Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, Investigations, and Priorities: 2007 A Report of the Venus Exploration Analysis Group (VEXAG) October 2007 VEXAG is NASA’s community-based forum, which provides science input for planning and prioritizing Venus exploration for the next few decades. VEXAG is chartered by NASA Headquarters Planetary Science Division and reports its findings to both the Division and to the Planetary Science Sub-Committee of the NASA Advisory Council. VEXAG, which is open to all interested scientists and engineers, regularly evaluates Venus exploration goals, objectives, investigations and priorities on the basis of the widest possible community outreach. Front cover is a collage showing Venus at optical wavelength, the Magellan spacecraft, and artists’ concepts for a Venus Balloon, the Venus In-Situ Explorer, and the Venus Mobile Explorer. Venus Exploration Goals, Objectives, Investigations, and Priorities: 2007 VEXAG (Venus Exploration Analysis Group) October 2007 Prepared by the VEXAG (Venus Exploration Analysis Group) Organizing Committee: Janet Luhmann, VEXAG Co-Chair, University of California, Berkeley, California (
[email protected]) Sushil Atreya, VEXAG Co-Chair, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (
[email protected]) Steve Mackwell, Focus Group Lead for Planetary Formation and Evolution, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas (
[email protected]) Kevin Baines, Focus Group Lead for Atmospheric Evolution, JPL, Pasadena, California (
[email protected]) James Cutts, Focus Group Lead for Venus Exploration Technologies, JPL, Pasadena, California (
[email protected]) Adriana Ocampo, Venus Program Executive, NASA Headquarters, Washington DC. (
[email protected]) Other supporting members of the VEXAG Organizing Committee are: Tibor Balint, JPL; Mark Bullock, Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colorado; Larry Esposito, LASP, University of Colorado; Ellen Stofan, Proxemy, Inc.; Tommy Thompson, JPL.