THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS REAL ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS CHRISTMAS. TO LEI. Is published tend every day (Sunday* excepted) by the THE directly to establish our Government on PRESS. the hard basis of Charles Sumner. And such PORTIANB 3*1/BLINKING go., To I et Geo. R. Davis & Co.’s GOING TO CHICAGO ! W°U^ not 8t°p the swelling proba- 201 st., and con At 109 Exchange St, Portland. Congress very pleasant FRIDAY DEC. blyOUrSe HOUSEvenient. Also house 87 Franklin with Se- MORNING, 29, 1871. Terms: st., And at about this Eight Dollars a Year in advance. BULLETIN. bago, for $200 A new house at time, say in four weeks per year. Ferry Vil after his CLOSING OTJ'P SALE OF lage for >5 per month, and a pleasant house will inauguration, he would burst. Stable and Matrimony Chen there THE MAINE STATE PRESS to Loan U l good Garden, at Knljjhtaville, for $8 nei Extraordinary. would be a first-class funeral— $20,000 month. Call on L. 176 An HAVING TAYLOR, Commercial st. article Charles would make a dc28 lw entertaining entitled “Tony good funeral—aud the Jb published Thursday Morning at 50'a Wc are to loau In Rum.* A Full Line of every $2 prepared money WINTER CLOTHING! Weller’s in the the world would to year; if paid in advance, at $2 00 a Widows,” appears Chester Xi ono, ':."11 ,a,ul try year. from $IOO to any nmouut desired, on lintt get without but To Let! (Pa.) from which him, it would be hard.” £© per cent, less than cost, till 30th of as the intends to remove to after Jan- Sepublican, the Rates of Advertising: One inch of in clan* mortgage* in Portland, Cape Eliza- Dec., proprietor Chicago following space, 1872. rooms in the uiqwr tenement of a House on is an extract: of column, constitutes a beth. Westbrook. or Parties de- uary, GOODS, A length “square.” Beering. SEVENVine St. Enquire of C. F. cor Eorc Bloodless Duel in Ohio. 50 first 75 cents Suited to the wants of the CORKY, $1 per square week; per ol can nad Market Sts. Another courtable The daily NirouM building also be accomm- Balance of our MOSCOW BEAVER dc27tf very widow was a younir Dayton week after; three insertions, or less, -SI 00; continu- OVERCOATS, $15,00, ot (Ohio) Journal gives the fol- ing other after first week, 50 cents. odated with loans. lady Washington, Pa. She became en- every day CHIMCHINLA Blue and HOLIDAY TRADE ! lowing account of a bloodless which it Half three insertions or 75 one GEO. R. DAVIS tie CO.. OVERCOATS, Brown, $10.5 TO leaseT~ man named duel, square, less, cents; t?,1» young Robert-, in asserts took week, $1 00; 50 cents week after. Would respectfully invite the public to call and ex- place in the per Real Estate & mortgage Brokers. A few Odd Sizes, $5 OO, $7 50, $9 00, HALIFAX father> to this vicinity of that city Special Notices, one third additional. amine my stock before making their purchases. HOUSE, .1 however, objected on sep24tt match with one of his and Thursday afternoon: K Under head of “Amobmements,” $2 00 per square REEFERS, $0 00, $7 50, $10 50, $13 50, Formerly St. Lawrence House, cor.Middle & clerks, when the three insertions or less 50. India Sts., near the Grand Trunk young lady received a One ot the per week; SI Tavein Stand for Sale. HALL L. Depot. tempting proposal from parties was a well-known Dem- Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State all from 50 io 00. DAYIS, Thirty-one rooms, office, wash CARDIGANS, prices, $1 $4 dining room, y ‘he paternal influence soon ocraticpolitician, Press” has a circulation in Tavern Stand at Gloucester room, baggage room and kitcheu. Posses- a«'W<ia ftUltor. formerly Chainnau of the (which large every part Upper Corner, BOOKSELLER AND enected a the former tty Democratic of the State) for SI 00 |»er square for first insertion, THEthree miles from Railroad Station, and two STATIOXER, sion given Jauuary 1st, 1872, if applied for marriage, despite en- Executive Committee. It and miles from a soon. gagement. In less than must tie 50 ceuts per square for each subsequent inser- j Danville Junction; consisting of S3 EXCHANGE ST. Apply to three months her said, iu deference to the fact, that tion. story house—16 rooms; stable with 15 stalls; large This is last chance to WINTER CLOTHING le6s than cost to make. E. H. was killed a the your buy del9 tjanl GILLESPIE, '^band by kick from a horse. challenged party was a ‘colored Address all communications to garden. Will be sold to W. R. SAW- friends aud 'will heartfelt thanks for the liberal bestowed on me No. 34 Plum Robert was a vii pusson.’ cheap. Apply My patrons please accept my patronage Street, second time then a but course was PORTLAND CO. YER, South or GEORGE R. DAVIS suitor, chivalry in the ascendant.— PUBLISHING Auburn, & CO., during my residence in this city. Me. delayed the 1 he Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers, Portland, Me. _uc9tf__Portland, important question until fifteen American fellow-citizen of African des- moil tbs had dec l2-d3w elapsed, to she to maintain the honor J. F. Store to L.et! informed when, hlsiorror, CeuiWa8 Trten?!ineJ SISK, him that she was In while the ex-member of BUSINESS CARDS. engaged. i, natloI,ality, ON PARK ST. FOR RENT. A three thiee months thereafter she the Democratic 3 Free was married. Central Committee had a HOUSE brick residence on Park street, between 171 Fore Street, Portland. Street, Basement and first floor to let on 1 wo sure story years elapsed, when the thing ot it, in it a condition of Spring and Congress sts, can be hired for $500 per NOfavorable terms. married couple making DcCtf_ _’_ HAVE YOU SEEN Possession removed to the duel that there PAYSON & year. GEO. K, DAVIS & CO., given January 8,1872. Apply to Syracuse, ,\, Y., where among should be no lead in the PAYSON, dcl4-eod3w Real J. B. the victims the The Estate and Mortgage Brokers. CUMMINGS, ot cholera, when the pesti- pistols. darkey was not posted on this Broad’s Patent Shawl 269 lent* ATLANTIC Straps. Cumberland Street, or swept that was the second. point; he believed that it was the and Connsellors at T. F. city, Robert regular Attorneys Law, For Sale or To Rent. The only Shawl made with metallic CUMMINGS, again her and to the latest Strap top. 220 Commercial St. sought hand, when a year had thing according style of the du- _ was ello. SAVINGS BANK Mi l GOING, STORY HOUSE on Brown street; eight Silve^ plated, with cross and end straps. Acknowl- elapsed, on the eve of a declaration, when The parties met, as arranged by the rooms, and cemented cellar. Mutual Insurance New to! ATWO gas Sebago water, Oojinp’y edged by all who have seen them to be the neatest House for Sale, or Rent. he received an invitation to her weddiii". seconds, on the banks of Mad Kiver. The Lot 35x76. In a fair location fora Will 95 Physician. shawl ever Just Street near Her late husband’s was Exchange Street. be sold at a IN 1842.) strap invented. the thing for holi- Emery Piuo, Very cosy and con- business was found in Ethiopian furnished with an antiquated bargain. (ORGANIZED gas house to also ON venient, throughout and cellar, piped such a state that to avoid box while the Edw ard E. P. Apply GEO. R. DAVIS & CO., day presents. We manufacture Shawl Straps of for cellar immense losses she pepper revolver, Democratic Payson, Payson. corner New York. Sebago cemented, everything in prime con- dcl2eod2w Real Estate and Brokers. SI Wall at., of William, all kinds. married the Caucasian was armed. The dec27cod3m Mortgage dition. Will be sold at low tigiire, or rental if not surviving partner. Shortly after, similarly word she removed with was to A Brick House for Rent* Insures Against Marine and Inland Navigation Risks. Sole Manufacturers of Broad’s Patents, 27J Market soW* W. P. MERRILL, her third husband to I)e- given take positions. The Democrat 24 troit, aud the RE-OPENED. P. O. Office, Exchange St. A few years when African the but THREE story brick house, 12 rooms, gas and And will issue Policies making Loss payable in England. Street, Opposite dec9-tf_Telegraph herseltMichigan. elapsed, obeyed summons; and husband were on the stood his A Sebago water, a few minutes walk from City G. B. BROAD & a steamer that darkey upon courage and the CO, To tet. was wrecked near honor ot Hall, will be rented to a responsible party for $350 Buffalo. The husband his race, while the Democrat took decl9-dtf per- ■ or the whole of the new _l.. .i per year. Apply to House, 6J Dow tsiied, and the wite escaped solelv through the 111.<4 nnsititm with tho GEO. R. DAVIS & Its Assets for the of its Policies arc more than APART,Street. Inquire upon the premises. PREBLE CO., Security $1-3,000,000.00] OAC1 Mims in a menu who was on board. His blank cartridges were to be used. HOUSE, ----- dc6«13w only Jieal Estate and Mortgage Brokers. The PORTLAND, ME. dec!6-eod2w. New Year’s Presents ! gallantly inspired such sentiments in her men being placed, the usual words The Profits of the Compauy revert to the assured, nud ure divided annually, upon breast that she married her were and To Let! brave preserver a given, the parties fired. As might the Premiums terminated duriuw the certificates for a hich are in COOMBS & GIBBON, Proprietors.
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