
FDR and the

Explain how the and the New Deal impacted the American political, social & economic life over time. [Topic 7.10]


New Deal Philosophy Reform •Economic institutions

Relief •Unemployed

•Businesses and Recovery economy


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First One Hundred Days

 After being sworn into office on March 4th, FDR called Congress into a special session  Congress passed a series of laws that FDR requested, many aimed at restoring public confidence  Fireside Chats



Emergency Banking Act (1933)  Began with a 4-day bank holiday  Act re-opened the largest and strongest banks  Public confidence was restored as deposits exceeded withdrawals Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)  Insured bank deposits up to $2,500  Restricted gold standard to international transactions


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Fair Labor Standards Act  Established regulations on businesses in interstate commerce  Minimum wage at 40 cents/hour  Maximum standard work week at 40 hours + time-and-a-half for overtime  Child labor restrictions on hiring under age 16

C.I.O (Congress of Industrial Organizations)  John Lewis  Broke away from the AFL in 1936  Organized unskilled workers in the automobile, steel, and southern textile industries


New Deal Under Attack  Criticism:  Didn’t do enough to help the poor or reform the economic system  Too much spent on direct relief, too many regulations, deficit spending, too controlling of business, and socialized the economy & interfered with free-market economy  Critics that attacked the New Deal offering radical plans to revive the economy  Father Charles Coughlin  Nationalize the banks and coining of silver dollars  Francis Townsend  Outraged that older Americans weren’t helped by New Deal  Proposed a $200/month for Americans over 60   “Share the Wealth” program which would limit anyone person to million dollar threshold, tax the richest and guarantee every American a $5,000 home and annual income of $2,500  Impact  With strong support for these ideas, FDR had to “steal the thunder” by incorporating their ideas into his programs – Social Security, lower tax rate and control of big business


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 Supreme Court – 1935  Declared both the NIRA and AAA unconstitutional  Court-packing scheme  FDR asked Congress for authority to appoint a new Supreme Court justice for every member older than 70 (6 new justices)  Seen as a violation of the separation of powers and judicial independence  Court became more receptive to the New Deal  Over time, FDR was able to appoint 9 new member to the court through retirement


Consequences of New Deal African Americans Racial injustice was not addressed CCC camps segregated FDR wouldn’t support legislation on anti-lynching or elimination of poll tax Black officials were appointed to FDR’s administration As a voting bloc, 90% of African Africans switched to Democratic party


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Women  Virtually invisible during the Great Depression as some agencies only hired men  In the work place, women faced anger and discrimination Took jobs away from men Received lower minimum wage than men

: Secretary of Labor  12 years in the position; oversaw CCC and PWA

 Eleanor Roosevelt


 National Economy and Role of Federal Government  New Deal did not bring about full recovery – only the government military spending for WW2  Accelerated the process of the expanding role of the federal government Ensuring health of the economy Ensuring the welfare of the citizens Protections for labor unions Price stability for farmers Providing electricity for rural Americans (REA) Old age insurance for elderly  Expanding power of the presidency


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Relief Measures Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)  Jobs program for unemployed men (18-25) working on conservation projects, planting trees, cutting trails, building reservoirs  2.5 million at $30/month

Public Works Administration (PWA)  Financed 34,000 construction projects = $6 billion  Built 35% of new hospitals/facilities and 70% education buildings  Constructed roads, bridges and dams

Works Progress Administration (WPA)  3.4 million jobs for construction but also artists/actors/writers employed to paint murals, write histories and perform plays


Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)  Federal grants to state/local government to operate soup kitchens and other forms of relief for jobless and homeless  1933 - $500,000,000 1935 - $3 billion Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)  Hired unemployed to build dams, operate electric power plants, control flooding and erosion, and manufactured fertilizer  Sold electricity to residents at reduced rates


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Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)  Increase farm income by paying to leave acres unplanted  Prices for wheat, corn, cotton & other ag crops rose  Declared unconstitutional in 1935 National Recovery Administration  Part of the larger National Industrial Recovery Act  Helped each industry set codes defined minimum prices, wages and workers’ hours  Allowed workers the right to organize and bargain collectively  Declared unconstitutional in 1935

Social Security Administration  Established a pension for retired people over age 65  Funded by payroll taxes from employer/employee  National government provided a broad range of social welfare for dependent or crippled children, blind, maternal/child welfare  Initially excluded farm laborers, domestic servants & self-employed 13

Glass-Steagall Act  Increased regulation of banks and limited bank investments of depositors’ money

Wagner Act  Guaranteed right to join a union and to bargain collectively  Outlawed practices that were unfair to labor  Established the NLRB (Nat’l Labor Relations Board) to enforce the law

Security & Exchange Commission  Regulated stock market and limited speculative practices  Required full audits of and financial disclosure by corporations to protect investors from fraud and insider trading


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New Deal Philosophy

• Glass-Steagall Banking Act • FDIC – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation • SEC – Security & Exchange Commission • SSA – Social Security Administration Reform • NLRB – National Labor Relations Board • Fair Labor Standards Act

• FERA – Federal Emergency Relief Administration • PWA- Public Works Administration • CCC – Civilian Conservation Corps Relief • TVA – Tennessee Valley Authority • WPA – Works Progress Administration

•AAA – Agricultural Adjustment Act •NIRA/NRA – National Industrial Recovery Act/National Recovery Administration Recovery •HOLC – Home Owners Loan Corporation •FHA- Federal Housing Administration