Tlincoln.] Bridsley
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tLINCOLN.] BRidSLEY. 54 i?os± oF':Fick CROSBY-John Gell&John DriffiH, 'Ancholme,' thursday NoRMA!iDY-John Driffill,' Ancholme,' thursday • ELs HAM -James Green, ' Red Lion,' thursday & saturday ScAWBY-John Young, Ancholme tavern, thursday & sat GAINSBOROUGH-John Barnard, William Hunt & John ScoTTER'-Thomas Marris, 'White Hart,' thursday Daubney, from 'Nelthorpe Arms;' William Ducker & ScoTTON-Joseph Cawkwell, 'Ancholme,' thnrsday Thomas Broughton, from ' White Hart, 1 & John Sim_p ScuNTHORPE-J ohn Driffill, 'Ancholme,' & Hy. Richard son, from ' Ancholme,' all thursday Whitham, ' White Hart,' thursday GRASBY-Jno. Frear& Geo. :M:arkham, 'A.ncholme,' thurs SNITTERBY~Austin Walket, f Nelthorpe Arms,' thursday GRIMSBY-George Cook, RichardCatley & Robert Crow, SouTH KILLINGHOLME-Joseph Tong, t White Hart,' from ' Red Lion;' George Coulson, 'A.ncholme, ~ & Wm. thursday Loft Calvert, f Black Bull/ thnrsday TEALBY-John Driffill, ~ Ancholme,' thursday GuNHOUSE-George Peat & William Luun, Ancholme ULOEBY-Robert Clayton, 'Red Lion,' thursday; George tavem, thursday · · Davy, 'Black Bull,' thursday HIBALDSTOW-Mrs.AnnOoulson; Ancholme tavern, thurs WADDINQH.U.t:-John Simpson, Ancholme tavern, thurs HULL-Richard Catley, Robt. Crow &; Geo. Mundy, 'Red day; William Hunt,' Nelthorpe Arms,' thursday; Wil Lion.' ·wmiam Loft Calvert ~ George Cook, ' Black Bull,' liam Ducke11, f White Hart,' thursday ~ J oh.n Driffill, 'Ancholme,' thursday WILLOUGHTON--JohnDaubney, 'NelthorpeArm s,' thurs .J{EELBY:-William Loft Calvert, f Black Bull,' thursday; WINTERTON-Thomas Tune,' Wool pack, • tuesday} thurs Qeorge Cook, 'Red Lion,' thursday day & saturday; & John Hunt,' Black Bull,' thursday KELSEY, N ORTH-8amuel Codd, Ancholme tavern, thurs WooTTON-George Mundy, 'Red Lion1' thnrsday day; Geo:rge Gray,' White Hart,' thnrsday WoRLABY-John Forest, ~Black Bull, thursday; Henry KIRMINGTON-Richard Catley, 'Red Lion,' thursday Girdham, Ancholme tavern, thursday KrRTON-IN-LINDSEY-Wm. Hunt,' Nelthorpe .Arms,' & YADDLETHORPE-John Smith, 'Ancholme,' thursday Thoma$ Broughton, 'White Hart,' thursday WATER CONVEYANCE:-.- LIMBER-Robert Crow & Richd. Catley, f RedLion,' thurs Thomas Darley's trading vessels from the wharf to Hull, LINCOLN-Austin Walkex:, 'NelthorpeArms,' & Thomas time uncertain Broughton, 'White Hart,' thursday William Smith & Son's trading vessel from the wharf to LouGHTON-John Barnard,' Iielthorpe Arms,' thursday Hull, twice a week LouTH-George Coulson, 'Ancholme,' thursday Hull, Ferriby Sluice &; Brigg Packet Company's Fly boat .MARKET RASEN-George Coulson &; William Richards, from the wharf with p:oods & passengers daily (except 'Ancholme,' & Austin Walker, 'Nelthorpe Arms,' thurs sunday & thursday), at 7.30 a.m. returning according to 1\IEssiNGHAM-John Barnard, Nelthorpe Anns,' thurs tide ; trading vesllel once a week day; J oseph Cawkwell, A.ncholme tavern, thursday A two-horse boat from Bishop bridge attends Briggmarket NETTLETON-William Richards, Ancholme tavern, thurs every thursday, leaving at 3 o~clock BR.J:GSLBY is a small village and parish, 3 miles north a square tower with 3 bells. The register dates from about west of North Thoresby station, 153 from London, and 5 the year 1750, the early portion having been destroyed. 'fh~ south-by-west of Grimsby, in the hundred of Bradley population in 1851 was 137; the acreage 860 i the r~teable Haverstoe. Caistor union, diocese and archdeaconry of value £1,036 3s. Richard Borrell, Esq., is lord of the Lincoln, and deanery of Grimsby, North Lincolnshire. The manor, but has sold his life interest in tbe estate to George living is a, rectory, val1,1e £55, in the gift of the Chapter of Babb, Esq. The Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists have Southwell, and :held by tbe Rev. James Garvey, M.A., who each a small chapel here. resides at Ashby-cum-Fenby. The church ot St. Helen has Lawrence Mr. John Coulbeck Charles Thomas, tailor Slmons Samuel, cattle dealer Smith, M:re Faulding Richard, farmer Smith J oseph, boot & shoe maker COMMERCIAL. Hinch John, farmer Tutty Isaac, shopkeeper JUyth Wm. parish clerk & shopkeeper Holmes W~llia.m, farmer West William, carrier Chatterton William, carpenter & wheel- Hufton George, farmer Letters through GreatGrimsby,which wright Sharp Robert, farmer is also the neare:~t money order office CA:RRIER-• West Bll.J:NK.HILL is a small village and parish, in a pic Esq., architect, of Louth. The register dates from the year turesque valley, about 7 miles north-north-west of Spilsby, 1576. In the parish fuund pyrites of iron, whieh, from 9 east-north-east from Horncastle, 6 west-south-west from its bright yellow colour, has got the name of 'Brinkhill Alford station, and 136 from London, in the Hill hundred gold.' The poot have seven acres of land~ left I,y an un and deanery, parts of Lindsey, Spilsby l)nion, diocese and known donor, and the parish contains 930 acres, and the archdeaconry of Lincoln, North Lincolnshire. The benefice population in 1851 was 171. Here is a school-house, erected is a rectory, consolidated with that of Harrington, in the gift in the year 1851, for the benefit of the parishes of Harring of the Rev. Henry John Ingilby, and held by the Rev, B. w. ton and Brinkhill. The W esleyans and W esleyan Refunners Cracroft, M.A. The church of St. Philip is a neat brick have each a place of worship here; the former built in 1826. and stone building, in the Early English style of architec The Rev. Henry John lngilby is lord of the manor, and he and ture, consisting of naYe and chancel; it was rebuilt in ~858, Sir Montague Cholmeley, M.P., chief owners ohhe soil. at a edit of .£500, from plans prepared by James Fowler, Maidens Thomas Cousins, esq. Manor Daubney Sutton, carpenter Turner John, schoolmaster house Grant J oseph, boot & shoe maker Wilson George, boot & shoe maker Towler John Bland, esq Grundy William, blacksmith Wilt:!on William, lime burner COMMERCIAL. Jackson Edward, farmer Letters through Spilsby arrive at 11 Burnett Thomas, furmer Kemp Israel, wheelwright by foot messenger, who returns at 2 Butters Henry, tailor Payne Joseph, farmer p.m. The Rearest money order office Chambers Ellen (Mrs.),Fox \t Hounds, Shadford William, grocer & draper is at Alford & butcher & shopkeeper Towler John Bland, furmer School, John Turner, master; Mrs. Turner, mistress Bll.OCXLBSBY, with the hamlet of LITTLE trM- acreage of 684. .Brocklesby Hall, the seat of the Eatl of :BER, is a sm1.1.ll village, 2 miles south-west from Ha- Yarborough, the loxd lieutenant of the county, is$ mansion brough station, 165 from London, and 7 north of Caistor, pleasantly situated in a well-timbered park, which is about 2 in Y arborough wapentake, Caistor union, North Lincoln- miles in iength and l in breadth, and stocked with deeJ\ T1te shire. The Iivins- is a rectory, nlue.about £250, with the mansion contains a picture gallery, which was added 1lo it in vicarage of Kirmmgton annexed. held by the Rev~ Robert 1807. This gallery contains, besides the pictures, a figure of Carr M. Brackenbury, B •.&.., (who resides at Kirmin~on,) Niobe, in Parian mat;ble, and oth~ fine specimens of sculp and in the patronage of the Earl of Y arborough, who IS lord tnre. In the park is a mausoleum, in the form of a Grecian of the manor. The church of All Saints is a handsome edifice, temple. The basement contains the cemetery; 'frith brick with a lofty tower. The acreage is about 2,450. The popu- catacombs; above it is the chapel, approached hy a flight of lation in 1851 was 269, besides 50 in Limber and 29 in New- steps, and divided into four compartments by eight Corin sham. The latter is an extra-parochial place, with an tbian columns, supporting the dome. PRIVATE RESIDE:NTS. Dann George, farm bailiff to the Earl Major Thos. inspector or under-drain- Gibbons Stephen, esq of Yarborough, Little Limber age to the Earl of Yarborough Talbot Mr. Frederick Carr Gibb Thomas, gardener Talbot Frederiek Carr, surveyor to the ·w orsley Lord C.has. M .P. Brocklesby pk Gibbons Stephen, land agent to the Earl Earl of Yarborough Yarborough Right Hon. the F..arl of, ofYarborough Letters through U1ceby1 -..hich is Brocklesby park Raven Robert, farmer, Little Limber also the nearest money order office .