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978-987-722-091-9 Inequality, Democracy and DevelopmentDemocracy Developmentunder Neoliberalism and Beyond South-South Tricontinental Collaborative Programme under Neoliberalism and Beyond South-South Tricontinental Collaborative Programme Inequality, Democracy and Development under Neoliberalism and Beyond Seventh South-South Institute Bangkok, 2014 The views and opinion expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Executive Secretariat of IDEAs First edition Inequality, Democracy and Development under Neoliberalism and Beyond (IDEAs, New Delhi, June 2015) ISBN: 978-987-722-091-9 International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs) Economic Research Foundation, 104 Munirka Enclave, Nelson Mandela Marg, New Delhi 110067 Tel: +91-11-26168791 / 26168793, Fax: +91-11- 26168792, www.networkideas.org Executive Secretary: Professor Jayati Ghosh Member of the Executive Committee: Professor C.P. Chandrasekhar CLACSO Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - Conselho Latino-americano de Ciências Sociais (Latin American Council of Social Sciences) Estados Unidos 1168 | C1101AAX Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel. [54 11] 4304 9145, Fax: [54 11] 4305 0875, [email protected], www.clacso.org Deputy Executive Secretary: Pablo Gentili Academic Director: Fernanda Saforcada CODESRIA (Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa) Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop X Canal IV, BP 3304, CP 18524, Dakar, Senegal, Tel: (221) 33 825 98 22 ou (221) 33 825 98 23, Fax: (221) 33 824 12 89, http://www.codesria.org Executive Secretary: Dr. Ebrima Sall Head of the Research Programme: Dr. Carlos Cardoso Sponsored by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) Contents List of Contributors 9. Commodification and Westernization: Explaining declining nutrition intake in Introduction contemporary rural China Zhun Xu & Wei Zhang 1. Inequities and Democracy: The case of post-revolution Tunisia 10. Political Economy of Land Ownership Sofiane Bouhdiba and Development in Eastern Indonesia: A case study of two 2. Inequality and Democracy in a provinces Developing Economy: A review of Emilianus Yakob Sese Tolo trends and prospects Nicholas Kilimani 11. Political Ecology of Herders’ Insurgency on Tiv Farmers in Benue 3. Problematizing Media and Democracy State-Nigeria under Neoliberalism in Africa: Decolonial perspectives Vanger, Emmanuel Terngu Sarah Chiumbu 12. Political Exclusion, Violent Conflicts 4. Limits to Democracy and Emancipatory and Development in Africa: A cross Politics in South Africa Post-1994 country analysis Lyn Ossome Ogbonnaya, Ufiem Maurice 5. Elite Capture and Elite Conflicts in 13. The Promise of Prosperity through Southeast Asian Neoliberalization Urban Revitalization in the Philippines Processes and Indonesia under a Devolved and Bonn Juego Neo-liberal Regime Bryan Joseph Ortiz 6. Balancing Out Forests: Implications of Forest Conservation Act, 1980 in 14. Vulnerability and Social Sense Southern Odisha, India Production- An analysis of the social Poorna Balaji representations of gender in the Ecuadorian press over the last ten 7. Gender Based Inequities in the World years, within the context of sumak of Work: Insights from Latin America, kawsay (good living) defence Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia Meysis Carmenati Sharmistha Sinha 15. Neoliberal Extractive Resource 8. Situating India’s Food Security Governance Frameworks and Challenges in a Political Economy Interregional Economic Inequality Framework in the Global South: Strengthening Roshan Kishore regional competitiveness through local content policies Chilenye Nwapi Inequality, Democracy and Development under Neoliberalism and Beyond 5 Contributors Sofiane Bouhdiba is a Professor of demography in the University of Tunis, and consultant with the United Nations. Nicholas Kilimani is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Faculty of Humanities, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa. Sarah Helen Chiumbu is an African Research Fellow in the Human and Social Development Programme at the Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa. Lyn Ossome is a researcher in feminist political economy, specializing in land and agrarian studies, labour sociology, political theory, social and public policy. She holds a postdoctoral position at the Unit for Humanities at Rhodes University (UHURU), South Africa. Bonn Juego is a Filipino researcher on the global political economy of development and currently Post-doctoral Researcher in Development and International Cooperation at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Poorna Balaji is a PhD scholar at the Academy of Conservation Science and Sustainability Studies, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Manipal University, India. Sharmistha Sinha is the Deputy Director at the National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development, NITI Aayog, Government of India. Her research interests include gender and macroeconomics, changing employment patterns across the world and inequality. Roshan Kishore is a PhD scholar at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning (CESP), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Zhun Xu is an Assistant Professor at the School of Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China. Inequality, Democracy and Development under Neoliberalism and Beyond 6 Wei Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the School of Labour and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China. Bryan Joseph Ortiz is an incoming Instructor, College of Arts, Sciences and Education, Holy Angel University, Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines. Emilianus Yakob ese Tolo is a researcher at the Graduate School of Public Administration, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Vanger, Emmanuel Terngu is a Scholar at the Institute for Developmental Studies, University of Nigeria Enugu Campus, Nigeria. Ogbonnaya, Ufiem Maurice is a Security and Policy Analyst in the Department of Research and Training, National Institute for Legislative Studies (NILS), National Assembly, Abuja, Nigeria, and currently a PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science, University of Uyo, Nigeria. Meysis Carmenati is a Research Professor at the National Higher Studies Institute (Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales), and Simón Bolívar Andean University (Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar), Quito, Ecuador. Chilenye Nwapi is a Post Doctoral Fellow at the Canadian Institute of Resources Law, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Inequality, Democracy and Development under Neoliberalism and Beyond 7 Introduction This book is the collection of articles by young researchers from Latin America, Africa and Asia who were laureates of the South-South Institute held in Bangkok, Thailand in November 2014. The primary objective of the South-South Institute is to offer advanced research training opportunities to the younger scholars on the diverse problems and challenges faced by the countries of the South, and the theoretical and methodological perspectives that might be appropriate for gaining a full understanding of the specific situation of the countries and peoples located outside the core of the international system such as it is presently structured. The main premise of this effort is the glaring inadequacy of much of the theories and methodologies developed in the North, as crystallised in the mainstream social sciences, to provide the required instruments for a sound understanding of the problems confronting the countries of the South. The Institute mobilises young scholars from across the three continents, involving them in discussion, critiques and adaptations of existing theories and the generation of alternative approaches. The theme of the seventh South-South institute, “Inequality, Development and Democracy and Beyond” is of immense significance for the countries of the global South. Decades of experience of following neoliberal economic policies in various countries across the globe have provided ample evidence that we now live in a more unjust world than before. The withdrawal of the state has led to the emergence of powerful private entities and increased the power for global finance and transnational companies that are guided only by the motive of profit with no social compulsions, and are not even democratically accountable for their actions. This has been associated with significant increases in inequality in most countries and regions. The decentralisation of power and authority has been curbed severely, making nonsense of the rhetoric of democracy typically advanced by neoliberal ideologues. Nor has neoliberalism succeeded in delivering higher growth of putput and employment. As evidenced by the Great recession and the still ongoing financial crisis, the rise of neoliberalism has increased economic instability with grave welfare consequences. Not surprisingly, for more than a decade now many countries, especially in Latin America, have gone “beyond” neoliberalism, experimenting with alternative policy regimes. The experiment is still on, but already many positive results are visible. The Inequality, Democracy and Development under Neoliberalism and Beyond 8 Introduction developing countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia faced unique challenges, which led to each adopting different policy mixes for development in different phases of their post-War history. The homogenised policy framework imposed on these countries under the neoliberal agenda is now proven to be ill suited to address these country specific
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