LrJJ L« H LAST EblTlfr;

^M ^M , I

' ' ' ¦' ' *^*r VOL. LXiy ' ¦ ; Nd! 3 101 K BEQIBTERED AT THE GENERAL PU if "»"!? : i! In - NOVEMBER 19 ivld* POST OFFIOE AS A NEWSPAPER. X jXjXjS* U tiN'k PENNY Svrthj , JKarriagcjy eg I >aths. I prepaid |\,dveriisemej^ Kotels Shipping! 6jm^ttni . Births, Marriages, and Deaths I digged (or PREPAID ADVERTISEMENT EMPLOYMENT VYANTtO 2&. 6d. five lines. I Every additional | M(SCE1XAN2OUS line 6d. : • i : ! ¦• OCALK I (Contd.) || i " I WEEKLY NEWS. Situation required ) — "" ¦ for Genofal LMM ; TT^fTT- T~ I I: . . ; 12 WOBDB FOUR CGpRTS Clyde I «d. per insertion A used to horses; good gardener; 17 /^HBISTMAS me/ti TCDS—^Printed, '.K- Shipping Company, MARRIAGE i »O .1 Od. ..] years present situation ; over military- \J signed, *£&Muia in; Ireland. Greet- BEST and CHEAPEST ROUTE for Cargo end Live Stock to and from al^pt^rte «i »• A Od. J „ age. Apply Bigg, Clooneen, Nc rtoWn. ings in Irish'aau Engluih. Beautiful De- HOTEL, WILSOH. AXP McKENNA—On ljfh iiist. signs. Printed ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, andKdRTH OF IBEIiAND, DUBLIN. «nd CORK. vith your same and ad- INN'S QUAY DUBLIN. at the Cathedral , by Revd. Wml Flynn, se ,1 1». od. .. M dresa. from 3s. 6d^Ber down upwards, al ,j T. j. Wilson, Manager'; " Independent " 42 . 1s. 2d. ., WAKTED—Positon as workirU Gar- " The Waterford N5wa " Printing Worka. S-AHKiX AHD 00MMER0IAI,. *«a : 40 , I 18. 4d. „ dener. Apply 6198 this offide. O'Connell Street. ! INTENDED SAILINGS FBOM ! INTENDED SAILINGS TO ¦ el Jest ¦ ! : WATERFOBD. . . ' i ¦ Office , Waterford, to 3£ary.| • . -| i . II I j 4 100 Bedtoomi bom 2H pet Bight. I WATEBFOBD. • To LIVEBPOOL-Every ¦ Advertisements of all Public Corpora- 1 Monday. Wed- IT ¦ daughter of Mr. and:Mrs. McKer na, LADIES COFFEB ROOM. ¦ - I ' * ¦ " ) ' 1 WASTED-Joaition as Van Driver; nesav ana o»iara»y | i , . ; , : ' tiina, Begietry OfEcea, ) Auctions, Trade T\B. BLAUD'S Iron Tonic P11U ' cure (airect;. I SunimerhiU Terrace. j | Advertisements, and those ordered to be highly recommended. Apply 6199 XJ Anamia;- easily taken ,- 1- perfectly iRestaurant— Popular Price*. To GLASGOW—Every Mandar (direct). From I LIVERPOOL—Every Itanday office. - tasteless. . Every Wednesday (Tia - PJyroooth)- 'i Wednesday,and Friday (direct). .[-laced under'apecial (headings not, , in I ): • Bottles eontaining-lS do?en Is. Special Low Tariff ; far Boaroer accordancewith our regularclassification I Geo. White tod Sons. Ltd.; iCbemisto, *. To BRISTOL-Every Tuesday (direct). From¦ | GLASGOW—Every Monday ¦ and Wateiford. . . • . : • „ .: - . . To CABDIFF—Ererr alternate Tuesday . .¦ • . Ihnrsdayjdirect) .. . ' r/ '.j .. .. will be charged at 6d. per line. - Govern- "\70UNG Girl, experienced, J ah ' . BaaBMts ud Ctab Dlooeri catered (or • - •; ' PEATH8 , . : ; ment Advertisements if- per line. . , »'!'• To LONDON-(e*i.a lhertoa DockJEwrjFnno;BW aTOIJp'E^eryi'thjiitBdBy. '" ' ' j . X hear of Vacancy in Grocery.cad.Bar. ' ^- ¦trbe additess'to nhien replies ¦ ' ¦ ' : SontauunptooJ- .tad ,FrO»CABDIFF—Every altemal-t Ffiilay CBRIEN-This evening) Apply.€260 .this office. •• • . "¦- , .• -- .;<', ;• " '¦ "¦ " ' ' ; ' ¦ > -;;5 '^ ' ¦ ¦ '¦{' '' 'S^f?*^' t*''*- ; at ad o^&nied & it fa charged for in"every case.- Postage ' .. > " .; ¦J^Tf .i.W '; . -v .- From' LONDON (SW KatheriaO-' Artistip; PlefiiSW • Prajnings.' go. to " Poc*>-v; agejai the residence of his son; 25 South xo ramee wiping D9 WIUJ Auverosc- FB ; Q6od» «Jeo7mtiftcr& Londoa al] f -y K.rtfi itt' ut id»jf^<--'.>.i-^jJ' * "'r-"- ¦ ¦ sen* "yOUMG LADT, cood appeara ice, and Gcq. White £af SOne, Ltdj. Water- ).-. . Stabhi^ Cpnc0tiei. b> I j ': u minte. i . •!' 'i ' ' ' i SailWgs Tik Liverpool¦ , Bristol, ; ind Good* eOso carried from Londaa-by Parade, Michael O'Brien, senr.^pro'r.'rie- [ X address, seeks engagement is Book- ford. . ¦Pneea i toe, lowest ifonsUtpjts ' ¦ ¦ •¦ ¦ " - ' ¦ «U Replies to Advertisement addressed to ¦ ~ with Soothim ai ca, . •••> \ I }..,. j SaillnfU tor of , Model Bakery, " ', keeper,] Correspondence Clerk, Si ortjiand best workmahahlp."i. '• ' ' • \ y, - vialliveToolttnaBrioioi:v Waterford. nv steers at this office wjll be received and ' ¦ : To fLYMOUTH^ErtryW ednesdey (dir.) FromllDUBEm- ^(Direct) Erery, W J Writer and Typist Apply 6200 th -¦ r " ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ eda-* « office. — ¦: ¦ T*wbca, tU> .; . . Di^ot,. To :-l- \ ' - '¦* ¦:¦- ¦•: ' *' ' ¦ Funeral at one o'clock pn. Sunday from handled with ithe. utmost care; but the . . J: . Ul^f ti^ ., «)UXHAMPT0»i ¦ rEver7 SatnV^T o, take word* convey. ' Blinding For Bates of'Freight and other information apply to.-— . - ¦ Office will not bo dealt -with,! but imme- » it to A H. Poole and Co./Photogr»rhers In th* tmsV aajoming graveyard offer 'Of3ce . ' and ' 34 Mall, . DM« centra of Dublin, th« Hotel il CLTDE SHIPPING CQ LTD.. diately sent to Dead Letter Offioe, Adver- Waterford. They are experts in ¦ .f CuitemH Houie Quay. ¦Waterioid. High' NEAR EVEBYWHERE ot lntomt lo " " ' ¦ * > ¦ !. " ¦ ¦ MaW on Wednesday.—BL IJP. \ II tisements I with each addresses will sot this branoh of tb« business, and «lw»ys Telegram ^- Cumhrae. • . I '. . . ., „ MORSK8,, HARNI98 obtain the beat possible resultat the Traveller. IU Ubb and rc«ct« | oefinaerted. i 4 be 1 &C ire w ' good ai trtlning, Telephones-General Offloe , Advertisements Must Authenticated ear*, «s4 204 (Glagglw, Belfast LondoJ), Gooda Offiee. « ^ knowledge can mak» UMUB.. ' (Liverpool, Bristol, Cardiff), Goods Office, 82. • WREATHS.—You get |'economjr land I py ruupe sou Aaaress oi oeqaer. TJWR SALE—A Good black Cart Horse. vi - Cash, original teatim ILLUSTRATED GUIDE to Waterford punctuality by sending your orders to 27- oniale| or other X Anply to 6189 this office. ! X The 1915 edition containsmuch WICKL&W \kO TEL 28 Barronslrand articles o£ value thould not Ix-ienrf oxd in new street. Large! stock I of matter. . " Quite : remarkable value for WICKLOW BTBEET. | DUBLIR. Wreaths, fVosses, etc., from 5a. \o X6: I J. letlera addressed through an Office Nnm Sixpence," Biya'-Hho. Fruman' ber to Advertiser. ' ; ' lw t i Journal. T. MAHON, G. McCaoiy successor to W. Power. Tel©, I I "CWB1 SALE—W«teh.iPony , Truj , and Published by W#tojford News, Uaaacta CUNARD LINE grains:] McCaul Ainy Order to Withdraw or JBepest, or x " Ltd., _ AlERICAN-^IME , Ironmonger. Waterford. Harness. Arply, Griffiths, Ayoca and on sale at all . Newsagents¦ and Sta- Phone Knmberf 1858—18E> any Inquiry respecting k Prepaid Adver- Lodge. I I tion 'j.V J . , / ¦] '' '., il ; TO UNITED OTATBO.^ LIVI RPOOL TO : NBW tise roent Must be Accom>anied by « Copy _ ^ - . . . j YORK. ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ - . J. [_ ' - ¦ ¦ I : . - - II : II -Tf of '.he AdVertiaement. j ' ¦ LIVERPOOL j > TO >IEW yORK.j , ! (DIBECT)-EyEBT SATUBDAT. I By Replies to Advertisemiate are Kept (or "POB SALE—Marc. Trap, I arnew. OSCAiR,' Chiropodist, ' ORDUNA ' ¦ Three Weeks Only. I I MR8. » : gcotcl) , 8at., Nov. •» ! { '. , .: -:. ! iUiS. MAIL BTEAMEB8 . . FOR THE LAUNDRY1 J X Apply Rigg, Clooneen, Kewtt wn. . Quay. CkcUes and Gentlemen at- insurance ' ' ¦' ' ¦ • ¦' N.B.—Great Care is Tak n that CAMER0NIA, 8at.. Nov. W | Oolllnar - - ¦: i ! AdverUse- tended to at thetf - undetr tho Am*rt«b«n tywn Residences. ¦ ¦ ¦ menta Appear Correctly; but no lia- ' •SAXONIA, Got, Dee. 11 j . . .; . i U; - mmm- - - ' • . ' b ility is | Undertaken jfor any Error or PHART0N for Sal*: reliable , ! lJij)rs<> .] .^- . ^K^Ail it iH i ! ?^ Omissloo in 'or of , «ilMer-n>ount«d Ftmoton; ¦ i econd- ¦ " tPANNONIA, Sat. Dec. 11 | ' Appl; r to Amerioan Line, Uvertjoo), »«lT any Advertieement; PRIVATE Xma«?GreeUng Cirils - fc m- ' ' ' ¦ ¦ a. id"the [Proprietors Eeservielthe Bight hand ; in perfect order; would 6Uit an! in- X ,, est Selection;(in Waterford;-twelve THE PATRIOTIC ' Cabin and Third Clesa passeagera only or to. \ [ • . . • • . . U i Omit or Alter any valid ; will be sold cheap. , Apply Waterford—Baxv ly and Bob, 11¦ Gls&staoe Advertisement co different books to» select from;ls&it ore .fSailo from IJoDdon, Cabin passengers ' ¦ ¦ ¦ " Pihaeton ¦ . . ' ItN M. ! ' - ' . ; . • ¦ . , Mutter Where or by Whom Accepted. ." this office. \. approval, if desired, to any address In only. Fejr e £10. •. • . . '. ASSURANCE CO,, . i : Waterfijrd—WaiA Bro«., tho city. Poole's and Library, ¦ I B¦ arrornlitnd Peid Office-60 O'OONNELL | STBEET, ^tores 134 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦' ¦ '¦ Quay, Waterford. i .•¦ ': ¦ TO CAOAOA, [ »tree»l J \. '[_ ¦ • *- . v.^ .V ' : WANTED—A good, strong, •> orking f .' : »O» j |. .UlU. . ' ' ' WATEBFORD. I | Tipperary—JohnCarrigan . 51 Uala ittitev, ¦ - ¦ ' ] Donkey. Apply 6197 this offl se. :, : j ! jj v FIRE, ACCIDENT. WOHKMKM'i From LONDON.and LTVEBPOOL j . Carrloklor^fiuir—laa. MfiGralh. ;.!.••/, T>A^0ELS for^fi^diers serving COUFEN8ATlbN>-4V CloomeJ-rP.Nu jfcnt. 75 O'ConntlitirotX. QUICKr- 4 ¦ abroad BtiBSt&&T. CUNABD LIKE EASY—RELIABLE X triust, acoordttgrtrjWar Office Eo- . . Canard Wharf, Dangarvan-rJama*San Th» BQoai* ' ¦5wB>^ - | v^VybiicgP WAKTED—A eecond-hand. Traj> and CAPITAL FULLY PAID, CIOO.OOO Queenstown; 61 Bithopsgate, E.C., . ^, . ' ' gulations, be made ,up'in canvas. J . . . I ¦ ¦ Graigne—Michael IfOrphy; Grocer.¦>.,. .• I' "I— Harness (Donkey) ; ' must be strong Yon **« ^MB ; [ . . . 2M1 Cockipur »treet , .i : : . PLEASE NOTE- il > can havo full on this , B.w!; London'^8 New BoM-Jatriek HonX 16 .Quayv «od TABLETO-Sd., ajd.\ B and in good order; Apply 6187 thiejoffice. ; -• ' a,M—yyww - . » ¦/ ' ¦»• I'lvafViwaW) VMWWt.'Vt cannot be opened ; ¦ ¦' ' wti**: >\ for them. ;y ¦ ¦ ¥• ; ¦ , ¦' - Uf^i £}*" E5 A emaU Pony ¦ ' " » WANTED or Jonlby. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • "h ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦}¦ " : . DlreetO7»( • ' ¦ - • , •¦ ¦- ¦ ¦J . . : ^ W«rtord-W, TWt>«>n, 1» Sooth . . ] j. 1 Apjly 6202 this office. | \ : ,- ! I T M«te-rt. iy> rOHK MOONET. Eilmeidao-|John|O. Smith. . : ' • " • . BARRlNGTONj ! I KJ been making a Speciality of Military VDONOBDON, H.MiL. 1[I . Photographs—sm»rti,eoldieNii« '/iPhoto- Queen«own—3cottand Co. (Q'towa) Ltd. «.O»T AND FOUND. • J ¦. DUBLIN. - ; ; ~~~ grapha, . . i i - . . \ ... i | • l. - ."r ~F I beautifully flniehoa, at :Special PHILIP H. GBIEBSON Eiq | | A- OI HCUkTURE. DAIRY, MARKBT Prices. AH. PooWand Co., Artists and . T OST, or about 'he city, a ru'iie JOHN 8INCLAIR, Esd. (BeTla»t). ¦ ¦ - iin PhotoKraDhers, 34 Mall. Waterford. : -i ¦ ¦ • ¦ -¦ , .; loARDBN, kc. XJ containing a Sura ot Honey. Finder JEBNABD H. O'REILLY. Etq., Waterford and Dimcannon , •: THE' - ¦;... :. M&n.glng¦ Director. \ I ;. . rewardediat UrfB office. • .¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ "¦+ ' | - - . - • —^i i'J:. . -t- Steamboat Co.. Ltd. I ?? ¦ ? t . . ??¦ ?>. . ?;¦ ? CJPONGESI Spoageil.Spongea!Hundreds * ^ * i$ JIOHJiB,S Farmers land otben wlil /ow Batei ot Premium and Prompt ¦ GUIDE, O select from at George White's. anfl ¦ • ¦ PBIj flY find good Market for Hides 8kins, From . ; ! : B . LOST between Bridge and Clock rower O'Connell Street. Great value in Toilet, Liberal Settlementof jCUiiai. ; ' tad all classes of Metali Bags, Bones, I «. Brooch, enamelled gilt j enny. Bath,. BUble and Motor Sponges, i ' 'h« PoelUon ot ,tb« Comp*ny ia Amplj DTJNCANNON daily PUBLISHED MONTHLT AT. 1 ' Ualr and Bage1. -Prdropt Let us; ' et 8.30 a.m. I sibb a, Bottles:. Finder refwardetl at this office ! , know^jrpw. ' • j ' Becored Independent-cl CSapluL - r ; :.l ^.pFllCE4K ".Titti.'' WATE^) ifjv¥au- •ra ition b7,pW . Addxeu: U. Eoc*s. require^^- ^ (Saturdays eioejted,' when Boat | f \suF Fi|;IH ¦ PropoialForms and an Information OB I - ¦ ' ., i' ' i FOim WEWSif cONTAWSFUlX; . » f attpck' Stryet. W«terfor« ?, 'Book , , A • tnaporacy dlMrdar et th» dlfutln Jl rnRAMOBE—Lost, ^Prayer : leads SAVE MONET by using PEATONITB. hick; Passage, and Cheekpoint PABTICULAB3 ABOUT LOCALi ^ inttia, tacta u and others ,wiU X etc.! between .' Medical Hall and the world's great COAL 8AVEB; W. COOTIL Uanager & Seetetary. \ afeallac •» 4Uc«mrt T: BIIXCHEB8, Farmers! . Returning from Waterford STEAMSHIP I AND RAILWAY « »n«r !«Unr. » t»or >tckey Carr ;ck-oT4-8uir. 1 j Field kindly return to Miss Kir wan Moll fTIHE BEST IS THE OHJ5APEST. - AND - ' r X " His Master's Voice " Gramo- ;. .:t TTtO S aAife-^-l ilrish Acre of Mangolds, phones and Records (hav« no equals; sole Labourers Inourance : TAKE | Jj 1 IrisB. Acre of Potatoes, 10 Tons of Agent, Cordner's Garage, Henrietta St. i ? •c*arM«lth«ItB«u>to«Mc b aMdlda* of Ballykflock.I Tenders . — B**ehW« Pills. ! ¦ UI pnitabUUjjroa ^l Hay on Lands Gramophone Room at your disposal. 9 will flad tfait nllet will lollair th« flrat V to b« sent to Dunford and Co., Solicitors. OITUATIONB VACANT ^gnkg, CQttrjj , ete, A <«•• of tbU «c«!1«nt pr«p«r>tlon; «ad II 1 Qff^s t)u tc«ata»t i* p*ra*Tir«A wltk. •¦i.tht T mHE BEST IS THE 0HE.VFE3T JAMBS WHITTY, ? llaw ladJcatad In tb« dlnctlobi, a j of Manpoi 'ls LINOTYPE OPERATOR wnt ted i Our Foreman Mechanic and our . ud Maplata can wtll ruolt. PMPU T Power's Nurs- Motor Painter are tha .ablest men in their , ~ •( triry ¦ !• and «»«ry claa | la J; and Turnips. Apply A ADrly " Waterford News." 12 QUAY, WATERFORD. •! ? ery, Monifldon'a Boad. j professions in this country. Think of Important to Farmers & «oclitj h»T« pravtd ta tht {{ put. B4 | Others A * ' what this means- to customers compared «r» prevlng in th» prtnnt, Ui( ? ' with the other kind. Cordhcr'e Garage, O mnttabto nlu* •! - I I : 4 W00LF80N, I, l iieefle'e Lane. A PPRENTICE Soys to Drapery and Waterford. THE CITY ANI) COUNTRY LCJAN 00., LIMITED All H < Waterford, will pay the highest J\. General Warehouse. Hearnc and , , ? B ? prices for oW jam pots, waste feathers, O.'OONNELL STBEET, WAZEBFOBsI ; ' ; " B^kff'H-'^fl ll V^ ¦ Co., Ltd.,|Waterford, have Vacanc *) for ; motajr and bicycle tyrea. j two well-educated boys. Terms on ippli- rnH£ BEPT IS THE CHEAPEST Make CaBh. Advances dairy to liaates. Gentiemen, " Fanoert, - Bhcpkeepera ¦ X Cordner's Garage have a splendid , ' " i i ! i rstion. • •MMMMH>aa«_MM-i-ML! Governmin^OfBchvl s, and all ree>ca«iale selection of superior Hockey Sticks and ¦ rean to of Honey 5d. and 104. per jar. Deli- Footballs. Vocidont and Quarante LOANSla I- »?* *'J _ **? ip^rt Irctex4. ea NEW or tea table. o 1"v "*r lr *Aprr«vedj Personal Security—n«W cious for the breakfast 81 1 r •! Give honey I to: the childi n. Half the WANTED—A General Servant at t oce ; Corporation £1Ow vUPWARDS.»-w**wtv^« I S " "ff e|> ' *? ^_ i - MissfShee, Nursing Home, Cloi mel. f ia : Ttoes at 7d. I per stone, in ,4 and 8 . s*M «T«rywl»r> aou , ^ - at |B. F. Protection againtt the many Rkki of A •tone bags; 'delivered fre« , the Liverpool Virus for ei termin ^ Phelth's. 43 and 49 Quay. I USE OftA to £5,000 L&A25S groDted i «ao; TO AB cioo ADVANOBD _. prlc* /iKg6 pIIU> 4 W» fiM pUIi> i WANTED—Experienced Ran po rters ating Bats. Tins, 2s. 6d., from Geo Accident and Sickntts to which ty . ; v ? ?!? ? ?? ? ? >-| ? ? ?< and Strippers. Apply Wate ford White and Sons, Ltd., O'Connell Street oti4U posL.Moriey.leat without eecorUy.! 7 ' By Private Under on Simple - * uan Ladies or Gentlemen ©aa have their own ' I ¦ ¦ • (TUl^BEBr-WflBtedrto pufchasoja- q - Feather Stores, 58 O'Connell street War Waterford. ' all are expoiediI. [. ! jPromisjory Hot *. ^7' : ; ; ' jr terford. ^ ' accoptanoea discoturted or posWaUd- "VTO 1 Tity of good Bed Fir Latch Trees J • " casques cashed.-wilHout. any _ B«caritS^,3i JBillsiol Silt lakeny and 'Absolute suitaBle for | telegraph po les State ap- ' ' ¦ ' ¦^T^Pnypey guaranteed; Firrt latter 1 VACUUM and Thermos Flasks for keep. , , _ _ ,,,-,-,__ sureties, or interview. . | ¦! •! proxiifaate'lengths, etc.,*to 1172^ this office. ¦ Clergymen applicationi| receives prompt attentipa, THE WATEiiFORl » Nl-.Ws WANTED-Apprentice to the Grofce^v - ing liquids hot or cold. Prices from HEAD OFFICES : , Merchante, MedicalPraeJi- and intending | and Spirit Trade. Apply 6201 this 4s. 6d. Geo. White and 8ona, ' ¦ tionere. Farmers, Shopkeepers,. end -«Q borrowers ate waited up&» : Ltd.. mm . i ; by a representative, \HTJ«NTR» jlc purchjwe 'ieM t)«ar the office. . Chemists. Waterford. MoOrffatO St^^ reet, London Responaible Persons. No Fees or Before- who is empowered «• FREE W Borougn Boundary. Apply to 6186 hand Charges are made, and no Railway complete transactioin on terms mntuaQy JPI flll this office. I Fares. . .. i ' ' ' j • arranged, : fO CHARGE being made unka $& I tyfy l/VSURANCE WANTED-flood Boot Ropai'er. A| >ply Borrowers dealing with other firms' can Business ACTUALLY COMPLETED. Hearne and Co. Special Qi owtions for Short \ \ . lONDERIAKK.N ST THE Boot Department, bave their Loans paid off or increased, ¦ Loans. IWie; and those who are about to borrow should ID confidence to ' . gharitjies, ' APARTMKNTB, CITY or 8UDUROD write for fall information lo . | ¦¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦- I E and nid • CIW j ; Ocean Accident Mtporienced B»rn • LUS ¦ • WANTED—An .. • ¦ ¦ . . ¦ . i THE STANDABD PRIVATE FINANCE for City House; must be well re- r ¦ ' LE^DOwiR Villa, Joh I'B Hi'! -Fivo \ CO. OF, IRELAND, 91 EXOHKQUER ST., DUBLIN. Guarantee Corporation commended! Apply 6203 this office. LTD., . G Bedrooms, Two Sittihf Booms .Bath A Church must be Built in honour JAMES C. WAL8HE, 8«C ){ead Office J. Corrjddr Chambers, LckesltT (Empowered by Special Act ot PtitUracsl) { (h. and c.),-ab6ut 4 Acres Grounds. Would ' ^ be sold if desired. ¦ ¦ 15 ANGLESEA 8TBEET. DUBLIN '• ¦[. . Principal Otllce i- i WANTED—Young Giri . about 18, f: jru . ;. ' of St. Anthony of by '-' , Padua.; Cash Advanced 36 to 44, Moorratt St., Lonijoi, E.C. 1st January, 1916, to look after bi GRAY'S woa'derful eflorta to plant th© " Faith once delivered to Privately « FATHER th« I' • ¦ : ¦ r ADV' would let, ui-lurn shod, half of about 18 months old ; Protestant prefened. : ¦ ; FI^OM ¦; v Saints " in the non-Catholio Town of Fakenham, have been rewarded. The . . . L meflium-sited House; every conveni- Apply 6205 this office. : " Wilderness has blossomed aa the row "—men, women, and children are Toll Coapoa- Ininr«oce-Tic4«t ,muil ence ; Reasonable; best loco' ity; suburbs;; - now ' ¦ ' earnestly seeking for Truth,—longing to be ffd with the' Bread . of i life. |The £3 Upw.rda. .. . not be detached. ! . . | referente. Apply to 6194 th a office. ¦ ¦ :¦ J • j . • • • • T' Temporary Sacristy-Church is now j tar too email to accommodatethe increasing Money to Farmers Apply personal l y or by letter, AAnffvdnn tiAn • tliAPAfAVA FAfliAF (I TAV VrAVA HA{1W w THO OEAOIDB AMD COUWTHU- • KpfATA GnA'a TTnW Alfa* i'ha* 01A and upwards lent by port Nofft Addr^M* tfft*ffll«a'" *" P»W by. 'THE furniBhed and|unfur- — IF V IIH ?SJF A « *CC1 DENT UET-^Boom»; ; HOUSKOl, APARTMBNTB, tut. , kind, generous souls may be touched to assiet in building a House of Prayer for cDlU without any . seennty to r nished, largo and airy central pod- all people. What a blessing, to Fakenham—NB) Tabernacle in which our Idear 1 Re- Farmers, Merchante, Clergymen, JU I IIII CORPORATION, Limited. suitable lor offices , etc . Apply 6168 deemer ever resides! " Behold, the Tabernacleof God is with) L.| ROBINSON , : Medical Practitioners, School Teach* s oflfoe. ' ' '. ¦ ; npO LET, WolBton Cottage. Ballycaro y, era. and all other private Ladles and 82, Johnstow i, K.a,t. ib.i* fthi : I I I " , contain ng Many will appreciate the following indisputable facts of the great work already Waterford j aiTbol^Riel thUft J£ S3KSSJS4sa^ ' Tramoro, uofornlsbed accomplished:— ; I Gentlemen. No fees or charges COTj»n.yn££oe»LViSrtl!lI tt! ')! DiclngTOom, 4 bedroomi, bathroom, h.& o whatsoever, Kidtrrfan w HUrf or (aUijTuto^iV2% »Ment TXVANTB1>-Lady;with children require ' In fouryeare over 120 Converts have been!received i 1 easy : repayments ar- ; three or four rooms: water, eto. Apply M -Veale, Ballycam iy, , each receiving not less ranged to suit borrowers conveni- piny'. pjMra«er-tr«ln (a which iW ai iall Bouse, than Nino'. Months' Instruction. A Magnificent.Bite> secured LOAN0I LOANS! LCAN0! Ih. hokln- u taT«la< gas, sanitary arrongementa, Tramore. . Presbytery arid ence, no personal . interview required. u i UcVeH»irio< or iMC-payingp««n gtr. I with b ith. j Sacristy completed (Sacristy now used as a Temporary Church), also a {Sracioua ' ¦ in a respectable locality, near girls* »chool ' All business done by 'post in MOMPYj ADVA¥OHD. from fiO MM Uul till itxm anKitaUnf U mMact la - Club and Lecture Hall. All this has been accomplished and paid for by the strictest privacy, and every, ap- < 11u< ffreterred. from 1st January* 1916. AppW rpRAMOBE—Furnished Bedroom, q U sunerosity of Benefactors. i . UPWARDS, to Fanriers and all Bespeot- s , iff. «*jS : ¦ ! plication receives immediate atten- able- Fersonii on iii»¦ ^-5^. ^ «04 thfe office i ! X ting 'Boom, with " attendance, 1 a. tUeif¦ ¦ Own ¦ ¦ Approved¦ (a>Ttut4athKAU*ithla UUrtr tion. . , • : Securi ty. ; [¦! —. ... • . : fen >ttar tin per week. Apply to 6160 this office. ] ¦ ¦ Apply, ' ' • • • ¦ ' The Church must now be Built. ! ; • •;¦; ¦;. ~ lADDBESS^-j . :! . : . ro* it The British Diicount Co., Ltd. ' ootle*o( tt>«> *cddtat U glrea t» tUCtninSZ ;|; - \ ^tTtipiiw ! [ j»*l'] Do not begin a Work aii d then ^egloot J rj B. 8MpLIiAK, :; Finwicier; i •Ca. SOUTH. MALL. ¦ lir» OOCUMSC MiaciLLtnaou o. From this little "seedling " Mission of St. Anthony of Padua anothesMissioa CORK. • : Jterlti * t W UuinMdleti^L : ; B PABKEIJt0rBEET(Near ^iwn HaQ>, f^ 1eunai>deil>aliiioni^UoabeMr(in SKlbMlu Lr»nD aaTtiJ.T«n lHni«rd Tables W has been started at East DereJuam—13 miles from Fakenaam; a gtwdeitehas been> - ¦ pmaa cbKtdsc ana n^tiat th* tuK hi obtained for a Church when- the one Q 1 . ' i is ; . - M VMXEdeawy. ^;\ : V::. Corporation S! I? go id as new). One is a fuU-eUed ' tFakenham is «omrleted.- Tet. stilt fur- . : "?(«) »>*< 1U. InnrawT.^iir ! Boon toi Housekeepers. Bell's Is. her good news r A third Mission is-ta. copteOTplationiUK ~ ¦ ¦ • ! ¦ - ¦ • ¦ •¦ ¦ ¦ •aly to penomorcr twelve aod liidcr Table nhd the! other is ;11 5»- Apply ¦ anothcr portion of Fathe: r , . . i I . ; [ . .- . i. • -•; - . . . • -. - T mrsrr * A Bottles (of Glacier Varnish SU in • ' .. ¦ i Ton of agt, |i HralMd to one Coapoo-IuansS ! Gray'd huge district. (. > ...... ; : . • ]. . . . \ . ! . " ¦ ' -. ' ' ¦ ' '] ''' ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' " ' (h<3 'fflie- of this paper. J. : old furniture, floor*, etc. look „ .„ . , . BjmaiBU/i « ' mJitmJnt* ' ¦¦ ¦ '¦ ' ifcut fa, »oy on,holder, ao4 toiCfoo*for tse, | make* . BWHayi „ WTOBYI ,1 MOBISVr , auraalme««flawwr. |j *~"""i° .ike new. 63,; Qnay. > Have you, dear, reader, th« Convorsion of England really »t heart? Ifiso. { . Give Freely and Generously, for this Groat Work is ~~—~ ¦ ¦ : .Tble iBKnoce esUUei tfct hollar b tae kaieM Solely Dependent on the : .. i—" . i | . - ' . : •SfJ* •» «»»J<« to. the oeodlUoni el |tb. « Ocean Accident and Guarantee Compaov lS° kRTICLCO WANTiD. broken Pane of Glut replaced at Act, <5,-| JiUta Nee. t 5Vffi t£j'»r7S{ A short notice by; Bell's. 63, Quay. ' If Catholics could only realise for themselves the facts relating to this stnig. THIS WATERFORD LOAN ! * , sling Mission, both for.what is being done and what could be done, and what £s mCB ' ; COB^PAM Y any ¦ ¦ ¦' ; ¦ ¦ ¦ • ,-»,«L ' _ .,, . ' . I I .VM. poMtnloo of thlt Cospos^aannoi-Tldiet "IXrANiTED-fBags. ' wef ori| dry,j A LL shades in the Oottsge Distem'pter not done, it is certain they would bo more alive to the real and urgent necessity - . Q, 4OKJH jOTUKST, " ' ¦ ¦ : U Ktoltted Is be p»yio3t (highest pricei paid at our I : SecUoa»of U* «l»SSSM »S« jVY qu&ntity; ix for walls, both cheap atid kJD8 .0>eAct VPrtm ef Of JSSBSLT«n rford FeaUier Stores, ' M.kW ^OH Adv«c^o UFff Apjrov ed at toe iTlaclp^o«e«<4 tUCoSanKi; "*T {tores. lApply Wate " durable. 7 lb. tins, Is.- 9d. Agerit-fi. ^rf&eX^^Iown^^^ on ,4 w» MRM^At; M O'CoineU. street,': Waterford. . Qn»y ;• Y.T- OKCURITY. BEPAYMBNTS-WeeklyjMUthly oi M nay be " ' '¦ BeU. . [ T Address-FATHBR H. W. ORA . UangedteinitooD. . tlcoatar* of holder _ I' ¦ . ST. ANTHONY^ CHDBCH, " yeaienoa ol Bortowert. All applications wVQ teodTe Immediate »tt

MINI) QF THE rive frpra tho memory of -tire virtues of a In. teaeherir' ot the primary the dead W<> fcnowjthaV.befoTe the'eoul ¦• ' \ *MOiiif . I o!a : -arfd to thetrie conduct of their [itan^l&^Se S *^' ' ¦ ¦ '¦• ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' f .1^ : ;¦ ¦ ¦^^¦ ! Um ' BISHOP. ban etiter into t£e presence of God it ols and bestowed much thought :and'Ithtm th teiifmentJi and Blumi.; The mo- ,!-' • . " • ,.' .; —•7- .. ' ¦: .: ' ' Ij TW Local Government fJB pard * wroteof ' ¦: ' " . •;• : - | :jjj i < ' , ! scru wmimer«U6n Mto ' ¦' ¦ - ' ¦ ; ' ' ' must Jbe;pure and «mirCes8 and spotlete cart on tho ; T>°> la- Salle Training Col« tcWpery is siippoeed to be sublect to loan " At the weekly meeting_of the \v"Aterford'ffn^ontaff *ttthe . . : \ \-. ., ; 1 ! !- ' - '( varid w 1t to CoghUji for his Mr- „ J ! &» the-iiiy. it must be -white a» tt>» drives Uegti -Moreover the late Bishop's zeal Tfnder Jua control, but ite hissingy Guardian* on WedneadaylasfUr. Barid-;'** **\ • i *f ^A1 j f' S^w^,edaeSdna^, i.^ Li'%ia ?\. „' ' L . snow;r and vro know also that the j'lr snorting and , whistling rendera him !MV- Hylahd, T.C.. Chairman, presided, and ' £<*» M temporary, gubstlfule for. Dr. 5S ^ M»• GenM The Month's inemory, Office and High l and Ubour were not confined to the d:of in hi8 as Qrifflnn R and Dr. i ; . : . - . MiiSrf fo!r tho rhpnee of the soul o r the roan filU seven iimei o day, ond that ta cesc• of Waterford, but* were freely . de -agie, cfielj i Daficious and wild. He ob- there were Also present^Mrs. Poole.\ iHanni^n capacity inedical ofB- ' -M-. Walker. .. Ur ^ jhe CCT of health of the ' 'I ." ¦ Uxtt R^v. tiheehan. Bishop of Wa- the best spiritual building there may DS ; voUil-to the service of the whole Iri^h .l eorbslHhe- . fleroeneea Antagonisnb, T.C. ; Wm. JPitegerald. T.p.;'K. I Donnelly, | ? Kilmaikevoge¦ di8- .: ,. - - . ^ -I •: borne vrooa or hay or stubble which has the TebcllionsnesB of ^ jhrsteam and T.C. ; Maurico Power, Wm; GaUwey. DX;; : P™?* ^ d trlct ' ' ' " '- 1 ' terfowl] *nd l.ifinore, took plate ou Ved- jOhu¦. -cli At the.general meetings of the ;¦ t^fe j t , ; J: . , - . WO •LIGHTSl^^» 1 ' imidki,' kt thu Cathedrul. the ceremonies* to be turned out by, the purifying-fire*. JBisl opa of Ireland Dr. Sheohan's opin-. electricity. Man is,divorc3l *om jiaW>, Robert Walsh; J.P.; John H«arne, -T.O. ; ¦[/ &"> Clerk wid that[m cormecUoa with ^V f;; ' It is an'Article o! our faitk to believe In ', Life «4d la.bpur develop within: the walis «nd Jamea Hackett (Alderman). . »**|* r. r. N.| O'DoheHy. R.O.. re- :' . i, ; ' I, I ; I j. eomnieoWng at 11 o clock. I • lonBi were largelj sought -after, carefully ^ Jf the communion of saints whiioh teaches COMi idored and ¦oarned' the greatest Theri was a 1 jrge congregation pritstnt ¦that Si uttem anoe of clergy, thp follow- iKFi faithful departed are still our woif¦i hv He performed lor many years *ml * p brethem; though theyjhave crossed the the arduous and responsible duty of jo:nt 3 5 ing members of the Hierarchy beingf pre- , grave, and that we can ! OE THE HOU^ /- ! B SED UWATIOK. sent.—vr., 1916. «m<>uat of the cost*.^ . . KiHr. ! Bishop lof Boai. Co. Cork ; Most Ohui oh This was the Second Plenary understand that the great reduction is sembly. But the Ajiovtle also directs aa Syni« . due to the fact that the scarlatina, epi- T ' " -"fiEPATUTUYNr'8EPAI»AT^9i*1" to follow the faith of tho departed pre- tribimted freely from ihia store of know- " ^ «dttnTi Aiwlirfi n S:• : . i: "O^N- the UoJt Revd Dr. O'Coholan, Auxi the '6 lemoUobV onH the «oiJ As it'has' been demlc is at an end. inere are »n \ne late and carefully to consider *h-» ; >, wisdom and experience to the de- .r Waterford Union of Ithe 3rd iaet, pro-j: R-Meant 'l " li&rr Bishop ol Cork ; Most Rev. Qj. M course of his Jife down to its very cn^e. ¦libe Huitia BummoiMd M.rr cl/ L iVgartyJ: B-.iho of K ilialoe; Mw-t [Rev ii ations and acted as one of the three if * Whose , laith follow considering¦ the sectr> itaries of -the Council. He aUo took, feffiaffl^ Dr. K iT, O'Dv ishop of Liimjrick I end of hi«-• „, • • -Li ! i : . ! lie stock. Report had it that slackening personal endeavour. He may «radically altered, or tliat -the human race . the mcreased prices of creased burthens on: She ratepayers, i am Defendant was fined 5s. end cosU. { Dowlejr . lSt. Jobn's College| hi* father wa3 never known to have bava been 6omewhat unmindful of the in ^many iaddtt.muet perish. Industra.1- *£&». The cost of ouWoor relief wae to ad4 t$at iDr... While should - Constabte Gearpq summoned Tiu> JoJlowir*clergy [were in the c loir: : «l- J5s.. 6d., against £34 13s. . Inot be paid Maly missed dailr Mass. Richard was infiriito ' varietT in thn worka of nature now b iing weighed in:the bolancb . ,. ! Xh«,coa- . emuneration fpr the lime Iduring which McGrath for dninkennefls;and.disorderly —The Right RtM Moriigiior Power, P.P, one of : a numerous Family, and was not and lof . grace and of that Divinft 'dielikp of I war.. If it -ii . found wanting, and sumption of olstimulants was as followa>- » was absent on «pndacL - • ' ¦' VJH , Dun ;, y ii - 'UiH -l - . r . \ the orily one to be consecrated to the ser- of 8aaneneas whicb permitsno two blades should 1it bb &e.DWne Wm to jwstore, the 1 ^* wlnf« agauist none last . '- -|"- 1 - vr . A; , - Complainant «aid: «»vi»; P.P. Cl >nmel ; Very Rev. Canon human yean 40 glasses of whiskey, against 14; B.^ABLA8 feecretary. lefendanf* condujrt vice 61 God in the sanctuary or in tho of fiiaas and n& two human souls to be race I to nature, beauty and joy, . Mraj Poble-^WhrTaliouldj he h«t be ja« disgraceful.; .. T> S police had to brinx Sliaehr. ID.D, HP, Ardfinnah; Very Rev. cloi&}4r. i , Ji& a child. he Attended, the - domestics life! there wUl be far-r««cluna chanirea • and - ««»*n pints of porter, against 32. There )aid?i'| - i '• : *«>r home/ out: OiaanVWbalan , St. John's ICollege; Very periactly.a ixnilar. In bi& I ; T' • . and she ^aiaa again and local schools, but aa Se eoon showed signs iDr. fiheehan ¦waa a n>an iof ealntly sim- ¦ Rev. Oanon P. punphyl,.P.P, -Cappoquin: tbeorics'^md tbe I«¦P^aayr. -: . . . , - , -- ., . '• - .: . ' " ¦ ¦ ¦-¦¦¦ wid he ef a vocation to the j priesthood, he wa& plicity land; opostoUo r'inerpenoiveneas. «totSai/. oter8y and , . Local <&vemment Board; I ¦:¦ . Heaa^Cpnstable^ ddock «a» Very B«v.. Can m Mcliiernley, ' P.P. ;Kil- sent to the Catholic Seminary in Cork , i?WaMd tb J . _ ; iBufc jho g»ve 'largely in ohirity and liter- %1 Sne^ esef- COMPLAINT AGAINST DQCTOB. Chalrmanf-AU thit >e ^e- ^ «o » 8trf d C dU :t rusk : ypry Rey Dean Barry, Ballyrag- city, which was then (under the direction aUjr with Scriptural secrecy. .Those who cise the Ectlvity. energy «wd zeal of ithb The Local Government Board . trans- ' o send a copy to Dr. 'was** ?$££aisgrace. $ln*l.: - «V^ , f' , t* °° gek; Terjr Rev. Dr Butler, « >. Wici departed Biahon in - piSuBrfan. . |, , j |f ' of the. Vinc.entian Fathers. From this in- -weroj most intimate -with him were OR- d[$r to mould ;tho ' mitted- copies of communications which Clerk-jYea; -we have npthlng elw to Defendant eaid R«T. M.liHouliKan . 'Adm, fit John's stitution he proceeded to the great eccle- toniahed to find, dom an examination- new^ -world; His -work -was if or the most they had received from $ay . ah > wa»! at »' ¦wedding ¦kenny :1 Sler. W B. 'ODonheU , P.PJ St. ' .a Mr. O'Bourke, ; I I II ! I : *nd got a lot of driik for , nothing. ' :. siastical college of Maynooth to be train- of his cheque booka after his death the part done in! directions tha.t will go! oh : Glynn, preferring a complaint against Dr. Mr. Ddnnelly—And to DrJ White. ; Mr. p*trioky; Very Rev. Canon Costigan. ed for the prfesthood)in learning, discip- 1 and amounts of his benefactions unohanged.Some modiflcation may come White, acting . Griffin—Are yob in receipt of eerar. Kilfflftoow; Rev. P.P number medical officer; in regard Clerk-Ob,,no; it does a9t c6ncern him. . ation allowance? " , . | i 'J. ;.j ii ; John Caeay. . Bass- line, and virtue. Aa he was gifted by He died poor, but whatever was left he in his. educational ide*lB. Hw our own to the case of- Mrs, Keid, a patient resid- It was decided tol send a I' age East; Rev: J. H«inebery. P.PjMo- nature with a high order of intellect and "' ' preserttpresent;'type irfof , *opy of the / Defen'dant-I bequeathed'bequSathetl' toio a . charitable and edu- eduoaeduoattioifoi made,thmade thee IriIrianan • ing in the Waterford No. 2 ¦dispen sary letter to Dr. O'Sullivan. wnglttfng 12aL«d a weet daliso; j Kdv. M. Power). P.P. Ballyndaie: Endowed with great energy and applica- y Mr. , inatrnctlne the Diatriet Inspector fe O3Bo«n«l. P.P, i Newtown; Riiv. P O'Coli- variety, ond accuracy' of his general in- , lC8co'tjon has rendereddered 1>9 people1 K»tles3 OO'RourkeRou rke rnc iLocal Government Board - Irans- , write to the War Offlcel not ito give F. Stradbally, | Rev; JJ. PoWer of "tb o poople «nd the publio bodies oj^ i°5.'^a?- 2.1 J 1>6 r«tles3 j . Glynn. • . . | yon mot. 'Ei , formation. The habit formed continued the cty .and xsounty were wise and broad- andana di&atdw»atisffedisfigd., and createdV*? a* dldisposposisi,- The Chairman Mid that ththisis MrMr, mi(iedi quesHong foij answera respecting ; tte monfy In future wil -be wnt io ^J, Duahill ; RV J. O'Kdllehcr. S.T.L. with him through life. He was n great ,»,.»,. ( ; • ja<.-.rh' Jones who Haa' be«l fU>« local Catholic ^ mindtrflcnough freely, to w them. Th« Uoauuu to | flit from¦wiaJ vu?on* occup»"occupationu» tow «a*n-»- j O'Bourke""-""= •. ?apparently«~ I mjr wanted to air hii app"" ^mtel c ergymanlto keen- h 8k Johnis COII M!*; R»V | W. lByme, S.TX, reader, und his niindlbecnine n treasure- Clty of Watarfoid itf einguiariy well ooilierfier, or eh^irkirk ad oocupationoccupation , then .tberf.therf i ^dMeloquence. uence. MeHe thoughtS. . 7" ^"°.^? . "'/ "" - sho»roaki>r in the wq|-khdus«L - 'In trust for you. and he see that you J Doddy, P.P thought Dr. White's ex- , :Mr r-U X ha J >fll -d«s.; Revjl , Slievorue ; R^v . house of exact knowledKC. He was or- equit ped, with, charitable endowments— ' la somethisonwthingrwToing WTOI * and our education | Pplanationlaj>»«J°n wasi satisfactorysatisfactory.. -¦ gerald ^ ij A Mr. - Jones wM not «pend it . on driht | If there are P»tfh«r JF.itajteralld, 1 ' * . , , V\ ' Ijkk-n yetT ^ ¦ ¦ JM UT Adm. St. [John s L ine- dained priest in Cork fin IWW by the Most a he itage of ancient Catholic- commer- : requires :mend: men Wine. "• • Dr. Sheehan facedfaced. Mr. Donnelly-IDonnelly—I think it is aa. satisfac- ¦¦ iin^uty j H . further • charge. | |of drnnkennefi nok; Rev- Father \Vhelin, C.SS.R. Llmc- Rev. Dr. Delaney. ¦ 'toe!, of bis time .^M ^- xtie Mstex- Vo f ir. i ' against you or.any in cial prosperity. The Bishop took an *he varying fe^robJemrobJcms of his time .with | tory explanation. Everybody ' 'speaksspeaka ;• • ;_ . the\ oth.CT^woman Porl- tiok ; Rev. N. Walsh, .CiC, Cuonmel; Rev.- j Father Sheehan (hisj lordship continued) aotivi > part in administering those chart- couragq; ho | grasped ttthem«o withwiA.vsg. vigour highlyhighly of DrDr.- White.Wtoite. M mtzgeiM-l^ nWntime, we ;law who gets the afparplldnl 'plfowance. W. Ryin, O.C, ldo. ; Kev. lWm. Walsh _, lave rio shoemaker the ; . wxs then aged 23 years and .some nionths ties. .He -was also a gOTemor of the In- and knowledknowledogeo and hv» h . ,p, Lj^. 8aM th, • ; v ¦ andTcoits" 1 • Rev, T.! Murphy. Olonrnft ; Rev. P. Vriod of his priesthood in Cork, and of the aunatlo Aeylum. hA«hasTO-no>ww laidlaid|d d theihe burden, "he j e t .(„„ TJXJII Govern- : ' ' ' '¦ ' •- -I- il' i I-i '! .{hw^ek; C.C, p Committee. He at- f.wn haa Mr. Wm. FiUg*rald-ItFitzgerald—It is a cafe of a 1 if nt ^ " ; Gj»mmonin>Id; Rev. P. his episcopate in- Waterford was also taohell the utmost importance to the pro- -fntmlledumilcd hisnis- rninstry;rninstry; hohe hashaB foughtfougnt !thetnft Board had; not yet.sanctioned : the . . • .. , . '.TT'T" i- ,, ,. ,. .: '- - - i Burke, [GO. PoWerstown: Rev. W.| P. little learning being a 'dangerousdangerous thing. . Appointment, but t i : measured by 23 years! and some! months, t gressl of thr technical training of tii<» good> ¦? ?tf r 'W Oarrickion-Suir;[• Rev. |E. | Prender^ast, priest, be considered eatlsfactory.satisfactory. , |:| ; : if - ,1 ; . - " j . - j j a and as a bfshop, made \iy thu variola j trades , and commerce, and the and- beltevebelieve.,. hVh« has received the crown fir.Mr. WraWra. FiFitzgeraldtegmld seconded ¦ Hr Michael ' Rafter M *-' *i«b#itaM» OO., do.l; Rer. D. F. Wals3, C.C. Tm- span of lifi! lauded by the psalmiBt of WATn/ln In fVn miiWifariniin ond imnrvrt. of justice.justice.' Ho[H<> hahaBR left US 1O irracple the mo- ¦ THfe PBOBATJON:KT E!SBS.' I ' * ipora ; B«v P. O NeUl , O.C Ido ; RoviM. us 10 (rrappl« tion, which passedpassed unanimously.uruinimously. il ¦ ) ¦ ' • . middle.iSed1Srmert hj 'Jj ^TS^£P , . seventy years. Father Sheehan's clerical l ant bnonche: of hou&ehold -work. Dr. with the strarke problems that are emm 1| • ! > | .. - ' . ' • night «l hia regidanJ Bkllvrin«hii WWmh, I liCC. Banybricken':' Eev. | P. was for 110 The Chairman thougTTht that theUie letter The fol owing was: read >-4 ,- • ^ r* l l ^fe einRulafly retnnrkahle untir- ' Shpehan's opiscopate coincided with a 1 11 2 - «ho ^»l^«a"f! oft»?' ! She^L braiK n C.C. do.p Rev. M. Walch C.C, Dunear- b'onnded capacity for jwrork. Ho spent 14 [li-fe Ih which he played a man's part. loso Jroart, wa muirt, «a long as God U at «le 1 iH^ 18!K?'«»« 'T K ' ^' T««; BAT. T. O'Brien, C.C.jdo. ; Revj L. years as a ' Local Government Board taking any no- curate in the Cork City Parish F«r < vor twenty yean there'has been a pleased;to Rive ua Jife, go forward boldljl tice of it, as its author, he understood, Egan, 0.C , dc: ReV. J] Wall, P.P. of St. Patrick 's, and six tears as Admin- ¦marfc id and almost uninterrupted in His eervicd, and grapple with the new OKmea : t IRev. i,. Ormonde. C.C. 19' growth was a travelling showman. ¦ .- istrator of SS. Peter and f'aul's. H« wan of prosperity. But to-day we. art passing conditions,' ever striving manfully after The matter then ended. ¦• John'*; I Rev H. Giirinl C.C, do.; Rov.' indefati ¦ ' gable in Die [discharge ot his 'throu gh one of the few great criao3 that that crowning]justice which God has laid ¦ O. L Epjin, C.C Ballybricken ; Rev.t P. ecclesiastical duties, and won the esteem, up for ' all thaHr love hli -¦¦"' ¦ Ooaerfor^, O.C Kilmjcow ; Rev. Iw. have deeply marked the history of man- . oomrng.—Amen.| SANCTIONS.. • fesfrom aiSffieisa " admiration, and affection of the parish- ! kind. . We are on.tie ere of vast changea The .Panegyric was preached at the, .2nd!,August to[k8th' ; Nurse ihead struck with «eT4lencel H^wat fMynn. CiC, the Sathedral; Rev. J. 'Mur- ioners.. '.But he did not firw his zeal S^. msas s^i^^ C.CJilnsmo »; Rer.lP. F. FitigerSld to ;irhicl no man can oocurately forecast, conclusion or the Maas, ond subsequently! >hjr, , the spiritual interests)of the people;-he but .to unerring odvent of which only tholabsolutlona at the catafalque werev £<&*. Bi I;John'f Rev. af. Kirwan, Dio- also aimed ¦iSfl^4f at improving and elevating thoughtlesswill deny. The world, aa wo pronounced by -the (Most Bev. Dr. Coho- ] JrWBoard of GuardiansAss ^sof theaBSB' *"•"*",• - «iT, WMw- c veS4 ts( hSSla own nouS'.t cfe»n Iriapector j Rev. jrMcCarthy, q.C. their social and domestic condition. Per- ian,' Waterford r l nvTm W^^UTO £wvf °? 1? ?S - f (Uli vduffll Rev. F. C. rendercast P,.P ;.know dt, and Hi civilisation, we in Auxiliary Bishop of Cork, assisted j P, v . suaded of the dreadful! havoc wTbught by ! God's crucible, and; He alone can deter- by the other Bishops and clergy. I 11 forttawijRcv J< hn FoleyrCC, do.;ReT. intoxicating drink on the lives of people, JVJver itcGrath C.C, do. ; &ev. .I".. . Lfeh- rmfaie what, form wiH come forth. iAl- -Aa th« eonjrxegatioh dispersed ihe he wa» all . through hisjearoer a consistent [feady gieat changeshavo .occurrfdi The " Dead IMareh' in 8aur' -was pUyed on' BOB, O.CV Dum OT«: Rev. IT. O'Brifen. and persistent advocate of temperance. ' O/0.' Paaeape; I Rev. iD: Hughee, C.C acknoVledimentof God as the Rul«r of the iorgan by !Dr. Btorer. | 1 In.order to advance this cause he took a 'men. and tho Master 61 the universe- thai Aispeeial cioir of tho Btudonts of 81. - ¦ fWbank; Very Rev. A'rO'Coigley, OT leading . . So»^^«S?ir>r>¦: I :; T--nTT[:, . . . part in providing St. Patrick's .He Stimeelf created JB to-day more real,, J«hn\ CoLlesTf took' port in tho Office ? 7 to 0 1 St. Savio ir's; Rev. '.Father! Frtepatrick parish plovment on the terms apeeifled io ¦ the , MACKINTOSH'8 TOFPEiri Dfe LUXE- 0 ^S^-S^l fe^^I ¦*& Q& dgiJ {With a temperance hall and re- {more hearty and.more .wiaeepread than which ,precedf.M, Carqckbeg ; R:v 1 [souls are mado humble oiul tepidl epula tended as a chosen representative of are raade fervent. In many temporal U. OailfoTle. C.C. Kilmaeow: Rev. Fr Cork city. He threwj himself with en- QojaiUir.1 I0.F.M , Carrickbeg; Rev. topics of thorfght and theory « revolo- thusiasm into the movement for celebrat- tion i icrhape without M«Scfll.| C.C, Ci hir; Rev. father G ing the centenary of Father . our knowledge, bas rin, O.C, Grange mocklcr; Rev. Fatl Matthew in ttlTead y been,-wrought, in our ideas and .1890, and the succens of that celebration, ideals Woodcock,! 0me»' h, Co. iLoulh i Rev. : :aiid the I TJioy revealed truthof ot religioa erection of thejbcautiful Matthew and t he ] j^nsat principles action win Butebi~y, ICC, < ilohmel!; Rev. Fatl memorial ' church wsrc largely due Warren,I O.C 8 . John[s ; I Rev. Jo 1 ever imain, immutable. Catholics h&vo to his i powers of lonjaimutioi) ami no -fei rs on that head. But as paraai- O'Shia. p.f - Asl sh; Rev. John' O'D his -untrrlnc energy. | He was SDeciaHv 20 V ¦en.¦ell . tChaplain-Mpiam Hinoiyly unoGhoetet Ho8piUl;RHospiiai; Kev. interested tieal | >lanl8 cliliff to grt>at trees KO many : in the your* m<-n of tho0 city theori is and sj-stems of thought in thc-n- K. HHaaaai«tiaett .,"C.0 C.0= King;Ring; RevJ'JohnRev 'John D< w-J. ty W88 deepi imp^d by ft" i«r. Oha]ila:i. Uount feionSion ; JJtev.^v.' that the youngT men of will tn™\Yh elves not worliy to Uvo irttcrtwiMe with to^lay l n uncha "- M1 ; B?11;rnrneale;??I*: Reiri'M. 'IHearl'a 1 immediate iiccable truths, and on:le»vour .o ^? 1"'ti T9' l?e^Rev.M- J.J /; ?- % futureIthft pillars ro un- draw life from thein. It is a time for 2=i 0>»pl»W Ur8u ln i Conv^flit;rtt; Rev. J. COul- hold the fabric of Cllurc-h in '. Little Sisten* Convo di nation hard i ind clear thinking. Much cockle from the is beii g pulled up. and will bo pulufld up WB,- ' e ' removed aiA, m,d Tli »»v, J.IjifeNugentJpn > C.rrO,|I KillvMl :. RevV ,. .J.V H"^gofemiards witlun the next four years, and tho gnof ^"improvement, suitable "co" niustr ito this change of ideas It J aln.'GooSGd "*ShephVrd JSfc-^ Convent;h.^lf ?Rev.: K. panion^^ ship and healthy recroa - wa» llurbe C.t ., StrahbaUy, .i.m ...der accppl si .a* a truism tliaf thos™ nation* . j prppeT conditions. Honcc fip i.^.imc '.n ¦ active worker that supplied their own wanu anil : THE IAXEGYRIC • in the jYoung M*n "i &o- neithorf sold tholr products to other eg>-ric was preached by ! .he C1 r tv and hrtd tt>c offieo of President for fe Tk» Par m natwnh noi - bought . from them. wer<- ((ol Bet. Dr. Ke ly, Bishop W Ro^'. tie ?nY y< *i>>- He vms devoted to the icnora it backward and deoadt-nt. But < nK w and tnpJ' r>VPi an<1 reccrcd " i»*k fcirhs text-r" Remember your pre-*»T?P "} ' ' the ni tions'that tent their products v> v'j iv t»t<»i who have spoken the' word of tod taF>- , «« memory s chprtshed and th« er ds' of tlto earth and brought their ' l the Society ) InRU'.led by his 1» fO« > -tw no8e fiith follow , cowider ng V™** */ and own equJTcancnts trom evtary dim? Hit «ad Uf their conversation.". .H:b. loTe ^ literature Jearnmpfhe becomo were eiuitrbtcned, progrcssivo and flour- XIII. ». |His I/>ydship 'said-My 'liords, a prominent member ofthc Cork Literary. isliinc TJii>» and doctrine-is now reversed : 5 TT kcflikeraikerBlsl frecenfl;'frecenfl/ a« gteat oorrowBorrow lj«shas Otlo contributed numerous essays and dom ajnd' patriotism to produceto what we viaSkadvisikad .the clergj and laity of this;citythis; city lectures; frequently took part in Use de- wantond^ confine our wants what we andmd iiiuioceso.wvio. Their chief opastor,astor. an tip-tin- batesbates,, and wanwat» electelecteded and s»rvederved «ass produqe. I Th» time 'l«6t year how many 'ona man right anil;virtu ' a [learned and President of the Society. In the midst tliere ffere amongst us who did not be- ff irHim w b»lr priest and a jwise andljuet Bisljop oflthesei varied activities in a -rather lieve t lat the wealthy nations had A great bag been' taken frjpro them.OFor full -wide field of labour tlie holy ' thfee spirit had odvanl age, and that the silver bullet «a4. twenty . years he had: ministejed marked llhim out'- for greater labours, would win tlie' warP We have sine? »^m, edilying, inslruciirig and heavier burdens and1 a morj extended leam& !• that we had long held utterly (juiding them into jiutice. Mi* was t a sphere of influence and responsibility, arrohous ideas about the power of AamQdar figure moving a'morlgst the-poo- Thie Holy -Father, Pope Leo XIII., ap- money ; that it is men and spirit, food )»tfl -sad isking arj active all their pointed him to the -vacant-See of Water- and work tliat count; that reality and '«naosrnsi -The gsief for nis loss was the ford and lismore, apd he was con- not to sens have genuine worth ; and that SI jBor» heavy and poignant because • ihe iecratedl Bishop in -flite Catihedral on thosa ' vhb put ¦their tni6t in money and ¦Woiri had j fallen switt and I unexpected Sunday, th«' 31st Ja-nuary, 1802. (He in tre; surcs «re in inflniteily greater peril 1Sie£M»hop had 1 sen in excellent health, had been intensely devoted to the City than hose who trust to the apirR si /ar of rnH ^f ealersy d, judged ofjCorlsland iis na-tivejdloce Be, but from i-acrifi c ;and poverty. According to the appearances -woiild ' bf fill up many more the inpment: of Jhis consecration he be-, prized pxiticipals of free trade the mar- woioi with works of ioallend charity.1On cama" an eceleBiaflti? of Waterford and kct ahlnuld. be reculated by 6UDPly and Siuidfty.l ihe ' 3ri of Oitpber, ho: spent lismorel not only, byj-adoption and by demaiAl. ! :¦ The individiiaf trader nhil wh»t woe) even fn him an Exceptionally Canon taw, but in heart and mind, in manufacturer should, enjoy unfettered £ali aodibury d»; r . As was.his-wont (Jh'9 thought! and action , j No Waterford- libVti . Thft principle of laisser-faiTo «aebnated'.MasR in, the? Cathedral and born Bishop waf ever more thoroughly -aiul i.w ' economic haimonifi* would spt proachodfat ton iid*ra"oii length. Liter wedded;,to the dioccso-rbone tff its bone, nil tli ng6 right. Now the Government, «n he went to < arrick, there blessed a flash , with ii!,fu]l of the ' of jits flesh, two in one flesh-^-none t approval public, has jieTrioeme'lery an 1 again, preached in;the was ever more deeply [devoted to it* in- becom i the solo purveyor of certain com- •pen airjjto a lajrge gathering- In ! the tercets 1 was ,'!none ever took' more pride dn inoditiss, has taken . ovor the control ol ov^oin< -was jnoticed that Wateriord 'ln religion, |in patridtism -and niont-lit is war tiuie. ily point i» that constant h» wa« |ih pain. The fatal I illness had- in) commerce. His habitual zeal and much vaunted theories and principles re- «et in. |He «pen . that Sunday night ! in energy 'iseemed to havejacquired renewed' karded " an sacrr-d havo dissolved into < - ' " Tho'I lovemy all the ladies} when out ¦ iiaffarini land yij he arot-e| on Monday Vigour iind redoubled strength from' tilie tho ai - . .Th^> nincteehth century will be t6 on ike brine -j morning land celebrated iHve \rp W3tant t <"»»><*¦this test, j roSiding over a) clerical conference i at temperance, to found] tcraperaneo so- the -fa nei of prpat -mechanical nventiona vr\lU lffitick I>nrixj»rv«n and |was restrained from cieties, and to guide-and «afceuard the The s crets of nature were revealed, bi-r . fo the SUNLIGHT which¦ ¦ ¦ Sunlitlit ' ¦ : ¦ ladies¦ love best" "I¦ d«Bg so tnly 1>y the at^jrn proliibitiort of young men of hia dioce*?. 8u Paul in fierce (powers tamed and (harnessed in ¦ ' * ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • - ¦ ' • ¦ ¦! his Tnedl<-»1 attel dnnt. fThcfm'xt day'he the eplsilec 1 . . 1 _ v d— Ll :¦ : i :• -I - I- ' . . ; • to Timothy and Titus¦ had the sen-vice of - man.. The praUes of thi! recoived jjhe- las . Sacrament -with grjeat now enjoined on him to be a " teacher" men of rribclianicai ceniun were on every ¦fervonr and der otion, jmaking the ire-, embracing ' A K a clea ! thai faithfjil word which is tongue , n nd ndnuoation of chem. in every ^^^W'^^^^ ' user of spouses ^h a - ,and firm 'tone. Within according to^ sound doctrine that 'he may heart. Whetlier we are wiillins to admit I S I*? te te« !*»ys I'the ^aii news twas'.flashed over be able to exhort in epund doctrine and it or not we ¦ ' S ap ^ of' to! the He Is o£w orshipped machinery as : ' : bec e knpws ' ' Iret«od that the 3ishop. waterford ^ras convince gainsaycrs. was now the raelites old worshipped the gol- 'MSBBu ' WKMmL- i^- f i it is kfiel Mi 4«ad. Thbt new ; producedjian outburst solemnly " charged before God -and den ci lf.|;Of the two the IsraoliKw had ' :; :: ;: e8t money : «f regret not on y amonff his own fl pek Jesus Christ, the judge of tho living and the in : tM ^Pan buy, and best yaiu'e f I throughout .He ' >rq artlsfic nnd less harmful idol. ^^^H ^ -!? >ttt ^ whble country, and the dead, to preach tho WOT<>; to~be in- Machi iery' has greatly increased produc- K : ^^^ » ^ ¦ ! aowhere! more tl an amonplhis irotKers atant lii season , out oj seasona l© re- tion / nri.relieveU human eti'ewjth of '-¦HHk' "' ^•¦»W;aII- 'the world: : over. ! Jktr I : l ot -the Irish Ep: ieopate[ There was. the proproyp. entreat , rebuke in all patience." many laborious processes; ^^ B - idenci of thafrejret in the He but man. who «Weet I ey . . knew that his firstj and greatest duty del igh s in creating, desipiing. flnidi- f the machine which he hiinself 1 Jack soab . filled r^itfe |! In lheap;|lwords ' St P-aul |«odhorts the duty of teaching and; preaching. Ho createtl. | Tlio machine etartles the ob- ^t"^ ^S^ui!? | ^ Idnows ¦Hebrew i Christians of Judein to-remem- proaohed li'this Oatheflial every Sunday , aervcr «s ' 'K ' ¦something.unconny ,..aimru«ed, \ V^P^ ?? trust bw tho HepartedlpieTatei who;had-»Ti«ht He preached'5n tho Tarious parishes at conscious. and:' intcllisent. whWe'- the 18 ll l .them «h*ffaith ov Jesus!Christ,"to medi- -viditations; ¦and,.at ojher special tfunc-. macihiiie-minder. is:etupifled,, dazed ««d -JSP- n! a well Wund" British 1 lite ^oa 'the beauty, purity tod holinPSB tkme. .Onliflie day on ijihich iie was Jistlesi . A.' well-known thinker has sold t T shiiHr 1 I •of iirat Ifiith, to follow ft pynceasingly,' struci ;aoifn .*y ihw d«tth illness he had thafit lour 'factorini '" wo manufacture and ; to [jnake it| the ru^e of . . their cnur ¦pleached in . Waterford and again in ereryui-ing oxriept ' men; -we' bleach cot- ¦ duct *na|th« m*» 1S W . ?i]™ to-daj ^hen youjas- d.;.by tho neople who were thus elaves In the war those maehlneB are ueaible fWa mi|n!ry_ thT<>ng.: to celebrato too instructed -nnto justice. In tulfrl- the gi im' and- relentless deetroTOM of tha «onth 8 mino. You h*ye jomed'i-in intent of his higk and holy office of teach- their nventom. They .have swept aside Bdteinn grayer, you Jjavc chanted ! the er (Dr. Sheehan took infinite pains with the gl imbur j ' J poetry of war-^ihe polished tKaim_s|^nd_ ywrftavo]jhaye.Bungi .the the education,' training - and!.spiritual armour, tho burnished ebieid, the' flash- plaintive | dirge ; tne . mjMiq. rites of ;tho equipment'of the clergy and .tho " r«liglous ing SS*OTO, the golden canopy the richly fiturcy.lare iJer .ormod Mand .the .{[tent that "KSiey might efficiently work in tih.eir oapari »ned.charger-^md,fe the -MxieOT : ^ mOTfiee^pf OTopitlntionjisouered-up! on- variousi positioiis for* tho happiness of mockery of mans proud »nd.v inventivo Ue name Leoer on Seaprjs " ' •tlw -Mtari- -.w. L*Te'' ^ I L!GHT. . [ - H . tlw hvuigide- also paid great attention to the training -Machhcry¦ has led' to Indualroliam and ; ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ' 1 " : " ¦ " ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦] " " ¦ ' ¦¦ ' • ¦ ' ¦ ' ' - ' ¦ ¦ " ¦ ' : - - ']" ' "! I' - ' . • . ;¦; . .. : • ' .- .-' , . • • . . ( | -1-^ C ¦ ' " . !:;" ;¦ ¦ '1; ^- " M " :; ¦ ¦ ¦ "' i ¦ e\ ¦ [ . . I : .} - -- ¦ M I^. ¦{ T ^ ¦ . - ^.^. • - ¦ !. ¦]] ¦ , • IM:: ¦ - ¦ - ¦ - :/i- .: I-; :- : . i ! I ^ < / . ; V ^-- ¦¦+¦ ¦ :¦ ¦ : • ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' : • - ° - , . :h, ;- . .iif., ' :; :X/^:\-t \\ ( , . TERFO - THE

\Vint«i calves, -c rce am feedii " quaria c boilel»"|: oi Wn« of inud' and ean<^ were raised and the death of the date Bisho .—Yours give you £1 per cwt.! If you hod kept to t&is. d»ichargedi rom various the1; rags until the ' pounHs < ich of crushed |oate daily should : berths at a cost faithfully, |' following Saturday J brinp thi m through the -winter.' itt -'fiood Of! 3Jd. per ton. In addition! 833 tons of i M. C. CKOTTY. The Coal-Porters' Strike iroufrl giver you £1 per cjwt. . not Us: 6d. ]gug- T&ud werejxftUed- f>r baUast and dia- Gurteenroe House, 1 -would like to know what objectkmfoa oondi ion Wo -would like alfid to on the ^ itacroom, (fo. Cork , ¦ rrest the iddition of about I lb of tinaeed c^vrged ballafctfl uay. I The:cost of Dear) Sir—Please convey to thi Woter- li»vo against me oa you j never, cave. me repairs to hulks And atage» {or the -past ford Harbour a chance to buy •nythiag.- Only toy ca» cake ; . CommiBsioners my j very. Under the' auspfoea of the waterlord month was £87 7a. 7d. ' sincere;. thanks for their kind voti of con- you would not get a good price -»tr all. ¦ Trades Council Arid the National Union You used to" ' ii I Captain firreil. Harbour Master, re- dolence on the death of my deaf cousin, always give those irag». away ¦ ported—Ij beg to rcpor^ that the buoye, of Dock Labourers and Riverside- Workers ioz' nothing until I began]io give ajprice P.antm, Fruit Treea-j-Pruning P«*ah, the Meet Rev. Dr. Sheehan, Bishop of in Great Britain and Ireland, a public -(1) |I"« as thinking o:- plantiigv eome . JifttB .and : raoorinps «r« iri good con- Wateriford Mr M-inhear and I' will for them: Kindly letme-Jsnow what ob- druon. meeting was the Large Room, City jection you have against me.—Youis fruit trees again*! the. -wsii facing south ; J. visited the Passage and Dun- never forget the sympathy sho-wli us by ¦ •i nvore pilot stations on diflerimt oetasiona Hall, at 5.30 on gunday aiternoon Mr. K. truly, ; | of the pa den ,; -and' I "«r 11 b» obligedjjby the public boards and people 0! ^yatcr- Uulion, President of the Trades ^Council , !¦ ycur I T5H ommending m > trees. :What I daring the month ond Jourd [them in' OT- ford during our stay among them on ihe B. WOLFEON. d&z. I also; visited the' cutter and found occupied the chair, and there was a large ;i In reply to Mr. Sheehan, the Master ITS ' intend p.' anting or? two dessert apples I •i'fnjqi iB} sinoi— uo:s wp pes attendance. ! Asi } WAME-, IMPLIES— . and one ] TOT. but I shall adopt anyj «ug- her in gojod!working condition. She wi: ULLEN 5. MINHSAR. said at last meeting he wasto instructed to require a new ioresail this 1 The Chairman expressed the pleasure it slill ' the nags 'by w«i^hi;| the.highest IS: TH?.| Sestdoh y )u -trill kindlyfc make. ;I1 w. hat ! winter. 1 Thomas Btreet, I gave him to preside over such a W 'froP GRADE FLOLlR havp written ' no sail-makew ot- Kings- ' largo and bidder. Two tenders were eent in; one IIM^M E ' I waajthii king of wouldlsuit, what yajrie- October 20th , 1915. . -V! ' - ¦: ¦ 1 ' taxn for) their price lor supplying, the representative meeting. They were all by bulk and another ;byi weight. : The -U:i' , - . . . - . . ties shon d I tret and tie best pSsctt . tct Dear Sir—On behalf . oi mynelf: and well acquainted with the object of their obtain~0 em? The wall . is 40ft. x I Wt.\ srfil. Wi|h regard to the brie* . 9th bour Cbmmissionert my heartfel thank* speakers more conversant with the sub- Last ]Nov unber 1 planted an Irish peach injst., I Eave j not yet been able to go on for their expression of sympat ly |with 3Ir. Woltion knew the rags had been sold AND ITS QUALTY-jukk ; TWE BjRITISH FLAG wrth the ( work 6t lifting owing to the us in our ead loss. ject than he was, ho would* not etay be- when he wrote the letter offering £1 per «lour- ye* r old tree). Arid should liio to —Yours sincerely. tween them and the meeting. | ) . - ¦ ' ^ know if t should be pruned tnis yi»i: very heavy jgales. I | A. O'GOI MAN. ' cwt.. . ! WlU NOT COME iboWN trie report were considered Mr. George Hayes,. Secretary ' of the i Chairman—I think it would' be tetter . I 'wa3- RE I not to do eo. 'afc it woirid -bear satis- SailorB' and Firemen's-Union, Baid they no fruit i I rdid. What "would you advise. fa :tory. i A COMPLAINT. to advertise the rags by poster in were calling for an organisation and they future. ; . i . pleasd? < l). '£houU the tree3 iori-wall be would have to abide by its rules and pro- jit, I U mec«s*ary write for Name of tne Ne; r< st Dealer, to cordon si aped?—-H) We should Kxxfm- GOAL 8TRDKE. ] In the minutes of tjiepQuay Co nmittee was decided ' to advertise the 'rags • Chairman—You wX| notice, from the reference was made ceed constitutionally. He wished, and cast clothes for sale in future. mendjXa iy Budoley and Jamea Gripva M Je reuiim ! that was sent to you t to & complaint bs to go forth from that meeting that they dis- •as two go d d«BSert apples. A good «trly h*t a vessel haying been moved fronuone SANCTIONED. bi r receipts; for the year so far are very side oi!the river to the tinctly discountenanced the "down tools" pear 13 V iUlama' Bon Chretien; a he ter m ich of other afta'eun- policy. All agreements should be abided The Local. Governmentol £1Board .wrote aown^-j£1 .013 do^»n—and course set without having the proper liihts -up. sanctioning the^p&yment 12». 6d. to but; later Doyenne du ttomice. j Any of thW« 'hae|beeiJ soine copment abotlt this, by, and if they did not abide :by -them, ¦these jwoi Id- do Troll in tuch a positi >n. It was) stated that the pilot hid been well, then they . were finished.! If they Nurse O'Connor for acting as temporary bit the whole.' thing may be- practically cautioned and the attention of tie own- nurse at the' fever hospital. Any of oi r horticultural Jadvertiscrs could at ributed to I the war.l I find that in succeeded, in establishing a branch of the ST1 supply tt era.-. (2) This variety bears ar- ers of the vessel called to the conduct 11 ^OTNSWCK LIVERPOOL of Oitober, |l9W : th» Clydf Shippirtfr Com- ' Union they must abide by the rules' of ! MA8TER'6 REPORT. | | galy on '• ^ie points wood made! ;he f of the 'master ; the organisation, and then their condi- |The Master reported—Curing the woek pany were -running between Waterlord Mr. White asked ii any.reply K d been previous fear. Hence -the advice:! Do ard the Various ports 18 boats. tions could be bettered in a prorer and a:cane of scarlatina was admitted to the ' ' 1 Now for received from the owners of the vessel. ' . ' j ;^ r L i - ' ' ' -- '-*"' ' not cut a [ay any except thoae intemr ag ; fever hospital.' The patient died ori the r j .^'.e ^ ; j . -:- r , . - :' - r - '- 1 ._l October, 1916! we havelonty elglit. That The Secretary replied in the 1 legitimate way . Dealing with i the local : I : r _^-kAU^I with pSb< TB ; 'spare all you can. | (3) No; egative. day after admission. ' loyed a, • ¦ ¦ - - s ¦ ¦ .Mr. disputes, the speaker said they jwere try- I emp ;¦ ¦ - - ' - ¦-¦ they wGI fee trained horizontally or ,c ip- White—That is very un latisfao ing to settle it and had almost succeeded. nurse to .take charge of the case at night - .. : . .|: . :- |- -rii ; I I ' . Wbstern Railway- Company in October, tory. L think we ought to prose< uujthat ' able of b |mg¦ eo-> -train«£ Specify mica 19 4, were running 17 Iboats. Now they In.fact, he might say tfhat theyImet with on tho usual terms. ' | ' 1 when voi order.r man. pertainly we ought to p oseciite Ii are only Jruriqinj? 13. That, nwartf" a -loes the next, opposition but lrpm ono individual, and |A boy named Kieran'Brennan, aged 14 ¦ time it occurs. j: that was not exactly opposition either, years, whose father is iin| the army and Stockovmers & Farmers. of £*5 j The arrivalej to 3I»t October, Chairman—I would suggest ths we re- j ' 19 14. were 1;376. and for the eame period port it {0 Tho gentleman in question would not meet j hfe mother undergoing a term of im- Rat on for PisP12 Feeding.—Kindly—lundly . let tne Board of Trade and forward them in the spin£ in which they cxpec- J. ¦prieonment which expires on! the |J2th' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ me know, through your valuablev&luable' jounjourr. ai , this year 1^08, or a ¦loss of 103. I am them the correspondence. ! ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ af aid that itfiis unforjunate strike that ted he would meet them to get the dis- February, was returned- fr6m St. Joseph's ¦ • ¦ l what | -wo' ildild be a ' good mixture roth-Wrth- Mr ifcCuIlagh—Would you n< t writo pute finished'with the idea of getting an { Industrial' School suffering -from phthisis. \ - p3Rpy| ! ¦ - crushed e its iand mangels for fatten ng ip ai prelection in connection wrti the to do owners again and aek the n for 11 , coil filitxs is! going to add niaterially to employers' committee formed on-a It was decided to apply to the War, i- i PLEA8E NOTE T&AT - .. ' pigs from three months Up,up, i.e., for sBtetes»p-p- reply. I i Office for a contribution I towards - At present the 'loss (to the port, |quite [apart from The Chairman said they and sound basis to avoid spasmodic ihe: mgi in cc ldId • w*terr^-' At present ve\we , iuse ise th) had p enty of strikes. ¦ . bojrs maintenance. i equaHquagtitleatitleas AfricanAfrieaa "pahn nut tsniaJniaii., fact that if thi» incrcaae ' that Is de- time toi reply. i . manded is given it will raise the price Mr. W. J. McNulty, Londonderry, who brown pc Hard, whi*a bran, and IndIrid an Mr. McCullach said there hid been received a hearty reception, was the next PAYMENTS meal.jwi^hh imbedpulped marimariged«ged« ororlturnii»i turnipi* of coal on consumer? in the Icity. You great delays on the other side a id per- EDWARD O'KEEFE, Ltd., We . kr ow thai, before the: speaker. He began by telling the meet- |The - Chairman signed payipenU : ' ¦ nDArunicn u/ATCDCni n war the rate - of 1 ¦ SOIIM jrear hap& would be rather sharp 1 ' ^^P4 w ^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ "^BV ^^^ ¦ I ^ ^ * ™ ^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^P ^ ' ' ^i^v V and times cabbage^ all ¦/rcig'ht it] to 1 pro- ing of the -Union he represented—the amounting, to £616 for -goods supplied. ' I - our: fat'i iga, and turn ' them out. Srpm from I G»reton{ and [Lancaahire eecute. |He did not want to presa|the ¦The Board adjourned, en pc rt« to Dublin was only about Is. per , National Union of Dock Labourers ; and j Pay». HIGHE8T PRICES for DEAD 'AND. DISABL DD HOHeES six to &^i mpnths old, 12 to 14 <£one point but ho thought, they shou d" writo Riverside Workers in Great Britain 'and * each!on :he above mixture steeped in toil below] the I freight between \ these porte to the owners to know if they : eceived '^CATTLE; same removed from! any place within a teas mabl* distance ; ' Ireland, He explained its rules, in detail ¦ ¦ cold wate • t*n to twelve hours, ;aiid make and Waterfordv ^« ow] there is quite a tbe-ir 4etten« ;. from Waterlpr'd. . I '' .' I ' \: \\ ; ¦ ' ' ¦ ' 00 laiderablt ilifl«ence, and {the fact if> and pointed out that one oi its lundamen- WATERFORD ; a subrtar tial profit. .The people «b^ut Chairman—Very well. tal conditions was that they must abide MARKETS here &KRD, out the sam« -.weight pig. Wo-bopo said that he had attended four meetings, ' yonr lam ry will bo taken note ofj Iby also supplying Carlow 'and other places Nov. 13—M firkins, 120s. to 136s. - |Or by TELEPHONE ' ' ' ; wllich formerly would, I think, have The Quay and Finance Commi Itee re- placing the aims and objects Of the or- - No^ 89. . r{| i - . readers of this column, as a great deal of b*en ¦ Nov. 17~«> firkin*. 120s. to 138s. supplied ^rom Waterford, andjthe 4d. pex commeiKJea— " That the 'nominal ifTioe of ganisation before them and emphasizing Nov. 18— S fiTkins , D di8cu^ion has reoeaUy taken, place .oyer the fact that they must agreej to carry , 120a! to 136a. HIGHEST PB1CE8 PAI | FOB LIVE H0BSES BROUGHT TO the eubjet t of feeding pigs ¦with cooked, ton increase tha* i? deiuanded by the cashier jbe abolished and that th< Secre- vNumber of firkins corresponding week OUR W0RK8, AND CASH PAID FOB SAMEilBT DDE MANAGER 1 mtn would certainty still further dis- tary sh?U in future continue to a rry' out out the aforesaid aims and objects in their last year 90s; : ¦ : ¦ or rawi foods; and tha "«idlemeot oif yiur ^ constitutional movement. If agreements , 65; price, to 118s. ON DELIVERY. | . i | .|| ! ')' • - ezperienc > is very' explicit. As-jegards inrprove the position and njake it im- the weekly and othsr diebureemi nta ac-' po ssible: tor Water/ora, merchant to do cordiagj to the instructions ot th t Quay yvrere made by employers and men these , - OENERAL PBODUOP O'KEEFE¦ 'S PAY HIGHEB PRICES THAN¦ ANT OXHEK PIRM the; mixt tre you «re u^ing, we would ' ; ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' agreements must be carried out. What- iHay, per ton, 70s. to 97s. 6d. - - - - I I ¦ - i - I -. - ! ! ; I : eusgeit • that yon dispense with • Vran, th'!.trade)up country with regard to coal and Finance Committee j - : ¦th at legitimately belongs to the pfwi. " Tha'v ATr. Laurence Walsh bq in ' ever would be agreed *n between csn- Hay (inferior), 40s. to 65s. ¦which?is' 5 d«ar ;food ito l^oy for pigs, |and' -ployera j 1 i hlnk the incfe*se o! 4d. per ton de- future collector , chief clerk, and port and men, a month's notice would Oaten Stmw, 40s. to 60s me&ejyoi choice ol pollard or maSze ' , ¦be given by cither side to alter '-any port moal to nux with'the ma nded by tbeao men fa altogether un- officer , (and that he be given OO.per ' Wloaten- Sheaf;76s. to 90s. palm nut meal. The rei sonabl^, and I.don't] see how the coal annum |wcrea» ci saiary . ' of the agreement come to. Referring to Wheaten Straw, 40s. to 60s. latter opp raw to'be more| widely uged jfor can to it. 1 the local disjrute, the speaker said, that ' merchant^ possibly agree I •' Thai temporary clerk . Air. rhdmas Oats, 15s 6d. : pig. - feedir e in youricounty than in any Usurps. Co«rin bi appointed examini ig and negotiations were in progress to bring it Mangolds, 17s. to 20s. other ] Iri i county we know of. arid wi 1 iust «nv» vou & few . The rate ,| 1/- GIVE SHDK 1/- of freight, from. Garewn to Dublin, and junior clerk at a salary of 15s. p r week to an end. The following circular had Turnip9, 188. to 21s. OHIOZS and I drooping HEN8 ar* feeders apteew to be sattened with Ihe be- . been issued:— ' " ~~ , ault it' 1h. m from the North Wall io Clonmeis l, with a (bonus of 10s. per week for the Potatoes 5d. to 6}d. per stone. 4lmNi ' i I giv ». Its present cost price com- period he has been tsmporary clerk , un- 5 Henrietta St., City. . -V- ll - i ' j" - ' CTO. parieajwK i other ieH«blej foods, such works'out) at 14s. 9d. per ton^-that ex- GRAIN. Wben TUKKKY8 «re drowsy fOWl ) . . fiigr oli sive ofl course of war risks and marine paM." I 13th November, 1915. b»v« ioonr. : I as barley meal, musfbo taken into' loo- • Sir^—On behalf of the men, we now are Indian Meal . 24fl. 9d. W. j Erarfshaw, Esq., Aftifert count. | . - . ; : : in urancej which would | apply I whether it Oo the motion of Aid. Farrell, {second- White Bros, 10a. 6d. Ia - bet give 8HDK- always and un 1 go to or Dublin. The prese ed by Mr. Phelan, the recommei datioce in a position to lay a definite proposal be- btrabJe. . . - Abbey, ; Ard brt, Co. Lkosrigt, ' " '' ' J t* Waterford nt " Red' Bran, 7s. 6d- • " '- ' ' ' : : ' ' fraight to] Waterford is 12a. Gd. per ton were adopted. , 1 fore you. : The men agree to resume work at once White Pollard, U B . 3ming more gaunt and l winter- table conference so as to arrange matters piaB i niMt; remarkable euro ot my yaarUos. of] Waterford, j 3a. 4d. orj 63. per ton. in the [ordinary course, as the deceased Cellar ReporU-Top price, 7Ee. (op Io looking. The working Ihbura of daylight 1 amicably. All . employers have the right f ''WajUrifo"|rs totd in UBV smaller follows •Mr. A. Phelan—PoesHhe 14s! 9d. quoted was working for part of the month, and ICj 8q. (M>«). 3/8 shorten n iticeably, |and ;aa week ! foe Dublin include dues,! Dublin not being he thought the least they might d< > would to employ their own men on the under- " ¦ NQTICE 2/-; ! po»t 5J. extra. K H week the iway. of darkness over tie land taking that they are union men end be I COAL- tit* | o±« you • ¦ » free port and Waterford being a free be to givo her another month's salary. 35s. to 40s per ton. tuspect liver triuble or Meurlnj glva a is more co njlete. The aspect of the fiejda pottP i; ' I • moved that th:t» be done. 1 j bound by agreement. 1 tells ' that work at summer crops is ov»r, I H* A copy of this letter shall be handed FISH. (on cir two ot|tl: » "UqtiM Waitsmo ' firtt : Chairmah—I cannot ;«tat« specifically Aid. F.arrell seconded the resoiu ion. TO FARMERS i. 6. Ci'ths«n, CtU»q l) v.r(tkr and that everything wHkh pertains ||to bttl I thmk it does | The Chairman said they would all be to eadh employer with a view to arrang- Turbot, Js. lOd. per lb. Et4., , pi)>rar/, them can no longer do without cover 'and ing;, a conference of the men a represen- Cod, lOd. per lb. * Oe!. 16th, 1B15|ulji: Mi.icly «wd u»a>.-.thjr Mr. AlcCullagh—The dues are a mat- in favour of the resolution jf it were : i Ipttle |ot protection Storms of Jwind and' rajis, ter! of penoa. |-i j legal I : tatives and employers with a view of pre- Sole, Is. ldd. to 2s. per lb EDWARD WAL8H, liour] "IWaKorfte r\ali," i'*> «OB venting *Weft 1 ritzrUf I tern ;M vutti ntoden. and possi ble early jnipsi of froat, mean GhAirman—Yes. i Mr. Ph«;«n— moved, as -an ' amend- spasmodic strikes in future. Bake, 10d.- per lb. , Skin t« damage a: id loss at ;this stage, and need T III : Signed—W. J. McNulty, Hid* , Wool and Tallow Merchant, S/C «I l uukMar xix«,ii'-,;po»ts» ment, that the matter be referred toi the G. W. Hayes, Lobsters, Is. to Is. 8d. each. Hono and Cattle *i- to be j gui rded against. ! Yet even still Mi. McOullagb- 'I am .lather reluctant ; John Conway, Daniel O'Connell. Crabs, 4d. to Od. each, r . Slaughterer; extra. 1 To CUio ItmbetTMEUJ us* "Tunis," to tBpeak on ithe subject ,; but I! would like Board's solicitor io state whetner| the ' flrtt-ral* much!wo k remains to be done in | tho Board had power to make Qie gr int. Continuing, Mr. McNulty said , that THOMAS STRUT, WAtUPORD, a ienr*. Kr. W. Ha-ner, Kill, Co. BO to [say thit about twelve months ago the WaUrfoid, on»6fnun/uMr« fields.] Weather during October jwas I Mr. Strangman—I second that, uid we some of the employers had agreed to the Is prepared to remove Dead aid Disabled U) ,i3ri: "tiaf^ broken that the .later handling of the coil heavers -in Waterford received an terms set forth therein. About the condi- j, . .I cured ' » bullscfc ^f mJnt a week. 4jt a ' [ will graiit it if we have power. ' . i Hone* and Cattto from any place within grain -crois was greotlyj checked, >fad increase of 33 1-3 per cent, on the pre- tions prevailing in other ports,', some of » radius of Fifteen Miles t oUI»^ tmallerlsize . 2/6, pesiag* id. extia. war rate which was. the highest 'paid In The .amendment was agreed to " of WaWrford. "Antlcuiftlat threshing could only he done on rAre The Board then went into com :iittpc. the employers contended that 10d. a ton I »m prepared to p»y HigharJPrlcesthan " Is ian al! huii 2«dbns!tr!or days, j Th j delay hindered any attempt Ireland.' 'What they no.W ask | ia K'O per was not paid anywhere else. He instanc- outer Firm,: kwutlj fT. : vy^jicr, CK;.. WaJorfOTi, a man to get1 mtngels pulled, cerlt; advancplion pre-war rate, and wo •ay. All Ariimal*Immediately and pitted | or ed Londonderry, where the same rate, lOd. BemoTed on Receipt of Postcard, Letter, tl M(nrftnt»,j tays r r nev» W3d "AotK . housed, oi to etart raising of the potatoes cannot in justive give this extra rate to a ton, was being paid. The men in Lon- cuibinV'ltor ioma j»a?j.aiid conjlder rt tho- in full fo; ce. these men who:are receiving 2s. per hour. .or Postcird. . On many ifarms the rbanr donderry, and other ports had got : war PIMM Note Address: bttt tliiler for rsirajviag cxrit. I inl:}vt it gels ore fit ill untouched in the fields, axjd, A ielegate has come down from London- bonuses. For instance, in Londonderry would] remove-WnV hard «r - boa 'v faraaUon. though th ire was a distinct touch! of frost deiTy, and I -understand that the raw ;the men who worked per hour their agree- ©II FOR OP* kOWARD WALSH, THOMJ 8 8TBBET, 3/6 a Irtllle, post lre#. To Condition Horte* on Thursc ay night of last weekjlfrowirs there is 6d., with 7-i. for overtime, and Acpte EOdeey ment was 6d. and 7d. per -hour, but since MRS MAGENNITY, Faugkart, >rites:— WATEBFOBD. | tie th» ta'ttiJUji'ytU-ripaCttid'lien and Worm have had o chance the danger. Perhaps th«9o roeq here are receiving 2s. per the war that had been increased to' 8d. "My Hons were not ( laying. A | 6d. T«kgrami: " Walsh. Thomat Street, MrJMl Uccbs, E-all (qjtlare, lays-: Uiin remir dine breath will ¦ waken themIto hour in the ordinary way of working. It and 9d. an hour for casual men. Con- Packet oi Ovelle Spice from you made Watorford." ,i . I j ' Tli* "Vtierine jlldrto Worm ar.d Contiilaticri energy, in getting roota under cover I of is not a aiatter of 4d. That is only the stant men were paid 33s. per week of 54 them lay Two Dozen during .November Pov.'dcre'f , made in excellent job.of m« hone jhed. ^ ¦ " straw {or rotato raising fa'. fail ly fillers Itl would mean ia matter of lOd. Disease | hours and 9d. an hour overtime ' and Id. and December." . I I ; | In a-Weik. | Bitri 4/-, poti Thcawnds general, a id in the northern icount es or. lid. befor« the time ithe sHore gangs. QaiCk CO e Per hour between Uie hours of 7 p.m. and ol (he«i!lrtme'ii» have D«« P t'AA bi the where thr eshing of the| Relief and Speedy l»*y byELLE SPICE Is made by THE 100 RATS A NIGHT ! grain crops to carriers, and all were paid. II would not • fir fncodVi T»M»la • ' a>m- *ddod to t"e 33s.. so that these Orielnntor, HENRY BELL, 02, QJ'/, Watcr- done delib »ratcly;,as oppprtuiiity fits dar- ha-re mentioned it- really except that the Iir. vasseus laoicis. \\ ; men's ¦ earnings could average OVELLE 8PICE CO.J NEWRy. fortf. 1 Established 60 tears. ' ' ¦ .between MB. SPENCER PALMEfii Chemist, - I . • • ing the w nter, is in moBt cases' comi ig quiation is being discussed in view of the I ; ' £2 6s. and £2 10s. rer week. In' conclu- ¦ I ¦ - '!¦ i ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' j Agents r-Waterford, Poole and ' Co, Ltd , Thorabury, writes:—" With al Is. tin of I - to an end In many counties, howev ;r, harbour revenue being down. | sI "I n^A to cciu nfforiff ! ?ion , he said that they, had actually form- George White and-Son; Henry Bell ^ pickers aie ' "i uwd to , Quay . " Rodjne,. MUa¦ Ogbnrn killed 100 rats in still busy, and will be| !or Sir would be very loath to djfl^Wik from frightful «nM< ed a branch of the National Union of Robert-J. Parker, Michael street; and ¦ ¦¦ - j iMPOBlJAIfT TO M0THBB8. some ^ ' one night." ¦' • j , I . tim< yet. In defence it has to l>e stop.any discussion, but' Ii really think it >j( !3^SS»Ki. '"B P'*-in in "¦' imai ' Dock Labourers and Riverside Workers in |W. ; J. Jones, Quay. Carrjck-on-Sulr—J. ¦ r |i - : said that the Season wai very draggi ig is liardly /KRJ5***'*^E 1 °* B'y back, Hay« ' RODINE " assuresin safety in Adminis- h -Th-— (within our province to enter . : Mrs. Eliott, of • 6, Waterford, and he could assure them that iTyrie Turner, .Chemist. |Dangarvan—Th« xeeults. Every mother' 1 ho valoet the- on farm * jrk, and kept most of the usijal into the merits or demerits of this dis- [RWa'ffl- fiSt if they lived up to it the result tration, certain^ 6d., Is.', 2s., health ao4 operations ISsSf *F V*rX Ku»»il-ero»«. ttcttent would be Drug Storm. Usmore—T. C. Gueat.' cleanlineae ol her Child ihould ose HAB- ' weeks later than ordinarilv. pu ;s. We all regret ihat any trouble ,/»Sfl I vO fe*i!\- : Park-r«v>5 proper and legitimate way. j i. j Ltd. ' MADEj .i; OneJ •.pplicatio can : be placed on the kind of days I lor vo'Time oi|trafBc paesirig through-Water- wiM&\%*Zj t&ix'>\ ' M thqusb it would' i1 I \ | Agents—H. Bell, Chemist, 62 Qjiay, Water, n killi all N1U nights that A cordial Vote of thanks to the Chair- Turner, Chemist, Carrlck- and Vermin, beaUtifle* and ctreagth«iu may be had within any week, fortt and which would act to lour detcri- h rt or n 1 man'; for presidine, .which he suitably ac- - - ford ; J. Tyrie the Hair.1 ; nenbejthe natural ' \ ESwOi "J\ Iff ™ . * " F '' °T mrmr:?: - . " <..i-:-: . . : i on-6oir. : " , | . ' ; in This, W.tad Bd. Pott. id. anxiety to get necessaiy jneSot, but with greafrespect I think ! it ' knowledged, and Id the Mayor for the use | GEO. W.f HARBISON; ChemUi work |pu6 led on witai. and ^everythihg ¦wo lid be.a rathe* dangerous thing if we \ 1 1^"yS^SB • /' • got up in Hio n ornlnjt of the room ¦¦ , Beadla^ ' i|trembled Iran Dead ¦ , brought the proceedings to a : - I I i Sold hjr'Cbemliti AgenU for Waterford— made jseci re from exposure r" UrslEILctt.i/ .tru-L'ti I ' tfM/VMV - '"'.. . I " that requires we e to erjter into the merits of this dis f < ti-foot. I fo .Httla White Mid toil. Lid., O'CooneU St.j H. kj !°' 1 we , sometimes dis- pu1 e. Particularly as II eay with all re^ ] RlMP at niith and posed ) to imkvfr that ! ^ - B«U. W Qnayj; B. Poole and Co ild. . their work and |an- ep< ct tbAtlwo could only have an ex parte Juet icitlworn out in mind and bod '. I lly PHPC W. BRYANT ^, Michwl-Bt. , Ca ^ x.ety new rends: most ofj ] skin of a sickly, unhealthy colour, iaixl ¦ ¦ ¦ BLOOI rlck-OD-8air—J.T. Tur- them, none !tbe Statement pn one side. . . | puffy rims lormc^l round my cy*3. I FARMER'S TRAGIC DEATH : . - -f i- i- I ' I ner. Dungaryfn -D. J. Nogenl. Bridge- Jar. Gr*ves-^I agree rwith. what Mr. dr«Jur receipts. ; about bat thorough corrective. Tlify | ¦ ' ' *5 years and a native, ol! Boola- rrgulata the biliary seen-ilom aLL KINDS OF OAafilAQES. C1B1. j' ' j ' I ANIi BEETLES : -/¦ Jaayor—It isjno harrn to vontuate the kiely, Camphine, Lismore, left M B . wd I , : ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ home promptly cure Headsciio* azt1 BTO.. MADE AND REPAIRED. thing. r I - I I i ¦ on Friday morning for Tallow, with a load G ON THI !; •Mr.Mlaher-lOne thing that ought not ¦¦: ¦ , ' . indigejtloiL T ' : ' BUBBEB TYBIN Greedily :eat Ha::ri(on'a " Beliabl*** Bat ;¦_ -, .;. . - . . - . of oats. Of his whereabouts nqtlpngjfur- PBEMI8EB. :| : ! Poisonl doge sot to p* lost -sight'of is that -these! men' have £_ j- ther was , C»U in^ will touch 1C . heard until Saturday morning, Vermin-drj and leare no evelL- a grievance irivthe way] of want of faci- when John Hickie, son of Mra.' -i Mary GENEBAT.8M3THWOB K- ! i BPi Prioet .Wcoucii lities for quick discharge in Waterford.: Sd,:ls; 2a 3d, and. 3» 8d. : Poat-3d. 8. CUR^ Hickie, tenant of a labourer's:cottage at PEB8ONAL ATTENTION TO¦ ¦ AUt; of their giievances and> tt is a real ¦ " - ' ¦ W. HARBISON. ChemUt. Beading. Bold On* .f Dr. Osleirt iuiku v* c-jiDto* ui urtoi Ballinaspick, found his'body at -Baliinsr OBDEBS. . . .'I - - I i br, atemlgta. ,|is that they are kept so lon^ mne3; loc ill form! ot nerrt* or bodily »<• j £pnts lor Waterfordt— Sri*vance ¦"«•''°¦ spick in a pool of water. The horee iwas White land waiiinir for. rdlway trucks arjd all that old or jroung. Conpoorocd of nrrro-nutna sts »nd i 1 8oi«J Ltd., O'ConneU itreet; tonic ol (ndlipuiibly prsred cSlcscy, j ttcj >re tha standing still under the cart and on I the Bell, 62 J Quay. to lischargc. li-In the ordinary circum- rcco?niited toodeni hom^ t"*tmeot for:— i ' cart'itjelf Carrkk-on-Sulr—J. », r were branches of a tree which .Tamer.. 17 Main atreet.. Dungarvan—D> 8taiic'«, an : Mr; Ford says, they, would NERVOUS {BREAKDOWN KIDNET DIIE UG liad fallen . tOUCHS.COliDS close by. It-is believed that J. Nagent, Bridso atreet; W. 3. Nolan and eari 2s. an Jiohr but when the men are NERVe PARAUIIt INOIOEniON : he was' knocked from his cart by the NOTICE TO BUILDERS. ¦ ^ as they do, (FINAL PARALYSIS STOMACH 01 ORDER fall- Oo. Li«roore-iJa«MBarry ' . • . INFLUENZA wai :ing for 10 or 13 hours, INFAKTIU PARALYSIS : KAL NUTRITION i ing branch ,' and death must have been f Building a House Chairmmi—I|i made some) inquiries j rtmovlngall disfiirnring .bl'iii !t<«l' abo it.that.l- I went tothe railway to find SpfciAlIjiralnablo lor Nonius Uothcns tod tarinit Hunting Fixtures pimples ai;1 b!ackhn>ds.i Ir is a - from Bricb and THERIPIQWIS /mWILD ' Ihe Crilicil Period! ol Lilt. dieml-U *vi lUfi i In all sure remedr ' CORESKIDNEY, iBJ,ADDER AND ALLIEB HEN S out if there had been any real [grievance jiaru ol th» world Ml! Dr. Cucll'i TibleU. Prlea: ioc Ob*tii:ato Sores . DISEASES, PILK&, tit. Stnditimp lOVrf. 1HK, 'U4 2(9-*he a/9 •iw.Dcltut t*» «OMl • ^n4 Old V ocndi to TSfatf *Hn£& with regard to want o! trticks for the past WATERFORD H0UND8. 1915. , M-wrlt ts for Comen«i mvtlope; ij£« and tyWomt Ipr.PREK a4ric« OD 1^ tnoocmlcali A Praa Trial nmat Wul ta teot C UK Monday, 22nd Nov.; Seafield. *! Rheomiilsm, Lumbago'Ac., ' fuluMlitT la your 4K J NS-foIlowup clrcolirt. n . 1'COUGHS 1 «ix (months' and i lwas told there was not. to yon on rrr?ipt ol name I address and tv< ' p«nnr . v.tiil* • Paper and Paint r ginng . • The • ! !¦ ,uaiH for TxxUctv and packing. Address: Dr. < ^itcrll't Thursday, 25th Nov., The Sweep. in cases of'Chwt tail 7im.«t le Clerc, Med. ci\ Haverslock Bd., K.W.T discussion then ' dropped. Co.. Ud.. 416, Choter-road. Hanchnter. ; . ' London. - DtppU: U>ari>, 11 Hu; CaaU{UmM, . 1 . it 11 o' 'Iroubles It gives aln^et fcS . cWldrea simply lO Veno1 clock. j ir.agical York, v> DttlmanSt. Toronto, I.Tman'<, U4 .Autn)b. ^ ^^ r| TT- EAST WATJERFORD -. relief. 'Prices**/!} >nd| ' .KniotBrtil,8T(Inty, ^ LETTERS OF: ACTCN6WLED,GMEN ' HOUNDS i/9 per BrUbant TRV N EW DRAGtl " ' 0 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦• ¦!¦ box of Pills or " ¦ ¦ ¦ "• " pit oi £T«STEI.ESS] FORM OF i- , : following:— : November. Oiun.ieni.

f. . i : V : I ON SATURDkY i (20th INST,) BARGA INS /yy BLOU8 OUR WJAP SILK BLOUSES. TRIMMED LAC E. MAGYAR SLEEVES. EARL- BUT- A1WUAL j TONS HIGH AND LOW NECKS; ALS ) ¦ . pir'O EMBROIDERED AN TUCKED ^ wr^MTC . CATV PRIf^p 5J 11^ H LETTER SAL I BEi 12 DOZ. SMART JAP 5ILK BLOUSKS. B U 1TONKU LAIN AND ' >IN8 ON SATURDAY, NOV. ZTQi. LACE-TRIMMED: S SALE PRICE . 6s. lld.J OEte^Y I (B< ,cli id Our Old Pre EACH miees Bo-built.) 8[DOZ. JOB CREAM SILK BLOUSES. EMBROIDERED AND HE tf-STITCHED j All our Christmas and FRONTS. CROCHET (BUTTONS ; SALE PJBICE. 4B . lid. UP. Winter Goodsart cow nniraclced. . j. •;. . ' |' - . II DOZ. AZA BLOU8ES IN CREAM AN D STRIPED JLL. ¦ i«i - J . WELL TA I LORED. INSET ^^ —^ | i i; W< MTUI offer everything at Sale Priced : ^ A!ND MAGYAR SLEEVES. PEARL BUTTONS. SALE PRICE, 6s. Ud. EACH. ^ and giie some of tfic! Greatest Bargain |wa cvei gave to celebrate the First! Red Al CHOICE SELECTION OF PURS TO SELECT FROM. Letter Sale in Our New Warehouse. We will kee that everybody¦ will get tie Bar gain [they want. j . |. . ; | Some [>{ Our New Windows on the Quay Ri)B^RTSON, iLEDLI b (PhKOUSON GO., iwill be finished and ready for thin'Sale,! . & Ltd., |«ndjfil be dressedwith 1 some Wonderful .Bargainsrand the George*Street Win'aowi WATERFORD will }>e dressed wtlh sowe Wonderful bargains too.' : | ' ' II 1 | . COMMENCES ¦ ' H. . I . I I i "- ii iF-Ahai r'ib nW

ij- . -.! TLie : f^-^BS MicA&el Street, BLOUSE B^RCSAiKlS i i • i I ¦ J 63 & U, Ouayi Waterlord. STANDARD 6f Worth Your ttention. EXCELLENCE u WB ABE OFFERING A HOST OF PKB: rnrr BLOUSES AT AMAZ- INGLY LOW PRICES TH 8 WEEK.

One groi a in particular:—A Range in Dainty Jap Silk, worth.3a. 6d.. are going last, at lft. lid. while they ¦ ¦ : '¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦ : ¦¦ ' • ¦ Many hu idreds have"ttlroady gone, but 1 .LI . • I I i i -M i' ¦ those that remain are worth, Instant "V attention. The economy ol buying tww \ or tlire* ftt a time will be evident when ' i you see the Blankets, gknkeis. j.||: * I EQQ^ORfllZE;! [:] HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES :- 1 h , About 50 boxes of smart Blouses, In I We QOW hold-Large Stocks ot Blankets bought under favouratila ^^ * j il various tasl eftil styles, some have the conditions, und can offer you Splendid Value at the Following i : •: j Economize by using ¦ | i M; UL hf J fashionable Raglun sleeve, pretty turned Priwa-.— I buck cufts, , j Y/ and new shaped collar rare 39 Fairs (Medium Sizo) Blankets Y fl bargains at Is; lOHi- and 2B . 3d. cat-h. . 83. lid. per Pair. • 25 Pairs (Good Size) Blankets. Ms. 6d. per Pair. \ A lovely 1 t o< Jap Silk Blouse, (mostly 30 Piira (Large Size) Blankets. 16s. Ud., per Pair (worth 20s.) L manufactun ts' samples), fashionably cut Other Qualities at ISs. lid-, 23J.I Ud., 27s. lid. per Pair. Vz with long i feeve effect and roll collar, Also Large Choke of Quil ts, from 3s. 6d. to 22s. 6d. OOLD poi \ . . edged with lainty lace beading, APRieot remark- PlAn ApIn I Fl&nnelflllc«. Rlav juid White Sheets. Calicos and Towels. I __}C»!iabIe bargaii »at Is. lid. and 2s. Old. each. in 101b. Tins. ¦ ¦ i : THE l /ORNKR HOUHK— NOW JrAMUUS tUK wuu H.aip THE PRICE OF JAM *4luU6. ¦ . • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I 1 ¦! SEE OUR < I WINDOWS. NOTE PRICES. 80LD BY \ Official tests by ho Medical organ, i i • •'The Larioet, pronounce the pre- set.jdaji pas Fi e bygienically per- fect. This; may t» Xobert jYCerrY S Qo I Drapers and Milliners, % ' l - l - I-: - !i • John Carroll & Co., Ltd., THE MALL WATE OBD. ' AND BRA ;oHEg. ! :. ; • NEWS 1 . . . . ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ || Quay, Waterfo d. Michael Street, Waterforcfl. ul-n I! 1 I i h P lr l i i ^ • ¦ ¦ ' to m&ar irbo navel cot tried them, I - ¦ ¦ i; ¦ #i. bat # ! ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ¦;¦ - ¦ . : • ¦• ¦ m * » ,i r. l -. .. . -i .v. 'yj it it:. : :.. « :: ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i ! 'I I ¦¦ .:..:. .. . .:. ¦- . .: ¦ :i r: - n::-- ¦¦b :—:. ¦— ¦ ¦ i . . . - ¦ , - ,.. Ill Iji:! • ¦ ¦ ^-f - • 1 1 1 I ; • . . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; ¦ ! ¦ : ¦ ~ FROM ' ¦• - -¦ I ¦ : ! . . , . i ii I jiLl / report* of resrula users it IE estab- !isW tha e— r.A—. " THE • - 1 ¦ ¦/¦? i |l L At Gag Fire is in tha 12, Qladotono Street, i Waterford, Ml YES WE ¦j FRONT INQ TO rAPTllRE TOUR W&iQS&N V;. * HOUSE and LAN D AGENTS, PATRONAGE;' rank i of j a I heal Ing and warming WE WILL V t^>^4^%^^?SSll arpliancaa. wibich may be had on KEEP .W. BY|sEBVjk YOU ffiKKSSST ! Easy Fajm int Teitas. Full particu- REGULARLY;-1 wi^ A ^ JHT" lars at the Gas 0 Bee. Fire and Lif e Insurance Agents, ^ ^^^^m^^1^^ ^» ; ^ Prioe8 BREAD |Y0U WItL ^EEP¦ " f^^^ f \ ON EATING ; ; ¦ ; ^^^^; i i- ;- i_ :' v : i ! -i OMItt NBV BbBARIHQrn -ft i NOW T| bblAXta U&MAUKO, BBKXS ¦ TO OB LBT. ' B ,; P N B L A M ONLY U OOLLECTEp. . . olURi , /4"an :bSClVERY.SERVlS t I ¦ HOUSE No. 9 William Street, 2 *- Sit- TO BE I i THE Bokoro, 'thonld b> Adi **$ «& . LET OB SOLD—Hou§» end Waterford. ¦ \. ting. 5 Bedrooms Bath, Garden. Buildlne Ground In Mayor1 ! ;;• s ! Walk. LYONS', TEA! (SPEC: ALLY BLENDED) AT 2-, 1/10 4 PHBt *'« H JOHN STBEE WATXB?0Kl> 8 Tea Go : " " i I' I I I viT i WATERFO ¦ ¦ I H T1I -! :. : ¦ . ¦ . ; ©•>—?*** g^g^ g ¦ ; COAL AT s r-c^—•>© -* * \ ' ii i "t*—•>©« 12s. 1PER TOI4 —>» i YOU M&Y feJOT i KNOW I ¦ •'¦ " ¦ ¦ BY : 0§il^iG dARBONOID ^^ = 11== a« 4=?Si=sT!Tr »?—»i "I : ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' =ir-- ^ ¦ ¦ I I ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ THE ONLY; jj BEAE COAB SA VER. IT. I : ii L , ;. ! . , la. Ha wili lalave yo l 358. worth ot co&l. j WE DO. THAT YOU WILL BE WANT- I .ii \ to dam Jure! U>b save you mone?. I 6J00O |® INQ SOMETHING IN OUR H«E BE- 1 I regret t6 ;sa^ that owing ' HALF WEIGHT | L bour .WaierfKd peobpie Wa it U J REAL ®|| M FORE XMAS. DO YOU KNOWJ THAT a sires. , LIKE£ EVERYTHING t STOCK i -GOOD !AND. h ' YOU CAN COME IN TOJUS TO-DAY AND Troubles CHEAP. DON'iTi YOU ? \k jat ;?; esent, I am unable! to M1SO 8ALBS. Go" to! the everrdar small SELECT ANY ARTICLE Profit Man ' ' . WHICfi; WILL \< ; 1 . BE LAID ASIDE FOR YOU TILL' SUCH supply ' orders as regularly as isuatj ? WITH DOUBLE WE&R § TIME YOU MAY REQUIRE IT. WE lg § WILL GIVE YOU 'ABSOLUTE ¦ j SATIS- i : i to W.cCaul i •a ya THE NEW MOCCASIN DOUBLE WEAR 7 FACTION AND WILL l (Saoces^or 6 /Co5y CHANGE ANY & Powor)^ B i?/ LEKTHER PROVIDES A BOOT k ARTICLE THAT IS NOT QUITE .j THE BUSY IRONMONGER OF SATIS- ' SHOES EXTREME FACT0RY 28 and 89. BA.RBON TRAND STREET LIGHTNES » &, DURABILITY. ; •phone«». ¦ Wires: ! cCaul, 'Ironmonger OUR ADDRESS— I Ii I' t ! ! The Soles are produced from Leather tan: s, »ed by . ¦ aj process in which Chromic Oxides co . 1 ' I :|- K "T 1 I with the Hide Ftbrje, forming r gZg an insolubl WILUA n STREET ©*!—«O ,| . £ .ia. ; 0»—>6 k weighing and neutral material. The I tih! 16/9 t . ! WATERVORD : . t " then treated by a special process which ret pxsit BOOT8 t Telegrams—! IP- * ] TURKISH BATHS | absolutely Waterproof. 78, QUAY, wiTEliFORD. i " Bjlorris,: Wat * I 8ol« W*t.rford Asantt— g~51 '5 1 i i ; $ ' ALSO CABINET¦ REClllNING S i 6—^^^ ; i pfllJe Telephone 57. Ml . il i ui 1 : 5 ='ia»—»a^^aft»—»>rg. g ?.s .,~ .3. ~a a ^^^ ^rfi^fcfc. 9 ^^^ M r $+ 1 ; SHOWER BATHS. ^ Privltc 193 ! (OfetflwiNTE! I MONTHS.) For tadies{-Wedilesdayal I For Gentlemen—Other wtjck days. I) THE CENTRAL BOOT HOUSE; n CLEANLINESS K5UARANTEED. VXOJ ! ie> QBORQB'S ST WATER FORD. J >^g/ TH « WORLD'S BEST BOOT FOR MEN. ff ijj =ac:: 5: ? ——'»>|—*x>-55sagsrs -< ? ?—-?*? r. ~~\^^^^/ ^ a.uirstu vd E I - RASA ' ; 'S ¦ ^ ' ' ' ^¦ ¦ ¦ THE PLACE: ' . •-. • • i: ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ^^ w—*c^—•» « ' i * sin •f WJ| STREETS :i . : Wfcalesate ind ReUft | : THE |CQ FECTIONERY Fish, WE WOULD LIKE TO DKAW ATTENTIOK To be had thereiaWhoIeeottw and Nouii ins and jOame, Poultry OWING TO TO THE FAfT TWAT Mc£BLL4§i LIMITED, DISORGAN^IZATION OF ITRAFFIciCONSIDERABLE I- IS and Ice Stores, j : DIFFICULTY IN OBTAININp Gf OODS IS " " INEVITABLE^ u ni DdklouI sly FlaToured.i TeleDhcrjt ,; WE'WOUIJD THEREFOBE URGE . ¦ THEIB ORDERS' FOR ' OUR FRIENDS TO PLACF ¦ ' ¦ ¦ _^, Telegrams; ¦ ^RVESTING lficHINES WlTBrul THE |. -:' I - I iMJnjjUfATFiLY. i I . ! WATERI 'ORD. irv .(^3 : McCullagh w to prore this IsWJetre it, a trial, and convince rmriwlf i; la tha : ^^^) i rs WOULD BE IN YOUR'INTERESTS TO PLAiDE I , : }-!- ; ! : ; OOA Waterfordi ORDERS FOB BEST Goods¦' df tie ¦Choicest ' ; All Qualities iiO • . :¦ . •£«&# i |r stocked at L west Prices. J QUAJYJ, WATERPOfifD • ¦ • - ¦ ¦ ¦ MUNTRY lORDEJ S . ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ Rranch Seaview Private Hotel and CABEFULtt ; ; |- -i Restaurant ' WE CABRT A LABGE STOCK , Tramore ;; ATTENDED TO. ! ! OF PA1N1S. 0 X8 ¦ ADJOINING MAB1NE ¦ ¦ . EOPBS NRO ¦ ¦ • HOTEL. I . j j. TWI :>¦ • ¦ •!¦ - - ¦ I 3ALM0N & HEBBINQ NETS' ' i . . . . :- , • I .:; .. reiegntms-L"Salmc n, . TANNED GABDEN FBOII . . Waiertord. " Airo OENEBAL «NETOINW»I UHQ Telephone 107. I" - . HABDWABfe; 1 I i TBY OUB DOLPHIN AND 1 r - . I ¦ 8ANIIABY BBA1&S MIXED M H \ I I;- I •:¦! ¦ - • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ PAINTS ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦!- ¦ i : ¦: I . l ¦ .1 ¦;! I!. • -i- • : • •! ¦• ¦ II . ¦ ~ ' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' PRIVATE Christrw Greeting * Cuda : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ !'" ¦/¦ f :\ ¦! li- - -v ; - , - • . ¦ ! ¦*¦ 100 .:;¦! HORSE A \ ; for delivery to, for^ign|co«iittjes! aid SHEETS: rt&VtCBAIj' -I GUIDE to Waterford ffor ¦ ' WA ~ ; tBRFORD. to soldiersat! the Dardanelles'jihoiildb « ;" ";FOa "SAlJB | : j| orderftd now. ¦ ¦" ' ' Our, Bpecimenl booics are- (L¦ D¦ JBD WOOLLEK CHECK)] i AQEHia'roa-^" :¦/' ¦!' ' " '- : ' ready, • • •' ¦ ¦ : u -. . \ -C-l \ . ! . . ieautiiul designs, including! c etts . BBLLI . cmkrl !• - i 1 4 ¦ - ¦:¦ ¦ 5 1 HdRNSBT'8; McCORMICK'8;BAMFORb'8 pt 62 j iriUsbl. Beeiraetttsi , ;Prialed Apply— * ..;¦:[.; ¦:. >:¦' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ , RANSOM'S ETC fith . ¦ ' • rv ¦ ¦ ¦' . "~*" v™^- i ¦ . i ..; I . . ¦• . • t5aTonsvaaH your n»uo« ud aMitap 1 ! Streety ^jkterioril, • from 2ssdozeA at . U» yraierror* Now 0£Boe, :0'ponal>li St.¦ BASK mtutmas,. ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' r ¦ ¦¦ :¦ .i-:;4.¦V.i p l|;1J- 1 r- - ¦ " ¦ " - : ¦ : - - .. . M, - . . . •r 'iMv ¦ - MILITARY MBM8. . : I ; Privam ThoWas PORT SANITARY AUTHORITY. JC*vaii*gh. Biake's The monthly meeting LIVELY FIGHTING IN ALSACE 1 of the Waterford ¦ Lan«. ¦ ' ' Waterford ¦ SUght , ' ¦* ' ' Advance la woo ¦ GaHlpo.f w*a wounded in ¦ 1 and New Ro&s Port Sanitary Authority I \ the hand in the fighting at; the Dar- : ' I THE danelles , ii home on short was held on Wednesday! lit the-Mayor's ; '.. • '. ¦PA EI S, Friday; M |.'h AAtSTHJRBA^I, Krldayj .. leave. Office, City Hall. . In till* city at the present :imo there The members present This afternoon's official commanique The follow n; cfiiciol communqiuo pub- were :—Aid. James ' ¦ : are four soldiirs^ who have lost limbf Hackett (in the chair), says>- ; i . i - '- • lished in ;Cone arrtinoplo yesterday ear*: through wound? Aid, Ward, and MeflsrsJ John He'arne, In Alsace, on i the plateau of Uffholz, On November a4th. near Anafarta received in the present! T.C. ; W. P. Maber, 1 ' . apd LATEST] 3YELTVJ 1- ¦war Two of .them are twin brothersl T.C., and T.'J. Egan and on Hartmanns-WDilerkorjf. there, was, 'Ariburnu/ th'crfe wa» a anreciprocal flriag. ¦M named Barry, -agricultural labourers D.C.. Ballycultane Mr. P. Higgina; Sec- very lively fighting with artillery trench Our ' artillery I d^ove off «nemy torpiifo ITJ? I ; , One retary, and Dr. J j ol them has loot an arm end the other Kelleherk Actinir i Port mortar* and grenades. , I boat near : Kern kli Liman which was at- has lot a Medical Officer of HealHi', were in atten- On the Remainder of the'frint the tempting to land war ' material. Near leg. The other two uoldiera dance. The night eTippe *aryI»ro < »ch or Pendant Coliseo are Private Cleary who has lftst hia reports of ithe S.S.O.'s at was without incident. - . . I . . j Seddh ul Bahy. on Novr. Mth. eoetnv ar- New Ross, FROa| Is. 6d. IAOH. . | right arm. and Private Kennedy who has Passage East, and Waterford; Eight enemy aircraft yesteiday attemp; tillery fired lome eight thousand, shells, lost 'hii right lee. stated that they inspected the shipping ted to fly over Luneville. They wero j-ur^ bombs, and twines, against our left wing entering the port, and! Special recruiting pesters for the South the health of the sued and five of them turned back,! The Without; cousint important damage, OD Irish Horso have crews was good in all-leases, the vessels other three dropped tome bombs «n the November 15th the enemy fired Mor day, Men displayed in the being in eome Tuesday and city, and we understand that a good a sanitary condition. Dr. j Kel- town. Three persons were wmnded.'The three thousand bombs against our right i&.QUAY, WATERF^D niany recruits leher reported that since last meeting the material damage done was >{ little lm- wing and during the afternoon bombarded 'haVi» b»*n autcated for 1 this corps, following vessels arrived from foreign Dortauc*. 1 ' ' -which already includes many ports :—The ss. " Th I I ! : ! ' I I Waterford men, some ot whom have been yra/V lrom Arch- their, land boftisries and warships. They Wednesday Nest angel ; tho ship " Belleville," from St. I at the front in Franco for a long time. GREECE-IMMEI exploded twoi mine a and continued the John's; and the ss. " Argo {' from Rosario. IATE bombardment 1 11, C o'clock.: Meanwhile : Another batch has been transferred from The health NOVEMHER •ZtnA 23rd ANT1 94th. their camp. Riverstown, Oo. Cork , to of the crews waj good. The DECISION EXPECTED. the enemy attacked our left wing and one England, to secretary reported a balance to credit at of our regimeijiti in the centre .was slight, complete their training. Wll nl C177 ' :1 FARIS, Friday. ly pu&hed back When the ' enemy at- \ tempted | to WATERFORDMAN AT THE Telegraphing under data Novr. 17th. aftiick egaihst the front ol DARDANELLES. REDUCTION OF REVENUE. J another of our! r'glmente^he penetrated to Mr. Egan r,aiped a discussion tlie special corresrondent of the ''Echo Spnjpant-MajofT. Conway, of 2 New- as to the de Paris " at Athens says:— ¦ our advanced trenches, but wss repulsed THK PTHST PART OF THE T REAT reduction of tjio revenue of the port, and | into Jiis j ¦ is the only comfort vc can get out here, on-Tvne. ' ; arise It i» inacceptablethat the Greek . ! i _ \ - I ' I ' , ! Exceptional Valuc in Shirts at find in return the boya will send a prayer General Staff should, concentrate its' sol- an from the battlefield every night. SALE OF FANNINGSTOWN. diers round Salonika, hecause ft does not wish'to take part in the struggle against DF,ATH \ We learn that Mr. Cooper Chadwick's 3/11, 4/i -5/ 6 . 6!\\, 7/6 Each OF MR. MICHAEL O'BRIEN. arm at Fanningstown, Piltown. of 157 the Bulgarians. It is- inacoepitablo that PETIT SESSIONS. OTHER STAR TURNS INCLUDE We regret to .•jnnouncp the death of acres, with dwelling-house , has been sold thA Allies should not be allowed to! use Mr. Michael O'Brien, eenr., uK>;jr:itor with full liberty railways which by private treaty to Mr. J. W. Griffiths for are in- ' ' ' - of O'Brien 's Model Bakery, W ' IM in- lie sum ot £2,730. Mr. dispensable to them in order tb hold the . i! i I - :-: curred this pvenine John D. Palmer. The magistrate at the residence of luclioneer, Waterford, effected the sale. enemy in check. On these npiiits Greece adjudicating at lhe Pyiama Suits i from 4/6 Each his son. 35 South Parade. The deceased owes to the Allies definite guarantees re- City Pet.y' Sesaio is this morning were—¦ HORACE gentleman who had roaelied a Tipe oid DEATH OF MR. M. PHElAN, presented by acts and pledges and not by The Mayor ' (Aid, R. Power) prw idingi age was connected -with the busimvs life HR0WNSW00D. words. These conditions, the political Messrs A. NeUo , D.L; Gerald Griffin , of (Waterford for a (treat nupiKor 0} idea of which consists in guarding Sulon- B.M; W. R.; Wtrd XAld ), J«mU Hackett We regret to announce the death of (Aid.), James Y ' year* Sora'e time _a»o he stahod th> Ur. Michael Plie.lan, Browiswood , Port- ika, will 'hive some .meaning] Anj for puus, TiV; E- Phelaa, W. WHEATLEY Model Bakery In Patrick-street which law , which occurred on the 9th inst. T)ie knowing by what military operations it Hi¦ U. and Richiiri Hoarne {Aid.). , has now grown into lone of the most ex- deceased was well known and respected will be recognisedj that is' a problem ii; . y ¦ tensive businesses of its kind in this city. in the district where he resided, and the which the military authorities arc alone .Ml i : DL BLIN fH PREMIER COMEDIAN AND A&iiated by -his turn* l.awreuep in a position to discuss SANITARY PROSECUTION. We hdve the Largest Stock and Best Collection n"d jicws of his death evoked feelings of deep , end arc I not . • -i i r 1 Miohael ho built ur> a fine trade and in- meant for general discussion. We I are : j i 1 DANCER , AND regret amongst his many friends. He . . Me^sr» Harvey and Son. Glsdstone- I troduced the most m-viern maem»»r.- was of a charitable disposition, and his entitled to understand why f le Allies 6tre«t, wer^ proieiuted ai vne euft of I for the madufaehirs of brt>ad. With wish to remain at Salonika , but by the ' loss will be felt by none more than by who* Corporation for I failing to comply with of Gen tlemen s Outfitt ing in the South of Ireland the advance of time his business in- the poor, to whom he was always a gen- means they will remain thA jrepafis that they were been arrived at. The men, who first de- (cous-ins) . The Rev. Kath'er Gibbons, to get .Uiese done? all at once. Theaa ,87 ^88,|QU^ WATERHUKU manded an increase ot 4d. per ton—from C.C.. Carrickbeg. and the Rev. Father houses wero occupied by weekly tenant* Bd. to Is.—ihave now modified , their de- Wall , P.P.. Cloneu. officiated at thu CAN SERBIA . BE SAVED ? «TMJ ' ' (?^side.. 'to effect the repairs 'i£ might-be ne- mand to an increase of 2d. The employbrs ! ' cessary to 'evictj them. - At , present that consider that the men are already well waa impossible as I there were no houses paid rind appear determined to stand out THE INTER-CLUTt B1LIJARD ATHENS, Thursday. G.35 p.m. dvailablol and no time to build a make- ¦^¦ against nhy increase. Matters have thus ] TOURNAMENT. (Received Friday). . shift. > He! would lsu^?eKt that lh& eas» Prices as ustiiii Doors opeD at 7.30 reached a deadlock , The intcr tlie C.Y.M.S. !ex- , , inMvaa all. that was re- X EMl^lif g_ p ^"!*"T: Gornmoncin6( at f which rightly belong? to this city, is be- is approaching; the end of tremely dangerous, and it is feurcd that quired ¦would:be done. 8ome Corporation, * ing captured by Dublin importers. Ho the first series, and it look? as if the Monastir cannot be defended 'bft players in view) of bouses would- biiilt then and possibly colliers are now being brought here by representing the latter will enter the Bulgarians' numerical superiority. they could 'get eome of Ctem. j ' ' the Wnterford merchants, but during the upon Die final round with a very substan- The main Serbian FOR wkjTERFtfRD ANP DISTRICT forces are [to-dayi in Mayor-r-You can^iort get , those ljous£3; ]« SOLE AGENT] week one 6inal! steamer with coal for t ial lead. The tournament opened- on Old Serbia, and-principally at the Kutch- they are ell ehgagtd. ! Messrp. Dooley. Sunday last at the rooms CarricS'-pn-Suir, was dis. of the C.Y.M.8., anik Defile, where, apart , fromj a small 3&r. Connolly—(1 was not aware of that. charged, the gang engaged being paid at apd the letter's representatives, having Serbian retreat at the outset F; Goal Merchant, tl , a stubborn At the present Tiit « it 19 undeairable lo I M. MURPHY | the rate of I (kl . per ton . The Watorford jie advantago of their own table, assumed resistance is still being offered) Bay [the least 01 it and merchant* are supplying local orders the upperhand almost immediately, put¦ ¦ thoeo ten- ^ out and, The situation ol the French troops is ants' , out.! 1' ] ' • i I 43 & High! Stre st, Kilkenny. of stock, and the customers in Clonmel so far, with but one exception, they bare reported U> be favourable, I 44J j ntver and itj is hoped The iMiyor gsfcjod, what wae the natura and other places usually supplied from looked back. The greatest interest that the prompt arrival of string rein- of the repairs required. : this city are now getting icj being evinced in the 1 .. their supplies competition, tho forcements, rendering a French seneral Mir. Connolly daid r»p»irs ; to I C< als forwarded direct ex ship' to all Railway Stations. I ».^^ through Dublin , and in nil probability hkll being packed nightly during its pro- attack possible, may . floors, ; gress. save the situation doora, roofsi etc. I . ! Telepho. e No.: 12. ' : H : ; PRI 3ES 0* APPLICATION. . * may continu« to do *¦ > lifted- off , themf— LITIGATION FORESHADOWED. (N and I- ¦ ¦ DurrowJiSta ion, and 5, miles o£ Dungarr ship, he old-festablished 7-day Licensed Mr. Matthew Keating, N .P., L. Club) by 54; Rl Dennehy AMSTERDAM Yes. ]', : ; | acj-es; held Concern, No. 8, Patrick Street Waterford ; last Sunday. We understand that tho recent election (N' and L. Club) beat &. . Friday. van; corrtai ling 23 Statute . assured them that conscription would not of a conservator for ' " Gilligan The " Telegraaf " learns from the fron- >Ir] Griffin-4Wha you mean is that in Fee-Siini e; subject, to an annuity of held Under Ifeaaci for 99 years from 29tb tin f (^uir tide) (C Y.M.S.) by 25; S. Veale (C.Y.M.S.) beat some^slateB have apply to Ireland. Mr. Redmond and the division will lare gavlanieed Poor Haw valuation, £22. : Irish Party, would have to be reckoned in the sufrinr omirU The election took Phelan (C.Y.M.S.) beat [Flemish roofs o'clock ; j Jot n¦ V: Williams. Solicitor; ¦ | with if an attempt were made to fore > it place recently at R. Tierney (N. front. Troops who have' arriv d from and they ihaye b*eii partly uplifted. '¦ Dungaryan, : _¦ ¦ J • ¦¦ '¦> An extensive and remunerative business the courthouse , there unl I., Club) by 10; J. ; Kavanagh Mr; Griffin—Fo 1 • .,. . ur. them. He added that Home I ulo being four candidates, namely, Messrs. T. Russia still show traces of prival ion arid r iheir own sake the Monday, iStli NoveniberT-DunkiJt; within !in thej Cirocery. Win* and! Spirit, and (C. Y.M,-S.) bnat J. O'Brien (N. and L. •landlords ought .1o would come into oj oration when the f &r Morrissey , Cnrrick-cn-S'uir; John Dun- h) exhaustion. The journey from lie dis- I (look after that. I mil* of Vaterford ; !by directions of jGcnerdl Trade (wholeiwilc and retail), has j CI by 24; P. Mord aunt (C.Y.M.S. boat tcm to the western, front was Mr; Connolly ¦skid the loots 'been hy, Ballygoroy ; Edward Sleade . Fid: E. U'oWell by 72. d jne in ¦ 'had- been tfr. Nicholas Conway.; the interest m down ; and Tliomu? three days. During these trooi mov|v repaired sinceJ I : j un»'c 'fei*i ¦great Aumber of wars. j Umvers. -I.P., (irtliguo- 1 nto of excellent land::held nnmanagh. The nients Allied airmen displayed activity. In {rep ly to Mr < Connolly the witness nt the yearly adjusted rent 01 los va; i Patrick Street is roo§t central »nd one FAMOUS CHAPLAIN IN WATER- Chairman of the meet- ATTEMPTED SUICIDE. On ttic nth eaid thatj! the i* ing- declared Nfes>r8 . Bnwors , Meade,' and , an aerial fight too c place. . condition - ' ' jnff that several of the proxies.which ho Awimnrv* niiitru»t figHt payable Jo the Irish Land Commission ;| " earn--d rc»t in ihu country, was in \ «- licld were invalid. Before tl\c declara- ensued and culminated in both mlachines UUUNlvllS . On Biime day will be sold the Icnti m Ciwynn . alio of the same famous Order, victories in every placed by reauisitions. which, two years (in herlarms. She ¦ Ki- FECTS OF THE RECENT STORM. tun. oh. \\wxv very URTTOW. as in the 'was kind Solicitor.! : I JJusinti^ Utensil;*, etc . t;tnid Fireproof \vh.> 1iav^> lost their lives while P>ir- Considering the violence The billiard early days of the war, are paid of hysterical and he was *ft»id of of the recent roo h of the new hall YIAIIAliaFO for by sha For further particulars see piietcrs. Safe. (.' irking and Bottling Machines'. Tea stiin^' tho duties thei r tacrod cailtng ' j is very comfortable k wculd injure gale in Waterford . it wus providential ami commodjous. and affords! the fch ild. \ Bins, Whiskey Cask.", Si-ale*. WeiRhts, in tlic danprr 7rk .. ,! and articles used in for ever cherished for the beautiful isVid stated, that defendan ; was a bit 4n. \u- Tln>. Mall. Watcrford. Vrmnpp: ion wilh thp Tr.iHp.: On Gracedieu rond u large hoarding (60 THE MURDER OF MISS CAVELL upset as consoling way in which he informs re- x 20), tin; propert y of Duvid Allen and •her broihelr hail byenkilled in th« war. Sale ( n the Premise? at 12 o clock, noon. of In ( latives of-the lws a loved one on Uie Sons, was blown ADMINISTRATOR S SAW.. D. KEANE, Solicitor for he takes in seeing that aU tho me/nbi rs were uprooted. A large window in tho The now . Corporation dwellings at was in thei l Navy. | [Vendorp. OJConnell Street, Water- of his' fold have their spiritual -watlte tt- , Upper 1 There were twq ford ; or ¦ operating room of the Co' Infirmary was . YeHow Road are now Inhabited (" Times " War Telegrams, previous convictions I ! I tondfd u>. A curnnis coincidence in 4.1 at blown in , but fortunately no other dam- ond l nice garden plote are laid out. The per th s Press for riotous' be.liaviou'r. i CROBALLT UPPBR, TRAMORK. JOHN MURPHY AND SON, wii i '.e on hia way to the Convent Father finishing touches Association.—Copyright.) The I majrietrates jdeJcided Auctioneers, 11 O'Gonnell Sti Waterford. ago was done. Sl.atora ujid builder*' la- are being given to the AMSTEHDAM; to adjourn tie . ()i 1 shou d men .1 soldier whom he had bourers iliayc had u busy time during the. Doyje-street houses, which will; b? ready Fiidav. case for three montfea. ' ¦ ¦ WMALL :FAR1 Among a number of Englishwomlpn who ¦ J . 5A>3R. 22P.; HELD IN*tcred ti in the .trenches in Franto, week repairing damaged roofs, and . the next week. ¦Through the courtesv of Mr. arrived ; JUDICIAL' TENANCY ; SUBJECT TO nanioiv , Prifit- Clcary, Royal Irish Ke- f. Nolan, here to day from BriuiEcls were P' i ' -' old proverb of the til kind . etc.. has been tho Clerk of Works, ,a "News" three who lived -in Nurse ] Owner, for the Grazing for THE REV. FATHER McGUINNESS ley, relict of the late Mr. James Mosley, limproviementi on the slum [dwellinss was Complainant ' Eleven months, to] commence from the Mcpuinness who 1 a« and- which they preceded by repeated visits if Qerf stateii that on tlii: lOih Gahan, as jAdriinifttratrix of the late Mr. Th,e Rev Father mother of Mr. C. W . Mosley . of the replaced, and people will be mans to the Home of thre month he j fdund deieniint Michael Gahail deceased, the Interest in ith day of December, 1915. of Part of tlie been appoiuiied Chaplain to his Majesty 's firm of Jnmcs Mosley and sons, jewellers, cnablpd . to iivo in them ii^cobfort enquiring how many . at and Englishmen .were then>. Tliese visit's Ferrybank I very cruilly beating : ai ass the'Valuable Holding at Crobally Upper. .ands (f Ballydavid. Passage East, con- forces, was I m Wate/ford thiB we( k. the Quay, took place on last Saturday. cleanliness and nndor hygienic coi.di- belonging to iiinin^ .I G Aero» 2 Perches, or,thereabouts, tione. What < began two or three months before :he arl his eiaployer with an ash- containinf|5a. 3r. 22p. Statute, *• * 444Oi uUICli tenancy at ,the Judicial Rent O t'ndcrKifWd Solicitor for the j Owner, and chare of tHo Inebriates' Homo, Htji- ted by a largo body of city folk. of oaoh ' ; returned oc >asion{ V4 T £tO Os Otf. :The . house. The uiate , at| WHWKI 'S oily to try to obtain facts, and The animal, was exhausted, panting, and Poor Law valuation, £7 6s. 0d. small •hould e delivered not later than Mon- n-wsy '» Road1, •intil it -was closed dov 11 funeral was an extremely representative Lane is I being prepared for : the erection questioned portion of the Lands, ^ day. thel29th day off November. 1915J The ¦of Miss Cavell's servants, opened hei- desk: sweat j was Tunning I down iWom, it aiu- not connected with some time n#o. y one and testified to tho regret which! tho nineleen. houses, for wliicli Mestrs and searched'everywhere thouglt there : was Inothing the Main . Hole ing, is left for grazing for ; owner *serves| th^ right to. reject any deceased lady's demiso occasioned and to John Hcarne and Son have the contract for pape g, but on it but an II mfinfTw at £ Os. Od. . never found anything. Meantim Miss empty I cart.' He attributed ita condition I £cndcr c!r tenders-. [ | tlie esteem and respect in which thi» old Wilkins hod to the! puhkhmenS Immediate p jsscssion, with/ the excep- iliThe'pTemiaci!to be let form a.Compact Watorford family is held. CHRISTMAS been questioned and n ade to it received. Defend- The chief GIFTS FOR SOLDIERS sign a paper stating ehe had ant's excuse, was that he had tion, of theil r Sod/ will be given to Pur- VtLTtn w-iith cowl , slated Otitfoffices, and IXNS OF COURT TRAININCi CORP^. mourner wa3 Mr. Clarence Mosley, son. AND SAILOR8 - IiLPORTANT not « een or to be home dbasjer, I : the I^in&a. arlfr Wll watered and fenced. Mr. John Fenncll. of the clerical staff and the officiating known «ome man who had been there. It at a certain time. I , i ' : J clergymen were . the NOTICE. 1 I appeared that this Mr. •Griffin said The Lands are situate within 6 minute?' The Ladds arc excellent 'for fattening of Mc»sr«. N.j Harvey and.Co.. has join :d Dean of , Waterford and the Rev . Mr. Trt9 Post Office notify the; public ,that man had made k sign- ii he had his -way he- .Tj»/»lr iion ¦ ed statement that ha wouJd havoi lhe satD< walk of Ifce Ra Iwajr Station ; close to the ' the officers training corrs at tlie Inns of ?ett^a .and parcels ior officers land men had stayed kt the punishment zoetcd Race Course 'aid Golf Iaake. I i ' Solicitor, 40, Court. London. Mr. Fennell will 1 ;o home for a day or' two and was bne of out to|defendant a4 1 e had rjiotcd tout t» PATEICK B. BUGGY. at the front should be posted} as early twenty who the animal. I' ¦ : ' From its inat'iral advantages aslgrnzing i O'Connell Street, Waterford. through a course of instruction for c - THK CITY'S MORTALITY RATE. aa possible to secure crossed the frontier Vith e. I ; • , land or for ' hryo officers! and when he has puss <1 delivery on Christ- puide from the home. Subsequently Afine of 2s. Cd. waj i rmpoaed! [bui ding houses no better site The average death rate in Watprford mas Day Parcels for the Mediterranean the ' could be hid i 1 Tramore; I . .X THh GOODS OF MARY? WHITTLE the necessary, examinations, will recei c for the four weeks Germans arrested Miss Cavell and }Msi Tho Court adjourn id. j . ending Novr. 13 ,wna Expeditionary force should I have en Wilkins, j For further T articulars aptly to AND a. commission. Before 'leaving tlie ci y ¦ but the latter was released " * ' ' ' ANA8TATIA MAHONY (neo 14.7. The average, rate for 27 districts, iu oute , noi > ¦ ' : covering of wrong .\tnen or canvas, being 1 - : 1 - , : MESSRS. 5. DUNFOED AKB CO. ¦WhilfleV DECEASED. > iho was the recipient of a presentati n Ireland for the same •witli considered responsible ' for! any- : Solicitors, from hi« period was 16.4. i Of the address in bold lettehs, fwrt on thing that occurred. O'Conn¦ ell St., Water- polleasniea at Messrs. Harvevi . tlie 5 deaths from all'causes for Wdtei- labrl^, : . I • ford; 01 ! whether tied or pasted. |" About five in the morning ford one. was from diphtheria [Canvas coveringe, with.;names on Tuesday! THOMAS WALSH AND 8ON. CO. WATF.RFORD OFFICER'S and 12th. Miss Wilkins, with another.!nur8e; Auctioneers, ~ addresses as supplied prini'jl in *in-> went to enquire The¦ Mall, Waterford. Jext-of-Kjn of tim obove-^amed PROMOTION. if they could 6e MANAGERSHIP OF Miss • LIPTON'S. largd typ» thereon, I I . ., . .. "I • ¦ - can be obiaincd ur Temporarjr of April, JpO2, at Waterford, are LIEUTENANT HIQGIN5. J ; Iheard that sho left the cell I 'DllNliBD. Shop. Jri¦ ¦ ¦J&jueat*1 to oo&municatc with the under- in the clovemess and " go 1 "* cl j '-'i • that morning oerfectly' ' lengths to suit mrchasere: •. . I - . ¦ > ¦ ¦ ¦ Lieutenant jM. J. H«gin8 leaves Wat< THE CORONER'S CXERK. i calm «nd celt : dgBed. ; l ; | • 1 ¦ I ¦ I ford this evening to tinKijished its predecessors. '"Miceal 's" posse«8ed, and y T- Aprly. to Mr, Furlong, He*me and Co.; join hiB regimen i. Mr. M, O'Brien, Trarnore. clerk to :the cartoon is a Very clever that at the place of |execui _ n .. M i : _l4_ - ^ lM.i. Drapers ¦ i , KEipjy.AilD'STEPHENSON, Solki- the Royal. Irish, -whiek is now station piece]of work , tion, in accordancewith her own Tlie Press IBureiu to-day states inai , Waterforl ; ¦\ Coroner, is at- present rather aerioiisly but.tihe artist is a little too severe oni Uva request! I »ra GlAastone St., WaterfW. ! at Ferrnor. I her eyes were not .blindfolded and her there fa not! a wora M troth in ; ' '¦ ' Irish! leader. I hAnnfi not' bmm rt . > ¦ tuonuta ¦ - 'i • • ! • 1 : i. . ! ; spread iy <3«naaniii 'xeroli ia • I&di«.¦ ' I !¦ • -{.! - I ; !:- '• ¦ < .. • . I - ?' I . ;». i. 1 : ¦ ¦ 1 1 6. H. NOTES ¦ GENERAL SPORTING ¦ GOSSIP¦ C^^SO ; "— O^^ S» SSSSSW WSS=~w : ¦ ¦- j t BYA-i Historian, Modest M^rrow^-Coon GlrL. the property of Mr] J.; A.' 0(81, the *&£ Jjft |c t4 i nn e n A Aet 'eAt. (Offlcipdly Contributed.) ] know/] . Waterfofd 'sportsman', won 1 nro- |n s JJ GAELIC LEAGUER : ¦ con»»» Hin: tnerj'tippyi Slafcea, '¦ : ; '"¦ ¦ «t Two. ;• *!¦ MHe-Borxla on Wednesday,'*n y.«Caped. II \\ niijie vi.m~ *''. mtll longer than uBual. It ta a ««*PWf {or( Uus Historianjis a very promisirlg Cuigtm sup I 1 Wfater- during December. Arrangements : I puppy and storj and von a prize at tho last election shoiild novf be made by the an- . if ! i* only sixteen montlis oid. ' |We wfch Mr. ford Feifi. Miss Jennings. (da"?hter Icrent Divisions, and members should eco I Hill better Juck in to [next, venture ' 1 wi ¦ , pro-' author. We ¦¦ ¦¦ the ate Co. Inspector) is thei - - ' S' ' "THREE ¦ to jit that none but/the very best men are - ¦ bably] «t Bishop s- on St. r}(ov.i, 1 ¦ ¦ f i*.} < |i* P«Wi»U ¦¦ -¦ hnvi been specially requested to M Father nominated fbr the /different offices. It is » = ¦ ¦ Day. | My;Benuty ifho|beatiHlstorlanlin on&c. tlAC IYIAIC ACA A flop ASAC thishnterestrng story by the Kcv. but stating Ihe lruire truth to assert |that ! th» course eventually;: proved- the active and scholarly secre- . -i' wjn- cojnto &Ainin tiA an tirely, on it officers; " - l.: - - '|- . i- i - .!¦ - :! . - •¦ I.:. . ' !: , j. . . I . pinnce | ASAinn, nl 6BA'6 999 nav«! the control)of the business of |& 1 'i^ \ b&k f- : '6 1 s«n flop t>utc-pe A£Ainn , HA bio* IRIiiH BALLADS branch aie active, energetic and pains- I of Mr. William Fth iratonhaugh:, father of ;AS " Uiking in th discharge of their duty, ; . Mr. ?. B. Felhor'stohhau^n "Oo b fet 1 . , th? w^.i- " will invaria jly be found that the plvi- known trainer. ; !The1 ideceased ] tti pai«;e,t>e caiman -aige i as bun t)eil, mi tp peAt) ,'' AWA Con- edit r ot Waterford's " Archaeological ' ' pentle* s .-ioii is a tl riving one. On the other EACH BOTTLI OUARA TKEO BY tHipp wa'tiiannj unz., ¦ | ' n>in. iwho, had rm(cpx{ hi» Tslft vtar.|a» SieiOce: /n pomdplaig. CpncoOdri Co6Aipfn, " leigirpe m6 nA CAOtpe Joufaali" delivered a lecture in the Ca- 1 thol c Young Men s Society e Hall in hand , il the responsible officers exhibit one time practised -as a solicitor in Dub- OAV alnm x>o> nl eapan , me t)(6 Ap Aon coinseAll Ariiiin .1. was MlaL'kncf.s in! the management of affairs ' din. and held . eerersi important lani . asurj f so Corl . The subject of the lecture - - pciu6pAit> miCeul " ; Father Powci said that and do not Isplay that interest which } B - , agencies, : , .; i ;;|, j i . -; . .|. i - - - . I pfiin ci')6 an :-rLoinne x>o or aip aCc innpo An f eipm vo " Iri Bh Ballads. rrbuircd of t leui . the standard reached by \\. CeAnnAi£ 1 the Irish language adapted itaelf admir- * " if e Ai im : tu ;«iS ni corfMprwn. , 4in p3 14 An Aondig tiom.' soft, their Division / will be found not to t» Mr.; P> A. Widen)? ; >a wealthy: Amirf- Ap abls to poetry, it was 50 mellifluous , ; 'nA " ConCoOa pin rid' 5-CooiuC." Til I tii pAi6 5)05 A can eportSmaD, died last week: He uiei bcai tiful in 1 those mat :e.ts. and if those who control i to run a fedturi jaotnnime C6\ » COS [6 U PO Auip I " Ap m' ArtAtn, A pcolo»s i- ' ¦ by As- tial that on those , who-have the inte j cetlcV Silver. ; ' . ¦! ¦: ! ' ! T CApeip Father Power recited a number of bal- y r- but' . had ¦ . p caoO ircig >£ tiopar o'tyUJ Cairns r6 TJom-pA mo cuto Aipsro ests of the at heart and who ing maay worlds, the war hai : . 'i " - ' '•?• !• -" lads amongst them a parody on P»v'»? yrder are a considerable levelling infliierjce A scAillpi^e A Opuil -oe CA0tpi6 in " Tl: e Beggar's lament for hi3 Bag. the filibuld be dhosen for tho various offices'. rick Red Oros» M«(t ngl reBuined on Tu<«-~ It does not; follow that because a man metropolis took the war almost li^ htiy, tend with whilst in .'th* distv rbed waters C15 |I ni j ail> ve CUITBA CA C-pAOJAl AgAm.'' scene of wWh is laid in Dungarvan. I 1 AJ r _ C Aige may bo infill >ntial and prominent in but-tn?. awakening came with the Zep- of the*Harbourj Board;hut }t jis aoyr clear \ System .to victory. : r " 1 other pelin raids, 'the stringent regulations;** . He had A narrow- ts- A6C A | pfot> - igup in fcar-a oeag j CiubpAt)-rA t)0 Cuit) p6in CAP flAip respects thi . he will make the beat'offi- out of them and placet under the: more*.capor fromj eerious rijury when he ' : 9 9 9 ' to darkened'streets and the preien and Fostering care of those-whd jfave it birth : - f3t caopaC >oo 01 Aige. TDuine 4n-t>u6, t)uic, ' AppA ConC66Aipln. cer. Other dualities are required for tho with Stone Chase ¦in : thel-concludine: I " position should bo taken into final .recruiting campaign, all of v Weft tnd who wiU protects l the puUlo ! eveot! I \[ ¦ ' An-tion< :A Ann pfein OAV ea* 6>5ur nl [ " IS cumA liomi til 6p-agA CO An CAintp torU •' til «eunpAinn friei d An t-Athair Scan O'Dom . officer appointed, viz;; that he will at- .WestnEnd -workers are anxious to get to it clean and in proper ioroW, subject to : oC< ii$ nA Wo«| Cil," AppA tend regularly and . ^punctually at| all [the supervision of the corporate oUicer, : and a loTce' of police" stopped thrt ticht f6 Ann map Se-iAti IT16|i. " T)o W Wediicsday In PortlalrccAn t^Athair Sean meetings, ' cvendiw lest th« appearance of Zepper Mr. Hudson. No doubt, .this will not be-, between ;,; uf he fails in this essential _ t ¦ _*,—_..._ f__ ¦ ,Tommy Quinri -(Dublin)!- pAinc jking in splendid health and his in- r tL.l..i. Mwt'A yv4tiM* VA^_ Vfinno VCTVarmAlt and t>a« 6 po Cf rjear ap ceo Rawc ap Cum nA CAlmAn Apia* ope Agup is lo , ' lim» may Jwwd up the train, services, ana JH /ttaT>V.1LJ&1 t_i it.^ terei t in tho language cause is as keen as condition he cannot be said to display j«»"t urnnoii ^->^a:aji]ne;• in mo- An uplb tiuain joo euipearji p6 6U154. bei* 50 ve6. 13 meapA that diligence in the discharge ot | nis theatre land is inevitably suffering from lin vnho find a home about :tne Quay and ninth : round. The ournament le*c An ever And his ; enthusiasm for the old . thia apprehension. . London managers wjci npo- "Do 6 ; peipmedip etie in A corhnurte feipm ipnA pnn duty which should bo regarded as neces- ho dcteat this most ichplisoinecom- moted by [Mr. John h. Sullivan, end'at- 50 leip ttul fA ton? ie is mainly founded on the religious sary. scarcely know how to meet Uie situation . ,-iodity called tar ; l but lit will be accep- tracted a ¦ te; h-a'tr nA tt-iice fin ', v&fX> ainm l ' paphASAp.' '• I signi Bcance of the Irish language and the . Members should recognise tho im- . ¦ wx>d crowd. • . . 1 ' ro'rtance of these Matinees are the Tule, and at some thea- able news for| the; poor > shi|>-carpenter« - - • ¦ ; f-:•••¦{• : !¦ row r for good which it possesses over . considerations land tres tho evening ¦ . 1 tiiiCeuipd mAoil tttain jasuf vo 61 TJO 61 beAn niiCIt AS etrceaCc teo should pay |due regard to them when performance commenc-ei- nTio are trying to earn th^elr bread by ' Immediately before "¦ the t linijB and 'heart of the native speaker. at 8 JO. Some of tho Christmas-panto- the appearance f it Feipmijopeagva Caiman , atje. ttlap 4sup Cus p cogAp tio. making their selection of officers. They onest labour. | Orj. Tuesday] >•« noticed a ; Inspector I Barrett land three or . It is tho kindly Irish spirit for which he mines will be given at noon ana 4.30, ¦esseli under repair ! the book, a lighter fonr ip gn<5eulCCe I C C Cuise An) feipm, A rtiiCIl," in n ted which endears him BO much to thu« reversing the old order of things-^ leso under repair, a Qlonmfelpbat taknlg -wrestled timietf* " the point of! view oi the interest of , flio . j Qij inn hjavjiiy I to tho II-'-T. Tat pn n the languago from the cradle, and not allow other qucp- j of M'Dermott wildly urged edCCAtn : ajjur ip ATJ t>o Bio* ; A5 rtA pAipcit)^ letp » tionB to infl lonce them in their choice. Many of tho professional .an4 well-to-do els inoorodlnesrly i!n|frontfO{f the bank. ; hlm to pursue his -wresbling ' t>eipc. 'SI An to tt 0 young folk Who ore brzinning to lamilies are however giving up .ate din- tactics, and Deariariv- cfipAi n T In order to avoid trouble and inconveni- is regards timber, barrels andjother signs ithere.. » no .doubt ' thot: the' >6 An uatp T>o fiipi- feipm pn CUJJ AO m\.it opAinn. lisp the. accents of the Gael. The Gaelic ner and lUibfltifutjng « light repast that if busincse on quays flsht^ tuipht ence at the Central Office in Dublin in bur , all we need say ; have fed to * very serious disturbance $eAti t Ap maiT>in| go i tui^eaa! p6 Oein mo CorfiAipie isup CA6AIJ\ ¦00 1." Leacuers in Kill have a strong supporter connection v ith involves aittle if any special -'ookiay. itout Ithem la the 'more nuaerous tner 01 the peace f in tt eir genial parish priest, and all who tho correspondence, -it ts or serious harm to the con- Apip ifCoitiCe. X)o Of Apt) LA rj'O'pe | V6 tfem pn An pfiitceaC eACoppA important also that the officers' return Early hours, servant difficulties ani ?he are the better. I When ! our I unrivaUed testants bad it been allowed have the pleasure of his acquaintance will need lor economy are eil havinif 'u iuay8|are empty, and] tlhe grass growing to continue Ajup AcJiOhif , 15 muijippj An OAitej An Agup seAll ITIiCeul uric}* Kim n/lmiittna nnnfu form pivinpr the names and addresses 6f on the . Bame brutal JineW. ft was a dls- vo 50 t>ciu6pA« those elected should be marked influence on social life^ in Lon- on them, we may then calculate that the praceful sjlectacl*¦: - miCeut IDAoa forwarded to head- - .LI* A — T>_ .Ll£_ \ , _ . and most t& vo |^)0fA'() 0 XlUin pe An fe>pm vo ConcoOaipln Ann • ¦ fate ot-WateHord ie ' l _ L . V discredit-1 ¦ m* •luartcrs as ;oon as the new officers, are . irretrievably Bealed. IQ i^obnAic . n SatUeAtiim.An "Do 6) Ve>$ipFeAt> pe nA CAoipe. Annpjn 9 9 9 initiated. It is essential that this should ' I4 5 bi« A Ap bo done over ' ¦ fc ' Quinn, -who, po$A 5 sup xji^e bpO^At) AtJubAipc Conco6Aiptn leO A. scuit> WAI ERFORD GAELIC LEAGUE. in cases where officers haVe THE EMPEROR OP JAPAX. " ¦ ¦ ¦ it appeals, : underctooeT tj( A general mceling of the members of been re-eleet'd. as 'al now directory isl pre- 'I. " ' !'H" I- ' • ¦American iu!es to mean that i he. Agur et jr^ippnge Aguf FU>S1CAC CAOPAC 50 leip t>0]CA6A1pC The education of the E2i,:er3r and The Ironclad " Research.f' -f-The- "sha- ' couiy AffiAC SO the iVaterford branch of the Gaelic pared eacli year. These returns should our ;u*e elbOTre! shouidcii,' dad iiStul in mi- Ag I nA JACA15 (bACACAip) pem 05 A x^cl ppuCAinln beAs BO 61 SAt pitt League will be -held to-night (Friday) at bo accompanied by-the Eiupreifl' of Japan * -who have recently dows of war ". wereithrpwn jO^et city iditlon ; to |his gloves AI I Oo bl ' nA prescribed fee as celebrated their oorortation in Wednesday last at 2.o.'clo. Com largo attendance of members is requested. TONTINE S JCIETIES. considered to have a divine origin, and terrible naval combat which ihe crew ot { thrown . p* inp An hitherto.have.been •ttiis hirWiu^d 'ship' fsrtereai ihto-beWeea In the ninth prand. Both, tough* ^Suf c unc An pubAi. ACA, utpce \ex> Asup At)«6Atpc H if expected thai there will be" ' lew educated in Bpiendid- . rvicioiidy, up to tha-i^podnW ' On the A^ur pe led iAt> isolation from their 'subjects, but the theniselvea,' buti haprily with 1 such an ln- . oasions oo> ptobAipl ^SUfC Mt>leAT)0ipf ; t)6UnJArfi tio C'omAmc chan ;es in the personnel of the Executive when Quinn butted and .used hlj. A5 AbAilej leo Aplp ASupnA Com nittee for the iomc of our Divisions in villages late 'Emperor plaoed hia heir and onljr iention that at the end of the fight it was ¦ nwn unnj - ¦ C«Jlt T coding year. The out- and ' ascertained to have .been, bpeciaioTS oooneo. , Ce pn. I their respective offices with energy and sidurin^' Question establishing whdt palace, provide* Tha contest. It -iras (Lnsouneed- be!o<| abili and it would are known variously •with-with special lafacilitiesxities fortor exercise and W*^^ n.T« »l nu De bawI W 'ACA. ' sup IIUAII jConcobAipln jnA j DuACAtlUn An-^oppAC t)At> y. bo difficult to find as Tontine Societies, *n& J? /s !L«^£ *£ J .-VMjto belonoof |trwerjty.3-minnft» eAp more devoted workers in the Language Slate Clubs, I etc. 'ihe idea is one to b'e forSOT lealeadingding an open-air life. Military ?.«» *>y >'.'' "*£"n rounds:under-American rulesj andla Mr, SCAOpat ijx<e formed at the s&mo meeting. sickness andj mortality and n»edB delating to war. He iTneithsran Orifen- . i staod, 4b»» UM {Ben p3'T> r61 pf*r nc P°*£ Al n4 oipCe ,pn peucatnc CATJ •oo on £ PL ^^K f t weine to be prohib- : ' v ^i T$cunAti other occ&tiicais. One advantage of \hede tal nor an AcoxJenUl but • little ol both • ¦«•««' t «*. *u T*£ ^h^ I ited from doing only throa things— i |*eAnrT)|oine F< !in As |pmhce Asuf! n P|6 te n« caoipiO Cum ¦for he waa bom f "«» ^£Wr2K VJf iSLf ££ b& ' 1A"O t)0 VeigeAf. COD Kocietiea is uiat eacli Division could fix .and brought:up in the *rmJ£*J$$I «?;wJ jtrS! ing. kicking', and hitting , low. ( Th0 JtAlt JTAt) Ap'« SCOpdiO Slip 6peAO|An t)o fin 6 6 co its :own rale of contribution transition period of Japan'e history. The uhlch «»>«?««* r!S ' artiolea oiltbo «ghl| ifpitheof I f6 F "> |r CAippge ACC VO and of ben^- 8 *4fe ^^^ L6 ^i^lS: ng sUpulated U ' oppA An iiAitiein A UIC A IRISH-IRELAND? CONCERT. fita and have control over its own fund*. Emperor i!T« democrat, arid his mar- {J? - \™ '[thai-theiiuM ioo ii^finnerinnm -mm »iwf aMia ,' au.aU-' I po 61 in C C6'DlAt> Aip! ASup nuAin tio riage stren-rthened his ^K^J^^r ?? ^- ^ { . iheOf As !a genera) IruL© iri ths6e «ocicties mem- tendencies in that ' *° ^Pff*. I?? I poneP^"«J ;'| BmOig. UMinlamownt e*e*]whid»!jwhid j ! traft nurn« t1 ! scionnJ |; • | M *U1PS; f* t> of ftfr* |an c-Am mApCtie In connection with, the lecture on " The drrection, a. the Empre» Sadok» ha» an- id dl ^w ffiJ1 lSr i™ (HfttoA ¦¦ ' ¦ 'y ¦ Man fcester Mortyre " by bers p W mile pOnc inpUn mait Aige Ap nA pUipclmS no 61 are provided for tho members, and in THE LADY MAYORESS OE LONDON rioted victory, dpwn^came British en- ' *s secured the services of the best musical sSgn from the peak, but the audi- mJwnnc j AC4. I* linn n« h-airrippe Conc06Aipln A5up nuAip some cases aickne&s benefit* 'or a ciij- Tho new Lady Mayoress of London farge OF DAND RUFF OK; ! no-ConnAtc talent in the city, and a feast ot Irish t»in ehce who had crowded the.Qttay looked pn «• 61 Feiprri no t( z *o\b lea A CAT) musii, song, number I of weeka. At the close of tabes the keenest Interest in *ll that j A5 P|e VO 61 Ap pU&Al I0I1CA ip b«A5 and dance Is asBarod. No Th« yt^ar-frenerally concern* the 'British with aiutlety but failed to descry Uie | A FAILING HAIff. T)lol ' AouHAipc TTIiCeoi teip imported, inanities will figure on the pro- before Christmas— saldier. Wnen -war F flog go *s *"r Ff«n nAp 4ipig * Cpoine| Aip le fCAnnp*t>. tlie larger part of the funds ie divided broke out Sir Charle* and Lady enian! up. iThe | b}oatswain'« " AP ' gramme.) Irish items will be first, last, ,Wab»- whistle!was now sounded I d fi( | r-AipseAt> Aige nip6' ion IS Amjuit) no 61 Asup amongst the nembers. In such eoirlcvies fleld offered their seaside home at'Hythe , and all hands ppj^n t)iAllAit) and all the time. ' And the characteristics t being piped to a gloss'of grog1, th«'fusil- Save yonr hair I Doable its ; cAip6e V no FfS*mc| TiiAmAoin Asup Ap 5 interest:in o ficiol I information has, wel learn, been fftopJAn peAil .Anonn A p Aniu mAp no 8eAp all Who approve 'of the policy of piracy finee for r.on-payinent' of the rojournere under their ri 'celved I *>AcpA.pp-geur &0 p" «0 mAp oontri butionH In this way those y/h <> hospitable roof. Lady Wakefleid on boahi that tho |' Research " " Dander ne " ir akes hair thick so iwiO fAist)iuiiHt)e Asup jConco&Aiptn in A of sir all States. The prices of admission is a w 11 toon be 'ordered to! Enmod i&d will i An jcAlArfv nloj peapp ince ionA Un nrd ni/vct. mnAflrnia awt regular in their attendance and psyj- irreat traveller. She has - twice been ' b; fuioe Ap An 5ClAit>e Ag imipe nA pib* mente reap the full benefits because ihej round the -world and knows o : rerlacedreriacea herelbnere|Dyr a «hinatup trorrqmni thetne Chanunan-- glossy wavy nnd beantlTnL i cA^rfi t>P 6J Aise pem. Oo lpAn Un yiA.n I almost every nsl Fleet now at Cork. 1 ; 1 - escape the ptiymcrit of fines and parUi country pf Europe. She and Sir Charles : pceui pn 999 oipate in ' ' Within ten minutes latter an japplicstiosi n|Ap ¦jiif Minis 1 W j^n \Vo cuip CA« «e ADAile Com the distribution of the jncreasec were in Japan when that country was ' J» ' 1 of Darideririe you S meAp funds at tho close of lh» year. In cacx>t at war with China • 1 cannot find a sing!*- ceAinc Asup ni pAib /oinneaC '45 cap. A^up DA f6imp leip Agup vo SAVING THE IRISH 6PEAKEB. and again during the Orphan trace oi dandruff or I falling "iair. and * mnip whw sickness benefit is paid it is tf Russian : war. Lady Wakefield Children—Onneztl Wednesday jnA 'FetpmeAC yniy' A' iThtCeul 6tc A ncetlng of supporters of the lan- is on 11. Redmond's motion (or rearing the or- iyour gcalDlw:il not Itoh. but wiiat will ' P pe no ftliCeuL a rridoii RtAtn CAT> no- tho interest of every member to see thai adept with her. needle and is particularly please you most , ConCo6AJptn: Oo CA' htiCeul guage movement was held recently at 122a no .malingering is allowed interested in phan aod deserted children'of ike Woter- will be after « few weeks IPJ J6A CpnnAic p6 « bpAipc 'Conc06«ipln. Vo which would ' all charitable-works but ford Union use, when [you &e new hsjr| fine and ! ce«o ptinc nip ie St. Stej-hen's Green for the purpose of tend to deplete the funds. Another adj more especially in outside will come 'o3. A large # 1 T)|copA0 Asup po leACnuig An pceul Ap pOn nA mbAilce takin : steps to preserve the language those that concern rrieeting of the band Is I expected. downy at first—yjs-^but really, new hair—- . in vantage of such societies is that a loan the babies of to-day. Both husbana and growing all ; ¦; Cuip ConfoO^p t>eicjbpiimc|or i Cionn Ap mAlmn p^ift Irish&pcaking dietricts. Mr. Fionn Me- fund can be established. |over the Jscalp. ;! :- I 50 j ConCo6Aipln AS .Members car) wife have done much for the Red Cross : Danderine is to the hair what I :W1> f, AET 00 WppAj* mAp : pn ja •oeic tmCeAcc leip An Collun said that- thd expenditure of obtain a loan] up to & settled amount on and foV hospitals, and Sir «i ! J c-plUAij ptie Asup £1.00( i a year from the Irish Charles is pre- |HeoiB1 and Tallow.•!—We?!• :are 1 . to Rhowcrs ot rain and aunshine kre to vegtj- t>p6»nc 50 "pw^. ftp&nc 50 pAt^ rl in Langviage tbo . security oi two other members of the sident of the CUy of London League of I clad ob- ; iatiori. 1 ' j CAinig nA corfiAppAin go t>cl miceui Natio lal Fund on 200 branches of the society. The serve that a full cargo [of hem ? and tal- It ROCS right).to the rdntfi, in- if 8 ceutji leit. X)o pCAp CornioO- l (amount is paid back -with Me»ev. vlforatei and sfrengtiheai J50 A^up A oa6pAt>Ap leip o ip nup pn no League in 100 of the most Irish-epcakfng .interest by weekly imMalmcnt*. In low, direct from St. Petersburg has been them. : It.s cx- :Aipfn Annpn ACup puiip 1 parisfccB would, in co-operation a] imported this week br our lei terprising h:Israting, SstimuJ'a'Jrig and ' {life-prud iic- An pe<>p e|le 61 An pceul Ag ConC06Aip!n gAn An with the well-arranged society of this kind memJ ' "* iArt bi-lin, fual system of educationn, cause the bere at the end a^id respected fellow^cltiteni. Alderman ing propcrtwj cau»c ihe hair to grow louj, feipm. . . I - I A of the year con often; SPANISH FOR GEBMAN. ] ; ' I feipm CA6Atpc n<5 mAp no 61 geAittA transmission of the Irish language inde- draw a sum Cox. This coming direct, parties can rely stronir and beautiful.] • .. |' : j ) I "j AC-i pi Aj ic Anoip/VAppA Con- finite y. greater than the aggregate Alter the Franco-PrussionWar Df 1870- ubon the A Utt!e Djmderine Aige, cibe pun ban Cop no nA CAOipiO. ' Effort should be directed, he of their contrjbutionH owing to the fines quality! We believe1 it has been immediately double* C pf said, to the western and south-western paid 71 the French people determined to study the first cargo imported 1 sinci the late th? beauty af your 'n|lr. No fnatt«r hof AtiuOaipc SeAAn i5lte 50 in ban eapp and in ter ret earned on loans. Thrj the German .language dull, faded, ¦ ¦ ¦—¦¦— • | - •— —- — f seaboird. He bel in order to better Iabentod Alderman, Forrietal' brittlo and ocraggy, just u«» CAIli&tt *UICj. 1 " I i ieved the Irish people .drawing out of a s] time. I ' toi6 nul AmAc lump sum at the end of , : ¦ Agup nA CAOipe go would subscribe to this work if the issue the year will prepare themselves for the " revanche",' ; Dandenne. I Tk« ' feffect ia aninzing— . Vo edr* in A tonsArjCAp tiAoi ti A5 |be found, to be very useful which ft is to bo your hsir Wip, cinn Asup pUii fflAp no 6fonap, were mode clear and it wan not mixed to those of United means hoped they trill soon will be light, fluffy and .wavy, Un bpApdjipce ci Opaaip: up wi th political or enabling them' attain, French families Bent /their sons and have an appearance of- ConMO^yitn no 6pe|t A6Aile led JAgup Annpn nul polemical questions. to purchase r eceflsaricw at the best pon-j [Imports—Amongst the imports this abundance^, AH pAitfipSAp go ' Conar Maol , who presided, nnd daughter* U> Germany to study the wpek are-The '[ Zorg , an incjmparAblc lustre, w ttnesi ana I6ip supB said they oiblc pricw. Rules for and YbVlt " 112 1 ka^Baft ^X ^ ^ j«^ -( -' I .1 ¦ r . J ACfuipn 50 ncl An pAgApc Agup IUAC th* jmidancp of people and their ' 1 . I ' | Aippinn would) select SO Irish-speaking rariphes, any Division ^oneMdering the un wieldly tongue; per- tons, from St. Petersburg;wJlhito tons of ¦ rod feiprtt TJO iup in A oipeAt) CAOAipc v6 mAp eatabLirfi wblishin«] inaps we should do well to follow '¦ Zti a V>M!e ' p^n nA bUAppAp Aon pun branches, three if neccsaary, in M such a society can be obtained from their hemp and 40 casks tsl}ow, to P. C«x; of Knpwlton s Danderin» Aipsit), ASu 6i T>A0me Ag 4 pi« everyone of them i offtppa In example by continuing to study German " Harlequin, from any chemlut; r ^P etie 4jt npAOit5eACc|ConCdOAip(n ACC , and put them in charge th#> < ^nfrAl rlnKlin " from Bruges, 65 itons bark, . nC6&Aip1n NO II;ISH ON INSURANCE CARDS. finest ot the Latin • ••••• I I hav« beautitul Un ceAinc. i ' j i | I op'pA Agup no HinEKXIAN 1IAI.L8. ! tongues. Charles V. hair, and lota of it; if you. ' innipeAnAp vi ci PA6A- The National' Insurance Commissioners dpoke .German to his dogs, French to his Rame Preservotlon Society)—(The. Wa- will just try]a little I fiiop f.An U •oe n. p«C Ap rfliCeuil o t»Ap f informed the Coiste Danderin*... j ri As| nut,, : " A5ar } AppA fliiCeut a Gnotha, in a letter frienda, Italian to his wHe, and Spanish tcHord and Kilkenny Game PrWrvation TITAOII TlfAin a;n U4 oo-'ceAnnuis p3 tTiAoa ttiAin read u t the November meeting of the laU In view of fscciit hopponlng* it U im« j ro ihla cod. fk clcty 'at the last meeting arrJointed no ^ ' leip, " ni bloo Aon , portan that GAELIC LEAQUE COixECTlOH. ! • I Un. feipm.' \X)p Cuiil tipoC^SAlAp leip An ter tt at the Commissioners have no Divisions of the Order should lew than five, gamekeepers in. addition to > There was1 Poinne^AgAC bFeipm Anoip. power SHUC dco to it that a very generous mppiue at; BiKin nA-CAOipe lup to I contribution cords in Irish, their halls or clubss are thjose employed last year, viij—jFor Gaul-' tho collection held In AS»P TJO 6it>fp AR til bSAg linn vtoc pern Agup and a ly *uch issue by others would con- properly secured.for the members. WINTER COATS AND 8KIKTS. tier, Coi Waterford Carrick-on-Snir on 5CAIl.yeAmAinc. nen' In 1 , John Kennedy, of Sunday lastl in aid o tho funili* of tho; |A 50CI AOtt! Id.: VM Cum npAOineACcA." stitute an . infringement of copyright The order to mako certain that difficulties Khockboy; Middlethlrdj Wni. ICarberry, - secretary said the will jiot arifia1 Iin the Central Executive pf the]Gaelic Uagao idipio 50 i p ffiinip, APPA ConCobAintn Ag forma in French and Flemish halls ehall always be available for Walgh, Cur\uddy; ^ gun: rciili-vd. A! CiOlplft flA gCO ltlApf^ A5«p pAl6 " for the use tho tendency to flare much lcsslthnn during /or Ida, Win B. Mor- few. wtcts ago a very successful collec A fpeAgfA, t)A leipeACc p8 Anoipgo of Bo! dan Refugees itmorant of Emrllsh. members of the Hibornian organisation tho summer. There is, in fact gan. - of Kilmacow. Mr. [James Vaugban ; Aon pA'SpAtl Af 6 T)0 for , a certain , Won for thej Gaelic lieogue was held at I leigeAp. po mbeAn j An obaip pe'o peAp6 but tt ey : assumed no similar necessity whom thev were built or purchased straigbtness in line, which may be noted of I Peter; street, Waterford, has been ap- Clonea, A 50 leap existec in respect it Is cfiscntiall ¦ and also at KaOigormack; Grance- IcuipeAO I eiop A peApjso t)Aile Si A pa'p AgAiB." of speakers of Irish. It that th© property should in coats as well as in dresses. The latter pointed Inspector. . . t ; . i mockler, and liall ' was do elded to write to tho be vMrted in tho name* t y/iea e, The Committee pUAt AS«1P tAin 5 pe ASiip meAmpAm I Commiiwloners of the national are still full, but there Is no! hunchiness; of rnrrick-on-8uir Gaelic Leegua beg t» jAn cp4Cn<3nA pin nuAip no ti!ot>ap and tno Board of iTrade that caj-d* and trustees,. together with- that of two ot all hang straight from the waist. mop; t>e jfiiipeai Aige I ACC bAt>' 6 forms In Irish were three local Coats '' - i 1 : ! • ¦ thank all who subscribed:for Ihe worthy mo| AK ceACCjA6Aile Agup nA CAoipe igo : . needed, and asking trustees. By this means the may In some instances flute over the hips, 1 - cause of An p-Jipeap ion,l A Cult) ' tho C< mmiseionerH possibiKty of 1ho '. X)cal jlmprovementu—At 1 preserving the National languag* jefllAip. Vo leip ACA CeAgmAVAp to have the rules al- premises being applied especially towards the back, but as a a n cetlng of the le Concobaipln tered, If necessary; to to any purpost but ¦*h. 1 Street Commilteeon Tuesc ay, surest and most destructive sign tt p< fe Com T>4U Ap SAlU p; na SCAOIIAC have tho cards so that for which they general rule they follow-the lines of Colonel an Irish nation. • : . ¦ ! apip Agup no DI An pioo Aige. Vo printed. ; were- intended will be avoided, and skirts. Winter coats Roberta,lit} the chair, a tender Was accep- | i . I ' le nA F8'r 5 F^iri, . Asup tio ' At the same the and skirts are par- me< P'° fero pe fUAf ceOt AepeAC eigin nAp meeting of the! Colsde rights of the 2oneril body\>f the mem- ticularly npat, thoy are- also practical ted for ttfe layinr o fflamj at| Ferrybank jmCig fe|m«p Wintg pi SAT A(in AiptgeAnAp Gnothi, tho Chairman eaid the Standard hera ! will be safeguarded. Alembcr* and sensible, neither too short nor on the motion of Mr. Redmond,Isoconded * A leiCein} Apiatfi Agup no in Irisli for should too by Mr. 1 i STUDY J STUDY t 8TUDYI riiAiteApj 00 tie jtiArfi. t)o: Comilu matriculation1 waa too high, repogni e the importance of hav- wide. Some of the now models in frieze Freeman! and two additional s 6Ailig nA CAOipe go Win CimCeAii Aip. and thb matter was referred to thb ing everything properly and serge: suggest a lanps recommended to be lighted before EXAMINATION DHEAD BROUGHT ON jnoirictp Ap:6ail« 50.le p Ati 'oitce p n tion fTommiffiirt ! Educa- arranged in military severity and ' ' tug pe A AgAi« Ap An piiAt) Agup no connection with the buildinp, purohau- stiffness in their cut and lack ot adorn- th<| Cathedral in Barronstrand street, the ; i POOR HEALTH.; j: : i t>a5 tniwy- 'tfam A scornAiple to A "cr eqne for £100. ing or lei«ing pli c'e requiring ; \ \ leon nA caoipe as received from Uie Jof these halls. This I* In ment. The coats are rather short, quite more light. Onl the mo- But the path back to good Cup 1 5t|i|>nn A ceile Indiint iul; Exhibition In America, movwr wnicii «nouia straight, tloh of Mr. Devereux, seconded by health:was :&p bAttj rfiAJ e . [' 0, c' AnAm an noAnp 1 '» lodged was Do closely lookua and button to the chin. They Mr. found through that food so nourishing to A ^eunArii Cum AppA to a special account for the Gael- Into/and if it JIM not already been done ore finished with small collars Fr eman', ft lamp|was ordered Uf be erei-. •J6 *sup 6ertl -with tlio local trus- trimmed with, astrakan fur, which on a thefe 1* no " A few years ago I become ill through f ocAl pein Aige. Vo 61 sApffln Aim- mip cpeACCA." tees of the premise*. It would bo a!«o srey material is most attractive. lanp atirresent. land .the : only place of overwork , l ACc nl pAiO Aon HIAI C very ' The de' otion in when studying for aniexnjnina- ripe ! t)Ap6 - Ainr 1 CA«JS ;AS riliCeiil advisable for those Division* thai buttons also are covered with the same the whole city witho it a nub- tion! I was obliged to C616 ted. . Ml pcopplvo A nntCeAU CHILDREN are oontcmplat ng the pelt and are very,large. giye up the jtudy- AKur . "oo 61 pi t mee'n gup Tendei Stomach, Liver, ^ THE • SEASON'S •Dr| T. when someone reco/iuiifiiilni fpcoiceAnAp bpuAC loiCe tt& Bowels-Tastes most : suitable to their requirement and , OVERALL. . Mackesy, as trustee . of fhte Protes- Grape-Nuts. ,1 tried n AtAp " . ; AmutC 1 Delicious. in most casts will be The overall ' tant Hall, proposed that a lamp the food, !an• «*m, was f.eAppA ^tirnn Flor va P Ap An toe childhood day«. Re- of cost -which will supply all th<» Eligible garment, by carrying ,'out the resolution ot the last passed.' I am now little heed: to it. The war has, on the lmoUon of Mr. Do fley, «e- brain food." : • ¦• . : - nsAlAp Aise. ' Aon CAO IA 'AifiAi n Ann Viip against taking them I sidoratiqn however, corlded by Mr. ; .: |;> • J 6. O'n tt ith our children:it'a different. by Divisions and that they brought this useful article into promin- Redmond,! to i dvcrtise Grepe-NuU is I IS: Ap j eijin 110 61 *n, FOCAI ^r U U fin ticl who Mothers will communieato with he«d ence, its utility for I contractors' to . keep th? o^d graving a delicious readyWookcd y 50 4n IA peo, nl epuAtpeAn cApc lonA cuAi simply don't realise with the Jenat possible delay on tbo mat- protective garment earning for bank. Quay, clean and , In prope r Tepair I^reaUy pipc Aip em loriA what they] do. Tho tura rntj\.i-*aA 4s\ ' ' it a well- builds up body and brain, f oppA childre < deserved popularity. at un expense 'not to exceed £35 per art- c6imj Ag 'peunArf Ap, A| I T)dpAp; Agup pein. Cvigcap ' -a revolt Is well-founded. Their . Tasto and 'ingenu- .. . ;. " There's a Reason."}: ' Com nA gCAopAC mAp tender ittlo "insldea" ity have lately been brought into nmi ; C6 po 6eAp Ann ACCI ConCObdipfn Ainm Ap; An loC drnstic '¦ ore¦ inWed by tion, opera- ; ¦ ' ¦ pn dj fin, Agup 1 up rmrgatives. i with the result that the models pre- ' i;-| ¦ Fein. ; , I !• •! ¦ i " , I If yd ir chiM's f pared for this season' ; ; I ' | j An lAe pfiin blonn fcAC Ap HA -oooiniD stomadi, liver and '• PUNCH." s wear may well be .\ : ' • * i !' fi. !: v!: j " Ce 61 ps cpiCc Ap m' Ainm-ipe no nut caimt) T)o' bowel* )eed cleinsJn^ give onhr delicious ; mistaken for-the daintiest of morning n Me. ! Calito! n a;Syrup fcowns. They aro CAT) po I BI06A1J A' flit) I libm?f of Figs." Ifc action is This week's isi ue of " Punch " contains fashioned on-the "lines ¦ ¦ ' : ' " ¦ " positive but gentle. • Millions 5f cartoons «f the new codts and coat frocks ¦ - p . -;; • ¦ :¦ ¦»pr^ r6-| |ii ¦ keep tbw mothers dealing; with America and the , are K! ;. . . I I j harmless "fruit laxative" sinking of the V Ancona," and with belted at the waist, and' adorned with lan Ulccves ait generally preferred • " 1 nt)priyiAC," Appa (T>o tHWit) An pceitin peo nuai p 45 handy j they know that the capacious pockets for this ' 1 Se4 petp popcUipge i mbCtAPnA. SiotUn tako it and that h never fails ticles,; are variously trimmed. • There- iV little of. the pi* n&6& AIJC 50 the liv r and bowelg to clean in pTOse nnd verse, on the Khaki the ot shoulders, and under these - are ' n( SeA&tn no CeAp 4. AcA p« . and sweeten the ormlet; the telephone at the Front; pinafore about them, and they alt sleeVes ot| lace or chiffon. ;¦ mbA<> feroij\ 50 nbeA« lei$eAp| ASA'C j Annpo stomacf i A tcasr-oonful ' Trar- fasten in front. Belti, often nAC ; mop, pocAl Ap " saves ciVen Kvday hotes; change« o,f Government at Athens; All have.long sleovea fin- very, elaborate, i are worn i withT po'n' nsAlAp po AtA Ap. ni CAOtpib focAl mAJi no n child from a bilious attack imitation ished with'a closely fitting these i ' ; ¦ ¦¦ ¦ i/wnwrr vr 1 : foed in Germany; actors , as cuff protecting dresics, and if of suedelare usually - . ' ' '! ¦ pcp|l66 pt eJ X\\\ ACC 'p$ no peACc completely the dress beau- ASAinn. \ pi- .. : . I ne luxuries; an unwritten letter to the beneath. Some have tifully embroidered; and the bdckles btunAnCAit) c4 pe Ag»ib?' Sio6A n Ag i '. sytu > '»1 'Fi with erring ncws-I; Uie buttons " - Bashes that coyer I the iips ¦ poTjluim in I9 y> * gs." which has papers; Bellona |S (hem; economy in- are¦ invariably more or less tight, ly and, lend a slenderncsd ippA QpiicobAti iin. - -''f idppat) ]nA 5«enilge isup. feuC ?6\n full dii 'ctions .for babies children of to- n mamantnl ¦ I jto the -Asj ages, ai d for -own: all bacco; tha ingritiludo of Private Wil-j - • fiRute, often take the place."of I the ' ' t' opoj-pA Ar otp; A' 5Up! 6tpig j*;pA0i5Ap 50 mAi C .wi. 1 ¦ K. ups plainly on each locks; ' pills to pjromote [:¦ vi .V , :: ' . It isi belt etsir!: st«p n|<5p ^Appi \y>tt.c Dewnre of counterfeits valour; bringing vi /; . i said that iri order to ensure aTperfect 6pm &n pAi6 oeui o' 1 5-CotAipn8 nA'ilinne if eAp md sold here, home a relic from the war ; tho slacker in' fit. tjta bloiise - or drcss.with 0Atp ; pm ie ml. ' x no- bee t!i at i H inado by "California Fig DRESSES AND BLOUSES FASTKN x whiWa high '. piSne pi ) I Syru p Company. the boxing-ring; 1 little bayonet exercise;', I ¦ BEHIND. ¦ ¦ collar is yom mu8t fasten I ." 6jrc, |* . ConioOAtp, ' AppA SP A 1 knifostuim " California Syrup of fashions ; • -.!¦' • ' < . behihoi Thli ' . ^ ¦ 1. 12s is =«M; hv. jil!.choini5!es in hats a B.A. candidate , for a I The princess frock is indeed unfortunate, sinco in theie L3. Barronstrand\£ 'J Bile I " isjip tl o<) : ' 1 . ,'Js. 1J<1. per "commission ; the jeune finds great favour times only, buflv ' , vcntrcij'C leisn : ¦! ". T>!Apmuit> n« Soilire.' - iiottln . IWv'ivaoy -other premier; scenes in' in Paris as well as the » mplcst hnU cJiest ' ¦ ¦ kind¦ with con- Parliament, and other in London. It- is: fastejnings are of , lonipt. • . . . . 'I topics of universal made quite, wide at. advisabl<\iPrin Oe««h 4r».«»» the, hem, but • fite . lioHvcr BO far, fasten ' smoothly over the hirs.-1 Magyar or. Rag- . in front., kg «do» greater number pf.blougen ..] 1 \¦»»•&, !5B=S r^ V i • ¦ • '^ fr ::l : i MUNljriON WORkERS* V48IT TO AFTER THE BATTLE THtt FRONT OF ALARMING NEWS of the I SEPTEMBER 2tH . Wat News | •. PARIS. WednesdayJ Connty and City of Waterford ! PRESS BURfiAU, Monday Uornins. A VISIT TO RE-CONQQU 3RED Tlie (Salonika correspondent of the Week Tho foUowinftJJccount ot a visit which " Petit]Journal ," telegraphing under yes- GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS ras paid to the%ront|by th« Glasgow de- CHAMPAGNE TERRITO JY. terday % date, eays:— j I ANDS1TTIN QS0FTHRCOUt f tt 8UBMARINE SUNK utation of representative work, B lT ¦ " ¦ munition After]* violent and eanguinary struggle : ' L , '!;!' ' 9rrs has been received from the M tlie CQ UST/tOM THE 7EA 8 1916 i r Mornv ing. the WWar Office Bulgarians have managed to turn trio il'KES 5 BUREAU, Saturday it publication:-:— . fI I (" Times-" War Telegrams, pen Babuna Pass and to threaten seriously ¦ ~ of the Adnuralta] onr ^ the ! HILARY BE88IOK9. [Nk -S scretarjv ^An opportunityopportunity j having been affordedafforded ueua Press Association.—Copyright.) • . three Serbian regiments and a large scb- that Submarine-E20. Lieutenant- t y til0 ; Umn, Crfl tBuuaa^TiKadar, «tb Ittuaa.n >ii rtouriees the MinisterJiiniuter of War and tiethe Govern- CHAMPAGNE, Sunday (delayed). tion of Artillery. . . I Oram al or Clifford H. T^arren. [R.N., Biaip— jTunUj, 41k Jantiafy, ntt iLUMU^ COIM" nent u,^^ ourigallint comrades In the . The|buttlefield in Champagne Is strange- Bulgarian troops are coming down Cn Kwtltf—Woinet^iT,sib linnirr. tjrt. . wlio l wa . on detached Uw bea t enches in France and Dtqunii, CtVU BMlum i Flanders we now ly unlike others I have seen in the border the dirdction of Prikp with the object it 'ThvrHij, 6tk funny. •of: Marn ora, has not communicated |Bmee <&„ ou exjJerieioea femd impressions as 8ubseg,ubntly,marching on Monastir. The ¦916 1 Oon \2iitiw-rMMj.y th : /uun, V916 ( • is , therefore provinces between the Verdun and the l»m IBJ EonltrfFiUi»y.71k UWT, 1916. : Uu'. astr of October, and it twy apJUaled to! us, details lot which we situation has become critical for tho Bet: . » eunk. Swiss (frontier. To examine the whole of Witjrford. M BM I UM Sttunlty, Btk liomn. iVlirW t nat she . _ib,,» eD must .of] necessity omit., but the exptea. the front covered bians, ; Cmn |Bmlnti» Mwirtty, 10U1 Jmxarj, 1916 : OJliemy announce in Uielr wireless ,j give effeW by the FrencM advance Land Mii.EqulM-TuMil*?, ntb : ..[The m ^ j ^ to we we£ on September 25th would be an affair of sacrifice] a large part of their forces in Juuarr, WS. press m Pssage that three of her offlceia ,iunSuitr*m-Vrtiit.7th Ap!l '! to fr uar< face, the thoroughness Serbian iresistance. I "tire best " . j0i6; irie K20 with which' they The "(Journal's Flour and^mak< Croma Bmlntm-ZunJiMy.>th A pril. i9i< ; bri ud prepared for the attack and th< extraor- " Salonika ; correspon- BqoltT-SatuMaT.iStli iprtl, 1416. '. : : -Novenib dinary;courage and dash with w] dent says:—" Our Balkan expedition hap WiUrfort.qnli uiaiu««l-M»nA>r. loti Afrit ml: s-ulilors . ' tave been . made prisoners. . vfoaeNrtth ™ vich they reached a critical Ctowa IIBMIK iTawdar, nlh April, nit ; Lud ltd | the-lmea si o nisni of n- set about it. point. Oiir enemies certain that the £aultT—W«in««!< 1 j. - a' uts to get at • have decided to nip our offensive in nam< jr, ulh April. 1916. '! : EIRE IN NORTH 8EA««• il">g first hand their seal On the extreme left and righ ;, at Au- th£ Viierford Otr- Otnn BmlM»~\Vt*!i<»A>r.»» > GUr< FIRE IN woit m. O \IllVll\t ill UlC UUU ¦ ¦ r quiromenta,' and it -was appalling to berive^sur-Suppes and Ville-su -Tourbe, «l< Ull VU^LO, UUU W April, igilS.- I • i wo«e there had secure jill ' possible help by all mcana^ 'S ' . TBIWrr iV5TOnnAM Saturday. ! *?*» been instances their advance was exposed in < ach case' pillers Is on the bag . ^ BBBSIOSB. ; Austro-Qormans will soon be making an Utaon.i Tllo " to a converging fire upon then- outer appoaraifice diil femIop»-T««l». partly (for this reason to hesitate only bej By doing this every ' ¦ fire was very little progress fore twej forms of rieutrality-rto disarm tim< Pnafima. ClrU DunoM»-^-rtiur«d"* Jut*. 1916 wns made at these two points. On the Crown Biufoea—frtd^r,qtfc lose, I816 1 Lun »ai. of.' tin- I .orth Sea. | |[ the Serbians and Allies or to tolerate Urn KaollT—rridjjrJ?)Hl[iD« : ; t^at, owing to th« limited i amount of twenty, mile front '. between them, although , vtrt • ' REPORTED • a&ells at their disposal We? could not passage k)f Germans through tjicir terri you buy W«ltrtord. Ciril Bimiia*—SXonu^i loth IUM. '91* . • ! TOR •>EDO BOAT . the rate-and extent of the advance was flour you jprotect Crown BmlaeMf-TtitKUy, l)lb Jgn« ¦ ¦ ¦ open. fire| to relieve pressure at those par- lory. Germany -will know how to exaci j ¦ ¦, 1916 1 LtM ui LOST ! \ 1 not everywhere uniformly great, some it. On the other hand, Jtaglty—Ivttixt, lilh JaM, Hi). I 1 ' • [ titular points. Now we. thinV that is a ground was gained the Bulgarian: . Wiicrford air. T Ctowa ' BwfUM—Wc¦ tUufer, Htk 1 J everywhere, with the are nowj allowing the IaM ' ' . AMSTERDAM. Saturday. | terrible 8tatej of affaire. Despite these net result that the present Gern an posi- passage through yourself againstt imitations . 1916. ill : ' . : communique Ipubliaihcd in oSrcumstanccs; we could not help being Thrace of Turkish effectives coming froix An- on icial ¦ tion is about two and a half mile i further Dedeagatch which aro marching ugainsi 1 MioHiELMia Biaaiotn. . ; eay»:— ' struck wjth the good fooling jtihat existed Utmcn. \ QT CoWwn;iuople I I to the north than it was before the at- us, so that we shall bo obliged to defend U |Btali>«»-Friday,- M»4 O^UOiitr ry occasion that onerny jmonitora between the officers and men!and the ab- tack. The preparation which tni i Crows B#aJ4««— fridaf. nod SepUmb,t t>W'1 Onj ev* 1 d up to ourBelvt?! against a Irifle Germano-Bul- The reason S illers' uod and Equity—Saiurdty, attempt*11 to bombard thei coast of the solute , absence, of friction, j The whole* this wonderful advance lasted Jitbout sir p Purity:Flour La iyi ScptemMr, nut\ thcy;were silenced by (our a med .to be wjo ln gar-Turk ah aggression. Finally, the Ger- ^unriu. hitihwizim-Uovkj. 151b &&*!>*. CulfToi. : Saros rmy sea rk jc with -the. weeke.l Durine this time the troobs which 1911S: rGoira. tulTlm^tmit»6(hf. Bcvunber/ W>l LJ t~r™A , in otenm &wavJ]fc&r - einele nurcose of¦ winnine the war. and reuiriSub riarine fleet in the Mediterranean such a large pale in Ireland is tha L>od «od Eauliy—Wcdnttdar, rtrtillwy were to tako part in it were tarefully has been quintupled. [ CM artb. ScpUmbtr, 1916. Anafarta and Remik Lernao our; artillery if this has to be done; then |w« feel that trained in the rear for the work Anglo-French dip- Wi^rton£. ;mwln(M ThtrH.IT, Jttb S-Ujnixr. before lomacy 3 showing some energy, at the forpixl c jeray vessels to retire. ] In [the ti e' selfishness of'certain aectlons of i ttie them with a special view to the cultiva- Irish housewives have found it to bi tj ut an enemy present moment, but if it desires to suci ud Eqnltj— MorilJ.)Xkt*vtcB(*t.ttn*. ' dame) gu! f on November 10th" c< immunity at home whose only aim ap- tion of: individuality in action. I Wat«rionl aij, 1 Crom ¦ fhnliuM Vtmi¦¦ ir 1 • cecd it must be supported ¦ /¦ • :¦ ' • ¦ T^ bat ran ashore and i» now [obm- by numerous the very;best that (number , wti f . - . torj-eao c ptars to (be exploitation «t the- war for When the time for the assault came, the forces, and can be bought: the; lt>toly ink.. Near Aui Buanic and iKan- tl eir personal advantage, shall require reinforcements are not arrivJ •QiRickbtC (1o Dartd-on-SoIr Cco&orm).C TU p *' average distance that had to be covered by ins fast Ur, isi«.i . . ' > bisjiort w ! destroyed an enemy bombjmor- tc be cast to the brie side. We were im- the first rush across the open Had been been buying it for! the pas .* WaUrf»dCtTl«loaaTUBiUjao(iE)octamtiO«!j.. tari pasiti m. Near Beddh ul Bahr. ourj ar. p; essed very much with tho demand reduced by pushing forward ¦ ¦ ¦ by means of ;' prynuoira; ; . -; ' : tilU-ry in iictcd heavy losses on enemy made for hand bombs. This class oi winding comm\inication trenchjea, dug PERILS OF eighteen years. j trojipi if! 10 had occupied Ipoeitions' and ehell is most esential in trerieh warfare, THE BALKAN - t>OM»-Tbt BIVOOT «* OMuaon ut OoditeU* ^ under fire to two hundred yaTds. Even CAMPAIGN ¦u U* rulaa oflASiMt U Uw Btrao; otiMakl wore !ere rting barbed wire before :their and an unlimited supply -of j these'must then tKe task in face of modem ^ifle and Jeft wing. hk procured to enable': our men to have machine gun fire waB so tremendous that AMSTERDAM, Wednesday. You can get SpilW Purity iMaimms—"Bit SKOBIM of O«ol«« Withla Dnm, any chance, to clear the enemy out ot ttin Germans believed it to be impossible. Major Moraht, OUiiielij,tad Dt^mWltio nt Dno, »« ¦» mm. i SERBIA'S INVADERS discussing in the^"'Ber- Hour in 7 lb., 14 lb. and 28 lb. 61 th* BuobfotOattk a WiUoat Unua w 1> iodadvl. tfleir. trenches' when an attack has to Wire entanglements rrot<>cting their first liner Tageblatt " the situation in the 1 la th*_ Dirt»U)n!o:ca*U«, »jr*latlii( O(th* To«mlu>il that he> able affirm that the , always risks. Advanced at LUUM 1. and tl* Co loir el lfc» \Mf o* WatMeping in mind what it means to theeo I . , ; : CIVIL BU8IMB3a. |, ' ' of men'in the ruins of the trencf es, pre- French divisions, have been pushed back v • . tedlby th s splendid resistance offered |by gallant fellows. ' vented J Ibt Court will' «lt! op ' i Jood and water from being brought by the Bulgarians in the Bcctor of Krivo- "' " ' : lli* tnt ihj In Uimon at 1 difficulty of the roads - '' ' ' ¦ oo«a and In Uilirldtd 1he ISetbii ns, by the up to them from the rear, and in many lak. On ti»e Varder . !¦ • ¦ - -- ' . Ouuiiirnn and . C*rrUU<| the French have . i \ i i . " . ' . at U*r«u ua. | I ' > and, of re rictualliag in the present rainy <-ftM>s reduced them to a state of 1 nsanity. mude no progress, while the UM\ , s already oonsiderably| reduced RETREAT PROM j RUSSIA approach of 7b* Enti/* Uns ef XlaUStai^Ci WU 1M «11*3 weather THE One striking sign of their confidence!was strong Bulgarian forces from tlu> sector u. *Jpb\UOc»lorddr ct to* TUtntUlk' ntaiM aa UK and incaj able of crossing the formidable tho alltlur ol UK Own. wb»o *11 uutitu [n>u,t In number and size of the underground of Strumica towards the Varder line has i b* barrier which still separates it from RIGA NOW SECURE. : nwUiMM. ) iirjr CiVi «U1 b< put at th* ead 'ci U refuges', more than twenty feet deep, been reported'. The right wing of the ' or U<[rnJ«JCut*. Uie l Dard inelles, Jto eay nothing ol ; the wlii^h they had ; I ' . laboriously carve l out of English in Doiran sector has ' till now E]*otBi*oia-wiU tm ealM. a*zt *n«r la* Ci««» iactj that the Serbian Army, 6till unde- PARIS,! Monday. solid chalk all alon g the line. Bixluik In **oh All*kioo. > . . ; - achieved nothing, and the French left Btroy«>d a: id still formidable, may return i . li. Ludoric Nandean] telegraphs from wing has not come into fighting L> *t*i7 KittxtuaAtut B0D.p*ni*st o* not at lud, to Skene. It is auito certain that:| the Petrogradj to the " Journal " :-)- I touch with lb. *n€ot u* boMUirBut b* fiiMrw Serbians fighting near Prilep. M noi Bulcaf ian Army alone would not be ;o.ble offensi-ye KITCHENER ARRIVE 'During the 4 * *n»ed biU*u-»ol«Kata i* mawdro, a o»r- 1 The Ruasian along the rail- two weeks or longer since tinoit* from tb* Clerk ot th* Union ahoold fc* fw to hold oit against Serbia. Moreover, the advanced tnoMlattUbewlaU ' " ; . 1 wtjy from] Riga to Tukkum continues to columns of the Allied troops crosaed tho ' ' the 'Allied forces are etill intictiand are be threatening to the latter town, and the Greek frontier they THE WAME i Wb*a • *U7 |U [pat on u B]Mtnmt D*orM'it 'Continually increasing at Salonika - ajnd have strategically ac- «IU U' r«Uis«i |b7jth* Cimk ot th* Crown u4 ¦: enemy is (therefore ! in retreat! complished nothing. In the meantime ftnc* ratll tli* perod nvttm 1 and it tin ttu i» beyond.'- . i . i The Russian right flank seriously threats j ATHENS, TuUdaV. the situation on the invuA on tb* ooodltlonthat .DotoodMloo apliM l. ~rci -hrner main battlefield of with ecrUm Urau baton pwtlmJiI eok the enemy operating between Fried- jK. :> has arrived at Mudros Serbia, south of the Golijpka * dat*> tod h« TO ¦H8 Of 8HELU8 DAILY (Lcnincin . S:r Francis Elliot. British (Morava). fall* to do to, tb* C*ir*» ounot U. iteud ostfl u "20 richstan and Jakobstad. The morale of ond west of Binackft (Morava) i has con- IS ON > aJEdaritolaiientMaCilt la lUiL . . .- .- . . i PARIS; Saturday^ thi .Russian troopB grow* higher every Minster] in Athens, has gone to miet him. : E»lf tloa HcHJos*a toold ikU I ' tinually changed in our favour, and hore th* Stttloot tt wkl*k The "Jmrnal "j says • explosives iwill day. and (Riga is now secure 'against at- [This message has been iubnrlttf d to the considerably forces th* O*ei«cwwobteMi«L i , ' of Bulgarians have be- Tk* oil(in*i CM) BUla ua OngUuX B}octa«Bl». rfiortly b> mada with goa ^oko. Work Pre&i Bureau which does not ot ject to ¦come free and can EVERY BAG ¦rUb ' has lalreac 7 been started, and by. the! e id iw publication , but tak'.-a no n be used «t other points. UaU «l l3*MaM*, aU la tlphabKloal «d«r spowi- The marching up of the tcootilat to PUntlHi' nuan. and . accompaoM 6> of the jnor th Paris, Lyons, Marseilles]a id biliiy for iht> correctness English and 'propcrhr aUtnped j KraoiaiUona, mnitibe of th • swt'> French tonics is proceeding exceedingly OF lodged or ra> -Bordeaux will have contributed their n- BOMBS ON CROWDS OF mentj. j slowly, ccif.d tj poat la ltli+ Creoa aaoFeu* Oftcc, Com- dispeiisab e quota to French|war , work. WOMEN ; whicli is caused by Salonika being bouic, WaUrfo>d, bcia> la o'clack nagu, at Icatt (wn I an improvised b.ine kar dan. not counting Suuda)-*. b«(or*; M Court Bto'Ja ,will mean an outp|ut 'l ENGLAND'S CABINET M1NU TER8 . and by the:fact that GENUINE will tx slrl Thisl ini dvation uniformity of action between MchtHTlakn.' Ibis r^k- ctr/eraVfcM. 1 of cxplosi^ es amounting to fifty-fiTe- thqu- ROUE, i Monday. CO TO PARIS the English i la dor*ol(oa **atb« aJBdAtn BM U lodtftd btzof* hand kilogrammes a day. [ Paris alone ' he "Corriere delta Sera " I publishes and French chief commanders is lacking. Ik* aril bUllji«m»d,It will sot be tootDUdT'trut plying; twenty of Major Moraht thinks tKe situation of wsrd*. - Tb* -word* "IBf Dvfaulr" chocld b* wriU*al» will J be si p tons of exp o^ the following details of the throwing PRESS BUREAU . Wedneaday Aft>moon. PUKITY tazx* Uttm *.t ih» jiwl ot IK* CiU BUI »ai Op>. eivos dail; within 1 I upon Vetona. the slowly increasing expeditionary aimy - a few daye. i . boinbs by [Austrian aviators The Foreign Office issues tho lollow- will become unfavourable 'he morning was misty and* the atmos- ill?:— I owiiy; to the FLWU Dttmtamd JHarqlMiM moat fe« tut in foctWBiiuit. regrouping of the. Bulgarian' forces' ¦ in tishabKloal tiad. nWattrlotl ordjr' (too** for MI ANOTHER PASSENGER; STEAMER fheric . conditions favoured the exploit. The P imo Minister, the Secretary of In • ' • •• ' ' . ; j ' - -| ^ . As regards the strength of ! I dtrimwn UeSig ttpirti *), sot laUr than on* lortiifhi - i j ' ¦ -SUNK . I \. About eij lit o'clock t^inee aeroplanes, State for Foreign Affairs, thr First Lord the Allied tfur th* do** ot tb* SaMtou X -snub 'Jiif afaall • I- forces in the Balkans; he is of Exactly as sketched ht<* b»u pcouoaucW, oUwr»ia« iioj will not i, \:\ ! HOME, Satlndayl.r em|«rging {suddenly ; from the [mist, de- of the Admiralty, and- the Minister , of opinion that U ¦', i'The {' H ifisagero;* !hae receWedi the| fol- scended upon the town and from a height , the English, French upd Ser- <«tMd until lh» (aao»Ui|li *»*ioaa. TiM llUaiptoaaM Munitions accompanied by their naval, bians have not more than fca pUood on Uva nuriiii of th< d*3o*'or diaoi**, act lowing details from Syracuse of the sink- of [fifteen piundred metres (five thousand three)hundred ' military; and diplomatic advisers, have thousand men at their ' os th* fpaoe tor Cl*ri ot Crown and P**d** tlfnatar*. ini? i of -WIA " Firenzo." a twin-scrfew disposal , and he ¦T Ih* Crown; uid Faw* Offlow bring nntuA feel) began throwing bombs. Each aero- arrived in Paris for the purpose pf con- asks what they can do against la ¦stf anidr

DUNGARVAN NOTES. ©ur aatbouc Cbcoiucle THE STORM MR. DILLON AT CAVAN; WATERFORD & DlTNCANNCtt STEAMBOAT COMPANY. LTD HOCKEY MAffCH! THE XJiW BISHOP. o common with the other cities and An important Nationalist Convention, A very interesting hockey antea waa There was a private conference of the tov-ns in Ireland, Walertord oxi>erienc«.-.-d da' and the wind rose oonuwria*, it «'O3 behalf of tfie people. Whatever differ- this sacred ¦ Watchmaker ¦ and the other directors present wert Lord ¦ ¦ ¦&¦ Jeweller. ing gobd dash and peeraed determined edifico lio scene of more impressive cero- til midnight travelling in Um streets tempt to put Conscription in force lin _ I : ¦ " i ' - ! ; - ' " . " " • : to;winj;but Dilngarvah werej not to allow Ireland. "1 take the opportunity," he Templemore, Mr. Frank Phelan, arid Mr. ! • . .; . . . .Ti ¦!. . .1! : ' > monies. The church -was still draped wa« i poiitvvely dangerou*. ttlales ana Wra. Poole (managing director). the Old Borough to suffer irt^lieir hands, in mourning garb. | Eight meinbers of ch: nney p.)ta were flyjig about uvi-ry- ¦added , " to repeat that assertion to-day; ¦ [I sod Lisinore tactics -wjere unavailing they and I am particularlyanxiou u to make! it The shareholders present were. ! [Alder- NATIVE T1MBEH the 'Hierarchy attended, whilst the wh ire, and' oeinent and pu u»usnpjg.1e>l m man Wm. J: Smith, Messrs. John Hearoe, SUDDEN DEATH IN THE could I not get the ball through and it cathering of clergy (was very large. lir( ;e Jumps froau many of the house-s. clear that We are not seeking to make Wm, ¦ wis equally so with |Dungarvan and so any bargain for i^ie exemption ot Ireland T.C. ; Chapman, R. T. Poolc'.lAlfred ; ¦ ¦ 'Directors 'of «he 1 nough eouie dis;nci« win- immune IV«»l,a« k P.i,fi!n« An<4 f l XI U^llto i ¦ i 'CITY -i THE 'Great S<-olhem ended! la most exciting match, Dungar- THE PANEGYRIC] from conscription . We ere opposed \u> . and West-ernf Railwaf The Panegyric was preachod by tJuj from t.heeffecUs of ihi' e-torni in the seust Mr. John C, Ferguson, secretary, invite offers van being weL satisfied to gain a;draw tha . oniy slates fell here aud them.-, vlliere conscription in any part of Great Britain- was of Scotch Fir and Black Spruce Sleepers. ¦with id; renow.ied a tfeam as that of the Most Rev. Dr. Kelly, Bishop of Boss. or Ireland, and we are prepared to aid also io attendance., 8' II" x 10" x ' Lasting tor about half an hour it was were lu-avily hit, tne Quay in general 6'\ and a few 8' 11" x V, ' x Lismo'nie Jadi<3. A return match is to suflerins very much, and the bridgivnd the British democracy to the utmost of ! THE INQUEST 4i" ; also of Logs to cut 10" x 5"; Sleep>r». be played in ¦ Jie near future. The field an eloquen t and impressive discourse. our power I in roaisung this Prussian DIRECTOR'8 REPORT. Particulars may be obtained Dr. Kelly is on exceptionally fine speak- in h>an:cul«r. . Here uie wind blowing 1 of !the Coo -was ih||good widition, and all things dovfn the valley oi ilw river tound full system , which the enemies ol freedom in The notice convening the faeeling hav- ': " 1 j ~i * pany's Storekeeper(at the General Stort», went on satisfactorily i er, fluent -with a fine deliver?. Never at •Great Britain are endeavouring by, Ui<> ing" been read by the secretary, Uie'Report Xnchicore, Dublin. 1 . : . ' veit , and so great was its -ioreo that Dr. G. I; Mackesy, It i • I _ fram» ol the latter beini? eteo assertion that compulsion -would be ap- The Trading amounts to £2,112 17*; Ud., jthe -death of - .- . . ASYLUM.. ! I: I - - of his birth up to the date of ihis death. plied to any! section of the English !pcp- to whichhave to be added dividends from Patrick Moloney. a. septuagenarian , whidi stretciea too for, as ft -would appear to He paid A tribute to]hU work as an edu- wre iched away. The large plate-glass occurred suddenly ; yesterday ¦ ple until too House of Common* I had investments £3 13s.', and trawifer;fees 15s, morning at ¦ VAT PI68 FOB ¦ SALE. bo tho ease inlthe supplying of an artifi- win low in HigBins' grocery establishment the residence- ' . • ¦ - . - - . . | ii=£—i cationalist, a temperance advocate, and «>n«idorpd tfin question and decided it. making a total of £2.117 5e. ltd. : Th« ex- of hia daughter, Monnt . . . .|j ): i . cial limb to a suffering;patient in I ihis especially aa « distinguishedprelate. was also blown in, whiLa the Toofs ot Sion, Avenue, i . ' . ; - . ¦ ¦ . • • rnENDERS district!' The man who ;has iloet ajJeg— Cou minb' licented prcmiee,* Moseleys', From my knowledge of the etate of Reel- penditure amounts to £1,787.3». lOd.'J lear- | are invited for; the i'urdune irig a balance of profit ' ' X. of 6 Fat Pfgs whifb may be a; grievance sorely painful enoughj—waa the jewellers, Shalloo's the tobacconista, ing in the House of Commons, and'ntill for the year of Sergeant Baldwin repxesen seen on THE I MOST REV. DK. KEMvY. ' more omongBt the working men of Eng- £350 2a. Id. After adding £196 lSe. -fd. ' ed the Con- application to the jlytind Steward st (b« cranted] an artificial limb by the Guard* and McCarthys .Dye Works were proc- ' jBtabulary. , • i , - . A.«yl pet ny wUe business. The lego, later on Vice-President, and finally tree! were stripped of some of their have not obtained effective Ihelp from' the regret the death of their esteemed col- gave him breakfast, and while taking it President. He was elected Bishop of Jargo^st Irish Nationalists, and I am glad to b'o league she noticed ! that fTI FiVDERSare ihvitell for ihe 3o»py guardiajiB have Bent on the request again Oimba, whiJat one waa completely , Mr. Jamee J. Phelan, theII late -he was eating siowjv. : X ' . of ¦> ¦[. . that the £10 leg he given, and perhaps Ross in 1897. Like the late Most Rev. uprooted. In the Park tho WWB suffered ablo to cay that during the last ten Chairman of the company. Mr. Phelun and oh remarking this;to! him tho followiriit:4 . ' \. " l years they i he said ! : •« cwt. WHITE SUGAR. ! i : . • ' I wh«n. ijh«-y u nderstand the case' the Dr. Sheehan, Dr. 'Kelly is an authority similarly, and at the 'further end one fell rj ave endeavoured to reipay joined the Board shortly after the incor- it was. veryj cold.! Immediately after ¦ ; ; : on education, and { many 'letters and us. But whatever may be the result in joration breakfast ' 3 cwt. 6OFT 8UGAH. - .i |-i | ! Local Govemra ?nt Hoard may bend' and blocking the Nmvtown Road in the of the company in liWT,. and hi3 he] got 1111 *nd ciiosded Uie kit- Tenders .give in Uo the fishes of the guardians. pamphlets on educational topics have vicin ity of Jlessra Craves. A* traffic England, and I feel confident that there judgment and advice havd been much, ap- chen .floor, ond ! fell into h'er amis. She to reach this office not IaW» been published by -him. He is also ¦will bo M conseriplion, in Ireland the ; than 10 o'clock a.m. [on Tuesday,the much woul 1 nave been impu*>ibl<> had tAiis ob- preciated. Mr. Frank Phelan hasjiwen screamed , and a woman named Mr?. Xov 30t& interested in agriculture, and has been strudtiou remained Corporation situation is outside the limit* of con- co-opted a Bowe came to her assifltanei. ., 1515. Orders placed ijnjnjodlatet* employee* director to fill the vacancy thus Illcr father on the TCceptance W ; , A COMAUBSIO! <. T a member of the Agricultural Board for were at work ail the night in clearing troversy "I i created. • .il . . Beemed to her to be in his uwial health, tehderj I , i A report current here that Mr. Ireland since 1900. j He served on the Opinions differed in Ireland, 10 *^*- £ASJ?Y i* the rioad. Ano-ther tree fell in Cathedral said -Mr. Mr. H. Oliver Broomhead his only, complaint being thit tit westh«r A. »ylotn. ^JP . Clerk. Eddie Kerning ha* succeeded in getting WB Dillon, , the ^ retiring Office¦, lSUi 5fov., 1915. Eoy*i C6mmi««io» «oi Poor 1» and SquaVe just outaide the Deanery, whilst as ti tho causes which led to Kf os very cold: On,her faUief's collarKe • ¦ ' ¦ ' director, being eligible, offers himself for ! - -I'.;- !¦ !¦)• • • a commission i i tihe army. He gatj his the Relief of Distress' 1906-1009 the <}ollapse of a , HJie outbreak! of war, bat whatever the Boe anonce sent lor u_ . 1 - tree in Metsrb B. F«n- re-election. : || tne prieat and doe- papers-;on W«d )eBday. l He is a popular ! Tho Most Rev. Dr{ Kelly, Bishop oi utfcsj 'a seedmen's nursery caused «xt«n- causes-were the fate, of Ireland w.» now lor. The priest was the'first that came, ¦ young man of g The auditors. Messrs. H. Ti. Brandon : . • . 'j - I j >od and respected family Ross, and the Most (Rev. Dr. Coholan , sivp damage as in its fall it- wrecked inextricably Jbound up with that of and Co., »nd before his arrival her father w»y I and wtc eJy kne wn. His many friends Auxiliary- Bishop ol Cork, arrived ir> the Great -Britain. " If .Oermany were lo chartered accountants, | joffcr lead. -[He be! 72 glass houses, cU- themselves for re-election. - ' i w^uld aged abotit ittus. TO EGG PACKERS- wish him -well And trust all shall be well city overnight and stayed, the former (tt Th i iManor 'like the Mall, was only win in thii Tvar ," ho Continued, " we are • 1 r ' 1 « •with hii: i in hi.i -fuluxd career which is the 'Franciscan Presbytery, and- tha -lat- tligh ly aSect^d, but BttUyttpckdi Wuflci- told by. some ot Ihelr chumpions in this The Deputy Coroner, on hU own and sure to be in oeping )with his superior ter' at 'the Cathedra] (Presbytery. Aiier country that their first care would bo to ie jury's behalf expressed sympathy ABMY CONTRACTpiR^ ed severely, though there was no instance :; And intellectual qualities:' the ceremony . the Bishops and p'ei-ts of any outstanding, damage beinjr.done, petAAt IrelandTrdljiTirf Ifr reeAA andA-nd -to-trt startflLa-rt. her onrtn a& CHAIRMAN'S SPEECH. ; with Uie witness in her bereavement. ¦ i' were entertained to luncheon ot tho Con- In fygh-street and the neighbourhood career ' as an independent nation. No- AND OTHERS. i 1 tn The :next witness ' was Mrs : ¦' . . ¦ ¦ " vent of Mercy, Philip-street. tnetho I'ittilfectsnMa wereWAT/> connnea/v\nf1ni^ to jailingfArlinfr -sia«lnftpens, thing could i>]e more absurd. One of th* The Chairman, in moving the adoption Margaret - ' _JLl ¦] : [ , [. - .• : . ; T.HB FJ IR. ] striking characteristics of Prussia b Bowe, who stated-that she lived at & Mon- The fair this ireek -was not as plenti- and I ho tamo may be 6aid of all the of the report of the directors, said |that astery street: : While T can offer clean and bright IRISH-MADE CANDLABBA. streets opening on to Broad-street this—that in th<» whole court;? -M liex last year passing through 6t%, Wh«*^ fully supplied vith stock as on former , they had iu the chair t Rentlft- aount'iSion Avenue about jil To' X »sd Bye Btrsw specially, selected tbr Mich tel-Btreet, and John-eireet. history, rrom the time when Uie Elector man better' able to perform thft duties ap- colck on ! " fsiro of: (lie sam month, but there Monday morning .she Egg Packing. - - . :¦ .! ;¦ i :¦ i > ^as IThe latest addition]to th6 Dominican of Brandenbtjrg heard screaniingpro- ¦ ¦' ' Portion of the brick surrounding the became King down to; pertaining thereto than he was, jjbut he I \ ' ' good demand, ar d anything in condition Church of St. Saviour's in the way of ' :eeding .from the house of | tii'c last wit- ^m~- —~+ \ ' 1 groun ds attached to Mr. Torrie'e resid- ttie i present houT, the Prussians havxi would, with their assistance, endeavoiir to less. 1 8old| well- Ther i was a good supply of church furniture is ai beautiful end ar- never 6et, a-ny Inatton free, " She ran ' in and saw Mrs. Doyle Write for Prices free on Steamer, 6hpeorance at 3 o'clock. Tho Dub- •weight of our «hare oi -the huge in-| and that left Uie total euro at credit of nmutes . .- •, LIVERPOOL. J - i .-; churches in the earlyldoys of the Irish Heiinnv whidh would b« exacted from after her entry into tHe house. Repair*:are going on! «U round the PAVI vni 1 lin pa pers which come by this train were profit and loss account £548 ITe. 8d: He ' town. Ladders tie brought by the the Allies and Irelaiid -would inevitably! thought that was very creditable consider-J Dr. Vincent J. White deposcH • seenl up to the eaves . Great Southern and 1 .—Whilst of many bouse** and others are -waiting MONTHLY PROCESSION. Weste rn Railway and arrived in the city be reduced tlo a, , -wotse. condition; of| ing the times they were passing through. onducting ray dispensary on iMonday a jatientry until tl e tradesmen is ready! to Sunday next being jthe third Sunday about 11 nVrfock. poverty than that from which the Land; Reviewing the items in the accounts:he messenger infbrmed me that an '; elderly Extensive come to 3Ut on »me of the alates. that of) the month, the usual monthly proce.v The latter hne "waa arno affected but League rescued her; forty years a?o. I said that the wages wero up £21 15s.j 6d. wan bad died suddenly aij Mount Sion : " Purcha- ^' have been blown away. Those who ihad not -u the same cstcut em,:therefore,! Btrongly of opinion that aa compared with last year, This' in- Avenue., I have seen and examined de- I :V ;OT. |.. . ' 1li ; - : .! | | | eion of the BUe&scd Sacrament will take Tli« ordinary I ' Igteenhoudes any way exposed suffered place in St Saviour's Domonican Church trains were1 all Eom?what dek yed Jasi our interests, ai well aa our pledged| crease, was accounted for by tlio extra ceased. TJiera weft; no «igns 6t external | greatly ai all ttw gJats ihad been blown on that evening after the Rosary, night ind this morning. The express did honour, bind jus t/> stand by the Allies, demands of labour. Coal bad qUo! in- JPJury. I Fromi what I have Iseen and which in thia waT to heard Government Goods I ftway. Wihat to c o with {the blown down co'muiences at 7.15 o'clock. All the men not leave until 6.15 this rooming, and th0 the very utmost of our. creased by over £200. Salaries and | tho . J; am of opinion that Healh wa» lwes . is A ; ouzzlc.: Some say sell by boat ¦(rom RosBlare 'hud only just arrived ability, and t!o bear, cheerfully our fair rest of the items remained very, much < ue to syncope caused by senile!decay and REAL ARMY olithc Blessed SaCTament Confraternity } BLUCHERS, I!bi 6d. PBft auction arid let t le people have a etoclc will take port. I at 2

effort t»> umke tlu.- lot of strange boats P frato gaiety, | unable, at the same time " badly had." purpose of organising sideratty hastened. coming in. Withlre- PAWKBROKER AND I JEWELLER : " ; aSeale of work and fixture the succcm il -was: The judges. gard to towage, he might mention that 1a kj eep Jjromi tiuu tfaccp A look of i<5 BALLYBRICKBN ! - '' j ^ a lottery, together with a number of at- AT 8EA. Messrs W O'Neill and h lunting fear,1 , ^ATERFOBp. - J Welslio. perform- there was a claim made by the company as though Ifemesk ihad i tractions, musical and other features, to Eigh ; vessels were driven ashore at ed their duties in a niMt iinpartial man- upon a foreign company 6j t unbidden at their feast; and you will STORES AND SHOW BQOM.l -M raise funds for a reduction of Rossiai e. They included for a consider' TOWN TENANTS' LEAGUE the .build- three schooners ner. an<^ Uieir docikicu.-. in.- ., n jih gene- able amount for the towage OK» » good j de*i of : this csrticn 1 BALLYBBICKENT; ing; debt. It Ihns been] and foi r Brixham and salvage ii :. :i I i: decided to hold trawlers. All the crews ral approval. of a steamer called the " Belleford.j' The *i owiqg the Kaiser presiding a; a round j Dungar ran Branch j tho sale of work, etc., on the 8th end -were j^acupd. The Committee wae as fallows —Meters caso was yet undecided fa ble) conference1 consisting 9th] December. Already' , but there' were of poor old ¦ ' a very large num. SHIPWRECKED CREW IN J. Doyle. Chairman; J. Gough. P. H»T- hopes ot a favourable decision. At the *' ranci» I Jusenti. ii\e CroWn Prince, A meeting of. 4e DuJgarvan Branch ber, ol contributions m\ goods and cash ris. T. Power,| T. Stone, J. Stone same time, they B srnstoff , Bettimann ¦¦ •pi the Town Tenants' League havo been received for WATERFORD. . R. all know that the law : Hollweg, Hinden- ¦¦ ¦ \ was held the event, and Rockett, W. 'OTNefU. J. WaUbe, and J. is a fine bird with fine plumago and car- biirg, Sven Hediu. ttie|SuItah Mahomet. : i; i : ; \'- \y ' in the Ton-n 'Hall Ion. Tuesday night lael everything gives hope that it will be a Lloy< 's agent at Waterford reports that w' vnberry, honl sec; ¦ ried a big bill and KlngTtrdle, Count fi Mr. Jj A. Jfonch , President ereat suewga. waa very uncertain!at Zeppelin J Tirry .and , occupied the tliree memberB of the crew of tho Detail:—JOOpfards Handicap— W. Gol- : times. Out of .the £546 odd profit* jftince Henrv of Prussia. The Almanack SALE ruii- ithinffelso. a fine profit was shown wakjh,, op >rt. including- hunting.- racih?, clotlics,. household Power, iL|| F. Ly acb, VIS... etc, ! . I evening was ner-up at 5ft ~ foot- Mr, -anchored .off the shore, but 2in». . (he thought, was most creditable to the ba 11, tennis, ctickct, shooting, goVI ("Prus- article, etc., can bo I I Michael - H« <»ett, Hon. Sec., was ' during the gale dragged her anchor, run- Pultin? 231W.-rR. Hock^t > PorMaw, company,and for -which su nised Gojf |gcnt to Ihe Court <&1BO. iiv,-oittood*K « . I I L . they- ouglrt to feel " is perhaps Uie'geAi of thi* ning 8i hore «t-5 p.m. From that hour 1st; :W. Gallagher. WateTfoVe1 2nd. thankful. He then proposed the adoption series), etc. The section HOUM to care of MrJ .jFljrnn '^to 6BIBVA«0B RULED OUT. until 3 (a.ihi thfr orew was * ¦ devoted to th- , u 19H> I "Km | Seergtary exposed to tha Rockert put thb weight 30ft,. and Gal- pf tho directors' report..,: - - ' ; | humonrsjof War Economies . prdvides a .Voremberi and skid that Mr.| Michael | Social ano personal fuir fury of tKe'8tohn, as help could not ¦logher 6ft. 3ii*L less. . Lord Templcmorc seconded he ilthy satire wUlij griitefiillj-; received.. Keating had brought a grievance before reach ttem I ttio motioh , , nrhilstl the cxpreksion \>n until the storm abated , when •140 Ysrda (Cotifincd>i-M. Hogan. Port- and, in doing so, expressed hid deep . re- th: Tommy's face in Mr. Grahini the Committee It was -with regard to A Detective M'Namara and law, eim- PIONEER letter pe hall some other? put 1st; J. Power, do., '2nd. gret at Uie loss of their late Chairman. njon» internment! plctureiis a joy f.>r TOTAi ! ABSTiNKNCrT xeceiVed from his .landlady. yesterday out to their rescue in a hnat Raising and StHkfng Hurilng Bali— Mr. J< J. Phelan, ev^r. Inset in is ASSOCIATION-fooUXT «ppearedj|that r a succesBfullsaleof work for and testified to the j fliel' Almanaek u HOX ¦ If Keating ihad done the W. McDonnell. Emil , 1st: great care and constant - ! . CENTRE. ¦ - some improrementtys to. ihis i funds o! the Carrick 'Mothers' and Frida; r evening's storm broke over J. Ward , PiJ- watchfulness that epfcimenj of aniiigue of " PuhcH" as H |(: ; : house on the Babies' Club was held Yougha and the harbour inwn 'Qnd. Tl A;wlnn«r n /^lefnn^o wna he gave to the affairs of the company. wo ild appear if it had.beeri Square and evidenjtly approached his at Cerrick Castle with almost a 87 yards, and The report refiW «nd ALL Membfir8 ; ' landlady bri the which the Marchioness of Ormonde kind- record ssverity, lasting all night, nnd do- trie second man's 2U ya-rdp. was adopted. 1 passed- by Uie German! Censor !' to beof above CentTR KTP -- mktter ol ihis being rei- ly placed r ing a lo, of I/mg Jump (O'penHJ. Hasfelt j Mr. F. Phelan tendered man and or Ger- -^X quested present cou'pe ;d(or| his expenditure. at the disposal of the club com- damage. Owing to the direc- , CUmea, to thn Chair- I neutral consumption, rt is air »I».»s Mt ; 8, o'clock- She wroU1 mittee for the occasion, tion of he gale, about 1st; W. GaUaghei; Waterford, 2nd. Dis- man and Lord Templcmore his thanks for excellent piece and General .Cdmniijnion ! in the back to him and he( aetter was very much j A very gratify- N.E.. itn full force their of | fooling, the metamor- Cathedral on ' ' Uko what « ing measure ol support waa extended was lelt hero, and tow houses escaped in- tances—20It 4ins. and .WH.. Riw. re- kind references to bis father. I I Se < ver ein wpecWIy next Sunday |Moming, 21st ilandloM -would -write. Tb> the sale, to jury. spectively. | : ', DIVIDEND Buin.X ^i? , ^ ,? " rioru" m*t. for nepose of Cjommittee: bad thi letter before, and a substantial sum towards A yacht belonging to Mr. C. H. DECLARED. I Wilhelm purely Wwuld have been Mo,t the soul ofi the 1st* thteni the cost, of .carrying on. Stanley was. blown away 220 Yards (Odcn>-W.. Kefly. Port-'aw 1 Lord Templemore proposed that a divid- amwn with a ¦ 1 Revd. Dr. R. A Sheehan. i - ¦ ¦ j W-nigh'fonc j went iiito It very oarefuUyl the good work of to sen , but it is . end at Fool's Chp ¦ on Ji|» Im- Keferyed the club waa realised. Iij runiourea she was picked up by a j-atrol t#t; J. i Lannon. do., 2nd. the rate of 5 per cent, per annum Fwia] head ! : i- , .'¦ .v aocommpdatitin i in : lh» and In! view of the iacte of the caec they, we gave a recentissue S61bs {with free of income tax be oansiderod jthat Iliey could do details" of the founding o£ ttie boat off 4he coast. One of tho ferry boats follow)—B. Bockett. Port- declared , payable nothing in dubift little over a year has also] disappeared. law, 1st; D. Power, Darrigle, 2nd. Die- on the 17th Novr. to tbv> riiareholdere oil me matter , jecausBJ »h© had the l«w ori ago by Lady Eva The motor boat Uie books aer Wyndham Qum, Castletown, and Express," belonging to Messrs tances—25ft 7in«. And 24ft. lin re- of the company «us on the 10th si-Jl' Power, Church- Mr. Frank Phelan seconded. ¦withont oonsultrng Eer aid letting hei! assisted at the s steam launcix was The know sale,) and were greatly pleased with Benou8lj damaged in dock. The town, 1st ; R. Lacey, Earristown, 2nd ;'J. resolution passed. Waited i |«rf ihia mtei tion ti carry tihenv the 5111W flair TT ruins nt Tknh.J o. unusu- llXPOSTERfused cut A tenant warm appreciation of its good work'which Au J J^_(J Watohe, Churchtcivn.. 3rd. g to lacIdL u-..^ : nc5ular-Suppli«gof * had no light to Improve' the generous have LABOR YhT HENS his hoiiso , for the Lord) Roberts in ked._The hands were rescued courts were ' i meeting. We will ssk the France was com- by hfebo it. The «teamcr heldj the majority of them JMr. J. Hearae proposed the r-clection Thi; Shannon ' - press -not to memorated by a special | '• Emlyn," of being in connection with tkc of! Messrs. " ;0. P. Cohiiany, fiu.ronrtrand {j abliah it. ; I: . i • I " j memorial ner- Bristol , t roke her raoorings estate of H. B. Brandon and Co., char Street, ¦ ¦\Vat«rford I ' ; l«n Saturday at St. Margaret and drifted Mr. Henry P. Choarnley. The tenants of terod accountants, as 31 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^ Tha 8ecreia.ry [Wen re^l the OettOT Church™* , 's close to ihe ,«Thora "; the auditor*, and 4hd . Hcnr* StJllmrrfcic ___!¦ ]:y-" jrtiich . -»» Westminster. The (King and in steamers tho estate concerned were:—LIsmore dis- motion passed unanimously. . hv-i . ; from ! Jtfadarae Fages, Mr • D.. ,0,r'!iL8e ^el'o. " Carthese," .md trict: Eeatlng'0 iftBdusdy.] ofi you- 4 Kitchener, and the '• Holbe ' Wood," James Walsh, John O'Keeffe. Jaa. [any j the§ Stt?War Office were' ^^ of Hull , were Mown Kioly. Edmund rJugcntv THANK8. . Ohairman-^^Voufd |care to numbcT represented. A on Goodv -ick Beach, the " Michael Brien, d. wounded- soldicra flUbsefllH*r Dinorwise" Maurice Daniels, IPatk. Mttlcahy. Dun- Chairman make a pronouscement upon it now? motor camo in a flv flnnfinr* nn,l —Aii: bhe tendered hia thanks to Mr; beoH by provied by Udy Robert*. a jtarvan 'district: John Morrissoy. James the meeting for hiB XettUne^iis caupbt the fact Irish | Guards The. three-misted barque sighted dismantled Power reflection. He said' otjhia Dot haying .and Royal iVrtiilery -were off Struml ile Head , ThoMafi AVatl, -John Wall. Patk. that h« had always. Uken a great ! consulted .'the lady, and among the regiments went to pieces on the Sheehan ' interest NOTICE..; - ! consequently ,ht. " represented. ' The rocks,, ami , Wm. Brazil, Edmoiid- ;Fraher, inj the comp«ny; and that the 1 . 1 . i . ! j | is ( ruled out of court congregation included 8ir|Ian the crcw. aro believed Jo»t. Thomas MorrissDyl Thom«» little-bout The letter 1*1 a * vcm imnui^nt and In. and Hamilton Cross-chaAnel vessels, airivinc nieesorl. Ptk. 10 Wate ord and AwIJlO to tbe ' 6U3tmg Lady Hamilton. Ear! and Countesg parting and ie- Barren. IThos. Barren. Jas. T. Cnllfn&nn •¦ ¦SSAl^f " the Mrlooi llWuof th Cftlef , ona, And the ihing U can -vre do Kerry, Lord , Charlw twelvo hours late, rerortcd gtn»!a U Jir •nything in tho -way of B*re*lord, Mt menuous 'veather eulxM.. Haubra Morrlsscy, Patrick ; ' Alderman Smith, on behoif of the ishare. Jf- : MJey. ¦ teaching her¦ boU Henry Chaplin M.P; Mr».|T0S Power, and John McCarthy. In holders, "if Wlihed imslaeM : of WME8- tertmanneiw. \\\. - | • : )• ' . ' • • eph Cham! most of . expressed the sense of Uieir grati- MOStBYvnctiv A| ¦ ¦ ber.'ain , Mrs. Austen Chamberlain THE these eases bothjibe ; tenant and landlord tude for the 8ON8, »1IJ be dKeontfnM on iStr • Micha'ol Po*W—That 1» not ' a ¦Desmond -Fitzgerald . Lord STO tM. way that tho directors, and 8*tura»y, ' question ior Ilie . Lord | Do Veaci'and A corres appealed. Other dppoalR were:-—I.ismore especially the . Managing "5 7a°t? tbe 41b day nl l>;t om- meo Ing. We can't teach V»«ourttes8 <3o6ch;n. Th»r<» . pondent infornm IH tliat nn district: Landlords! Mrs. director el Uie H 'l. r,w» thebe I mosnwlille tern a iesaoTJpnl tenants . WJIS also Friday nij ht v.*ile the " Helm C. Heaton company, had looked after their T sol t. Hie StoCK- allowed their ;* lyge attendance of the I public. still bl« wind " waa Thomas land another; tenant, Patrick duNne the year Interest* 'J; ^DE m d a lertnotuin of property to:relapse into absolute!decay, ;servic« wax cond" The rugm r, a meteorio visitor made Cns<>y; . , end also for Uie very 30 to 12s per qltalrman—;i uct«il by Canon Car. anpearanc- . a ita landlord¦¦ , Duke of Devonehfre: . gratifying ' result attained, cro». ;on marked prlcfk * Aw s therb anyUiinjr we can nesrlfl. . little after cloven p.m. tenant. Jus. Preddergast. as jhown Z 08tojneri Davlnjr artfcles In (be eon, do to too 'lady'? [ i j ' When our correspondent saw Dun(ran-«n «iof Firm dy Of the motoor distHct: jLandladyj Mrs.. Geruldino Fur- ».« renncst.a to remove n ne bv Mr. ¦ Murphy-la die married (laugh- r " J S croeBin? •t"9 zcnith . nnd WM lonsr; MeaHjr«ilit« , t«)i . . ( T i n¦ ¦ visiblevi.Tw Vfor several' tenants, 'Andrew Guiry and Hanora 8s pi>ulhl«.: ! .' . Ti ) Tho foltbwing special seconds, careering Nucent. j Waterford : u»lea tbl* ZrO d»y pt Sov«m»ii>r. i Spcrefary-ahe evidently la appointment is ?l°n? tow "}, the west. It No. 1 District : Ijind- any dividend this year, snd if ti when dhe gazetted --Graded for purpose* of pay ¦ must have lords, the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses would not I. THOBNTOM i HON. ' i signs her hericM Madame. | . , »s a General «.?! .* br IUan Bpeclmrn .- u*. f n "pifo of B W lull faid if the dlr Stnd \J> ' Staff Officer. 3rd grade— heavy? murItJ Watflrford ; tenant, Mr.. John Murphyj S5toriT fjthougfltK5Si.. it» iL. 7 «> ¦ ¦ CstbedralSqasre . :W»t* might be , ' - Suffolk Veomanrjr, Territorial 8 uf and anothejr. Waterford . No. 2 ! Mr. Wm. Poole thanied oMej-to.overrule her (Uuthter). Foroe thnV H»2 2f- 'P .oorw^Pondent . adds piBlrict:;Landlord,[ CharIc8 tie meeting ' Mr. OBiennoci—WiW - jrtidjM do you h 8COn . . Ambrose: r th8 ati> nightiii^ dj ™f t? **•" frequently tenant, Andrew- power. District'of Ida: 1SHwiti whichM £i kfcd «3«k? mSe -owol lo xDUlrind thatI you w^uld wish to •••••• ' . iHng: the past few Wcdw. bis nsm» had been coupled. COtTAOEJ FUKNITXJBE.-Oood ;, ia alw Bta ed that U Landlord*, Mie» Martha R.' Por e and 0 6 - 'ncepUon Jbs Llue tie Wm to hei-f Oaughter). - • • rBMH LIFE^-The Hi the gale wo* accom- ahother; ;tenant, Martin i ^-i !, of the company hi in Ql&u Cuea, Oieeto of Drawer^, WAtKBJOBrju.priatej^j pUllihjaij The action of the Committee gh-class Irish d nsh«»°f "ghtainp. Henn ^e^InB coull. \ 't&. was ap- Pictoriil, Best for 8ocial and Sfuf *? , No dou^bt. procoodingf were ot the usual flrf PJL* for stand*, Dreising' 1 proved o!, and the matter coded. Sport- le: l li&&38 J« an tmintcrest- theJ furtbeTane* of it, ancf TaMes, Dresser* and .FpRp.NBWa M XM ) ng N«we ud Pictoiw. disturbediuf./ k2i } indication of Ing nature, and tho < lecisions wUl be given i» long as oe would do U U Printing; Bod* ¦ a tmosphcric condltioM. *p he waa connected wlflj ft. Presses.—Walter Walsh and Son«i Wsf«r- binding *nd Mschiw Bollsi: EstsiMb- ¦ ' ' ! ! Tho suetins then ended.- • — ' :¦ r-llf¦"' " fort. . ' i !- •/ " : ¦ ' ' ' ' ' > ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ' . . ' • r ." I -' " ' ' . A - I L I ii' S .