1820 to 1892
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Documents of Maine: " HEINU THE ANNlJAL REPORTS OF TH:E VARIOUS Public Officers~Institutions l:<'OR THE YEAR 1892. VOLUME I. AUGUSTA: BURLEIGH & J<'LYNT, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1892. ST A TE OF MAINE. Business Corporations, INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACTS AND Organized Under General Law, WITH CHANGES IN NAMES, CAPITAL STOCK, DIRECTORS, ETC. ; ALSO, LIST OF THOSE EXCUSED FROM MAKING ANNUAL RETURNS, AND DISSOLVED BY DECREE OF COURT. 1820 to 1892. AUGUSTA: BURLE1GH & FLYNT, PRINTERS TO THE STA.TE. 1891. STATE OF MAINE. Business Corpora tio11s, 1820 TO 1892. Corporations Chartered by Specir.1,l Act of Legislature, with Location ( when given) and Years when Incorporated and Amended; al.<w Changes of Names, Repeal of Acts of Inco1·puration, Etc. Augusta and Bangor Stage CompanJ, -, 1823, 1835. Anson Bridge, Proprietors of, 1829. Augusta Hotel, Proprietors of, 1831-1832. Austin Steam Grist Mill, Prorrietors of, 1831. Androscoggin Canal and Mills Corporation, Portland, 1836. Augusta India Rubber Hat Compacy, -, 1S36. Alfred Manufacturing Company, Alfred, 1836. Augusta Savings Institution, Augusta, 1836. Augusta and Boston Steam Mill C(Jmpany, Hallowell, 183 7. Augusta anJ New York Granite Company, Augusta, 1837. Augusta and Philadelphia Granite Company, Augusta, 1837. Astor Granite Company, Edgecomb. 1837. Augusta Blue Granite Company, Augusta, 1~37. Anson anil Solon Bridge Proprietors, Solon, 1837.
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