Clinical Images a Quarterly Column
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The Ochsner Journal 15:8–10, 2015 Ó Academic Division of Ochsner Clinic Foundation Clinical Images A Quarterly Column Rare Neonatal Look at Chiari II Thoracic Myelomeningocele Tyler Sandow, MD,1 James Milburn, MD,1 Juanita Garces, MD,2 Edison Valle, MD,2 Cuong Bui, MD2 1Department of Radiology, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA 2Department of Neurosurgery, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA INTRODUCTION bodies (Figure 2), consistent with Chiari II malforma- Chiari II malformation is a complex constellation of tion. findings resulting from an open neural tube defect MRI of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine that may manifest with malformations of the skull, also demonstrated findings consistent with Chiari II dura, hindbrain, cerebellum, midbrain, posterior ce- malformation. Multiple vertebral body segmentation rebrum, and spinal cord. An uncommonly imaged yet anomalies were seen, including a right T8 hemi- defining characteristic of the Chiari II malformation is a vertebra and a T5 butterfly vertebra. Marked dextro- myelomeningocele. scoliotic curvature of the thoracolumbar spine was noted, most pronounced at the level of the T8 HISTORY hemivertebra. A 1.2 cm posterior defect was seen A preterm, 31-week gestational age, infant male originating at the level of T8. Posterior herniation of presented at birth with macrocephaly and a thoracic the spinal cord was noted at this level with extension myelomeningocele. The patient was born to a 33- beyond the soft tissues into a 3 3 2 cm cystic sac, year-old gravida 3 para 3 mother who had received compatible with a myelomeningocele (Figure 3A and limited prenatal care. Physical examination demon- 3B). The spinal cord reentered the spinal canal strated macrocephaly with bulging anterior fontanelle, through the defect and terminated within the spinal scoliosis, adactyly with a single digit right foot, canal at the level of T12. No evidence of diastema- spontaneous bilateral upper extremity and lower tomyelia was seen. extremity movements, and a thoracic myelomeningo- cele. SURGERY The patient was taken for myelomeningocele RADIOGRAPHIC APPEARANCE AND closure and shunt placement shortly after imaging. TREATMENT The two primary goals of surgery were to repair the Given the patient’s clinical appearance, magnetic spinal defects and exposed neural elements and to resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and spine was divert the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to treat the obtained shortly after delivery. MRI of the brain hydrocephalus. Although the repair of a thoracic-level demonstrated marked ventriculomegaly with the defect such as in this patient is much more challeng- choroid plexus floating in the enlarged lateral ventri- ing than the usual lumbar/sacral myelomeningoceles, cles (Figure 1). The bilateral basal ganglia demon- the same basic principles and steps apply: (1) strated increased separation, and the corpus dissection of the placode free from skin elements, callosum was not well established. Given this appear- (2) restoration of relatively normal spinal cord anato- ance, findings favored a diagnosis of callosal agen- my and position of the spinal canal, (3) a dura or dura- esis or callosal dysgenesis. Tectal beaking was also like closure, and (4) extensive soft tissue dissection to noted. A small posterior fossa was seen with widening enable a primary skin closure. The hydrocephalus of the foramen magnum and significant tonsillar was addressed with a standard ventriculoperitoneal herniation to the level of the C3 and C4 vertebral shunt placement immediately after the closure. The 8 The Ochsner Journal Sandow, T Figure 1. Axial T2 fast spin echo magnetic resonance image Figure 2. Sagittal T2 fast spin echo magnetic resonance of the brain demonstrates extensive dilatation of the lateral image demonstrates a small posterior fossa with cerebellar (large arrows) and third ventricles (small arrow). The corpus tonsillar herniation extending through the foramen magnum callosum is not clearly established, suggesting callosal to the level of the third cervical vertebral body (arrow). agenesis or callosal dysgenesis. tic or fenestrated falx is another common finding, patient tolerated both procedures well without com- possibly secondary to chronic hydrocephalus and plication. resulting in interdigitation of parasagittal cerebral gyri.2 DISCUSSION Myelomeningoceles are seen in virtually all cases Chiari II is a complex malformation of the brain of Chiari II malformation,1 and improved surgical and spine secondary to an open neural tube defect. techniques have demonstrated improved outcomes Myelomeningocele, the key component of Chiari II in these patients. Radiologic evaluation plays a key malformations, is seen in approximately 0.4 of every role in the intrauterine diagnosis of Chiari II malfor- 1,000 live births, and associated hydrocephalus is mation, which may lead to intrauterine repair.5 noted in 85%-90% of patients.1 The findings manifest Intrauterine diagnosis of myelomeningocele formation during the fourth week of fetal life because of failure of can help stratify patients based on myelomeningocele neural tube closure, resulting in CSF escape and vertebral level, and stratification can help predict insufficient cerebral ventricular expansion. A pressure clinical outcomes such as leg function and shunt- gradient is created between intracranial and intraspi- dependent hydrocephalus.6 Patients with inferior nal spaces. In turn, reduced intraspinal CSF pres- myelomeningocele levels demonstrate lower and sures lead to abnormal neural development.2 delayed incidences of shunt-dependent hydrocepha- Cerebral manifestations include a small posterior lus.7 While MRI and ultrasound have demonstrated fossa with parenchymal crowding that can lead to a similar accuracy in determining myelomeningocele widened foramen magnum and tonsillar herniation as vertebral level, MRI has been shown to provide seen in our patient.3 Tectal beaking is another additional detail about intracranial abnormalities that distinguishing characteristic of Chiari II malforma- may assist the family’s decision to proceed with tion3,4 and may relate to compression by the temporal intrauterine repair.6 lobes, as well as the rostral-caudal pressure gradient, Although many myelomeningoceles are now that leads to stretching of the tectum in a posterior diagnosed and treated in utero, our case presents a and inferior fashion.2 Additional supratentorial abnor- rare postgestational look at this distinguishing char- malities are also commonly seen, including hypopla- acteristic of the Chiari II malformation. Our case also sia of the corpus callosum or hypogenesis that may represents a rare case of thoracic-level spinal be seen in 70%-90% of affected patients. A hypoplas- dysraphism. In this case, the spinal cord demon- Volume 15, Number 1, Spring 2015 9 Chiari II Thoracic Myelomeningocele Figure 3. Sagittal (view A) and axial (view B) T2 fast spin echo magnetic resonance images of the spine demonstrate spinal dysraphism with a posterior defect at the level of T8-T9 with dorsal herniation of the spinal cord through the posterior defect into a cystic space (arrow). The caudal portion of the cord is noted reentering the spinal canal and terminating at the level of T12 without evidence of diastematomyelia. strates dorsal herniation through the spinal cord 2. Barkovich AJ, Raybaud C. Pediatric Neuroimaging. 5th ed. defect. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012:497-501. After postnatal closure of the myelomeningocele, 3. el Gammal T, Mark EK, Brooks BS. 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