Handy Gestures from Around the World and How to Use Them
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F**K You vaffanculo Idiota Ku Fariiso OFFENSIVE HAND GESTURES And How to Use Them America Italy Brazil Somalia Home Link Link Link F**K You OFFENSIVE HAND Ku Fariiso vaffanculo GESTURES And How to Use Them America Italy Brazil Somalia Idiota Home Link Link Link HANDY GESTURES KU FARIISO F**K YOU And How to Use Them America Italy Brazil Somalia VAFFANCULO IDIOTA Home Link Link Link HANDY GESTURES And How to Use Them America Italy Brazil Somalia KU FARIISO KU F**K YOU VAFFANCULO IDIOTA Home Link Link Link F**K YOU HANDY GESTURES And How to Use Them America Italy Brazil Somalia Home F**K You vaffanculo Idiota Ku Fariiso Handy Gestures From Around The World And How To Use Them America Italy Brazil Greece Home F**K You The Fig Corna Sit on it Handy Gestures From Around The World And How To Use Them America Turkey Brazil Greece Home F**K You The Fig Corna Sit on it The Fig Sign The fig sign is a mildly obscene gesture used in Turkish and Slavic cultures and some other cul- tures that uses two fingers and a thumb. This ges- ture is suposed to represent the female genitalia and most commonly used to deny a request. An- other use of this gesture is for warding off evil eye, jealousy, etc. Home F**K You The Fig Corna Sit on it The Okay Sign In Brazil, the “OK” gesture is Nixon’s visit to Brazil in the ‘50s. roughly equivalent to the fin- While alighting from the aircraft, ger in the US, which means you he lifted both hands to the cam- should not use it when your ho- eras and double-fingered the tel manager asks you how your entire nation. Nixon went on to room is, unless you want to tell greet the Brazilian Prime minister him that it’s purple and velvety with a savage kick to the testi- and recently molested his wife. cles, and concluded his visit by urinating from the window of a The most famous incident of a moving limousine. misapplied “OK” sign was, in fact, Home F**K You The Fig Corna Sit on it Sit on it What you think you are saying: “Ayyyyy! I’m the fuckin’ Fonz!” The thumbs-up sign has been What you are actually saying: confusing people for thousands “Ayyyyy! I’m going to jam my of years. Contrary to Hollywood thumb in your anus!” What the legend, Roman gladiators were hell? It’s not just the Middle East. not spared by a thumbs-up, but This seemingly universal gesture by a hidden thumb. If the origins is also hideously offensive in of both gestures are linked, we West Africa and South America, can only assume this meant, “Do whose citizens would doubtless not kill the prisoner, he seems get really confused if they ever the perfect solution to the em- watched Ebert and Roeper. “This peror’s arthritic finger.” movie is great, Bill! So great that I’d like to anally rape it with my thumb!” Home F**K You The Fig Corna Sit on it Corna If you’re in Italy or Spain and you flash this sign towards a man, you might get beaten up. In this culture, the symbol represents the horns of one of nature’s most virile animals, the bull. The bull in this case is usually meant to symbolize the guy sleeping with the man’s wife behind his back. The sign can also be interpreted with the cuckold as the bull, who has been symbolically castrated by his wife. Either way it’s bound to make him see red. However, turn your palm down and point the ex- tended fingers at someone who doesn’t like you, and you’re simply guarding yourself from the Evil Eye. In ancient times, bulls were often seen as protective deities, so turning the bull’s horns against an enemy was a way of keeping the curse at bay. Home F**K You The Fig Corna Sit on it The Okay Sign In Brazil, the “OK” ges- “OK” sign was, in fact, ture is roughly equiva- Nixon’s visit to Brazil in lent to the finger in the the ‘50s. While alight- US, which means you ing from the aircraft, he should not use it when lifted both hands to the your hotel manager cameras and double-fin- asks you how your room gered the entire nation. is, unless you want to Nixon went on to greet tell him that it’s purple the Brazilian Prime min- and velvety and recently ister with a savage kick molested his wife. to the testicles, and con- cluded his visit by uri- The most famous inci- nating from the window dent of a misapplied of a moving limousine. Home F**K You The Fig Corna Sit on it In Brazil, the “OK” gesture is Nixon’s visit to Brazil in the ‘50s. roughly equivalent to the fin- While alighting from the aircraft, The ger in the US, which means you he lifted both hands to the cam- should not use it when your ho- eras and double-fingered the tel manager asks you how your entire nation. Nixon went on to room is, unless you want to tell greet the Brazilian Prime minister Okay him that it’s purple and velvety with a savage kick to the testi- and recently molested his wife. cles, and concluded his visit by urinating from the window of a Sign The most famous incident of a moving limousine. misapplied “OK” sign was, in fact, Home F**K You The Fig Corna Sit on it The Okay Sign In Brazil, the “OK” gesture is roughly While alighting from the aircraft, he equivalent to the finger in the US, lifted both hands to the cameras which means you should not use it and double-fingered the entire na- when your hotel manager asks you tion. Nixon went on to greet the Bra- how your room is, unless you want zilian Prime minister with a savage to tell him that it’s purple and vel- kick to the testicles, and concluded vety and recently molested his wife. his visit by urinating from the win- The most famous incident of dow of a moving limousine. a misapplied “OK” sign was, in fact, Nixon’s visit to Brazil in the ‘50s. .