Fin Fur & Feather Club, Inc. September 2005 Volume 7, Issue 1

Charles Bruckerhoff Editor-in-Chief Matt Bruckerhoff Mike Bruckerhoff Copy Editors Rod & Gun Gazette

Letter from the Vice-President

Dear Members, very fine leadership. Fishing, shooting challenge with pistol, Inside this issue: Service on the Club’s Execu- ever the great joy of young and rifle, and carbine; skirmishers tive Board for several years and old, continues to provide are popping and cracking at members with relaxation breakable as well as paper tar- 2005 FFF Picnic 2 as the Vice-President for the past four years have been a whether they are serious about gets. The bar tends to show a distinct pleasure for me. Dur- landing a fresh catch for dinner profit, which is a good thing. Skirmshing Update 3 ing this time, we accomplished or for much-needed practice The Club’s adoption of quality a number of very notable ob- with a fly rod or spin- software and systematic data Trap—Summer League 4 jectives. The skeet field renova- reel. Rifle continues its unique entry and analysis keeps mem- tion project, long in the dream- offerings in high power, with bers well-informed about our ing stage, is now a remarkably special time set aside for the finances. And, events for our Beef Brisket BBQ 6 beautiful shooting sports facil- Garand match and recently the children are nothing less than ity, including opportunity for long range .22 caliber match. outstanding, whether embed- Membership News 6 trap shooting. We bought the Likewise, pistol continues to ded in the Annual Picnic or last remaining contiguous piece attract the hand gun shooters. basically reserved for the Both rifle and pistol ranges youngsters, like the Christmas Hunting Regulations 7-9 of property—for a handsome price, to be sure, but we got it offer great opportunities for Party. We have some tremen- for the Club. Sporting Clays members and guests to drill dously generous members who 6 has come a long way and arch- one-hole groups. Black powder give their time—an untold ery also has made great gains in events reawaken the desire in number of hours and days— facilities and programs under some members for a genuine (continued on page 4)

Special points of in- terest: Annual Election of Officers & Executive Board • Vote on Changes to Club Dues October 11th. Members are notified that at Secretary: Richard Palmer Mike Sobol • Annual Elections Oc- the October 11 Regular Meet- Treasurer: Tom Hoagland Paul Sobol tober Membership ing the Club will hold its an- EXECUTIVE BOARD Bob Theriault Meeting nual election of Officers and Executive Board. The follow- Jim Gifford Rick Turcotte • Fall Hunting Season ing slate is presented: off to great start. Jon Guarino OFFICERS • Thanksgiving & Bob Hruskocy President: Steven Davis Christmas are just Keith Morehouse around the bend. Vice-President: Don Bajger John Pawelec Page 2 Rod & Gun Gazette Volume 7, Issue 1

2005 Annual FFF Family Picnic Was Another Tremendous Success

Thanks to the hard work of the The ordinary raffle was made played by mainly older mem- 37 men and women who vol- special this year by the inclu- bers under the trees by the unteered to help with this sion of a custom-made fly rod Pheasant Pens. Dancing. year’s Family Picnic, everyone generaously donated by one of Hats off to Bobby T and his (598) who attended had a great our members, Alan Gnann, a terrific crew! He thanks all his time. crusty old lobster returned for loyal helpers! a pot boiling finish, and—new As usual, there was plenty of Next year the FFF Picnic re- great food, including the all- this year, finally, because it was promised forever—a cow to turns, of course. Make plans to “For more great photos time favorites—boiled steam- mark the spot of a lucky Cow help break an already tremen- of the 2005 FFF Picnic, ers with butter, raw clams with Chip Contestant. dous success story. Be there to go to the Club’s spicy sauce, and clam chow- help Bobby produce another website at der— and there were hotdogs, Kids especially had fun. There wonderful day for the FFF’s www.finfurfeatherclub. hamburgers, kielbasa, and trim- was the Treasure Hunt in the members, family, and friends. com.” mings. There was beer and soft Pile of Hay, Egg Toss, and so drinks aplenty. much more. Horseshoes were —Editor

“Anybody care to guess what Bobby T will do to top this outfit next year? Rod & Gun Gazette Volume 7, Issue 1 Page 3

Skirmishing Update

“On the Line! Skirmishers, ber 10th & 11th. The thrill of dust at 100 yards. Miniature load and come to the shooting antique and an- flower pots pose a real chal- ready”… These are the tique replica Civil War fire- lenge as does the stake words that N-SSA skirmish- arms while dressed in uni- event which requires the 8 ers look forward to hearing form is addictive and hard member musket team to every season. The season to compare to any other pump enough lead down will soon come to a close shooting sport. While tar- range to break apart a 4 inch “Regional Skirmishing and all the skirmishers will gets at the N-SSA Nationals wide stake. And, who is a week-long event . have to reflect on the past held twice a year in Win- wouldn’t like the thrill of On Sunday morning season to get them through chester, VA are standard- sending a 405 grain minie activity begins with a the winter and into the 2006 ized, regional skirmish tar- ball down range to shatter a formation, playing of season. It has been a good gets can get a little funky. It Jane Fonda workout CD. the “Star Spangled season with skirmishes be- is hard to beat watching a It’s called “shooting trash” Banner,” and “Dixie.” ing held in MA & NY in hanging 16 ounce water bot- and it is great fun. Can’t Below are photographs addition to the skirmish tle explode when you deliver wait until next season! of the 15th CT Volunteer Company. th recently hosted by the 20 a direct hit at 50 yards or a 6 —David Volz CVI at the Fin on Septem- inch ceramic tile turn to

Trap—Registered Shoot

The FFF held its second John and Laura Pawelec Davis. A special thank you registered shoot on Aug for their great job on the to non-members: Marshall 28th. There were 20 shoot- grill, Butch Simpson, John Lussen & Kevin Cloutier. If ers that shot the event. Zemzars, John Lonergan, I forgot to mention some- Attendance was down, but John Olynk, Dave Rorrio, body: my apologies. Thank after all the expenses were Bob Frankland, Tom Ross- you once again for all your paid, the shoot still made a ing, Jay Young, Alan Perry, help. profit of $321.40. I would Josh St Lawrence, Ted Regards, like to thank the following Naumec, Bob Cooper, Don Bob Hruskocy people for all their help: O'Neil, Dan Gutt, & Steve Trap Chairman Page 4 Rod & Gun Gazette Volume 7, Issue 1 Trap—Summer League

Well the first Trap sum- league. Congrats to Dan creased to $8887.00, an mer league has come to a Gutt on being the Class A increase of $4497.00 from close. A great time was Champ. Pat Buckley Class this time last year. had by all. Many new B, Bob Frankland Class Thanks for all those that friendships were made. C, Art St Lawrence Class participated to make this All the shooters improved D. happen. Hope to see ya as the season progressed. Awards were based on next year. Twenty two members the Lewis scoring system. Regards shot in the Summer Trap revenue has in- Bob Hruskocy

“The Club’s 2005 Summer Trap League celebrated the end of their season—and a great many good times—with a picnic.”

Letter from the Vice-President (continued from p. 1)

5) Cut back on spending; weigh, and to make this place our second home. And 1) Ambitiously pay down extra dollars monitor every expenditure over time. many have generously donated dollars on the skeet field mortgage on a when we needed money to buy things. quarterly or semi-annual basis. 6) Totally renovate the kitchen and hire a dedicated, part-time cook. But, as you all know, the work to make 2) Seriously recruit more regular our Club the best it can be is never fin- members to get the count well over 7) Regularly recognize the senior mem- ished. And, at this point, I want to wish the 450, as planned. bers of our Club who have given so much for so many years. new officers and board the very best in the 3) Create a Family Membership cate- new year of operations at the Fin. Above all gory in our dues structure to pro- My work on the Rod & Gun Gazette will else: you must set goals and finish them. vide formal recognition and pricing continue, as will my service as Chairman of What follows is a short list of things I benefits for spouses and children. the Black Powder Committee. I have thor- oughly enjoyed your support and look for- think need attention and that I hope we will 4) Do more, significant things directly accomplish in the short term. Work on ward to seeing you at the Fin. Thank you. for the needy to show that we care —CB these items should begin immediately. and that we are good neighbors. Rod & Gun Gazette Volume 7, Issue 1 Page 5

Pistol News

Well folks it’s that time of the and average 6 shooters per eve- ing stages. Those of you who year again where the pistol ning. During these courses of either shot this course of fire or and rifle ranges are close until fire, Dennis Knowlton had 2 are interested, contact me. scores at rapid fire during the 10 am on Wednesday and Sat- Remember to sign the summer for straight total of 100 urday because of the bird book, pick up your empty brass out of 100. I mention the one on stocking. Please remember to or shotgun shells, and please May 11th, and it happened again shoot from port area # 12 in followed the establish rules on July 13th, NICE JOB Dennis. sighting in those slug guns, posted there. black powder, muzzle loaders, Overall if you been at the range Until the next time "keep'em and your center fire before mov- its in pretty good shape, the brush in the ten range" ing up onto the rifle range for is cut back between the rifle and final adjustments for deer sea- pistol ranges, the bldg had been Dick Palmer son. stain, and the area picked up. The Summer League finishes We are looking into establishing shooting. We were able to the IDPA course here on the shoot 14 nights out of 20, grounds, and still in the develop-

“The 2005 fall hunting season is about to begin. Go to Center Sports for your equipment and be prepared.”

Foresight Charles Bruckerhoff Connecticut Firearms Safety Instructor “Foresight offers classes on a monthly —NRA Certified in Pistol Shooting— basis at the state-of- Offering classes for State Pistol Carry Permits the art Wolf’s Indoor Range and Shooting 237 Singleton Road, Chaplin, CT 06235 Center in Bristol.” Voice: 860-455-1229 Fax: 860-455-0011 email: [email protected] Page 6 Rod & Gun Gazette Volume 7, Issue 1

Beef Brisket Barbeque

The barbeque scheduled A member’s father is driv- for Oct 8th has been re- ing up from Texas to pre- scheduled until Nov 5th at pare this. 3:00pm. For those that The price of the ticket is have purchased tickets for $12.00/adults, $8.00/ the 8th and can't make the children. beer and new date, your money will soda are included in the be refunded. price of the ticket. Hope to There will be 100 tickets see you there. sold for this event. They Regards can be purchased at the Bob Hruskocy bar. This is an authentic Trap chairman Texas style BBQ.

Membership News

Proposed Change in fund. Furthermore, it would 2006 Invoices: simplify our dues structure. Dues Structure: The 2006 invoices will be “Read this notice At the October 11th member- Please show up on October mailed sometime in Novem- carefully. A proposal to ship meeting, there will be a 11th and vote on this impor- ber. If you have any changes to change the dues tant issue. your structure will be voted vote taken on a proposal to home address or email address. on at the October 11th change the Club’s current dues Updates: structure. This proposal will Please email me the changes membership meeting.” Just an update on the current affect NEW MEMBERS only. ASAP. membership for the club. Cur- For those that have an email Currently, members pay two rently, there are 389 Regular address, the hard copy newslet- separate land assessments members. In 2005, twenty- ter will no longer be mailed to which get paid in full over six eight new Regular members you unless you notify me oth- years. joined the club. There are 40 erwise. It can be downloaded The proposal is to make the Associates members, 19 Junior from the web site. land assessments permanent. members & 95 Life members. Regards, New Regular Members would For those that have not given Bob Hruskocy pay $300 per year as long as me their email address or it has Membership Chair they are members of the Club changed, please forward it to or until they become Life me so that I can keep you up Members. to date on club functions. Associate Members would pay $150 per year. One benefit of this proposal is that over time it will generate

more income into our land Rod & Gun Gazette Volume 7, Issue 1 Page 7

2005 Hunting Rules & Regulations

OBSERVE ALL STATE HUNTING LAWS accordance with CT state laws and regulations. 500 Foot Zone: It is prohibited to hunt with, shoot, or carry a loaded ♦ Bow hunting for deer/turkey is allowed on Club-owned prop- firearm within 500 feet of any building occupied by people or domestic erty with a Club permit, armband, and a valid CT hunting animals, or used for storage of flammable material. license and tags. Hunting Near Roads, Buildings, People, and Domestic Animals: ♦ Waterfowl hunting is allowed on Club-leased property. All Hunting or shooting from or across the traveled portion of any public state and federal hunting regulations and bag limits in addition roadway is prohibited. Shooting toward any person, building, or domestic to Club rules must be observed, with the exception being on animal when within range is prohibited. Saturdays. Waterfowl hunting on Saturdays during the upland Sunday Hunting Prohibited: Possession of hunting implements on bird (pheasant) season is not allowed before 1:00 p.m. on Sunday in the open is prima facie evidence of violation. Sunday hunting is Club-leased land. There will be no permanent blinds or dug allowed on licensed private shooting preserves when the operator has per- pits allowed. mission from the town. 6. No parking in the skeet field parking lot until 10:00 a.m. on Satur- Motor vehicles: Hunting or shooting from a motor vehicle is prohibited days during the hunting season, unless you have a handicapped (except under Handicapped Hunting Opportunities, see 2005 CT Hunting permit vehicle. and Trapping Guide) 7. Parking is allowed only where directed. Firearms in Vehicles: It is prohibited to carry a loaded firearm in a 8. All pheasants must be signed in immediately after hunting. vehicle. 9. Rifle & pistol ranges and skeet fields are closed on Saturdays and Fluorescent Orange Requirement: During the period September 1 Wednesdays until 10:00 a.m. Use extreme caution when hunting through the last day of February, hunters are required to wear at least 400 near these areas. inches of fluorescent orange clothing above the waist and visible from all 10. Pheasants shot on Club-owned or Club-leased property do not sides (for exceptions applied to archery deer and archery and firearms tur- have to be tagged with state tags, but must be signed in. key hunters and others, see 2005 CT Hunting and Trapping Guide. 11. No shot size larger than #6 chilled shot shall be used while pheas- Legal Shooting Hours: Do you know when it is legal to start and stop ant hunting on Club-owned or Club-leased property. Ammo to be hunting? It is your responsibility to consult the 2005 CT Hunting and Trap- checked at sign-in. ping Guide! 12. All dogs must be kept on leash or must come to heel after your OBSERVE ALL CLUB RULES AND REGULATIONS party has taken its limit of pheasants. Field Dress Game Only. Hunters are allowed to field dress game 13. Observe all state rules and regulations when hunting. (remove entrails) only. Do not completely dress your game animal until you 14. Use of motorized ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles) is restricted to reach home. Also, dressing of game animals at the Club is prohibited. Club-owned property, with Executive Committee approval. For 1. Pheasant hunting will start at 8:00 am on Saturday and Wednesday, and more information on this option, please consult “Rules for use of in accordance with state law during the week. All pheasant hunters ATVs,” 1998. must sign in on the assigned group sheets, before hunting on Saturday, 15. On Thanksgiving Day fields will be stocked. All hunters are wel- and Wednesday come. 2. Members are allowed two (2) pheasants per day. A Junior member may ♦ All hunters must check in before hunting. pick his/her own A, B, or Wednesday season, but must hunt with a ♦ Hunting starts at 8:00 a.m. Club member who has a valid CT hunting license and is over 21 years 16. Pheasant harvest record weekday sign-in book is located inside of age. Members may bring a guest, but the guest may not hunt or carry the Clubhouse at the bar entrance. a gun, only observe. Members may bring spouse who also hunts when 17. No hunting on Wednesday until 10:00 a.m. on any Club-owned pheasant hunting, but must split daily bag limit. or Club-leased property, except by allowed Wednesday morning 3. Hunting or training of dogs near or around the pheasant pens is pro- hunters and Turkey and deer hunters. hibited. 18. Observe Red Zone signs without exception. ♦ There shall be no hunting on the Clubhouse side of the rifle/pistol 19. This year Arm Bands are mandatory, must be purchased before range access road. hunting, and must be worn when hunting deer, turkey, water- ♦ All dogs must be leashed on the mowed grass area on the club- fowl, pheasant, and upland small game on Club-owned and Club- house side of the driveway. leased property. Exception arm band may be removed while 4. 400 inches of fluorescent orange clothing must be above the waist and hunting turkey or archery deer, while the hunter is in a stationary visible from all sides at all times while hunting. blind or ground stand. 5. Hunting of turkey and deer on Club-owned and Club-leased property: ♦ Turkey and deer hunting is allowed on Club-owned (bow only) and Club-leased property, with a Club Permit, armband, a valid CT hunting license, and tags. Junior members may apply for deer and turkey permits to hunt on Club-owned and Club-leased property and must hunt with a Club member who has a valid CT hunting license and is over 21 years of age. All season and bag limits are in Page 8 Rod & Gun Gazette Volume 7, Issue 1

Deer, Turkey, & Waterfowl Hunting 2005

This year (2005) your Club will have In order to fairly distribute the required spring and fall turkey, waterfowl, small game, permits for turkey and deer hunting, and deer hunting on Club Leased property. members had to complete the application All seasons and bag limits are in accordance form and return it to the Club no later with CT State laws and regulations. than March 31, 2005—in care of Hunt- For instance, if you wish to hunt goose on ing Committee. Club-owned or Club-leased land, you must A lottery system by hunting area and use steel or bismuth shot only. Lead shot is species may be necessary, depending on illegal on waterfowl. Thus, if you are caught the volume of hunting application forms with lead shot on your person while goose received from members. hunting, you will be subject to DEP rulings Permits were available for pick up at and may face fines or worse punishment. the Club on or after April 21, 2005. All applicants must be members in good Anyone who joined the Club standing with all fees paid and work require- after March 31, 2005 and who has ments completed by September 30th. completed their work hours or paid Waterfowl/goose hunting is open to all fees for non-completed work hours members. There will be no permanent blinds and wants to obtain a permit to hunt “Hunting on Club- or dug pits allowed. At least 400 deer and turkey this fall season must Owned or Club-Leased inches of hunter orange must be worn above complete the 2005 Application to land is a great benefit the waist and visible from all sides while Hunt Turkey & Deer form which is for members of the Fin. Do your part to help walking to and from your hunting area. available at the Clubhouse Bar. Then, keep hunting safe. Spring and fall turkey hunting will be open they should contact Don Bajger, Hunt Also, always show to all members. At least 400 square inches of Committee Chairperson to obtain respect for the hunter orange must be worn above the waist land owner consent forms for Club- landowner, the land, owned and Club-leased properties. and the wildlife. and visible from all sides while walking to Call Don Bajger at 860-423-6693. Hunting is not only a and from your hunting area. favorite pastime, it is a Fall deer hunting by archery, shotgun only, national treasure that could be lost due to and muzzleloader will be open to all mem- carelessness and bers. At least 400 square inches of hunter neglect.” orange must be worn above the waist and be visible from all sides at all times while hunt- ing during the shotgun only and muzzle- loader deer seasons. Rod & Gun Gazette Volume 7, Issue 1 Page 9

Mandatory Arm Bands for 2005

This year armbands must be band will be available per per- on the list in order to purchase worn at all times while hunting son for a fee of $5.00 to each an arm band. If your name is pheasant on upland small game member in good standing with not on the list and you sent in “Early in December will on Club-owned or Club-leased all fees paid and work require- your application or you have be the last regular property. There will be three ments completed by Septem- any questions, please contact pheasant stocking for different arm band colors, of ber 30, 2005. To purchase an me anytime. I will revise the the 2005 season. The which each color will represent arm band you must complete list every week, as there are date depends on the a different hunting group and return the 2005 pheasant always late arrivals. Arm bands amount of birds (Saturday A or Saturday B or hunting form by October 2, can only be purchased at the remaining. We will not Wednesday). This policy will 2005. A list of hunting groups bar during BAR HOURS. stock the leased help to identify club members (A, B, and Wednesday) will be Note: You will not be able to property after that date and ensure they are hunting in at the bar by October 4. This purchase an arm band at 7:00 (Bass Farm). We will the right group, and will also list will determine your specific a.m. on opening morning, the stock Club-owned land help in spotting non-members group and the color of your bar will not be open at that (Club grounds & Pig or trespassers. Only one arm arm band. Your name must be time. Don Bajger Farm) every Saturday & Wednesday) until we run out of birds. All hunting groups will follow the same rotation and starting Thanksgiving Day November 24, 2005 times as we have done previously. Also, the Places for Group A, Group B, All hunters may hunt after 1:00 daily bag limit will be and Wednesday hunters will be p.m. reduced to 1 bird per determined prior to signing up hunter in the late on Thanksgiving morning. Wednesday Hunting Group season.” The hunting time for this Thank you, Saturday Hunting Group group is from 8:00 a.m. until Don Bajger The hunting time for the start- 10:00 a.m. ing group is 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 All hunters may hunt after Hunt Committee Chair a.m. The second group will 10:00 a.m. start at 10:30 a.m. and hunt until 1:00 p.m. Pheasant Hunting Dates

If you checked hunting group A or B on Satur- If you checked hunting group Wednesday, your day, your starting schedule is as follows: starting schedule is as follows: Date—Starting Group Date—Starting Group “All members who plan October 15, A October 19 to hunt pheasants must October 22, B October 26 follow these rules. Also, be sure to bring October 29, A November 2 your arm band and November 5, B November 9 wear it in the field.” November 12, A November 16 November 19, B November 23 November 26, A November 30 December 3, B December 7 Page 10 Rod & Gun Gazette Volume 7, Issue 1

Bring in a new member and sit back to enjoy the year at the club. Your work hours are done.

SPORTING CLAYS & 5-STAND INSTRUCTION ENTRY LEVEL TO INTERMEDIATE “Everyone please join the Editorial Staff in welcoming our newest ad to LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT the Rod & Gun Gazette. While you’re at it, give Jim Davidson some well- 860-742-7676 deserved business. JIM DAVIDSON NSCA CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR


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Tax, Accounting & Consulting Services Show your appreciation for Individuals & Corporations to our sponsors. When you see the owners, tell Norwich, Connecticut 06360 860-886-1040 them you saw their ad in the R&GG. Spend your money wisely, too. Buy from our advertisers. Fin Fur & Feather Club, Inc. Executive Officers Steven Davis, President 860-558-1890 Charles Bruckerhoff, Vice-President 860-455-1229 Dick Palmer, Secretary 860-487-0388 Tom Hoagland, Treasurer 860-455-0641 P. O. Box 81 Chewink Road Executive Committee North Windham, CT 06256 Bob Hruskocy 860-569-1592 Phone: 860-455-9516 Ron Mott 860-450-0724 John Pawelec 860-429-7033 Joe Pirolo 860-742-5003 Paul Sobol 860-228-0725 Rick Turcotte (Alternate) 860-742-6353 We’re on the Web: Bob Theriault 860-456-3431 Keith Morehouse (Alternate) 860-547-1333 Don Bajger (Past President) 860-423-6693 Committee Chairpersons Archery: Rick Turcotte 860-742-6353 Our Purpose: Bar: Steve Davis 860-558-1890 To promote the conservation of fish, game, Black Powder: Charles Bruckerhoff 860-455-1229 and other natural resources, to practice and Building/Grounds: Ron Mott 860-450-0724 teach the highest degree of sportsmanship and John Postemski 860-423-9396 to promote safe and proficient use of sporting By-Laws Review: equipment. Mary Goss 860-423-3211 Glenn Heinonen 860-423-8144 Bob Theriault 860-456-3431 Children’s Fund: John & Laura Pawelec 860-429-7033 Family Picnic: Bob Theriault 860-456-3431 Field Trials: Greg Tremper 860-537-3807 Finance Review: James Northrop 860-642-6802 U.S. Constitution Ken Shane 860-456-8315 Fishing: Jon Guarino 860-455-4081 In God we Health/Welfare: Mary Goss 860-423-3211 Hunting: Don Bajger 860-423-6693 trust…. Insurance Review: Eugene Lewis 860-423-3341 Bill of Rights Amendment 2 Junior Programs: Charles Bruckerhoff 860-455-1229 With Pat Enright 860-429-0172 “A well regulated militia, Kevin Segar 860-429-4925 being necessary to the security liberty and Kitchen: U. R. Wanted your number Membership: Bob Hruskocy 860-569-1592 of a free State, the right of justice for Merchandise: John Pawelec 860-429-7033 the people to keep and bear Newsletter: Charles Bruckerhoff 860-455-1229 all Pheasants: Tom O’Neill Arms, shall not be infringed.” Don Bajger 860-423-6693 Bring on justice! Pistol: Dick Palmer 860-487-0388 Rifle: Peter Mathewson 860-456-8588 Shotgun: Joe Pirolo 860-742-5003 Sporting Clays: James Davidson 860-742-7676 Trap: Bob Hruskocy 860-569-1592

Let us never forget the men and women who today proudly serve this great country, the United States of America, and all who have done so before them. In our times, these brave soldiers continue to place their lives on the line especially in Afghanistan and Iraq, so that the free- doms we enjoy at home are not diminished, and so that the American ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness prevail. That is our gift to the world and as anyone knows who has served particularly in wartime, it comes with a high price tag: courage and at times self- sacrifice. We will measure up to our ancestors and we will not let down our children and grandchildren. Do your part. --Editor