Indonesia's Economic Diplomacy of Creative Economy Under Susilo
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Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy of Creative Economy Under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Administration Toward Indonesia’s National Income (Study Case: Craft Export Indonesia to United States 2011-2014) By GALUH ATIKASURI ID No. 016201400066 A Thesis presented to President University The Faculty of Humanities in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Concentration of Diplomacy Studies 2019 THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis entitled “Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy of Creative Economy Under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Toward Indonesia’s National Income (Study Case: Craft Export Indonesia to United States 2011-2014)” prepared and submitted by Galuh Atikasuri in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense. Cikarang, Indonesia, January 29th 2019 Recommended and Acknowledged by, Riski M Baskoro, S.Sos.,M.A i ii iii ABSTRACT Galuh Atikasuri, 016201400066, International Relations 2014, President University Thesis Title: Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy of Creative Economy Under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Toward Indonesia’s National Income (Study Case: Craft Export Indonesia to United States 2011-2014) Creative Economy is one of the programs from the government of Indonesia that relies on ideas, creativity and innovation derived from human resources and it is the main production factor. During the Presidency of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), Indonesia adopted the slogan “a thousand friends, zero enemy” on Indonesia’s foreign policy, where the slogan means that Indonesia focused on increasing partnerships with other countries in the stand up for its national interests. In an effort to develop the country’s economy, Indonesia maximize the function of the Creative Economy program through export activities. In marketing its products, Indonesia cooperates with several major countries, including the United States. Using economic diplomacy instruments and based on good relations between Indonesia and the United States that have been established for a long time and cooperation in various fields, Indonesia and the United States agreed to increase cooperation through comprehensive agreements, where the agreement bring the benefit to Indonesia to do export activities to the United States. In 2011, the United States became the main destination for Indonesia in exporting craft, which craft was one of the subsectors that highly contributed to the Indonesia’s economy. The craft subsector is also one of the subsectors with the most employment. Therefore, this study will focus on Indonesia’s economic diplomacy under the leadership of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with the United States as a destination country, through the Craft export cooperation (creative economy sub-sector) from 2011 to 2014. Indonesia's economic diplomacy through Craft export cooperation to the United States then contributed to increasing export value from year to year, as well as increasing employment, especially in the Craft sub- sector itself. This research was conducted in the period of November 2018, until January 2019, using a qualitative descriptive analysis method, to provide analysis of the sources obtained, in the form of news articles, books, and scientific journals. Keywords: Creative Economy, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Economic Diplomacy, Indonesia, United States of America, Exports, Craft iv ABSTRAK Galuh Atikasuri, 016201400066, International Relations 2014, President University Judul Penelitian: Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy of Creative Economy Under Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Toward Indonesia’s National Income (Study Case: Craft Export Indonesia to United States 2011-2014) Ekonomi kreatif merupakan salah satu program pemerintah Indonesia yang mengandalkan ide, kreatifitas dan inovasi yang berasal dari sumber daya manusia dan merupakan factor produksi yang utama. Pada masa pemerintahan president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), Indonesia menerapkan slogan “a thousand friends, zero enemy’ pada kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia, dimana slogan tersebut memiliki arti yaitu Indonesia berfokus pada peningkatan kemitraan dengan Negara-negara lain dalam rangka memperjuangkan kepentingan nasional. Dalam upaya pengembangan perekonomian Negara, Indonesia memaksimalkan berjalannya program Ekonomi Kreatif tersebut melalui kegiatan ekspor. Dalam memasarkan produknya, Indonesia menjalin kerjasama dengan beberapa Negara besar, diantaranya adalah Amerika Serikat. Menggunakan instrument diplomasi ekonomi dan di dasari oleh hubungan yang baik antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat yang telah terjalin sejak lama serta kerjasama di berbagai bidang, Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat sepakat untuk meningkatkan kerjasama melalui perjanjian comprehensive, dimana dengan adanya perjanjian tersebut memberi kemudahan bagi Indonesia dalam melakukan kegiatan ekspor ke Amerika Serikat. Pada tahun 2011, Amerika Serikat menjadi destinasi utama bagi Indonesia dalam melakukan ekspor Kriya, dimana Kriya adalah salah satu subsector yang memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap perekonomian Indonesia. Subsektor Kriya juga menjadi salah satu subsector dengan penyerapan tenaga kerja terbanyak. Sehingga pada penelitian ini akan berfokus pada diplomasi ekonomi Indonesia dibawah kepemimpinan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dengan Amerika Serikat sebagai negara tujuan, melalui kerjasama ekspor Kriya (sub sektor ekonomi kreatif) dari tahun 2011 sampai dengan 2014. Diplomasi ekonomi Indonesia melalui kerjasama ekspor Kriya ke Amerika Serikat kemudian memberikan kontribusi berupa peningkatan nilai ekspor dari tahun ke tahun, serta peningkatan penyerapan tenaga kerja khususnya di sub sektor Kriya itu sendiri. Penelitian ini di lakukan dalam jangka waktu November 2018, hingga Januari 2019, dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif, untuk memberikan analisa dari sumber- sumber yang didapatkan, berupa artikel berita, buku, dan jurnal ilmiah. Kata Kunci: Ekonomi Kreatif, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Diplomasi Ekonomi, Indonesia, Amerika Serikat, Ekspor, Kriya v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my absolute gratitude to Allah SWT, for the good health, wellbeing that were necessary to complete this thesis and for everything his plan made for me possible finish my study in university, including for me to finish this thesis. I would like to give my biggest grateful to my family for their endless support, prayers and love for me. My parents, my father. Ir. Doddy Muslim and my mother Sri Melia, S.Sos, M.Si for their unlimited support, unconditional trust, and endless patience who teaches me all the good things, give me advice regarding any problems I have had. Their love gave me strength to do all my study in President University. I could not give anything to them now, but this is the beginning that in the future I hope I could give more than they give to me. Both are where my mind goes to every time when I am lucky, as it must be from their prayers. My grateful for my grandmother Hayati who never forget give support and her prayer for me even in her sickness, get well really soon grandma. Also, I would like to give another thank you to my big sister Nadira Laksita, who always care and asked what I need, how I am doing in university and during my process finishing thesis and my little sister Della Safira, who still in the process of completing school I believe you will one day be anything you dream on!. My aunty Nelyati and my uncle Mirza, my cousin Gita Angelia, and Citra Gautama and the other that I cannot mention all.I can’t thank you enough for never-ending believe and everything that my family done for me. I would also deliver my special gratitude for both of my advisers: Mr. Riski Baskoro, S.Sos., M.A and Mrs. Ilmi Dwiastuti, S.H.Int., MStratSt in busy schedules always being able to make the time to have consultations, patient in guiding me and for always being able to give constructive criticism to my thesis. Apologies for all the mistakes that I have made during the thesis making process. I believe that I am one of the luckiest students to have both of you as my thesis advisor. Without your patient guidance, my thesis would not be as it is now. vi Thank you to all my friends in International Relations President University especially batch 2014. To my closest IR friends: Ayu Santika Ardipramesa, Destri Ayu Angela Bangkan, Hafiza Raisya, K. Audina Permana who have coloring my university life. Especially for my roommate Nurul Sriwulandari Nur, Meidina Putri, and Natalia Lovelace, who have helped me so much during my thesis writing process, stayed with me from the very beginning, and thought and sharing almost about anything. I would like to say thank you to the colleagues that have been with me during my time in the university, which I cannot mention one by one. Also, I would like to thank you my high school friends: Ivo Putri Rahmadhani, Amelia, Meiga Ervianti, Maya Nofiurly, Clara Kusumawati Johan, Rezi Rezki Amelia, Kellin Wedness Sitanggang (GYMMKIMKAR) for always spare time for me in Pekanbaru. We scatter there out of town to continue our education and achieve our goals. Always stay together even though we are far apart and continue to be one of the important people in my life Finally, I would like to thank everybody who has become an important part of my life journey. I always pray for your success, health, and happiness. Do not forget