JO H N P O R T E R & CO., Having every facility, la Presaet, Type a>d other material, and the experience «f many year* in the Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block. business, we are prepared to execute, in suterioe anti witb despatch, erery description ot Job TERMS: Work, such as If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2,00 Catalogues, By-Laws, Town Reports, If payment is'delayed 0 months 2,25 If not paid till the close of the year, 2,50 2ZZT No paper will be discontinued until ALL AR­ Circulars, Bill-Heads, Blauka, REARAGES are paid, unless at the option of the pub­ lishers. CARDS, PROGRAMMES, LABELS O* Single copies five cents—for sale at the office Hand Bill.. Shop BUU, Poitai^ and at the bookstores. XT All letters and communications must be ad­ Particular attention paid to dressed to the Publishers. VOL. 22. JOHN PORTER. E. E. WORTMAN. ROCKLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1867. NO. 12- PRINTING IN COLORS, BRONZING, &e. penses were not heavy; but their in­ Julia answered ‘Well, come, I cannot that Henrietta was the one concerning From the London Morning Post. ed to the rescue. The poor woman’s body Remarkable Preservation of Life. The Undergronnd Railway of Lon­ come was small, too. Nine months and stop to talk with you. Are 3-ou going whom he had overheard the conversa­ Bridget’s Account of her Interview bad nearly swung under the car, her arms A most extraordinary instance of the don.—A New Yorker writes home as fol­ a half passed by, and still they had but to give a dollar or not ?’ tion in the mill yard. with the Dentist. were doing all they were capable of in preservation of life without sustenance lows concerning the subterranean rail­ T H E Y K A Y . little above seven hundred guildens.— To this Henrietta replied, ‘I am not. He asked, ‘Are you the girl whom the way of holding on aud the only sa­ for a lengthened period has lately occur­ way system of London: It was a great question with them how The Superintendent has a good watch some* think mean because you wear an ‘Well, Bridget,’ saj’s Margery, ‘how did lient point the Colonel could lay hold of. red at Fonikau, near Grossenhayn, in “Not the least is their extensive system They say—Alt! well, suppose they do, the remaining thirteen hundred could now, and does not need one. I have old bonnet?’ you get along with the docthur—whal to assist in preventing the fatal fall, was Saxony. On the 8th of December two of underground railways. It is perfectly But can they prove the story true? did ye say till him, aud what did he do tier waterfall. He grasped it. It held. brothers, named Muschter, were enga­ wonderfnl how they jerk the people about, Suspicion may arise from nought be raised. They were spending one other use for my money.’ Henrietta blushed and said ‘I sup­ till yees?’ More assistance was soon rallied, and the at the rata of about fifteen miles an hour, But malice, envy, want of thought. day at a country town, and a nobleman ged in digging a deep well, when the Why count yourself among the “they,” Julia said rather snappishly, ‘Well, pose I am sir?’ Bridget—it’s nothing he did till me, frightened woman was lifted by main earth fell and completely buried them. from one end of the town to another, and Who whisper what they dare not sav? living in a large castle a few miles dis­ keep your money them Be stingy aud He asked again, ‘are you the girl nor I to him, that’s all—only says 1—‘Och, strength from the very jaws of death.— A third brother went down immediately, across and around—stopping about once tant was seeking musicians to attend mean if 3-ou want to. The rest of us that did not go to the menagerie?’ docthur, docthur dear, it’s me tooth that Argus. but was not able to perceive tile slightest every halt mile, at some prominent cor­ They say—But why the tale rehearse, tin; wedding of his daughter, who was can buy the watch; and we mean to She blushed more deeply and said ‘1 aches iutirely, sure it is; and I’ve mind sound. Some miners were then set to ner, at a station, from which you emerge Ami help to make the matter worse? Chicago Under Water.—From the No good can possibly accrue to be married in three or four days.— have our names all written on a paper. did not go sir, but it was not because I to have it drawn oot, and it plaze you? work, and dug for some days, but with­ to the upper air, and find yourself some­ Prom telling what may be untrue; Fortunately enough for the students, You and two or three Irish girls will ‘Doit paneye?’ says he till me. ‘Och, Chicago Tribune's account of the inunda­ out success; and it was so generally be­ where near where you want to be, and Aud is it not a nobler plan was too stingy to go. How these murther, can ye ax me that now, and me miles from where yon were a half or the nobleman employed them for the then enjoy the notoriety of not having tion of the southwestern section of that lieved that the poor fellows could not To speak of all the best you can? things became known to you I cannot all the way down here to see ye about it,’ possibly be alive, that orders had been three-quarters of an hour ago. These occasion. The marriage ceremony took given any thing towards it. It would say. 1 only know that the girls think city the first part of the present week we trains run each way. being double tracks, They say—Well, if it should be so, says I. ‘Sure I haven't slept day or night, given that, unless the relations insisted Why need you tell the tale of woe? place, and by and by it was time for be no wonderto ine, if when the Super­ that I am stingy and mean. 1 presume these days. Haven’t I tried all manes to select the following incidents: on proceeding further, the well should about every ten minutes; and morning Will it the bitter wrong redress, the music to begin. The students had intendent lparns who did not contri­ you think the same, because I did not flll*et. the jumping - _ devil? Didn’t they „ tellt “Our reporter saw, yesterday, not far be filled up, and a monument in the mem­ and evening they often consist of seven Or make one pang of sorrow less? trained themselves very carefully for bute any tiling, yon would get a notice give a dollar toward the watch.’ me to put raw brandy in my mouth, but Iroin Sampson street a woman standing ory of the Muschters erected over it.— or eight cars, holding thirty or forty- Will it the erring one restore, how could it stay there, jisttill me, sure?’ people each. The cars are lighted with Henceforth to “go and sin no more?” that evening, and their selections were to quit the mill.’ The Superintendent replied,’ I no­ at her door with one end of a long clothes Eight days had already elapsed since the certainly of a Very high order. During No, the devil a bit could I keep it up in line in her hand, the other end being at­ accident, but the mother of the entombed gas—not the tunnels, except at stations— To this threat Henrietta replied, ‘All ticed that your name was not among me month, though it’s lar from the likes so that you can read your papers; and They say—Oli! pause, and look within, the course of the festivities it was no­ this may be, I have no ill will towards tached to a section of plank sidewalk oil would not give up all hope, and some See how thine heart’s inclined to sin: the contributors, but I took it for grant­ ol me to be drinking the brandy without which her husband was propelling him­ fresh hands began to work again though there is no smell ol smoke, or sense of Watch, lest in dark temptation’s hour ticed that the nobleman became very the Superintendent, and if he discharges ed 3’ou had good reasons, and thought extreme provocation, or by accident. So self with the clothes pole toward dry only in the expectation ‘of finding the suffocation. IIow they ventilate them so Thou, too, should’st sink beneath its power, sad. His face wore a melancholy ap­ me for any such reason as you mention no more about it till now. But inas­ well I can hardly see.” Pity the frail, weep o’er their fall, thin the docthur took his insthruments in land. The navigator was evidently mak­ corpses. To their astonishment, how­ But speak of good or not at all. pearance, and those who stood nearest lie is a very different man from what I much ns so much has been said, I con­ a hurry, with as little consarnnient of ing his way to the nearest grocery to pro- ever, they suddenly heard from beloxAhe to him saw him weeping. What could take him to be. If I have to leave fess I feel a curiosity to know why you mind as b.h ncj, itu u ia swape tile knives cine a supplj, fui DieaRrasL, Uls llclpiuccl "l)u uul »irlke so hard.” A con- Tha other evening, at a private reai- I have caused him to be melancholy at here, for this reason. I hope I can find did not subscribe.’ and lorks from the table. ‘Be aisy, doc­ being prepared to draw him and the versation commenced, the work was push­ in Twenty-third street, , a little thur? says I—‘there’s time enough—you’ll ■ such a time as this One of the piec­ work elsewhere. And, let me say Julia Henrietta answered, ‘I want you precious cargo back to their island home ed forward with renewed diligence, and fellow stood near the hall door crying ‘I Wbfcllnuu. es that these musicians had played was not be in such a hurry when your turn when the purchase was completed. at length crowned with success. On the am cold ; I want to come in ; I can’t open since you have placed the matter in should know sir because I do not wish comes, I’m thinking? ' ‘O,. well? , —says----- the. Curious stories are told by those w h o ------19th of December, after they had been the door? One of the young ladies of his mother’s favorite melody. She had this light I will not give a dollar nor any one to think me mean. The girls docthur,‘and yer no ready, now, you may , have been fortunate enough’to reach the j eleven days and four hours in the livin^ the house coming up the stairs at the A .Promise that Was Kept. j often sang it to him many years ago, even a dime towards the watch. have treated me in such a manner that come the inorrew.” unwatered ceutre of the city, of the way j grave, the two Mnscliters were rescued time, was moved with sympathy, and tak­ !and he had not heard it since, until the On hearing this Julia left her. Almost I do not wish to say anything to them, ‘Indade, docthur. I’ll no stir from this | in which the unwashed neighborhood got I and brought to the surface. The earth ing the supposed child in her arms, kiss­ One evening tour German students at i students played it. It was enough to every girl in the room contributed.— but I desire to have you know lest you sate wid this old tooth alive in me jaw,’ its Sunday dinners. A grocer’s wagon that had fallen in had left a kind of cave ed him tenderly. Seeing, a few moments a University were enjoying themselves ■ make him sorrowful, and it drew these Henrietta looked up now and then from should think me wanting in respect or says I , ‘so ye may just prepare, but ye loaded with' food started to supply the above them. Their only sustenance dur after, that he had a wrinkled face, she in an upper room of a little hotel. They students to his heart in such a way that her work and had discrimination uadc not coine. slashing at a poor Christ-! people ot the suddenly formed archipcla- ing this long period had been the water asked him in astonishment, how old he should think me mean. James Bel­ ian body, as if ye would wring her neck go, but it did not succeed in gettiuo- be- that had oozed through the earth, and a was. Tin thirty-two—I’m a dwarf; but. had four instruments, and were cm- lie could not express his feelings. They enough to perceive that her refusal had mont is my half brother. My mother oil' first, and draw her tooth at yer con-; yond the first house, aud the enterprising ittle tobacco which they had-chewed.— ; U*‘ke to have you kiss me, miss; it’s as ploying themselves in making music af­ had recalled to his memory -a piece of created quite a sensation in the Mill. was left a widow when I was an infant, vanience afterwards. Now clap onyer, voyager was obliged to pay some of the They had a watcli with them, which they ood as something to eat.” ter the hard labors of the day. There music which he had never been able to When she left at night the girls rather and married Mr. Belmont. James is pinchers, but mind ye get hould of the ( natives for pushing his craft back again, wound up regularly, and were therefore was a pause in their music, but no soon­ find in any music stole, and which it avoided her ; and she could discern in Ins son, but is just as dear as an own right one—ye may aizily sec it by its aeh- i Another dealer made a raft, and charter­ able to keep ail account of the time of Sold.—A Cincinnati paper tells a story er bad they ceased playing than they was worth a fortune for him to hear. their looks that they had not very pleas-! brother. ing and jumping? i iug two boys to push it with poles, load- their burial. At first they lighted lucifer of a fashionable lady falling in love with ‘Oeh,’ says he, ‘I'll get the right one,’ j ed on a valuable supply of groceries and matches, but when these were all used a $1500 camel's hair shawl, and endeavor­ heard an old man playing a violin be­ I must now make my story short.— ant leelings. She also saw. in the' ‘He wants to be a minister and is in ing to persuade the clerk to sell it for neath their window and looked out, The nobleman kept the four students in and with that he jabs a small razor look-! lager, and, sailing calmly from port to they felt the hands. They had heard the countenances of Julia Anderson and a Phillips Academy fitting for college.— in’ ...... weapon...... intil me mouth, aud cuts up i port, realized a handsome profit from his conversation above them respecting the $1000. lie refused, saying that he had watching him until he had ceased play­ his castle two weeks, became acquaint­ few others, who by common consent ■ By aud by he will have help from the I me goo'ms as if it were nought but could I venture, so that he soon returned for a lilling up the well, and shouted, but could denied it to her husband for that sum.— ing. One of them threw out a little ed with them very fully, and learned were regarded leaders, a look of tri-1 Education .Society, but now I am help male for hash for breakfast? ■ fresh cargo. The juvenile islanders did not make themselves heard. They had flic lady then paid the clerk $500 telling piece of money, and said to him, laugh­ their object in leaving the university to uinpfi, which said, ‘We shall carry the _ him. I felt he needed that dollar ‘Says I , ‘Docthur, thunder and blood’— not frequent the Sunday Schools very also sung hymns together, and the people him to write her husband that he might ing: ‘Here, poor Peter, this is all we give concerts. He supplied them with day spite of you.’ more than any one else? forme mouth was full of blood—‘what largely, and their, attendance at the city at the surface, had heard it faintly, but have the shawl for $100o. The clerk did have for you now; come again some three thousand guilders, and told them in the divil are ye afthur? D’ye want to schools during the week has been below being not a little superstitious had' attri­ so but no shawl did the lady receive. She passed on to her boarding house ‘And this was the reason why you She was indignant and sought the clerk other time.’ he would pay their expenses at the uni­ quite by herself, aud almost sorry for make an anatomy of a living crathur, ye I the average. buted it to angels in the air. did not get a new hat?’ grave robber, ye?’ To understand the condition of aqueos lor an explanation; that individual affirm­ ‘Yes,’ said another, ‘come again in a versity for four y ears ami that they might the moment that she had not given a •Yes, sir? ‘Sit still,’ says he, jamming something affairs it is necessary to remember that Light. —Many people do not seem to ed that her husband had taken it. The year from now.’ have the privilege of making drafts on | dollar because she was friendly to the ‘And this is what you wanted the like a corkscrew intii me jowl, and twist­ the streets in these neighborhoods have lie aware how important light is to health. lady watched the course of events and in ‘Then we will give you a little house him at any time. Superintendent and nt the same time, j twenty dollar bill for!’ ing the very sowl out of me. I sat still not been filled in to a depth of six or When they are sick, down go the curtains a few days afterwards saw- a fair, frail for a present,’ said the third. Their fortune was better than they in common with others, disliked to do ! ‘Yes sir? because the murthering thafe held me seven feet as has been the case in a large ot their room, and scarcely a ray of light one walking the street sporting the iden­ ‘Yes, in the middle of a garden,’ said had reason to expect. Ernest had al­ down with his knee, anil the gripe of his part of the city, and that the houses are is admitted. Now this is wrong. Let tical shawl. It is safe to conclude that any thing which could be called mean. j Upon this he took out his pocket the sunlight into a sick room. It will do peace on earth and good will to men the fourth. ready written to the owner of the house The Superintendent overheard Julia! book and handed her a ten dollar bill, iron in my lug. chiefly of but one story, with tlje floor He then gave me an awful wring, hard even with the ground, or only a few more toward restoring apatient to health wasn’t triumphant—about that time. The old man was struck with wonder and garden that he might expect them Anderson and some others in conversa- aud said, ‘The next lime you write to enough to wring a wet blanket as dry as inches above it." than many of the nostrums they gulp at such a promise. His long white hair to take it, so that it was now engaged. tion Julia was talking very rapidly. ! him, please give hi in my compliments . Didn’t 1 think the day 6l' down. Deprive ail infant of Heaven's Race Between Maine Ships. The in­ shone brighter in the light of the lan- The students returned to the univers- He heard her say, ‘I told her she was | and send him that. Instead of eonsid- judgment was come, till me? Didn’t 1 free light and it will grow into a shape­ teresting race between the two American terns which hung out at a neighboring ity and reached there just a few weeks Kind Treatment of a Horse and its less form of an idiot, instead of a beauti­ clipper ships, the Luis Walsh and the real mean not to be willing to give a j eriug it real mean that you did not non­ see the red fire of the pit? I felt my Reward.—We are so frequently called restaurant. He looked up to the win- before the end of the year when the dollar.’ : tribute towards the watch, I regard, and head fly oil' my shoulders, and looking ful, well-formed child. How important Charlotte W» White, both of Beltast, upon to record acts of cruelty by team­ then, it is to let light into rooms during Maine, from Callao to Algesiras, attracts dow and said, after a moment’s reficc- | house must be ready for the owner. On ‘Did you say any thing about her old j shall continue to regard yon a noble up, saw something monstrous bloody iii sters, that it is a pleasure to publish the the docthnr’s wrenching iron. ‘Is that some part of the day. It is important as attention in Europe, These two vessels tion : ‘Youngpeople, are you in earnest the evening of the day when the old bonnet?’ asked one who stood by. hearted girl to sacrifice your earnings following. On Thursday a team belonging ventilation, or the sunshine upon the sailed on the 20th of September at the niy head you’ve got there,’ says I. ‘No, to Bowers, Pratt & Co., heavily loaded in what you say to me? I hope you j man promised to appear, he stood be- ‘Yes I did. And I told her we all upon an altar so noble. I hope your it's only your tooth,’ he made answer.— plant. Disobey nature’s laws, and pre­ same hour and kept company for fifty- are not making light of an old man? ! low the window in the bright inoon- witlijiron, while passing through Congress mature death will be the inevitable re­ fiiur days, passing C'apc Horn on the thought that she did not go to the ■ brother will get an education and make ‘May be it is,’ said I, as my eyes began to st., became imbedded In the snow. The ‘Iiideed we are in earnest,’ replied light, playing on ±is violin. He was menagerie, because she was too stingy { a useful man? open, and, by putting my hand up, I sult. twenty-sixth day. They parted in lati­ humane driver instead of lashing his tude 20 S., longitude 24 W., crossing the Ernest, with excited voice ; and his ; true to iiis word, ana expected the prom-} to pay a quarter.’ 1 She thanked him warmly, and repli- loiuid the outside of my face 011, though horses, got a shovel and cleared away the A11 old lady, eighty years of age fur­ three companions called upon God to j ise to be kept. The young men went ‘Now that is too bad,’ said one o f ) cd, ‘For 1113 self I would not take this I felt as if all the inside had been hauled line in sixty-five days, losing the N. E. snow from tile runners, then stepping up nishes for the Ellsworth American some trades in latitude 23, longttude 30 W., af­ witness their seriousness. j down to invite him up, and told him all jthe girls. money, but for my dear brother, I will. out. , , ,, , , ™to -—the -shaft------horse— he said Now, Bi...,, reminiscences of the early history of that 1 had taken a dollar and a hall to pay we are jn a bad do a]j vou can> wjjj ter which time they had light east winds ‘Fare,well, then,’ replied the old man ; , that they had done. They showed him ‘No it was not too bad. I wanted -1 know he wiil make good use of it? town, among which we find the following for seventeen days, and came in company ‘I take my leave of you. One year j the deed for his place aud gave it to her to understand, that we all regarded J Who was right about meanness, Ju- lot the operation, thinking it would be you?’ The horse apparently uuderstand- items: “Seventy years ago there was but again on the 30th of December, but part­ from to-day, at this same hour, expect j him. On the following day he formally enougli lor a_ poor woman to pay: but I ! jug the appeal, rubbed his head against one clock in Ellsworth. It was the pro­ ed the same evening. On the 9th ot Jan. her as real mean. I know I should lia Anderson, or the Superintendent? tliongjlit I d jest ax him the price. So Hu, driver as if in assent. The team was perty of Mr. Jones, anil part of his wife's me to come and play a tune beneath took possession of it, and they supplied feel so, if I were her, and so would! Omicron. they met again oil' Gibraltar, when the says 1, ‘Docthur, how much may ye ax successfully started without a blow being dowry.”—“ Mr. Fullington carried the Luis Walsh won the race by twenty-five this window. Farewell; may the A l-j it with furniture and groceries for house- any of us * j — ------■ beside the trouble? ‘lilLy eints,’ says struck. A well-known gentleman in mail trom Bluchill to Machias in a worst­ mighty one, whose name you have call-! keeping. minutes, after a passage of one hundred ‘What did she say to all this?’ asked , ECCENA'RIC HOSPITALITY. he. ‘titty tints,- says I; ‘sure 1 have; state street having witnessed the scene, ed stocking, and was one week on the and four days. ed upon, bless you in your kindness!’ ! The 3011 ng men felt that they were another. not been submitting these three days to was so pleased that on returning to his i route. Partofthedistancehew asguid- that tyrant of a tooth for fifty eints. The old man went olf after invoking ! amply repaid for their faithfulness to ‘She said she would not give even a During the late war a soldier who otlice he immediately addressed a note to i ed by spots 011 the trees."—“Mrs. Beal Another Atlantic Carle.—The New this blessing upon them. The students their word, by the gratitude and joy of dime, and that was meaner than Katy had been wounded and honorably dis­ troth this same tooth pulling is not very the owner of the team, enclosin'* a S10 brought the first horse to Ellsworth. It York Bost states that a contract has been closed the window, took their instru- the old mail. But they were not only charged, being destitute and benighted expulsive, and I’m much obleeged to ye, bill, with the request that it be g?ven “to came in a vessel, and there being 110 made by a Company for a cable of superi­ McCormick, for she gave me fifty cents? Ooc'lmr Iho .lriver who treated his ho«M so kind ivhtirvps, it wu« thron-n overboard lor it incuts again in their hands, and after j repaid in feelings ; they were more than Upon this the Superintendent came knocked at the door of an Irish farmer, Margery—‘But where s the tooth; yer or eoiisii uelion and material, to be laid ly .”— Traveler. to swim ashore. Mrs. Beal rode through down between the United States and having played threeor four lively tunes, {repaid even in money. in sight, aud tliev scattered away. near Pittsburg, when the following dia­ should have brought it home and dipped the town on horseback, which created logue ensued : it in salt, and flung it over your left Portugal. Starting from some point on seemed to forget all that had occurred.! Fourteen years after that time that The watch* was purchased and pre­ Newspapers for Women.—A clergy­ much stir."—“The first meeting-house our coast it will be carried to Bermuda, Palrick—And who the divil are you, shoulder into the tire; ye’ll have'bad luck was built by the Baptists on the East side Ernest said to them, however, after the . place came into their possession ; for sented to the Superinteudand, with a all the rest of 30111- life? man in England, the Rev. Brooke Her­ thence to the Azores, and land in Lisbon. space of about half an hour: ‘You {the old man had died and bequeathed it handsomely written letter containing now ? ford, of Manchester, has been doing a of the river. Elder Lord preached in it It is claimed that the laying of th^ line Bridget—-The divil take the tooth, and and formed a church of 23 members. seem to be very quiet. I cannot be, for {to them in his will. That part of the the names of the donors. Soldier—My name is John Wilson. the bad luck too, if I ever think of it any a very sensible thing, as clergymen often r, .. between the points mentioned involves Patrick—And where the divil are more; sure I've had enough of its com- do' ? lu, 0“‘?rtainud and instructed his Hie Congregationallists built a meeting- nlueh less labor, expense aud risk than I have made a promise that I would give town rose suddenly in value. Many It was as Julia had said. All the honse the same year on the west side ot that of the British compauy. That there something which 1 have not got? I things contributed to its increased val- girls in the room excepting Henrietta you going from John Wilson? n.ulv , ! constructed his congregation with a ser- ______I rnon on newspapers, and gave some wise ' mi'*!61’- . ^ r- ^ Ourse was lhe first j3 but little anger of failure in this res- ‘What promise?’ answered one of his ne, which I will not enumerate. It is and some Irish weavers had contribut­ Soldier—From the army of the She­ The “ Kingdom of Canada."-A de- counsel for their perusal. He says: set led minister. He taught school most; t is evident from the fact that estab- light-hearted companions. ; enough to say that in seventeen years ed. The presentation and reception nandoah Valley, sir. . . . , ,, ... “ llie reinling ol newspapers, ‘earnest o itu ^ ," n e ^ lrl“S hcWeuk' :U,dpreaC lishcd companies agree to cemplete the ‘The promise of a house and a gar­ from the time the foqr students gave the formed the topic of conversation for Patrick—And wiiat do you want spatch from loronto, C. W., says:— ail,j intelligont reading, mark you? is one »unu.iy s. | work, taking the responsibility of failure. den.’ deed of that house and garden to the { several days, but Henrietta was virtual­ lierq? “An advance copy of the confederation | of the essentials of lii'e. This reading is The latest triumph of the Atlantic Cable Another advantage in this line will be A loud laugh was the response that old musician the same property which Soldier — I want shelter to-night; bill to be introduced into the imperial! urged as a means of self-culture and es- • „„„„„„„„, • ,, , - that if one section of the cable is broken ly excluded from the little knots who is announced in the New lo rk papers of the other3 are not rendered useles3. Ar. he met with, and the students separat­ had cost two thousand guilders was 1 got together to speak of the matter.— will you permit me to spread my blank­ Parliament, has been received. The name ! pecially upon women. Their home life, ed. They met again on the following worth eighty thousand. The students, She pursued her work as usual. Cut et 011 your floor and sleep to-night? ot the united provinces is to be th e‘King- their seclusion Irom the activity of the Saturday. ! rangements have been perfected for be- Patrick—Divil take me if I do, John dom of Canada? The federal legislature world, renders the careful reading of the i “For the first time in the world the ginning the work very soon. evening, and during their interview Er­ therefore, were not merely paid in heart, after cut of cloth came off from her will be styled the‘Parliament of Canada?! papers, more important to them than to I cdosin(r commercial intelflo-ence of Lon-' ------—“—----- nest called to mind the premise of the but also iu money. They had kept looms, and was taken by the assistant Wilson. | The upper house is to be styled th e ‘Sen- inen,ell, who areale in the midst of the talk and , don aadand Liverpool has becirpublishcdbeen published in! At a very excellent hotel, not a hun- night before. They made light of him, their word, and the memory of being and passed to her credit. Soldier—O11T vour kitchen floor, f sir? ate,’ and the lower house the ‘House — ___ of bustle . .istlc ofot i! New York on the same (lavdav The cablecal ' d*'ed miles from our parts, they were one and told him that he was foolish to pay ' {’. faithful • 1 I 1 > Cl , 1 4to z . 4their I, AIK ll’/IV/lword even ito 1the I if, poor Z-i , . I. The notice to quit did not come as Patrick—Sot I, by tiie Ilill o’ Howth.1 Commons? The local legislatures are to Men going out into the worljl from day «despatch could not have left, London before day short of a waiter, when a' newly ar- any more attention to it. ‘Then,’ said {old man who had no power to compel Julia and some others hoped it would. Soldier— In vour stable, then? ; be known as the ‘Provincial Legislatures to day, are pretty sure to be swept up to .( o'clock P. M., and vet was received in i rived Hibernian was hastily engaged to lie: ‘I don’t see where your consciences them lobe true to it, was a pleasant I Instead of this it was observed that the Patrick—Tin hanged if I do that ! 01 Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New the level of what is passing in it, wheth- New York at noon ot the same dav. This j supply the place of a more expert hand, are, if you can make a promise and memory as long as tliey lived, Superintendent would often stop and either. | Brunswick? respectively. Ontario, form-1 er they read the paper or not, but it is not gives a little less than one hour lor 'Now, Barney? said mine host, ‘mind Upper Canada, is to have but one chain-Iso with women. 'They, in their quiet transmission between the two cities.— you serve every mail with soup the first break your word? speak with her. He did this more fre­ From the Congregationalist. me blit '1 bone m il -i ernst • I ask n o l1*®1’’,1,0 ba k"ow? as ‘Legislative As- household life, may go on for weeks hear- This despatch will probably be published thing—serve soup first? ‘How can we fulfill any promise of me uut a uoiic ana a crust, i ass. n o |seinblyot Ontario? Hie other provinces mg not a word of what is passing in the • • - " ...... , . . . j r a s j t jzjsu.v oy/ a o r. quently than with any one else. He in the earliest editions of the Sail Fran- j ‘Bedad, I'll do that same? said the alert that kind ?’ said Christopher. ‘Our par-! looked too good natured for any to in­ more. each have a legislative council and house great world outside, and the little they do c jsco p a p e rs, sav at noon. Barney. ents are all poor and have no more than j ‘Etta, 1 want a dollar from you.’ dulge the suspicion that he was finding Patripk—Divil blow me if I do, sir. of assembly. The Senate is to be ap- i hear conveying no living meaning to ———------] __Soupr ______came on,, ___and _ Barney,______after___ help-t. they can do to send us to the universi- ! Thus___ spake .Tulia ______Anderson______to Hen- fault with ^er work. It was a great Soldier— Give me some- water to pointed by the crown, and is to have them. The Boston Advertiser says the people {ing ajfbut one guest, cametothe last one. tv. How then can they help us to buy riette Mattison, both of whom worked mystery to the other weavers what this quench my thirst, I beg of you. power to ideate C additional senators be- 1 think this a great evil. It not only ! of Rhode Island, where the usury laws! •Soup, sir?’ said Barnev, Patrick—Ba" and be hanged, I’ll do yond the stipulated 72 in the event of' narrows the range of woman’s life, but have alrenilv bpen abolishPil are look-im* I ‘No soup for me? said the man. a house and a garden for a foolish old in one of the large Cotton Mills of all meant. necessity. The House of Commons is to siie loses a great deal ot the happiness, ‘ ‘ , ’ , . ° ! ‘But yon must have it? said Barney; man? Good night, comrades ; I wish i New Eno-land. When pay-day came, Henrietta, in no such thing. consist of 181 members, 82 from Ontario, which would come of intellcstual coni- 011 Wltl1 ’utcrest at the struggle 111 0111' qt the rules of the house? yon as pleasant a sleep as I shall have? YVhat”for?’ asked Henrietta. company with other girls went and re­ Soldier— I have been fighting, to se­ 05 Irom Quebec, 19 from Nova Scotia, lo 1 panionship and community of interest1 legislature for the same object. The I ‘llang the rules of the house 1’exclaim- But this kind ol argument did not ‘We want to make the Superinten- ceived the envelope which contained cure the blessings you enjoy. I have lroiii New Brunswick; the Queen’s rep-{ with men—-with a father,^ a brother, or a ■ prOyjden(>e Journal bears testimony to cd the guest. ahect Ernest much, for he could not j dent a present of a gold watch and her pay. She opened it and found it assisted in contributing to the glory resentative presiding over the new kin**- husband. Is it not too often the case that ' the wisdom of tho measure:— ‘When I don’t want soup, I won't eat it? contained small bills, aud she asked and welfare of the country which has dom is to retain the old title of governor- ‘ the wife and husband live, to some extent, ‘Well, said Barney, with ail due sol- help thinking that lie was compelled to chain. He has always been very kind hospitablv received vou, and you so in-! general with a salary of $50,000; each in different worlds of thought and inter-! “The experience of nearly two years , omllity>’ Ufl [ can say is this—it’s the keep bis bargain. He was the poorest to us girls, and it would be pleasant to the clerk if lie could let her have a twen­ hospitably reject me from your house.i *j i province . . ,is ,to have , a lieutenant-governor , est?— i’iirfc------ot this may „ bo - attributed — to has sati&ned the people ot Ktioue island pules of the house, „„„and not „a drop ielse__ one ol the group, for his mother was a make him a New Year’s Present. ty dollar bill instead of the ones and d .i .-.T n • , i D,a .livil “PPonited by the governor-general ... man’s iucommuuicativeness, but part of Jt0 a uemonstration, that the value of 1 wjjl ye o-et till vez have linisheil thesoup? plain widow, and she made her livin ‘1 do not think I have a dollar to twos. n i aild lnake as much others were so far spent that the corpse apjany orange oraiige trees at all, boquets ofot open :i, “Shipwreck, bhipwieck, where?”where, “ Why, there's a the old man should have his house and wonld like to go but you did n o t; and i read ‘James Belmont? featliei bed I have , you shall have the money as possible out of their offices. 2d, ay in the bed with them for three days, llr violets selling at a bit on the streets, bark that’s lost forever." His compauion garden, if it was iu their power to get all the girls thinks it was because you He could think of no other girl by best supper and breakfast that my-farm the establishment of territorial govern- they not being able to remove it. They second-crop apples that have just ripen- growled and passed on. it for'liim. were too stingy to spend a quarter? the name of Henrietta except Henrietta can supply, which, thank Heaven is incuts for the Indians. 3d, the’ appoint- at last made an effort and got it into a ®d exhibited in market, and grapes that * none of the worst; you shall drink as inent of an Inspection Board as a tempo- corner of the shanty, where some mice have never sunered from, contact with i An old Scotch lady had an evening Tliey must leave the university—a ‘Instead of answering my question, Mattison. He took it to her and ask­ came and nibbled their face and eyes. sawdust still plump, pleutifnl and cheap party, where a young man was present, you have only added another to the much water as vou choose, provided ra'-y measure to examine accounts of In- sad proceeding for them. They came ed if it was hers. She took it and you mix it with plenty of good wine, djan agents and imperfect goods and ng- The survivors endeavored to frighten at nil the trait stands. Gardening to sup- who was about to leave for an appoint- to the conclusion to go through the number of what you consider the real thanked him, aud said it was from her .... , ____ , 1 , J ° .. ricnltnral implements furnished to the tliem off, but they became so bold that H t h e city with earlj-vegetables has ac- ment in China. As he was exceedingly country, and give concerts ; for really mean things that I have done. As3-ou brother. and pio\filed you also prefer it. Gome Indians. 4lhi a commission consisting tliev would not go away. One of the l*ve’y commenced around the bay, and extravagant in his conversation about this appeared to them to be the 01113- decline to answer I will only say that I ‘How can that be?’ said he. ‘I look­ in, my hearty—come iu, and feel your- of w|dtes and educated Indians, to visit survivors at length succeeded in killino- y°uno radishes and green peas can even himself, the old lady said when she was way possible to gain any 11101103-. Even have other use for my money.’ ed at the name and found it was not self at home. It shall never be said nfl tribes, hold talks with them, show some mice, and oil these mice they lived “?.w b(? bought at luxurious prices, leaving: "Tak’ guile care o’ vourseT that Patrick Foley trated a mini scurvi- them the benefits of permanent peace until thev were discovered by two men Winter! the word should be abolished when ye are awa’; for mind ye, they eat by pursuing this course there appeared Julia retorted, ‘Yes probably 3-011 are the same as yours.’ who were passing by, aud who provided irom our vocabulary as a superfluity, puppies in China.” to be a poor prospect to get a large going to set up for ail old maid, and ly who bad been lighting for the coun- and the abandonment of nomadic life, ‘He is a half brother, but is dear to try which gave him protection. ! *,be adoption ot agricultural and pastoral them with food and took care of them lill ** sum. Still tliey resolved to do their think you will need all you can rake me.’ • 1 pursuits and of consolidation in one ter- they were able to be removed to a more Apples.—Raw, mellow apples are di- A fellow went to Saratoga for his health best. They closed their books, put and scrape to live on, in the state of He did not ask any questions, but Dan Rice remitted, in settlement of ritory. comfortable place. They were almost gested in ail hour and a half, while boiled —to pick up a little—and picked up their instruments in the little bags, aud single blessedness.’ by still standing lie encouraged her to an account to a newspaper out west, a ------skeletons when found. cabbage requires five hours. The most enough to send him to State prison for set out on foot to give concerts in the Henrietta replied, ‘suppose I should speak aud she mustered up courage three dollar bill, which was returned Saved by her Waterfall.—A train ------{ healthful dessert that can be placed on a three years. villages through which they might pass. be an old maid, what then? Are old to enough say what she had been want „„1„„,TI,i., natc I, couvicrtci,; “ A Newburyport, Mass., school teacher, 1 table is a baked apple. If eaten fre- . ’ , ’ was passing very slowly across veering aooutabout to marry a wiuowerwidower wnnwith a numuernumber , quently at breakfast, with coarse bread A lecturer was dilating upon the powers Ernest, before leaving, exacted a prom­ maids meaner than those who get mar­ ing to say for some time. So she said, I please send another. It was some two br;dge a lew days since, when a young of«I* children, z .k lb l l-m-. onvtf-sent in 1 l-tzaoher resignation l.zxz. I 1 rv .a f'zato ibzAthe I .lt and lf l H11butter, t f (IP IVwithout 1 t li G11 t* TntVlf-meat APor flooVtflesh nFof any ried? I may be an old maid for what of the magnet, defying any one to show ise ol the man who owned the house presume, sir, that you noticed that my months before Dan replied, when lie woman attempted to get upon a car. She Committee, because she “ had engaged, kind, i|J(ias admirable effect oil the gener- or name anything surpassing its powers. aud lot which he had looked at, that he I know, but if I ever should get marri­ name was not among the list of pur­ apologized for the delay, saying that succeeded so far as to'lose her status up- for an indefinite period of time, as ail as- a 1 system, often removing constipation A hearer demurred,1 and instanced a would not sell it under six months to ed I shall want something with which chasers of the beautiful watch which he had been unable until now to get an-; on terra finna, but not so far as to regain sistant in a private family.” correctingacidities, and cooling off febrile 3’oung lady who used to attract him thir­ anybody ; aud that if he would promise to commence house-keeping. I do not was presented to you? other counterfeit three dollar bill,'but it upon the platform. She was hanging conditions more effectually than the most teen miles every Sunday. to take it at the end of that time he think it would be any meaner to have a ‘Yes, I noticed it. Why?’ he honed tlie one he'iiow enclosed would midway, unable to get up, and inimmi'-l A member of the Kansas Senate, who approved medicines. Liebig says they might have ^it, though the money need few dollars for such a purpose than to “J .“ z.1° J nent danger of falling under the car, and I had been pretty strongly advocating prevent debility, strengthen digestion, The cotton crop of last season, although ‘I hope sir, you will not feel as the suit professing, at the same time, his - ” g Y i t ^ l i r ‘S v e V r ^ letter from his wife correct the putrefactive tendences of ni­ generally pronounced a failure, is valued not lie paid 'under a year. Week after spend it all in foolish vanities, and then girls in the mill do that it was ■real inability to discover- wiiat the objection critical juncture the conductor, Col. Cons-1 the other day. Saillid his tender-hearted trogenous food, avert scurvey and proba­ by some of the most competent business week passed by, and the students slow­ begin married life without.a cent of meun in me not to give a dollar? I was to the other, which he thought us ens, whose gallantry is never amiss (but spouse, “Sauq don’t make a footofyour- bly maintain and strengthen the power of men in the South at two hundred and ly proceeded on their way. Their ex- money of my own.’ This convinced the Superintendent i'good a counterfeit as he ever saw. j often to a miss) discovered her and rush-, self!” productive labor. forty-five millions of dollars. Congress. [ 3 * Rev, Mr. Holman will preach a 3 " A lady being asked to waltz,gave the fol­ [From tlie Corrrespondunt of the Itostoa Journal.] ton Steam Mill Company, $50,000 addi­ which could not be maintained. There were lowing sensible and appropriate answer. “No The Maine Legislature. tional to its present capital stock; Dam­ RECONSTRU ffTION. many errors of Judgment in it which, upou ex­ £lje gotklaaii The two Houses of Congress were in sermon to the Firemep, in the First Bap­ amination, would be apparent. The result to I thunk you, sir, I have liuggiug enough at Avgusta, Me., March 2, 1867. ariscotta Manufacturing Company in­ which he had been compelled to como in the session from Saturday 1'oreuoou till half­ tist Church next Sabbath evening, subject: creased to $1,000,000; Cushnoc Manu­ home.” The Legislature adjourned finally last The B ill a Law . exercise of bis judgment, which there was no past eight on Sunday morning. They Fire; the grandest element and force in facturing and Water Power Company in­ doubt was conscientiously exercised, seemed to 3 " A Waterville correspondent says that the night, after a session of fifty-nine days. him, the speaker, fraught with nothing but con­ Friday, March 8, 1867. Nature; its uses, abuses and lessons. sleighing iu that, and in all the upper Kennebec creased to §5,000,000; Star Match Compa­ then took a recess and resumed business They passed 307 acts and 107 resolves—a ny of Portland, increased from $50,000 to tinued turmoil, danger and error, to the South Should the evening be stormy the sermon towns, is better than at any previous time, this An Ex-Ilebel’s Reasons for Accept­ and to the entire eouutry. He rose, therefore, again on Sunday evening, and continued season. larger amount of business than was ever $100,000. il a t o ^ of* A d v e r t i s i n g . will he delivered the following Sabbath transacted by any preceding Legislature. ing Reconstruction. for the purpose of stating very briefly, in addi­ in session till past midnight. They met 33“ “Sure,” said Patrick, rubbing his bead EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC. tion to what he had already said when the meas­ One nquare, three insertions, $1 00 evening. Below will be found an abstract of their ure was before tiie Senate on a former occasion, One square, one week, 75 again on Monday morning for the clos­ with delight at the prospect of a present from An act was passed incorporating an in­ Less than one square, one week, 50 doings: W’liv it was that be had east the vote he had east his employer, “ I always mane to do my duty.’’ stitute ot natural history, science and Washingtgn, March 8,1867. on that occasion, and why it was that he should One column one year, 100 00 ing business of the session, the hour of The Portland Press.—The proprietor MANUFACTURING COMPANIES, ETC. Half column, one year, 55 00 “1 believe you.” replied his employer, “and art in Portland, together with a public The veto of the military reconstruction give the same vote now. [Applause in the gal­ One third column, one year, 35 00 12 o’clock, noon, on that day being the of the Portland Daily Tress announces in Acts of incorporation have been grant- library, with power to take and hold real leries, which was suppressed by tlie chair.] "It One quarter column, one year, 30 00 time for the assembling of the 40th Con­ tlferefora I shall make you a present of all you bill reached the House at a quarter before will not be for a moment supposed,” said Air, One column, six months, 55 00 his issue of Monday that J ohn T. Gilman, fed ns follows: Pietou Mining Company, and personal estate donations, grants &c., two o’clock yesterday afternoon, aud was havcstoleu from me during the year.” “ I thank capital stock §750,000; Saco Water Power Johnson, “by those to whom I am addressing Half column, six months, 35 00 gress. The unusual spectacle of the Esq., the former editor and joint publish­ your Honor,” replied I’at; “ and may all your to the amount of §500,000. The Hbrary taken up for consideration about fifteen myself, that I am governed now, or that I was One-third column, six months, 20 Machine Shop, authorized to manufacture governed then, by any hope of popular applause. closing cf one Congress and the opening er of the Press, has resumed his former friends and acquaintances trate you us liberally.” is to be free to the citizens ot Portland, minutes later, the galleries being packed Special Notices. in Biddeford machinery and tools of wood, which city is to annually pay for its main­ to their utmost extent, and a large num­ Aly motives, if I know myself, were peneetly of another on the same day,brought such editorial connection with the paper.— JT-t?" There is said to he a ease of courtship in iron aud steel, or fabrics of wool, cotton, pure aud patriotic. I saw before me a distracted One square, three weeks or less, ' $2 00 tenance one dollar tor each ot its ratable ber ot distinguished persons being ou the and almost bleeding eouutry. I thought I saw, Bach additional week, 50 a crowd to Washington as never before This announcement will be gratifying to East Lynne, Conn., that has been feoing on for flax, &c., capital stock, §300,000; Castine polls, and also furnish rooms for tho ac­ floor. The clerk. Air. AlePherson, read Ko advertisement received for less than 50 cents. more than forty-five years, and during that Brick Company, authorized to manufac­ and I tjiink 1 see now, the means by which it Editorial notices 10 cents per line, but no notice less came to witness the opening of the na­ the press and public, for Mr. Gilman lime, with a very few exceptions, the gentleman commodation of the institution. the document admirably, and very close iniglit be restored to a healthful condition, and ture brick in Castine, capital stock §20,- the institutions of the country in the end pre­ than 50 cents. tional legislature. The galleries of the wields a most able and vigorous pen and lias culled on each alternate Sunday evening. Au institution called the York Insti­ attention was given thereto by everybody. Obituaries will be charged at 6 cents per line for every 000; Equal Rights Mining Company, foi tute has been incorporated, to be located When the reading laid been concluded the served. 1 have arrived at tlie period of my life line In excesB of three. Senate were crowded, and the House gal­ his fitness for the editorial management The latest version of the Pope’s epigram­ working gold and silver mines in Neva­ at Saco, t'orthe purpose of promoting the when, if ever any other ambition animated ine, matic description ot his distinguished English vis­ following proceedings took place:— I can have no other ambition now than thut of S. M. PETTINGILL & CO.,No. 37 P ark Row, New leries were packed to overflowing, while of a daily newspaper was amply exempli­ da, capital stock §,1,000,000; Newport study of science aud natural and civil The Speaker—The question under the serving my country.” Having referred to the Y o r k , and No. 6 State St r e e t , Boston .are our itors is th is: “ Lord Clarendon I liked aud under­ Manutaetnring Company, authorized to Agents for the Rockland Gazette, in those cities, and ladies and members of the families of fied in his previous connection with the history among its members. This associ­ Constitution is, will the House, on recon­ views he had previously expressed on the ques­ are authorized to take Advertisements and Subscrip stood. Mr. Gladstone I liked, but couldu’t un­ manufacture in Penobscot county lumber, ation is authorized to hold property to sideration, agree to the passage ef this tion of reconstruction, contending that when the tlons lor us at our Lowest rates. the representatives filled the cloak rooms Press, which owes a great degree of its derstand. The Duke of Argyll I understood, flour and meal, and fabrics of wood, wool, the amount of §100,000. bill? war ceased the States were restored to their for­ and overflowed upon the floor of, the cotton, iron, steel, paper, &c., capital mer relations, and that no conditions for their S. R. NILES, (successor to V. B. Palmer,) Newspa- success to him. The Press was enlarged but didn’t like. Lord Russell I didn’t like, and Au act incorporating also the Passa- Mr. Stevens—I propose that we proceed representation were requisite or constitutional, ?r Advertising Agent, No. 1 Scollay’s Building House, where seats were provided for nt the commencement of the present year, didn’t understand.” stock §200,000; Temisconata Pine-land duinkeag Academy, authorized to take immediately to that question. Air. Johnson said that the present aud the late ourt St r e e t , Boston, is authorized to receiv Company, capital stock §500,000; Casco and hold properly, the annual income of executive thought differently. It was unneces­ Sadvertisements and subscriptions for this paper, at them. In the Senate at 10 1-2 o'clock, and its proprietor now proposes to make jiTU A fellow iu Portland stole twenty-five Mr. Eldridge—The minority of the the rates required by us. Paper Company, for manufacturing paper which is not to exceed $3,000, to he ap­ sary for him to say what were the conditions ex­ yards of broadcloth from Messrs. Lcveen & Co., House, profoundly sensible that their of­ acted by the present executive. They were iu Mr. Foster resigned his position in a few it a commercial, as well as a political pa­ and went to selling it ou the street coolly as in its various forms at Yarmouth, capital plied to promote the cause of education. ficial duty would require them, if in their GEO. P . ROWELL & CO.’S Advertising Agency, stock §50,000, with power to increase the his judgment as unconstitutional as any that 23 Congress Street Boston, Mass., Branch Office, 58 appropriate remarks, when the chair was per, placing the commercial department smuggled goods. The police took him and his Also an act incorporating the Nor­ physical power, to deteat this bill, are could be found ill this bill. The Congress of Cedar Street, N. Y., are our Agents to receive Adver­ elotli noth as contraband. same to §75,000; Buttonwood Peat Com­ ridgewock High School, the annual in­ equally conscious that no effort of theirs the United States were of opinion that, notwith­ tising and subscriptions. taken by the Secretary and Hon. B. F. under the special charge of Mr. II. W. 1 3 " A man in Ohio walked ou ice twelve pany, witli places ot business in Portland come of its property not to exceed §10,- can prevent by this bill, as they think, a standing the people of the Southern States com­ Wade, of Ohio, was at once chosen as Richardson, who has had the editorial and Kennebunkport, capital stock §50,- plied with the terms exaeteil by the present EVANS & LINCOLN’S Advertising Agency, - miles, obtained a marriage licence, went back 000. dissolution of tho Union. They only, in Washington Street, Boston, and 119 Nassau Street. Mr. Foster’s successor. At 10.45 the management of the paper during the past 000; llinkley Knitting Machine Com­ chief magistrate, they could not be restored New York, are our.Agents to receive Advertisements “by tlie same conveyance” the same day and INCREASE OF SALARIAS. the name of the republic,—in the name without the sanction of congressional legislation, Senate went into executive session, and year. By this able addition to the editori- pany, authorized to manufacture knitting of all that they hold dear,—protest against and this was the judgment of the country. Then and subscriptions. was married in the evening. Such a persistent machines in Biddeford, capital stock Tlie Register of Probate for. Penobscot so continued till the hour cf noon termialal force of the paper and these essential this action of this Congress. how were they to come back? Only by eomply- bridegroom as that chap deserves to he “hugged §200,000, with liberty to increase to $500,- county has had his annual salary increas­ Mr. Thayer—Fite it. _ witli the conditions which Congress may im­ nated tho session, and Mr. Wade called improvements, Mr. Foster certainly de­ up warm .” 000; Merchants’ Exchange Company of ed to §1,000, commencing Jan. 1, of the pose—whether Congress had the authority to The City Election. Mr. Stevens—If I understand the gen­ impose them or not—or, failing to comply, to the Senate of the 40th Congress to order, serves the increase of circulation which 3 3 “ The Dover Observer says P. M. Jefford Portland, capital stock §200,000; Lock- present year; the Register of Probate The city election passed off last Mon­ for Androscoggin county, his salary in­ tlemen on the other side, They are will­ remain in the sad condition in which they now and the crowd pushed into the opened we trust the Press will obtain. We com­ shut a caribou in frout of his house in Foxcroft, wood Mills Company of Lewiston, au­ ing that this vote be taken without fur­ are. He imputed bad motives neither to Con­ day, with much the same general quiet on Tuesday week, with « pistol, and ou the thorized to manufacture cotton, wool and creased to §3b0, from same time; the gress nor to the executive. He thought he galleries. The new Senators, Messrs. same day Mr. L. Mayhew killed a loupcervicr Judge of Probate for Sagadahoc county ther debate. which has marked our municipal elec­ mend it to the patronage of those who flax, capital stock $2,000,000: Madawas­ Messrs. Boyer and Ancona rose at once knew his duty to tlie institutions of tlie country Morfill, Ferry, Patterson, Conkling, Cam­ A youth iu Wheeling, Va.,took lnudanum ka Mills Company of Lewiston, author­ his salary increased to §100 from same loo well lo cull iu question the motives of either. tions for the three years preceding, the want a daily paper. and denied that there was any such un­ He acceded purity of purpose and patriotic eron, Jlortou, Drake, Cole, Harlan anil io cure love sickiiuss. i t proved offootnal’ mid ized to manufacture cotton, wool aud flax, time; County Attorney for Aroostook his Democratic or opposition party having salary increased to §300 from same time; derstanding, M r. Ancona declaring that principles to both. He differed from both, but Corbett, and Messrs. Thayer and Tipton Choice Engravings.—We have re­ he was buried the next day. capital stock $1,500,000; Casco Mills no power had been delegated to Mr. El­ Ito sought the restoration of the Union, aud be put no candidates in nomination on a Company of Lewiston, authorized to County Attorney of Knox, his salary in­ dridge. saw no way of accomplishing it now but by tl^p from the new Stale of Nebraska, were ceived, through Messrs. S. M. Pettingill I]3* Tlie Hallowell Gazette says the whole manufacture cotton, wool and Uax, capi­ creased $500 in lull for all official services; adoption of tlie measure now before the Senate. city ticket since 18G3. There was, how­ number o f deaths in that city during the year County Attorney of Cumberland, salary Air. Eldridge—Wo feel that we have no “ We are now, in my opinion,” he continued, sworn in. |& Co., Boston, two very fine engravings ending March 1st, was forty-one. tal stock §1,000,000; Quantabacook Wa­ power to resist the efforts on that side of ever, in several of the wards, something The House met at 9, and after 10 o’clock entitled “The Morning Kiss” and “Going ter Company of Harrington, capital stock increased to §1,000; Judge of Probate “ in a state of quasi war. Our condition is rev­ The International telegraph line will he lor Cumberland county, salary increased the House to dissolve the republic. olutionary. Ten States of the Uuiofi are virtu­ to relieve the monotony of an uncontest­ was briskly engaged with business till to Bed.” They ate from the hand of §20,000; Hollis Manufacturing Company [Some hisses.] ally held as provinces, upon the ground that we ed election. In Ward 2 two tickets were pushed through to Rockland, Belfast and Ban­ of Hollis, authorised lo manufacture to §1,000; County Attorney of Andros­ nave a right to hold them as enemies of the Un­ the close of the session. At 12 o’clock'John Dainty, and arc for sale by John coggin, salary increased to §450; salary Air. Stevens—I do not want to move gor, ns soon us spring opens. woolen and cotton goods, capital stock the previous question unless it is neces­ ion and the government. In that state of things, run for the Common Council, owing to Speaker Colfax delivered a brief and ap- Ilankerson, Publisher, Portland. They §200,000; Portland Stone Company of of Adjutant General increased to §1,600; to hesitate in the adoption of any measure which some dissatisfaction with reference to the 3 3 ' Oscar Hills of Northport, had his house salary for the Governor increased to sary. promises, even tlie most distantly, to put an end propriate valedictory address and declar- arc in the best style of the art, and will destroyed by lire on the night of tlie 27th. The Portland and Westbrook, authorized to Air. Le Blond—Ac one member of the to this revolutionary condition, is in my judg­ management or result of the ward cau­ family barely escaped witli their lives losing all carry oil the business of manufacturing §2,500. ment to be false to the true interest and safety ed the House adjourned without day. He command an extensive sale. Mr. II. wants their personal property. No insurance. House on this side, believing as I do that cus. Iu Ward 7 tw otickets were run for stone ware, capital stock §100,000; Ban­ FISH CULTURE. the passage of this bill is the death knell of the eouutry.” In conclusion he said he was then came down from his chair and two agents to sell them. See advertisement, ipS* The republicans carried the municipal gor Oil Company for manutaetnring and glad to see from the public prints of the South, both Aldermen and Councilmen (one A resolve has passed authorizing the o f republican liberty on this continent and to be informed by many leading meu of the minutes later, Mr. McPherson, the clerk, elections held vesturday in the State of New refining oil, capital stock §200,000; Nar- Councilman, however, being on botli The Governor has renominated W. Governor to appoint two commissioners [laughter on the republican side], if I South, that it was tlie purpose of the Southern called the 40th Congress to order, and pro­ York. ragansett Manufacturing and Trading to examine our rivers and waters, for the had a sufficient number of members on States to organize under this hill. They were tickets) and we think as large a vote was W. Rice, of Thomaston, Warden of the Company of Gorham, authorized to man­ taking lessons from experience. “Tlie consti­ ceeded to call the roll. Mr. Brooks of fJU The steam cutter l’awtuxet towed selir, purpose of introducing the black bass, this side of the House to stand with me, tutional amendment,” lie said, "if it had been thrown iu that ward as was ever polled State Prison, for another term of four Abaeo of Searsport iuto Boston last week, dis ufacture wood, brick, leather, &(•.,; An­ land-locked salmon and such other varie­ this bill never, never should become a New York got the floor, and denounced adopted, would have brought iuto this ebauilier aided by loss of suils. droscoggin Water Power Company of Lis­ ties of fresh water and sea fish as they law. I would leave it to the next Con­ oilier there. In Ward 4 there was also a spirit­ years. He has also nominated George F. bon, authorized to manufacture wool, and tlie chamber representatives from tho ed contest between two candidates for the organization of the House in the ab- 33" Three deers were taken in the town of may deem necessary. The expense ol gress, with sixteen States unrepresented, South. Of that I have no doubt. Now it will Wadsworth, of Eastport, Indian Agent cotton, iron, lumber, meal and flour, capi­ this experiment in fish culture is not to to take the responsibility of striking this not. The bill which we passed, and which was the Common Council. With what result seuceof the representatives of 17 States of the Passalnaquoddy Tribei and John Dexter a few days since. The dears, it is under­ tal stock §500,000: Bangor Water Power afterward amended in the House, would have stood, are not all taken. There are “ afew more exceed §1000. Tlie commissioners are blow at the government. accomplished the same purpose upon terms less these contests were carried on will be as a revolutionary proceeding, and read A. Poor, of Portland, Amos D. Lockwood Company, capital stock §300,000; Eure­ required to report such tacts and sugges­ Air. Stevens—Then I understand that left.” ka Milling Company of Bath, for manu- exacting than the one now before the Senate. seen in the returns we give below. In a,, protest against , it, signed ,, ,,by ... all the ”7of Lewiston,t . -LY and Hannibal Hamlin, of tions as may be material to the next Leg­ we cannot agree that the vote shall be It was amended and tlie amendment is tlie most Democratic members. Mr. McPherson 3 3 “ A despnteli to the New York W orld says faaturing flour, capital stock §100,000; islature, or to the Governor if they deem taken without further delay. obnoxious feature of the bill. The Senate pass­ the other wards the vote was small, Bangor, Commissioners on hydrographic thut Senators aud members seem to look now as Specie Payment Mining Company of Col­ ed it aud I voted for it. AVhy? Because I declined to receive that or any other pa- an earlier report expedient. Air. Le Blond—I do not know whether though considerably larger than that of „ , „ survey of the State, authorized bv the though the Fortieth Congress will not sit a week orado, lor working gold and silver mines, bought, I know I thought, I had satisfactorily per pending the organization of the House L islature of 18G? TELEGRAPHIC. there are men enough on this side will­ ascertained that this failing, a measure of a last year. if the reconstruction bill should become a law. capital stock §500,000; Muzzy Iron Works ing to join me. We have had no consul­ more rigid character, a measure founded upon and the House proceeded to elect a Speak- ______There is no disposition to wait and talk the turilT of Bangor, for manufacturing in metals An act has passed providing that the tation : we have not talked ou the subject. tlie idea that tiie people of the South were con­ Hon. J oseph Farwell, who has mode of estimating and securing damag­ er, and Mr. Colfax was chosen, by a vote The Railroad.—The meeting of the over again. and wood in their various combinations, Air. Eldridge—We understand that the quered enemies and their property liable to for­ been elected fifth Mayor of Rockland, had capital stock §150,000; Maine Building es on the location of telegraph lines shall Speaker will hold and that a majority ol feiture, would have been enacted.” of 127 to 30. Mr. Colfax took the chair, committee of the corporators to locate the ]3 * Belfast lias reduced her city debt the past Air. Saulsbury said lie did not rise to debate not hitherto sanctioned the use of his Block Company, capital stock §100,000; be the same as iu the case of lands taken the House will sustain him in that ruling. about an hour after he had vacated it, d Knox and Lincoln Road, wdl be held at year over $10,000. Tlie total amount of city iu- Monson Manufacturing Company of Ken­ by railroad corporations, aud like reme­ this bill, which the President, in his wisdom, name as a candidate for the ofiice, but ilebtedncss is $59,932.17. This is less than any that by a two-thii;ds vote all rules can be had vetoed. He approved of the exercise of the livered his speech of acknowledgment Waldoboro on Friday, the date of our pres­ other city ill the Slate. nebunk, for munul'aeturing flour and fab­ dies are given to parties interested or ag­ suspended, ineludinif those under which veto power upon this the most iniquitous hilt yielded last week to the solicitations ol rics of cotton, wool, &c., capital stock grieved. and acceptance, administered the oath to ent issue. We hope that the mooted 3 3 ' A Bath mechanic has contracted to move tire action of the majority lias sometimes ■, hope that Hie southern people would never theen­ his friends, who urged him to do so, and §100,000: Skowhegan Ga^Company, cap­ CESSION OF JURISDICTION. been resisted. That being so, we feel the members elect, and the 40th Con- “bridge” question will be settled at that three dwelling house frou thut city to Portland ter the Union upon the terms now presented to received the nomination in the city cau­ ital stock §30,000, with liberty to increase The State cedes jurisdiction to theUnit- that it would be useless tor us to make them. gross was organized. meeting, as to the cost and praetibility of by water. to §50,000; Saco and Biddeford Ship­ cus by a very large vote. Mr. Farwell’s ed States over the site on which is locat-1 ;lny further effort. Were it otherwise, I, I Mr. Dixon believed the bill to be in conflict The President was at the capitol all the the Bath bridge and the cost by the other 33" The Portland Star speaks of a sagacious building Company, capital stock §200,- ed the Military Asylum for disabled vol­ for one, should feel it tnv duty to stand 'Y*11', ,tlle provisions of the Constitution, and well-known energy and public spirit gvie dog in Limerick, which killed and brought home 100: Kennebec l.and and Lumber Com­ morning, signing bills. He signed all routes. O il the same day, also, the citi- unteers at Toglis Springs. Concurrent with the gentleman from Ohio until the {“'q"1 votn,g for “ vio' the best assurance of his fitness for the a partridge for a sick child, after the father and pany of Augusta, for manufacturing lum­ last hour of tlie expiring Congress should The eouutry was now the bills presented to him, though he zens of Bath are to vote in the question brother had hunted for one a whole day. jurisdiction with the United States is re­ tl peace. The termination of the war had been office to which he has been chosen, and ber, capital stock §500,000; Tieonie Wa­ tained by tlie State over premises so far haMr Bovei-I desire to say that the gen­ i announced by tlie President and recognized by called the woollen tariff bill a villainous whether thecity will “aid in the construc- Bor the Gazette. ter Power and Manufacturing Company I Congress. After this declaration by Congress we have every reason to believe that he that all civil and criminal processes as measure, and it was thought he would | tion and equipment of the Knox and Lin- Houlton, Me., March 1, 1867. of Waterville, capital stock §2,000,000; may issue under its authority against per­ tleman from AViseonsiu has spoken by no ; lie could see no power to establish military gov- North American Petroleum Company, for triinients. Believing the bill to be a plain and will be able to bring to the mayoralty those pocket it, till the last moment. He signed ! coin Railroad, by issuing the bonds of Mr. Editor:—It will doubtless be grat­ sons charged with offenses committed •inthority from me, ami by no authority palpable violation of the Constitution, he should qualities which are needed in the admin­ leasing and mining oil and other mineral outside may be executed. So long as the ‘delegated to him by those around me so , vote against it. the army appropriation bill, but accom- said city for the sum of six hundred ifying to the many individuals who are lands in Pennsylvania, capital stock§40,- istration oi our city affairs. recipients of your paper, who are inter­ property remains in the hands of the far as I understand. 1 shall deem it my i Air. Buekalew, Air. Davis and Air. Hen- panied it with a written protest against thousand dollars. 000; Dil'igo Sewing Machine Company of government it is exempted from all taxes duty to employ all means within out pow­ Hon. Geo. S. Wiggin, who was not a ested in the moral and religious advance­ Gardiner, for manufacturing sewing ma­ er ?o defeat this bill. I dricks followed in support of the veto and the second and sixth sections. ment of what are termed the neiv settle­ and assessments. I in opposition to the bill, and Air. John­ candidate for re-nomination and who will Temperance League.—The next meet­ chines, capital stock §150,000, with pow­ ments, to know, that, since the dedication INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. sufficient number on this sll’° “J / “S son briefly rejoined, alter which, ht half­ er to increase to §200,000; Ne Plus Ultra House to make opposition elKctual. ol retire from the mayoralty next Monday, The Legislature.—The Maine Legis­ ing of the League will beheld in Atlantic of the Baptist meeting-house, ill this vil­ Authority is given the Governor to ap­ past ten, the vote was taken, resulting in lage, a few weeks ago, there lias been a Collar Company of Biddeford, for manu­ course I must yield a reluctant assent has held the office for idne years, having lature adjourned on Friday of last week, Hail, oil Monday evening next, according facturing collars and culls of paper, capi­ point a commission to investigate the Tlie Speaker—The gentleman from yeas 38, nays 10. The announcement been chosen Mayor in 1858 and been un- ] to adjournment. A resolve upon an in­ gratifying increase of attendance upon tal stock §100,000, with power to increase principles and operations of industrial that the bill had become a law was follow­ after a sessien of 59 days, during which the preached word; that the interest in Wisconsin has alluded to an anfetpa ed ed by hearty applause from the galleries. interruptedly re-elected until the present teresting topic will be introduced for dis­ to §200,000; Pembroke Ship-building schools tor girls, and report to the next decision bv the chair as it it was a new were passed 307 acts and 107 resolves.— the sabbath-school keeps pace with the Company, capital stock §100,000. l.egislature on the expediency of estab­ Boston Advertiser's Correspondent. year. He has during this long period cussion, and speakers will be procured inereaseot the congregation, and that tlie one. The' chair has stated to gentlemen The amount of local and special legisla­ lishing such an institution in Maine. on both sides frankly that every Speakei , served the city with faithfulness and with to open the debate,—so we are informed interest in tlie prayer meetings is in ad­ RAILROADS. Washington, Alarch 5.—A telegraphic tion called for, lias been unusually large, vance of all. At our last prayer meeting ot all parties, who has accepted the chair an integrity which has never been ques­ by the Executive Committee. The towns of Dexter. Corinna and Prom Mexico. h is* held that oil .Mondays alter the rnorn- despatch from Alexandria, received to­ and the session has been characterized by we had a company of nearly one hundred Parkman are authorized to loan their res­ ; : o r. ami on the last ten days ot a night, says the election passed off with­ tioned by any man of any party. lie and fifty persona, many of » lunu vrer The following is from a letter dated out disorder. Air. Latham was elected great industry and a large degree of har­ Items: Home-Made and Stolen. pective credits to tlie Dexter and New­ Vera Cruz, Eeb. 22, received at the Ale.x- leSs on by the rules which we haveout- will retire from the office with the gener­ deeply impressed, one of whom, havin. port Railroad Company, in aid of the con­ mayor by about 63 majority. The negro mony. The presiding officers of both recently found peace in believing, s ican legation in Whashington:— aelves adopted, two-thirds can suspend vote was not received by the cominission- al esteem of his fellow-citizens. j p p Vermont. Butter continues to decline struction aud completion of their railroad Gen. Diaz has thrown parfrof his army all the rules of the House, thus suspend­ branches are spoken of as having dis-, powerfully impressed the audience as to in amounts not exceeding the following ;rs, but was recorded by the radical can- We give below the vote of the city for charged their duties with much ability ,il1 |iriL'c !,t * ' Albl,,,s’ !Uld was sold Tuesday for leave witli those who are laboring and between Alexico and Puebla, and commu­ ing every rule that stands m the way ot lidates for officers. The radi­ ; lrom 20 to 3o cents per pound. sums: Dexter, §125,000; Corinna, §50, nication is now very irregular. For ten iimnediate action on any measure. It is Mayor for eleven years, with the full and entire acceptance. waiting, the conviction that a blessing is 000; Parkman, §15,000. These amounts cal white vote was 56. It is reported that 3 3 ’ What is the difference between seventeen in store for the church and the citizens days past we have received no mails from as old as tlie history of Congress. more than 1000 negro votes were record­ vote of the city on Monday, for Mayor, The State Constabulary Bill was pass- are to be raised by set ip, and a mortgage anywhere west of Orizaba, and the tele­ Mr Finck said tiiat he believed it to be | and seventy? Due is cureless and liappv, the of this enterprising and beautiful inland given of the road to secure the payment ed. Aldermen and Common Councilmen.— ed. The act amendatory of the liquor other hairless and < town. C. graph lines are cut. The French left tlie ditty of those who were opposed to of its bonds. Puebla on tiie 16th instant, and a rumor the bill'to exhaust every eflort in then Four members ot the Board of Aldermen bill was amended SO as strike out tlie 33" Some smugglers in Belfast, Me., were The town of Hartford is authorized to Action on Appointments.—The Sen­ and nine members of the Common Coun­ For tlie Gazette. is in circulation here that General Diaz power to prevent its passage, aud he was ate have passed at least half the time clause authorizing the destruction of for- detected last week. Their practice was to re- raise §1000. to be applied in constructing has captured that city. The imperialists lirepared to do, so. . ,, cil have been re-elected. Those mem­ L .u.u.01 "•=, pack , i,e s,UUggied goods in fish barrels ami then Visit to the W aterfalls.—2fo. 2. an extension of the Portland aud Oxford since Friday last in executive session. feited liquors (a result that we regret), send them per steamer Katahdiu to Boston report that they have obtained two victo­ ' Mt-. Chandler asked Air. Steyens to yield The nomination promoting Henry S. bers elect of the City Council who were where they were sold. Mr. Editor.—Leaving Warren and Central Railroad from Summer depot to ries over the liberals, one against Corona, to a motion, as a test question, that the leaving the law in that point as it stands, Centre Hartford. . Sanford from the rank of Minister. Resi­ Aldermen last year have their names 13’TIic Great Eastern is now loading at Liv­ passing northerly on the eastern side of at Atenqilique, and the other against Car- whole matter be postponed to a day cel dent at Belgium to the rank of Envoy and also amended so as to make it go Georges River about six miles, we came The Androscoggin Railroad Company ivajal at Giianajnata. Very little credit marked with an asterisk (*) and those erpool, and will sail for New York March 20th. is authorized extend its road from Lewis­ t l Mr Stevens declined to do so and said: Extraordinary, aud the nomination of into effect July 1st. I11 this form it ttas to South Union, situated on a branch of is given here to these rumors, and they Senator Cowan as Alinistor to Austria, who were Common Councilmen are passed. The act submitting this liquor 3 3 “ W hat is tlie difference between a church the Georges, having its source in the ton and Danville through Auburn, Poland, ate thought to be circulated by the impe­ I have listened with patience. I be mve, organist and tlie influenza? One knows tiie stops .Minot, connecting with the Atlantic and were not continued, but laid on the table. marked with a dagger (f). Those mark­ bill to a popular vote, was also passed, town of Hope. A tetv years since, we rialists to keep up the spirits of their to the gentlemen on the other side, Among the confirmations were Wolcott and tlie otiier stops the nose. visited this place, at which time then St. Lawrence Railroad at or near Alechan- men, who are becoming more demoral­ would not be discourteous to any of thera^ ed with a double-dagger (J) have at some and it is to be voted upon about the first ies’ Falls in Poland or Minot, and thence Gibbs of , Commissioner 33“ Au unlucky mall went into a store in was, in successful operation, a woollen ized every day. lam aware of tlie melancholy feeltuo to the Paris Exposition, iu place of Pro­ time previous to last year been members of June, when if the popular vote sus­ factory, axe factory, shovel factory, foun to extend and connect with the Buck’ffeld It seems that on the 12th ult. Alarquese witli which they are approaching this Bin- of one branch or the other of the city Portland, lo purchase some molasses. Tlie clerk Branch Railroad at any convenient point fessor Agassiz, declined; Gideon Alayo, tains it, it will become a law. Our opinion started thebung to show tlie quality, when a two- dry, machine shop, two saw mills, two and Maximilian left the City of Alexico er il of the nation [laughter], and I hnu Pension Agent at Bangor; John H. Rice, government, and the others are new mem­ stave mills, two threshing mills, the whole near the junction of the same with the At­ for the interior with 400(1 men. The gen­ there is a difference of opinion among upon the action ot our legislators 011 this inch stream of the yellow fluid burst out witli lantic and St. Lawrence roaiL In order Collector of Customs at Bangor, Jere bers. i giving employment to seventy men and eral impression seems to be that their ob­ the mour,tens to an extent wind, we can­ Feiiuo, Collector Revenue in the 4th dis­ point was expressed in advance and we tremendous force, striking tlie customer full iu I women.manfacturinggoods to the amount to procure the means to build and equip ject is to reach the coast. Others, how­ not attempt to harmonize. I do not tie The new city government will be or­ tlie face, aud drenching him witli sweetness from this branch the company is authorized to trict of Alaine; J. IL Chamberlain, Asses­ have seen no reason to change it. | of §75,000 annually, and as a natural ever, believe that .Maximilian is going to sire to lose an opportunity ot passin„ sor of Revenue in the 5th district of ganized next Monday, at 10 o'clock, A. head to foot. consequence, a thriving village, having issue new stock to an amount not exceed­ negotiate with Juarez to see whether an this bill, at once, and sending it to the ing §400,000, shares of the par value of Alaine. M-, at the City Council Rooms, when tlie Levee at West Camden.—The Levee 33" Mrs. Israel Pierce of Weils, Me., was a school of ninety scholars; aud the in­ armistice can be had for the purpose ot Senate and proceeding with other mat­ The rejections were very numerous.— habitants all diligent, prosperous and §100 each, and may mortgage their whole consulting the people. Nobody, of course, members elect will receive the oaths of holdep by the ladies of West Camden on suffocated to ileatii a few days ago by smoke railroad to secure the necessary funds. ters, and if my friend f‘° in ?is Among them was that of Eben F. Pils- from some clothing which lin'd been placed to happy. Would that I could say the same expects that he will succeed in this, as fera resolution which he holds in his bury. Pension Agent at Augusta. office and the Mayor will read his inaug- *-'ie 26th UR-, was a very successful one dry in lier room, and which bud accidentally of this place now; but, alas ! all is chang­ The town of Houlton is authorized to the people have spoken and i^e speaking hand I will be much obliged to him. It was the first Levee for a religious pur­ taken fire. Tlie room was injured considerably loan it credit in aid of the construction ural address to the City Council. by lire, and it is wonderful that the whole house ed. We find only three persons engaged against him. It has been reported, too, Air. Blaine thereupon offered the tol- pose, ever liolden in that villiage, and at making tables, three in the foundry, of the Houlton Branch Railroad Compa­ and witli a shadow of probability, that The Belfast Smuggling Case.—The was not burned up. ny, in a sum not to exceed $50,000. '°ffesoZt-etf^That the rules of the House schooner Wakulla was seized by Collect­ the ladies may well congratulate them­ one sawing occasionally; and understand Aliratnon, Alarquese, Alaximiliau, .Mejia, Vote for Mayor for Eleven Years.' p ty Tlie Baptist Levee at Augusta last week two have been employed a few months The Portland, Saco and Portsmouth Costella, and the supporters of tlie Em­ be suspended so as that the House shall or Devereux the first of October last, Years. No. Rep. Deal. Scat, Rep. Maj. selves on the signal success of their ef­ was a very successful affair. Receipts $700, as making axes—(none at work now)—this Railroad Company is authorized to sub­ peror and all their troops started from immed ately proceed to a vote on the having on board about §5000 of dutiable 1857 forts. The tables were bountifully load­ scribe to the capital stock of the Europe­ question ..^required by the ConsUtution: goods, which were subsequently con­ 1858 we see by Tlie Farmer. is the whole mechanical business of the Queretaro, and were met and completely demned and sold, but this, as it appears, 1859 ed and very tastefully arranged, and place. Tlie buildings are mostly without an and North American Railway, or to defeated at Abaeo, on the 16th ult., by Will the House on recoiisideiatiou agiee 1860 1208 7.1 1 3 ”Mr. Samuel Horton, of Rockaway, Conn., the construction of land bonds of said did not end the matter. The parties 1861 3107 & paint, and many of them are tumbling to Gen. Escobedo. French transports are to the' passage of House hill No. 1143. were as attractive to purchasers as could while engaged in felling some trees in the vicin­ company, or in such other form as the owning the goods were followed up, and 1862 421 W ig g it {Union)399; Scattering22 the ground ; the school reduced to twen­ daily arriving. French troops are sta­ Hie PresidenCs objections to the contrary when the right time Caines complaints he desired. Excellent music was fur­ ity of Grassy Pond a few days since, came across ty-five scholars, and everything reminded two companies may agree, a sum not ex­ tioned between Orizaba and Paso del 1863 nished by the Camden Cornet Band, to ceeding §500,000, in bunds; and its capi­ notwithstanding? th e bill on were lodged in the hands of the District 1864 >2 361 Scattering 1 a hollow tree in which lie found secreted the us that its glory has departed. A. Moeho. and they are embarking every Air. Eldridge moved to lay the bill on Attorney by S. K. Devereux, Collector of 18G5 K) 491 Scattering 9 the gratification of the entire audience. sum of $800 in silver. From murks upon some tal stock to be increased to such an amount day. There is a regular stampede of im­ the table The Speaker ruled that that 1866 13 297 Scattering 1 as they may pay over, not to exceed iu Castine. Capt. Harris, of the Wakulla, 1S67 12 531 Scattering 11 In the early part of the evening, prayer of the coin it is evident that the deposit was made To preserve your health, cleanse your perialists. Almost all tho men who motion was in order, but that the motion was arrested and examined, and books blood when it becomes vitiated and foul. all live thousand shares of capital stock acted as Alaximilian’s ministers have eith­ to suspend the rules had F o r M a y o r. was offered by Rev. J. Kalloek of this over fourteen years ago. in addition to tiiat now authorized by and papers were seized, the result of Alany are the symptoms which sound the er left the country or are about doing so. Hon, i 'ifto lay S rules i l were l on suspended,the'table could the notmo Farwell. Scattering. Total. pity, and remarks appropriate to the oc­ 3 3 “ The Machias fiepublicaa says the United note of alarm. Fail not to heed them. law. which is, tlie parties are to pay the Gov­ States Mail Stage from Calais, was pursued by ernment §20,000—Howes & Co. §15,000, Ward 1, 46 47 casion were made by him, and also by Ingigestion, Nausea, Lassitude, Headache, The Kennebec and Wiscasset Railroad Terrible Steamboat Explosion. under the resolution, he made. Mi. L 73 7G Custom House Officer, Foss, who seized a lot of Company is authorized to unite with the Anderson §5,000. Rev. J. R. Bowler. articles declared smuggled. Tlie team and all Wandering Pains, Billions and Eruptive SRh.iid The moved speaker that thedeeiined House to takeeuterUm a re- 71 73 tlie contraband goods were taken into bis custo­ Affections, are so many signals to tell Knox and Lincoln Railroad Company at 10G 106 The proceeds of the evening were §130. dy and returned to Calais, the driver being left any time after the last named road shall Loss of Sixty-Jive Lives. yon of disease in the blood. Remove it, ^noUonpending tX p e n d the rules Fire.—The Bath Times says the mo­ 67 without any means of conveying tiie return and they disappear. How ? Take Ayer’s be wholly or in part constructed. Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 20. 1867. mail. notony which usually reigns in the quiet 44 44 As contributing to hitman comfort, we Compound Extract of— The Portland and Ogdensburg Railroad The steamboat David White, which left little town of Woolwich was somewhat 124 124 should rather be the inventor of the At a late town meeting iu Nantucket It is effectual for its purposes; purifies Company be authorized to construct a New Orleans on Thursday night for Louis- disturbed on Saturday last. The mansion there were present three hundred aud seventy- tile blood, expels tlisease and restores road to Vermont. vill with 300 passengers aud 500 tons the decision of the chair in retiunng to usually occupied by the roaming bauds of Steam Refined Soap, than the author ot The city of Bangor is authorized to loan freight for Nashville and Lousville. ex- five people over scveilty years old, seventy-fit e tho deranged functions of the body to plodpll her itirbofiial hnilor on Sunilaj Indians which have frequented the vicin­ Paradise Lost, or the conqueror of Sala- th eir healthy action.—Corydon (fad.) its credit to the B angor and PUeutisquis ity of the Ferry wharf, from time imme­ F o r A l d e r m e n . din. Webster’s Dictionary and the Steam Argus. Railroad Company, in aid of the con­ noott near Columbia, 225 miles south ot ninety. this city. The forward part of the boat morial, eaught lire and was entirely de­ W ard. W ard. Refined are the two triumphs of learn­ struction of their road to an amount not stroyed. We think the building was not 1—Calvin Hall,* 48 5— O. G. Hall,* 73 ffgg" As indicative of the manner iu which tlie Town Elections.—in Washington tiie exceeding §15,000 per mile, nor more was literally torn to atoms, and many of insured! t —Hanson G. Bird,* 82 6— Joseph Emery,j 45 ing and of art in modern days. Post-Oflice Department is managed, it may be Union ticket was elected by a handsome than §500,000 in all. The charter of this the passengers and crew were thrown 100 B—Francis Cobb,4 71 7— Harrison Farrand,; 99 mentioned that the very costly and profitable ad- majority. In Appleton the democratic road has been revived and extended. feet in the air, together with fragments Scattering, 2 John Bird, 51 Methodist Levee.—The Levee of the I- * btr *^7 democrats voted to sus A United States Naval Station in- 4 —B. Litchlield, Jr.,* 1C7 vertisinent of the annual mail-letting in the South, ticket was elected by a small vote. At An act passed incorporating the Belfast of the boat. The scene is described as Whole number of votes cast for Aldermen in all the bdn the decision, several of them statibg San Domingo.—The New York Times Methodist Society, at Atlantic Hall, on bus been given to the Phumix, of Columbia, S. the election in Union on Alonday the un­ and Aloosehead Lake Railway Company heartrending. The clothes were blown tiiat tlie appeal was made ken on Wards was 578. oil' ot some of the officers. Captain Kin­ says that, contrary to the rumor afloat Wednesday evening of last week, was at­ C., a paperofsucli marked disloyalty that it went ion ticket was elected. The following with a capital stock of not less than five rime The question was then taken ou For Common Councilmen. persons were chosen : George W. Alorse, nor more than fifty thousand shares of ney was hurled 100 feet into the air and concerning the failure of the negotiations tended by a large company, and was a into mourniug last year on the anniversary of the passage of the bill and resultcd-yeas of Assistant Secretary Seward with the W ard On e . W ard F our. .Moderator; Z. Simmons, Clerk; Win. G. §100 each. fell in the river, much bruised aud scald­ very pleasant and successful entertain­ Lee's surrender. authorities of San Domingo for securing Lysander Fales,! Francis Harrington,! 109 Hawes, Danforth Carrol and Joel A. Au act passed incorporating the Win*] ed. Joseph Packard, E. H. Cochran,t 98 ment. .Several of the tableaux were excel- 13" The Belfast Journal says a mail named Walker, Selectmen and Assessors; Jos­ terport Railroad Company, with a capital The Clerk of the boat reports the loss or purchasing a harbor and port in that Alden L. Tyler,t . J. S. Willoughby, Evans of Monroe cut bis throat in that town on island as a naval station of the United W alter J . Wood, 37 lent, the refreshment tables were abun­ eph O. Cobh, Treasurer; Alarlboro Pack­ stock of not less than one thousand nor of 65 passengers, many of whoso names Nathaniel Nichols, Monday lust and died in consequence. The deed are unknown, as the books were lost. States, arrangements to that efi'ect have dantly supplied, and all present seemed was done about noon, and the first intimation ard, Agent; Albert Thurston, S. S. Com­ more than three thousand shares of $100 Alary hunt, Rosscauot Kentucky, audSli been successful. The fine, valuable, well- W a^ d T wo. W ard F iv e . the inmates bad of it was tiiat Evans walked in­ mittee; Nahum Thurston and Franklin each- The boat is a complete wreck. A part JL. C. Thomas,| O. P. Hix,! 73 , to enjoy themselves greatly. Tlie total to the family room witli the blood streaming Rice, Constables. An act was passed authorizing any city of the boiler exploded upward and a part "TLeaSXnentoftheSpeakerMW known and long-desired Bay ef Saraana Benj. Knowlton, A. K. Spear, ,3 receipts of the occasion were upwards of from the wound. His brother caught him ill At the election in Warren oil Alonday, or town to raise money not exceeding downward, tearing the hull wide open.— was the locality whose acquisition was to TV. J . Atkins,t J . W. Crocker, his arms, where he died at ouee. The engineer and firemen on watch were be effected, ami it was to he done through John H. Handley, 8230. the old board of officers—all democrats— live per cent, of their valuation to aid in Gorham Clough,' it3 ” During some excavations lately at Serb were re-elected. There was no opposi­ the construction of railroads. blown down with the hull. The steamer the actual assent of the Dominican Gov­ Stephen Richards, theix-to n ^ ^ ^ h ' h c iloor°and in ernment at this time in power. Advices That Comical Brown.—“Enybody in the canton of Zurich, a Roman military edifice tion. An act passed incorporating the Saco Silas Bolen picked up the survivors, and W ard T h r ee. the steamers Emeline and Pauline Carrol w*th heart) *PP whlu|, hundreds ot from the island say* tiie mission of Assis­ W ard Six . and his wife” will turn out to as usual to was discovered, iu which were found many uten­ and Boston Steamboat Company, to con­ W . H . Titcomb,t E. P . Ilall, Jiy Atlantic Tclcyraph, vey passengers and freights between tlie brought them here. Of the cabin passen­ the galleries, • thinkimT the bill tant Secretary Seward was successfully T. E. Simonton,t A. J . Erskine, hear the new budget of Comical Brown's sils and ancient coins. gers only 11 are unhurt. X n w T j n ^ t o C S ’end of the accomplished; the points of negotiation £ . R. Speur.t London, March 4.—Lord Brougham various ports in Alaine, Portsmouth and Scattering, songs, and those who have any idea of 13* It is generally admitted by newspapers has made a speech strongly urging tlie Boston with a capital stock of §2000,000 cWapRoi left the°ir seats and went to the and treaty were established with Presi­ throughout tlie country that the winter lias been dent Cabral, and within the present week Ward Seven. getting a seat must goearly or “stand and adoption of the principles of household In the United States Senate. Tuesday an exceedingly fair one for farmers. There lias suffrage. • INCREASE OF CAPITAL STOCK. a resolution of thanks to George Peabody, btT Iwveto and accompanying bill with an official agent has arrived in this coun­ Frederick Ulmer, 151 try bearing a preliminary treaty which O. M. Lampson, 104 be counted”, for Brown always draws a been snow enough lo protect the wheat, aud The following changes have been made Tiie following manufacturing compa­ which also directs the preparation of a Silas Farrington.J 97 crowd. Monday Evening March 18, at there is every prospect of abundant crops. in tlie British Cabinet: The Duke of Rich­ nies are authorized to increase their capi­ gold medal to be presented to him, was has received the sanction ot the legisla­ Jonathan Spear, 52 mond b^omes Colonial Secratary; Sir offered. The session was very short, the tive authorities of San Domingo, and this Abel Walker, 48 Atlantic Hall, Mr. Brown will hold lorth, tal stock. Oriental Powder Company preliminary treaty will presently be sub­ The whole number of ballots cast for Councilmen in 13" The bouse, store and ball of Mr. Philip John Palkington, Secretary of War; Sir which is also authorized to manufacture Senate adjourning at half-past twelve. — all the wards was 583. assisted by Mr. William Hayward, whose Huud.lette in Dresden, were entirely destroyed mitted to our Government. by fire on Tuesday last. Loss about $3000 which Stafford Northcote, First Lord of the Ad­ goods, wares and frabriesof wood, metal In the House tiie minor officers were S teoiporaru/ K was not taken tip Constables. reputation as a balladist gives him rank wasmostly covered by insurance. miralty; Right Hon. II.I. Cony Under glass, wool, cotton, silk, &c., and to ex­ elected. The claims of two candidates Coal in India.—The coal fields recent­ Ward. at the head of the profession. Mr. Eustis Secretary for the Colonies, and Air. Ste­ ercise all its rights of manufacturing, ex­ for tlie Colorado seat were referred to the ^ M c w w d e d to°heir ut- W ard. [ 3 ” A New Y’ork despatch says that Captain phen Cave, President of the Board of cept the inanufaeture of gunpowder or committee on elections. Rev. Dr. Boyn­ th .? pv int anil hundreds ot persons ly discovered in Chindwarra, India, ex­ 1— Otis Larrabee. 5— John Lindsey. and the educated dog seottie wiMhlso as­ William II. Mitchell, of the brig James Murehie tend over a surface of upward of fifty 2— A. L. Pendleton 6— A. T. Say ward. fell from bis vessel oil Saturday and was drown­ Trade. other explosive materials, on any of the ton was re-elected chaplain. Tho cre­ 7— George E. Hewett, sist, giving a pleasing variety to the en­ walking UP and down the halls in fruit- miles, varying in thickness of good coal 3— S. W. Laughton, ed. It is understood that liis relatives reside at Eondon, JIarch 5.—The Duke of Rich­ falls on as well as at dentials of Air. Tappe of Nebraska were walkm 1 inside the chamber. 4— H . M. Brown. tertainment. In another Column will be Machias, Me. Tlie body has not been recover­ Gambo Falls, capital stock §1,000,000; presented, and he was sworn and took from three to thirteen feet. There can ed. mond has declined the Colonial Secreta­ The reading being concluded the follow­ 'W ardens and. C lci’Rs. found a list of Mr. Brown’s engagement K nnebec Company §3,000,000,. also and his seat. The House adjourned at half­ be little doubt that these coal fields are ryship, and the Duke of Buckingham, to ing proceedings took place :■ the most important discoveries that have arden Cl e r k . 3 " Letters from Damascus announce the ar­ utorized to raise their dam at Augusta past two. W . in this vicinity. whom it was subsequently tendered, has been made ill India for years. The of­ 1— Lysander Fales. A. N. Fales. rival there of the great annual caravan from acceded the position. across the Keqnebec river to seventeen Mr. Johnson said.that, while: doing as) be mo^ George Staples. sincerely did full justice to the re- ficial report gives a very high opinion of 2— Stephen Richards. J3 " Quite an excitement was created iu Nor­ Bagdad, consisting of twothousand five hundred Tlie government promises that the pro­ feet above common high \yater mark, and p W The Democrat says that on Friday last a 3— F. L. Jones. W . E. Crockett. folk on Saturday last, from an attempt that was young child of Owen Smith, Biddeford, pulled purpose of the President, lie t0 send the coal as a fuel, its freedom from iron 4— W alter J . Wood. F. Harrington. camels, one half of which were laden with tum- visions0 of the reform L’ill, which it is to enjoy tho water power thus ereatej ; a tea urn full of hot tea front the table over on gret that he had felt himself eomi muny J . W. Crocker. made by tlie captain of a schooner to kidnap a this message to Congi ess. t her me8aage pyrites aud the great facility in working 5— Reman P. Harden, young colored boy. The captain was bound beki, (the tobacco used for hargiles) while the preparing for submission to Parliament, Portliitid, Bapgor aqd Alachias Steamboat to its head and shoulders, scalding it iu a shock- 6— Wm. H. Glover. Wm. G. Rhoades, Company, capital stock §500,000; Lewis- tug tnauuer. propositions in law contained m it. 7— T. B. Spear, John JL>. Tolman, over iu $390 bfiil to answer before a Court. bemaiuder carried the travelers. will be liberal iu their character. £5

Know Thy Destiny, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, Wholesale and Retail. GREAT ME AD 5 FURNITURE AX IXVALCABLE MEDICINE Madame E. F. Thornton, the great English As •oncentrated______Q A T MEAL, inform the public—Wose who are desirous of his ser­ _ the choice root, so vices—to inform him from four to six weeks in ad­ trologist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has combined with other sub­ vance,mice, as hisins classes are alwaysaiw filled. BUCK WHEA PRIZE MONEY, MILE- Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined, Indian Vegetable medicines, tiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, ♦ *2* SEAMEN, &c., promptly secured at the Enchained the very heart and mind. It Is very easy to say of this, or of any other Medi­ R esidence—In Capt. Israel Snow’s House, corner lowest rates by cine, It is the very best Remedy known.” I t is not Prepared by science to suit each case, will cleanse the MADAME REMINGTON, the world-renowned As- Foul Stomach, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Heart­ Groods of all K inds, of Florence aud Main Streets. a CRISPER GOMA, burn, arising from Disordered Stomach, Pain or Mor­ BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. O. G. IIALL, RocfizAND, always so easy to prove it. It is, however, exceeding­ blood and restore health to the invalid. CANCERS, trologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a Oflice hours from 11 to 12 A.M ., and from 2 to 4 and ly gratifying to the proprietor of this medicine, that, bid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Ap 7 to 9 P. M. For Curling the Hair of either Sex SCROFULA and the worst forms of disease cured. A clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the petite, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Rockland, Marcli Cth, 1867. 12tf recent r/eew/ono/(Ac United States Court of while he declares to the public that this is a most Rockland, Feb. 28, 1867. lltf into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets wonderful and effective specific for Humors, as stated Book explaining these facts will be sent free. Ad­ person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instru Neuralgia, and as a Dinner Pill are unequalled* Claims, OJJlcers arc allowed extra pay fo r servants They are sugar coated, so that the most sensible can jrom May to March b, 1865. All officers who or Heavy Massive Curls. above, he has abundant proof at hand to sustain his dress Dr. R. GREENE, 10 Temple Place, Boston, ment of intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, statement. take them with pleasure, and they are the best Aperi­ Downer’s Kerosene! sen^d alter May 1 1864, are entitled to this. By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can Mass. guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture ol ent in the world for all the purposes of a lamfly The new bounty bill, which has passed the House, sixteen years the II umor Doctor has been man­ HE STANDARD OIL. Warranted to be non-ex­ Real Estate for Sale. benutily themselves a thousand fold. It is the only ufactured and sold, and every year has increased the Jan . 30,1867. 3m7 the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date physic. plosive, and the most economical Oil in the mar­ allows bounty to those who served less than two years. article in the world that will curl straight hair, a *1 Prepared by Dr. J . C. AYER &Co., Lowell Mass., T «§S!g^rFHE subscriber offers for sale ten acres Soldiers desiring my assistance in procuring this value of its reputation, and the amount of its sales. In ket. For sale by at tile same time give it u beautiful, glossy appear­ New Hampshire, where it was originated, no remedy We have but little confidence in the trumpet-tongued of marriage, occupation, leading traits ol character, and sold by all Druggists aud dealers iu medicine 3wl2 C.M . TIBBETTS. J. of Land, situated on Cedar Street, ad- bounty, may, by sending me their discharges, have ance. Tlie Crisper Coma not only curls tile hair, but everywhere. joining his old Homestead, aud three claims prepared, and forwarded as soon as the act* tor humors is so highly prized. An eminent physician, statements ot the proprietors of advertised medicines Ac. This is no imposition, as testimonials without invigorates, beautifies and cleanses i t ; is highly and (now* an army surgeon) when practicing in N. H. Feb. 22, 1867. 8wl0 P acres on North Main Street, near Black- passes the Senate and becomes a law, as it. undoubted­ delightfully perfumed, and is the most complete ar number can assert. By stating place of birth, age, ington’s Corner. Said lots are under til­ ly will very soon. Seamen will soon be allowed same purchased between fifty and sixty gallons of it, during generally, but we are forced to concur in the opinion, Dissolution^!' Co-partnership. tide of tlie kind ever ottered to tlie American public, some seven or eight years and used it in his practice, disposition, color of eyes and hair, aud enclosing fifty lage and bear heavy grass. Terms made known on bounty as soldiers. file Crisper Coma will be sent to any address, sealed uniformly expressed by all who have used P erry Da­ T H E co-partnershijWieretofore existing under the application to Fred Crockett. lie has since then ordered it for the hospital where he cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, and postpaid for $1. v is ’ P ain Kil le r , that it is a very valuable article, JL style of A. J. Sil AW & CO., is this day dissolved , CHAS. CROCKETT’. Address all orders to was stationed. Other physicians have purchased it. you will receive the picture by return mail, together MARRIAGES by mutuul consent. Rockland, Feb. 25, 1867. 3wll and have used it in practice with great success. When and one that it would be well for every household to W. L. CLARK & CO., Cliemists, the proprietor lived in New Hampshire, at Goffstown have at hand, in case of bruises, scalds, burns, dair- with desired information. AO. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 'Centre, for the space of thirty or lorty miles around, A gents W anted! Feb. 21, 1867. lylO rha;a, dysentery, cholera, fever and ague, and the host £5/- Address in confidence, Madame Gertrude SANFORD’S aud in Manchester particularly, the Humor Doctor In this city, March 2d, by William Perry, Esq., Mr. was well known and highly valued for the numerous ot diseases, external and internal, which it is adapted R emington, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. Gilbert M. Robbins, of Hope, to Miss Julia A. Turner, The business will be continued at the old stand, For Ricliarilson’s New Work, •of this city. (Pillsbury Block), by the subscribers, who will settle INDEPENDENT LINE. and wonderful cures which it effected. Though manu­ to cure or alleviate. No article ot medicine ever at­ Feb. 21, 1867. lylO the liabilities of the late firm, and receive all debts Reparator Capilli, factured in large quantities, the supply was frequently In this city, Feb. 27th, by Rev. W. O. Holman, OUTSIDE ROURE FROM BAN­ “Beyond the Mississippi!” exhausted, and purchasers had to wait for more to be tained to such unbounded popularity a«..d extensive Capt. H. II. Hall to Miss Fannie A. Ferry, both ol made. In that region some very severe cases of ] ’fi F A l’oung Lady r e tu r n in g to her R o c k la n d . GOR TO BOSTON. The large, Throw away your false frizzes, your switlies, your wig, diffusion. It has penetrated to every part, even the In this city, March 2d, by Rev. George Pratt, Mr. Destructive of comfort, and not worth n. far; sipelas were treated with it,—and they were c most remote, of the known w o rld , bearing with its country home, alter a sojourn ot a few months in the Rockland, March £ staunch, new steamer and Adventures on Prairies, Mountains and’the voine ugea, come youthful, come uglv ana lair, ocko, w. vuiVuill-lea, lUuoc U gly, p Charles P. Wood to Miss Susie L. Gxeen, both of this F Aud rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. ulcers, were entirely removed wherever this medicine healing influences more potent than those of the spic­ City, was hardly recognized by her friends. Iu place city. Pacific Coast, With Descriptive aud Photographic KATAIIDIN—Capt. J. P. Johnson, Views of the Scenery, Cities, Lands, Mines, People, wiis faithfully used. Ho it was with Scrofula and Salt es of “Araby the blest.” We are informed by our o l u coarse, rustic, flushed lace, she had a soft, ruby In Friendship, Jan . 16th, by Zenas Cook, 2d, Esq.* REPARATOR CAPILLI. Rheum. The Humor Doctor cured them. Mr. Samuel Simmons and Miss Mary A. Cushman, WANTED, AGENTS! ILL leave Boston for Winterport, first trip of and Curiosities of the New States and Territories. principal druggists, that they sell more of this article complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever F or the sake of showing what is thought of it, alew both ot Bremen. CHOOL TEACHERS, Clergymen, Disabled Sol­ the season, THURSDAY, March 7th, ut 5 1857—1866. By Albert D. Ricliardson, author of cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a growth ol testimonials are here inserted: for exportation than any or all .others, and that the of twenty-three she really appeared but eighteen. Up- In Belfast, March 2d, Mr. Charles 11. Sargent to diers, Ladies or Gentlemen in all parts ot the Wo’clock, P. M., and continue to run one trip per week“ Field, Dungeon and Escupe.” The work will be is­ hair upon the face, it lias no equal. It will force the until further notice, as follows : sued in one large octavo volume of 500 pages, beauti­ demand is constantly increasing.—Salem Observer. inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she Miss Delia A. Carter, both of B. SState, to sell those popular Engravings published by heard to grow upon the smoothest face in from five to In Stockton, March 2d, Benjamin M. Eanies, of J ohn Da inty, among which are the “ Morning K issf Leave Winterport for Boston, every TUESDAY, fully illustrated with nearly 200 engravings. This eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads iu from two to Milton Gale, Eaq, Boston. Feb. 21, 1867. 4wl0 plainly told them that she used the CIRCASSIAN at 12 o’clock M., touching at all the usual landings, work will be sold by subscription only. Sole and ex­ Stockton, to Miss Ariola II. Gray, of Prospect. Going to lied,” “ Tarable o f the Lily," &c. This is a three months, i A few ignorant practitioners have as­ I hereby certify that I was sorely afflicted with Boils BALM , and considered it an invaluable acquisition In Winterport, Feb. 2 4 th , Mr.' Haskell W. Hardy, rare chance tor Canvassers. I also want a tew more arriving a t Rockland about 5 o’clock, P. M. clusive right of territory given with liberal commis­ serted that there is nothing that will force or hasten A L L C O C K ’S PO R O U S P L A S T E R S . Returning—Leave Boston for Winterport, every sions. Agents are meeting with gTeat success. Faith­ tor two years, developing themselves upon my limbs to any Lady’s toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentle­ ot Winterport, to Miss Roselia M. flank*, of Frank­ good canvassers for the best subscription book ever the growth ot the hair or beard. Their assertions are and other parts of my body. The sufferings which I LAME BACK. fort. published in this country, viz: “ The Lives o f the FRIDAY, at 5 o’clock, P. M., arriving at Rockland ful, energetic men 04 women wiil in the agency find false, as thousands of living witnesses (from their own man can improve their personal appearance an hun­ about 5 o’ clock Saturday morning lbr Winterport and lucrative’’ x*..... employment.mployment. If If an an agency agency is wanted send endured from them are indescribable. Suffice it to In Montville, Feb. 21st, Mr. James L. Sawyer to Presidents,” by Rev. John S. C. Abbott. Address, experience) can hear witness. But many will say, say that I faithfully tried several ot the most popular New York, Nov. 23,1859. dred fold. It is simple in its combination, as Nature Miss Cora C. Reeves, both of Knox. JO H N 11 A X K ER SO X . P u b lis h e r, 1 GG intermediate landings. for circular, giving full particulars. Apply to or ad­ how are we to distinguish tlie genuine from the spu- T. Allcock & Co.—Gentlemen: I lately suffered M. W. FARW ELL, Agent. dress J. PATTEN FITCH, No. 233}£ Congress str humor remedies, but without removing the affliction. herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in M iddle *t.. P o rilu n d , IMe. Portland, Maine. rions ? It certainly is difficult, g s nine-tenths of tin At length, by theearnest request of an intimate friend severely from a weakness in my back. Having heard March 7, 1S67. 3wl2 Agent’s Office at Police Court Room, in Berry Block, different Preparations advertised for the hair and I was induced to try Dr. J . W. Poland’s Humor Doc­ drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and Rockland, March 1, 1867. lltf Feb. 20, 1867. 2ml0* beard are entirely worthless, and you may have al­ your plasters much recommended for cases of this DEATHS. tor, and am very happy to attest that all my Boils beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct ready thrown away large amounts in their purchase. were removed, and niy health was restored by using kind, I procured one, and the result was all 1 could E M E R S O N ’S N E W B OO K , To such we would say, try the Reparator Capilli; it action on the cuticle it draws from it all its impurities S a l e . Dr. I oland’s alorosaid medicine. MILTON GALE. desire. A single plaster cured me in a week. — cost you nothing unless it fully comes up to Boston, J an . 11, 1856. kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as DR. LIVOR’S Y'ours respeetiully, Iu this city, March 5tli, Mrs. Catharine McNamara, . n p iIE subscriber offers for sale the dollar and Nature intended it should be, clear, soft, smooth and ---- — JL entire stock ot Furniture now in J. G. BRIGGS, Proprietor of the Brandreth House. aged 96 years. EXCELS, together with a receipt for the. money, which’ will be A. C. W allace, E«q„ Manchester, N. H. beautiful. Price $1, sent by Mail or Exrress, on re­ In this city, March 3d, Joseph Lane, (formerly of the Thorndike Hotel, together with a two years’ lease in many important particulars, his celebrated collec­ returned you on application, providing entire satisfac­ CURE OF CRICK IN THE BACK, and LUMBAGO. of said Hotel. The house is furnished throughout and Homoeopathic Healing tion, D r. J . W. Poland,—Dear Sir: I very cheerfully ceipt of an order by Bremen and interred there,) aged 74 years, 6 months, tion is not given. Address, Lyons, N. Y., July 4, 1862. 21 days. is pleasantly situated, making it a rare opportunity W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, gne my testimony in favor of your Humor Doctor as W . L. CLARK A CO., Chemists, for any one that wants to go into the business. “ THE HARP OF JUDAH.” & an excellent remedy for Humors. My numerous ac- Messrs. A llcock A Co.:—Please send me a dollar’s In Montville, Feb. lftli, Mr. John Poland, in the No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. 80th year of his age. For lurther particulars enquire ol All who have seen it decide that it i3 Feb. 21,1867. lyio 'l^flfuuces in Manchester know how severely I wa3 worth of your plasters. They have cured me oi a G. A. LYNDE, The Best Book for Choirs; The Best Book for afnictea with Boils, and they knowhow perfectly good The only American Agents for the sale of the same. INSTITUTE. Schools; The Beat Book for Societies; The Best Book my health is at present. Your Humor Doctor cured crick in my back, which has troubled me lor some The whole number of intern cuts superintended by Thorndike Hotel. Feb. 21, 1867. lylO ae in the mouth of February • Rockland, March, 4,1867. i2tf for Conventions: The Best Book for Practice; The me. Please refer to me for particulars in my case. time, and now my father is going to try them for dif­ SILAS KALLOCH, City Undertaker. Best Book for Social Singing; The Best Book for AFFLICTED! xr . t v lr A. C. WALLACE. ficulty about his heart. Berry Block, Rockland, Me. Families; The Best Book for all Singers. Manchester, N. H., June 11,1856. Free to Everybody. Suited to all Denominations; Suited to all Occa­ L. H. SHERWOOD. SUFFER N.0 MORE! A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the Peruvian Guano Substitute! sions; Suited to all Capacities; Suited to every Singer. Mrs. W heeler, Stoneham, Alans. Dr. Green, No. 863 Broadway, New Y'ork, informs In its Singing School Exercises; In its Glees, Part greatest importance to the young of both sexes. Songs, &c.; In its Anthems and Sentences; In its us he sold, on Monday, June 22d, 1862, two plasters to MARINE JOURNAL. I very confidently and earnestly recommend Dr. J. It teaches how the homely may become beautiful, BAUGIIS R. LIVOR, from New'Y'ork, has opened the above Chants and Selections; In its Variety of Hymn Tunes, W. Poland’s Humor Doctor as an excellent remedy a young woman suffering very severely from lumbago. IR you can be cured permanently, and at a tri the despised respected, and the forsaken loved. BONE Institute, and would be happy to be consulted by P ric e $1.38. Sent by Mail, post-paid. Whole­ fling cost. for Humors, having been wsnderfully benefited by it On Thursday she called to get two more for a friend, Dall who are afflicted with sale price, $12 a dozen. Send in your orders early. myself. My own ease was a very severe and obstinate No young lady or gentleman should fail to send their PORT OF ROCKLAND. Sold by all Music Dealers throughout the United The astonishing success which has attended this in one. For more than two years the skin upon the in­ and then stated how the two she had purchased on DiMcnweu o f th e K .i(lucya. H e a r t, L iv e r , valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weak Address, and receive a copy post-paid, by return mail. Super-Phosphate of Lime, States and Canadas. OLIVER DITSON & CO.,Pub- ness, General Debility and Prostration. Loss of Mus­ side of both my hands, and eren down on the wri3t, Monday had relieved her immediately after putting Spine, Throat and Lunga, Scrofula, Ushers, Boston. was constantly cracked and broken up, so that I was Address P. O. Drawer 21, Troy, N. Y. A rrived. cular Energy, Impotency, or any of the consequence.- them on, and cured her in two days of a most Certain foruiH of Cancer, Catarrh, Feb. 21, 1867. lOtf unable to use my hands iu any kind of wet work, and 6m 10 Feb 21st, sells Laconia, Merrill, Vinalhaven; Sarah, of youthful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable was obliged to wear gloves in sewing to avoid getting distressing pain in her back and loins. -----, Vinallmvcn; K Bullwinkle, French, Camden. Fem ale WeakueMM, Epilcpm, St. preparation ever discovered. 22d, sch Lake, Mills. Orland. 24th, sells Minnie Cobb, It will remove all nervous affections, depressi blood upon my work. The humor which so afflicted Sold by all Druggists. W hy Suffer from Sores! Ingraham. Vinalhaven; Ned Sumter, Shaw, Port- Vitus’ Dance, Piles, Diabctis, Helmbolds Fluid Extract xcitcment, incapacity to study or business, loss of ipe was probably acombination of Erysipelas and Halt Feb. 21, 1867. 4wl0 laud. 25th, sells Trader, Lord, Portland; M Langdon, memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears Rheum. My general health was quite poor. Soon af- Neuralgia, Rheumatism, &c. BUCHU ter I began to...... use the Humor “ Doctor II cicould ‘ perceive Hix, Vinalhaven. 27th, sells Cosmos, Hall, Balti­ The Dr. may be consulted in of insanty, &c. It will restore the appetite, renew signs of healing. I continued to take the medicfhe till WliEMiEItS: WIIISKEKS’ more: Gen Washington, Miller, Boston. 28th, sells Is a certain cure for diseases of the the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual I was finally cured. My hands are now perfectly tree B anner,-----, Tremont; brig Potomac, ----- , Bucks­ excess or evil practices. from humors, and to all appearance^ my whole system Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches? Our Gre­ port. March 1st, schs F ranklin,-----, Bucksport; An- ACUTE DISEASES, BLADDER, KIDNEY'S, GRAVEL, DROPSY, OR­ Young Menjjfe humbugged nonlbreby “Quack Doc­ cian Compound will force them to grow on the smooth- I GANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, is clear of it, and has been for several months. I used and every complaint of the skin. Try it, for it costs geline, Hix, Vinalhaven; U S rev str Mahoning, of whatever kind, either by letter or in person, aud tors’’ and igrn w n t practitioners, but send without de­ eight bottles before I felt safe to give it up entirely, est face or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six Weeks. I but Webster, Portland. 3d, schs John Adams, Staples, GENERAL DEBILITY, lay for the Elixir, and be at once restored to health Price, $l.oo—3 packages for $2.00. Sent by mail any­ 25 cents. B A U G I I