Prefects, 1927
PREFECTS, 1927. Standing: G. S. Cox, I. B. Stevenson, R. C. Tuck. Silting: A. •r. Anderson, G. Ni Macdorlald. (Heacl), D. tJ. Strahg, J, A. Hamiiton. Established 1877. Opened 1881. Southland Boys' High School. BOARD OF GOVERNORS. CHAIRMAN-R. M. STRANG, Esq. J. GILKISON, Esq., "\. Elected by The Governor. Re,·. J. L. ROBINSON, B.A. ) J. C. THOMSON, Esq. ) Elected by Southland Education Board. P. A. de la PERRELLE, Esq. ) J. T. CARSWELL, Esq. , Elected by Parents. TI. M. STRANG, Esq. 5 J. MILLER, ESQ., MAYOR OF INVERCARGILL. SECRETARY-F. STEVENSO.·, Tay Street. STAFF OF THE SCHOOL. RECTOR-T. D. PEARCE, M.A. ASSISTANT MASTERS J. P. DAKIN, B.A. H. DREES, M.A. A. G. BUTCHERS, M.A., LL.B. J. FLANNERY J. S. McGRATH, B.A. A: J. DEAKER, M.A. J. L. CAMERON, M.A. A. McFARLANE, M.A. A. S. HOGG, M.Sc. A. R. DUNLOP, B.A. PHYSICAL INSTRUCTOR- J. PAGE. CARETAKER-R. LEPPER. 2 SCHOOL OFFICERS, 1927. "Non scholae sed vitae disdmus." Prefects: G. N. Macdonald (Head), D. U. Strang, G. S. Cox, I. B. Stevenson, R. C. Tuck, J. A. Hamilton, A. T. Anderson. Officers and N.C.O.'s of School Cadet Corps: Company Commander: Capt. J. L. Cameron. Published once a year. Second in Command: Lieut. J. Page. Platoon Commanders: Lieut. A. Deaker, Lieut. A. R. .SUBSCRIPTION: 2s 6d per annum, payable to the Edit01·, Southland Dunlop, Lieut. H. Drees, Sergeant J. Hamilton. Boys' High School, Invercargill. Company Sergeant-Major: G. Cox. Contributions from, and news 1·elating to, Old Boys will be thankfully Quartermaster Corporal: I.
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