2015 Student Recognition Awards What the Student Recognition Awards Are All About 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipients

The -Carleton District School Board is pleased to host our 10th District-wide Student Recognition Awards. These awards celebrate excellence in student leadership.

One of our goals as a school district is to celebrate the success of our students and staff. To support that objective the District has recognized teachers, administrators, and support staff with the Director’s Citation, Innovation, Mentoring, Ronald K. Lynch Memorial, and Technology Excellence awards. Tonight we proudly and publicly honour our senior student leaders.

The students being recognized were chosen by their principals and/ or vice-principals because they demonstrated initiative, supported by the will to succeed, the dedication to finish what they started, and the commitment to achieve their personal best.

Thank you for joining us this evening to celebrate the achievement of these secondary school students.

2015 Excellence in Equity Student Award Recipient What the Student Recognition Awards Are All About 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipients

Uyi Erhokpodamwen Thomas Hayes Adult High School Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School

Ryan Hooper Marwan Saeed A.Y. Jackson Secondary School

Makayla Stratham Keira Chadwick Bell High School Nepean High School

Hajer Furat Cameron Jette Brookfield High School Norman Johnston Secondary Alternate Program

Jennifer Constant Jordan Pernari Cairine Wilson Secondary School Osgoode Township High School

Claude Dee Laguerre Skylar Hope Canterbury High School Ottawa Technical Secondary School (OTSS)

Azana Hyder Ashly Barrie Colonel By Secondary School Richard Pfaff Secondary Alternate Program

Melissa Gannon Memoona Qureshi Continuing Education Rideau High School

Cesur Kavaslar Lila Ibrahim Earl of March Secondary School Ridgemont High School

Edward Labonte Esther Csurgai Elizabeth Wyn Wood Secondary Alternate Program Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School

Kelsey Smith Abdulhaiy Ansari Frederick Banting Secondary Alternate Program Sir Robert Borden High School

James Morden Victoria Hawco Glebe Collegiate Institute Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School

Lukas Beneteau-Forgues Bethany Mowat Gloucester High School South Carleton High School

Rangin Haji-Rahman Oliver Hewish Hillcrest High School West Carleton Secondary School

Toby Thomas Alex Hill-Keast John McCrae Secondary School Woodroffe High School

Metin Ali Brittainy Jones Lisgar Collegiate Institute Urban Aboriginal Alternate High School Program

2015 Excellence in Equity Student Award Recipient

Metin Ali Excellence in Equity Student Award 2015 Student Recognition Awards

Message from the Director

This evening we celebrate the accomplishments of 32 graduating students.This year’s deserving win- ners are an amazing group of students. They are youth leaders in school councils, athletic councils, and arts councils, and they are being recognized for academic excellence and their involvement in exciting initiatives.

Some of these initiatives include involvement with the suicide prevention activi- ties through the Royal Ottawa Hospital, CHEO’s Youth Mental Health campaigns, Ottawa’s Youth Services Bureau, Free The Children, Walk for Water, Me To We, and many more.

They have worked to enhance the lives of young people in their neighbourhoods, across the country and around the world. In addition, they have been active in their schools participating in leadership camps and as members of Link Crews.

Our students are accomplished authors, musicians, actors, athletes, and fundrais- ers. Thousands of dollars have been raised by their efforts for the Ottawa Food Bank, the Education Foundation of Ottawa, Relay For Life and numerous other charities.

These students are leaders, mentors and role models. On behalf of senior staff, I want to thank our student leaders for their contributions to making their schools a better place for students.

Jennifer Adams Director of Education Ottawa-Carleton District School Board 2015 Student Recognition Awards

Message from the Chair

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. The 32 students we honour this evening all share the collective commitment to leave behind a better place than they found when they arrived.

When I look at the array of accomplishments demon- strated by these outstanding students, I am optimistic and motivated by their enthusi- asm to better our communities, our societies and our world.

Leadership is more a talent, a confidence, a state of the heart than a set of things to do. The discernible signs of leadership are articulated, in the end in its practice – and oh how these students have practiced! They have served their peers, their neighbours, their country and students around the world. They have championed diversity, inclusiveness, respect and pride. They have been role models for positive change and their legacy will be the building blocks for future efforts by incoming students.

On behalf of the trustees of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, I offer my best wishes and thanks for following your dreams. You have made a difference! Your vision will be felt by your school community for many years to come.

Thank you,

Shirley Seward Acting Chair of the Board 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Uyi Erhokpodamwen Adult High School

Uyi is a leader among students in the classroom and on assignment. He is known as the go-to person, respected by his peers and teachers.

His kind and calm manner make him very approachable. Uyi is a quiet mentor to many in his program. When others become frustrated or disappointed, he is there to offer words of encouragement and provide advice on how to find solutions.

Uyi’s work ethic and comprehension skills have resulted in him being offered employment at both of his work placements. His goal is to become a registered nurse specializing in Psychiatry.

Uyi’s attitude, leadership skills and desire to succeed are recognized by his teachers and his employer. He is currently employed at the Ottawa Hospital in the Psychiatry Ward. He is destined to succeed not only because of how hard he works but because of his genuine calling to help those who in need. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Ryan Hooper A.Y. Jackson Secondary School

Ryan Hooper is a committed, personable, likable, hard-working, trustworthy, young man. These are just a few of the adjectives that students, teachers, and administrators use to describe him. Ryan is extremely well respected by the entire school community. He is dedicated to multiple causes with the goal of making life better for others — here at home and around the world.

He is a valued member of Students’ Council and Student Senate. He has been actively involved in Relay for Life and he is a leader in the student drama community. Integrity is one of Ryan’s many positive attributes; he is an excellent role model for others in that he lives a life of strong moral principles and honesty. Ryan is a kid that both young and old look to for advice, support, kindness and direction.

Ryan Hooper’s work ethic and adaptability alone will take him anywhere he wants to go. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Makayla Stratham Bell High School

A positive outcome is what students, staff and even the greater school community has come to expect when Makayla Statham is involved. Her teachers and administrators at Bell High School describe Makayla as compassionate, supportive, reliable, insightful, and responsive. Add to that, she is a likable kid who does not seek glory for all the good she does. Makayla does it simply because it is the right thing to do!

Makayla is an exceptional listener who has applied these gifts in multiple contexts. She is a “leader of leaders” in Link Crew. She has spearheaded the high schools’ efforts relating to Mental Health initiatives and she has a remarkable capacity to engage and encourage her peers. She inspires their trust and leads the way forward.

Bell High School is a better school and a better community because of Makayla’s unique ability to bring out the best in others. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Hajer Furat Brookfield High School

Hajer has shown exemplary growth as an individual, since beginning her high school studies. She has devoted countless hours to volunteering at a summer camp for underprivileged children and youth. In addition, she has worked as a mentor with the Boys and Girls Club.

Hajer has shown equal dedication to her school community, taking a leading role in many special events and groups at the school and district level such as; LINK Crew, Students’ Council and the In Love and in Danger conference.

She is an excellent role model for other students as she demonstrates enthusiasm, original thinking and goodwill toward others. She is a very honest, trustworthy and dependable person who is unwaveringly patient and inclusive when taking on a variety of leadership roles.

Hajer believes that together much can be accomplished. She leads by listening, collaborating and completing the task at hand. She is a quiet, confident leader. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Jennifer Constant Cairine Wilson Secondary School

Jennifer is a wonderful all-round Grade 12 student who has had a great impact on Cairine Wilson Secondary School. Her contributions to school life will be felt long after she graduates.

Jenn is as strong academically as she is accomplished in school and community outreach. She is an Honour Roll student who has High Honours in a number of classes. She does this while contributing her time and energy to making her school environment one that supports and encourages student voice. She is also enrolled in the rigorous AP Immersion stream and has gone to the provincials in the French public speaking competition.

If that were not enough, Jenn’s resume also includes being a standout performer on the Improv Team and in school plays. Her work in the arts is both memorable and engaging. She is an accomplished young woman who will be missed by students and staff. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Claude Dee Laguerre Canterbury High School

The Canterbury High School learning community has been enriched over the last four years by the numerous contributions of Ms. Laguerre. Since the first day she walked through the doors of her new high school in Grade 9, Claude Dee has been a positive and inspiring influence to students and staff.

Her efforts on Student Council, Key Club, and the Canterbury Connect Club (CCC) have been instrumental in enhancing school spirit and building peer confidence. The CCC promotes and encourages student involvement and acceptance. The goal is to make everyone feel welcome.

This year as Student Council President, Ms. Laguerre’s natural leadership abilities stood out. Everyone wanted to be involved because everyone’s efforts were appreciated and acknowledged. She has led the way on many positive and successful school activities and initiatives. Canterbury High School is a better place thanks to her tremendous character, integrity, enthusiasm, inspiration and spirit. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Azana Hyder Colonel By Secondary School

Azana Hyder has demonstrated very strong community stewardship at Colonel By (CB) and to the greater Ottawa community. Since Grade 9, she has been involved in the Relay for Life event – each year taking on greater responsibilities.

Azana is also a Link leader and a mentor to the Grade 9 students and is a strong role model for the junior students as they transition to high school. She has a high regard for her community, which she demonstrates through her actions each day. Academically, Azana will earn her IB Diploma and is dedicated to exemplifying the Cougar character values each day.

Azana’s community involvement extends to her role as a co-leader of the CB Food Drive to assist the Gloucester Emergency Food Cupboard, as well as with the CB Food Hamper drive for the Shepherds of Good Hope. These are two initiatives that also assist CB families who are facing hardship. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Melissa Gannon Continuing Education

Melissa is a dedicated and hard working student who is balancing a successful athletic career with full time employment and studies in the coop and night school programs. She is as determined to succeed in school and work, as she has in athletics.

Melissa’s athletic accomplishments are many. She hopes to one day compete at the highest level – in the Olympics. She is a provincial award-winning curler.

She plans to pursue an electrical apprenticeship after completing her high school diploma. Melissa’s determination to succeed can be seen in all that she does. She does not shy away from challenges – in fact she relishes them.

Her athletic training has provided her with a foundation that embraces hard work, focus and patience. She has been an exceptional role model to students both younger and older. If Melissa can find time to do her homework — anyone can. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Cesur Kavaslar Earl of March Secondary School

Cesur brings a smile to every situation and instantly charms whomever he is helping. He is a role model for his peers and is consummately polite, respectful and ready to participate. He has the innate ability to make people want to help and to feel good about the contributions they are making. He leads by example.

At Earl’s Annual Leadership Camp, Cesur ensured that all students felt that they belonged and were valued. As a Link Leader, he helped the Grade 9 students’ transition into high school and was their mentor. Cesur organizes Earl of March’s Relay for Life, which is a fundraiser for cancer research with such enthusiasm that everyone wants to participate. He believes in building a sense of team inside and outside the classroom.

Effective student leaders demonstrate integrity, maintain positive relations with others, show initiative and have a vision - Cesur exemplifies these qualities and more. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Edward Labonte Elizabeth Wyn Wood Secondary Alternate Program

Edward is a tenacious and resilient student who is determined to succeed. He has contributed a great deal to the Alternate Program, while achieving remarkable academic success. Edward is a quiet and thoughtful student who is community-minded and has worked hard to support engaging projects at school that will benefit all.

Edward works well with his teachers and has also earned the respect of those around him. He is always a role model to his peers but seems surprised by how much he positively impacts the lives of others. He is a genuinely kind person who celebrates people’s differences and embraces equity and acceptance.

He is intrinsically motivated to do well in many different facets. He shares a positive and constructive energy that has enhanced the school culture. Edward will continue to do great things. The students and staff of Elizabeth Wyn Wood Alternate Program are proud of him.

2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Kelsey Smith Frederick Banting Secondary Alternate Program

Leonardo da Vinci wrote, “I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” If asked to write only one sentence about Kelsey, then this would be it! Add to this her incredibly strong work ethic and grace under pressure and one can easily see why she is so highly praised by her teachers, co-op supervisors and peers.

Kelsey is always ready to lend a supportive ear to a fellow student and to help out. She even thought to support her peers by bringing in a load of clothing that her employer was discarding due to minor defects. Kelsey happily organized all the clothes in a classroom and invited students to take what they wanted, just one example of her belief in “paying it forward”.

Kelsey truly embodies that age old phrase that is, “she was a pleasure to teach.” 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

James Morden Glebe Collegiate Institute

James is Glebe Collegiate’s Head Boy. He has worked tirelessly to create a positive school environment that is built on acceptance, encouragement and opportunity. He truly believes it is everyone’s responsibility to become an active, positive member of their high school community.

He has personally taken on the tasks of his role at Glebe Collegiate with maturity, responsibility, professionalism and commitment. James has encouraged others to become involved and to embrace the concept that student voice is vital to student well-being and achievement.

In addition to achieving excellent academic results, James is well known for his organizational skills and his creativity; he is appreciated and respected by staff and students alike. James’ contributions to community and student involvement will be missed. He has been an excellent mentor and role model. James will be missed but he has left a strong foundation behind for others to build on. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Lukas Beneteau-Forgues Gloucester High School

Lukas is an outstanding individual. He truly demonstrates what it means to be a “Gator” and a leader. He willingly helps anyone in need. Students and staff depend on his good nature and positive attitude. Lukas is a valued student.

Lukas was a Builder for the Leadership Camp where he worked with over 75 students building team, community, character and leadership within the student population. He also mentors other student leaders in various capacities. He does all this while managing to be an excellent academic student and being a good role model to fellow students. He is a team builder – he includes students and staff in all that he does.

His caring and positive energy is contagious. He models great character for all and helps to shape the positive and caring culture of the school. His presence will be missed but his contributions will be felt for years to come. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Rangin Haji-Rahman Hillcrest High School

Rangin has distinguished herself academically within the French Immersion program at Hillcrest. She is a leader and one who is willing to help those who are struggling with the difficult course load.

She is a Canadian-born English language learner, but Rangin maintains her mother tongue of Kurdish. She is also enhancing her proficiency in English and French. This year, Rangin competed in the OCDSB Concours d’art oratoire and the Concours de français de l’Université d’Ottawa.

She has superior work habits, critical thinking skills and creativity. She is a natural academic who enjoys learning. Her teachers are impressed with her mature insights in all classes, from English and Biology to Vectors and Functions.

She is a role model for all. Rangin’s integrity and intellectual curiosity are rare; she uses all these gifts while pursuing excellence in everything she does. Her future will be one of success. She will do great things! 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Toby Thomas John McCrae Secondary School

Toby is a committed leader in both the school and the community and he leads by positive example. As an executive of the Student Council he has been instrumental in organizing major events. He is renowned for working with a diverse team of students designed to build student unity.

Toby is the founder and co-president of the Student Wellbeing Initiative, a student- run organization, funded by Enactus Carleton. The initiative aims to provide high school students in Ottawa with opportunities to stay physically, mentally and socially active, by hosting monthly sporting events, held in the gymnasiums of local OCDSB schools.

Toby believes in actively supporting collaboration between business, government and non-profit sectors to address society’s most pressing issues. He is confident that when all levels of government, business and community organizations come together the outcome will be better for our economy and our society. He is a global thinker. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Metin Ali Lisgar Collegiate Institute

Metin is a natural leader. He is charismatic, personable, hardworking, compassionate and thoughtful. He has flourished despite growing up in a household that experienced numerous challenges and significant trauma. While these personal situations have impacted Metin, he has learned to use it as motivation to help and create opportunities for himself and others.

Metin is the Student Council Co-President and is a member of the Muslim Student Association, the Autism Awareness Program, Lisgar Ted-ed Club, and is a member of the Senior Boys’ Rugby Team.

Metin has used his leadership influence to make school events accessible to everyone. He is a very giving person who is often surprised when his good work and kindness are acknowledged.

He has worked diligently to raise funds and student awareness for Free The Children and Harmony House. Metin is actively involved in his community and he volunteers for several youth organizations. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Thomas Hayes Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School

Thomas with his quiet, confident, leadership style and his ability to bring diverse groups of students together to produce positive change has made a difference. He believes that everyone can effect change and his efforts will have a lasting impact on the culture of Longfields-Davidson Heights Secondary School (LDHSS).

His dedication to his academics, athletics and extracurricular activities are well known – not because he talks about his successes but because he lives them. He has demonstrated amazing initiative at LDHSS by being an active participant in a variety of programs, including student council, music council, peer-mentorship initiatives, Link crew, athletics, and much more. He was one of the founders of the LDHSS Quizbowl Team, and has been involved with tutoring and mentoring programs throughout his high school career. His leadership and interpersonal qualities have allowed him to positively influence others, and work behind the scenes to make LDHSS a better place. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Marwan Saeed Merivale High School

Marwan is an exceptional young man who has provided tremendous leadership to Merivale High School students over the past four years. He was selected to be a LINK leader. This is a significant role in the school as he was tasked with mentoring Grade 9 students and encouraging them to become involved in all aspects of school life.

As a member of the OFSSA Basketball team, Marwan showed quiet leadership on and off the court. He was always the first one on the court and the last off. He led by example and others followed. Marwan models respectful student athlete behaviour for his teammates.

Marwan is an active member of his community. He has more than 1200 service hours with Ottawa community centres. He has worked with hundreds of younger students to promote healthy living and the benefits of education. He is a role model in actions and in words. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Keira Chadwick Nepean High School

Keira will graduate this June but her Nepean High School legacy will live on. Not just for what she has accomplished personally but for her dedication to creating a school environment that embraces acceptance, well-being and kindness.

Keira has devoted countless hours planning and leading charitable events; Student Council activities, Athletic Council events and the Grad Committee. She has raised funds for the World Wildlife Fund, Students United Club, the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre and for Regina Street Public School. For good measure, she has also Co-chaired the Annual United Way Breakfast and the Relay for Life event.

Simply put , Keira embodies the virtues of the well-rounded student. Her academic standing is exemplary. She is a leader on several sports teams and she treats everyone she meets with respect, understanding and acceptance. Keira has learned as much as she has taught.

2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Cameron Jette Norman Johnston Secondary Alternate Program

Cameron Jette, honour roll student, leader, performer and community activist exemplifies the qualities and attributes worthy of the OCDSB Student Recognition Award. Norman Johnston Staff describe Cam as a conscientious, insightful, self-motivated, respectful, intelligent and dependable student always eager to learn.

Cameron is very active in challenging social norms and has been a great resource when it comes to GBLTTQ issues. This year Cam has actively been involved with the new Leadership Program, Healthy Eating Project, Be in the Band, Diversity Club and the OCDSB Rainbow Youth Forum. This past year, Cam has been a performer with Insight Theatre and is willing to stand up for what is right and educate when appropriate.

Cam recently had an incredibly rich experience by participating in the Canadian Roots Exchange held in the Okanagan Valley which revealed new leadership opportunities within the Aboriginal / Non-Aboriginal Canadian context. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Jordan Pernari Osgoode Township High School

Throughout her high school career, Jordan has demonstrated outstanding leadership. A talented musician and member of Osgoode’s Band Council, she has been described by Music Director Craig Sheridan as “the glue that holds everything together.”

Jordan combines outstanding organizational abilities with an amazing ability to motivate others and inspire action. Nowhere are these qualities better on display than in her role as Student Council Co-president. She has spearheaded numerous initiatives, and in each Jordan sets lofty goals, encouraging everyone to surpass expectations.

Her enthusiasm is infectious, ensuring she marshals lots of support. It’s a pleasure to work with Jordan as one can always have confidence that things will be well planned and the details will be taken care of. As important, Jordan’s commitment to empowering others to get involved makes her a true leader who has had a tremendously positive effect on the school climate. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Skylar Hope Ottawa Technical Secondary School

Skylar is a quiet, distinguished leader within the OTSS student community. He is a diligent student who has excelled in his academic classes, while also proving to be a caring mentor to students through both our Link Leader program, and also as a Peer Leader within our Physical Support and Autism Programs.

Skylar’s strong sense of empathy and drive to help others has grown over the years as he has advanced towards his career path of working with individuals with disabilities. Skylar believes that everyone can make a difference. That attitude has encouraged others to take risks, to believe in themselves and to achieve more than they thought possible. He has been their champion and they have succeeded. We have watched Skylar’s passion come to life as he has flourished within these leadership and mentor roles.

Skylar’s positive attitude is a gift he gives to others. He is a success story! 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Ashly Barrie Richard Pfaff Secondary Alternate Program

Ashly exemplifies determination and strength. She has overcome major challenges in life and despite these hardships she continues to be positive and optimistic. When Ashly is focused on a goal, there is nothing that will stop her!

She has taken on official leadership roles as the Richard Pfaff representative at the Board and has been the chair of the Student Leadership group. She is not afraid to speak up if there is an injustice and she has worked hard to make school a better place for all.

Ashly has a fun and infectious way about her that draws in other students. She is a role model to her peers. Her dedication to her job, clubs and school work is admirable.

It has been inspiring to watch Ashly share her leadership gifts with others. With her skills and passion, there is no telling where life will take her. The one thing we all know is that she will be successful! 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Memoona Qureshi Rideau High School

Memoona has been a dedicated, inclusive and supportive student leader within the Rideau High School community. She is Co-president of Student Council and is an active member in the Student Senate. She eagerly took on the role of being a Link Leader. Her welcoming attitude gave younger students the courage and confidence to become actively involved in Grade 9 – enhancing their high school experience.

Memoona is organized and focused in planning school-based activities. She is always mindful of what the student body needs and manages her council effectively to produce positive results and change. She helped design an inclusive Black History Month assembly that celebrated the many contributions of Black Canadians in Canadian society. Throughout this process, she showed maturity, worked well with staff and students, encouraged multiple voices and perspectives, and took a clear leadership role. Her dedication to Rideau High School will be remembered long after graduation day! 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Lila Ibrahim Ridgemont High School

Lila Ibrahim’s dedication to her own individual academic success is matched only by her extraordinary eagerness to positively contribute to every aspect of school life. Lila is an inclusive leader who understands the positive potential of listening.

She is always willing to lead an initiative or lend a hand, she has worked diligently on behalf of her schoolmates be it through sports, the Arts, as a volunteer or as Vice-president of Student Council. When Lila is involved everyone knows that the work will be completed; she will have encouraged others to participate and she will have done it with a smile.

Lila’s efforts made Ridgemont High School a better place to learn and work. Her enthusiasm is infectious and her positive attitude breaks down walls and builds friendships. Lila has been an extraordinary leader.

She believes that student voice is vital to student wellbeing. Her voice made a significant difference. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Esther Csurgai Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School

Over the last four years, Esther has grown from an energetic and personable Grade 9 student into a strong, young, woman who is a leader within the school community. She has overcome personal difficulties with grace and dignity and has used those experiences to strengthen her commitment to succeed.

Esther has demonstrated great ability and commitment to countless sports teams and is always supportive of her teammates, including working as a guide for one of our visually impaired runners. She has a great sense of empathy and is quick to support those facing individual challenges.

She has been a key member of our Link Crew and Rainbow Youth Club while also volunteering thousands of hours in the greater Ottawa community. Esther has also been a strong student in her academic pursuits. She is a vibrant role model for all of the students at Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Abdulhaiy Ansari Sir Robert Borden High School

Abdul has earned the respect of students, and staff. Abdul is a personable, amiable, responsible, and caring young man. He has strong character attributes and will advocate for others when he perceives something is not right. He embodies the roles of both a formal and informal leader. Abdul is a “leader” of the Link Crew leaders. In this formal role, he has been an important and central figure for our Link Crew that helps younger students transition into high school. Informally, he has been a mentor for some very challenging boys in grades 9 and 10 and his involvement has impacted their decisions and success at school. Abdul is reliable and always positive and willing to help with any job.

In the classroom, Abdul is an all-round nice guy who is socially aware and an empathetic leader. These qualities translate seamlessly towards his role as a volunteer in the community. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Victoria Hawco Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School

Victoria is a very capable and extremely talented young woman who has been a quiet, confident, leader since Grade 9. She has been an integral part of the music and theatre programs. She is a gifted artist whose love of drama and music can be found in all aspects of her life.

Victoria is a strong academic student with a passion for writing and history. Her love of learning is something she willingly shares with her peers and her teachers. She is well known for her sense of humour and uses it to bring smiles and goodwill to friends, family and acquaintances. Victoria’s strong work ethic and her willingness to help her fellow classmates is something her teachers have noticed. She does not seek attention or applause for her efforts to help her peers – she just naturally helps out when help is needed.

Victoria’s positive attitude will be missed. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Bethany Mowat South Carleton High School

Do you know who the girl with the welding torch at Skills Canada is? That’s Bethany. How about the student caring for the toddler in the nursery school? Once again, that would be Bethany. How about the Rugby team captain? Are you sensing a theme? Yup – it’s Bethany. She is also the organizer of the fundraiser for the Key Club and she is the lone female student in the House Building class.

Bethany possesses no bravado or façade – she is who she is. Bethany’s leadership is walking the talk and being her true self whether she is in school, taking on a leadership role in 4-H, or volunteering with retired veterans.

She quietly takes on challenges and forges ahead with purpose and grace. She is a shining example to others, especially to young girls, demonstrating that there is no limit to what they can accomplish. Bethany’s commitment to school and community is impressive! 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Oliver Hewish West Carleton Secondary School

Oliver is one of our calm, constructive leaders creating opportunities for students without seeking recognition for his efforts. If he wants something to happen – he simply organizes it! His efforts have made West Carleton Secondary School a more welcoming and inclusive community.

He has been actively involved in organizing many initiatives in the Athletics program, and has been a key player in the new Leadership Council. Oliver has dedicated a great deal of time and energy organizing a number of athletic events including the annual Tournament of Champions, athletic clothing drive, intramurals and the annual athletic banquet.

As Athletic Council President he has done a tremendous job coming up with new initiatives and building community connections in the West Carleton area while making athletics accessible to more students in the school. His quiet approach to leadership has created an environment of acceptance and support. He is an exemplary model for his peers. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Alex Hill-Keast Woodroffe High School

Alex is an avid sailor who has maintained a 90% average throughout his high school career at Woodroffe High School. He has done this while participating in multiple sport and school activities.

Alex has been a vital member of the student leadership team as a member of the Athletic Association, a former member of ‘T-crew’ (Link Crew), a current member of the Sr. Boys Soccer Team (OFSAA bound for the 2nd consecutive year) and as the current Student Council Co-president. Alex has been an excellent role model to his peers. He embodies the ethic of teamwork, innately understanding that together we can accomplish more than alone. He is often the first person on the field and the last to leave. His commitment to his team members can be seen on game day and on the practice field.

Alex plans to study Biomedical Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ottawa. 2015 Student Recognition Award Recipient

Brittainy Jones Urban Aboriginal Alternate High School Program

Brittainy is the Youth Representative for Odawa Native Friendship Centre’s Board of Directors.

Her participation in this role is important on so many levels. One, it demonstrates to her peers that active involvement in the Aboriginal community is a way for the youth voice to be heard and two; it showcases her pride in her heritage and cultural ceremonies. She participates in various powwow committees and the Aboriginal Youth Council.

Brittainy models the school’s foundational principles, the Seven Grandfather Teachings, through her loving, humble, respectful, courageous, honest, truthful and wise nature. She inspires and engages her peers by inviting them to participate in cultural activities and helps to make school a more cheerful and welcoming space.

Brittainy has fully embraced the objectives of the program and has experienced great success and enhanced confidence – she will continue to succeed as she is determined to be the author of her own story. 2015 Excellence in Equity Student Award Recipient 2015 Student Recognition Award Acknowledgements

Metin Ali

Metin has demonstrated his on-going commitment to creating initiatives that foster a positive, safe and inclusive school climate. Recently, he spoke at a conference on the impacts and life after domestic violence. His speech was inspirational and hopeful. He understands that positive change can happen when people work together to create an environment that is supportive and caring. He also knows that you cannot allow a negative experience to define you.

Metin is a giving person to his family, friends and community. On top of his school commitments Metin also volunteers in the local community for Project Pulse, Islam Care Center, and Canadian Youth Public Outreach He also works at two part-time jobs to help support his family.

Metin is truly an exceptional individual who is always giving to others and often surprised when he is thanked. He is someone who gives, expecting nothing in return. 2015 Student Recognition Award Acknowledgements

The OCDSB would like to thank the following for their contributions to make the Student Recognition Awards a reality:

Organizing Committee Musical Entertainment Marie Bulgin Monica Ceschia NHS Jazz Combonians Patricia Gollogly Keagan Eskrit Hyacinth Haddad Ethan Hardy Sharlene Hunter Ben King Paul Jaworski Avery Vine Monica Leonhardt Robert Wannell Ann McCrimmon Joshua Yazbeck John MacKinnon Mark Morton Conductor: Mr. Jean-Francois Susan Smith Fauteux Kerry Wiltse

Art and Ted Nielson, Sport Vision for the production of the plaques

Barrhaven Loblaws corsages, and flowers

Steward Hartley, Exhibit Marketing Specialist for the donation of the portable displays on which the student photos have been arranged Published by Communications and Information Services — May 2015

133 Greenbank Road • Ottawa, ON K2H 6L3 • Phone: 613-721-1820 Fax: 613-820-6968 • Website: www.ocdsb.ca