BULLETIN OF THE MUSEUM OF FAR EASTERN ANTIQUITIES (BMFEA) Revised December, 2016. Prices are listed in Swedish crowns, SEK. Payment by bank transfer. All available items can be ordered from
[email protected] , fax: +46-8-5195 5755, www.varldskulturmuseerna.se/ostasiatiskamuseet/ All volumes and separates are paper bound as issued. Titles within parenthesis are no longer in print. Please note that while a complete volume may be sold out, separates might still be available, or vice versa. Subscriptions to the BMFEA are also welcome, currently at 425.00 AVAILABLE, SEK per annum, less VAT for customers outside the European Union. Confirmed subscribers receive an invoice each time a new issue is distributed. * * * BMFEA BACK LIST (BMFEA 1, 1929) The complete issue is sold out. Separates: ANDERSSON, J. G., Origin and Aims of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities.18 p, 2 pl. AVAILABLE, SEK 50:- (CHOU CHAO-HSIANG, Pottery of the Chou Dynasty. Ed. B. Karlgren, with notes by Andersson. 9 p, 7 pl, 20 rubbings). AVAILABLE, SEK 50:- BOUILLARD, G., Note succinte sur l'histoire du territoire de Peking et sur les diverses enceintes de cette ville. 21 p, 4 maps. AVAILABLE, SEK 50:- TING, V. K., Notes on the Language of the Chuang in N. Kuangsi. 4 p. AVAILABLE, SEK 50:- (ANDERSSON, J. G., On Symbolism in the Prehistoric Painted Ceramics of China. 5 p). SOLD OUT (RYDH, H., On Symbolism in Mortuary Ceramics. 50 p, 11 pl, 62 fig.) SOLD OUT ANDERSSON, J. G., Der Weg über die Steppen. 21 p, 1 pl, 2 col. maps, 4 text-fig.