Classical Memories/Modern Identities Paul Allen Miller and Richard H

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Classical Memories/Modern Identities Paul Allen Miller and Richard H CLASSICAL MEMORIES/MODERN IDENTITIES Paul Allen Miller and Richard H. Armstrong, Series Editors All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. Ancient Sex New Essays EDITED BY RUBY BLONDELL AND KIRK ORMAND THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS • COLUMBUS All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. Copyright © 2015 by The Ohio State University. All rights reserved. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ancient sex : new essays / edited by Ruby Blondell and Kirk Ormand. — 1 Edition. pages cm — (Classical memories/modern identities) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8142-1283-7 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Sex customs—Greece—History. 2. Sex customs—Rome—History. 3. Gender identity in literature. 4. Sex in literature. 5. Homosexuality—Greece—History. I. Blondell, Ruby, 1954– editor. II. Ormand, Kirk, 1962– editor. III. Series: Classical memories/modern identities. HQ13.A53 2015 306.7609495—dc23 2015003866 Cover design by Regina Starace Text design by Juliet Williams Type set in Adobe Garamond Pro Printed by Thomson-Shore, Inc. Cover image: Bonnassieux, Jean-Marie B., Amor clipping his wings. 1842. Close-up. Marble statue, 145 x 67 x 41 cm. ML135;RF161. Photo: Christian Jean. Musée du Louvre © RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, NY Bryan E. Burns, “Sculpting Antinous” was originally published in Helios 35, no. 2 (Fall 2008). Reprinted with permission. The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American Na- tional Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials. ANSI Z39.48-1992. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. For Jack, in memoriam All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. CONTENTS List of Illustrations ix Acknowledgments xi INTRODUCTION O ne Hundred and Twenty-Five Years of Homosexuality Kirk Ormand and Ruby Blondell 1 C HAPTER ONE V aseworld: Depiction and Description of Sex at Athens Holt N. Parker 23 C HAPTER TWO L esbians Are Not From Lesbos Kate Gilhuly 143 C HAPTER THREE Pederasty and the Popular Audience Julia Shapiro 177 C HAPTER FOUR What Is “Greek Sex” For? Nancy Worman 208 C HAPTER FIVE L usty Ladies in the Roman Imaginary Deborah Kamen and Sarah Levin-Richardson 231 C HAPTER SIX T he Illusion of Sexual Identity in Lucian’s Dialogues of the Courtesans 5 Sandra Boehringer 253 All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. viii • Contents C HAPTER SEVEN S culpting Antinous: Creations of the Ideal Companion Bryan E. Burns 285 E PILOGUE Not Fade Away David M. Halperin 308 Contributors 329 Index Locorum 333 General Index 337 All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. ILLUSTRATIONS C HAPTER ONE F IGURE 1.1A B earded man with youth holding rooster 42 F IGURE 1.1B B earded man touches chin of youth carrying deer 43 F IGURE 1.2 Man and youth interfemoral intercourse, four male–female couples 47 F IGURE 1.3 Man and youth in interfemoral intercourse, youth behind them 49 F IGURE 1.4 I thyphallic youths 51 F IGURE 1.5 B earded male engages in interfemoral sex with youth 52 F IGURE 1.6 N aked males in Scythian hats 61 F IGURE 1.7 Komast facing left holding a wreath 62 F IGURE 1.8A Y outh prepares to penetrate a woman 64 F IGURE 1.8B T hree naked youths in pursuit of two naked women 65 F IGURE 1.9 Y outh prepared to mount ithyphallic youth sitting in chair 67 F IGURE 1.10 Man on couch, singing “O most beautiful of boys” 78 F IGURE 1.11 Man lifts woman’s leg 89 F IGURE 1.12 O n couch, youth masturbates 91 ix All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. x • Illustrations F IGURE 1.13A T wo threesomes of a man irrumating a woman 92 F IGURE 1.13B I ntercourse from behind 92 F IGURE 1.13C T ondo of the above; youth with kylix and walking stick 93 F IGURE 1.14A D ionysus with kantharos 99 F IGURE 1.14B S ame composition; youth and man further apart 99 F IGURE 1.15 Graffito on black-glazed stand of a dog sodomizing a man 101 C HAPTER SEVEN F IGURE 7.1 D rawings of Antinous restored as Heracles, Ganymede, and Hylas 290 F IGURE 7.2 T he Belvedere “Antinous” 295 F IGURE 7.3 T he Capitoline “Antinous” 296 F IGURE 7.4 T he San Ildefonso group 303 All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS e, the editors, would like to thank several people who made this work possible. First, it is our pleasure to recognize David WHalperin (who also contributed an epilogue to this book) and the late Jack Winkler, whose work served as an inspiration for the APA panel that preceded this collection, and for the volume as a whole. This volume is dedicated to Jack, whose loss to the field remains an absence that cannot be filled. We hope that this collection of essays will be a fitting tribute to his influence on classical scholarship. We also thank the contributors to this volume, who have worked tire- lessly on their essays, put up with our editing, and waited patiently for the various pieces of this work to come together. And while we’re at it, the editors would like to thank each other—good friends and excellent co-conspirators. Numerous people have provided less direct but no less necessary support. Kirk thanks Denise McCoskey, Alex Purves, Brooke Holmes, Joy Connolly, and Nancy Rabinowitz for their ongoing friendship and encouragement. He also thanks his spouse, Gayle Boyer, and his two great kids, Ella and Kevin Boyer, all of whom are smarter than him and better-looking. Ruby, likewise, is grateful to all those who supported her during this lengthy process, especially her cocktail buddies (you know who you are), and her spouse, Douglas Roach, who is still the world’s best boyfriend. xi All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. xii • Acknowledgments We also thank Tom Cooper for his continued support of the Oberlin Classics Department and for helping with production costs, and the Clas- sics Department at the University of Washington for financial assistance. Thanks as well to the anonymous readers for the Press for helpful comments and suggestions, and our editors at the Press, for their fine work on the vol- ume as a whole. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. INTRODUCTION One Hundred and Twenty-Five Years of Homosexuality KIRK ORMAND and RUBY BLONDELL he final decades of the twentieth century saw a revolution in the study of ancient Greek and Roman sexualities. In 1976 the first T volume of Michel Foucault’s The History of Sexuality initiated a complete reconfiguration of the very notion of sexuality as a product of recent social, political, and discursive practices. K. J. Dover’s ground- breaking book, Greek Homosexuality, which appeared in 1978, placed our understanding of ancient Greek sexual practices on a more secure basis, and was one of several works that led to Foucault’s reassessment of his multivolume project, resulting in the much-delayed publication of his volume 2 (subtitled The Use of Pleasure) in 1984. In this volume Fou- cault developed a notion of ancient Greek discourse about sex that was organized around a principle of masculine self-control and not, as has been the case for the last 120 years or so in the modern West, around a preoccupation with the sex of one’s object of desire. Foucault’s insights were, in turn, reapplied to the ancient world by classical scholars, most notably in a series of important books published in 1990: David Hal- perin’s One Hundred Years of Homosexuality, John J. Winkler’s Constraints of Desire, and Before Sexuality: The Construction of Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World, edited by Halperin, Winkler, and Froma Zeitlin. The approach adopted in these books was not universally accepted; but 1 All Rights Reserved. Copyright © The Ohio State University Press, 2015. Batch 1. 2 • Introduction, Ormand and Blondell they introduced many classicists to queer theory for the first time and revolutionized ancient sexuality studies as a field. Prior to the modern period, as Halperin explained in One Hundred Years of Homosexuality (citing the work of American historian George Chauncey), “homosexuality” was not thought of as clearly distinguished from other sorts of non-conformity to one’s cultur- ally defined sex-role: deviant object-choice was viewed as merely one of a number of pathological symptoms exhibited by those who reversed, or “inverted,” their proper sex-roles by adopting a masculine or a feminine style at variance with what was deemed natural and appropriate to their anatomical sex. Political aspirations in women and (at least according to one expert writing as late as 1920) a fondness for cats in men were manifestations of a pathological condition, a kind of psychological her- maphroditism tellingly but not essentially expressed by a preference for a “normal” member of one’s own sex as a sexual partner. (1990: 15–16) In other words, sexuality, as a telling, essential element of one’s psychologi- cal makeup, simply did not yet exist, either in medical discourse or in the popular imagination.
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