LET S GIVE o<^ERE IN HIC < > Mr aod Mr» Ja n m K. I’atterion. TOLrHR LXIll HM'O, TKXAM. KKIH.tV, Rkltt H i , HMw. nauvm of T n a a and VlrKliila M RHKN li. livfljf, hare been lendliia “SpinslerV Day” In helpliiK haiida around the Sewa ('^M>peration Prjfed FFA Boys Tell “Why Kerlew offloe for the part few llk*o to Bi> Sp<inHored It Really Beginning to Collapse?^* (iMjri They hare wlllliiKly end > In Solicitation For You Should Help Us readily performed erery duly aa- By Bund BooHters Red (Voss Funds With Our Show” atnied them, and their deulliia» with the puldlr hare been pleaaalit The lllro MiiikI llooatera are Kollcltatluii for funds In the an Heyardless of the pniject In wild effUl.nt in fact, the way aponaorliia “Splnater'a I lay" In nual He: CroMs liriv. will alarl miiid. We defiiillelv know there lllio EYlday Marih 12 they woik luKether aUKKeata that neat week accordliiy lo unnuunce must lie a start iiiude if that The “ Mayor Kor Itny." Heater they hare a promlaliiK future In meiii from K II Haiidala Jr wbo pruje. 1 la to take furin and after aouie aort uf an undertaliliiit under •Iordan, bar annuuni ed that the haa uyreed to serve aa l.xal chulr- the start there mu«t be demand mayor'a offlre will he at the Coin, their own manuKeinent. iiiali and public support If auc.ess la munity I’uhlle Si-rrlee t'ompany Hurtna their abort rojourn In “Our quota of t ’Juu uu aeema to be realized \Ae the inembera Hl< o the I>attera4ina hare made liiilldina small ' lUioUla -aid Thursday In of the lllco Cliapier i>f Kuture The chief of police (ieraldine many frlenda who will rearet. aloiiK aakiny c.Miperation of the publl. in Farmers of America are end.'avur- wNh the New a Kerlew peraoimel. Hohne. haa appidnted depiitlea to quickly ralainy the asalyned sum Iny lo put on a project in the form that the arranaement la not to be help her aee that traffic law a are "bul our usual record must be uf a alo. k show Ttie puritoae of •ontlnund Wbererer Helen and enforced on thut day lletler he equaled If lli>l e»' ceded The va such a show ta that every one may Oene (Hirk their modern, well- Bure and watch your atep and your rioue rommitteea and I will ap tie elicouratred to raise better .at- •"lulppeil trailer home, they will ^ dririna at the llaht alanala. also preriate any cuolieratlon extended tle iMith alie ker and dairy: better hare the heat wlahea uf all of ua i tie careful to park between the Haul Niel and lieurye K Holla hoys chi. kens, and other animals fur health happlneaa and sut'ceaa. llnea marked on the atreeta Juat day aerviiiy aa a cumiiilltee from that lend to In. reasc the I'aruings in caae you are rlren a ticket you • the Chamber of Cotiimerc. and of the land upon whii h th.- futur. will report to the mayor to par the Mra Claude Heck and Mrs Hettnali farmer must rely If he ts to sur- The abort apell af breathlliK I fine .Ml proci eda yo to the lllco loath repieaeiittnr the Hualneaa 4 viv. forded Mr and .Mra .Newa Itevlew illind fund ITofe — o.iial A\ oiu.'ii'i Club will Juat the past week our eommun- while the ratteraona were helpliiK | 'o u may have cause to contact atari aoll.ltatl.m In the business lly was blesB.-d with a rain that _ . ^ .. (these 'iifficlala ' on Krlday. March Bu.k run the office ha- conrin.ed1 re. Hull liell Week lUtldalF ,.l'l lia- Imen reported aa 4 b3 tn. hes and everyone lias held a much them that they can nerer yet eti-I Til. lowly oryalilz.-il l.Mal triMi| of tiirl .'s.oijia iinib't the b'aib ' lirlyhter outliMck for farmliiy this llrelr out of thia racket i The hlyhlUht of ihi- .lav will he M ship of VO lecits.' Klalr ale plan year Hut iti.re I. anolhec aide Appreclali d fully are the aym-| ,, „„ j, iilny a lc:U'.. to hoiiae c-iiv- ' In to i IiIb rainfall that to we Kuture p.iihy and und.'ralaiidlny <»ur loyal , jji pool a.mnaalum with laiiiNe the residentb I ae.-tion Saturday Karmera of America decs not lo.ik frlenda have ahown durltiK the ^ proHis utlna allornev It ... yood when the actual lact^ have emeryency condltlona uf the paat | ,^ ^ ,,y „ Alarch n ben '.nalv/.'d amt the r.-aulta few yeara which have . auaed , y„„ .»,ol an attornev for defenae noted K. How Karuierv. the fly- harder work and lonyer houra than p^lny him alony l.efa make thl- ures r.-.ial tin rcdlowcU' In re- are conaldered Ideal for rlvIlUed Humble Joining; a yreat dav to Im- rememlwr«-d lone yard to the rainfall and w> elleve people In Mien Oil Industry In VUU will teloylllze this tact OS If the public will continue to Ml political I andldalea are in well as our n.-eil vour li.-lp for bear with ua we may yet yet luu k vlted to make announcement' .it .\II-()ut Oil Search our at ic k allow to what la conaldere.1 normal op­ Ihia time .A hand concert and .v Th** |»*-trol«*um tudustry L itittk Four and alxty-lhree one hun- eration of a hualneaa enterprlee abort |>royram will heyln at 7 to I :ii»c tr«*m*‘nUutJH HtrldfS towiird dredtha of rain means that there In Ihia effort we have the aid and P m A amall admiaalon will he t<»d«v s ret lird hl|eh f1* was two utid H.'Ven elyhia yallona comfort of one llui k M*>ador wh.i charred Kor further Inform.tllon rp.Ariil f<«r |H tri>l**utii products m of water fell on each square foot In the abort time he haa been aee the advertlaement In Ihia paiier <l**iiiaii i whith huN liii i o\*-r of our land and would hav. ytven learniny the trade, haa outatrlpped th*' :!ii at an averatre of moisture luffl' tent lor the .t.irtlny even the heat In deyree «if iiroyreaa .;lH»ut 4 ^ I **111 p* r >ear hut of alt -1 .'lie In u most viyorous and Interest In tlie hualneaa Spring Revival ahlth in l‘«t7 In* r* y*-*! almost 11 tiiatiner had It remalto-d <m the p*-: '* 0 1 'I h* « xtra**'fllilur* » : soil lull w h'-ti w. ti-allr.: that more Hlyhl here we'd like to put In a B c j f l l l S S u i l f l n ^ A t *■■■ ina<t* ttf than SIVI. ]>• ' I.'III of Ibis water yooil word for I’uhllc Ijiw ?. |t>. TMh i M e t h o d i s t ( ' h u r e h : f'li j‘* I rti!*'ti»n m*^*- shoa :■ rati o f III. land In s - =-ciiiy <ar- H •; ni'i I ■* pf • ti| T .At* 1 »f **p*‘ra r|. d wltb 111. ti;::il virytn aoll Conyreai. leuter known ua the til lleylnnlny Siiuilay. March 7 anil i ' H lit*’ ' II:f• tif |»i »«lu» Ccut wc liiivc w. kli w Ibat the Hill for nn ihe Job Trulnlny. Our • f' Mid* Atit .it .Ul Mitiiual • liefli:' onlv t.iiilmrarv and eiperlen' e haa U'en fortunate In all week Ihriiuyh Man li It th>' Meihodlat Chur, h will hold Ita • if I ‘ 1 ‘It ;) 'vfi r r* ! s 1 p? f w.iiild III tim. iiuike lb. fariii lauds Ihia reapccl we realize, but there , : . ' • it.-‘ t'ii.jf -A •. .r; III.-I II..tbit ocli." than a la no yood reuaoii why It coulduT | -priny revival ar.ordiny to an nouncemrnt from the iiaator. Itev i» ..cj» f'Mi* Mr litAMKrittl * tiij* waste land work «>ui .sjually well unywher ■ P>ti >ri 'a!* ah t'lT cm; Sla!k of . ;:rn w It r.-qulre J I. Kay Lone Star Keonomist ('lifton Re.*'iident with the iiroper attitude on the v-i » i^ki.xi U r* Vf.-.*’ . Hr Kloyd .lohn-on of tiat< lib- :i r'p'oximiilelv '!2 I'cllons of water i l>art of trainer .mil employe diatrl. t aupei intendent. will b.' th. i (fives Dem onstratifin Drowns .\s Rescue In -.i; 1 p i t ■ Ii mat .iitv .uni boiild there In our ahop there haa been no rev I vail at. -Ml d***»a': ! ILmibl*- tiun . ' iiiMi slalr- p* r air. that wtjl dlapoaltlon to hire “ch.'up labor' To Hom e Ke. Students t||. !?!{“ • • ’ ; a I. IX* pM.jft.MT Sunday aervli.-a at the -am. Attempt Fid Is ■in sf 1. W.ili- li'.|lllre||,. Ill Ilf 2fi4.- and let the yovernnient pay the 1 ■ ff / T i. 1 i ha In hl«t I T' ' 1 '■ yalloii |iei a.Our land < h.iiira. II a m ami 7 :lo p. m ' Meal I'cMikery" was the topti of I AA .n o S', w - r rlloin. I hill. In thIa reapes t we have lH>en •h* < :imp=uix pUn» tn api-rnl ;*.**‘*u' di.i s lint I iiitatn the huinui necea- .Morniny aervb ea duriny the the demotiatratl'in itiveu bv Mlaa I'unai lentlou* and have had the co- M K ItU H W F* b :;•« SI’U J im .
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