The Catholic Church in Japan

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The Catholic Church in Japan • Tht CATHOLIC CHURCHin JAPAN The CATHOLIC Here, with all of its colorful pagentry, its HUllCHin JAPAN bloody martyrdoms, its heart-breaking failures and its propitious successes, is the history of the fust Christian Missionaries in Japan. Johannes Laures, the well-known Jesuit au­ thority on the Catholic Mission in Japan, has here re-created in all of its splendor the long, bitter and bloody battle of this first Christian Church. From its beginnings to its present eminence Father Laures has traced this. hitherto confusing history, pausing now and again to create for the reader the personality of a great Christian leader or a notable Japanese daimyo. This work, scholarly without being dull, fast­ reading without being light, is a history of the History greatest importance to all tho_se interested in Japan. More, it is the inspiring story of the triumph of the Christian faith. by Charles E. TuttleCo .. Publishtrs .," ..,, "'z a: 0 Ianm d, JiUfRcgMn t a/.r , f<•.m,,;,,/iufc., ta. tft f,'d,sc ltf,f/«,, ',t lrtdw(l'r,a _;,�rvrw"1 ..1• 1 R,I Oildat, ' �V m .. , ... c�. 1„n„ Cllf•,iu,,w ,, ,., : """'"""'n.t,,,r 1-iub u.tSv-,e / vd ,,.(.,(enrnb• U, CnlJ i;, fo, Rt l,nr -,.,n,tNS,U cf'iomI r. 1 6f Sem,n„ 'm I ri Xf� 1rtodOrt ID!t:S oppeta, .. t, ,., ------' . ,.,, Th� O�tho:tilc Chürch i!n Jap1arr .., The Catholic Church in Japan A Short History by Johannes Laures, S. J. CHARLES E. TUTTLE COMPANY Rutland, Vermont Tokyo, Japan Saint Frands Preacbing to the Japanese an imaginary portrait Published by the Charles E. Tuttle Company of Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, Japan Copyright in Japan, 1954 Foreword by Charles E. Turtle Co. All rights reserved The history of the Catholic Church in Japan First edition, September, 1954 is perhaps the most tragic and, at the same time, the most thrilling page in the annals of Christian­ ity. The Gospel came rather late to the insular empire, but it came almost simultaneously with the Portuguese merchants who discovered the country. IMPRlMI POTEST' Tokyo, die 12a Martii 1953 In 1543 three Portugnese merchants landed on Paulus Pfister S. J. the island of Tanegashima, and only _six years Praeposims Viceprovinciae Japoniae Societatis Jesu later on August 15, 1549, St. Francis Xavier came IMPRIMATUR to the city of Kagoshima as the first Christian Tokyo, die 27a Junii 1954 missionary. He came with great hopes and high Petrus Tatsuo Doi expectations, for he was firmly convinced from all Archiepiscopus Tokiensis he had heard that the Japanese were the best of all peoples who had been discovered thus far. lt was Xavier who made Japan and her won­ derful people known in the West, so much so that he may rightly be considered the real discoverer of Japan. There was perhaps never anyone who loved the Japanese people as much as he loved them, and the commemoration of the fourth cen­ tenary of his arrival in Japan has proved that they Printed in Japan honor and love him as well. Not only Catholics by the Nippon Times, Tokyo but also non-Catholics vied in their endeavor to V Foreword Foreword pay homage to the man who had planted the seecl by the exponents of modern· unbelief. They were of the Gospel in their country and who, at the ignorant of the fact that Western culture was same time, was filled with love and admiration fundamentally Christian, for it was offered them for its chivalrous people. by men who were themselves no longer Christians. Nor were Xavier's expe-ctations ill-founded. For this reason and many others there were The seed he had sown grew rapidly and brought not many converts for the next seventy-five years, forth abundant fruit. Before forty years had but with the close of the Second World War the elapsed, Japan numbered no less than 200,000 situation has changed so completely that a rich Christians; after the lapse of another forty years, harvest of souls can rightly be expected in the thousands of glorious martyrs shed their blood for years to come. Today Japan is one of the few their Divine Lord. For more than 200 years after bright spots in a troubled world, and Catholics in the great persecution it seemed as if the belief in particular are full of hope for the prosperous future Christ had entirely disappeared from the hearts of of their Church if!. the Land of the Rising Sun. this heroic race. Yet, when the country was again Throughout this work first sources have been opened to foreign intercourse, the world was star­ used, particularly the Jesuit Annual Letters both tled by the fact that many thousands had preserved published and unpublished as well as standard the faith in spite of the most cruel, the most sys­ works on the Japanese mission. tematic and the most relentless of persecutions. Those wisbing to investigate the subject lt is true that during the last seventy years further are referred to the author's other works ' the Church did not make the progress one might particularly Kirishitan Bunko, a complete English have expected, but the reasons are easily seen. bibliography of the Japanese mission, published in The leaders of the nation were too absorbed in 1940 with two supplements dated 1841 and 1951, their endeavor to make up for the loss the coun­ and Takayama Ukon and the Beginning of the try had suffered as a result of an almost complete Church in Japan, published in Japanese in 1948 seclusion of more than two centuries. Unfortu­ and in German, 1954. nately, they were concerned, in the main, with the The author particularly wishes to thank Father adoption of the material culture of the .West and William A. Kaschmitter, M. M., for his assistance the unchristian thought which was taught them and to acknowledge his indebtedness to the late vi vii Foreword Father Joseph P. Ryan, M, M., who read and re­ CONTENTS vised the manuscript. Foreword . v I Saint Francis Xavier, Apostle of Japan 1 Kagoshima; Towards Kyoto; Great Suc- cess at Yamaguchi; Bungo; Return to • India II Slow Progress ...................... 15 New Workers; Gago's Activity in Hirado and Bungo; Yamaguchi; Lorenzo at Hiei­ zan; Expulsion from Yamaguchi; Melchior Nunez Barreto's Visit; Missionary Work: 1556-1559. III Foundation of a Mission in Gokinai . 41 Vilela and I..iorenzo at Hieizan; Converts from the Samurai Class; Takayama Hida­ no-Kami; Expulsion from the Capital. IV Progress in Kyushft . 61 Almeida's Visit to Satsuma; ömura Sumi­ tada, the First Christian Daimyo; Con­ sequences of ömura's Conversion; Re­ sumption of the Hirado Mission; Death of Silva and Fernandez; New Missions; State of the Japanese Mission at the End of 1570. ix viii V Rapid Growth . 77 Vain Attempts by the City of Macao; Preliminary Remarks; Progress in Central Faith -Preserved; Raids upon the Crypto­ Japan; Christian Leaders in Central Ja- Christians. pan; Mass Conversions in Kyüshü; Two Crises. XI Restoration of the Japanese Mission 201 Japan Not Forgotten by the Church; VI Alessandro Valignano, the Visitor 99 Forcade in the Ryükyüs; Forcade, Vicar Great Success in Arima; Reorientation of Apostolic of Japan; Commodore Perry Missionary Methods; New Policy Outlined. Reopens Japan; First Missionaries in Japan; Discovery of the Crypto-Christians; First Troubles with the Authorities. VII The Church under Hideyoshi's Rule ... 109 Nobunaga's Assasination; Takayama U­ XII More Persecution . 219 kon's Apostolate; Hideyoshi Turns Perse­ Raids and Arrests; First Deportations; cutor; Hideyoshi's Edict Ignored; Valigna- Height of the Persecutions; The End of no's Embassy to Hideyoshi; Remarkable Persecutions. Progress; The 26 Martyrs of Nagasaki. XIII Recent History of the Japanese Mission 229 VIII The Calm before the Storm . 131 The Establishment of a Regular .Hierar- Mass Conversion; Civil War: 1600; Medio- chy; Sisterhoods in the Service of the cre Progress; Local Persecutions; Sources Mission; Training of a Native Clergy; of Danger. The Catholic Press; Charities; Education; Summary of Events from 1891 to 1945; IX The Great Persecution 155 Epilogue: Since the End of the War. Prelude; The Edict of Exile; Missionaries Exiled; Ma1�tyrdoms; Japan Closed to Index 249 Foreign Intercourse; The Number of Christians and Martyrs. X Christianity During the Seclusion . 181 Persecution Unabated; Father Sidotti; X xi The frontispiece, dust-jacket illustra­ tion, map on the end papers, and all ornaments used throughout the book are reproduced from one of the ear­ l liest books on the Catholic martyrs of Japan, printed in Rome in A.D. 1646- Saint F1·ancis Xavier, Apostle of Japan Fasciculus e Japonicis Floribus, suo adhuc madentibus sanguine, com­ Kagoshima positus a P. Antonio Francisco Cardim The great Apostle of the East, Saint Francis e Societate Jesu . Qui Leguitus Xavier, had the honor of founding the Catholic Flores, hos legite, sie qiwniam positi Church in Japan. In December, 1547, he met suaves miscentur odores. three Japanese at Malacca. Their leader was the young samurai from Kagoshima, Yajirö, whose name Japanese scholars now agree upon though contemporary sources call him Angirö or Angerö. Yajirö told Xavier so many good things about his country that the Saint resolved to bring "this best of all peoples discovered thus far" the Good Tidings of Christ, Our Lord. Yajirö and his two companions were baptized on Pentecost Sunday of the following year and, as prospective catechists, were instructed one year langer that they might obtain a deeper understanding of the Christian religion. xii 1 The Catholic Church in Japan Saint Francis Xavier, Apostle of Japan In the spring of 1549, Francis, with Father preached to his relatives and friends.
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