Mexican food can be very high in carbohdyrates, which can greatly impact glucose management. Please see the list below to see how you can still incoporate the foods you love and manage your diabetes.

15 Gram Carbohydrate Serving Sizes Tortillas Soups Rice Beans Sauces Corn Concha Empanadas Fruits (Sweet Bread) 1 (6 inch) 6 oz 1/3 ½ cup 1 small 3 TBS ½ 1 small 1 small ¼ of a Sweet ½ Sweet, ½ cup corn Most cup Green cup Gordita bread Bean, or Mango tortilla types of potato (Verde) Empanada (includes (2.6 oz) Hominy) ½ flour 1 cup of 2 TBS 1 beef or 1 cup tortilla White Red chicken cubed Menudo Mole Empanda Papaya (Rojo) (2.6 oz) 2 TBS Adobe Mole

Clinical Nutrition Services at Texas Children’s Hospital© Updated: 2/5/2016

See below for a 2000 calorie carbohydrate consistent meal plan:

Meal Number of Servings/Choices Menu Ideas - 2 corn tortillas 3 Carbohydrates (45 grams) (starch/fruit/milk/other) - ½ cup beans Breakfast 2 Lean meat (ounces) - scrambled eggs 0-2 Fats - (1 egg & 1 egg white) - 1 oz reduced fat cheese 2 Carbohydrate (30 grams) - 1 cup papaya Morning (starch/fruit/milk/other) - 1 slice of whole wheat/grain toast Snack 1 Lean Meat (ounces) - 2 TBS peanut butter 3 Carbohydrates (45 grams) - 1 ½ cup Menudo (starch/fruit/milk/other) - 1 Lunch 2 Vegetables (non starchy) - ¼ avocado 3 Lean meat/meat substitute (ounces) 0-2 Fats 2 Carbohydrate (30 grams) - 1 whole wheat tortilla Afternoon (starch/fruit/milk/other) - 1 oz reduced fat cheese Snack 1 Lean Meat (ounces) 3 Carbohydrates (45 grams) - 1/3 cup rice (prefer brown) (starch/fruit/milk/other) - ½ cup beans Dinner 2 Vegetables - 1 corn tortilla shrimp with lettuce 3 Lean meat (ounces) - 2 TBS dressing 0-2 Fats 1 Carbohydrate (15 grams) - 1 cup Greek yogurt (portion may vary per brand) Evening (starch/fruit/milk/other) - ¼ cup nuts Snack 2 Lean Meat (ounces) 0-2 Fats

Clinical Nutrition Services at Texas Children’s Hospital© Updated: 2/5/2016