Mr aod Mr» Ja n m K. I’atterion. TOLrHR LXIll HM'O, TKXAM. KKIH.tV, Rkltt H i , HMw. nauvm of T n a a and VlrKliila M RHKN li. livfljf, hare been lendliia “SpinslerV Day” In helpliiK haiida around the Sewa ('^M>peration Prjfed FFA Boys Tell “Why Kerlew offloe for the part few llk*o to Bi> Sp In Solicitation For You Should Help Us readily performed erery duly aa- By Bund BooHters Red (Voss Funds With Our Show” atnied them, and their deulliia» with the puldlr hare been pleaaalit The lllro MiiikI llooatera are Kollcltatluii for funds In the an Heyardless of the pniject In wild effUl.nt in fact, the way aponaorliia “Splnater'a I lay" In nual He: CroMs liriv. will alarl miiid. We defiiillelv know there lllio EYlday Marih 12 they woik luKether aUKKeata that neat week accordliiy lo unnuunce must lie a start iiiude if that The “ Mayor Kor Itny." Heater they hare a promlaliiK future In meiii from K II Haiidala Jr wbo pruje. 1 la to take furin and after aouie aort uf an undertaliliiit under •Iordan, bar annuuni ed that the haa uyreed to serve aa l.xal chulr- the start there mu«t be demand mayor'a offlre will he at the Coin, their own manuKeinent. iiiali and public support If auc.ess la munity I’uhlle Si-rrlee t'ompany Hurtna their abort rojourn In “Our quota of t ’Juu uu aeema to be realized \Ae the inembera Hl< o the I>attera4ina hare made liiilldina small ' lUioUla -aid Thursday In of the lllco Cliapier i>f Kuture The chief of police (ieraldine many frlenda who will rearet. aloiiK aakiny c.Miperation of the publl. in Farmers of America are end.'avur- wNh the New a Kerlew peraoimel. Hohne. haa appidnted depiitlea to quickly ralainy the asalyned sum Iny lo put on a project in the form that the arranaement la not to be help her aee that traffic law a are "bul our usual record must be uf a alo. k show Ttie puritoae of •ontlnund Wbererer Helen and enforced on thut day lletler he equaled If lli>l e»' ceded The va such a show ta that every one may Oene (Hirk their modern, well- Bure and watch your atep and your rioue rommitteea and I will ap tie elicouratred to raise better .at- •"lulppeil trailer home, they will ^ dririna at the llaht alanala. also preriate any cuolieratlon extended tle iMith alie ker and dairy: better hare the heat wlahea uf all of ua i tie careful to park between the Haul Niel and lieurye K Holla hoys chi. kens, and other animals fur health happlneaa and sut'ceaa. llnea marked on the atreeta Juat day aerviiiy aa a cumiiilltee from that lend to In. reasc the I'aruings in caae you are rlren a ticket you • the Chamber of Cotiimerc. and of the land upon whii h th.- futur. will report to the mayor to par the Mra Claude Heck and Mrs Hettnali farmer must rely If he ts to sur- The abort apell af breathlliK I fine .Ml proci eda yo to the lllco loath repieaeiittnr the Hualneaa 4 viv. forded Mr and .Mra .Newa Itevlew illind fund ITofe — o.iial A\ oiu.'ii'i Club will Juat the past week our eommun- while the ratteraona were helpliiK | 'o u may have cause to contact atari aoll.ltatl.m In the business lly was blesB.-d with a rain that _ . ^ .. (these 'iifficlala ' on Krlday. March Bu.k run the office ha- conrin.ed1 re. Hull liell Week lUtldalF ,.l'l lia- Imen reported aa 4 b3 tn. hes and everyone lias held a much them that they can nerer yet eti-I Til. lowly oryalilz.-il l.Mal triMi| of tiirl .'s.oijia iinib't the b'aib ' lirlyhter outliMck for farmliiy this llrelr out of thia racket i The hlyhlUht of ihi- .lav will he M ship of VO lecits.' Klalr ale plan year Hut iti.re I. anolhec aide Appreclali d fully are the aym-| ,, „„ j, iilny a lc:U'.. to hoiiae c-iiv- ' In to i IiIb rainfall that to we Kuture p.iihy and und.'ralaiidlny <»ur loyal , jji pool a.mnaalum with laiiiNe the residentb I ae.-tion Saturday Karmera of America decs not lo.ik frlenda have ahown durltiK the ^ proHis utlna allornev It ... yood when the actual lact^ have emeryency condltlona uf the paat | ,^ ^ ,,y „ Alarch n ben '.nalv/.'d amt the r.-aulta few yeara which have . auaed , y„„ .»,ol an attornev for defenae noted K. How Karuierv. the fly- harder work and lonyer houra than p^lny him alony l.efa make thl- ures r.-.ial tin rcdlowcU' In re- are conaldered Ideal for rlvIlUed Humble Joining; a yreat dav to Im- rememlwr«-d lone yard to the rainfall and w> elleve people In Mien Oil Industry In VUU will teloylllze this tact OS If the public will continue to Ml political I andldalea are in well as our n.-eil vour li.-lp for bear with ua we may yet yet luu k vlted to make announcement' .it .\II-()ut Oil Search our at ic k allow to what la conaldere.1 normal op­ Ihia time .A hand concert and .v Th** |»*-trol«*um tudustry L itittk Four and alxty-lhree one hun- eration of a hualneaa enterprlee abort |>royram will heyln at 7 to I :ii»c tr«*m*‘nUutJH HtrldfS towiird dredtha of rain means that there In Ihia effort we have the aid and P m A amall admiaalon will he t<»d«v s ret lird hl|eh f1* was two utid H.'Ven elyhia yallona comfort of one llui k M*>ador wh.i charred Kor further Inform.tllon rp.Ariil f<«r |H tri>l**utii products m of water fell on each square foot In the abort time he haa been aee the advertlaement In Ihia paiier ear hut of alt -1 .'lie In u most viyorous and Interest In tlie hualneaa Spring Revival ahlth in l‘«t7 In* r* y*-*! almost 11 tiiatiner had It remalto-d • ' I.'III of Ibis water yooil word for I’uhllc Ijiw ?. |t>. TMh i M e t h o d i s t ( ' h u r e h : f'li j‘* I rti!*'ti»n m*^*- shoa :■ rati o f III. land In s - =-ciiiy ' Meihodlat Chur, h will hold Ita • if I ‘ 1 ‘It ;) 'vfi r r* ! s 1 p? f w.iiild III tim. iiuike lb. fariii lauds Ihia reapccl we realize, but there , : . ' • it.-‘ t'ii.jf -A •. . .r; III.-I II..tbit ocli." than a la no yood reuaoii why It coulduT | -priny revival ar.ordiny to an nouncemrnt from the iiaator. Itev i» ..cj» f'Mi* Mr litAMKrittl * tiij* waste land work «>ui .sjually well unywher ■ P>ti >ri 'a!* ah t'lT cm; Sla!k of . ;:rn w It r.-qulre J I. Kay Lone Star Keonomist ('lifton Re.*'iident with the iiroper attitude on the v-i » i^ki.xi U r* Vf.-.*’ . Hr Kloyd .lohn-on of tiat< lib- :i r'p'oximiilelv '!2 I'cllons of water i l>art of trainer .mil employe diatrl. t aupei intendent. will b.' th. i (fives Dem onstratifin Drowns .\s Rescue In -.i; 1 p i t ■ Ii mat .iitv .uni boiild there In our ahop there haa been no rev I vail at. -Ml d***»a': ! ILmibl*- tiun . ' iiiMi slalr- p* r air. that wtjl dlapoaltlon to hire “ch.'up labor' To Hom e Ke. Students t||. !?!{“ • • ’ ; a I. IX* pM.jft.MT Sunday aervli.-a at the -am. Attempt Fid Is ■in sf 1. W.ili- li'.|lllre||,. Ill Ilf 2fi4.- and let the yovernnient pay the 1 ■ ff / T i. 1 i ha In hl«t I T' ' 1 '■ yalloii |iei a.Our land < h.iiira. II a m ami 7 :lo p. m ' Meal I'cMikery" was the topti of I AA .n o S', w - r rlloin. I hill. In thIa reapes t we have lH>en •h* < :imp=uix pUn» tn api-rnl ;*.**‘*u' di.i s lint I iiitatn the huinui necea- .Morniny aervb ea duriny the the demotiatratl'in itiveu bv Mlaa I'unai lentlou* and have had the co- M K ItU H W F* b :;•« SI’U J im . i. ,-h m -c f,,r drilling 77." »* Ua sarv for tlie holdlny of verv much I week at 10 :io and eveiilny aerv j Uulh Tuiker of the l>>ne S'ar I'.a- uperatlon of a trainee who waa i m $ ^ b'ea at 7 20 K4)h**rtwm. ('Ilfff'M |M»»*r ronii»anv 1,,r jr.'' m..-. **»■ !- i!uu » * watei Hi.d only a ama!l I'ortlon t'ompuny In the houotnaklny cot- fH|uaIly Ko lie haa definitely and ♦ mp!«*>** dr*»an«*4 .Sunday after-' inIWfl not .*— r .\hiiii .in* third ha- b«'cn terra. . Kveryotie la cordially Invit.sl to lave laal Kriday Kebruarv 27 .1 peralatcniy applied himaelf to Veterana and dep. ndeuta of d.' ntM>n in l-uk»* M* rhlUn fh***pite!of • xp« mlp i.jr» wr* pl.*’iti*'«* \A I ho.s waul t" let th.' land all the -ervicea There la no au. h tbloy aa a le.vrnlny the trade wltlu.iit Iwlur . ease.l lelentna of the lndl.tii r*' :‘U»* fffurtR of a frh-iul Ifn- «|MvA!. t annual buslm-ss of «.e ri Individ- she meant that meal ciita are ten- • he monlh of M,.rcli. the Aei.-rana A aet-iip like thia. we firmly be riirn*-a»'Ver , \»« of its jfi.r'-i * »f •' "'II' till'..ns of Ill'll.r bools social the beef and ahould be ctatk.'il a.' The III. Teas. .. are providcil In yitimale profeaaIon or vocation pn»x« t| loo much pltirai .n th* in iti'iv va . .| ;■ "IyaIIIzalIon ami Ibe tiiaiiv other Friday, M arch 19 cordliiyl. and the Improper tiieth- where the learniny la aa alow and riibllc latw .Tis of the »oih Con ,\ thlr«l iii.ifi In Ih* ^*“at ah'-n lihre** nr ae» > in - i* *»f thlnys so .ss.iiiia! l" a bitter and od of pre|Hiratloii maket meat tedloua aa the varied mechanical Kriday. March !'• the Junior yr. sa approved lanuary I'* I'tu ' If ox*rrirne*l lioti \Nii*«»t «*f Fllf |M*’Xh • hrlllma *'M ib**** i»'ih noire lultureil urban life "toiiyh delnlla around a prlntlny office I'laaa I- prea.-nlinK It- annual uffe. t alMiut 7.'io llviny veterana. ton. h*‘Ii| !»» Ih** 4 raft until h** waa { rri* rr*‘d land'^ |r iliff' H and * A mu. iisk ' How wilt a stock Ml— Tinker alao divlile.1 the reejuire Ihree-u. t plu>. 2 loo willows and lome (>o h.'lp r«*ii4 II*'*! f»> y. M lln a i Standini: a nyt th,. hlirh 1* x* l WJ'enx ' aid »• • pt *l pMipipf mmil have the V. IV Inal sIrveV tO the leaat ezercised piirta of Ihe could not prevail elaewhere At play la a fare.' In three hilarious whbh folUiK.'d Ih.' yrauliiiy <•' M aro Hr»*nien ll*dp Dut K» -» nt e’-iirvi*vx inAtti .ii# th.if th* itarl with. V. •' must have yood animal ahoiil.l he broiled, pan- -iliiillar incn-ases for pensioners leaat we'd like to aee It tried more acts Th*' mlnluip ' ■'j'Tcil at 4 I'. w}iA»!e -nduRfrv i*W4 HiitlD’’** r. ed ysid I' lsim. amt the will to broiled. anil riiaaled all of which of Ollier wars, the viteraiia will freuuentlv without ahuaea which I’lnn to be III the hlyh a. hm.l P m \\.a‘4 * fir**m«*n and Ib-rt jiiv ’fu* :*ll t*uf tfl It^ •eij'^ tj ?*»' win Till' lalie' We have and no are dry noOhoda Kor leaa t.'nibT have been altoyether too common auditorium on that date, and we lei.'lve from 121 to } 12U a month <'A»uiitV xiduMlctr^ fniin.t INdM-rt ? * • cil and th;*t a re 44.ni of j til'll, t proof t- m I'deil than the cut- bralaliiy. fryiny and atewlnr depeiidlny ui">n ciletil «if dlaabll- In aome Inatancea know you will lyree that you ve i*on a ImhIv at 11 1’» p m :■ >rf* thnn non Wf)|p a*,. h<'I I fai I that we hav. d. . id.'il lo face are uaed Hv. aye and 'lualllylny statute - c n nolhlny funiib r Sloriff 4irlm**N nf M»'t*ii| itti'il til lie ‘MiIIimI t|. ;' l' ■ ev.'v iil'i*' ttc.n amt pr.M'.'.'d with .After .Mlaa Tui k.T hud demon Willows' rater will ranye from • ruNTKIlU'TKh Inn iall*'l Uiici* t»x KM r.i Ifiii: stoi k stniw bell.'vtny all the I’erhapa we will remain "ahorl sirateil both methoda of cimkiny f.p; III fi'iO monthly, wllh addition­ 'H*x fi>|l«iwln)f lh»* iti • i«l* Ilf t«> r*‘ I ine th.ii e i.'v on.' Interi'Sted In mi al. ahe dlsplavcil the b-xl a: hamb'iV for a while lonyer. but I Of A I. IIA|>Tls r rAsTOIl al alliiisam ea for children • iu«3l that fircnon !h**r hrlinf TexiU'o Station II ■■ W'luld fitiallv I lime to our “Ith'a'' and “ Ah'a" arose from the A' A a.«ld the averaye aye lod.«> with a continuation of our almoai Tif n i*i:ak a t i i a m i i .t o n •rapi'l'n*.' ' -• •K' lo ih* ~ * to* Mill III 111.' fin Ml "f . nnirlhntlnr , ... . I yroup N'lU onlv did Ihe fixul look of Indian war v.liTaiia Is y--ar« Hein); Rebuilt: t<» Be mira. uloua yiu.d lurk ami health Kev () J Tw.» rir**m* n f':ipt.iln Fr*‘d V.iu fiinc- willi wlinli to nniki awards . , .. , , ’ , dellcloua If taated wonderful !;ind that depeudenis ai.iaye Hat pastor. will be Ihe principal! , . . . i-r 'W IcAinil I.ii'Ui* fiant I. T Summ* ■ "I iii-ki' on.' or mure imtrlea In we'll all pull thrnuyh -oniehow. CuNTHIHl'TKIt so .ears of ai'e Open .\«rain SiMin speaker at a Qiiarlerly Hrolher- ai^»i*it th* hi*.*k lo the Ink*' li' tb* -.toiw Meantime we may onlv meditate hoiKl Meetiny to he conducted III • rtt*'*! .iiiD 1 hl!I«* •tifht nit:*'^ fr:itn Work I' ii’ iiyr.'— iriK ;.ipdlr cm \\ I are . tiiitiHiiy upon voit each the remark made by MIco'a win More than h.ilf million World Ihe Klral llaptlsl t'hurch at Ham 1 M*’rul;an an*t .il «m Im.H ox*'rturried an Ih** m*n ■ !i. -r..t'on was susperc.b.l ..ft. r th.- hr*r the editor, alie aakiut If he at laymen Ihrouyhoul the county, ac- In Projfress Here under the (II Hill. A'A reports j wefi’ pr**pa*’!TT ft* Rl • ti* w nn* 'I . iotidlliiitj" Ihr.e -I l k- ai'o wnya had to work liard or waan't VA said alii iM>o (11 liwiis were ' ..us.'ll a li' a.II. liMcb c| trail, r- t ordlny to the pnucrum I'ommllt.'c Sesalona started Thursday after- ?(»*■ It t^niyh. or aomethiny like that I tii.ide to v.'lerana duriny the y.-a; i Wtempt (4* Swim fo shor*' l;m k to *■'•• off lb.' hirbwa. and (firl Scouts Flan Naturally he replied In the af mam at 1 mi ..clock In the ‘ outity | ...... ,^ 4.; INSTAI.I.S NKAA IQ H r > | f > T | acli.ml baakidball louriiumeiit I r.cjfdTi and R'*b* rt'* *n n»‘*mt»i* * a* < t 1.'.' Ill the proii.ri. la no real for the weary” Mayiiolla lal numlHT of 01 bmiis approved .1 I-; Thompson own.' h«" ha: Service Station at th.- nametit will contlnu.- throiiyh KrI ‘lent In Red (’ross Drive “ Yon haven’t yot that laal word I .•Ince the (iroyram start.-d late In III.' w.iiK under proyi.'ss fur s* v highway luncllori. haa unnoun.'ed lUy and .Salurd.ty. with afternoon I Th*’X* h»d I'lAXer***! h;tlf Mt*- dt>* alyht Mr II .“ waa the corre.-llon ' 11)44 . ral days r.-biilldliiy the -.tallon AA'.' liBil our tui'i'iiny Monday the Inatullatlon of a new hlyh -e— Ion- at 4 00. .'ti'eiii .Satnniuy tani** wh*'n Ui»tM »fH4An ••a**! ' I ahe offered Intimatiny that we | V.A found that the Hvernr* \ alony mode'll Inns Coicini'!o’ nlybt HS iisuhI \A ■ met with our pressiir.' wasli.-r. whbh la now In ami nlyhl -es-.tiim ..t 7 lo .-a. h .lay f|on t tH'Itex** I * an inak*' tt ahoiild have uaed another word home iMiuyht b) ..'leraria In I'MT, n ** Bid*- tiaually aaaoclated with Sodom .'arrli-.! a prb •• lay of 17 Jon | hop. s of haviiiy t finished In about came She was al a miellny at .'omplele .'qulpmcnt llamllloM I’olt-vllle .Meman lllco I ;in! h*'l*1 f»tfn .xImax** wat^r Ijit*- About 2W iiiiii li.ans were for .-vlst | ten or fi'i.i'ii .lavs Ibe his.l house for I. lllfle while. « lllaklev reports a y.Mut liualncna and Carllon .ire icheduled to enter !h*»w»‘V**r ('t»«f 4»n (*♦•• irn** Iny homea an.l liptoou for n.'»l> Orle llrolhi'ts op.ral.ita o' Ito Miss ItlBlr bad told ui prevloua- Thlnys aren't so louyh for any since h.' look over operation of -After tile final- Saliir.Iav nlyhl .Tiid WH* force*! ft! re|**Hf;; his . .instructed house vlatf.in - . sH* tbev are m»i par Iv that V i 4! II Handnls Jr. of ua who feel sorry for ourselves this station laal month appropriate trophies will he ylven K»-lp ID nifioHit lirown*’*! t»**for*’ 111 An esllmated 14 mm ooo v.-l.-r- tbiilailv .iitovtny their fori e.i \a tuol said sorni'lblny to her about lo winners and runners up In hoth i r*a* htn'* th*- b 44nk If we atop to look aroumi al the ana still have iii arly 10 years In : ■atlon hav. a mesaar. In lb; , n - the tJlrl Scouts hclplny with the m Colorado. meaniny re.1 was bovs' and ylrls’ division- HofM-T*r;,n iihout 7« « etn ptiyht of olhera Hunniny a huai whbh lo evert'lar their loan yuar j ploved h' the ('••rmnunlfV ISjbHr of the piijii'r thankiny fh.-o . us Hed Cross Drive Tln n sli.' told ness of any sort nowa.laya rails named for the railh enlorlny In Tbur-day nlyhl la Hoy .Seoul and aniec rlyhia umb-r the OI Hill :s«r\tie r.: 4'* whtn m.irAiirer I .•iiald. rBlbin rei .-lve.. belti She said that we would help patience at nne’a command tiient yiiar.intm' of bu per-cent of -^aturdav AA'e are yolny lo divide AA'e have Irl-d lo refrain from ' the amount of the loan, up to a up Into -Tiuips of about four

puMi wiek end with h k parent* Sir and .Mr*. 0a» How man and Pl.lKi-.V.VIATION Mr and Mr* .Alien Haw»on were • IREDELL ITEMS at the mIiik Iiik In tileii Ho*e Sum FOR SALE dav ufteriiiHm Thi *e MliiKlnt:* an I'o the ( ili/cns llii*o and Surroundinif »37 Oldsmobile ( oupe held every fifth Sunday and tin ■ by Miss StclU Jones, Locel Correspondent next one will Im In Iredell the 6lh Territory: *38 Ford Tudor Sedan ■ Sunday In May. ■ iioi th of tow II had a amall ryi lone ■Mr* Heiinell VA'hllloik of Cole *39 Ford Tudor Sedan A fltii- lliiiw Al lh«- Mr* Je»» While eame to »ee me man *|ieiit the week end with hei Tlu» U-inK I . a,. Vrar. I havr t> atW to rrndrr . Krv- *41 Studebaker (’hampion Coupe home of Mr» Squire* Sunday. JVb. KrbUy to tell me about the storm hrother. Jainea Cuvne**. and wife Kc- to .-N.-rv utimarrird woin.n l«-«wrrn the ayfc,o{ j;t Keb 26 an* her »0th birth- whuh tore part of her iHireh off H k Mill hell went from hen- (With Overdrive) ita> imt part of the roof line the winil to San .Anionlo where he will and HO in fliH rommunily. The follow lim relative* uiH mill up. (UniaKed «oitie outhouae* woik two week* In the Petty tjeo iml killed »oine ehlfken* All of *46 Dodfce ('oupe ftleiiilh had Ulmier with her and idiyaleal KiiKlneerliiK l.alioralorle* Kridi.v March I2lh. I‘>48 will lx- "S»Hn*lrr‘i Day” the roiiiilry hoiiiea north of town *42 Chevrolet Two-Ikwir Sedan It waa a fine dinner and plenty of before Holme to Wyomlnic II k o . i:nal.lmnt a c v unmarnrei woman to air any Kr,c». It Her dauahter. Mr* John IT-ultl, were damaned There were a aood Mr. and .Mr* Ca|yln Foaaell of inanv tree* uprooted and some blew ancr anti fvcrv rliuihlr i'achclor will b«* called Uforc (With 3UMM) Actual Miles) and huaband i»f Iredell and her f'llftoil Rpelit the week end with dauahler, Mr* Mluta Squire* and town .All are very *ui r>. but ylad her parent* Mr and Mr* Hum* Her Honor the Mayor in ( itv ( onrt to explain if |K)Ai,b|r *36 Chevrolet TW()-l)ein« smifle. *41 Kuick Sedanette tlreaory and dauahler of llamll 'beti »on In law and daiiKhter. Mr.with her father. Mr Kverett. and tun Mr* Jane l'u»»ldy and fiveiin: Mr* Murphy and haby ofher alater. Mr* Marie Hanahew Said Court to I h- held in the flinh School Gym FricUy. *36 Ford Coupt* VV Hfo »peiit hVIdav here ihlldren of l'a;lton. Mr*. Olady* Mr and Mr* Culvlii F«»«*ell Mr* John l>nvl« Jr of l-Airt Worth March 12th. I ‘48 > . at ‘>:00 l». M. *31 Chevrolet Four-Door St^lan , Oliver of .Nolan. Mr* Kinina Mae Hum* and her two «oci«. Jlmmb tpelil the Week end here «ml latrrv went to Sli pheiiyille I'lUelt ami daiuhl«’i of lT« o. Kd By virtue of the aulhoritv ve*lect in me By thr City win llartleld lieialdine M.iln Hon H I, .Mllehell Jr. who worked Sunday ufteriuMvii. me nad Marv Nell I’nieit. Norma 'll Mexleo -pent the Week end at Ibinalil Mitt hell, who I* a aludeiil ( barter I herehv ap|H>mt the followint? to offuiate oq PETE NORWOOD home at John Tarlelon College In Sic Jean and iMane Horton and Joye>' F riday nitfhl. March I2lh. I ‘ >48. VdklKon al! «>l Hb o Mr and Mr* Mr and Mr . Ilolierl Sawyer andphenvllle. wa* promolcd to Staff I SKI> r.\K LOT -oil Ilf Fort Worth spent the wiek .Sericeant In the Cadet Corp* there Mliio laiuKhlln and vhlldren of Mayor. Miss Hester Jordan; City AHor^y. Miss L««iw Oalla* Kev and Mr* TeiinUon. lid with hi* mother. Mr* laiu He I* the *on of .Mr and Mr* H I. Mr and Mr* lamahUn Mr* Mi .Sawyer Mitchell. finl«hed hlieh achiHil here Blair; thief of Police. Miss Geraldine Rofc«*; t>e^ \diM>. .st.dia .lone* .ind Hobert Mr «ml Mr* Hatltff of .Moran laal ve*r HI* many friend* aii Mild \Mllle Oeane Horton and the.ire here vislitnit promt of hi* promolloti and wlah Peace Officers. Miss Fannie Wood. Miss Tbonu Rodfcri. hoHtea*. Mr* Squire*. Kev .ind Mr* H H Tidwell and for him Kreat aiiccea* In hi* edn Miss Florence Chenault. Miss Ruth Phillips. Mm Gnct *on of Hrownwooil and Mi andration Some relative* and friend* came Ml-. I.eon Kotierl* *l>ent Friday Alla .Airheurt vUited Mr* Wb k Phillips. Miss Mary Gandy. Miss Mae Phdlipt. Miss Irene by to »ee her In the afternoon Shenlaht and part of Saturday with le. itvi'd many nb-e ijifi* ol whbh Siinpaon the aaal week She wa* Frank. Miss Ira Cunningham. Miss May bell Ciubbi, Ra, theti parent* Mr and Mr* f’ I. there when the atorm did ao niu> h YOU^L LIKE- khe la verv proud She 1* a very Tidwell Mr am! Sir* Hubert* liamaKe to the farm home* Allie Hooper. Miss Loraine Hyles. and Miss Billy Jeu aprv aomelaidv for her a*e and were on their way to Mi Kinney to Mr and Mra Hud Ja. k*on and etljo. Verv *i*m1 health In the Williamson. Testi;** children of Camp Hranch eoniiniin «pt Inic rhe haa hi*r Kardeii. * .m- Ml anil Mr* .Andii w Mi Ibniel liv vlHltid hi* parent* the pa*! vee.table* and fruit* dot , hf> twn Said offiri.ils to l>e m ih.irtfe of the City Goveiiuwnt Mid liabv of Halla* apeiit from Week end lalinill V If »he lees .1 pietllie of Thiir-dav to Siindav with relative* Mr and Mr* l{o| Mill bell anc on Mireh I 2lh. I‘>48 Present officials wnll render «iv t .It s ; the will cut h. ; out » M ' Albert lleiialev wa* a rtn-i'iil von of I'hllMcoIhe »pe||l the Week dre*« and make It She doeaii't nrces*aiA' asMctance. .■ue*t of her dauvhfer Mr* I.a- end heri' Hill returned Aloud.IV have to have pattern* She dot- thain Howell, and famllv of Sle and Horothy and tlaint so that VV 11 Shea of rllfton vlalled Mr ATIII FTt s M »or III |{V| 1869 It e* rt Kularlv ind Ml* P.alie;«iin Sund.tv after Mi»H TO kill II they m.iv have due con'ideration. nivott l> OAF HOI If. Witness rnv harvi and se.il this the llth day of Feb­ Mr* la-well ha* leiiiined from Mr .ind M - .1 I. Kverett and IF NOT Pl.KASKH your .lai M eiiar. W ht 'e -he V |--l't d lit t ' 1' dauichter of Halla* Hfent the week ruary, 1^48 tuick .A»k any drtiKKl*t lor Ihl* ter Mr * H.tdae*. ami funillv end here ami a!*o with hi'r |>ar STHOM: funKl. Idi TKiH. M.ide H'a>l|t’V war In Hilblln Ia*t e|lt* ol till o .I.(\ HARROW. M'» with pa per cent alcohol. It PKNK \S t dne*d*v Mr* J I, liiHtdmaii am! iluuKh TH ATF-v* Hi. Kd Thomii'-on and ter of Hleo were here Sunday Mayor. City of Hiro. Texas. MHUK Kenn* fa.«ler Tialav at tia'iyhtei .iml hei brother .Arthur A (' Mi'.Adeii of Waco apeni the Hunlap of VS a< o *penl the past wii'k end with hi* parent* conNKH Hurt; CO w eek • llh their part lit* M’ a’ol The Quarterly t'onfereliie of tin Mr* Kil Hunla|> Mr* .\olde Me Vlelhodl*! fhurih will be heM Peek and ehlldren aecompaiitedTu«-*da> Man h 14 t.uni h will tw Iht 111 home and spent the week • bad al the church Hev Johniwin Thi V are inovinv- to \\ aen will preach and the conference will Mr* lainic of Hluffdale I* vt*lt be In the afternoivn .All member* For Particular PeopleInic her dauichter Mr* llradlev are uriced to be preaent Thuraday nlyhl a bt* rain came Mr and Mr* Klllah Jaekann and with »ome wind The farm people family of Fort Worth apent the

Clovtr Form COFFEE 53‘

Th* Cnrire l%et Ne.v* --Havp Anutker Cep”

UdUT < Rl’ST — RNKUTItm IMNTo — r, 25* GRAPEFRUIT JUKE laarge 44- 19* I < lover I wriA— N«e<'|i ni-vl. I'lurlile Hanch Style— Jii*t the Kl|(hl Scanonlni;'■“ ‘iv ' OMKCflUKt J.-n.-25‘ ,, ,,, . , ,, ,, , , ... Kolinty hlvl— Tender (iidden (irelas \v»i>«.>—IIGHT Rich MEAT In tui. TUNA ISehelou. In 'n.;*39* Havor WHOLE i i il i *wi KERNEL r aaeiw a*^* C «.w*ww* O R N l<* '.ri (S. m 5* r I tirrii— I AIM > Ia Itm < lover Kann— l*ure

We've got the parti ihaf ore moc^ right to fit right and h tt longer in your Ford. They’re e*actty like the ones which came (HOKE FRESH MEATS in your Ford when it was new. Naturally they work smoothly, ^ fRLSH FRUITS* VEGETABLES give you more wear, and save you money. Come "home"for Ford service and save with our Make your selections early 1. G«nuin« Ford Ports QUALITY t. Ford-troinod Mochonict from the convenient display S. Foctory-opprovod Mothods at the front of our store. FRESH MEATS !• Spociol Ford Equipmont h k h f . 1‘o h k , a n d Yppr Dp«f*r i^«»i fpo Uttwm FAp Feorf Afon SAow Swstdqy trmamngt N$C A (J(X)D AxSxSOHTMKNT * D r N (' H M EATS *A« font Ph— % r SsMitfsnr N tC N p F w rt AT ALI^ TIMRS $00 f00t 00wt0>ap0e Fpr mmd sUpAoh DF ALE KINDS

Clyde Weatherby Motor Co. Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Goodman r Hamilton, Tex. Phonel25 C lover Farm Stores I'KIDAT, M4R( N a. i»k THE HICO NEWS REVIEW PAGE m i l

{•••••••••I H T » TEEW.AGKRN HATE Boxinjf Matches LEAH VEAK HAKTV cfhe mirror Vyrna Hpark* waa hoiivsa at a Part of Boy Scouts* IT WOULDN'T BE §"lifHti A>ar Party’* Monday night, Publlahed Weekly by Hlutfeuta LOOK MareD»«rt llrooka played hy Palsy Knberts and Lu Si-rilie Scout Troop .No >S. H im production of poultry and e^^fs for wtere elected aa the "la-ap A’ear cy Talley Jed Martin by Waller couple ’• laitham .lirandma Martin hy Ma which it is famous. It just wouldn’t On opening of the "lilunder ry .Nell llatterahell; Sam Pruitt. IbHtka" It waa found that liett> Faina Mac'a aullnr la pUye.| by be the same, would it? Jane tioliRhtly and Mlldre,! Kllla Hilly Day Ablea and hla slater Dl had been perfect eacorta with not na Pruitt by .Marlene Adams. Dr one blunder marked down agalnat AlM-rcrnllible, aludenl nf phlloan Think what would happen if we trieil them Other glrla re<-elvcd aa high phy by Ixin hlaklna. Myrtle, hla aa four or five marka It aeeina ilaughler by Itnrnthy Adkisnii to eat all these eKjrs here at home! they "failed to open doora, counted Kverybteiy waa very eaclied <>, She their money In public, and tried to er the baakelttall R.imea Krlitay hold the boya' handa." etc acoril night and thnugbt bulb the girls G)uldn’t do it, could we? Well, our Ing to the accurately kept recitnlw and boys played good games of their eacorta If II B - business was established to help ^ret A refreahtnent plate of tuna flah NtH'HHM DKE aatidwlcbea (Mitato thipa. ollvea Kreryniie Is glail llial da wcka tesla are fliilahed for a while We Knows these esrjrs and poultry pioducts to (iMiklea. atnl fruit pum h waa aerve,| lo the following Shirley Seago nearly al! paaaed. but uur grade* market, quickly and advantaireously. Wendall llurdeti. Pal iMiian. lai- tnilld have been belter la-t a get y.in Kvana. Ilettv Jane Collghlly under mntlnn for thi a,t nnd an -Where the Paul Allen Mildred Kllla. la-im weeks The trad e >riven us has enabled us to la-ea Palav Tooley. kalward llaih Mnat nf ua were pretty welt aat- real harj^ainK are, Jtti. Mvrna Sparka. and In-|lierl lafle .1 with nur pictures but autne expand from time to time in oi-dei* to llriM>ka by Mra Jamea Spark-* < ituld h.kve easily wun (he ' Leu • rONTUim TKI) the Hyena" c«>nt,-at S«ime nf u^ and what a W e re able ked at the r,-«ulta M.iny keep up with projfress in this section. rtKD or THAAikN wer«- te-tler lhaii evpetied and nth era illdn t live up in nur hnp,'a We har^j^ain is! We t.ike thIa method of thanking We appreciate the friends we have — onr ttiany frienda and nelchbora hup,- they don't ruin nur unniial tiut anme of iia had a rimhI laugh for the many kind deeda and H It S and constantly set‘k new ones. works of sympathy rendered In our time of deep sorrow at the MtlMI«l\> MWw We sure were glad to get nur p;iaHltiK of our ilcar hnabaml father pi, lures laat week Moat of them J and granilfaiher. and for the nice were Very rimmI Thi- FVeahitn-n May We Expect A Call From You.' food and the lieaullful flowers apetit moat nf the ila'. Thur-dav Quality KHp«-clally do we wish to thank Dr Mufer and all the wonderful trailing phturea We hi«ite nur r,-|M>rt lard-. whlih tiiiraca at the lllco Hoc pit.'ll for We will get Thuratla' will be let their iititlrltiv care given our ter than nur l.iat i-anl ■ loved one. Alao we thank .Mlnlat*r J.B. Woodard Produce M II .S J P W'lllinma for hla comforting II \ \ D M M H worda And “pec lal thanka go to First We are planning (•• plav for the Mr Itoiinauvlllc. funeral dire, tor — Cash Buyer of — Ita-tkelball giuin—. Ihl« we.-k M.iy tjod a rh'heal bIcHaInra n-.t |N,n I forget .Spinater*' Day It upoti ea< h of vou la our prayer sure la yoing to le- a lot uf fun Then price, is what she consi(lt*rs in huyiny' T D K Tt IMIU FAM ILY POULTRY, CREAM, EGGS, AM ) M II .s WOKM’>* M l kllW In one wartitiie )car. Navy fmid her t’am ily’.«; ^'•roeerie.s. SHF KN(»\VS that While I w.i, crawling .imund PECANS ailppllea I oal f '.IHI iioo OIHI yet the dnwnat.iira one ilav. eoincnnc “l, i |»-r r:iplt.i per ilav i-iwt of fc-iling p,e| on inc t hetkt-d u|i .ind aaw (Quality -Merehandi.'ie is a nui. ttn-n wna otily til tenia him He haa blue eye*, and a n i'>■ tulle .\ftcr atcpiilng on m<> he loved ones’ health may han;r in the halanei*. =,hnl|ld h.l»c -tlllllcd well. RelllliC ha, k In the nli e prrann .,- iKiiple *.y, that he ha-< bmwn 'i.ilr but now that I |,M>k at him agala It d,H-an t lieik II I t’llle th.it he muat hare a new beauty a, I ri t Well, maybe b* will i>.ia- FIRST (H'AUTY MEATS AM) II on In me Tills buy Is llk,-d by everyone (;R0( ERIKS ARE YOFRS lie waa the Senior ‘ .iMillilate for the llalhiwei-n King tie le Iti* FOR THE ASKINt; .'•••Tiliir rlaas T'eaaurer. h, waa the Seiiuii C!.i-.s K.iuiilte Mini a utn-r Imaketball id.iver Who cnulil this AT OFR STORE! lie but III!‘I Ilav .Milea’ lint hiiii,-*tlv I think the Senior t flaaa wntihl In- Inat wllhnill him II II S lit't us help you with youj* list with n o >*T\I B \l I. fi'iendly, uiurteous advict* on all your I *ur> h.nve le , n heiring «.im,' "piirlv wiiril. from the S,nl*ir* markt‘tin>r prohU'tns. Kiiryniii' will until their |ilav I* over Satitril.Ti night I « I’atai Mi-ad Your Satisfaction Is Essential OP am! "Du!' P-em h Marl, tie .\clarn« and ila’ IaT'd l.ilbam M in To Our Uontinued Success .Veil ll.illerah-II .iml Harolil Nor- rod Joan r.i>!lghll> an I It n K< 1 ler I'hI',1 Hob* Its .itid Wenilell Kiil'--ht I’.iul .Ml, n an,I Deilv Do lightly ll'llv Hefner utid Dobbi IVices On All Our Flour Dgle. Ji-an •'nughev and Hilly Kal ley Jeaiie (illhert and John I’rb e KInaale Hidliin and Who* M.irgl, (Irlinea and Who’ Jeumlle anil 25 lb. Sack $1.90 - - - 10 lb. Sack 90c Truman lauleti Jamea I/eelh and Diilnrea^ Hnhera,in Clarice M* Lett don and' luivb' Nix W.iinla M, l-en- doti and Ue,l llodnett The ino*l handaome couple at the show waa Hobby Jack Haiti Home Modernization water and Hilly Paddark They REDEEM YOl’R were holding handa Thl* iiiual be serloua Haa anyone nnt|i,-,l aonie very PURASNOW FLOUR COUPONS nice Innktlig blond, beaded bova* We iiaed to have anme reilheaila l>ui And Repair Loans ... I don’t know what to rail them now AT OUR STORE Itiiea anyone know who write* • A Ikirncs & McCullou^rh F. H. A. Home Hud Norrod’a Jok,-*’ If you do ahoot him FOR CASH OR MERCHANDISE modernization or Repair lioan will finance painting your home, re-roofin^r, insulatinjr, modei nizinjr your kitchen or bath, or adding- Wist FOLKS •NEVER THRU SERVING U” an extra room. You can also build a graragre. SA^ - Interest rates are low, you make no down BLUt payment, and monthly jiayments can ho arrangred to tit your income. Up to thirty-six months in which to repay the loan. raoM YOUI LOCAL Ratliff Bros. Barnes & McCullough MAUA Market Grocery TERMINAL J. a (DUDE) RATLIFF WALLACE RATLIFF - “Everythinjf to Build Anythinif** CRAIN CC • rORT WORTH, - v O .ceoli Ve te.a - I U llt W . M U U II PAGE r o i R THE HICO NEWS REVIEW llllllA ■ a ■ ••U itu NrniH firnirmlATTllEniriU'llKsi I EUBUSHSl) UVBKY milVAY IN m cu. TICXAki Methodist Oiurch SPECIAL ROLAND L HOLn>RD and Our Hpriii. Kfvlv*l ■t«rt* Suii- I JIMMIB L. H01.r0Kl) tluy. March 7. ttiid run* ihruuKb March 14 l>r I'lovd John»«>ii 0 « D « r « and Publlahtra r\FIM SllKI)(’llAll{S (iatesvilit* OUirlcI Mupci Iniciiiicnt MMMd m ewued-ciBM im im t M*r lA will he thr rpvOallat Are You Losing Money? •• ftl po««uRr« At Ht«». TtaAa Suiiilay aervlcca at the aame Similar to illustration. All 8 • Mt ia« k H at otf HAPAh A hour*. II *. Ill and 7 30 |> in Miinilna irrvli'e* durliia the How many mile.s have you been since the 9 i rb«r«a •AtortAlAMMia mkm% week at 10 3u and evenlnK aervltea stuidily constructed kitch­ » *>i AdoitaMuA !• akA4«. eaiWsrie^ at 7 30 mi laAAk*. r«i»l«tk»A» W following was servieed in your cat. >UI kSrervone la cordially Invited to en chairs. Kasy to paint. •9 At Um rAaulAf PAUIA. all the service*. J. 1. HAY. l*a»tor ^ Front wheel bcaringM cleaned ■t'BacAirTH>N rait'M 2.9S ea. and packed? Mr«. • Htw TarriWo- First Bapti.st I'hurch *lii>ll On* Y**r I I M ^ Univcrs;il joints cleaned and ificr {: rtMim! HamIHoa. ua, Kfwta •■* heicInnIiiK Sunday. .March 7 packed? ibAAeM C o u a U aa I Sunday: MsrI ^ Yrar 13 00 8 U Month* It 10 Sunday schiMil at 0 43 a m Oil cartridge changed in your .sllvd and kitchen chairs ea. 99em Tbre# Month* lOc 1‘iislur « (uhject for 11 00 a ni 'Tranatrrptalon. l>t*ohedl*n'e. and oil filter? uu** *ar*k>* CASH IN J 'V. .OVANl'A P*iwf will a* SNMMaaa* III-ward ■ 8 *<■ Uaa aast* Tratiitna I'nioiia meet at 6 3<* 'Ehese aiv not done t*ach time your l> in a a y *r*■*■»«« r«fl«ru»* **aa ta* F H K M Il . . Here ar* and let us know your need.s. friend* who iii.lv come till- two champs of the canine world, llurhesk of /el-I'horn llopi won I O J HtIHINSOX I'aator hifhevi honors for fireal Hanes p al the Hevlmlnblrr kennel rlub ntecostal ( hiirch show al Madison Muare ('.arden. D. R. Proffitt \ew 3 orb Martincale Miuwland .Sunday Ai hool at to lai a m la i I below I won be%l of breed : j l‘reachliiK at 11 - srho ba* no cbnrrb homa. tii lion aptwratu* are Invited to ISO and 209 eiiil springs — Heavy j^rade 'iivestliiale a national sale of fin evtInKUlshers beKUn thi* Week by . Church of Christ ticking — (»uaranteed a years.{9..‘>0 ea. M'ar .Assets .Administration Sale; nibl* Study. 10 00 a. tn. will he rcsirliled to (overnment I I’raarhtnjt. 11 00 a m. units which cenerally are entlt* I Communion. 11 45 a. ro. led to public Iwnefit dlst ounts fr- I 3'ouna People * Clas*. 0 30 p m from prl< es asked for the device* I’rcachInic 7 00 p m There are about 33 ixm.) hand r i I laidles* llihle ('las*. Tue*day, Coats Furniture Co. tlnculshera In surpius Inventory. | SO p m mostly In r>H It UCAU.Y ort.li I 7T./1 TK I V.SM/WO.VIM> pVn.l FU Ih h R U T *» , :-■!! s' V i - of the W a '! I • (Icib. !- icb of II Ml \* « Olin Haptist Church Junk, Junk vj ' - .r-.= I.- >,matia TTie \A \,A I* Jk r buverv st low fued pri-j Sunday school each Sunda> »' p - ai'hnuKh ihe m i n i - I 1" o'clock T' ' ^ 4E• ■ h** f htirih i**‘rtirr, 11 (m> a m , J ronslsllnc of I Training Ciilon. « 45 p ni ' . . should be sent! Church servp e*. 7 30 p ni ■too l»C office Come to all our service*' And Junk Iron !«'• KK.V JA C K M t'U . l••*^or V'.' N; I'l P* WILI. HCV VOl’K Si s. III THE BEST DRESSERS fr. vl .ICNK IKO.V .\T have their clothes I* t-rV TAILORED TO THEIR ORDER nr r. Ill s; We make them at these II TOP PRICES surprisingly^^ #^5Q ^ T W O 5 2 'LOW" PRICIS ritci A.M), MK. FAKMFK I SUIT SS7.00 S $*LS0

COM! IN AND tff THf MANY FINI NEW (*4>nu* in and pick out the J SPRING SUITINGS A TOPCOATINGS WE SHOW '^LM~/new- cat pitHcs >4»u need for repair. I WIU. TKADF YOU 1 LK OF PIUK-Ur DAYS ON LAUNDRY WHAT YOU NFFI) Are A COMPLETELY NEW SHOP MONDAYS & THITLSDAYS For 2 Lhs. of what you throw — Watch for Announcement of Our Open House S

M \ ' ; y ROM HI T oy rovy n iifyy. araia sum i.h (aKHKN n .i H r« «y;»:T ' m y M» i*y iiso>s yi %y k u . iiy. MHuy: si ri Aiii.y d u b .Members Eat AKIMAT «*r kHk r WFKk .Among the out of town relutivaa Ihillaai, Tex Chat He MiCurthy r I..AWN MOAVKIIS At Keene>*«, Enjoy j The Hleo Carde a Ifluir luc-ellu. , and friinda who w<'ri> liore laai was gU in (he honorary rating ol [for Mareh will Im bi-ld next Krl-| SbariM*ned Kriduy aflertiiMiii to attend funeral Sergeant in the Hecrultlug Servbi- Social At Miss Hluir’s I lUy. the- I2lk at 3 39 p in at tli<-' aervicca for K H I'eraona. long­ hy Lt Col K AV .Maxwell. Com I llie-li Mi lheMllNl Cleun h RV AI A( III Ay KA - niamllng dfrAier of the HulUs He- Mlaa laiuile Hlair was hoaleaa In time city attorney ami prominent SuliJeH t III Ih- pre>ac Hleo Is ".\u- I .AA AI) lleiiiie, y.M>l etl Ice Hetuae Personals. ciultlng District. the Hualiie*«s -III 1 I'reifeaaloiial > Itl/cn were Mlaa Ann I'eraona lure's KrleiiUa I hlrcla and In-; III Hleo yielgar Hergiii. Cliurlle'a Ihisc AA Omen a Cliih for ihe- March .San Antonio .Mr ami Mra (' M aeetal" lloalcaaea will be- .Mini Or joklngly |Milnli-d out that Cliarll iio-elllig when the Itie-liilierB met Melluma. |H-| Ido. Mr and .Mia H y; Ml CuHougb L D A'l-ickli-r * tall (. I.. I.yiii-h lld»e. store had liei-ii reduced in grade- as In at Ke-t-iii-y a Chle ken I'al^w e Tuea Mr. and Mit J n Ogle wero J im - a Clark and children. Kori II K He-lli-ra and I* J AAimiUb I'llerlie « .Mr. and Mra Dllver Swtnaoii had lie-eii a Stuff Serge-ant durliu: day eve-nllig for a dellc ioua fried Uai'O vUltora .Muiiday. Worth, Mr and Mra T K I'er Alli-iidaiii I- la urgent of all lueiii-' ami ilonahier of \vo-ii dinner Sunilay with Mlaa Mary (iaiidy and aoMH. .Mlaa Helen I'eraona. Iliillaa be-rs, wbo are re-i|ueateil to bring | pllcil that Charlie hael alaynl out Afle-r the- iHiiiier the iiieiiilM-ra T. J. SNELLINGS r -M Mliigua returned huine Kiaiik Candy and family. Mr ami Mra H II I'eraoui. liua a plant feir exe liuuge- of the Service- tciu liilig to eiiMai drove- out to Mlaa Hlair'a lietnie fe>r fu< «d«y from Cunadu after a few kell. .Mr and Mra Roht I’eraona In hla fiirnier giudi-. a hiiHlne-Ha and acM'lal heiiir Mra da) a' »lalt allh hla dauahter, Mra .Mra Jean Huh kenlirougli. who AiiHtin: Mr and .Mra I.. J White. Herman (.eae h and Mra Claude jainM M ItaukiilKlit, and family. la I'liipluycd In the office of Stoll Mra .lerry Mrllllnghain. L. I. Mra J. C Hlackliurn ape-iil the He-< k we re appeeliited to aaslat K H k White Sotiltailuin In Temple Keioigh. Mlaa Maxine lirnnimil Sun Antonio: Chaa D Slianda. Mr week end III AVai-o with her aon. Kaiiilala Jr and niembera erf (he- RHEUMATIS Mr«. Marvin Marahall la r«*<-uper- apeiit the week end here In the D Cage, and family. Her grand Hleo ChanilM-r eif Coininerce In the atlliK nUely III the Hlin lloa|iltal home of her | yM kllllMA-RliH works -<>ni«>tmit-9 nivinn rrlicf with tirvt Taefday morning. Foil SliHkton, Mr and Mra H C ffallfw luit karH or kUairr, >«^ b riiu b if or b »rk |J»iii>e was c arrliHl Ihu k to the lioeplial inllita lie-foie the- liie-eliug w ua ad s F \ h M I I iAMWIIstIM While ami Mr and Mra S I* I 4M You Ri»k Notblotf. Uifl’M A-Ut’lt U irtiaranl*wd aiid bMr Miinduy morning for tresiliiient ]oiirne-d I (> iHvAUr* r4wi iMily ll-rtfr at Mark Waldrop of 1‘laliivlew wua I M Klilfill II SI M in nihil While, I'ort .Arllinr. Jainea ('ur IIKI G rOo, IIM O called to llliu Thuraduy on areouiit es \ y u fs m H \ i(im ii i ly y no un. Cleii Roar Mra C M of the llliieaa of hla mother. .Mra "Helleve It or not. .Mr and Mra Tinkle*, y'nlrv Mra /. A Calhoiin J W. Waldrop A |i Shl|ili') I •'lelirated their ai v Mineral W'llla. Mr and Mra Krcd (pi-n y r yiy tjj y r jpt rrr n v y v y ^ ZCQtPil?' T? ^ 7 i*THBI IpVflLff' ’• c 3J.’ -y ? y 7 j I'litli unnlveraary Sunday. lloilgc K.lectra: II I* Hodge W’Ich Mra Merman la-ai h ami daugh Kehi ii.u y 2'i .ifler liaviiu; liet n Ita Kalla. Mlaa Carrie Daniel. Ml*--. i*r Jacqueline, returned home the married for I'S \e.ira Yon ai Krie IlHiilel. uni Mra llarel M' flrft »>f the Week after a vlalt III IheV ellteri-rl (he alule of Ilialrl Cliinv. Kere-na: Mra Vernon Itoach (Ir.ind I’rnirle with her parenla loony on l.eap \ear |iav Ki-hmurv and J K' Joplin. Itnak I. Hr.inn Mr and Mr' J I, I'lMiper. and In 2‘i. I'*2" Mra .\ C llaya, .Mlaa Charity Kid Men’s and Young Men’s Poet wHh other relativi'< Out of town aile'la tiere to help aon .Mra Joe yUdaon. Mr and Mta '3: them I'elelllale Oo' iMiaalon Wele •lohii KIdaoii .lohn Kldaon J r . Mr '• • frh la U deadline for fllliiiT Mr ami .Mra J I. Klverett an I and Mra Ceorge Collghtly, Mra ;ear InroMe ia\ rellirn. It you iraurhler. I.eihu \nii Dall.i Mr .Ada .lackatoi. Mra y:thel Hlui k ae«-d kelp don't nail. »ee me now. ■ii'l Mia lierrell Shipley ami Mr hum dllii Itldeiihower Mr and U lo Had con. I:!.llr. lalnl Mra \ !■; Slilplev Vernon Mra CecOkr- Lcriti. Mra Sliln<'\ Mr ami Mir II It Cleiiimi'r. .\til W ' -a* : liri Allen Sllaa Alie n aiid T M White- all eif ir lioaa left .Sunday for l»:il leiie. Mr and Mra Johnnie Wll KHIa end Mr \lv. . I.ltlle Sle Uf where h> haa ai repted a |Mial llama itnil ehl!dn-n. laiulae unl |iinle«l to iMlIa' hy hla pateiita and laineta Shipley A TI I Mt y I Ay UAL I A AA AI O krothera. Mr. and Mra Watt Itoa'* Moml.tv moiling when Snip asd nien and Don. who vtaiied U > .l.irti'd lo lor II In all Ih. rain Mr .iml Mra K A Thaeni i *tth their dauchier and alaler. Mra I:: wife reiiilmled him dial he liad and aeiti. Jtihniile Theiiiipaieii at Jt'li Moffalt, and himlly Sunday iH-eii the laiaa for Ihe laal 2' veaia le mlcil fune-ral aervle <-w hedd III EASTER TOGS and the waa going to he die l>or AA’ai e> Tueaelay for Ihe ehler Mr Mra A A Vli krev la the proii i for die iii'Xl 2". uml al.e dMn'l w.in* Thoiiipaoti a lirother. Alfre- yAiner.cl a iT V ic e a were held n Men’s Felt Hats Mr and Mra Ja< k Vli krey. remirt wlah for them niaiiy more Nancy'a weight 9 pnunda and 15 the- Wllkiraeiii Hate h Chapel with uunren at hirth t'ongratulallnna I niH iiy Til tNks Itev Tllaein K Alavnard eiffli'latlng to the parenla and grandmother. We lake thia ine.ina of di.ii.k'nv Hurlal waa In MiH>dy Cemetery everyone who aaaiated na in any He la aiirvlved hv another tero- ‘ We're i-ontluiitly thrilled to read wav during the reo-nt loiri of oiir ih e T II C Theempaem eif Kori (if the new development going on loveil one We appreciate every Worth In the old town tt '* 29. at d o'eleick. and paaae-d away He«t regaeda to all their fririida lOOKINO AMtAO the- aanie ehey at d p ni hrr« follow yhiTieral aervicea were cnnelue-ted Alomlay mornltig at In .10 by Rev Sunday dinner gueata In the home l> J Reiblnaoii. pastor of the lew al of Mr and Mra Wallace Ratliff 1 Huptlat church were Mra Milt Wallace and .Mr dtheri surviving ihe Infant are and Mra Jlin Ihdton of Wharton. one brother. RIehard Aiialln. of $ 6 . 5 0 Mr and Mra Rota Ratliff and »Hro. nnd one grandrneither. Mra children. Waco; Mr and Mra. I.e-liltli Smith. eif Te-liiperanci* Ceo llowle Diifhau; Mr. and Mra Mil hlgvn J R. Kadlff and aon. Itohhie. Mr and Mra A II. Rolieraon. . $ 9 . 9 5 and Mr. and Mra. Sherman RoN-r ttai all of Hicu .Mra Wallace re­ mained for a two weeka' vlalt hen- — F o r — with her alitera Mra Wallace Rat­ liff and Mra .V H UolM-raon. IN sSUH.ANCK Mr*. W \ Howard lella of the sS e o Wedding of her grandaon. RoIm tI y^crl Howard to Mlaa SammlH AfnnciAUY I W. M. HOIiSLKY Hand.^onu* lliidaoii. dauahler of Mr. and Mra MOW ro9Si0L£. THIS srurr- Morgan Hudioii of .\hileiie. In the UN6 APVANCV SFtgOf UTSClUh HCSISyfSS I'HDNK 6 sturdy l»rown San .Angelo Kii»l Tieahytcrlan par- vfic mFKoveiMMTOfSffCies Ry:siDK.Ncy; I’h o .v k 137 aonage. Hr II d WihhIb read the 9 i c o u rto u tQ fn io t u e . Newest Sport Coats o.\ fords with 1. iirvlce Mr. and Mra Cordon jiei'foratod tip, lUrnea were the conple’a attend* anta The hrtdegriMim la the aon joiiK’-w earin^ ef Mr. and Mra It I, Howard 9' Wlnlera He aerve-d In the Air »Aaw'WW'w>ww-w .')ok.< El 0 . I.. Ihivia. t(M-at iiianaKer for ('imimiinity I'lihllc Service Coiii- U) pxiiv. a< -onipalile-d hy C. M. Strlnfi-r. alte-iide-d funeial aervicea held In Cllfion Tne-aelay morning S PEOPLE fur Jlniiiile lleihi‘i(von. Ce'ulral Dl- vl.ioii line->111.111 for Commnnliy ■ $22..50 I’ ltillc Si-rvlii- Coiiipiiny. Mr Hoh- e-r'-eon was .ociile-ntlly cirowm-el In DRIVE A MerldUn 1-i‘Ae Ki-i Sunday after- niKin He- wn* a hrothe-r-ln law of Cec-ll I* C<- 4ton ellvlaion manager LONG WAY tier the above- ceinipuny. and hael FKOeM MIU'XS AKOUNI), wiirkeel out of HKci at various \ limes our friencLs and eustorniu's TO DINE Men’s Dress Shirts TAH.OHEI) ROSS SHOP. Jeweler. 45 tfc. eonie here to dine re^rular- WITH US • • ly. It makes us proud and to a “T ' hapi).v to enjoy a reputa­ 10 DOZEN .irST

tion for fine foods. And RE('EIVEI) Lightweight We will jruard it jealously, White I Patterns w o o l s a n d COLOR you may in* sure. You, too, K'aliardines. can enjoy our jrood food, M any textures FILMS — Delicious our courteous .‘Service, and $3.25 and colors. PLATE our pleasant atmosphere.

LUNCHES Try, and you’ll set* what to $ 6 . . ' ) 0 Right sway you will wish 50e we mean. to make some c-olor plctiirev $3.95 t o when the peach and plum “Well . $ 7 . . ' ) 0 bkiaseims are out In alt their Seasoned Food” glory.

We have a fair saaortment

of color films on hand Gel a roll and he ready. Keeney’s

WISEMAN Chicken Palace }. W . Richbourg STUDIO Mr. & Mra. G. C. Keeney ■iro, TElAfI D r y G oods ON ITWAY 220 — HICO, TEXAS IITT* rA6B BIX THE HICO NEWS REVIEW iHDAT. m akch 1.,^

r — l«y Mr and Mrs latwion ('mining few sheep raisers had pul out poi­ Fairy ham Mr an ' Mra laiuli Ahrl. Mr son III their tiaaiurea trying lu kill - B y - and Mra Kllgory Mr and Mrs dogs If luy dog had got luilaon From where 1 sit... 61/ Joe Marsh F'lank Honnvr. Mr and Mrs W K In aonieone'a pasture, then I'd have The HICO Theatre Nr«. J. O. Rlchar4M a Ooyiis and daughtars. Mr and Mrs nothing to say People have a right lo do what they want to on \ Hill l« rk ry and sons Mr and Mrs Wo haw rot'oirrd i«r Mrs t'hiM'k LIttIr and daughtrrs. cornea to throwing out leiiiplliig How to Put Up with Thuriday night of U il whon Mr and Mrs WIKord IMtts and liaK. such as wieners euntaliiliig tht> hMATlMiit rain M l wlml a 4-- List PIcMC Notice Cliaoce !■ Tone— tlauahter. Mr and Mrs II 8 I'lMs stryrhiilnu la sample of which I I'ompanltHl th» rain which JUl ooii- Women's Stylet Mr and Mrs Waltrr Aliel and son have had Ihe privilege lo liispei'll ■lii<*rablr daniacr In ihia ami aur- fOK Mr and Mrs M Young Mr and near the achool grounds and homes BOX OFUCK OPENS rounding roinmunltlfa W r kne* Mra I'arl Hay 8 rllria and Carolyn then you are vIolattiiK the law When Will Dudley a missusanally I'erhaps Ihe way •"■(ebody druses the wind was blowing at a high 911 Mra J (I Hli'hai dson. Mr and You iiol only kill valuable dogs isn't always to our ta»ie-.),„ Week NifhU 6:45 P. M. • - Sunday Nickl 7: N P. M i-Mti* of apfml during thp rain hut gaye in to the nrw slyir longer Mrs W K t’unnlnahitm and Sher hut may cause Ihe death of some wara unawarw of the damagt* donr skirla. Will was mighty critiral al VY Ill's glass of beer msy be saother r)K ry and Mrs Paul lliilton and Ann InntK'ent child I would ailvise all Sunday Matinee 2 P. M. - • Saturday Matinee 1 P. M until our brothardn law T I.. person's rider. Many who were unable lo attend l>arenls lo warn Iheir children first. Allowed as how women were lUtta cam* hy thr nrsi morning to Hrin Si nl gifts Mrs Kiederli k Is thi' against eailiig food or landy found a slave lo fayhion,.. ought lo dress know who gavi* ua (M-rmlaalon to But from where I sit.thosehtUe former MIss Nelda Joy ('mining lying around to please Iheir husbands and not •#•1 hli hriMidi^r hoiiir ovmt Iu our dilTerences aren't Iniportant un- l£A ham U'e had leurtied ot trouble of tills THIKSIlW. a HiriKlUV paitiiri* lju«*r our ikamihtrr M n style designers. less we go out of our way to »t; . •III Those from here stteiKlIng the nature In an adjtdiiliig eonimutiHv. t’arl Kay Syllori I'aiiii* oy«»r and gall funeral of Mr Sam Tudor at lllio where the pidsolled wiener Istll Sue Anally remindeil Will of his them so, hy l>eing hypercritcal. wy droyp oyt*r to lh«* I.rally N«-w “SEVEN KEYS TO BALOPATE** Thunwlav of laat week were Mrs was actually thrown In yards habit of silting by the rs.lio Sat As Will says now : "Well, snys,y| and Kninia Ogly hotiiya \\> fimnd f*T mil Ian key Mrs M K (ioyne. Mrs killing many valuable dogs, and those long skirts hide s multitude that <'i>nald«>rab|y dainagp had Iw^n urday afternoons in shirt sleeves FsrI with J O Hii'^hardsoii Hev Oran loo coulil have killed small ihll* donr at »«aph pla<-i* Kolh wlnd- and old slippera, listening to the of shins" . . . and lets H g„ that! »T Columbus and father J I* Colum drenWell. It stems this prae mllla wfrp laid flat A douhle-hin sporfcasls with a mellow glyss of bus tier has gone alMiut far enough Phillip Terry granary at M n Ogle a was plrkod We were eery sorry to learn of and I hope something can he done liet r. Suggesteil that maylic M ill up and rarrlrtl oyyp a w in fi-tira the death of Judge I’ersons of Hleo III discourage the gullly party or was a slave to comfort. ll: Into a ripid and d»‘m»IUhMd lipr 7/c.t — Plus Second Feature — Those from here allendlng the parties We helleye If the gullly largi* harn was movni aom>* (hr«M> .Ynd M ill admitted she was right. funeral seryires there last Kriday | |iariy only knew what Ihe loss of f*«-l or morr from Ita foundallon Johnny Mack Brown were Mmes t'llfford Tinkle these dogs meant lo myself and and partly unroofml. and thr wwat (iladys Coy and J O Hlehardson Mrs (ilenn. who was also alone / aired .'»iile« llrrm - n F. svg. fahlw hrok»*n down Th«* wind hlrw f.'om • — In — Mr and Mrs Milford Miller of with her small children, your ion a gatr op«»n trading into hrr paa- Port Worth spent Ihe week end ■ c tell Aoul surely hurn you lurr and onr of hrr cowi rainr In* fin here with their iiarenls Mr and llul thanks lo a good frleind for I “OKLAHOMA FKONTIEK” ililr thr outirl around thr wind Cr* Mrs M K Parks and family, and lelling me have a dog until I can mill and was hit and kilird hy si-curi .i-iother and In case some («1< nw « . fi_.K.> I -. . I. ^ •* Miller IftO rivtng4 tiaiher A4 large iMiultry i .. ... i.. n n ■ one w u!d think we won't sign k.v.... k . _ k 'If F " Hoorer and house at.1 her tenant4 house was also 1 „ i our n yes we will, for we are Mr HtTI KlOY Mt.MI, €;«» Tt> !#:»»«» P. U. a.». .ii.k. I ___1 . _ _ k • k Mrs J O Hh'hardson spent Sun demolished and a number of hens ! , . . ... , ■ .k not of theso I wo timers and »nr 'liar II Caiesvll e vis ting In the 1 .1 Were kllleil Vernon Moore re home of their sister Mr ami Mrs as the saying gm-s. ' We yam Just “LAST DAYS OF BOOT HILI/ sides on the pla.e \l the la*slle V II lletroih and their daughter •* h It we yam " N' w home a large tree was up Here s hoping my letter w 111 he Mr and Mrs tint l.iMkhart and with ^ riMvied sheds blown awav a feeh *o a-cire the < .niel.’fy feme fiiml fo* w til< h ■ fit I or forty yards fn>m where Ihe mother di*ir whhh wi* fi*el Is eii ('haptcr N<». 12 t»f Seri;d w,- sini erely thank all H K IMtl i Br. || l•ulll1lnc stikHi and h ’s wife said Ing lo h fully as vatiiahle as the man $S<*o | \ Adams $jO« th.y had s thirty do^en lase of one we lost We hope tills p?u ■ Mrs Hattie Halts llii" M-* tliadi ( U •HOP II \ B B I (; A N •• eg' In the building There was the of law violation l« quelled at Mts C H M.ismonn fa twisted she.t Iron strewn from the 'y*'"” * on< t I". “II Miss e Ml Sew home tc. the West side f th ...... ’’ ! Mrs J () Hh haril ^lUMt.HT OM V west and we were only a short In schools estahll',;hi-d hv Ihe^ d'st.tn.e from Its path M.ist all The farm lo inarket rt»ad whhh Navy In Trust I .lanits of the l’ «- “Li v i m ; in a b k ; w a y ’ • iiihuii lings at the home nf llrian wa- damage hi the r«-. enl heai.i rifle elassea III thr ptuelli.il use Most Popular Rings . ! tUnn d*-moHwh.-J , *'*‘»* U .t S.-! of Kiigllsh are heh for the natire ' «1 ih**» St'fTt*r than f**rt% urilav ■ hlldten Cart Har Sellers assl-st.il Mr lens M the Johnni;* Jaikson lYic wedding ring and irlrphone ring really iiome iwithullding* were dam.ig.il Halur.lav in gathering up Ocne KclB' hate a lot in trunnum. Siiue V-J dav, a record numlwr • nd they lost a niimh«T of hens the s( altered fragm. nls of th. i!s>‘ Ki Ihe It y H'tver home hulldlngs demolished hv the 4torm ot young Ameruany haye been married— and • htil', were i.im sway from gran Y\'.. should assist If possible Ih ----- time then we haye installed a rtreord number ol lelephooet, .»*tes an.l Ihrri* ts prohat»!y other who haye lie.-ii lei;s fortunate than Export Badio Sorvioo many ol them tor newlyweds. We arc glad that M on UOADtt w e •snnre we hayeii'l hear.l of but people think of a telephone auiumalKally |lw.. *ee| thankful that no .Iwellinga No Job Too I sarjro when they think nl selling up their home M e II do a .rr damared other than roofs I Few Words 111 Whom rscry thing possible to sireedily prosidc I .sml ie> llyes were lost It May I onri ra or .^rnall. (Too late for last wiekl sersKC lor all who want it. ijfC V*1 1! Illwklrv J T Jg. k* We w rtde a relatlye thir. week C( •?! y^'^oo r.< For Your Now And w K 4ioYn** «*Te Joint that with the exception of a hruise.l Ht A w.-i|-;ing •hi.wi.r lavt Inidy from a fall, a broken h-ns | Radio or Rofri^oratoj’ w ntvii 4'iBu’ia rtUv ntKht K"bru«%rv hun- ,of our glass! r and a il. a.l dog we I ' V - .1 tid M*-- UihtBrrt F>.-.| I guesse.l we was doing yer> widl | ,.f ' .Morso Bo.ss Badio ■ ■ ‘ k {'• tPi« Mt fh*» b 'j!it ..f Mr I I he dog a reglsieri'd fot terrier ^ GULF STATES. 6^ e I'Ul H. 0 t''!!tilHl r '\Am Hut ; which I pur. based flye yisirs ago I ‘A'oiir I’hiloo Doalor” » *•' S •ll.fifr 1 »1 b.y thf 'S i- TELEPHONE CO. lll'tlM’ • « M .|M w..1.1 [to gather niv et-;s lal.‘ M.in.uiv o: liw i-. >i..l.d a>oi|t|.| noon this week This dog was sery va' DeWO • N«ir. l^Safiirdav staling tf.at M Ci ■ .| I uahle. ami is my only IHing I'ro w • '1. k s father U I. Kre.|.-ri> k of ' le. tion since the death of mv hu = jv. riis h td ill.-il (■ •> s.j.ldi nly tiaml l.ist Ik tidier I hurriiwl * I' «•'> .Cwiii' laT 'norninc N'oi hat wattii..| c'^i’.is:- and g.iy. Ih. • s.iffl-li ri! tiiio* to nollfv till' ilos. hut he was tqo near gom 'cn.'Sfs .4*1 1 jk.s'j.one lh.‘ «N . asioM ^4' when I found him and .lied thirty y i O / M tS.- sh.w.r was .a c it .l out a« ■iiiniiles later I .loti I iMdleye In . he.1.r..l S...ne s.sfv fue guests I J, | iHUIghI . ttendi-d \ -arg"' tj-,- of flow.'s j j wouldn't h.iyej iTr Ih** d ’Titnr tjihl** un4t**r • otititL rr<1 Mi'lltnc turn at anv prl w ’.' h n’ts-Mt 41 tlii'i ,.it-i • . ‘“ U *0 !nnr I N»a« h**-.* on th** f.irm i ; . • * »• J- T * ,i ’ fl t ♦ w T ‘n h***»t« M* f«*r I I iij! , him Tw p * i iiM tttu ciarH» ifs ' l » in f'lllt pu’i. h -4ni1 Tii> liuntMiiiil II hf* had ' i « t (t ' 4k r- '•» I he , . iLiin «»•*• • *'**'*^* i«(k*n*' Yard I a#nt up to Kair> t i n i K ’w • < to *d)«*tMTnr r.N*?nn ih* rift ■ »ti1y to |f*arii that Mr Jt»hn Uof caat 'A. !'? M mb M*rv On« ha*l loat a vaiuat*!** hound hv }m>i J 'V , *f (!)•■ 'on -*n Thuriot.tv nf 1a<»t »**‘k and ijN'Vt; A, s:im RHEASt 204 •! t«» the llBillvn for |n«p«*< that M*n t. •nn hui*n iM>wii»M>i»n '»M «raa» •>i:s .. . ,,..n k, „f ■ y. , c.lenii :lal.-d that to r dog .V.-.1 me Vtt'l In orde- tha* first 4*..t a .lose of th*' (...Is.in ' sh»- •1.11 Slii.w ho atl.rideij as fht.nghti ..i or lo-ar the s.hool ' » . "I to 'i gisler w .■ wll! vr.iiiri.lsami itiiit her <|..g |.. . ain> US ' *1 l'II»*M .m |r» t>II* r'f :i; al th. groiil'.ds ale.. ati.| ahi- M' • lid M-e » (irt«,|s. * m (1!. n «• atit tin- wt h(Mi! Iun< h ' t * k A d .Iwn.hl.-r Mr wild M*» ifid aaa n<»Mfi**d and thr dt>ir . « , .« • k AT'.tl flAUXht**''e wa« MVed by KfraN*' Iat*'r to rrt YV 1 M « 1 Tink , M- *h» r !!■ ► •*• Uint SundavThla < «• i.r .i FIERCE.. ' .( IT ,n. .:i Mr a>..| » TO nhf h*' YA aa In or nmr c 1 » F \VTi1*n<':; M * r > Oti 4 h«*r yard and muat har** |d< k«*d up ^ “1 1 M 4 J T J 14. ttvisO mid ■i-6■ If - M ■till kt . H..V 11.ak W. hav»* EH*«n lhf«»rmrtJ that a FLAMING .T ? ~ FURIOUS.. \^' * ‘»00ow>oo«><>»<>wve^ Qlgta gw FABULOUS Our Particular Responsibility ANOTHER REASON WHY ADVENTURE!^ lYfipU* art* coming more and more to think of their Itank, not in the old, narrow \ limits of a nu*re money-lendinjr a^tmey, hut a.s an essential institution devotcHl to Cooking's cjornif Elecfric WILLIAM th<* eommunitv welfare. ELLIOTT It is our hope and pur7>nsu‘ to hav<* our V ou can j.ty giMHlbyc to soot-K'uurinx JOHN t*ntin* community think of our ITank in pot-Acruhhing w hen you install a new electric CARROLL th<*sc* larK-L‘r term s. range. CATHERINE tlettric heat is as clean as summer sunshine. We have two major duties in mwtinp It c(X)ks without soot, smoke or flame. Uten­ our res|M)nsihility: First, to siife^uard M cLEO D Snn tNn sils stay bright and shiny. Kitchen walls and m the deiMFsits of our customers; Second, to curuins remain fresh and new-looking much make money available and useful to the NEW longer. l»eople of the community. ELECTRIC m u m s T E X M Join the millions who have switched to clean, ALBERT OEKKER • ANDY DEVINE Come to see us for a discussion of RANSES carefree electric axiking.Make your neaf famca KNIGHT . Ruth OONNELLT • kHinny SANDS your problems. range an electric! •MMwfvMVfNeoirr. ommih m *««t . o*#wouaWHUi iwsei •• lOOTHMl Ml HMCI ic w OfHWM t a n w MM i« > t taMMo foiMiro Ltiowc • MM MM iMtuno ennweie k REPUBLIC PICTURE The First National Bank “In Hico Since 1890“ COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ftiMT, im trn s. iim. i> K THE HICO NEWS REVIEW PAGE MEVE.%

*r ’ day In AValiiut KprliiRs with her Altinun sister Mini husband Mr. and Mr*. Leo Finley, and children SHIP HY — By — Atrs. Lula AVIlhama was con- .Mra J. II McAnelly veyeil to (he Hlco Hospital Thurs­ WAMT«APS ♦ ♦ day where she Is a medical patient Mr and Mra Claude tilhHoii and .Aflss Hladys la*e Kalmoii of Dal • hll Iren ulletided < hureh In Duh- TRUCK WHEN las WHS a week end visitor with t DvMtock and Poultry For Sale or Trade lln Sunday and a hlrtliduy dinner her luirents slid sister. Mr and In the home of Mr and Mra Mai k Atrs Krnest Salmon slid la*u Her Authorized Falkner hotiorliiK her mother and sister aeeomtMililcd her to Dallas HAI.K Thr***- aowa with jilna. nephew Mrs. Kd SliliiKer and J o h n s o n o h a s s i i a v f..i ^u..• Siindny afternoon for a visit C arrier ^ ub«hI winiliiilll head I’hoiie IVie Jeiikltia. I ml frtim lli.n .,11 Ihirls lithson A wonderful time •Mr and Mrs J C May of Stam­ You Are I 911 Hor K«al. 42-:tp L^ilry ritad 43-tfi was re|)orted ford s|)eiit Thursilay nlxhl with HOUSEHOLD It aa Mr and .Mrs Krooks Mi Fherson her mother, Mra J It Lowe p)K AJ.K: One reclatered O I i'. •Ker 8 Fitit SALK White Sllkie llaiitam of Hamilton. .Mrs. A’era Marsh and N'lilaii Heye of Stephenyllle t(»enl ^ will farmw Felt I&. Jraae II. FURNITURE Kaas; also ehrysanihemum plants Mrs (leorKe RIppey of Helta. Colo Sunday with his (•areiits, Mr and Hrlner, Hltu Kt 4 3K-t(c. Mrs J (• Mellee, Kt 1, Mho visited Mr atiil Mrs l» W Mc- Mrs Fred Heye IJVESTOCK It tie Fhersiin and dauithler. .Mlaa Creolu, Mr and Mrs iHiw Self and 1 hll SICK ______42-2tp -un- SwU ANIMAL. KKItVK'K — Free a while Friday aftermsm dreii visited Sunday afternoon In ffi Sura — Call CulliH't I'huiie 3«t.l. And Ml. • I’owep taki- off ami hell pulley Mr atid Mra John Afoore were Stephenvllle with his (wrents. Mr yamlltun. Texas 3N-&2r. for h'Hrmall A or It. iP»l. Neel Trui k In (iorman Frlihiy, Saturday and and Mrs H K Self Other Commodities A Traitor. Ilho 41 :'t. .Sunday to he at the In dside of The Carlton iMtskelliall kDIb and »*y. «rrl.K M IC N - We still have Mra Carl Turnlmw. who Is seri­ Ihivs entered In a iNiskethall tour You Expect . . . tU'le pirina Cattle and Sheep Chet'kera AriK.NTION MK FISIIKKMAN ously III In the hospital there nament at Alexander Thursday, Local andLonjf bat! Osr pritea are hoi. our quality Is A small Itistmil tlus ' t'olemun k'rlday and Saturday The lM>yv aps See us for your requirements Stove Is aviilluhle at llurloo* Hu Mr and Mrs Jim Farlsh of Clair Distance Hauling elle visit d In the hofiii- of Air. and won the eiiiisolation tro|ihv. havlnx k Kvar A Sanders S 6 tfc, tatie and Appllume Company In lost one xame and won two The • THK BEST IN MEDK AI. CARE Diililln tii .Airs llurve A’im ham Sunday 2 Kiris won their first Kume uni E. C. ALLISON Jr. Mr and Mrs Huy Waldro|i and Were eliminated III the sei ond Kami- KMIt S.kl.K N. a .No |i; 7 -ft trm - (Inuehti-r. Karen, and Airs J A rn«xff47 Miscillanoout tor mower for -II Kurmall. N ..I hy losinx to Kopperl • THE BUST IN PRESt’KlPTlON AA'aldrop were HUo visitors Frl A'oii are cordially Invited to at Ti ui k a Tim tor. Illeo 4 | ;;i, dav POH MONUMENTS lend the Sprlnx Revival Alarrh 13 ■Air and .Airs o AV .Al< Fherson It at the Carlton n.iptist t'hureh SERVICE have nearly two hurt'lted «*n 10 I'KK t K N T I IKK on all and d.iUKhler Aliss Creola. visited The (lUStiir. KeV Chester Svlvesti-r lliplay here In our yard. We have oeaieis at llui bee's in Dublin Airs Annie McFliersmi utitt son will do the (ireai hinx and Holely ;}ranlts and Marble In moat all ______4:'-4tr Siaiile*. In Carlton .Sunday after Thiimiison. I hoir direi tor will lead (slors. See what you buy you YOU CAN DEPEND UPON CORNER U tK SM .K Slutloiiary hay (tress noon the sIiixIiik; There will la- a (SB be fooled by buyinc from plc- NOW! GET THAT Md orml. k lleerliiK t)m Wa>. Feed Mr and Airs Tnieit .Lines were hiMister hand eaiii iilxht for the lares. Ixtraled on Dublin lllnhway Mill. M.i'itrmbk li.erlna 7 ft. ilinner Kiiesls of Air and Mrs children at 7 15. and prayer Kroiit>s DRl (i PRES( RII*'ri()N SERVK E forth of the West Knd Cemetery icraln binder, tait loin: hay whkoiis for other ayes The souk >■ i 1 b Box No 1*7 I'hone No 474 Kiish Ml Leinore In Sleiiheiivllb MAYTAG YOUR CInitile Il.H-k 1 mile on Fulrv toad Thill wlay eVeiiinK will heKln at 7 3 < leaned S|ie|tr brlahl llcht oats SET ON Itliii' Air and Airs \V.iyne Cozhy lirlnx someoiH* with you. for eale by J J Junes S r. Mlio and dautihler. AA'Hvnell II E R E — For Rent or Lease Kt 3 40-3tp Curllon II. D. t lub Miwlo Atr and Airs A’ernon Jones and TKACTlIK K4.AK WIIKKI, KIMS little dsiifhler. Delores of LAirl The Carlton Home Denioiitsr.i ft)K KK.N'T: Knrnlshetl or un- .ird from wlieel rlim If yonr AVorIh visited her (larenls. Air lion Cliili tin t in the home of Alrc 1. Your prescription is lillc^d promptly fsrnlshed apartment. Mrs A A traitor Is on steel, lotivert It 10 and Mrs J H Mi-.Anelly. diirlnx Cvnis KInx February 3>'* Mrs Brown. 3fi tfo ! rubber Neel Trm k a TruiTrui t“ I r the weliitei| for the differ Mis paid Mrs. W K Candy. and Coat Sh.'urliiK Mai bine Ceiie Stephenvllle visitors Atond.iy (•III comnililees A report of ih* By a l*rofessional Pharmacist Pbone IBS 2;-lfc Mb ks. Koiite 3 43 3tp Atr and Mrs AA'Ill Coiliv of De last rouiiiil meetlnx was made hy Leon and Jim llyles of Levant spent our couiiiil reporter. 4 . Then double-checked fttr aeeuraey Kl I.L KAK K that mounts on the •Saturdav iilahf visliinr Mr and Coffee and cake were •serveil III Real Estate front of 11 Furinsll ■It" Will Intii Mr- J K IHIes six iiiemhers five new nienitwrs die (ileiity of hay. or move brush Airs Henderson, her son and and three visitors Mrs Walker 5. .And priced rea.sonahly lie In a hurry .Ne«d Truik a- daiirhter. ami Afrs Kiilah A'lnson Curry. Mrs Avery Coffman Mr« poll SALK lairae house with two Truetor Store. Illiit 4l-3te of Honey Creek visited Air and Kenneth Kv.ina Mrs Odle Shaffer !«s. inoilern eoiivenlenies Close Mrs J K Hvles Siiml.iv afternoon Mrs Sum Sharp. Mrs italley KOK SALK Nine-(iliM'e solid isik 10 town .Mrs Frank F'allls. I’hone mid Mrs A'lnson remained for i Sharp Mrs t'yriis KInx Airs dlnliiK room suite with old-rose 1*1. Hlco 42-tfe. lonxer visit. Chaiieellor Atrs A'lrxK IWiller- upholsteilnic on (hairs 11 K shell. Airs Kllon Samford Mrs Brinir Your Next Prescription If you want to buy or sell properly, (iiinn. Koute 5. Hlco. 42-ltp D \A' Reedv. Mrs Carroll Ander fee Chas M lledites. next door to son. Mrs la-m A'nunxhiood. Mrs N «w bwouty to Corner Dru>c Texan Cafe 27-tfc. SW KKFS \ rnniplete line to Carlton choose from t.et yours now .Neel l-'khianke. Mra Kunkir and Mrs N « w Fwotur** . . . — By — TT TO U want to buy. soil or trad* Truek A Tractor. 41-6tc Weaver Mrs F*r*d 0 «y* S «« it toxloy a t . . . tsal BMats. D. P. McCarty, tfo Our next meetinx will lie with W K HAVK the laraest stm k of ------• Mrs Walker Currv. March lA electric motors In this (lart of the Atr and Atrs AA' J AVIsiloin of RKFORTBR. Stephenvllle visitei! .Sunday with J. A. HUGHES Loans state. Kverythlntr from a si-wIiik machine motor to 1 borsepower her sister and son. Mrs I, A sLe Also tiuvc steel ahaftllix A'oiinxhliMMl and James and Atrs Washers Wisdom's sister and hunlMinl. Mr T R Y NKAVS RKVIKAV AVAN'T ADS Corner Drug Co. CAR l o a n s ’ liearlnK Irnks. all sizes of casters V’-type Indts and pulleys In all and Mrs AV M Vick Home Freezers MOST ALL IN 8 CUANCK sizes Ferr.v Home Ki|ulpmeiit Mrs .1 ft Cpham returned home Preneription Headquarters COMI'ANILkS I'AV D IVIDENDS Service. Stephenvllle 42-2lc Friday from AA'aco where she spent Dutch Oven the past two months with her POLITICAL The Question Is Phone 108 WHO CCTS THK DIVIDhXNDT FOR S.M.K Csed .No 15 IHiwer datixhlers. Atrs Stuart Fartaln ANNOIINCE.MENTS Gas Ranices I lay Italer. In very kikmI shape, on and her hiisliand and Mrs L C AITO INSCKANCB- xond tires A luirraln for fCim no A'aiixhan. her hiishand and son Sales — Service The .News Review will accept Current Dividend 2S*i •\i el Truck A Trai tor. 41-2tc ’ lltileh " announi emeots for district and riRK INSrUANCK Air and Atrs Kdxar Thompson SKK FS for water (lumps with rus county offices In the order they Deviation 20*% and hshv accompanleif his mother or ebutrlc imdors lias water are reciived. each to Iw carried LIFK INSFKANCK- Airs Clyde Thompson, home Sat hciiters with |d|ie to install them throuxh the first and second pri Fullv Furticipatinc urday afternoon to spi-nd the week Fip>> with pumps also. l’l(ie fit­ i-nd Mrs Thompson had spent murles unless otherwise eliminated JE>^S KKFaVExS tings. co|iper tuhliiK. biusa flltliiKs the winter In Fort AA'orth with her Rates for the various offices are CAKLTON. TKX 36-tfc olid luhliiK. metal workers' screws son and family listed below liiMiiiiers and iHMimcr chain. * uid AIlss Hetty I..ee Fairy underwent DIstrli ( offices $17 50 Wv tiiakr ) Traitor Store Hlco 41-.’lc if liraham were week end visitors he written and slxncd by the can FKDEUAL LA.ND DANK I.OANS with her (lareiits Air and Mrs dblate Right Time Interest Rate 4% M .FA LFA H AY for sale K C The News Review Is authorized Allison. Jr. .’I'i-lfc. Wall Sharp Sr Intetest charred only for the time Sid Fine, R It Nowlin, and to (luhllsh the followinx announ' c It Is US* J. .STARTINC. AND LHiHTIMi AT Coliinihiis Hallev left Mondav meiita. subject to the actlou of thi HAMILTON TACHMK.N'T com|>lele for a L'hirm mornliiK for Dallas to visit with Democratb' I'rlinarles NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSN. all •'ll.” Neel Truck A Tractor Airs bblwin Hallev daiixhler-ln • Msmllfon. Tcv. law of Mr Hallev who Is very 111 and th e Store. Hb'i* 41 2li .STKPHKNVILI.K In ,a Dallas hospital Hamilton ( ounty NATIONAI- FARM LOAN ASSN AV.ASHINt; M ACIHNK re(ialr serv Mrs .S C Itallshaek returniHl Stephenvllle, Tex. 1-tfc be at Ferry Horne Kuiitpnien* home Siindav after spi-ndinx the For Represeiilaltve '14th Dlitrb t Servleei .Slepheiivllb-. AVe have wlnOT with her ■ hlldren She w b' SID HI(I-;H(iKY the hest equipped sho|i In this (lart an iiintwino'd home hv her daiixh I Ue-Fleet Ion) Business Services of the stale Spe* tallze In ALtytux ter. Mr ami Mrs .lames lloiie and Sales and Service hut icpalr uL (Jauxhter. Jimmy Ruth, of Stephen LAir District Clerk For that Family Oroiip .‘’Ick and makes Authorized Dealer for vine C K KDMISTON Right Place Mavlax Frixlucls for Krath. IL kkI Accident Insurance, see Chas M Mr ami Mrs Rattle Misrre and I Iti’ Klectlon I Redites. next door to Texan (’ufe. and Somervell Cuiinties. 42-2tc hlldren of Hitsilne siieiit Sunday 27-tfc. with her sister. Mrs. Sbl Mne and For County Judye I.A.ST C A U , n » K ROSHS fa mllv H K iH PI’KED Hoor I .vllshinr Ma­ AA' KFHKNK TATE No, t (fjiriK'st size of 2-year R W Thresit was a hiishiess chine available at ROSS R.XDIO. visitor In llrownwiMiil Alondav. I Ue Flection) . . . Is often a fleltl Klow nI .'1". e.ii h tel. 217. lyow rental cost. 43-lfc Mr and Mrs llotidv Thompson I .no per dozen 5 and ilaiixhier. Sherle. visited Sun­ For County Clerk Fost|iabl IRA MOORF .Also a few Fear Trees I Kc I'.leiiion) at 35c euih SEE BAKHEE For Tnv Assessor Collector perplexing question! J F. RKDnFS' NCR SKR Y CKCII. A Nl.\ .Stephenvllle. Tex. 42-ltf IN r> r n L I N ( He Klectlou) II AMMKR M ILL — 10-lilch - New For For Sheriff Ne«d Tru ik ft Tractor. 41-3tc A YHI N'H.STOWN K ITC H K S .N Y TKURAL • In Kood timn ind bad we are MaiataiiUMg a iteady We Have A Nice . ItRAND NKAV I N'TKHN.ATION AL (Re Klectlon) M l cii ft Home Freezer. Will sell market for ponitry raUeri and dairymen of tkk lection. Display of Monuments1.55 0(1 lielow privo-nt list price ,.\rHES AND PAIN.S For Commissioner I’reclnil 3 .Neel Trill k ft Tractor 4l-2tc KKKN JORDAN We belieee’ lhat tbe perion who ettablbkei aaid maintain* and Markers — S< icntifirally Rflardod — I Kc Klti tion) j New McCormick Deerinx enclosed ' At My Residence Irear run-in oil type A-ft xrsin Frrr Counxrl and F.xaminalion. a good lock of ben* and a herd of mikb cow* wiH win out OUR MANY . hinder .N'e«l Trui k ft Tractor Erath County Aad would be rl»d clean, weH Handled Ponhiy, (T STOMERS Ttepreaentlnn ap(»rei lilted hy Hill AA ren I..^aTe word at F-'welLs .Sho* Shop 42-IP Fhons 947 I Ke-Klectlon) TH I DIET* MEMOIlUL TO. STKFMKN'VIIJ.E. TFXAS . and Cream.

YA COITAi'RUII YER BRAND STRICTIY ON QUAllTY, U L HUD.SON CHOICI CAMP HOOD IX BMPlUl ■UlLMWa* • COURTESY IS NOT RATIONED HERE • n S T f aORYA'lL CIT A SCRUBBY REPUTAIION FFI4I.IC ACCOFNTANT — SOB lAii to ivF«T*oor n HOtsi- lAX WftBOA. J»sllS test. •«» Owsiis,. Income Tax Returns ft Audits is S o M a eSisf. I*rs«> Ous- Free and Sure Removal «tss. Mw.1 >M*. SfisOssil. Wst* 1.0*. eemmeSsi »••.(.»•#* s*ps Mh*- of Dead or Crippled Stock Next Iftstr Fast of Texan Cafe •Ms Dt>sls>si. 4 eU sw i. Om ISM' ClHMll. Ci.K Cwewv. Vsiwsst' HsiW friw w y ta.iVsl seS llsis* O*** Phone Collect 303 *mt t tIOIAWI tOllDIN&i M IU K n o x (Si T u l l o h I’bon* 142 (Ml * 044ICHA OUAllHt M.IW Hamilton, Texas ls.1 Sis. (lawt AiSiwisS WOsSsf WUI cb Cash Buyers of Dr. Verne A. Scott M H mtnH •• Witt« f «•*! iOHW powify, if HAMILTON RENDERING CO. t t i HOTIl •P V m . TOULTRY # EGGS CRBAM — VotMiinarlan — Im m . I FAST SANITARY SERVICE RTBt>HKNA’IU.& TKX. MiiniT. M\Rrn i. #A«i lie n THE HICO NtWS REVIEW Hamilton-Coryell College Education Soil Conservation Available to Some District News Studious 1111*0 Boy .Sii .\|)plliallon of Pra«-tUea Spselal to N*w. a«vtow| McflliiK for Ihti Jounahoro Kroup ('olleat* Station. Tsc .March 1 NOTICE »«• hria last wiH-k In Ibe lioiiiv of .\uy llleo iMiy ars'tuatlna from W J. Watson Slues this Is the hlab school this )rar alih a aood lime to tM>Kln Bprlnii araas svcdtiias Our Customers MAIUTI Is the Month for SI holaalli' record slid uccd of for |kastur«t developiiients Ihs aroup financial assialaiiei* »lll have a disrussrd arasses and araaa sor«l- chaucr to a In bis owp colira** Enumeratinic Schmtl Children Ilia aloiia with other soli and '»»le r j ^ coinpt-llilon bcina I iHiacrvatlon prublcina conductesl by Texas .VwM Colleae who will Ixr SIX years okl on or liefore Sept. I. and .\noiher .Vppllcallon MccIIiik was Notice of the llttv cu Ih>}s who Ilf I* It Houston This moup dls want lu (omi>ete. were niallcd to All jiersons within these ages should l>e enunieratt'd. . ussed wavs slid iiu-aiis o; kccpliia the principal of lllco's hlah st hiHil whether married or single. up th<* priMluctlvtly level of even tesenlly hv K l< l‘arr)maii sec their k*mmI t.eoii Klver bottom soils rclarv of the Tesas Aa M t'olleae Are Our Friends! Supt. j. E. Lincoln IS enumerating all students of ilid derided oil some schadilles for aiholarshtps commlltee iwslure armss seedliias st'hool age in the Mico district. If >ou reside* outside of Kllllua the need of alvina every W K Karmer. H miles south of uutatandlna Texas b<>y a i haiicc the Hico district and are not enumerated in your district.Hamllloii In the Tradlua 1‘ost to earn his own colleae educatmn aroup has recently laid out tuil That’s the way we are in our business. The unfortunate It will be im(>ossible tor you to transfer to any other III spite of iMisatble riiianclal han feet of diversion for Immediate dlcaps. the "Texas M Oppor­ accident of the nijrht before h'riday the l*ith demolished distru t. const ruction atid tuts planted IS tunity Awards proaram Is now acres of Huham clover which he In Its third year It offers taiys our station and disrupted our business. Hut the con­ Inoculated and ferllllied with 2(H) araduatlna from Texas hlah If your child has not het*n pounds of superphosphate per acre srho4>la each vear a chance lu sideration we have received from the public before and (i W Walker also of the Trad- compete for four-year colleae counted, see the enumerator in tna l*»at aroup has laid out 1450 scholarships payina $ 2i>*i to $H)Mi after ln‘in>?’ unavoidably ch)stHl down renews our de­ feet of dleerslon for lininiMllate |>er year, plus an assurance of vour district. construction student jobs sufficient to earn termination to STAV IN THERE AND FMTCH. lamnle (irav t miles northeast other ni*cessary expenses of Olln In the tium llran* b aroup Sixteen Texas h«ivs who would lias t>eaun construction with his not have l>een able to enter any ■wn equipment on 10 lf diversion records In colleae have been excel STRONGER THAN EVER! J O Cucat 11 miles north of lent Thl« Vear s announcement lUitillton In the Sunshine aroup folder lists I w elily-elahl Seiuirate has .10 acres of vetch and rye to scholarship- with the prohwhilliy a 'res of vetch and s|>elli and II of more twlna available before the We hope our customers will l>ear witli us while repaii School Board ..res of Mubam clover all fall (lose of the (onlest plantrsl and all fertilised with 2erde| will he sele led to enter a com- iml K I lli«erdel all of the N'orth peililve examination to be held at High Pressure Washer Indl.in «lap aroup have with the the colleae Mav I and 2 Winners HOPE TO RE SERVINt; YOU AGAIN a - 5tancr .»f S«ill Conservathm will l»e named on the Isliilt of this J .\nd Can (»ive You personnel completed coordinated evamlnailon IN ABOI T TEN DAYS -..II an<1 water ri*nservatlon plans *ro\td*-(| bv „ alfts of thousand.- HKST ( L.VSS SKKVICE ON . , Ihclr farms and have slan«| ^ f„,u„ , .ludm ls of AA M with I’.sipcraMv. Aar.-emcnis with th .„i,iiu,,nal tiidlvt.:ual • holarshlps WASHIM; aV (iKEASINt; IMsIrl. l Supervisors of the Hamit j 1..4,ltna T. v.»s ( ItUcns toll fo ri: :i iMstr-ict |.ind Insiiiutiutis Ihc lipportuniy Marita Turner I mile: southeast \«ards al'* outslandiiia Ixivs Ihi SEE I S BEFORE YOC BCY TIRES We Specialize In ' farlion In the South f'arllon |, jjf,. » hlch the »t>ouBort Vour car has accumulatcti a hit of dirt =:;i h.i« ( Oinptcled a s.dl and M lih lh< STEAM and ilurin«- the bail ua^ather the past site- I on ..Tvallon plan on ^**!.ash xhola'.hlp an outstaiidliiati f.t- n and has slanis] a ItlstrbtHist rb .1 . , earn t-nouah money to CLEAMNC; few weeks. If not properly sc‘rvietHl, it \r .-menl One of the Inlere.nn* , J,,, ,, 11,.,,. , I It f - of Mr Turners pasture rv.eUcnt <'ih Iitl whose farm Is tl( nis of the lolleae Seven bv alft‘ and miles of carefret* drivin^r with a m !es norihea-t of I’otlsilll,- In of Mr and Mrs Jesse H Jones of thoroujirh job of Mobilubrieatil»tr|. t the Will Itoaers Memorial fund \ riienf SInale awards are from aids of (iLT KHADV FoK SI’KINc; Wofford I'aln of Hallas the Janie- UIMI MlM n IHItfl ITI. l(ol>eri .Vustln Memorial fiinil Ihe t.l M K II » »*l I I'b *»TITI ** j Albert Manta bec|ue«l the Itubv iXACTLY AS AOVERTISiDAOVERTISiG IN CHARM ..AS C Vorthfleld Vermont The Ilea Korlh M. inorial fund the Jul! : lar X'tnv Is unable to maintain Mall I.ee Memorial fund lh«' fo r X Mutt Blakley Its “equireil sirenath Ihrouah vol- tiella fiMike Smith jl and Mr iintsrv enlistments tlenersl J ami Mrs W T Mums of llroviiis l.xston folllns Army Hepiiiy vtlle Vour Friendly .Mairmdia lh*aler” fble' of Staff said In a res-rull a.ld*ess here O I* K N I) A V A N I)I <; II N T Only xllahtlv more than two dl visions wh|rh are under strength Tubt*rculosis Still - av lilahle for defense of the Serious Problem In ni'i n. w the lieneral stated Texas and Over C. S. .Austin. March 2 ■ f ..rcicss ness aud Uuoraui •' rcprrsctil two of the most iMiwcrful factors In “prcadln* communicable disease |1 from man to man No more em 1 phalli example of this fail exists (landaU HfuUlteM than the continued rarayex of tu­ berculosis. In spile of the know- Ii dm of ll's laiises and spread, and of curative methods tubercu- I losls Is still a very serious jirob lem not only In Texas hut throuah the t'lilted Slates slates l*r lleorxe fox Stale Health Off Tlu‘ Homo Of I! |l er "It If true that tul*eriulosis no •T:.er Is first on the list of kllltni; diseases as It was formerly, "n r r fox said but despile harlna l»een H. CONRAD’S |l r«“dueed to fifth plai e In Texas I still Is responsible for more diaths || between the a«es of fifteen and s u p l:r c r o s t h y b r i d j forty rive than any other disease I And this fs't exists even IhnuKh lithe ms)ority of tuberculosis pa Ijllenis lould have their eondlllon SEED CORN |l arrested If IT were reeocnlxed ear ly and proper treatment applied ' "Treatment of the early recoy- nlird case la esfenllal tl Is of • qual Importance, from a publp srCKU ('HOST IS SUPKH (iliOWN I! health viewpoint, that the spread I of this devastatiny Infm llnn be presented A more IntelllyenI SrPKK ( ROST IS SliPKR MANDLEI) 0 appreciation of this fact would re suit In the aavlny of thousands of live* ■ AA'hen a dlaynosls of active tu- ' SI PER ( ROST IS SUPER TI-xrEI) berculosis has been made exam- Illation of all of the other mem­ bers of the Immediate family l O - H E E L E R S • hoiild follow as a mailer of SUI'ER ( ROST IS SUPER (JRAI)EI) I nurse Tubermlosls runs In fami Ilea not Iweause Ilf any espe. lal SIIS( eptihlllly to the disease bill o n you no lu a wislyl o( oolor with hei-ause It Is rommiinlcablr. lielns SUPER ( ROST IS SUPER SEED a worM of eprlaptiew al yotir Hsiiallv iransmitled ibrouyh close snd prulonyed nmlai I w ith the No woader you feol gay . • • who* 1 SI Mve rase shoaa caa loah Ihte way ... haaedfal To reduce the number of deaths aappla leathava la aallda, twa-k**** «-aused by tuberculosis Dr ar hrtghi ■altl-calara. fox siiyyesta periodic examina­ tion of ait adnllB. a check up bv phyaWlans of the known arllve -ises and contacts reyntar ex $5.95 & $6.95 .imtnalinns of hlyh s< h'sil child ren Isotsllon or hospitalisation if active lutw rrulosis rase and .. Randals Brothers more Inlelllyent applli'alinn of hvylenic Ityiny principles E. H., T, A. and LUSK RANDALS Too I^ate to C’lawiifv— HOFFMAN’S W A S Tn n A milk yitai Mae Oene lainyatoB U -itp *