Portland Daily Press: February 02,1880
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I ® IN 2. 1880. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, ADVANCE. FST ARMSHED JUNE 2s7 18G2...-VOL. 17. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY l"SSi .*Rfgra^.m^w.'<.wuwiTiT'ne«m«fct:. '-^jaczxa*.. ■■—ij——E——XT—JM .. ^Kai^racry’r-Tj<j.-..i n, —— ———————» —— 111 IN ■ ■ ——— — rri n ip.tii*fr'vr .-donates.. »-,d7aymTwnini|l<mi ——" __ Z_ ■ ... I, T'lTs^^r^-^n^^L-r.j-gBgp^gagKt.a. ---------- ————————————— —-—-,- EWB———^^^^ j I 1 _ I arxei.l .s manner before an audience is Utip CVLIU. J3U11B. DAILY MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND PRESS, WANTS. THE BOYERS’ GUIDE. THE PRESS. thus described in the Springfield Republi- the is Published every day (Sundays excepted) by can’s Boston correspondence: “Parnell There wa9 a fair maiden iu Vassar, MONDAY FEBRUARY 2. In German no one could surpass her: PUBLISHING CO., MORNING, cold as an He commits PORTLASB Wanted. TRADE CIRCULAR. iceberg. evidently She danced it 80 well and lie has no ani- so ill Ar 109 Exchange St., Portland. Copyist, wlio has had experience, and his speeches to memory, And talked it Ev eky attache of the Press is furnished That the had to her. who' writes a hand. Address P. regular voice is and his faculty gnclass Terms : Eight D a Year. To mail subscrib- VLady rapid, legible mation, no style; his thin, O. Box 1203. full name .and address. with a Card certiiicate Stanley Pullen, a i£ in advance. giving signed by ers Seven Bolls rs ar, paid d3t manner he does not seem to be ja31 RETAIL Editor. All railway, steamboat and ho;e managers awkward; “TRADE We notice one reform. Wicked little great does not warm with Ids THE MAINE~STATE PRESS will confer a favor upon us by demanding credentials in earnest; lie BROWN BREAD BAKER boys do not pelt you with snowballs this win- of to our seems the not the g Thursday Morning at §2.60 a every person claiming represent journal. theme; he politician, ter as in former published every at I. BLAKE’S years. year, if paid in advance at §2.00 a year. wanted, Bakery, he does not his he Street. OF PORTLAND, ME., pleader; sway audience; Congress We do not read letters and communi- A literary man makes a splendid husband Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, the ja31 d3t anonymous cools lather than fires its ardor.” length of column, constitutes a “square.” cations. the name and address of the writer are in when his wife’s grandmother dies and leaves tirst 76 cen.s .»er him to live $1.60 per square, daily week; all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- Tue Democratic Brooklyn Eagle says enough money upon. week after; three insertions or less, §1.00; continu- tion but as a guaranty of good faith. Maine are entitled to ng every other day after tirst week, 50 cents. Over 2000 Druggists have signed a paper stating that “The Republicans of insertions or 75 We cannot undertake to return or com- a diamond looks real nice Half square, three less, cent3; The following Trade Circular is respect- preserve the thanks of the entire Union for the cour- Yoting man, pin one §1.00: 50 cents per week after. BENSON’S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTERS week, clean, well cured and dried fully presented by the undersigned Re- munications tnat, are not used. and but when 54 a week Special Notices, one-third additional. having with which have acted in this emer- glistens brightly, Cod Sound for sale, can state price, quantity tail Houses of with a view to are to all other age they Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction PARTIES Portland, superior plasters. supports a man and pin both, one or tho other and where they can be seen. Address through l’ost It is not that had their Sales,” §2.00 per square per week; three inser- show the extent and variety of articles gency. impossible is not Office, A. B. C., Box No. 1998, Portland, Me. PRICE 25 CENTS. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Pharmaceutical Chemists. MAINE STATE TEMPERANCE CON- genuine. tions or less, §1.50. and the names of those o cod&wlmG adversaries been more bellicose wouid State ja30 deodlOt* handled, large jauj they Advertisements inserted in the “Maine dealers who make this the best VENTION. Press” (which has a large circulation in every part City have maintained a more peaceful tone; hut Bostou Transcript: Mrs. Blessersole thinks of the for §1.00 per square for first insertion, market and trade centre for the people Maine will meet in State), BOARDERS WANTED. The State Temperance Society the fact remains that have from the fire-escapes very proper things to have. She and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- of Maine. BUSINESS "CARDS. Mass Convention in they a lire a chance to tion. EDUCATIONAL._ first thefront of men determined says it is well to give Pfcusnut Eicom, imd Read Roanl, ^3.30 2^“Parties not prepared to visit Port- MEOHIAN HALL, AU«U»TA, maintained enough Address .all communications to escape from a building, it it will; if it won’t land, may order goods from the follow- REMOVAL. — ox — not to submit to fraud. The Maine PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. per Week. Repub- why, then put it out, of course. No. 63 Street. classifications with reliance Spring ing perfect Wednesday, February lltl), IS O, ni 11 licans have set ail other the their be at- majorities ja29dlw* that orders will promptly MAN LANGUAGE. o’clock A. HI., JAMES O’RdlTOEIA, of with as of tended to. Satisfaction guaranteed or needed example dealing usurpers Detroit Free Press: The superintendent ENTERTAINMENTS. undersigned having just returned to Port- and continue through Wednesday and Thursday. refunded. is householders deal with It is use- schools iu Boston is a school money land lrom a six years residence in Hanover, The Maine State Temperance Society composed burglars. public preparing C o;< ns e i lor-at-Law, THE in the WANTED. Germany, where he mad# the study of that lan- of members of all temperance organizations less to talk when ail the conditions reader which will contain more fairy tales and GRAYD VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL anu is to be the medium through peace 4 GRICVLTITRAI. TOOLS, BOISE Has removed to Clapp's Block, cor. Excliango and guage a specialty, is prepared to give lessons in State, designed which can act in the use of all honor- is are being less stories about honest farmers. May be he CONCERT Furnishing Goods, Plant Stands, Rulbs, &c, Federal Sts., (over Boring’s Drug Store), Portland. Get mail to a limited number of pupils. they unitedly upon which peace worth having oiio of the largest houses in Maine, lirst- WM. C. SAWYER & CO.. 22 Market Square Address. WALTER A. FORD, able mea?*ure8«for the final overthrow of the drink- found a stone in the bottom of his jar of butter. BY NT. J A TIES’ violated. There is no in any State BAND, class Salesman with an established trade in the Cointui«aio»<'i* of Heeds for ether States. No. 30 Street, ing system and the liquor traffic. attempt BY 4 9IEBICAN WATCHES, diamond ja20deodlm High At Knvnusih Hall, Monday Erg., Feb. 3, Grocery and Flour business, to whom a permanent noil d3m vVe cordially invite all friends of the temperance to count ut the if the knaves un- Jewelry and Silverware. in order to majority for situation will be given, with a good salary. Address, cause to meet with us on this occasion, never General admission 29 cents. Tickets sale by CHAS. H. 201 Middle street Hawkeye: ‘‘Kind words die.” How where trade is located, LAMSON, Instruction in English and Class- secure a more to devi-'e measures to derstand that the count is to be followed by T. 1’. McGowan, 422 Congress Street; T. .1. Welch, stating perfect union; tie-» dtf BOX Maine. »r« ur.c. educate the masses upon the system; to bitterly does a man realize that terrible truth 41S Congress St.; Donahue & Parker, Cor. Centre 1)35, Portland, Faint*, Oil*, drinking a contest.” Pratt’s Astral Oil. ical Studies. the moral sentiment of the upon shooting <: and Hrion & McDonald, Congress St.; Frank APOTHECARIES;Agts. strengthen people when h.e 'es all tho kindest words he ever Fore”; W. W. WHIPPLE & 21 Market the drink traffic; to advise upon the question of L. Collins, Music, 272 Middle St. ja27dlw CO., Square DENTIST, Given to private pupils by the subscriber, more stringent enactments for the suppression of saw in his life glaring at him from his pub- WANTED. ; Drug*, nediciue*, 855 SIIDBLE and intoxicating liquors; to take Gossip lished letters iu a breach of suit & Sundries. STREET, drinking selling promise ApothecaryToilet Articles Druggists’ Over II. II. Hay’*. into consideration the willful neglect and refusal of GEO. C. Cor. & Franklin Sts FRYE, Congress Artificial teeth inserted, from on© tooth J. W. executive officers of towns, cities and counties to COLCORD, of There are no cats in Two first-class SALESMEN who cau 7 Chemical*. to a full set. enf.i«v the laws upon the statutes .the Siate, About Men and Women. Burlington Hawkeye: Toilet Articles &c. cleansed and extracted in the best the traffic in intoxicating liquors: ami ApothecariesImported Perfumes, Soaps, Teeth filled, prohibiting Greenland. But have a native that BALL. coinmaud good trade to sell Groceries and all they dog GRAMB FREl) T. MEAHER & 473 St manner and at, low 1455 Pearl Street, to consider questions bearing upon CO., Congress possible prices. any a in of and Hour in Maine. Residence, 84 Hiyii, corner jan-4 dtf these subjects.