I Ifjv¥Au-\Suf Fi

I Ifjv¥Au-\Suf Fi

LrJJ L« H LAST EblTlfr; ^M ^M , I ' ' ' ¦' ' *^*r VOL. LXiy ' ¦ ; Nd! 3 101 K BEQIBTERED AT THE GENERAL PU if "»"!? : i! In - NOVEMBER 19 ivld* POST OFFIOE AS A NEWSPAPER. X jXjXjS* U tiN'k PENNY Svrthj , JKarriagcjy eg I >aths. I prepaid |\,dveriisemej^ Kotels Shipping! 6jm^ttni . Births, Marriages, and Deaths I digged (or PREPAID ADVERTISEMENT EMPLOYMENT VYANTtO 2&. 6d. five lines. I Every additional | M(SCE1XAN2OUS line 6d. : • i : ! ¦• OCALK I (Contd.) || i " I WEEKLY NEWS. Situation required ) — "" ¦ for Genofal LMM ; TT^fTT- T~ I I: . ; 12 WOBDB FOUR CGpRTS Clyde I «d. per insertion A used to horses; good gardener; 17 /^HBISTMAS me/ti TCDS—^Printed, '.K- Shipping Company, MARRIAGE i »O .1 Od. ..] years present situation ; over military- \J signed, *£&Muia in; Ireland. Greet- BEST and CHEAPEST ROUTE for Cargo end Live Stock to and from al^pt^rte «i »• A Od. J „ age. Apply Bigg, Clooneen, Nc rtoWn. ings in Irish'aau Engluih. Beautiful De- HOTEL, WILSOH. AXP McKENNA—On ljfh iiist. signs. Printed ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, andKdRTH OF IBEIiAND, DUBLIN. «nd CORK. vith your same and ad- INN'S QUAY DUBLIN. at the Cathedral , by Revd. Wml Flynn, se ,1 1». od. .. M dresa. from 3s. 6d^Ber down upwards, al ,j T. j. Wilson, Manager'; " Independent " 42 . 1s. 2d. ., WAKTED—Positon as workirU Gar- " The Waterford N5wa " Printing Worka. S-AHKiX AHD 00MMER0IAI,. *«a : 40 , I 18. 4d. „ dener. Apply 6198 this offide. O'Connell Street. ! INTENDED SAILINGS FBOM ! INTENDED SAILINGS TO ¦ el Jest ¦ ! : WATERFOBD. ' i ¦ Office , Waterford, to 3£ary.| • . -| i . II I j 4 100 Bedtoomi bom 2H pet Bight. I WATEBFOBD. • To LIVEBPOOL-Every ¦ Advertisements of all Public Corpora- 1 Monday. Wed- IT ¦ daughter of Mr. and:Mrs. McKer na, LADIES COFFEB ROOM. ¦ - I ' * ¦ " ) ' 1 WASTED-Joaition as Van Driver; nesav ana o»iara»y | i , . ; , : ' tiina, Begietry OfEcea, ) Auctions, Trade T\B. BLAUD'S Iron Tonic P11U ' cure (airect;. I SunimerhiU Terrace. j | Advertisements, and those ordered to be highly recommended. Apply 6199 XJ Anamia;- easily taken ,- 1- perfectly iRestaurant— Popular Price*. To GLASGOW—Every Mandar (direct). From I LIVERPOOL—Every Itanday th.is office. - tasteless. Every Wednesday (Tia - PJyroooth)- 'i Wednesday,and Friday (direct). .[-laced under'apecial (headings not, , in I ): • Bottles eontaining-lS do?en Is. Special Low Tariff ; far Boaroer accordancewith our regularclassification I Geo. White tod Sons. Ltd.; iCbemisto, *. To BRISTOL-Every Tuesday (direct). From¦ | GLASGOW—Every Monday ¦ and Wateiford. • . : • „ .: - . To CABDIFF—Ererr alternate Tuesday . .¦ • . Ihnrsdayjdirect) .. ' r/ '.j .. .. will be charged at 6d. per line. - Govern- "\70UNG Girl, experienced, J ah ' . BaaBMts ud Ctab Dlooeri catered (or • - •; ' PEATH8 , . : ; ment Advertisements if- per line. , »'!'• To LONDON-(e*i.a lhertoa DockJEwrjFnno;BW aTOIJp'E^eryi'thjiitBdBy. '" ' ' j . X hear of Vacancy in Grocery.cad.Bar. ' ^- ¦trbe additess'to nhien replies are.to-be ¦ ' ¦ ' : SontauunptooJ- .tad ,FrO»CABDIFF—Every altemal-t Ffiilay CBRIEN-This evening) Apply.€260 .this office. •• • . "¦- , .• -- .;<', ;• " '¦ "¦ " ' ' ; ' ¦ > -;;5 '^ ' ¦ ¦ '¦{' '' 'S^f?*^' t*''*- ; at ad o^&nied & it fa charged for in"every case.- Postage ' .. > " .; ¦J^Tf .i.W '; . -v .- From' LONDON (SW KatheriaO-' Artistip; PlefiiSW • Prajnings.' go. to " Poc*>-v; agejai the residence of his son; 25 South xo ramee wiping D9 WIUJ Auverosc- FB ; Q6od» «Jeo7mtiftcr& Londoa al] f -y K.rtfi itt' ut id»jf^<--'.>.i-^jJ' * "'r-"- ¦ ¦ sen* "yOUMG LADT, cood appeara ice, and Gcq. White £af SOne, Ltdj. Water- ).-. Stabhi^ Cpnc0tiei. b> I j ': u minte. i . •!' 'i ' ' ' i SailWgs Tik Liverpool¦ , Bristol, ; ind Good* eOso carried from Londaa-by Parade, Michael O'Brien, senr.^pro'r.'rie- [ X address, seeks engagement is Book- ford. ¦Pneea i toe, lowest ifonsUtpjts ' ¦ ¦ •¦ ¦ " - ' ¦ «U Replies to Advertisement addressed to ¦ ~ with Soothim ai ca, . •••> \ I }..,. j SaillnfU tor of , Model Bakery, " ', keeper,] Correspondence Clerk, Si ortjiand best workmahahlp."i. '• ' ' • \ y, - vialliveToolttnaBrioioi:v Waterford. nv steers at this office wjll be received and ' ¦ : To fLYMOUTH^ErtryW ednesdey (dir.) FromllDUBEm- ^(Direct) Erery, W J Writer and Typist Apply 6200 th -¦ r " ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ eda-* « office. — ¦: ¦ T*wbca, tU> .; . Di^ot,. To :-l- \ ' - '¦* ¦:¦- ¦•: ' *' ' ¦ Funeral at one o'clock pn. Sunday from handled with ithe. utmost care; but the . J: . Ul^f ti^ ., «)UXHAMPT0»i ¦ rEver7 SatnV^T <Ur . - :.. *p«i- :% ' (direct); .:,.- < • ' his late residence, for W tttrfortiNtw t, Limited, will not be'le- HORSES CHppM^.ind Trimmed by Wtowi i "Excel,' Bsblia.!': i ._ « p.m. From¦ ¦ f BELFAST-<Via Dublin) Every intern* In t ai St. sporislblel for delays or J omissions in this Jamea McCarthy,- To Dover—Every e»rard«y .„ 4 p.m. • . Tuesday ' - • : • Mary' ' ¦] Hore© Trainer, 7 '. ... 7 p.to. s; Ballygunner.—RJ.P.¦ ' j re pect; nor. will they entertain any claim Polebe^ rry. * To Belfast-Ererjr ' Thnrtdajr via ] Cork FromjCORK—Every Saturday (via BeJtsft I • ' ; |l I - I! MOUBKa. AC. FOR «AU ON ¦ for loss ib connection therewith. WANT IO - anil Dublin). ; • . PHELAN-rOn 9th inst., at his tssidence, ' Vheh riot Prepaid all Advertisements j To CorkHDlrect) EVety Thursday. 6 p.m. From .. I you :a Photogra COMPORT '% CONVBNianQEi Prymouth^Indireci Servfce, , Brownswiood, Portlaw, Michael Phel in. will be charged at a minimum of 6d. a HAVE ph of a friend ' ¦ ¦' ¦ To Dublin^-Eteiy Thursday via Cork and From Soulhamp on-rlndirect ServJce.;. ' liife. : ! 3 I who ia 'far «way?: P«rhap» you :: ,.;; .. •;• - CBIITAllfJ- ¦;./ . " : • Belfast ; •¦; : . : .,.. ^. Funeral look place to! I- TO LET—Lkenaed Premises,, M<|. 39. : . : ;_ ' : . , . ._. , pjn.. From pav er—Indirect 8ervioe. • , . ' Carri -kbeg on As tetters addressed to initials or to Barrack street. - Apply,'D. 1 runford would . like some really gooa «opl«B, or a J nicely' finished Enlargement. The 'Wlcklow' iUnd«folallth«tU^t Tuesday; interment taking pk co in he ChristianI or fictitious names I at « Post and Co!, Solicitors, Waterford. If >o, take word* convey. ' Blinding For Bates of'Freight and other information apply to.-— . - ¦ Office will not bo dealt -with,! but imme- » it to A H. Poole and Co./Photogr»rhers In th* tmsV aajoming graveyard offer 'Of3ce . ' and ' 34 Mall, . DM« centra of Dublin, th« Hotel il CLTDE SHIPPING CQ LTD.. diately sent to Dead Letter Offioe, Adver- Waterford. They are experts in ¦ .f CuitemH Houie Quay. ¦Waterioid. High' NEAR EVEBYWHERE ot lntomt lo " " ' ¦ * > ¦ !. " ¦ ¦ MaW on Wednesday.—BL IJP. \ II tisements I with each addresses will sot this branoh of tb« business, and «lw»ys Telegram ^- Cumhrae. • . I '. ., „ MORSK8, VCHICI.ee, HARNI98 obtain the beat possible resultat the Traveller. IU Ubb and rc«ct« | oefinaerted. i 4 be 1 &C ire w ' good ai trtlning, Telephones-General Offloe , Advertisements Must Authenticated ear*, «s4 204 (Glagglw, Belfast LondoJ), Gooda Offiee. « ^ knowledge can mak» UMUB.. ' (Liverpool, Bristol, Cardiff), Goods Office, 82. • WREATHS.—You get |'economjr land I py ruupe sou Aaaress oi oeqaer. TJWR SALE—A Good black Cart Horse. vi - Cash, original teatim ILLUSTRATED GUIDE to Waterford punctuality by sending your orders to 27- oniale| or other X Anply to 6189 this office. ! X The 1915 edition containsmuch WICKL&W \kO TEL 28 Barronslrand articles o£ value thould not Ix-ienrf oxd in new street. Large! stock I of matter. " Quite : remarkable value for WICKLOW BTBEET. | DUBLIR. Wreaths, fVosses, etc., from 5a. \o X6: I J. letlera addressed through an Office Nnm Sixpence," Biya'-Hho. Fruman' ber to Advertiser. ' ; ' lw t i Journal. T. MAHON, G. McCaoiy successor to W. Power. Tel©, I I "CWB1 SALE—W«teh.iPony , Truj , and Published by W#tojford News, Uaaacta CUNARD LINE grains:] McCaul Ainy Order to Withdraw or JBepest, or x " Ltd., _ AlERICAN-^IME , Ironmonger. Waterford. Harness. Arply, Griffiths, Ayoca and on sale at all . Newsagents¦ and Sta- Phone Knmberf 1858—18E> any Inquiry respecting k Prepaid Adver- Lodge. I I tion 'j.V J . , / ¦] '' '., il ; TO UNITED OTATBO.^ LIVI RPOOL TO : NBW tise roent Must be Accom>anied by « Copy _ ^ - . j YORK. ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ - . J. [_ ' - ¦ ¦ I : . - - II : II -Tf of '.he AdVertiaement. j ' ¦ LIVERPOOL j > TO >IEW yORK.j , ! (DIBECT)-EyEBT SATUBDAT. I By Replies to Advertisemiate are Kept (or "POB SALE—Marc. Trap, I arnew. OSCAiR,' Chiropodist, ' ORDUNA ' ¦ Three Weeks Only. I I MR8. » : gcotcl) , 8at., Nov. •» ! { '. , .: -:. ! iUiS. MAIL BTEAMEB8 . FOR THE LAUNDRY1 J X Apply Rigg, Clooneen, Kewtt wn. Quay. CkcUes and Gentlemen at- insurance ' ' ¦' ' ¦ • ¦' N.B.—Great Care is Tak n that CAMER0NIA, 8at.. Nov. W | Oolllnar - - ¦: i ! AdverUse- tended to at thetf - undetr tho Am*rt«b«n tywn Residences. ¦ ¦ ¦ menta Appear Correctly; but no lia- ' •SAXONIA, Got, Dee. 11 j . .; . i U; - mmm- - - ' • . ' b ility is | Undertaken jfor any Error or PHART0N for Sal*: reliable , ! lJij)rs<> .] .^- . ^K^Ail it iH i ! ?^ Omissloo in 'or of , «ilMer-n>ount«d Ftmoton; ¦ i econd- ¦ " tPANNONIA, Sat. Dec. 11 | ' Appl; r to Amerioan Line, Uvertjoo), »«lT any Advertieement; PRIVATE Xma«?GreeUng Cirils - fc m- ' ' ' ¦ ¦ a. id"the [Proprietors Eeservielthe Bight hand ; in perfect order; would 6Uit an! in- X ,, est Selection;(in Waterford;-twelve THE PATRIOTIC ' Cabin and Third Clesa passeagera only or to. \ [ • . • • . U i Omit or Alter any valid ; will be sold cheap. , Apply Waterford—Baxv ly and Bob, 11¦ Gls&staoe Advertisement co different books to» select from;ls&it ore .fSailo from IJoDdon, Cabin passengers

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