Non-Energy Uses of Coal
CCC/ 291 NOVEMBER 2018 NON-ENERGY USES OF COAL DR IAN REID NON-ENERGY USES OF COAL IEA CLEAN COAL CENTR E APSLEY HOUSE, 176 UPPER RICHMOND R OAD LONDON, SW15 2SH UNITED KINGDOM +44[0]20 3905 3870 WWW.IEA-COAL.ORG AUTHOR DR IAN REID IEA CCC REPORT NUMBER CCC/291 ISBN 978–92–9029–614–0 © IEA CLEAN COAL CENTRE PUBLICATION DATE NOVEMBER 2018 3 IEA CLEAN COAL CENTR E – NON-ENERGY USES OF C OAL PREFACE This report has been produced by the IEA Clean Coal Centre and is based on a survey and analysis of published literature, and on information gathered in discussions with interested organisations and individuals. Their assistance is gratefully acknowledged. It should be understood that the views expressed in this report are our own, and are not necessarily shared by those who supplied the information, nor by our member organisations. The IEA Clean Coal Centre was established in 1975 and has contracting parties and sponsors from: Australia, China, the European Commission, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Russia, South Africa, Thailand, the UAE, the UK and the USA. The overall objective of the IEA Clean Coal Centre is to continue to provide our members, the IEA Working Party on Fossil Fuels and other interested parties with independent information and analysis on all coal-related trends compatible with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We consider all aspects of coal production, transport, processing and utilisation, within the rationale for balancing security of supply, affordability and environmental issues. These include efficiency improvements, lowering greenhouse and non-greenhouse gas emissions, reducing water stress, financial resourcing, market issues, technology development and deployment, ensuring poverty alleviation through universal access to electricity, sustainability, and social licence to operate.
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