Reference case- Railways Enhancing power quality for Bulgarian Railways Reactive power compensator PQC-STATCON helps ensure grid compliance

Reactive power compensators connect diverse geographies – from Customer problem statement from ABB, installed in five traction the snow-capped Balkan mountains to substations across have the sunny Black Sea coast, from the Large varying non-linear loads are an improved power quality across the bustling state capital to culture inherent feature of electrical railway rail network, bringing further benefits hub Plovdiv, and from Balkan to traction systems. Since the load such as increased availability of the Mediterranean . changes dynamically and constantly, the supply network, higher reliability and traction power supply system draws a improved energy efficiency. The National Railway Infrastructure high amount of reactive power resulting Company (NRIC), responsible for the in low power factor affecting power The Bulgarian State Railways, founded smooth operation and maintenance quality. Poor power quality is not only in 1888, are among the oldest of this railway infrastructure and the harmful to the traction system itself, but rail networks in Europe. Providing electrical power that supports it, was also prone to spreading through the passenger and freight services, they facing power quality challenges across supply grid and can cause disturbances cover more than 4,200 kilometers and the network. to other users on the same grid. It also results in non-compliance to grid codes, leading to financial impact in the form of penalties. Fax: +91-80-22949339Email:[email protected] Phone: +91-80-22949334/93919330 Bangalore India -560058,Karnataka, Peenya IndustrialArea, 14th Cross, 4thPhase, Plot no485/6, LV capacitorsPowerQualitySolutions ABB Limited substations. STATCON were installedinthetraction reactive powercompensatorsPQC- electrical parameters,ABB’sstepless a detailedstudyofthevarious to itspowerqualitychallenge.After NRIC approached ABBforasolution on fromABB An efficientandcost-effectivesoluti


and avoidanceofpenaltiesbythegrid. for manualintervention,voltagestability precise compensationwithouttheneed Further benefitsare accurateand and bettercompliancetogridcodes. will experienceimproved powerquality nodes across itselectricalsystem,NRIC installing thistechnologyatvarious for grid-basedsupplynetworks.By used toprovide reactive powersupport The PQC-STATCONtechnologyis efficiency andlowermaintenancecosts.” availability ofthesupplynetwork,energy them addedbenefitslikereliability and financial penalties.Itwillalsogive its networkandavoidsignificant maintain therightpowerqualityacross across BulgariaandwillhelpNRIC now installedatfiveNRICsubstations power qualitymonitoringequipmentis in Bulgariasays,“PQC-STATCONand Deyan Andonov,Project Manager,ABB forbidden withoutABB’spriorwrittenconsent. utilization ofitscontentsinwholeorpartsis Any reproduction, disclosure tothird partiesor subject matterandillustrationscontainedtherein. We reserve therightsofthis documentandinthe lack ofinformationinthisdocument. whatsoever forpotentialerrors orpossible prevail. ABBdoesnotaccept anyresponsibility purchase order, theagreed particularsshall document withoutpriornotice.Withregard to changes ormodifythecontentsofthis Note: Wereserve therighttomaketechnical

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