Abdallahi Ibn Muhammad, 139 Abdelhafid, Sultan of Morocco, 416
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48382-7 — Learning Empire Erik Grimmer-Solem Index More Information INDEX Abdallahi ibn Muhammad, 139 extension services, 395 Abdelhafid, sultan of Morocco, 416 horticulture, 47 Abdul Hamid II, sultan of the Ottoman Landflucht, 43 Empire, 299 livestock, 43, 55, 72, 229, 523, 564 Abyssinia, 547 maize, 155, 229 acclimatization question. See tropics milling, 70, 240 Achenbach, Heinrich, 80–81 oil seeds, 55 Adams, Henry, 32, 316 peasants, 55–56, 184, 272–73, 275, Adana, 363, 365 427, 429, 433, 559–60 Addams, Jane, 70 reforms of, 429 Addis Ababa, 547 rice, 88, 105, 529 Aden, 87, 139, 245, 546 rubber, 408–9, 412, 414, 416, 421, Adenauer, Konrad, 602 426, 445 Adrianople, 486, 491 rye, 55, 273, 279, 522, 525 Afghanistan, 120, 176, 324 sugar, 55, 78, 155, 204, 380, 385, Africa, German 411–12, 416, 423, 445 See also Cameroon, East Africa; tea, 412 Herero and Nama wars; Maji tobacco, 76, 152, 204, 379–80, Maji rebellion; Southwest 412–14, 416, 423, 445 Africa; Togo wheat, 43, 46–47, 49–50, 53, 55, 59, Agadir Crisis (1911), 376, 406, 416–17, 69, 71, 229, 520, 522, 525, 528, 437, 456–57, 479, 486, 500 561, 579 Agrarian League (Bund der Landwirte), See also colonial science; cotton 469, 471, 473, 477 industry; inner colonization; agriculture rubber industry; sugar industry; barley, 47, 55, 523 tobacco industry cacao, 152, 155 Ahmad bin Abd Allah, Muhammad, 139 coconuts, 218 Alabama, 378 coffee, 145, 152, 155, 204, 273, 412 See also Calhoun Colored School; copra, 218 Tuskegee Institute cotton, 67, 74–75, 151, 158, 204,
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