Kodak Magazine (Canada); Vol. 10, No. 9; Oct. 1954

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Kodak Magazine (Canada); Vol. 10, No. 9; Oct. 1954 Camera Gift Paclmges -page 3 Vol. 10, No. 9 October 1954 Published by Canadian Kodak Co., Limited Toronto 9, Ontario Benefits to Dependents Extended in Major Medical Exp en se Insur ance Plan ODAK'S Major Medical Expense Insur­ curred after that date come under the Kance Plan, as announced last year, did regular terms of the plan. not cover dependents in ill health when the In the case of subscribers enrolled after subscribers' coverage became effective. The September 1, 1954, dependents in poor dependents were eligible only upon fu ll health are covered either upon full recovery recovery. or after a waiting period of six months. The effective date for this new coverage The terms of the plan were recently coincides with the effective date for the extended. Effective September 1, 1954, recently announced protection under the coverage was provided for subscribers' plan, which has been extended to retired dependents who were not eligible, previously, people with 15 years' service and their owing to illness. Any medical expenses in- dependents. l( odak to Sponsor Color Television Show in United St a t es Next Year HE contract is signed and plans are ad­ our customers and the industry as a whole." Tvancing for a Kodak-sponsored color The star of the half-hour color show will television show which will make its bow on a be David Wayne, well-known Broadway national network in the United States early actor, who will be seen in the title role of next year. "Norby," a family man and small-town It will be the first television network banker. His penchant for enquiry leads him series to be filmed entirely in color. Com­ into situations and surroundings quite m patible transmission will permit standard reception on all black-and-white sets. contrast to his ordinary way of life. James E. McGhee, vice-president in charge of sales and advertising, Eastman *Note for Canadian TV Fans Kodak Company, stated that time and net­ J ohn McLean, Director of Advertising work for the broadcasts have not been Planning at Kodak Heights, has the determined yet but negotiations are under following to say in connection with the way for a.n evening program with nation­ program here: wide coverage.* "In Canada, preliminary investigation "Kodak has long felt," McGhee said, is being made by the Advertising Depart­ "that television provides a natural medium ment on whether "Norby" will be for promotion of its products and services. carried over Canadian TV stations. No It is particularly well suited for demonstrat­ definite announcement can be made at ing home movies and showing the types of this stage of the proceedings. A major pictures which can be produced by anyone difficulty in Canada is the availability of with even the simplest equipment. broadcasting time. However, it is hoped "Kodak has always pioneered in the that suitable arrangements can be made development and utilization of photography for many Canadian viewers to see the in all fields. And we feel that by undertaking show as a black-and-white program, early the first TV network series in color we shall in 1955." gain experience which will be of benefit to 2 PACKAGING OUTFITS- Five of the eight camera outfits are packaged in the Camera Inspection Department. Frank Hammell is shown with B eatrice Roberts and Sheila Je ffreys, who are at work on two different kinds l(odak Presents Eight Smart Camera Outfits as Feature of Christmas Business IGHT smartly styled camera outfits are Kodak Duafl ex III De Luxe Flash Ebeing presented by Kodak for this year's Outfit .. 37.00 Christmas gift business. Their production is Brownie Bull's-Eye Flash Outfit. .. 21.00 in full swing and shipments to dealers began Kodak Pony 135 Camera Outfit. 54.00 Kodak Town and Country Camera Outfit last month. (includes Kodak Bantam RF Camera) . 93.50 There are six still camera outfits and two Brownie Movie Camera Kit . 61.25 movie outfits, ranging in list price from Brownie Movie Outfit .... 124.25 $15.50 to $124.25. A big advertising campaign is under way Gift buyers will find the compact and to promote these outfits for the gift-buying sturdy packaging of the outfits to be very season. Ads will appear during coming attractive. Yellow and black are pre­ weeks-many of them in color- in maga­ dominant colors and the Christmas wrappers zines, weekend and daily newspapers. A are printed with red and green symbols of variety of window and counter display the season. Some of the packages are fitted material will be available for photo dealers. with a hand strap for easy carrying. The theme of the campaign is summed up The names of the outfits and their list in its slogan, "There's a Just-Right Kodak prices are as follows : Gift for Everyone." Brownie Hawkeye Flash Outfit . $ 15.50 Kodak Duaflex III Flash Outfit . 25.75 (More pictures on next page) 3 Oa!-i holdc r s arc c are full y ins p ecte d b e fore pac kag ing to e n s ure that they arc in p e rfect worl<. ing order. l-l c r c, Dorothy Robe rts e xamines a mune ra and Madge S h e rman t est s a flus holde r in the <..:a n1 c ra lm.; p cction O e JH.trtmc nt CAM EHA O UTFIT (ri ~; hL)- This is Lh c Koduk lluullc x 111 Flash Outfit whic h include!'> a Koda k IJua fl cx Ill <.: urnc ra, Kodc t l... e n s; Ko dalite I<' lasholdc r with Ko d a k 2-WNy _Fiash g uurd ; 8 SM or S F fta 1o0 h hulhs; 2 s ize C h a ttc ries; 2 rolls V620 filn1 in Uuo-l'ak ; and a 36 - J> ag:e h oo kl e t ~ HSn a J> s hots With Your Kodak Uuuflc x Ill Cam e ra, Kodc t. Le n s." Not s hown h e r e BOX ASSEMBLY- Roxes for came r a oulfils a r e READY FOR SHIPM ENT- Doro lhy R o bbins , Jtrc parcd in the Box & l,rinting Oc p a rtrne nt, as s hown Ccunc ru Assembly, p ack s o utfits in carlon tot b e fore thei r in this J>hoto or S t.c lla C nws on trans fe r to the S hi11ping Hoorn 4 A. Russell Higgins Edward Bagg David MeN. Sonunerville he became general foreman, Power House. 25 Years Alley bowling is his favorite recreation. with the Associates noted Ed's anniversary with the gift of a cheque. Company Dave Sommerville has been on the staff of the Film Coating during all of his 25 years' Russ Higgins is one of the few early members continuous service with Kodak, completed of the Cine Processing, and his 25 years of on September 16. At first employed on the continuous Kodak service have been spent in reel machine and then on other department that department except for a year and a half operations, his duties are now those of with the Canadian Army in World War II. ~v inder. After many changes of duties as the Cine Born in Glasgow, Dave spent his early Processing assumed a wider field of work and working years in Scotland as a miner. expanded, he became duplicating inspector Settling in Canada, he spent a short time in a few years ago. a plant at Weston before coming to Kodak. More than 25 years ago he worked in two A cheque was the anniversary gift to other departments- the Paper Packing, Dave from associates. which he joined upon coming to the Com­ pany in 1925, and the Camera Assembly. Camera Club Starts Film Library His service was broken prior to 1929. Has 16mm Cartoons for Rent Russ played on a champion Kodak HE Camera Club has received many hockey team many years ago and was active Trequests from members for movies that until recently in outdoor sports and many may be rented for home projection, especially K.R.C. recreations. Convalescing from ill­ to entertain children. ness at the time o~ his anniversary, May 20, Thelma Banks, who is in charge of the he was visited by Don Ritchie and presented club's equipment rentals, reports that four with a cheque on behalf of associates. such films have been secured and are now Ed Bagg remembers Labor Day 1929 quite available for evenings and week ends at a well. It fell on September 2 and marked the nominal fe e. The films are 16mm black-and­ fir3t day of his 25 years of continuous service white comedies, ranging in length from 300 in the Power House at Kodak Heights. to 400 feet. A life-long resident of Mount Dennis, Two of the movies are cartoons, titled Ed worked on an assembly line at a local "Mousie Comes Home" and u·woody Dines plant before coming to Kodak and the Out." The other two, which are actual Power House. photographs of animal life, are titled"Chimp Throughout the years, Ed has gained the Cowboy" and "Three Little Bruins." experience in practically all of the depart­ Plans are to use the money received from ment's many operations and, early in 1954, rental for the purchase of more films. Closing Date Nears for Annual l(odak Salon .I BOUT three weeks remain for people at Another big feature is the inauguration of fl Kodak Heights to enter pictures in the a stereo section.
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