compare the emergence of alternative educational communities in Central Java with national policies on education and village development historically. My objectives are to study the social and cultural context of village based schools today, and to situate their emergence within comparative frameworks of national policy, social movements and village development practice in Indonesia. Overall it is my goal to develop an intellectual bridge between contemporary village initiatives and the historical legacies from which they emerge in Indonesia.

N.7.1. Ms. Megan Robin Hewitt Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Graduate Student Institusi(Institution) : University of California, Berkeley; Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies Email(email) : [email protected]

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Alamat : 2011 West Street,Oakland, CA 94612USA, N.8The Sriwijaya Empire: Lost, Found, and Re-imagined Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti bagaimana para nasionalis Indonesia memandang Kerajaan Sri Wijaya dan menuangkannya di dalam karya-karya sastra seperti pidato, novel dan artikel Bidang Penelitian : Sejarah Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : D.I. Yogyakarta (Kampus UGM) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Sri Margana),

The Sriwijaya Empire: Lost, Found, and Re-imagined During my year in Indonesia, I will collaborate with the faculty of Gadja Mada University, in Yogyakarta,, to study how Indonesian nationalists invoked the Sriwijaya Empire in speeches, articles, and novels. Though Sriwijaya was one of the “twin symbols” of pre-colonial unity, the lack of surviving chronicles and paucity of standing monuments ensured that it remained a less vivid symbol of united Indonesia than the Majapahit. Instead of focusing on how the memory of Sriwijaya was “handicapped” by this lack of hard historical information, I would like to conduct research on how pre-independence Indonesian nationalists—particularly the novelist Muhammad Yamin, politician Mohammad Hatta, and the journalist Djamaluddin Adinegoro— “filled in the blanks” of an empire they had limited information about.

B.8.1. Mr. Jonathan Mensch Emont Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Student Institusi(Institution) : Swarthmore College Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 3147 Broadway Avenue, Apt. 4 New York 10027 USA

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C.1. Traditional Javanese Healers and the Rise of Indonesian Islam Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji proses-proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran serta penempatan nilai-nilai pengobatan tradisional di dalam jaringan sosial dan professional di dalam masyarakat pedesaan Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lama Penelitian : 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Malang, Magetan, Tulungagung, Pacitan, Pasuruan, Blitar, Ngawi Jombang Bangkalan Mitra Kerja : Lembaga Kebudayaan - Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (Dr. Hari Sunaryo) Abstract Through my interdisciplinary Fulbright research project, I hope to gain insight into the ways that contemporary social and religious dynamics in Indonesia impact traditional healing (TH) practices. By working with modern Javanese TH practitioners (known variously as dukun, wong pinter, orang yang menggunakan perantara ghaib), I will examine: processes of becoming; teaching and learning in social and professional networks; and the value placed on TH services by clients and rural communities. I will work with my host university, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), to complete this project. My primary question is: How does the interplay between contemporary Indonesian Islam and secular Javanese TH arts impact practitioners’ becoming(s), their status as teachers and/or keepers of knowledge in their communities, the evolution of their healing practices? The focus of the project is the dynamic convergence of culture, religion, and tradition in modern Indonesia. In the wake of globalization and transnationalism, exploring such sites of convergence stimulate our understandings of social evolution and cultural fusion. This project is a critical step toward my pursuit of doctoral studies.

With my Fulbright grant, I will conduct a qualitative case study (Creswell, 2013). Case studies are empirical inquiries that provide in-depth understandings of contemporary, real-life contexts bound by time and place. Modern TH practitioners

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and their clients in rural communities exemplify such a case. By using the snowball sampling technique, I will use my existing relationships in East Java as starting points from which to approach participants and obtain information about TH practitioners. Open-ended, in-depth interviews and follow-ups will be conducted. I hope to involve 8-15 practitioners and 8-15 clients in as many communities, making this an embedded multiple-case project.

The methodology is: Case study, interview based. After gaining consent from adult participants using a formal consent letter explaining the project in bahasa Indonesia, I will conduct interviews, which will be in-depth and semi-formal. I will have a standardized set of interview questions that I will ask each participant, and interviews will be audio recorded. I will not take pictures or videos in order to preserve participant anonymity, and each participant will be assigned a pseudonym. I will take field notes during interviews, and audio recordings will be transcribed and translated by me personally. Each audio file and transcription will be saved on my personal laptop, to which no other individual or third party will have access (the laptop is password protected). I will travel from site to site using public transportation, and I hope to work with 8-15 communities, with one participant in each community. Community engagement such as volunteer teaching in the community will facilitate data collection. Ultimately, data will be coded and analyzed by me in order to draw conclusions about my research question.

C.1.1. Ms.Samantha Lee Martin Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Graduate Student and Graduate Assistant Institusi(Institution) : Bowling Green State University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 721 Governor Morrison Street APT 580, Charlotte NC 28211-3339, USA

C.2. Faces of Ancient Indonesia: Facial Approximation of Indonesian Fossils Tujuan Penelitian : Penelitian tentang pendekatan berbasis bukti yang unik untuk memperkirakan penampilan wajah manusia, yang sepenuhnya menggabungkan temuan yang kuat dari ilmu-ilmu palaeo- antropologis, arkeologi dan forensik.

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Bidang Penelitian : Palaeo-anthropology Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Geological Museum, Bandung, Jawa Barat Mitra Kerja : Geological Museum, Bandung (Ir, S.R. Sinung Baskoro, MT) Abstract The facial appearance given to significant human fossils for display and illustration are very popular, and are a central educational resource within local and international Museums. Unfortunately, these iconic faces either contradict or ignore much of the research, and the skeletal material, they so powerfully represent. This proposal continues the research and development of a uniquely evidence-based approach to approximating human facial appearance, which fully incorporates robust findings from the palaeo-anthropological, archaeological and forensic sciences. The results of this proposal will include, for the first time, collaboratively produced depictions of the faces of Indonesian fossils that will be scientifically justified and internationally peer reviewed. It is anticipated that these results will offer the public, and the scientific community, a scientific balance to the more artistic displays that currently represent the faces of ancient Indonesia.

C.2.1. Ms. Susan Hayes Warga Negara(Nationality) : Australia Jabatan(Position) : Senior Honorary Research Fellow Institusi(Institution) : University of Wollongong Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Centre for Archaeological ScienceSchool of Earth and Environmental Science - Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong, New South Wales 2522, Australia

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C.3. Water Multiple and Urbanization of Water: Political Ecology of Water in Kampungs, North Jakarta Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti bagaimana masyarakat kampung mengelola air dan program pemerintah terkait pengelolaan air di kawasan kampung Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lingkungan Lama Penelitian : 6(enam) bulan,mulai 10 Januari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara) Mitra Kerja : FISIP UI (Dr. Drs. Semiarto Aji Purwanto, M.Si) Abstract The objective of my doctoral research in North Jakarta is to describe Kampung, as the built or man-made environment, focused on water. This research will explore how multi-layered results of governmental projects for a long time continuously transform the logic of governance and way of lives themselves. At the same time, I will deal with not only strategies of the logics and rationality attributed to techno- politics but also socio-cultural practices which transform and partially nullify the attempts of social engineering. These questions aim to explain two aspects, how governmental projects of urban water have changed and why they engender unintended effects.

C.3.1. Mr. Lee Kyung Mook Warga Negara (Nationality) : Korea Selatan Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Seoul National University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 612-901, Gangsun Apt Juyeop-dong, Ilsan-gu Goyang-shi, Gyunggi-do South Korea, 411-744

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C.4. Cultural Circles in Public Spheres: Past Impulese and Present Articulations of Nation and Identity in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengeksplorasi ide tentang bangsa dan identitas kebangsaan dalam komunitas budaya Indonesia abad 20 Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Budaya Lama Penelitian : 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta Mitra Kerja : Program Kajian Agama dan Budaya, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Sanata Dharma (Dr. Baskara T. Wardaya) Abstract In general, my dissertation seeks to explore ideas of nation and identity in the discourses of socially engaged cultural communities active in Indonesia in the 20th century at moments when the dominant narrative of the nation appears to be in flux. For my field research in Indonesia, it is my intention to examine both the formal structures and the cultural artifacts of selected communities of writers and artists vocal in the debates surrounding the shaping of cultural identity in these periods.

My overall objective is not to just think categorically or retrospectively in terms of these communities operating along two distinct centers of influence- one religious and one secular, one east and one west- but to think in terms of multiple and overlapping imperial fields (Stoler et al., 2007). Current trends in postcolonial scholarship have begun to challenge the conventional notion of the unidirectional movement of power, capital, and knowledge from the west and to bring into focus how the fluidity of these modes across imperial fields contributed to the production of colonial modernity and the formation of self identities that continue to resonate within the postcolonial nation (Sears and Benitez, forthcoming). I will use the framework of overlapping imperial fields to re-examine how alternative imaginings of the nation are articulated in the cosmopolitan outlook of various cultural communities and how these alternative imaginings have challenged and continue to challenge the cultural landscape of the post-colonial Indonesian nation.

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C.4.1. Ms. Micaela Marye Campbell Warga Negara(Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan(Position) : Graduate Student Institusi(Institution) : University of Washington Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 192 67A Street, Delta, British Columbia, V4L 1L3Canada

C.5. The Social and Cultural Values of Money in Rural Central Java, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Menginvestigasi nilai-nilai sosial dan kebudayaan atas uang di pedalaman Jawa Tengah Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi-budaya Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Cilacap) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Gadjah Mada (Ratih Pratiwi Anwar) Abstract This research project is an ethnographic investigation of the social and cultural values of money in rural Central Java. Financial education and entrepreneurship are arguably key words in contemporary discussions about rural poverty and development in Indonesia. Using anthropological methods such as participant observation, and semi-structured interviews, this study contributes to broader discussions about the relevance and role of financial education programs in rural communities, by focusing on the social meanings of money (Zelizer 2000). Instead of taking economic categories such as “rational calculation”, “saving”, and “investing” for granted, this study examines how rural villagers talk about monetary spending, saving, and borrowing, in terms of types of employment, gender, religion, and kinship. This is important to understand the challenges outlined by current studies of microfinance programs, such as why many members of rural Indonesian regions may continue to rely on informal moneylenders, and why some may cite cultural principles as main factors for not participating in microfinance programs (Priambodo et al. 2009).

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It has three broad objectives: 1)What factors and socio-cultural values shape the dynamic decision-making processes behind individual and household consumption practices? 2) What factors and socio-cultural values shape the dynamic decision- making processes behind individual and household monetary saving, borrowing, and lending practices? 3) How do financial education programs targeted at rural populations affect villagers in rural Central Java, in terms of decisions about consumption, saving, loans, work, residence, family, and community relations? This ethnographic study will contribute to better understanding the social and cultural reasons behind economic decisions of rural communities in Indonesia. Thus the research can contribute to informing policies and programs in Indonesia on entrepreneurship and development programs for rural communities.

C.5.1. Ms. Chan Zi Lin Carol Warga Negara(Nationality) : Singapura Jabatan(Position) : PhD student Institusi(Institution) : University of Pittsburgh Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 9 Saraca Drive, Singapore 807509, Singapore

C.6. Corrections Based on the Community: Local Practices for “Social Reintegration” in Java, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari cara-cara koreksi dari sudut pandang jaringan sosial dan sumber daya manusia berdasarkan konteks lokal di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi sosial Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Semarang (Pusat riset) Solo, Ambarawa), Jawa Barat (Tasikmalaya), Jawa Timur (Surabaya), DKI Jakarta Mitra Kerja : Pusat Studi Asia, Universitas Diponegoro(Dr. Yety Rochwulaningsih, M.Si.)

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Abstract According to “The Blue Print of Reformation and Implementation of Correctional System” (Indonesia’s Ministerial Decision) in 2009, one of the current main issues in corrections aiming at “Social Reintegration” is “De-institutionalization”(Dei nstitusionalisasi) of treatments by putting corrections into the middle of the community. Although this agenda seems to be kind of “new”, it should be noted that in Indonesia itself there have already been a variety of correctional practices supported by citizens through utilizing rich local resources in relation with national Correctional system. However, in academic field as well as in criminal policy, less has been examined about those practices.

The purpose of this research is to examine correctional practices from the viewpoint of social networks and human resources based on local contexts in Indonesia, and to reveal how “Social Reintegration” as a way of problem solving can be achieved in actual correctional scene. This research will particularly focus on juvenile cases because it is in the field of juvenile corrections that relatively active community-supported practices are expected. A prime case is Indonesian traditional educational institutions which cover not only aftercare treatments for those who committed a crime but also preventive treatments in early stages of misbehavior.

This research will adopt Ethnographic approach based on Participant Observation and Semi-structured interview for data collection and data analysis. After preliminary phrase to identify the cases where active correctional treatments are practiced, participant observation of selected cases will be taken, considering the characteristics of its social/cultural networks and local resources utilized in the activities. Here I will pay attention to the relationship of each practice with government-led corrections both inside/outside Correctional Institution. Besides that, Document collection on historical and legislative aspect of corrections as well as statistic data will be conducted.

[Academic contributions & broader impacts]

While corrections in Indonesia has long been examined mainly from the perspectives of history and law as well as a policy point of view which all put emphasis on the development of legal framework, less is known about how process of corrections works at a practical level and how “Social Reintegration” is achieved in each situation. By applying methods of ethnography and socio-cultural anthropology,

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this research aims to capture the instances of correction as an everyday practice for “goodness” in relation with the national framework of Correctional system. This research will also contribute to an understanding of the corrections which has been supported by local people in the community so far, and then may suggest the possibility of utilizing those accumulation of experiences to be put in the best use for the future reform.

C.6.1. Ms. Yoko Jinnai Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : Doctoral Student Institusi(Institution) : Graduate Scool of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 402 Earie Takemi,4-43 Takemi-cho,Mizuho- ku,Nagoya,JAPAN 4670043, JAPAN

C.7. Regional Society and Modern Spice Trade Network in North Maluku Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari jaringan perdagangan rempah- rempah di Maluku yang dilakukan oleh beberapa kelompok etnik Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Maluku Utara (Topo desa, Tidore Utara,Ternate Utara) Mitra Kerja : FISIP Universitas Andalas (Nursyirwan Effendi) dan Fak. Sastra dan Budaya Universitas Khairun (Drs. Fachmi Alhadar, M.Hum) Abstract Theoretically, the core of research theme is about the trade network formed on account of spices in Southeast Asia society. Furthermore, as a result of spice trade network made various ethnic groups, disparate type of cultures and societies link up as a holistic existence, interrelationship and position, including the cultural

258 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 symbolic significance created by those actors involved in this network should be concerned. Based on the above considerations, we are planning to choose commercial communities along the east coast on island Ternate which is actually the spice collecting and trading center of Northern Maluku, and village Topo on island Tidore where the ancient spice garden located, as our two main fieldwork locations. This fieldwork will last at least six months.

In order to realize research ideas mentioned above, anthropological filed work will be adopted as the main research method and supplement by historical research method. The most important content of this fieldwork is “participant observation” and “in-depth interview”. Team members will go to Topo Desa on Tidore Island and business center of Ternate Utara separately, live with peasants and peddlers who make their living by spices and inquire of knowledge about spices. Meanwhile groups will try experiment with combination of historical documents and first- hand field study in the process of investigation, for the sake of supplement and validation data obtained from traditional anthropology research method.

There are five academic objectives of this research programs: Firstly, to collect Maluku’s economic and social historical data around the production and trade of spice, comprehensively sort the spice trade history in this region; secondly, to conduct ethnographic studies of local communities and local ethnics in Maluku; thirdly, to observe and record the living world of local ethnics, which maintained at this regional social network, fourthly, using Cultural Anthropological methods to research the extensive communication and blending among many cultures in the regional society. Last but not least, conduct an Economic Sociological research to the ethnic social mobility and ethnic stratification in the region.

C.7.1. Ms. Tong Ying Warga Negara(Nationality) : RRC Jabatan(Position) : Doctoral Candidate Institusi(Institution) : Department of Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University, China Email(email) : [email protected]; [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Department of Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Xingangxi Road 135, Guangzhou, 510275, China,

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C.8. Power and Governance in Surfing Paradise: Decision making in desa Watu Karung, kab. Pacitan, Jawa Timur Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari proses pembuatan keputusan di Desa Watu Karung, Pacitan Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Timur (Desa Watu Karung, Pacitan) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Dr. Argo Twikromo) Abstract Since 2008, the village of Watu Karung in Pacitan has been the site of a growing surf-tourism economy. This represents a significant change in direction for the village economy and society. At present, all beachfront and ocean-view land has been sold and a number of foreign-led resort style developments have emerged.

This project seeks to make sense of the decision-making processes that enabled the development of the surf tourism industry as it has developed. Specifically, as a work of cultural anthropology, this work will seek to locate new agents of power (the foreign developers) in the power-structure of the village. It will ask a number of questions, including:

- Who holds influential power in regards to decision making? - The tourism developers represent a new type of figure for Watu Karung; middle-aged, wealthy, strong-willed Caucasian males. How are these foreign agents of power perceived by the local people and where do they fit into the existing power structure of Watu Karung? - Can these foreign agents of power assume traditional Javanese characteristics of power such as jasa and wahyu? This project has ramifications in a practical sense, allowing for a deeper understanding of the decision making processes used when Javanese fishing villages are opened to new development. This carries extra significance due to the near completion of the Southern Highway across the coastline of Java. Secondly, as a work of anthropology, this project will shine a light on contemporary power structures in the Javanese village and how they adapt to change.

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C.8.1. Mr. Daniel Richard Carney Warga Negara(Nationality) : Australia Jabatan(Position) : Tutor/Researcher Institusi(Institution) : University of Tasmania Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 28 Trent Street, Youngtown, Tasmania, Australia 7249, Australia

C.9. An ethnography of the coming into being of barkcloth artefacts amongst the Nuaulu of Seram, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji produksi, penggunaan dan konseptualisasi palaian dari bahan kulit di dalam masyarakat Nuaulu di Kep. Seram Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Budaya Lama Penelitian : 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Maluku (Seram) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Studi Maluku Universitas Pattimura (Hermien Soselisa) An ethnography of the coming into being of barkcloth artefacts amongst the Nuaulu of Seram, Indonesia The proposed research is PhD fieldwork from studies being undertaken in the Material Culture Group of the Department of Anthropology at University College London, in collaboration with the Economic Botany Collection at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Research will be predominantly ethnographic, and will investigate the production, use and conceptualisation of barkcloth amongst the Nuaulu of Seram, Maluku Province between August 2014 and May 2015. Barkcloth is made by the Nuaulu from the secondary phloem of trees from Meliaceae (Lansium sp.), Moraceae (Ficus and Artocarpus sp.), and Ulmaceae (Trema sp.) plant families, and is a socially cohesive cloth form, integral in life-cycle rituals. Barkcloth is a material that’s properties present us with an alternative way of being; these ways of being are often isolated from artefact collections, where materials are placed within etic classificatory systems. Focusing on barkcloth-related techniques will allow the

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integration of emic conceptualisations of the materials’ making and efficacy into the science, heritage and arts framework of the Economic Botany Collection. Whilst barkcloth production amongst the Nuaulu is minimal, it is extremely significant socially and forms part of a material landscape which sustains social life and relates to their environment. It is this relational aspect which is at the centre of research, with emphasis on interactions between human and plant behaviour through material engagements. Nuaulu engagements with barkcloth present a particularly interesting case study for investigating the nature and diversity of relationships between people and plants.

C.9.1. Ms. Emily Philippa Brennan Warga Negara(Nationality) : Inggeris Jabatan(Position) : PhD student Institusi(Institution) : University College London, & The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Wisma Bahasa, Jl. Affandi,Gang Bromo #15 A Mrican, Yogyakarta 55281 - Indonesia

C.10. The Water Monitor Lizard (Varanus salvator) in Banten, Indonesia: Behavior and Human Perspectives in Human-Developed Areas Tujuan Penelitian : Menyediakan pengetahuan yang memadai terhadap sikap dan perspektif masyarakat tentang kadal air yang habitatnya bersinggungan dengan pemukiman penduduk Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lingkungan Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 11Agustus 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Banten (P. Tinjil, Muarabinuangeun, Cisiih; Kab Serang) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Studi Satwa Primata - IPB (Entang Iskandar)

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The water monitor lizard, Varanus salvator, is considered common throughout its range in SE Asia, and has demonstrated ecological flexibility, often adapting to huinanKiisturt^ valued in some areas as a source of food and/or reptile skin, V. jo/ va/ormay become habituated to humans and has long been blamed for preying on small domestic livestock (e.g. chickens) in areas where it is not actively harvested. A large species reaching over 2 m in total lengm,K5afvator could come in to direct conflict with humans in commumties where me species* activity areas overlap with areas of human development

While past research has addressed V. salvator ecology and behavior, less attention has been focused on the human dimensions of V, salvator presence in areas of human activity. Documentation of local attitudes in areas where V. salvatorand humans coexist can dd in the understanding of community level concerns and may serve to inform future conflict mitigation efforts. Observations of V. salvator in areas inhabited by humans will also contribute to the understanding of anthropogenic effects on the behavior of this species.

This study aims to provide knowledge about attitudes and perspectives TQgzrdmgVarcmus salvator in Banten Province, Indonesia, where V. salvator have been observed scavenging garbage and living in close proximity to humans. The goals of tfcis study mcludemcreasedundeistanding of the nature of human and V. salvator interaction that can aid in assessing the potential for conflict and inform future conflict mitigation efforts.

We will carry out focus group and individual interviews with the aim of identifying key concepts regarding human perceptions of V. salvator in communities where humans and K salvator coexist Based on responses from the interviews we conduct, we will develop testable hypotheses aimed at. better understanding human attitudes towards V. salvator and the role V. salvator plays in human-listurbed areas. V, salvator will also be observed in the proposed study areas to increase understanding of V, salvator behavior in areas inhabited by humans.

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METHODS Study Location / Subject Population

Participants will be drawn for this study from Banten province, Indonesia, Study locations may . include Tinjil Island, Muara^inuangeun, Cisiih, and Serang. V. salvator are generally not commercially harvested in Banten Province, and the specieshas been observed scavenging human-discarded food Scraps and living in Close proximity to humans in areas of this province.

Study participants will be individuals 18 years^ and older ofaU races, ethmaty, and gender, who Kve or work in Banten Province, Indonesia. A combination of convenience sampling (i.e. interviewing whomever we have access to) and snowball sampling (i.e. identifying new participants based on the recommendation of current participants) will be utilized to aid in the recruitment of participants.

A native speaker of bahasa Indonesia will help facilitate me interviews. We will meet in-person, telephone, email, and mail/hand-deli ver letters, as appropriate, to potential participants to explain the purpose of the study, its approach and objectives, and to request participation. We will provide subjects with information about the purpose of the study, the basic approach being utilized, and the objectives of the study. A study proposal will be made available to anv SnM

C.10.1. Ms. Linda Therese Uyeda Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi(Institution) : University of Washington School of Environmental and Forest Sciences Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : University of WashingtonSchool of Environmental and Forest Sciences Box 352100 Seattle, Washington 98195-2100, Interact

C.11. The Intersection of Organic Farming and Women’s Agency in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji peran wanita dalam mempromosikan pertanian organik Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial

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Lama Penelitian : 8 (delapan) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : D.I Yogyakarta, Sumbar (Padang, Bukittinggi), Bali (Gianyar, Bangli) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Andalas (Dr. Maskota Delfi)

The Intersection of Organic Farming and Women’s Agency in Indonesia This research seeks to explore organic agriculture and the role of women in promoting organic agriculture in West Sumatra and Bali, Indonesia. Through this research, I plan to create an ethnography of organic farming in Indonesia, tracing out a history of agriculture since the Green Revolution. This research will also explore themes of women’s roles pertaining to organic agriculture. I argue that even though the trend of “going organic” derives in large part from globalization and the spread of neoliberalism, Indonesia’s organic food scene is not merely a case of supply and demand: it has also developed in ways particular to Indonesia, and I believe women have played a prominent role in its development. Through ethnographic field methods, such as interviews and participant observation, I will interact with local farmers, families, and organizations that promote organic farming, gaining the local perspective on organic farming and exploring women’s roles in these initiatives. The purpose of this proposed Fulbright research is to see what themes and lessons in international development emerge from studying organic farming in relation to issues of women’s agency in Bali and West Sumatra.

C.11.1. Ms. Martha Ann Walters Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Student Institusi (Institution) : College of the Holy Cross Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 2 Greany Drive, North Grafton, MA, 01536, USA

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C.12 Livelihoods, life conduct, subjectivities - a psychological-anthropological approach to work in Jakarta, Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari kehidupan di Indonesia, khususnya Jakarta, dengan analisa ekonomi skala mikro Bidang Penelitian : Psikologi sosial dan antropologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 Oktober 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Selatan) Mitra Kerja : Departemen Antropologi, FISIP, Universitas Indonesia (Dr. Tony Rudyansjah)

Livelihoods, life conduct, subjectivities - a psychological-anthropological approach to work in Jakarta, Indonesia

By exploring the interrelation of livelihoods, life conduct and subjectivity, this research develops a psychological-anthropological research approach to work in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta: How does it feel to work and provide a family’s livelihood? What are individual (and socially shared) motivations and values to work, - or not to work? And which activities are perceived as work after all?

The study will thus provide an ethnographic micro-level analysis on economic living conditions in Indonesia, specifically Jakarta, today, - as experienced in everyday life practices of the people involved. Beyond this ethnographic contribution, the study aims to develop new theoretical perspectives: Widely neglected within the anthropology of work, subjectivity of work’ has become a major focus of (Eurocentric) sociological research, which primarily addresses the changing work relations ac

C.12.1. Ms. Mechthild Juliane Von Vacano Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Research Associate / PhD student Institusi (Institution) : Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Weichselstr. 30 12045 Berlin Germany

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C.13. Urbanizing faith: ethnographies of high-rise living in Kalibata City Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari bagaimana penghuni menggunakan Kalibata sebagai pintu masuk terhadap masyarakat yang lebih luas melalui interaksi dengan penghuni lainnya Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi sosial Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 25November 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta (Kalibata) Mitra Kerja : Rujak Centre for Urban Studies (Hemento Kusuma Widjaja) Abstract The proposed ethnographic study will explore the transitional trajectories of younger individuals, couples, (lower) middle class residents and other as sociates as they try to get access to, hold on, or move away from new forms of high rise living in Kalibata City, South Jakarta. The main interest is in understanding how residents use Kalibata as an entry point into the wider city through their interaction with other residents, their personal networks and access to a particular kind of urban space.

C.13.1. Ms. Suzanne Naafs Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Postdoctoral Researcher Institusi (Institution) : University of South Australia, Adelaide Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : City West Campus, University of South Australia GPO Box 2471AdelaideSouth Australia 5001

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C.14. How environmental education contributes to crating the capacity for environmentally active citizenship: A Study of Senior High Schools in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji bagaimana pendidikan lingkungan di sekolah dapat berdampak pada terciptanya generasi muda yang aktif dalam kegiatan lingkungan di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Lingkungan Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kalsel (Banjarmasin), DI Yogyakarta, Jatim (Surabaya) Mitra Kerja : FISIP UI (Dr. Suraya A. Afiff) Abstract This research project’s main aim is to identify how school-based environmental education (EE) can contribute to creating environmentally active youth in Indonesia. This ethnographic study will involve fieldwork in senior high schools in Indonesia, to examine the approaches that senior high schools are taking and how they are delivering EE in partnership with environmental non-government organisations (ENGOs) (and in some cases with local government) and of their own accord. The focus of this research will not be on measurable environmental outcomes, but on how schools are working to provide students with skills, motivation and opportunities to bring about positive environmental change and environmental citizenship (in any setting, including at school, at home, in boarding houses and within the wider community). As part of the project, I will explore teachers�, students and ENGO’s definitions of EE, effective EE, and how these compare with other definitions.

Between two and six schools will be invited to participate after some early investigations to determine what types of EE programs are being delivered and which schools would be suited to the project. Data collection methods will include participant observation, questionnaires, focus group discussion and semi- structured interviews with students, teachers, principals, district education officers and ENGOs.

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In addition to analysing EE programs conducted by senior high schools, the project will contribute to the development of theory about the construction of people as environmental subjects, environmentalism as a social movement and environmental citizenship.

C.14.1. Ms. Kelsie Amanda Prabawa-Sear Warga Negara(Nationality) : Australia Jabatan(Position) : PhD Candidate Institusi(Institution) : University of Western Australia Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 37 Guron Rd Duncraig, Western Australia 6023, Australia

C.15. Indonesian Civil Society and the Concept of “Sukarela” - New Dynamics of Civil Engagement and Voluntarism in Contemporary Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Sosial, Area Studies Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta dan Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Jurusan Politik & Pemerintahan (JPP), Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIPOL), Universitas Gadjah Mada (Prof. Dr. Purwo Santoso) (Fak Ilmu Budaya UGM (Prof. Dr. Irwan Abdullah)) Abstract World-wide, voluntary engagement and work is a crucial part of civil society. In Indonesia’s consolidating democracy civil society more and more becomes an important factor. Especially, on a spontaneous basis Indonesians engage themselves for a cause that is of their innermost concern. This PhD project attempts to investigate models of being and becoming a volunteer in Indonesia and what it means to engage oneself as sukarelawan in Indonesian society. The study shall clearly distinguish between what it means to be a volunteer in Indonesia. What do Indonesians mean when they use the concept sukarela and what do they think are the higher goals of their voluntary engagement?

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C.15.1. Mr. Mark Philip Stadler Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan(Position) : PhD Fellow Institusi(Institution) : Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Faculty of HumanitiesUniversity of Copenhagen, Karen Blixens Vej 4, building 102300 Copenhagen S

C.16. Media and mediation between popular religion and modern martial arts in/from Indonesia. Construction of local knowledge in transitional, transmedial networks Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari motivasi individu untuk mengikuti sekolah pencak silat dan kaitannya dengan kepercayaan/ agama yang diyakini Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi budaya Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Yogyakarta dan Jawa Tengah Mitra Kerja : Universitas Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta (Dr. Katrin Bandel) Abstract The PhD project is designed as ethnological approach towards a media- and network analysis of transcultural exchanges. The research will aim at interdependencies between three levels of analysis: On the macro-level, the Indonesian states policy on religion, i.e. the tensions between doctrinal religion and alternative belief systems, provides a framework for the research. On the meso-level, the study considers organizational networks, the construction of collective identity between martial arts, mysticism, and religion. The micro-level is formed by individual actors� negotiation processes in transnational networks the mutual exchange or differentiation of representation and thought patterns (cultural flows - Appadurai

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1990). Particular attention is drawn on entertainment and communication media, to be able to analyze transnational discourses, interactive negotiation processes, revitalization and modernization of (religious) local knowledge. The PhD project shall produce a detailed study on the structures of individual actors negotiation; following up with questions on superordinate control mechanisms, also meso- and macro-level subjects are approached.

C.16.1. Mr. Patrick Frank Keilbart Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan(Position) : PhD Candidate; Research Assistant Institusi(Institution) : University of Cologne Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus- PlatzD-50923 Köln

C.17. Survival Strategy of societies dependent on Borassus flabellifer in Eastern Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Memahami strategi pertahanan hidup di Sabu Raijua, NTT Bidang Penelitian : Antropologi Budaya Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Desember 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (Sabu-Raijua, Kupang) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Nusa Cendana (Prof. Ricky Gimin)

Abstract Recently, food production is the most serious problems in the world. However, in rural areas, people are still relying on local ecosystems. In the survey of this period, I would like to clarify the activity and dietary pattern of villagers with traditional life in rainy season.

Activity patterns utilizing both dry and wet season and the knowledge of sustainability in rural areas will give us deeper knowledge about how to deal with current environmental problems.

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C.17.1. Mr. Takaki Hirose Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : Ph. D. Student Institusi(Institution) : Graduatre School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : AA439 Research bldg. No.2, Yoshida Hon-machi, Sakyo, Kyoto 6068501 JapanYokohama, Japan


D.1. Securing Land rights in democratizing Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji konsepsi kepemilikan lahan dari sudut pandang adat dan hukum yang berlaku Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Hukum Lama Penelitian : 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulsel (Jeneponto, Bulukumba) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Dr. Pujo Semedi Hargo Yuwono, M.A.) Abstract This project studies the development of land rights in Indonesia over the last 15 years, asking how Indonesia’s democratic and legal reforms have impacted the discursive strategies, practices and capabilities of peasants and state agents to deal with land issues. Focusing on different regions in Indonesia, the projects aims to study to what extent the opening up of new avenues for contestation after the fall of Suharto have affected the capacity of peasants to address land rights, and whether these developments have impact the way in which state agents implement land policies. The comparison between regions serves to ascertain to what extent local conditions – particularly the nature of available trust networks and the regulatory capacity of the state – have impacted the trajectories of these land issues.

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Specific Objective(s) This project studies the history of land rights in Indonesia over the last 15 years, with a focus on Indonesia’s reforms towards democracy and the rule of law in relation to land rights. The research hopes to contribute by providing insights and recommendations for the development of land rights in Indonesia. In an agrarian society like Indonesia, studying land rights is crucial for the welfare of the country

Scientific Relevance While the topic of land rights in Indonesia has received considerable attention, this project will add to the literature by (a) interpreting the changing nature of the structure for land rights in the light of changing forms of citizenship in Indonesia and (b) its attention for regional comparisons and variation between different provinces.

D.1.1. Mr. Willem Egbert van der Muur Warga Negara(Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan(Position) : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi(Institution) : Leiden University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Keizerrijk 28, 1012 VMAmsterdam, Noord-Holland The Netherlands

D.2. Making boundaries: Javanese urban middle-class women negotiating media within their roles as Muslim mothers Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari peran media dalam kehidupan ibu-ibu Muslim perkotaan di Jawa Tengah dan pengaruhnya terhadap peran mereka sebagai orang tua Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 2 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jawa Tengah (Semarang) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (DR. dr. Sri Andarini Indreswari, Mkes)

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Abstract Through this ethnographic study I would seek to document, understand and analyse the ideas and practices of urban Javanese Muslim women who are juggling and negotiating their lives as mothers in which media are part of their and their children’s lives. The issues I raise in this research project are to seek the meaning of media for urban Muslim mothers in Central Java, the complexity of their relationships with media and how these affect their roles as parents. Different data gathering tools will be applied which include participant-observation, semi- structured in-depth interviews, conversations and diary studies with urban Muslim mothers. Fieldwork will be conducted in Semarang for 2 months between October and December 2014.

D.2.1. Ms. Hanny Savitri Hartono Warga Negara(Nationality) : Selandia Baru Jabatan(Position) : PhD student Institusi(Institution) : Massey University Email(email) : [email protected]; [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Private Bag 102904, North Shore Auckland 0745, New Zealand

D.3. Social condition to repair and reconstruct local wooden dwellings by local communities over generations in rural villages in Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Membangun sistem sosial untuk memperbaiki dan merekonstruksi pemukiman rumah kayu di komunitas lokal di wilayah pedesaan Indonesia sejak beberapa generasi Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kaltim (Bontang, Kutai, Samarinda), Riau (Bengkalis, Dumai, Riak) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Riau (Haris Gunawan) dan Universitas Mulawarman (Dr. Rudianto Amirta)

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Abstract This research mainly aims to make clear social systems to repair and reconstruct local wooden dwellings by local communities over generations in rural villages Indonesia.

D.3.1. Ms. Haruka Suzuki Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : Project assistant professor Institusi(Institution) : Kyoto University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Cote de parc sumiyoshi no, 503, Nakanocho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, 6128315, Japan D.4. Securing Land rights in democratizing Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji konsepsi kepemilikan lahan dari sudut pandang adat dan hukum yang berlaku. Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi & Ilmu Hukum Lama Penelitian : 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 5 Februari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Sulsel (Jeneponto, Bulukumba), Lampung (Tulang Bawang, Mesuji, Lampung Tengah) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Dr. Pujo Semedi Hargo Yuwono, M.A.) Abstract

Summary This project studies the development of land rights in Indonesia over the last 15 years, asking how Indonesia’s democratic and legal reforms have impacted the discursive strategies, practices and capabilities of peasants and state agents to deal with land issues. Focusing on different regions in Indonesia, the projects aims to study to what extent the opening up of new avenues for contestation after the fall of Suharto have affected the capacity of peasants to address land rights, and whether these developments have impact the way in which state agents implement land policies. The comparison between regions serves to ascertain to what extent local

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conditions – particularly the nature of available trust networks and the regulatory capacity of the state – have impacted the trajectories of these land issues.

Specific Objective(s) This project studies the history of land rights in Indonesia over the last 15 years, with a focus on Indonesia’s reforms towards democracy and the rule of law in relation to land rights. The research hopes to contribute by providing insights and recommendations for the development of land rights in Indonesia. In an agrarian society like Indonesia, studying land rights is crucial for the welfare of the country

Scientific Relevance While the topic of land rights in Indonesia has received considerable attention, this project will add to the literature by (a) interpreting the changing nature of the structure for land rights in the light of changing forms of citizenship in Indonesia and (b) its attention for regional comparisons and variation between different provinces.

D.4.1. Mr. Willem Egbert van der Muur Warga Negara (Nationality) : Belanda Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi (Institution) : Leiden University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Keizerrijk 28, 1012 VM, Amsterdam, Noord- Holland.The Netherlands

D.5. Transforming Values and Attitudes: Political Culture and Indonesia’s Democracy Tujuan Penelitian : Menganalisis transformasi sikap dan nilai masyarakat awam di Indonesia untuk menjelaskan ketahanan demokrasi di Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Politik Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Januari 2014 (month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Bogor, Bandung), Jateng (DI Yogyakarta, Solo), Jatim (Surabaya, Madura), NTB (Mataram) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Pengkajian Islam dan Masyarakat UIN (Dr. Ali Munhanif) Abstract What explains the unexpected durability of Indonesia’s democratic system? While most of the scholarship on democratization has focused on elites and state institutions, this project focuses on the transformation of attitudes and values held by ordinary Indonesians. Specifically, this project asks the following questions: 1) Have Indonesians, on the whole, developed attitudes and values that will support the success and durability of the democratic system in place? 2) If so, what is driving this value and attitudinal change? What are the sites (e.g. civil society organizations, informal gatherings, schools) that have most effectively cultivated values and attitudes that best support democratic systems? Finally, 3) Have the strategies of political elites changed to adapt to pro-democratic attitudes and values in society, leading to greater democratic robustness? Data for this project will be gathered utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. I intend to use statistical data to track macro-level change in values and attitudes, isolating factors that may be driving value and attitudinal change. However, the majority of my data will be collected through interviewing and participant-observation methods in Java and NTB. I argue that qualitative methods are uniquely able to uncover the processes driving underlying changes in attitudes and values. I may also gather archival material to supplement data collection from the aforementioned methods. Overall, this project delves deeper into the relationship between political culture and democracy.

D.5.1. Ms. Jessica Soedirgo Warga Negara (Nationality) : Kanada Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi (Institution) : University of Toronto Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 5 ShandyGolfway Apt. 1511 Toronto, Ontario, M3C 3A5 - Canada

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D.6. Ideas of the ‘Arab World’ in Indonesia: Perceptions and Experiences of Working Migrants and Pilgrims Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti bagaimana TKI yang memiliki pengalaman bekerja di luar negeri dan orang- orang yang pernah melakukan perjalanan haji atau umrah memahami konsep ‘Dunia Arab Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Lama Penelitian : 11 (sebelas) bulan, mulai 22 Januari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Dr. Pujo S.H. Yuwono, M.A.)

Abstract In the PhD project “Ideas of the ‘Arab World’ in Indonesia” I want to investigate how the international experiences of working migrants and pilgrims generate new knowledge about the ‘Arab World’. The ideas of ‘other’ places shape a general understanding of cultural identity and determine cultural change. The research will be conducted with qualitative inquiry methods, such as participant observation, guideline interviews and narrative interviews.

D.6.1. Ms. Mirjam Luecking Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D. Candidate Institusi (Institution) : University of Freiburg Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Werthmannstraβe 10, 79085 Freiburg Baden Wuerttemberg - Germany

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D.7. An ethnographic study of the Indonesian circular labor migration program to Hong Kong Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji program pengiriman TKI dari perspektif etnografi Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 Januari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jatim (Tulungagung dan sekitarnya, Malang, Surabaya), Kantor Perwakilan Republik Indonesia di Hong Kong Mitra Kerja : Puskapol UI (Sri Budi Eko Wardani) Abstract The dissertation investigates the Indonesian migrant workers sending program from an ethnographic perspective, thus contributing a thorough analysis to the international discussion on Temporary Labor Migration Programs. It follows one migration route from an Indonesian sending region to Hong Kong and back, thereby choosing as a case the migration circle from Indonesia to the City State of Hong Kong, one of the main destinations of Indonesian migrant workers. International migration is one of the most important phenomena of globalised modernity; and state facilitated programs, which organize circular migration, are gaining importance and popularity in the international discussion on migration. These programs are discussed as a “win-win-win” solution for sending and receiving countries as well as for migrant workers to the current challenges of globalization. In order to better understand whether the expectations towards circular migration can be satisfied and scrutinize circular migration programs from a migrant workers’ rights based perspective, Indonesia as one of the major labor sending state in the region is an important case to be learned from because during the last decade the Indonesian temporary migration program has made attempts for a more effective protection of Indonesian migrant workers.

In my research, I will approach institutions involved in the circular migration program by applying an ethnographic research method. Political and Policy Ethnography goes beyond classic policy analyses, which mostly study documents because it approaches policies and political programs from their implementation and everyday practices. Ethnographic methods allow understanding how politics

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and policies – in this case the governing of migration – work on the ground. This approach gives the possibility of thorough and grounded insights into how current (national and international) agendas and programs of the regulation of migration are translated into practice. It provides a good foundation in order to evaluate implications of current migration policies.

D.7.1. Ms. Eva Samia Dinkelaker Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D.Student Institusi (Institution) : Kassel University & Freie Universiteit Berlin Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 29, D-10179 Berlin, Germany

D.8. Gender performance and dynamic positioning of young women in pluralistic Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji persepsi dan ekspektasi wanita muda agamis Indonesia dalam menghadapi isu pluralisme, modernisasi, dan globalisasi Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Januari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : DI Yogyakarta, Bali (Denpasar) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM (Dr. Wening Udasmoro, M.Hum., DEA) Abstract

Summary The anthropological research project aims to explore different and sometimes competing ideals of womanhood and femininity among young religious women. Therefore I will examine how young religious Indonesian women ‘do gender’ in the context of ethnic and religious pluralism, modernization and globalization. These different contexts entail specific normative and moral ideas and ideals of appropriate femininity. Trying to be a simultaneously religious, moral and modern young woman is a tightrope walk of doing gender. My research project analyzes the

280 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 perceptions and expectations young religious Indonesian women are confronted with and how they negotiate these expectations in different social spaces and contexts (family, in private, at work, media, in public).

On the one hand, this includes the study and analysis of competing ideals of femininity articulated in various contemporary discourses like - for example - the moral but consumption-oriented femininity of “hijabbers” or notions of femininity which are understood as western imports. While on the other, it entails the analysis of the dynamic negotiations of those ideals in every day practice. Religion, ethnicity, political orientation, educational background, economical resources and the self-positioning within youth culture are assumed to be prominent factors structuring these negotiation processes. My project therefore aims to understand: how pluralistic notions of femininity are dynamically connected and negotiated in the social, medial and religious practices of young women; how young women position and understand themselves; and how they interpret the processes around them.

Working program and methodology The main methodologies to be deployed will be qualitative research methods, e.g. ethnographic fieldwork. The principal techniques of fieldwork will be participant observation, different forms of interviews and discussions. Those methodologies will be administered mainly in DI Yogyakarta and Bali, but I will also conduct interviews in other parts of Java and Bali. The research will focus on young women in the age between 18-28 years. I plan to start my research in the beginning of January 2014. I will conduct seven months of intensive fieldwork in Yogyakarta and four months in Bali (for the use of multi-sited ethnography see Marcus 1998). I chose these places as research base because the dominant religions and cultures are different, yet both populations are seen as culturally proud, conservative and nationalistic. Furthermore, as a student city Yogyakarta offers young women, who just moved out of their family homes, multiple new opportunities to explore and do gender in a new way. Bali hosts a young population who migrated there in order to work in the tourist industry. The situation for doing gender is similar, they are exposed to different ideals of the society strongly influenced by local Hindu beliefs and the various ideals of tourists.

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D.8.1. Ms. Kristina Schneider Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jerman Jabatan (Position) : Ph.D.Student Institusi (Institution) : Georg-August University Göettingen Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Institut fűr Ethnologie/Departement of Sosial and Cultural Anthropology, Berliner Sraβe 28, D-37073 Göettingen

D.9. Organizing Mechanisms of Local Societies in Rural Indonesia: Case Study of a Rural Development Project in Regional Diversity Tujuan Penelitian : Mengidentifikasi mekanisme pengorganisasian masyarakat lokal dengan memeriksa perbedaan dalam kinerja PNPM Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Banten (Lebak), D.I.Yogyakarta (G. Kidul), Sulawesi Selatan (Toraja Utara, Tana Toraja) dan Sulawesi Tengah (Donggala, Sigi) Mitra Kerja : Fakultas Ekologi Manusia IPB (Dr. Soeryo Adiwibowo)


Organizing Mechanisms of Local Societies in Rural Indonesia: Case Study of a Rural Development

Project in Regional Diversity

Motoko Shimagami This research aims to identify the organizing mechanism of local society by examining the differences observed in the performance of PNPM (Program Nasional

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Pemberdayaan Masyarakat), a community empowerment project implemented nationwide under the same program framework.

In order to identify the organizing mechanism of local society, this research will first categorize organizations found in the researched villages into four types, based on the function of organizations and the initiative of organizing; i) traditional cooperative organization, ii) development organization, iii) social organization, and iv) local administrative organization. Then, the performance and characteristics of development organizations formed by the introduction of PNPM are examined in comparison with and in relationship to other organizations. Special attention will be paid to the comparison with and relationship to the social organizations (type iii) and local administrative organizations (type iv), as these organizations often become the host organization to incubate an exogenously introduced development organizations and facilitate collective activities in the locality.

D.9.1. Ms. Motoko Shimagami Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : Associate Professor Institusi(Institution) : Ehime University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Maison Grace 402, 3-55 Momiji-machi, Matsuyama, Ehime, 790-0861 Japan

D.10. Gender Participation in Local Governance in Indonesia: Case studies from Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mencari terobosan baru dalam menganalisa isu-isu sistemik pemerintahan lokal dan gender Bidang Penelitian : Kebijakan publik dan sosiologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 November 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jakarta, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Timur Mitra Kerja : Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia (Prof. Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto)

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Gender Participation in Local Governance in Indonesia: Case studies from Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)

Melissa Frances Johnston It is hoped that this research, combined with previous studies, will break new ground in analysing systemic issues for local governance and gender equity and help understand how communities make political claims within a decentralising system. Dissemination to policy makers and academics at the Institute for Peace and Democracy (Universitas Udayana), at the Graduate School of Multidisciplinary Studies (Universitas Indonesia), and during the internship component at an International Non-Government Organisation (INGO) will help create opportunities for future academic collaboration and policy cooperation between Indonesia and Australia on gender and local development issues. The aim of internationalisation is also in keeping with the University of Indonesia Graduate School’s aim for its gender programme to become the “leading referral institution in the international and national level for the conceptual development of gender studies in Indonesia”.

D.10.1. Ms. Melissa Frances Johnston Warga Negara(Nationality) : Australia Jabatan(Position) : PhD Student Institusi(Institution) : Murdoch University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Unit 6, 63 Palmerston Street, Northbridge, PERTH, Western Australia 6000, Australia

D.11. Legal Pluralism and Islam in Indonesia: Ethnography of Minangkabau Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari praktek turun temurun dari orang Minangkabau di Sumatera dan melihat kesinambungan dan perubahan dalam sistem kekerabatan dan struktur desa Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi dan antropologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 November 2014 (month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Sumatera Barat (Padang dan Bukittinggi) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Kajian Sosial-Budaya & Ekonomi (PKSBE), Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Padang (Mestika Zed) Abstract The purpose of this research is to document the inheritance practices of the in Sumatra and examine the continuities and changes in their kinship system and village structure. Through an ethnographic study of a particular village, the research explores how local traditions and customs (Adat), Islamic law and religious norms, and Indonesian state laws are interpreted and practiced by the villagers in their family life.

The Minangkabau society is traditionally matrilineal, that is, descent is traced through female line, and land properties are inherited from a mother to her daughters. The Minangkabau people, however, are also predominantly muslims and follow Islamic law, which stipulates property inheritance in a different way. How do the Minangkabau people reconcile their traditional kinship system with universal Islamic law?

Traditionally, disputes regarding inheritance claims were settled by the male lineage head (ninik mamak or punghulu), or at the local Adat council (kerapatan adat nagari) composed by lineage heads of the village. Since colonial times, some disputes were brought to state courts. Recently, it is reported that people increasingly bring their disputes to Islamic courts. What kind of dispute is settled locally and what kind is brought to state or Islamic courts? How people decide which legal mechanism to use to resolve disputes over inheritance? How judges at state or Islamic courts interpret Adat, Islamic law, and state law in their ruling of the cases?

D.11.1. Mr. Kei Nishikawa Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Ph. D candidate Institusi (Institution) : Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Email (email) : [email protected]

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Alamat(Address) : Anthropology Program, Graduate School of Arts and letters, Tohoku University 27-1, Kawauchi, Aoba-ku Sendai, Miyagi. 980-8576, Japan

D.12. Toward the Regeneration of Tropical Peat Land Societies: Establishment of an International Research Network and Proposal of its Future Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk memperjelas karakteristik ekologi dan siklus materi di daerah rawa gambut tropis Bidang Penelitian : Sosiologi dan kesehatan masyarakat Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Propinsi Riau (Kabupaten Bengkalis and Siak), Kalteng (Kotamadya Palangkaraya,Kab. Pulang Pisau), Jateng (Kabupaten Magelang, Klaten, ,Boyolali), DI Yogyakarta (Kabupaten Sleman, Kulon Progo) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Gunawan) Abstract We would like to do inter-disciplinary study on degraded peatland, and the measure to rehabilitate and conserve the degraded peatland, to prevent fire, and to improve the welfare of local people including through the way of rewetting and reforestation.

The aims of our study are v To clarify the ecological characteristics and material cycles in tropical peat swamp areas. Our focuses are the material cycles in soil and water, biomass and re-forestation, and biodiversity and ecosystem functions. v To clarify the social and cultural characteristics and to suggest social frameworks for peat land conservation that consider the conflicts of interests between local people and companies, and between conservation and development. v To establish an international data and research hub by integrating the worldwide research networks of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies

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(CSEAS), Kyoto University and various research institutions in Indonesia such as Riau University, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesian Institute of Science, BPPT and Gadjah Mada University. This will contribute to compensating for the insufficiency of data accumulated on tropical peat areas and will bring together scientific data such as data on actual carbon stocks, which is currently scattered all over Indonesia.

Our team consists of 13 members. My own topic of study is Stakeholder�s organizations and institution to prevent the peatland degradation, and to rehabilitate the forests, as well as to improve the local people�s welfare. My study is one of the core study of our team’s study on degraded peatland and its rehabilitation. I would like to study at Bandung regency also to learn the lessons of reforestation from Java island where now people are willing to plant trees at hilly area.

D.12.1. Mr. Masaki Hamaguchi Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : Student Institusi(Institution) : Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 2-2-5 esuteitohaitsu 305, Tarumi Matsuyama, Ehime, 7900905 Japan D.12.2. Mr. Kazuya Masuda Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Special Research Associate Institusi (Institution) : SUIJI Promotion Office, Faculty of Agriculture, Kochi University Email (email) : Alamat (Address) : 1169-1-B-303 Nakajima, Okoh-cho, Nankoku-shi, Kochi, 783-0049 Japan

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D.12.3. Ms. Mao Kajita Warga Negara(Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan(Position) : Student Institusi(Institution) : Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 4-6-18, Tarumi Matsuyama, Ehime, 7900905 Japan D.12.4. Mr. Tetsuya Shimamura Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Associate Professor Institusi (Institution) : Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, 3-5-7 Tarumi, Matsuyama 7908566 JAPAN D.12.5. Mr. Hiromitsu Samejima Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Yoshida-shimoadachi-cho 46, Sakyo 606-8501 Kyoto, Japan D.12.6. Ms. Fumiko Furukawa Warga Negara (Nationality) : Jepang Jabatan (Position) : Researcher Institusi (Institution) : Graduate School of Asian and African Studies, Kyoto University Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 46 Shimoadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501 Japan

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E.1. Language and narratives of the past in the Flores Sea region Tujuan Penelitian : Mendokumentasikan bahasa dan tradisi oral mastarakan Pulau Palu’e yang terletak di pantai utara Flores serta mempelajari sejarah P. Palu’e dalam konteks regional Laut Flores Bidang Penelitian : Linguistik Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 30 Oktober 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : NTT (P. Palu’e, Maumere, Kab. Sikka, Ende, Flores Timur, Manggarai, Manggarai Barat), DKI Jakarta (Arsip Nasional) Mitra Kerja : Asosiasi Tradisi Lisan (Dr. Pudentia MPSS, MA.) Abstract The research will document the language and oral traditions of Palu’e Island, Flores, and historicise the island Palu’e, in the regional context of the Flores Sea. Palu’e Island will be used as a hub through which a web of historical contacts will be drawn by using the sea as a unifying principle. The method is documentary and comparative, and will make use of audio-recorded interviews gathered from peoples’ memories and oral traditions. Narratives of the past, especially concerning trade, war and travels, will be gathered from various sources on Palu’e and Flores. Oral history will be compared with primarily Dutch archival records. What forms the views on the past take will be examined. Do indigenous narratives relate to colonialist and nationalist narratives, and how from a post-colonial point of view?

The project will use a linguistically informed dual-use approach by also documenting the local language of Palu’e with the same tools. Results from the project will be: Articles that contribute to the history of Eastern Indonesia. Documented material consisting of high quality audio files, field notes and photographs. Transcribed and/ or annotated files archived in an secure digital archive. A collection of oral histories and a community oriented dictionary of the Palu’e language. Training objectives during project: Indonesian history, recording and interview techniques, digital archive practice, familiarity with colonial archives, Palu’e and Dutch language proficiency, project management.

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E.1.1. Dr. Hans Steven Danerek Warga Negara(Nationality) : Swedia Jabatan(Position) : Independent Researcher Institusi(Institution) : Lund University Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Skogsallén 13, 31272 Skummeslövsstrand, Sweden

E.2. Analyzing the Impact of Fulbright English Teaching Assistants in Indonesian Public High Schools through Social Support Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji dampak program Fulbright English Teaching Assistants in Indonesia Bidang Penelitian : Linguistik Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Juli 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Riau (Pekanbaru), Jateng (Semarang), Gorontalo (Gorontalo), Kalsel (Banjarmasin), NTT (Kupang) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya (Katharina Endriati Sukamto) Abstract English Teaching Assistants (ETA) offer Indonesian students a learning parallel not present between Indonesian English Teachers and Indonesian students. As a native-speaker living and aiding in Indonesian classrooms, ETAs are faced with the task of learning a new language as wwell as learning and adapting to a new culture. This adaptation process for ETAs mirrors Indonesian students’ experience with learning English from American, native-spakers. The parallel between ETAs and Indonesian students fosters empathy and through this empathy ETAs offer students social support. An increased sense of social support from ETAs promotes a cross cultural exchange between the ETA and Indonesian students, which in turn increases students’ cultural awareness of their own culture. Heigtened sense of cultural understanding facilitates students’ confidence boost, which studies have shown increased confidence leads to positive improvement in the classroom. Thus, the current research project wishes to investigate the effect of having a native-

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speaker in Indonesian classrooms on student motivation; similarly, what is the effect of having a native-speaker in Indonesian classrooms on student participation and academic success during English language instruction.

E.2.1. Ms. Rainesha L. Miller Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Researcher Institusi(Institution) : Fulbright Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 505 Valley Avenue, Apt 214, Birmingham, Alabama 35209, USA

E.3. Digital documentation of folk tales of the Baduy, a people of Indonesia Tujuan Penelitian : Melakukan perekaman video, transkripsi, dan analisis cerita rakyat serta cerita-cerita sejarah Baduy. Bidang Penelitian : Linguistik Lama Penelitian : 5(lima) bulan,mulai 16 Januari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Jabar (Bandung, Ciboleger, Kompol, Kadu Ketug dan sekitarnya) Mitra Kerja : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Dr. Eri Kurniawan, M.A.) Abstract The focus of the proposed research is documentation of the language of the Baduy, a small, distinct group of ethnically Sundanese living in the Kendeng Mountains in Banten Province in western Java. The research will focus on gathering some additional language data to continue compiling a dictionary (with some emphasis on material culture) and to collect baseline syntactic data. The project is a collaborative effort with faculty at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung. The goal is to strengthen ties with that university and engage in a long-term research project that would include faculty and students at both UPI and the University of Iowa.

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The methodology employed during the project will proceed as follows: 1. preparation of questionnaires designed to collect words for the dictionary (especially about objects of the Baduy material culture) and grammatical structures; 2. entering data into a linguistic database and program designed for constructing dictionaries; 3. analysis of data collected; 4. curation of the data in a digital archive; 5. creation of both digital and print copies of the dictionary and the grammatical data collected. The project will take place at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung as the focus of this research will be the analysis and curation of the data gathered by the UPI team.

E.3.1. Prof. William Daniel Davies Warga Negara (Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan (Position) : Professor/Reseacher Institusi (Institution) : University of Iowa Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : Departement of Linguistics, University of Iowa Ioa City, IA 52242

E.4. A Study of Bugis Grammar through the Role-and-Reference Grammar Framework Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk menggambarkan sistem keergatifan dalam bahasa Bugis dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan wacana dan konstruksi pasif dalam bahasa Bugis Bidang Penelitian : Linguistik Lama Penelitian : 6(enam) bulan, mulai 14 Oktober 2014(month, starting from)

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Daerah Penelitian : Sulawesi Selatan (including Sinjai, Pangkep, Barru, Bone, Pinrang, Soppeng, Wajo, Pinrang, Wajo, and Sidrap) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Bahasa Universitas Negeri Makassar (Language Center UNM) (Prof. Dr. Baso Jabu)

Application 21

A Study of Bugis Grammar through the Role-and-Reference Grammar Framework Douglas C Laskowske There have been various research projects done recently among Austronesian linguistics on the subject of ergativity and voice. The Bugis language is spoken by some 3,000,000 people in South Sulawesi, being the most dominant of the peninsula. The major part of this research is to describe the system of ergativity in the Bugis language and how it relates to discourse and the passive construction in the Bugis language. I posit that Bugis involves two ways of forming the passive construction, one to focus on the actor, and the other to focus on the undergoer.

As a side product of this research, I hope to write up a basic Bugis grammar through the framework of role-and-reference grammar (RRG), and turn over the intellectual property rights for this publication to the State University of Makassar (UNM).

E.4.1. Mr.Douglas Carl Laskowske Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Master’s student Institusi(Institution) : University of North Dakota Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 1821 Palmer Trail, Grand Prairie, TX 75052USA

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F.1. Shifting Embodied Practices: An exploration and examination of movement, expression, and character depiction in contemporary Balinese legong choreographies Tujuan Penelitian : Mengkaji koreografi tari Legong baru yang diciptakan oleh seniman kontemporer Bali, khususnya dari aspek pergerakan, ekspresi, emosi, dan materi cerita di balik koreografi tersebut Bidang Penelitian : Seni Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Gianyar, Karangasem) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Budaya Universitas Atma Jaya (Yanti, Ph.D) Abstract I propose to examine new legong choreographies created by Balinese choreographer-dancers in contemporary Bali, with a specific focus on movement vocabulary, gesture, expression, emotion, and depicted story material. Through my analysis, I aim to explore the dynamic relationship between preservation and innovation of form; discuss the deep, personal significance of the legong and its movement vocabulary for dancers and choreographers in the contemporary context; and reveal the nature of innovation within the context of contemporary legong choreographies, as compared to the standard repertoire.

I will study the creation of new works at three levels: individual choreographer- teachers, independent performing arts ensembles, and arts institutions and festivals. I will look at the legong repertoire that is taught at the Indonesian Arts Institute-Denpasar, showcasing new legong choreographies created by graduating dance students. And I will review new legong choreographies created specifically for presentation at the annual Bali Arts Festival. Through this study, I seek to understand how legong as a traditional, classical form is inherently dynamic, and open to adaptation and innovation. How do choreographers understand this form in terms of its potential for innovation? At the same time, what elements must be retained for the form to be recognized as legong?

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My focus will be primarily on movement vocabulary and investigating selected dramatic source material; consequently, my analysis will be comprised of three primary parts: examination of movement vocabulary in terms of inherent quality and innovation; analysis of source dramatic material depicted in terms of expanding the legong repertoire; and analysis of the manner of character depiction through codified movements.

From this analysis, I will review the dynamic relationship between preservation and innovation of form, with the aim of gaining insight into the deep personal and social significance of the legong movement vocabulary, as composed by the choreographers and as experienced by the dancer-performers. I will conduct my research in Bali, Indonesia from September 2013 to August 2014, with a strong possibility that I will extend my research period until December 2014. My research will be primarily conducted in the Gianyar and Badung regencies and I will be based in Campuan, Bali for the duration of my research.

F.1.1. Ms. Anna Sue Reynolds Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Ph.D. Student Institusi(Institution) : University of Hawai’i at Manoa Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : c/o Kathleen Johnson 2464 Prince Edwards St. #1512, Honolulu,HI 96815 USA

F.2. Culture in Urbanization Schemes: Art in public spaces across Southeast Asian cities Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti keberadaan seni rupa di dalam pembangunan perkotaan di Asia Tenggara Bidang Penelitian : Seni Rupa Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 14Juli 2014 (month, startingfrom) Daerah Penelitian : DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Bandung), DI. Yogyakarta Mitra Kerja : Institut Teknologi Bandung (Prof. Ira Adriati)

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Abstract The research establishes connections between art and urban development. Urban development and gentrification programs increasingly use cultural programs, not only in Metro Manila but across cities in Southeast Asia. Commissions for art are central to these programs. The research aims to reveal the often undisclosed and less apparent role of art in urban development.

It examines the articulation of development aims through strategies conveyed in form, spatial language, and conditions of production. Scrutiny of commissioning contexts contributes to the need for a ‘critical apparatus’ to weigh and assess the efficacy of public art in realizing development goals, or the more encompassing claim of improving life in cities. The project will use art historical approaches to the study of cities and its cultural forms in a Southeast Asia context.

F.2.1. Ms. Tessa Maria Guazon WargaNegara(Nationality) : Filipina Jabatan(Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi(Institution) : University of the Philippines-Diliman Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Department of Art Studies Room 2092 Faculty Center University of the Philippines Dilman 1101 Quezon City Philippines Philippines

F.3. Rediscovery and Revival of Lost Tonalities in the Vocal and Instrumental Music of Bali Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari musik tradisional Bali Bidang Penelitian : Etnomusikologi Lama Penelitian : 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali (Karangasem, Denpasar, Klungkung, Buleleng, Gianyar)

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Mitra Kerja : Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Denpasar (Dr. I Gede Arya Sugiartha, S.SKar., M.Hum.) Abstract The first published recordings of music in Bali, made in 1928, provide an unprecedented aural window into a decade when four factors converged: the fall of kingdoms and trauma of colonialism, decentralization of the arts from palaces to villages, and the enticements of tourist entertainment furthered by representation in emerging 20th-century media. Each of these historic developments contributed to the disappearance of musical genres and in the long term, knowledge systems and varieties of music cognition. My purpose is to combine ethnography amidst today’s oldest generation of musicians, singers, traditional literary scholars, dancers and theater artists, with previously inaccessible archival resources to stimulate our own and indigenous understandings of past practices leading to a re-conceptualization of cultural history and an opportunity for contemporary artists and scholars to re-invent a lost musical language. These near-centenarians underscore the urgency of contextualizing the newly accessed audio-visual resources. The fieldwork is intertwined with my project for repatriation of these audio-visual archives facilitated by an exchange of knowledge, audio-visual media, technical resources and methods of dissemination in Indonesia, online and in the United States through UCLA, ISI-Bali and STIKOM-Bali. These circumstances of loss, rediscovery and re-acquisition offer a real-time opportunity to explore phenomena of musical cognition with broad implications well beyond Bali, shedding light on implicit and explicit ways of hearing, learning and performing music.

My newly discovered audio-visual resources include 78s from 1928, numbering at last count 111 three-minute sides as well as four hours of films made by Colin McPhee in the 1930s. Most faculty at the arts institutes have never seen a film of I Marya, the most celebrated creator of the dominant 20th-century dance form, kebyar. In addition to disseminating such media, we listen to recordings and watch the films alongside old masters and come to understand their perspectives. Repatriation has the potential to expand the very meaning of ethnomusicology and anthropology, enabling artists and scholars in the cultures of origin to share in previously unavailable resources and empowering them in illuminating and informative dialogue with foreign scholars.

Twelve months of fieldwork expected to commence September 15, 2014 and continue to September 15, 2015 will enable me to focus mainly on tonality in vocal

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and instrumental performance practice in 1928 and today. Research will include sessions with singers, musicians and traditional scholars, frequency analysis with new computer software, and audio recording of musical instruments. The locations will be in various villages in Bali where unique musical practices are still in existence, including Kamasan (Klungkung), Bodakeling (Karangasem), Pagan (Denpasar), and Singapadu (Gianyar).

I will lead eight seminars, once each month, for faculty and students at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI-Bali) as well as two seminars at Universitas Udayana. This will insure my Balinese colleagues’ input on the challenging musicological issues and help to inculcate an understanding of research and fieldwork methodologies. I will include five research assistants from amongst the faculty and graduate students at ISI, training them in ethnographic methods and in turn benefitting the project with multiple perspectives.

F.3.1. Mr. Edward Walter Herbst Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Research Associate in Anthropology Institusi(Institution) : Hunter College-City University of New York Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : Department of Anthropology, Hunter Collage- CUNY, 695 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065, USA

F.4. Children’s Songs and Games from Bali Tujuan Penelitian : Meneliti lagu dan permainan anak-anak di Bali Bidang Penelitian : Musik Lama Penelitian : 5(lima) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014(month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Bali Mitra Kerja : ISI Denpasar (Dr. I Ketut Gede Asnawa)

This research comprises children’s songs and games collected from Bali, Indonesia. The research features arrangements of these songs for performance on instruments found in elementary music classrooms in the United States as well as arrangements

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for performance on two types of traditional Balinese instrumental ensembles, known as gamelan angklung (we have one here at Gettysburg College) and gamelan gong kebyar (more common at universities across the globe). Each song and game is accompanied with a morality story tied to the folk traditions found in Bali. Each song and story will be beautifully illustrated by a Balinese artist and accompanying audio and video recordings will be available through a website.

F.4.1. Dr. Brent Cumner Talbot Warga Negara(Nationality) : Amerika Serikat Jabatan(Position) : Assistant Professor Institusi(Institution) : Gettysburg College Email(email) : [email protected] Alamat(Address) : 300 N. Washington St Gettysburg, PA 17325 USA

F.5. Painting & Exhibit of Origin Tales and Other Folklore Reflecting Identity and Shared Heritage Tujuan Penelitian : Mempelajari kesenian tradisional serta budaya masyarakat Dayak dalam rangka menghasilkan karya seni mengenai kebudayaan masyarakat dari beberapa negara di Asia Tenggara. Bidang Penelitian : Seni Lama Penelitian : 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 26 Februari 2014 (month, starting from) Daerah Penelitian : Kaltim (Balikpapan dan wilayah sekitarnya) Mitra Kerja : Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan LIPI (Dr. Herry Yogaswara)

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Painting & Exhibit of Origin Tales and Other Folklore Reflecting Identity and Shared Heritage

Federico Sulapas Dominguez Philippines Senior Fellow, Asian Public Intellectuals (API), 2013-2014

ABSTRACT The project for my fellowship with the Asian Public Intellectuals has two goals. The first one is to provide myself the opportunity to explore the countries around Southeast Asia and expand my artistic vista. My second goal is to expose myself to indigenous peoples and their cultures in order to create a series of artworks on the origin tales and folklore correlating to a shared heritage, identity and culture amongselected countries around Southeast Asia. These artworks will be presented in an exhibit as final product of my fellowship.

To be able to produce a mini-mural and other complementary artworks, the scope of my study in Indonesia will focus on origin myths and legends, and rituals as well as the history and contemporary life of the Dayakpeople who live in East Kalimantan. The have many folklores and rituals, and still practice certain animistic beliefs such as the Kaharingan. They also live in the forest and practice swidden agriculture which show their closeness with nature and the spiritual world.

The objectives of my research and art exhibit as stated in my API proposal are: v To produce and exhibit a mini-mural and other complementary artworks of separate plates detailing my final rendition and impression of identity and shared heritage of indigenous communities in three countries in Southeast Asia; v To study the origin tales and relevant folklore of various communities project through community immersion, interviews, observations and supplementary readings; v To determine the relationships between various indigenous communities in the three countries in Southeast Asia as part of a shared heritage;

300 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 v To come up with a catalog for the exhibition with brief descriptions and/or captions for public viewing but not for publication.

For my methodology, I will visit the communities and converse with the people�the elders and the young, men and women, the leaders and residents, local artisans and performers, local teachers, etc. through formal and informal interview, community immersion and integration, and observation methods in understanding the people and their culture.

F.5.1. Mr. Federico Sulapas Dominguez Warga Negara (Nationality) : Filipina Jabatan (Position) : API Research Fellow Institusi (Institution) : Tambuyog Development Center Email (email) : [email protected] Alamat (Address) : 44 Lt J.Francisco St. Krus na Ligas 1101 Quenzon City - Philippines

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Jumlah No Mitra Kerja (Kerjasama)


1 Badan Geologi ESDM 2

2 Badan Litbang Kehutanan 2

3 Balai Penelitian Perikanan Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan 31 Perikanan

4 Balai TN Kutai Kaltim 1

5 Balitbangkes Kementerian Kesehatan 1


7 BPPT – Pusat Teknologi Survei Kelautan 1

8 BPPTKG Kementerian ESDM 4

9 BPTP Sulsel-Balitbang Kementan 1

10 Center for International Forestry Research 1

11 Kementerian Kehutanan 5

12 Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan 12

13 LBM Eijkman 5

14 Lembaga Penelitian Smeru 1

15 Museum Geologi 1

16 P2O LIPI 5


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19 Pusat Arkeologi Nasional 6

20 Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan/Kebun Raya Bogor – LIPI 1

21 Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI 71

22 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perubahan Iklim dan 1 Kebijakan Balitbanghut

23 Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan LIPI 1

24 Pusat Penelitian Limnologi LIPI 5

25 Pusat Survey Geologi/Badan Geologi Bandung 1

26 Pusat Teknologi Farmasi dan Medika - BPPT 1

27 Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi, Badan Ge- 2 ologi, Kementerian ESDM

28 Puslit Geoteknologi LIPI 18

29 Puslit Oseanografi LIPI 13

30 Puslitbang Perubahan Iklim dan Kebijakan (Puspijak) 3

31 Puslitbang Sumberdaya Laut dan Pesisir 12

32 Puslitbang Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian 16 ESDM


1 Akademi Perikanan Sorong 27

2 Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) 46

3 Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar 3

4 Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) 16

5 Politeknik Negeri Bandung 1

304 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014


7 Universitas Airlangga 5

8 Universitas Andalas 3

9 Universitas Bengkulu 1

10 Universitas Brawijaya 1

11 Universitas Dian Nuswantoro 1

12 Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) 2

13 Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) 43

14 Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS) 21

15 Universitas Indonesia (UI) 29

16 Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) 1

17 Universitas Jambi 8

18 Universitas Jenderal Soedirman 3

19 Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya 4

20 Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya 1

21 Universitas Khairun 1

22 Universitas Lampung 1

23 Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar 1

24 Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang 1

25 Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogya 1

26 Universitas Mulawarman 5

27 Universitas Nasional (UNAS) 20

28 Universitas Negeri Gorontalo 1

29 Universitas Negeri Makassar 1

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 305 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

30 Universitas Negeri Padang 1

31 Universitas Nusa Cendana 1

32 Universitas Padjajaran (UNPAD) 4

33 Universitas Palangkaraya 15

34 Universitas Parahyangan (UNPAR) 4

35 Universitas Pattimura 2

36 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) 1

37 Universitas Riau 13

38 Universitas Sam Ratulangi 7

39 Universitas Sanata Dharma 2

40 Universitas Sumatera Utara 1

41 Universitas Syiah Kuala 3

42 Universitas Tadulako 2

43 Universitas Tanjung Pura 8

44 Universitas Tarumanagara 1

45 Universitas Udayana 3


47 UNTAD 2

48 UNTAN 1

49 UNUD 1

50 USBI 1

51 USU 1

306 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014


1 Coral Triangle Center 1

2 Indonesian Biodiversity Research Center 1

3 Indonesian Weather Service 1

4 Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Propinsi NTT 1

5 Pacific Institute for Sustainable Development 2

6 Pusat Kajian Perlindungan Anak 1

7 Puslit Kelapa Sawit Winarna 1

8 Resilience Development Institute Indonesia 1

9 Rujak Centre for Urban Studies 1

10 SMART Research Institute 3

11 Suluh Nusantara 1

12 Wildlife Conservation Society 1

13 World Vision Indonesia 1

14 Yayasan BOS 2

15 Yayasan Burung Indonesia 1

16 Yayasan Palung 1

17 Yayasan Riak Bumi 2

18 Yogyakarta Observatory BPPTKG 1


Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 307 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

Top 10 Mitra Kerja Indonesia yang Bermitra Kerja dengan Peneliti Asing 2014

1 Pusat Penelitian Biologi LIPI 71 2 Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) 46 3 Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) 43 4 Balai Penelitian Perikanan Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan 31 5 Universitas Indonesia (UI) 29 6 Akademi Perikanan Sorong 27 7 Universitas Hasanuddin (UNHAS) 21 8 Universitas Nasional (UNAS) 20 9 Puslit Geoteknologi LIPI 18 10 Puslitbang Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara Kementerian ESDM 16

308 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014


No Bidang Penelitian Jumlah Presentasi (bid. penelitian)

1 Agroforestri 2 0.39%

2 Antropologi 26 5.08%

3 Arkeologi 15 2.93%

4 Arsitektur 1 0.20%

5 Bioklimatologi 1 0.20%

6 Biologi 45 8.79%

7 Botani 9 1.76%

8 Demografi 1 0.20%

9 Ekologi 79 15.43%

10 Ekonomi 4 0.78%

11 Epidemiologi 1 0.20%

12 Etno Linguistik 1 0.20%

13 Etnomusikologi 1 0.20%

14 Farmakologi 1 0.20%

15 Geofisika 1 0.20%

16 Geologi 30 5.86%

17 Ilmu Hukum 2 0.39%

18 Ilmu Kedokteran 11 2.15%

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 309 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

19 Ilmu Kehutanan 19 3.71%

20 Ilmu Kelautan 1 0.20%

21 Ilmu Kesehatan dan Gizi 1 0.20%

22 Ilmu Pendidikan 2 0.39%

23 Ilmu Politik 2 0.39%

24 Inventarisasi Hutan dan Penginderaan Jauh 1 0.20%

25 Kebijakan Publik dan Sosiologi 1 0.20%

26 Kedokteran Gigi 1 0.20%

27 Kesehatan 3 0.59%

28 Kesehatan Masyarakat 4 0.78%

29 Lingkungan Hidup 2 0.39%

30 Linguistik 4 0.78%

31 Manajemen Pangan 1 0.20%

32 Manajemen Penanganan Bencana 1 0.20%

33 Manajemen SDA 3 0.59%

34 Mikrobiologi 8 1.56%

35 Musik 2 0.39%

36 Oseanografi 22 4.30%

37 Palaeo-anthropology 2 0.39%

38 Paleontologi 1 0.20%

39 Pariwisata 1 0.20%

310 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

40 Perikanan 19 3.71%

41 Pertambangan 15 2.93%

42 Pertanian 5 0.98%

43 Planologi 1 0.20%

44 Primatologi 41 8.01%

45 Psikologi Sosial dan Antropologi 1 0.20%

46 Sejarah 12 2.34%

47 Seni 4 0.78%

48 Sosial Ekonomi Kehutanan 2 0.39%

49 Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 2 0.39%

50 Sosio Ekologi 4 0.78%

51 Sosiologi 28 5.47%

52 Studi Pembangunan 3 0.59%

53 Teknik Sipil 1 0.20%

54 Teknologi Pangan 1 0.20%

55 Vulkanologi 10 1.95%

56 Zoologi 50 9.77%

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 311 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA


1 Ekologi 15.43% 2 Zoologi 9.77% 3 Biologi 8.79% 4 Primatologi 8.01% 5 Geologi 5.86% 6 Antropologi 5.08% 7 Oseanografi 4.30% 8 Ilmu Kehutanan 3.71% 9 Arkeologi 2.93% 10 Pertambangan 2.93%

312 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014


No Negara Jumlah Presentasi (orang) 1 Afrika Selatan 1 0.20% 2 AmerikaSerikat 96 18.79% 3 Australia 33 6.46% 4 Belanda 20 3.91% 5 Belgia 3 0.59% 6 China 11 2.15% 7 Colombia 2 0.39% 8 Denmark 2 0.39% 9 Ekuador 1 0.20% 10 Filipina 5 0.98% 11 Finlandia 2 0.39% 12 India 4 0.78% 13 Inggris 22 4.31% 14 Italia 10 1.96% 15 Jepang 82 16.05% 16 Jerman 55 10.76% 17 Kanada 17 3.33% 18 Kenya 1 0.20% 19 Korea Selatan 3 0.59% 20 Kosta Rika 1 0.20% 21 Lithuania 1 0.20% 22 Maladewa 1 0.20% 23 Malaysia 2 0.39% 24 Meksiko 3 0.59% 25 Nigeria 1 0.20%

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 313 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA

26 Norwegia 1 0.20% 27 Perancis 57 11.15% 28 Peru 1 0.20% 29 Polandia 5 0.98% 30 Portugal 1 0.20% 31 Republik Ceko 1 0.20% 32 Republik Korea 1 0.20% 33 RRC 26 5.09% 34 RRT 3 0.59% 35 Rusia 1 0.20% 36 Selandia Baru 7 1.37% 37 Singapura 2 0.39% 38 Spanyol 8 1.57% 39 Sri Lanka 1 0.20% 40 Swedia 2 0.39% 41 Swiss 6 1.17% 42 Taiwan 2 0.39% 43 Thailand 6 1.17% 44 Vanuatu 1 0.20%

314 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

Top 10 Negara Asal Peneliti Asing 2014

1 AmerikaSerikat 96

2 Jepang 82

3 Perancis 57

4 Jerman 55

5 Australia 33

6 RRC 26

7 Inggris 22

8 Belanda 20

9 Kanada 17

10 China 11

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 315 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA


No Daerah Penelitian Jumlah (daerah)

1 Aceh 14 2 Bagian Selatan Selat Makassar 6 3 Bagian Timur Sumatera 1 4 Bali 30 5 Bangka Belitung 7 6 Banten 13 7 Bengkulu 3 8 DI Yogyakarta 43 9 DKI Jakarta 59 10 Jambi 28 11 Jawa Barat 80 12 Jawa Tengah 36 13 Jawa Timur 29 14 Kalimantan Barat 21 15 Kalimantan Selatan 11 16 Kalimantan Tengah 66 17 Kalimantan Timur 26 18 Kalimantan Utara 1 19 Kep. Riau 8 20 Kepulauan Maluku 1 21 Kepulauan Mentawai 11 22 Lampung 8 23 Maluku 16 24 Maluku Utara 5 25 NTB 13

316 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014

26 NTT 23 27 Pantai Barat Bengkulu 1 28 Pantai Selatan Jabar & Jateng 1 29 Papua Barat 35 30 Perairan Barat Sumatera 11 31 Perairan Samudra Hindia di sebelah selatan Pulau 4 Jawa 32 Perairan Selat Karimata 9 33 Perairan Selat Sunda 3 34 Riau 25 35 Selat Lombok 4 36 Sulawesi Barat 7 37 Sulawesi Selatan 68 38 Sulawesi Tengah 10 39 Sulawesi Tenggara 16 40 Sulawesi Utara 49 41 Sumatera Barat 16 42 Sumatera Selatan 8 43 Sumatera Utara 18

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 317 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA


1 Jawa Barat 80 2 Sulawesi Selatan 68 3 Kalimantan Tengah 66 4 DKI Jakarta 59 5 Sulawesi Utara 49 6 DI Yogyakarta 43 7 Jawa Tengah 36 8 Papua Barat 35 9 Bali 30 10 Jawa Timur 29

318 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI (Ir. LIPI (Ir. Biologi Puslit M.Si.) Wirdateti, Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jabar (Cipaganti Garut, Jabar (Cipaganti Kawasan Hutan Gunung termasuk Papandayan cagar alam, wilayah Cikananga Ciapus Bogor, Sukabumi) (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 Januari 2014 bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 Zoologi Geologi Geologi Geologi Geologi BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari perilaku ekologi serta N.javanicus persebarannya konservasi kepentingan untuk Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami upaya sebagai salah satu kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami sebagai salah melakukan untuk upaya satu mitigasi bencana Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana REKAP TAHUN 2014 TAHUN JUDUL PENELITIAN Activity patterns & infant Activity & infant patterns slow dispersal in the Javan loris (Nyticebus javanicus) in a mosaic environment its for and implications conservation Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research SURAT IZIN PENELITIAN ASING SURAT INSTITUSI Oxford Brookes Brookes Oxford University Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scripps Institution of Oceanography WARGA WARGA NEGARA Belanda Amerika Serikat Meksiko Filipina Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Lelystad, Lelystad, 01-08-1990 West Virginia, Virginia, West 29-04-1960 Mixquiahuala 07- De Juarez, 09-1983 City, Quezon 17-12-1983 11-12- Iraq, 1985 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Denise Spaan Ms. Dr. Carl David David Carl Dr. Chadwell Diego Melgar Mr. Moctezum Emmanuel Mr. Soliman Garcia Samer Nasri Mr. Naif No. SIP No. 001/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 002/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 003/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 004/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 005/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 1 2 3 4 5 NO SURAT IZIN PENELITIAN BARU SURAT

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 319 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Dwi Nugroho LIPI (Dr. dan tim) Hananto DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Kep. Mentawai (Perairan (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera Kep. Mentawai (Perairan (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera Kep. Mentawai (Perairan (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera Kep. Mentawai (Perairan (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera Kep. Mentawai (Perairan (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera Kep. Mentawai (Perairan (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera Kep. Mentawai (Perairan (Perairan Mentawai Kep. dan Selat Mentawai Hindia)Samudera LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 3 Januari 2014 Geologi Geologi Geologi Geologi Geologi Geologi Geologi BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana Mempelajari lebih jauh sifat dan geofisikageologi dasar laut dalam kaitannya dengan kegempaan dan tsunami untuk upaya sebagai salah satu melakukan mitigasi bencana JUDUL PENELITIAN Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research Multi-frequemcy Imaging of A Scientific Trench: the Sunda Proposal Research INSTITUSI Scripps Institution of Oceanography Earth Observatory of - NTU Singapore Earth Observatory of - NTU Singapore Earth Observatory of - NTU Singapore Scripps Institution of Oceanography - UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography Scripps Institution of Oceanography WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Perancis India India Malaysia Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Denmark, 29- 11-1972 Suresnes, 28- Suresnes, 03-1984 Benghazi 19-02- Libiya, 1984 Chennai Tamilnadu, 03-08-1988 Johor Bahru, Johor Bahru, 07-04-1988 Alabama, 24- 12-1986 Massachusetts, Massachusetts, 20-06-1987 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Robert Ischiel Mr. Petersen Dr. Marie Caroline Marie Caroline Dr. Etchebes Mr. Jensen Jacob Mr. Ms. Sharadha Sharadha Ms. Sathiakumar Ms. Shi Sim Ms. Mr. Alan Dean Mr. Foreman Mr. Riley Scoot Mr. Gannon No. SIP No. 012/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 011/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 010/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 009/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 008/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 007/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 006/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 9 8 7 6 12 11 10 NO

320 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Yayasan BOS (Dr. Ir. Ir. BOS (Dr. Yayasan Jamartin Sihite) FISIP UI (Dr. Drs. Drs. FISIP UI (Dr. Semiarto Purwanto, Aji M.Si) Puslitbang Laut Pesisir Laut Pesisir Puslitbang Kecil dan Pulau-pulau Hasanuddin Universitas Jamaluddin Jompa, (Prof. PhD.) Yayasan BOS (Dr. Ir. Ir. BOS (Dr. Yayasan Jamartin Sihite) Sekolah Arsitektur, Sekolah Arsitektur, dan Perencanaan, Pengembangan Kebijakan ITB (Rizki Habibah) Yuwanita Puslitbang Perikanan Perikanan Puslitbang - Balitbang KP Budidaya KKP (Ofri Johan) FISIP UI (Dr. Tony Tony FISIP UI (Dr. Rudyansjah) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Kalteng (Nyaru Menteng) DKI Jakarta (Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara) Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Selatan (Kep. Sulawesi Spermonde) Kalteng (Nyaru Menteng) Jabar (Bandung, Bogor), Jabar (Bandung, NTT (Ujung Kulon), Banten Komodo), Lampung (P. (Way Kambas) dan (TNKalimantan Tengah Puting) Tanjung Sumbar (perairan laut di Sumbar (perairan sekitar Padang) DKI Jakarta, Kalteng (Palangkaraya) LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 13 Januari 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 10 Januari 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 9 Januari 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 13 Januari 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 Januari 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Januari 2014 11 (sebelas) bulan, mulai 8 Januari 2014 BIDANG BIDANG Pariwisata Primatologi Primatologi Lingkungan Antropologi Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN Biologi Kelautan Biologi Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari penyakit-penyakit tepat yang dan pengobatan telah yang pada orangutan direhabilitasi Meneliti bagaimana masyarakat kampung mengelola air dan pemerintah terkait program pengelolaan air di kawasan kampung Membandingkan tingkat pertumbuhan karang terumbu ini dengan rekamansaat tingkat pertumbuhan karang terumbu menjadi yang sebelumnya spesimen museum Mempelajari penyakit-penyakit tepat yang dan pengobatan telah yang pada orangutan direhabilitasi Meneliti cara-cara lahan yang mengorganisir berfungsi sebagai tempat dan juga populasi margasatwa memberi bagi keuntungan komunitas lokal di sekitarnya Melakukan analisis terhadap terumbu kondisi kesehatan karang laut Sumbar di perairan paska kerusakan terumbu karang tahun 1997 dan tsunami 2004 Mengeksplorasi dinamika keagamaan di Kalimantan dengan menekankan Tengah pada pembentukan dan pengembangan status Kaharingan JUDUL PENELITIAN Important Diseases of - Part Rehabilitant Orangutans 2: Respiratory Infections, Gastro-intestinal Parasites and Malari Water Multiple and Water Urbanization of Water: in Water of Ecology Political Kampungs, North Jakarta Temporal and Spatial and Spatial Temporal of ScleractinianComparison Rate in Growth Coral Spermonde Archipelago Important Diseases of - Part Rehabilitant Orangutans 2: Respiratory Infections, Gastro-intestinal Parasites and Malari Potential local economic local economic Potential and conservation benefits of in Ujung Kulon ecotourism Indonesia" Park, National Analysis the resiliance of West West of the resiliance Analysis after the reefs coral Sumatra bleaching coral 1997 event and 2004 tsunami Dynamics of Religion: on the Research and Establishment of Kaharingan's Improvement Kalimantan" in Central Status INSTITUSI Wildlife Research Research Wildlife School of Group, University Anatomy, of Cambridge Seoul National University Leibniz Center for for Center Leibniz Marine Tropical Ecology - SFS Directed SFS Directed - Research Policy Environmental Leader Group - Rikkyo University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Korea Selatan Korea Jepang Inggris Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Worcester, 19- Worcester, 09-1979 Korea, 12-01- Korea, 1971 Tokyo, 13-11- Tokyo, 1984 London, 05-09- London, 1983 Ohio, 11-06- Ohio, 1991 Illinois, 31 Juli Illinois, 1949 Miyagi, 29-09- 1982 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Benjamin Mr. James William Buckley Mr. Lee Kyung Kyung Lee Mr. Mook Mr. Riki NakajimaMr. Ms. KathrynMs. Rosalie Joy Dench Ms. Ms. Katlin Vernoy Kraska Dr. Norman John Dr. Quinn Dr. Risa Aizawa Dr. No. SIP No. 019/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 018/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 017/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 016/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 015/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 014/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 013/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 321 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas Bachti (Dr. UNPAD Alisjahbana) Puskapol UI (Sri Budi Eko Wardani) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Wening UGM (Dr. M.Hum., DEA) Udasmoro, Fakultas Biologi UNAS Biologi Fakultas S.Si.) Saputra, (Fajar Fakultas Biologi UNAS Biologi Fakultas S.Si.) Saputra, (Fajar Universitas Pendidikan Pendidikan Universitas Eri Indonesia (Dr. M.A.) Kurniawan, Puslit Biologi - LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Sri Hartin, Dr. Sih Kahono, Wara Suwito, Dr.Awit M.Si., dan Dhian Asfiya, Dwibadra,S.Si.) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jabar (Bandung) DKI Jakarta, Jatim (Tulungagung dan sekitarnya, Malang, Kantor Surabaya), Perwakilan Republik Indonesia di Hong Kong DI Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Bali (Denpasar) Aceh (Suaq Balimbing), Aceh Kalteng (Tuanan) Aceh (Suaq Balimbing), Aceh Kalteng (Tuanan) Jabar (Bandung, Ciboleger, Ciboleger, Jabar (Bandung, KaduKompol, Ketug dan sekitarnya) Jabar (Kebun Raya Bogor, Jabar (Kebun Raya Bogor, Nasional G. Gede, Taman TN G. Halimun, Pangrango, Cikamniki); Kalteng Kaltara (Palangkaraya); Selor); Kalsel(Tanjung (Banjarmasin); Sumbar Mentawai); (Padang, Lampung; Sulsel(Makassar, Masamba, Palopo, TN Bantimurung Sultra Bulusaraung); (Kendari); Maluku TN (Halmahera, Akatajawe, Lolobata) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 Januari 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 Januari 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Januari 2014 8 (delpan) bulan, mulai 15 Januari 2014 8 (delpan) bulan, mulai 15 Januari 2014 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 16 Januari 2014 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 15 Januari 2014 Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Sosiologi Sosiologi Linguistik Primatologi Primatologi PENELITIAN Ilmu Kedokteran TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengevaluasi strategi paling Mengevaluasi strategi dalam dan layak akurat TB melakukan pasien diagnosa mengidap yang (tuberculosis) mellitus) dan DM (diabeter sebaliknya Mengkaji pengiriman program TKI dari perspektif etnografi Mengkaji persepsi dan muda agamis ekspektasi wanita Indonesia dalam menghadapi modernisasi, dan isu pluralisme, globalisasi Melakukan studi komparatif induk dan anak antara interaksi pada orangutan orangutan dan KalimantanSumatra Meneliti perilaku bermain sosial pada anak secara orangutan Melakukan perekaman video, transkripsi, dan analisis cerita rakyat serta cerita-cerita sejarah Baduy Mempelajari hewan Artopoda melalui Asia darat pengumpulan specimen yang biologi dan informasi mendalam JUDUL PENELITIAN Concurrent Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis Concurrent Mellitus: Unravellign Diabetes the causal link and improving care An ethnographic study of An ethnographic the Indonesianlabor circular Hong to program migration Kong Gender performance and dynamic positioning of in pluralistic women young Indonesia Comparing mother-offspringComparing conflict Sumatran between and Bornean orangutans Ontogeny and variability Ontogeny behaviour play of different Bornean and in immature orangutans Sumatran Digital documentation of folk of folk documentation Digital a people of tales of the Baduy, Indonesia Modes in of Speciation Indonesian Terrestrial Arthopods INSTITUSI University of OtagoUniversity Kassel & University Universiteit Freie Berlin Georg-August Georg-August Göettingen University University of Zűrich University University of Zűrich University University of Iowa University Kanazawa University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Selandia Baru Jerman Jerman Swiss Swiss Amerika Serikat Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Dunedin, 02- 05-1961 Filderstadt, Filderstadt, 15-08-1985 Buchholz in der Nordheide, 02-06-1984 Basel, 27-06- Basel, 1989 Brittnau, 06-05- Brittnau, 1990 New York, 24- New York, 05-1954 Tokyo, 30 Tokyo, 1971 Oktober NAMA PENELITI Dr. Susan Dr. Margaret McAllister Ms. Eva Samia Eva Ms. Dinkelaker Ms. KristinaMs. Schneider Ms. Sonja Ms. Susanna Falkner Ms. Julia Andrea Julia Andrea Ms. Kunz Prof. William William Prof. Daniel Davies Dr. Shinsaku Koji Dr. No. SIP No. 026/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 025/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 024/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 023/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 022/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 021/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 020/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 NO

322 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI (Ir. LIPI (Ir. Biologi Puslit M.Si.) Wirdateti, IPB (Dr. Idham Sakti IPB (Dr. Harahap) FMIPA Universitas Riau Universitas FMIPA M.Sc., (Haris Gunawan, Ph.D.) CIMTROP Universitas Universitas CIMTROP (Salahudin, Palangkaraya Abdul Azis) Pusat Pengkajian Islam Pengkajian Pusat dan Masyarakat UIN (Dr. Ali Munhanif) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas S.H. Pujo UGM (Dr. M.A.) Yuwono, Badan Geologi ESDM Badan Geologi Sri Sumarti)(Dra. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jabar (Cipaganti Garut, Jabar (Cipaganti Kawasan Hutan Gunung termasuk Papandayan cagar alam, wilayah Cikananga Ciapus Bogor, Sukabumi) Jambi (Kabupaten Kabupaten Sarolangun, TN Bukit Dua Batanghari, dan Hutan Harapan) Belas, Kep. Riau (P. Batam di Batam Riau (P. Kep. Sungai Beduk, Sagulung, Nongsa, Galang) Kalteng (Lab. Alam Kalteng (Lab. Gambut Sebangau, Stasiun Penelitian Kalampangan, Baronang TN Bukit Baka Dua, Bawan, Bukit Gn. Lumut, Raya, Hampapak,Kalaweit Hutan Katingan-Mentaya, Murung Mungku Baru, Raya) DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Bogor, DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Bogor, (DI Bandung), Jateng Solo), Jatim Yogyakarta, Madura), NTB (Surabaya, (Mataram) DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta (GN. Merapi), Gunung api di Maluku LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Januari 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Januari 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 Januari 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Januari 2014 11 (sebelas) bulan, mulai 22 Januari 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Januari 2014 Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Sosiologi Vulkanologi PENELITIAN Sosiologi Politik Sosiologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari konteks ekologis Mempelajari ekologis konteks pada dan kegunaan racun kukang liar Menentukan faktor-faktor mempengaruhi struktur, yang fungsi, dinamika, dan intensitas manajemen tanaman pekarangan (homegarden) serta dampak faktor-faktor pada fungsi ekologis tersebut dan invertebrata penyerbuk di Jambi predator Mengevaluiasi keberlangsungan manajemen alam lokalsumber daya dengan menganalisis keseimbangan pertumbuhan dan pemanfaatan hutan bakau Bertujuan data menyediakan mendukung untuk upaya konservasi hutan di wilayah bernilai konservasi tinggi di Value) (High Conservation Kalimantan, Indonesia Menganalisis transformasi sikapMenganalisis transformasi di dan nilai masyarakat awam Indonesia menjelaskan untuk ketahanan demokrasi di Indonesia Meneliti bagaimana TKI yang TKI yang Meneliti bagaimana memiliki pengalaman bekerja di luar negeri dan orang-orang pernah yang melakukan umrah perjalanan haji atau memahami konsep 'Dunia Arab Melakukan pemeliharaan sertaperalatan pengambilan geofisik dan geokimiadata JUDUL PENELITIAN Why are slow lorises slow are Why & ecology venomous: slow conservation of Javan lorises What are the factors are What the dynamics determining functionsand ecological of in Southern homegardens Sumatra? Jambi Province, Mangrove and Human Mangrove in Batam, coexistence Indonesia Research to Support to Research Tropical Conservation in the of Kalimantan Forest Transforming Values Values and Transforming and Culture Political Attitudes: DemocracyIndonesia's Ideas of the 'Arab World' World' Ideas of the 'Arab in Indonesia: Perceptions Working of and Experiences and Pilgrims Migrants Technical and Scientific Technical Support on Geophysical of Observation Platform Indonesian Volcanoes INSTITUSI Oxford Brookes Brookes Oxford University University of University Goettingen Osaka University OuTrop University University of Toronto University of Freiburg University Institut de pour le Rscherche (IRD) Développement WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Meksiko Jepang Inggris Kanada Jerman Perancis TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Ohio, 19-12- Ohio, 1982 Merida, 24-12- 1986 Saga, 05-06- 1984 Derby, 30-11- Derby, 1982 Singapore, Singapore, 28-08-1986 Waiblingen, Waiblingen, 22-08-1986 Nancy, 11-12- Nancy, 1990 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Nanda Bess Ms. Grow Mr. Manuel Mr. Toledo Hernandez Dr. Yukari Yukari Dr. Fuchigami Ms. Rebecca E. E. Rebecca Ms. Armson Ms. Jessica Ms. Soedirgo Ms. MirjamMs. Luecking Mr. Antoine Pierre Pierre Antoine Mr. Laurin No. SIP No. 033/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 032/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 031/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 030/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 029/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 028/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 027/SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 323 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Pacific Institute Pacific Sustainable for John - Dr. Development Tasirin Fakultas Pertanian Pertanian Fakultas Bengkulu (Dr. Universitas Susatya) Agus IPB (Prof. Dr. Anas M. Dr. IPB (Prof. Ir. Dr. Prof. M.Eng., Fauzi, Prof. Iskandar Z. Siregar, Buchori), Damayanti Dr. Bambang (Dr. Univ.Jambi Tadulako Irawan), Univ. Tjoa), LIPI (Prof. Aiyen (Dr. Sukara) Dr.Endang IPB (Prof. Dr. Anas M. Dr. IPB (Prof. Ir. Dr. Prof. M.Eng., Fauzi, Prof. Iskandar Z. Siregar, Buchori), Damayanti Dr. Bambang (Dr. Univ.Jambi Tadulako Irawan), Univ. Tjoa), LIPI (Prof. Aiyen (Dr. Sukara) Dr.Endang Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Semedi Pujo UGM (Dr. M.A.) Yuwono, Hargo DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulawesi Utara (Minahasa) (Minahasa) Utara Sulawesi dan Maluku (P. Utara Bacan) Jabar (Bogor), Bengkulu (Kepahiang) Jabar (IPB), Jateng (Perum (Perum Jabar (IPB), Jateng –Blora) Cepu Perhutani Jambi (UNJA), Sulteng Sulteng Jambi (UNJA), Jabar (IPB - Palu), (UNTAD Bogor) Sulsel (Jeneponto, Sulsel (Jeneponto, Bulukumba), Lampung Mesuji, (Tulang Bawang, Lampung Tengah) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 2014 Februari 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 17 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 2014 Februari 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 5 Februari 2014 Botani Hukum BIDANG BIDANG Kehutanan Primatologi Primatologi PENELITIAN Sosiologi & IlmuSosiologi Manajemen SDA TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan sensus Macaca di Minahasanigra dan P. Bacan, meneliti ancaman yang dihadapi spesies tersebut dampak daritermasuk kegiatan pariwisata, dan mencari materi pendidikan paling tepat yang konservasi program untuk Mengkaji bagaimana populasi dua spesies Rafflesia akan berubah di masa depan dalam kaitannya dengan perubahan iklim Meneliti pola bunga pada dan sistem pohon jati reproduksinya Menganalisa rangkaian risetsesuai yang implementasi Convention dengan peraturan (CBD), Diversity on Biological (NP), dan Protocol Nagoya (ABS) Benefit Sharing Access mengembangkanuntuk sertametode instrumen terbaik Mengkaji konsepsi kepemilikan lahan dari sudut pandang adat dan hukumberlaku yang JUDUL PENELITIAN "Conservation of the critically black Sulawesi endangered Macaca macaques, crested (M. nigra)" nigra "The rare parasitic plant plant parasitic "The rare Rafflesia: population trajectories and climate change" The reproduction system system reproduction The mating of teak: Gene flow, and phenology in patterns Indonesian populations Implementing Convention Implementing Convention (CBD), Diversity on Biological (NP) and Protocol Nagoya (ABS) Benefit Sharing Access - Impacts International for Management Research Securing in Land rights Indonesiademocratizing INSTITUSI - Middle Tennessee Middle Tennessee University State University of University Göettingen University of University Göettingen Leiden University Leiden WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Amerika Serikat Jerman Jerman Belanda TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Trowbridge, Trowbridge, 10-10-1984 Indonesia, 17- 10-1962 Göettingen, 04-11-1983 Speemberg, 10 Speemberg, – 05 1967 Utrecht, 16-02- Utrecht, 1987 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Henry Mr. Benjamin Hilser Dr. Siti Nur Dr. Hidayati Mr. Sinan Mr. Sebastian Hagenah Mr. Wolfram Wolfram Mr. Lorenz Mr. Mr. Willem Egbert der Muur van No. SIP No. 038/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 037/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 036/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 035/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 034/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 38 37 36 35 34 NO

324 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslit Geoteknologi LIPI Puslit Hilman Danny Ir. (Dr. dan tim) Natawidjaja Puslit Geoteknologi LIPI Puslit Hilman Danny Ir. (Dr. dan tim) Natawidjaja Puslit Geoteknologi LIPI Puslit Hilman Danny Ir. (Dr. dan tim) Natawidjaja DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Bangka Belitung Riau (Belitung), Kep. (Mapur), Sulsel (Makassar), Selat selatan Bagian Makassar (sekitar P. Doangdoangan Besar dan Salayar)) P. Bangka Belitung Riau (Belitung), Kep. (Mapur), Sulsel (Makassar), Selat selatan Bagian Makassar (sekitar P. Doangdoangan Besar dan Salayar)) P. Bangka Belitung Riau (Belitung), Kep. (Mapur), Sulsel (Makassar), Selat selatan Bagian Makassar (sekitar P. Doangdoangan Besar dan Salayar)) P. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17 2014 Februari Geologi Geologi Geologi Geologi Geologi Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Kelautan Kelautan Kelautan PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan pengambilan berumur yang koral contoh 400-500 tahun lalu guna menentukan dan membandingkan kontras ITF dan penguatan reguler lalu. abad yang pada beberapa sedimen contoh Pengambilan guna pantai danau tepi mengetahui lingkungan purba dan melakukan pantai daerah pencarian , pemilihan dan koral pengambilan contoh pengetesan untuk microatol umumnya Melakukan pengambilan berumur yang koral contoh 400-500 tahun lalu guna menentukan dan membandingkan kontras ITF dan penguatan reguler lalu. abad yang pada beberapa sedimen contoh Pengambilan guna pantai danau tepi mengetahui lingkungan purba dan melakukan pantai daerah pencarian , pemilihan dan koral pengambilan contoh pengetesan untuk microatol umumnya Melakukan pengambilan berumur yang koral contoh 400-500 tahun lalu guna menentukan dan membandingkan kontras ITF dan penguatan reguler lalu. abad yang pada beberapa sedimen contoh Pengambilan guna pantai danau tepi mengetahui lingkungan purba dan melakukan pantai daerah pencarian , pemilihan dan koral pengambilan contoh pengetesan untuk microatol umumnya JUDUL PENELITIAN "Sea-level Oceanography, and Oceanography, "Sea-level living Histories from climate in Indonesia" corals and fossil "Sea-level Oceanography, and Oceanography, "Sea-level living Histories from climate in Indonesia" corals and fossil "Sea-level Oceanography, and Oceanography, "Sea-level living Histories from climate in Indonesia" corals and fossil INSTITUSI Earth Observatory of Nanyang Singapore, Technological University Earth Observatory of Nanyang Singapore, Technological University Earth Observatory of Nanyang Singapore, Technological University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Polandia Australia Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Toruń, 09-06- Toruń, 1979 Port Kembla, Port 04-10-1973 California, 04- California, 06-1978 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Jędrzej Mr. MajewskiMarcian Dr. Adam Douglas Adam Dr. Switzer Mr. Aron Jeffrey Jeffrey Aron Mr. Meltzner No. SIP No. 041/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 040/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 039/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 41 40 39 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 325 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang CIMTROP Universitas Universitas CIMTROP Ir. (Dr. Palangkaraya Suwido Limin, MS.) IPB (Dr. Yeni A. Mulyani, A. Mulyani, Yeni IPB (Dr. Buchori, Damayanti Dr. Rika Raffiudin, Idham Dr. UNJA H. Harahap), (Dwi Ristyadi, Fuad S.P.) Nurdiansyah, DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) Kalteng (Lab. Alam Kalteng (Lab. Gambut Sebangau, Stasiun Penelitian Kalampangan, Baronang TN Bukit Baka Dua, Bawan, Bukit Gn. Lumut, Raya, Hampapak,Kalaweit Hutan Katingan-Mentaya, Murung Mungku Baru, Raya) Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas, Hutan Hujan Harapan) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 2014 Februari Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Pertambangan Pertambangan Pertambangan Pertambangan Pertambangan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Bertujuan data menyediakan mendukung untuk upaya konservasi hutan di wilayah bernilai konservasi tinggi di Value) (High Conservation Kalimantan, Indonesia Mempelajari pola kekayaan spesies pada sistem penggunaan lahan yang berbeda JUDUL PENELITIAN "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "Research to Support to "Research Tropical Conservation in the of Kalimantan" Forest "Aboveground patterns of patterns "Aboveground and associated biodiversity processes ecosystem rainforest tropical across transformations" INSTITUSI Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel - Georg-August Georg-August of University Göettingen WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Inggris Jerman TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Aichi, 08-02- 1983 Hyogo, 26-04- Hyogo, 1973 Hyogo, 22-03- Hyogo, 1978 Ehime, 12-09- Ehime, 1972 Hyogo, 16-11- Hyogo, 1959 Aberdeen, 20- Aberdeen, 11-1985 Ambilly, 21-12- Ambilly, 1986 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Hiroki Mr. Watanabe Mr. Toru Higuchi Toru Mr. Mr. Shigeru Mr. Kinoshita Mr. Yoichi Yoichi Mr. Takahashi Mr. Tetsuya Tetsuya Mr. Deguchi Ms. Carolyn Carolyn Ms. Thompson Mr. Kevin Felix Kevin Felix Mr. Arno Darras No. SIP No. 048/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 047/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 046/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 045/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 044/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 043/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 042/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 NO

326 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN Pertambangan Pertambangan Pertambangan Pertambangan Pertambangan Pertambangan Pertambangan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban JUDUL PENELITIAN "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, INSTITUSI Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Hokkaido, 02- 11-1977 Hyogo, 12-08- Hyogo, 1982 Hyogo, 21-08- Hyogo, 1978 Fukuoka, 18-12- Fukuoka, 1951 Hyogo, 25-01- Hyogo, 1954 Hyogo, 01-08- Hyogo, 1977 Tochigi, 20-04- Tochigi, 1962 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Shunsuke Mr. Sogahata Mr. Ryosuke Miki Mr. Mr. Shinichi Mr. Matsuda Mr. Yutaka Yutaka Mr. Kanamaru Mr. Kazuyuki Mr. Eikawa Mr. Masayuki Mr. Akabane Mr. Yoshiyuki Yoshiyuki Mr. Sunaga No. SIP No. 055/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 054/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 053/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 052/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 051/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 050/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 049/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 327 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Fakultas Kedokteran USU Kedokteran Fakultas R. Lia Kusumawati, (Dr. SpMK(K)) Fakultas Biologi Biologi Fakultas Nasional (Fitri Universitas Basalamah, M.Si., Wisnu S.Si) Wijiatmoko, Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat Kependudukan LIPI (Dr. Herry Yogaswara) PMB LIPI (Dr. Thung Thung LIPI (Dr. PMB Ju Lan) LBM Eijkman (dr. Din LBM Eijkman (dr. Ph.D.) Syafruddin, Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sumut (Medan) Aceh (Suaq Balimbing Aceh TN Gunung Leuser), di Kalteng (Tuanan) Kaltim (Balikpapan dan sekitarnya) wilayah Jabar (Lembang) DKI Jakarta (LBM Eijkman), NTT (Sumba) Jabar (Palimanan) Jabar (Palimanan) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 4 2014 Maret 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 3 2014 Maret 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 26 2014 Februari 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 26 2014 Februari 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari Seni BIDANG BIDANG Sosiologi Primatologi PENELITIAN Pertambangan Pertambangan Ilmu Kedokteran Ilmu Kedokteran TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk mengetahui prevelensi mengetahui prevelensi Untuk dari Clostridium difficile pada dan pasien individu sehat dengan gejala diare. Menguji hipotesis tentang Menguji tentang hipotesis kecerdasan adanya prediksi pada spesies primata budaya non-manusia. Mempelajari kesenian sertatradisional budaya dalam masyarakat Dayak rangka menghasilkan karya seni mengenai kebudayaan masyarakat dari beberapa Tenggara. di Asia negara Menganalisis perubahan pemeluk agama wanita peranan Buddha dalam komunitas budaya Buddha, dalam konteks Indonesia. Mengevaluasi penggunaan (Loop-Mediated LAMP metode Isothermal Amplification) malaria pada dalam mendeteksi hamil. wanita Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban JUDUL PENELITIAN "A Comparative study on the Comparative "A genesis of diarrhea microbial of in Indonesia - the role Clostridium difficile" Testing the Cultural the Cultural Testing HypothesisIntelligence in wild Orangutans "Painting & Exhibit of Origin & Exhibit of Origin "Painting and Other Folklore Tales Reflecting Identity and Shared Heritage" "Buddhist Women as Spiritual Women "Buddhist Ritual Specialists and Leaders, Innovators" Religious "Evaluation of LAMP for the for of LAMP "Evaluation malaria of placental diagnosis rural transmission in a low Sumba, in South-West site Indonesia" "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, INSTITUSI University of University Göettingen Stellenbosch Stellenbosch University Tambuyog Tambuyog Center Development University of Malaya University University of University Amsterdam Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jerman Afrika Selatan Filipina Malaysia Belanda Jepang Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Balige, 29-09- Balige, 1980 Cape Town, Town, Cape 17-06-1987 Maluko Bukidnon, 09- 06-1953 Perak, 19-04- Perak, 1967 Zevenaar, 15- Zevenaar, 04-1989 Hyogo, 14-09- Hyogo, 1963 Kagoshima, 13-08-1955 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Irene Mutiara Irene Mutiara Ms. Elisabeth Hasibuan Mr. Tobias Tobias Mr. Johannes Wiese Mr. Federico Federico Mr. Sulapas Dominguez Dr. Lai Suat Yan Lai Suat Dr. Mr. Shailindra Shailindra Mr. Winaykumar Balgobind Mr. Toshinori Toshinori Mr. Inoue Mr. Takuo Takuo Mr. Shigehisa No. SIP No. 062/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 061/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 060/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 059/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 058/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 057/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 056/SIP/FRP/ SM/II/2014 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 NO

328 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA FKG Universitas Universitas FKG Denpasar Mahasaraswati Mahendri, drg., Ayu (Putu M.Kes.) Fakultas MIPA Universitas Universitas MIPA Fakultas (Irwan Tanjungpura Lovadi) Puslitbang Teknologi Teknologi Puslitbang Mineral dan Batubara ESDM Kementerian (Miftahul Huda dan 16 tim) orang Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Joeni Setijo Rahajoe, Dr. Siti Dr. Nuril Hidayati, Sundari) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Joeni Setijo Rahajoe, Dr. Siti Dr. Nuril Hidayati, Sundari) Fakultas Biologi Biologi Fakultas Nasional (Fitri Universitas Basalamah, M.Si., Wisnu S.Si) Wijiatmoko, Fakultas Biologi Biologi Fakultas Nasional (Fitri Universitas Basalamah, M.Si., Wisnu S.Si) Wijiatmoko, Puslit Biologi LIPI (Sigit LIPI (Sigit Biologi Puslit M.Sc.) Wiantoro, DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Bali (Bali Timur, Bali Utara, Bali Utara, Timur, Bali (Bali Bali Selatan) Kalbar (Stasiun Penelitian Kalbar (Stasiun Penelitian TN Gunung Panti, Cabang Palung) Jabar (Palimanan) Kalteng (Palangkaraya, Kalteng (Palangkaraya, TN Jabar (Bogor, Bawan), Gunung Halimun Salak) Kalteng (Palangkaraya, Kalteng (Palangkaraya, TN Jabar (Bogor, Bawan), Gunung Halimun Salak) Kalteng (Nyaru Menteng, Kalteng (Nyaru Menteng, Sumut Palangkaraya), M'belin, Sibolangit) (Batu Kalteng (Nyaru Menteng, Kalteng (Nyaru Menteng, Sumut Palangkaraya), M'belin, Sibolangit) (Batu Sumsel-Bengkulu- Sumbar (TN Bukit Barisan Selatan), Sumbar (Siberut dan Simeulue Kep. Mentawai), di Kep. Buru, Maluku (Ambon, KaltimObi, Halmahera), (S. Mahakam), Kalbar TN (Ketapang, Gunung Sulsel (Maros, Palung), Soppeng) Pangkep, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 13 2014 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 10 2014 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Februari 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 6 Maret 2014 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 6 Maret 2014 4 (empat) bulan, 4 (empat) mulai 4 Maret 2014 4 (empat) bulan, 4 (empat) mulai 4 Maret 2014 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 3 Maret 2014 Ekologi Ekologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Primatologi Primatologi Primatologi PENELITIAN Pertambangan Kedokteran Gigi Kedokteran TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mencatat status kesehatan kesehatan status Mencatat mulut dengan indikasi klinis jelas pada anak-anak yang berumur 6-12 tahun yang di sekolah Bali terdaftar Mempelajari perilaku dan makananekologi pada orangutan Menerapkan UBC proses di Coal) Brown (Upgraded Indonesia, merupakan yang peningkatan kualitas batubara dengan mengangkat kelembaban Meneliti dampak ekologoi dari kandungan merkuri yang dihasilkan penambangan emas ilegal berskala kecil Meneliti dampak ekologoi dari kandungan merkuri yang dihasilkan penambangan emas ilegal berskala kecil Menguji hipotesis dengan budaya kecerdasan membandingkan kemampuan orangutan antara kognitif dan Kalimantan Sumatra yang ada dalam suaka Menguji hipotesis dengan budaya kecerdasan membandingkan kemampuan orangutan antara kognitif dan Kalimantan Sumatra yang ada dalam suaka Melakukan studi filogeografi molekuler pada dua taksa kupu-kuputerbang: dan kalong. JUDUL PENELITIAN "Studi Epidemiologi DMFT "Studi Epidemiologi 6-12 tahun antara anak-anak dan Bali Timur, di Bali Utara, Selatan" "Orangutan Diet Composition, Diet Composition, "Orangutan and effects on Behavior Physiology" "UBC Process by Utilizing the by "UBC Process Palimanan, at Plant UBC Pilot West Java" Cirebon, "The of mercury behavior and its site in contaminated impact"ecological "The of mercury behavior and its site in contaminated impact"ecological What makes orangutan makes orangutan What the Testing intelligent? intelligence cultural hypothesis What makes orangutan makes orangutan What the Testing intelligent? intelligence cultural hypothesis "Phylogeography of flying "Phylogeography animals in Southeast Asia: genetics of population species of flying widespread and butterflies in foxes Indonesia" INSTITUSI Rennes University - Kobe Steel Ltd. Kobe Steel Kagoshima University Kagoshima University University of Zurich University University of Zűrich University City of University New York WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Inggris Jepang Jepang Jepang Jerman Jerman Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Brieuc, 31-03-1988 London, 31-08- London, 1991 Osaka, 28-12- 1979 Yamanashi, Yamanashi, 24-10-1981 Fukuoka, 22-11- Fukuoka, 1962 Muenchen, 25-07-1985 Berlin, 10-03- 1982 Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 17-06-1987 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Aurelie Marie Aurelie Ms. Yvonne Virginie Moysan Ms. Rebecca Rebecca Ms. Ingram Alesandra Mr. Hirokazu Mr. Tsubo Dr. Yuriko Kono Yuriko Dr. Prof. Takashi Takashi Prof. Tomiyasu Mr. Andreas Andreas Mr. Wendl Konrad Ms. Laura Laura Ms. Annelies Damerius Ms. Susan Man Ms. Shu Tsang No. SIP No. 070/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 069/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 068/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 067/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 066/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 065/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 064/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 063/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 329 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Pusat Kajian Disabilitas Pusat Irwanto, FISIP UI (Prof. Ph.D.) Pusat Kajian Disabilitas Pusat Irwanto, FISIP UI (Prof. Ph.D.) Puslit Biologi - LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Ubaidillah, Dr.Rosichon Rahmadi, Cahyo Dr. Wara Hari Nugroho,S.Si., Asfiya,M.Sc. FISIP Universitas FISIP Universitas (Fikarwin Utara Sumatera Zuska) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Depok, Cirebon) DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Depok, Cirebon) Sumatera Barat (Padang (Padang Barat Sumatera dan Bukittinggi); SUMUT (Gn.Sinabung-Medan); Bukit (Tahura KALTIM BukitSoeharto, Bingkirai, Samboja, Samarinda Kartanegara);dan Kutai Kalteng (Nyaru Menteng dan Bukit Tangkiling); Gn. JABAR (Cibinong, Halimun, UjungKulon, Kebun Raya Cibodas dan (Gn. Bandung); JATIM Kebun Ijen, Alas Purwo, JATENG Raya Purwodadi); Gn. Ungaran Dieng, (Gn. Nusakambangan); dan P. Bali; Kepulauan Sunda Kecil; NTB (Lombok NTTdan Sumbawa); (Sumba,Flores dan Timor); (Bitung (Batu SULUT Angus) dan Batu Putih SULSEL dan Tondano); dan Pangkep (Maros, (Rawa SULTENG Gowa); Selatan Konawe Aopa, dan Kolaka); Maluku Utara Ternate, (Halmahera, dan P.Buru); P.Seram Kei dan Aru, Maluku (Ke, Tanimbar) Sumut (Karo, Deli Serdang) Sumut (Karo, LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) bulan, 4 (empat) mulai 26 Maret 2014 4 (empat) bulan, 4 (empat) mulai 26 Maret 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17 i 2014 Maret 5 (lima) bulan mulai 17 Maret 2014 Budaya Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Kesehatan Kesehatan Kesehatan Kesehatan Masyarakat Masyarakat Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari dampak intervensi sosio ekonomi dalam pendekatan penderita terhadap lepra Mempelajari dampak metode kegiatan atau contact events bersama dalam mereduksi di kalanganstigma penderita lepra Menjelaskan dewasa status ini keanekaragaman serangga sosial (semut) di kepulauan Indonesia guna memahami keanekaragaman pentingnya kehidupan bagi tersebut manusia Mengkaji alasan di balik pernikahan terjadi jarangnya di masyarakatantarsepupu KaroBatak JUDUL PENELITIAN Assessing the impactAssessing of socio intervention on economic by leprosy persons affected Evaluation of the contact Evaluation Indonesia in Cirebon, events “Biodiversity inventory of inventory “Biodiversity social insects in Indonesian mainly Archipelago, Indonesian and social wasps and termites" ants Javanese Why are Impal Marriages are so Why Rare in Karo Society? INSTITUSI VU University VU University Amsterdam VU University VU University Amsterdam Ibaraki University, Ibaraki University, Japan University of University Washington WARGA WARGA NEGARA Belanda Belanda Jepang Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Purmerend, Purmerend, 20-12-1986 Deurne. 10-03- Deurne. 1991 Kanagawa, 25 September 1955 California, 06- California, 03-1972 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Stefanie Stefanie Ms. Kroeze Ms. Lisette Dorien Lisette Ms. Verkerk Prof. Junichi Prof. Kojima Dr. Geoffrey Geoffrey Dr. Charles Kushnick No. SIP No. 074/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 073/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 072/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 071/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 74 73 72 71 NO

330 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan Perikanan, Balitbang KP (Dr.rer.nat. M.Si., Setiawan, Agus M.Si. Mukti Trenggono, dan Tim) Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan Perikanan, Balitbang KP (Dr.rer.nat. M.Si., Setiawan, Agus M.Si. Mukti Trenggono, dan Tim) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Andalas (Prof. Universitas Gusti Asnan) Dr. Universitas Universitas Katolik Widya (Indah Mandala Surabaya Epriliati, Ph.D.) Fakultas Teknik Geologi Teknik Fakultas Padjadjaran Universitas Dicky Muslim, Ir. (Dr. M.Sc.) Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Mulawarman Universitas Rayadin) Yaya (Dr. Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Rosichon Ubaidillah, Dr. Peggie, Junijanti Dr. Hari Hari Sutrisno, Dr. S.Si.) Nugroho, Pusat Kajian Disabilitas Pusat Irwanto, FISIP UI (Prof. Ph.D.) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Perairan Samudra Hindia Samudra Perairan Jawa P. di sebelah selatan Perairan Samudra Hindia Samudra Perairan Jawa P. di sebelah selatan Sumbar (Padang) Jatim (Surabaya) Jatim Jateng (Karimunjawa) Jateng Kaltim (Hutan Wehea) Kaltim (PT. REA) Kaltim (PT. DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Depok, Cirebon) LAMA PENELITIAN 10 (sepuluh) hari mulai 11 April 2014 10 (sepuluh) hari mulai 11 April 2014 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 8 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 2014 Maret 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 24 Maret 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 2014 Maret 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 24 Maret 2014 4 (empat) bulan, 4 (empat) mulai 26 Maret 2014 Budaya Pangan Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Teknologi Teknologi Kesehatan Kesehatan Masyarakat Primatologi Oseanografi Oseanografi Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN Ekologi Sosial Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengukur dan besaran Jawa variabilitas upwelling dengan menurunkan sistem sub surface mooring ADCP dan surfacesistem buoy Mengukur dan besaran Jawa variabilitas upwelling dengan menurunkan sistem sub surface mooring ADCP dan surfacesistem buoy Mengkaji perkembangan mengenai ekonomi khususnya lahan di akses terhadap dari perspektif dilihat Sumatra, gender. Mempelajari potensi dari proses Mempelajari dari proses potensi dan germinasi fermentasi dua spesies Rhizopus untuk meningkatkan nutrisi serta menurunkan tingkat racun dalam Mucuna utilis. Mempelajari institusi peranan turisme berbasis alam dengan yang manajemen sumberdaya berkelanjutan. Meneliti perilaku populasi Wehea. di Hutan orangutan Melakukan sampling ditemukanfauna yang di riparianperkebunan sawit, HCV (High dan wilayah zones, Conservation Value Mempelajari dampak metode konseling dalam pendekatan penderitaterhadap lepra. JUDUL PENELITIAN “The Upwelling Jawa Observations" Variations “The Upwelling Jawa Observations" Variations Gender, Development and Development Gender, Land in the Minangkabau Society The development of hybrid- development The velvet and its effects on fungi bean (Mucuna sp) safety and nutritional-nutriceutical values Managing Eco-Tourism in Eco-Tourism Managing - A Marine Parks National Sustainable Challenge for Institutions, Development and Conflicts on Actors the Island of Karimunjawa, Indonesia Living on the edge: A pilot of the study of the behavior orangutan Forest Wehea population Insect across biodiversity interface, the oil palm-forest with emphasis on herbifores natural and their parasitoid in East Kalimantan,enemies, Indonesia The effect of counselling on effect of The in people self-stigmatization with leprosy INSTITUSI First Institute of First Oceanography First Institute of First Oceanography Cambridge University Cambridge Ladoke Akintola of University Technology Austrian Goverment Austrian University of ZϋrichUniversity Natural HistoryNatural Museum VU University VU University Amsterdam WARGA WARGA NEGARA Republik Republik Rakyat China RRC Perancis Nigeria Jerman Kanada Inggris Belanda TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Shandong, Shandong, 30-07-1982 Shandong, Shandong, 14-05-1977 Versailles, 19- Versailles, 01-1991 Lagos, 17-11- Lagos, 1966 Hannover, 24- Hannover, 02-1990 Halifax, 02-07- 1986 London, 30-12- London, 1959 Naarden, 04-04- Naarden, 1989 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Huiwu Wang Mr. Mr. Chunlin Ning Mr. Ms. Amelie Marie Ms. Duval Anne Paule Mr. Olanrewaju Olanrewaju Mr. Balogun Ifejesu Ms. Patricia Patricia Ms. Christa Siglinde Dorn Ms. Alison MaryMs. Ashbury Dr. Andrew Andrew Dr. Polaszek Ms. Ms. Renske Voorn No. SIP No. 082/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 081/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 080/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 079/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 078/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 077/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 076/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 075/SIP/FRP/ SM/III/2014 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 331 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Setyawan, Agus rer.nat M.Si. Mukti Trenggono, dan Tim) Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Setyawan, Agus rer.nat M.Si. Mukti Trenggono, dan Tim) Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Mulawarman Universitas Rayadin) Yaya (Dr. Fakultas Biologi Biologi Fakultas Nasional (Fitri Universitas Basalamah, M.Si., Wisnu S.Si) Wijiatmoko, Fakultas Biologi UNAS Biologi Fakultas S.Si.) Ariyanto, (Tomi Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan Perikanan, Balitbang KP (Dr.rer.nat. M.Si., Setiawan, Agus M.Si. Mukti Trenggono, dan Tim) Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan Perikanan, Balitbang KP (Dr.rer.nat. M.Si., Setiawan, Agus M.Si. Mukti Trenggono, dan Tim) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Perairan selat Sunda, selat Perairan Karimataselat dan selat Lombok Perairan selat Sunda, selat Perairan Karimataselat dan selat Lombok Sumut (Sikundur,TN Sumut (Sikundur,TN Kalteng Gunung Leuser), (Sebangau), Kaltim TN Kutai) Camp, (Prevab Aceh (Suaq Balimbing Aceh TN Gunung Leuser), di Kalteng (Tuanan) Kalteng (Tuanan) Perairan Samudra Hindia Samudra Perairan Jawa P. di sebelah selatan Perairan Samudra Hindia Samudra Perairan Jawa P. di sebelah selatan LAMA PENELITIAN 7 (tujuh) hari mulai 23 April 2014 7 (tujuh) hari mulai 23 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 April 2014 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 1 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 1 April 2014 10 (sepuluh) hari mulai 11 April 2014 10 (sepuluh) hari mulai 11 April 2014 BIDANG BIDANG Primatologi Primatologi Primatologi Oseanografi Oseanografi Oseanografi Oseanografi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan pengamatan dinamika panas di laut aliran lautan Indonesaantara dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Melakukan pengamatan dinamika panas di laut aliran lautan Indonesaantara dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Menghasilkan model yang lebih detail menggambarkan hubungan sosial dan reproduksi orangutan Menguji hipotesis tentang Menguji tentang hipotesis kecerdasan adanya prediksi pada spesies primata budaya non-manusia Menentukan apakah long call merupakan orangutan pertanda dan energi kesehatan status jantan orangutan Mengukur dan besaran Jawa variabilitas upwelling dengan menurunkan sistem sub surface mooring ADCP dan surfacesistem buoy Mengukur dan besaran Jawa variabilitas upwelling dengan menurunkan sistem sub surface mooring ADCP dan surfacesistem buoy JUDUL PENELITIAN South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda Straits and Lombok South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda Straits and Lombok The functionThe of the orangutan in is its role What long call: social relationshis mediating strategies? and reproductive Testing the Cultural the Cultural Testing HypothesisIntelligence in anda Bornean Sumatran Orangutans Are the Long Calls of Calls the Long Are Bornean (Pongo Orangutans wurmbii) Costly pygmaeus of Male Signals Health and Status? Energy “The Upwelling Jawa Observations" Variations “The Upwelling Jawa Observations" Variations INSTITUSI The First Institute of First The Oceanography The First Institute of First The Oceanography University of University Southern California Anthropological Anthropological Institute of the of Zurich University Rutgers University Rutgers First Institute of First Oceanography First Institute of First Oceanography WARGA WARGA NEGARA Republik Republik Rakyat Cina Republik Republik Rakyat Cina Inggris Kanada Perancis Republik Republik Rakyat China Republik Republik Rakyat China TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Shandong, Shandong, 11-11-1979 Shanghai, 23- 02-1960 Playmouth, Playmouth, 22-12-1986 Scarborough, 16-01-1989 Challans, 28-04- Challans, 1982 Shanxi, 01 1969 Oktober Xinjiang, 29 Juli Xinjiang, 1968 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Shujian Li Mr. Mr. Bin Fan Mr. Mr. James Arthur Mr. Askew Mr. Eric Andrew Eric Andrew Mr. Balke Mr. Yann Jean- Yann Mr. Gervais Yves Quenet Ms. Guo Janxia, Ms. Ph.D. Mr. Cao Cao Mr. Ph.D. Xiaozhong, No. SIP No. 089/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 088/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 087/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 086/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 085/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 084/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 083/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 NO

332 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA IPB (Dr. Yeni A. Mulyani) Yeni IPB (Dr. IPB (Prof. Dr. Damayanti Damayanti Dr. IPB (Prof. Buchori) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Semedi Pujo UGM (Dr. M.A.) Yuwono, Hargo Pusat Arkeologi Arkeologi Pusat Bambang Nasional (Dr. Sulistyanto) Fakultas Biologi UNAS Biologi Fakultas Setia Mitra) (Drs.Tatang Pusat Riset Perubahan Riset Perubahan Pusat Rondang S.E. Iklim UI (Dr. Siregar) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jambi (TN Bukit Duabelas Hutan di Sarolangun, di Batanghari) Harapan Jambi (TN Bukit Duabelas Hutan di Sarolangun, di Batanghari) Harapan DKI Jakarta BI, LIPI, (ANRI, Nasional) Perpustakaan Sumut (Medan Marelan) Aceh (Suaq Balimbing Aceh TN Gunung Leuser), di Kalteng (Tuanan) Curug NangkaCurug Kampung Sinarwangi, Bogor Ciapus, Barat - Jawa Curug NangkaCurug Kampung Sinarwangi, Bogor Ciapus, Barat - Jawa LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 7 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 7 April 2014 5 (lima) bulan mulai 3 April 2014 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 7 April 2014 6 (enam) bulan mulai 7 April 2014 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 2 April 2014 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 2 April 2014 Ekologi Ekologi Sejarah BIDANG BIDANG Arkeologi Primatologi Primatologi Primatologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Meneliti keanekaragaman kebiasaan spesies burung, makan, di lahan dan fungsinya berbeda yang di Jambi untuk dari fungsi ekologis melihat lanskap didominasi yang manusia. Mengkaji dari jasa ekosistem komunitas benalu untuk artropoda di perkebunan di Jamb. kelapa sawit Mengkaji pengaruh dan hubungan antara perkembangan ekonomi dan asing Belanda di investasi Hindia Belanda pada masa kolonialisme sampai post- kolonialisme di Indonesia Memperkaya mengenai data bagian kuno Sumatra sejarah sejak abad ke-5utara sampai abad ke-15 M Mendeskripsikan profil-profil dan perilaku jantan Orangutan betina dan membandingkan social learning intensitas lokal inovasi horizontal di antara populasi species Orangutan dan Kalimantan Sumatera Mengkaji dampak program diterapkan yang pada kera dalam kandang untuk meningkatkan kesempatan bertahan hidup setelah dilepasliarkan kembali Meneliti dampak pemasangan perilaku terhadap collars radio kukang dalam berada yang kandang.. JUDUL PENELITIAN Dietary and functional in of birds analysis of systems transformation Jambi, Indonesia Ecosystem services provided Ecosystem in plants epiphytic by transformation rainforest of Sumatra systems Dutch private investment investment private Dutch development and economic in Indonesia 1910 between and 1960 Sejarah Kuno Nusantara; Nusantara; Sejarah Kuno (abad dan Epigrafi Arkeologi ke-5 - abad ke-15 M) identifying cultural units in cultural identifying orangutans Quality of life in macaques: Quality of life evaluation A sistematic of of the effectiveness enrichment habitat different captive for techniques pig-tailed and long-tailed macaques The effect of radio tracking effect of The and on the behaviour collars of captive welfare subsequent loris (Nycticaebusslow coucang) INSTITUSI Georg-August Georg-August Göettingen University Georg-August Georg-August Göettingen University Leiden University Leiden The University of University The I Pantheon, Paris Sorbone Antrhropoligical Antrhropoligical Institute and Museum, University of Zϋrich University of University Edinburgh University of University Edinburgh WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jerman Jerman Belanda Perancis Swedia Polandia Inggris TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Berlin, 22-03- 1989 Kleve, 26-07- Kleve, 1988 Alphen aan den Rijn, 06-11- 1989 Nort, 21 - 08 - 1989 Lidingo, 01-12- Lidingo, 1989 Warszawa, 24- Warszawa, 01-1987 Canterbury, Canterbury, 07-04-1987 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Arite Arite Ms. Hildebrandt Mr. Dominik Mr. Ganser Mr. Mark Patrick Mark Patrick Mr. Van De Water Mr. Yohan Yohan Mr. Chahot Philippe Mr. Wilhelm Wilhelm Hans Mr. Osterman Alfons Ms. MartaMs. Joanna Sowinska Ms. Lucy Ms. Elizabeth Gregson No. SIP No. 096/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 095/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 094/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 093/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 092/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 091/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 090/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 333 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ekonomi UI (Dr. Ekonomi UI (Dr. Fakultas Alia H.) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Semedi Pujo UGM (Dr. M.A.) Yuwono, Hargo Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Fakultas M.Sc.) (Oka Karyanto, S.P., Balitbang Kementerian Balitbang Kementerian Hesti Kehutanan (Dr. Tata) Lestari Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dra. LIPI (Dra. Biologi Puslit K.Renny Dr. Hadiati, Sopian Daisy Wowor, Sauri) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jabar (Depok) DKI Jakarta (Pademangan, Jabar Penjaringan), Jabar (Bogor), Riau (Pekan Siak,Baru, Rokan Hulu dan Bengkalis), dan Kaltim (Samarinda, Balikpapan, dan Kutai) Berau Pasir Sultra, Jabar (Bogor), Jatim Sultra, (Malang) Banten (Serang, Lebak, (Serang, Banten Tangerang), Pandeglang, Jabar (Sukabumi, Cianjur, Garut, Tasikmalaya, (Gresik, Ciamis), Jatim Lamongan, Tuban, Ngawi, Bojonegoro, Magetan, Madiun, Nganjuk, Jombang, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Bondowoso, Situbondo, jember, Banyuwangi, Kediri, Malang, Lumajang, Tulungagung, Blitar, Pacitan, Ponorogo, bangkalan, Sampang, Sumenep), Pamekasan, Bali (Jembrana, Tabanan, Gianyar, Badung, Bangli, Klungkung, Karangasem, Buleleng), Barat, (Lombok Lombok Lombok Tengah, Lombok Utara, Timur); Lombok LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan mulai 14 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 10 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 11 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 7 April 2014 Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Ekonomi Pertanian Perikanan PENELITIAN Sosio Ekologi Sosio Ekonomi Pembangunan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengkaji hubungan antara dampak bencana alam dengan kondisi ekonomi negara berkembang Meneliti peranan kesadaran Meneliti kesadaran peranan perubahan iklim topik atas dalam pembentukan program terkait lingkungan. Meneliti tipe perkebunan yang diterapkan dalam industri kertas serta dan kelapa sawit dampak lingkungannya melihat Mengkaji dampak regenerasi tutupan pepohonan terhadap pemulihan tanah pada sistem tanaman coklat di produksi Sulawesi. Melakukan inventori yang yang Melakukan inventori meliputi studi taksonomi, dan ekologi molekuler, sistem ikan Indonesia air tawar khususnya famili Gobiidae JUDUL PENELITIAN The Economic Effects Economic The in Disasters of Natural on the Countries Deveoping Example of Indonesia 'Living on borrowed time: 'Living on borrowed of AnticipatoryThe Politics and Climate Vulnerability Change in Jakarta, Indonesia" Large-scale in Investment and Energy: Fibre, Food, work Sustainable options that and the poor (LIFFE forest for sectionsOptions, Indonesia) Soil Restoration in IndonesianSoil Restoration Agroforests Mixed Inventory of freshwater fishes Inventory of freshwater of the family Gobiidae in Indonesia INSTITUSI Poznan University of University Poznan Economics University University of Toronto Utrecht University University Utrecht & UGM Swiss Federal Federal Swiss Institute of Technology Muséum National Muséum National Naturelle d'Histoire WARGA WARGA NEGARA Polandia Jerman Belanda Jerman Perancis TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Wyrzysk, 19-05- 1983 Essen, 24-06- 1986 Gravenhage, Gravenhage, 23-11-1979 Bremen, 28-11- Bremen, 1986 Deols, 24-04- Deols, 1964 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Agnieszka Ms. Maria Kukulka Mr. Lukas Ley Mr. Mr. Idsert Jelsma Mr. Ms. Christina Ms. Ariani Wartenberg Dr. Phillip Murray Murray Phillip Dr. Keith No. SIP No. 101/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 100/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 099/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 098/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 097/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 99 98 97 NO 101 100

334 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Dekan Fak. Kehutanan Dekan Fak. Ani Mardiastuti IPB (Prof dan tim) Balitbang KP (Eghbert Ampoou) Elvan BPTP Sulesel-Balitbang Sahardi (Dr. Kementan Mulia) Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas Tholib Abu UGM (dr. PhD.) Aman, M.Sc., Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Suryo Dr. UGM (Prof. Widiyatno, Hardiwinoto, S.Hut., M.Sc.) PMB LIPI (Dr. Endang LIPI (Dr. PMB Turmudi) Puslitbang Laut Pesisir Laut Pesisir Puslitbang Kecil dan Pulau-pulau Hasanuddin Universitas Jamaluddin Jompa, (Prof. PhD.) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sultra (SuakaSultra margasatwa lambusango dan cagar alam kakenauwe dan area sekitarnya, buton) Sulut (T.N. Bunaken) Bali Sulut (T.N. NTB Nusa Penida); (P. (T.N. Sultra (Lombok); Wakatobi) Sulsel (Makassar) DI Yogyakarta Kalteng (Lahan perkebunan Pt. Sari Bumi Seruyan di kab. Kusuma Katingagan)dan Kab. Jatim (Bojonegoro, (Bojonegoro, Jatim Jabar Surabaya), Blora, (Bandung), DKI Jakarta Sulsel (Kep. Spermonde), Sulsel (Kep. (Raja Barat Ampat) Papua LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 17 Juni 2014 2 (dua) bulan mulai 24 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 22 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 14 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 14 April 2014 Biologi BIDANG BIDANG Pertanian Kehutanan PENELITIAN Sosiologi Politik Sosiologi Biologi Kelautan Biologi Biologi Kelautan Biologi Ilmu Kedokteran TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor mempengaruhi distribusi yang dan keanekaragaman hayati ancaman kunci mengevaluasi terhadap dan dampaknya keanekaragaman serta tersebut perubahan pada taxa tersebut Mengumpulkan kuantitatif data bentik,terhadap rumput laut karang. dan terumbu Mengembangkan pendekatan bebasis biologis kontrol memodifikasi untuk Wolbachia dan populasi nyamuk dengue transmisi mengurangi ke manusia Mengkaji prinsip manajemen berkelanjutan dengan melakukan penanaman sistem berbaris di hutan perkebunan rendah dataran meranti Mengkaji apakah masih politik tertentu aliran terdapat dalam kehidupan politik dan bermasyarakat di Indonesia Meneliti kelebihan patogen Meneliti kelebihan patogen karang di Kep. potensial Spermonde JUDUL PENELITIAN "Climate community and "Climate report assesment biodiversity island" of buton the forests for Ground Truthing for habitat habitat for Truthing Ground mapping and Change Detection of Bunaken with visits Park National REEF of INDESO CORAL WORKING SITES (Nusa Penida, Wakatobi Lombok, NP) Improving the sustainabilityImproving production in of cocoa Indonesia eastern through pest, disease integrated in an and soil management extension and policyeffective environment Eliminate Dengue Project in Dengue Project Eliminate (EDP-Yogya) Yogyakarta Evaluation of sustainability Evaluation and system of line planting the dynamics of monitoring forest natural Aliran in Indonesia's 2014 in Indonesia's Aliran elections Responses of bacterial to communities impacts anthropogenic INSTITUSI Lancaster University Lancaster IRD La Trobe University La Trobe Monash University Graduate School of Graduate Kyoto Agriculture, University Australian National National Australian University Leibnitz Center for for Center Leibnitz Marine Tropical Ecology WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Perancis Australia Australia Jepang Australia Jerman TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Exeter, 12 Maret 12 Maret Exeter, 1984 Paris, 11 April Paris, 1968 London, 11-10- London, 1960 Townsville, Townsville, 16-12-1975 Osaka, 20-10- 1987 Ashford, 23-02- Ashford, 1984 Aurich, 28-04- Aurich, 1983 NAMA PENELITI Dr. David Graham Graham David Dr. Tosh Mr. Serge Serge Mr. Andrefouet Dr. Peter John Peter Dr. McMahon Dr. Petrina Petrina Dr. Hannah Johnson Mr. Tomoya Inada Tomoya Mr. Mr. Colum Morris Colum Mr. Graham Mr. Hauke Fabian Hauke Fabian Mr. Schwieder No. SIP No. 108/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 107/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 106/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 105/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 104/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 103/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 102/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 NO 108 107 106 105 104 103 102

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 335 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Balitbang Kelautan (Rini& Perikanan Rahmania) FISIP Universitas FISIP Universitas H. Dr. (Prof. Tanjungpura M.Sc.) I. Alqadrie, Syarif Unika Atma Jaya - Pusat - Pusat Unika Jaya Atma Kajian Bahasa dan Ph.D.) (Yanti, Budata Pusat Studi Asia Pasifik Pasifik Studi Asia Pusat Laksono, PM. UGM (Prof. M.A., PhD.) Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas Tholib Abu UGM (dr. PhD.) Aman, M.Sc., Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas Tholib Abu UGM (dr. PhD.) Aman, M.Sc., Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas Tholib Abu UGM (dr. PhD.) Aman, M.Sc., Puslit Biologi LIPI (Ir. LIPI (Ir. Biologi Puslit M.Si.) Wirdateti, DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Bali (Nusa Lembongan, Bali (Nusa Lembongan, Perancak Bali Barat, T.N. Estuary Kalbar (Ds. Semayok Kalbar Semayok (Ds. Kab. Pemahan, Kec. Baru, Ketapang) Sumsel (Besemah di Desa dan Jarai) Tanding, Karang DKI Jakarta DI Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Jateng (Wonogiri) DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta Jabar (Cipaganti Garut, Jabar (Cipaganti Kawasan Hutan Gunung termasuk Papandayan cagar alam, wilayah Cikananga Ciapus Bogor, Sukabumi) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 5 Meil 2014 5 (lima) bulan mulai 30 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 29 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 29 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 29 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 Meil 2014 Sosial Sejarah Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Sosiologi & Sosiologi Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN Etno Linguistik Biologi Kelautan Biologi Ilmu Kedokteran Ilmu Kedokteran Ilmu Kedokteran TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Menyediakan pengetahuan teknik Balitbang ilmiah bagi dan dan studi mangrove KP untuk pantai daerah Melihat dampak dari masyarakat transmigrasi dari Flores berasal Ngadha yang ke Kalimantan pada Tengah tahun 1990an Mempelajari aspek-aspek gramatikal Bahasa Melayu Meneliti sejarah wayang kulit Meneliti wayang sejarah di Jawa dan dalang perempuan tahun 1970an sejak awal Menguji kemampuan menyebar Menguji kemampuan menyebar dan berkembang dua strain alami dan di habitat Wolbachia menguji kemampuan strain Aegypti dalam Ae. Wolbachia lokal menekan untuk replikasi virus dengue sebelum dan dilepasliarkansetelah Menguji kemampuan menyebar Menguji kemampuan menyebar dan berkembang dua strain alami dan di habitat Wolbachia menguji kemampuan strain Aegypti dalam Ae. Wolbachia lokal menekan untuk replikasi virus dengue sebelum dan dilepasliarkansetelah Menguji kemampuan menyebar Menguji kemampuan menyebar dan berkembang dua strain alami dan di habitat Wolbachia menguji kemampuan strain Aegypti dalam Ae. Wolbachia lokal menekan untuk replikasi virus dengue sebelum dan dilepasliarkansetelah Mempelajari komposisi kimiawi pada kukangdan fungsi racun (Nycticenus spp.). JUDUL PENELITIAN Ground truthing for the scale truthing for Ground mapping and monitoringof habitat mangrove Locations and relocations: and relocations: Locations in Kalimantan Florenese Voice and Gramatical and Gramatical Voice Relations in Besemah Finding A Voice: The Female Female The Voice: A Finding Wayang Dalang in Javanese Kulit Penyebaran Wolbachia Wolbachia Penyebaran Aedes Melalui Pelepasliaran Lokal Ber-Wolbachia Aegypti (DI) Istimewa di Daerah Sebagai Bagian Yogyakarta Dengue Project dari Eliminate in Yogyakarta (EDP-Yogya) Penyebaran Wolbachia Wolbachia Penyebaran Aedes Melalui Pelepasliaran Lokal Ber-Wolbachia Aegypti (DI) Istimewa di Daerah Sebagai Bagian Yogyakarta Dengue Project dari Eliminate in Yogyakarta (EDP-Yogya) Penyebaran Wolbachia Wolbachia Penyebaran Aedes Melalui Pelepasliaran Lokal Ber-Wolbachia Aegypti (DI) Istimewa di Daerah Sebagai Bagian Yogyakarta Dengue Project dari Eliminate in Yogyakarta (EDP-Yogya) The only poisonous primate: only poisonous primate: The composition loris venom slow and function INSTITUSI IRD University of Bergen University University of University Santa California, Barbara US Fulbright Student Student US Fulbright Program Monash University Monash University Monash University Oxford Brookes Brookes Oxford University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Norwegia Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Australia Australia Perancis Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Arjer, 19 - 02 Arjer, - 1968 Molde, 05-05- Molde, 1951 Colorado, 02 Colorado, 1981 Maret Concord, 14-06- Concord, 1985 Gladstone, Gladstone, 13-07-1985 Ipswich, 08-09- 1985 Oloron-Sainte- 31-10- Marie, 1980 Ohio, 21-08- Ohio, 1980 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Christoph Christoph Mr. Rene .Jean-Louis Proisy Prof. Olaf Prof. Haraldson Smedal Mr. Bradley James Bradley Mr. McDonnell Ms. Kristina Lynne KristinaMs. Lynne Tannenbaum Ms. Jessica Ann Ms. Poulton Dr. Andrew Peter Peter Andrew Dr. Turley Dr. Edwige Edwige Dr. Rances Ms. Grace Anne Grace Ms. Fuller No. SIP No. 116/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 115/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 114/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 113/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 112/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 111/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 110/SIP/FRP/ SM/IV/2014 109/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 NO 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109

336 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA CIMTROP Universitas Universitas CIMTROP Erna (Dr. Palangkaraya M.Sc.) Poesie, Shinta Direktur Perlindungan Perlindungan Direktur dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat – BAPENAS M.Sc) Yulaswati, Vivi (Dr. Penelitian dan Lembaga Asep Smeru (Dr. Suryapadi) Puslitbang Laut Pesisir Laut Pesisir Puslitbang Kecil dan Pulau-pulau Hasanuddin Universitas Jamaluddin Jompa, (Prof. PhD.) Balai TN Kutai KaltimTN Kutai Balai Kabangnga, (Yulita S.Hut., M.P.) Komisi Penanggulangan Komisi Penanggulangan NTTAIDS Propinsi (Dr Husein Pancratius) Fakultas Pertanian IPB Pertanian Fakultas Rahayu Widyastuti, (Dr. M.Sc. Fakultas Perikanan dan Perikanan Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan IPB (Dr. Zamani,M.Sc., Neviaty P. Khoirunnisa Assidiqi, S.Kel.) Balitbang Kelautan (Rini& Perikanan Rahmania) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Kalteng (Sebangau) DKI Jakarta Sulsel (Kep. Spermonde), Sulsel (Kep. (Raja Barat Ampat) Papua Kaltim (TN Kutai) Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur Kalbar (Landak, Kab. Kapuas Hulu) Jabar (Bogor) Bali (Nusa Lembongan, Bali (Nusa Lembongan, Perancak Bali Barat, T.N. Estuary LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan mulai 12 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 7 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 7 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 6 Mei 2014 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 6 Meil 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 6 Meil 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan mulai 6 Meil 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 5 Meil 2014 Studi Studi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Kehutanan Primatologi PENELITIAN Epidemiologi Pembangunan Pembangunan Biologi Kelautan Biologi Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melihat dampak eksploitasi lahan gambut terhadap spesies-spesies regenerasi kepentingan pohon untuk manajemen hutan. Meneliti faktor-faktor yang yang Meneliti faktor-faktor outcome membentuk perlindungan sosial di Indonesia Meneliti kelebihan patogen Meneliti kelebihan patogen karang di Kep. potensial Spermonde Mempelajari kemampuan adaptasi dan fleksibilitas aspek sosio ekologi aspek- Pygmaues (Pongo Orangutan morio) normal baik di habitat (rusak dan maupun ekstrem tidak familiar) Mengidentifikasi dan menjelaskan struktur sosial yang sebagai faktor-faktor perilaku yang mendorong tertular beresiko beresiko yang tertular HIV AIDS Melakukan singkat assesment kandunganterhadap carbon dalam tanah Meneiti dampak potensial partikeldari keberadaan mikroplastik pada invertebrata pada bergantung laut yang marine deposit Menyediakan pengetahuan teknik Balitbang ilmiah bagi dan dan studi mangrove KP untuk pantai daerah JUDUL PENELITIAN Effects of Exploitation of Peat Peat of Effects of Exploitation and on Fruiting Forest Swamp of Plant Phenology Flowering Community The Political Econoomy of Econoomy Political The in Indonesia Social Protection Responses of bacterial to communities impacts anthropogenic “Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus (Pongo “Orangutan morio) Ranging and diet in East Kalimantan” The Role of Socio-StructuralThe in Influencing HIV Risk Factors Sex Among Female Behaviour Tenggara in East Nusa Workes on a Focus With Indonesia Non-Commercial Intimate An ExploratoryPartnerships: Study” Deep soil carbon pools and s their dynamics in the tropic of Indonesia Abundance of microplastics of microplastics Abundance and their impact onbenthic A global invertebrates- approach Ground truthing for the scale truthing for Ground mapping and monitoringof habitat mangrove INSTITUSI Ehime University University of Adelaide University Leibnitz Center for for Center Leibnitz Marine Tropical Ecology Dept. of Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, Glendon College, University York London School of London Hygiene & Tropical Medicine University of BornUniversity GEOMAR Kiel GEOMAR CIRAD WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Australia Jerman Kanada Jerman Jerman Jerman Italia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Kanagawa, 23-09-1975 North Adelaide, 17-07-1987 Singapore, Singapore, 17-04-1981 Toronto, 20 Mei Toronto, 1947 Bremen, 29 Bremen, Desember 1978 Oberhausen, 3 1987 Oktober Amtzell, 21-11- Amtzell, 1990 Rio Cuarto, 07 - Rio Cuarto, 12 - 1957 NAMA PENELITI Dr. Tetsuya Tetsuya Dr. Shimamura Ms. MarykeMs. Christine Van Diermen Dr. Astrid Anne- Astrid Dr. Marie Gärdes Prof. Dr. Anne Dr. Prof. Eleanor Russon, M.A. M.Sc., Ms. Dewi Ismajani Ms. Ph.D Puradiredja, Ms. Nele Meyer Ms. Ms. Sinja Elena Ms. Rist Ms. Maria Juliana Ms. Prosperi No. SIP No. 124/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 123/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 122/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 121/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 120/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 119/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 118/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 117/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 NO 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 337 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. BPPT – Pusat Teknologi Teknologi BPPT – Pusat Survei Kelautan (Dr. Pandoe) W. Wahyu Balitbang KP, KKP (Dr. KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Poernomo) Achmad Fakultas Pertanian IPB Pertanian Fakultas Rahayu Widyastuti, (Dr. M.Sc. P2O-LIPI (Dr. Zainal P2O-LIPI (Dr. Arifin) Puslitbang Laut, Pesisir Laut, Pesisir Puslitbang kecil dan Pulau-pulau Jamaluddin UNHAS (Prof. Jompa, PhD). DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, NTT (Larantuka, P. Flores), Flores), NTT (Larantuka, P. Jabar selatan pantai barat pantai dan Jateng, Bengkulu, dan Selat Sunda DI Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Bali, Sulsel NTB (Sumbawa), (Makassar) Kalbar (Landak, Kab. Kapuas Hulu) DKI Jakarta Jakarta), (Teluk Sulsel Lombok), NTB (P. (Makassar) Pesisir Sulsel, Sultra (TN Sultra Sulsel, Pesisir Barang P. Wakatobi, Lompo) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 6 Meil 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 13 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 13 Mei 2014 Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Perikanan Perikanan Kehutanan PENELITIAN Ilmu Kelautan Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan Mengusulkan desain dan teknik subsea cable perekayasaan design turbine installation, foil dan serta mekanik kontrol dan kepentingan elektrik untuk RPM low Meneliti penyebab dan dampak Meneliti penyebab dari penurunan produksi atau finfish ikan bersirip karena penyakit di Indonesia Melakukan singkat assesment kandunganterhadap carbon dalam tanah Mempelajari kondisi polusi di dan dampaknya pantai perairan lingkunganterhadap perairan laut Mengevaluasi potensi karbonMengevaluasi potensi terperangkapyang dalam padang lamun/ rumput laut JUDUL PENELITIAN China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi SPICE III, Subproject 6: of a Decision Development Support System" Improving fish health Improving and production management in marine finfish protocols in Indonesia aquaculture and Australia Deep soil carbon pools and s their dynamics in the tropic of Indonesia Physiological and ontogenetic and ontogenetic Physiological of marine responses multiple to organisms stressors” Evaluation of the carbon Evaluation of potential sequestration meadows, seagrass tropical and in situ carbon dioxide experiment”enrichment INSTITUSI Third Institute of Third Oceanography University of University & Kiel, Research Centre Technology in Buesum Westcoast Elizabeth Macarthur Institute Agriculture (EMAI) University of BornUniversity ZMT, Center for for Center ZMT, Marine Tropical Bremen Ecology Alfred-Wegener- and Polar Institute for Marine Research WARGA WARGA NEGARA RRC Colombia Australia Rusia Jerman Jerman TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Fujian, 10-09- Fujian, 1970 Medellin- 28 Colombia, September 1976 Wollongong, Wollongong, 07-03-1976 Moscow, 12 Moscow, November 1966 Berlin, 29-01- 1987 Stuttgart, 18- 09-1978 NAMA PENELITI Prof.Dr.. Chen Bin Prof.Dr.. Mr. Jose Manuel Mr. Fernandez Jaramillo,Msc. Dr. Paul Morgan Morgan Paul Dr. Hick Dr. rer nat. Andrey Andrey nat. rer Dr. Rodionav Ms. Britta Gunilla Ms. Baum Dr. Dominik Dr. Michael Kneer No. SIP No. 130/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 129/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 128/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 127/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 126/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 125 /SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 NO 130 129 128 127 126 125

338 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 BIDANG BIDANG Perikanan Perikanan Perikanan PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan JUDUL PENELITIAN China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi INSTITUSI Third Institute of Third Oceanography Third Institute of Third Oceanography Third Institute of Third Oceanography WARGA WARGA NEGARA RRC RRC RRC TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Shandong, Shandong, 06-09-1979 Fujian, 23-08- Fujian, 1982 Henan, 09-04- 1981 NAMA PENELITI Wentao Niu, M.Sc. Wentao Dr. Guangcheng Dr. Chen Dr. Jianguo Du Dr. No. SIP No. 133/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 132/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 131/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 NO 133 132 131

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 339 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 BIDANG BIDANG Perikanan Perikanan Perikanan PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan JUDUL PENELITIAN China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi INSTITUSI Third Institute of Third Oceanography Third Institute of Third Oceanography Third Institute of Third Oceanography WARGA WARGA NEGARA RRC RRC RRC TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Fujian, 06-05- Fujian, 1982 Fujian, 09-10- Fujian, 1979 Fujian, 28 Fujian, 1983 Oktober NAMA PENELITI Heshan Lin, M.Sc. Junhui Lin, M.Sc. Dr. Zheng Dr. Xinqing No. SIP No. 136/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 135/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 134/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 NO 136 135 134

340 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat IklimPerubahan UI (Dr. Supriatna) Jatna Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Dirhamsyah, M.A.) (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jabar, Banten, DKI Jakarta, Banten, Jabar, Yogyakarta, Jateng. D.I. Lampung, Jatim, BangkaBengkulu, Sumsel, Riau, Sumbar, Belitung, Kep. Jambi, Sumut, Aceh, Riau, Sumsel Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, Sulut (Bitung di Selat Kema, Likupang) Lembeh, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai Mei 2014 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 19 Mei 2014 Biologi BIDANG BIDANG Perikanan Perikanan Perikanan PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN melakukan survei biogeografi mengukur untuk dampak perubahan iklim terhadap dan keanekaragaman hayati dengan kondisi habitatnya menggunakan indikator species Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan Mempelajari keterkaitan perubahan iklimantara perairan dan ekosistem membandingkan tropis, keanekaragaman antara Cina dan Indonesia, dan mengembangkan manajemen dapat yang berbasis ekosistem meningkatkan kemampuan kedua belah pihak dalam kerangka penelitian dan manajemen keanekaragaman perairan JUDUL PENELITIAN Java & Sumatra Expedition & & Sumatra Java the impactSurvey measure to change using of climate species". indicator China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi China-Indonesia Ecological China-Indonesia Ecological and Establishment Station Marine Survey Biodiversity in North Sea Sulawesi INSTITUSI Research Center Center Research Change Climate for of - University Indonesia Third Institute of Third Oceanography Third Institute of Third Oceanography Third Institute of Third Oceanography WARGA WARGA NEGARA Sri Lanka RRC RRC RRC TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Colombo, 22 Colombo, November 1984 Fujian, 30-01- Fujian, 1978 Fujian, 03-08- Fujian, 1976 Hebei, 20-11- 1981 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Amarasinghe Amarasinghe Mr. A. Thasun Amarasinghe Dr. Danyun Ou Danyun Dr. Dr. Baohong Dr. Chen Zhuyuan Ma, M.Sc. No. SIP No. 140/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 139/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 138/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 137/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 NO 140 139 138 137

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 341 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Fakultas Pertanian Pertanian Fakultas Abdul Rauf) (Dr. UNTAD Fakultas Pertanian Pertanian Fakultas Abdul Rauf) (Dr. UNTAD IPB (Dr. Prijanto Prijanto IPB (Dr. Dr. Pamoengkas, Dr. Sundawat, Leti A. Yeni Dr. hendrayanto, Dede Mulyani, Martino) Dekan Fak. Kehutanan Dekan Fak. Ani Mardiastuti IPB (Prof. dan tim) IPB (Pro. Dr. Ir Ahmad Dr. IPB (Pro. Sulaeman MS) FIB – UGM (Dr Setiade M. Si) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulteng (Bariri)Sulteng Bariri, Baliura, Lore Tengah, Tengah, Bariri, Lore Baliura, Tengah Sulawesi Poso, Jambi (PT Humusindo di PTPN Batanghari, Kab. di Kab. VI Durian Luncuk Sarolangun) Sultra (SuakaSultra margasatwa lambusango dan cagar alam kakenauwe dan area sekitarnya, Buton) Jabar (Kota Bogor dan Bogor), Kab. Yogyakarta, Bandung dan Yogyakarta, Jakarta LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 22 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 22 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 20 Mei 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 17 Juni 2014 6 (enam) bulan mulai 22 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 22 Mei 2014 Biologi Ekologi Ekologi Budaya Pangan BIDANG BIDANG Pertanian & Pertanian Manajemen Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN Bioklimatologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN memahami peran hutan hujan memahami peran yang dan proses-proses tropis bervariasi ke waktu dari waktu terkait air dan ketersediaan pelepasan karbon meneliti siklus hutan hujan dengan menggunakantropis stable isotopes water Mengkaji paling optimal sinergi dilakukan dapat yang baik dari maupun ekonomi sisi ekologi dalam melakukan upaya konservasi hutan. Mengindentifikasi faktor-faktor Mengindentifikasi faktor-faktor mempengaruhi distribusi yang dan keanekaragaman hayati ancaman kunci mengevaluasi terhadap dan dampaknya keanekaragaman serta tersebut perubahan pada taxa tersebut Mempelajari praktek-praktek Mempelajari praktek-praktek negara konsumsi keluarga berkembang seringkali yang menyisakan makanan yang dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang signifikan Memperoleh pemahaman Memperoleh kehidupan dunia baru tentang klas menengah sehari=hari di Indonesia JUDUL PENELITIAN "The influence of radiation radiation "The of influence absorption and other on drivers environmental vapour and water Carbon of a mountain exchange Sulawesi, in Central rainforest Indonesia” "Investigating the water the water "Investigating rainforest cycle of a tropical Indonesia using in Sulawesi/ isotopes” stable water Biodiversity enrichment in oil enrichment Biodiversity palm plantations "Climate community and "Climate report assesment biodiversity island" of buton the forests for Planning from “Table to to “Table from Planning Analyzing the Dump”: practice of household food and food consumption practices in Indonesiawasting (1) Complex, clever, cool: cool: clever, (1) Complex, understanding and imagining smart, sustainable laundry in Indonesia, media, (2) Digital social activism and civic in Indonesiaengagement INSTITUSI Georg-August Georg-August of University Goettingen University of University Goettingen University of University Göettingen University of BritishUniversity Columbia University University of Toronto RMIT University RMIT University Melbourne WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jerman Italia Jerman Kanada Kanada Inggeris TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Filderstadt, 08 Filderstadt, 1986 Maret Trieste, 13 Trieste, 1979 Oktober Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 24-05-1988 Burlington Burlington 1 Februari Can, 1986 Bandung, 10 Bandung, October 1984 Wokingham, Wokingham, 27 Mei England, 1965 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Florian Francis Francis Florian Mr. Heimsch Mr. Bonazza Mr. Mattia Ms. Anne Gerard Ms. Ms. Adrienne Adrienne Ms. Contasti, Louise Ph.D Ms. Tammara Rica Tammara Ms. Soma Mr. John Postill, John Postill, Mr. Ph.D. No. SIP No. 146 /SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 145 /SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 144/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 143/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 142/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 141/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 NO 146 145 144 143 142 141

342 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ekonomi UI (T.M. Ekonomi UI (T.M. Fakultas Zakir Machmud) Yayasan Riak Bumi Yayasan (Valentinus Heri). Yayasan Riak Bumi Yayasan (Valentinus Heri). Lab. Biomedik dan Lab. Molekuler Biologi Hewan, Udayana FKH Universitas I Gusti Ngurah Dr. (Prof. Mahardika) dan Puslit LIPI (Dr. Oseanografi Zaenal Arifin) Puslit Biologi – LIPI (Dr. – LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Arida) Evy Ayu DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Bogor, DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Bogor, Depok, Bekasi), Banten Jateng (Tangerang), (Semarang), Jatim (Surabaya) Kalbar (Kapuas Hulu) Kalbar (Kapuas Hulu) Bali, NTB (Lombok) Sulawesi Barat (Majene, (Majene, Barat Sulawesi Mamasa, Mamuju, Mamuju Polewali Utara, Mandar), Sulawesi (Donggala), Tengah Selatan Sulawesi Bone, Barru, (Bantaeng, Bulukumba, Enrekang, Jennaepontu, Gowa, Luwu Timur, Luwu Luwu, Maros, Makassar, Utara, Pangkajene, Palopo, PareparePinrang, Sinjai, Rapang, Sidenreng Tana Takalar, Soppeng, Utara, Toraja Toraja, Maluku (Kepulauan Wajo), Maluku Daya, Aru, Barat Barat). Maluku Tenggara LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 2 Juni 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan mulai 28 Mei 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan mulai 28 Mei 2014 5 (lima) bulan mulai 26 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 26 Mei 2014 Biologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Ekonomi PENELITIAN Sosio Ekologi Pembangunan Biologi (Zoologi) Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Meneliti pergeseran peranan peranan Meneliti pergeseran dan instansi pemerintah perusahaan transnasional pengembangan dalam upaya industri di Indonesia. Menganalisa masalah yang dihadapi serta mencari solusi air di sumber daya untuk Kapuas Hulu Mengkaji lokal sistem yang terkait dengan penggunaan Hutan Non Kayu / Non Produk Product Forest Timber Melihat komposisi penangkapan hiu melalui kombinasi teknik genetika molekuler Melakukan dokumentasi keanekaregaman hayati Indonesia, menemukan species sertabaru, mempelajari spesiasi dan biogeografi mempengaruhi yang keanekaragaman hayati JUDUL PENELITIAN Accomodating Globalization: Globalization: Accomodating Industrial in Development Indonesia Post-Crisis Water quality assessment Water North of Danau Sentarum Kapuas Park, National Hulu, Kalimantan West Strengthening community Strengthening based forestry and watershed Feasibility management: study Tengkawang for be used within the spp to Program Forestry Community (KBR), North of Danau West Park, Sentarum National Kalimantan "Arresting shark declines: "Arresting the unseen fisheryunveiling via genetic analysis” "The Comparative "The Comparative of Sulawesi, Biogeography and Nusa Tenggara, amphibians, Maluku-reptiles, and birds” mammals, INSTITUSI University of University Berkeley California, Coluspia CIRAD Coluspia AgroParisTech Macquarie University University of University Berkeley California, WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Perancis Perancis Italia Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL California, 22- California, 09-1982 Virty sur seine, 10-07-1992 Bordeaux, 28- Bordeaux, 11-1991 Italy, 14-08- Italy, 1983 California, 14- California, 09-1967 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Andy Scott Mr. Chang Mr. Cottin Cottin Mr. Alexandre Ms. Claire Andree Andree Claire Ms. Dudot Fernande Mr. Paolo Paolo Mr. Momigliano Mr. Jimmy Adair Adair Jimmy Mr. McGuire No. SIP No. 151/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 150/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 149/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 148/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 147/SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 NO 151 150 149 148 147

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 343 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas UGM (Dr Mahirta Sasongko) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas UGM (Dr Mahirta Sasongko) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas UGM (Dr Mahirta Sasongko) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN P. Alor Nusa Tenggara Tenggara Alor Nusa P. (Kiraman, Lerabain, Timur Maimol, Mademang, Buyungta, Mali, Toblang, Weling, Kokar La’or, Hame, Waking, Ehdon, Ala’ang, Alor Ulimoning, Sebanjar, Ampera, Alor Kecil, Besar, Dulolong, Folboa, Lewalu, Kolana, Atengmale, Kaluman, and Kenarlinag, Desa-desa di Watatuku Alorese, Abui, Adang, Kui, Sawila Kula, P. Alor Nusa Tenggara Tenggara Alor Nusa P. (Kiraman, Lerabain, Timur Maimol, Mademang, Buyungta, Mali, Toblang, Weling, Kokar La’or, Hame, Waking, Ehdon, Ala’ang, Alor Ulimoning, Sebanjar, Ampera, Alor Kecil, Besar, Dulolong, Folboa, Lewalu, Kolana, Atengmale, Kaluman, and Kenarlinag, Desa-desa di Watatuku Alorese, Abui, Adang, Kui, Sawila Kula, P. Alor Nusa Tenggara Tenggara Alor Nusa P. (Kiraman, Lerabain, Timur Maimol, Mademang, Buyungta, Mali, Toblang, Weling, Kokar La’or, Hame, Waking, Ehdon, Ala’ang, Alor Ulimoning, Sebanjar, Ampera, Alor Kecil, Besar, Dulolong, Folboa, Lewalu, Kolana, Atengmale, Kaluman, and Kenarlinag, Desa-desa di Watatuku Alorese, Abui, Adang, Kui, Sawila Kula, LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan mulai 2 Juni 2014 2 (dua) bulan mulai 2 Juni 2014 2 (dua) bulan mulai 2 Juni 2014 BIDANG BIDANG Arkeologi Arkeologi Arkeologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Meneliti kemampuan Alor pada penduduk di P. khususnya sejarah zaman pra dalam pada masa Pleistocene mengekploitasi kekayaan laut. sumber daya Meneliti kemampuan Alor pada penduduk di P. khususnya sejarah zaman pra dalam pada masa Pleistocene mengekploitasi kekayaan laut. sumber daya Meneliti kemampuan Alor pada penduduk di P. khususnya sejarah zaman pra dalam pada masa Pleistocene mengekploitasi kekayaan laut. sumber daya JUDUL PENELITIAN The Archaeology of Island use Archaeology The Archipelago Wallacean in the The Archaeology of Island use Archaeology The Archipelago Wallacean in the The Archaeology of Island use Archaeology The Archipelago Wallacean in the INSTITUSI Australian National National Australian University Australian National National Australian University Australian National National Australian University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Spanyol Selandia Baru Australia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Madrid, 28-05- 1983 Auckland, 28- Auckland, 12-1974 Subiaco, 11-08- Subiaco, 1990 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Sofia Cristina Ms. Samper Carro Mr. Stuart Charles Mr. Hawkins Ms. Shimona Ms. Kealy Frances No. SIP No. 154/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 153/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 152/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 NO 154 153 152

344 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat IklimPerubahan UI (Dr. Supriatn Jatna Prodi Pengkajian Pengkajian Prodi Seni Pertunjukan dan SeniRupa, Sekolah UGM (Dr. Pascasarjana Fitriasari, ParamithaD. Rr. M.Hum Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Daud UGM ((Prof. Tanudirjo) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas UGM (Dr Mahirta Sasongko) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas UGM (Dr Mahirta Sasongko) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Kalbar (Ketapang) DI Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Banten Selatan) (Tangerang Sulut (Leang Mandeet, P. Mandeet, P. Sulut (Leang Kep.Talaud, Karakelong, Kabaruan, Kepulauan P. Sangir, P. Talaud, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe) P. Alor Nusa Tenggara Tenggara Alor Nusa P. (Kiraman, Lerabain, Timur Maimol, Mademang, Buyungta, Mali, Toblang, Weling, Kokar La’or, Hame, Waking, Ehdon, Ala’ang, Alor Ulimoning, Sebanjar, Ampera, Alor Kecil, Besar, Dulolong, Folboa, Lewalu, Kolana, Atengmale, Kaluman, and Kenarlinag, Desa-desa di Watatuku Alorese, Abui, Adang, Kui, Sawila Kula, P. Alor Nusa Tenggara Tenggara Alor Nusa P. (Kiraman, Lerabain, Timur Maimol, Mademang, Buyungta, Mali, Toblang, Weling, Kokar La’or, Hame, Waking, Ehdon, Ala’ang, Alor Ulimoning, Sebanjar, Ampera, Alor Kecil, Besar, Dulolong, Folboa, Lewalu, Kolana, Atengmale, Kaluman, and Kenarlinag, Desa-desa di Watatuku Alorese, Abui, Adang, Kui, Sawila Kula, LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 3 Juni 2014 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 2 Juni 2014 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 2 Juni 2014 2 (dua) bulan mulai 2 Juni 2014 2 (dua) bulan mulai 2 Juni 2014 Seni Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Arkeologi Arkeologi Arkeologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari konflik manusia - desa di dibeberapa Orangutan Kabupaten Ketapang Meneliti persepsi seniman masyarakatterhadap dan kehidupan Meneliti koloni penduduk pada masa Talaud Sangihe 36 ribusilam tahun yang budaya dam persebaran pertanian serta perubahan pada aspek khususnya budaya, sumber daya pemanfaatan dan laut pangan di darat Meneliti kemampuan Alor pada penduduk di P. khususnya sejarah zaman pra dalam pada masa Pleistocene mengekploitasi kekayaan laut. sumber daya Meneliti kemampuan Alor pada penduduk di P. khususnya sejarah zaman pra dalam pada masa Pleistocene mengekploitasi kekayaan laut. sumber daya JUDUL PENELITIAN Perceptions of human- Perceptions ten conflictorangutan across West villages in Ketapang, Kalimantan, Borneo Freedom of expression and of expression Freedom the performing arts Foundations of Island Foundations Southeast maritime Asian cause and interaction: the for consequence of past transformation societies The Archaeology of Island use Archaeology The Archipelago Wallacean in the The Archaeology of Island use Archaeology The Archipelago Wallacean in the INSTITUSI University of Kent University B-Floor Theater Theater B-Floor Group Australian National National Australian University Australian National National Australian University Australian National National Australian University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Thailand Jerman Perancis Australia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL California, USA, California, 18 Juli 1991 Chiang Rai, 13-01-1973 Oldenburg, 10 Oldenburg, 1975 Februari Saint-Dennis, Saint-Dennis, 15-03-1981 Melbourne, Melbourne, 08-11-1956 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Tess Morrison Tess Ms. Mr. Teerawat Teerawat Mr. Muvilai Mr. Christian Mr. PhD Reepmeyer, Dr. Julien Calude Julien Calude Dr. Louys Alexandre Prof. Susan Lilian Prof. O'Connor No. SIP No. 159/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 158/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 157/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 156/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 155/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 NO 159 158 157 156 155

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 345 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Suluh Nusantara Suluh Nusantara (Muhammad Chozin, MAIA) S.Pi., Fak. MIPA – Universitas – Universitas MIPA Fak. Lampung (Elly Wildlife dan L.Rustiati) Conservation Society-- (Dr. Indonesia Program Andayani) Noviar Puslit Biologi LIPI (Ir. LIPI (Ir. Biologi Puslit Albertus Husein Wawo, M.Si) Puslit Biologi LIPI ( Biologi Puslit Wirdateti) FISIP UI (Dr. Tony Tony FISIP UI (Dr. M.A.) Rudyansjah, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Fakultas Kusrini, Mirza D. Ir. (Dr. M.Si.) Dept Antropologi,Universitas Indonesia (Dr.Tony Rudyansjah) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN DKI Jakarta (Arsip (Banda Nasional), Aceh Sumut Takengon), Aceh, (Medan) Lampung (Way Canguk Research T.N. Station, Bukit Barisan Selatan, Lampung Tanggamus, Barat) Bali (TN Bali Barat) Jabar (Cipaganti Jabar (Cipaganti Garut dan (Cisurupan, Kampung Cikananga, Kecamatan Desa Cisitu, Kabupaten Nyalindung, Sukabumi) DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Bogor), Kalteng (Palangkaraya) Bagian timur Sumatra timur Sumatra Bagian (TN Kambas,Way TN Berbak, TN Sembilang, lokasidan beberapa di luar TN) Takengon, Aceh Tengah Tengah Aceh Takengon, Lampung Barat, Liwa, Bangli, Bali dan Jakarta LAMA PENELITIAN 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 6 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 9 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 9 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 9 Juni 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 4 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 9 Juni 2014 Botani Sejarah Budaya Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Primatologi Primatologi Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN Sosio Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Meneliti proses pendudukanMeneliti proses kolonial oleh rezim teritorial Belanda pada masa kolonial di Indonesia. Memahami perilaku dan Siamang paska reproduksi pemulihan kebakaran lahan di habitatnya Meneliti kesesuaian tanaman akanyang ditanam serta sistem pertanian digunakan yang petani lokal dengan daerah kepentingan penanaman, untuk penelitian agrikultur, hutan dan kontrol pengayaan erosi terhadap Memberikan rekomendasi komposisi nutrisi bagi hidup di yang Loris Slow penangkaranl Mempelajari bagaimana dari berasal petani kecil yang dan Bali di Kalimantan Jawa berhasil mengadaptasi cara bertani asal mereka dari tempat berbeda yang di ekosistem meningkatkansehingga dapat sustainabilitas pangan lokal Meneliti populasi bulus (Chitra Meneliti populasi bulus (Chitra di alam liar javanensis) chitra dan mengetahui habitat untuk konservasinya upaya Mengekslor perkembangan pengetahuan kedokteran dan kaitannya dengan hewan pemahaman agama JUDUL PENELITIAN "Co-Producing Space: Space: "Co-Producing Processes Territorialization in the Highlands of Aceh Indonesia(Sumatra), during Period" the Mid-Late Colonial "Ranging behavior of "Ranging behavior siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) affected groups a wildfires: devastating by study" longitudinal "Promoting Organic Dry Organic Land "Promoting of and Restoration Farming Bali, West in Deciduous Forest Indonesia" "Using Nutritional Ecology Nutritional Ecology "Using and Ingredients (Native of the Chemical Composition) Improve to Loris Slow Javan Husbandry" Feeding Captive "Agricultural Adaptations Adaptations "Agricultural and Javanese Voluntary of in Central Balinese Migrants Kalimantan" "Distribution, Habitat Use, and "Distribution, Use, Habitat Conservation of the Critically Southeast Endangered Narrow-headed Asian chitra (Chitra Turtle Softshell on Sumatra, javanensis) Indonesia" Health and Purity on Health and Purity Farms Civet Indonesia's INSTITUSI Cornell University Cornell Departement of Anthropoly, Appalachian State University Biosphere Biosphere Foundation Oxford Brookes Brookes Oxford University University of University Los California, Angeles - Dept. of Anthropology, of University IrvineCalifornia, WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Kanada Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Ohio, 15-01- Ohio, 1981 USA, 24 1969 February United United Kingdom, 15- 06-1955 Laval, Canada, Canada, Laval, 30 Agustus 1988 New York, 21- New York, 09-1983 Missouri, 20-05- 1978 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania USA, 2 Juli 1984 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Matthew Mr. Joseph Minarchek Ms. Susan Ms. Michelle Lappan, Ph.D. Ms. Sally Eva Sally Eva Ms. Silverstone Mr. Francis Francis Mr. Cabana Ms. Jennifer Jennifer Ms. Elaine Goldstein Mr. Timothy Timothy Mr. Charles Lescher Mr. William Colin Mr. M.A. Cahill, No. SIP No. 166/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 165/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 164/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 163/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 162/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 161/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 160/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 NO 166 165 164 163 162 161 160

346 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA LBM Eijkman (Dr. Din LBM Eijkman (Dr. Syafruddin) Universitas Nasional Universitas Saptura) Jakarta (Fajar Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Hasnuddin Universitas Ngakan Oka) Putu (Prof. Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Hasnuddin Universitas Ngakan Oka) Putu (Prof. Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Hasnuddin Universitas Ngakan Oka) Putu (Prof. Universitas Riau (Gulat Riau Universitas (Gulat M.P.) S.P., Manurung, M.E. LPPM UGM (WisnuLPPM DVM., Ph.D.) Nurcahyo, Dean Faculty of Dean Faculty - USBI (Ms. Education Stien Matakupan) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN DKI Jakarta (LBM Eijkman) dan NTB (Sumba) Kalteng (Tuanan Research Orangutan The Project, Mawas Reserve (BOSF) Sulsel (TN Bantimurung- Maros, Bulusaraung Cenrana) Bengo, Sulsel (TN Bantimurung- Maros, Bulusaraung Cenrana) Bengo, Sulsel (TN Bantimurung- Maros, Bulusaraung Cenrana) Bengo, Riau (Pekanbaru, RokanRiau (Pekanbaru, Siak, Kampar, Hilir, Sengingi) Kuantan Sumatra (TNSumatra Gunung Bukit Lawang, Leuser, Ketambe Bukit Kencur, dan Suaq Karantin Batu Belin), Kalimantan (TN TN. Sebangau, Gunung Palung dan TN Tanjung Wanariset Nyaru Puting, Samboja dan Menteng Barat AIRI Ketapang), Jawa Ciapus) (AIRI Jabar (Ciptagelar, Jabar (Ciptagelar, Sukabumi) LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 11 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 10 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 12 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 6 Juni 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan mulai 6 Juni 2014 BIDANG BIDANG Pertanian Kesehatan Primatologi Primatologi Primatologi Primatologi Primatologi PENELITIAN Sosio Ekologi Sosial Ekonomi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengevaluasi performa LAMP placental dalam mendeteksi malaria menggunakan nested emas PCR sebagai standard menentukandan untuk apakah digunakan praktis LAMP di rural daerah Laboratorium Memahami hubungan antara Memahami hubungan antara tipe-tipe nutrisi, pola spatial, makan, dan siklus kognisi Orangutan nutrient di habitat mempelajari aspek-aspek mempelajari aspek-aspek perilaku, dan ekologi, konservasi primata Macaca maura mempelajari aspek-aspek mempelajari aspek-aspek perilaku, dan ekologi, konservasi primata Macaca maura mempelajari aspek-aspek mempelajari aspek-aspek perilaku, dan ekologi, konservasi primata Macaca maura Mengkaji perubahan sosio dialami ekonomi yang petani terkaitpara dengan pertumbuhan kelapa sektor sawit Mengkaji dinamika interaksi sebagai indikatorinang parasit dan orangutan kesehatan ekosistem Mengkaji masyarakat peran petani dalam hal konsumsi, dan pengembangan produksi dalam rangka mengupayakan komodifikasiproses hasil-hasil pertanian JUDUL PENELITIAN Setting up loop mediated Setting up loop mediated isothermal amplification the for testing (LAMP) malaria of placental diagnosis in SW Sumba, site in a rural Indonesia Nutrients in and nutrients out: Nutrients in and nutrients and nutrient diet, cognition, cycling habitats in orangutan The ecology, behavior, and behavior, ecology, The conservation of the Sulawesi moor macaque (Macaca maura) The ecology, behavior, and behavior, ecology, The conservation of the Sulawesi moor macaque (Macaca maura) The ecology, behavior, and behavior, ecology, The conservation of the Sulawesi moor macaque (Macaca maura) "Long-term Socioeconomic "Long-term Dynamics of the Oil Palm in Riau Province" Farmers Evolution of parasites of parasites Evolution affecting Indonesian apes and by infection to their responses via self-medication parasites "Creating Commodities in Commodities "Creating Gunung Halimun, Indonesia: and MarketChanging Access Securitythe Impact on Food and Gender" INSTITUSI Liverpool School Liverpool of UK Medicine, Tropical Rutgers University Rutgers San Diego State San Diego State University San Diego State San Diego State University San Diego State San Diego State University The University of University The Tokyo UMI - Saving of UMI - Saving Foundation Pongidae Cornell University Cornell WARGA WARGA NEGARA Spanyol Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Jepang Republik Ceko Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Las Palmas, Las Palmas, 01-06-1978 Westlake Westlake CA, Village, USA, 29 Juli 1988 Tampa, FL, USA, Tampa, 18 September 1988 USA , 21 Juni 1989 Washington DC, Washington 25 November 1973 Aichi, 29-03- 1964 Jihlava, 11-04- Jihlava, 1967 Missouri, USA, 14 November 1981 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Maria Angeles Ms. Morales Santana Mr. Shauhin Mr. Alavi Edward Ms. Alison Anne Ms. Zak Ms. KatherineMs. Hanson Tigner Ms. Erin Phelps Erin Phelps Ms. Ph.D. Riley, Dr. Junji Nagata Dr. Dr. Ivona Foitova Ivona Dr. Ms. RebakahMs. Daro Leann Minarchek No. SIP No. 174/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 173/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 172/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 171/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 170/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 169/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 168SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 167SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 NO 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 347 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Daud UGM ((Prof. Tanudirjo) Fakultas Hukum UGM Fakultas S.H., M.A.) Madril, (Oce Dekan Fak. Kehutanan - Dekan Fak. Ani MardiastutiI IPB (Prof. dan Tim) Puslitbang Arkenas Puslitbang (Bambang Sulistyanto) LBM Eijkman (Dr Rintis Noviyanti) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UI Ilmu Budaya Fakultas I. Meliono) Vincentia (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulut (Leang Mandeet, P. Mandeet, P. Sulut (Leang Kep.Talaud, Karakelong, Kabaruan, Kepulauan P. Sangir, P. Talaud, Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe) DI Yogyakarta DI Yogyakarta Fakultas (Perpustakaan Hukum UGM), DKI Jakarta (Dirjen HKI Kementerian Hukum dan HAM, Perjanjian Direkorat Ekososbud), Pemda Yogyakarta. Sultra (SuakaSultra Margasatwa Lambusango dan Cagar Alam Kakenauwe dan area sekitarnya, Buton) Kabupaten Manggarai dan Flores Manggarail Barat, Tenggara Nusa - Propinsi Timur DKI Jakarta (Eijkman Institute of Molecular Jakarta)Biology, DKI Jakarta Minggu, (Pasar Priok, Tanjung Condet, Kampung Cakung, Rambutan, Tiga) Duren LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 20 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 19 Juni 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 12 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas ) bulan mulai 13 Juni 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 11 Juni 2014 Biologi Biologi Biologi BIDANG BIDANG Sosiologi Arkeologi Arkeologi Molekuler Ilmu Hukum PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Meneliti koloni penduduk pada masa Talaud Sangihe 36 ribusilam tahun yang budaya dam persebaran pertanian serta perubahan pada aspek khususnya budaya, sumber daya pemanfaatan dan laut pangan di darat Menganalisis masalah yang muncul sesudah RUU dapat dan Pemanfaatan Perlindungan Kekayaan Intelektual dan Tradisional Pengetahuan Ekspresi Tradisional Budaya (RUU PTEBT) disahkan, serta mengetahui apakah dan pelestarian pemeliharaan {TEBT bisa dilakukan secara oleh UU tersebut. efektif Mengidentifikasi factor-faktor distribusi mempengarugi yang dan keanekaragaman hayati ancaman kunci mengevaluasi terhadap dan dampaknya keanekaragaman serta tersebut perubahan pada taxa tersebut. Mempelajari pengetahuan Homo floresiensis, tentang serta florensis Stegodon endemic fauna jaman menghuni yang prasejarah Flores P. Melakukan Genotyping dari Vivax Plasmodium isolat di Indonesia daerah beberapa mengkajiuntuk dinamika keanekaragamantransmisi daerah. antar variasi transmisi Meneliti perubahan sosial dan tingkatbudaya sosial memilikipenduduk yang dalam memahami keragaman kampungbudaya yang pada konflik dalam berdampak megacity Jakarta. JUDUL PENELITIAN Foundations of Island Foundations Southeast maritime Asian cause and interaction: the for consequence of past transformation societies Masalah Perlindungan atas atas Masalah Perlindungan dan Tradisional Pengetahuan Ekspresi Tradisional Budaya (PTEBT) Indonesia sesudah Undang-Undang PTEBT disahkan Climate Community and Community Climate Assessment Biodiversity of Report the Forests for Island Buton Incrasing and difusing and Knowledge about of Human - the Prehistory Indonesia flowers, occupied new targated Throug and Analyses, Excavation, Research Genetic of Diversity in the Vivax Plasmodium Indonesian Archipelago Megacity” JakartaMegacity” dalam Dinamika Sosial dan Budaya Kampung INSTITUSI Australian National National Australian University Nagoya University Nagoya Lancaster University Lancaster Smithsonian Institution Menzies School of Health Research Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Tokyo University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Australia Jepang Inggeris Kanada Kolombia Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Lower Hutt, 05 Lower Mei 1966 Osaka, 19-03- 1965 Exeter, 12 Maret 12 Maret Exeter, 1984 Thunder Bay, Bay, Thunder 11 CANADA, Juli 1973 Cali Valle, 13 Valle, Cali April 1985 Tokyo, 24-09- Tokyo, 1984 NAMA PENELITI Dr. Geoffrey Geoffrey Dr. Richard Clark Mr. Masayuki Mr. Sinchi Dr. Thomas Thomas Dr. MartinEdward Mr. Matthew Mr. Tocheri Wayne Ms. Zuleima Pava Pava Zuleima Ms. Imitola Ms. MichikoMs. Hosobuchi No. SIP No. 180/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 179/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 178/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 177/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 176/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 175/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 NO 180 179 178 177 176 175

348 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi – LIPI (Dr. – LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Joeni Setijo Rahajoe dan Mohammad Fathi Royyani) Coral Triangle Center (Rili Center Triangle Coral Djohani) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Evy Arida) Universitas Nasional Fak. Nasional Fak. Universitas Mitra (Tatang Biologi Setia) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Kalbar Wana (Pontianak, Sari Bumi Subur Lestari, (Concessionaire: Kusuma Riau forest); rain Tropical Betung Tasik (Pekanbaru. dan Giam Siak Kecil); Kalteng (Palangkaraya) dan DKI Jakarta; Bali (Nusa Penida Marine Bali (Nusa Penida Area) Protected Sulbar (Majene, Mamasa, Sulbar (Majene, MamujuMamuju, Utara, Mandar); Polewali Kabupaten of Sulteng (Donggala); Sulsel Bone, Barru, (Bantaeng, Bulukumba, Enrekang, Luwu, Jenneponto, Gowa, Utara, Luwu Timur, Luwu Palopo, Maros, Makassar, Parepare, Pangkejene, Sinjai, Sidrap, Pinrang, Tana Takalar, Soppeng, Utara, Toraja Toraja, Maluku (Kepulauan Wajo); Maluku Daya, Aru, Barat Barat) Maluku Tenggara Kalsel (Tuanan Research The Station, Mawas Reserve (BOSF), Kapuas Regency) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 25 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 25 Juni 2014 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 24 Juni 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 23 Juni 2014 Ekologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Primatologi PENELITIAN Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Menyajikan informasi IlmialMenyajikan informasi dan ekologi (sains) tentang dibutuhkanekosistim yang menciptakanuntuk sebuah terkendali pengelolaan yang guna dan ekofisiologi menetapkan manajemen yang daratan ekosistem berkesinambingan Meneliti populasi Ocean Sunfish (Moilo mola) di kawasan lindung laut Nusa menetapkan untuk Penida populasi dasar guna parameter mengembangkan pariwisata bahari Melakulan survey biogeografi dan burung di reptil, amfibi, timur Indonesiabagian Mengkaji hubungan antara nutrisi, energetic, ketersediaan dan tingkat kesehatan stress hutan di habitat Orangutan gambut JUDUL PENELITIAN Recovery from human- Recovery from and disturbance induced sustainable management in ecosystems of terrestrial forests tropical Integration of the Population of the Population Integration Characteristics of the Odean Sunfish (Moila mola) whitin the Newly Established Nusa in Area Protected Penida Support of of Development marine tourism locally driven guidelines "The comparative "The comparative of sulawesi, biogeography and Maluku- nusa tengara, and amphibians, reptiles, birds" Home range qualityHome range and Monitoring protein stress: state, energetic balance, in wild Bornean and stress pygmaeus (Pongo orangutans to wurmbii) in relationship qualityhome range and social interactions INSTITUSI Center for Southeast for Center Studies (CSEAS) Asian University – Kyoto School of Veterinary Sciences - and Life University, Murdoch Pert zUniversity of zUniversity Berkeley California Rutgers the State the State Rutgers of New University Jersey WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Denmark Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Sapporo, 20 Sapporo, April 1975 Esbjerg, 19 Juli Esbjerg, 1974 Washington, Washington, USA, 19 April 1989 New York, NY, NY, New York, USA, 16 January 1988 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Satomi Satomi Ms. Ph.D. Shiodera, Ms. Marianne Ms. Nyegard Mr Alexander Stubbs Lawrence Ms. Alysse Marie Alysse Ms. Moldawer No. SIP No. 184/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 183/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 182/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 181/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 NO 184 183 182 181

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 349 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI Biologi Puslit (Wirdateti) FISIP Universitas Sam FISIP Universitas Nasrun Ratulangi (Drs. Sandiah, M.Si) PUSKAPA/Pusat Kajian PUSKAPA/Pusat Anak, Perlindungan Ilmu Sosial dan Fak. Universitas Ilmu Politik, Irwanto, Indonesia (Prof. Ph.D) ISI Denpasar ( I Made Kartawan S.Sn, M.Si dan Sudiana SS. I Nyoman M.Si.) Kar., Puslit Geoteknologi - Puslit Hilman Danny LIPI (Dr. dan Mudrik D. Natawijaya M.T.) Daryono, Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas Wahid) Isra UNHAS (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jawa Barat (The Barat Jawa Little [LFP] field Project Fireface Rumah Hijaustation, di Desa Cipaganti) Sulut (Manado) Depok (Universitas Depok (Universitas Indonesia) Bali (Karangasem, dan Badung) Buleleng, Lampung (Liwa, Krui,Lampung (Liwa, Marang & Belimbing), Bengkulu (Bintuhan, Manna, Kapahiang, Kaba), Sumut (Tarutung, Sipirok, Sarulla, Hopong, Dolok Sanggul); Sumsel Dua, Danau Ranau, (Muara Banding Teluk Agung, Agung) Sulawesi (Makassar, (Makassar, Sulawesi Minahasa, Kendari, Palu, Bulukumba, Selayar, Wakatobi), Mamuju, Maluku (Halmahera Selatan, Ternate, Ambon, Buru Island), (Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Belu), dan Papua Kupang, (Biak, Serui, Waropen, Jayapura)l LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 7 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 7 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 3 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 3 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 30 Juni 2014 2 (dua) bulan mulai 26 Juni 2014 Sosial Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Kesehatan Demografi Musikologi Primatologi Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari dampak iklim dihuni yang habitat terhadap Loris Slow dan perilaku Javan Mempelajari gaya hidup Mempelajari gaya berkonsumsi di kalangan perkotaan di Manado remaja Meneliti kondisi perlindungan anak di Indonesia dan memberikan rekomendasi akademik terhadapnya Memperoleh pemahaman Memperoleh lebih mendalam tentang yang Gamelan Gampang Bali Memperoleh pemahaman Memperoleh lebih baik tentang yang bersifat kebencanaan yang Sumatra seismik pada patahan dengan mempertitungkan nilai dan penyebaran besaran di pergeseran/pergerakannya kala Akhir melalui Pleistocen morfologipemetaan geologi, dan geokronologi tektonik Melakukan survei terhadap yang nyamuk potogen melahirkan virus dan vektor baru di Indonesia timur bagian JUDUL PENELITIAN Torpor in a Critically Torpor Effects primate: Endangered on behaviour of climate use of the and microhabitat loris [Nycticebus slow Javan javanicus] Tensions of being young: of being young: Tensions practices and Consumption in Indonesiaurban youth Realizing Rights: Ensuring Identity in Legal to Access Indonesia. Gamelan Gambang: Assessing of a Sacred the Resilience Music Neotectonics of Sumatran Neotectonics of Sumatran Fault Mosquito-borne arboviral surveys in Indonesia with a on Dengue vectors focus INSTITUSI Oxford Brookes Brookes Oxford University Amsterdam Institute Amsterdam Social Science for (AISSR), Research of University Amsterdam PUSKAPA/Pusat PUSKAPA/Pusat Kajian Perlindungan of Anak, Faculty Social and Political Universitas Science, Indonesia University of BritishUniversity Columbia Earth Observatory of Singapore, Technology Nanyang University Texas A&M University Texas WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Belanda Belanda Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL New York, New York, 24 U.S.A., 1989 Februari Leiden, 7 Maret 7 Maret Leiden, 1986 Tilburg, The The Tilburg, 7 Netherlands, April 1984 Eugene, OR Eugene, USA, 8 April 1983 Colorado, 18 Colorado, 1983 Maret Kemmerer, Kemmerer, USA, Wyoming, 21 Februari 1990 NAMA PENELITI Ms. KathleenMs. Danielle Reinhardt Ms. Nastasja Ms. Ilonka Roels Ms. Gwenny Gwenny Ms. Gils Van Mr. Jonathan Jonathan Mr. Stuart Adams Mr. Kyle Edward Edward Kyle Mr. Ph.D. Bradley, Mr. Andrew John Andrew Mr. Golnar No. SIP No. 190/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 189/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 188/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 187/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 186/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 185/SIP/FRP/ SM/VI/2014 NO 190 189 188 187 186 185

350 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Kehutanan- Fakultas Ngakan Unhas (Dr. Oka)Putu Fakultas Kehutanan- Fakultas Ngakan Unhas (Dr. Oka)Putu CIMTROP Universitas Universitas CIMTROP Palangkaraya Ari (Twentinolosa, S.P.) Purwanto, IPB (Dr. Leti Sundawati) Sundawati) Leti IPB (Dr. Puslit Biologi LIPI (Yuyu LIPI (Yuyu Biologi Puslit Surysari Poerba) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulsel (Kab. Maros Maros Sulsel (Kab. dan TN Bantimurung Bulusaraung) Sulsel (Kab. Maros Maros Sulsel (Kab. dan TN Bantimurung Bulusaraung) Kalteng (Lab. Alam Kalteng (Lab. Gambut Sebangau, Stasiun Penelitian Kalampangan, Baronng TN Bukit Baka Dua, Bawan, Bukit Gn. Lumut, Raya, Hampapak,Kalaweit Hutan Katingan-Mentaya, Murung Mungku Baru, Raya) Jambi Jabar (Kabupaten Sukabumi, Cianjur, Kab. Bogor), Jatim Kab. (Kabupaten Lumajang, Kabupaten Banyuwangi) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Juli 2014 5 (lima) bulan mulai 7 Juli 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 7 Juli 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 7 Juli 2014 Biologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Primatologi Primatologi PENELITIAN Ilmu Kehutanan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari primata ekosistem terancam yang Macaca Nayra punah di habitatnya Mempelajari primata ekosistem terancam yang Macaca Nayra punah di habitatnya Menyediakan data untuk untuk Menyediakan data konservasimendukung upaya hutan bernilai di wilayah konservasi (High tinggi Coservation Value) di Kalimantan, Indonesia Menginvestigasi bagaimana Menginvestigasi mempengaruhi terrain mortalitas dan kesehatan dan tanaman kelapa sawit lainnya Menetapkan koleksi tumbuhan f.sp. oxysporum Fusarium cubense isolates JUDUL PENELITIAN "The ecology of endangered "The of endangered ecology Macaca endemic primate (H.R. Schinz,maura 1825) in of peninsular karst forests Selatan (Indonesia) Sulawesi inter-group the intra-and at level” "The ecology of endangered "The of endangered ecology Macaca endemic primate (H.R. Schinz,maura 1825) in of peninsular karst forests Selatan (Indonesia) Sulawesi inter-group the intra-and at level” “Research to Support to “Research Tropical Conservation in the of Kalimantan” Forest "Biodiversity enrichment in oil "Biodiversity palm plantations" “Genome Wide Wide “Genome Diversity of Banana and Analyses f.sp. oxysporum Fusarium Indonesia” cubense from INSTITUSI Roma Tre University, University, Tre Roma Science Department Roma Tre University, University, Tre Roma Science Department HAS University of HAS University Applied Sciences Goettingen University University of University Amsterdam WARGA WARGA NEGARA Italia Italia Belanda Perancis Jerman TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Roma, 10 Mei 1983 Roma, 19 April 1990 Kessel, 31 Juli Kessel, 1994 Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 16 November 1986 Marburg/Lahn 22 (Germany), Mei 1982 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Alessandro Alessandro Mr. Albani Ms. Lavinia Lavinia Ms. Germani Mr. Joey R.C. Mr. Markx Mr. Robin Victor Mr. Naumann Ms. Sarah Maria Sarah Ms. Schmidt No. SIP No. 195/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 194/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 193/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 192/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 191/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 NO 195 194 193 192 191

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 351 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Universitas Syiah Kuala Kuala Syiah Universitas (Marwan, M.T.) Institut Teknologi Institut Teknologi Ira Bandung (Prof. Adriati) Unipa (Prof. Charlie D. Charlie D. Unipa (Prof. Heatubun) Unipa (Prof. Charlie D. Charlie D. Unipa (Prof. Heatubun) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Dewi M. Prawiradilaga) Fakultas Biologi Biologi Fakultas Nasional Universitas Saputra, Jakarta (Fajar SSi) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Evy Arida) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Aceh (Banda Aceh), DKI (Banda Aceh), Aceh Jakarta DKI Jakarta, Jabar (Bandung), DI. Yogyakarta Papua Barat (Manokwari, Barat Papua Arfak,Peg. Manokwari Selatan) Papua Barat (Manokwari, Barat Papua Arfak,Peg. Manokwari Selatan) Sumatera Utara (Medan) Utara Sumatera Stasiun Penelitian Orang Orang Stasiun Penelitian UtanKalteng Tuanan, Sulawesi Barat (Majene, (Majene, Barat Sulawesi Mamasa, Mamuju Utara, Mandar), Polewali Tengah Sulawesi (Donggala), Sulawesi Selatan (Bantaeng, Bulukumba, Bone, Barru, Gowa, Enrekang, Luwu, Jennaepontu, Utara, Luwu Timur, Luwu Palopo, Maros, Makassar, Parepare, Pangkajene, Sidenreng Pinrang, Sinjai, Soppeng, Rapang, Toraja Toraja, Tana Takalar, Wajo), Utara, Maluku Maluku(Kepulauan Aru, Maluku Daya, Barat Barat) Tenggara LAMA PENELITIAN 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2014 2 (dua) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2014 2 (dua) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan mulai 24 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 11 Juli 2014 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 11 Juli 2014 Botani Botani Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Seni Rupa Geofisika/ Primatologi Manajemen PENELITIAN Kebencanaan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengkaji seismik kerentanan terhadap dan evaluasi bangunan industri dan perkotaan di infrastruktur dan JakartaBanda Aceh Meneliti seni keberadaan rupa di dalam pembangunan Tenggara perkotaan di Asia Mengeksplorasi dan Peg. mendokumentasikan Flora Arfak dan Saurauia khususnya orchids Mengeksplorasi dan Peg. mendokumentasikan Flora Arfak dan Saurauia khususnya orchids Menganalisis faktor-faktor Menganalisis faktor-faktor mendorong dan struktur yang masyarakat memperdagangkan burung hasil burung liar atau budidaya Meneliti perilaku dan pola makan liar Orangutan Kalimantan Melakukan survei biogeografi reptil dan burung di amfibi, timur Indonesiabagian JUDUL PENELITIAN “Seismic Vulnerability “Seismic Vulnerability of and Evaluation Assesment Industrial and Urban Plants Infrastructures Banda Ache at island and Capital in Sumatra city Jakarta in Indonesia” “Culture in Urbanization in Urbanization “Culture Schemes: Art in public spaces cities” Southeast Asian across “Plant diversity of Papua Barat, Barat, of Papua diversity “Plant Indonesia” “Plant diversity of Papua Barat, Barat, of Papua diversity “Plant Indonesia” “Can we move toward more more toward move we “Can keeping in sustainable bird Indonesia?” “Investigating the energetic the energetic “Investigating of and nutritional costs motherhood in wild Bornean pygmaeus (Pongo orangutans wurmbii)” “The comparative of Sulawesi, biogeography and Maluku Tenggara, Nusa and amphibians, – reptiles, birds” INSTITUSI Nagano National Nagano National College of Tecnology University of the University Philippines-Diliman Royal Botanic Royal Kew Gardens, Royal Botanic Royal Kew Gardens, Princeton University Princeton Rutgers University Rutgers University of University Berkeley California, WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Filipina Belanda Inggris Singapura Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Osaka, 13 Juli 1965 Manila, 13 1973 Oktober Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 11 November 1960 Dunfermline, 19 Dunfermline, Januari 1979 Singapura, Singapura, 1 November 1978 Texas, USA, Texas, 10 September 1988 Eugene, Eugene, 27 Oregon, 1982 Oktober NAMA PENELITI Mr. Yoshinori Yoshinori Mr. Furumoto Ms. Tessa Maria Tessa Ms. Guazon Mr. Andre Andre Mr. Schuiteman Ms. Marie BriggsMs. Mr. Tien Ming Tien Lee Mr. Mr. Timothy Timothy Mr. Bransford Mr. Luke Merlin Luke Mr. Bloch No. SIP No. 202/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 201/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 200/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 199/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 198/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 197/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 196/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 NO 202 201 200 199 198 197 196

352 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Pusat Vulkanologi Vulkanologi Pusat dan Mitigasi Bencana Badan Geologi, Geologi, ESDM Kementerian S.Si.) (Nurnaning Aisyah, Puslitbang Laut Pesisir Laut Pesisir Puslitbang Kecil – dan Pulau-pulau Jamaluddin Unhas (Prof. Jompa) Fak. Peternakan, Peternakan, Fak. dan Kelautan Perikanan Hamid A. (Dr. UNIPA Toha) CIMTROP (Hendri CIMTROP Sagara) CIMTROP Universitas Universitas CIMTROP Palangkaraya Ari (Twentinolosa, S.P.) Purwanto, Pusat Arkeologi Nasional Arkeologi Pusat Bambang Sulistyanto (Dr. dan Tim) Fakultas Pertanian Pertanian Fakultas Yusurum (Prof. UNPAR Jagau) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Gn. Merapi di DI dan Jateng Yogyakarta Sultra Sultra (TN Wakatobe) Papua Barat (Kabupaten Barat Papua Raja Distrik Ampat, Misool Selatan, Distrik Meos Distrik Teluk Mansar, Mayalibit) Kalteng (LAHG Kereng Bangkirai, Sebangau) Kalteng (Lab. Alam Kalteng (Lab. Gambut Sebangau, Stasiun Penelitian Kalampangan, Baronng TN Bukit Baka Dua, Bawan, Bukit Gn. Lumut, Raya, Hampapak,Kalaweit Hutan Katingan-Mentaya, Murung Mungku Baru, Raya) Sulsel (Maros) Kalteng Kapuas (Kab. dan Pulangpisau) LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 21 Juli 2014 4 (empat) bulan 4 (empat) mulai 15 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 15 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 15 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 15 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Juli 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2014 Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Arkeologi Vulkanologi PENELITIAN Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengalkulasi topografi Mengalkulasi topografi di tinggi beresolusi digital puncak Merapi guna daerah menentukan monitoring sistem di masa yang lava volume akan dengan teknologi datang stereovision Meneliti habitat terumbu Meneliti terumbu habitat karang dan species terkait dalam kondisi lingkungan sebagai dampak ekstrem yang change climate Meneliti perbedaan-perbedaan pendekatan manajemen konservasi dan tradisional lanskap terhadap terbaru laut Raja Ampat Kep. Menyediakan data untuk untuk Menyediakan data konservasimendukung upaya hutan bernilai di wilayah konservasi (High tinggi Coservation Value) di Kalimantan, Indonesia Menyediakan data untuk untuk Menyediakan data konservasimendukung upaya hutan bernilai di wilayah konservasi (High tinggi Coservation Value) di Kalimantan, Indonesia Melanjutkan penggalian di Burung 2 dan situs lain Leang mendapat untuk di Maros lebih dalam yang informasi mengenai distribusi spasial dan kronologis dari sisa-sisa artefakhewan, bebatuan, dan proses fitur paleolanskap, deposisi Meneliti implementasi program Meneliti program implementasi REDD+ di Kalteng JUDUL PENELITIAN "Calculation of a high "Calculation of topography resolution of Merapi the summit area (Java, Indonesia)volcano for of Pyroclastic the calibration models and future flow assesment" hazard “Marine Biology, Ecology Ecology “Marine Biology, The & Conservation of Marine National Wakatobi 2012 Proposal Research Park: - 2014” “Social and environmental “Social and environmental in the seascapes of relations Papua” West Raja Ampat, “Research to Support to “Research Tropical Conservation in the of Kalimantan” Forest “Research to Support to “Research Tropical Conservation in the of Kalimantan” Forest "Dispersal and Evolution "Dispersal and Evolution of Hominins and Early Modern Humans in the karsts of Maros-Pangkep Indonesia South Sulawesi, (2013-2015)" “How is REDD+ safeguard is REDD+ safeguard “How in Central implemented Kalimantan, Indonesia?” INSTITUSI Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal University The University of University The Florida West University of University San Diego California University of Oxford University OuTrop, WildCRU, WildCRU, OuTrop, of Oxford University University of University Wollongong Graduate School of Graduate and African Asian Kyoto Studies, Area University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Inggris Spanyol Australia Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Carentan, 20 Carentan, Juni 1971 Michigan, USA, 14 April 1958 Virginia, 23 Virginia, 1980 Maret Wallasey, 8 Juli Wallasey, 1985 Barcelona, Barcelona, 15 Desember 1981 Levis, 20 Levis, Desember 1976 Jepang, 16 Juni Jepang, 1990 NAMA PENELITI Dr. Karim Noel Dr. Alain Kelfoun Prof. Wayne Wayne Prof. Bennett Jr Arden Mr. Ian Nicholas Mr. Parker Ms. Suzanne Ms. Emily Turnock Mr. Bernat Ripoll Mr. Capilla Dr. Maxime Dr. Aubert Ms. Yun Yun Ms. Yamanaka No. SIP No. 209/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 208/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 207/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 206/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 205/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 204/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 203/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 NO 209 208 207 206 205 204 203

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 353 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Dept. Hama dan Penyakit Dept. Hama dan Penyakit Dr. IPB (Prof. Tanaman Buchori) Damayanti IPB (Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati IPB (Dr. Tjitrosoedirdjo) Puslitbang Perubahan Perubahan Puslitbang Iklim dan Kebijakan Kemhut (Dr (Puspijak), Kirsfianti L Ginoga) Fakultas Kehutanan- Fakultas Ngakan Unhas (Dr. Oka)Putu Universitas Katolik Universitas Indonesia Jaya Atma (Katharina Endriati Sukamto) Indonesian Biodiversity (Prof. Center Research I Gusti Ngurah Dr. Mahardika) CIMTROP Unpar (Dr. Ir. Ir. Unpar (Dr. CIMTROP Suwido H. Limin, MS) CIMTROP Unpar (Dr. Ir. Ir. Unpar (Dr. CIMTROP Suwido H. Limin, MS) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jambi (TN Bukit Duabelas, Kabupaten Sarolangun, dan Hutan Harapan Kabupaten Batanghari) Jambi (TN. Bukit Duabelas) Riau dan Kalteng Sulsel (Kab. Maros Maros Sulsel (Kab. dan TN Bantimurung Bulusaraung) Riau (Pekanbaru), Jateng Riau Jateng (Pekanbaru), (Semarang), Gorontalo Kalsel (Gorontalo), (Banjarmasin), NTT (Kupang) Bali (Denpasar) Kalteng (Lab. Alam Kalteng (Lab. Gambut Sebangau) Laboratorium Alam Hutan Laboratorium Gambut (LAHG) Kereng Bankirai, Sabangau Kalimantan Tengah LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 2014 Agustus 4 (empat) bulan, 4 (empat) mulai 6 Agutus 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 4 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 Juli 2014 Biologi Biologi Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Linguistik Kehutanan Primatologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Menghitung secara kuantitatif Menghitung kuantitatif secara ekosistem proses-proses rendah di hutan dataran guna mengetahui dampak perubahan transformasi penggunaan lahan terhadap keanekaragaman hayati Membandingkan diversitas di hutan hujan epiphtyes di hutan alamiah dengan yang karet Meningkatkan kemanfaatan rumah REDD bagi program tinggal kecil Mempelajari primata ekosistem terancam yang Macaca Nayra punah di habitatnya. Mengkaji dampak program Fulbright English Teaching in Indonesia Assistants Meneliti perilaku manfaat berkedip pada kerang menyala ales Ctenoides Menyediakan data untuk untuk Menyediakan data konservasimendukung upaya hutan bernilai di wilayah koservasi (High tinggi Corservation Value) di Kalimantan, Indonesia Meneliti jasa ekosistem yang yang Meneliti jasa ekosistem diberikan oleh hutan gambut di Kalteng tropis JUDUL PENELITIAN “Aboveground patterns of patterns “Aboveground and associated biodiversity processes ecosystem rainforest tropical across transformations” “Diversity of vascular of vascular “Diversity rain in lowland epiphytes and jungle rubber forests in systems agroforestry (Indonesia)” Sumatera “Enhancing smallholder Reduced benefits from Deforestation Emissions from Degradation” and Forest "The ecology of endangered "The of endangered ecology Macaca endemic primate (H.R. Schinz,maura 1825) in of peninsular karst forests Selatan (Indonesia) Sulawesi inter-group the intra-and at level” “Analyzing the Impact of “Analyzing Fulbright English Teaching in Indonesian Assistants High SchoolsPublic through Social Support” Mechanisms, Ultrastructure Ultrastructure Mechanisms, of Function and Behavioral ales: in Ctenoides Flashing Clams” “Disco “Research to Support to “Research Tropical Conservation in the of Kalimantan” Forest “Evaluating the benefits and “Evaluating tropical by provided values in Borneo: forests peat-swamp and the sustainability Fish of fish ponds as sustainable sources” livelihood INSTITUSI Georg-August- Göttingen Universität University of University Goettingen Australian National National Australian University Roma Tre University, University, Tre Roma Science Department Fulbright University of University Berkeley California OuTrop, WildCRU, WildCRU, OuTrop, of Oxford University University of Leicester University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Selandia Baru Jerman Australia Italia Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Perancis Finlandia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Blenheim, 15 April 1987 Bremen, 8 Bremen, September 1987 Sydney, Sydney, 21 Australia, 1973 Maret Roma, 21 Juli 1965 Alabama, USA, 6 Januari 1991 Pueblo, CO, 27 CO, Pueblo, Juni 1983 Nantes, 19 Nantes, 1987 Agustus Turku, 5 Turku, Desember 1991 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Lisa Helen Ms. Denmead Mr. Arne Wenzel Mr. Ms. Helen Ms. Suich Catherine Ms. Monica Carosi Ms. Ms. RaineshaMs. L. Miller Ms. Lindsey Ms. Furman Dougherty Ms. Helene Birot Ms. Ms. Sara Anne Sara Ms. Thornton No. SIP No. 217/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 216/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 215/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 214/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 213/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 212/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 211/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 210/SIP/FRP/ SM/VII/2014 NO 217 216 215 214 213 212 211 210

354 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ilmu dan Fakultas Kebumian ITB Teknologi Zaim) Yahdi Dr. (Prof. Fakultas Ilmu dan Fakultas Kebumian ITB Teknologi Zaim) Yahdi Dr. (Prof. Fakultas Ilmu dan Fakultas Kebumian ITB Teknologi Zaim) Yahdi Dr. (Prof. Puslit Biologi LIPI ( Dr. LIPI ( Dr. Biologi Puslit Daisy Wowor) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Rosichon Ubaidillah, Dr. Rahmadi, Hari Cahyo S.Si., Wara Nugroho, Oscar M.Sc., Asfiya, M.Si.) Efendy, Pusat Penelitian dan Penelitian Pusat Pengembangan IklimPerubahan dan Kebijakan Balitbanghut Kirsfianti L. Ginoga) (Dr. Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Kajian Sumberdaya Pusat dan Lautan - IPB Pesisir Adrianto) Lucky (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sumbar (Talawi Sumbar (Talawi Kabupaten Sawahlunto) dan Kalsel (Banjarmasin) Sumbar (Talawi Sumbar (Talawi Kabupaten Sawahlunto) dan Kalsel (Banjarmasin) Sumbar (Talawi Sumbar (Talawi Kabupaten Sawahlunto) dan Kalsel (Banjarmasin) Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Jember, Banyuwangi, Malang, Bondowoso); Tengah Jawa Purworejo); (Wonosobo, (Gorontalo, Gorontalo Sulawesi Utara); Gorontalo Tojo (Morowali, Tengah Una-Una); Bali (Tabanan, NTB (Lombok Gianyar); Lombok Barat, - Lombok – Bima, Sumbawa Utara, Sumbawa) Dompu, Sulut (Bitung, Tondano), Sulut Tondano), (Bitung, Pangkep, Sulsel (Maros, (Rawa Aopa, Sultra Gowa), Selatan, Kolaka)Konawe DKI Jakarta dan Kalteng Kapuas, (Palangkaraya, Mantangai Hulu, Kalumpang, Katimpun, Tumbang Katunjung, Tumbang Mangkutup, Lapetan and Petak Muroi, Puti) Bali dan NTB (Flores dan Bali dan NTB (Flores Lombok) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 2014 Agustus 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 2014 Agustus 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 2014 Agustus 11 (sebelas) bulan, mulai 19 2014 Agustus 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 11 2014 Agustus 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 18 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 2014 Agustus Ekologi Zoologi Zoologi Geologi Geologi Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Kehutanan PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan rekonstruksi Vertebrata hewan Paleogeografi dan KalimantanSumatra di masa Eocene Melakukan rekonstruksi Vertebrata hewan Paleogeografi dan KalimantanSumatra di masa Eocene Melakukan rekonstruksi Vertebrata hewan Paleogeografi dan KalimantanSumatra di masa Eocene Melakukan survei biogeografi air di invertebrata hewan kepulauan Indonesia Melakukan klarifikasi atas status keanekaragaman di serangga kepulauan Indonesia Mengembangkan instrumen pengelolaan kebijakan guna emisi karbonmengurangi dalam rangka REDD+ Memahami perilaku penggunaan tas kain sebagai ramah tas belanja yang lingkungan sebagai pengganti tas belanja plastik JUDUL PENELITIAN “Field Research Investigation Investigation Research “Field Vertebrate” on the Eocene “Field Research Investigation Investigation Research “Field Vertebrate” on the Eocene “Field Research Investigation Investigation Research “Field Vertebrate” on the Eocene "Biogeography of aquatic of aquatic "Biogeography the across invertebrates Archipelago Indomalayan 2014-2017" "Biodiversity inventory of inventory "Biodiversity social insects in Indonesian mainly Archipelago, Indonesian and social wasps and termites" ants Javanese "Improving governance, governance, "Improving policy and institutional reduce to arrangements deforestation emissions from (REDD)" and degradation "Increasing the use of canvas "Increasing the use of canvas bags in Indonesia" INSTITUSI Duke University University of University Dept. of Iowa, - USA Anthropology Duke University, Duke University, Center Lemur Zoologische Zoologische Staatssammlung München Faculty of Science, of Science, Faculty Ibaraki University Australian National National Australian University Leibniz Center for for Center Leibniz Marine Tropical Ecology WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Jerman Jepang Australia Jerman TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Detroit Detroit Michigan,USA, 28 Desember 1979 California - USA, California 1948 11 Maret Michigan – USA, 19 Juli 1954 Berlin, 15 April 1967 Fukushima, Fukushima, Japan, 2 Juli 1980 Arawa, 27 Juni Arawa, 1984 Tϋbingen, 8 Tϋbingen, 1980 Agustus NAMA PENELITI Dr. Douglas Dr. Martin Boyer Prof. Russell Lynn Russell Lynn Prof. Ciochon Dr. Gregg Gregg Dr. Gunnell Frederick Dr. Michael Klaus Dr. Otto Balke Dr. Fuki Morooka Fuki Dr. Ms. Fiona Downs Fiona Ms. Mr. Roger Manuel Mr. Spranz No. SIP No. 224/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 223/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 222/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 221/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 220/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 219/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 218/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 NO 224 223 222 221 220 219 218

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 355 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Yogyakarta Observatory Yogyakarta (DR Joko BPPTKG Subandriyo) Balitbang Kementerian Balitbang Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Desy Sugijani) Puslitbang Arkeologi Arkeologi Puslitbang Nasional Kemendikbud Bambang (Dr. Sulistyanto) Puslitbang Arkeologi Arkeologi Puslitbang Nasional Kemendikbud Bambang (Dr. Sulistyanto) Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Gadjah MadaUniversitas Subrata) Sena Adi (Dr. Fakultas Ilmu dan Fakultas Kebumian ITB Teknologi Zaim) Yahdi Dr. (Prof. Fakultas Ilmu dan Fakultas Kebumian ITB Teknologi Zaim) Yahdi Dr. (Prof. Fakultas Ilmu dan Fakultas Kebumian ITB Teknologi Zaim) Yahdi Dr. (Prof. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN D.I. Yogyakarta Yogyakarta (Balai D.I. dan Penyelidikan Teknologi Pengembangan Kebencanaan Geologi); Jabar (PVMBG Bandung) DKI Jakarta Jateng (IRD) Merapi) dan Maluku (G. (Ibu,Utara Gamkonora, Gamalama, Du-kono, Kie Besi) Jabar (Bogor) Sulut (Manado, Kep. Kep. Sulut (Manado, Maluku (P. Talaud), Halmahera, Morotai, Tobelo) Sulut (Manado, Kep. Kep. Sulut (Manado, Maluku (P. Talaud), Halmahera, Morotai, Tobelo) Jambi (TN Bukit Tigapuluh) Sumbar (Talawi Sumbar (Talawi Kabupaten Sawahlunto) dan Kalsel (Banjarmasin) Sumbar (Talawi Sumbar (Talawi Kabupaten Sawahlunto) dan Kalsel (Banjarmasin) Sumbar (Talawi Sumbar (Talawi Kabupaten Sawahlunto) dan Kalsel (Banjarmasin) LAMA PENELITIAN 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 12 2014 Agustus 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 12 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 2014 Agustus 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 2014 Agustus 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 2014 Agustus 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 2014 Agustus Geologi Geologi Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Arkeologi Arkeologi Perikanan Primatologi Vulkanologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan pengukuran di area daratan deformasi dan Tengah G. Merapi Jawa gunung-gunung api di Maluku Utara Mempelajari keanekaragaman dalam tanaman obat peternakan ikan dan penggunaannya memvalidasi aquatic pharmacopeia untuk lingkungan ramah Melakukan penggalian dan untuk analisis arkeologi eksploitasi merekonstruksi di lokasi-marine dan terrestrial lokasi belum cenderung yang diketahui di Indonesia timur Melakukan penggalian dan untuk analisis arkeologi eksploitasi merekonstruksi di lokasi-marine dan terrestrial lokasi belum cenderung yang diketahui di Indonesia timur Menetapkan penggunaan dan adaptasi habitat Orangutan pelepasliaran dengan telemetri Melakukan rekonstruksi Vertebrata hewan Paleogeografi dan KalimantanSumatra di masa Eocene Melakukan rekonstruksi Vertebrata hewan Paleogeografi dan KalimantanSumatra di masa Eocene Melakukan rekonstruksi Vertebrata hewan Paleogeografi dan KalimantanSumatra di masa Eocene JUDUL PENELITIAN “Ground deformations deformations “Ground and modelling measurement Merapi and Northat Maluku volcanoes” province “Analysis of the impact of “Analysis the Indonesian from plant on pharmacopea traditional immunity”Fish "Prehistoric Human "Prehistoric Maritime Migrations, Use Networks and Resource in the Northern and Sulawesi Maluku Islands" "Prehistoric Human "Prehistoric Maritime Migrations, Use Networks and Resource in the Northern and Sulawesi Maluku Islands" “Determining habitat use “Determining habitat adaptation and post-release Sumatran of re-introduced abelii) (Pongo Orangutans with the use of telemetry” “Field Research Investigation Investigation Research “Field Vertebrate” on the Eocene “Field Research Investigation Investigation Research “Field Vertebrate” on the Eocene “Field Research Investigation Investigation Research “Field Vertebrate” on the Eocene INSTITUSI Institut de Physique Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris IRD Sophia University, Sophia University, Tokyo Tokai University Tokai Frankfurt Zoological Zoological Frankfurt Society Pennsylvania State State Pennsylvania University University of Florida University Department of Earth & Atmospheric University Sciences, of Alberta WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Perancis Jepang Jepang Jerman Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Kanada TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Conflans-Ste- 3 Honorine, Desember 1968 Etampes, 12 Etampes, 1963 Maret Shibuya-ku, Shibuya-ku, 6 Tokyo, Desember 1959 Shimane, Shimane, Japan, 15 Mei 1975 Freiburg im Freiburg 6 Breisgau, Januari 1982 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 18 Juni 1963 San Fransisco, San Fransisco, USA, California, 20 Januari 1970 Grimsby, Grimsby, Ontario, Kanada, 28 1966 Oktober NAMA PENELITI Dr. François François Dr. Beauducel Dr. Remie Dugue Dr. Dr. Kazuhiko Dr. Tanaka Dr. Rintaro Ono Rintaro Dr. Dr. rer. nat Doris nat rer. Dr. Maria Madga Kelle Dr. Peter Daniel Peter Dr. Wilf Dr. Jonathan Ivan Jonathan Dr. Bloch Dr. John-Paul John-Paul Dr. Zonneveld No. SIP No. 232/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 231/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 230/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 229/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 228/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 227/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 226/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 225/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 NO 232 231 230 229 228 227 226 225

356 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA BPPTKG Kementerian Kementerian BPPTKG Subandriyo) ESDM (Dr. Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Fakultas Lilik Budi Prasetyo) (Prof. CIMTROP - Universitas - Universitas CIMTROP Suwido (Dr. Palangkaraya H. Limin, M.S.) CIMTROP - Universitas - Universitas CIMTROP Suwido (Dr. Palangkaraya H. Limin, M.S.) CIMTROP - Universitas - Universitas CIMTROP Suwido (Dr. Palangkaraya H. Limin, M.S.) CIMTROP - Universitas - Universitas CIMTROP Suwido (Dr. Palangkaraya H. Limin, M.S.) Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Fakultas Lilik Budi Prasetyo) (Prof. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN D.I. Yogyakarta (G. Merapi) (G. Yogyakarta D.I. Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang dan Kayong Utara) Kalteng (Kotawaringin Kalteng (Kotawaringin Terantang di Desa Timur Hilir) Kalteng (Kotawaringin Kalteng (Kotawaringin Terantang di Desa Timur Hilir) Kalteng (Kotawaringin Kalteng (Kotawaringin Terantang di Desa Timur Hilir) Kalteng (Kotawaringin Kalteng (Kotawaringin Terantang di Desa Timur Hilir) Kalimantan Barat (Ketapang dan Kayong Utara) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 25 2014 Agustus 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 13 2014 Agustus 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 15 2014 Agustus 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 15 2014 Agustus 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 15 2014 Agustus 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 15 2014 Agustus 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 13 2014 Agustus Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Kehutanan Kehutanan Vulkanologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan gas dan pengukuran emisi debu Gn. Merapi dengan menggunakan spectroscopic tools Menjelaskan posisi kebijakan dan manajemen kehutanan masyarakatterhadap miskin pedesaan Menghitung perubahan biomas dan karakterisasi struktur hutan akibat penebangan selektif di di Kalteng dengan hutan tropis dan menggunakan darat LIDAR Modelling 3D Tree Menghitung perubahan biomas dan karakterisasi struktur hutan akibat penebangan selektif di di Kalteng dengan hutan tropis dan menggunakan darat LIDAR Modelling 3D Tree Menghitung perubahan biomas dan karakterisasi struktur hutan akibat penebangan selektif di di Kalteng dengan hutan tropis dan menggunakan darat LIDAR Modelling 3D Tree Menghitung perubahan biomas dan karakterisasi struktur hutan akibat penebangan selektif di di Kalteng dengan hutan tropis dan menggunakan darat LIDAR Modelling 3D Tree Menjelaskan posisi kebijakan dan manajemen kehutanan masyarakatterhadap miskin pedesaan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Measurements “Measurements of Volcanic Gas Emissions and Plume Gunung Merapi using from Tools” Spectroscopic “Layered Functions of Goods Functions “Layered by and Services Provided on Mitigation Forests Tropical Poverty”of Rural "Terrestrial LiDAR and LiDAR "Terrestrial modelling for 3D tree of biomass quantification and characterization of forest structural changes due to in tropical selective logging Kalimantan, of Central forest Indonesia" "Terrestrial LiDAR and LiDAR "Terrestrial modelling for 3D tree of biomass quantification and characterization of forest structural changes due to in tropical selective logging Kalimantan, of Central forest Indonesia" "Terrestrial LiDAR and LiDAR "Terrestrial modelling for 3D tree of biomass quantification and characterization of forest structural changes due to in tropical selective logging Kalimantan, of Central forest Indonesia" "Terrestrial LiDAR and LiDAR "Terrestrial modelling for 3D tree of biomass quantification and characterization of forest structural changes due to in tropical selective logging Kalimantan, of Central forest Indonesia" “Layered Functions of Goods Functions “Layered by and Services Provided on Mitigation Forests Tropical Poverty”of Rural INSTITUSI Institut de Physique Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) Faculty of Life and of Life Faculty Environmental Sciences , University of Tsukuba Wageningen Wageningen University Wageningen Wageningen University Wageningen Wageningen University Wageningen Wageningen the University, Netherlands University University of Tsukuba WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Jepang Finlandia Spanyol Australia Peru Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Croissy/Seine, Croissy/Seine, 19 France, Desember 1949 Kyoto, Japan, 6 Kyoto, 1955 Agustus Tampere, Tampere, , 2 Finland 1982 Februari Seville (Spain), 2 Juni 1976 Port Moresby, 2 Moresby, Port Mei 1973 Lima, 25 Maret Lima, 25 Maret 1985 Japan, 13 Mei 1989 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Patrick Allard Patrick Mr. Dr. Masuda Misa Dr. Mr. Juha Markus Mr. Suomalainen Mr. Jose Gonzalez Mr. De Tanago Mr. Darius Samuel Mr. Culvenor Mr. Alvaro Ivan Alvaro Mr. Lau Sarmiento Mr. Shota Mr. Yanagisawa No. SIP No. 239/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 238/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 237/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 236/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 235/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 234/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 233/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 NO 239 238 237 236 235 234 233

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 357 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Setyawan, Agus rer.nat M.Si. Trenggono, Mukti dan Tim) Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Setyawan, Agus rer.nat M.Si. Trenggono, Mukti dan Tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Joeni Setijo Rahajoe, Dr. Siti Dr. Nuril Hidayati, Sundari) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Joeni Setijo Rahajoe, Dr. Siti Dr. Nuril Hidayati, Sundari) Badan Litbang Haruni Kehutanan (Dr. Krisnawati) Fakultas Biologi Biologi Fakultas Sam Universitas Ratulangi (Dantje Sembel) BPPTKG Kementerian Kementerian BPPTKG Subandriyo) ESDM (Dr. BPPTKG Kementerian Kementerian BPPTKG Subandriyo) ESDM (Dr. BPPTKG Kementerian Kementerian BPPTKG Subandriyo) ESDM (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Perairan selat Karimata selat Perairan Lombok dan selat Perairan selat Karimata selat Perairan Lombok dan selat Kalteng (Palangkaraya, Kalteng (Palangkaraya, TN Jabar (Bogor, Bawan), Gunung Halimun Salak) Kalteng (Palangkaraya, Kalteng (Palangkaraya, TN Jabar (Bogor, Bawan), Gunung Halimun Salak) Kalimantan Tengah (Kab. (Kab. Tengah Kalimantan Kotawaringin) Sulut (Manado) D.I. Yogyakarta (G. Merapi) (G. Yogyakarta D.I. D.I. Yogyakarta (G. Merapi) (G. Yogyakarta D.I. D.I. Yogyakarta (G. Merapi) (G. Yogyakarta D.I. LAMA PENELITIAN 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 1 September 2014 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 1 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 25 2014 Agustus 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 25 2014 Agustus 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 25 2014 Agustus Ekologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Kehutanan Pendidikan Vulkanologi Vulkanologi Vulkanologi Oseanografi Oseanografi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan pengamatan dinamika panas di laut aliran lautan Indonesaantara dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Melakukan pengamatan dinamika panas di laut aliran lautan Indonesaantara dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Meneliti dari dampak ekologi kandungan merkuri yang dihasilkan penambangan emas berskala kecil Meneliti dari dampak ekologi kandungan merkuri yang dihasilkan penambangan emas berskala kecil Mengukur emisi Carbon sebagai dampak perubahan penggunaan lahan dengan menggunakan dan satelit data di lapangan data pengukuran Meneliti pendidikan sistem dan kurikulum PT Melakukan gas dan pengukuran emisi debu Gn. Merapi dengan menggunakan spectroscopic tools Melakukan gas dan pengukuran emisi debu Gn. Merapi dengan menggunakan spectroscopic tools Melakukan gas dan pengukuran emisi debu Gn. Merapi dengan menggunakan spectroscopic tools JUDUL PENELITIAN "South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda Straits" and Lombok "South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda Straits" and Lombok "The of mercury behavior and its in gold mining site impact"ecological "The of mercury behavior and its in gold mining site impact"ecological “Linking Sattelite data and “Linking data Sattelite to determine field measures of land use change the effect variability on and climate carbon emissions in tropical peatlands” “Neuroscience literacy “Neuroscience Indonesianin eastern systems” educational “Measurements “Measurements of Volcanic Gas Emissions and Plume Gunung Merapi using from Tools” Spectroscopic “Measurements “Measurements of Volcanic Gas Emissions and Plume Gunung Merapi using from Tools” Spectroscopic “Measurements “Measurements of Volcanic Gas Emissions and Plume Gunung Merapi using from Tools” Spectroscopic INSTITUSI The First Institute of First The Oceanography The First Institute of First The Oceanography Kagoshima University Kagoshima University University Virginia Virginia University Department of Environmental Sciences Stanford University Stanford ISTO-CNRS University OfUniversity Palermo-DiSTeM Department Università di Palermo Università WARGA WARGA NEGARA Republik Republik Rakyat Cina Republik Republik Rakyat Cina Jepang Jepang Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Perancis Italia Italia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Shandong, 09 Shandong, Januari 1986 Shandong, 26 Shandong, Juli 1982 Yamanashi, 24 Yamanashi, 1981 Oktober Fukuoka, 22 Fukuoka, November 1962 Columbia Columbia SC USA, 22 November 1979 Columbus, Columbus, USA, 15 Ohio, Mei 1986 Paris 19em, Paris 29 September 1987 Palermo, 28 Palermo, Juni 1979 Palermo, 23 Palermo, Desember 1971 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Xiaoqing Xu Ms. Mr. Zhan Lian Mr. Dr. Yuriko Kono Yuriko Dr. Prof. Takashi Takashi Prof. Tomiyasu Ms. Erin Elizabeth Ms. Swails Ms. Jaimie Dolgin Jaimie Dolgin Ms. Adelson Mr. Yves Yves Mr. Moussallam Ms. Rossella Di Ms. Napoli Mr. Alessandro Alessandro Mr. Aiuppa No. SIP No. 248/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 247/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 246/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 245/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 244/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 243/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 242/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 241/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 240/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 NO 248 247 246 245 244 243 242 241 240

358 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fak. Ilmu dan Teknologi Teknologi Ilmu dan Fak. Kebumian– ITB (Prof.Sri Widiyantoro) Yayasan Palung (Tito P. (Tito Palung P. Yayasan MIPA- Fakultas Indrawan), (IrwanUntan S.Si. Lovadi, M.App.Se) Pusat KonservasiPusat Raya Tumbuhan/Kebun Bogor – LIPI (Dr Julisasi Hadiah) Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Satyawan UGM (Dr. Pudyatmoko) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas UGM (Sri Margana) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN NTT Alor Nusa. (Alor Belu Bajawa Atambua Ngada,Ende Ende Kupang LarantukaKupang Flores Labuhanbajo Manggarai (WestBarat Maggarai) Lembata, Lewoleba SikkaMaumere Rote Rote Manggarai Ruteng Ndao, Sabu Raijua,Sawu/Sabu Waingapu Sumba Timur, Sumba Barat); Waikabubak NTB (Bima, Sumbawa, Besar) Sumbawa Kalbar (Cabang Panti Panti Kalbar (Cabang TN di Station Research ) dan Gunung Palung Kalteng (Laboratorium Alam Hutan Gambut (LAHG) di Sabangau) Sulteng (TNSulteng Lindu); Lore Alam Sulsel (Cagar dan Faruhumpenai TN the Bantimurung Bantimurung KalbarBulusaraung); (Bukit Baka Bukit Ria; Kaltim Kutai (Wehea forest Kalsel Berau); Kab. Timur, TN (TN Kayan Mentarang, Kalteng Putting); Tanjung Nasional Bentun (Taman Kerihun) Sumsel (Palembang); Sumsel (Palembang); Lampung (Way Kanan, Lampung Tanggamus, Sulut (Bolaang Barat); Mongondow) D.I. Yogyakarta Yogyakarta (Kampus D.I. UGM) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 2 September 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 2 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 Botani Sejarah Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Kehutanan Primatologi PENELITIAN Sosial Ekonomi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Memahami struktur geologi Memahami struktur geologi di tektonik dan konvergensi Indonesia timur bagian Mempelajari aspek-aspek dan ekologi perilaku reproduksi Orangutan Mempelajari tumbuhan tropis genus Ryparosa (Achariaceae) Mengkaji lingkungan interaksi dengan sehat yang menggunakan pendekatan Sosial Ekologi Meneliti bagaimana para nasionalis Indonesia Wijaya Sri memandang Kerajaan dan menuangkannya di dalam karya-karya seperti sastra dan artikel novel pidato, JUDUL PENELITIAN "Transitions in the Banda Arc- "Transitions collision continental Australia understanding as a bridge to and lithospheric mantle on surfacecontrols tectonics" "Orangutan Reproductive Reproductive "Orangutan in Gunung Palung Ecology National West Park, Kalimantan" “A generic revision of the generic revision “A understorey myrmecophilic Ryparosa Blume tree, (Acariaceae)” “Social-Ecological Modeling “Social-Ecological of Health-Environment Interactions in Indonesia” “The Lost, Empire: Sriwijaya and Re-imagined” Found, INSTITUSI University of University Southern California Boston University Boston The University of University The Melbourne Colorado State State Colorado University Swarthmore College WARGA WARGA NEGARA Kanada Inggeris Australia Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Kelowna, Kelowna, 15 Juli Canada, 1975 Bristol, UK,Bristol, 17 September 1989 St Leonards- On-Sea, 26 1987 Maret Vermont, USA, Vermont, 26 Oktober 1973 New York City, New York 27 Agustus 1990 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Meghan Ms. MillerSamantha Ms. KatherineMs. Stephanie Sarah Scott Mr. Edward Wen Wen Edward Mr. Jiet Tsen Ms. Melinda MaeMs. Clarke Mr. Jonathan Jonathan Mr. Mensch Emont No. SIP No. 253/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 252/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 251/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 250/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 249/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 NO 253 252 251 250 249

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 359 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Hilman Danny LIPI (Dr. Natawidjaja) Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Hilman Danny LIPI (Dr. Natawidjaja) Pusat Studi Asia Pasifik Pasifik Studi Asia Pusat Laksono, PM. UGM (Prof. M.A., PhD.) Institut Seni Indonesia I Gede (ISI) Denpasar (Dr. Arya Sugiartha, S.SKar., M.Hum.) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Bangka Belitung Riau (Belitung), Kep. (Mapur), Sulsel (Makassar), Selat selatan Bagian Makassar (sekitar P. Doangdoangan Besar dan Salayar) P. Bangka Belitung Riau (Belitung), Kep. (Mapur), Sulsel (Makassar), Selat selatan Bagian Makassar (sekitar P. Doangdoangan Besar dan Salayar) P. DI Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Jateng (Wonogiri) Bali (Karangasem, Klungkung, Denpasar, Gianyar) Buleleng, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 Sejarah Geologi Geologi Geologi Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Kelautan Kelautan Sosiologi & Sosiologi PENELITIAN Etnomusikologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan pengambilan berumur yang koral contoh 400-500 tahun lalu guna menentukan dan membandingkan kontras ITF dan penguatan reguler lalu. abad yang pada beberapa sedimen contoh Pengambilan guna pantai danau tepi mengetahui lingkungan purba dan melakukan pantai daerah pencarian, pemilihan dan koral pengambilan contoh pengetesan untuk microatol umumnya Melakukan pengambilan berumur yang koral contoh 400-500 tahun lalu guna menentukan dan membandingkan kontras ITF dan penguatan reguler lalu. abad yang pada beberapa sedimen contoh Pengambilan guna pantai danau tepi mengetahui lingkungan purba dan melakukan pantai daerah pencarian, pemilihan dan koral pengambilan contoh pengetesan untuk microatol umumnya Mempelajari bagaimana pertunjukkan, dan produksi wayang penjualan suvenir kepada turis mempengaruhi kulit di wayang produksi proses Tengah Jawa Mempelajari musik tradisional Bali JUDUL PENELITIAN "Sea-level Oceanography, and Oceanography, "Sea-level living Histories from climate in Indonesia" corals and fossil "Sea-level Oceanography, and Oceanography, "Sea-level living Histories from climate in Indonesia" corals and fossil “Carving Out A New Future: “Carving Out A New Future: Craftmanship in Wayang Java” Central "Rediscovery of and Revival and Vocal in the Tonalities Lost Instrumental Music of Bali" INSTITUSI Department of Earth and Environmental of University Science, Pennsylvania Department of Earth and Environmental of University Science, Pennsylvania US Fulbright Student Student US Fulbright Program Hunter College-CityHunter of New University York WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Ashton, 01 Ashton, 1979 Maret Illinois, 9 Illinois, Desember 1976 Concord, 14 Concord, Juni 1985 New York, USA, New York, 12 Desember 1951 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Annette Annette Ms. Bolton Dr. Nathalie Nathalie Dr. Goodkin Fairbank Emami Ms. Kristina Lynne KristinaMs. Lynne Tannenbaum Mr. Edward Walter Walter Edward Mr. Herbst No. SIP No. 257/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 256/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 255/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 254/SIP/FRP/ SM/VIII/2014 NO 257 256 255 254

360 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA CIMTROP UNPAR (Dr. (Dr. UNPAR CIMTROP Suwido Limin, MS) Fakultas Kesehatan Kesehatan Fakultas Masyarakat UI (Dr. Martha Evi Dra. Mkes, Amelia SKM, MSc, Tiara Andham Dewi SKM) Universitas Riau Universitas dan (Haris Gunawan) Mulawarman Universitas Amirta) Rudianto (Dr. Universitas Andalas (Dr. Andalas (Dr. Universitas Maskota Delfi) Lembaga Kebudayaan Kebudayaan Lembaga - Universitas MalangMuhammadiyah Hari Sunaryo) (Dr. Politeknik Negeri Politeknik Rachmad Bandung (Dr. Imbang Tritjahjono) Puslit Geoteknologi Puslit Hilman Danny LIPI (Dr. Natawidjaja) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Kalteng Raya) (Palangka DKI Jakarta (JakartaTimur) Kaltim (Bontang, Kutai, Kaltim Kutai, (Bontang, Samarinda), Riau (Bengkalis, Dumai, Riak) D.I Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Sumbar D.I Bukittinggi), Bali (Padang, Bangli) (Gianyar, (Malang, (Malang, Timur Jawa Magetan, Tulungagung, Pasuruan, Pacitan, Jombang Ngawi Blitar, Bangkalan Jabar (Kampus Politeknik Negeri Bandung) Bangka Belitung Riau (Belitung), Kep. (Mapur), Sulsel (Makassar), Selat selatan Bagian Makassar (sekitar P. Doangdoangan Besar dan Salayar) P. LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 8 (delapan) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 2 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 September 2014 Sosial Ekologi Geologi Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Kelautan Sosiologi Kesehatan Antropologi Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN Ilmu Pendidikan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Meneliti dinamika peleoasan karbon di hutan gambut tropis dengan menggunakan data lapangan Memahami tingkah laku makan urbandan nutrisi di daerah Membangun sosial sistem memperbaikiuntuk dan pemukimanmerekonstruksi rumah kayu di komunitas lokal pedesaan Indonesia di wilayah generasi sejak beberapa Mengkaji dalam wanita peran mempromosikan pertanian organik Mengkaji proses-proses dan pembelajaran pengajaran serta nilai-nilai penempatan tradisional pengobatan di dalam jaringan sosial di dalam dan professional masyarakat pedesaan Mendokumentasikan dan pelatihan memahami sistem dan pendidikan di Indonesia Melakukan pengambilan berumur yang koral contoh 400-500 tahun lalu guna menentukan dan membandingkan kontras ITF dan penguatan reguler lalu. abad yang pada beberapa sedimen contoh Pengambilan guna pantai danau tepi mengetahui lingkungan purba dan melakukan pantai daerah pencarian, pemilihan dan koral pengambilan contoh pengetesan untuk microatol umumnya JUDUL PENELITIAN “Field research on the carbon research “Field peat of tropical balance in Indonesia” ecosystems “Snacking and its Behaviour on health and consequences nutrition” “Social condition to repair repair “Social to condition local and reconstruct by dwellings wooden over local communities villages in in rural generations Indonesia” “The Intersection of Organic Agency Women's and Farming in Indonesia” “Traditional Javanese Healers Javanese “Traditional and the Rise of Indonesian Islam” "Vocational Education and Education "Vocational in Indonesia" system Training "Sea-level Oceanography, and Oceanography, "Sea-level living Histories from climate in Indonesia" corals and fossil INSTITUSI Hokkaido University La Recherche La Recherche Pour Agronomique le Developpement (CIRAD) Kyoto University Kyoto College of the Holy College Cross Bowling Green State State Green Bowling University Northern Sydney NSW TAFE Institute, Department of Earth and Environmental of University Science, Pennsylvania WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Perancis Jepang Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Australia Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Hyogo Hyogo 6 Prefecture, April 1961 Bogota, 13 1982 Februari Osaka, 30 July 1982 Worcester, Worcester, USA, 16 MA, November 1992 Lansing, Lansing, MI, USA, 19 1986 Agustus Cuckfield, Cuckfield, 22 England, Januari 1956 Wisconsin, 08 Wisconsin, Mei 1990 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Takashi Takashi Mr. Hirano Ms. Laura Laura Ms. Arciniegas Ms. HarukaMs. Suzuki Ms. MarthaMs. Ann Walters Ms.Samantha Lee Lee Ms.Samantha Martin Ms. Claire Finch Claire Ms. Ms. Sujata Sujata Ms. Annavarapu Murty No. SIP No. 264/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 263/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 262/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 261/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 260/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 259/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 258/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 NO 264 263 262 261 260 259 258

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 361 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Unhas (Idrus A. Paturusi). Fakultas Teknik Teknik Fakultas dan Pertambangan ITB (Prof. Perminyakan Satria Bijaksana) Institut Pertanian Prijanto Bogor (Dr. Pamoengkas) Fakultas Teknik Teknik Fakultas dan Pertambangan ITB (Prof. Perminyakan Satria Bijaksana) dan Biologi-LIPI Puslit Universitas Gadjah MadaUniversitas Anwar) (Ratih Pratiwi Fakultas Hukum, Fakultas Airlangga Universitas S.H., (Iqbal Feliciano, LL.M.) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Daerah KhususDaerah Ibu Kota Jakarta (Jakarta Timur Selatan),Jawa Kabupaten (Talango, Madura), Sumenep, Selatan Sulawesi (Makassar and Sungguminasa, Kabupaten Gowa) Sulsel (Danau Malili) PT HUMUSINDO, PT HUMUSINDO, Kampung Bungku, Desa Batanghari, Hutan Jambi Provinsi Harapan, Sulsel (Danau Malili) Jawa Tengah (Cilacap) Tengah Jawa Jatim (Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, (Surabaya, Jatim Gresik, Lamongan, Tuban, Pasuruan, Madiun, Bojonegoro, Kediri, Malang, Jombang, Jember, Probolinggo, Pemekasan), Banyuwangi, Bitung, Sulut (Manado, Minahsa, Tomohon, Minahasa Minahasa Utara, Selatan), Lampung (Bandar Lampung, Metro, Lampung Tengah, Lampung Selatan, Lampung Barat) LAMA PENELITIAN 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 11 September 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 11 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 12 September 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 11 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 Sejarah budaya Geologi Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Kehutanan Ilmu Hukum PENELITIAN Antropologi- TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari perjuangan sejarah Shaykh Yusuf Mempelajari perubahan sejarah Danau Malili dari aspek vegetasi paleo ekologi Mempelajari hubungan ekonomi dan kepentingan diimbangi dapat ekologi perkebunan dengan pengayaan variasi jenis pohon asli di perkebunan kelapa sawit monokultur Mempelajari perubahan sejarah Danau Malili dari aspek vegetasi paleo ekologi Menginvestigasi nilai-nilai sosial Menginvestigasi uang di atas dan kebudayaan Tengah pedalaman Jawa Memahami praktek-praktek Memahami praktek-praktek di tingkatperadilan Pengadilan Negeri sejak 1999 JUDUL PENELITIAN "The Multiple Graves of "The Multiple Graves of Makassar" Yusuf Shaykh "Late Pleistocene Landscapes Pleistocene "Late : A Strategic in South Sulawesi Understanding Location and Environmental Climate change in our Region" “Biodiversity enrichment in oil “Biodiversity and forests palm plantations Indonesia” in Sumatra, "Late Pleistocene Landscapes Pleistocene "Late : A Strategic in South Sulawesi Understanding Location and Environmental Climate change in our Region" “The Social and Cultural of Money in Rural Values Indonesia” Java, Central “Courts and Legal Institutions and Legal “Courts in Indonesia” INSTITUSI Princeton University Princeton Australian National National Australian University Georg-August- Göttingen Universität Australian National National Australian University University of University Pittsburgh Northwestern Northwestern University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Australia Amerika Serikat Jerman Australia Singapura Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Johannesburg, Johannesburg, 29 Mei 1985 Michigan, 14 Juni 1961 Luebeck, 24 Luebeck, 1982 Agustus Sydney, 25 Juli Sydney, 1960 Singapore, 5 Singapore, September 1987 New York, NY New York, USA, 11 Maret 1975 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Saarah Jappie Saarah Ms. Mr. Jack Neil Mr. Fenner Ms. BirteMs. Cordts Ms. Janelle Gai Ms. Stevenson Ms. Chan Zi Lin Ms. Carol Mr. William William James Mr. Hurst No. SIP No. 270/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 269/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 268/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 267/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 266/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 265/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 NO 270 269 268 267 266 265

362 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI Biologi Puslit dan Riyanto (Awal Ibu Mumpuni) dan Konservasi Direktorat Keanekaragaaman Hayati - Ditjen PHKA Kemhut (Ibu Badiah) Fakultas Perikanan Perikanan Fakultas Sam - Universitas Grevo Ratulangi (Prof. S. Gerung) dan Puslit Dr. LIPI (Prof. Oseanografi Suharsono) Fakultas Perikanan Perikanan Fakultas Sam - Universitas Grevo Ratulangi (Prof. S. Gerung) dan Puslit Dr. LIPI (Prof. Oseanografi Suharsono) ISI Denpasar (Dr. I Ketut ISI Denpasar (Dr. Gede Asnawa) Pusat Studi Maluku Pusat Pattimura Universitas (Hermien Soselisa) FISIP UI (Dr. Suraya A. Suraya FISIP UI (Dr. Afiff) Fakultas Ilmu dan Fakultas Kebumian Teknologi Sri ITB (Professor Widiyantoro) Fakultas Ilmu dan Fakultas Kebumian Teknologi Sri ITB (Professor Widiyantoro) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sumut, Sumsel, Kalteng Sumut, Sumsel, Sulut (Seluruh periaran TN Laut Laut Sulut; Bunaken; Manado; Siau; Minhasa; Bitung; Kep. dan Biaro Tagulandang; Sangihe) Sulut (Seluruh periaran TN Laut Laut Sulut; Bunaken; Manado; Siau; Minhasa; Bitung; Kep. dan Biaro Tagulandang; Sangihe) Bali Maluku (Seram) Kalsel (Banjarmasin), DI Yogyakarta, Jatim (Surabaya) NTT (Alor, Atambua, Belu, Belu, Atambua, NTT (Alor, Ngada, Ende) Bajawa NTT (Alor, Atambua, Belu, Belu, Atambua, NTT (Alor, Ngada, Ende) Bajawa LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 September 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 5 (lima) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 15 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 15 September 2014 Musik Biologi Budaya Geologi Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Lingkungan Antropologi Antropologi Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN Biologi Kelautan Biologi Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengevaluasi biologis dan Mengevaluasi biologis penggunaaan berkelanjutan Indonesiadari ular pyton Mendokumentasikan komposisi terumbukarangdan kesehatan Mendokumentasikan komposisi terumbukarangdan kesehatan Meneliti lagu dan permainan di Bali anak-anak Mengkaji produksi, penggunaan dan konseptualisasi palaian dari bahan kulit di dalam masyarakat Nuaulu di Kep. Seram Mengkaji bagaimana pendidikan lingkungan di pada berdampak sekolah dapat muda yang generasi terciptanya lingkungan aktif dalam kegiatan di Indonesia Melakukan analisis seismologi, dan geomorphologik topografi, guna memahami control pada dan mantel litosferik permukaan bumi Melakukan analisis seismologi, dan geomorphologik topografi, guna memahami control pada dan mantel litosferik permukaan bumi JUDUL PENELITIAN “Biology of Indonesian Pythons” "The Catlin Seaview Survey" Seaview "The Catlin "The Catlin Seaview Survey" Seaview "The Catlin “Children's Songs and Games “Children's Bali” from “An ethnography of the ethnography “An being of into coming barkcloth artefacts amongst the Nuaulu of Seram, Indonesia” "How environmental environmental "How to contributes education the capacity for crating active environmentally A Study of Senior citizenship: High Schools in Indonesia" "Transitions in the Banda "Transitions continental Arc-Australia collision" "Transitions in the Banda "Transitions continental Arc-Australia collision" INSTITUSI IUCN/SSC Boa and Python Specialist Group The University of University The Queensland The University of University The Queensland Gettysburg College Gettysburg University College College University Royal The & London, Kew Botanic Gardens, University University of Western Australia University of University Southern California University of University Southern California WARGA WARGA NEGARA Selandia Baru Australia Australia Amerika Serikat Inggeris Australia Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Lower Hutt, 15 Lower 1988 February Melbourne 1 Australia, November 1974 Riyadh, Saudi , 20 Arabia 1985 Februari Massachusetts, Massachusetts, 24 Juli 1979 London, 20 London, 1983 Oktober Perth, 18 Perth, Desember 1978 Lone Pine, 21 Pine, Lone 1980 Oktober New York, 18 New York, Januari 1989 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Daniel James Mr. Deans Natusch Mr. Peter Ralph Peter Mr. Dalton Mr. Dominic Mr. Paul Edmund Bryant Dr. Brent Cumner Cumner Brent Dr. Talbot Ms. Emily Philippa Emily Philippa Ms. Brennan Ms. Kelsie Ms. Amanda Prabawa-Sear Mr. Leland James Leland Mr. O'driscoll Mr. Cooper Cooper Mr. Harris William No. SIP No. 278/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 277/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 276/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 275/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 274/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 273/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 272/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 271/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 NO 278 277 276 275 274 273 272 271

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 363 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA IPB (Dr. Dodik R. IPB (Dr. Nurrochmat) Universitas Jenderal Jenderal Universitas Moh. Soedirman (Dr. Husein Sastranegara) Jenderal Universitas Soedirman (Moh. Husein Sastranegara) Universitas Jenderal Jenderal Universitas Soedirman (Suprayogi, PhD) Universitas Syiah Kuala Kuala Syiah Universitas Rizal) Syamsul Dr. (Prof. Burung Indonesia dan Budi Utomo) (Agus Unsrat Pertanian Fakultas Tasirin, S. Johny Ir. (Dr. MScF) Institut Bogor Pertanian Dodik Nurrochmat) (Prof. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jambi (Taman Nasional Jambi (Taman Berbak, Muaro Kab. Jambi), Kalimantan Timur dan Sumatera Berau) (Kab. Sijunjung) (Kab. Barat Jawa Tengah (Purwokerto, Tengah Jawa Cilacap, Banyumas; Kab. Cilacap) KalimantanKab. Derawan, (Pulau Timur Berau) Kab. (Sagara Tengah Jawa Anakan Lagoon) Jawa Tengah (Segara Tengah Jawa Anakan Lagoon) Aceh (Banda Aceh, Teluk Teluk (Banda Aceh, Aceh Krueng Bulohan, Teluk Raba, Lhoknga; Lampuuk; Bunta; Nasi; Pulau Pulau Pulau Breueh; Pulau Weh) Pulau Teunom; Sulut (Kab. Kep. Sangihe Sangihe Kep. Sulut (Kab. Salibabu Karakelong ,P. P. , Kabaruan, Karatung, Nanusa dan Miangas, Kab. Sitaro Kep. Siau, Talaud, P. Jakarta, Barat Jawa (Bogor), Tengah Jawa (Semarang dan Wonogiri), Kalimantan Barat dan Kapuas (Pontianak Hulu) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 17 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 16 September 2014 Studi Biologi biologi Ekologi struktur BIDANG BIDANG komunitas Kehutanan Kehutanan PENELITIAN - invertebrata - invertebrata Ekologi bakauEkologi Pembangunan Marine Biology TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari keanekaragaman kepiting di daerah hayati laguna dan timur dan tengah komposisi sedimen untuk menemukan pada pengaruhnya struktur komunitas Menyelidiki keadaan di mana REDD + akanimplementasi berfungsi paling optimal emisi dalam hal pengurangan sambil memperhatikan potensi kehidupan dampak terhadap masyarakat lokal Melacak perubahan dalam keanekaragaman dan pola dan komunitas invertebrata dalam mangrove vegetasi kaitannya dengan kondisi lingkungan di SAL Mempelajarai dampak dari dan perubahan deforestasi penggunaan lahan pada tanaman bakau,keragaman komposisi komunitas dan di Segara kompleksitas habitat Anakan (SAL), Lagoon di Jawa Indonesia Meneliti pembangunan sektor Meneliti pembangunan sektor pariwisata pasca tsunami 2014 Melakukan survei biologi species yang terhadap punah terancam Mempelajari kebijakan proses terkaityang dengan mitigasi dan adaptasi hutan dapat untuk diintegrasikan memberikan pengurangan emisi efektif JUDUL PENELITIAN “Crab diversity and diversity “Crab community structure in environmental to relation change in the Segara Anakan Indonesia” Lagoon, Java, of grab forest The "REDD+: all times?" “Effects of environmental of environmental “Effects change on invertebrate and population biodiversity dynamics with emphasis on important mangrove resources” “Impact of deforestation “Impact of deforestation and land-use change on diversity, tree mangrove and community composition complexity”habitat “Aceh tourism development: development: tourism “Aceh after the tsunami”10 years "Biological surveys"Biological of species on the threatened Talaud" and islands of Sangihe “Multi-level governance, governance, “Multi-level REDD+ and synergies change climate between and adaptation” mitigation INSTITUSI University of Bremen University of University Copenhagen Leibniz Center for for Center Leibniz Marine Tropical (ZMT)Ecology Leibniz Center for for Center Leibniz Marine Tropical GmbH Ecology University of Santiago of Santiago University Compostela Manchester Metropolitan University University of Leeds University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Denmark Jerman Jerman Portugal Inggeris Jerman TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Abilene,Tx, USA, Abilene,Tx, 3 September 1989 Gentofte, Denmark, 11 1985 Agustus Wilhelmshaven, Wilhelmshaven, 1967 8 Agustus Bremen, Bremen, Jerman, 29 Juni 1987 Vila Nova de Nova Vila 16 Famalicao, 1974 Oktober Basford, 14 Basford, 1981 Oktober Itali, 19 November 1967 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Shannon Ms. Elizabeth Rose Brofeldt Søren Mr. Ms. Inga UlrikeMs. Hertha Nordhaus Ms. Marijana Ms. Toben Dr. Luis Candido Candido Luis Dr. MotaSoares Mr. Robert Mr. MartinWilliam Ms. Monica Di Ms. Gregorio No. SIP No. 284/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 285/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 283/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 282/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 281/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 280/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 279/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 NO 284 285 283 282 281 280 279

364 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA FISIPOL UGM (Prof. FISIPOL UGM (Prof. Purwo Santoso) Fakultas Perikanan Perikanan Fakultas Sam - Universitas Grevo Ratulangi (Prof. S. Gerung) dan Puslit Dr. LIPI (Prof. Oseanografi Suharsono) Fakultas Perikanan Perikanan Fakultas Sam - Universitas Grevo Ratulangi (Prof. S. Gerung) dan Puslit Dr. LIPI (Prof. Oseanografi Suharsono) Universitas Syiah Kuala Kuala Syiah Universitas Muslim Amiren) (Dr. Institut Teknologi Institut Teknologi Bandung Sekolah Perencanaan, Arsitektur, dan Pengembangan Widjaja Ir. -Ing. (Dr. Martokusumo) Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Fakultas (Oka Karyanto) Geological Museum, Geological S.R. Sinung Bandung (Ir, MT)Baskoro, DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN DKI Jakarta, DI Yogyakarta DKI Jakarta, DI Jateng (Kepulauan Jateng Karimunjawa), Sulut Laut (Seluruh perairan TN Laut Bunaken; Sulut; Manado; Minahasa; Siau; Bitung; Kep. dan Biaro Tagulandang; Sangihe) Jateng (Kepulauan Jateng Karimunjawa), Sulut Laut (Seluruh perairan TN Laut Bunaken; Sulut; Manado; Minahasa; Siau; Bitung; Kep. dan Biaro Tagulandang; Sangihe) Aceh (Sabang Pulau Weh Weh (Sabang Pulau Aceh Rubiah) dan Pulau Jabar (Bandung); Jateng Jabar (Bandung); Jateng (Semarang); DKI Jakarta dan Yogyakarta D.I. Riau dan Kalteng Geological Museum, Geological Barat Jawa Bandung, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 23 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 September 2014 Sejarah Palaeo- Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Arsitektur PENELITIAN anthropology Biologi Kelautan Biologi Biologi Kelautan Biologi Manajemen SDA TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Meneliti bagaimana Indonesia memanfaatkan sumber daya untuk tersedia alam yang pengembangan kepentingan sosial dan ekonomi. Mendokumentasikan komposisi terumbukarangdan kesehatan Mendokumentasikan komposisi terumbukarangdan kesehatan Mempelajari Sabang sejarah pemahaman guna memperoleh Weh kehidupan di P. terhadap ini dewasa Mendokumentasikan dan menafsirkan advocacy tren dan perlindungan bangunan- di bangunan bernilai sejarah Jawa kota di P. beberapa Meneliti faktor-faktor yang yang Meneliti faktor-faktor mempengaruhi emisi carbon dalam kebakaran hutan gambut tropis Penelitian tentang pendekatan tentang Penelitian unik untuk berbasis bukti yang memperkirakan penampilan manusia, yang wajah menggabungkansepenuhnya kuat dari ilmu- yang temuan ilmu palaeo-antropologis, dan forensik. arkeologi JUDUL PENELITIAN "Leveraging natural resources resources natural "Leveraging in Indonesia" development for "The Catlin Seaview Survey" Seaview "The Catlin "The Catlin Seaview Survey" Seaview "The Catlin “Colonial Constructions of “Colonial Uncovering Pungo’: ‘Aceh Histories in Sabang” Divergent “A Past of Possibility: The RiseThe of Possibility: Past “A of Urban Heritage Advocacy Indonesia” in Contemporary “Emission factors from Peat Peat “Emission factors from in Indonesia” Fires “Faces of Ancient Indonesia: of Ancient “Faces of Approximation Facial Indonesian Fossils” INSTITUSI Australian National National Australian University The University of University The Queensland The University of University The Queensland Curtin University Stanford University Stanford VU University VU University Amsterdam University of University Wollongong WARGA WARGA NEGARA Australia Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Australia Amerika Serikat Belanda Australia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Sydney, Sydney, 19 Australia, 1983 Februari Washington DC, Washington 1990 17 Maret Missouri, USA, 16 Mei 1968 Southampton, UK, 22 January 1982 California, USA, California, 1987 4 Agustus Geleen, 9 Desember 1972 UK, 5 April 1960 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Eve Alicia Eve Ms. Warburton Ms. Catherine Catherine Ms. Jung Shim Kim Mr. Benjamin Paul Benjamin Paul Mr. Neal Ms. Joni Lariat Ms. Ms. Lauren Lauren Ms. Elizabeth Yapp Dr. Guido Remigia Guido Remigia Dr. Van Der Werf Ms. Susan Hayes Ms. No. SIP No. 292/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 291/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 290/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 289/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 288/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 287/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 286/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 NO 292 291 290 289 288 287 286

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 365 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) LIPI (Prof. Bambang LIPI (Prof. Subiyanto) IPB (Prof. Dr. Supiandi Dr. IPB (Prof. Sabiham) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Gema LIPI (Gema Biologi Puslit Wahyoudewantoro) World Vision Vision IndonesiaWorld Sulistyo) (Dr Sigit dan Balitbangkes Kesehatan Kementerian (Kencana Sari, SKM,MPH) Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Twikromo) Argo UGM (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Propinsi Riau (Kabupaten Propinsi Siak) Indragiri Hilir, Propinsi Kalimantan Barat Propinsi Pontianak), (Kotamadya Riau (Kabupaten Propinsi Bengkalis, Siak, Giam Siak Kecil Bioreserve) Riau (Desa Tanjung Leban, Leban, Tanjung Riau (Desa Kabupaten Desa Temiyan, Bengkalis; Desa Tasik Siak; Kab. Area Betung, Konservasi Giam Siak Kecil-Bukit Batu) Riau (Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir dan Siak) Kaltim (Mesangat- Kenohan wetlands) DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Utara Jaktim (Kebon (Cilincing), NTTPala), (Sika) Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Desa Watu Karung, Pacitan) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 2014 Oktober 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 September 2014 Sosial Zoologi dan Gizi BIDANG BIDANG kesehatan kesehatan kesehatan kesehatan kesehatan kesehatan kesehatan kesehatan masyarakat masyarakat masyarakat masyarakat Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN Sosiologi dan Sosiologi Sosiologi dan Sosiologi Sosiologi dan Sosiologi Sosiologi dan Sosiologi Ilmu Kesehatan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah Mempelajari aspek-aspek ikanekologi di lahan basah Mengkaji dampak aplikasi hand phone dalam akurasi dan timeline terhadap data pemangku kesiapsiagaan para (stake holders) kepentingan dalam hal pemantauan pertumbuhan dan konsultasi masyarakatkualitas gizi Mempelajari proses pembuatan Mempelajari pembuatan proses Watu keputusan di Desa Karung, Pacitan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” “Assessment and ecology and ecology “Assessment fish of the freshwater community in the Mesangat- East Kenohan Suwi wetlands, Kalimantan, Indonesia” "Evaluation study of a Mobile "Evaluation Improve to Application Phone Nutrition Service delivery in and urban Posyandus" rural "Power and Governance in and Governance "Power SurfingDecision Paradise: Karung, Watu making in desa Timur" Jawa Pacitan, kab. INSTITUSI Center for Southeast for Center Kyoto Studies, Asian University Center for Southeast for Center Kyoto Studies, Asian University Center for Southeast for Center Kyoto Studies, Asian University Research Institute for Institute for Research Humanity and Nature for (RIHN) Center Promotion Research Research Museum Research Alexander Koenig (ZFMK), Bonn Institute of Studies Development (IDS) University of University Tasmania WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Jerman Jerman Australia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Jepang, 21 April Jepang, 1982 Tokyo, Jepang, Jepang, Tokyo, 19 Juni 1976 Aichi, Japan, 15 September 1953 Jepang, 9 Jepang, November 1958 Siegburg, 14 Siegburg, September 1987 Hameln, 30 Germany, 1979 Maret Townsville, Townsville, 2 Juli Australia, 1986 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Nahoko Ms. Shimada Mr. Osamu Kozan Mr. Mr. Kosuke Mr. Mizuno Mr. Abe Kenichi Mr. Mr. Sebastian Mr. Hüllen Ms. InkaMs. Barnett Mr. Daniel Mr. Richard Carney No. SIP No. 299/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 298/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 297/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 296/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 295/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 294/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 293/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 NO 299 298 297 296 295 294 293

366 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) CIMTROP Universitas Universitas CIMTROP Raya (Dr. Palangka Suwido Limin) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Pusat Studi Pusat Pertanian Pembangunan Institut dan Pedesaan, BogorPertanian (Lala M. Kolopaking) FISIP Universitas Andalas FISIP Universitas (Nursyirwan dan Effendi) dan Budaya Sastra Fak. Khairun Universitas (Drs. M.Hum) Alhadar, Fachmi Balitbang KP, KKP (Dr. KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Poernomo) Achmad Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah Nasional (Taman Sebangau) Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Jawa Tengah (Pemalang Tengah Jawa dan Pekalongan) Maluku Utara (Topo desa, Maluku (Topo Utara Utara,Ternate Tidore Utara) DI Yogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta, Bali, Sulsel NTB (Sumbawa), (Makassar) Kalbar hutan (Pontianak, gambut di PT rawa dan Subur Lestari Wana PT Sari Bumi Kusuma), Riau (Pekanbaru, Propinsi Kabupaten Bengkalis, Siak, Giam Siak Kecil Bioreserve), Kalteng gambut di (hutan rawa Palangkaraya) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 2014 Oktober 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 2014 Oktober jauh Sosial Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Pertanian Perikanan kesehatan kesehatan hutan dan masyarakat Antropologi Antropologi Inventarisasi Inventarisasi PENELITIAN Sosiologi dan Sosiologi penginderaan penginderaan TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Untuk meningkatkanUntuk karbonpemantauan hutan kondisi menantang di bawah lembab yang hutan tropis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mempelajari bagaimana kelompok tani mengorganisir dengan organisasinya menggunakan kearifan lokal Mempelajari jaringan rempah-rempah perdagangan di Maluku dilakukan yang oleh kelompok etnik beberapa Meneliti penyebab dan dampak Meneliti penyebab dari penurunan produksi atau finfish ikan bersirip karena penyakit di Indonesia Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah JUDUL PENELITIAN "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" “Development of an “Development carbon forest integrated with field system monitoring sensing” sampling and remote "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" “Agricultural and rural and rural “Agricultural group through development farming: Activities of the group” farmers’ Tani Kelompok "Regional Society"Regional and Modern Network in North Trade Spice Maluku" "Improving fish health "Improving and production management in marine finfish protocols in Indonesia aquaculture and Australia" “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” INSTITUSI Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Georg-August- Göttingen Universität Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Graduate school of Graduate and African Asian Kyoto Studies, Area University Department of Sun Anthropology, University, Yat-Sen China Sidney University Center for Southeast for Center Kyoto Studies, Asian University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Jerman Perancis Jepang RRC Australia Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Pointe Noire Noire Pointe 19 Mei (Congo), 1961 Bremen, Bremen, Jerman 1 Maret 1991 Grenoble, 27 Grenoble, Desember 1966 Otsu-city, Shiga, Jepang, 15 Mei 1990 HUBEI, 17 January 1987 Manly, Manly, 25 Australia, November 1956 Jepang, 19 Jepang, Januari 1979 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Jacques Jacques Mr. Daniel Louis Slembrouck Mr. Lennard Lennard Mr. Dohrmann Mr. Laurent Laurent Mr. Michel Marie Pouyaud Ms. Naoko Goto Ms. Ms. Tong Ying Tong Ms. Mr. Michael Mr. Albert Rimmer Mr. Masayuki Ito Mr. No. SIP No. 306/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 305/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 304/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 303/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 302/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 301/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 300/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 NO 306 305 304 303 302 301 300

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 367 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Fakultas MIPA Universitas Universitas MIPA Fakultas (Irwan Tanjungpura M.App.Sc) Lovadi, Universitas Mulawarman Mulawarman Universitas Kehutanan (Dr. Fakultas Abubakar Lahjie) Puslit Biologi LIPI Biologi Puslit dan Riyanto (Awal Ibu Mumpuni) dan Konservasi Direktorat Keanekaragaaman Hayati - Ditjen PHKA Kemhut (Ibu Badiah) Universitas Dian Universitas Sri (DR. dr. Nuswantoro Andarini Indreswari, Mkes) Pusat Studi Pusat Universitas Asia, Yety Diponegoro (Dr. M.Si.) Rochwulaningsih, PSDR LIPI (Prof. Dr. Yekti Yekti Dr. PSDR LIPI (Prof. Maunati, MA.) Resilience Development Development Resilience Institute Indonesia (Elisabeth Rianawati, M.Eng.) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Kalimantan Barat (Sukadana, Utara) Kayong Kaltim (TN Bali Kutai), (Sumber Klampok, (TN. Jateng Bali Barat), Karimunjawa) Sumut, Sumsel, Kalteng Sumut, Sumsel, Jawa Tengah (Semarang) Tengah Jawa Jawa Tengah (Semarang Tengah Jawa riset) Solo, (Pusat Barat Jawa Ambarawa), (Tasikmalaya), Timur Jawa DKI Jakarta(Surabaya), Kalimantan Barat Pontianak) (Ketapang, DKI Jakarta, Barat Jawa (Kabupaten Bandung dan Kota Bandung), DI Timur Yogyakarta, Jawa (Surabaya) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 7 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 2014 Oktober 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 2 Oktober 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 2014 Oktober 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 sosial Biologi Ekologi Ekologi Sejarah bencana BIDANG BIDANG Sosiologi Manajemen Antropologi Antropologi penanganan PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Memetakan distribusi terkini B. di berbagai habitat pentamera Nasional Gunung Taman di Palung Mempelajari kampanye konservasi merubah untuk perilaku, dan melakukan observasi ilmiah tentang dapat yang fenologi meningkatkan konservasi Mengevaluasi biologis dan Mengevaluasi biologis penggunaaan berkelanjutan Indonesiadari ular pyton Mempelajari media peran dalam kehidupan ibu-ibu Muslim perkotaan di Jawa dan pengaruhnya Tengah mereka peran terhadap sebagai tua orang Mempelajari cara-cara koreksi dari sudut pandang jaringan manusia sosial dan sumber daya berdasarkan lokal konteks di Indonesia Mempelajari pelestarian budaya di Kalimantanmelayu Barat Mempelajari bagaimana proses penanganan bencana dapat menciptakan bagi kesempatan pembangunan berkelanjutan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Distribution and ecology “Distribution and ecology Neotropical of the invasive Bellucia pentamera tree, at (Melastomataceae), Park, National Gunung Palung Kalimantan, Indonesia” West “Conservation Campaigns and Campaigns “Conservation in Indonesia” Phenology “Biology of Indonesian Pythons” “Making boundaries: Javanese urban middle-class women media within negotiating as Muslim mothers” their roles “Corrections Based on the “Corrections Community: Practices Local in “Social Reintegration” for Indonesia” Java, “Historical Transformations of “Historical Transformations West Kingdomthe Malay in Kalimantan” “Disasters as Windows of Windows as “Disasters Opportunity Change for Sustainable towards Development” INSTITUSI University of University California-Davis University of Texas at at Texas of University El Paso IUCN/SSC Boa and Python Specialist Group Massey University Graduate Scool Graduate of Education and Human Development, University Nagoya Graduate School of Graduate and African Asian Kyoto Studies, University School of Sustainability, Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, State Arizona University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Australia Selandia Baru Jepang Jepang Jerman TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Madison, AS, Wisconsin, 22 Mei 1985 Colorado, USA, Colorado, 22 Februari 1973 Melbourne, 20 Melbourne, Mei 1987 Jakarta, Indonesia, 22 July 1962 KAGAWA, KAGAWA, 14 Jepang, 1986 Februari Fukuoka, Fukuoka, 7 April Jepang, 1988 Freiburg i.Brsg., i.Brsg., Freiburg Jerman, 4 January 1974 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Christopher Christopher Mr. Ronald Dillis Prof. Stacey Stacey Prof. Kathryn Sowards Ms. Jessica Ann Ms. Lyons Ms. Hanny Savitri Savitri Hanny Ms. Hartono Ms. Yoko Jinnai Yoko Ms. Mr. Kaoru Mr. Nishijima Ms. KatjaMs. Brundiers No. SIP No. 313/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 312/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 311/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 310/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 309/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 308/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 307/SIP/FRP/ SM/IX/2014 NO 313 312 311 310 309 308 307

368 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Universitas Hasanudin Universitas H. Sudirman, Ir. Dr. (Prof. M.Pi) Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas IPB (Muhammad Hewan Agil) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) FISIP UGM (Dr. FISIP UGM (Dr. Muhammad Najib Azca) Fakultas Biologi IPB Biologi Fakultas Sri Sudarmiyati (Dra. Tjitrosoedirdjo) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Lompo Barrang (Pulau Kepulauan Spermonde) Jabar (Bogor); Sulut (Cagar Jabar (Bogor); Sulut (Cagar Alam Gunung Tangkoko) Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua D.I Yogyakarta dan Bali Yogyakarta D.I (Denpasar) Jambi (TN Bukit Duabelas) LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) bulan, 4 (empat) mulai 6 Oktober 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 2014 Oktober 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 2014 Oktober 4 (empat) bulan, 4 (empat) mulai 3 Oktober 2014 pantai Botani Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Ilmu Politik Primatologi PENELITIAN Ekologi pesisir Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengevaluasi potensi karbonMengevaluasi potensi terperangkapyang dalam padang lamun/ rumput laut Mempelajari faktor-faktor Mempelajari faktor-faktor pada M. stress penyebab liar nigra Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji hubungan antara keterikatan komunitas keagamaan dengan organisasi partisipasi politik Mempelajari keanekaragaman epiphytes tumbuhan vasculare rendah dataran di hutan tropis JUDUL PENELITIAN “Evaluation of the carbon “Evaluation of potential sequestration meadows, seagrass tropical and an in situ carbon dioxide experiment”enrichment “The factor: stress Examining of sources anthropogenic in wild M. Nigra” stress "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" “Religious Practice and Practice “Religious Participation: Political Cross- Uncovering Linkages” Confessional “Diversity of vascular of vascular “Diversity in lowland epiphytes and jungle rubber rainforests in systems agroforestry (Indonesia)”Sumatra INSTITUSI Rheinische friedrich- wilhelms-universität bonn University at Buffalo at University - SUNY Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Grinnell College Georg-August- Göttingen Universität WARGA WARGA NEGARA Kosta Rika Amerika Serikat Perancis Perancis Perancis Amerika Serikat Jerman TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL San Jose, Kosta San Jose, Rika 1 Februari 1987 Virginia, 22 Juni Virginia, 1980 Limoges, 13 Limoges, 1943 Agustus Sallanches, Sallanches, 31 Desember 1955 Nantes, 26 Nantes, 1970 Oktober Hartford, Hartford, USA, 31 CT, Desember 1975 Heerlen, 18 Januari 1984 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Leonardo Leonardo Mr. Obaldia Calderón Ms. Dominique Ms. Alina Bertrand Mr. Bernard Marie Bernard Mr. René Pouyaud Mr. Marc Andre Andre Marc Mr. Legendre Jacques Mr. Régis Hocdé Régis Mr. Ms. Danielle Ms. Nicole Lussier Mr. Lukas Beeretz Mr. No. SIP No. 320/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 319/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 318/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 317/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 316/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 315/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 314/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 320 319 318 317 316 315 314

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 369 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) Departemen FISIP, Antropologi, Indonesia Universitas (Dr. Rudyansjah) Tony Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) Puslitbang Laut, Pesisir Laut, Pesisir Puslitbang Kecil dan Pulau-pulau Jamaluddin UNHAS (Prof. Jompa, PhD.) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Propinsi Riau (Giam Siak Riau (Giam Propinsi KabupatanKecil, Siak, Bengkalis), Kalbar (PT Suka Makmur),Jaya Kalteng (PT Sari Bumi Kusuma Nanga Nuak, PT Erna PT Sarmiento Juliawati, PT DwimaParakanca, Utama, PT IndeximJaya Utama), Kaltim (PT Roda PT KemakmuranMas, PT Ratah Timber, Berkah Riber PT Belayan Timber, PT Nakata Rimba), Timber, Kalimantan (PT Utara Intracawood) DKI Jakarta (Jakarta Selatan) Propinsi Riau (Kabupatan Propinsi Siak, Bengkalis), Kalbar Suka (TN. PT. G. Palung, Makmur),Jaya Kaltim (PT Ratah Timber), Kalteng DI (PT Sari Bumi Kusuma), (Kabupaten Yogyakarta Gunung Kidul) Pesisir Sulsel, Sultra (TN Sultra Sulsel, Pesisir Barrang P. Wakatobi, Lompo) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 2014 Oktober Ekologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG kesehatan kesehatan kesehatan kesehatan masyarakat masyarakat PENELITIAN Sosiologi dan Sosiologi Sosiologi dan Sosiologi Psikologi sosial Psikologi dan antropologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah Mempelajari kehidupan di Indonesia, khususnya Jakarta, dengan analisa ekonomi skala mikro Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah Mengevaluasi potensi karbonMengevaluasi potensi terperangkapyang dalam padang lamun/ rumput laut JUDUL PENELITIAN "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” “Livelihoods, life life “Livelihoods, conduct, subjectivities - a psychological-anthropological in Jakarta, work to approach Indonesia” “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” "Evaluation of the carbon "Evaluation of potential sequestration meadows, seagrass tropical and in situ carbon dioxide experiment" enrichment INSTITUSI Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Center for Southeast for Center Kyoto Studies, Asian University Institute of Social and Cultural Freie Anthropology, Berlin Universität Center for for Center Forestry International Research Alfred-Wegener- Institute (AWI) WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Jepang Jerman Jepang Lithuania TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Paris, 9 Juni Paris, 1947 Nagoya, Nagoya, 19 April Jepang, 1977 Tübingen, Tübingen, Jerman, 24 1980 August Kamakura, 5 Jepang, Desember 1978 Kaunas, 26 Januari 1987 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Jean-Louis Jean-Louis Mr. Claude Menou Mr. Hiromitsu Hiromitsu Mr. Samejima Ms. Mechthild Ms. Juliane Von Vacano Mr. Daisuke Naito Mr. Ms. Simona Ms. Laukaityte No. SIP No. 325/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 324/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 323/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 322/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 321/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 325 324 323 322 321

370 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis JUDUL PENELITIAN "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" INSTITUSI Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Perancis Perancis Perancis Perancis TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Nice, 28 Nice, 1970 Februari Neuilly-Sur- 27 Mei Seine, 1957 Lyon, 26 Juli Lyon, 1973 Pontoise, 28 Pontoise, 1973 Maret Juvisy-Sur- 14 Orge, November 1949 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Jean- Mr. Christophe Pintaud Stephane Mr. Jean-Pierre Jean-Pierre Mr. Robert Bricquet Mr. Christophe Christophe Mr. Michel Lucien Cochet Ms. Sophie Ms. Querouil Cybele Carles Mr. Alain Rene Mr. Gerbault Lucien No. SIP No. 330/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 329/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 328/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 327/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 326/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 330 329 328 327 326

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 371 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis JUDUL PENELITIAN "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" INSTITUSI National Museum National Sciences of Natural Madrid Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement WARGA WARGA NEGARA Spanyol Perancis Perancis Perancis Perancis TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Barcelona, 2 Barcelona, Juni 1968 Thouars, 11 Thouars, April 1979 Casablanca, Casablanca, 20 November 1964 Saint Germain-Saint 27 En-Laye, 1984 Maret Dakar, 7 Mei Dakar, 1963 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Borja Mila Mr. Mr. Antoine Antoine Mr. Fouquet Mr. Jean-Marc Jean-Marc Mr. Porte Ms. Sylvie Marie Sylvie Ms. Sophie Aline Fiat Mr. Jean Michel Mr. Chevallard No. SIP No. 335/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 334/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 333/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 332/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 331/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 335 334 333 332 331

372 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Iskandar Z Dr. IPB (Prof. Siregar) Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Iskandar Z Dr. IPB (Prof. Siregar) Universitas Hasanudin Universitas H. Sudirman, Ir. Dr. (Prof. M.Pi) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Propinsi Riau (Kabupaten Propinsi Bengkalis and Siak), Kalteng (Kotamadya Pulang Kab. Palangkaraya, (Kabupaten Jateng Pisau), Klaten, Magelang, ,Boyolali), DI Yogyakarta (Kabupaten Sleman, Kulon Progo) Jambi (TN Bukit Duabelas, Hutan Sarolangun, Kab. REKI,Kab. PT. Harapan Batanghari) Jambi (TN Bukit Duabelas, Hutan Sarolangun, Kab. REKI,Kab. PT. Harapan Batanghari) Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Lompo Barrang (Pulau Kepulauan Spermonde) Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 2014 Oktober 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 13 2014 Oktober 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 13 2014 Oktober 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 13 2014 Oktober 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 pantai Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG kesehatan kesehatan Kehutanan Kehutanan masyarakat PENELITIAN Sosiologi dan Sosiologi Ekologi pesisir Ekologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah Mengkaji dampak alih fungsi lahan transformasi perubahan level terhadap keanekaragaman hayati Mengkaji dampak alih fungsi lahan transformasi perubahan level terhadap keanekaragaman hayati Mengevaluasi potensi karbonMengevaluasi potensi terperangkapyang dalam padang lamun/ rumput laut Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis JUDUL PENELITIAN “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” “Plant genetic diversity in genetic diversity “Plant rainforest lowland tropical systems“ transformation “Plant genetic diversity in genetic diversity “Plant rainforest lowland tropical systems“ transformation “Evaluation of the carbon “Evaluation of potential sequestration meadows, seagrass tropical and an in situ carbon dioxide experiment”enrichment "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" INSTITUSI Faculty of Agriculture, of Agriculture, Faculty Ehime University Georg-August- Göttingen Universität Georg-August- Göttingen Universität University of Bremen University Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Jerman Jerman Kenya Perancis Perancis Perancis TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Kagawa, 17 Jepang, November 1992 Itzehoe, Itzehoe, Jerman, 7 Juli 1992 Mainz, 13 Juni 1984 Kenya, 14 Kenya, Januari 1984 Tours, 22 Mei Tours, 1963 Montpellier, 28 Montpellier, Mei 1963 Auray, 31 Mei Auray, 1964 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Masaki Mr. Hamaguchi Mr. Thore Thore Engel Mr. Ms. Natalie Natalie Ms. Breidenbach Ms. Ruth Lewo Ruth Lewo Ms. Mwarabu Mr. Bruno Albert Mr. Manuel Fromento Mr. Guilhem Mr. Henri Marie Paul Maistre Mr. Christophe Christophe Mr. Jean Yves Thebaud No. SIP No. 342/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 341/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 340/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 339/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 338/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 337/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 336/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 342 341 340 339 338 337 336

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 373 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Propinsi Riau (Kabupaten Propinsi Bengkalis and Siak), Kalteng (Kotamadya Pulang Kab. Palangkaraya, (Kabupaten Jateng Pisau), Klaten, Magelang, ,Boyolali), DI Yogyakarta (Kabupaten Sleman, Kulon Progo) LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 2014 Oktober Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG kesehatan kesehatan masyarakat PENELITIAN Sosiologi dan Sosiologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah JUDUL PENELITIAN "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” INSTITUSI Muséum national Muséum national naturelle d'Histoire Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Développement Faculty of Agriculture, of Agriculture, Faculty Ehime University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Perancis Belgia Perancis Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Amiens, 26 Mei Amiens, 1978 Tunis, 23 Tunis, Desember 1960 Wolume-Saint- Lambert, 14 Januari 1979 Montluçon, 5 Montluçon, Juli 1966 Ehime, Jepang, Jepang, Ehime, 1993 8 Maret NAMA PENELITI Mr. Tony Alain Tony Mr. Oscar Sylvain Robillard Mr. Gilles Antoine Gilles Antoine Mr. Di Ignace Raimondo Mr. Vincent Vincent Jean- Mr. Droissart Paul Mr. Eric Marcel Eric Marcel Mr. Bahuet Ms. Mao KajitaMs. No. SIP No. 347/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 346/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 345/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 344/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 343/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 347 346 345 344 343

374 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) Universitas Gadjah Mada,Universitas kehutanan (Dr. Fakultas Pudyatmoko, Satyawan S.Hut., M.Sc) Pusat Bahasa Universitas Bahasa Universitas Pusat Negeri Makassar UNM) (Language Center Baso Jabu) Dr. (Prof. Institut Bogor Pertanian Farajallah) Achmad (Dr. Institut Bogor Pertanian Farajallah) Achmad (Dr. Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Propinsi Riau (Kabupaten Propinsi Bengkalis dan Kab. Meranti) Jawa Barat (Bogor) Barat Jawa Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi (including Sinjai, Pangkep, Pinrang, Bone, Barru, Pinrang, Wajo, Soppeng, and Sidrap) Wajo, Jambi (TN Bukit Duabelas dan Hutan Harapan) Jambi (TN Bukit Duabelas dan Hutan Harapan) Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 13 2014 Oktober 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 13 2014 Oktober 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 14 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 14 2014 Oktober 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Linguistik kesehatan kesehatan Kehutanan masyarakat Agroforestri Agroforestri PENELITIAN Sosiologi dan Sosiologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah Memahami organisasi sosial Memahami organisasi pedesaan dan hubungannya dengan hutan dan mengidentifikasi cara-cara memantau penduduk setempat pendorong faktor-faktor pengrusakan dan degradasi hutan Untuk menggambarkanUntuk sistem dalam bahasa Bugis keergatifan dan bagaimana kaitannya dan konstruksi dengan wacana pasif dalam bahasa Bugis Menilai hubungan antara tropis tropis Menilai hubungan antara makro-invertebrata panjang tubuh dan massa Mempelajari efek sistem sistem Mempelajari efek hutan hujan transformasi komunitas makro-terhadap invertebrata Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis JUDUL PENELITIAN “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” “Participatory Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) in Indonesia: the Scales” Addressing “A Study of Bugis Grammar Grammar Study of Bugis “A the Role-and-through Grammar Reference Framework” “Length-mass regressions of regressions “Length-mass in temperate invertebrates habitats” and tropic “Structure, stability and “Structure, functioning of macro- communities invertebrate transformation in rainforest in Sumatra systems (Indonesia)” "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" INSTITUSI SUIJI Promotion SUIJI Promotion Faculty of Office, Kochi Agriculture, University CIFOR University of NorthUniversity Dakota Georg-August- Göttingen Universität Georg-August- Göttingen Universität CENOTE Centre national national Centre de la recherche (CNRS) scientifique WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Perancis Amerika Serikat Jerman Jerman Perancis Perancis TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Aichi, Jepang, Aichi, Jepang, 27 November 1971 ARRAS, 2 Mei Perancis, 1988 Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia, 18 January 1989 Bad Ems, 10 Bad Ems, September 1985 Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Jerman, 29 Juli 1986 Ales, 29 Januari Ales, 1965 Corbeil- 18 Essonnes, 1956 Agustus NAMA PENELITI Mr. Kazuya Mr. Masuda Mr. Guillaume Mr. George Pierre Beaudoin Mr. Douglas Carl Mr. Laskowske Mr. Lucas Lucas Mr. Jurkschat Mr. Malte Koch Malte Mr. Jochum Mr. Hubert Daniel Mr. Camus Mr. Philippe Philippe Mr. Gaucher No. SIP No. 354/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 353/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 352/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 351/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 350/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 349/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 348/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 354 353 352 351 350 349 348

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 375 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Pusat Survey Geologi/ Pusat Bandung Badan Geologi Wibowo) Adhi Ir. (Dr. Universitas Nasional Universitas Ssi Hatoyo, (Marlia Fajri Rahim) dan Ferina Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Fakultas (Muhammad Ali Imron) Fakultas Pertanian Pertanian Fakultas Brawijaya Universitas Karuniawan Puji (Dr. Wicaksono) Universitas Negeri Universitas Rer.nat (Dr. Gorontalo Mohamad Jahja, M.Si) Magister IlmuMagister Lingkungan – Universitas Gusti (Prof. Tanjungpura Zakaria Anshari) Universitas Universitas Jo Ing. (Dr. Tarumanagara Santoso) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN NTT Ngada dan Nage (Kab. Sulawesi Flores), Keo, Selatan (Watansoppeng) Yogyakarta (kursus Bahasa Yogyakarta Indonesia); Kalimantan (Nyaru Menteng Tengah Rehabilitation Center dan Hutan Lindung Bukit Batikap; Stasiun Penelitian di Tuanan Utan Orang dan DKI Palangkaraya); Jakarta (Universitas Nasional Jakarta) Riau (Indragiri Hilir, Riau (Indragiri Hilir, Kampar, Indragiri Hulu, Singingi Kuantan Rokan Hulu, Pelalawan, Siak, dan Pekanbaru) Jatim (Jember);Jatim Sultra (Kendari, Kolaka, Kolaka Konawe Konawe, Utara, Selatan) Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Utara (Kabupaten Utara Sulawesi Utara) Gorontalo Kalimantan Barat (Kec. Kalimantan (Kec. Barat Sukadana, Kayong Kab. Matan Kec. Utara; Hilir dan Nanga Utara Ketapang; Kab. Tayap, Nasional Gunung Taman dan Universitas Palung; Tanjungpura) DKI Jakarta, Barat Jawa (Depok, Bekasi, Bogor) dan Banten LAMA PENELITIAN 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 20 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 2014 Oktober 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 20 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 21 2014 Oktober 9 (sembilan) bulan, mulai 15 2014 Oktober hidup evolusi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Planologi Pertanian kehutanan Ekologi dan Ekologi Ekologi dan Ekologi Lingkungan Paleontologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan penggalian, survey dan rekonstruksi geologi lingkungan deposit Pleistocene Meneliti kesehatan orang utan Meneliti orang kesehatan dan sudah direhabilitasi yang dilepas kembali ke alam dengan mengambil sampel kotoran dan air seni Mengidentifikasi hubungan skala antara dapat yang habitat digunakan dengan baik oleh dengan harimau Sumatera konektifitas lanskap Mengkaji Dampak Teknologi Coklat Penanaman Mempelajari dan mencari cara pengetahuan tentang hidup masyarakat di daerah merkuri di Gorontalo tercemar Utara Untuk menunjukkanUntuk penerapan jauh sesuai penginderaan model REDD+ persyaratan Menganalisa pembangunan di Jakarta estate real dan ruang manajemen tata JUDUL PENELITIAN “In of the first search hominins: Sedimentology, of and dating palaeontology vertebrate fossil Pleistocene faunas and open occupation and Sulawesi” in Flores sites “Health of rehabilitated and “Health of rehabilitated (Pongo orangutans released wurmbii)” pygmaeus "Identifying fine scale "Identifying use and landscape habitat connectivity of tigers in a landscape" Sumatran central “The Chocolate Fix: “The Fix: Chocolate and a Biotechnologies Supply”Sustainable Cacao “Sustainable knowledge co-creation and integrated management environmental loading area in high-pollutant of Southeast Asia” “Effective Utilization of Utilization “Effective SensingMonitor Remote to Dynamics Resource for Forest Evaluate as to REDD+ as well Bio-diversity (Safeguard) in Gunung a Project for West Park, National Palung Kalimantan, Indonesia” “Jakarta Real Estate Real Estate “Jakarta Development” INSTITUSI Victoria University of University Victoria Wellington Rutgers, The The Rutgers, State of New University Jersey Virginia Tech Virginia University of University Berkeley California, Ehime University, Ehime University, Japan Graduate School of Graduate Human Sciences, University Waseda University of University Berkeley California, WARGA WARGA NEGARA Selandia Baru Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Jepang Jepang Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Wellington, Wellington, Selandia Baru, 17 Oktober 1960 New Yersey, New Yersey, Amerika Serikat, 17 1983 Februari Lansing, Lansing, Michigan, USA, 29 Januari 1984 Minnesota, USA, 26 November 1985 Nagasaki, 28 Juli Jepang, 1986 Kanagawa, 21 Jepang, 1991 Agustus Georgia, USA, Georgia, 11 Desember 1980 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Victor Brent Mr. Alloway Ms. Elizabeth Fern Elizabeth Fern Ms. Ballare Ms. Erin Elizabeth Ms. Poor Ms. Lisa Cailin Lisa Cailin Ms. Kelley Ms. Sayaka Ms. Takakura Mr. Keita Hikichi Mr. Mr. Matthew Mr. Wade No. SIP No. 361/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 360/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 359/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 358/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 357/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 356/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 355/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 361 360 359 358 357 356 355

376 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Geografi, Geografi, Fakultas Gajah MadaUniversitas Muh Aris Dr.rer.nat (Prof. Marfai, M.Sc) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi) Universitas Hasanudin Universitas DEA) Budimawan, (Prof. Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Joeni Dr. Agusta, Andrea Setijo Arief Rahajoe, M.Si) Hidayat, Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Gono Semiadi dan Dr. tim) dan Akademi Sorong Perikanan (Kadarusman, PhD dan tim) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Joeni Dr. Agusta, Andrea Setijo Arief Rahajoe, M.Si) Hidayat, DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jawa Tengah (Semarang) Tengah Jawa Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Pulau Barat Jawa Bawean), (Sukabumi dan Banjar) Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Selatan (Kep. Sulawesi Makassar)Spermonde, Sulsel (Mamasa, Tator, Sulsel (Mamasa, Tator, Engrekang), Sulut (Minahasa, Bolang KaltimMongandow), Kartanegara), Kutai (Pasir, Jabar (Sukabumi, Garut) Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Papua Barat (Kaimana) Barat Papua Sulsel (Mamasa, Tator, Sulsel (Mamasa, Tator, Engrekang), Sulut (Minahasa, Bolang KaltimMongandow), Kartanegara), Kutai (Pasir, Jabar (Sukabumi, Garut) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 2014 November 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 22 2014 Oktober 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 27 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 2014 Oktober 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 3 Oktober 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 2014 Oktober Botani Botani Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Ekologi dan Ekologi Ekologi laut Ekologi antropologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari lintasan migrasi Mempelajari migrasi lintasan dan kaitannya dengan perubahan iklim Melakukan konservasi proyek dan penelitian lapangan pertama pada babi berkutil Bawean Mempelajari penyebaran ikan Mempelajari penyebaran di kepulauan Spermonde untuk peta penggunaan pembuatan kekayaan alam Melakukan kolaborasi penelitian taksonomi yang kelompok meliputi beberapa sepertipenting tanaman paku- pakuan Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Mengkaji keanekaragaman lebih detail secara hayati yang dalam sebuah ekosistem kompleks dengan melakukan pendekatan mendalam faktor-faktor pada peranan lingkungan dalam menentukan diversifikasi biologis Melakukan kolaborasi penelitian taksonomi yang kelompok meliputi beberapa sepertipenting tanaman paku- pakuan JUDUL PENELITIAN “Migrant trajectories“Migrant in a – evidence climate changing Ghana and Indonesia” from “Population characteristics “Population and community perceptions Javan of the endangered warty pig (Sus verrucosus island blouchi) on Bawean Indonesia, islands, and Java behavioral and ex-situ the breeding at research facilities in Cikanaga” “Spatial patterns of fishing patterns “Spatial distribution in grounds Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia” "Joint biodiversity inventory inventory biodiversity "Joint in of the higher plants Indonesia and collaborative of Indonesiantraining young taxonomists" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "LENGGURU 2014 EXPEDITION: How Geodynamics promotes Karsts? in Papuan Biodiversity (Kabupaten Kaimana - Papua Barat)" "Joint biodiversity inventory inventory biodiversity "Joint in of the higher plants Indonesia and collaborative of Indonesiantraining young taxonomists" INSTITUSI Free University Berlin University Free Van Hall Larenstein Hall Larenstein Van of Applied University Sciences Leibniz Center for for Center Leibniz Marine Tropical / Bremen Ecology University Chinese Academy of Chinese Academy Sciences Muséum national Muséum national naturelle d'Histoire IRD Chinese Academy of Chinese Academy Sciences WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jerman Belanda Ekuador RRT Perancis Perancis RRT TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Breisach am Breisach Rhein, Jerman, 23 Oktober 1984 Santo Santo Domingo, 26 Ekuador, 1986 Maret Chongqing, 17 Chongqing, Juni 1985 Paris 16E, 1 16E, Paris 1977 Februari Suresnes, 1 Juli Suresnes, 1974 Xinjiang, 26 Xinjiang, Januari 1972 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Therese Therese Ms. Usha Rebecca Ziegelmayer Mr. Mark Andreas Mark Andreas Mr. Rademaker Ms. GabrielaMs. Forero Navarrete Mr. RanMr. Wei Mr. Arnaud Mr. Francois Guillaume Faille Mr. Bruno Mr. Frederic Granouillac Ms. Wen Li Chen Wen Ms. No. SIP No. 368/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 367/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 366/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 365/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 364/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 363/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 362/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 368 367 366 365 364 363 362

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 377 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslit Biologi LIPI (Prof. LIPI (Prof. Biologi Puslit Dedy Darnaedi) Dr. Departemen Biologi Noviar UI (Dr. FMIPA M.Sc) Andayani, Fakultas Kehutanan IPB Fakultas (Sambas Basuni) Puslit Biologi - LIPI (Dr. - LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Susanti) Ruliyana Universitas National National Universitas Jakarta Imran S. L. (Drs. Msi) Tobing, Universitas Nasional (Drs. Nasional (Drs. Universitas Msi) Tobing, Imran S. L. Universitas Nasional Universitas Mitra Tatang Jakarta (Drs. Setia, Msi) Universitas Indonesia Universitas Tiwon J. Grace ( Dr. Wiradisastra) Universitas Palangka Palangka Universitas Raya (Suwido Limin) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jabar (TN G. Halimun TN G. Gede Salak, Kalbar (TNPangrango); Betung Kerihun) Kalimantan (Nyaru tengah Centre, Care Menteng Raya) Palangka Jabar (Citalahab , TN , Jabar (Citalahab Gunung Halimun-Salak) Sumatera Utara (Langkat Utara Sumatera Nasional dan Taman Gunung Lauser) Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah Orang (Stasium Penelitian Utan Tuanan) Kalimantan Tengah (Balai Kalimantan Tengah Tuanan) Penelitian Kalimantan Tengah (Pusat Kalimantan Tengah Kapuas) Tuanan, Penelitian Jawa Tengah (Komunitas Tengah Jawa Belajar Qaryah Thayyibah — Kalibening Salatiga; Universitas Satya Wacana, - Salatiga), Perpustakaan DKI Jakarta (Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (PNRI), Jakarta Arsip Nasional Pusat; Republik Indonesia (ANRI) — Jakarta Selatan) Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah Nasional (Taman Sebangau) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 November 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 28 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 2014 Oktober 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 30 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 2014 Oktober 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 27 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 27 2014 Oktober 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 29 2014 Oktober 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 27 2014 Oktober Botani Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi budaya BIDANG BIDANG Primatologi Primatologi primatologi Ekologi dan Ekologi Sejarah dan PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari taksonomi tumbuhan Adiantum Membangun kapasitas husbandrybehavioral yang diimplementasikan oleh Suaka BOS Satwa Orangutan Marga Foundation Meneliti pola pengasuhan oleh Gibbon terhadap induk Javan anaknya Mempelajari di hutan ekologi Nasional Gunung Lauser Taman Menghitung biaya keibuan Menghitung biaya di Borneo (Pongo orangutan wurmbii) di hutan pygmaeus gambut rawa Mempelajari peran kotoran Mempelajari kotoran peran kumbang dalam asupan nutrisi utan orang Mempelajari orangutan peran wurmbii) pygmaeus (Pongo benih di dalam penyebaran KalimantanTuanan, Tengah, Indonesia Mempelajari munculnya Mempelajari munculnya komunitas pendidikan alternatif desa dan inisiatif Menganalisa seberapa banyak Menganalisa banyak seberapa dan diproses DOC yang dilepaskan dari Sebangau JUDUL PENELITIAN “Systematics of the Adiantum/ “Systematics assemblage: vittarioid fern an improved toward understanding of the flora” Indonesian pteridophyte “Capacity building for building for “Capacity welfare orangutan improved in South-East Asia” “Indirect parental care in care “Indirect parental Gibbon monogamous Javan moloch)” (Hylobates “The study ecological plant in Gn. forest rain of tropical North Park, National Leuser Sumatra” “Orangutan costs of costs “Orangutan motherhood: Estimating using stable isotopic weaning analysis” “The of arthropods role in cycling nutrient facilitating of in Borneo” waste orangutan “Health determinate ranging ranging “Health determinate on and the consequences seed dispersal in Bornean pygmaeus (Pongo orangutans wurmbi)” “Historical Legacies and “Historical Legacies Movements Contemporary in Village-Based Alternative and Agrarian Education Transformation” “Greenhouse gas evasion gas evasion “Greenhouse intact draining streams from peat tropical and deforested swamps” INSTITUSI Smithsonian Institution Taronga Conservation Taronga Society Australia Ewha Womans Womans Ewha Universiy Graduate School Graduate of Science and Engineering, Kagoshima University Rutgers University Rutgers Rutgers University Rutgers Rutgers University Rutgers University of University Berkeley;California, Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies The Open University The WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Australia Republik Korea Jepang India Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Inggris TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Wisconsin Wisconsin 13 Maret (USA), 1977 Paddington, Paddington, 1 Juli Sydney, 1991 Seoul, 11 Seoul, 1989 Agustus Shizuoka, 19 Jepang, Januari 1953 Calcutta, India,Calcutta, 12 Februari 1991 Wynnewood, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, AS, 12 Juli 1990 Illinois, USA, Illinois, 28 September 1992 Tampa, Florida, Florida, Tampa, Amerika Serikat, 28 Desember 1984 Aberystwyth, 21 Juli Inggris, 1981 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Eric Jon Mr. Schuettpelz Ms. Erica Frances Erica Frances Ms. Shaw Ms. Yoonjung Yi Yoonjung Ms. Mr. Eiji Suzuki Mr. Mr. Rumaan Mr. Malhotra Ms. Isabelle Ms. Solange Betancourt Ms. Andrea Beth Andrea Ms. Blackburn Ms. Megan Robin Ms. Hewitt Mr. Matthew Mr. Simon Morgan Kent No. SIP No. 377/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 376/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 375/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 374/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 373/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 372/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 371/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 370/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 369/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 NO 377 376 375 374 373 372 371 370 369

378 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan Fakultas Unhas dan Perikanan Jamaluddin Jompa, (Ir. Ph.d) M.Sc, Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan Fakultas - Unhas dan Perikanan Jamaluddin Ir. (Prof. Ph.D) Jompa, M.Sc., Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan Fakultas - Unhas dan Perikanan Jamaluddin Ir. (Prof. Ph.D) Jompa, M.Sc., Balitbang KP (Prof. Dr. Ir. Ir. Dr. Balitbang KP (Prof. Ngurah N. Wiadnyana) Balitbang KP (Prof. Dr. Ir. Ir. Dr. Balitbang KP (Prof. Ngurah N. Wiadnyana) Jurusan Arsitektur, Fak. Fak. Jurusan Arsitektur, Kemas Ir. UI (Dr. Teknik, Ridwan Kurniawan) Jurusan Arsitektur, Fak. Fak. Jurusan Arsitektur, Kemas Ir. UI (Dr. Teknik, Ridwan Kurniawan) Fakultas Ekologi Ekologi Fakultas Soeryo Manusia IPB (Dr. Adiwibowo) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Sulawesi Spermonde) Sulawesi Selatan (Kep. Selatan (Kep. Sulawesi Spermonde) Sulawesi Selatan Sulawesi Kep. Maros, (Makassar, Pangkajene) Spermonde, Bali (Jembrana dan Klungkung) Bali (Jembrana dan Klungkung) DKI Jakarta Nasional (Arsip RI, Bank Indonesia) DKI Jakarta Kem PU, (ANRI, DKI Jakarta) dan Pemprov Banten (Lebak), (Lebak), Banten Kidul), (G. D.I.Yogyakarta Selatan (Toraja Sulawesi Toraja) Tana Utara, dan Tengah Sulawesi (Donggala, Sigi) LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 10 2014 November 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 10 2014 November 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 10 2014 November 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 10 November 2014 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 10 2014 November 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 10 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 November 2014 Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi Sejarah Sejarah BIDANG BIDANG Sosiologi PENELITIAN Biologi Kelautan Biologi Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari dan mengidentifikasi dari peran berbagai macam top-down yang proses dan bottom-up mempengaruhi fungsi terumbu Spermonde karang di Kep. Mengumpulkan informasi mengenai hubungan antara karang terumbu dan zonasi komposisi komunitas dari berbagai grup Mengidentifikasi pola-pola utama distribusi lokasi penangkapan ikan di kepulauan Mengumpulkan penting data karakteristikuntuk kondisi lingkungan ada dan yang citra penafsiran juga untuk jauh di kawasan penginderaan bakau Mengumpulkan penting data karakteristikuntuk kondisi lingkungan ada dan yang citra penafsiran juga untuk jauh di kawasan penginderaan bakau Mempelajari berbagai aspek perkembangan urban dalam sepertisejarah, kegiatan ekonomi, mobilitas penduduk, dan bangunan infrastruktur Mempelajari berbagai aspek perkembangan urban dalam sepertisejarah, kegiatan ekonomi, mobilitas penduduk, dan bangunan infrastruktur Mengidentifikasi mekanisme masyarakat pengorganisasian lokal dengan memeriksa perbedaan dalam kinerja PNPM JUDUL PENELITIAN “Understanding top-down processes and bottom-up functioning reef control that in reefs of coral and resilience the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia” “An individual-based model “An of the management for to Application reefs. coral the case of Spermonde Indonesia” archipelago, “Spatial distribution “Spatial of marine use in Spermonde resources Archipelago” “Field experiment for experiment for “Field fine scale mapping and of mangrove monitoring in Bali”habitats “Field experiment for experiment for “Field fine scale mapping and of mangrove monitoring in Bali”habitats “Urban Development “Urban Development in and Social Integration Term Indonesia: a Long Perspective” “Urban Development “Urban Development in and Social Integration Term Indonesia: a Long Perspective” “Organizing Mechanisms “Organizing Societies in Rural of Local Indonesia: Study of a Case in Project Development Rural Diversity”Regional INSTITUSI Leibniz Center for for Center Leibniz Marine Tropical Ecology Leibniz Center For For Center Leibniz Marine Tropical (ZMT)Ecology Leibniz Center For For Center Leibniz Marine Tropical (ZMT)Ecology CIRAD - Agricultural CIRAD - Agricultural for research - UMR development AMAP Institut de pour le Recherche Développement, UMR AMAP Hiroshima University Research Institute Research Humanity and for Nature Ehime University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Spanyol Jerman Italia Perancis Jepang Jepang Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Michigan, AS, 24 Agustus 1981 Barcelona, Barcelona, 22 Mei Spanyol, 1985 Giessen, 31 1982 Agustus Rio Cuarto, Rio Cuarto, Argentina, 7 Desember 1959 Angers, Angers, 19 Perancis, 1968 Februari Mie, 25 September 1947 Hiroshima, 17 1965 Agustus Fukuoka, Fukuoka, 11 Jepang, November 1964 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Jeremiah Jeremiah Mr. Plass- Grahm Johnson Ms. Sara Minarro Sara Ms. Villanueva Mr. Johannes Mr. Alexander Leins Ms. Maria Juliana Ms. Prosperi Mr. Christophe Christophe Mr. René Jean-Louis Proisy Dr. Yasuo Uemura Yasuo Dr. Dr. Hiroko Hiroko Dr. Matsuda Ms. Motoko Motoko Ms. Shimagami No. SIP No. 385/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 384/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 383/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 382/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 381/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 380/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 379/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 378/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 NO 385 384 383 382 381 380 379 378

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 379 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Universitas Sanata Sanata Universitas Dharma, Yogyakarta (Dr. Katrin Bandel) P2O LIPI (Furqon Azis P2O LIPI (Furqon S.Si, M.Si) Ismail, P2O LIPI (Furqon Azis P2O LIPI (Furqon S.Si, M.Si) Ismail, P2O LIPI (Furqon Azis P2O LIPI (Furqon S.Si, M.Si) Ismail, CIMTROP, Universitas Universitas CIMTROP, Raya (Dr Palangka Suwido H. Limin) Center for International for Center Research Forestry (William(CIFOR) Sunderlin dan Daju Resosudarmo); Pranja dan Puspijak-Kemenhut (Kristianti L. Ginoga) Fakultas Pertanian - IPB Pertanian Fakultas Ir Darmawan) (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Yogyakarta dan Jawa dan Jawa Yogyakarta Tengah DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi (Bitung), Sulawesi Utara Selatan (Laut Sulawesi), Maluku (Laut Maluku dan Tengah Laut Banda) Jawa (Laut Jawa) DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi (Bitung), Sulawesi Utara Selatan (Laut Sulawesi), Maluku (Laut Maluku dan Tengah Laut Banda) Jawa (Laut Jawa) DKI Jakarta, Sulawesi (Bitung), Sulawesi Utara Selatan (Laut Sulawesi), Maluku (Laut Maluku dan Tengah Laut Banda) Jawa (Laut Jawa) Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah Alam Hutan (Laboratorium Penelitian Gambut, Pusat Kalampangan) Jawa Barat (Research Base (Research Barat Jawa Bogor), Station, Kaltim dan (Samarinda, Berau, Timur) Kutai Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah (Palangkaraya) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 11 November 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 13 November 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 13 November 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 13 November 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 10 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 6 November 2014 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 6 November 2014 hidup budaya BIDANG BIDANG Kehutanan Lingkungan Antropologi Antropologi Oseanografi Oseanografi Oseanografi PENELITIAN Biologi primata Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari individu motivasi sekolah mengikuti untuk dan kaitannya pencak silat agama dengan kepercayaan/ diyakiniyang Untuk mengukur Untuk sirkulasi dan di laut variabilitas ekosistem timur Indonesia Untuk mengukur Untuk sirkulasi dan di laut variabilitas ekosistem timur Indonesia Untuk mengukur Untuk sirkulasi dan di laut variabilitas ekosistem timur Indonesia Mempelajari struktur akustik dan jantan jeritan langur merah dengan hubungannya melihat populasi dan jarak kepadatan tinggal tempat Mendukung studi partisipatif REDD+ CIFOR Menghitung emisi gas rumah kaca terkait yang dengan perluasan lahan pertanian JUDUL PENELITIAN “Media and mediation popular religion between and modern martial arts in/ Indonesia. from Construction of local knowledge in transmedial transitional, networks” “Circulation and ecosystem and ecosystem “Circulation study in the Indonesian seas of the under the influence variability” Pacific western “Circulation and ecosystem and ecosystem “Circulation study in the Indonesian seas of the under the influence variability” Pacific western “Circulation and ecosystem and ecosystem “Circulation study in the Indonesian seas of the under the influence variability” Pacific western “Investigation into the into “Investigation biology and function of loud langur (Presbytis call in red rubicunda)” "Participation in CIFOR Global "Participation Study on REDD+: Comparative REDD+ Initiatives Subnational – East Kalimantan" “Local Perspectives on Perspectives “Local Indonesias Land Degraded Strategy” INSTITUSI University of Cologne University Institute of Chinese Oceanology, of Sciences Academy Institute of Chinese Oceanology, of Sciences Academy Institute of Chinese Oceanology, of Sciences Academy OuTrop, University of University OuTrop, UK Oxford, Cornell University Cornell Duke University Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jerman RRC RRC RRC Inggris Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Alzenau, Alzenau, Jerman 22 Juni 1982 RRC, 15 1983 Oktober Hebei, RRT, 28 Hebei, RRT, 1980 Oktober Shandong, RRC, Shandong, 16 Juli 1980 Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 20 November 1990 Maine, USA, Maine, 15 Desember 1984 Durham, NC, AS, 6 Juni 1984 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Patrick Frank Frank Patrick Mr. Keilbart Mr. Xiang Li Mr. Mr. Wang Wang Zheng Mr. Mr. Mr. Li Yao Mr. Christopher Christopher Mr. James Owen Mr. Gregory Mr. Massey Thaler Ms. Kemen Ms. Austin George No. SIP No. 392/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 391/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 390/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 389/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 388/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 387/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 386/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 NO 392 391 390 389 388 387 386

380 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Pusat Penelitian Biologi Biologi Penelitian Pusat Kurnia LIPI (Renny Hadiaty) Pusat Penelitian Biologi Biologi Penelitian Pusat Kurnia LIPI (Renny Hadiaty) Pusat Penelitian Biologi Biologi Penelitian Pusat Kurnia LIPI (Renny Hadiaty) Pusat Penelitian Biologi Biologi Penelitian Pusat Kurnia LIPI (Renny Hadiaty) Pusat Penelitian Biologi Biologi Penelitian Pusat Kurnia LIPI (Renny Hadiaty) Universitas Pattimura (Dr. (Dr. Pattimura Universitas M. Riadh Uluputty) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulawesi Tenggara Tenggara Sulawesi Muna), (Kendari dan Pulau Selatan (Area Sulawesi Danau Malili, Danau Danau Matano, Towuti, Danau Mahalona, Danau dan Danau Lantoa, Masapi) Sulawesi Tenggara Tenggara Sulawesi Muna), (Kendari dan Pulau Selatan (Area Sulawesi Danau Malili, Danau Danau Matano, Towuti, Danau Mahalona, Danau dan Danau Lantoa, Masapi) Sulawesi Tenggara Tenggara Sulawesi Muna), (Kendari dan Pulau Selatan (Area Sulawesi Danau Malili, Danau Danau Matano, Towuti, Danau Mahalona, Danau dan Danau Lantoa, Masapi) Sulawesi Tenggara Tenggara Sulawesi Muna), (Kendari dan Pulau Selatan (Area Sulawesi Danau Malili, Danau Danau Matano, Towuti, Danau Mahalona, Danau dan Danau Lantoa, Masapi) Sulawesi Tenggara Tenggara Sulawesi Muna), (Kendari dan Pulau Selatan (Area Sulawesi Danau Malili, Danau Danau Matano, Towuti, Danau Mahalona, Danau dan Danau Lantoa, Masapi) Maluku (Taman Nasional Maluku (Taman Manusela, Seram), Jawa (Bogor) Barat LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 November 2014 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 11 November 2014 Ekologi Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Zoologi dan Zoologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari gen penyebab Mempelajari gen penyebab tubuh pada setiap pewarnaan spesies di family Adrianichthyid di Sulawesi Mempelajari gen penyebab Mempelajari gen penyebab tubuh pada setiap pewarnaan spesies di family Adrianichthyid di Sulawesi Mempelajari gen penyebab Mempelajari gen penyebab tubuh pada setiap pewarnaan spesies di family Adrianichthyid di Sulawesi Mempelajari gen penyebab Mempelajari gen penyebab tubuh pada setiap pewarnaan spesies di family Adrianichthyid di Sulawesi Mempelajari gen penyebab Mempelajari gen penyebab tubuh pada setiap pewarnaan spesies di family Adrianichthyid di Sulawesi Melihat korelasi penyebaran penyebaran Melihat korelasi spesies burung dengan spesies pohon dengan zonasi serupa ketinggian JUDUL PENELITIAN “Genetic mechanisms of body “Genetic in the family variation color endemic to Adrianichthyidae Sulawesi” “Genetic mechanisms of body “Genetic in the family variation color endemic to Adrianichthyidae Sulawesi” “Genetic mechanisms of body “Genetic in the family variation color endemic to Adrianichthyidae Sulawesi” “Genetic mechanisms of body “Genetic in the family variation color endemic to Adrianichthyidae Sulawesi” “Genetic mechanisms of body “Genetic in the family variation color endemic to Adrianichthyidae Sulawesi” “Bird species distribution “Bird the zonation to in relation in forest of the limestone the Manusela Park, National Moluccas, The Seram, Central Indonesia” INSTITUSI University of the University Ryukyus Ecological Genetics Ecological for Laboratory Center Research Frontier Ecological Genetics Ecological for Center Laboratory, Research Frontier University of the University Ryukyus Tropical Biosphere Biosphere Tropical Center, Research of the University Ryukyus University University of Warsaw WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Polandia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Tokyo, Jepang, Jepang, Tokyo, 1980 4 Maret Jepang, 3 Maret 3 Maret Jepang, 1972 Kanagawa, 21 Mei Jepang, 1983 Hiroshima, 3 April Jepang, 1984 Japan, 6 September 1968 Warsaw, Warsaw, 26 Polandia, 1993 Maret NAMA PENELITI Mr. Koji Mochida Mr. Mr. Jun Kitano Mr. Ms. Asano Asano Ms. Ishikawa Mr. Shingo Mr. Fujimoto Mr. Kazunori Mr. Yamahira Ms. Magdalena Ms. Paulina Siemaszko No. SIP No. 398/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 397/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 396/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 395/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 394/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 393/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 NO 398 397 396 395 394 393

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 381 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Pusat Arkeologi Nasional Arkeologi Pusat I Made Geria,(Drs. M.Si) Fakultas Ekonomika dan Fakultas Lincolin Bisnis UGM (Prof. Ph.D) Arsyad, Jurusan Arsitektur, Fak. Fak. Jurusan Arsitektur, Kemas Ir. UI (Dr. Teknik, Ridwan Kurniawan) Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat LIPI (Dr. Limnologi M.Sc. Henny Cynthia dan tim) Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat LIPI (Dr. Limnologi M.Sc. Henny Cynthia dan tim) Sekolah Pascasarjana Sekolah Pascasarjana Indonesia Universitas Sulistyowati Dr. (Prof. Irianto) Jurusan Arsitektur, Fak. Fak. Jurusan Arsitektur, Kemas Ir. UI (Dr. Teknik, Ridwan Kurniawan) Pusat Kajian Sosial-Pusat & Ekonomi Budaya Ilmu (PKSBE), Fakultas Negeri Universitas Sosial, (Mestika Zed) Padang DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jawa Tengah (Pemalang, Tengah Jawa Semarang, Batang, Tegal, Demak, Brebes, Dieng, Rembang); Pati, Jepara, Jambi dan Sumatera Selatan (Bumiayu, Palembang) Yogyakarta DKI Jakarta dan (ANRI Bank Indonesia) Propinsi Riau (Kabupaten Propinsi Bengkalis dan Siak) Sulawesi Selatan (Danau Sulawesi Towuti) Sulawesi Selatan (Danau Sulawesi Towuti) Jakarta, Bali, Nusa Timur Tenggara DKI Jakarta dan (ANRI Bank Indonesia) Sumatera Barat (Padang (Padang Barat Sumatera dan Bukittinggi) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 November 2014 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 25 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 18 November 2014 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 November 2014 Bisnis Sejarah Sejarah BIDANG BIDANG Arkeologi kesehatan kesehatan masyarakat antropologi Mikrobiologi Mikrobiologi PENELITIAN Ekonomi dan dan sosiologi Sosiologi dan Sosiologi Sosiologi dan Sosiologi Kebijakan publik TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari bagaimana Tengah pemerintahan di Jawa pada masa dan Sumatera lampau berinteraksi Mempelajari faktor yang Mempelajari yang faktor pertambahanmembantu mikropengguna asuransi Mempelajari berbagai aspek perkembangan urban dalam sepertisejarah, kegiatan ekonomi, mobilitas penduduk, dan bangunan infrastruktur Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah Mempelajari aspek-aspek geokimia,mikrobiologis, dan dari Danau-danaulimnologi Malili Mempelajari aspek-aspek geokimia,mikrobiologis, dan dari Danau-danaulimnologi Malili Untuk mencari terobosan baru mencari Untuk terobosan dalam menganalisa isu-isu pemerintahan lokalsistemik dan gender Mempelajari berbagai aspek perkembangan urban dalam sepertisejarah, kegiatan ekonomi, mobilitas penduduk, dan bangunan infrastruktur Mempelajari praktek Mempelajari praktek dari orang turun temurun Minangkabau di Sumatera kesinambungan dan melihat dan perubahan dalam sistem dan struktur desa kekerabatan JUDUL PENELITIAN “An Archeology of Interaction: Archeology “An North and The of Java Coast During South of Sumatera The Early Hindu-BuddhistThe Period” "What are the increasing the increasing "What are insurance factors of micro in Indonesia" preference “Urban Development “Urban Development in and Social Integration Term Indonesia: a Long Perspective” “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” “Biogeochemistry and of the MaliliGeomicrobiology Lakes” “Biogeochemistry and of the MaliliGeomicrobiology Lakes” “Gender Participation in Local in Local Participation “Gender in Indonesia: Governance Nusa studies from Case Timur (NTT)”Tenggara “Urban Development “Urban Development in and Social Integration Term Indonesia: a Long Perspective” “Legal Pluralism and Islam in Pluralism “Legal of Indonesia: Ethnography Minangkabau” INSTITUSI Ecole Francaise Francaise Ecole d'Extreme Orient (EFEO) Kobe University Center for Souteast for Center Kyoto Studies, Asian University Graduate School of Graduate and African Asian Kyoto Studies, University Deutsches Deutsches Murdoch University Murdoch University University of Tokyo Graduate School Graduate of Arts and Letters, University Tohoku WARGA WARGA NEGARA Belgia Jepang Jepang Jepang Swiss Jerman Australia Jepang Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Charleroi, 7 Juni Charleroi, 1972 Jepang, 19 Jepang, September 1990 Kagawa, 01 1978 Oktober Jepang, 5 Juni Jepang, 1982 Oakland, AS, 14 November 1978 Stadthagen, Jerman 24 September 1975 Subiaco, Subiaco, 21 Australia, April 1984 Kanagawa, 06 September 1972 Miyagi, Jepang, Miyagi, Jepang, 1989 27 Maret NAMA PENELITI Ms. Véronique Véronique Ms. Myriam Yvonne Degroot Mr. Shinji Mr. Yamashita Mr. Hiroshi Hiroshi Mr. Izumikawa Ms. Fumiko Fumiko Ms. Furukawa Dr. Aurèle Aurèle Dr. Vuillemin Mr. Jan Axel Kitte Jan Axel Mr. Ms. Melissa Ms. Johnston Frances Dr. Ryuto Dr. Shimada Mr. Kei Nishikawa Mr. No. SIP No. 407/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 406/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 405/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 404/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 403/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 402/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 401/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 400/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 399/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 NO 407 406 405 404 403 402 401 400 399

382 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas drh. IPB (Dr. Hewan MSc. Muhammad Agil, Agr) P2O LIPI (Nurul Fitriya) Balai Penelitian Perikanan Perikanan Balai Penelitian Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Ali Suman) Dr. (Prof. Balai Penelitian Perikanan Perikanan Balai Penelitian Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Ali Suman) Dr. (Prof. Balai Penelitian Perikanan Perikanan Balai Penelitian Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Ali Suman) Dr. (Prof. Balai Penelitian Perikanan Perikanan Balai Penelitian Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Ali Suman) Dr. (Prof. Balai Penelitian Perikanan Perikanan Balai Penelitian Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Ali Suman) Dr. (Prof. Balai Penelitian Perikanan Perikanan Balai Penelitian Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Ali Suman) Dr. (Prof. Balai Penelitian Perikanan Perikanan Balai Penelitian Laut, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Ali Suman) Dr. (Prof. Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Tanjungpura Universitas Diba, S.Hut, Farah (Dr. M.Si) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulawesi Utara (Cagar (Cagar Utara Sulawesi Alam Tangkoko-Dua Saudara) Sulawesi Selatan (Selat Sulawesi Laut Sulawesi) Makasar, Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Utara Sulawesi Laut Sulawesi Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Utara Sulawesi Laut Sulawesi Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Utara Sulawesi Laut Sulawesi Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Utara Sulawesi Laut Sulawesi Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Utara Sulawesi Laut Sulawesi Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Utara Sulawesi Laut Sulawesi Sulawesi Utara (Bitung), Utara Sulawesi Laut Sulawesi Kalimantan (Kapuas Barat Hulu) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 2014 November 1 (satu) bulan 1 (satu) mulai 30 2014 November 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 19 2014 November 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 19 2014 November 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 19 2014 November 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 19 2014 November 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 19 2014 November 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 19 2014 November 20 (dua puluh) hari, mulai 19 2014 November 7 (tujuh) bulan, mulai 18 November 2014 Ekologi fisiologi BIDANG BIDANG Perikanan Perikanan Perikanan Perikanan Perikanan Perikanan Perikanan Biologi dan Biologi Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, Oseanografi, PENELITIAN Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari faktor-faktor Mempelajari faktor-faktor pada M. stress penyebab liar nigra Mengumpulkan berbagai jenis laut tropis plankton organisme di arus Indonesia dari Selat Makassar dan Laut Sulawesi Melakukan riset bersama di bidang survei oseanografi, survey akustik dan hidro penangkapan ikan tuna Melakukan riset bersama di bidang survei oseanografi, survey akustik dan hidro penangkapan ikan tuna Melakukan riset bersama di bidang survei oseanografi, survey akustik dan hidro penangkapan ikan tuna Melakukan riset bersama di bidang survei oseanografi, survey akustik dan hidro penangkapan ikan tuna Melakukan riset bersama di bidang survei oseanografi, survey akustik dan hidro penangkapan ikan tuna Melakukan riset bersama di bidang survei oseanografi, survey akustik dan hidro penangkapan ikan tuna Melakukan riset bersama di bidang survei oseanografi, survey akustik dan hidro penangkapan ikan tuna Melakukan survey terhadap penduduk desar tentang pemahaman mereka terhadap lanskap dan penggunaannya JUDUL PENELITIAN “The factor: stress Examining of sources anthropogenic in wild Macaca. Nigra” stress “Genetic analysis using Next analysis “Genetic SequencingGeneration of the plankton technology community structure in the Makassar Straitandthe Sea” Sulawesi “Joint Research Program Program Research “Joint in Sulu- Resources Tuna on Seas” Sulawesi “Joint Research Program Program Research “Joint in Sulu- Resources Tuna on Seas” Sulawesi “Joint Research Program Program Research “Joint in Sulu- Resources Tuna on Seas” Sulawesi “Joint Research Program Program Research “Joint in Sulu- Resources Tuna on Seas” Sulawesi “Joint Research Program Program Research “Joint in Sulu- Resources Tuna on Seas” Sulawesi “Joint Research Program Program Research “Joint in Sulu- Resources Tuna on Seas” Sulawesi “Joint Research Program Program Research “Joint in Sulu- Resources Tuna on Seas” Sulawesi “Perceived land use and “Perceived in the species values tree district,Mentebah Kapuas Western Hulu Regency of Kalimantan, Indonesia” INSTITUSI Private Volunteer Private Korea Institute of Korea and Science Ocean Technology Bureau of Fisheries & of Fisheries Bureau Resources- Aquatic Fisheries Capture Division - SEAFDEC Bureau of Fisheries & of Fisheries Bureau Resources- Aquatic Fisheries Capture Division - SEAFDEC Capture Fishery Fishery Capture Division - Technology Department Training (TD)- SEAFDEC Capture Fishery Fishery Capture Division - Technology Department Training (TD)- SEAFDEC Capture Fishery Fishery Capture Division - Technology Department Training (TD)- SEAFDEC Capture Fishery Fishery Capture Division - Technology Department Training (TD)- SEAFDEC Capture Fishery Fishery Capture Division - Technology Department Training (TD)- SEAFDEC Technical University University Technical Munich WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Korea Selatan Korea Filipina Filipina Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand Meksiko TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Washington, Washington, AS, 10 Agustus 1992 Korea, 9 Juni Korea, 1985 Roxas City, City, Roxas 5 Juli Filipina, 1982 Laoag City, Laoag City, 18 Filipina, November 1973 Bangkok, 27 Thailand, 1976 Agustus Bangkok, 7 Desember 1984 Phrae, Thailand, Thailand, Phrae, 1975 9 Agustus Samut Prakan, Samut Prakan, 23 Thailand, April 1985 Ranong, Ranong, 22 Thailand, April 1976 Meksiko, 13 Meksiko, Juni 1987 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Kayla NicoleMs. Wood Ms. Mee Hye Ms. Kang Ms. RiczynethMs. Arinque Mr. Remar Mr. Asuncion Mr. Sukchai Mr. Arnupapboon Ms. Pontipa Pontipa Ms. Luadnakrob Mr. Nakaret Mr. Yasook Mr. Komson Pofa Mr. Mr. Sayan Sayan Mr. Promjinda Mr. Diego Daniel Mr. Garcia Aranda No. SIP No. 417/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 416/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 415/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 414 /SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 413/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 412/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 411/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 410/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 409/SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 408/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 NO 417 416 415 414 413 412 411 410 409 408

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 383 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Setyawan, Agus rer.nat M.Si. Trenggono, Mukti dan Tim) Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Setyawan, Agus rer.nat M.Si. Trenggono, Mukti dan Tim) Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Setyawan, Agus rer.nat M.Si. Trenggono, Mukti dan Tim) Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengkajian Pusat Teknologi Perekayasaan Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Dr. Balitbang KP, Setyawan, Agus rer.nat M.Si. Trenggono, Mukti dan Tim) Rujak Centre for Urban for Rujak Centre Studies (Hemento Widjaja) Kusuma Jurusan Politik & Jurusan Politik (JPP), Pemerintahan Ilmu Sosial dan Fakultas (FISIPOL), Ilmu Politik Gadjah MadaUniversitas Purwo Santoso) Dr. (Prof. UGM Ilmu Budaya (Fak Irwan Abdullah)) Dr. (Prof. Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas drh. IPB (Dr. Hewan MSc. Muhammad Agil, Agr) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Perairan selat Karimata selat Perairan Perairan selat Karimata selat Perairan Perairan selat Karimata selat Perairan Perairan selat Karimata selat Perairan DKI Jakarta (Kalibata) DKI Jakarta dan Yogyakarta Sulawesi Utara (Cagar (Cagar Utara Sulawesi Alam Tangkoko-Dua Saudara) LAMA PENELITIAN 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 Desember 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 Desember 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 Desember 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 12 Desember 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 25 2014 November 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 2014 November 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 2014 November sosial Studies fisiologi BIDANG BIDANG Biologi dan Biologi Sosial, Area Area Sosial, Oseanografi Oseanografi Oseanografi Antropologi Antropologi Oseanografi Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Melakukan pengamatan dinamika panas di laut aliran lautan Indonesiaantara dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Melakukan pengamatan dinamika panas di laut aliran lautan Indonesiaantara dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Melakukan pengamatan dinamika panas di laut aliran lautan Indonesiaantara dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Melakukan pengamatan dinamika panas di laut aliran lautan Indonesiaantara dan Laut Cina Selatan di Selat Karimata dengan melakukan pemasangan mooring Mempelajari bagaimana penghuni menggunakan Kalibata masuk sebagai pintu masyarakat lebih terhadap yang dengan luas melalui interaksi penghuni lainnya Menyelidiki makna penglibatan dalam diri sebagai Sukarelawan masyarakat Indonesia Mempelajari faktor-faktor Mempelajari faktor-faktor pada M. stress penyebab liar nigra JUDUL PENELITIAN "South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda Straits" and Lombok "South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda Straits" and Lombok "South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda Straits" and Lombok "South China Sea - Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange (SITE) and Dynamics of Sunda Straits" and Lombok “Urbanizing faith: of high-rise ethnographies living in Kalibata City” “Indonesian Civil Society and of "Sukarela" the Concept - New Dynamics of Civil Engagement and Voluntarism Indonesia” in Contemporary “The factor: stress Examining of sources anthropogenic in wild Macaca. Nigra” stress INSTITUSI The First Institute of First The Oceanography The First Institute of First The Oceanography The First Institute of First The Oceanography The First Institute of First The Oceanography University of SouthUniversity Adelaide Australia, Department of Cross- and Regional Cultural Studies Private Volunteer Private WARGA WARGA NEGARA Republik Republik Rakyat Cina Republik Republik Rakyat Cina Republik Republik Rakyat Cina Republik Republik Rakyat Cina Belanda Jerman Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Shandong, 9 Shandong, Januari 1986 Shandong, 26 Shandong, Juli 1982 Shandong, Shandong, 11 November 1979 Shanghai, 23 1960 Februari Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Belanda, 27 Juni 1979 Siegen, Jerman 1986 9 Maret Washington, Washington, AS, 26 Oktober 1991 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Xiaoqing Xu Ms. Mr. Lian Zhan Mr. Mr. Li Shujiang Mr. Ms. Suzanne Ms. Naafs Ms. Suzanne Ms. Naafs Mr. Mark Philip Mr. Stadler Ms. MaryMs. Colleen Zuromskis No. SIP No. 424/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 423/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 422/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 421/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 420/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 419/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 418/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 NO 424 423 422 421 420 419 418

384 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Universitas Palangka Palangka Universitas Raya (Idrus dan Feteria Darma, Shut) Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Sih LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Kahono (koordinator), Rosichon Prof.Dr. Prof. Ubaidillah, M.Phil., A, Noerdjito, Woro Dr. Eko Sulistyadi, M.Si, Farid S.Si) Rifaie, Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Sih LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Kahono (koordinator), Rosichon Prof.Dr. Prof. Ubaidillah, M.Phil., A, Noerdjito, Woro Dr. Eko Sulistyadi, M.Si, Farid S.Si) Rifaie, Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Sih LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Kahono (koordinator), Rosichon Prof.Dr. Prof. Ubaidillah, M.Phil., A, Noerdjito, Woro Dr. Eko Sulistyadi, M.Si, Farid S.Si) Rifaie, Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dr. Sih LIPI (Dr. Biologi Puslit Kahono (koordinator), Rosichon Prof.Dr. Prof. Ubaidillah, M.Phil., A, Noerdjito, Woro Dr. Eko Sulistyadi, M.Si, Farid S.Si) Rifaie, Universitas Nusa Universitas Ricky (Prof. Cendana Gimin) Universitas Riau (Dr. Haris Riau Universitas (Dr. Gunawan) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Kalimantan Tengah Kalimantan Tengah (Sebangau) Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, BukitHutan Pendidikan Soeharto-Universitas Hutan BukitMulawarman, Bangkirai dan hutan-hutan Kartanegara)di Kutai Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, BukitHutan Pendidikan Soeharto-Universitas Hutan BukitMulawarman, Bangkirai dan hutan-hutan Kartanegara)di Kutai Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, BukitHutan Pendidikan Soeharto-Universitas Hutan BukitMulawarman, Bangkirai dan hutan-hutan Kartanegara)di Kutai Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, BukitHutan Pendidikan Soeharto-Universitas Hutan BukitMulawarman, Bangkirai dan hutan-hutan Kartanegara)di Kutai NTT (Sabu-Raijua, Kupang) Propinsi Riau (Kabupaten Propinsi Siak dan Pelalawan), Kalteng (Palangkaraya, Kab Pisau), Pulau Magelang, (Kab. Jateng DI Klaten, dan Boyolali), Jogjakarta Sleman (Kab. dan Progo) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Desember 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 8 Desember 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 8 Desember 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 8 Desember 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 8 Desember 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 Desember 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 8 Desember 2014 Ekologi Budaya zoologi zoologi zoologi zoologi BIDANG BIDANG kesehatan kesehatan Biologi dan Biologi Biologi dan Biologi Biologi dan Biologi Biologi dan Biologi masyarakat Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN Sosiologi dan Sosiologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mendokumentasikan struktur dan komposisi hutan di Sebangau rawa Mempelajari keanekaragaman dan vegetasi serangga mulai dari penampang lintang besar hingga hutan alam yang di terdegradasi ke hutan yang Kalimantan Timur Mempelajari keanekaragaman dan vegetasi serangga mulai dari penampang lintang besar hingga hutan alam yang di terdegradasi ke hutan yang Kalimantan Timur Mempelajari keanekaragaman dan vegetasi serangga mulai dari penampang lintang besar hingga hutan alam yang di terdegradasi ke hutan yang Kalimantan Timur Mempelajari keanekaragaman dan vegetasi serangga mulai dari penampang lintang besar hingga hutan alam yang di terdegradasi ke hutan yang Kalimantan Timur Memahami strategi pertahananMemahami strategi hidup di Sabu Raijua, NTT Untuk memperjelas karakteristikUntuk dan siklusekologi di materi gambut tropis rawa daerah JUDUL PENELITIAN “Investigating Tropical Tropical “Investigating Structure, Forest Peat-Swamp and Phenology Composition Central in Sabangau, Kalimantan, Indonesia” “Study to Develop a Model Develop “Study to in Biodiversity Estimating from Rain Forests Tropical Images” Satellite “Study to Develop a Model Develop “Study to in Biodiversity Estimating from Rain Forests Tropical Images” Satellite “Study to Develop a Model Develop “Study to in Biodiversity Estimating from Rain Forests Tropical Images” Satellite “Study to Develop a Model Develop “Study to in Biodiversity Estimating from Rain Forests Tropical Images” Satellite “Survival of Strategy on societies dependent in Eastern flabellifer Borassus Indonesia” “Toward the Regeneration the Regeneration “Toward Land Peat Tropical of Societies: of Establishment Research an International of its Network and Proposal Future” INSTITUSI Orangutan Tropical Tropical Orangutan Project Peatland Kyushu Research Research Kyushu Forestry Center, Products and Forest Institute, Research Japan Kyushu Research Research Kyushu Forestry Center, Products and Forest Institute, Research Japan Kyushu Research Research Kyushu Forestry Center, Products and Forest Institute, Research Japan Kyushu Research Research Kyushu Forestry Center, Products and Forest Institute, Research Japan Graduatre School of Graduatre and African Asian Kyoto Studies, Area University Faculty of Agriculture, of Agriculture, Faculty Ehime University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Kanada Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang Jepang TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Deep River, Deep River, Ontario 30 November 1958 Jepang, 22 April Jepang, 1976 Jepang, 10 Jepang, 1971 Februari Jepang, 9 Jepang, September 1969 Jepang, 22 Juni Jepang, 1961 Jepang, 18 April Jepang, 1989 Kanagawa, 23 Jepang, September 1975 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Jennifer Jennifer Ms. Elaine Hacking Dr. Taki Hisatomo Dr. Dr. Masayoshi Masayoshi Dr. Takahashi Dr. Atsushi Atsushi Dr. Dr. Akira Ueda Dr. Mr. Takaki Takaki Hirose Mr. Mr. Tetsuya Tetsuya Mr. Shimamura No. SIP No. 431/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 430/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 429/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 428/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 427/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 426/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 425/SIP/FRP/ SM/XI/2014 NO 431 430 429 428 427 426 425

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 385 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Universitas Mulawarman Mulawarman Universitas Bernaulus Saragih) (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Kalimantan Timur Kalimantan Timur (Hutan Lindung Sungai Wain, Balikpapan) LAMA PENELITIAN 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 1 Desember 2014 Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Ekologi Laut Ekologi Ekologi Laut Ekologi Ekologi Laut Ekologi Ekologi Laut Ekologi Ekologi Laut Ekologi Ekologi Laut Ekologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Mempelajari perubahan biomassa tanah di Kalimantan Timur JUDUL PENELITIAN “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Biomass Dynamics of Tropical Tropical “Biomass Dynamics of in East Kalimantan Forests Indonesia” INSTITUSI First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography University of Leeds, of Leeds, University UK WARGA WARGA NEGARA China China China China China China RRT TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL China, 4 November 1983 China, 31 1982 Agustus China, 10 September 1982 China, 25 1970 Oktober China, 10 1973 Oktober China, 8 November 1979 Hebei, 13 April 1980 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Hu Limin Mr. Mr. Yu Yonggui Yu Mr. Mr. Taoyu Mr. Xu Mr. Fang Xisheng Fang Mr. Mr. Wang Wang Mr. Kunshan Mr. Liu Shengfa Mr. Ms. Lan Qie Ms. No. SIP No. 438/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 437/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 436/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 435/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 434/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 433/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 432/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 NO 438 437 436 435 434 433 432

386 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Teknik Teknik Fakultas dan Pertambangan ITB (Prof. Perminyakan Satria Bijaksana) Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan Fakultas Unhas dan Perikanan Ala Ali) (Syamsu Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, Puslitbang Sumberdaya Sumberdaya Puslitbang Laut dan Pesisir, Kelautan Kementerian (Rainerdan Perikanan M.Si) Arief Troa, DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jatim, Sulut, Bali, MalukuJatim, Banda), NTB (P. (Kep. Sumbawa) Sulsel (Bantaeng, Sulsel (Bantaeng, Sulbar Takalar), Galesong, (Sendana, Majene) Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan Perairan Barat Sumatera Sumatera Barat Perairan LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 Desember 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 25 (dua puluh lima) hari, mulai 3 Desember 2014 Geologi BIDANG BIDANG Perikanan Ekologi Laut Ekologi Ekologi Laut Ekologi Ekologi Laut Ekologi Ekologi Laut Ekologi Ekologi Laut Ekologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari erupsi sejarah 10.000 antara terjadi besar yang tahun sampai 1,6 juta lalu di akldera-kalderayang Tambora, Ijen, Bratan, Tondano, dan Banda untuk meneliti kondisi habitat meneliti kondisi habitat untuk ikan dengan metode terbang MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) Untuk pengambilan data primer pengambilan data Untuk sampel sedimen laut dalam, pada air tersuspensi material yang bentik laut dan organisme dianggap mewakili (sebagai kondisi lingkungan masa proxy) lampau (paleoenvirontment) JUDUL PENELITIAN "Geologic History"Geologic of Select Eruptions in Caldera-Forming Indonesia" “Discussion of Area Adjusted Adjusted “Discussion of Area and Management of Use in South Resource Fish Flying Indonesia” Sulawesi, “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation “Benthic Records of Marine “Benthic Records and Climate, Environment, in the Eastern Ecosystem Indian the Last since Ocean (BENTHIC)”Deglaciation INSTITUSI Berkeley Geochronology Center Graduate School of Graduate and African Asian Kyoto Studies, Area University First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography First Institute of First (FIO) Oceanography WARGA WARGA NEGARA Amerika Serikat Jepang China China China China China TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL California, 25 California, 1953 Oktober Tsukuba-shi, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki Pref., 13 September 1989 China, 16 1983 Agustus China, 14 November 1981 China, 27 1986 Februari China, 18 1980 Agustus China, 21 Maret China, 21 Maret 1975 NAMA PENELITI Dr. Alan Lee Alan Lee Dr. McMullen-Deino Mr. Yasushi Yasushi Mr. Osozawa Mr. Shi Fengdeng Mr. Mr. Tang Zheng Tang Mr. Mr. Tengfei Xu Tengfei Mr. Mr. Wang Wang Mr. Zongxing Mr. Yang Gang Yang Mr. No. SIP No. 445/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 444/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 443/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 442/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 441/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 440/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 439/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 NO 445 444 443 442 441 440 439

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 387 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA FMIPA Universitas Universitas FMIPA (Prof. Diponegoro Ph.D.) Mustafid, Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Syahailatua) (Augy Universitas Gajah MadaUniversitas Muh Nat. rer. Dr. (Prof. Aris Marfai, M.Sc.) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jateng (Semarang) Jateng Sulawesi Utara (Teluk (Teluk Utara Sulawesi and P. Talise P. Manado, Bangka, Bay, Amurang Lolak, dan kepulauan (P. Barat sekitar); Papua P. Salawati, Misool, P. Waigeodan Batanta, P. kepulauan sekitar); Maluku Galela, P. (Ternate, Utara Gebe); Maluku P. Morotai, Lima, Latuhalat, (Ambon, Saparua) P. Haruku, P. DKI Jakarta, Jawa Tengah Tengah DKI Jakarta, Jawa Semarang) (Cilacap, LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 15 Desember 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Desember 2014 11 (sebelas) bulan, mulai 15 Desember 2014 Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Ekonomi Manajemen PENELITIAN Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengidentifikasi kegiatan supply chain yang inovasi dilakukan oleh semua pihak dalam industri terlibat yang khususnya antara susu, Indonesia dan Australia Mempelajari dan coelacanth di Indonesia habitatnya Memperoleh pemahaman Memperoleh usaha lebih mendalam tentang gambut di Segara restorasi Anakan JUDUL PENELITIAN "Enhancing Supply Chain in the Australian Performance and Indonesia Dairy Industry" “Biological Survey“Biological on the Indonesian Coelacanth, 2014-2015” “Responses to environmental environmental “Responses to change in the Segara Anakan Java” Lagoon, Central INSTITUSI RMIT University Aquamarine Aquamarine Marine Fukushima, Science Museum University of Bremen University WARGA WARGA NEGARA Australia Jepang Kanada TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Palembang, 30 Palembang, Januari 1974 Jepang, 14 Juli Jepang, 1966 Hamilton, Hamilton, Kanada, 28 April 1965 NAMA PENELITI Dr. Ferry Jie Ferry Dr. Mr. Masamitsu Mr. Iwata Ms. Johanna Jill Ms. Heyde No. SIP No. 448/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 447/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 446/SIP/FRP/ SM/XII/2014 NO 448 447 446

388 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA UNTAD (Dr. Abdul Rauf), (Dr. UNTAD Indonesian Weather Dodo Service (Dr. Tania IPB (Dr. Gunawan), June) Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Fakultas M.Sc.) Suratman, Dr. (Prof. Fakultas Pertanian Pertanian Fakultas Sam Universitas John Ratulangi (Dr. LIPI Biologi Puslit Tasirin), Dedy Darnaedi) (Dr. Fakultas Ekonomi UI (Rasi Fakultas Napitupulu) L.E. Pusat Teknologi Farmasi Teknologi Pusat dan Medika BPPT (Dr. Apt., Bambang Marwoto, M.Eng.). DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Jabar (Bogor), Kalbar (Kapuas Hulu) Sulut (Manado, Kab. Kab. Sulut (Manado, Minahasa, Bolong Gorontalo Mongondow), (Kawasan Hutan / Nantu) Paguyaman Kaltim (Malinau) Banten (Lab. (Lab. Banten Pengembangan Industri Agro Teknologi dan Biomedika BPPT di Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong) (TN dan Sulteng Lindu) Lore LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 25 2014 Februari 9 (sembilan) bulan mulai 7 2014 Maret 12 bulan mulai 2014 14 Februari 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 1 Februari 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 4 2014 Februari Biologi Ekologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Antropologi Farmakologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Menggabungkan pendekatan dan pemodelan pengukuran mempelajari untuk pertukaran gas rumah kaca serta feedback dan dataran biofisik antara atmosfer Mempelajari bagaimana model participatory dari MRV reporting, (measurement, dalam melihat verifying) perubahan tutupan lahan dan karbon membawa dapat pengaruh pada sistem melibatkanyang partisipasi lokal, khususnya dalam pengembangan, konservasi, kesehatan dan layanan Mengimplementasikan dan mendukung penelitian- pendataan penelitian biologi, saintifik, dan transfer pengetahuan di Hutan Nantu. Menguji bagaimana dapat pengetahuan budaya adaptasi strategi membentuk manusia dalam kerangka berbeda yang budaya Mengeksplorasi potensi Mengeksplorasi potensi keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia di berbagai daerah tujuan pengobatan untuk REKAP TAHUN 2014 TAHUN JUDUL PENELITIAN Influence of tropical land0use Influence of tropical on local and transformations in Sumatra/ climate regional Indonesia” Participation under the Participation Influence of and Historical Land Use Contemporary Conservation Biology of the in Forest (Nantu) Paguyaman Northern Sulawesi The adaptive nature of nature adaptive The A cross-cultural culture. of Local of the returns analysis Knowledge in Environmental societies native three Bioprospecting of Indonesian Medicinal Plants SURAT IZIN PENELITIAN ASING SURAT INSTITUSI Georg-August- of University Goettingen San Francisco's San Francisco's Department of Environment University of Oxford University Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Autonomous of University Barcelona Korean Research Research Korean Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) WARGA WARGA NEGARA Spanyol Amerika Serikat Inggris Perancis Korea Selatan Korea TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Madrid, 19-10- 1980 Tennessee, Tennessee, 04-01-1990 Cuckfield, 14- Cuckfield, 08-1964 Paris, 25-06- Paris, 1985 Seoul, 23-04- Seoul, 1972 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Ana Orive Ana Orive Ms. Meijide Ms. MaryMs. Elizabeth Felker Dr. Lynn M. Lynn Dr. Clayton Mr. Maximilien Mr. Lionel Andre Gueze Mr. Jin Hyub Paik, Jin Hyub Paik, Mr. Ph.D No. SIP No. 05/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ II/2014 04/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ II/2014 03/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 02/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 01/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/I/2014 5 4 3 2 1 NO SURAT IZIN PENELITIAN PERPANJANGAN SURAT

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 389 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Pusat Vulkanologi Vulkanologi Pusat dan Mitigasi Bencana, Badan - Kementerian Geologi M.Si.) ESDM (Ir.Kristianto, IPB (Prof. Cecep Cecep IPB (Prof. dan Kusmana) Jambi (Drs. Universitas Damris Muhammad, Ph.D) M.Sc., Fakultas Biologi UNAS Biologi Fakultas Basalamah, M.Si. (Fitri Wijiatmoko, dan Wisnu S.Si ) Fakultas Ilmu budaya Ilmu budaya Fakultas Semedi Pujo UGM (Dr. Yuwono Hargo Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Bambang Dr. UGM (Prof. S. Pujo Dr. Purwanto, J. M.A., Dr. Yuwono, H. Nicolaas Warouw) Pacific Institute Pacific Sustainable for John (Dr. Development Tasirin)) Pusat Vulkanologi Vulkanologi Pusat dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi ESDM (Ir.M.Hendrasto, M.Sc.) Fak. Ilmu Budaya –Univ. Ilmu Budaya Fak. (Prof.Dr.I.Ketut Udayana dan FISIP MA) Ardhana, Rudyansjah) Tony UI (Dr. DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jawa Tengan dan DIY dan DIY Tengan Jawa (Gn. Merapi), Banten (Gn. (Gn. Timur Krakatau), Jawa Maluku Bromo), Utara dan Gn. (Gn.Gamalama Gamkonora), dan Maluku Ibu) (Gn. Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Aceh (TN.GunungAceh Lauser) dan Kalteng Tuanan) ( Tn. DI Yogyakarta Banten (Tangerang), (Tangerang), Banten Lampung (Lampung Sulsel (MakasarUtara), dan Luwu) Sulut (Manado, Tomohon, Sulut Tomohon, (Manado, Langowan) Gn. Merapi, Gn. Gn. Dieng, Papandayan, Gn. Semeru Gn. Bromo, Bali (Gianyar) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 24 2014 Maret 6 (enam) bulan mulai 15 Juni 2014 10 (sepuluh) bulan mulai 26 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 4 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 11 2014 Maret 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 27 2014 Maret 8 (delapan) bulan mulai 12 2014 Maret Ekologi Budaya BIDANG BIDANG Sosiologi Ilmu Politik Primatologi Primatologi Vulkanologi Vulkanologi Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengembangkan eksperimen susunan seismik untuk geologis struktur-struktur dan mengembangkan sistem gunung api monitoring Mengkaji perubahan peredaran karbon sebagai dampak perubahan penggunaan lahan Membandingkan kebiasaan bayi bermain dan eksplorasi di dua populasi orangutan orangutan Mengkaji perubahan pola-pola sosial masyarakat interaksi berbasiskan yang Yogyakarta teknologi informatika (internet dan media sosialita) Meneliti sejauh mana demokrasi transisi pergeseran Indonesia mengubah cara berhubungan negara warga dengan pemegang kekuasaan. Mengumpulkan dukungan perlindungan untuk keanekaragaman dan meningkatkan peranan masyarakat lokal untuk menjaga populasi M.nigra Menghitung dan memonitor Menghitung dan memonitor tingkat dari emisi magma gunung api aktif serta melakukan karakterisasi komposisi debu vulkanik untuk memperkirakan manifestasi magma Menganalisis bagaimana semiotik ideologi-ideologi bunyi-bunyian dan praktek berpengaruh serta memberi makna di pada agama dan adat Bali kontemporer JUDUL PENELITIAN Improvement of Seismic Improvement Monitoring Methodologies Actives to and Application Volcanoes Carbon Sequestration, Litter C Litter Sequestration, Carbon Input the Soil to and Resource Lowland Efficiency Use in the Transformation Rainforest on Sumatra Systems Testing the Cultural the Cultural Testing HypothesisIntelligence and Bornean in Sumatran Orangutans Welcome to Kampoeng Cyber Kampoeng to Cyber Welcome 2.0 in Indonesia" : Community From Clients to Citizens? Citizens? to Clients From and Local Citizenship Democracy in Indonesia Conservation of the critically black Sulawesi endangered Macaca macaques, crested an evaluating (M. nigra): nigra campaign awareness Ground based remote sensing based remote Ground emissions of volcanic Sounding the Immaterial: and of Adat Sonic Politics The in Post-authoritarian Agama Bali INSTITUSI Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Developpement University of University Göttingen Anthropological Anthropological Institute of the of Zurich University University University of Toronto Royal Netherlands Royal Institute of Southeast and Caribbean Asian Studies Whitley Wildlife Wildlife Whitley Conservation Trust Institut de pour le Recherche (IRD) Developpement Cornell University Cornell WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Jerman Swiss Kanada Belanda Belanda Vanuatu Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Semur-En- 22 Auxois, 1974 Agustus Szczecin, 05 - Szczecin, 12 - 1986 Frauenfeld, Frauenfeld, 24-08-1987 Jonquiere, 15 Jonquiere, 1985 Maret Delft, 17-07- 1977 Geidrop, 20-05- Geidrop, 1984 Amibae, 25-05- Amibae, 1975 Minnesota, 05-03-1981 NAMA PENELITI Dr.Philippe Paul Paul Dr.Philippe Maurice Mourot Ms. MartynaMs. Malgorzata Kotowska Ms. Caroline Caroline Ms. Schuppli Ms. JessikaMs. Tremblay Dr. Ward Johanes Ward Dr. Berenschot Ms. Thirza Ms. Anna Loffeld Catharina Dr. Philipson Bani Philipson Dr. Ms. Nicole Joanna Ms. Reisnour No. SIP No. 13/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 12/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 11/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 10/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 09/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 08/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 07/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 06/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ II/2014 9 8 7 6 13 12 11 10 NO

390 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Lembaga Tropis, Penyakit Airlangga Universitas Apt.) H. Fasich, Dr. (Prof. CIMTROP Universitas Universitas CIMTROP (Ari Palangkaraya SP) Purwanto, Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Lembaga Tropis, Penyakit Airlangga Universitas dr., Tantular, (Indah S. Sp.ParK) Ph.D., Balitbang KP (Dr. Singgih Singgih Balitbang KP (Dr. Wibowo) dan Yustian S.Si., Alfiansyah, Rovi (P2O-LIPI)M.Sc. Fakultas Biologi UNAS Biologi Fakultas S.Si. Ariyanto, (Tomi IPB - Dr. Sri Sudarmiyati Sri Sudarmiyati IPB - Dr. dan Tjitrosudirdjo Jambi - Drs. Universitas M.P Paiman, Astrizal IPB (Dr. Rahayu IPB (Dr. dan Widyastuti) Jambi (Ir. Universitas M.Si.) Margaretha, IPB (Iskandar Z. Siregar) Jambi dan Universitas Bambang Irawan, (Dr. M.Sc.). Puslit Tanah Indonesia - Tanah Puslit Husen) IPB (Edi DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Surabaya), DI. Yogjakarta, Kaltim (TN.Samboja Lestari), Bali, Tenggara, Sulawesi KalbarKalteng, dan Kalsel Kalteng (Lab. Alam Kalteng (Lab. Gambut Sebangau, Stasiun Penelitian Kalampangan) Jatim (Surabaya) Jatim DKI Jakarta Jakarta, (Teluk Seribu), Sulsel (Kep. Kep. Spermonde), Bali Kalteng (Tuanan) Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) Jambi (TN Bukit Dua Belas dan Hutan Harapan) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 14 Mei 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 26 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 3 Juni 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 30 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 30 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 17 Juni 2013 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 12 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 16 April 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 12 Mei 2014 Biologi Ekologi Ekologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Kehutanan Primatologi Mikrobiologi Mikrobiologi PENELITIAN Kehutanan & Biologi Kelautan Biologi Sosial ekonomi - TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari B virus hepatitis C pada penderita dan Hepatitis karier hepatitis asimtomatik, kankerkronis, dan hati karsinoma hepatoselular mengembangkan model kebakaranprobabilitas lahan dan mengkaji konfigurasi peran lanskap dalam strukturisasi komposisi pepohonan di hutan Melakukan studi epidemiologis malariamolekuler pada parasit manusia menyerang yang Meneliti dampak kenaikan suhu pada ikan-ikan karang, terumbu khususnya pada larva Menentukan apakah long call merupakan orangutan pertanda dan energi kesehatan status jantan orangutan Mengkaji dampak perubahan penggunaan lahan terhadap keanekaragaman tumbuhan tropik Menganalisis mikroorganisme dan dekomposisi hutan Mengumpulkan dengan data belakanglatar fauna, dan flora, iklim mendukung untuk proyek umum penelitian secara Meneliti perubahan stok, jumlah, dan kualitas karbon di sudah rusak setelah tanah yang hutan hujan konversi terjadinya serta rendah, dataran mengkaji perubahan fungsi simpanan karbon dengan mengevaluasi aktivitas mikrobial JUDUL PENELITIAN “Collaborative Research Research “Collaborative and Re- Emerging for Center Infectious Disease emerging – ERID)” (CRD Land use change and seed dispersal in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Molecular epidemiological Molecular epidemiological studies on and biological in human malaria parasites Indonesia Effects of temperature in early temperature Effects of stages of economically life important organisms reef Are the Long Calls of Calls the Long Are Bornean (Pongo Orangutans wurmbii) Costly pygmaeus of Male Signals Health and Status? Energy Taxonomic, Phylogenetic and Phylogenetic Taxonomic, of Diversity Biogeographical in Rainforest Plants Vascular on systems Transformation (Indonesia)Sumatra Structure and Functioning Structure and Functioning in system of Decomposer Forest Rainforest Lowland Systems Transformation Central Scientific SupportCentral Unit Stock, turnover and Stock, turnover functions of carbon in soils weathered heavily rainforest under lowland systems. transformation INSTITUSI International Center Center International Medical Research for and Treatment (ICMRT), Kobe University Departemnment of Evolution, Ekology, and Environmental Colombia Biologi, University Oita University Leibnitz Center for for Center Leibnitz Marine Tropical Ecology Rutgers University Rutgers University of University Göttingen University of University Göttingen University of University Göttingen Georg-August- of University Göettingen WARGA WARGA NEGARA Jepang Jepang Jepang Jerman Amerika Serikat Jerman Jerman Jerman Swiss TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Kagawa, 14 – 12 – 1962 Maryland, 21 Mei 1983 Aichi, 16-08- 1947 Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, 01-06-1984 Ohio, 23-02- Ohio, 1978 Neuss, 07 - 02 Neuss, - 1980 Zhovis Vaody, Vaody, Zhovis 07 - 10 1981 Koln, 05 - 11 - 1978 Geneve, 29-04- Geneve, 1983 NAMA PENELITI Dr. Takako Utsumi Takako Dr. Ms. Megan Ms. Elizabeth Catau Prof. Fumihiko Fumihiko Prof. Kawamoto Ms. Pia Kegler Pia Ms. Dr. Wendy Wendy Marie Dr. ERB Dr. Katja Rembold Dr. Ms. Valentyna Valentyna Ms. Ivanivna Krashevs'ka Dr. re. nat. Jochen nat. re. Dr. Drescher Mr. Thomas Thomas Mr. Guillaume No. SIP No. 22/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 21/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IV/2014 20/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IV/2014 19/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 18/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 17/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 16/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 15/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 14/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ III/2014 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 391 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Smart Institute, Research Ir. Tbk. (Dr. SMART. PT. Sudharto Prawirosukarto, SU.) LBM Eijkman ( dr. Din LBM Eijkman ( dr. Syafruddin,Ph.D) Lembaga Penyakit Tropis Lembaga Tropis Penyakit Airlangga Universitas Nasronudin) Dr. (Prof. FISIP UI (Dr. Tony Tony FISIP UI (Dr. Rudyansjah)) Fakultas Biologi UNAS Biologi Fakultas Setia Mitra) (Drs.Tatang Universitas Gajah MadaUniversitas M.A. Laksono, P.M. (Prof. Ph.D.) Pusat Arkeologi Nasional Arkeologi Pusat Bambang Sulistyanto (Dr. dan Tim) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Riau (Lokasi PT. SMARTRI) Riau (Lokasi PT. NTT ( Sumba) Jatim (Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, (Surabaya, Jatim Malang) Maluku (Kp. Masihulan,Maluku (Kp. SeramKab. Utara, Kec. Maluku Tengah) Aceh (Suaq Balimbing Aceh TN Gunung Leuser), di Kalteng (Tuanan) Sulut (Manado dan P.Timur) Sulsel (Maros) LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan mulai 4 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 3 Juli 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 26 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 29 Mei 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 Juni 2014 3 (tiga) bulan mulai 9 Juni 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Mei 2014 Ekologi Budaya BIDANG BIDANG Arkeologi Primatologi Antropologi Antropologi Antropologi Mikrobiologi PENELITIAN Ilmu Kedokteran TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengidentifikasi dampak tutupan tanah dan manajemen pupuk pada siklus nutrien dan struktur tanah Proyek 2 : Menentukan tingkat Proyek IPTp keamanan dan efektivitas ( Single- pada SSTp dan ISTp yang Treatment) and Screening berlakutengah Meneliti epidemiologi Meneliti epidemiologi virus flu molekuler dari infeksi hewan, burung pada unggas, mengontrol dan manusia untuk pada virus tersebut infeksi manusia Mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor Mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor mempengaruhi keputusan yang mencari untuk nafkah di Ds. Masihulan Mendeskripsikan profil-profil dan perilaku jantan Orangutan betina dan membandingkan social learning intensitas lokal inovasi horizontal di antara populasi species Orangutan dan Kalimantan Sumatera Mempelajari bagaimana masyarakat etnik Bajau menggunakan bahasanya dan bagaimana mereka mengembangkan bahasa generasi ke generasi- tersebut berbeda-beda yang dalam skala ekstensif yang Melanjutkan penggalian di Burung 2 dan situs lain Leang mendapat untuk di Maros lebih dalam yang informasi mengenai distribusi spasial dan kronologis dari sisa-sisa artefakhewan, bebatuan, dan proses fitur paleolanskap, deposisi JUDUL PENELITIAN The effect of soil management effect of soil management The serviceson ecosystem in oil palm plantations Proyek 2 : "Intermittent 2 : "Intermittent Proyek and treatment screening preventive or intermitten malariaof control for theraphy in pregnancy in Indonesia" "Molecular epidemiology of influenza virus infection avian in Indonesia” The influence of risk, influence The time and other factors delays, decisions on subsistence setting on in a traditional the island of Seram, Maluku Province Identifying cultural units in cultural Identifying orangutans” “'Hilang Bersama Angin': the "a Journey through interviewning of nature change and environmental language development of the Tribes Bajau among two Sea" Celebes Dispersal and Evolution Dispersal and Evolution of Hominins and Early Modern Humans in the kartsMaros-Pangkep of Indonesia South Sulawesi, (2013-2015) INSTITUSI University of Oxford University Liverpool School Liverpool of Medicine Tropical Kobe University Stanford University Stanford Antrhropoligical Antrhropoligical Institute and Museum, University of Zurich Antopology Antopology Departement Durham University School of Earth and Environmental University Sciences, of Wollongong WARGA WARGA NEGARA Taiwan Maladewa Jepang Amerika Serikat Polandia Spanyol Australia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Taipei, 26-12- Taipei, 1983 Male, 20-10- Male, 1958 Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi, 28-06-1941 Indonesia, 19- 01-1981 Radziejow, 16 Radziejow, Juni 1983 Granada, 01-09- Granada, 1979 Toowoomba, Toowoomba, 17-07-1976 NAMA PENELITI Ms. Hsiao-HangMs. Tao Dr. Rukhsana Dr. Ahmed Prof. Kazufumi Prof. Shimizu Mr. Michael Mr. Price Holton Ms. Anna Maria Ms. Marzec Ms. Elena Elisa Ms. MartinezBurgos Dr. Adam Robert Adam Dr. Brumm No. SIP No. 29/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VI/2014 28/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VI/2014 27/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 26/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 25/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 24/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 23/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/V/2014 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 NO

392 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Ilmu Budaya Fakultas Semedi Pujo UGM (Dr. M.A.) Yuwono, Hargo Lembaga Penyakit Tropis, Lembaga Tropis, Penyakit Airlangga Universitas dr., Nasronudin, Dr. (Prof. FINASIM) K-PI, SpPD, Pusat Survey Geologi/ Pusat Bandung Badan Geologi Wibowo) Adhi Ir. (Dr. Pusat Kajian Bahasa dan Pusat Atma Universitas Budaya Ph.D) (Yanti, Jaya Pusat Studi Satwa Pusat - IPB (Entang Primata Iskandar) Fakultas Kehutanan Fakultas Tanjungpura Universitas Burhanuddin, MP) Ir. (Dr. Fak. Kesehatan Kesehatan Fak. Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia ( Rita Damayanti) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Sulsel (Jeneponto, Sulsel (Jeneponto, Bulukumba) Jawa Timur Timur Jawa (Surabaya) NTT Ngada dan Nage (Kab. Sulawesi Flores), Keo, Selatan (Watansoppeng) Bali (Gianyar, Karangasem) Bali (Gianyar, Banten (P. Tinjil, Tinjil, Banten (P. Cisiih; Muarabinuangeun, Kab Serang) Kalbar (Cabang Panti Panti Kalbar (Cabang TN di Station Research Ketapang Gunung Palung, Utara) dan Kayong DKI Jakarta LAMA PENELITIAN 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 September 2014 3 (tiga) bulan, mulai 8 September 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 11 2014 Agustus 12 (dua belas) bulan mulai 21 Juli 2014 6 (enam) bulan mulai 14 Juli 2013 Seni Biologi Biologi Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Molekuler Kesehatan Kesehatan Masyarakat Lingkungan Antropologi Antropologi Paleontologi PENELITIAN Sosiologi HukumSosiologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengkaji konsepsi kepemilikan lahan dari sudut pandang adat dan hukumberlaku yang Melakukan penelitian sero- dan epidemiologi molekuler sebagai studi diperlukandasar yang untuk mengetahui karakteristik virus oleh nyamuk dibawa yang dan darah Melakukan penggalian, survey dan rekonstruksi geologi lingkungan deposit Pleistocene Mengkaji tari koreografi diciptakan baru yang Legong oleh seniman kontemporer Bali, khususnya dari aspek emosi, pergerakan, ekspresi, di balik cerita dan materi tersebut koreografi Menyediakan pengetahuan sikap memadai terhadap yang dan perspektif masyarakat kadaltentang air yang bersinggungan habitatnya dengan pemukiman penduduk Mempelajari dampak spatial berbagai dan produktifitas jenis tanaman hutan terhadap populasi primata hutan hujan Kalimantantropis Mempelajari penggunaan tembakau di (pecandu rokok) Indonesia dan menganalisa tembakau dan efek penyebab pada kesehatan JUDUL PENELITIAN "Securing Land rights in Indonesia" democratizing "Research on mosquito-"Research borne and blood-brone infectious diseases in viral Indonesia" “In of the first search hominins: Sedimentology, of and dating palaeontology vertebrate fossil Pleistocene faunas and open occupation and Sulawesi” in Flores sites "Shifting Embodied and An exploration Practices: of movement, examination and character expression, depiction in contemporary Balinese legong choreographies" “The Water Monitor Lizard Monitor Lizard Water “The in Banten, (Varanus salvator) Indonesia: and Behavior in Human Perspectives Areas” Human-Developed “Effects of spatial and of spatial “Effects in variation temporal productivityplant on the of ecology population primates Bornean rainforest Research Panti the Cabang at in Gunung Palung Station Park” National Youth Tobacco use in Tobacco Youth Indonesia INSTITUSI Leiden University Leiden Graduate School Graduate Kobe of Medicine, University University of University Wollongong University of Hawai'i of Hawai'i University Manoaat University of University School Washington and of Environmental Sciences Forest University of University Davis California, - WARGA WARGA NEGARA Belanda Jepang Belanda Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Utrecht, 16 Utrecht, 1987 Februari Hyogo, 03 Mei Hyogo, 1988 Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Belanda, 7 1961 Maret Waverly, IA, Waverly, USA, 22 Maret 1979 Washington, Washington, USA, 4 Juni 1973 California, USA, California, 28 Desember 1979 New York, 29 New York, Desember 1988 NAMA PENELITI Mr. Mr. Willem Egbert der Muur van Mr. Tomohiro Tomohiro Mr. Kotaki Mr. Gerrit Dirk Mr. Den Bergh Van Ms. Anna Sue Ms. Reynolds Ms. Ms. Linda Therese Uyeda Ms. Sarah Marie Sarah Ms. Jaffe Ms. Elizabeth Ms. Nicole Orlan No. SIP No. 37/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014 36/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014 35/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014 34/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VII/2014 33/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VII/2014 32/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VII/2014 31/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VI/2014 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 393 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA SMART Research Research SMART Sudharto Ir. Institute (Dr. SU) dan Prawirosukarto, Konservasi Direktorat Keanekaragaman Hayati Ditjen PHKA Kemhut Fakultas Perikanan dan Perikanan Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan IPB (Dr. Zamani) Neviaty P. Lab Biomedik dan Molekuler - Hewan Kedokteran Fakultas - UNUD (Aji Hewan Anggoro) Wahyu Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dra. LIPI (Dra. Biologi Puslit Dr. Hadiaty, Kurnia Renny Daisy Wowor) Pusat Penelitian HIV dan Penelitian Pusat Katolik AIDS, Universitas R. P. (Dr Clara Jaya Atma Ajisuksmo) FK UNPAD (Bachri FK UNPAD PhD.) Alisjahbana, MD., Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Irma Shita Arlyza), (Dr. Lab Biomedik dan MolekulerBiologi Hewan Udayana Universitas I Gusti Ngurah Dr. (Prof. Mahardika) DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Riau (Wilayah Sinar Mas and Resources Agro Corporation Technology Institute di Libo Research Estate) DKI Jakarta Jakarta); (Teluk (Selat Sunda); Banten Ambon (Wakasahu, Laut Teluk Banda, Laten, Ambon, Laut Banda) Jatim; Bali; NTB (P. Bali; NTB (P. Jatim; Utara Sulawesi Lombok), (Manado), Maluku (Kota Pulau Ambon, Kab. NTTTimur), Seram Bagian (Kupang) Jatim, Sumatera (Jambi, Sumatera Jatim, Lampung), NTB (Lombok) DKI Jakarta, Barat Jawa (Bandung), Banten Serang) (Tangerang, Jawa Barat (Bandung) Barat Jawa Sumut (Selat Malaka di Medan), Sumbar wilayah Hindia(Samudra di Kalbardekat Padang), (Laut Cina Selatan di Bali dekat Pontianak), (Kedonganan), Selat Kupang Makassar, Bitung (Laut Sawu), dan Laut (Laut Sulawesi Maluku), Ambon (Laut Banda) LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 5 September 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 September 2014 Ekologi Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Perikanan Perikanan Kedokteran Kesehatan / Kesehatan Manajemen PENELITIAN Ilmu Ekonomi & Biologi Kelautan Biologi Ilmu Kedokteran TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Memperkirakan dampak untuk kompleksitas habitat mempertahankan keragaman, dan jasa fungsi ekosistem, dalam wilayah ekosistem perkebunan sawit Meneliti adaptasi genetik, yang faktor-faktor dan mempengaruhi habitat makananketersediaan sebagai mekanisme utama yang stress mempengaruhi toleransi pada "perma Viridis" Mengembangkan solusi-solusi di dalam manajemen inovatif masyarakat-masyarakat nelayan skala kecil Melakukan DNA Barcoding pada spesies ikan di Indonesia Mengidentifikasi prediktor Mengidentifikasi prediktor penggunaan kondom dan bersama untuk jarum suntik di kalanganpenyuntikan obat di Indonesia perempuan Meneliti faktor-faktor bawaan bawaan Meneliti faktor-faktor (TB)dalam tubercolosis asosisasi dan mengevaluasi vitamin D dengan kekurangan infeksi TB laten Melakukan studi inventori Melakukan studi inventori ikan di Indonesia kerapu dan kawasan Segitiga Terumbu Karang menggunakan pendekatan DNA barcoding JUDUL PENELITIAN “The and Biodiversity in Function Ecosystem (BEFTA) Agriculture Tropical Project” "Investigation of the role of of the role "Investigation qualityhabitat as the reason specific population for forward abiotic differences green in the Asian stress viridis)” mussel (Perma "Developing Innovative Innovative "Developing solutions management in small scale fishing communities” "Inventory of Indonesian Biodiversity Fish Freshwater with DNA-Barcoding" “Risk And Protective Factors Factors “Risk And Protective And Use Condom For Injecting Sharing Equipment Who InjectAmong Women Drugs In Indonesia” "Innate Factors in Early Factors "Innate Clearance of Tubercolosis (InFECT)" "DNA barcoding, "DNA barcoding, and phylogeography, of molecular taxonomy the Coral across groupers regions and adjacent Triangle (BARCORE)" INSTITUSI University of University Cambridge, Department of Zoology Helmholtz Center for for Helmholtz Center KielOceanResearch (GEOMAR) L.D. Smith Laboratory L.D. IRD (Institut de pour le Recherche Dévéloppement) University of Oxford University University of OtagoUniversity IRD WARGA WARGA NEGARA Inggris Jerman Amerika Serikat Perancis Kanada Selandia Baru Perancis TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Chelmsford, UK, Chelmsford, 1979 22 Maret Massachusetts, Massachusetts, 27 Oktober 1991 Chateauroux, Chateauroux, 22 Agustus 1975 Galati, 20 April 1985 Invercargill, 18 Invercargill, Juni 1979 Laxou, 4 Laxou, Desember 1960 NAMA PENELITI Dr. Edgar Clive Clive Edgar Dr. Turner Ms. Mareike Huhn Mareike Ms. Ms. Sarah Jeanne Sarah Ms. Tucker Dr. Nicolas Dr. Michael Hubert Ms. Claudia Ms. Stoicescu Ms. Ayesha Ayesha Ms. Verrall Jennifer Dr. Philippe Jean Philippe Dr. Charles Borsa No. SIP No. 44/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VI/2014 43/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VI/2014 42/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 41/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014 40/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014 39/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014 38/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ VIII/2014 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 NO

394 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Puslit Oseanografi LIPI Oseanografi Puslit Hikmah(Dr. Thoha) Asosiasi Tradisi Lisan (Dr. Lisan (Dr. Tradisi Asosiasi MPSS, MA.) Pudentia IPB (Prof. Rizaldi Boer) IPB (Prof. Smart Institute, Research Ir. Tbk. (Dr. SMART. PT. Sudharto Prawirosukarto, SU.) Pusat Penelitian Penelitian Pusat – Manajemen DAS H. Jambi (Ir. Universitas M.Sc.) Idris, Aswandi Pusat Vulkanologi Vulkanologi Pusat dan Mitigasi Bencana ESDM (Dr. Geologi, Gunawan) Hendra DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN DKI Jakarta Pari, (Pulau dan Selat Panyaliran Pulau Sunda) NTT (P. Palu'e, Maumere, Maumere, Palu'e, NTT (P. Sikka,Kab. Flores Ende, Manggarai, Timur, DKI Manggarai Barat), Jakarta Nasional) (Arsip Kalteng (Sukamara, Kotawaringin Lamandau, Seruyan, Barat, Timur, Kotawaringin Katingan, Palangkaraya, Gunung Pisau, Pulau Kapuas, Murung Mas, Timur Utara, Raya, Barito dan Selatan) dan Kaltim Singkawang, (Pontianak, Bengkawang, Sambas, Ketapang, Pontianak, Landak, Sanggau, Melawi, Sekadau, Sintang, Kapuas Kayong Hulu, Raya) dan Kubu Utara Riau (Lokasi PT. SMARTRI) Riau (Lokasi PT. Jambi Jateng (Gn. Merapi) (Gn. Jateng LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 30 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 2 2014 Oktober 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 10 September 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 9 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 2014 Oktober Alam Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Linguistik Kehutanan Manajemen Vulkanologi PENELITIAN Sumber Daya Sumber Daya Biologi Kelautan Biologi TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mempelajari komposisi spesies genus Alexandrium yang merupakanyang fitoplankton berkembangnya menyebabkan dan ganggang berbahaya racun berpotensi dinoflagelata di Indonesia Mendokumentasikan bahasa mastarakan oral dan tradisi terletak yang Palu'e Pulau serta Flores utara di pantai Palu'e P. mempelajari sejarah Laut regional dalam konteks Flores Mengkaji implementasi REDD+ di level program multigovernmental Mengidentifikasi dampak tutupan tanah dan manajemen pupuk pada siklus nutrien dan struktur tanah Mengkaji parktek-praktek manajemen air di lahan gambut Meneliti peningkatan pengawasan metodologi seismik dengan menggunakan pendekatanbeberapa yang berbeda JUDUL PENELITIAN "Diversity of the "Diversity species phytoplanktonic Harmful Algal for responsible Blooms (HABs) in Indonesia on the with a special focus Alexandrium tamarense complex" "Language and narratives "Language and narratives Sea of the past in Flores region" “Between Internationalism REDD+ and and Localism: in Governance Multilevel Indonesia” "The effect of soil on ecosystem management services in oil palm plantations" “Impacts on of Drainage Rates in Peatlands Subsidence in Jambi Province” "Improvement of seismic "Improvement methodologies monitoring volcanoes to and application with extruding domes" lava INSTITUSI Universite Universite Montpellier 2 & IRD Lund University Lund University of University Melbourne University of Oxford University Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular – Engineering of University National Singapore IRD (Institut de pour le Recherche Dévéloppement) WARGA WARGA NEGARA Perancis Swedia Australia Taiwan India Perancis TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Vichy, 8 Vichy, 1969 Februari V. Skravlinge V. Swe), (Malmoe, 26 November 1971 Australia, 9 Australia, November 1979 Taipei, 26 Taipei, Desember 1983 Gwalior, M.P., 31 M.P., Gwalior, Januari 1985 Paris, 07 April Paris, 1962 NAMA PENELITI Dr. Estelle Pascale Pascale Estelle Dr. Raymonde Masseret Dr. Hans Steven Hans Steven Dr. Danerek Ms. Anna Jeanne Ms. Sanders Power Ms. Hsiao-HangMs. Tao Mr. Shailendra Shailendra Mr. Mishra Dr. Jean Philippe Jean Philippe Dr. G.A. Metaxian No. SIP No. 50/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 49/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 48/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 47/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 46/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 45/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 49 48 47 46 45 44 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 395 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2014 DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA MITRA KERJA Program Kajian Agama Program Program dan Budaya, Universitas Pascasarjana Dharma Sanata (Dr. Wardaya) Baskara T. Universitas Gadjah MadaUniversitas Sri Margana) (Dr. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Fakultas - Universitas Ilmu Politik Muhammadiyah Achmad (Dr. Yogyakarta Nurmadi, M.Sc) Fakultas Teknik Mesin Teknik Fakultas - ITB (Dr. dan Dirgantara Ramelan) Adhianto Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Penelitian Pusat (Winarna)Sawit Balitbang KP (Angela Balitbang KP (Angela Taukhid) Lusiastuti, DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN DI Yogyakarta, DKI JakartaYogyakarta, DI Yogyakarta (Universitas (Universitas Yogyakarta Gadja Mada, Kantor Pusat Pimpinan Muhammadiyah), Jakarta (Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (PNRI), Arsip Ilmu Lembaga Nasional, Indonesia Pengetahuan (LIPI)), Malang (Universitas Malang)Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Gunung (Gunung Yogyakarta Kidul), Kalimantan Barat (Kapuas Hulu), Kalimantan (Kabupaten Tengah Seruyan), Kalimantan (Kabupaten Timur Jambi Barat), Kutai ), Sumatra (Sarolangun Selatan (Kabupaten dan Musi Banyuasi), (Kabupaten Barat Sulawesi Mamuju) Jabar (Kampus ITB Bandung) Riau (Perkebunan Ds. Ds. Riau (Perkebunan Dosan di Siak), Sumut (Simalungun), Jambi, Kalbar Jabar (Bogor, Parung dan Parung Jabar (Bogor, daerah sekitarnya, Waduk Waduk Sagulin, Cirata, Jateng Jatiluhur), Waduk Banyumas) (Purwokerto, LAMA PENELITIAN 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 29 September 2014 6 (enam) bulan, mulai 1 Oktober 2014 1 (satu) bulan, 1 (satu) mulai 7 Oktober 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 25 September 2014 4 (empat) 4 (empat) bulan, mulai 15 September 2014 Budaya Sejarah Ekologi BIDANG BIDANG Pertanian Perikanan Teknik Sipil Teknik Antropologi Antropologi PENELITIAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN Mengeksplorasi ide tentang Mengeksplorasi ide tentang bangsa dan identitas kebangsaan dalam komunitas Indonesia abad 20 budaya Memahami bagaimana perintis Muslim Indonesia membangun kerjasama dengan kelompok pada Muslim Indonesia lainnya abad 20, dengan fokus awal organisasi- pada federasi Islam sepertiorganisasi Majlis Indonesia (MIAI) dan Islam A’laa Muslimin Indonesia Majlis Syuro (Masyumi) Memahami dan tantangan peluang dalam implementasi REDD+ di Indonesia Program Memahami hubungan antara Memahami hubungan antara struktur bangunan yang diperkuat dengan bahan dasar bambu sebagai bahan ketahanan bangunan terhadap gempa bumi di Indonesia Memahami dampak BMP (Best pada Management Practices) pertumbuhan sawit minyak meningkatkan dapat untuk sawit minyak produktivitas Melakukan survey pada patogen epidemiologis ikan gurame JUDUL PENELITIAN "Cultural Circles in Public in Public Circles "Cultural Impulese Past Spheres: Articulations and Present and Identityof Nation in Indonesia" The Federation of Islamic Federation The in the Early Organizations Century: Majlis Twentieth Indonesia (MIAI) Islam A’laa Muslimin and Majlis Syuro Indonesia (Masyumi)” “Understanding the REDD+ in Indonesia : Process Challenges and Local Opportunities” "Failure Response of Bamboo "Failure for Concrete Reinforced earthquake" improved Improving oil palm yield on Improving plots in smallholder peatland Indonesia" "Epidemiology of major fish diseases in Indonesian and aquaculture, of ecofriendly improvement (herbalpharmacopeia therapy)" INSTITUSI University of University Washington Waseda University Waseda University of University Maryland University of Florida University Wageningan Wageningan University Institut de por le Recherche (IRD) Développement WARGA WARGA NEGARA Kanada Jepang Amerika Serikat Amerika Serikat Belanda Italia TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Vancouver, 31 Vancouver, Juli 1977 Hokkaido, 9 1981 Oktober Illinois, 21 Illinois, 1981 Februari Washington Washington 29 Juni D,C, 1986 Uithoorn, 11 April 1986 Catania, 23 Catania, 1963 Februari NAMA PENELITI Ms. MicaelaMs. Marye Campbell Mr. Keita Mr. Tosabayashi Ms. Ashley Marie Ashley Ms. Enrici Ms. Fatmata Haja Fatmata Ms. Barrie Ms. Lotte Lotte Ms. Suzanne Woittiez Dr. Domenico Domenico Dr. Ugo Eugenio Caruso No. SIP No. 56/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 55/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 54/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 53/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 52/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 51/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ IX/2014 55 54 53 52 51 50 NO

396 Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi DIREKTORI PENELITIAN ASING DI INDONESIA 2014 MITRA KERJA Fakultas Kedokteran Kedokteran Fakultas Bachti (Dr. UNPAD Alisjahbana) Fakultas Biologi Biologi Fakultas Nasional (Fitri Universitas Basalamah, M.Si) Puslit Limnologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Limnologi Puslit dan tim) Henny Cynthia Puslit Limnologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Limnologi Puslit dan tim) Henny Cynthia Puslit Limnologi LIPI (Dr. LIPI (Dr. Limnologi Puslit dan tim) Henny Cynthia Puslit Biologi LIPI (Dra. LIPI (Dra. Biologi Puslit K.Renny Hadiaty) Fakultas Biologi Biologi Fakultas Nasional (Fitri Universitas Basalamah, M.Si., Wisnu S.Si) Wijiatmoko, Pusat Arkeologi Nasional Arkeologi Pusat I Made Geria,(Drs. M.Si) Balitbang KP (Angela Balitbang KP (Angela Taukhid) Lusiastuti, DAERAH DAERAH PENELITIAN Jabar (Bandung) Aceh (Suaq Balimbing Aceh TN Gunung Leuser), di Kalteng (Tuanan) Sulsel (Danau-danau Malili) Sulsel (Danau-danau Malili) Sulsel (Danau-danau Malili) Nusa Tenggara Barat Nusa Tenggara Lombok Barat, (Lombok Utara, Lombok Tengah, Bima, Timur, Lombok Sumbawa, Dompu, Barat) Sumbawa Kalteng (Tuanan) Sumut (Medan Marelan) Jabar (Bogor, Parung, dan Parung, Jabar (Bogor, sekitarnya), Jateng daerah Banyumas) (Purwokerto, LAMA PENELITIAN 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 20 Januari 2015 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 1 2015 Februari 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014 2 (dua) bulan, mulai 17 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 28 November 2014 10 (sepuluh) bulan, mulai 21 2014 Oktober 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 3 November 2014 12 (dua belas) bulan, mulai 24 2014 Oktober Zoologi BIDANG BIDANG Arkeologi Perikanan Primatologi Primatologi Mikrobiologi Mikrobiologi Mikrobiologi PENELITIAN Ilmu Kedokteran TUJUAN PENELITIAN TUJUAN untuk mengevaluasi strategi strategi mengevaluasi untuk dalam dan layak paling akurat TB melakukan pasien diagnosa mengidap yang (tuberculosis) Mellitus) DM (Diabetes dan sebaliknya Menguji hipotesis tentang Menguji tentang hipotesis kecerdasan adanya prediksi pada spesies primata budaya non-manusia Mempelajari aspek-aspek geokimia,mikrobiologis, dan dari Danau-danaulimnologi Malili Mempelajari aspek-aspek geokimia,mikrobiologis, dan dari Danau-danaulimnologi Malili Mempelajari aspek-aspek geokimia,mikrobiologis, dan dari Danau-danaulimnologi Malili Melakukan inventori yang yang Melakukan inventori meliputi studi taksonomi, dan ekologi molekuler, sistem ikan Indonesia air tawar khususnya famili Gobiidae Menguji hipotesis tentang Menguji tentang hipotesis kecerdasan adanya prediksi pada spesies primata budaya non-manusia Memperkaya mengenai data bagian kuno Sumatra sejarah sejak abad ke-5utara sampai abad ke-15 M. Melakukan survey deskriptif mengenai penyakit dalam tambak gurame JUDUL PENELITIAN "Concurrent Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis "Concurrent Mellitus: Unravellign Diabetes the casual link and improving care” "Testing the Cultural the Cultural "Testing HypothesisIntelligence in wild Orangutans" "Biogeochemistry and of the MaliliGeomicrobiology Indonesia" Lakes, "Biogeochemistry and of the MaliliGeomicrobiology Indonesia" Lakes, "Biogeochemistry and of the MaliliGeomicrobiology Indonesia" Lakes, “Inventory of Freshwater “Inventory of Freshwater Gobiidae of the Family Fishes in Indonesia” "Testing the Cultural the Cultural "Testing HypothesisIntelligence in anda Bornean Sumatran Orangutans" "Sejarah Kuno Nusantara; Nusantara; "Sejarah Kuno (abad dan Epigrafi Arkeologi ke-5 - abad ke-15 M)" "Epidemiology of major fish diseases and genetic variability of the ornamental rainbowfish" INSTITUSI University of OtagoUniversity Anthropological Anthropological Institute of the of Zurich University University of BritishUniversity Columbia GFZ Postdam University of BritishUniversity Columbia Muséum National Muséum National Naturelle d'Histoire Anthropological Anthropological Institute of the of Zurich University Ecole française française Ecole d'Extreme-Orient Institut de por le Recherche (IRD) Développement WARGA WARGA NEGARA Kanada Belgia Jerman Kanada Perancis Swiss Perancis Perancis TEMPAT TEMPAT TGL LAHIR TGL Dunedin, 02- 05-1961 Scarborough, 16 Januari 1989 Anderlecht, 17 Anderlecht, April 1989 Langenhagen, 30 Mei 1974 Edmonton, 28 Edmonton, 1977 Oktober Paris, 02 Juni Paris, 1972 Frauenfeld, 24 Frauenfeld, 1987 Agustus Roanne, 20 Roanne, November 1958 Bordeaux, 3 Bordeaux, 1972 Maret NAMA PENELITI Dr. Susan Dr. Margaret McAllister Mr. Eric Andrew Eric Andrew Mr. Balke Ms. Céline Céline Ms. Philippe Chantal Michiels Dr. Jens Kallmeyer Dr. Dr. Sean Andrew Sean Andrew Dr. Crowe Mr. Frédéric Frédéric Mr. Olivier Busson Ms. Caroline Caroline Ms. Schuppli Dr. Daniel Dr. Perret Georges Dr. Jean- Dr. Avarre Christophe No. SIP No. 66/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ XII/2014 65/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ XI/2014 63/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ XI/2014 62/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ XI/2014 61/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ XI/2014 60/EXT/SIP/ FRP/SM/ XI/2014 59/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014, SIP Pengganti No: 11/EXT/ SIP/FRP/SM/ III/2014 58/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 57/EXT/ SIP/FRP/ SM/X/2014 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 NO

Sekretariat Perizinan Penelitian Asing 397 Kementerian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi