Singapore Composer Score Format, Instrument List and Range

G + Flute with other keys C/D Xiaodi () Bangdi w

(Flute) Section has 5 musicians: Sounds an octave higher #œ œ œ w œ => 2 Bangdi players: Bangdi I (can double as Xiaodi ) & Bangdi II (can double as Qudi II) 1 Qudi player: Qudi I D Flute Flute with other keys 2 Xindi players: Xindi I & Xindi II (can double as Qudi II) Qudi + w Musicians can also play the Dadi (), (Notched flute), (Flute) (Vessel-shaped clay flute), (Reeded flute), (Reeded Gourd pipe),  Chiba (Japanese ) etc. Sounds an octavew higher œ œ Xiao (Notched Flute) Flute with other keys Please note the difference between Xindi (without Chinese flute membrance) and F Flute + Dadi (with membrane) and specify the actual flute required. Xindi w w w (Flute) & w œ bœœ n œ w w Gaoyin #w (Soprano 2 musicians, can double on the Traditional Sheng Mouth Organ) & w Ci Zhongyin Sheng (Tenor Mouth Organ) Zhongyin Sheng w (Alto Mouth w 2 musicians, can double on the Traditional Sheng & V Organ) V Sounds an octavew lower w Diyin Sheng (Bass Mouth 1 musician, can double on the Haojiao, Kaqiang and ? & Organ) w Traditional Alto Suona Traditional Soprano Suona w Levered Soprano Suona C Suona + G A B D E E F G Gaoyin Suona w b b w + 2 musicians, can double on the Traditional Suona, Kaqiang, (Soprano Double Kouqinzi and Nazi œ bœœ n œ œ 1 of the musician can also double on Traditional Reed ) & w œ œ œ w Suonas of other keys Note: Levered Bass Guan Suona musicians double on the Kaqiang and Guan. Jiajian Zhongyin + + w 2 musicians, can double on the Traditional Suona Hence if piece requires usage of the Suona (Levered w ? 1 of the musician can also double on Levered Alto Guan, abovementioned instruments, please ensure that Alto Double while the other can also double on Levered Bass Guan parts written for the primary and secondary Reed Trumpet) & w instruments do not overlap and sufficient time is w allocated for the musicians to switch. Levered Double Bass Guan Jiajian Cizhong Suona (Levered + ? w + 1 musician, can double on the Levered Double Bass Guan Tenor Double & w and Traditional Suona Reed Trumpet) & w w Diyin Suona + w 1 musician, can double on the Levered Alto Suona, (Bass Double ? Traditional Suona and Levered Bass Guan Reed Trumpet) w Guans of other keys Seldom used range Seldom used Seldom used C Guan Levered Alto Guan Gaoyin Guan + D E F G A bB + (Double Reed w w 1 musician, can double on the Traditional, Levered Alto and Bass Guan w V ) & œ œ w w œ œ œ œ w + (Hammered 2 musicians ? & Dulcimer) w Gaoyin √ + or w 2 musicians, with 1 doubling on the (Long-necked w Soprano Lute) & w w (Pear- w + ? w 4 musicians shaped Lute) ww & w Zhongruan + (Long-necked w 6 musicians 44 pcs w & & Alto Lute) V w (Chromatic) Sounds an octavew lower w Daruan w 2 musicians, with 1 37 pcs Bianqing (Long-necked w + ? w & doubling on the Zhongruan (Sonorous Stones) & Tenor Lute) w w (Chromatic) w 9 8 6 7 √ 5 w 1 2 3 4 œ œ b œ bœ œ nœ nœ #œ (Three- + 1 musician, also œ #œœ n œ w doubling on the Zhongruan n œ œ #œ #œ string Lute) ? w & w & œ nœ w (Upper Set) 18 17 10 16 8 9 √ 14 15 √ 7 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 #œ #w 36 pcs nœ œ nœ œ #œ œ #œ w w √ b œ œ bœ œ nœ bœ œ b œ œ n œ w œ œ #œ #œœ n œ #œ #œœ n b œ b œ œ œ n œ #œ #œ (Bells) & œ œ / & Guzheng Western Harp (Middle Set) (Chinese Harp) Guzheng - 1 musician, also 9 (Chinese Zither) 8 Konghou/ doubling in the Percussion section 7 [Small] [Large] 1 2 3 4 5 6 Western Harp œ œ #œ #œ Konghou - 1 musician, also bœ bœ n œ œ nœ #œ doubling on the Guzheng and Harp ? œ œ œ œ ? œ œ œ b œ œ œ w œ œ œ w (Lower Set) w bw (4 - 5 Timpani) Yunluo◊ (5 Tunable Barrel Tom-toms) w + (Set of small Bronze ) #w Timpani w Tubular Bells w ? V & & 7 musicians who are versatile in various Eastern and w w Western percussion instruments, such as Chinese w w Drums, , Gongs, Cymbals, Bells, Snare Drum, Glockenspiel Vibraphone Xylophone Drum Set, etc.. √ Various Eastern & w w w w Western Percussion & & & & w w w Marimba √ ('s Optimum range) Gaohu (Soprano w √ w 8 musicians, can double on the . Two-Stringed w Concertmaster can also double on the ? & w w Fiddle) w √ (Erhu's Optimum range) Erhu (Mezzo- w w 13 musicians, separated into Erhu I with 7 musicians Some musicians on the Bowed - Strings section soprano Two- and Erhu II with 6 musicians. can perform on the Jingerhu, Zhuihu, , Daguang w 1 of the musician can double on the Xian and various other Bowed - String instruments Stringed Fiddle) & w w (Alto w (Zhonghu's Optimum range) Two-Stringed w 7 musicians, can double on the Erhu. Note: + denotes that range can be extended Fiddle) & upwards by the use of harmonics. w w Compiled by Sim Boon Yew and Tan Kah Yong w + Cello ? w 6 musicians Singapore Chinese Orchestra w & 30th April 2014 w Important notes: + - Please compose according to the above score format & instrumentation set by the w orchestra. 4 musicians, with 1 doubling - Please consult the Singapore Chinese Orchestra staff-in-charge prior to any usage of Double Bass t w on the Electric Bass w (Basses not equipped with a 5th low C string) instruments not listed on this page.