Recent Heavy Metal Concentrations in Watarase Basin Around Ashio Mine
Journal of Health Science, 52(4) 465–468 (2006) 465 Recent Heavy Metal Key words —–— Ashio mine, heavy metal, copper, ar- senic Concentrations in Watarase Basin around Ashio Mine INTRODUCTION Kimihide Ohmichi,*, a Yoshiaki Seno,b Atsuko Takahashi,c Kohichi Kojima,c Pollution in the Watarase River caused by min- Hiroshi Miyamoto,d Masayoshi Ohmichi,e eral wastewater containing high levels of copper Yasuhiko Matsuki,a and Kazuhiko Machidab discharged during the development of the Ashio Copper Mine has drawn attention as one of the most a Japan Food Hygiene Association, 2–6–1 Jingumae, Shibuyaku, well-known environmental pollution problems in Tokyo 150–0001, Japan, bLaboratory of Preventive Medicine, Japan, and has been called the “Starting line of en- Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University, 2–579–15 1) Mikajima, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359–1192, Japan, cHatano vironmental pollution problems in Japan.” A cop- Research Institute, Food and Drug Safety Center, 729–5 Ochiai, per vein was found there in 1610, and especially Hatano, Kanagawa 257–8523, Japan, dChiba City Institute of since 1868, when Japan opened its country, mining Health and Environment, 1–3–9, Saiwaicho, Mihamaku, Chiba accelerated to support the rapid industrial develop- 261–0001, Japan, and eChiba City Social Welfare Administra- ment of Japan to catch up with industrialized West- tive Office, 1208–8 Chibadera, Chuoku, Chiba 260–0844, Ja- ern countries. In the late 19th century, dead fish in pan the river, which was contaminated with the water (Received April 6, 2006; Accepted April 17, 2006; discharged from the refinery, were observed. This Published online April 19, 2006) drew our attention as the first sign of a series of di- Pollution in the Watarase River caused by min- sastrous impacts.
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