APWH Key Terms

I. Foundations

Term Description 1. prehistory vs. history

2. features of civilization

3. Paleolithic Era

4. Neolithic Era

5. family units, clans, tribes

6. foraging societies

7. nomadic hunters/gatherers

8. Ice Age

9. civilization

10. Neolithic

11. Domestication of plants and animals

12. nomadic pastoralism

13. migratory farmers

14. irrigation systems

15. metalworking

16. ethnocentrism

17. sedentary

18. shifting cultivation

19. slash-and-burn agriculture

20. cultural diffusion

21. specialization of labor

22. gender division of labor

23. metallurgy and metalworking

24. Fertile Crescent 25. Gilgamesh

26. Hammurabi’s Law Code


28. Egyptian Book of the Dead

29. pyramids

30. hieroglyphics

31. Indus valley civilization

32. early

33. the Celts

34. the Hittites and iron weapons

35. the Assyrians and cavalry warfare

36. The Persian Empire

37. The Hebrews and monotheism

38. the Phoenicians and the alphabet

39. the Lydians and coinage

40. Greek city-states

41. democracy

42. Persian Wars

43. Peloponnesian War

44. Alexander the Great

45. Hellenism

46. Homer

47. Socrates and Plato

48. Aristotle

49. Western scientific thought

50. Roman Republic

51. plebians vs. patricians

52. Punic Wars 53. Julius Caesar


55. Qin, Han, Tang Dynasties

56. Shi Huangdi

57. Chinese tributary system

58. the Road

59. Nara and Heian

60. the Fujiwara clan

61. Lady Murasaki and “The Tale of Genji

62. Central Asia and Mongolia

63. the Aryan invasion of

64. Dravidians

65. Indian caste system

66. Ashoka

67. /Byzantine Empire

68. Justinian

69. early Medieval “Dark Ages”


71. Olmec

72. Maya

73. Andean societies

74. Mississippian culture

75. Anasazi

76. republics/democracies

77. theocracy

78. slavery vs. serfdom

79. war

80. trade routes 81. polytheism

100. Zoroastrianism

101. the Ten Commandments

102. the Torah

103. the Talmud

104. YHWH

105. Abraham

106. Moses and the Exodus from Egypt –


107. David and Solomon

108. Vedism (Rig-Veda)

109. Hinduism (Upanishads, Mahabharata,


110. samsara, karma, dharma

111. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva

112. Buddhism

113. Four Noble Truths

114. Eightfold Path

115. Siddhartha Gautama

116. nirvana

117. Theravada (Hinayana) and Mahayana


118. Daoism

119. Tao-te Chng and the I Ching

120. Laozi

121. Confucianism

122. Analects

123. K’ung Fu-tzu (Confucius) 124. Mandate of Heaven

125. Judeo-Christian tradition

126. Jesus of Nazareth

127. the Bible (Old and New Testament)

128. Crucifixion and Resurrection (Easter)

129. Peter and Paul

130. Constantine and the Edict of

131. Saint Augustine

132. Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman

Catholicism (Great Schism of 1054)

Key Terms – Unit 2

1. Abbasid 2. Abu Bakr 3. Ali 4. Axum 5. Baghdad 6. Battle of Tours 7. Benin 8. Bourbons 9. Burghers 10. Byzantine Empire 11. Caliphate 12. Carolingian Dynasty 13. Caste 14. Charlemagne 15. Charles Martel 16. Chichen Itza 17. Code of Bushido 18. Code of chivalry 19. 20. Czar 21. Daimyo 22. Dome of the Rock 23. Dynasty 24. Eleanor of Aquitaine 25. Emperor Xuanzong 26. Ferdinand 27. Feudalism 28. Five Pillars of Islam 29. Franks 30. Genghis Khan 31. Golden Horde 32. Hagia Sophia 33. 34. Heresies 35. Holy Roman Empire 36. Hordes 37. Hundred Years’ War 38. Incan 39. Inquisition 40. Interregnum 41. Islam 42. Ivan the Terrible 43. Joan of Arc 44. Justinian 45. Justinian Code 46. King Clovis 47. King Hugh Capet 48. Kublai Khan 49. Kush 50. Machu Picchu 51. Magna Carta 52. Magyars 53. Mali 54. Manors 55. Mansa Musa 56. Marco Polo 57. Mayan 58. Mecca 59. Medina 60. Mesoamerica 61. 62. Ming 63. Mohammed 64. Mongol 65. Muslims 66. Oral literature 67. Orthodox Christianity 68. Otto the Great 69. Peasant 70. Pepin 71. Pope 72. Pope Innocent III 73. Primogeniture 74. Prince Shotoku 75. Queen Isabella 76. quipu 77. Qur’an 78. Scholasticism 79. Serfs 80. Shogun 81. Shogunate (bakufu) 82. Song 83. Song 84. Spanish Inquisition 85. St. Cyril 86. Sufis 87. Sunni/Shia 88. T’ang 89. Taika Reforms 90. Tang 91. Tatars 92. Temple of the Sun 93. Tenochtitlan 94. Thomas Aquinas 95. Tikal 96. Timur Lang 97. Timur the Lame 98. Treaty of Verdun 99. Umayidd 100. Vassals 101. Viking/Norse 102. Vladimir 103. William the Conqueror 104. Wu Zhao 105. 106. provincial leaders 107. Sharia 108. ulama 109. jihad 110. bedouins 111. Moors 112. Sephardim 113. Christian monks 114. ideographic 115. Cyrillic alphabet 116. Hagia Sofia 117. woodblock printing 118. Arabesque 119. astrolabe 120. Arabic numerals 121. mosque 122. minaret 123. dome 124. pillars 125. vernacular languages 126. polyphonic music 127. Romanesque 128. Avicenna 129. Al Razi 130. Al Khwarizmi 131. Omar Khayyam 132. Rubaiyat in Persian 133. Li Tai-Po 134. Orthodox 135. Conservative 136. Hadith 137. Legalism 138. Shinto 139. Tao Te Ching 140. Thousand and One Nights 141. Great Schism 142. Patriarch 143. Greek Orthodox Church 144. Roman Catholic Church 145. Swahili 146. Sofala 147. Kilwa 148. monsoons 149. Silk Road 150. mawali 151. Mali Empire 152. Songhay Empire 153. hajj 154. scholar gentry 155. Ibn Battuta 156. Mansa Musa 157. Ibn Battuta 158. calligraphy 159. monochrome 160. footbinding as metaphor 161. interregnum 162. shogun 163. puppet emperor 164. Taika reforms 165. uji 166. warlordism 167. imperial bureaucracy 168. Muhammad 169. caliph 170. Ali 171. Yuan dynasty 172. junk 173. compass 174. abacus 175. movable type 176. landscape painting 177. currency-based economy 178. new strains of rice 179. Prince Shotoku 180. Yamato clan 181. compatibility of Chinese values 182. sedentary agriculture 183. shifting cultivation 184. pastoral nomadism 185. foraging 186. feudalism 187. 188. fiefs 189. vassals 190. reciprocal relationship 191. 192. nation-states 193. absolute 194. William the Conqueror 195. jury system 196. King John 197. Magna Carta 198. Parliament 199. power of the purse 200. Hugh Capets 201. Sundiata 202. Timbuktu 203. Louis IX 204. centralized 205. 206. Aristotle 207. Plato 208. Cicero 209. humanism 210. scholasticism 211. Byzantine Empire 212. iconoclastic controversy 213. clergy 214. Avignon 215. Reformation 216. Counter-reformation 217. Charlemagne 218. Eleanor of Aquitaine 219. Humanists 220. Vikings 221. Code of chivalry 222. Code of the samurai 223. Demesne land 224. Guilds 225. Gothic architecture 226. Hanseatic League 227. Hundred Years War 228. Interdict 229. Inquisition 230. Monasticism, importance of 231. Northern Renaissance 232. High Renaissance 233. Papal States 234. Russian Orthodox Church 235. Perspective in art 236. Villein 237. Seljuk Turks 238. Ottoman Turks 239. sultan 240. Crusade 241. Bantu 242. Zimbabwe 243. Mamluks 244. Tatars 245. Genghis Khan 246. khanates 247. Golden Horde 248. Khazars 249. Kievan Russia 250. city-states 251. national identity 252. Balkan Peninsula 253. steppes 254. bubonic plague 255. 256. Bosporus 257. Dardanelles 258. Mesoamerica 259. Maya 260. Toltecs 261. Quetzalcoatl 262. priest-scholars 263. differentiated labor 264. ceremonial centers 265. mounds 266. pyramids 267. Inca 268. Hillside terracing 269. Quipu 270. tribute 271. Tula 272. Aztec Empire 273. Hernan Cortes 274. Montezuma 275. Francisco Pizarro 276. Atahualpa 277. Cuzco 278. Teotihuacan 279. Acculturation 280. Calpulli 281. Despotism 282. bakufu 283. bushi 284. bushido 285. celadon 286. daimyo 287. Gempei Wars 288. kowtow 289. Neo-Confucianism 290. seppuku 291. tea ceremony 292. Allah 293. Battle of Tours 294. Five Pillars 295. harem 296. hijrah 297. Ka'aba 298. People of the Book 299. Ramadan 300. shariah 301. umma 302. zakat 303. benefice 304. excommunication 305. investiture 306. medieval 307. Middle Ages 308. moldboard plow 309. age grade 310. Austronesian 311. caravel 312. griots 313. 314. Khan 315. lateen sail 316. Malay sailors 317. Maori 318. metropolitan 319. Middle Kingdom 320. Ming dynasty 321. Mongol Peace 322. stateless society 323. steppe diplomacy 324. syncretism 325. Anasazi 326. ayllus 327. Chimor 328. chinampas 329. Mexica 330. Mississippians 331. mita 332. parallel descent 333. Quechua

Early Modern Period – 1450‐1750 Key Terms

1. Babur 2. Akbar 3. Sha Jahan 4. Charles V 5. 6. Henry of Navarre 7. Hideyoshi 8. Ivan the Great 9. Louis XIV 10. Prince Henry the Navigator 11. Oliver Cromwell 12. ronin 13. Sikhs 14. Suleiman I 15. Sunni Ali 16. Guinea states 17. Indo‐Gangetic Plain 18. Lepanto 19. Act of Toleration 20. 21. Entrepreneur 22. joint stock 23. Dutch Company 24. British 25. 26. Parlement 27. Baroque 28. 29. John Calvin 30. English Enlightenment 31. Footbinding 32. German Entitlement 33. Huguenots 34. 35. Jesuits 36. Northern Renaissance 37. Philosophes 38. Puritans 39. Rococo 40. Architecture of the Renaissance 41. Deism 42. Patronage of the arts 43. Printing Press 44. absolute monarchy 45. boyars 46. Cossacks 47. creoles 48. devshirme 49. divine right 50. Dutch learning 51. encomienda 52. Enlightenment 53. Estates‐General 54. Glorious Revolution 55. Hagia Sophia 56. Janissaries 57. Mancus 58. 59. mestizos 60. Mughal dynasty 61. mulatto 62. nation‐ 63. parliamentary monarchy 64. peninsulares 65. purdah 66. Qing dynasty 67. 68. sovereignty 69. Taj Mahal 70. 71. viceroyalty 72. caravel 73. Columbian Exchange 74. factor 75. 76. Middle Passage 77. 78. Catholic Reformation – Counter Reformation 79. commercial revolution 80. empirical research 81. excommunication 82. Enlightenment 83. heliocentric theory 84. indulgence 85. laissez‐faire 86. natural laws 87. Nintey‐Five Theses 88. predestination 89. Protestant Reformation 90. Society of Jesus 91. Martin Luther 92. Henry VIII 93. Protestant doctrines 94. Saint Ignatius Loyola 95. European religious wars 96. Thirty Years War 97. Louis XIV 98. Maria Theresa and Joseph II 99. Frederick the Great 100. English 101. Copernicus 102. Galileo 103. Sir Isaac Newton 104. Voltaire 105. Jean‐Jacques Rousseau 106. class diversification in Europe 107. and the Agricultural Revolution 108. 109. proto‐industrialization 110. lodestone 111. Iberian wave of exploration 112. Prince Henry the Navigator 113. 114. 115. colonization 116. northern wave of exploration 117. Jacques Cartier 118. North American fur trade 119. Henry Hudson 120. New 121. Osman I 122. sultan 123. viziers 124. Istanbul 125. Mehmet II 126. millet system 127. harem 128. Siege of Vienna 129. Safavid Empire 130. Abbas the Great 131. Isfahan 132. Ming dynasty 133. Francis Xavier 134. Qing Empire 135. tea and Chinese trade with Europe 136. Kangxi 137. Ashikaga Shogunate 138. Onin War 139. reunification of Japan 140. 141. 142. Delhi Shogunate 143. Babur the Tiger 144. Aurangzeb 145. Sikhs 146. Askia Mohammed 147. trade in West and Central 148. Osei Tutu 149. Boers 150. 151. Zulu 152. European and Arab domination of the East African‐ trade network 153. Atlantic slave trade 154. sugar production and the slave trade 155. Hernan Cortes 156. Francisco Pizarro 157. New Spain 158. Spanish importation of smallpox and measles 159. Bartolome de Las Casas 160. mining 161. Portuguese sugar production 162. Peter Stuyvesant 163. Jamestown 164. Plymouth Rock 165. Massachusetts Bay Colony 166. French and Indian Wars 167. Russian‐American Company 1. absolutism

2. revolution

3. democracy

4. mercantilism 5. feudalism

6. 7. middle class

8. secular 9. diplomatic 10. conservative backlash 11. liberalizing elements 12. democratizing elements 13. exploration 14. colonization

15. unprecedented 16.

17. economic exploitation

18. Enlightenment

19. unification 20. industrialization 21. imperialism

22. Western Hemisphere 23. 24. eugenics

25. ethnocentrism 26.

27. White Man’s Burden/Rudyard Kipling 28. Middle Kingdom 29. communication revolution 30. 31. technology

32. manufactured/finished goods 33. raw materials 34. Atlantic World 35. plantation system 36. Monroe Doctrine

37. foreign investment 38. 39. 40. domestic/putting out system

41. Tanzimat Reforms 42. extraterritoriality

43. Suez Canal 44. Qing China 45. Opium War 46. Opium Trade 47. serfdom 48. Commodore Perry

49. Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

50. mass production 51. Capitalism:

52. movement:

53. Second Agricultural Revolution:

54. Steam power:

55. Spinning Jenny:

56. Protestant work ethic: 57. Wealth of Nations/Adam Smith:

58. Laissez faire capitalism:

59. Bessemer Process:

60. Factory system:

61. Interchangeable parts:

62. Assembly Line 63. Transportation revolution:

64. Proletariat:

65. Reform movements:

66. Labor unions:

67. Communist Manifesto/:

68. Ladies:

69. Civil War:

70. monoculture:

71. “Banana Republic”:

72. popular consumption:

73. :

74. partial modernization: 75. Restoration:

76. zaibatsu:

77. textile mills:

78. class tension:

79. suffrage: 80. traditional family life:

81. cotton gin/Eli Whitney:

82. Muckrakers:

83. Settlement Houses

84. Women’s Emancipation movements:

85. push factors:

86. pull factors:

87. settler colonies: 88. pogroms:

89. Islamic slave trade: 90. Liberia: 91. life expectancy rates:

92. infant mortality rates: 93. birth rates:

94. Louis Pasteur:

95. sweet : 96. finished goods: 97. air pollution: 98. water pollution: 99. cholera/tuberculosis:

100. upper class women:

101. Victorian Age –

102. social mobility -

103. abolitionists – 104. emancipation of Russian serfs – 105. cult of domesticity –

106. temperance –

107. constitutional monarchy – 108. John Locke –

109. social contract -

110. Seven Years War –

111. “taxation without representation” –

112. Common Sense/Thomas Paine –

113. Declaration of Independence/Thomas Jefferson –

114. causes of

115. First/Second/Third Estate – 116. National Assembly – 117. Declaration of the Rights of Man –

118. Reign of Terror –

119. Directory –

120. Cycle of Revolution –

121. universal manhood suffrage – 122. nationalistic uprisings –

123. guerilla warfare – 124. Napoleon

125. Congress of Vienna –

126. Congress System/Metternich – 127. spirit of conservatism -

128. radicalism –

129. parliamentary system – 130. militaristic – 131. Revolution of 1848 –

132. Revolution of 1848 –

133. Toussaint L’Ouverture 134. Louisiana Territory – 135. Wars of Independence – 136. caudillos –

137. economic backwardness –

138. Miguel Hidalgo –

139. Pancho Villa –

140. Sino-Japanese War –

141. Empress Cixi –

142. “Hundred Days Reform” –

143. Abdication of Manchu Emperor -

144. Sun Yat-sen –

145. People’s Principles – 146. Nationalist Party – 147. Chiang Kai-shek –

148. Simon Bolivar –

149. Jose de San Martin

150. King John VI –

151. King Pedro/Pedro II-

152. Catholic Church in Latin America

153. Russification-

154. Czar Nicholas II-

155. Duma

156. Indian National Congress-

157. Mohandas Gandhi- 158. Creoles- 159. Mestizos- 160. Mulattoes-

161. Marxism-

162. - 163. Conservatism-

164. Anarchism-

165. Victor Emmanuel II- 166. Giuseppi Garibaldi-

167. Otto von Bismarck- 168. King William II-

169. First/Second Reich-

170. Irish home rule- 171. Second and Third Reform Acts

172. Fourth Republic- 173. Dreyfus Affair- 174. Augsleich-

175. Crimean War-

176. Tokugawa Shogunate- 177. samurai- 178. stratified society-

179. - 180. hereditary privileges- 181. Constitution of 1890-

182. Diet-

183. social hierarchy-

184. Mary Wolstonecraft 185. “Women Question”- 186. “cult of true womanhood”-

187. early phases of feminist reform- 188. later phases of feminist reform- 189. “dismal science”- 190. Essay on Population/Thomas Malthus-

191. Iron Law of Wages/-

192. - 193. -

194. Eastern Question- 195. “sick man of Europe”-

196. literacy rates-

197. Fridrich Nietzche-

198. Romanticism-

199. Realism-

200. Cecil Rhodes- Britain/Africa –

201. economic imperialism –

202. la mission civilisatrice –

203. British East India Company – 204. “sun never sets on the British empire” –

206. Sepoy Mutiny –

207. zamindars –

208. infrastructure -

209. civil service exam –

210. sati -

211. thuggee -

212. sectarian strife –

213. -

214. Singapore - 215. King Chulalongkorn - 216. Spanish American War -

217. “sleeping dragon” –

218. bullion -

219. “unequal treaties” -

220. Christian missionaries –

221. footbinding –

222. White Lotus -

223. Taping Rebellion –

224. Hong Xiuquan - ),

225. Open Door Policy -

226. - 227. Henry Puyi –

228. “Dark Continent” -

229. “Scramble for Africa” -

230. Conference -

231. Liberia/ -

232. Coptic Christian Kingdom

233. Ashanti Kingdom - 234. Boers/Afrikaners –

235. Boer War -

236. Shaka Zulu 237. African National Congress - 238. Muhammad Ali –

239. Suez Canal -

240. quinine/malaria - 241. intertribal warfare – 242. Belgium – Congo -

243. “Great Game” -

244. -

245. Young Turks -

246. Anglo-Egyptian Administration - 247. Mahdi -

248. “Long Peace” –

249. Alliance System -

250. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine -

251. Panama Canal -

252. Spanish-American War – 253. Jingoism -

254. Modernization Theory –

255. Dependency Theory –

256. Marxist Theory –

229. “Scramble for Africa” -

230. Berlin Conference -

231. Liberia/Ethiopia -

232. Coptic Christian Kingdom -

233. Ashanti Kingdom -

234. Boers/Afrikaners – The Boer Wars was the name given to the South African Wars of 1880-1 and 1899-1902, that were fought between the British and

236. Shaka Zulu - 237. African National Congress - 238. Muhammad Ali –

239. Suez Canal -

240. quinine/malaria - 241. intertribal warfare –

genocide social Darwinism communism populism capitalism collective security embargo information revolution world depression Mohandas Gandhi Vladimir Lenin Margaret Thatcher Mikhail Gorbachev Gamal Nasser Nelson Mandela Mao Tse Tung Akio Morita Bill Gates Walt Disney Allied Powers Anschluss appeasement British Commonwealth Central Powers Holocaust League of Nations mandate Pan-Slavic movement reparations Russification Spanish Civil War Treaty of Brest-Litovsk nationalism imperialism Afrikaners Alliance for Progress apartheid ayatollah coalition collectivization Five Year Plans Geneva Conference Government of India Act Guomindang Korean Conflict kulaks May Fourth Movement New Economic Policy nonalignment North Atlantic Treaty Organization purges Red Guard Sandinistas Six-Day War Solidarity Tiananmen Square Al-Qaeda cartels International Monetary Fund Persian World Bank Euro European Economic Community

European Union import substitution industrialization

McDonaldization North American Organization – NAFTA Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) World Trade Organization (WTO) deoxyribonucleic acid Hubble Space Telescope International Space Station service industries Sputnik cubism evangelical Kabuki theater mass National Organization for Women (NOW) No theater welfare state Green Revolution guest workers ozone depletion Ethnic cleansing Armenian genocide Bosnia Nuremberg war crimes trial Limited War UN police action "Powder keg of Europe" massive retaliation General Francisco Franco Star Wars Strategic Defense Initiative Third Reich , Central Powers Triple Entente, the Allies total war Muhammad Ali Jinnah Muslim League India/Pakistan Jomo Kenyatta Kwame Nkrumah Julius Nyerere Persian Gulf States Collapse of the Berlin Wall Desalinization Multinational National Congress Party Nongovernmental organization Pacific Rim Fundamentalist jihad Palestine/ Northern Ireland Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Germany's "blank check" Schlieffen Plan Eastern and Western Fronts trench warfare submarine warfare economic mobilization of home front women in the workplace women and the vote Woodrow Wilson Fourteen Points War guilt clause February Revolution Provisional Government October Revolution Leon Trotsky Great Purges gulags Benito Mussolini Italian Fascist Party March on Rome Weimar Republic Enabling Act Nurember Laws Young Turks Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Reza Shah Pahlavi Balfour Declaration Ibn Saud Sun Yat-sen Yuan Shikai Chinese Communist Party Chiang Kai-shek - Nanjing Republic

Emperor Taisho Long March Kita Ikki Japanese invasion of Manchuria Emperor Hidiki Tojo Rape of Nanking Amritsar Massacre Good Neighbor Policy US foreign policy - Latin America

International Party

Lazaro Cardenas Getulio Vargas Hipolito Irigoyen Juan and Eva Peron occupation of Rhineland Munich Conference Nazi-Soviet Pact invasion of blitzkrieg Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Pearl Harbor Operation Overlord strategic bombing Wannsee Conference Auschwitz-Birkenau superpowers Cold War partition of Germany Nikita Khrushchev nuclear mutually assured destruction Soviet invasion of and

Bay of Pigs Sino-Soviet Split détente Afghan War European Coal and Steel Community

Charles de Gaulle Francois Mitterand Helmut Kohl national liberation Camp David Accords Yasser Arafat - Palestine Liberation Organization Menachem Begin intifada Ayatollah Khomeini Saddam Hussein of Independence African National Congress Desmond Tutu Idi Amin Patrice Lumumba AIDS/HIV epidemic Indira Gandhi "" - Sukarno Postwar of Japan

Liberal Democrats Taiwan and Kuomintang Kim Il Sung Deng Xiaoping Che Guevera Modern versus postmodern culture

Bretton Woods Energy Crunch of the 1970s G-8 Summit standard of living disparity - developed vs. developing north-south split consumerism population growth - trends migration of peoples nationalism and ethnic violence women's movements, feminism, women's liberation stream of consciousness abstract and surrealist art existentialism mass media popular culture Diego Rivera Lo Hsun Rabindranath Tagore Wole Soyinka Chinua Achebe Isabel Allende Salman Rushdie Albert Einstein - theory of relativitity quantum physics rocketry and space exploration biotechnology, DNA, and genetics computer technology, Internet, WWW "global village" - Marshall McLuhan stagnation in the Andrei Sakharov Lech Walesa and Solidarity Deng Xiaoping Chernobyl Collapse of the Soviet Union Boris Yeltsin Nuclear club Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty weapons of mass destruction - nuclear, bio, chem Gulf War Rise of China nationalist extremism Yugoslav Wars (Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo) Hutu-Tutsi conflict East Timor Environmentalism Green Movement Global Warming

Sophomore Key Terms

The Middle East in Transition

Introduction and Part I


Oil Reserves:










Territorial Claims:





Political Islamist:


International System:

Part II



The :

Weapons of mass destruction:

Al Qaeda:

Post traumatic stress disorder:




Human rights:


The Challenge of Nuclear Weapons



National Security:

Part I

Nuclear Terrorism:


Conventional weapons:






Military Alliance:



Great power:





Arms Control:

Grass Roots:

Part II


Biological and chemical weapons:



Industrializing Countries:

Intelligence Analysts:


Diplomatic engagement:

Indian Independence and the Question of Pakistan

Introduction and Part I











Part II



Separate electorates:








Interim government;






The United Nations: Challenges and Change

Part I

International community:

State Sovereignty:

Collective Security:




Territorial Integrity:


Human Rights:









Part II





Civil Conflict:



Peace Enforcement:


Humanitarian Aid:

Regional Organizations:

Nuclear Proliferation:



Ethnic Cleansing:


China on the World Stage

Introduction and Part I

Private enterprise:


State-run enterprise:



Sphere of Influence:


Cold War:







Foreign Policy:





Part II




Economic Growth Rate:

Centrally :

Foreign Investment:

Free Market:







Dictatorship of the proletariat:


Part II

Nuclear Arsenal:


Economic refugees:

Trade Deficit:

Free Trade:

Intellectual Property Rights:


Most favored nation status:

Chemical and Biological weapons:

Open Society:

Arms Race:


International Trade

Introduction and Part I

Economic downturn:

Banking system:

Great Depression:



Comparative Advantage:






Import quotas:

Infant Industries:

Free trade:


Stock Market:

International institutions:





Financial Markets:


Trade Deficits:



Intellectual Property rights:


Part II


Developing countries:

Trade Sanctions:


Budget deficit:



Confronting Genocide

Introduction and Part I

Ethnic origin:


International Community:



Open diplomacy:

Crimes against peace:

Crimes against humanity:

Sovereign States:



Humanitarian relief:

Economic Sanctions:

Part II




Official :







Jewish Ghettos:



Displace person:

Economic Embargo:

Shifting Sands

Introduction and Part I

Containing Communism:

Balance of Power:

U.S :

Industrial Revolution:


International System;



Oil Reserves:



Cold War:



Soviet Influence:


Oil Embargo:

Military Assistance:

World Oil Market:

Imported Oil:


Economic output:


International Peacekeeping:

Economic Recovery:


Rule of Law:


Part II

Chemical weapons:


Human Rights:


Economic Sanctions:

Air Strikes:

Weapons of mass Destruction:

Full statehood:



A.P. U.S. History Key Terms From America: Past and Present

Chapter 1: Encounters (p. 2-28)

Smallpox Agricultural Revolution Columbian Exchange Conquistadores Columbus Treaty of Tordesillas Encomienda system French Calvinism Roanoke

Chapter 2: New World Experiments: England’s 17th Century Colonies (p. 30-58)

Chesapeake – Joint-Stock Company – Jamestown – John Smith – Tobacco – House of Burgesses – Headright system – Indentured Servants – Powhatan Confederacy – Maryland – Mayflower Compact – Puritans – John Winthrop – John Cotton – Anne Hutchinson – Thomas Hooker – Middle Colonies – Quakers – George Fox – William Penn – Carolinas – Georgia –

Chapter 3: Putting Down Roots: Opportunity & Oppression in Colonial Society (p. 60- 84)

New England Primer – Tribalism – Yeomen – Chesapeake – Indentured Servants – Tobacco – African slaves – Mercantilism – Enumerated Goods – – Sir William Berkeley – Bacon’s Rebellion – Congregationalists – Salem Witch Craft Trials – Increase Mather –

Chapter 4: Experience of Empire: 18th Century America (p. 92-121)

Backcountry – Transportation Act – Middle Ground – St. Augustine – Mestizos – Enlightenment – Philosophe – Triangular Trade – Great Awakening – Jonathon Edwards – George Whitefield – Itinerant preachers – Old Light – Royal governors – Albany Plan – French and Indian War – 1763 Treaty of Paris – William Pitt –

Chapter 5: The : From Elite to Popular Revolt, 1763-1783 (p. 124-154)

Southern Colonies – Middle Colonies – New England Colonies – = George III – Whigs – Parliamentary Sovereignty – Virtual Representation – Loyalists – John Locke – Pontiac’s Rebellion – George Grenville – Sugar Act – Stamp Act – Virginia Resolves – Stamp Act Congress – Sons of Liberty – Declaratory Act – Townshend Acts – Quartering Act – Boston Massacre – Committee of Correspondence – Boston Tea Party – Coercive Acts – First Continental Congress – Suffolk Resolves – Second Continental Congress – Prohibitory Act – Common Sense – Independence Day – Saratoga – Yorktown – 1783 Treaty of Paris –

Chapter 6: The Republican Experiment (p. 156-184)

Republican – Primogeniture and entail – John Woolman – Phillis Wheatley – Richard Allen – Natural rights – Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania – Articles of Confederation – Robert Morris – 1785 Land Ordinance – Ordinance of 1787 – Nationalists – Baron de Montesquieu – Shays’s Rebellion – Virginia Plan – New Jersey Plan – Electoral College – Federalist – Antifederalist – The Federalist – Bill of Rights – Three-Fifths Compromise – Chapter 7: Democracy in Distress – The Violence of Party Politics, 1788-1800 (p. 190- 214)

Judiciary Act of 1789 – John Jay – Thomas Jefferson – Alexander Hamilton – Bank of the United States – French Revolution – Citizen Genet – Jay’s Treaty – Treaty of Greenville – Pinckney’s Treaty – Newspapers – Whiskey Rebellion – Farewell Address (1796) – Quasi War – XYZ Affair – Navy – Alien and Sedition Acts – Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions – John Marshall –

Chapter 8: Republican Ascendancy: The Jeffersonian Vision (p. 218-244)

Samuel Slater – Robert Fulton – James Madison – Albert Gallatin – Louisiana Purchase – Lewis and Clark – Sacajawea – Barbary War – Judiciary Act of 1801 – Marbury v. Madison – Samuel Chase – Yazoo Controversy – Aaron Burr – Chesapeake Incident – Embargo Act (1807) – Tippecanoe Creek – War Hawks – War of 1812 – Fort McHenry – Hartford Convention – Treaty of

Chapter 9: Nation Building and Nationalism (p. 246-270)

Rush-Bagot Agreement – Adams-Onis Treaty – John Jacob Astor – Chief Black Hawk – Indian Removal – Preemption – James Fenimore Cooper – National Road – Erie Canal – Eli Whitney – Era of Good Feelings – American System – Second Bank of the United States – Missouri Compromise – John Marshall – Dartmouth College v. Woodward – McCullough v. Maryland – Gibbons v. Ogden – Monroe Doctrine – John Quincy Adams –

Chapter 10: The Triumph of White Men’s Democracy (p. 272-297)

Romanticism – Literature – – Jacksonian Democracy – “Corrupt Bargain” – Tariff of Abominations – Revolution of 1828 – Spoils System Indian Removal – Cherokee – Trail of Tears – “Peculiar Institution” – Nullification Crisis – John C. Calhoun – – Nicholas Biddle – Whigs – Specie Circular – – Second Party System – Alexis de Tocqueville –

Chapter 11: Slaves & Masters (p. 300-236)

Nat Turner’s Rebellion – William Lloyd Garrison – Old South – Cotton Belt (or Black Belt) – Spirituals – African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church – Invisible Institution – Vesey Conspiracy – Underground Railroad – Antebellum – Planters – Paternalism – Harriet Beecher Stowe – Yeoman – American Colonization Society – King Cotton – Tobacco – Cotton Gin –

Chapter 12: The Pursuit of Perfection (p. 328-353)

Charles Finney – Second Great Awakening – Unitarians – Lyman Beecher – Temperance Movement – Cult of Domesticity – “Child-Centered” – Horace Mann – McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers – Prisons – Dorothea Dix – American Colonization Society – William Lloyd Garrison – Theodore Weld – Elijah Lovejoy – The Liberty Party – Frederick Douglass – Seneca Falls Convention – Shakers – Oneida Community – Transcendentalism – Ralph Waldo Emerson – Brook Farm – Henry David Thoreau –

Chapter 13: An Age of Expansion (p. 358-384)

Young America – Walt Whitman – Herman Melville – Webster-Ashburton Treaty – Alamo – Sam Houston – Oregon Trail – Joseph Smith – Manifest Destiny – James K. Polk – John O’Sullivan – “Fifty-four forty or fight” – John Fremont – The Mexican War – Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – Gadsden Purchase – Samuel Morse – Charles Goodyear –

Chapter 14: The Sectional Crisis (p. 386-416)

Sumner-Brooks Affair – William Lloyd Garrison – Free-Soil Party – Wilmot Proviso – Lewis Cass – Popular Sovereignty – Compromise of 1850 – Fugitive Slave Law – Kansas- Act – Ostend Manifesto – Know-Nothing Party – Republican Party – Bleeding Kansas (Bleeding Sumner) – Uncle Tom’s Cabin – Dred Scot vs. Sandford – Stephen Douglas – Freeport Doctrine – John Brown – Election of 1860 –

Chapter 15: Secession and the Civil War (p. 418-447)

Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 – South Carolina – Jefferson Davis – Crittenden compromise – Fort Sumter – Richmond, Virginia – Total war – Anaconda policy – Martial law – George McClellan – Sharpsburg – Antietam – King Cotton Diplomacy – Emancipation Proclamation – Copperheads – Gettysburg – Sherman’s March to the Sea – Appomattox – John Wilkes Booth –

Chapter 16: The Agony of Reconstruction (p. 459-478)

Ten Percent Plan – Radical Republicans – Wade-Davis Bill – Andrew Johnson – Thirteenth Amendment – Black Codes – Freedmen’s Bureau – Fourteenth Amendment – Radical Reconstruction – Tenure of Office Act – Sharecropping – Carpetbaggers – Scalawags – Greenbackers – Fifteenth Amendment – Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony – Ku Klux Klan – The Force Acts – Crédit Mobilier Scandal – Whiskey Ring – Belknap Impeachment – Tammany Hall – Compromise of 1877 – Redeemers – Jim Crow laws – Civil Rights Act (1875) – Birth of a Nation –

Chapter 17: The West (p. 480-507)

Horace Greeley – Great Plains – Buffalo – Sand Creek/Chivington – Sitting Bull – Ghost Dance – Wounded Knee Massacre – Assimilationists – Carlisle Indian School – Dawes (Severalty) Act – “Buffalo Bill” Cody – Overland Trail – Homestead Act of 1862 – National Reclamation Act (Newlands Act) – Comstock Lode – Mining Camps – Vaqueros – Barbed wire – Dry farming – Boomers & Sooners – Turner’s Thesis –

Chapter 18: The Industrial Society (p. 510-537)

Railroad – Crédit Mobilier Scandal – Trunk lines – Transcontinental railroad – Cornelius Vanderbilt – J.P. Morgan – Bessemer process – Vertical integration – Andrew Carnegie – John D. Rockefeller – Trust ( organization) – Cyrus Field – Alexander Graham Bell – Thomas Alva Edison – Chain store – Chinese Exclusion Act – Horatio Alger – Knights of Labor – American Federation of Labor (AFL) – Haymarket Riot – Homestead Strike –

Chapter 19: Toward an Urban Society, 1877-1900 (p. 539-570)

Frank Lloyd Wright – Jacob Riis – Ellis Island – Immigration Restriction League – Tammany Hall – Boss Tweed – WASP – Victorian Morality – Dwight Moody – Mugwumps – Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) – Baseball – John L.Sullivan – Cult of domesticity – Susan B. Anthony – McGuffey’s Eclectic Readers – Plessy vs. Ferguson – Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 – W.E.B. DuBois – Booker T. Washington – Clarence Darrow – Social Darwinism – Social Gospel – Hull House – Melting Pot –

Chapter 20: Political Realignment in the 1890’s (p. 572-598)

Poll Tax – Grandfather Clause – Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) – Bland-Allison (Silver Purchase) Act – Disappearing Quorum – Sherman Antitrust Act – (National) Farmer’s Alliance (and Industrial Union) – People’s (Populist) Party – – Pullman Strike – The United Mine Workers – Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act – Horatio Alger – Realism – Red Badge of Courage – Jack – The Wizard of Oz (as a political statement) – William McKinley – William Jennings Bryan –

Chapter 21: Toward Empire (p. 600-624)

Rough Riders – Isolationism – Imperialism – Origin of the Species – Josiah Strong – Seward’s Folly – Monroe Doctrine – Annexation of Hawaii – Alfred Mahan – Spanish-American War – Yellow Journalism – U.S.S. Maine – DeLome Letter – Teller Amendment – Treaty of Paris – Anti-Imperialist League – Philippine-American War – Foraker Act – Platt Amendment – Spheres of Influence – Open Door Policy –

Chapter 22: The Progressive Era (p. 626-651)

Ida Tarbell – Muckrakers – Progressivism – Henry Ford – Trusts – Standard Oil Company – J.P. Morgan – Scientific Labor Management – Triangle Shirtwaist Company – Newlands Act of 1902 – Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Act – Margaret Sanger – Peons – W.E.B. DuBois – Niagara Movement – NAACP Birds of passage – WTUL (Women’s Trade Union League) – Angel Island – American Federation of Labor – IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) – Amoskeag – Modern urban zoning – NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) – Birth of a Nation – Vaudeville – Jazz – Artistic Experimentation –

Chapter 23: From Roosevelt to Wilson in the age of progressivism (p. 654-683)

Theodore Roosevelt – Progressivism’s Characteristics – AMA (American Medical Association) and the National Education Association – Social-Justice Movement – Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) & the Anti-Saloon League – Eighteenth Amendment – National American Woman Suffrage Association – Nineteenth Amendment – William James – John Dewey – Brandeis brief – Eugene V. Debs – Groups – Regulatory Commissions – Initiative, Referendum, & Recall – Seventeenth Amendment – Wisconsin Idea – Gifford Pinchot – Department of Commerce and Labor – Northern Securities Company – Trust-Buster – Square Deal – Elkins Act – Hepburn Act – The Jungle – Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) – William Jennings Bryan – Payne-Aldrich Act – Ballinger-Pinchot Affair – Mann-Elkins Act (1910) – Progressive Party – New Nationalism – New Freedom – Underwood Tariff Act (1913) – Sixteenth Amendment – Act – Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914) – Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916 – Adamson Act (1916) – Keating-Owen Act – Revenue Act of 1916 – Muller v. Oregon –

Chapter 24: The Nation at War () (p. 688-716)

Lusitania – Panama Canal – Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty (1903) – Roosevelt Corollary (1904) – Taft-Katsura Agreement (1905) – Gentleman’s Agreement (1907) – Root-Takahira Agreement (1908) – Dollar Diplomacy – Moral Diplomacy – William Jennings Bryan – Pancho Villa – Jingoism – Franz Ferdinand – Central Powers of WWI – Allied Powers of WWI – U-Boat – Sussex Pledge (1916) – Election of 1916 – Zimmerman Telegram (1916) – John J. “Black Jack” Pershing – Selective Service Act (1917) – Trench Warfare – Armistice – Committee on Public Information (CPI) – Espionage Act of 1917 – Sedition Act (1918) – War Industries Board – Food Administration – Fuel Administration – War Labor Board – Fourteen Points – Self-Determination – The Big Four – Treaty of Versailles – Irreconcilables – Mild Reservationists – Strong Reservationists –

Chapter 25: Transition to Modern America (The 20’s) (p. 718-747)

Mass production – Second – Automobile Industry – Corporate Mergers – Skyscrapers – Nineteenth Amendment – Sheppard-Towner Act of 1921 – Flappers – Prohibition – Sports in the 20’s – F. Scott Fitzgerald – Boosterism – Jazz – Harlem Renaissance – Langston Hughes – Marcus Garvey – – Sacco and Vanzetti – Bootleggers – Ku Klux Klan – Henry Cabot Lodge – National Origins Quota Act (1924) – G.O.P. – Warren G. Harding – Charles Evans Hughes – Teapot Dome Scandal – Calvin Coolidge – Herbert Hoover – Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act (1922) – Andrew Mellon – Robert La Follette – Democratic Party’s Characteristics – Scopes “Monkey” Trial –

Chapter 26: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal (p. 748-775)

New Deal – Bull Market – Black Thursday – Herbert Hoover – Boulder Dam – Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) – Bonus Army – First Hundred Days – Fireside Chats – Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) – National Recovery Act (NRA) – Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) – Dust Bowl – – Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) – Works Progress Administration (WPA) – Father Charles Coughlin – Francis Townsend – Huey “Kingfish” Long – Social Security Act (1935) – Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act) – Fair Labor Standards Act – United Automobile Workers – Marian Anderson – Indian Reorganization Act (1934) – Election of 1936 – Eleanor Roosevelt – “Court packing” scheme – Roosevelt

Chapter 27: America & the World, 1921-1945 (p . 776-804)

Kellogg-Briand Pact – Hawley-Smoot Tariff – Bolsheviks – Good Neighbor Policy – Manchuria – Washington Conference – Isolationism – National Socialist Party – Ethiopia – Axis Powers – Pacifist Movement – Neutrality Acts – Nazi-Soviet Pact – Blitzkrieg – Destroyer Deal with Britain – Lend-Lease Act – Tripartite Pact – Pearl Harbor – Combined Chiefs of Staff – Charles deGaulle – Vichy Regime – Casablanca Conference – Dwight Eisenhower – Stalingrad – Midway – War Production – Rationing – Baby Boom – Latchkey children – A. Philip Randolph – Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) – Fiorello LaGuardia – Zoot Suit Riots – Japanese-American Internment – Nisei – Harry Truman – D-Day – The Big Three – Yalta Conference – Manhattan Project – Hiroshima and Nagasaki –

Chapter 28: The Onset of the Cold War (p. 806-833) Potsdam Conference – The Cold War – Iron Curtain – Spheres of Influence – Lend-Lease Act – – Containment – Truman Doctrine – Marshall Plan (European Recovery Program) – North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – Berlin Blockade – Berlin Airlift (1948-1949) – National Security Act – Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – National Security Council (NSC) – NSC-68 (1950) – Chiang Kai-Shek – Mao Tse-tung – – Douglas MacArthur (role in the Korean War) – Taft-Hartley Act – Dixiecrats – House Un-American Activities (HUAC) – Alger Hiss – Ethel and Julius Rosenberg – McCarthyism – Joseph McCarthy – Presidential Elections of 1952 & 1956 – Adlai Stevenson – John Foster Dulles – Massive Retaliation – Dien Bien Phu – – Covert Actions – Fidel Castro – Hydrogen Bomb – Nikita Khrushchev – Sputnik – ICBM’s (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) – U-2 plane – Military-industrial complex –

Chapter 29: Affluence and Anxiety (p. 836-854)

Levittown – Baby Boom – Miracle Mile – Benjamin Spock – Consumerism – Television – The Lonely Crowd – Jack Kerouac – Beatniks (beat poets) – Abstract Expressionism – Jackson Pollock – Mark Rothko – Sputnik (1957) – National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) – National Defense Act (NDEA) – Fair Deal – Modern Republicanism – Highway Act of 1956 – Segregation – Truman – Desegregation of the armed forces (1948) – Thurgood Marshall – Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education – Little Rock Nine – Rosa Parks – Montgomery Bus Boycott – Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) – Passive Resistance – Woolworth’s lunch counters – Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) –

Chapter 30: The Turbulent Sixties (p. 856-889)

New Frontier – Flexible Response – Khrushchev – Berlin Wall – Peace Corps – Bay of Pigs – Fidel Castro – Cuban Missile Crisis – Robert F. Kennedy – Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) – Brown vs. Topeka Board of Education – Freedom Ride – George Wallace – March on Washington – Earl Warren – Miranda v. Arizona – 1964 Civil Rights Act – War on – Barry Goldwater – Great Society – Medicare – Voting Rights Act of 1965 – Robert McNamara – Gulf of Tonkin resolution – My Lai – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) – Woodstock – Stokely Carmichael – Cesar Chávez – Betty Friedan – National Organization for Women (NOW) –

Chapter 31: A Crisis in Confidence, 1969-1980 (p. 892-918)

Pentagon Papers – CREEP – – Détente – SALT I – Kent State University Tragedy – – George Wallace – American Independent Party – Spiro Agnew – OPEC – The October War – Oil Shocks – EPA – ERA – NOW – Roe v. Wade – Stonewall Riots – Gay Liberation Movement – “National Malaise” – War Powers Act – Sandinistas – Camp David Accords – Iranian Hostage Crisis – – SALT II – Zbigniew Brzezinski –

Chapter 32: The Republican Resurgence, 1980-1992 (p. 926-954)

Engel v. Vitale – Moral Majority – Neoconservatism – Supply-side economics – Deregulation – Gramm-Rudman – Walter Mondale – B-2 – The “evil empire” – Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) – Sandinistas – Contras – Grenada – Iron-Contra affair – Oliver (Ollie) North – Mikhail Gorbachev – Glasnost – Perestroika – Intermediate Nuclear Forces agreement – AIDS – Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) – William Rehnquist – Clarence Thomas – George H.W. Bush – Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – Tiananmen Square – Lech Walesa – Boris Yeltsin – START I & START II – Manuel Noriega – Saddam Hussein – Desert Shield – Desert Storm –

Chapter 33: America in Flux (p. 960-995)

Alan Greenspan – Sunbelt – Hispanic Population – Undocumented Aliens – Rodney King – Project RACE (Reclassify All Children Equally) – Election of 1992 – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – Contract with Americas – Newt Gingrich – Whitewater affair – Bosnia and Kosovo – Violence in the 90s – World Trade Organization (WTO) – Monica Lewinsky – Y2K – Election of 2000 – No Child Left Behind – Enron – Dot.com – 9/11 – War on terrorism – Department of Homeland Security – Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) –

AP Government Final Exam Review Guide

Constitutional Underpinnings Articles of Confederation, Shay’s Rebellion, New Jersey Plan, Virginia Plan, Great Compromise, 3/5’s Compromise, Federalists, Antifederalists, Federalist Papers, Bill of Rights, federalism, dual federalism, judicial review, representative democracy, delegated powers, reserved powers, concurrent powers, full faith and credit clause, privileges and immunities clause, extradition, supremacy clause, categorical grants, block grants, separation of powers, checks and balances, veto, override, amendment, ratify, establishment clause, selective incorporation, cabinet, governor, line-item veto, pardons and reprieves, bicameral legislature, revenue sharing

Federalism Block grants, categorical grants, commerce clause, devolution, marble cake federalism, layer cake federalism, funded mandates, new federalism, unfunded mandates

Public Opinion and the Media Public opinion, random sampling, exit polls, Gallup poll, political socialization, liberal ideology, conservative ideology, news media, public agenda, Civil Rights Act of 1964, fairness doctrine, literacy laws, media bias, Motor Voter Act of 1993, party identification, sampling error, Voting Rights Act of 1965

Political Parties, Interest Groups and PAC’s Political parties, two-party system, primary elections, bolter parties, doctrinal parties, single-issue parties, independent candidates, platform, national convention, soft , split-ticket voting, party dealignment, party realignment, divided government, critical election, coalition, amicus curiae briefs, class action suits, Federal Election Campaign Act, political action committees, two-party system, New Democrat, Reagan democrats, Religious Right, campaign finance reform, elite and class theory, Freedom of Information Act, pluralism, hyperpluralism, hard money

Campaigns and Elections Nominations, general elections, closed primary, open primary, blanket primary, plurality, runoff primary, super-delegates, federal match funds, Super Tuesday, front-loading, Federal Election Commission, brokered conventions, winner-take- all system, mandate, Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, caucus, coattails, 15th amendment, 19th amendment, 26th amendment, Citizens United v FEC

Institutions of Government Congress Census, reapportionment, gerrymandering, congressional district, legislative oversight, House Rules Committee, filibuster, cloture, pork barrel, conference committee, standing committee, joint committee, select committee, pocket veto, pigeonhole, discharge petition, Speaker of the House, president pro tempore, majority leader, minority leader, Baker v Carr, franking, gridlock, incumbents

Presidency Executive agreements, commander in chief, Gulf of Tonkin resolution, War Powers Act, chief of staff, Office of Management and Budget, cabinet, impeachment, National Security Council, chief executive, executive order, executive privilege, imperial presidency, line item veto, 25th amendment

Judiciary Original jurisdiction, appellate jurisdiction, senatorial courtesy, judicial review, judicial restraint, judicial activism, Marbury v Madison, writ of certiorari, justicable, standing, Burger court, civil law, common law, criminal law, Fletcher v Peck, Gibbon v Ogden, McCulloch v Maryland, Rehnquist court, stare decis, Warren court

Bureaucracy Regulatory agency, bureaucrat, Federal Reserve Board, iron triangle, issue network, civil service system, Hatch Act, Independent executive agency, Pendleton Act, REGO

Public Policy Social welfare policy, incrementalism, policy fragmentation, policy implementation, agenda setting, issue-attention cycle, , laissez-faire economics, , fiscal policy monetary policy, trade deficit, deficit spending, Federal Reserve System, supply-side economics, Congressional Budget Office, mandatory spending, discretionary spending, entitlement programs, Medicare, Social Security, food stamps, supplemental public assistance programs, Welfare Reform Act, Consumer Price Index, Gross National Product, open market, Wagner Act, deficit spending, culture of poverty, flat tax, progressive tax, regressive tax, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, energy dependent, Environmental Protection Agency, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Antiballistic Missile Treaty, Cold War, collective security, containment, détente, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Marshall Plan, NAFTA, Truman Doctrine

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Civil right, civil liberty, selective incorporation, 14th amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, slander, libel, establishment clause, free exercise clause, obscenity, preferred position doctrine, prior restraint, rights of the accused, double jeopardy, unreasonable search and seizure, probable cause, exclusionary rule, objective good faith, inevitable discovery rule, cruel and unusual punishment, implied right to privacy, due process, Jim Crow laws, poll tax, grandfather clause, Civil Rights Act of 1964, de facto segregation, de jure segregation, affirmative action, Equal Rights Amendment, clear and present danger doctrine, Gitlow v New York, Miranda rights, Americans with Disabilities Act 1991, Immigration Act of 1991