12 Judaea in the Early Years of Hadrian's Reign
12 JUDAEA IN THE EARLY YEARS OF HADRIAN'S REIGN* (with I. Roll) Mommsen doubted that the legion VI Fmata was in Judaea at all, questioning the truth of Dio's statement that it was based there. 1 Ritterling has shown that, not later than 152, it was in garrison in Galilee, at Caparcotna, called 'Legio' by Eusebius. 2 The arrival of the legion was dated by von Rohden from the time of the Second Jewish Revolt, 132-5.3 Mc Elderry preferred to make it earlier, A.D. 11 7, noting that Lusius Quietus, Trajan's governor ofJudaea in that year was a consularis. 4 The date at which Judaea became a consular province with two legions has remained a problem ever since. 5 If we * This paper was written in the framework of the activities of the Israel Mile stones Committee. For various suggestions and comments we are grateful to Prof. S. Applebaum and Prof. M. Gichon. Further we would like to record the great assistance afforded by Mr. I. Ben-Shalom and Dr. A. Oppenheimer in interpreting Jewish sources. 1 Note on GIL iii 6641. Dio IV 23 (113). 2 Rheinisches Museum, 58 (1903), 633-5; P-W, xii, s.v. 'Legio', col. 1591. Caparcotna is mentioned as castra of VI Ferr. in GIL iii, 6814-16; W.M. Ramsay, ]RS 6 (1916), 129-31; B. Levick, ]RS 48 (1958), 75-6; AE 1920.78. See: 'Caporcotani' on the Tabula Peuti.ngeriana (ed. Miller, segm. x, 1-2); Ka1tapKO'tVE'i in Ptolemy, v, 15, 4. The name is derived from Kefar 'Otnay, a village mentioned in Jewish sources, inhab ited both before and after the Second Revolt by Jews and Samaritans: Mishna, Gittin, 1:5; 7:7; Tos.
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