May 2020-ACWS Newsletter

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May 2020-ACWS Newsletter

The A.C.W.S. NEWSLETTER 2020 2nd Edition

ACWS Ltd PO Box 270 Washington, Tyne & Wear NE37 9BX

Eastnor Castle 2000

ACWS is a Member of

Issue 196 A.C.W.S. CONTACTS - Directors & Army Commanders Chairperson Secretary Mrs. Helen Mrs. Linda Reed Gibson

Treasurer Health & Safety Mr. Ian Morris Dr. Frank Mair

Membership Webmaster Miss Claire Morris Mr. Mike Bussey

Marketing Communications Mr. Roger Mr. Stephen Willison-Gray Griffin

Events Mrs. Marie Mitchell

Confederate Federal Commander Commander Mr. Glenn Gibson Mr. Tim Davies

Page 1 Reports Chairperson Report To be honest it has been very Hi all, we have had a difficult time quiet for my first beating the invisible enemy this year as year and we have either twiddling chairperson but our thumbs or hitting them whilst being on the doing D.I.Y.. board still keeps me involved in I am so proud of you all for keeping the smooth running of our society. everyone's spirits up during these last uncertain months,pictures of you A Big Thank You to all of the board in kit, spot the differences, recognise members for your amazing the Murton hut and many more have dedication to our cause. To you all, kept us all amused whilst our hobby keep happy, healthy and safe and has been postponed. see you at the agm in December if not before. Helen Gibson Chair ACWS. Events Report Marbury Merry Days, Worcester At the moment we potentially still Living History have 2 events taking place this year. Show (Spetchley) Skegness on 4th July weekend has and Bedford now been officially cancelled. R i v e r s i d e Festival have Whitby War Weekend (August Bank unfortunately Holiday) is currently going ahead cancelled their events, but have according to the organisers, unless given dates for 2021, so we will the government restrictions are hopefully be in attendance next year. extended. I will be keeping in communication The event in September in with all the event organisers, and association with Murton is still a update you with any further changes possibility if restrictions are lifted, for this year, as well as trying to build even if we cannot hold it as a public a healthy calendar of events for event it may be possible to have an 2021. end of season get together. Take care everyone and stay safe

Page 2 Health & Safety Report look forward to some slow Dear Comrades-in-arms, p r o g r e s s t o w a r d s I write this, my first report as Health normality. We and Safety representative, while we have not yet are in the midst of a pandemic. This given up all is not what I expected to be dealing hope of a with as ACWS H & S rep, but it most possible event or two towards the certainly falls under my brief. I put back end of this year, improbable myself forward for the position though that remains. If we are vacated by Martin Cross (for whose indeed to keep the worst of the years of service, many thanks), COVID19 pandemic behind us, we since in my main line of work I am will need to continue to be vigilant in accustomed to assessing and controlling the spread as much as controlling risk of potentially possible. Watch out in future hazardous things (chemical newsletters for additional measures reactions, including explosive ones), we will need to adopt, should we be and to filling in the necessary forms. allowed out again. The board accepted my offer, so here I am, hoping to be a sounding Please do keep in touch, via email, board for all matters H&S. Health zoom, facebook, or whatever; we and Safety is everyone's remain a society of American Civil responsibility. If we see anything we War enthusiasts; there is still consider unsafe it is our duty to research to do, kit to make, and report it, firstly within command friendships to nourish with continued structures of the unit and army. contact, even if that has to be virtual for a time yet. We are all accustomed to handling potentially deadly equipment in a Stay distanced, stay safe! way that is safe, or at least which manages potential risks to an acceptably low level. But we now have to grapple with the implications Regards, of a tiny virus which has brought our Dr. Frank Mair hobby, and many of our working Corporal, 19th Ind lives, to a halt. ACWS Health & Safety As I write this, I dare to hope that we Representative are past the worst, and that we can

Page 3 Secretaries Report Please remember that if you are not Hi Y'all, a member of a club or society I hope this newsletter finds you and this could have your family keeping well and safe. an impact on Haven't had much time to suffer from l i c e n s i n g cabin fever just yet, with a full house requirements with your local on lockdown and I've been on full firearms unit. mother and nanna duties! We are still searching for a powder When can we all meet up again? I master as Kevin Holden will be hear you all say! retiring at the end of this year. If you are interested, please don't hesitate As you know all we can do is follow in contacting a member of the board government guidelines, at the or Kevin for a chat. moment people of 6 people or more can gather (social distancing still Well, that's enough off me for now, applies). Until the government lifts please stay safe! restrictions there isn't much any of us can do. Until next time…

However, be totally assured the Bye y'all society is in good hands and your Linda Reed (Company Secretary) new Events Director "Marie" is securing events for 2021.

We had our very first "virtual board meeting" on the 23rd May, was great seeing faces I hadn't seen for a while. If you have become a member for 2020 you should have now received your new membership card for 2020/21.

As a board we thought it only fair (as there is no events) to give our A young future chairperson from Kirby members a year of free membership. Hall 2000

Page 4 ACWS Explosives Officer Needed Kevin Holden will be leaving the position of Explosives Officer in 2020. Would you like a role in the ACWS as Explosive Officer. See what the role entails below. You would be responsible for acquiring black powder and breaking this down into 500g containers. Powder will be handed at specific If you don’t have a tow bar, ACWS events and you will be required to will pay for one to be fitted to your maintain records of how much you car, but please note. If ACWS do hand out and who to. pay for this we ask you to remain as Explosives Officer for a All licences must be checked on a minimum of 2 years. regular basis of all society members and records updated as You won’t be left on your own as new licences are acquired. you can shadow Kevin during 2020 in order to learn all that the role You may need to setup a powder requires. store on site and all equipment is stored in secured trailer, which can Please contact a member of the be towed to an event that requires board if you wish to apply for this it. ACWS will pay for your Explosives role. Licence as a new licence will be required for this position.

Page 5 Wordsearch Answers from last Issue

1. South Mountain 9. Chantilly 2. Shiloh 10. Antietam 3. Chancellorsville 11. Franklin 4. Crater 12. Fredericksburg 5.Vicksburg 13. Manassas 6. Iuka 14. Corinth 7. Gettysburg 15. Richmond 8. Malvern Hill

1. Federals 2. Blue 3. Grant 4. Rebels 5. Grey 6. Lee

Page 6 Sunderland and the

Here are 2 short stories about how included bringing back a cargo of the American Civil War impacted on 740 tons of cotton. Sunderland where I live. On the second run, she ran aground PART ONE and was captured by the pursuing Union warship USS Stettin at Bulls The CSS Aries was built on the River Bay, on March 28th Wear at Deptford in Sunderland in 1863. Following her capture, the 1862 by the James Laing Company. renamed USS Aries was fitted out She was the only Confederate for service and purchased by the US b l o c k a d e Navy. She runner built was first on Wearside assigned to but the the South company did A t l a n t i c p r e v i o u s l y Blockading build military Squadron t r a n s p o r t in July 1863 ships for the but was British Navy s e v e r e l y during the Steamship Aries damaged in Crimean War. a hurricane When the CSS Aries was later shortly afterwards and needed captured by the Federals, she was repairs. described at the time as "one of the most fine examples of a blockade On being seaworthy again, she then runner we have ever seen" by US became involved in the capture of 2 Rear Admiral Samuel Du Pont. Confederate blockade runners called the Ceres and Antonio and The CSS Aries was an iron hulled then the burning of another blockade screw steamer. She was sold to the runner called the Dare. Following London company of Frederic another period of repair work, she Obicino before being sold to the V. was then involved in 2 attacks on Malga company based in , outside the last Cuba. The CSS Aries made 2 remaining Confederate port namely successful runs past the Union Wilmington, . blockade including a first run which

Page 7 After completing these mopping up local Sunderland press had been full operations she was finally of calls to honour the American Civil reassigned to the East Gulf War hero in the proper way. Blockade Squadron just before the Civil War ended. A letter to the editor of the Sunderland Daily Echo 2 weeks She was then decommissioned and before Grant's visit urged the city to sold at public auction in in give the General a hero's welcome. August 1865 and renamed the SS The writer could not "overestimate Aries. She then had a long career in the great and glorious task" Grant the merchant service before being had achieved in freeing the slaves, scrapped in 1908. while a subsequent supporting letter the next day said that Grant was "a PART 2 friend of art, literature, and science" and should be recognised by Sunderland as such. Another letter on September 19th - four days before Grant arrived - asked if the mayor would consent to making the day a public holiday for the city's shop assistants. A day later the Sunderland paper confirmed the council resolution that granted the holiday.

By way of introduction to those unfamiliar with President Grant, the 21st September edition of the Sunderland Daily Echo treated readers to a long list of puns on his initials, including "Unaffectedly Simple Grant", "Unambiguously Ulysses S. Grant Straightforward Grant", and On the morning of the 23rd "Unintermitting Smoking Grant", September 1877, President US which the paper said was "an idea Grant and his wife Julia travelled peculiarly American". The next day's from Newcastle by train to edition gave a long biography of Sunderland whilst on his World Tour. General Grant and his American Like his recent visit to Newcastle, the Civil War exploits.

Page 8 General Grant arrived at Shortly after his arrival, President Sunderland`s Monkwearmouth US Grant then witnessed the laying Station at midday on the 23rd of the foundation stone for the September 1877, aboard a "special Borough Free Library and Museum engine, with a Union Jack and the (now Sunderland Museum & Winter Stars and Stripes flying at the fore", Gardens), which was the first free and was greeted by the Police Force municipal public library in England. band. The Times estimated that The stone is still very visible with his between 30,000 and 40,000 people name on and was laid by the mayor came out to see him. As the Samuel Storey. It is directly opposite President walked across the Robert my local Weatherspoons namely Stephenso J a m i e s n-designed o n s ! Wearmouth After the B r i d g e conclus t o w a r d s ion of the M o w b r a y proceedi Park in ngs at S u n d e r l the new and, writer l i b r a r y , J o h n he went R u s s e l l i n t o Y o u n g Mowbray noted that Park to "as the see the G e n e r a l statue of walked up the hill to the park a salute British Major General Sir Henry was fired. Havelock, born in Sunderland, and famed for his leadership during the Just then the sun came out from Indian Mutiny of 1857. behind a cloud." Newspaper reports stated that "Poles were erected on After the laying of the stone, he then the bridge, and flags stretched from ate lunch at a banquet organised by either side. The streets were all gaily the Mayor at the Victoria Hall, which decorated with bunting, and every was located on Toward Road, window and available space was beside Mowbray Park, and which occupied with spectators. The shops was destroyed in 1941 by a German were all closed and the day was kept parachute bomb. as a general holiday."

Page 9 The Sunderland Daily Echo said the blowing. On the 25th September, head table was "decked with flowers President Grant visited Lambton and ferns, and lines of flags and Castle and Biddick Hall, before streamers were hung round the end leaving for Sheffield at 9.35 in the of the hall." The banquet was a evening. veritable feast, and included Goose Pie, Boar's Head, Collared Veal, Overall, the Sunderland Daily Echo Roast Hare, Grouse, Lobster, and surmised that "The General has much more. Dishes which are still been much impressed by his very popular today! reception in Sunderland. He is The mayor then offered a toast, surprised at the size and importance during which the Police Band of the town, and he has expressed unexpectedly started playing Old his pleasure at the orderly behaviour John Brown, much to the mayor's of the inhabitants." acute embarrassment. After his return to America in He quickly composed himself and September 1879, President US continued his glowing tribute to the Grant would fail to reclaim the former president. In response, presidency, and died of throat President Grant said the reception cancer on July 23rd, 1885. In the he had received embarrassed him weeks and months leading up to his "beyond measure, and I know if I passing, he would complete what should attempt to express all I feel many believe is the greatest military on this occasion, I should make a memoir of all time, with only that of most stupendous failure of it". Julius Caesar comparable.

After the lavish banquet, he visited Over the following decades, his Sunderland docks, where he was presidential legacy would be slowly greeted by more wild cheering, and rehabilitated. in the evening the town put on a One North East spectator, who fireworks display - provided by the watched the procession and saw pyrotechnists of London's Crystal President Grant as he passed Palace - in his honour. The following Grey's Monument in Newcastle, was day, the 24th September, he stayed quoted in the local press as saying with former local mayor James that he was "as greet a man as ever Hartley at Ashbrooke Hall (later Queen Victoria was!". renamed Corby Hall), and visited the famous Wear Glass Works, where Articles by Stewart "Goober" he watched a display of glass- Douglas

Page 10 RIP Gary ‘Tigger’ Lakin

Sad to say Gary Lakin lost his fight with cancer this month and our hearts and condolences go out to his family and friends.

Tigger was a member of the 1st Maryland, 43rd North Carolina and Washington Artillery.

RIP Tigger

Page 11 USS Monitor

USS Monitor Guns the most famous Naval engagements in American history. Research into 2 of the USS Monitors This drilling project is considered a famous huge 8 ton Dahlgren guns is vital step in preserving them for to enter a brand new phase in March future posterity. For nearly 20 years, 2020 as a custom made coring drill both huge guns have been sat in machine and a spade bit will be treatment tanks at the Mariners inserted into both barrels in the hope Museum and Park in Newport News, of removing concretion and harmful and all the harmful salts still inside. Once completed, it sediments on the outside have now is hoped that both guns will finally be been removed making engraved able to be put on long term public inscriptions now quite visible. display. However, Will Hoffman, the This is their amazing story. Museum`s director of conservation, USS Monitor conservators have just believes that by boring the guns they announced that they will soon start will be able to remove all the trapped to clean the inside of the 2 16,000 ocean salts from inside these pound Dahlgren guns that pounded massive Civil War artefacts, then dry the CSS Virginia during the Battle of them out and put them on in March 1862 permanent public display. Due to the which is widely regarded as one of fact that this procedure has never

Page 12 been done before, new equipment exact measurements will now help has had to be developed. to determine how far down and wide to drill without causing any damage. The iconic USS Monitors revolving The guns will be drilled one at a time turret was raised off Cape Hatteras, and the process will take a day for North Carolina in 2002. The turret each has since been stripped of harmful concretion by the use of USS Monitors Cat electrochemical treatments and handheld tools. Now is the time for Researchers have just admitted that the 2 barrels found inside the turret whilst boring out the 2 Dahlgren 11 to be cleaned out but by different foot long barrels from the iconic USS means. Both barrels have between Monitors turret, they were also 1 inch to 3 inch thickness of hoping to discover the remains of a concretion from the bore to the very unlikely feline namely the USS muzzle and they were both unloaded Monitor`s black and white cat. This when raised from the sea floor. has only recently been revealed after a personal account of the The axis of travel for the drill must sinking of the USS Monitor off Cape exactly match the centre of the gun Hatteras, North Carolina in a bore and so they will be mounted on hurricane was re-discovered. This is a support system. The bores that amazing story. themselves are 11 feet long. In order to assist, the Museums conservators A Rhode Island Federal sailor travelled in 2018 to the American named Francis Butts who was Naval History and Heritage Centre aboard the USS Monitor when it was to examine another famous and actually sinking during the storm similar Dahlgren namely the one wrote a personal account long used by the USS Kearsarge which afterwards. In it, he wrote this very sank the CSS Alabama off interesting tale. He stated that while Cherbourg, France in 1864. the USS Monitor was actually sinking and he was personally After examining and measuring the involved in bailing out water from the interior of the gun, they were able to iconic revolving turret, he managed determine that both the guns from to block one of the huge Dahlgren the Monitor and Kearsarge were barrels with his coat and boots. made at the very same foundry and built to a very specific Board of However, whilst in the process, he Ordnance pattern. As such, the saw "a black cat … sitting on the

Page 13 breech of one of the other guns Anyway, conservators have just now howling." He then states that "I revealed that the only thing found in caught her and, placing her in one of the barrels was a single metal another gun, replaced the wad and bolt and there was no sign of any cat tompion, but I could still hear that in either barrel. Regardless, whether distressing howl." Strangely, Francis true or not, the story is just another Butts never then revealed why he fascinating example of Civil War actually placed the poor distressed history that has passed down the cat in the barrel let alone blocked it ages. up. Was he trying to save it? Article by Stewart "Goober" Douglas Was he trying to stop it wailing? Sources : Found on the Civil War Picket blogspot at "the uss monitor overcame doubters its".

Civil War Soldiers Dyed Their Hair

Scientists have unearthed a 150- researchers from Transylvania year-old Kentucky photography University in Lexington initially studio in what is an unprecedented thought the bottles were used for discovery about the American Civil medicinal purposes. However, once War. the team started putting the pieces of glass together, they began to Scientists have recently unearthed notice some embellished with lifted remnants of a US Civil War lettering. photography studio at Camp Nelson in Kentucky, on a site of what was Names such as "Bear's Oil," once part of a Union camp, along "Christadoro," and "Dr. Jaynes," all with broken bottles of hair dye. featured on the now reconstructed glass bottles. The discovery is the first of its kind and has revealed to researchers that The names were not in any way Civil War soldiers actually dyed their synonymous with medicines from hair to look better in photographs. the time and corresponded more Among the many items discovered closely with grooming products. by researchers Stephen McBride and his team were several broken The "Bear's Oil" product was likely glass bottles, now known to have to be used as modern-day hair gel once contained the hair dye. The or wax to shape and style hair, according to the researchers.

Page 14 Camp Nelson

The others, like the "Christadoro" Camp Nelson was founded in June and "Dr.Jaynes" products turned out 1863 as a US Army Supply Depot in to be hair dye brands. Experts found Jessamine County, Kentucky. At the a lot of bottles that just never turn up peak of its use, around two years on other Civil War sites. They think later, the camp swept across 4,000 that the dye is particularly interesting acres of land and housed up to as it clearly suggested that people 8,000 Union soldiers. It had some were fixing up their hair before they 300 buildings and tents, including a had their photograph taken and may recruitment centre, prison, hospital, have actually been darkening their barracks, sawmill, slaughterhouse, hair to look better in the photograph. woodworking shops and other services, according to the National One potential reason behind this Park Service. decision may have been that soldiers wanted to correct one failure In addition, the Union Army of the of early photography which was that time also allowed private merchants if you had light coloured or blonde to set up shop at the camp including hair, the black and white taverns, a post office, a boot shop, photography process could make fruit and vegetable stands and you look like you had either white notably a photography studio - the hair or grey hair. existence of which has been

Page 15 confirmed with several photography artefacts recently discovered. Bob Zeller, Director of the Centre for Civil War Photography, expressed how exciting the find was for further knowledge and understanding of the American Civil War and also the history of Civil War photography. He stated "I think it's a really exciting find, Civil War photographic discovery is still very active today. And now we have an archaeological discovery of a Civil War photo studio. As far as I know, it has not happened before". The American Civil War was the first conflict on US territory to be photographed, and over the course of the war which lasted from 1861 to 1865, demand for photographs rose causing the price of photographs to be dropped, making them more affordable to ordinary people and Many have naturally attributed this soldiers. to the stressors of war, but others have now since theorized an It was very common for those alternative reason was to blame. soldiers who had recently enlisted to The Confederate General may have have their portrait taken before they simply run out of hair dye when the were sent off to fight. In October started impeding routine 2018, Camp Nelson was designated shipments at Confederate ports. as a National Monument. Article by Stewart "Goober" Douglas Photographs of Confederate General Pierre Gustave Toutant Sources : Wikipedia, Daily Mail Beauregard have shown his hair to Science Tech 11/12/2019, have grayed within one year of Civil Smithsonian Mag 6/12/2019 War engagement.

Page 16 ACWS in 2000


Eastnor Castle

Page 17 COVID Advice

Always keep your distance and be safe, we recommend at least 1 Enfield musket including bayonet away from each other.

Always wash your hands regularly with soap and water throughout the day. Please also carry hand sanitiser and use before and after passing anything to or from another person.

Please ask your commanding officer or camp coordinator before setting up tents. They will advise the present guidelines and distances your tents should be apart. Stay safe and look after yourselves and others.


Please note these events are only possible’s at the moment due to them not being officially cancelled. They are also dependant on government guidelines.

August 29-31 WHITBY, N YORKS POSSIBLE Full Society August Bank Holiday Multi-Period Event at Whitby at War Through the Ages, Abbey Lane, Whitby, YO22 4JR. A three day, multi period, living history and battle re-enactment festival for all the family. Located adjacent to Whitby Abbey and within short walking distance from the town centre. Members camping from Friday. Infantry Living History and Skirmish on SATURDAY, SUNDAY & MONDAY. Location Maps: YO22 4JR

September 5-6 MURTON PARK, YORK POSSIBLE ACWS 45th Anniversary Weekend. Full Society event at Murton Park Yorkshire Museum of Farming, Murton Lane, Murton, YORK, YO19 5UF More details to follow. Location Maps: YO19 5UF

December 5 ACWS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 2020 ACWS Annual General Meeting is to be held in December at a venue TBA. This may be held virtually depending on Covid restrictions.

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