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SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Agnoletto, Sara, “La Calumnia di Apelle: recupero e riconversione ecfrastica del trattato di Luciano in Occidente,” La Rivista di Engramma, 42, luglio–agosto, 2005; http://www Alberti, Leon Battista, I libri della famiglia, in Opere Volgari, ed. C Grayson, Bari, 1960. ——, On Painting, trans. J.R. Spencer, New Haven & London, 1966. Alciati, Andrea, Emblemata, Augsburg, 1531; Alciato at Glasgow, 22 editions of Alciato from 1531 to 1621, Glasgow Emblem Website: Alexander, Jonathan James Graham (ed.), The Printed Page, Italian Renaissance Book Illu- mination 1440–1550, London, 1944. ——, Italian Renaissance Illumination, London, 1977. D’Alverny, Marie-Thérèse, “Le cosmos symbolique du XIIIe siècle,” Archives d’histoire doc- trinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge, vol. 28, 1953, 31–81. Ames-Lewis, Francis, “Early Medicean Devices,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, XLII, 1979, 122–43. Arad, Lily, “From Creation to Salvation in the Embroidery of Girona,” Miscellània Litúrgica Catalania, 12, 2004, 59–88. Aries, Philippe, Western Attitudes Towards Death from the Middle Ages to the Present, Lon- don, 1974. Ariotti, Piero E., “Toward Absolute Time: The Undermining and Refutation of the Aristo- telian Conception of Time in the 16th and 17th Centuries,” Annals of Science, 30, 1973, 31–50. ——, “The Concept of Time in Western Antiquity,” in Julius Thomas Fraser & Nathaniel M. Lawrence (eds.), The Study of Time, II, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1975, 69–80. Aristotle, Physics, trans. by Philip H. Wicksteed & Francis M. Cornford, London, 1963. Armstrong, Arthur Hilary & Robert Austin Markus, “Time, History, Eternity,” in Christian Faith and Greek Philosophy, London, 1960, 116–34. Armstrong, Lillian, “The Hand-Illumination of Printed Books in Italy 1465–1515,” in J.J.G. Alexander (ed.), The Painted Page: Italian Renaissance Book Illumination; 1450–1550, London, 1994. ——, “Triumphal Processions in Italian Renaissance Book Illumination, and Further Sources for Andrea Mantegna’s Triumphs of Caesar,” Manuscripta, vol. 52, no. 1, 2008, 1–63. Augustine, Confessions, trans. William Watts, 2 vols., London & Cambridge, Mass., 1960. Ausonius Epigrams, Text with Introduction and Commentary by Nigel M. Kay, London, 2001. Babrius and Phaedrus, edited by Ben Edwin Perry, London, Cambridge, Mass., 1965. Balas, Edith, Michelangelo’s Medici Chapel: A New Interpretation, Philadelphia, 1995 Baltrusaitis, Jurgis, Anamorphic Art, Cambridge, UK, 1976. Baratte, François, Catalogue des mosaïques romaines et paléochrétiennes du Musée du Lou- vre, Paris, 1978. Barkan, Leonard, Nature’s Work of Art, The Human Body as Image of the World, New Haven & London, 1975. ——, The Gods Made Flesh, Metamorphosis and the Pursuit of Paganism, New Haven & London, 1986. Barr, James, Biblical Words for Time, Studies in Biblical Theology, no. 33, London, 1962. Bath, Michael, ‘The Iconography of Time,” in Ayers L. Bagley et al. (eds.), The Telling Image, Explorations in the Emblem, New York, 1996. ——, The Image of the Stag, Baden Baden, 1992. 340 select bibliography Beck, Roger, “Interpreting the Ponza Zodiac,” Journal of Mithraic Studies, I, 1976, 1–19. Beck, James, Antonio Paolucci & Bruno Santi, Michelangelo, The Medici Chapel, London & New York, 2000. Bedini, Silvio A., “The Map of Time,” in Rachel Doggett, Susan Jaskot & Robert Rand (eds.), Time, the Greatest Innovator, Timekeeping and Time Consciousness in Early Modern Europe, Washington DC, 1986, 11–23. Bergström, Ingvar, Dutch Still-Life Painting in the Seventeenth Century, New York, 1956. Bernheimer, Richard, Wild Men in the Middle Ages, Cambridge, MA, 1952; New York, 1979. Berti, Luciano, Il principe dello Studiolo. Francesco I dei Medici e la fine del Rinascimento Fiorentino, Florence, 1967. Bettetini, Maria, “Augustine of Hippo and the Question of time,” in Pasquale Porro (ed.), The Medieval concept of Time; Studies in the Scholastic Debate and its Reception in Early Modern Philosophy, Leiden, Boston, Köln, 33–56. Bischoff, Walter (ed.), Carmina Burana (facsimile & introduction), 2 vols., New York & Munich, 1967–71. Boas, George, “Art, Time and Eternity,” Gazette des-Beaux-Arts, BA, series 6, vol. 24, no. 85, 1943, 157–66. Bober, Harry, “The Zodiacal Miniatures of the Très Riches Heures of the Duke of Berry—its sources and meaning,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes XI, 1948, 1–34. ——, “An Illustrated Medieval School-Book of Bede’s ‘De Natura Rerum’,” The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery, vol. 19/20, 1956–57, 64–97. Boccaccio, Giovanni, De casibus virorum illustrium, I; The Fates of Illustrious Men, trans. Louis Brewer Hall, New York, 1965. Boorsh, Susan, “Salviati and Prints: The Question of Fagiuoli,” in Francesco Salviati e la Bella Maniera, Rome, 2001, 499–518. Bosch, Lynette M.F., “Time, Truth & Destiny: some Iconographical Themes in Bronzino’s ‘Primavera’ and ‘Giustizia’,” Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Instituts in Florenz, vol. 27, 1983, 73–82. Brabant, Frank Herbert, Time and Eternity in Christian Thought, New York, 1937. Brandon, Samuel George Frederick, History, Time and Deity, New York & Manchester, 1965. Braunerhielm, Thom, “Occasio,” Iconographisk Post, 1984, no. 1, 12–24 (Swedish with sum- mary in English). Breasted, James H., “The Beginnings of Time Measurement and the Origins of our Calen- dar,” in Time and its Mysteries, New York, 1936, 59–96. Broek, Roelof Van den, The Myth of the Phoenix According to Classical and Early Christian Traditions, Leiden, 1972. Brown, David Alan & Silvia Ferino-Pagden, Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, New Haven & Lon- don, 2006. Brown, Patricia Fortini, Venice and Antiquity: the Venetian Sense of the Past, New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1996. Brucker, Charles, “Prudentia/Prudence aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles,” Romanische Forschungen 83, 1971, 464–79. Brugnoli Andrea & Gian Maria Varanini (eds.), Magna Verona Vale, Studi in onore di Pier- paolo Brugnoli, Verona, 2008, 325–44. Burke, Peter, The Renaissance Sense of the Past, London, 1970. Buttay-Jutier, Florence, Fortuna: usages politiques d’une allégorie morale à la Renaissance, Paris, 2008. Cairns, Christopher, Pietro Aretino and the Republic of Venice, Researches on Aretino and his Circle in Venice, 1527–1556, Florence, 1985. Caldwell, Joan G., “An Allegory of Good Counsel by Titian,” Commentari, 1973, 24(4), 319– 22. Campbell, Erin J., “Old Age and the Politics of Judgment in Titian’s Allegory of Prudence,” Word and Image, 19, 2000, 261–70..