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7 LINCOLNSHIRE. [KELLY S ton, Osbou~nby, Pickworth, Pointon, Rippingale, Scot Calceworth Hundred (Wold Division) :-Alford, Beesby Willoughby, SempBringha.m, Spanby, Sta~nfie.ld, Swaton, in-the-Ma;rsih, Bilsby, Olaxby, Farleslthorpe, Hannah, filleckingham amd Walcot. .Mal1Jby-Je-Ma.rsh, Markby, Rig~by, Saleby, Strubby, Be~:i.sloe Wapentake :-Aulllby, Ba.ssingthorpe, Bitch mceby, Well, Willoug-hby and WitheTn. fieid, Bulby, Durton Ooggles, Lit>tlle Bytham, Careby, Candleshoe Wapentake,Marsh Division :-Adldlethorpe, Caatle Bytlham, Cawthorpe, OolS~terWOTth and Wools<h, Croft, Friskney, Ingoldmellii, North thorpe, Corlby, Courutlhorpe, Creeton, Edenlh11m, Gunby olme, Orby, Skegnes.s, Wainfioot All Sain-ts, Waiufl.eet St. Nicholas, Hawthorpe, Holywcll, Ingoldsby, lrmha.rn, St. Ma;ry and Win1thorpe. Keisby, Lavington or Leruton, :Mant>l:JJorpe•, Osgodby, Ca.ndlle~oe, Wold Division :-Ashby-by Skilli.n.gton, Srta.inby, Swayfield, Swins!Wa;d, Toft and Pa.rtney, Bratoftt, Candlesby, Da.lby, Driby, Firsby, Gunby Lound, No;rth Witham, and South St. Peter, Irby-le-Marsh, Partney, Scremby, Skendleby, Withiam. Great Steeping, Sutterby and Welton-in-the-Marsh. Boothby Gra:ffo Wapen,take,Righer Div~ion :-Boothby, Corringham Waperutaiu~ :-Blyton, C'l.eatham, Corring Coleby, Ea~le, Eagle Hall, Eagle Woodlhouse, Harms ham, East Ferry, Gainsborough, Gl'ayingham, Green ton, Skinn:J.nd, Navenby, Swinethorpe, Welbourn and hill, Hea.pham, Hemswelll, Kirton-in-Lindsey, Laugllwn, W eJflingore. Lea, Morton, Northurpe, Pi1ham, Scotter, SooU.on, Boothby GI'affo Wa.pentake, Lower Division:- Sonthorpe, SpringtJhorpe, East, Walk.erith AubouTII},<oom, Boul1Jham, BTa~Cebridge, Brace and Wildswwth. bTidge Heait•h, Carlton-le-Moorland, Dodlding.t.~on, Had Ga.r,tree Wapentak<e, Noriih Divisi·on :-~terby, llaum dinrton, Hykeham (North), Hykeham (South), Norton be-r Dr Bamburgh, Belchford, Cawkwell, Donington Di£ne·y, Scar le (~ orth), SkeUingthorpe, Stapleford, upon-Bain, Edlington, Goulsby or Goulce1by, Hemin.gby, Swindlerby, ThQrpe-on--the-Hill, 'Dhurlby a.lil.d Wisby. .\tl<trketJ Stainton, Ran'by, Scamb1esby, Stenigot and Flax well Waperutake :-Anwick, Ashby-de-la-Laund, Great Stur•t.on. Bloxholme, BmunceweH w:Wh DunSJby, C:mnwell, Digby, Dorrington, Haverhole Priory, Holdinghrun, Lea.singham, Gar1tree Wapentake, SoutJh Division :-Bucknall, Dal Rauceby (North and South), Rowston, Roxholm, Rus derby, Crtmtby, Horsingoon, Ki:rkby-upon-Bain, .K.irk kington, New Sleaford and Temple Bruer with Temple Sitead, L!m~t~m-near-Horncasttle, Martin, Minting, Scr1v High Grange. eilsby, Sti:x.would, TatJtershall, TatJtershaJ.l Thorpe, Thorn Gran.tha.m Sake :-Belton, Brace by, Deruton, Easton, ton, Tumby, Wadd.ingwoortih, Wisp-ington, Woodhall and Wood1ln:ll Spa. Great Gonerby, Lit!Jl~ Gonerby, GrantJham, Harlaxton, Ha.rrowby Within, Ha.rrowby Without, Londonvlrorpe, H111 Hundred :-As.hby Puerorum, Aswardby, Bag Mantlhorpe, Ponton (Grewt ), Sappemoon, Spittle gate Enderby, Brimlkhill,· Claxby Wuckacre, Fullevby, Greet Within and WitJhout, Houg'hton an'd Walton and South ham, Hagworthingham, Ha.meringham, Ha.rringt{)n, Stoke. Langton-by-Spilsby, South Ormsby,Oxcombe, Salm~mby, La.ngoe Wapentake, 11st ,Divisci.on :-Billinghay, Dog Sau.s!.ihorpe, .ScrafieJd, Somersby, Tetford, Walmsgate, dyke, Kirby Green, Kyme (Norlh), Martin, Thorpe Til Winceby and Worlaby. ney, Timberland and "\\Talcot. Hornca,.,ile Sake :-Ashby (West), Ooningsby, lla1t1ham Langoe WapentaJ,e, 2nd Division :-Blank•ney, Can upon-Ba,in, Horncas-tle, LangriviJ.le, Mareiham-le-Fen, wick, Dun<Sibon, HeigUlington, Metheringballll, Nocton, Mareha,m-on-ttlhe-Hill, Moorby, Roughton, Thimbleby, Potter Hanwor1ib, Soopwick and W.ashingborougb. Thorn,ton-le-Fen, Toynton (High and Low), Wildmoor, Lovede·n Wa.penooke :-'--Ancaster, Bayard8' Leap, Beck Wilbby and Wood Enderrby. ingham, Bennington Grange, Long BenningtiQn, Brnlllt Lawre.s~ Wapentake :-Ai~.Vhorpe ·or Easrt TJrorpe, Ba.r Broughton, OM-lton Scroop, Ca.ytlhOTpe, Claypole, Dod lings, Brat.tleby, Bro.xholme., Burton, Carlton (North and din.gton, FenrtJon, Fo~on, Fulbock, Hough-on-the-Hill, South), Chm-.ry Willingham1 Dunholm, Fiskerton, Greet HQugham, Leadenham, Marston, Normonrt1Qn 1 Stooggle well, Hardwick, N ett:tleham,Reepha.m ,RisehoJme ,Saxe1 by t1horpe, Stubtmn and Westborough. with-Ingleby, Scampton, Sothern, Snarford, Sud Nes.s Wapentake :-Ba.l'holm, Ba~n. Rrace.borongh, brooke, Thorpe-in-the-F,a11ows, Torksey and WelJt.on. Carlby, Deeping St. James., Deeping St. Nlicholas. Wes11 Lincoln Liberty :-Brnnston, Cold Bath House (Lin Dooping, Greatforo, Langtoft, M11orket Deeping, St{Jwe~ Ta1lington, Thudby, Uffingt<m and Wil:5>Uhcnpe. coln), County Lunatic Asylum (Lincoln), Lincoln Co..~tle (Lincom), Mere, MonkS<' ~i_!:erty (Lincoln), St. Be-ned.ict Stamoord Borough :-All Saint~. St. Goorge, St. John Baptist, St. Mary and St. Michaell Within. (Lincoln), St. B<rlolph (Lincoln), St. John-in-Newport Winnilmgg!J W ape;ntake :-Al1ington (East and West), (Linco~n), St. Margaret-in-tlhe-Close (Lincoln), St. Mark Bark:stone, Ba.rr.owby, Boothby, Pagnel1, Haydor, Honing (Lincoln), St. Martin (Lincoln), St. Mary MagdBJ.en-im. the-Bail (Lincoln), St. Mary-le-Wigford (Lincoln), St. ton, Humby (Lit.t.le), Ponfun (LittJle), Rops~ey. Sed~ge brook, New Somerby, Old Somerby, Stoke (North), :\Iichael-on-t:he-Mount (Lincoln), St. Nicholas (Lincoln), St. Paui-in-t•he-Bail (Lincoln), S~. Pe,te.r-at-A\l'Ches (Lin Stroxton, S~n, Welby, Wilsford, Wool<&Ulmrpe and WyviUe with Hungecl.on. coln), St. Peter--a.t-Gowt.s (Lincoln), St. Peter-in-East gate (Linooln), St. Swithin (Lincoln) and Waddington. PAHT:i OF LINDSEl'. Louth E!!!ke Wa.pentake, Mar<!:h Division :-Alvingham, .Aslaooe Wapentake, Eas.t Divi'lion :-Attell"by, Bi;;.hop Cas1tle Carl•ton, Grea.t Carlton, Little Ca.rlton, Conis Nor ton, Caenby, Oold Hanworth, Ea Sib Fil'"S by, W eS't . holme, Sout-h Elkington, Gra.inthorpe,Grimold'by,~Ianby, Fin;;by, Glen1ham, Hack:thorn, Normanby, Owmby, All St. North Reston, Saltfieetbv• Saints, Saltfleetbv• Saxby, Snitterrby and Sp·ridlington. Olementt, Saltfl.ootby St. Peter, Ski~brook with Saltfiert Aslacoe Wa.pentake, West Division :-Elyborough, Haven, North Some•rcotes, South Somercote·s and Y:n Camme·ringham, Coo.te<s, Filhlngha.m, Glentworth, Harps borough or Ya.rburgh. well, H~msweH, and Willoughton. LoJLtlh Esike Wapentake, Wold Divislion :-Authorpe, Bolingbroke Soke, East Divilscion :-CM"Tin!;'OOD, Eas-t Burwell, Ca!lcethorpe, Nornh Cockerington, Soutlh Cock ville, Hail.t()n Holgate, Hund:le<by, Eas<t Kea1, Lus<by, erington, Nor·th Elk[ngton, FarfoTtJh, Gayton-le-Wold, Mavis-Enderby, Midville, RailthJby, Spilsby, Littl~ Steep Grimblethorpe, Hallington, Haug:ham, Kedd~ngton, Kel ing, Thorpe St. PBter, Toynton All Saintl!f and Toynton Sitern, Lout:Jh,Louth Pa.rk,Muckton, Raithby-cum-Ma1tby, St-. Petm-. Ruckland, Stewton, Ta.tihwen, Welton-le-Wold and With . Bolingbroke Sake, We~:t Division ~-.A.!!garby, Boling· caJ.l. broke, Frilt-hvil.le, Hagnaby, Hareby, West. Keal, Ea&t Kirby, Miruingsby, Reve~·by, · Sib.sey, SHcklford', Stti:dkney, Ludlborougfu. Wapentake ~~Bra.ckenborough, Coven·bam Wes.t Fen and West Vil.le. · St. BartJholomew, Covenbam St. Ma.ry, Fot,herbr. Little Bradley Ha.verstoe Wapentake :-Ashby~with-Fenby, Grimsby, Lu!lborough, Nm·tJh Ormsby, Utterby and A}Uesby, Ba:riUlldby-le-Beek, Beelsby, Bradiley, Brig~y. WytJham witlh Ca.deby. Cabourn, Clee, Cle€/th[)rpe-witih-Thrnnll'Coe, Great Coates, Man1ey Wapentake, Eal!lt Divi~ion :-As.hby, Bot-t~ Little 008/tes, North Coates, Cuxwold,Fubtow, GrailllSiby, ford, Brom<by, Broughoon, Burringham, East Butter Great Grilru!by, Hat.cliffe, Hawerby-wi:tJh-Beoesby, wick, Cro~by, Froding.ham, HibaJdstow, Hohne, Manton, Heal!ing, HoltJon-le-Olay, Humbertstone, Irby-upon Mess.ingham, Redbourne, Scawby-cum-Sturton, Scun Hnmber, Laooby, Mar&h Chapel, Newbon-le-Wold, East thorpe, Twigmore, Waddingham and Yaddletiliorpe. Ravendale, Wat RavendaJe, Rothwell, Scairt'ho, Swnllow, Manley Wapentake, North Division :-.Alkbo.rough, Swinlhope, Te'tmet, Nol"'th ThoTet!"by, Wa.ith, W~lsbt and Appleby, Burlon-upon-Stather', Flixboro', Gunhou.._"€, Waltham. West Ha.lton, Raventhorpe, Roxby-curn-RiSiby, W'b:itltor., Ca.lceworth Hundred ( Division),Anderny, Winteringham and Win>berton. Belle-an, LittJ!e Cawtlhm-pe, Clia.OOby, Ohl.ytlhm-pe, Manley Wapentake, West Divi9ion :-Althorpe, A.m Cumberworlh, Gayton~Ie-Marsh, Hau~h, Hogstlhorpe:, cotts, Beliton, We,.-tt Butterwick, Crawl~. Eastoft, Ep Hnttoft, Legbonrntl, MabletJhorpe St. Mln'1, Mabletlhorpe womib., Ea~t Ferry, Haxey, Keadby, Luddington, Owston St. Pelt<er, Mumby, Sout·h Reston, Sntton-m--tJhe-M-.I'tlbi and Wroot. Swabt; Theddl~o1'1Je' All Sa.inu, Thed'd.iethorpe Sill. Wahrhcrof.t W8pent·ake, North Division :-Busling Helen, South Th(1I"e!!lby, Tothill and Trusthorpe. thorpe,, Faldingworth, FrieSlthmpe, Holton-le-.