ELE22MIC - .

Lecturer: Paul Main. Email: [email protected] Room: BG 441 Tel: 9018 6732

Laboratory Coordinator: Geoff Tobin. Room: Physical Sciences 2, Room 114 Email: [email protected] Tel: 9479 3736

Course Outline:

Aims: Develop a working knowledge of digital logic and how those principles can be applied to implement a system.

Learn how to design, build, program and debug a useful basic microcomputer system.

Familiarise students to basic architecture of modern microprocessors, micro-controllers and common peripherals.

Learn interfacing techniques for simple transducers (via the Analog to Digital Converter) and how to apply them to implement electronic systems.

Develop an ability to write ATMEGA128L (assembly language and C) code to meet a design goal.

Handbook Course Description This is a first course in microprocessors and their applications. Topics include introduction to microprocessors, microprocessor architecture, microcomputers, assembly language programming, memory, parallel and serial I/O, computer design, timing, address decoding, interrupts, memory management, caches, virtual memory, mass storage devices, DMA, systems programming and other processors.

1 Class Requirements:

Two lectures per week (total of 26)

One problem class per fortnight (total of 6 problem classes)

Three hours practical work per fortnight (total of 6 sessions).

Three assignments.

Lectures: 26 One-Hour Lectures. Tuesday 9:00am HS1 136 Friday 9:00am PW 101

Laboratory Sessions: One 3-Hour Laboratory Session per fortnight. - Total of 6

Labs commence next week. Duration: 3Hours WEDNESDAY: 2:00 pm THURSDAY: 2:00 pm Location: Beth Gleeson, Room 310

Problem Classes: - Total of 6 TUESDAY: 12noon, Duration: 1 Hours WEDNESDAY: 12noon, Duration: 1 Hours Location: HS1, ROOM 302

Consultation Times: - weekly during semester 2 Tuesday 10:00am - 12 noon PS2 Room 118 Friday 10:00am - 12 Noon PS2 Room 118

2 Lecture Topics Include Introduction to microprocessors -History & perspective Digital Logic Review Hexadecimal & Binary Arithmetic Review The CPU : What's inside ? CPU operation: Instruction Pointer, Fetch-Execute cycle, jump Microcomputers, Microprocessor architecture, The Arithmetic and Logic Unit - ALU Arithmetic & Logical Instructions : Add, Subtract, Shift Left/Right Multiply & Divide Assembly language programming ATMEGA128 Instruction set : Registers, Load, store, transfer, exchange, Addressing Modes The Condition Codes Register, Jumping, Conditional Branching, Programming techniques and applications Flow charts Interrupts & interrupt handlers Memory, Computer design - Timing diagrams & meeting timing constraints Address decoding, Interrupts, Computer memories (hardware aspect) Computer memories (system application) Memory management, Virtual memory, Mass storage devices, Input/Output: Parallel and serial I/O, Grey codes Serial Input/Output serial interface devices UARTS, RS232, RS485 Simple computer networks Designing a ATMEGA128 based computer: memory address space considerations bus timing considerations Expanded memory design & caches The counter/timer subsystem on ATMEGA128 The A to D converter subsystem on ATMEGA128 Mass storage devices Advanced Aspects Caches, Direct memory access (DMA) and related issues, DMA, Features of other micro-controllers RISC vs CISC

3 Assessment:

2-hour Examination (70%),

Laboratory work (20%)

Assignments (10%).

Microprocessors Resources:

Textbooks Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR Barnett, Cox and O’Cull ISBN 1-4018-1206-6 $96

Designing Embedded Hardware - John Catsoulis ISBN 0-595-00362-5 $51

Web site URLs: Course Notes: http://www.sea.vg/mic


ELE22MIC Resource CDROM To be handed out in lecture 3. Containing notes & device datasheets.

4 Laboratory sessions cover: Familiarisation with ATMEGA128 hardware

Find out about the Bootloader monitor program, Use AVR Studio commands to view the contents of memory and processor registers.

Examine the directly addressable memory space of ATMEGA128 microprocessor and find out how it is partitioned,

Explore various instructions and addressing modes of the ATMEGA128.

“Hello World” program.

Study the ATMEGA128's - addressing modes, - registers, - Reset vector and interrupt vectors.

This lab involves designing and writing an application program in assembler. The aim of the program is to non-destructively test an area of memory for corruption. The problem is to be broken up into smaller parts which are much easier to manage...

The Stepper Motor Control Lab. The timer counter subsystem.

System development - The analog to digital (AD) converter. Applications of the AD Converter Decoding Gray codes.

Designing, building and prototyping a useful microprocessor system.


The Abacus “Computing Tray” The first mechanical calculating machine. 28? The Computing Tray - was used by Babylonian priests to keep track of their vast storehouses of grain. Still in use today. Circa 3000BC.

In Roman times the board was given grooves to facilitate moving the counters in the proper files.

Circa 1300BC Wire & Bead Abacus replaced the Chinese calculating rods.

A modern equivalent is an Accumulator it is used to accumulate intermediate results of arithmetic calculations. Modern accumulator uses binary numbers.

6 Analog :

In 1612 John Napier uses the printed decimal point, devised logarithms and used numbered sticks (or Napiers Bones) for calculating. This principle lead to the invention of the slide rule.

Mechanical Calculators

In 1642: Blaise Pascal Invented the first mechanical constructed of 10-toothed gears, wheels & teeth. It was called “Pascalene”.

The same principle is still in use in automobile’s (mechanical) odometer mechanism. The same principle was the basis for all mechanical calculators.

Punched Cards

In 1801 Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a machine to use a linked sequence of punched cards programmed to control a weaving machine and produce intricate weaving patterns in cloth.

7 1823: The royal Astronomical Society of Great Britain commissioned to produce a programmable calculating machine. He was aided by Augusta Ada Byron, the countess of Lovelace - the first programmer. The machine was to produce navigational tables for the Royal Navy.

1834 Babbage shifted his focus to work on The . The mechanical computer stored 1000 20-digit decimal numbers and a variable program that could modify the function of the machine to perform various tasks.

Input to his engine was through punched cards. It is assumed that he obtained the idea from Frenchman, Joseph Jaquard.

After many years of work, Babage’s dream faded when he realised that the machinists of the day were unable to create the parts needed to complete his work. The analytical engine required 50 000 precision machined parts to allow his engine to function reliably.

Michael Faraday Was the son of a blacksmith. He had limited formal education but attended public lectures and became an avid reader. In 1813 Started working life at the London Royal Institution as a laboratory assistant. In 1821 demonstrated the electric motor effect. In 1831 demonstrated EMF(current) induced by motion of magnet by a nearby conductor.

Electric Motors became available. Motor driven adding machines based on mechanical calculators developed by Blaise Pascal became popular. Electrically driven mechanical calculators were common office equipment until 1970s.

Telecommunication by Morse Code 1844 - Samuel Morse sent a telegraph from Washington to Baltimore.

8 George Boole Publishes “Laws of Thought”, describing a system for symbolic & logical reasoning which becomes the basis for computer design.

1858 A telegraph cable spans the Atlantic Ocean & provides service for a few days.

Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, invents and patents the telephone.

Herman Hollerith’s Tabulator

In 1889, Herman Hollerith developed punched cards for storing data. Like babbage he also borrowed the idea of a punched card from Joseph Jaquard. Hollerith developed a machine that counted, sorted and collated information stored on punched cards. He founded the Tabulating Machine Company. After a number of mergers, the Tabulating Machine Company was formed into the International Business Machines Corporation - IBM.

The punched cards used in computer systems are often called Hollerith cards. The 12-Bit code used on a punched card is called the Hollerith Code. Mechanical machines continued to dominate the Information Processing world until 1941.

Guglielmo Marconi In 1895, transmitted the first radio signal.

Claude Shannon in 1937 publishes the principles for an electric adder using base two.

Conrad Zuse German Inventor, created the first electro-mechanical calculating computer in 1941. It was used for aircraft & missile design during World War II for the German war effort.

The Z3 used a 5.33Hertz clocking frequency and was based on electro-mechanical relays.

9 World War II (WWII) commenced. Great Britain’s survival depended on imports of fuel, food, weapons & industrial raw materials. Germany’s Gossadmiral Doenitz’s planned to sink the merchant ships that were bringing supplies to Brittain by using a powerful submarine fleet. Doenitz calculated that sinking 800 000 tons of merchant ships per month would bring Britain to starvation, surrender and a request for peace would result.

Enigma: 1941 German Commands to the submarine fleet were initially encrypted with a three rotor Enigma before being transmitted by radio to submarine commanders.

Enigma is Greek for ‘puzzle’. An example of how it works: For example the letters ‘e’ input might be connected to the first rotor’s ‘q’ output. So an arriving ‘e’ pulse in the first rotor goes as ‘q’ to the second rotor where it might depart as ‘g’ to the third rotor. When a key is pressed, the right hand motor advances one notch, changing the encryption sequence.

After 26 advances, the next rotor is advanced, etc. Also Enigma had a plug board with 26 sockets, each with up to 10 holes interlinked by the operator’s choice of connections. Enigma also had many extra rotors with different internal connections. The configuration of rotors and plug-board was changed daily.

Enigma Code Breaking: Capturing a 1940 Kurzchussel cipher from the weather ship, Muenchen, enabled British code breakers at Bletchey Park to decrypt the messages with the aid of a crude “Bombe” computer - A computer to decipher the Enigma encryption machine settings for that day.

Four Rotor Enigma In Feb 1 1942 Germans began encrypted communication with a four rotor Enigma. British crypt-analysts were unable to decrypt these new messages.

The cost of failure to decrypt Enigma messages: 1942 Jan-July 460 ships, 203000tons, sunk. Jan 1943 29 ships per month March 1943 the rate had increased to 95 ships per month totalling 627000tons - twice the rate of new-ship construction.

10 Capturing Enigma: Oct 30, 1942: a 25-pound four-rotor Enigma machine, with short signal code-book, was recovered from a sinking German submarine, U559, by two sailors who swam into the submarine from the destroyer Petard. The two sailors lost their lives as the submarine plunged to the bottom of the sea.

The First Electronic Computer June 1943: , Tommy Flowers & MHA Newman made operational the first electronic computer, Colossus. Colossus was utilised to break the cipher codes generated by the mechanical Enigma Machine; German military communication security was compromised.

Radar British centimeter wavelength radar assisted to provide British military superiority.German submarine attacks ceased being a threat for the remainder of WWII.

ENIAC 1945: The University of Pennsylvania created ENIAC, the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator.

Weight: 30 ton Used 17 000 vacuum tubes 500 miles of wires.

ENIAC was re-programmed by rewiring, a process that took many workers several days.ENIAC was programmed by electrical connections on plug-boards that looked like early telephone switchboards. ENIAC processed 100 000 Instructions Per Second. ENIAC suffered reliability problems due to limited vacuum tube life.

William Shockley 1939 William Shockley observed P- and N- type regions in Silicon. Shockley forecast that a semiconductor amplifier was possible, but WWII interrupted further work.

John von Neumann 1945: described the principles for a general-purpose, stored program computer.

11 William Shockley, John Bardeen & Walter Brittain

1948: The invention of the Germanium bipolar junction transistor at Bell Labs, by William Shockley, John Bardeen & Walter Brittain

12 Texas Instruments (TI) commercialised the Transistor.

The First IC.

At Texas Instruments, Jack Kilby, In 1958 realised that 1. Resistors could be formed by cutting small bars of silicon, 2. Capacitors formed by wafers metalised on both sides, and 3. Silicon transistors could all be made on the same material.

In september 1958 he created a phase-shift oscillator - the first IC on one wafer.

1964: The first mass produced mini-computer was produced by Digital Equipment Corporation - The Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP8 mini-computer

Robert Noyce & Gordon Moore - founders of Fairchild Semiconductor - became disgruntled and left Fairchild Semiconductor to start N M Electronics.

Bob Noyce wrote a single page business plan on his typewriter one night. Noyce went to see Fairchild’s Venture Capitalist Art Rock. He requested $2.5Million Dollars as venture capital...which he received 2 Days Later and was founded on 18 July 1968 by , Andy Grove & Gordon Moore. Intel’s first product was the ‘3101’, a 64 Bit Schottky Barrier static RAM.

Busicom, was Japanese calculator manufacturer, and wanted Intel to develop 12 custom chips for their calculators.

Ted Hoff, an engineer at Intel, recommended one chip to function as 12. Busicom agreed & contracted Intel. Intel went ahead with a general purpose logic chip capable of being programmed for instructions. First use of ‘Intelligence’ programmed by software. Intel bought the design (Intellectual Porperty) back from Busicom.

The . After 9 months development Intel’s first microprocessor is born, the 4004.

13 The Intel 4004.

First MicroProcessor.

November 1971 10 Micron technology 2300 Transistors 108 KKz Clock 60 000 Instructions/second Bus width 4 bits 640 bytes addressable 12 Volt. Weighed < 1 Oz. P-channel MOSFET

Applications: Busicom Calculator

The Intel 8008

April 1972 10 Micron technology 3500 Transistors 200 KKz Clock 0.06 Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS) Bus width 8 bits 12 Volt Address: 16 Kbytes Apps: Terminals, Calculators, Bottling Machines

14 The Intel 8080

April 1974 6 Micron Technology 4 500 transistors 2 MHz Clock 0.64 Million Instructions Per Second Data Bus width: 8 bits 12 Volt Addressable memory: 64 Kbytes Apps: Traffic light controller, Used in the Altair computer (first PC) Performance = 10 x 8008 Over six times the performance of ENIAC

Intel 8086/8088

June 1978/1979 3 Micron Technology 5, 8 &10 MHz clock 0.33, 0.66 & 0.75 MIPS 29 000 Transistors 16/8 bit data bus 20 bit address bus (1MB) 5 Volt apps: IBM PCs & Clones performance =10 x 8080 Segmented architecture, Complex Instruction Set Computer. (CISC. ) 8087 external Maths Coprocessor available. Select instructions compatible with 8080 & 8085.

15 1981 The open-architecture IBM PC is launched based on the Intel 8088 1980 PCDOS sold to IBM 1980 Ada emerged 1980 dBaseII popular 1982 First Clone PC 1982 AutoCAD 1983 TCP/IP invented 1982 Original NMOS 80186

Intel 80286

February 1982 6 MHz -12 MHz clock 0.9 - 2.66 MIPS 1.5 micron technology 134 000 Transistors 16 bit data bus 16MB Physical, 1GB Virtual Performance =3 to 6 x 8086 Software Backward Compatible with 8086 Competitors parts: NecV.20, AMD 286 & Cyrix 286

Intel 80386

October 17, 1985 16 MHz - 33MHz 5 to 11 MIPS 1 Micron technology 275 000 Transistors Data Bus width: 32 bits Addressable memory: 4 GigaBytes (GB) Virtual memory: 64 TeraBytes (TB) Software Compatible with 8086 & 80286 New 32 bit “Flat Mode” available. Performance =100 x Intel 4004

16 1987 80C186 converted to CMOS - uses 1/4 power at twice clock rate Many popular peripherals included on-chip: Oscillator, Timers, UARTs, DMA, DRAM controller etc Used in Controllers, Security Systems, Terminals Segmented architecture Software Backward Compatible with 8086 Still popular The Intel 80486

April 1989 - Intel 80486 25 MHz, 20 MIPS June 1991 50 MHz, 41 MIPS 1.2 Million Transistors 1-0.8 Micron Technology Bus width: 32 bits Addressable memory: 4 GB Virtual memory: 64 TB 50X performance of the 8086. Software Compatible with 8086

486DX first CPU to include floating point maths co-processor on-chip.

Intel Pentium

March 1993 60 MHz 100 MIPS 66 MHz 112 MIPS 3.1 million transistors 0.8 Micron technology 64-bit external data bus 32-bitmicroprocessor 32 bit address bus 4 GB physical 64 TeraBytes ( TB) virtual Software Compatible with 8086/286/386/486. BiCMOS

17 Intel Pentium Pro

November 1995 150-200 MHz 5.5 million transistors 0.35 micron technology 64 bits front side bus 64 bits to L2 cache Addressable memory: 64 GB Virtual memory: 64 TB 256K - 1MB L2 Cache Software Compatible with 8086

Intel® Xeon™ Designed for dual- and multi-processor computers. These dual processor workstations are expected toachieve between 30 to 90 percent performance increase over systems using Intel® Pentium® III processors.

The Intel Itanium™ Revolutionary design 64-bit products Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC) design technology. 2002: Itanium™ 2

The Intel® Pentium® M - 2003. The Intel® Pentium® M (Mobile) processor, the Intel® 855 chipset family, and the Intel® PRO/Wireless 2100 network connection are the three components of Intel® Centrino™ mobile technology. It enables extended battery life and thinner, lighter mobile computers

18 Figure 18 - Athlon XP interface diagram

The main competition for Intel is AMD. AMD compete on price and performance. AMD chips typically have higher performance per dollar.

However, Intel has been the clear leader in the dual/multi-cpu market with experience dating back to the early 1980s with their 8086/8088.

19 Low Power Embedded Processors:

1991: 80186EC Includes 22 peripherals on one chip including: Power-save clock divider, PowerDown Idle, 80C187 interface, 8259 compatible Programmable Interrupt Controller, Timer-counter unit, enhanced chip select unit, 4 channel DMA unit, Serial Communications unit, DRAM Refresh Control Unit, Watchdog Timer Unit.

Motorola 68HC11

Primarily used in applications performing a single task or single group of tasks, controlling: Microwave Ovens Fridges Toasters Automobiles

In 1991, > 750 million 8-bit were delivered by chip manufacturers

20 Figure 19 - Motorola 68HC11A8 Microcontroller Block Diagram

21 Figure 20 - ATMEGA128 - Block Diagram - From the AVR manual Page 3.


5V Standard Logic Levels:

Logic High, 1, or True TTL family level > 2 Volts (greater than 2V) CMOS , > 2/3 VCC (> 3.33V for VCC=5V)

Logic Low, 0, or False TTL level < 0.8 Volts (less than 0.8V) CMOS, < 1/3 VCC (< 1.66V for VCC=5V)

TTL logic level compatible families include: 74xx (plain ttl), F (fast), S (Schottky), LS (Low Power Schottky), HCT (High speed CMOS Ttl compatible), ABT (Advanced Bipolar Ttl compatible)

CMOS Compatible: 4000 series, 74C (CMOS) 74HC (High Speed CMOS), 74 Series logic is designed for 5 Volt Power Supply. The 4000 series logic is designed for 3-15 Volt power supply.

CMOS is considered to be the Ideal Logic Family because it has near zero static power dissipation. The input equivalent circuit of a CMOS transistor is a 1012 Ohm (1 Tera Ohm) resistor shunted by a 5pF or less capacitor.

Most CMOS inputs also contain diodes connected to power supply rails to protect from overvoltage and undervoltage whilst in circuit (but out of circuit the supply rails wont clamp over/under voltages).

Most modern microprocessors are fabricated using CMOS technology.

CMOS Power dissipation

Power Dissipation in CMOS chips arises from mainly from the following sources:

1. Current pulses that occur when both FETs are switched on - typically during the transition period of a logic level change (I.e. High -> Low or Low -> High transition).

23 2. Resistive power dissipation in the FET’s Source-Drain path due to charging the capacitance on outputs. So lowering capacitance has a direct effect on lowering power dissipation. Power dissipation is proportional to CV2f, where C is total Capacitance switching, V is supply Voltage, f is switching frequency.

3. Resistive power dissipation in the load and the FET’s Source-Drain path due to resistive loads placed on outputs - V2/R power dissipation.

4. Supply voltage variation. The greater supply voltage, the greater the CV2f and V2/R power dissipation.

When CMOS chips are not switching (static operation), the main power dissipation will be from items 3 and 4 above.

At high frequencies we can see that power dissipation rises proportionately with switching frequency - refer item 1 and 2 above.

Both these sources of power dissipation necessitate the use of power supply

Figure 22 - Charging parasitic capacitance Figure 23 Discharging parasitic capacitance decoupling capacitors located adjacent (within 1 cm) to each chip. The decoupling Capacitor supplies power for 1. Charge pumping into the bus and 2. the current pulse through the Complementary FET switches (Sometimes power supply decoupling capacitors are referred to as power supply bypass capacitors, )

To minimise power consumption in a system, the circuit should be run at

24 the lowest acceptable speed to get the job done. This is also good practice from the perspective of achieving C-Tick approval as the lower the clock rate, the lower the frequency of radiation, and the simpler the noise suppression techniques required to gain C-Tick approval. At higher frequencies RF noise radiates readily from short Printed Circuit Board (PCB) tracks.

Floating Inputs

Due to the exceptionally high input impedance any CMOS input left disconnected, the input will drift back and forth between logic 1 and logic 0 - floating. The floating inputs will cause unpredictable and unreliable outputs and possibly result in some intriguing, insidious or unexplainable system bugs. The parasitic capacitance of a clock signal wire passing near a floating input could make the device dissipate more power at best, and cause the chip to self-destruct at worst.

Not only will the logic functions be unreliable, but a floating input is more susceptible to problems known as Zap and Latch-Up. ****

Unused inputs should always be connected to a valid logic level, preferably by a 10k ohm resistor. In the event that you decide to use that input, a jumper-wire connection can replace the resistor connection. References:

1. IEEE Timeline of computing History - by Bob Carlson, Angela Burgess, and Christine Miller.

2. http://www.intel.com/intel/intelis/museum/online/hist_micro/hof/index.htm

3. MC68HC11A8 - “The Motorola HCMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller” TECHNICAL DATA, 11a8td.pdf

4. ATMEL AVR ATMEGA128L Datasheet: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc2467.pdf

5. “Microelectronic Circuits”, Fourth Edition Sedra/Smith.

Schematic Drawings created by Paul Main using Protel Altium6, DXP or Protel.